Kaiserslautern American - June 6, 2014

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June 6, 2014


Volume 38, number 22

WWII legends speak about D-Day experience, Page 3 WWII veterans tell 70-year-old story, Page 5 Standing on shoulders of giants, Page 6

Honoring history to secure the future

Seventy years separate the two photos of a Douglas C-47. In that time, the Air Force became a separate, independent service of the

Department of Defense, and the military has upgraded its airframes and capabilities. But one thing remains the same: the pride and ded-

ication that comes with putting on a uniform with the initials “U.S.” embroidered on it. Whether in the Air Force

or any other service, today we stand on the shoulders of giants — the ones who came before to make us the nation we are today.

Page 2

Kaiserslautern American

June 6, 2014

Personal energy, overproduction by Capt. Fred Jackson 86th Maintenance Group As I entered technical training in 2005, the first words I heard were, stay fit-to-fight. Listening to our instructor gather opinions and discussing how the physical fitness examination changed from what we experienced through our different commissioning source was definitely a conversation point. The real interesting conversation came through from the “old-timers” discussing how the previ-

ous physical fitness tests were administered. Two recurring stories were told involving a mysterious bike test and how the run had a few less than healthy tricks to get a passing score. Thinking about physical fitness and how it relates to the Air Force and our lives, I wanted to discuss two concepts I always keep in mind: personal energy and overproduction. An old colleague of mine told me that once he found his personal energy, he found himself to be healthier and

a more balanced person. He would wake up just in time to get to work and not be late, and as the day rolled on, his energy levels would increase. He would workout during his lunch break or even directly after work, finish the duty day and go home, and even as the day turned into evening, he was still wide-eyed awake. Once I heard this, I started to think about my own energy levels, which I quickly found out are completely opposite. I would wake up two to three hours

before work, exercise at the southside fitness center and get into work early. Once I am on the job, I complete my daily tasks, but as the day rolls on, my energy levels decrease. Start to think about your energy levels. Do they increase or decrease throughout the day? When do you find yourself to be most productive? Once you figure it out support it. Build your day around it, and you will find yourself a more productive and balanced person. Once you figure out

where your personal energy is, you can build in your plan for physical fitness time into your day. As we come into the summer months activity will flourish, the amount of children playing at the parks will triple and the force support squadron will be offering summer sports programs. I challenge everyone to find their energy levels, squeeze in your physical training time based on a target fitness level and get involved in something physically active.

What SAPR stand-down day is all about receiving the services and privacy they deserve. Looking back at that time and then seeing where we are now, I feel the increase in reporting is a positive sign that we are moving in the ver since I can remember, I enjoyed right direction. I would like to think that this increase shows a stronger trust in helping people. It was someThe stand-down the program, the system and the Air thing that brought me great day was about Force. happiness. Helping support SAPR stand-down days are my friends, family and co-workers educating the was always something that I felt was community about designed for the purpose of raising my mission to do. reporting options, awareness, honoring the prevention I felt a personal responsibility to and response resources available for encouraging serve others and to relieve the pain victims and showing everyone in our both restricted of those around me if I could. I felt community that we care. Our leaderand unrestricted ship from the top down cares about called to do this type of work and this is why I became a clinical social reporting. Another raising awareness about this problem and stopping it in our community. worker. I believe this same energy is key goal was to The stand-down day was about the true meaning behind SAPR standshow our comeducating the community about down days. munity that we reporting options, encouraging both In 2009, I was a SARC at a stateare standing up restricted and unrestricted reporting. side base. Back then, the SAPR proagainst sexual Another key goal was to show our gram was set up differently, and at community that we are standing up that time we did not receive many assault. against sexual assault. It symbolizes reports. We knew that sexual assault was happening, but the reports were minimal. that the Air Force truly cares about the service We did not have SAPR stand-down days. Since members, family members and civilians that that time, I have personally witnessed many pos- work in our community. Most of all, it shed some light for survivors itive changes in the SAPR program and amazing initiatives implemented to ensure victims are of sexual assault and revealed to them that this by Carmen Schott 86th Airlift Wing sexual assault response coordinator



The Kaiserslautern American is published by AdvantiPro GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany, a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Air Force or the Department of the Army, under exclusive contract with the 86th Airlift Wing. This commercial enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services overseas. Contents of the KA are not necessarily the official view of, or endorsed by, the U.S. government, Department of Defense or Department of the Air Force. The appearance of advertising in this publication,

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culture is changing. Because of SAPR standdown days and other events like this, survivors are feeling more comfortable coming forward to report. The SAPR office is open 24/7 and provides on-call response 365 days a year for our community. We have more than 80 trained and certified victim advocates who are prepared to be a part of the solution to this problem. We have over 55 people on a waiting list to become victim advocates right here at Ramstein, and that is without actively recruiting. Our fellow Airmen and co-workers want to raise awareness, and they want to be a part of the change in our culture by volunteering to serve as a SAPR victim advocate. The increased participation in our program and across the Air Force shows that there are many others around us that care and want to help others in their time of need. We want survivors of sexual assault to know that it is safe to come forward and report, it is safe to be vulnerable and we will believe you and encourage you to reach out for help. Seeking help for oneself takes great strength and shows great courage. The SAPR team will stand by to help and protect anyone that takes that first step.


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June 6, 2014

Kaiserslautern American

Page 3

BIO-CLEANING VAT-forms PET ODOR REMOVAL accepted Kaiserstr. 54 a (across from City Hall) • 66849 Landstuhl • Tel.: 06371-61 22 11 Spittelstr. 3 (near Stiftsplatz) • 67655 Kaiserslautern • Tel.: 0631-37 35 60 10

Photo by Staff Sgt. Kris Levasseur

Julian Rice (seated left) and William Prindible, World War II veterans and former 37th Troop Carrier Squadron C-47 Skytrain pilots, answer questions from members of the media before telling their story to members of Team Ramstein. Rice and Prindible were invited by the 37th Airlift Squadron to participate in events commemorating the 70th anniversary of the D-Day invasion of Normandy.

WWII legends speak about D-Day experience by Staff Sgt. Travis Edwards 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs


wo veteran pilots who were part of the D-Day invasion over Normandy, France, spoke to a packed crowd of service members, dependents and retirees Monday on Ramstein. William Prindible and Julian Rice, both C-47 Skytrain pilots, flew airdrop missions during the invasion and are among the last few pilots alive to recite their tales of fortune. “We were the lucky ones,” Rice said. “One hundred fourteen other pilots didn’t survive; they are the real heroes. We were all just young kids doing our job ... the mission we were told to do.” The pair both joined the Army Air Forces in separate months in 1942 and were stationed in Sicily, Italy, with the 37th Troop Carrier Squadron. In the fall of 1943, they were sent to Cottesmore, England, for six months to prepare for the Normandy invasion. The duo focused on the unforgettable moments that led up to the invasion, including when they flew in tight formation during a training mission two weeks prior to D-Day, training that ended in tragedy. Rice said the night was shrouded with confusion, which led to mid-air collisions and the first of their casualties prior to the invasion even beginning. “Nothing is ever perfect — we lost our commanding officer, our chaplain, 12 aircraft and many men,” Rice said. “We wanted to forget that day, but you can’t forget.” Prindible said that although they didn’t know it when they started, all their training had to be put to the test on June 6, 1944, and it was the discipline they gained that

Looking for something to do on the weekend? Looking for a terrific day or weekend of activities with the family? Then head down to the Childrens’ Festival on the 7th of June in Kaiserslautern. There will be games, music, and loads of other fun activities for the little ones to do. The event starts at 10 a.m. and ends at 4 p.m. For more information see Page 19, and for MORE events check out: www.militaryingermany.com

Photo by Staff Sgt. Travis Edwards

The name of the new street on Ramstein Air Base was unveiled during a street-naming ceremony Monday. The street was named Skytrain Lane after the namesake of the 37th Airlift Squadron’s heritage transport aircraft, the C-47, which was used during the D-Day invasion of Normandy, France.

helped keep them alive. This week’s visit was the first time they both have been to Europe since 1996. “We spent two years getting ready for that one day; we were trained well,” he said. “I am grateful for the experience and to have spent that time with (the service members involved with D-Day).” “This is our heritage ... 70 years in the making,” said Master Sgt. Jason Beebe, 37th Airlift Squadron loadmaster, who also flew in the dissimilar formation with the C-47. “This was one of those opportunities you will regret not coming out to see.” In honor of the 70th anniversary of D-Day and to commemorate Rice and Prindible’s visit to the base, 86th Airlift Wing Commander Brig. Gen. Patrick X. Mordente unveiled Skytrain Lane to signify the legacy aircraft of the modern-day 37th Airlift Squadron, the same airframe used by both veterans when they flew in Normandy.



