Nov 16, 2012 - Kaiserslautern American

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November 16, 2012


Volume 36, number 46

Airmen participate in Resiliency Day by Airman 1st Class Trevor Rhynes 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Airmen from around base participated in a Resiliency Day Nov. 9 on Ramstein. Resiliency Day events included a commander’s call, face painting and a bouncy castle for children; a three- on- three basketball tournament; and a meet and greet w ith Michigan State University and University of Connecticut players. “Resiliency Day allow ed us to build Airmen and families w ho possess the physical, mental, social and spiritual skills to overcome life’s challenges and persevere in our military service,” said Brig. Gen. C.K . Hyde, 86th Airlift Wing commander, during the commander’s call. “Today, w e met in core groups and unit level activities. I had the opportunity to thank our Airmen for their response to the attack on our embassy personnel in Benghazi. The 86th Airlift Wing has been w orking extremely hard, and w e used Resiliency Day to focus on people … and have some fun along the w ay.” The day’s events w ere a part of a larger plan of events, w ith the Armed Forces Classic See RESILIENCY, Page 3

Photo by Airman 1st Class Holly Cook

Team Ramstein Airmen play in a basketball game during Resiliency Day Nov. 9 in Hangar 1 on Ramstein. Resiliency Day is an opportunity for Airmen of all ranks to take a break from their normal duties and acknowledge achievements from the past few months.

Huskies edge out Spartans 66-62 in Armed Forces Classic slammed one home, bringing the score to 32- 18. By halftime, UConn led by seven. The experienced Spartans couldn’t be shaken as they crept back in the second half; how ever, the Huskies kept control, only losing the lead momentarily. “We played great together,” said UConn guard R.J. Evans. “This w in w as a great w ay to start the season. It’s going to be a fun ride home.” After the game, players stayed behind and signed autographs for anxiously aw aiting fans. “I am extremely excited to be here,” said Tech. Sgt. Duvall Roundtree, 86th Communications Sq uadron NCOIC of



he Michigan State Spartans and University of Connecticut Huskies battled it out in the Armed Forces Classic Nov. 10 on Ramstein w ith UConn upsetting MSU 66- 62. With only .3 seconds to go, UConn guard Shabazz Napier scored tw o free throws, pushing the final score to 66- 62. “Winning this game feels great,” said UConn head coach K evin Ollie. “These guys w orked tremendously hard for this. It’s time to build upon

our success, enj oy this and get back to w ork.” The Huskies gnaw ed aw ay at the Spartans in front of 3,500 roaring military members and their families. Cheers erupted from the fans as the players took the court to start the game. Just a few minutes into the first half, UConn’s forw ard, DeAndre Daniels got the crow d off their feet as he slammed the ball through the hoop, increasing their lead by 11, to 17- 6. Huskies fans how led and bolted out of their seats w ith about eight minutes left in the first half, as Napier stole the ball and passed to guard Ryan Boatright as he rose above the rim and


by Airman 1st Class Hailey Haux 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

K-Town Christmas market opens Nov. 26, Page 21

Soldiers flock to latest workout trend, Page 28

circuit actions. “It’s a great w ay for the Air Force to show case our mission.” Not only was this the first regular season basketball game played in Europe, but it was also the first in a series of games to be played as a tribute to military members around the w orld. “( Visiting Germany) w as an experience of a lifetime for our guys,” said Mike Garland, Michigan State assistant coach, w ho is in his 13th season. “It w as something not every American gets to experience.” The Armed Forces Classic w as the NCAA basketball season opener. T o see photos from the A rmed F orces C lassic, see P ages 24 and 25


As of Nov. 13


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Kaiserslautern American

Airpower by Lt. Col. Joshua Olson 37th Airlift Squadron commander Every military service is confusing to outsiders, but none as much as the Air Force. To outsiders, the Air Force appears entrenched in a self- centered view of w ar, envisioning airpow er as king w ith a never ending lust for high- end aircraft and technological systems. But w ithin the service there is an identity crisis as Airmen struggle to reconcile their role in current and future contingencies w ith long- standing traditional view s of airpow er.


Who are we.

The Air Force w as made as an independent service to focus on dominating the third dimension of w ar — air. For the past 65 years, the Air Force has achieved this goal; in fact, it has controlled the skies for so long that w e as a country have trouble believing our air supremacy could ever be challenged. Even so, the use of airpow er in today’s irregular w ars and conflicts is still very misunderstood across the services. Historically, w ar theorists believed that airpow er supplied direct combat effects to the battleground. Today, irregular w ar theorists maintain that airpow er merely supplies combat support. Never before has the Air Force’s greatest contribution of air supremacy been w ritten off as merely support. Consider this: The Army’s counter insurgency field manual FM - 4 relegates airpow er’s contribution to simply an annex. Surely the vital contributions of the third

The Kaiserslautern American is published by AdvantiPro GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany, a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Air Force or the Department of the Army, under exclusive contract with the 86th Airlift Wing. This commercial enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services overseas. Contents of the KA are not necessarily the official view of, or endorsed by, the U.S. government, Department of Defense or Department of the Air Force. The appearance of advertising in this publication,

dimension via airborne intelligence, w orldw ide communications and control, intratheater airlift, and remotely piloted aircraft deserve to be recognized as more than an annex — possibly even an integral component of contingency operations?

Fly, fight, win.

As the implementation of airpow er continues to shift to meet the needs of the country, Airmen continue to que stion their identity and the culture of w hat made us an independent service in the first place. The fact is the military needs an independent air service that is dedicated to organizing, training and eq uipping leaders w ho can bring airpow er’s unique combat power to any conflict. The bottom line is that airpow er brings combat effects to the fight. From bombers and fighters in World War II and K orea to airlift and remotely piloted aircraft in operations Enduring Freedom and Odyssey Daw n, the common thread throughout the history of combat airpow er is that it is not solely found in a single flying weapon system. Combat airpow er is found in the Airmen w ho employ it.

Airpower is Airmen.

Despite much of the Department of Defense’s focus being placed in the ENT M area of responsibility for more than 10 years, combat airpow er continues to be employed in contingencies around the globe. Global combat airpow er is not j ust the snake eaters of the 4 5th ir round perations Wing calling in strikes and open-

ing contested airfields, nor is it the zipper suited sun gods pointy nosed or knuckle draggers flying their high-powered machines. Combat airpow er is Senior Airman K aylen Horace, 86th Logistics Readiness Sq uadron. Imagine show ing up at amstein as a wife 5 weeks pregnant. During your base in-processing battle, you find out that your household goods are categorized as lost in the TM system. n top of that, your husband’s unit is minimally manned and must send him in harm’s w ay w ithin days of arriving. Luckily, after days of battling the system, Horace stepped up on her ow n time and stayed late hours to take care of this family she didn’t even know. With orace attacking the mission at Ramstein, another Airman could stay focused on his mission air- dropping lifesaving supplies. That is combat airpow er. Combat airpow er is Staff Sgt. April Song, 86th omptroller S uadron. Many people do not realize the amount of operations currently happening throughout Africa and Europe. As many U.S. Air Forces in Europe Airmen continue to transit Africa, these operations could never be done w ithout the uiet, selfless dedication of Airmen like Song. It is Song w hose late hours and countless w eekends navigating the many financial pitfalls and funding problems that helped enable critical lifesaving missions get to tiny austere airfields in frica. Song is combat airpow er. Combat airpow er is Staff

November 16, 2012

Thanksgiving in the KMC There are multiple locations in the M w here eligible patrons can feast on a traditional Thanksgiving meal w ith all the trimmings prepared by Army dining facility culinary specialists. Thanksgiving meal serving hours for both the Clock Tow er Cafe on K leber K aserne and the Rhine Ordnance DFAC on Rhine Ordnance Barracks are from 11 0 a.m. to p.m. The standard meal rate w ill be $7.50 for all guests. A discount meal rate of 6.40 will be charged to spouses and other dependents of enlisted personnel in pay grades E-1 through E-4. In addition to family members, Department of Defense civilians and contractors, retirees and other civilians w orking on the installations are eligible to dine. Other guests must be escorted by an ID cardholder. The meal w ill include soup, turkey, prime rib, baked ham, pork loin, mashed and sw eet potatoes, dressing, a variety of vegetables, salad bar, corn bread, rolls, desserts, and beverages. ( Courtesy of 21s t T SC Public Affairs)

COMMANDER’S ACTION LINE The COM M ANDER’ S ACTI ON LI NE gives all Airmen, retirees, families and community members a direct link to Brig. Gen. C.K . Hyde, 86th irlift Wing commander. The ction Line can be used to express constructive points of view on the policies and procedures of the base; discuss safety and security issues; and address problems, concerns or suggestions after traditional methods have been exhausted. To submit an Action Line, email 86aw .pa@ w ith the subj ect “Action Line.” Action Line discussions that are deemed beneficial for the community at large w ill be considered for publication on the Web and the next available edition of the K aiserslautern American new spaper.

See AIRPOWER, next page

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November 16, 2012 RESILIENCY, from Page 1

being played at midnight in Hangar 5. “We actually combined our efforts from planning the ESPN events and got together w ith the Civil Engineer Group and Force Support sq uadrons to bring in aspects that w ould allow us to have a successful day,” said Maj . Lorena Venegas, 86th Force Support Sq uadron

Kaiserslautern American operations officer. We ust had to ensure w e got enough variety for our attendees to have fun.” For one participant, resiliency means being able to take care of one another. “To me, resiliency is helping fellow Airmen by making sure my peers are taken care of,” said Airman 1st Class George Hollow ell, 86th Aircraft Maintenance Squa dron crew chief. “I think

it also means to be united as a family as on and off w ork and j ust making sure everyone is feeling OK .” These resiliency days allow Airmen to refocus on the mission. “Resiliency days w e provide to our Airmen here allow them to take time from their hard w ork to decompress and rej uvenate themselves so they can continue supporting the

Page 3 mission,” Venegas said. Events w ere capped off w ith a meet and greet w ith players from MSU’s basketball team, w ho played against UConn in their NCAA season opener. “It w as w onderful to have all of our Airmen come out as w ell as their families to enj oy the events before w atching the Spartans and Huskies battle it out,” Venegas said.

Army officer re-enlists AF sergeant Story and photo by Staff Sgt. Tramel Garrett 18th MP Public Affairs, 21st TSC


razilian Jiu- Jitsu has brought the Army and the Air Force together for a special event that seldom happens in the K MC. Maj . Angel Vega, the 18th Military Police Brigade adj utant, administered the oath of re- enlistment to Tech. Sgt. Rey Dua o, the noncommissioned officer in charge of the aircraft arresting system stationed on Ramstein Nov. 5 on Rhine Ordnance Barracks. “It’s an honor to have an Army maj or re- enlist me,” Duazo said. “He has mentored me through my martial arts training, and for him to re- enlist me is pretty cool.” Traditionally, an officer of the same military service branch administers the oath to an enlisted service member. Since the K MC is a multiple service community, there are more opportunities for this unique honor betw een armed services. Duazo and Vega have clocked numerous hours in the gym together practicing

Maj. Angel Vega, the 18th Military Police Brigade adjutant, administers the oath of re-enlistment to Tech. Sgt. Rey Duazo, the noncommissioned officer in charge of the aircraft arresting system on Ramstein Nov. 5 on Rhine Ordnance Barracks.

Brazilian Jiu- Jitsu, w hich is a martial art that focuses on grappling and ground fighting. “We inspire each other. It makes us competitive, and it makes us better,” Duazo said. In addition, they are part of a small

group of Army and Air Force service members, w ho form the Ramstein Brazilian Jiu- Jitsu club. “I feel very proud keeping a w arrior in the military,” Vega said. “I love w hat I do and ensuring the best w arriors stay in is a great honor.”

Cody named next CMSgt of the AF WASH I NGTON — Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III has named Chief Master Sgt. James A. Cody to serve as the 17th chief master sergeant of the Air Force. Cody w ill assume his new position Feb. 1, follow ing the Jan. 31 retirement of current Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James Roy. Roy’s retirement w ill culminate more than 30 years of service to the Air Force. “Chief Roy and his w ife, Paula, have been a blessing for our Air Force. They have w orked tirelessly for the past three- plus years as phenomenal advocates for our Airmen and families. Betty and I w ish

them all the best as they prepare for the next chapter in their lives,” Welsh said. “The q uality and professionalism of our enlisted force is unrivaled due in great part to the remarkable commitment and dedication of Chief Roy and Paula to take care of Airmen and their families,” said Secretary of the Air Force Michael Donley. “The Air Force must continue to develop the qua lity Airmen the service needs and w e look forw ard to the experience that Chief Cody and his w ife, Athena, herself a retired chief master sergeant, w ill bring to this effort.” Cody, w ho j oined the Air Force in 1984, is currently

the command chief master sergeant for Air Education and Training Command. His career includes various assignments in air traffic control and as the command chief master sergeant, 15th Expeditionary Mobility Task Force, Travis Air Force Base, Calif.; 6th Air Mobility Wing, MacDill Air Force Base, Fla.; and 18th Air Force, Scott Air Force Base, Ill. “We are excited to w elcome Chief Cody and Athena to the team as they take the baton from the Roys,” Welsh said. “The next few years w ill be filled with many opportunities and challenges and our Air Force w ill greatly benefit from the leadership,

experience and w isdom they bring.” “Chief Cody w ill do a fantastic j ob of representing the enlisted force,” Roy said. “I have every confidence that he and Athena are prepared to handle the challenges that face our Airmen and their families in the years to come.” The office of the chief master sergeant of the Air Force represents the highest enlisted level of leadership, provides direction for the enlisted corps and represents their interests to the American public and all levels of government. ( For the full story, visit

AIRPOWER, from Page 2

Sgts. Brandon Clark and Johnnie White, 86th Aircraft Maintenance Squa dron. There is no less glamorous j ob than the blood, sw eat and grease of the mighty C- 130J maintainers. These Airmen epitomize getting the mission done, w hether it’s changing a prop in the bone- chilling cold outside Saraj evo so the crew and aircraft can deliver blankets and heating oil to people cut- off by an avalanche, or another 24- hour day in the blistering heat of the African desert w ithout drinkable w ater or a show er, or changing a tire so you can airdrop food and medicine to dying folks in the Western Sahara. Time and time again, Clark and White continually exceed their call to service as they meet the most demanding of missions. It is this service and excellence as professional Airmen that allow us to employ combat airpow er. Clark and White are combat airpow er. Our Air Force is stronger than ever because w e can flex to meet any fight at any time our country needs. We continue to provide a culture of professional leaders w ho bring the effects of combat airpower to any fight. Combat airpow er is not one particular w eapon system. Combat airpow er is Airmen w ho are so disciplined, so focused and so intelligent that they can operate in any and all of the three dimensions. Stand tall, Airmen. Y ou’re in the w orld’s greatest Air Force!

Carpet repair & cleaning Free pick up and delivery All credit cards accepted • VAT-forms

Page 4

Kaiserslautern American

November 16, 2012

Reported Larcenies


NOV. 9 » Weilerbach: One exhaust pipe. NOV. 10 » Ramstein-Miesenbach: One iPod.

NOV. 6 1

5 p.m. ma or traffic accident was reported in aiserslautern after a motorist made an illegal -turn.

NOV. 7

11 01 p.m. drunken driver was reported on amstein after he was observed stumbling while exiting a vehicle after a minor vehicle accident.

NOV. 8

10 4 p.m. driving under the influence of an illegal substance was reported in amsteinMiesenbach.

NOV. 9

0 p.m. hild neglect was reported on ogelweh Family ousing. 5 p.m. failure to control a guest was reported at the dorms on amstein.

NOV. 10

1 4 a.m.

drunken driver and a ma or traffic

accident with in uries were reported in indsbach. The accident was caused after a motorist hit two signs. 0 a.m. n assault was reported in Weilerbach.

Take Note

NOV. 12 » Hauptstuhl: One government-issued A-bag, one chemical suit ensemble, one purse and one government-issued VAT Form.

NOV. 11

5 a.m. Drunk and disorderly conduct was reported at a club in aiserslautern. nvestigation revealed the individual was kicked out of the club by bouncers for fighting and told not to re-enter multiple times. 1 16 p.m. fleeing the scene was reported in Einsiedlerhof. The accident was caused due to the motorist driving too fast for road conditions. fter the accident, the motorist then failed to notify proper authorities. 4 10 p.m. llegal street racing and reckless driving was reported in aiserslautern.

reported in auptstuhl. 11 15 a.m. domestic assault was reported in Miesau. p.m. Theft from a motor vehicle and larceny of private and government property was reported in auptstuhl. 4 4 p.m. Theft from motor vehicle was reported in auptstuhl. 5 50 p.m. stolen .S. rmy Europe license plate was reported in egensburg.

NOV. 12


1 45 a.m. Theft from a secured motor vehicle and larceny of government property was


The Furnishings Management offices on Einsiedlerhof and amstein will close at 11 a.m. today for an official function. The offices will also be closed Thursday and Nov. . The amstein Driver’s Testing Station will close at 11 a.m. today for an official s uadron function. The office will reopen with normal operating hours on Monday. For uestions or concerns, call the Driver’s Testing Station at 480- 5534/ 2394. The erman- merican ommunity ffice will be closed on Thanksgiving. egular operating hours will resume from a.m. to 1 p.m. Nov. . For more information, contact at 06 1- 6 - 010, info or The aiserslautern eterinary Treatment Facility will be closed on the following dates for the holiday season Thursday, Nov. , and Dec. 14, 4 and 5. For more information, call 493- 4473 or 0631- 3406- 4473.

Angel Tree

The ngel tree kickoff with Brig. en. . . yde, 6th irlift Wing commander, will be held at 1 p.m. today near the aiserslautern Military ommunity enter food court.

Neighborhood watch training

NOV. 11 » Kaiserslautern: One Bible.

The next neighborhood watch training for ogelweh and andstuhl housing residents will take place at 0 p.m. Tuesday in Bldg. 1 behind the rmy and ir Force Exchange Service gas station , oom 11 on andstuhl. To be a part of neighborhood watch or for uestions, contact amstein Security Forces at 4 01 15, 4 , 06 1-4 - 050 06 1 or 405, or ogelweh Security Forces at 4 - 501

N ov. 1 0 — volunteers, potentially saved.

or 06 1-5 6- 501. ou can also send an email to ogelweh vogelwehneighborhoodwatch or andstuhl neighborhoodwatch. lrmc or visit M NeighborhoodWatch.

National Day of Mourning

ermans observe National Day of Mourning to honor victims of all wars Sunday. ir Force and rmy honor guard members will lay a wreath during the official memorial ceremony at 11 a.m. at the aiserslautern main cemetery near Daenner hapel .

Upcoming construction

Wilson Boulevard from Jefferson venue to isling Drive will be closed to traffic for reconstruction until Nov. . Traffic will be detoured via incoln Boulevard, east and west along isling Drive and Jefferson venue. The reconstruction is needed to improve roadway safety, ride uality and reduce wear and tear on vehicles. Watch for more updates in the and E orner. For more information, contact the 6th ivil Engineer S uadron S BE ffice at 4 0- 04 . For everyone’s safety, motorists must obey traffic laws and regulations.

Christmas tree lightings

The ir Force M hapel communities will host their annual hristmas tree lightings at 5 p.m. Nov. at the amstein North hapel and 5 p.m. Nov. at the ogelweh hapel. The amstein ceremony will start with a short service, live band and choir at the north chapel to be followed by the tree lighting at S FE ircle. The ogelweh ceremony will also include a short service, live band, choir and tree lighting in front of ogelweh hapel.

calls, 1


efreshments will be served in the chapel annexes.

Post offices need volunteers

t’s that time of year when the M post offices receive more than 5,000 packages. M members over the age of 15 can volunteer at the amstein and apaun postal facilities now until Jan. 15. f interested, email 4 5cs.scxm-0

Off-limits list

.S. forces personnel are prohibited from entering or conducting business with the following firms, individuals and organi ations, except as re uired by official business. Military members who violate this prohibition are sub ect to punishment under the niform ode of Military Justice. Tuncay ltay Black Sounds lub , aiffeisenstrasse 1 , andstuhl. Marco Banf MBT and BTM moving company , irchdell 16, aiserslautern. James Brown cleaning business , bergasse 0, Weilerbach. xel Burghammer car sales , m Bachgraben 11, andstuhl. amona Fr hlich day care , ebelstrasse 1 , at weiler. Mohammad oohi rya lub , Steinstrasse 56, aiserslautern. Martin Massa cleaning business , udolfBreitscheid Strasse , aiserslautern. Edgar Mayer utohaus Mayer and gas station , aiserstrasse , Bruchm hlbach. ngelika icker Bausysteme construction , aiserstrasse 15, irmasens. isela Smith and erbert Sator dog sellers , Steinwendener Strasse a, ottweiler. Brigitte Weinand day care , Weberstrasse 1, indsbach.