Page 4

Kaiserslautern American

June 6, 2014


Reported Larcenies MAY 27

» Ramstein-Miesenbach: One red and black Kenwood CD/MP3 stereo and one iPhone 4S with a gray case.

MAY 27

2:01 a.m.: Drunken driving was reported in Kaiserslautern. 6:43 a.m.: Theft from a motor vehicle was reported in Ramstein-Miesenbach. 7:23 a.m.: A minor traffic accident was reported in Landstuhl. 2:50 p.m.: A minor traffic accident was reported in Kaiserslautern.

MAY 28

1:03 p.m.: Larceny of government and private property was reported in Steinwenden. 3:19 p.m.: A major traffic accident was reported on Kleber Kaserne. 4:40 p.m.: Larceny of private property was reported at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. 9:25 p.m.: A minor traffic accident was reported in Kaiserslautern. 11:17 p.m.: Larceny of private property was reported in Landstuhl.

MAY 29

12:59 a.m.: Larceny of private property was reported in Luxembourg. 6:15 a.m.: A simple assault was reported in Landstuhl.

3:17 a.m.: Drunken driving was reported in Kaiserslautern. 4:25 a.m.: Drunken driving was reported in Kaiserslautern. 5:26 p.m.: A major traffic accident with major injuries was reported in Mackenbach.

MAY 31

2:16 a.m.: An assault resulting in battery was reported on Vogelweh Family Housing. 4:20 a.m.: Drunken driving was reported in Hohenecken. 5:40 a.m.: Drunken driving was reported in Kaiserslautern. 8:08 a.m.: Drunken driving was reported on Vogelweh Family Housing. 8:58 a.m.: Drunken driving was reported in Landstuhl.

The KMC Housing Office and the Furnishings Management Office will be closed Monday and June 19 for German holidays. The offices will also close early at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday.

Assumption of command

Take Note

» Steinwenden: One pair of Coach sunglasses, one multicolored painting, one black M50 gas mask, one BDU patterned chemical warfare suit blouse, one BDU patterned chemical warfare suit trouser, one pair of black chemical warfare overboots, one pair of chemical warfare cotton glove inserts, one pair of black chemical warfare rubber gloves, two M50 gas mask filter canisters and one green A Bag.

MAY 30


Lt. Gen. Darryl Roberson will assume command of 3rd Air Force and 17th Expeditionary Air Force during a ceremony at 10 a.m. Wednesday on Ramstein. There will be open seating for ID cardholders, Department of Defense civilians, NATO personnel and dependents. Dress will be Uniform of the Day. For those interested in attending, parking will be available at the Ramstein Northside Chapel. A shuttle will transport guests from the chapel parking lot to Hangar 3 from 9 to 9:40 a.m. Return shuttles will begin at 11:30 a.m.

Blood drive

A community blood drive will take place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. today, Monday and June 13 and 16 at the Kaiserslautern Military Community Center.

Reduced services

MAY 28

10:26 p.m.: An assault and resisting arrest were reported on Daenner Kaserne. 10:58 p.m.: A sexual assault was reported on Landstuhl. 11:40 p.m.: Drunken driving was reported in Kaiserslautern.

The Ramstein Southside Postal Annex will reduce service on Mondays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This will only affect the section where patrons mail packages. The Southside Post Office will continue normal hours of operation, and patrons can pick their mail up without any


4 a.m.: A burglary was reported in Mackenbach. 6:49 a.m.: Larceny of private property and government property was reported in Mackenbach. 8:15 a.m.: Child endangerment was reported on Vogelweh.


1:51 a.m.: Child neglect was reported in Landstuhl.


May 31 — Unknown number of volunteers, 25 lives potentially saved. June 1 — 16 volunteers, 43 lives potentially saved.

service delays. The Northside and Kapaun post offices will maintain normal hours of operations to support all mail services. For more information, contact the customer service section at 480-7857.

Dinner at Deutsches Haus

The Deutsches Haus restaurant on Ramstein, run by the German Armed Forces, offers lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and dinner from 5 to 9 p.m. Visit www.deutscheshausramstein. de for details about the menu, reservations and special events.

Charity concert

The Otterberg children’s choir Singing Squirrels, Ramstein Intermediate School choir, Otterberg guitar school and other German and American musicians will sponsor a charity concert, “Children helping Children,” at 7 p.m. today in Otterberg’s Stadthalle (community hall). Tickets cost €8 for adults and €2 for children, ages 6 to 12. Proceeds will be donated to a children’s home in China and a children’s hospice in Mannheim.

KMC Top 3 scholarship

The KMC Top 3 is offering two $300 scholarships to enlisted active-duty members and their dependents who are enrolled in a degree program. Applicants must have a validated degree plan from an accredited institution. To apply, submit a two- to three-page essay on the degree being pursued, why it is being pursued and

how the degree will benefit the student in the future. Interested individuals can email Master Sgt. Amanda Callahan at amanda.callahan@ us.af.mil or Master Sgt. Willie Frazier at willie. frazier@us.af.mil for an application and more information.

Off-limits list

U.S. forces personnel are prohibited from entering the below establishments and conducting business with the following firms, individuals and organizations. Members who violate this prohibition are subject to punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Marco Banf (MBT and BTM moving company), Kirchdell 16, Kaiserslautern James Brown (cleaning business), Obergasse 20, Weilerbach Axel Burghammer (car sales), Im Bachgraben 11, Landstuhl Ramona Fröhlich (day care), Hebelstrasse 12, Katzweiler Mohammad Koohi (Arya Club), Steinstrasse 56, Kaiserslautern Martin Massa (cleaning business), RudolfBreitscheid Strasse 77, Kaiserslautern Edgar Mayer (Autohaus Mayer and gas station), Kaiserstrasse 87, Bruchmühlbach Angelika Picker (AP Bausysteme/construction), Kaiserstrasse 15, Pirmasens Gisela Smith and Herbert Sator (dog sellers), Steinwendener Strasse 23a, Kottweiler Brigitte Weinand (day care), Weberstrasse 21, Kindsbach

» Kinsbach: Coppe laptops. » Landstuhl: Tw APRIL 28

industrial counter coo mander, one industrial industrial salad dispe trial drink mixer, one washer, one industria plate, one industrial fl trial fryer, one industri » Ramstein: Copp APRIL 22

Vehicle Readiness Squad sure the snow equipmen ABOVE: Snow equipmen

June 6, 2014

Kaiserslautern American

Page 5

WWII veterans tell 70-year-old story Story and photo by Staff Sgt. Kris Levasseur 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Editor’s note: The information in this story is based on the personal recollection of the lives of two World War II veterans and the D-Day events from 70 years ago. In the largest orchestrated air, ground and sea assaults of the century, more than 850 C-47 Skytrains piloted by Airmen with the Army Air Forces and the 37th Troop Carrier Squadron were to deliver approximately 13,000 paratroopers from the 82nd and 101st Airborne into battle. It was not just any battle, though. It was the battle that became the turning point in a war that encompassed many nations from around the world. The battle was Operation Overlord in Normandy, France, and the war was World War II. The facts of the battle are well known in history books, but the individual stories and intricate details are on the verge of being lost in time. Fortunately, two veterans of the infamous battle took their time to detail what it was like to be a part of the tipping point in the war. William Prindible and Julian Rice, former 37th TCS pilots, were able to tell their story Monday on Ramstein. Here is the account of their experiences: “When I was a 7-year-old kid in

William “Bill” Prindible (left) and Julian “Bud” Rice, World War II veterans and former 37th Troop Carrier Squadron C-47 Skytrain pilots, answer questions from members of Team Ramstein. Rice and Prindible were invited by the 37th Airlift Squadron to participate in events commemorating the 70th anniversary of D-Day.

Panama, I was watching a man being driven down the road in a parade and asked my mom who he was, and she said, ‘He’s Charles Lindbergh,’” Rice said. “The next day we went to the airfield. We saw the Spirit of St. Louis take off into the sunset, and I was hooked. I knew that is what I wanted to do.

“In 1941, I was sitting in the movie theater when the movie stopped,” Rice added. “A major came on stage and announced the bombing of Pearl Harbor and told us all to go home. My friends and I knew what was coming, so we took the aviation cadet exam and signed up right away.”

While Rice was preparing to train as a pilot, the pilot that eventually became the youngest 37th TCS member, William “Bill” Prindible was eagerly awaiting his 18th birthday, so he could sign up as well. See veterans, Page 7

Wereth 11 honored at Belgian ceremony

a helping hand, knowing full well they could be persecuted for doing so. Soon after, while the men were still eating, German SS arrived at the Langer house (most likely being A significant memorial was held in tipped off by a Nazi sympathizer the small town of Wereth, Belgium, with the Soldiers’ location). to celebrate, honor and recognize Assuming the men did not want 11 African-American Soldiers who to cause any more trouble for the fought and were massacred during Langer family, they emerged from World War II. the house, hands raised in the air. These men are now remembered The 11 men were taken prisoner by as “The Wereth 11.” the SS and forced to run in front To pay tribute to these men, color of their vehicle to a trail about 70 guard members from Landstuhl meters from the house. Regional Medical Center joined a As the Langer family watched contingent of fellow U.S. and Belgian them disappear into the night, it service members, the Vogelweh would be the last time they would Gospel Service Choir and 350 other see them alive. In early February, local and well-traveled attendees at Color guard members from Landstuhl Regional Medical Center participate in a May 17 ceremony in after the fighting had subsided and Wereth, Belgium, honoring 11 African-American Soldiers murdered during World War II. the May 17 ceremony. it was safe to leave their home, the The honored Soldiers were attached to the 333rd patrols. After walking for hours, the hungry and Langer family proceeded on their usual route to Field Artillery Battalion, an all-black unit, at the weary Soldiers arrived in the town of Wereth where church when they discovered the Soldiers’ bodies. onset of the Battle of the Bulge. On Dec. 17, 1944, the men were taken in by local farmer Mathias According to Army Capt. William Everett, who they were separated from their unit and found them- Langer. They were given hot coffee, bread and an examined the bodies, most of the men were killed selves trudging through deep snow in the woods opportunity to rest. See wereth 11, Page 6 of eastern Belgium in an attempt to avoid German The Langer family did not hesitate to extend Story and photo by Taylor Massey Landstuhl Regional Medical Center Public Affairs

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Kaiserslautern American

June 6, 2014

WERETH 11, from Page 5

by blows to the head (most likely with a rifle stock), repeatedly stabbed with bayonets and shot multiple times. On Sept. 11, 1994, about 50 years after the massacre, Hermann Langer, son of Mathias, erected a monument to commemorate the Soldiers he remembered as a child. Throughout his lifetime, he could not forget the desperation he saw in the eyes of the American Soldiers at his home, or the dignity he witnessed when they faced the SS. Nor could he forget the generosity of his father. He constructed a cross from the pieces of his own family’s gravestones in order to ensure permanent structure to coincide with the lasting memory of the brave Soldiers. Not only did Hermann create a monument that will forever pay tribute to these men, but he built it in the exact area where the men were murdered. This field also stands as the location for the yearly ceremony to remember and honor the Soldiers. This year’s ceremony was notable, because it marked the 20th anniversary honoring the Wereth 11, as well as the dedication of a beech tree in celebration of Hermann Langer. It was also the first ceremony to occur since Langer’s death. In this area of Belgium, there is an old tradition that is carried on in order to commemorate particular events, such as the birth of a child, a remarkable anniversary or to remember a loved one, and that is done through the planting of a tree. Each year the memorial ceremony welcomes a guest speaker to deliver a message on behalf of the Soldiers. Col. L. Mitchell Kilgo, who delivered this year’s address a few days before relinquishing command of 5th Signal Command, spoke about his connection and passion toward the Soldiers and the memorial dedicated in honor of the Wereth 11 and all other AfricanAmerican Soldiers.

A Douglas C-47 Skytrain, known as Whiskey 7, flies alongside a C-130J Super Hercules from the 37th Airlift Squadron May 30 over Germany. The C-47 came to Ramstein for a week to participate in base activities with its legacy unit, the 37th Airlift Squadron, before returning to Normandy to recreate its role and drop paratroopers over the original drop zone in Sainte-Mere-Eglise, France.

Ramstein Airmen rekindle piece of D-Day history Story and photo by Staff Sgt. Sara Keller 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Seventy years ago, young men from the 37th Troop Carrier Squadron at Royal Air Force Cottesmore, England, prepared their aircraft and themselves for what would soon be known as one of the most significant and meaningful days in the history of the world — D-Day. This past Memorial Day, the 37th AS welcomed the Douglas C-47 Skytrain, known as Whiskey 7, allowing them to not only commemorate the 70th anniversary of D-Day but to also experience a piece of their squadron’s rich history. The C-47s were the first aircraft the 37th TCS flew when the squadron was formed in 1942. When the squadron was re-designated as the 37th AS and based in Germany, it flew C-130s.

Today, it flies the C-130J Super Hercules. “It was a few years ago we found out that the National Warplane Museum in Geneseo, New York, had the last airworthy C-47 from the original 37th TCS,” said Capt. Andrew Richter, 37th AS pilot. “About two years ago, we really started working with the museum to help in any way we could to bring the C-47 to Ramstein and the 70th anniversary.” After two years of intense fundraising and coordination, a team of volunteers from the museum made the 3,600-mile trip to Germany and flew with the C-130J from the 37th AS for the first time in history. “We have such a rich history here at the 37th, and it’s amazing to see our squadron’s heritage first person,” Richter said. See WHISKEY 7, next page

Standing on shoulders of giants by Airman 1st Class Jordan Castelan 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs


eritage, pride and legacy are a few words that may come to mind as people walk through the halls of the 37th Airlift Squadron. Display cases dedicated to historical artifacts, such as model airplanes of the squadron’s past, and photos of their brother’s from World War II draped along the walls show the members of the 37th AS will not forget the legacy of giants that came before them.

One major part of the squadron’s legacy is a Douglas C-47 Skytrain, named Whiskey 7. This year, the 70th anniversary of D-Day will include this unique piece of history. It is the same C-47 that led the 37th Troop Carrier Squadron into D-Day. In its 72-year history, the 37th TCS has had a few unit identifying names. Its most recent re-designation occurred in April 1992 when it was named the 37th Airlift Squadron. Since June 1942, the squadron has provided airlift capabilities across multiple theaters and operations, including Overlord,

Market Garden, Tomahawk, Homecoming, Provide Comfort, Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom and many more. Whiskey 7 was assigned as the lead aircraft for the 37th TCS, and arranging for it to make the 3,600-mile journey across the Atlantic and fly over the skies of Normandy was tasked to a few Airmen in the 37th AS. “What’s happening here is actually the accumulation of two years of work,” said Capt. Brian Shea, 37th AS mission commander. “Content planning began in November 2013 and became a full-time

priority the past month and a half.” During the previous two years, Whiskey 7 and its crew were able to raise the $250,000 necessary to acquire the means to participate in this year’s anniversary of D-Day. “Now we’re looking right outside and seeing this historical aircraft that flew during D-Day and led our squadron,” said Capt. Jon Dixon, 37th AS chief of tactics. “It’s absolutely humbling.” Whiskey 7 is a significant piece of history, and many military organizations have See GIANTS, next page

June 6, 2014 VETERANS, from Page 5

“When I signed up, there were so many applicants for the aviation program that the Army didn’t have enough room in training, so we all enlisted while we waited for room in training,” Prindible said. “After we got through training we were dispatched to Europe and moved through several locations while preparing for D-Day.” After spending time in Morocco and Italy, Prindible and Rice followed the 37th TCS to its last stop before the D-Day invasion. “About six months before D-Day, we got the orders to move our group to Cottesmore, England, to prepare for the D-Day invasion,” Rice said. “We spent the majority of the next six months training and preparing for D-Day.” Rice added that the training was rigorous and several skeptics thought the military wasn’t prepared enough to complete the mission. “At the time, there were a lot of reporters who said that we weren’t trained well and we were afraid,” Rice said. “Well, they were half-right. Of course we were afraid. Who wouldn’t be? But we were well trained. There was a plan, and we trained for it.” Rice also noted that the training itself was dangerous. Flying the way they did was still a fairly new process, and there were several challenges given the conditions. “Unlike today, we didn’t have a lot of navigation equipment to keep track of other aircraft in the area,” Rice said. “We had blue cup lights on the fuselage of the aircraft that we had to keep track of in order to stay in formation. “One night returning from a training mission, our group was split into two formations while returning to Cottesmore,” he continued. “There was WHISKEY 7, from Page 6

“The C-47 is the first aircraft our squadron flew, and it means so much to us to have the opportunity to fly with a piece of our history and participate in the French 70th anniversary of D-Day.” It has taken thousands of hours, about $250,000 and hundreds of people to get Whiskey 7 to Ramstein, and it’s not just the Airmen of the 37th AS who felt the need for the historically significant journey to happen. “The biggest reason we brought