November 16, 2012

Kaiserslautern American

Page 5

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Page 6

Kaiserslautern American

November 16, 2012

CGOC presents improved first term officers’ course Story and photo by 2nd Lt. Kay M. Nissen 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs


w elve lieutenants and one captain participated in the K MC Company Grade Officers’ ouncil first term officers’ course Nov. 8 on Ramstein. The daylong orientation integrated the M ’s newest officers into the operational Air Force, allow ing veteran CGOs to mentor their peers and new CGOs an opportunity to ask que stions and raise concerns. “The aim of this event is to provide new first-term officers with practical information not necessarily taught at base in- processing, their commissioning source or sponsorship,” said Capt. Ada Boettcher, 86th Logistics Readiness Squa dron fuels flight commander and FT coordinator. “It provides an informal forum for CGOs to pass on local- area know ledge, mission know ledge, as w ell as their personal ‘ lessons learned’ to the new officers. Not only will new s gain great information, but they w ill also meet and interact w ith people from all over the K MC.” CGOC members, senior enlisted personnel and civilians helped to coordinate the course, w hich covered a w ide variety of topics. Specifically, FT participants were able to discuss officer and enlist-

Capt. Brenda J. Gohr, 86th Airlift Wing assistant staff judge advocate, discusses important legal issues and procedures with the newest officers of the KMC Nov. 8. The KMC Company Grade Officers’ Council holds the first term officers’ course to aid new CGOs in professional development and networking.

ed performance reports, enrollment in graduate school, legal and medical issues, key squ adron roles and base functions. s officers, from the day we arrive w e are concerned about taking care of the Airmen, but ( FTOC) helps us learn to navigate the base and take care of

ourselves,” said 2nd Lt. Erik Piña , 786th Force Support Squa dron assistance force support officer. t allowed me to grasp all these new tasks in a compressed time as opposed to learning it over a few months.” Many of the officers attending FTOC arrived at Ramstein only one or tw o months ago. The course aided them in understanding the role of the base. “I enj oyed learning about the ‘ big picture’ here and about all the different missions on base,” said 2nd Lt. Emily Angell, 86th Comptroller S uadron financial services assistant flight commander. The FTOC participants also had the opportunity to netw ork and learn about career fields other than their ow n. “I w as fascinated to learn about the legal aspect and courts martial processes,” said Capt. Carmen Galea, 86th Dental Squa dron dentist. “Our medical field is isolated sometimes, so it w as nice to get out and meet other people around base.” As the second annual FTOC organized by the CGOC, improvements w ere made to the course to ensure the new lieutenants received critical guidance. “We changed a few things from last year,” said 1st Lt. Bonnie Lange, 721st Aerial Port Squa dron section commander. As an FTOC participant last year, she w as eager to coordinate the topics of discussion and learn-

ing points this year. “We w anted to ensure that this year w e focused on giving the FTOC class exposure to new locations and most importantly, exposure to fellow CGOs.” One change included ensuring FTOC participants attended a CGOC general council meeting during their course. They j oined more than 40 other CGOs from the K MC at the general CGOC monthly meeting w here Lt. Gen. Noel T. Jones, U.S. Air Forces in Europe vice commander, w as the guest speaker. Jones discussed professional military education, continuous leadership development and the future of USAFE and the Air Force, and also provided time to answ er que stions. The course ended at the Belgian Support nit, where the first term officers met w ith a captain’s panel to pass on advice and guidance. “We’re here to help,” said Capt. A.J. Brilla, 86th Logistics Readiness S uadron operations officer, who briefed at the captain’s panel. “Whatever you need, w e’ll help you to find it, help you to learn it we’re here for you.” “The course w as very helpful,” Angell said. “There are things you can figure out on your own, but why not take the lessons learned from our fellow CGOs? ” For more information on CGOC events, email Capt. J DeMeo, 86th DS, at j .demeo@

November 16, 2012

Kaiserslautern American

Page 7

Page 8

Kaiserslautern American

November 16, 2012

The PLAYpass Program is here for you! by Brittney Heim 86th Force Support Squadron Are you an Airman w ho has j ust returned from deployment or a 0-day or more TDY ? Are you a family member of a deployed or TDY Airman? Would you like to have some fun — for free? If so, PLAY pass is here for you! The PLAY pass program provides family members of currently deployed or TDY Airmen w ith opportunities to take a break from the challenges of deployment and have some fun. It also encourages returning members to reintegrate and reunite through learning programs upon their return. This popular program is based upon

discount cards that provide eligible Airmen and their families w ith the chance to participate in Force Support Squa dron programs for free or at a reduced cost. Some PLAY Pass discounts and benefits include, but are not limited to, oil changes at Auto Hobby; discounts on FSS dance, music, karate, scuba, fitness and sports classes and various programs w ith Outdoor Recreation, bow ling centers, and the Ramstein and Vogelw eh community centers. To be eligible for the PLAY Pass program, you must meet one or more of the follow ing criteria: 1. Be TD for 0 days or more. . 65- S in support of an active operation and documents on official

orders Air Force active- duty members with ualified family members ( spouse and/ or children) . . Be a single irman upon returning from deployment. 4. Be deployed Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve and Department of Defense civilian personnel w ith qua lified family members. 5. ir Force wounded warrior members with or without ualified family members. 6. Family members of fallen w arriors w ith Department of Defense ID cards. 7. Army/ Navy/ Marines activeduty members and single Army/ Navy/ Marines active- duty members only when officially assigned home station) to a tenant organization host-

ed on an active Air Force base. ualified service members and their families can pick up a PLAY pass at a local Airman & Family Readiness Center. Just don’t forget to bring a copy of your orders. Once you are registered, you can start using your PLAY pass for eligible programs. PLAY pass is available to Airmen upon immediate return and is good for 0 days from the date of return. pass benefits must be used by Dec. 1, 01 . For more information, contact the Ramstein Airman & Family eadiness enter at 4 0-5100 or 06 1-4 -5100, or visit www.

Passport Outreach prepares Airmen for travel Story and photo by Senior Airman Caitlin O’Neil-McKeown 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs The 786th Force Support Squa dron, in conj unction w ith Army partners, and the U.S. Consulate in Frankfurt j oined forces Nov. 7 as they hosted the Passport Outreach Day at the in- processing facility on Ramstein. “Passport Outreach Day is w here folks can renew passports or apply for a passport for themselves or for their babies,” said Tech. Sgt. Lindy Demming, 786th FSS promotions. The event gave K MC members the chance to receive expedited service for passport applications. Usually, the passport process takes betw een four to six w eeks to be approved, but the Passport Outreach Program decreases w ait time substantially. “A lot of people take advantage of the Passport Outreach Program as it cuts the time in w hich you receive your passport in half,” Demming said. Consulate representatives w ere on site to receive passport applications and consular reports of birth abroad. CRBA applications are for infants born outside the U.S., and because a passport is necessary for an infant as w ell, the application is generally completed at the same time. All services w ere available on a w alk- in basis. In order to process applications qui ckly, all that’s asked is for people to be prepared w ith reque sted documents along w ith the set fee. Along w ith the 786th FSS, there w ere consulate rep-

Annette Caulfield, passport and citizens assistant from the Consulate in Frankfurt, helps file passport paperwork Nov. 7 on Ramstein. The Passport Outreach Day provided the opportunity for the KMC to obtain expedited service for passport applications.

resentatives from Social Security, U.S. Citizenship and mmigrations Services, and etiree ctivities offices available to answ er any q uestions customers had. “This is a great opportunity for military members to get their passports fast, said nnette aulfield, U.S. Consulate passport and citizens assistant. “It

enables them to submit the necessary paperw ork and gets them out traveling the w orld that much sooner.” For more information on passport procedures at amstein, visit the passport office in Bldg. 106, oom 110, from a.m. to p.m. Monday through Friday.

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Hey, Shirt! Got a minute? Is your wallet ready for the holidays? by Airman 1st Class Holly Cook 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Bringing one’s abilities, know ledge and talents to help irmen is what most first sergeants would say is their primary duty — being someone for Airmen to look up to and emulate is a bonus. “I get the opportunity to be in a position w here I have to be an example for my irmen, said Senior Master Sgt. harles Doan, 6th Medical roup first sergeant. like being that example because know I’m a good one.” For most irmen, having an example to lean on during times of need is a must. For the first sergeants of the M , being that example is what they do every day. “K now ing that I have helped even j ust one person is the best feeling in the w orld,” Doan said. Every first sergeant has multiple ways they help K MC Airmen every day. s first sergeants we have our hands in almost everything going on ( around) base,” Doan said. We have our weekly first sergeants meetings and w e go and speak at the First Term Airman Center, irman eadership School, Noncommissioned fficer Academy, and many other maj or events around the K MC area.” The First Sergeant Association also helps out families in need every year during the holidays. Each year we donate at least 45,000 for our Holiday Cheer Program for military families in need during the holidays,” Doan said. “This money w ill help these families buy food and other necessities during the Thanksgiving and Christmas months.” Even though first sergeants help their irmen so much, sometimes they need help themselves. f one of my irmen needs something fixed or is in a rough spot, they come my w ay,” Doan said. “Sometimes they come to me w ith problems that I’ve never dealt w ith before. That’s w hen I turn to my fellow first sergeants. tap into their experience and use it to help my Airmen.” Whether it’s speaking to new Airmen at FTAC or collecting donations during the holidays first sergeants are alw ays there to help w hen needed, and at the end of the day it is about taking care of Airmen. “My Airmen are humans and w ear the Air Force uniform j ust like me so I treat them w ith the dignity and respect that they deserve,” Doan said. “I don’t need a big aw ard to know that I’m doing w ell. All I need is to see my Airmen happy.”

by Basia Holscher U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern Financial Readiness Program volunteer The holiday season is fast approaching. It is a w onderful time to spend w ith family and friends, time to give, share and help others. The holidays are supposed to be filled with oy and happiness — but they can also cause stress and severely harm your finances if you’re not careful. Ideally, you have planned and budgeted for these holidays all year long. If you haven’t done it, you still have a chance. In order to make sure you have fun during the holidays and don’t overspend, Financial Readiness Program at Army Community Service has these tips for you: P lan and save in advance — If you still haven’t paid off last year’s holiday expenses, be sure not to repeat that again this year and plan ahead. F ind ext ra money — If nothing else, look around the house. Now is a perfect time to cash in your piggy bank, penny j ar, all the change you can find in your couch or even your laundry room j ar. Y ou might consider selling a few items you no longer need. T hink outside the box — Here are some creative gift ideas. white elephant gift exchange is very popular in the w orkplace. Why not bring it up with your family ive coupons for free services you can do that you know people need, such as babysitting, cooking, yard w ork or dog w alking. Make a goal to spend qua lity time w ith family and friends, something that doesn’t hurt your budget or put you into debt. The best gifts don’t cost much money. Sometimes, a hand w ritten card w ith sincere w ishes is more appreciated. Stick to a gift budget — Buy the most important gifts first, so you aren’t tempted to overspend using a credit card or drain your budget on low er priority gifts. Be realistic w ith w hat you can afford and stick to the plan. Don’t buy a gift for yourself — Y ou can rew ard yourself after the holidays for being suc-

Photo courtesy of

The holidays are supposed to be a wonderful time, but they can also cause you stress and harm your finances. To save your finances, there are steps you can take, including planning ahead, sticking to a budget and starting early.

cessful at making your plan w ork. Of course, this is part of your plan. Start early — eep your eyes open all yearround for items friends and family w ould like. Then, inventory w hat you’ve already purchased and how much you’ve spent before shopping for more gifts. The act of giving is an important aspect of your financial plan. Want to make a difference Consider giving a gift to a stranger — somebody w ho really needs it. As alw ays, ACS is holding a toy drive that benefits less fortunate people in the K MC. With your assistance, they too can en oy the holidays. ook for boxes around the K MC and consider donating a new , unw rapped children’s gift. For more information on managing your money, try a w orkshop offered by ACS’s Financial Readiness Program. ou can also set up a meeting with a financial counselor, who can work one-on-one with you to improve your financial skills. Follow these tips and you might hear that extra change ingling all the w ay to the bank.

Countdown to Christmas: 40 days


e say it over and over, but it really is true — your loved ones w ill remember and cherish the time you spend w ith them much more than gifts they get from Santa. Not having the w eight of a stressful financial situation on your back w ill give you the opportunity to really enj oy your family, and that is w hat it is all about, right? We understand it can be

difficult to find extra cash right now w ith so many demands on your w allet. One w ay to help you manage the holidays financially is by using the Army and Air Force Exchange Service layaway program. Y ou do not go into debt and you receive a great service and optimal means to pay for gifts before you give them. Currently, layaw ay at the base exchange is feefree and you need only put

15 percent dow n. For the holidays, AAFES is also offering a special program for purchasing computers — normally not an item that ualifies for layaway. Remember, you w ill have to pay for the item in full before Christmas. Calculate how many paychecks you w ill get before Christmas and how much extra cash will be available. That w ill dictate how much you can afford to

spend on layaw ay. For more information, call AAFES customer service at 06 1-40 - 10 . The Ramstein Airman & Family Readiness Center recommends military families plan throughout the year and remember that gift-giving is not essential to having a w onderful and fulfilling holiday season. If you have more q uestions or w ould like more

information on budgeting for the holidays, A& FRC is offering “Avoid the Holiday Blues from to 10 p.m. Tuesday. Reservations can be made by calling 4 0-5100 or 06 1-4 -5100. The F also provides in-house briefings, classes and one-on-one appointments to serve your financial readiness needs. ( Courtesy of Ramstein Airman & Family Readiness Center)

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USAFE band practices

Photo by Airman 1st Class Hailey Haux

Members of the U.S. Air Forces in Europe band Touch ‘N’ Go practice for a show on Ramstein. The USAFE band’s mission is to support the global Air Force mission in war and peace by preserving national heritage, providing professional musical products and services for official military, recruiting, and community relations events.

Photo by Airman 1st Class Holly Cook

Photo by Staff Sgt. Tramel S. Garrett

700th CONS industry appreciation luncheon


Brig. Gen. C.K. Hyde, 86th Airlift Wing commander, speaks to local vendors and members of Team Ramstein at the first industry appreciation luncheon Nov. 7 at the Ramstein Officers’ Club. The luncheon thanked local vendors who provided their products to Ramstein this fiscal year.

Senior leaders from the 95th Military Police Battalion, 18th MP Brigade, 21st Theater Sustainment Command, shake hands with Soldiers from the “Enforcer” platoon, 92nd MP Company, as they board an aircraft Nov. 11 on Ramstein.

Photo by Joern Jeblick

Photo by Airman 1st Class Trevor Rhynes

Forest cleanup

Remembrance, Veterans Day service

KMC Girl and Boy Scouts help clean up a forest area Nov. 10 on Kapaun Air Station. The 86th Civil Engineer Squadron, in cooperation with the federal forest master, organized the cleanup.

Padre Mike Hall, a chaplain with the Royal Air Force, presides over a prayer during the Remembrance and Veterans Day service Nov. 11 on Ramstein. This was a joint service presided over by U.S. Air Force and RAF chaplains as a way to pay respects to those who served from both nations.

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November 16, 2012

Former Soldier now helps others make transition Story and photo by Ed Drohan Europe Regional Medical Command Public Affairs H EI DELB ERG, Germany — A few months ago, Morris Russell w as an active- duty Soldier assigned to the Warrior Transition Battalion-Europe. deployment to South merica and three to Iraq had taken their toll and he was going through the process of being medically retired from the Army. Today, ussell is using that experience to help other transitioning Soldiers prepare for life as civilians by helping them get ready for the ob market. At the same time, his w ork is therapy for him as well. Russell is an instructor for the Wounded Warrior Proj ect’s Transition Training Academy in Baumholder, ermany. Twice a week, WTB-E Soldiers travel from posts around ermany — some driving as many as three hours — to attend his introduction to computer repair course. ll hope to receive their ompTia certification, something that opens employment doors in the information technology industry. The course, which started ct. 1, will run eight weeks before the 1 students get a three- w eek break to study for their certification test. They then return for another eight w eeks of training on practical applications that they’ll need to work in the T field, Russell said. ll the students had to first complete the TT ’s introduction to com-

puter technology course before attending the computer repair course. Russell said most of the students w ere surprised when he came in the first day as the course instructor since he’d been one of their fellow students in the first course. “The last time I w as here w as as a student in the Warrior Transition nit, ussell said. The first day of class, all the guys w ere looking around and asking w here the instructor was because went to the first course w ith these guys.” While still a Soldier in the WTB-E, Russell w as w orking on his degree in cyber security and pulling on-the- ob training with the .S. rmy Europe T help desk. e was able to pass the test for his ompTia certification and, after medically retiring in ermany, was offered the instructor’s position. e said, at first, though, he didn’t think the j ob w as right for him. had ust gotten the certification and ( WWP) asked if I’d like to w ork w ith the w ounded w arriors,” ussell said. t first didn’t want to w ork w ith them. I had a lot of anxiety issues about speaking to groups of people because of my TSD, but was working with my therapist to w ork out those issues, to get me out of my shell.” Eventually he decided to accept the j ob offer, looking at it as a challenge. “It forces me to get in front of the class,” Russell said. “It allow s me to take small steps and work in a room full of guys can relate to. t’s therapy for me.” is students run the gamut in expe-

Morris Russell, a former Soldier who now teaches computer repair to Warrior Transition Battalion-Europe Soldiers in Baumholder, Germany, describes the functions of different components on a computer motherboard for Maj. Robert Stohler (left) and Spc. Akindade Johnson during a recent class session. Stohler and Johnson are Soldiers assigned to the WTB-E.

rience, from one Soldier w ho has worked in the T field for years to another who has almost no experience at all. “Some of the guys have been doing this stuff since they were , others have never touched a computer, Russell said. “The end goal is that they absorb as much information as they can, not j ust from me, but from their classmates, research — anything that can give them the edge.” His students agree that the TTA is something they couldn’t pass up. This is a fantastic opportunity, said Maj . Robert Stohler, w ho is a member of WTB-E’s D- ompany in ilseck, ermany. e’s taking the course w ith his son, w ho is his registered caregiver. “It’s great that somebody w ould do all this, go through this

large expense, all so we have something to take into our civilian career.” ussell said he makes it a point to tell his students something positive about themselves every day of class to plant the seeds of encouragement in them. His goal is the same as w hen he w as active duty. “My goal is to have these guys leave here know ing more than I do, with a better plan than had, and go out and accomplish more than did, Russell said. “A good leader alw ays w ants his Soldiers to be better than they are.” He added that he gets as much out of the experience as his students do. “Here, I am teaching IT classes, still working with Soldiers and helping them, he said. still feel like part of the team — I’m still serving.”

Daedalians visit Lt. Frank Luke Jr. memorial on Veterans Day by John Thompson AdvantiPro managing director Five members of the Daedalians, along w ith some family, visited the memorial for Lt. Frank Luke Jr. on Veterans Day w eekend in Murvaux, France. They also visited Meuse- Argonne cemetery in Romagne- sous- Montfaucon w here Luke is buried along w ith another Medal of Honor w inner, Freddie Stow ers, the only AfricanAmerican aw arded this medal in World War I. According to the book “Terror of the Autumn Skies,” for a brief time, Luke w as the greatest fighter ace merica had ever produced. is life was made up of the same stuff as great Westerns. is death captivated people. e took on the most dangerous missions of the w ar: destroying heavily armed observation balloons. e flew his airplane through such punishing enemy fire that five of them were written off after he landed.

Photo courtesy of Tom “Deano” Dean

Daedalians members and family (from left) Brooke Strasburger, Col. Jeffrey “Bart” Weed, Lt. Col. Rob Dotson, Ty Dotson, John “Jet” Thompson, Tom “Deano” Dean and Col. Raymond “Donk” Strasburger pose for a photo in front of Lt. Frank Luke’s grave on Veterans Day weekend.

uke was shot down on Sept. , 1 1 , less than tw o months after he arrived at the front and less than tw o months before the end of World War . e was 1 years old. nown as the “Balloon Buster,” Luke w as credited w ith 1 kills during the reat War, 14 of which were balloons. uke was the first pilot ever to receive the Medal of Honor. When the w ar ended, he was merica’s No. ace behind Eddie Rickenbacker. Luke Air Force Base, located w est of Luke’s hometow n of Phoenix, is named after him. The Order of Daedalians is a fraternal and professional order of merican military pilots. It is named for Daedalus w ho, according to reek mythology, was the first to achieve heavier-than-air flight. The Daedalians at amstein are know n as the “Billy Mitchell Flight.” For more information on the Daedalians, email ohn

November 16, 2012

Kaiserslautern American

AF Aid Society helping AF members, families The Air Force Aid Society is committed to helping Air Force members and their families realize their academic goals. The centerpiece of the society’s education initiatives is the General Henry H. Arnold Education Grant Program, w hich provides $2,000 grants to selected sons and daughters of active duty, Title 10 AGR/ Reserve, Title 32 AGR performing full- time active duty, retired, retired Reserve, and deceased Air Force members; spouses of active duty members and Title 10 AGR/ Reservists; and surviving spouses of deceased personnel for their undergraduate studies. This grant program remains competitive in its need- based selection criteria, unique ly tailored to recognize the proper w eighing of family income and education cost factors, and is administered by ACT Scholarship and Recognition Services. Application registration started Nov. 1. Deadline for applications is March 8 for the 2013- 2014 academic year. For more information and to apply, visit the Air Force Aid Society w ebsite at w w w For que stions regarding the AFAS online application or processing procedures, call the Air Force Aid Society’s Education Assistance Department at 1 ( 800) 429- 9475, ( 703) 607- 3072 or 327- 3072. ( Courtesy of 86t h Force Support Squadr on)

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CHECK OUT THESE EVENTS AT WETZEL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TODAY — Red Cross presentation to the third grade. TODAY — Popcorn Friday at lunchtime (PTO sponsored). TODAY — Buddy Lee visits fifth and sixth grades (CYS sponsored). TUESDAY — Third grade Thanksgiving feast. TUESDAY — Dr. McMullen, Department of Defense Education ActivityKaiserslautern district superintendant, visits Wetzel Elementary School. TUESDAY — Wetzel Elementary School pride/spirit gear orders due. WEDNESDAY — Pam Lehmann’s kindergarten class joins Baumholder Middle School for a creative thinking class. COMING SOON — 525th Military Working Dog Detachment DEMO visits Wetzel Elementary School (details later).

KA Holiday Edition

SEE NEXT WEEK’S NEWSPAPER! SPECIAL ARTICLES: Back by popular demand! Learn how to make glühwein, the drink of the season!

HOLIDAY SCAVENGER HUNT Great prizes donated by:

Shop til you drop in Germany’s best pedestrian zones. Teach your children how to give back this holiday season. Where are the best ski resorts in Austria, Switzerland and Germany? Visit some of Germany’s most famous Christmas markets! It’s easy to win! Just count the numbers of reindeer in next week’s Special Edition! Then, email that number to


*ID cardholders only. AdvantiPro employees and associates are ineligible.

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Kaiserslautern American

EVENTS Zoo Lantern Walk Fri, Nov 16 Saarbrücken On Nov. 16 at the Saarbrücken Zoo, there will be a lantern walk through the zoo from 6 to 8 p.m. On Sundays and holidays, enjoy pony rides from 2 to 3 p.m. Entry is €6.50 for adults and €3.50 for children 5 and up. Location: Zoo Saarbrücken, GrafStauffenberg-Straße, 66121 Saarbrücken, Tel.: 0681-905-3600. Geman hit party Sat, Nov 17 Bruchmühlbach Have you always wanted to experience a party with the Germans listening to old and new German Schlager? Schlager is German folk music but also contains cool music from Nena (“99 Luftballons”). The music will be played by a live band and a radio station DJ from SWR4. The party starts at 8 p.m. and is located at Alte Strasse 5, 66892 Bruchmühlbach. Purchase your ticket for only €10 by calling 06372-3541,- 1247,- 2821. Christmas markets near you

Nov –Dec All towns German Christmas markets are a wonderful tradition that make everyone happy by enhancing the Christmas spirit. Enjoy the wonderful smells of roasted almonds, crepes and bratwurst at these traditional markets. And, don’t forget the famous “glühwein,” a hot, spiced wine that will warm you up on a cold, winter day. Glühwein is also available alcohol free, called “Kinderglühwein,”

or children’s glühwein. Hirschhorn presents its Christmas market on Nov. 29. Bruchmühlbach invites you to visit their creative Christmas market on Nov. 29. Mackenbach, Rodenbach and Stelzenberg open their markets Dec. 1. Kottweiler, Enkenbach, Mehlingen, Otterbeach and Schopp let you enjoy good food and many other goodies on Dec. 1 and 2.

November 16, 2012

and sweatshirts. Many other items are also available. Walk through this market, which offers many interesting items and goodies. The market will be open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.


Christmas market

SPORTS Professional soccer game

Mon, Nov 26 – Sun, Dec 23 Frankfurt Frankfurt’s huge Christmas market will take place in the Römerberg and Paulsplatz areas. The market will run from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday. For more information and tips for visiting a market, visit www.militaryingermany. com/events. Christmas market in Hemsbach Fri, Nov 30 Hemsbach The Hemsbacher Christmas market will be held for the 28th time in middle of the Hemsbacher Altstadt (old town) at the Rathaus (city hall). It is not a very big market, but offers its own traditional flair. It is suppose to be a Christmas market from back in the days where everything was handmade and art was displayed. Location: 69502 Hemsbach. The market will be open from 5 to 9 p.m. Check upcoming dates for two more markets in December. “Krammarkt” Mon, Nov 26 – Thu, Nov 29 Miesenbach The yearly “Krammarkt” (market) invites you to purchase winter clothing and items like warm hats, jackets, socks

Tue, Nov 27 Kaiserslautern Watch 1. FCK take on SSV Jahn Regensburg. Even if you’ve never been into the sport, watching a soccer game while based in Germany is something you shouldn’t miss! The crowds are amazing and the atmosphere is electric! Check out the 1. FCK home games and visit the fan shop at the Stiftsplatz in downtown K-town. Fan shop address: Stiftsplatz 5, 67655 Kaiserslautern. For more information, visit The website is also in English. Ice Hockey Tue, Nov 27 Cologne The “Kölner Haie” (Cologne Sharks) will take to the ice agains ERC Ingolstadt at 7:30 p.m.. Tickets available online at Location: Willy-Brandt-Platz, 50679 Cologne. Check the “upcoming events” section for future games.