Kaiserslautern American a bit of confusion between the formations, and we ended up flying through each other, and I was forced to land and spend the night sleeping in my C-47. It turned out that there were several casualties; we lost our commander, the chaplain and several others.” Rice and Prindible said there were several training accidents like this, but it was extremely important for them to be prepared for D-Day. If they weren’t prepared, they wouldn’t have been able to overcome the obstacles during the invasion. “On D-Day the weather in England was causing us some issues,” Prindible said. “The fog was bad, and we had zero visibility.” Because of the fog, Prindible and Rice said navigation was nearly impossible and was the biggest concern at the time. “We got lost in the fog,” Rice said. “Everything went black while we were flying in close proximity to hundreds of other planes. Collisions were a big threat and very possible. We weren’t worried about the flak and the gunfire until about five minutes later when we came through the fog. Then we had another concern; the sky was lighting up like the Fourth of July.” Prindible noted that, even though there was a lot to be concerned with going in to Normandy, that all changed once they got there. “Before we went out on D-Day, we were all apprehensive, but when we made it over Normandy, we were so focused and busy with our responsibilities that there wasn’t time to worry about anything else,” Prindible said. “All the Airmen were very dedicated to accomplishing the mission. There were a lot of things standing in the way of what we were trying to do, but if we weren’t as dedicated as we were, Whiskey 7 to Europe for the D-Day anniversary is because that airplane is a symbol of what those men did 70 years ago for the entire world,” said Christopher Polhemus, Whiskey 7 lead pilot. “Our crew chief really put it into perspective. He said, ‘Those men came as liberators, not as conquerors.’” The entire European continent was under the tyranny of Nazi control. “They were not free,” Polhemus said. “The U.K. was next, and what the U.S. did by sending W7 over here, along with thousands of other aircraft and

Page 7

Courtesy photo

The C-47 Skytrain is the same type of aircraft flown by both William Prindible and Julian Rice on D-Day. Prindible and Rice were part of the former 37th Troop Carrier Squadron and are among the last few pilots alive to give an accurate portrayal of the events that happened June 6, 1944.

it wouldn’t have happened.” Their dedication allowed the 37th TCS to drop Soldiers from the 82nd Airborne behind Utah Beach in Normandy, France, between SainteMere-Eglise and Carentan on June 6, 1944. Within a day, the invasion was complete, but the mission didn’t end there. “The invasion was just a part of the mission,” Rice said. “The next day we carried supplies to the men that we dropped. Then, the next day bringing ammunition and medical supplies, as well as evacuating the wounded. “It seems like only yesterday we were there on D-Day,” he added. “It’s something you would never forget. At the time, we were happy to be able to do what we had to. We are so proud of the 37th Airlift Squadron for surviving and continuing the mission we had back then.” Rice said there have been a lot of changes since that day. “It’s the technical age, and the modern equipment has a lot that we didn’t hundreds of thousands of American Soldiers, Sailors and Marines, they came here and liberated the entire continent of Europe. It was huge!” Polhemus also explained how Airmen from the 37th AS were extremely helpful, and he’s thankful for all of the time and effort they put into bringing Whiskey 7 here. “We learn about our history as soon as we walk in the door. We see it on the walls around us. It’s ingrained in us,” Richter said. “To bring W7 here, fly next to it and parking it right in front of our squadron, it’s just surreal.”

have back then,” he said. Rice added that the one thing Airmen today have that they had back then was courage. Prindible agreed. “I’ve been asked what the difference is between (military members) back then and now, but I don’t feel qualified to talk about the differences,” Prindible said. “I can say there are a lot of similarities, but the biggest one is we are all volunteers.” Now, 70 years later, the two veterans are returning to where it all happened. The veterans said the trip back to Normandy came as a surprise to them. The trip provided a chance for the veterans to honor their brothers. “Bill and I don’t like to be referred to as heroes,” Rice said. “We were the lucky ones. One hundred fourteen other pilots didn’t survive; they are the real heroes. We are here to pay our final honor and respect to the true heroes of our group that didn’t make it back home. We are honored to be here for the 70th anniversary of D-Day and be able to tell their story.” GIANTS, from Page 6

highly regarded heritages that they work hard to recognize, and the 37th AS is no different, Dixon said. “Our end game is to honor and remember those who made so many sacrifices fighting to ensure the freedom and democracy for many,” said Capt. Andrew Richter, 37th AS deputy mission commander. When asked how important unit legacy is to today’s Airmen, the captains agreed that Americans can feel safe knowing the 37th AS is able to secure today’s future because of what 37th TCS Airmen accomplished 70 years ago. “We are able to do what we can today because of those men that fought on D-Day,” Shea said. “It’s no secret that we all stand on the shoulders of giants.”

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Kaiserslautern American

June 6, 2014

Airmen focus on sexual assault prevention by Staff Sgt. Travis Edwards 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Airmen from the 86th Airlift Wing on Ramstein took an entire work day to focus on the importance of sexual assault prevention and response May 28. The goal for SAPR stand-down day was to have Airmen come together as a group to discuss the topic in depth, including reinforcing how to intervene in unprofessional situations and what reporting options are available to them. “Having a full day to talk to Airmen about how important sexual assault prevention is is invaluable,” said Carmen Schott, Ramstein sexual assault and response coordinator. “The reminder helps everyone understand the options available to them and also allows Airmen to talk to each other openly and candidly about a subject that can be sensitive.” The day opened up with a commander’s call from the 86th Airlift Wing Commander Brig. Gen. Patrick X. Mordente. “Sexual assault and sexual harassment are unacceptable, and they have no place in the Air Force,” Mordente said. “The Air Force is making progress in sexual assault response, but preventing the crime itself remains our goal.” In fiscal year 2013, there were a total of 1,047 reports of sexual assault. The general added that as a service, the Air Force cannot stop until there are zero sexual assaults and those who commit the crime are brought to justice. “It takes courage for a victim of sexual assault to come forward to make a restricted or an unrestricted report,” he said. “If sexual misconduct occurs, it’s important victims are treated with care and feel confident to report the incident without fear of ridicule, retaliation or reprisal. Regardless of the reporting option chosen by a sexual assault victim, we as Airmen must ensure they get the help they need.” Mordente’s words echo those of the chief of staff of the Air Force, Gen. Mark A. Welsh III. “We live in a culture of respect,” Welsh said. “We cherish our core values of integrity, service and excellence. But in order to ensure all Airmen

Photo by Senior Airman Jonathan Stefanko

Brig. Gen. Patrick X. Mordente, 86th Airlift Wing commander, speaks at a Sexual Assault Prevention and Response stand-down day commander’s call May 28 on Ramstein. The stand-down day gave units an opportunity to review facts about sexual assault and enhance awareness about behaviors of people who commit the crime.

experience and benefit from those values, we must eliminate sexual assault in our ranks.” A goal of the sexual assault and prevention program is to reinforce that every Airman has the duty to promote a safe, respectful and productive work environment free from sexual innuendo, harassment and assault. Prevention includes informing and educating Airmen of their rights and responsibilities to themselves and to each other and having the ability to identify potential perpetrators. Airmen were told to be on the lookout for specific traits of offenders, like someone who shows hostility toward the opposite sex, has lower levels of empathy or holds traditional gender role stereotypes. The general said having these traits doesn’t mean someone will sexually assault another, but rather shows a correlation between the sexual assailants

interviewed and the traits they exhibited. In addition to the training, the SAPR coordinator said it was important that victims know that on possibly the worst day of their lives they have a place they can go to receive compassionate, capable support from the Air Force. “We want Airmen to completely understand that if they are sexually assaulted, it’s never their fault, and they can continue to trust that we will do everything we can do to help them in their time of need,” Schott said. “Whether they want a restricted report or unrestricted, we’re here to help.” The day’s events concluded by giving Airmen a chance to share successful stories of intervention within small groups. For more information about sexual assault prevention and reporting options, visit www. sexualassaultpreventionresponse.af.mil.