Country Night Sat, Nov 17 Kaiserslautern Mark your calendars for country night with the Hillibilly Bones Band! Put on your cowboy hats and boots and join us at 8:30 p.m. Nov. 17 for the second Country and Line Dance Night. Remember: “Keep it country!” Location: Keltenweg 43, 67663 Kaiserslautern at the Pizzeria bei Franco. Irish folk festival Sun, Nov 18 Mainz American music styles like country and bluegrass have origins in Irish music. Irish bands will present an unforgettable concert. You can make reservations and eat great food before the concert at Gusto, located near the concert hall. Restaurant Gusto: 06131-1449049 and tickets for the concert at 06131-227029. David Garrett Sat, Nov 24 Mannheim The world’s most famous violin player is coming to the SAP Arena in Mannheim. The live concert starts at 8 p.m. Call 0621-1819-0333 for tickets. Lionel Richie Sat, Nov 24 Stuttgart The famous singer Lionel Richie will be in Stuttgart for a concert Nov. 24. Tickets cost €51 to €85. Check out for tickets and times.

For more to do in Germany, visit

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o d o t s g n i h t n Fu y 0 l 3 i v o m N a , i f r F r – u 6 o 1 y v o h N t , i Fr wi Jason Mraz Sat, Nov 24 Frankfurt Jason Mraz (a well known pop artist) will be in concert Nov. 24 in Frankfurt. Tickets start at €42. Check out www. for tickets and times. Gospel concert by Spirit ‘n’ Voices

Sun, Nov 25 Kaiserslautern This gospel concert, in support of the international day “Say No to Violence against Women,” takes place at the Catholic Church St. Theresia starting at 5 p.m. Adresse Konrad-Adenauer-Strasse 31. Tickets cost €10 and can be purchased at the Tourist Information Center on Fruchthallstrasse 14, 67655 Kaiserslautern and in the Thalia bookstore downtown in the pedestrian area. For more information, call the city hall at 0631-3652350. Chris Brown concert Mon, Nov 29 Frankfurt Famous hip hop, contemporary, R ‘n’ B artist Chris Brown will be in concert at 8 p.m. Nov. 29 in Frankfurt to perform some of his greatest hits, including “Run It,” “Gimme That,” “I Can Transform Ya,” “Strip,” “Sweet Love,” “Turn up the Music,” “Say Goodbye,” and “Poppin.” Tickets start at €61. More information can be found online at www.

UPCOMING EVENTS Late night shopping Sat, Dec 1 Kaiserslautern Kaiserslautern invites you to a late night shopping tour. And don’t remember to stop by the Christmas market, too!

St. Andreas Market Sat, Dec 1 – Sun, Dec 2 Landstuhl Every year, one of the biggest Christmas markets fills Landstuhl with the wonderful smell of Christmas. Great items will be available for sale, including handmade jewellery, clothing and Christmas decorations. And, of course, don’t forget to pick up a mug of glühwein (hot German spiced wine), which is also available alcohol free. Delicious, traditional food will also be offered. Santa at Luisenpark Sat, Dec 1 – Sun, Dec 2 Mannheim Explore Luisenpark in Mannheim for their annual Christmas Bazaar and Winter Market. Extended to two days, this popular bazaar is a real Christmas market with all sorts of decorative and delicious crafts and treats, from jams, Advent wreaths and bouquets, to cookies and socks – all homemade, of course. You’ll be surrounded by music, coffee and cakes, waffles and glühwein. French toast, a hot fire show or a fun ride through the park will entertain

even the youngest market-goer. Even Santa Claus will make an appearance! Don’t miss the live nativity scene at the main entrance. At 3 p.m. Dec. 1: “Los Amiguitos,” Spanish and South American carols, baking bread on the barbecue area, Blandine Bonjour and Conrad Siegel, Jorge Campo – “Let’s Swing” Christmas concert, fire show by “Danny & Friends.” From 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Dec. 2: “Michel in the soup bowl,” children’s theater Mannheimer Tuba Quartet, visit from St. Nicholas (Santa Claus) at 3 p.m., the choir Fröbelschule, carriage rides through the park. Tickets cost €3 for adults, €1.20 for children 6 to 15 years old and free for children under 6 (winter prices in effect). Christmas markets in Hemsbach Sat, Dec 1 – Sun, Dec 2 Hemsbach Visit this Christmas market in Hemsbach. Check out this event in the “Event section” for more information. Ice hockey

Sun, Dec 2 & Dec 9 Cologne The “Kölner Haie” (Cologne Sharks) will play the Hannover Scorpions and once against the Augsburger Panthers. Tickets and more information can be found online at

Cirque du Soleil Wed, Dec 5 Mannheim This unique circus shows Michael Jackson’s The Immortal World Tour — a tour filled with dance, music and fascination. For details on cirque du Soleil, visit their website at www.cirquedusoleil. For tickets, call 0621-18190333. Winter at the zoo Sun, Dec 2 & Thu, Dec 6 Kaiserslautern Visit Christmas at the zoo. On Sunday, a Nativity will be displayed by the sheep. Starting at 2:30 p.m. Thursday, Santa Clause will present the animals of the zoo and hand out Christmas chocolates to the children. Snacks and children’s punch will be served after that. A free tour will be offered at 3 p.m. Dec. 26 with Santa Clause. For an English guide, call Frau Haselbach at 06301-716925. Location: Zum Tierpark 10, 67661 Kaiserlautern. David Guetta Fri, Dec 14 Mannheim This house/electronic star DJ is coming to Mannheim. The concert starts at 7:45 p.m. For tickets, call 0621-42509-0. Location Maimarkthalle, Xaver-FuhrStrasse 101, 68163 Mannheim. USAFE band concert Fri, Dec 14 Kaiserslautern Enjoy an evening at the Fruchthalle with the USAFE band. Tickets can be purchased at the German-American Community Office in Kaiserslautern, WillyBrandt-Platz 1, 67657 Kaisers-lautern. The tickets are free. The concert starts at 8 p.m. at the Fruchthalle, Fruchthallstrasse 10, 67655 Kaiserslautern.

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November 16, 2012

KMC children get experience of a lifetime by Tech. Sgt. Chad Thompson 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs


ne hundred lucky children from the K MC got the experience of a lifetime during a basketball clinic hosted by the players and coaches from the University of Connecticut and Michigan State Nov. 8 at the Ramstein Southside Fitness Center. During the clinic, the children learned some basics in passing, dribbling and shooting as they rotated through different stations w ith the players. “It’s w hat you play for; you play for these kinds of opportunities,” said Russell Byrd, a MSU Spartan guard. “On the court you w ant to play for championships, but you w ant to also teach people and invest in kids. Y ou know , hopefully teach the next generation of young kids how to play.” Not only did the players and coaches share some fundamentals but they also spent some qua lity time w ith the K MC youth. “The kids came out w ith enthusiasm,” said UConn head coach K evin Ollie. “They played hard, they dribbled, they passed, they shot, all of the fundamentals that w e try to teach our guys on a day- today basis.” After the lesson, the players from both teams autographed T- shirts for the children.

Photo by Senior Airman Caitlin O’Neil-McKeown

Ramstein youth participate in a kids clinic during the 2012 Armed Forces Classic Nov. 8 on Ramstein. During the clinic, the children learned some basics in passing, dribbling and shooting as they rotated through different stations with basketball players from University of Connecticut and Michigan State.

While here, the teams took a flight in a C- 130J Super Hercules, toured the Contingency Aeromedical Staging Facility and visited

some w ounded w arriors at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center before playing in the Armed Forces Classic.

School Notes Parents Night

In an effort to raise funds for the j unior and senior prom, the Ramstein High School j unior class is hosting a Parents Night Saturday. This is an opportunity for parents to receive babysitting services from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday. Babysitting services are for children 5 to 10 years old, and the cost is $ 20 per child. Food and activities are provided. For more information about Parents Night, email lauren.kemp@

Lunch and Learn

Parents of students at Vogelw eh Elementary School are cordially invited to attend the next “Lunch and Learn” from 11 a.m. to noon Nov. 29 in the school library. This month’s topic w ill be bullying. School counselors w ill share w hat bullying is and isn’t. They w ill provide resources and tips for parents on how to help their children learn strategies to handle these situations. Parents may bring a bag lunch. Light desserts and door prizes w ill be provided.

EDGE! Car maintenance 101

CY S Services’ EDGE! Program is offering a free car maintenance course for high school teens in ninth to 12th

grade registered w ith CY S Services ( ages 15 and up) . This course is being offered from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 27, and Dec. 4 and 11 at Landstuhl Auto Skills Center, Bldg. 3800 on Landstuhl ost. To find out more or to enroll in the class, contact the Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation One Stop Shop, Bldg. 3810 on Landstuhl Post, or Parent Central Services, Bldg. 2898 on Pulaski Barracks, at 493- 4516/ 4122 or 0631- 3406- 4516/ 4122.

Big Band Jazz for Dessert

Big Band Jazz for Dessert, featuring tw o sets of Big Band Jazz and Ramstein High School’s Jazz Limited and dessert, takes place at 7 p.m. Dec. 6 in the RHS great hall. Admission is free and the public is invited. For more information about this event, email Jeff Pellaton at j eff.pellaton@

Celebrate the season

A Celebration of the Season featuring the Ramstein High School Concert Winds and Varsity Band takes place at 7 p.m. Dec. 13 at the RHS gymnatorium. Admission is free and the public is invited. For more information about this event, email Jeff Pellaton at j eff. pellaton@

Ramstein High School senior Joshua Sewell completes a symbolic lighting of the last candle before he talks about service, one of the five pillars of the National Honor Society.

RHS students inducted into National Honor Society Story and photo by Holly Freeman Ramstein High School


hat do 15 Ramstein High School students have in common w ith opera singer Eric Mills, super model Cindy Craw ford, Nobel Prize physicist Dr. Arno Penzias and astronaut Judith Resnick? They have all recently been inducted into the National Honor Society. A feather in the cap of deserving high school students around the country is to be recognized in the

society. While a grade point average of 3.5 is a necessary requi rement of acceptance into the society, NHS is more than j ust an honor roll. According to the society’s constitution, four main principles steer the NHS: “To create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the students of secondary schools.” “We know that all applying stuSee NHS, next page

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NHS, from Page 16 dents have the scholarship, but w e also put a strong emphasis on w hether or not they excel in all kinds of community activities, especially those that serve the military public,” said sponsor Betty Slusny. Before students can become an associate of the 100- plus member society at RHS, they must complete a rigorous application packet. In addition to documenting that they have maintained a 3.5 grade point average and have sustained a solid attendance record, students must also w rite an essay describing how they have show n to be outstanding in scholarship, service, leadership and character. Furthermore, teachers and other community members are asked to provide recommendations on each student before acceptance into the NHS. “The rigorous application packet is designed to uphold the high status of NHS at Ramstein High School,” Slusny said. Sophomore Lauren Codina w ent through the tough application process because she felt it gave her many opportunities and w as a good chance to help out her community, she said. One of the missions of the RHS National Honor Society is to create a sense of responsibility and respect among its members. To help promote this goal, students w ork w ith the Wounded Warrior Program, tutor their fellow peers and volunteer at many school activities and w ithin the community throughout the year. How ever, one of the biggest goals each year is to raise money to donate to the Chaplain’s Closet, w hich provides daily essentials such as clothing, toiletries and even shoes to Soldiers w ho have returned from deployment and combat w ith nothing but their uniforms on their backs. One w ay NHS members raise money is to bag at the commissary. Last year, the group w as able to raise $1,35 0 w orth of supplies to give to the Chaplain’s Closet and $2 ,800 to give to other school clubs and organizations at RHS. The society’s involvement w ith and contributions to the Chaplain’s Closet “give students a chance to serve w here w e normally w ouldn’t,” said j unior Giuliana Gillespie. An induction ceremony and banque t takes place tw ice a year, once in the fall and once in the spring. In the fall, only upperclassmen may apply, but in the spring, sophomores may also j oin the society. Slusny said the banque t is a “super special event and a w onderful buffet dinner that supersedes all expectations.” The previously inducted members each contribute a homemade dish of their choice for the buffet and the officers help set up the great hall for the event. “My favorite part about the induction ceremony is w here w e all get to shake hands and honor the students w ho do w ell in school,” said senior Jessica Z augg. While all these students may not go on to fame and fortune, it is certain they are young people w ho believe in the value of serving others and are recognized by the RHS community as outstanding high school students. Congratulations to the fall RHS inductees: Marie Aponte, Rachel Baine, Stew art Coard, Lauren Codina, Shannon Guffey, Troy Guffey, Cameron Hansen, Devin McGeehan, Alexandra Meints, Lucas Mireles, K evin Parvizi, Everett Plocek, Carrie Pratt, Aaren Robinson and Matthew Sharpy.

Teacher in-service Ramstein High School history teachers Gene Behrends, Nathan Brewster and Mitch McCoy collaborate during a teacher in-service.

Photo by Holly Freeman

Photos courtesy of Wetzel Elementary School

Family Night in Baumholder Wetzel Elementary School in Baumholder, Germany, hosts Family Night Nov. 9 in honor of Month of the Military Family. The WES PTO board and WES staff combined to serve WES and Smith Elementary School families with an evening of fun, including bingo, prizes, food and togetherness in honor of military families.

Photo by Susan Peterson

Photo courtesy of Ramstein Middle School

Survival skills at RMS

St. Martin at WES

Staff Sgt. Tony Fancher tells Ramstein Middle School students in Kurt Raducha’s language arts class how to catch a fish with their bare hands during a presentation about surviving in the wild. The students read “The Cay,” a book in which characters are stranded on a deserted island. Guest speakers included Fancher and Staff Sgt. Joshua Krape, Survival, Evasion Resistance and Escape instructors, who taught students about survival skills, giving them a better insight into the characters in the book.

Wetzel Elementary School students enjoy making St. Martin lanterns with Christine Niegisch and volunteer parents Nov. 10 in celebration of the festival of St. Martin. During the festival, children carried their self made (with a little help) lighted lanterns through the streets while singing St. Martin songs. Children in the parade gathered by the lake by a large bonfire and received a “weckmann,” sweet dough in the form of a gingerbread man, from a local bakery in remembrance of the good deeds of St. Martin.


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Kaiserslautern American

November Mark Your Calendar

» “Ramstein Talks” will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday at the Haus des Bürgers in Ramstein-Miesenbach. The talks will put emphasis on the important historical meaning of Ramstein in regards to German-American relations. Speakers include Ramstein Mayor Klaus Layes and the director of the Allied Museum in Berlin, Dr. Gundula Bavendamm. Dr. Claudia Gross will then present the docu center Ramstein and Michael Geib will talk about the docu center’s last five years and its possible future. At around 9 p.m., deputy mayor Ludwig Linsmayer will give German-American impressions by showing pieces of old movies from 1965. A reception and discussion will close out the event. The talks will be in German. » Kazabra Club is hosting an after-Thanksgiving Turkey Shoot Out from 8 to 11 p.m. Nov. 23 in Bldg. 2057 on Vogelweh. Don’t miss the harvest fun playing bingo. Doors open at 6 p.m. For ages 18 and up. » Kaiserslautern’s Better Opportunities for Single Service members are hosting a free Thanksgiving dinner for single service members and geographical bachelors from 2 to 7 p.m. Nov. 24. Food will be served from 3 to 6 p.m. Watch the football game on big screen TVs and participate in pool tournaments. There will be prizes and free trips for winners! To attend, RSVP through your unit BOSS representative or contact the BOSS office at 493-4469 or 0631-3406-4469. » The Air Force New Parent Support Program will offer a free lunch for stay-at-home dads from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nov. 29 at the Ramstein Health and Wellness Center. There will be onsite child care, entertainment, nutrition and exercise ideas. For registration, call 06371-46-2098. » Finish off your Christmas gift list at the Last Minute Bazaar from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Dec. 3 to 6 in Landstuhl Regional Medical Center’s Heaton Hall Auditorium, Room 112. Purchase items such as crystal, Polish pottery, children’s toys, Dutch cheese and Belgian chocolate, soaps, tapestries, jewelry, and more. For more information, call 493-4184/4105 or 0631-3406-4184/4005. » The Sunny Coyote Volksmarching Club is hosting a bus trip to the Metz Christmas Market Walk Dec. 8. Cost is €25 per person. Limited seats are available. For more in-

formation or to sign up and reserve your seat, email info@ or call 06337-8732. » Armstrong’s Club offers room rental services, perfect for holiday, office and birthday parties. Armstrong’s Club is located in Bldg. 1036 on Vogelweh Housing. For more information, call 0631-354-9986. » Challenge the bartender to a game of darts at Dart Night from 7 to 10 p.m. Thursdays at the Kazabra Club, Bldg. 2057 on Vogelweh. » KMC Onstage offers all programming for free to wounded warriors and their guests at the Fisher House. Check out the season poster for current programming and contact KMC Onstage for tickets. For Landstuhl patrons, transportation may be arranged. Contact KMC Onstage before 2 p.m. Fridays if transportation is required for weekend shows. For more information, email KMCOnstage@, visit KMC Onstage in Bldg.3232 on Kleber Kaserne or call 483-6626 or 0631-411-6626. » Command the stage by displaying your talent at Tuesday Night Expressions, from 7 to 10 p.m. every Tuesday at the Landstuhl Community Club, Bldg. 3780 on Landstuhl Post. Children can participate until 8 p.m. with parental supervision. Bring your own props, instruments and equipment. It’s free for performers. Open to U.S. ID cardholders.


» The Multicultural Spouses Club is designed to bring people together from different backgrounds. And it’s always more fun with food involved, so please bring a dish that is an old family favorite and embodies your heritage. This is a great opportunity to meet friends and have a good time. The next meeting takes place at 11 a.m. Nov. 23 in Bldg. 2926 in the Yellow Ribbon Room on Pulaski Barracks. For more information, call 0631-3406-4203. » The toddler playgroup of the German-American and International Women’s Club Kaiserslautern meets bimonthly. Join parents from other cultures and enjoy a coffee together while children play and hear other languages. The group will meet from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Monday and Dec. 3 and 17 at Spesbacherstrasse 51a, Ramstein. The fee

November 16, 2012 for each play date is €2 to cover facility costs. For details, contact Katie Pelletier at or 063839266018, or visit the GAIWC website at » Rheinland Pfalz Quilt Guild meetings are held the third Thursday of each month. Night meetings are held the fourth Thursday of each month. Visit for the meeting location. » The Rhineland Breast Cancer Coalition, a group of breast cancer survivors in the KMC, are celebrating life and supporting and encouraging other breast cancer patients and survivors in the area. This group meets at 6:30 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month at Bambus Garden, outside Pulaski Gate by Vogelweh. For details, email RBCCgroup@ » The Kaiserslautern chapter of the Sergeant Morales Club meets from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. the first Monday of every month at the Rhine Ordnance Barracks DFAC (on the right side). This meeting is open to all Sergeant Morales members, Sergeant Audie Murphy members and to any NCO who would like to join. » The German-American Children’s Friendship Choir welcomes all interested children, ages 6 to 10, to join our choir for this upcoming Christmas concert season. The choir will meet from 3 to 4 p.m. Wednesdays in Otterberg in the third floor Aula (auditorium) of the Grundschule (elementary school). The choir will study good choral singing technique and learn songs to perform in concert, which also include choreography moves and Orff instrument playing. The program this fall consists of Christmas songs in both English and German as well as traditional rounds in Latin and French. The choir will perform in Christmas festivals in Otterberg and in church concerts in Kaiserslautern, along with our sponsor choir, the Rheinland-Pfalz International Choir. For details or to register, contact director Suann Strickland at 06301-389-8107 or suannstrickland@gmail. com.

Support Groups

» The KMC Adoption Support Group meets at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Landstuhl Health and Wellness Center, Bldg. 3722 on Landstuhl. The group meets the needs of adoptive parents, adopting parents and adoptive children through education and research to help resolve adoption issues. Inquiries about adoption are welcome through the group’s website at The group meets the third Tuesday of every month. » GREAT Ideas is a support group for those who have been diagnosed with diabetes. This group will address coming to terms with the changes in life, answer questions, and give information and support. The next group meets at 6 p.m. Nov. 27 in Bldg. 2891 on Pulaski Barracks. Call 06313406-4094/4091 to reserve your spot or for more information.

A homecoming game like no other by Senior Airman Aaron-Forrest Wainwright 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs


or the first time in college basketball history, the niversity of onnecticut uskies and Michigan State Spartans played a regular season game in ermany, but for three uskies, it wasn’t their

first time here. Enosch Wolf, Niels iffey and eon Tolksdorf all grew up in ermany. iffey and Tolksdorf grew up in the busy city of Berlin and Wolf grew up in ttingen in the state of Niedersachsen. These three were able to sei e the golden opportunity to come back to their home country, in front of family and friends, and play the game they love basketball.

Basketball’s popularity is on the rise in ermany, and these talented athletes playing for onn are proof. n the last five or six years, basketball has been getting a lot better in ermany, especially with Dirk Nowitski. e helped make basketball a lot more popular in ermany, Wolf said. Tolksdorf said that as a erman, Dirk Nowit ki is one of his idols.

e is a great basketball player but also a great person and is definitely a guy every basketball player can look up to, he said. For Tolksdorf, this was his first regular season game on an ir Force base in his home country. t’s a great honor to play on an ir Force base and get to see what all the irmen do for their country, Tolksdorf said. We are all really happy

to be here and are ready to play. This was an extremely uni ue opportunity for both teams. During the game, iffey scored three points in 14 minutes of play. Wolf followed with 11 minutes, two points and a single block late in the first half. Tolksdorf did not see any playtime in the season opening game.

November 16, 2012

Kaiserslautern American

Page 19

We are DLA Disposition Services Kaiserslautern When answ ering the phone w ith, “DLA Disposition Services K aiserslautern, this is Mike. Can I help you? ” I often first hear silence and then the q uestion, “Is this DRMO? ” This scenario happens more often during the day than we care to count. D changed its name many years ago from Defense eutili ation and Marketing ffice to Defense eutili ation and Marketing Service, and now to D Disposition Services, w hich has not really helped its brand marketing. roviding needed disposition of all excess military material, DLA Disposition Services has tried to get away from the notion that it is the military’s unk yard. t offers a wide range of reverse logistic solutions to all services within Europe and frica. Reverse logistics is the process of planning, implementing and controlling the efficient, cost effective flow of raw materials, in-process

inventory, finished goods and related information from the point of consumption to the point of origin for the purpose of recapturing value or proper disposal. So w hy go through all the trouble to turn material in w hen you can j ust visit the refuse lot or the nearest dumpster and toss it in DLA Disposition Services is the provider of choice for disposal solutions, w hich helps control the follow ing: reventing unauthori ed releases of material that could harm our forces. eutili ing as much material as possible. n the long run, the above tw o points protect national security. re you in need of something ome on down, make a short visit to the TD office and see what’s on the shelves. Got excess property? Call for an appointment to turn it in. The members of DLA Disposition Services aiserslautern are ready to

Classes And Training

» The Ramstein Airmen & Family Readiness Center will offer a Fighting for Your Marriage class from 5 to 9 p.m. today in Bldg. 2120. A light dinner will be served. This prep class is for couples who want to make their relationship the best it can be. Most everyone wants to share their life with one special person; they want to be in a relationship where both partners want the best for the other, have fun together, and can trust and depend on the other. Join this interactive class where you can learn some things about making marriage work, and see yourself, your partner and your relationship in a whole new light. To register or for more information, call the A&FRC at 480-5900. » 123 Parenting is Magic is a three-part class that addresses the difficult task of disciplining your children with humor, keen insight and proven experience. Learn how to understand your child’s development and how that relates to correction and education at 10 a.m. Tuesday

Your submission must include the name of the photographer, the date of the photo, first and last names of those in the photo and location. Write “Destinations” in the email subject line. Email your photos to:

assist you and your unit. Turn-in and pick-up hours are from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays and are open for pick-ups

from a.m. to noon Fridays. For turn-ins, call 4 - 46 for the reutilization/ transfer/ donation office call 4 - 6 or for a military liaison call

in Bldg. 2917 on Pulaski Barracks. To register for this class or for more information, call ACS at 0631-34064203. » Couples Communication is a two-part series course being offered through Family Advocacy. In this class, learn the keys to better communication, effective listening and understanding taught in a fun learning atmosphere. Take the stress out of your relationship by enrolling today. Classes take place from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. every first and second Thursday of the month in Bldg. 2917 on Pulaski Barracks. To register or for more information, call 0631-3406-4203. » Did you know that anger is directly related to symptoms associated with survival instincts? Learn about how anger is triggered, ways to monitor and associate patterns of anger with thought processes and, most importantly, how to control anger in Anger Management Class, a three-part educational learning experience. Join the ACS Anger Management Class by registering for a session, offered from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. every Wednesday in Bldg. 2917 on Pulaski Barracks. For more information, call 493-4062 or 06313406-4062. » Stress Management class takes place from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. the first and second Tuesday of the month in Bldg. 2917 on Pulaski Barracks. For more information, call 493-4062 or 0631-3406-4062.


Photo by Mike Hoskinson

DLA Disposition Services Kaiserslautern provides needed disposition of all excess military material and offers a wide range of reverse logistic solutions to all services within Europe and Africa.

» Want to learn more about finding a government job? Visit Army Community Service, Bldg. 2917 on Pulaski Barracks, at 10 a.m. Nov. 30 to learn more about finding and applying for jobs. Get the one up on competition with hands on instruction and assistance from our training Employment Readiness expert. For more in-

4 1. The civilian prefix for all numbers is 06 1-411X X X X . ( Courtesy of DLA Disposition Services K aiserslautern)

A&FRC programs The Ramstein Airman & Family Readiness Center offers the following programs: Ramstein Spouses’ Orientation: Nov. 19, 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., Bldg. 2120 *Reintegration: Nov. 20, 9 to 10:30 a.m., Bldg. 3450 Intro to German: Nov. 20, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Bldg 2120 *Pre-Deployment: Nov. 20, 1 to 3 p.m., Bldg. 3450 Avoid the Holiday Blues: Nov. 20, 9 to 10 a.m., Bldg. 2120 Base Intro: Nov.21, 7:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m., Hercules Theater Contact the A&FRC at 480-5100 to register for the classes. * The Reintegration and Pre-deployment briefings are open to spouses. formation or to make an appointment with Employment Readiness, call 0631-3406-4029.

Chapel News

» The Air Force KMC Chapel Communities will host their annual Christmas tree lighting ceremonies at 5 p.m. Nov. 28 at the Ramstein North Chapel and 5 p.m. Nov. 29 at the Vogelweh Chapel. The Ramstein ceremony will start with a short service, live band and choir and will be followed by the tree lighting at the USAFE circle. The Vogelweh ceremony with live band and choir will be held in front of the Vogelweh Chapel. There will be refreshments in the chapel annexes. » A Unitarian Universalist worship service and fellowship hour will be held from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. the second and fourth Sundays from September through May at the Kapaun Chapel.

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Kaiserslautern American

November 16, 2012

Send us your

VACATION photos Your submission must include the name of the photographer, the date of the photo, first and last names of those in the photo and location. Make sure all photos are high resolution. Write “Destinations� in the email subject line. Email your vacation photo to the editor at editor@

Photo by Hiram Nieves

Photo by Milissa Wertz

ABOVE: Mayra and Angel Gonzalez pose for a photo in October while visiting London, England, for the Paralympics. LEFT: David Weesner takes a stroll at the Eibsee in Grainau, Bavaria. The Eibsee is a lake that lies at the base of the Zugspitze, a few miles from Garmisch-Partenkirchen.

Photo by Byran Forbes Photo by Max Lindgren

Max and Katherine Lindgren pose for a photo Oct. 2 in Ephesus, Turkey.

From left, Marla, Camille and Karis Williams pose for a photo with Big Ben and Parliament Oct. 7 while vacationing in London, England.

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K-Town Christmas market opens Nov. 26 by Petra Lessoing 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs


aiserslautern w ill offer Christmas shopping of a special kind by opening its Christmas market Nov. 26. The market w ill continue through Dec. 23 around the Stiftskirche and on Schillerplatz. After Christmas, the market w ill turn into a New Y ear’s market, from Dec. 27 to 30. The market w ill feature a variety of shopping, food and glü hw ein booths, musical entertainment, a children’s program and various Christmas- related activities. K aiserslautern’s lord mayor, Dr. K laus Weichel, and the “Christkind” w ill officially open the hristmas market at 6 p.m. Nov. 26 from the stage on Schillerplatz. At the same time, the festive illuminations across the Christmas market and throughout the center of tow n w ill be turned on. Vendors w ill sell typical Christmas items such as ornaments, candles, angels, nutcrackers and Advent w reaths. Shoppers will find ideas for hristmas presents such as w ooden toys, leather items, glass products, j ew elry and pottery. Culinary specialties that w ill be offered at the Christmas market include Thü ringer bratw urst, pizza, roasted chestnuts, cinnamon waffles and the typical w inter drink, “glühw ein,” a heated

red w ine spiced w ith cloves and cinnamon sticks. “The city’s emphasis is on tradition and a certain continuity,” said Alexander ess from the pro ect office for city events. “Our musical program w ill satisfy many w ishes. Diversity w ill be granted w ith music by Stephan Flesch, Waymond Harding to gospel choirs and brass players.” The full program can be found in flyers found in local stores, restaurants, banks and the tourist information office next to the Fruchthalle. As in recent years, the Germanmerican ommunity ffice will present American performers on the Schillerplatz stage from 5 to 9 p.m. Dec. 6. “Novelties and highlights w ill turn our Christmas market into a special event,” Hess said. “Like in recent years, w e again include the atrium of the Stiftskirche into our market concept.” There will be a bonfire, a nativity scene, and artisans and stone sculptors presenting their w orks. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, the K aiserslautern Z oo w ill set up a petting zoo w ith some of their animals, allow ing the nativity scene to come to life. The K aiserslautern Christmas market w ill be open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mondays through Wednesdays, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays, and 1 to 9 p.m. Sundays. For more information, visit w w w .

Photo by the City of Kaiserslautern

Market-goers meet to have a cup of glühwein on Kaiserslautern’s Christmas market, scheduled to take place Nov. 26 to Dec. 30.

Artists present creative works in Ramstein

Shoppers might find the right Christmas present, such as j ew elry made of precious metal and A pre- Christmas arts and crafts pearls, or w orks made of paper, exhibition w ill take place Saturday or paintings,” Altherr said. and Sunday at the RamsteinOne exhibitor w ill sell homeMiesenbach culture and convenmade cookies for dogs and her tion center, Haus des Bü rgers. creations of coats and blankets “This year, w e are able to presfor man’s best friend. ent 58 hobby artists and crafters, “We have three French w ho ( w ill) show off their their exhibitors and tw o Americans,” Altherr said. “Any American creative works on two floors, crafter w ho is interested in dissaid organizer Marita Altherr. playing items during next year’s Visitors w ill have the chance creative market, should come to admire and buy items made and ask for me.” using different technique s. They As in previous years, there can even w atch artisans, such as will be a raffle. ll proceeds will turners and silver smiths, show go to the Ramstein- Miesenbach off their skills. Hospice Aid. A builder of nativity scenes Visitors can take breaks in the w ill create nativity scenes that Courtesy photo cafeteria and taste fresh cinnalook like huts in the Alps and a couple from Burgundy, France, Vendors at the creative market display a large variety of arts and crafts items made by using different techniques. mon waffles and a large variety of homemade cakes. w ill hand paint glass obj ects. A vintner from the be sold at different stands at the market. Opening hours are from 1 to 6 p.m. on both days. Mosel River w ill present w ines and w ine j elly. Decoration items made of glass, porcelain, w ood Admission is free. German homemade Christmas cookies w ill also and other material w ill be available for sale. by Petra Lessoing 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

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Kaiserslautern American

November 16, 2012

Was ist Los? KMC Cultural Highlights by Petra Lessoing 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs The follow ing is a list of performances and events happening in the K MC and nearby. Dates are subj ect to change.

Performing arts

P falz theater K aiserslautern: Buddenbrooks, a play in erman based on the book by Thomas Mann, 0 p.m. today, Thursday, Dec. 1, and 6 p.m. Nov. 5. Der gestiefelte ater, uss in Boots, a play for children, in erman, 4 p.m. Sunday, Dec. and 6. m weissen ssl, an operetta by alph Benat ky, in erman, 0 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 4, Dec. and , p.m. Dec. and p.m. Dec. 1. Engelslieder, ballet by Stefano iannetti, p.m. Dec. 1, and . Wilhelm Tell, an opera by ioacchino ossini, 0 p.m. Nov. and Dec. 15. For more information, call 06 1-

Courtesy photo

Marilyn paintings Visitors of performances and concerts at Ramstein-Miesenbach’s culture center, Haus des Bürgers, can admire the art exhibition, “Marilyn — people who inspire,” which consists of 30 paintings by Rainer Magold. For more information, visit

6 5- 0 or visit www.pfal theater. de. K ammgarn K aiserslautern: The band 4 N presents new metal pop and rock, p.m. today. Tickets cost 1 . The erman band ch ann Fliegen presents pop, rock and punk, p.m. Saturday. Tickets cost 14. Blumentopf, ermany’s No. 1 hip hop band, performs p.m. Dec. . Tickets cost 4. For more information, visit or call 06 1- 65- 60 . F ruchthalle, K aiserslautern: Ja Stage meets Traveling Musicians, p.m. today. Tickets cost 14. oncert ighlight nternational ianist Nikolai Demidenko presents works by Fr d ric hopin, p.m. Thursday. Tickets cost 14 to 4. Family concert The fal theater rchestra presents, Flieg, mein Drachen, flieg p.m. Nov. 5. Tickets cost 6. For more information, stop by at the aiserslautern Tourist ffice, Fruchthallstrasse14, visit or call the office of arts at 06 1- 65-1410. Stiftskirche K aiserslautern, Stiftsplatz : Westpfal hamber hoir, fal theater rchestra and Stiftskirche hoir present the re uiem Missa pro defunctis by Fran von Suppr , 5 p.m. Sunday. dvance tickets are available at Musik M ller, Eisenbahnstrasse 5 . JU Z ( Y outh C enter) , Steinstrassse 47, K aiserslautern: The bands vory Night and anish present metal sounds, p.m. Nov. . Tickets cost 6.50. isit www. u for more information. Stadthalle L andstuhl: Show pianists David t present their new program Musical Errors, p.m. Nov. . Tickets cost 1 .50 to . Joe Wulf and band, the gentlemen of swing, present, hristmas Time in New rleans, p.m. Dec. . Tickets cost 1 .50 to . For more information, visit w w w .stadthalle-

Courtesy photo

Show pianists at Landstuhl The Stadthalle Landstuhl presents show pianists David & Gőtz performing their new program, “Musical Errors,” at 8 p.m. Nov. 28. The program features renowned and important piano pieces, pop music and musical works from “Swan Lake” to “Phantom of the Opera,” and “In the Mood” to “Pirates of the Caribbean.” Tickets cost €19.50, €24 and €28. For details and advance tickets, visit or call 06371-923444.

Haus des B ü rgers, R amsteinM iesenbach: Marschall lexander perform their favorite songs, p.m. Wednesday. Tickets cost 5 to 45. The Main hamber rchestra presents classical music, Mo art’s Fasching oke in ienna, 5 p.m. Nov. 5. Tickets cost 1 . ala Night of Travesty, a show with singing and dancing, p.m. Nov. 0. Tickets cost 5 to 5. hristmas Moments, a musical Christmas fairy tale w ith renow ned pop, classical and ospel hristmas songs, p.m. Dec. 1 . Tickets cost to 5. For more information, visit w w w R odenbach, B ü rgerhaus: Five international guitar players present coustic uitar Night with music from Bach to ueen, p.m. Nov. . Tickets cost 1 . O tterberg, Stadthalle: riginal Bohemian Musicians present a brass music concert, p.m. Saturday. For advance tickets, call the tterberg Tourist ffice at 06 01- 1504 or email info@ Schallodenbach, Sportheim: ock concert with ty roof, 0 p.m. Nov. 4. W innweiler, F esthaus, Hör inger strasse 8: riginal Bohemian Musicians present a brass music concert, p.m. Nov. 4. dvance tickets cost 1 . 0. For details, visit kunstgriff html. E nglish T heatre, G allusanlage 7, F rankfurt: Sweet harity, a musical by y oleman, Dorothy Fields and Neil Simon, through Feb. 1 . erformances are 0 p.m. Tuesday

to Saturday, and 6 p.m. Sunday. isit w w w .english- for more information.


aiserslautern, event hall on artenschau area, mobile ice skating rink opens 6 p.m. today through Feb. 10. ead article on age 6 . aiserslautern, center, hristmas market opens Nov. 6 ead article on age 1 . ueidersbach, hristmas market, Nov. and 4. irschhorn, hristmas market, Nov. 4. lsbr cken, school yard, gl hwein fest, Nov. 4. Museum fal galerie, aiserslautern, exhibition of 50 oil paintings by hinese artist iu Shihua, to Jan. 6. ours are 11 a.m. to p.m. Tuesdays 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesdays to Sundays Mondays closed. isit for details. aiserslautern, Wadgasser of museum, Steinstrasse 4 , photo display presenting sister city uimaraes, ortugal, through Feb. 4.

Flea markets

aiserslautern, fal center across from Daenner aserne , Saturdays. aiserslautern, pel parking lot, ortal 4, a.m. to 4 p.m. today and Nov. 4. aiserslautern, fal galerie Museum, art books, poster, art cards and other art items, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. amstein, utokino, 5 to 10 p.m. today. Bad D rkheim, Saline saltworks , a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Nov. 4. eidelberg, Messplat , Saturday. Saarbr cken, ongresshalle, doll and bear swap meet, Nov. 5. For details, visit w w w

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November 16, 2012

‘Kaiserslautern on Ice’ opens tonight by Petra Lessoing 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs


aiserslautern sport enthusiasts w ill be able to enj oy w inter fun on the ice starting today. The mobile ice- skating rink w ill open its doors tonight in the event hall of the Gartenschau K aiserslautern. The w inter w onderland for ice skaters, under the motto “K aiserslautern on Ice,” w ill be available on an 00-s uare-meter artificial ice surface through Feb. 10. K aiserslautern’s deputy mayor Joachim Fä rber will officially open the rink at 6 p.m. to be followed by a show program. Skaters w ill get admission for a reduced price of €2 on opening day. Daily skating hours are from 9 a.m. to noon, 1 to p.m., 4 to 6 p.m., and to p.m. n Friday and Saturday nights, the rink stays open until 10 p.m. School classes that want to spend their field trip or their sports lesson on the mobile ice- skating rink can register w ith the city sports department and agree on different skating times.

Photo by the City of Kaiserslautern

Starting tonight, skaters can have fun on the mobile ice-skating rink in the event hall of the Kaiserslautern Gartenschau. The ice-skating rink is open through Feb. 10.

For details and registration, call the sports department at 06 1- 65-15 0. dmission is .50 for children and .50 for adults. For those who like skating a lot, a ticket for 12 times at a reduced price is available. Those w ho don’t have their ow n ice skates can rent some for .50. Blade sharpening is also available.

Every Friday afternoon, inexperienced skaters under 14 can make their first steps onto the ice with a licensed instructor. The skating rink also offers Penguins and other training aids for beginners. To warm up cold fingers, rest the feet and take a break, visitors can sit dow n in the restaurant area next to the action and w atch the happenings out on the ice. s in recent years, children and adults can expect an entertaining program. Ice curling tournaments are scheduled to take place from to p.m. Nov. and Feb. 5. referee will be available to watch the games. Santa Claus w ill also make an appearance on the ice Dec. 6 when ermans celebrate Santa laus Day) w here he w ill pass out gifts to children. For more information, pick up the “K aiserslautern on ce flyer from the tourist information office next to the Fruchthalle building on Fruchthallstrasse. Flyers can also be found in local stores and restaurants. For updates and new s, visit w w w .kl- on- or w w w

Roller Girls of the Apocalypse: skating with a vengeance Story and photo by Airman 1st Class Hailey Haux 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs The words, Bridge Bridge Bridge rang in their ears as the bout began. They immediately got into formation and braced themselves. The opposing j ammer tried to sneak through the pack of girls w ho w ere dead set on keeping her out. Elbow s flew, girls were shoved and penalties w ere called. The smell of burned rubber stung their noses as the w histle blew to stop the j am. The oller irls of the pocalypse roller derby team, originally the -Town Derby irls, is a non-profit sports club for anyone looking for a little recreation. There are five skaters on the track from each team — four blockers and one j ammer,” said Michelle Richart. “The j ammer is the one w ith a star on her helmet.” nce the whistle blows, the ammers try to make their w ay through the blockers w ithout receiving a penalty. The first one through is declared the lead j ammer. n each pass through the pack, the j ammer scores points for each blocker from the opposing team she passes,” said Tamsyn Medina, one of the founders of the original team. j am lasts tw o minutes unless called off by the lead ammer. bout consists of tw o 30 minute halves.” But it can get loud with all the yell-

ing. That’s how the team communicates “Communication is crucial in roller derby,” Richart said. “Everything happens extremely fast and each skater has to be able to communicate w ith their teammates. Everyone needs to be able to rely and depend on each other.” Roller derby is open for everyone. Volunteering opportunities are also available. “It’s great being on the team, it is a great w ay to get the stress out,” said irman 1st lass Sharon ahl, 6th Logistics Readiness Squa dron fuels distribution operator. Not only is it a great stress reliever, roller derby has also been grow ing in popularity in Europe and the U.S., and it’s exciting to get involved, Richart said. “Getting into roller derby in Europe in these early stages allow s an immense opportunity to influence the direction of the sport,” Richart said. “We have skaters from the United States, Germany, Canada, the United K ingdom and France.” The oller irls of the pocalypse play teams from all over Europe including ermany, Belgium, Netherlands and France. nyone over 1 can participate in the league as long as they are in the local commuting area. Getting started can be expensive, as all the gear needs to be purchased, plus there is a monthly fee of €20. In order to skate, members need qua d- speed skates, a helmet, mouth guard, knee pads, elbow pads and w rist guards.

Members of the Roller Girls of the Apocalypse roller derby team practice their skating form during a practice session Nov. 8 in Kaiserslautern.

“Roller derby is a bigger commitment than most realize,” Richart said. ur fresh meat,’ rookie skaters, must go through the rookie training sessions prior to actually j oining the team.” Roller derby is a complicated sport, K ahl said. Having the “fresh meat” sessions really helped. They break the sport dow n and make it more understandable. Being on the roller derby team helps w ith stress relief but most of all it helps w ith my physical training,” K ahl said. Practice for the Roller Girls of the pocalypse is two hours a day, three times a w eek. “I have had the chance to meet other people in the ir Force who are on the team. It creates a sense of camaraderie and it’s a great w ay to

netw ork,” K ahl said. Not only is roller derby a great way to get any aggression out, but it’s a great w ay to meet new people, Richart said. Skaters come from all backgrounds and w alks of life and some of my best friends are fellow skaters. “Whether I feel happy, sad, overw helmed or tired,” Richart said. “I alw ays leave derby practice feeling better than w hen I arrived.” The next “fresh meat” rookie training program is scheduled to begin March 2 for inexperienced skaters and lasts three months. For more information on training programs or bouts, visit the Roller irls of the pocalypse at www. For those interested in playing, officiating or volunteering, email recruiting@

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Get smart about antibiotics by Lisa Young U.S. Army Public Health Command CH I LD: I don’t feel so good. Achoo! My nose is so stuffy and my throat hurts. PARENT 1: Y ou know how frustrating it is trying to help your kids w hen they’re sick? A visit to the doctor’s office can be a challenge. So, want to get my child on some antibiotics. NU RSE: s a parent, you want to help make your child feel better as fast as possible. t’s tempting to think that antibiotics are the answer when your child is sick. owever, a lot of illnesses can be caused by viruses, and antibiotics don’t work on viruses. PARENT 2: I’m a doctor and the mother of tw o kids, so ’ve seen my share of waiting rooms. e’s right. f antibiotics are used too often for things they can’t treat, like colds, flu or other viral infections, they can stop working effectively against bacteria w hen you really need them. NU RSE: ntibiotics are not always the answer. Let’s see w hat else w e can do. ntibiotic resistance is a worldwide public health

problem. esistance occurs when bacteria can no longer be killed by a previously effective antibiotic and the bacteria continue to grow. ccording to the lliance for the rudent se of ntibiotics, if resistance to treatment continues to spread, our globally connected world may find itself back in the dark ages of medicine — before today’s miracle drugs existed. This misuse and overuse of antibiotics is believed to be the cause of antibiotic resistance among bacteria. The .S. enters for Disease ontrol and Prevention estimated that more than 50 percent of antibiotics are unnecessarily prescribed for upper respiratory infections like cough and cold illness, most of which are caused by viruses. This is one of the most common causes of improper use and misuse of antibiotic prescriptions. n addition, many people don’t complete the full dosage of the antibiotic because they feel better or want to save some for the next time they are ill. This practice leaves some bacteria alive and contributes to the bacteria’s future resistance to antibiotic treatment. imited access to medical care and effective treatments may also lead to self-medication misuse, such as sharing or using leftover antibiotics. The merican ollege of hysicians states that both physicians and patients have a role to play in decreasing the misuse of antibiotics. hysicians

should only prescribe antibiotics when tests indicate that a bacterial infection is present. s a patient you can prevent antibiotic resistance by doing the follow ing: Not re uesting antibiotics from your doctor or taking antibiotics for a viral infection like a cold or the flu. Not sharing prescriptions or using a prescription that w as not w ritten for you. Taking all prescribed doses of the antibiotic. Taking the antibiotics exactly as the doctor directs. Don’t skip any doses. eturning for care if symptoms persist. Be smart when using antibiotics and keep in mind that antibiotics kill bacteria, not viruses. ntibiotics w ill not keep other people from catching the infection. Taking antibiotics for a viral infection not only wastes time and money but contributes to increased antibiotic resistance. For the health of future generations, do your part to improve appropriate antibiotic use. To highlight the importance of using antibiotics wisely, the D established November 1 to Sunday as et Smart bout ntibiotics Week. For more information on the appropriate use of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance, visit the D online at w w w getsmart/ healthcare/ index. html.