Soldiers train to conduct installation access control Story and photo by Staff Sgt. Warren W. Wright Jr. 21st Theater Sustainment Command Public Affairs


Sgt. Joshua Overton, human resources NCO with the 21st Theater Sustainment Command, practices unarmed self-defense techniques on Staff Sgt. Fredrick Longhorn, HR NCO with the 21st TSC, during guard force training May 21 on Rhine Ordnance Barracks.

undreds of Soldiers from throughout the U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz footprint participated in a three-day course designed to train Soldiers on the proper procedures for conducting installation access control. Guard force training courses have been conducted at various dates over the last eight weeks. They teach Soldiers a number of force protection measures from escalation of force to proper vehicle search procedures. Currently, security guards working

for Ponds Security are responsible for installation control in the KMC; however, due to a contracting issue, until recently it was unknown if Ponds Security would be able to continue in its role as installation access controllers. “We have been conducting guard force training in the event the Ponds guards’ contract defaults, which did not happen,” said Staff Sgt. Germell Johnson, physical security inspector for USAG-RP. “They did end up getting their contract extended, but we still had to train the Soldiers just in case they had to take over responsibility at the gates.” Though the Ponds Security contract has been extended for a few more months, See training, next page

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training, from Page 8

the future of a new contract is unknown, meaning Soldiers need to be prepared to take over responsibility at the gates. After conducting numerous classes over an eight-week period, instructors were able to use previous classes to continually improve on the course in order to provide Soldiers with the best training experience in a short time. “The last week has worked out as the best week,” Johnson said. “Going from week one to week eight and having (after action reviews) after each course has helped us to solidify the training.” Soldiers learned how to properly conduct operations at the installation access control points to ensure the security and safety of the personnel working and the families living on the many bases throughout the area. “The training is important, because we need to know the proper way to do things in order to protect the base, our loved ones and our battle buddies that live on base with us,” said Sgt. Joshua Overton, human resources NCO with the 21st Theater Sustainment Command. Pfc. Michael Pierre-Louis, intelligence analyst with the 21st TSC, agrees. “It’s important because it reinforces what everyone should already be able to do,” he said. “As a Soldier, you should be able to guard a post.” On the final day of training, Soldiers were given hands-on instruction on the type of work they would be doing at the gate. From using the installation control access system personal digital assistants, to scanning identification cards, to conducting vehicle searches and individual pat downs, the Soldiers learned a number of techniques to ensure the security at the gates remains high. Overall, Soldiers learned how important installation access control is. Those who work at the main gates are the first line of defense for the many thousands of service members, civilians and family members working and residing on the bases. “Everyone here took the training seriously, so that we all will know how to do the job correctly if called upon,” Overton said. “I know I can rely on my battle buddies to have my back.”

U.S. Army 1st Sgt. Leldon Lee Want, Special Operations Command Europe Joint Special Operations Air Component senior enlisted leader, looks out the back ramp of a U.S. Air Force C-130J Super Hercules to ensure Romanian paratroopers can safely exit the aircraft during Carpathian Spring 2014 May 18 above Campia Turzii, Romania. Jumpmasters from Ramstein and Royal Air Force Mildenhall, England, took part in the training to help guarantee jumps went smoothly.

US, Romania conduct joint training, build partnership they’re one of our NATO Allies,” Thompson said. “They’re hard working and have been accommodating, letting us bring our C-130s and opening their airBUCHAREST, Romania — More space to allow us to train better together. than 80 U.S. Airmen and Soldiers sta“Working closely together during tioned in Germany came together to these types of flying training deploytake part in the Carpathian Spring 2014 ments helps increase our thriving relaMay 9 through 23 here. tionship with the Romanians,” he added. Carpathian Spring is an annual trainAlong with conducting flying training ing opportunity that allows C-130J Super U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Cameron Riley, 435th missions, Romanian paratroopers were Hercules aircrew to fly in less restric- Contingency Response Group jumpmaster, also able to fulfill their jump requiretive airspace, allowing them to utilize looks out the side door of a C-130J Super ments. Above Romanian drop zones, Hercules during Carpathian Spring 2014. night vision goggle capabilities and fly in C-130J pilots, loadmasters and U.S. low level formations. Air Force and Army jumpmasters worked together with “This training is important, because Romanian airspace Romanian paratroopers to ensure safety during static-line allows us to be very flexible and helps to keep us profi- jumps and high-altitude low-opening jumps. cient,” said U.S. Air Force Capt. Chad Thompson, 37th “We’ve been here providing jumpmaster support,” said Airlift Squadron pilot. “We’re performing daytime visual, U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Christopher Zavala Romero, 435th mountain low level training, where we fly low through the Contingency Response Group jumpmaster. “We have helped mountains to practice threat avoidance and forcible entry push out 300 Romanian paratroopers in the past two weeks. capabilities. We’re also doing air-drop training with con- Part of our job is to make sure jumpers and the aircraft are tainer delivery systems and Romanian paratroopers. At night both safe. This training ensures we’re on the same page we’re doing NVG flying and landings.” when we work with our allies.” The opportunity to fulfill training requirements was essenOnce aircrews completed their missions, Airmen from tial for all personnel, but more importantly, the two week- the 86th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron were ready to do long training allowed service members to interact with their their part. The maintainers worked 12-hour shifts to keep the Romanian allies. Members from both militaries shared their C-130J flight ready. perspectives and expertise, improving mission planning and “For two weeks our teams have been launching aircraft tactics. for day and night missions and fixing them when they “I’ve learned how U.S. pilots can perform in tactical return,” said U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Jereamy Day, 86th exercises and how they manage a paratrooper mission,” AMXS guidance and control craftsman. “Delivering aircraft said Romanian air force 1st Lt. Gheorghe Matis, C-27J pilot that can perform the mission is why we’re here.” in training. “I was very impressed. These kinds of training The 86th Airlift Wing mission is only successful with opportunities prepare us for real missions. This has been my every piece working together, the same way joint operations first time working with Americans. I hope there are more are successful with partnerships built during trainings such chances in the future to take this cooperation to a higher as Carpathian Spring. level, because we have a lot to learn from each other.” Team Ramstein has participated in Carpathian Spring Pilots from the 37th AS also shared similar sentiments. since 2008, showing the Air Force’s continued commitment “It’s important to work with the Romanians, because to NATO Allies. Story and photos by Senior Airman Damon Kasberg 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

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Kaiserslautern American

June 6, 2014

CRG goes above, beyond for international jump week master. “I ensure proper training is conducted and organize the military free fall jumpers Each year, the 435th Air into smaller groups, focusing on Ground Operations Wing’s mixing units to truly accomplish Contingency Response Group combined training at 13,000 feet hosts International Jump Week above ground level.” to bring partner nations’ airborne International Jump Week units together to conduct training allows the jumpers to build partand foster working relationships. nerships and strengthen deployThe event gives joint-nation ment bonds by allowing them to jumpers the opportunity to learn do what they do best. The camahow other countries operate raderie of International Jump their missions and discuss the Week leaves the participants importance of rapport with allied with memories of a lifetime. nations. “This year on the final day of “The most important factor jump week, the weather was not is presenting a safe operating cooperating for free fall operaenvironment for all airborne tions thus giving us only one activities,” said Tech. Sgt. Brian opportunity to allow free fall Angell, 435th CRG personnel parachutists to exit,” Fountain parachute program manager. said. “After flying for close to “Once that is established, the two hours, we exited 41 free focus shifts to bringing the airfall jumpers from seven countries borne community together to in one pass at 7,500 feet above increase capabilities among the ground level from a C-17. The units; building partnerships is majority of jumpers had never always a top priority.” jumped from a C-17 before and With a large event comes a lot not a single person had jumped of planning. As hosts, the 435th with that many people at one CRG begins constructing the time. It was widely agreed that fine details of International Jump this jump will be the one we will Week as early as six months in tell stories about in 20 years.” advance. Though free falling from There are many steps that go an aircraft may seem like fun Photo by Airman 1st Class Michael Stuart or even terrifying, there is an into planning the event that some people may not realize, Angell said. U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Brian Angell, 435th Contingency Response Group personnel parachute program man- important reason for jump week. “Planning takes the most ager, directs people from different nations during International Jump Week May 4 at Rhine Ordnance Barracks. “International Jump Week amount of work to get all the More than 300 jumpers from nine different nations performed a total of 404 static-line jumps and 132 high- is important in maximizing the altitude low-opening jumps in three days. support elements lined up for number of partner nations on the week,” he said. “I started planning in October drop paratroopers, and line up enough parachutes to how to operate with different airborne units,” to ensure we had airlift established not only for support the entire operation.” Angell said. “The event we held this year tripled the C-130Js (Super Hercules) with the 37th Airlift What makes International Jump Week diverse is the number of nations we normally support, so the Squadron at Ramstein, but also a C-17 (Globemaster the participation of other nations. The 435th CRG chance to get hands-on training, not just for the U.S. III) assigned to NATO’s Heavy Airlift Wing out also takes great care to plan in such a way that inter- forces, but each nation, really increased options for of Papa Air Base, Hungary. Referencing regula- twines the cultures. integrating different units.” tions was another planning piece to ensure we had “The vast majority of my time during jump week International Jump Week has ended, but the 435th approval to bring partner nations here to conduct is spent coordinating with our partner nation jump- CRG continues to plan and organize for future exertraining and allow them to exit using our parachutes masters to ensure their personnel are taken care of,” cises to ensure the U.S. and its allies are ready for and aircraft. Once set, I had to reserve airspace to said Staff Sgt. Brandon Fountain, 435th CRG jump- any emergency. by Airman Larissa Greatwood 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Know before you go this summer by Robert Szostek U.S. Army Europe Customs Public Affairs People moving to the United States this summer should start preparing now by letting go of items banned from import, customs officials advise. It is also a good idea to apply early for import permits on restricted items. “Prohibited items include meat and meat products, such as sausage, pate and salami, as well as plants and

destructive devices,” said Mike Dean, U.S. European Command’s Customs and Border Clearance Agency director. “If you plan on shipping firearms, ensure you have proof you owned them in the U.S. or have an import permit.” Other important points to remember are: • Owners of vehicles not made to U.S. standards have to ship them through commercial importers registered with the Department of

Transportation and Environmental Protection Agency. However, vehicles more than 25 years old are exempt from this rule. • Most mopeds and motorcycles must also meet U.S. safety and pollution standards, and all vehicles must be free of dirt, insects and vegetation. • Wine collections can only be shipped with advance approval from the transportation office. • Endangered species items, such as ivory and some furs, may only be

shipped if owners can prove they were previously owned in the U.S. or are antiques over 100 years old. • State attorneys general must approve imports of gambling devices. These devices must be registered with the Justice Department in Washington, D.C. For more information, locate a military customs office or check the military customs website at www.eur. army.mil/opm/customs/uscustoms. htm.

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The American Housing Referral & Relocation Office is now open for business to serve landlords and tenants in the Kaiserslautern Military Community. AHRRO’s new office is located in Kaiserslautern-Einsiedlerhof, only a short drive from the East Gate, inside Pentagon Car Sales. The team members know how stressful PCSing can be, so let them take care of you…. The staff can speak multiple languages and have over 50 years of combined experience in serving in other military communities and all over Germany. AHRRO can assist tenants with locating a home, transportation, home inspections, and a multitude of other services required when arriving in Germany. Many of those services go beyond just finding a home. AHRRO is available to assist military personnel, civilians, contractors and anyone else needing assistance in finding a new place to call home. Call one of AHRRO’s friendly Referral & Relocation Specialists today to help you ease into the transition! AHRRO - Pointing You in the Right Direction! Kaiserstr. 1 • 67661 Kaiserslautern • info@ahrro.com • 0631 750 176 28

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Kaiserslautern American

June 6, 2014

Kaiserslautern American

Unscramble these military operations

gelea wlca enugrt rfuy eetrsd hlides teresd omtrs biteerlaed ercof thorrenn ahctw serdet xfo lldiea rcofe gurniden mfedeor wne wnad



Swimming pool

Bathing suit



Badehose (for males) Badeanzug (for females)

Sun screen


Sun glasses




Recipe of the week: Cheese salad SERVINGS: 20 INGREDIENTS: 200 grams Gouda cheese or other hard cheese, cubed 2 tablespoons fresh chives 1/2 each yellow or red onion, diced 1 each red bell pepper, diced 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar 1 tablespoon olive or sunflower oil Salt, to taste Pepper, to taste DIRECTIONS: • Cut the cheese into cubes about 1/2

Capt. Spanky’s D-Day tour Team Ramstein, I’ve put all trips on hold for a little while to cover the D-Day events happening right here on Ramstein. Last week I dug up the details, and you can see them again below. On Memorial Day, the C-47 Skytrain named Whiskey 7, which was part of the D-Day operations in 1944, landed here. I hope you were fortunate enough to witness this piece of history touching down, but if not, you

Page 13

Learn German!

WORD Scramble

Answers: Eagle Claw | Urgent Fury | Desert Shield | Desert Storm | Deliberate Force | Northern Watch | Desert Fox | Allied Force | Enduring Freedom | New Dawn

panky’s off-leash tour

June 6, 2014

can see it happen for yourself at www.ramstein.af.mil. I was able to see it fly and sniff around inside when it landed. After getting acquainted with the aircraft I had the rare opportunity to bark with William Prindible and Julian Rice, two World War II veterans. We talked about their experience during the war and what these old dogs think of the Air Force today. If you missed their speech, you can check out their story on pages 5 and 6.

centimeter or 1/4 inch thick. • Toss the cheese with the chives, the diced onion and the diced bell pepper. • Mix together vinegar, oil, salt and pepper. Pour the marinade over the top of the vegetables and cheese. • Serve the salad on a piece of salad green, such as chicory or radicchio. Or you can also serve it in pastry puffs or shells. *If making ahead of time, drain the liquid before filling into pastry puffs or onto salad greens.

Recipe courtesy of USO

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Kaiserslautern American

June 6, 2014

Flying crew chief: one-stop airborne repair shop Story and photo by Airman 1st Class Jordan Castelan 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs


o keep Ramstein’s fleet of C-130J Super Hercules mission ready, crew chiefs are responsible to maintain the birds wherever they might land. Not every 86th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron crew chief travels with Ramstein’s C-130s, but because Tech. Sgt. Francis “Buzz” Gilson is a flying crew chief, he goes with the bird. “Buzz is a major reassuring factor whenever we fly with him,” said Capt. Brett Polage, 37th Airlift Squadron pilot. “He’s an integral part of the team and ensures this well-oiled machine stays a welloiled machine.” Keeping a smoothly operating engine isn’t the only thing Gilson is capable of accomplishing. Working closely with the loadmasters on board, Gilson helps keep the mission on target while in the air. “Not only is he willing to always give me silverware to eat with, he also keeps me running mentally as well by boosting my morale,” said Senior Airman Brandon Millsaps, 37th AS loadmaster. “He knows how to dance, he knows about the (chicken) nuggs and (peanut butter and jelly) goob, and, most importantly, he keeps the C-130J I’m riding in airborne.” Ultimately, that’s why Gilson said he keeps coming back: the camaraderie among aircrew on the ground and in the air. “The thrill of learning something new every day and taking care of my people gets me out of bed every morning,” Gilson said. “It’s the way I was

Tech. Sgt. Francis Gilson, 86th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron flying crew chief, waits to take off from Šiauliai International Airport, Lithuania, to airlift American service members and Lithuanian paratroopers on a 37th Airlift Squadron C-130J Super Hercules May 17. Gilson was part of a five-man crew including 37th AS pilots and loadmasters. The team spent four days across three Baltic countries assisting in personnel drops of allied partners and American service members.

raised, trying to do things to the best of my abilities. Some might call it excellence in all I do.” Ensuring his job is done as close to perfection is essential to making sure his crew trusts him, just as much as a family would. “Making sure all my troops and my aircrew are taken care of and my aircraft is in tip top shape is my most important responsibility,” Gilson said.

“I’m always thinking about fixing something, and if I wouldn’t want my family and kids flying in it, why would I want my aircrew to?” With the assistance of flying crew chiefs like Gilson, Ramstein is capable of responding with airlift and expeditionary combat support while providing full spectrum airfield operations throughout Europe and Africa.

Photo by Senior Airman Hailey Haux

World War II veteran Leslie Cruise pays his respects to the man who saved his life Monday at the Lorraine American Cemetery and Memorial in France. Seventy years ago on June 7, 1944, Pvt. Richard Vargas saved Cruise’s life during the invasion of Normandy. Cruise went to France five times looking for his friend’s grave in order to say thank you.

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Kaiserslautern American

June 6, 2014

Test Your Way to Success Earn college credit at the CLEP-a-thon! Ramstein NTC, June 9 to 13

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Get closer to your CCAF degree -- take CLEP and DSST tests to earn college credit fast. During the Ramstein CLEP-a-thon, you are invited to come in to the National Test Center and take as many computer-based exams as you would like, with the benefit of instant score results. * You can even receive a prize for passing the most exams in the community. Academic advisers from UMUC Europe will be available on-site during the event to help you decide which exams fit your needs best. * Principles of Public Speaking is not available during the CLEP-a-thon.


Walk-ins welcome, no appointment needed 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., June 9 to 13

Note: Only DSST exams will be available June 10

For CLEP testing, please bring your voucher registration ticket from the CLEP College Board website: http://clep.collegeboard.org/register/exam

Visit us

UMUC National Test Center Bldg. 2104, Room 109 UMUC Ramstein Office DSN 314-480-5611/5833 Email ramstein-europe@umuc.edu

For comprehensive consumer information, visit www.kaplanuniversity.edu/studentconsumer-information.aspx. #BTFE PO NBYJNVN DSFEJU USBOTGFS "DUVBM USBOTGFS DSFEJU NBZ WBSZ "MM BQQMJDBCMF DSFEJU NVTU CF SFlFDUFE PO B military transcript. Kaplan University does not guarantee the transferability of credit. See the University Catalog for the Prior Learning Assessment policy.