Secondhand smoke: a danger in the air by BethAnn Cameron U.S. Army Public Health Command Do you know if the following statements are true? Nonsmokers who live with smokers are more likely to develop lung cancer. f you have asthma, secondhand smoke can make your breathing problems w orse. hildren exposed to secondhand smoke in the home are more likely to have ear infections. The answer is yes to all three uestions. Secondhand smoke is a mixture of the smoke from the burning end of a cigarette, pipe or cigar combined with the smoke breathed out by a smoker. eople breathe in secondhand smoke w hen they are near others who are smoking. Secondhand smoke is also know n as environmental tobacco smoke, passive, side-stream smoke or involuntary smoke. Do you know what you’re breathing? Secondhand smoke contains more than 60 chemicals that are know n to cause cancer. A few of the chemicals include arsenic a ha ardous gas , ben ene a ha ardous gas , beryllium a toxic metal , 1. -Butadiene a ha -

ardous gas , chromium a metal , ethylene oxide a gas , nickel a metal and vinyl chloride ( a hazardous gas) . The .S. surgeon general estimates that living w ith a smoker increases a nonsmoker’s chances of developing lung cancer by 0 to 0 percent. ccording to the merican ancer Society, approximately ,400 nonsmokers die from lung cancer each year. Some research also suggests that secondhand smoke may increase the risk of breast, nose and throat cancers, as w ell as leukemia. Secondhand smoke contributes to various health problems in adults and children. It irritates the airw ays and makes respiratory conditions w orse for people who have lung conditions, such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Secondhand smoke damages a person’s heart and blood vessels and interferes w ith circulation increasing the risk of heart disease and heart attack. n estimated 46,000 nonsmokers die annually from heart disease because of secondhand smoke. n children, secondhand smoke can cause ear infections, fre uent and severe asthma attacks, shortness of breath, bronchitis and pneumonia, and risk of sudden infant death syndrome, among others.

baby who lives in a home where one or both parents smoke is more likely to have lung disease. A child with lung disease usually re uires treatment in a hospital for their first two years of life. Secondhand smoke slow s the grow th of children’s lungs and can cause them to cough, whee e and feel out of breath. Here are some ways to protect yourself and those you love from secondhand smoke: Don’t allow smoking in your home by family members, babysitters or guests. Ask them to step outside. Don’t allow smoking in your vehicle. If a passenger must smoke on the road, stop for a smoke break outside of the car. void places that allow smoking. hoose smoke-free facilities for dining, child care and elder care. e uest nonsmoking hotel rooms. f you have a partner, family member or other loved one who smokes, offer encouragement and support to help them stop smoking. In others peoples’ homes: sk others nicely to not smoke around you or your children, even outside. Sociali e outdoors, if possible.

et smokers know if you’re having problems because of their smoking ( such as coughing or itchy eyes) . While a person is smoking, let them know you don’t w ant you and your children to be exposed to the smoke and leave. Smoke-free areas can be tough on smokers. Here are some coping tips: Do something different to take your mind off smoking. Drink a glass of water, take a walk or stretch. f you must smoke, make sure you are in a designated smoking area before lighting up. ompletely put out a smoldering cigarette. Try to uit smoking. uit for a day. The reat merican Smokeout was Thursday. See if your installation or organization offers any programs to help you with uitting. Where there’s secondhand smoke, there is a danger to the air. There is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke. Prevent lung cancer and lung diseases. Take action and reduce or eliminate the risk of exposure to secondhand smoke. For more information about secondhand smoke, visit www. docroot/ home/ index. asp, or www.

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Kaiserslautern American

November 16, 2012

CrossFit craze Soldiers, athletes flock to latest workout trend Story and photo by Mindy Campbell U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern Some j okingly refer to it as a cult, w hile others think it’s ust the latest fitness fad. How ever, a small but grow ing number of K MC Soldiers, irmen and civilians are turning to rossFit at facilities on andstuhl and Sembach as their answer to staying fit and healthy. With its own lingo — that includes words such as functional, scalability and W Ds, or workouts of the day — rossFit is a strength and conditioning program that features high intensity w orkouts that can be tailored to anyone’s ability. Developed in 000 by reg lassman, the program is great all-around workout and is inclusive, said Sgt. 1st lass evin Bross, ompany , andstuhl egional Medical enter, who is the new director of the andstuhl rossFit facility. ou can make it as hard for elite athletes or simple for people like my wife who ust had a baby, Bross said. ne of the many benefits that rossFit devotees like about the program is the functionality of the movements. Each of the nine core rossFit movements mimic everyday life scenarios, said Master Sgt. Marcus Mc lain, 4th irborne Brigade ombat Team, 5th nfantry Division, unit liaison officer at M . For example, we do s uats, which we do every day from bending down to get groceries, playing with kids to going to the bathroom, Mc lain said. n the other hand, typically at the gym we do bicep curls. t makes your arms look good, but what does it do We don’t really lift anything like that. nother benefit is its ability to be done with a

minimal amount of e uipment. When t. ol. James Walker, .S. rmy arrison aiserslautern provost marshal, was deployed to amp Eggers in abul, fghanistan, he had little gym e uipment. e saw a group of Soldiers doing rossFit daily, but was hesitant at first. Then, he tried it once and was hooked. was sold after that, Walker said. t is all about the intensity you put into it. t 4 , don’t have the time to spend an hour and a half at the gym anymore. fter returning from fghanistan, Walker bought a few pieces of e uipment and set up his own rossFit home gym. e’s gotten his wife and young daughter participating as well. Bodywise, may not be as large anymore, but see tremendous benefits, Walker said. have had no decrease in ability and am able to hang with these young kids. nother benefit, according to those who take part, is the rossFit camaraderie. fter being in ured in fghanistan, Mc lain was sent to M . The first thing he did was seek out a rossFit gym. knew that is where would feel at home, he said. wanted to be around people with similar attitudes and goals. t is a community. t’s not a way of working out, but a lifestyle. f you choose this, you are choosing to adapt to a healthy lifestyle. t is a challenge everyday ust like life, but you have the support of others. nstead of plugging in headphones and tuning the world out while working out, rossFit participants can be heard chatting and encouraging each other on as they work out, said irman ob Weybret. When not at the gym, he is talking to fellow CrossFitters

2012 Intramural Flag Football Playoffs

CrossFit enthusiast Logan Johnson trains at the Landstuhl CrossFit center.

and hanging out with them. ecently, Weybret and two other members of the andstuhl rossFit facility attended a rossFit invitational in Belgium and the Netherlands in ctober. ll three local competitors made it to the finals, with Weybret finishing in eighth place overall. While some j okingly call it a cult, others see rossFit as a welcoming and inclusive community. f it is, it is a good type of cult, Walker said. t is all about striving to make yourself better. Working out in a community makes it a lot easier and a lot more fun. Both the andstuhl and Sembach programs, called rossFit age age, maintain Facebook pages. To find out more about the local rossFit programs, visit http

Turkey Trot 5K

articipate in the 01 Turkey Trot 5 un Walk, Saturday starting at the hine rdnance Barracks Special Events enter, Bldg. . Walk or run to get ready for Thanksgiving Turkeys will be awarded to first place in each category. egistration takes place from 0 to 0 a.m., a course briefing will be held at 45 a.m., and the event begins at 10 a.m. Fun for all D cardholders ages 1 and up. No pets allowed. For details, call 4 - 0 or 06 1- 406- 0 .

American League Team Win Loss 86 MXS 1 0 435 SFS 0 1 86 SFS 0 1 86 CS 0 1

National League LLG Christmas run The andstuhl running association Team Win Loss will sponsor its 4th hristmas 86 LRS 1 0 run Dec. . The 1, 00-meter children’s run will begin at 1 0 p.m., and the 21 OWS 1 0 .6-kilometer main run is scheduled for 603 ACOM 1 0 1 p.m. The route will be made up of three 86 CEG 0 1 -kilometer loops around the hristmas market in

andstuhl. Starting point will

be the Sickingensporthalle ( gym) on aiserstrasse 1 . The finish line will be at the hristmas market, in front of Bank. The children run is for children of any age, from bambini to 15 years old. The main run is for participants older than 15. The fee is 6 for adults and for children. ll participants will receive certificates and pri es. For details and to register, visit

Winter sports registration

egister your youth for S Services winter sports until Dec. . Winter sports include indoor rock climbing for ages to 15 bambino basketball for ages to 4 basketball for ages 5 to 15 cheerleading for ages 5 to 15 and wrestling for ages 5 to 15. For more information and to register your youth, contact Parent Central Services, Bldg. on ulaski Barracks, or the ne Stop Shop, Bldg. 10 on andstuhl ost.

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NOW SHOWING Gateway Cineplex (Ramstein)

Skyfall (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2:15 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 9:30 p.m. Wreck-It Ralph (PG) 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 7 p.m. ParaNorman (PG) 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 9 p.m. SATURDAY - Skyfall (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2:15 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 9:30 p.m. Wreck-It Ralph (PG) 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 7 p.m. ParaNorman (PG) 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 9 p.m. SUNDAY Skyfall (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2:15 p.m., 5:30 p.m. Wreck-It Ralph (PG) 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 7 p.m. ParaNorman (PG) 11 a.m., 4:30 p.m., 6:30 p.m. MONDAY - Skyfall (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2:15 p.m., 5:30 p.m. Odd Life of Timothy Green (PG) 11:30 a.m. 2 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7 p.m. ParaNorman (PG) 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 6:30 p.m. TUESDAY - Skyfall (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2:15 p.m., 5:30 p.m. Odd Life of Timothy Green (PG) 11:30 a.m. 2 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7 p.m. ParaNorman (PG) 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 6:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY - Skyfall (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2:15 p.m., 5:30 p.m. Odd Life of Timothy Green (PG) 11:30 a.m. 2 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7 p.m. ParaNorman (PG) 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 6:30 p.m. Twilight: Breaking Dawn 1 (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:45 p.m., 7:30 p.m. *Midnight Showing* Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 (PG-13) 11 p.m. THURSDAY - Skyfall (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2:15 p.m., 5:30 p.m. Odd Life of Timothy Green (PG) 11:30 a.m. 2 p.m. ParaNorman (PG) 4:30 p.m., 7 p.m. Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 (PG-13) 11 a.m., 1:45 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m. TODAY -

Next to Autobahn A6, Exit 13 (Landstuhl) Merkurstraße 9, 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach 6THEATRES,THX,EXandallDigitalSoundSystems

FRI NOV 16 - WED NOV 21 In Digital 3D: Rise Of The Guardians 3D (PG)- Wed 16:00, 18:00, 20:30 In Digital 3D: Wreck It Ralph 3D (PG)- Fri 15:45, 20:15, Sat 13:30, 15:45, 20:15, Sun 13:30, 20:15, Mon & Tue 16:00, 20:30, Wed 16:00 Hotel Transylvania(PG)- Fri 18:30, Sat 13:30, 18:00, Sun 18:30, Mon & Tue 16:00, 19:00, Wed 16:00 James Bond 007: Skyfall (PG13)Fri 16:30, 19:15, 22:00, Sat 13:30, 16:15, 19:00, 22:00, Sun 13:30, 16:00, 20:00, Mon - Wed 17:45, 20:15 Paranormal Activity 4 (R)- Mon 20:45 Taken 2 (R)- Fri & Sat 22:30, Sun 20:15 Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 (PG13)- Fri 16:00, 17:00, 18:30, 19:45, 21:00, 22:30, Sat 13:30, 14:30, 16:00, 17:00, 18:30, 19:45, 21:00, 22:30, Sun 13:30, 14:30, 16:00, 17:00, 18:15, 19:30, 20:30, Mon - Wed 16:00, 17:45, 19:00, 20:30 For Showtimes of Thur NOV 22Icall 06371937 037 or see

Galaxy Theater (Vogelweh) TODAY No movies — Military Step Show SATURDAY - No movies — Military Step Show SUNDAY The Expendables 2 (R) 4 p.m.

Editor’s note: Schedules and synopses are provided by the Army and Air Force Exchange Service. Movie times and dates are subject to change by the individual theaters. Please check with the theater to ensure accuracy.

At The Movies

Visit for details Now Barney and the Expendables must risk everything to save her and humanity. Starring Sylvester Stallone and Chuck Norris.

Skyfall (PG-13) — Bond’s loyalty to M is tested as her past comes back to haunt her. As MI6 comes under attack, 007 must track down and destroy the threat, no matter how personal the cost. Starring Daniel Craig and Javier Bardem. The Expendables 2 (R) — The Expendables are back, and this time it’s personal! After Tool, the heart and soul of the Expendables, is brutally murdered on a mission, his comrades swear to avenge him. They’re not the only ones who want blood. Tool’s beautiful young and wild daughter Fiona embarks on her own revenge mission, complicating matters when she is captured and ransomed by a ruthless dictator plotting to destroy a resistance movement.

The Odd Life of Timothy Green (PG) — “The Odd Life of Timothy Green” is an inspiring, magical story about a happily married couple, Cindy and Jim Green, who can’t wait to start a family but can only dream about what their child would be like. When young Timothy shows up on their doorstep one stormy night, Cindy and Jim — and their small town of Stanleyville — learn that sometimes the unexpected can bring some of life’s greatest gifts. Starring Jennifer Garner and Ron Livingston.

Puzzle courtesy of

ACROSS 1 Pundit 5 Poet Teasdale 9 Abu Dhabi denizen 13 Alpine climber 14 Grip 16 Whig’s rival 17 Chilean seaport 19 Eight in Aix 20 Leader of the Huns 21 Give out 23 Frolic 25 Walk purposefully 26 “Peer Gynt Suite” composer 29 Pariah 31 Charged particles 32 Actor Chaney 33 Offensive 36 Normal: Abbr. 37 Catch 39 Derisive cry 40 Bray 42 Neither Dem. nor Rep. 43 Big slice 44 Borne 46 Inscribed pillar 47 Put in order 48 Wind instrument 50 Fragrant flower 52 Up to this time, once 56 Native Nigerians 57 Spanish resort area 59 Sad 60 Outmoded anesthetic 61 De Mille film genre 62 Cream 63 Very beginning 64 Give a makeover DOWN 1 The Destroyer, in Hinduism 2 Blind as ___ 3 Moolah 4 Runs out 5 Buzz off

6 Tenn. neighbor 7 Foray 8 Aid 9 Unbeliever 10 Camelot feature 11 Come up 12 Computer data unit 15 Vacation mailing 18 Sleep like ___ 22 Babble 24 Rear part of a ship 26 “Intolerance” actress 27 Repetitious learning 28 Unseemly 30 Set free 32 “Sons and Lovers” author 34 Fossil fuel 35 Honshu seaport 37 Marseille menu 38 Nullify 41 Rigid 43 Helmsman 45 Nitwits 46 Old World fruit tree 47 Black 49 Vandyke, e.g. 50 Bee Gees surname 51 Connors contemporary 53 Back of the neck 54 “Ars Amatoria” poet 55 Texas city 58 “Fore” site

Solutions to the Nov. 9 puzzle

Page 30

Kaiserslautern American

November 16, 2012

November 16, 2012

Kaiserslautern American

Page 31


AdvantiPro GmbH takes no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any of the products and services advertised in the Kaiserslautern American. Readers are responsible for checking the prices, qualifications, warranty and any other factor that might help you decide whether to do business with an individual or company advertising herein.

5 rms w/2 balconies for rent in Miesau 127sqm 3BR 1modern bath sep. guest WC liv & din rm BIK w/storage tile & laminated flr All ads & pics can be viewed @ laundry parkspot garage Avail 1 Dec â‚Ź870+utl Call: 0631! ! ! 110sqm Apt Weltersbach 36139318 or 0171-3119399 (2min to RAB) 2BR livrm dinrm All Incl Apt Erzenhausen 10min BIK pantry 1,5bath balc 25sqm RAM 110sqm 2BR lg LR new BIK terr â‚Ź600 + util + 2 months rent & bath laundry stor sep entry terr 06371-50293 & yard â‚Ź770 incl util. 06374-1717 !!Ramstein, luxury fully furnished or 0157-72670561 apartment, all utilities included, 100sqm, 2 bed, open-plan living/ dining area, designer BIK, highspeed internet, AFN installed, laundry, storage, av. now, 1030 Euros, call Melinda 0172/6855976 or


100sqm Apt HĂźtschenhausen liv 2BR BIK bath laundry balc 20sqm Apt 148sqm 5rms kit 2baths partly covered 0176-69564589 2balc garage 1park spot gas hea110 sqm Apt. for singles, Erzenting near A62 in Schellweiler av hausen, 10 min. RAB, BIK, partly now â‚Ź980+util 06381-6909 or furnished, quiet area, avail. now. 0160-6672516 (only German spk) FlorschĂźtz-Hoffmann Immobilien, or 0170-3074939 (engl spk) Tel: 0157-87016817 116 sqm, 3 bedrooms, BIK, Ro- Apt in Otterberg near Sembach, denbach, 8 min. RAB, quiet area, 2BR, kit, liv & dinrm, bath, storaavail. now, FlorschĂźtz-Hoffmann germ, balcony, park space, 100sqm â‚Ź750 + util. Call: 06301Immobilien, Tel: 0157-87016817 4594 128sqm Apt Erzenhausen 10 min rab quiet area, furnished, 2br, Apt Otterbach 160sqm amazing bath, open plan, living, storage, views nice quiet neighbourhood balc, highspeed internet, inclu- 15min to RAB 3BR BIK open fiding all costs 1-2pers, Tel. repl attic garage â‚Ź1000+util 015120106428 or 06301-2939 or 063742732 â‚Ź1200 796725 3bdr Apt in Mackenbach. 5 min to RAB, 3 bdr, lge liv/dine, kitch, Bann 145sqm 3BR livrm dinrm 1.5 baths, balc, yard, basem. BIK bath w/shower stor attic â‚Ź590 +util Call or email Susanne 2balc 2priv cpk â‚Ź900 +utl 0637106301/300215 / esserkah@ 946060 or 0162-1929405 or 016092176590 for more info

%86,1(66 $662&,$7(6 )25 5($/ (67$7( ),1$1&( ,19(670(17 3/$11,1* <RXU 4XLFN 6WRS IRU +RXVHV DQG $SDUWPHQWV ZZZ JÂż LPPR GH






â‚Ź $













Bann 3rm kitchen bath balcony Kaiserslautern downtown apartbasem quiet area 92sqm â‚Ź480 ment, 1 min to walkway, brand +util Call 0176-55420631 new, 2 bedrooms, BIK, basement, private parking, gas heating, Beautiful ground floor Apt highspeed internet, â‚Ź 500+ut. Av 196sqm Kottweiler, 5km RAB, 3now. Call Melinda 0172/6855976 4BR, BIK, liv / dinrm, 3bath, stor, or basem, 2carport, â‚Ź1350 incl. heating + util + No Deposit Call Katzweiler 110sqm 2nd floor 3BR BIK pantry 1.5bath liv/dinrm 06371-52388 basem 2balc floorheat garage no pets â‚Ź730+util 0175-7709141 KL-Hohenecken, 107sqm, 2 bedr., combined liv & dinrm, BIK, 2 bath, parking, yard, â‚Ź730 + util Enkenbach-Alsenborn 10 Min to 0176-22204423 or 0176-22201641 Sembach & KL, nice Apt. for a sin4BR, gle non-smoker. 65sqm, partly fur- Kottweiler-Schwanden, nished neg, 1lrg liv/bedrm, Apt, 1.5bath, 135sqm, liv/dinrm, 1dressrm, big bathrm, BIK, ter- BIK, built in closets, storagerm, race, sep entrance, park space, balc, parking behind house, sm satellite. Pets neg. â‚Ź500 incl. util. dogs ok. â‚Ź950 + util, Call: except electric. Perfect for jog- 01604497965 or 016090203562 ging. Avail. Jan. 1st. Call 0157- Landstuhl, 5 min. to RAB, 72904315 or braunbeckinstitut@ 99sqm, 3 Bedr., BIK, 1,5 Bathr., avail. 15.11.2012, rent 650â‚Ź+util. Exclusive apt 25min to RAB â‚Ź650 01743986743 136sqm 2bed rm 1bath w/shower & tub liv rm bik w/din area, attic terrace â‚Ź900 + â‚Ź200 utl. Call:01755665569 Furn nice quiet Apt, 100% eqp, carport, housing approved, â‚Ź660 all incl, 06308-1346 Hermersberg, nice 160sqm aptmt, 3 bm, balc, garage, E1200, Immo T. 016096096498

Looking for a home?

Visit our website for success at or call us at 06385-99 38 70 or 0171-2 03 82 70

Landstuhl: 3 bedrm. apartment, fairly new, living-diningrm., builtin-kit., 1 ½ bath, balcony, basement, garage, 620,-- â‚Ź +util 06371/ 57656 Linden, nice furnished 100 sqm aptmt, open-fire-pl, floor-heat, carport, patio, wintergarten, E 850, Immo T. 016096096498 MartinshĂśhe, 10 min to hospital, 160sqm, 4BM apartmt, balcony, patio, 2 garages, E830, Immo T. 016096096498 Queidersbach, nice apt, 4-5 bedr. liv/dinrm, BIK, strg rm, 1.5 baths, balcony, bsmnt, garage, floor heating, 150 sqm, 970,00â‚Ź + util. Call 06371/912591 No Finders Fee !! Ramstein / Landstuhl, Church + Apartment for rent. info: asechs@

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Page 32

Kaiserslautern American


Sunday School 9:30 AM – Nursery Available Sundays: Corporate Worship 10:45 AM Weekdays: Men’s, Women’s and Small Group Bible Studies / Prayer Meetings Kirchenstrasse 2a, 66849 Landstuhl, Tel: 0 63 71 - 61 81 38 (across the street from European Country Living)

November 16, 2012

Rimsberg: NK 200 - 125m² Very cute apt, 15 mins from BaumholAPTS FOR RENT der. Lvngrm w/ fireplace, wintergarten, full bath, 3 BDR, BIK, w/d All ads & pics can be viewed @ hook-ups, attic, storage, 2 park places, yard, pet ok. â‚Ź650 Ram Area Apt 3BR 150sqm (gre- 067827137 - michelgebhardt@t-on at Autobahn accessibility), nice view on lake, BIK, 1.5bath, cpks Rodenbach Hohlstr. 3 comfy at+carport balc no pets â‚Ź900 +util tic Apt 100sqm liv-space, new Call Walter Klinck 0176-62758373 BIK w/everything, big bathrm 2BR 1livrm, lrg hallway, cpks, 06374Ramstein / Kottweiler: Modern, 992533 or 0179-8585307 bright single Apt. 40sqm, bedr, Rutsweiler (near Kusel): Very nice bath, living/dining with built in kitand modern Apt, 105sqm, 2BR/ chen, laundry, parking, â‚Ź595 incl. 2BA, floor-heat, yard, garage â‚Ź util. From owner-call George 740,- + util 06371/943312-16 0170-3814237

Spesbach: 2 bedrm. apartment, living-diningrm., brand new builtin-kit., pantry, 1 bath, basement, 585,-- â‚Ź +util www.agra-immobili 06371/57656 Steinwenden fully furn 60 sqm Apt w/garage to single pers av 1Dec 700â‚Ź all incl 06371-50822 Steinwenden: Brightly Apt, 130sqm, 3BR/1,5BA, yard â‚Ź 700,+ util 06371/943311-16 www.Ger

Weilerbach - Eulenbis, Brunnenweg 6, Studio, ground floor, beautiful view, balc, bdrm, liv-dinrm, bik, 1.5bath, pantry, floor hearing, 90sqm, Rent â‚Ź650, incl heating, Ramstein-city, 100sqm, 2 bm Schrollbach 4rms BIK liv/din rm extra electricity, no realtor fee, aptmt, very nice equipment, build- bath guest WC basem terrace ga- Call 06371-50549 in-furniture, E 650+utl, Immo. T. rage 100sqm â‚Ź700 + utl No pets Weselberg: nice 3BM 1st floor 016096096498 Call: 06383-6325 apartmt, carport, E1100 all inclu-

KMC Assembly of God Church

Reverend Chuck Kackley Phone: 06333-9931838 Cell: 0171-6574322

Services are held at Kaiserstrasse 16 A, Einsiedlerhof WORSHIP HOURS: Sunday 10 a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Family Night

Sunday Worship Gatherings at 9 & 11 a.m. Keeping it real, relational and relevant

August-SĂźssdorf Strasse 8 Ramstein-Miesenbach 06371- 407 808

Air Force and Army Chapel Schedule Protestant Services t %BFOOFS $IBQFM Saturday Seventh-Day Adventist Sabbath School 9:30 a.m. Worship service 11 a.m. Sunday Chapel Next Service 10:00 a.m. POC USAG-K Chaplains Office 493-4098, Civ. 0631-3406-4098, BLDG 3150 t -BOETUVIM $IBQFM Sunday Protestant Worship and Kid’s Church 11:00 a.m. POC USAG-K Chaplains Office 493-4098, Civ 0631-3406-4098 t 3BNTUFJO /PSUI $IBQFM (480-6148) Contemporary Service, 11:00 a.m. Sunday t 3BNTUFJO 4PVUI $IBQFM (480-5753) Liturgical Services, 9 a.m. Sunday Liturgical Sunday School, 11:00 a.m. Sunday Traditional Service, 11:00 a.m. Sunday t 7PHFMXFI $IBQFM (489-6859) Gospel Service, 11:00 a.m. Sunday Protestant Education Classes are available for all ages at Vogelweh, Ramstein, Landstuhl and Daenner, For more information, call 480-2499 or 489-6743.

t -BOETUVIM $IBQFM Sunday Mass 9 a.m. Daily Mass noon Mon – Fri POC USAG-K Chaplains Office 493-4098, Civ 0631-3406-4098

Teaching the village, reaching the world!