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Kaiserslautern American

Page 17

Students navigate Germany with SERE Airmen Story and photo by Senior Airman Hailey Haux 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Having the ability to navigate through any type of terrain and be able to get from point A to point B with a compass and map can be a useful skill to have, not only in an emergency but for recreational purposes as well. Advancement Via Individual Determination students from Ramstein Middle School were given the tools and knowledge to learn land navigation by 86th Operations Support Squadron’s survive, evade, resist and escape specialists. AVID is an elective class, geared toward assisting students in learning how to take notes, study and prepare them for college. “Navigation is a phenomenal skill to have anywhere you go,” said Staff Sgt. Joshua Krape, 86th OSS SERE specialist. “It doesn’t have to be for strictly getting lost in a forest. Land navigation can be used in a big city as well.” Since January, a SERE specialist visited the AVID class one day a month to teach them the different aspects of land navigation: reading a

map, understanding the military grid reference system, reading a compass and more. After five months of classroom sessions, AVID students were able to put their skills to the test by participating in the first ever navigational challenge, where they had to find their way from one point to another. “The students learned team collaboration and how to use the inquiry process to develop the right steps for finding their checkpoints,” said AVID teacher Jonathan Petrick. “They worked together with peers they don’t normally see and were able to build a sense of community.” While trekking through the forest during the navigational challenge, AVID students were given a task such as solving a math problem at every destination, which needed to be completed in order to receive the coordinates for the next checkpoint. Every student was given the opportunity to lead their group to predetermined coordinates, allowing them to sharpen their skills and build confidence. “We had to work together to assist the lead person in getting us to the next point,” said Maddie Morelock,

Staff Sgt. Joshua Krape, 86th Operational Support Squadron survive, evade, resist and escape specialist, ensures Maddie Morelock, daughter of Air Force Col. Michael Morelock and Advancement Via Individual Determination student, finds her mark during the NAVid Challenge May 23 in Landstuhl.

AVID student and daughter of Air Force Col. Michael Morelock. “We had to trust that the people you were with would get us back safely.” Thanks to the SERE specialists and their active volunteers, the navigational challenge will be done again next year, giving more students the chance to learn land navigation. After

26 hours of planning and preparation, obstacles, and overcoming difficulties, Krape and Petrick shared the same sentiments. Whether it’s finding their way through the forest or navigating through the city, these students have the knowledge necessary to find their way back home.

Education Notes Youth sports registration

Youth sports registration for fall is now open. Sports include: tackle football, ages 9-14, $135; cheerleading, ages 5-18, $40; flag football, ages 5-14, $40; and jump rope, ages 7-18, $40. Fall sports registration runs through July 18. For more information or to register, contact Parent Central Services, Bldg. 2898 on Pulaski Barracks, at 4934516/4122 or 0631-3406-4516/4122, or the Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation One Stop Shop on Landstuhl, Bldg. 3810 on Wilson Barracks, at 486-8943 or 06371-86-8943.

Scholarships awarded

The KMC Scholarship Committee awarded $115,000 in scholarships May 18. Applicants were selected based on factors such as scholastic achievement, an essay, work experience and volunteer hours. Seventy-three scholarships were granted to graduating high school seniors, and 13 were awarded to military spouses. The KMC Scholarship Committee is comprised of members from the Kaiserslautern Landstuhl Spouses’ Association, Ramstein Enlisted Spouses’ Association and the Ramstein Officers’ Spouses Club. Funds are raised through the Ramstein, Pulaski and Landstuhl thrift shops and the Ramstein Welfare Bazaar, held every year in September. The largest awards were received by Avalon Roche and Cindy Lyon. For more information about scholarships or membership, visit http://klsagrapevine.org, www.resarab.com or http://ramsteinosc.org.

CCAF graduation

Courtesy photo

Ramstein Intermediate School fifth-grader Lydia Porter is recognized for her visual arts with a top award of excellence from the European Parent Teacher Association May 30 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.

The semiannual Community College of the Air Force graduation ceremony will take place at 1 p.m. June 20 in the Ramstein Officers’ Club. Mandatory graduation rehearsal will be held at 9 a.m. the same day and location. Graduates are in Uniform of the Day for the rehearsal and Service Dress Uniform for the graduation ceremony. Students who are PCSing, separating, deploying or retiring prior to June 20 should provide the necessary

Photo by Laura Smith

Kaiserslautern Elementary School third-grader Emma Brown poses as Amelia Earhart at the school’s Living Wax Museum.

information to the education center. For more information, email 86FSS.ramsteineducationcenter@ us.af.mil.

Teen Money

Teen Money, a class where teens learn how to open a bank account, budget their money, find resources for college and save for the future takes place at 1 p.m. June 17 in Bldg. 2891 on Pulaski Barracks. For teens in grades 6 and up. For more information or to register in advance, call 4934203 or 0631-3406-4203.

Page 18

Kaiserslautern American

June 6, 2014

Sunday Worship Gatherings at 9 & 11 a.m. Keeping it real, relational and relevant

August-Süssdorf Strasse 8 Ramstein-Miesenbach 06371- 407 808 info@frontlinecommunity.org www.frontlinecommunity.org

A Christian fellowship that gathers to study God’s word verse by verse so we can know, glorify and serve Christ.

Teaching the village, reaching the world!

We meet Sundays at 11 a.m. For more info call 06371-616793 or visit our website www.CCK-Town.org Industriestr. 50 66862 Kindsbach

Courtesy photo

In Deisdesheim, the billy-goat auction, a Pentecostal tradition, takes place 5:45 p.m. Tuesday.

Germans observe Pentecost Sunday, Monday by Petra Lessoing 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Air Force and Army Chapel Schedule

Protestant Services

POC for Miesau, Landstuhl and Daenner is the USAG R-P Chaplains Office in Bldg. 2919 on Pulaski Barracks. DSN 493-4098, civ. 0631-3406-4098 Miesau Chapel (Bldg. 3175) Seventh-Day Adventist Worship Sabbath School: 9:30 a.m. Saturdays Spanish Sabbath School: 9:30 a.m. Saturdays Worship: 11 a.m. Saturdays Small Group: 6-7 p.m. Tuesdays Landstuhl Community Chapel (Bldg. 3773) Worship: 11 a.m. Sundays Children’s Youth Church: 11 a.m. Sundays Daenner Community Chapel (Bldg. 3150) Chapel Next Worship Worship: 10 a.m. Sundays Children’s Church: 10:30 a.m. Sundays Ramstein North Chapel (DSN 480-6148, civ. 06371-47-6148) Contemporary Service: 11 a.m. Sundays Ramstein South Chapel (DSN 480-5753, civ. 06371-47-5753) Liturgical Services: 9 a.m. Sundays Liturgical Sunday School: 11 a.m. Sundays Traditional Service: 11 a.m. Sundays Vogelweh Chapel (DSN 489-6859, civ. 0631-536-6859) Gospel Service: 11 a.m. Sundays. Protestant education classes are available for all ages at Vogelweh, Ramstein, Landstuhl and Daenner. For information, call DSN 480-2499/489-6743 or civ. 06371-47-2499/0631-536-6743.

Catholic Services

Daenner Community Chapel (Bldg. 3150) Religious Education (grades K-8): 11 a.m. Sundays Confession: 11:45 a.m. Sundays Sunday Mass: noon Landstuhl Community Chapel (Bldg. 3773) Religious Education (following Mass) Confession: 8:15-8:45 a.m. Sundays Sunday Mass 9 a.m. Ramstein North Chapel (DSN 480-6148, civ. 06371-47-6148) Daily Mass: 11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday Sunday Mass: 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Confession 4-4:45 p.m. Sundays Vogelweh Chapel (DSN 489-6859, civ. 0631-536-6859) Confession: 4-4:45 p.m. Saturday Mass: 5 p.m.