We meet Sundays at 11 a.m. For more info call 06371-616793 or visit our website Industriestr. 50 66862 Kindsbach

Islamic Services t 3BNTUFJO 4PVUI $IBQFM .PTRVF (480-5753), Jumu’ah Prayer, 1:30 p.m. For Religious Education and Daily Prayers check Prayer Schedule

Orthodox Christian Confession by appointment Divine Liturgy - Kapaun Chapel Sun, 9:00 a.m. For more information call: 489-2496

Youth Group

Middle School Youth Group, "Plugged-In" for Landstuhl, Kaiserslautern and Sembach meets on Sundays from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Pulaski Religious Youth Center. High School Youth Group, "The Rock" meets on Sundays from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Pulaski Religious Youth Center. Dinner for Students and their Families, Jewish Religious Services "CafÊ" meets on Sundays from from 430 to 530 t 3BNTUFJO 4PVUI $IBQFM 4ZOBHPHVF (480-5753), p.m. at the Pulaski Religious Youth Center. Shabbat Evening Service, For details and other events, call Anthony Amor Friday, 7 p.m. at 0151-2411-2619 or visit Catholic Services t 3BNTUFJO /PSUI $IBQFM (480-6148) Sunday Mass, 9:00 a.m. and 5 p.m. Confessions, 4 to 4:45 p.m. Sunday Daily Mass, 11:30 a.m. Mon through Fri t 7PHFMXFI $IBQFM (489-6859) Confessions, 4 to 4:45 p.m. Saturday Mass, 5 p.m. Saturday t %BFOOFS $IBQFM Sunday Confessions 11:45 a.m. Sunday Mass 12:30 p.m. Daily Mass 11:45 a.m. Tue – Fri POC USAG-K Chaplains Office 493-4098, Civ 0631-3406-4098

A Christian fellowship that gathers to study God’s word verse by verse so we can know, glorify and serve Christ.

Denominational Services

Episcopal (St. Albans) ,BQBVO $IBQFM Sun, 10:30 a.m. Korean Service 4PVUI $IBQFM Sun, 1 p.m. Unitarian Universalist Service ,BQBVO $IBQFM 2nd & 4th Sun, 1.30 p.m. (Sep through May) Wiccan ,BQBVO "OOFY 1st & 3rd Sat, 7 p.m. Confessional Lutheran (WELS) 4PVUI $IBQFM 2nd & 4th Sun, 4 p.m.

Baumholder International Worship Center Centro de AdoraciĂłn Internacional Baumholder Ăœberm Weiher 2 (GPS-Am Rauhen Biehl 2) 55774 Baumholder Tel. 06783-185-0980 Sunday Intl Worship: 11:00 hr Wednesday Prayer/Bible Study: 19:00 hr Pastors Harry & Cristina Rodriguez, Jr. Tel: (Handy/Cell) 01577-9105550 E-mail:

Kaiserslautern Church of Christ Mßhlstrasse 34 • 67659 Kaiserslautern Schedule of Services Sundays


Bible Classes (all ages) 10:00 a.m. Worship 11:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. Devo. & Bible Study 7:00 p.m.

Contact Information

Tel. 06 31 - 36 18 59 92 Web: • E-mail: Herb Doyle 0 63 71 - 46 75 16 • John Phillis 01 60 - 6 42 79 95 “The churches of Christ salute you.â€? - Romans 16:16

ded, Immo T. 016096096498 You like horses? We have the place for you! Exclusive high standard apt 20min to RAB 136sqm 2bed rm 1bath w/shower & tub bik w/din area, attic terrace â‚Ź900 + â‚Ź200utl + â‚Ź1300 deposit Call: 0175-566556 or lindenhof-kl@

HOUSES FOR RENT All ads & pics can be viewed @

! ! ! ! 180 Sqm Luxury house , 2 bathrooms, 3 / 4 bedrooms, high quality floors / floorheating, Garage / carport in Weilerbach pls. call after 16.00h 01796601752 ! ! Beautiful House 180sqm in Kreimbach-Kaulbach, LauterstraĂ&#x;e 20, 15min Vogelweh & RAB, new renov, new BIK, 4BR, dinrm, livrm, 2bath, floor heat, carport, basem, beautif. countryside w/ landscaped park, â‚Ź1150 incl. water, (+oil & electr) 06308-1280 or 0176-45347333 ***Heltersberg, lux 270sqm, â‚Ź1890, 5BR, garage, Reichenb. St, 300sqm, 6BR, â‚Ź2100, Miesenbach, 220sqm, 5BR, 2 gar. No pets! â‚Ź1460, Waldmohr, lux. 254sqm, â‚Ź2500, 5BR, gar. Max. 3 pers, no pets, Call: Realtor Erica, 0160-96697945, florida0001@ 5$067(,1

&+85&+ 2) &+5,67



A good rule is to treat Jesus Christ as a personal friend!

Landstuhl Christian Bookstore

Kaiserstr. 66 • 06371-62988 Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 9–2 (new)

St. Alban's Military Community

Episcopal Services HOLY EUCHARIST Sundays 10:30

Kapaun Chapel For more information please

call 480-6148 or 06372-3163

November 16, 2012

Kaiserslautern American

Page 33

Page 34

Kaiserslautern American

HOUSES FOR RENT All ads & pics can be viewed @

10 Min. to Landstuhl hospital, freestanding house, 197 sqm., 5 bedrms., 2 baths., b.i.k., terrace, yard, carport, No Fee House 1470 €uro + util Anne S. Neumann Immobilien4you Tel: 06372803641 or 0173-8317162

November 16, 2012 10 Min. to RAB school, freestanding house, 150sqm., 3 bedrms., b.i.k., basement, 2 baths., garage 1.100 €uro + util Anne S. Neumann Immobilien4you Tel: 06372803641 or 0173-8317162 1Fam House Imsbach, ca. 20min KL, 4BR, livrm, dinrm, kitchen, 1full bath + ¾ shwr bath, balc, lrg garden, dbl garage, 850€ Ph. 089-528244 (until 10pm) 1FHS in Altenglan, 4 bedr., 21/2 bath, familyr., open-fire-place, garage, new renovated. €1480 015785099310

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30 Min. to RAB Duplex in Rieschweiler-M. higher standard, terrace, 2Balc, studio, bik, Sauna, basem finished into Partyroom w/ kitchen, electr. blinds, 2fireplace, wooden floors & tiles, Garden, Double garage. €1400 + util Tel.: 0177-7832625 5min to RAB duplex 142sqm 3BR liv/din rm w/ open firepl 1.5baths BIK basem carport €880 +utl 0176-10038829 A Kottweiler-Schwanden double house 110qm, Liv.-Din. Room, 3bedr. 2bathr. bik, 2garage, basement, 300 yard, €750+util 0174/ 6687988; alwin.emmenecke@ Airbase: 15 min Obermohr area, beautiful 4 br house, firepl, w.i.closet E 1900,-; Waldmohr: great 253 sqm dplx, 4 br , walk i. closets, yard, gar, E 2040,-; Huetschenhausen: 235 sqm, 5 br, dplx, yard, gar, E 1730,-; Schwedelbach: 4 br dplx, 3 br , gar, yard, E 1500,-; Wallhalben: 5 br yard, gar, E1250,- ; Hermersberg: very nice 3 br house, (1 floor) yard, gar, E 1210,-; JR Realty - reduced fee - Ph: 01703159692 or Bann, nice 160 sqm duplex, build 1999, yard, E 249000, Immo T. 016096096498 Bann: Nice dplx house. 4bedr; 2.75 bathr; bik; basement; laundry room; garage; parking slot; small yard. 180 sqm. Rent incl. garage: 1240 €+ util. 06301-795601, Info@ Hohenecken: 3 bm duplex, studio, 2,5 baths, garage, patio, yard, E990, Immo T. 0160960498

Interact with your community Like us on Facebook and find out about fun events, things to do in your community, latest movies and much more!

military IN GERMANY

Your community, your website. A NEW website from AdvantiPro, publisher of your Kaiserslautern American newspaper & The Find-It Guide

November 16, 2012

HOUSES FOR RENT All ads & pics can be viewed @

Available with GP Residences: Large freestanding house south of Landstuhl, 6 BR, 3 baths, bik, liv/ din rm, fireplace, storage, yard, garage, pet friendly, â‚Ź1,800. Modern Vogelbach House, 4 BR, 2 baths, bik, liv/din rm, fireplace, yard, storage, carport, â‚Ź1,180. New modern Reichenbach-Steegen House, 5 BR, 2.5 baths, nice bik, liv/din rm, storage, yard, â‚Ź2,100. Nice Miesau House, 5 BR, 2.5 baths, great bik, liv/din rm, storage, yard, double garage, â‚Ź1,550. New, modern GlanMĂźnchweiler House, 5 BR, 2.5 baths, nice bik, pantry, liv/din rm, storage, yard, carport â‚Ź1,300. Large, modern Nanzdietschweiler House, 6 BR, 3 baths, bik, liv-rm, din-rm, fire place, garage, carport, storage, yard with gardenhouse, â‚Ź2,200. Largely reduced fees, call 0162-4131-878 or 06372-3211or email:

Kaiserslautern American Duplex-Half 184 m² in K'Lautern Einsiedlerhof, 6 BR, 2.5 Bath, BIK, Liv/Din-Room, Storage, 1 Garage, Fenced in yard, Pets negotiable, Rent: 1400 Euro + util., Avail: Dec. 1, 2012. For more info please contact: GI Bill Pay Service & Real Estate, Tel.: 06371-465407 or 0160-1065196, E-mail: ramstein@

FSH 160 m² in Schneckenhausen, 20 km to Sembach, 20 km to K'Lautern, 4 BR, BIK, 2 Bath, Liv/ Din-Room w. fireplace, Basement, Carport, Yard, Pets negotiable, Rent: 1120 Euro + util., Avail: December 10, 2012. For more info please contact: GI Bill Pay Service & Real Estate, Tel.: 06371465407 or 0160-1065196, E-mail: Duplex-Half 310 m² in Konken, 25 km to RAB, 6 BR, 2.5 Bath, FSH 160 m², 8 km to Landstuhl, BIK, Liv/Din-Room, Basement, 12 km to RAB, 4 BR, 2 Bath, BIK, Garage, Yard, Pets welcome, Liv/Din, Basement, Garage, Patio, Rent: 2300 Euro + util., Avail: Pets allowed, Rent: 830 Euro + Now. For more info please con- util., Avail: Now. For more info tact: GI Bill Pay Service & Real please contact GI Bill Pay Service Estate, Tel.: 06371-465407 or & Real Estate Tel.: 06371-465407 0160-1065196, E-mail: ramstein@ or 0160-1065196, Email:

Enjoy living in this charming art FSH 210 m² in Otterbach, 8 km to nouveau home, 220 m² in Kusel, K'Lautern, Fully furnished, 4 BR, 25 km to RAB, 15 km to BHR, 5 2.5 Bath, BIK, Liv/Din-Room, ParBR, 2.5 Bath, BIK, Liv/Din-Room, ty-Room, 2 Garages, Nice yard, Basement, Gas heating, Pets ne- No pets, Rent 1650 Euro + util., gotiable, Rent: 1600 Euro + util., Avail: Now. For more info please Avail: Now. No finder´s fee. For contact: GI Bill Pay Service & Real more info please contact: GI Bill Estate, Tel.: 06371-465407 or Pay Service & Real Estate, Tel.: 0160-1065196, E-mail: ramstein@ 06371-465407 or 0160-1065196, E-mail: FSH 250 m² in Kusel-Region, 10 Brand new freestanding house, â‚Ź1600 km to BHR, 25 km to RAB, 6 BR, 10 Min. to RAB, excl. equipment, Enjoy the great view from this Ba- 3 Bath, 2 BIK, Liv/Din-Room w. fi270sqm., 5 bedrms., 3 baths., varian style FSH, 220 m² in Nie- replace, Yard, Pets allowed, Rent: b.i.k., floor-heating, garage, 2.200 derkirchen, 20 km to Sembach, 1800 Euro + util., Avail: November â‚Źuro +util Anne S. Neumann 22 km to KL, 3-4 BR, 2 Baths, 1, 2012. For more info please conImmobilien4you Tel: 06372- BIK, Huge Liv./Din. room area w. tact: GI Bill Pay Service & Real fire place, party room w. Bar, 1 ga- Estate, Tel.: 06371-465407 or 803641 or 0173-8317162 Comfortable renovated old farm- rage, pets negotiable, rent: 0160-1065196, E-mail: ramstein@ house, Dorfstr. 16, 66424 Hom- 1650.00 EUR + 30.00 EUR garage burg/Altbreitenfelderhof near + util., avail.: now. For more info FSH 350 m² in Waldmohr, Ramplease call GI Bill Pay Service & stein school, 7 BR, 3.5 Bath, BIK, Waldmohr 5min, 7rms BIK liv rm Real Estate, Tel.: 0160-1065196 Liv/Din-Room w. fireplace, Sauna, din rm 2bath 2balc terrace baseor 06371-465407, E-mail: Tanning-Bed, Garage, Yard, Pets ment yard parking. â‚Ź1100 + utl negotiable, Rent: 2500 Euro + 0163-3505337 or MGBernd@ Freestanding House in SchĂśnen- util., Avail: Nov. 15, 2012. For berg-KĂźbelberg, 150 sqm, 3BR, 2 re info please contact: GI Bill Pay Duplex-Half 175 m² in Bann, 3 baths, Garage, Yard, Bik, wooden Service & Real Estate, Tel.: 06371BR, 2 Bath, BIK, Liv/Din-Room, Floors, Basement, Pets allowed 465407 or 0160-1065196, E-mail: Yard, Pets negotiable, Rent: 1320 â‚Ź1110, Tel: 0160-8248900 Euro + util., Avail: Now. For more info please contact GI Bill Pay SerHOME DELIVERY • LANDSTUHL AREA • ON BASE vice & Real Estate, Tel.: 01601065196 or 06371-465407, Email:

Freest 1 FHS Rieschweiler-MĂźhlbach, UlmenstraĂ&#x;e 10, new built 260sqm 5BR 2.5baths BIK garage terr 1st occupancy floor heat â‚Ź1900 +util 06336-6317 / 01717773278


Martin-Luther-Str. 8 | K-Town

High standard brand new freestanding house in Wahnwegen, approx 20 min to RAB & 25 min to Baumholder, quiet area, 330 sqm, 7 BR, liv/dinr, big BIK, 2.5 baths, balcony, terrace, garage+ carport, 2325 â‚Ź + util. available in Dec. Weiss ImmobiliĂŤn. â‚Ź2325 0179/6778745 Horbach, new 4bm duplex, 2,5 baths, garage, patio, yard, E1180, Immo T. 016096096498 House 135sqm + basement, 3BR livrm dinrm, 1 3/4 baths, kitchen, garage, garden + g-house pets allowed, â‚Ź750 Tel: 0160-3068176 or 0163-1817097

FSH in Weilerbach, cosy, nice yard, 160 sqm, 3 bed, 1.5 bath, basement, garage, av. now, â‚Ź1100+ut. Call 0172/6855976 or

House 270sqm Geiselberg ca. 20km RAM / 15 Vogelw. 5BR 2BIK 1 3/4 bath sauna terr dbl garage w/elec door, partyrm, garden stor, basem/laundry, pets allowed, â‚Ź1800 +util no fees Call: 0631-40624

HĂźtschenhausen House, 5 BR, 3 baths, bik, liv rm, din rm, wintergarden, patio, garage, large yard, lots of storage, â‚Ź1,300. call 01624121-878- or 06372-3211 or Fst House Kottweiler-Schwan- email: den, built 2006, 211sqm, 4BR, Jettenbach, close to Ramstein: 1.5bath, liv/dinrm, lg BIK, lg yard nice 170sqm duplex, garage, & terr, pantry, studio, 2parking- 4bm, patio, yard, E 1220, Immo T. sp, no pets â‚Ź1500 +util +dep avail 016096096498 10 Dec 06371-1809527 or 0152Kaiserslautern - Erlenbach row 54266917 house, 4BR, liv/dinrm, kitchen, Hohenecken: nice 4bm duplex, 2bathrms, garden, laundry, stora2,5 baths, 2 garages, E 1140, Im- ge, terrace, garage, avail now, mo T. 016096096498 â‚Ź1040 incl garage 0178-8950274

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FSH 3BR, liv/dinrm, Kitchen, Bath and guest WC, 130 m² living space, developed basement, lrg doublegarage with sideroom and guest WC, 600 m² property, 15 min to the Hospital, 20 min to RAB, DSL, two automatic gates (radio controlled) â‚Ź920 + â‚Ź80 garage, â‚Ź920 Tel. 0163-3704128 or 06337-6748 english spoken, email: michael.seegmueller@


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Page 35


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Page 36

HOUSES FOR RENT All ads & pics can be viewed @

In Kaiserslautern University area but away from the traffic is this gorgeous house. It has 4-5 bedrms, walk-in closets, a beautiful built-in kit, 2.5 bath, liv/diningrm, finished basemt, 2 balconies, patio and garden. The rent is 1750€ & util with gas heat. Doris Drewlow Immobilien, Tel: 063715940059

Kaiserslautern American Konken Selchenbacherstraße 22: freest house 240sqm, 6BR, 2.5baths country style, BIK, dbl garage €1800+utl Call: 063841629 or 0160-92341477

Merzalben, FSH, approx. 160sqm, approx. 30km away from the country, 1bath, guest WC, BIK w/ pantry, 3BR, 1lrg livrm w/ open fireplace, lrg terrace, 1 laundryrm, 1 hobbyrm, lrg basement, double Krickenbach: new 5 bm 200sqm garage, lrg property by a stream free-stand house, 2 bik, 2,5 and forest. Pets neg. €900, email: baths, garage, patio, yard, E1430,, 0151Immo T. 016096096498 17448838, or 0176-38465215 Large Elegant house. approx. 30 Miesenbach: freestanding 4-5 to RAB, 5BR, 3B, 3WC, 2 BIK, Bo- bed., 3 ½ bath, living-diningrm, nus Rm, garden, 2-car garage+ex- built-in-kit., patio, yard, 2 car garatras. 2,600+util. Avail 1 Dec, ge, sauna, 2.500,-- + util 06381-425307 06371/ Linden, 140sqm free-stand new 57656

renovated house 10 min to Vogelweh, 3 bm new bik, garage, patio, Kaiserslautern: brand new dubig yard, E 920, Immo.T plex, 3 bedr. plus Studio, walk-in 016096096498 closet, 3 bath, living-diningrm., built-in-kit., roof terrace, patio, Mackenbach: 4 bedr., 2,5 bath, yard, garage, 1320,-- + util fenced yard, € 1.074,-- + util., 06371/ Kindsbach: 5 bedr., 3 bath, car57656 port, € 1.260,-- + util., Miesau: 4 bedr., 2 bath, huge yard, € 1.275,- + util., I.B.u.Immobilienservice KL-Hohenecken: Refurbished Thomas Sourißeaux €1074 06374 Townhouse, 5mins Vogelweh, 995 694 20mins RAB, 195m², 4 BR, 1.5 Bath, 1 add. Apartment on gr. Mackenbach: nice townhouse, Floor, 2 BIK, Fireplace, Patio, Gar- 160sqm, 3bedr, livr, bik, 2bath, den, 2 Parking Lots. No Pets. studio, terrace, yard, € 1750,- + Avail. now. 1400€+Util. €1400 util. Roth Immobilien 063740179-7213864 or 0179-4887982 994776 or 0171-1950606

November 16, 2012 Olsbrücken (Kaiserslauternschool): Very nice 230sqm House, 6BR/2,5BA, yard, terrace, balcony, sauna, sunroom, 2 garages, € 1.740€ + util 06371/943310

Selchenbach, freestanding house, approx 20 min to RAB & 20 min to Baumholder, quiet area, 238 sqm, 600 sqm lot, 5 BR, liv/dinr, big BIK, 2.5 baths, terrace, 1550 € + util. avail. Mid Nov. Weiss Immobilien 0179/ Otterberg: renovated duplex, 5 6778745 bedr. 1 ½ bath, living-diningrm., built-in-kit., basement, patio, car- Single fairly new 270sqm House, port, 1250,-- + util www.AGRA-Im 6 bedrm, large liv/dinrm, 3 1/2 bath, eat-in kit, guest qtrs 06371/57656 downst., patio, balcony, garden, Queidersbach, 200sqm, 4bedr, breat taking view into the country 2.5 bath, BIK, garage, nice gar- side. Located about 20 min to den, € 1410,- + util. Fee only € RAB, 10 min to LRMC & 20 min to 1000,- Real Estate Metzler, 0175- VW. Rent is 1900 Euro & Util. Do9855251 ris Drewlow Immobilien, Tel: Nanzdietschweiler (Ramstein school): Freest. House, 260sqm, Queidersbach, beautiful house 4 06371-5940059 3BR/2,5BA, balcony, terrace, bdrm, liv/dinrm, Bik, 2.5 baths, Spesbach: freestanding house, yard, fireplace, big garage, floor- lndryrm terrace, balcony, fire- 3 bedr., 1 ½ bath, livingrm., diheat, € 2.200,- + util 06371/ place, garden, garage, 200 sqm. ningrm., build-in-kit., basement, 943310 www.GermaWild-Immobili 1.500 € + util, Call: 06371-912591 open fire-place, patio, yard, ge, 1.130,-- + util www.AGRA-Im RAB school 15 Min. to RAB, 06371/57656 Nice and quiet Duplex-Half in 280sqm., 5 bedrms., + studio, 3 Kindsbach, 115 m², 3 BR, BIK, 2 baths., b.i.k., yard, garage No Fee Weilerbach - House, 3bdrm, livBath, Liv-Room + Din-Area, 1 Ga- House, 1.870 €uro + util Anne S. dinrm, 2bath, kitchen, 111sqm, rage, No pets, Rent: 850.00 Euro Neumann Immobilien4you tel: basement, garage, incl util €1070 + util., Avail: Dec. 1, 2012. For mo- 06372-803641 or 0173-8317162 rent, extra electr, no realtor fee, re info please contact: GI Bill Pay Call 06371-50549 Service & Real Estate, Tel.: 06371- Ramstein: freestanding 5 bedr., Weilerbach - Pörrbach: new free465407 or 0160-1065196, E-mail: 3 bath, living-diningrm, built-instanding house 240sqm, 4bedr, kit., patio, yard, garage, 1510,-+ util, livr, bik, 2bath, studio, open fireNice FSH 130 m², 20 min to RAB, 06371/57656 place, balcony, terrace, yard, Access to A62 1 km, 3 BR, 1 €1750.- + util. Roth Immobilien Bath, BIK, Liv/Din-Room, Double- Ramstein: town house, 4 bedr., 2 06374-994776 or 0171-1950606 Carport, Yard, Pets negotiable, ½ bath, living-diningrm., built-inWeilerbach: Nice duplex, Rent: 950 Euro + carport + util., kit., patio, yard, basement, 1110,-164sqm, 3BR/2BA, terrace, yard, Avail: Now. For more info please + util carport, € 1192.- + util 06371/ contact GI Bill Pay Service & Real 06371/57656 943315 www.GermaWild-Immobili Estate Tel.: 06371-465407 or Rutsweiler / Glan, nice FSH, ca 0160-1065196, Email: ramstein@gi 95sqm, 3Bedr., BiK, 1Bathr., baWonderful excl. freestanding sement, laundry, duplex-carport, house, 270sqm., 5 bedrms., 3 Nice separate 1BR House in nice yard, no pets, available 16. baths., +sauna, b.i.k., garage, Kindsbach, BIK, 60sqm €320 w/o Dec., monthl. rent 660.-€ + util, fenced yard, 2.150 €uro + util Anutl +1mo dep, avail now, for quiet or ne S. Neumann Immobilien4you people, car park, 06371-913900 06374-915430 Tel: 06372-803641 or 01738317162 The best Pizza & Salads in the KMC area



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Eisenbahnstrasse 68a, 67655 Kaiserslautern Tel.: 0631-4126329 In the x of the city, close to C&A

November 16, 2012

HOUSES FOR RENT All ads & pics can be viewed @

Wonderful freestanding house, 10 Min to Rab, 180sqm., 4 bedrms., 2 baths., b.i.k., open-fireplace, fenced yard, garage 1.380 â‚Źuro+ util Anne S.Neumann Immobilien4you Tel: 06372803641 or 0173-8317162

Kaiserslautern American Generous 1FH near Sembach, 220 sqm living area, new open BIK w/ eating area, livrm, 6BR / children's room or officerm, 2Bath, 1 laundryrm for 2 wash machines w/ shower and guest WC. Everything fully cellared with an exit to the garden. 1168 sqm fenced in garden property with dbl garage / carport and 3 car parks in front of the house. Avail on short term notice. Price â‚Ź235000. Tel: 06357975536

Niederkirchen: Kaiserslautern school, 210qm living space, 5BR/ 2BA, Balcony, Terrace, very nice Kindsbach: nice duplex with ga- view. Yard, Garage. Price 169 rage build 2006, 145sqm, 4bm, 2 000â‚Ź RE/MAX Real Estate Center baths, E200000, Immo T. ask for Katrin or Kryspina 0631/ 41408880 016096096498

Wonderful freestanding house, RAB school, 193sqm., 3 bedrms., 2 baths., attic, laundry room, carport No Fee House 1.380 â‚Źuro +util Anne S. Neumann Immobilien4you Tel: 06372- Landstuhl Melkerei, New. Freest. Lux. House 221sqm, Land 803641 or 0173-8317162 500sqm, Livr./Dinrm, kitchen. Guest Wc, . 2Storagerm, 4BR. HOUSES / APTS 2Bathr. Terrace, Garden, double FOR SALE garage, Heatingsyst. Gas / Solar All ads & pics can be viewed @ â‚Ź420.000 obo. 0173-3425380 S.KoFeel like in vacation: Free stan- walski ding log home, 6 bedr., 2,5bath, great view, Swedish oven, big yard, â‚Ź 199.000,-- I.B.u.Immobilienservice Thomas SouriĂ&#x;eaux 06374 995694


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(starting at 11:30 a.m.)

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High Life

Ramstein: Freest House, 11 rooms, 3,5BA, basement, sauna, yard, garage, on sale for 229.000â‚Ź - avail. end of Nov. 06371/94331416 www.GermaWild-Immobili Spesbach: very nice House, 189qm living space, big dining and living room, BIK, 6BR/2BA, Guest-WC, Floorheating, Terrace, Garden, Garage. Available now! Price 245 000â‚Ź RE/MAX Real Estate Center call Kryspina 0631/ 41408880

Pirmasens Winzeln, Villa La Provence, 900sqm prop, 300sqm living space, fully furn, Very representative, 2 open fire places & partyrm, â‚Ź349,000 Price neg, direct sale, Tel: 06131 -362000 or Ramstein - Miesenbach / Obermohr/ Kollweiler! 3 modern homes near the Air Base for sale. 160m ² / 160m ² / 214m ² of living space. Built in about 2000. For more information, visit our website: $265000 016096640795 / jens.hotzel@im



TH Enjoy pumpkin soup, turkey, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie and much more at our


Thanksgiving Buffet on Nov 22nd at 5 p.m.

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only p.p. â‚Ź 23.40

TLA / TDY All ads & pics can be viewed @

! ! ! ! 1 & 2 BDR Luxury Temp Apts TLA/TDY in Ramstein. 100% equipped including TV, DVD, free Internet, washer/dryer, free calls to USA. reservation / questions call: 0151-46501528 / mail:info@ / /

AMERICAN SPORTS BAR GOOD SPORTS! GOOD FOOD! GOOD TIMES! Enjoy LIVE SPORT EVENTS with your friends and create unforgettable moments! * R E H C T I 1P OF BEER ! FOR FREE


Near Kusel: Dreamy House, like a Castle with a big yard and a wonderful view, 170sqm, 5BR/2BA, open-fire-place, 2 garages, carport 1.350â‚Ź + util or to buy 239.000â‚Ź 06371/943310 www.Ger Freestanding house, 200sqm., li- ving-space, 4 bedrms., 2 baths., studio, 2 garages, fenced yard, special offer only 150 000 â‚Źuro Anne S. Neumann Immobilien4you Tel: 06372803641 or 0173-8317162 Freestanding house, for Family, 340sqm., living-space, 1000 sqm., property, 7 bedrm., 3 baths., b.i.k., basement, terrace, garage, floor-heating Price 340 000 â‚Źuro Anne S. Neumann Immobilien4you Tel: 06372803641 or 0173-8317162

Nice home in Mehlingen. 5 minSembach, 10 min-Ktown, 15 minRAB. 238sqm living, 1007sqm fenced yard. 4BR, 2.5 baths. Wood flrs, 2 living/dining rms. MBR suite 1st flr, sauna in cellar. Kitchen, baths, balcony upgraded in 2006. 2 single car garages. FSBO-no agents. â‚Ź315000

Page 37

receive a this ad to *Bring in for free! er (1liter) be of r he pitc of 2 for for a party Valid only 15, 2012! lid till Dec. 1 night. Va

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Happy Thanksgiving! For the past 18 years one of the most popular places for Americans Your home away from home! Conversation, good music, dance and fun! Richard-Wagner-Str. 1 (across from Karstadt)

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Page 38

Kaiserslautern American

TLA / TDY All ads & pics can be viewed @

!!!! 1 2 3 4 5 Beds luxury temp apts for incoming/outgoing families & TDY. Ramstein Air Base 2 mins, short walk to restaurants & shops. Beautifully furnished, 100% equipped TV, AFN, English satalite, DSL, free telephone, USA & Europe, good library & movie selection. Pets welcome. Off street parking at all locations. Call 01712679282 or email: luxuryapts09@ yahoo, com

Read your newspaper online:

!!!! 1-2BR TLA, fully equipped, free phone, AFN, internet, large back yard, quiet neigborhood, pets welcome, 10 min. to RAB and Vogelweh. Call 0179-5310274 ***2, 3 + 4 TLA/TDY Luxury Apts in Landstuhl, Ramstein & K-Town. All Remodeled, Furnished, 100% equipped, Cable TV, Kitchen, Washer, Dryer, Parking etc. Call 0170-4137555 or 0172-7471366

1-3bed Internet, wash/dry, pet ok 3miRAB 01742430124 / nbm4rent@hot A variety of TLA/TDY Apts in KTown in different sizes, 5min to walk to City Center, Fully Furnished, Apts starting at 35â‚Ź per night all incl. For Info call 0631-316860

November 16, 2012

AUTOS All ads & pics can be viewed @

Caution: Some KA Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash.

Beautiful TLF House, 5min. to RAB, 4bedr, fully furnished, 0176100% equipped 1-2BR Apts, 39755130, www.beautiful-tlf.jim 1977 Porsche 911, red with tan Free internet, AFN, Phone to USA, interior. Just passed inspection, off Road parking. 10min to RAM, four new tires. Call 01520-994Land, LRMC, Contractors also K-Town City, the best you can 1170 $16,500 august_carrillo@hot welcome. Info: 0177 1955959 or have! 3BR-Apt. 92 sqm, complete lux furn, 1 livrm, 1BR, 1dinrm, kit1995 C - Class Mercedes Benz, 4 chen complete w/ dishes, 50" TV, Internet flat, W-Lan, intern tv, 3 cyl. Alloyed rims, 4 doors, A/c, balconies, all incl, 5 min to red, exc. Condition, 5sp. Passed Highway A6 Westgate. Price 80â‚Ź / mil. Insp. Orig 110 k - miles night. Phone / email 0170 77 444 â‚Ź1900,- 06301 -719500 50 or extra-thomashaas@t-onli 1996 BMW 316i compact, matic trans, 106k miles, power windows, heated seats, brown Ramstein TLA/TDY 4/5BR 2Ba leather, german spec, trailer couphouse all inclusive furnished, li- ling, good condition â‚Ź1800 obo nens, dishes/pots, wash/dryer, 01757772586 AFN, tel, DSL, carport 01522000 Ford Mondeo Wagon, Ma33584979 email: tla@tla-ram nual, Sunroof, Heated Seats, / www.tla-ram mer & Winter Tires, Well ned - Service Record Avail, Passed Insp 30Apr2012, Spacious 1-4 BR Lux $2000 apts in Ktown, Ramstein, Land01733016001 stuhl, more. American-owned and operated with househunting help, 2001 Model Volkswagen Beetle Hi-speed internet, washer/dryer, GLX 2.0 Automatic. 167000 Km. much more. Call 01709394463 or Good condition. New all season tivisit â‚Ź80 res. $4500 017684887699 / 01709394463


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2003 Toyota Corolla. Silver. Automatic. Cruise control. CD player. Air conditioning. Power windows. Power locks. Power Steering. Gas saver! $3,800 tmhornak@ 2004 Merce, C180 Komp, Autom, 138,000 autobahn km, 143PS, Dealer Maint, On bd comp, AC, Elec Sunroof, winter tires & rims included. Exc Cond, $8,600 obo 0160-241-4494 2004 Saab 9-5 ARC 103K’s Manual transmission. American Specs 2.3L Turbo/ Outside Color: Silver Inside: Silver/ Leather Heated Seats/Sport Package. $5,000.00 015140445792 / lou 2006 Volkswagon GTI, Gray, 5 speed, 2dr hatchback, 140.000km, 17 inch wheels, A/C, moonroof, Radio/CD, electric windows, heated seats, central locks, ₏7.199, Tel. 0173-3043941 2007 Chevy Equinox (US spec) Automatic, FWD, 86000 miles, 3.4 V6, A/C, keyless entry, cruise control, power windows. 1 owner, well maintained. $9000 01606761444, bpryakhin@ya 2007 Honda Pilot EX-L, 56,000 miles PS, PB, AC, Pw-Seats, Heated Seats, Leather AM/FM, 6 CD Changer, Moon Roof, M&S tires Third Row sattelite ready $17,200 obo 0160-1242-862

2008 light blue Mercedes B150, 38,000 km, 5-speed, Cold A/C, heated seats, complete mounted summer and winter tires, sonniboy shades â‚Ź13000 01622538268 2003 Buick Century, Silver, 160K / km, good condition, automatic, US Spec, sell for $1000 lower 2008 VW Jetta, Wolfsberg. ExcelKBB price, pet & smoke free. Jeff lent Cond/Dealer maintained & (015121810520) $2400 Jeff Serviced. 44K mi, 2.0T, Auto/Trip015121810520 / kristinmendrofa@ Tonic, AC, Sunroof, New tires, Alloy wheels +WT $15000 obo 061046003673/kc_justin@hot



Kaiserstr. 6, KL-Einsiedlerhof Tel. & Fax: 0631 • 57750

located on B40 across �Nick’s Fried Chicken“

LOOKING FOR A COZY PLACE TO SPEND THE WEEK OR A MONTH? We can help! TLAs in Ramstein New apt for 1 bedroom for 2 people & also for families. Apts have: full furn Sat TV microw. phone comp w/DSL private parking pets OK wash/dryer also avail. Call 06371-5432 or 0171-3256002

November 16, 2012

AUTOS All ads & pics can be viewed @

2008 VW Touareg, US specs, 67000 miles, dark grey metallic, loaded, VW dealer maintained, great SUV $20,900 obo 015112115406 2009 BMW 335i xdrive Coupe, Barbara Red with Beige interior, premium package, pro stereo, new winter tires and rims, low mileage, auto, all serviced $35,000 Roy at 2010 Audi TTS fully loaded American Specs, Fast and fun car Only selling it because I am heading to North Dakota €26,000, 015150494231 2010 Jetta SE, 14k mi, Manual Trans, mi/h, km/h, heat frnt seats, 6cd, BT / Iphone / pad compatbl, sun / moon roof, contact for more info. $18650 obo 017624988226 2011 Ford Fiesta, Silver, 12,000 miles, standard, 4dr, 3 yr Warrantee, 38mpg, CD, AC, great condition, call Diana, Cell 015789078546 $10,500 2011 Mazda 2, German spec, 9,900 MI, CD/MP3, Aux Jack, Heated Seats, Manual Transmission, Steering Wheel Mounted Audio Controls, Power Windows, Sum/Winter tires incl. $13,250 obo annie_humphreys@ya / 061985773835 A set of Continental Winter tires with rims 5 lugs, 205/55R16H TS830, 017622987498, €500

Kaiserslautern American Audi RS6, 450 HP twin-turbo V8, 2003 US Spec, immaculately maintained. Very fast 4 door, like BMW M5 only all wheel drive! 4 Continental Extreme Winter Warranty. $28,000 perlsbob@ Contact snow tires, 225-55-R16 99T M&S; with rims - 5x112mm bolt pattern. Tires used less than BMW 1999, 318i, 178K, GPS, 3000 miles. $400 obo 30MPG, Heated Seat Auto-trans / Eu Specs / New winter tires. Just 4 Dunlop winter tires with rims, Passed inspec. Excellent Conditi195/65 R15,5 lugs, good conditi- on! Ramstein Area $6200.00 on €300 or 0171-703-3112 95' BMW 530i, passed inspection Sep 12', automatic trans, leather, cd player, sun roof, 127K miles, euro specs, great working condition! $4000 Audi 100 model 1998, automatic, w/ CD Stereo, AC, power doors, breaks, runs great, in good condition € 1.400 obo 0172 -676 2717 Audi 1999, German Spec, 5speed, Royal blue, dark blue leather interior, 108K miles, custom stereo w/2 12" subs and 2 amps, in-dash dvd receiver, smok free $6450 obo 063718021494 / Audi A4 1,8T Chiped 212PS, 54000 km, denim blue, hand wasch only, tinted windows, S4Recaro-Seats, and many more! +491787955540 Audi A4, limousine, 12/1996, 185000km, silver gray, 92kw, automatic transmission, automatic climate control, Non smoker, TÜV 04/2013. Tel 015154828178 €1600 Lexus LS 400, built 1991, €1500. If you like to include the spare parts: €2500. Call: 07144-9989984 2011 Shelby GT500 550 HP! Navigation! Leather! Race red! Only 2700 Miles! €60,000.00

Page 39 BMW 316 Ti, 2003/Model 2004, Second owner, excellent condition, 60.000miles, garaged, summer + winter tires, Inspection good until 2013Call 0171-9233989

BMW 318i, 178,000K Approx. 30MPG, Heated Seat Auto-trans, Eu Specs New winter tires / good summer Passed inspec. GPS Excellent Condition! $6,900 BMW 316i Sport 2 doors with Full options, 99Kmile, Automatic Transmission, Blue M. park distan- BMW 520i, 1993, 150PS, se sensors... $3700 essamhindi@ techn.opt. top condition, alloy wheels, summer & winter tires, Opel Corsa, 2009, orig. 1280km, elec. sunroof, leather seats, rem. cool & sound package, AC, trailer coupling, €2200 06371 €10.500 obo Call: 0152-53699038 16295

Page 40







Call us now: 0 63 71 - 70 182

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Bodywork / Paintjobs

Repairs of all makes and models

Towing Service Muffler Service A/C Service Tire Service Tune ups

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Opening Open Op enin en in ng ho hour hours: urs: urs: ur s: Mo-F Mo Mo-Fri: -FFri -Fri ri:: 8: 8:00 8:00-18:00 00-1 00 -18: -1 8 00 8: Carl-Zeiss-Str. 7 66877 Ramstein Email:


‡ 3$576 6(59,&( ‡ $& 6(59,&( ‡ %2'< :25. ‡ &219(56,21 86 72 (&( ‡ 781( 83 :H DUH ORFDWHG LQ .LQGVEDFK .DLVHUVWU

November 16, 2012

Great on gas-4-Cyl, 1.8 Liter; Automatic; 1995; Interior: black; AUTOS RWD; 2 Door sport, brand new tires, brakes, sony sound system, All ads & pics can be viewed @ etc. Excellent car! Only 194.000km! $2500 obo BMW 320 Model 2004 doors - 6 016092892458 Gears, metalic, fully equipped e.g Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited full leather seats, heated seats, 2007 5.7L Hemi, 63,000 mi, Quapower doors/breakes/windows/ dradrive full time AWD, leather, sunroof, ESP, ABS, AC, stereo sun roof, loaded, new tires CD, garage kept, non smoking, $22,500 063527111606/ well maintained w/ book, new ti- res - batterie and oil change. Insp. guaranteed. Only â‚Ź 6.450 obo Jeep Wrangler 2010 3.8L, auto, ps/pb/pw/pl, tilt, cruise, ac, 3pc 0172 - 676 2717 hard top, 26,000 mi. exc conditiBMW 525i Executive Automatic, on, no off-road, seats always coyear 1995, 6 cyl., 163.000km, vered, non-smoking. $22,500 power windows, power sunroof, 063527111606/johnfouch@onli ABS, new inspection, no smoking car in excellent condition $3600 01631817392 / andreasschug@hot Madza 626, sport edition, alloy wheels, dark windows, CD/radio, 5 speed, good condition, year BMW 633 CSi 1976 classic in exc 2000, new german inspection, cond, euro-spec, restored, rebuilt 82,000km, + extra winter tires, engine & man trans, pwr steering 2500â‚Ź, Call: 06371-8383958 & windows, lthr int, new tires, many spare parts $7000 0171- MB 220 D, 1998, Station Wagon, great gas mileage - Diesel, white, 4740964 automatic, cruise control, A/C, BMW E93 335i / 328i cabriolet / electric windows infront, tinted convertible wind deflector. Comes windows, rain sensor, removable with carrying / storing bag. $200 trailer hitch, 245.000 km, German or obo inspection good until 4/2013, acci0171-703-3112 dent free, 3.300 Euro obo, Tel. ETSing soon and need to sell my 0175-7503767 car. The car will be available Dec Mercedes Benz C 180, automatic 2. 1991. Nissan Primera 4 door. transmission, Sedan 4-Door, very $1200 clean non smoker car in excellent condition, winter tires, runs and GM Nav Disc for Europe. Works looks great, Eur 1,850 obo. Call in factory Nav systems to include 0163-9155332. Tahoe, Suburban, Silverado, Sierra, Avalanche Yukon, H2 and Ca- Mercedes Benz E 200 Elegance, dillac DTS's and SRX's. $25.00 Diesel Automatic, 138,000 Kilometers, 5 speed, 4DR, driver and passenger airbags, A/C, Alloy wheels, w/ winter tires and rims, key less entry, leather steering wheel, electric seat adjustment, Price â‚Ź5900 obo, Tel: 06373-9736 call after 17.30 or email die or Mint condition, 15k miles, fully loaded, 7-seater, blutooth, nav, htd seats, parking assist screen, parking sensors, white with black leather interior $32,800 01714740964 or

Toda K20A Valve Spring Set. Original price $400. Toda racing parts. Never used Asking $275 Ph.017622987498 / isabell_1_98@ US Spec V6 Automatic, 40K miles. Leather, 2� tow hitch & wiring; Smr & Wntr. tires, Exc. cond. Avail. 30 Nov. Must sell - PCS to Japan. $20,000 0174-530-9670; VW Golf 1991, red, autom. transmission, new timing belt, new plugs, german inspection `til April 2013. Located in Enkenbach Alsenborn. ₏750 017621047416 or 06302 924441

MOTORCYCLES All ads & pics can be viewed @

Caution: Some KA Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash. 07 GSXR 750, blue and black, under 9000 miles, Yoshi pipe, forced to sale, minim damage to lever (clutch) $6500.00 firm KEIMANI2@ 2011 Harley-Davidson Super Glide Custom. Vivid Black. Only 1100 Miles. ABS brakes, security system. $12500 015252472560 / PG BlackBlock Dark Custom, a pedelec highlight! 25 km/h, new and unused, only $5500 instead of $7200, cash only when picked up, email:

ANNOUNCEMENTS All ads & pics can be viewed @

Cleveland Browns fans are invited to join the Browns Backers Worldwide chapter in Kaiserslautern hosting watch parties every gameday in Otterbach Live!! AJ 0151-40417872 brownsbackersinktown@ya

English speaking meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous available in the Kaiserslautern/Vogelweh Area. Our contact information is: AA Hotline-0157-36123097, Porsche 911S Cabrio, 2006, 61K many.htm miles, 6 spd man, dark blue, htd Hochspeyer American Social seats, nav, black hardtop, winds- Club. Meet your fellow neighbors creen, 19" wheels, plus snowtires/ from Hochspeyer & neighboring 18" wheels $49500 0160- towns. Info on FB or email: 3647172 /

Opel Omega Caravan, 1995, 5speed, silver metallic, trailer attachment, A/C, keyless entry, allow wheels, â‚Ź1520, Call 063025110

1 week 1 month

â‚Ź 130.00 â‚Ź 330.00


November 16, 2012

ANNOUNCEMENTS All ads & pics can be viewed @

Kaiserslautern American Air Conditioner made by Remko, moveable, approx 3-4 years old but only used 2-3 times, great condition! Call 0152-05639147

I have 3 20" old fashioned TVs for sale. Not flat screen! 100$ each. Facebook Group: Children with All work perfectly. Call: 0177Diabetes Type I- Ramstein Germa- 6036101 ny. Parent run. Meet other fami- iPhone4 white 32Gb simlock only lies, start playgroups and join a for t-mobile / Telekom customers. support group. yunuenzimmerer@ With car mount and charger, bag and Cover as well as Displayfoil

If you would like to make a dona- €250 tion for the Hurricane Sandy Reli- Older Grundig TV w/SAT receiver ef please see https://my.cfcover- (no flat screen) works great €80 for both obo Call: 06386-6711 Just found out your pregnant? Want to develop a relationship with one doctor for the term of your pregnancy? Considering having your baby off-base? ameri

Philips 60PP9202 60" 1080i HD Rear-Projection Television Floor Model, great cond., Exterior Color Gray-Silver Additional Features Headphone Jack, 110v $230 016092892458

Playgroup for parents with children ages 1 month-4 years meet in Hochspeyer once a week. For information please contact: a.brokovich@gmail

Proscan 40-Inch Color LCD HDTV 1080p, 110 Volts Good for Barracks Soldiers located on Daener $250 TMIAMOR72@YA HOO.COM

Quit Smoking Today! Army Public Health Nursing is offering Tobacco Cessation Classes for civilian and military personnel in the Kaiserslautern Military Community Area. New group begins 1st Wednesday of every month from 11301230 for four weeks at the Kleber DFAC, Back Dining Room Bldg. 3206. Advance registration is required. To register or for more information call Army Public Health Department at DSN 486-7002/CIV 06371-86-7002 or Kleber Health Clinic at DSN: 483-6099/CIV: 06371-83-6099. Reiki: Interested in forming a Reiki Share Group? Please contact Jerry or Lorraine @

Sony Handycam DCR DVD101 Good condition with all acessories $125.00 obo 0160-1242-862 Sony Trinitron 25" TV, traditional (not flat screen), 7 yrs old, kept in spare office, barely used, $50, Call 0163-330-5535, Lv Msg Tacima Transformer Step Down Voltage Converter 300W. For USA equipment (110-120v) in Europe (220-240v). Used once. Courier (Germany) €7.00 €29.00

FOR SALE -- MISC All ads & pics can be viewed @

Caution: Some KA Classified ads have become a target X-mas Specials at our Tattoo for scams. Please be caushop in Im Haderwald 4, 67661 tious if potential buyers offer KL-Einsiedlerhof, Kaiserslautern. you payment methods other Bring us 2 new Customers you rethan cash. ceive a Thank you Tattoo worth up to 200 Euros. €50 euros and 1987 Original 1-liter Oktoberfest up Beer Krug w/logos of 6 official München breweries. Rare collector piece or birthday gift. Courier CHILD CARE Germany €7.00 €27 Tel: 05452424 / All ads & pics can be viewed @

The 86 Force Support Squadron at Ramstein has licensed providers on and off the installation. Providers who provide more than 10 hours a week of care must be licensed. Please use good judgment when choosing child care services. For more information please contact 063714057420 or email

A baby stroller, $50, highchair wood, $50, large candle stand, $20, an adult walker, (rolletor), $20, all items like new, Call: 06371-614277 A large variety of boys clothing. Pick out five either pants or shirt or both for only $20. Age 2 to 7, 017622987498

Antique Recline metal bed with a brand new custom made mattress for sale, never been used just for decoration. Please call 0176965 39 677 $100, Baby-Stuff, car-seat, bed, clothes, Kids-clothes, all must go, all in good condition, 016096474969 Beats by Dre Laptop! 2 months old. Still have box & charger. Perfect condition. Bought for $1,200 at the BX. Email for pictures! $800 Beautiful Polish tea service still w/ authentic labels. I bought when I was in Poland. Call: 0177-6036101 Big Baby-Yard Sale, all must go on Sat. 09. Nov. from 10- 16 in Niederstaufenbach, 016096474969 Chopper Bike / cruiser Specialized Fat Boy. Cherry red, 6" wide rear tire, 3" wide front, dual discs, All-American bike. Original owner, really fun. $1000 015161321501 Collection of leather bound, signed by the author, 1st edition books, mint cond. Over 100 different books. Authors include: Norman Mailer, William F. Buckley, Joseph Heller, Elie Wiesel, Donald Mc Dunne, John Updicke, Tom Wolfe, etc. $ 15.000 - serious inquiries only! Call: 0631-940213 or 0151-270-19822 Designer Hand bag. George Gina and Lucy. Used twice. Paid 160 euros for the bag. €100 017622987498 Electric Squire Stratocaster, like new condition, comes with hardshell case, sunburst color, good beginners or intermediate guitar $400.00 Rod at yeoldingo@hot Family in Hauptstuhl ISO a nurturing full-time, live-out nanny for our 3 sons. Must have license and car. Med certs a plus. Please provide refs. $Negotiable keithremo@ Free Cleveland Browns fans are invited to join the Browns Backers Worldwide chapter in Kaiserslautern hosting watch parties every gameday in Otterbach Live!! AJ 0151-40417872 brownsbackersinktown@ya German Handmade! OCULI CULTUS SECRETI 2nd Military Intelligence Battalion Unit Insignia Wood Picture Inlay. Pair 37x25 cm. €100 Jepperson; CRM Exploring the Human Element; played one time only, like new $15, 017664966777

Page 41

NEED TIRES? Contact us today, we speak English!

Tel: 06305-7154101 Mon-Fri 08:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00 , Sat 09:00-12:00 Reichswaldstr. 1c 66877 Ramstein

06371 - 61 41 55

KMC Center Ramstein

06371 - 80 205 20

» 24-hour Service

All Cars and Vans with winter tires! No extra costs!

For sure the best catch. ask for our


Ahrens Agency

!! Child care provider very experienced (engl spk) has openings for ages 2 -10, very flex. 7min RAB Call 0163-2943479


ELECTRONICS All ads & pics can be viewed @

25 inch KLH tv in good condition. 110V $35.00 obo 0160-1242-862 AFN PowerVu receiver, includes sat. dish and hardware. $225 0151-10596771

66877 Ramstein 67661 Kaiserslautern 55483 Airport - Hahn

Air Base, KMC Center Kaiserstr. 22 Building 600

Tel. Tel. Tel.

(0 63 71) 802 034 0 (0 63 1) 414 868-0 (0 65 43) 508 720

Page 42

Kaiserslautern American

Vodafone Shop Landstuhl Great Deals on Cell phones with Contract or Prepaid

FOR SALE -- MISC All ads & pics can be viewed @

Phone, DSL + Internet Hookup Flatrate for calls to the USA #BIOTUSB•F t -BOETUVIM t 5FM 'BY t & NBJM IBCFMJU[!WPEBGPOF EF

Little Christmas World SaarbrĂźckerstr. 39 66849 Landstuhl The different kind of Christmas Shop in Landstuhl

We offer Christmas lights with 10-500 LEDs Icicle in blue or white extendable up to 250 m Icicle colored, color changing LEDs Decoration fabrics, ties 128 different illuminated houses and much more ‌ Open: Mon – Fri 10 a.m. – 8 p.m., Sat 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. We’re also open for you every Sunday from Oct 17 – Dec 18 from 1 a.m. – 6 p.m. On Dec 24, we’re open from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. We accept VAT-forms starting from ₏100.- on!

We’re looking forward orw war ard d to your visit! Family Wilchow

Give "that something else" gift this X-mas. Persian Handicrafts: pictures, boxes, pen holders, engraved plates/trays etc. Different sizes and prices. 06373-4649, Green suede handbag. With three compartments. Zipper top. $20 0176-22987498 please leave a message if I do not answer. I am looking to start a book club, the meetings will be once a month and the books will be chosen democratically. $Book Club! Jugendstil furniture over 100 years old. A variety of items, grandfather clock (Harmonium), crystal glasses, Murano glasses, Meisner porcelain figurines, 200years old, coffee and Tea set. Call: 0177-5211480 Kids adidas soccer shoes, US size 1, EU 32, black & red, worn a few times. Non marking. $35. 0176-22987498, pics on classworld Kitchen table and 2 chairs, light wood, $40, 4-drawer chest $10, glass-top table and 3 chairs $40, entertainment cabinet $10, lt brn leather TV recliner $70. Call 06374-1277.

Saturday, Nov. 17 8 am – 4 pm R Ramstein, i Fl Flurstr. 4 Tel. 0163-1 90 57 17

November 16, 2012 Lace dress, eggshell/offwhite, size 6, never worn. For wedding/ prom/summer night out. $50; 017622987498 or isabell_1_98@ya Pic on does not do justice. Beautiful dress. Lego Duplo Castle Sets: Duplo Castle (4864); Knights Castle (4777); Red Dragon Tower; Defense Tower; plus extra sets. Outstanding condition! $150 Don at 063725096807 or dsumme5178@ NexxTech Beverage Warmer Plate Brand new, unopened package Keeps hot beverages at perfect temperature 120V. USA plug. 1.74m lead. Courier â‚Ź4.10 â‚Ź11.90, Old oil painting picture on canvas painted in 1942, Painters Ruppenthal. Size 80 x 60 cm. Old wooden frame. From an auction house estimated 380 euros! â‚Ź280 Original Force Fins in good condition. Size ML in color Aquamarine. divefreakgary@google Tel. 01713610739 â‚Ź139 Original Force Fins in good condition. Size ML. color Green. â‚Ź149 Tel. 01713610739 Pink and white snake skin purse, not real. pics on Porcelain dolls, over 100 to choose from, all dressed. Price Obo Call: 0176-90796039 Size 52-57. Multi color childrens bike helmet, for boys. $20 017622987498

Your Full Communication • Telephone/Internet DSL lines with fast activation! • Flatrate calls to USA • Support and Software in English • Cell Phones w/o contract

Stunning ball gown, worn one time. Was 250 Euro. German size 44 (~16ish.) Not as shiny as pic. Adorned w/crystals. Wear w/or without straps. Incl. scarf â‚Ź120 Swarovski Crystal - Attention collectors! Christmas is coming, all retired pieces reduced to half their value, All pieces over 20years old! Prices greatly reduced! Great gift for any special occasion! Private collection! Retired pieces. koala bear mother and baby, Panda mother & baby, whale, turtle. Call for info: 06332-41560 between 2pm to 9pm. Can deliver to RAB! Swarovski Pegasus - From the 1998 "Fabulous Creatures" Series. Retired in 1998, Asking $500. Ph. 06374/944828 Swarovski SC Isadora & Antonio, from the trilogy (magic of dance) 2002 & 2003, w/crystal signs & displays) will sell separately, Price 299 â‚Ź each obo Call: 01622762421 Swarovski, silver, crystal, trilogy masquerade, 1999-2001, w/crystal signs & displays, 899â‚Ź obo Call: 0162-2762421

Serendipity Ar Art rt

quite the best bike shop in K-Town!

We accept: VAT-Forms & Trippstadter Str. 125 67663 Kaiserslautern

Carol Ann Corona

01 77-603 61 01

Call us: 06221 - 750050 Email us: Visit us:

Sell handmade stick pictures of a legacy. Different sizes and motives of Bavaria 12 euro per picture size from 25 cm to 53 cm. Neg â‚Ź12


Happy Thanksgiving!

Portraits, Original Hand-Painted Oils, Custom Made Frames

,17(51(7 6(59,&(6

Santa Cruz Blur MTB, medium, 2006, original owner, Shimano XT, Hayes Hydraulic dual disc brakes, meticulously maintained. $1000 0151-61321501

Mon-Fri: 10:00 - 12:30 14:00 - 18:00 Saturday: 10:00 - 13:30

First Quality Sewing Machine Repairs and Service! Top Name Brand Sales Sulky embroidery threads and supplies Tel: 0631-92512 • Fax: 0631-92188 Email: Wormser Str. 4 • 67657 Kaiserslautern Mon-Fri 09:00-18:00, Sat 09:00-12:00

• We sell Bernina sewing machines and repair all other models too!

Exclusive Antique Freddy’s Furniture ANTIQUES Only 4 miles from Ramstein Air Base 62


Spesbach 6


Mon-Sat from 10:00 to 18:00 (closed Wed.)

TELEPHONE SHOP WEILERBACH Roza’s Fine HOME PHONE & INTERNET ACTIVATION FLATRATE CALLS TO THE U.S & EUROPE SMARTPHONES HOME INSTALLATION Mackenbacher Str. 31, 67685 Weilerbach, Phone 06374-992138 HOURS: MO - FRI 10:00 - 12:00 / 14:00 - 18:00, SAT 10:00 - 12:00

Nov. - March closed on Mondays

Handmade Carpets Original Flemish Tapestries.

Tel: 06372-803255 Hauptstrasse 94b 66882 HĂźtschenhausen

Free delivery to Kaiserslautern, Spangdahlem, Wiesbaden, Heidelberg...

¡ Handmade Carpets ¡ Authentic Kilims ¡ Pashminas, large variety ¡ Silver Turkish Mirrors ¡ Evil Eye Jewelry ¡ Carpet Mouse Pads & bags ¡ Turkish Mosaic Lamps ¡ Hand painted Turkish ceramics ¡ Place Mats & Table Runners

Landstuhler Str. 13 | 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach Cell: 01 70 - 6 40 45 47 | Phone: 0 63 71 - 94 32 27 | E-Mail: Opening hours: Mon-Sat: 10:00-18:00 | Closed Sunday

November 16, 2012

All ads & pics can be viewed @

Tacima Transformer Step Down Voltage Converter 300W. For USA equipment (110-120v) in EUROPE (220-240v). Used once. Courier (Germany) â‚Ź4.10 â‚Ź28.90, Techno / Dancefloor Synth. "Quasimidi Sirius" with integrated 11 Ch. Vocoder (also voice distortion) + Synthesizer "Quasimidi Raven Max" + Keyboard stand â‚Ź1600 Technology in Action, 7th Edition - Unused â‚Ź15 smoothsalsakat@ya

Warhammer 40K players wanted for in and around Baumholder! Games held every Thursday night! Email for details. Spondored by the Imperial truth! JN19842007@

Page 43


Large Antique Dark solid wood. 3 pull out draws, 3 cabinets above ge and below to store goods in. 7 ‡ Relax, Ayurveda Massage feet tall. Price: $2900 PHILIPP-REIS-STR. 9 017622987498. 66849 LANDSTUHL Please call for appointment pics

Wine Rack/Holder, holds six bottles, attractive metal finish, fits per- Sofan perfect state, buy last fectly in a small, narrow space. week. â‚Ź100 $10; 0163-330-5535 or john@ad Very old cabinet for sale. Henry Wood frame picture. From Ash- II. â‚Ź750 field Arts. Made in the UK. Paid $500. see for pics. Well preserved oak massiv furniture from 1890, 2Sideboards, Xbox 360 Game - Homefront $10 Grandfathers Clock, Dining table Black Wireless Xbox Controller with chairs, several crockery sets$15 fotos on request â‚Źon request

0160-9191 3823 3

Toddler clothes for boys and condition! Call: 0152-05639147 girls. Tops $1, bottoms $2, and Denim $3. Located on Vogelweh Housing. $Boy & Girl Toddler Clothes Phone# 063156001268 Email: kitten_pawfever@ya Documents for Sale! USA and CSA documents, coins of Germany and China, private collection, for sale piece by piece. Call between 4-7pm 0152-25194313 (David Frank)

All ads & pics can be viewed @

Hauptstrasse 23 • 66849 Landstuhl

Tel: 06371 - 40 43 00


Help Wanted Receptionist needed for H&R Block Ramstein & Wiesbaden. Contact Frank Clemons @ 06145-5490684 or Irish male (26) only in Germany 4 weeks looking for full time (day) work. exp - admin, Insurance but good, quick learner and hard worker $can be discussed 0151 21486275 - mail

Open from 11 a.m. – 7 p.m.


Kids from 1 year old â‚Ź 6,Adults â‚Ź 3,Seniors from 65 years old FREE EVERY TUESDAY* MotherĘťs Day EVERY THURSDAY* FatherĘťs Day

Mothers FREE in company of at least 1 kid from 1 year old

How to find us: Fro m east take the B40 Kaiserslautern direction Mehlinge Sembach. Or tak e the A63 and tak n/ e exit Mehlingen. Enter Me signs direction Sp hlingen and follow ortzentrum Mehlin gen.

Fathers FREE

in company of at least 1 kid from 1 year old Offers not valid during school breaks and on holidays

Ticket for 10 visits / Kids ₏ 50.Ticket for 10 visits / Adults ₏ 25.Open: Mon – Fri 2 p.m. – 7 p.m. 2 kids & 2 adults Sat, Sun, Holidays and ₏ 12,- ONLY (bring in this ad) German school vacation 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. Hauptstr. 86 • 67678 Mehlingen • Info-Hotline: 06303-80 60 69




Hair removal - gentle and permanent for him and her

fast results - no laser

¡ Removal of tattoos ¡ Removal of haemangioma (cherry spots) ots) ¡ Anti-aging skin rejuvenation treatmentss Weekend and evening appointments available

1$ = 1â‚Ź*

9$7 )2506

Ramstein / Landstuhl Tel: 0 63 32 - 20 91 92 or Kaiserslautern / Pirmasens Cell: 01 71 - 4 93 33 69

Serving the U.S. military for over 12 years

*with this ad, valid till November 30, 2012

WIESBADEN DENTAL CARE Certified American Dental Hygienist and Certified Orthodontics.

Classical massage

Services we offer:

30 min - $ 25 60 min - $ 43

• Family dentistry • Bleaching • Porcelain bonding • Full ceramic crowns & onlays in 1 day • Periodontal maintenance

Are you retired or student? 12% OFF Home service only 0 63 03 – 87 02 09

01 76 • 62 19 77 28


Pradit Kern Trad. Thai massage

Open: Mon-Fri: 9.30 am – 8 p.m., Sat: 9:30 am – 6 p.m.




Services 60 min. 90 min. Traditional Thai massage â‚Ź44 â‚Ź54 Oil massage â‚Ź44 â‚Ź54 Hot stone massage â‚Ź49 â‚Ź59 Thai-spa-massage â‚Ź69 Foot massage â‚Ź32 Head/Neck/Shoulder massage 30 min. â‚Ź22

Please call for appointment


THe 569 USFPS is hosting an indoor yardsale!!! November 17th All ads & pics can be viewed @ 9am-2pm Bldg 2806 Kapaun Air Station, Vogelweh. alia.caudill@ Complete bedroom (bed, locker, bed side table, mattress), 1 year The Swarovski Pierrot mesasu- old, in perfect state. â‚Ź200 res 8". This is the first edition of 015152112197 "Masquerade" series. Retired in 1999. Pics on www.class- Dining table w/ 2 benches, siv wood - oak style, â‚Ź250 017690796039 Thomas the Tank Engine wood German Sideboard and Hightrack set 40+ vehicles & extras, plus Thomas toddler chair; all out- board for Sale. Oak-rustic color, standing condition. Originally massiv. Great condition! New $600+, now asking $150. Don at â‚Ź1200 each, now selling for â‚Ź250 063725096807 or dsumme5178@ each! Call: 0176-907-96039 Oak Shelf with 2 boards. Great



* Prices subject to change.


Kaiserslautern American

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3 min from Army Airfield

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/26( <285 )$7 12:

½ &28321 )25 67 &$5( 8/75$621,& 75($70(17 2) )$7 5('8&7,21 )25 +(5 $1' +,0 %2'< :5$33,1*  Â?Â? Â? Â?Â? ­Â

Page 44

PERSONAL All ads & pics can be viewed @

Female, 45 years, 5'6, blonde is looking for a friendly, good looking american man, 45 or older.To get to know each other, and maybe for a relationship. Only serious contacts please! 01522-6519732 Male seeking female travel partner to go places and do things. I'm tired of traveling alone too. History, culture, site seeing, tourism. $Free wanjurui02@ya

Kaiserslautern American I'm a fun, outgoing and very warm hearted 45 year young woman, 5'6 tall, 60kg, blond hair & blue eyes. I'm looking for a man who is at least 45 years young too & also looking for a serious relationship. I like outdoor activities and travelling but also a nice & quiet evening with a of glass wine combined with a good conversation. Please send an E-mail with a picture to Offer to female soldier to host on Christmas / New Year for cooking in my house, hanging out and having fun. Male, 46, 6´6", Business Man, like USA. michael-zeiler@free

November 16, 2012

A 42 year old Male is looking for a female travel partner that would like to see Germany, Europe and other places. Seeking a person with a passion to travel, who is willing to drive with me, help navigate to exciting places and fly in airplanes to vacation spots. I like sight seeing, art, history, learning languages, eating good local foods and cultures. We both can plan the travel location together. Kids are welcome if you have. I am tired of traveling alone, I hope you will join me. Ray - li

A 44 year old black male seeks the company of a respectable, honest, outgoing and sincere lady. She should be similar to me; down to earth, enjoy various activities, exercise, likes to travel, like sports, like music and enjoy life. It is okay to want to stay home sometimes and relax. It is important that she is trustworthy, communicates well and don't play games. Serious inquiries only with photo to Andrew

PETS All ads & pics can be viewed @

There have been reports of pets being sold from breeding facilities that are not managed at the highest professional standards. Please choose your pet carefully. Make sure you check the credentials of the people selling the pet, and get proper paperwork showing shots and/ or other proof of healthy condition. For further advice, consult your Veterinarian. 2 Love birds in a huge cage are looking for a new home. Bought it 6 months ago for over 250 Euros in. Asking for 100 Euros or please make an offer. €obo Make an offer 0176-96539677 Bergan Pet Carrier, Unused, was $35. Snap-in, removable vinyl coated floor for easy cleaning, snap down window, soft sided. 18"Lx11. 5"Wx10"H, max. 22lbs $20

Golden Retriever & Labrador pups for new homes. UTD on shots & mircochipped. Price dep. on breed and color. Come with health cert. & line papers. Email or sms €700 sandkorn66@google 015115922078 I got a Yorkshire Terrier which is 1,5 years "old" and am in need of a dogsitter. I am starting my new job in Ramstein on the 1.1.2013, will be working. silkeblietschau@

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES All ads & pics can be viewed @

! ! ! ! ! Bridge cleaners - cross the bridge into a cleaner world! PCS, yardwork, trash removal and a lot more! We except VAT Forms! 0173-3683830 !!PCS cleaning, weekly, exp. team over years INSP grtd 016091948-691 or cthompson@t-onli Certified translations. Reasonable rates. Call 06374-4113 or 0179-531-0274.

Very cute lovely dog looking for a German all levels, Mr. Vollmer, home €250 Landstuhl, phone: 06371-2470, obo

Want to stay in Europe? Carreers in financial planning available, your choice of location. US Broker / Dealer in Heidelberg seeking sales representatives. Tel. 0 62 21 - 2 35 97



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November 16, 2012

Kaiserslautern American



All ads & pics can be viewed @

All ads & pics can be viewed @

Joe Satellite inal Orig The ce 1992 sin

Michi & Maxi Service! PCS clea- Buying dictionaries all languages ning, trash hauling, painting, regu- and foreign language guides. Call lar yardwork, etc. 0176-70610963 0152-25194313 or 0160-69439449 Music classes in piano organ keyboard accordion brass instruments clarinet saxophone. State Certified Teacher. Live Piano Music. Call 0157-74236887

Professional lessons in guitar, bass & piano, saxophone. Cell New Challenge for Baseball / 015233696881 Softball Coaches!! The River BanTranslator/Interpreter Certified dits Baseball and Softball Team, KL., near Vogelweh. Reasonable located in SaarbrĂźcken (A6, 30min from KL) is looking for coarates. Call: 0631-54440 ches for both teams and also Voice lessons (experienced pro- players. Please contact: ste fessional singer, BM) 06372- or call 508747 or 0171-8634083

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Installation & Service and more... Stefan: 0176 2284 1995 INSTALLATION SERVICE-SALES Sky specialist quality service since 1991 Joe: 0631 3431418 0179-3437297 10 am to 6 pm

Irish male (26) looking for apt/ house share/house sit in k-town/ landstul area with person/people of simular age, only recently arrived in Germany 0151 21486275 mail

Page 45

Ingrid E. White, D.C., FFEAC Erik R. White, D.C. Eva D. White, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic Doctors of Chiropractic Palmer College of Chiropractic Logan College of Chiropractic Davenport, Iowa St. Louis, Missouri


Family and sports-oriented chiropractic care provided by German-American family of chiropractors.


Call for appointment: t .PO BOE 5IVST UP B N BOE UP Q N t 5VFT UP B N BOE UP Q N t 'SJ UP B N Location: Lutrinastr. 11, 67655 Kaiserslautern 5FM t 'BY XXX DIJSPQSBLUJL XIJUF EF XXX DIJSPQSBDUJD XIJUF DPN


Page 46

Kaiserslautern American

November 16, 2012

November 16, 2012

Kaiserslautern American

Page 47

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