Jewish Religious Services

Ramstein South Chapel Synagogue (DSN 480-5753, civ. 06371-47-5753) Shabbat Evening Service: 7 p.m. Fridays

Islamic Services

Ramstein South Chapel Mosque (480-5753) Jumu’ah Prayer, 1:30 p.m. For religious education and daily prayers, check the prayer schedule

Orthodox Christian

Kapaun Chapel (DSN 489-6859, civ. 0631-536-6859) Divine Liturgy: 9 a.m. Sundays Confessions by appointment

Youth Group Kaiserslautern Youth of the Chapel (Religious Youth Center, Pulaski Bks., Bldg. 2869) “Plugged In” Middle School Youth Group: 2-4 p.m. Sundays Café Dinner (for students and their families): 4:15-5:15 p.m. Sundays “The Rock” High School Youth Group: 5:30-7:30 p.m. Sundays More information: www.kmcyouth.com Protestant Youth of the Chapel Ramstein North Chapel "Vision" Middle School Ministry Tuesdays 3:15-5:00pm "Salvage" High School Ministry Tuesdays 7:00-8:45pm Vogelweh Chapel Teen Bible Study Wednesdays 7:00-8:00pm Info: www.ramsteinpyoc.blogspot.com

Episcopal (St. Albans) 10:30 a.m. Sundays, Kapaun Chapel

Korean Service 1 p.m. Sundays, Ramstein South Chapel

Unitarian Universalist Service, 1:30 p.m. second and fourth Sundays (Sept.-May), Kapaun Chapel

Wiccan 7 p.m. first and third Saturdays, Kapaun Annex

Confessional Lutheran (WELS) 4 p.m. second and fourth Sundays, Ramstein South Chapel

Germans will observe “Pfingsten,” or Pentecost, Sunday and Monday. The religious fest takes its name from the Greek word “pentekoste,” which means 50th. Christians celebrate Pentecost, also called Whitsun, the 50th day after Easter, because they believe that’s when God sent down his Holy Spirit. After receiving the Holy Spirit, the Apostles started spreading the new Gospel to the world. That’s why the fest is also to celebrate the foundation of the church. In Old Testament times, the fest had the character of a harvest fest and in late Judaism, Pentecost was the day to commemorate the foundation of the Israelites in the Sinai, 50 days after the exodus from Egyptian oppression. Pentecost Monday is considered an official holiday in Germany. Stores, banks and official institutions will be closed. Some areas in Germany observe specific Pentecostal customs. In Bavaria, people dress in the national costumes of their region, walk in processions to church and pray for a good harvest. In Franconia, horsemen perform the annual Pentecostal ride. Led by priests, they carry church banners and crosses to church. In the KMC, the towns of Schmalenberg and Schopp stick to some Pentecostal traditions. In Schmalenberg, boys and men cut branches from pines, birches and brooms and create three skirts, which the so-called “Quack” has to wear from his neck down during the parade through town. He also wears a hat made of thin rods. The Quack figure symbolizes spring. Sunday afternoon, children go from house to house and collect flowers, which they tie to the hat as well. The men spend the night in a barn, watch the green costume and from time to time they go through town singing the traditional “Quack” song. Monday at 9 a.m., the parade with the “Quack” in his costume and children carrying colored Pentecost rods, go through Schmalenberg led by a colorful decorated horse. A village fest with eating of woodstove bread is scheduled to start after the ride. Visitors can taste bread baked in the historical village baking oven.

In Schopp, the Pentecostal ride through the village usually starts at 6 a.m. Pentecost Monday. The biggest traditional Pentecost event in the vicinity is the historical auction of a billy goat in Deidesheim every Tuesday after Pentecost. For the 606th time this event takes place this year. According to a document from 1404 by King Ruprecht, residents of Lambrecht, which is a neighboring town of Deidesheim, had the right to use the Deidesheim forests as pastureland. Contracts between the former monastery of Lambrecht and the town of Deidesheim mention that people in Lambrecht had to pay with a good-looking billy goat for the use of the forests. The youngest citizen of Lambrecht had to take the billy goat to Deidesheim and tie it to the town hall before sunrise the Tuesday after Pentecost. He then received a bottle of wine and a cheese sandwich. In the late afternoon, the billy goat was put up for auction to fill the town’s cash-box. Throughout the years there was a lot of arguing about the shape and the condition of the billy goat. In 1808, Napoleon even got involved and signed an edict saying the pasture rights would be granted for a “well horned and capable billy goat.” Between the years 1851 and 1857, the billy goats were not accepted. The case had to be taken to the Zweibrücken court, which decided that in 1858 eight billy goats had to be delivered. Today, it’s up to the most recently married couple to deliver the billy goat. Together with the Mayor of Lambrecht and other officials they walk to the Deidesheim town hall. According to new regulations they don’t have to arrive before 10 a.m. Tuesday. Here, the Deidesheim city council, school children and groups in national costumes greet the Lambrecht group. A fest with music, folk group dancing, drinking and eating starts in the afternoon. The traditional auction is from 5:45 to 6 p.m. The prices paid for the billy goat reflect the people’s economical situation. In good years, people paid up to €5,000 for the billy goat. Last year, a private person bought the goat for €2,600. Deidesheim is located on the German Wine Street between Bad Dürkheim and Neustadt.

June 6, 2014

Kaiserslautern American

Children fest offers fun, action Saturday by Petra Lessoing 86th Airlift Wing Public affairs

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St. Alban's Military Community

Episcopal Services HOLY EUCHARIST Sundays 10:30

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Courtesy photos

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Children can have their faces painted during the Kaiserslautern children’s fest Saturday.


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“Fun and Action in the City” is the motto of the children’s fest taking place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday in the center of Kaiserslautern. The city and the advertising association “Kaiser in Lautern” will sponsor the traditional fest offering a diversified program for the whole family. Stores, local clubs and institutions will present manifold activities and special offers. A highlight this time will be the official start of the project, “Kaiserslautern is wearing wings.” Local artists created about 300 giant butterflies. They now will get installed around the city to provide special impressions. The initiative will run through September and turn the city into a colorful open-air museum with butterflies hanging above the streets or in trees. At 11 a.m., the Rottaler State Circus will bring giant butterflies on stilts to the giant ball fountain on Riesenstrasse. Children can paint or handcraft little butterflies in different locations. They also can learn from a balloon artist how to make figures from balloons and test their abilities in can throwing, running with eggs and rope skipping. A local ballet studio will invite the little ones to dance with them at 1 p.m. at Altenhof. The free kiddy train will give children free rides from noon to 4 p.m. starting on Schillerplatz.

Page 19

Sun: 10 am, 11 am and 6 pm Wed: 7 pm Mühlstrasse 34 67659 Kaiserslautern Tel. 06 31 - 36 18 59 92 Tel. 06 371 - 46 75 16

Kaiserslautern Evangelical

Lutheran Church 8:30 am Worship & Holy Communion Children’s Church available

Children can take part in various activities during the children’s fest Saturday in Kaiserslautern.

The radio station RPR1 in Fackelstrasse will show children how to make chocolate. A petting zoo will be set up in Kerstrasse. The German-American Community Office arranged for the 569th U.S. Forces Police Squadron to present one of their vehicles near Stiftskirche. The German Red Cross will display an ambulance, and the city fire station

will offer activities. Children can test their skills in little race cars, and Polizei will give tips and show how to ride scooters. Information flyers listing the full program will be available in the stores that are members of “Kaiser in Lautern” and in public places. For more information, visit www.werbegemeinschaft-kl. de.

Meeting in Ev.-Luth. St. Michaelis Church, Karpfenstr. 7, 67655 Kaiserslautern E-mail: kaiserslautern@selk.de or call 0631-64327 for directions. Scott Morrison, Pastor www.KELC.eu

Page 20

Kaiserslautern American

June 6, 2014

KMC birth announcements Share your new bundle of joy with the community!

Leyla Louise Gibson

Born at 4:10 a.m. April 25. Leyla was 7 pounds, 12 ounces and 20.7 inches long. Proud parents are Larissa A. Gonzalez and Brian T. Gibson from Washington, D.C. The family is stationed at Ramstein.

Send us your baby’s birth announcement! Send the Kaiserslautern American your baby’s photo (high resolution, 300 dpi, photos only please) along with his/her name; date, time and place of birth; height and weight at birth; parents’ first and last names, as well as where you’re from; the name(s) of any siblings; and where you’re stationed. Send your submission to editor@kaiserslauternamerican.com

with “birth announcement” in the subject line.

June 6, 2014

Kaiserslautern American


Page 21

USAG Rheinland-pfalz

Family and MWR Happenings Child, Youth and School Services F.E.E.T Trip to Neunkirchen June 18, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Make new friends and see new things! All Baumholder Middle and High School students are invited on a fun trip to Neunkirchen and the Saarpark Center. Teens will learn about the Baumholder community, enjoy a German breakfast, learn to use the German bus and rail system, travel by train to one of the most important industrial areas in Germany and shop at one of the region's largest shopping centers! This trip is free, but teens should bring Euro for lunch and shopping. The registration deadline is June 16. Please sign up through the Teen Center, 485-6810 or 06783-6-6810.

Baumholder Library Summer Reading Program

BOSS (Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers) Spain Getaway June 12-17 Start your summer off with BOSS! The Rheinland-Pfalz and Baumholder Better Opportunities for Single Service Members programs are teaming up for a fun trip to Spain! Participants can spend their time soaking up the summer sun on the beaches of Lloret De Mar, or take an optional excursion to Barcelona. The trip cost is Euro 279 per person, which includes transportation and boarding. A passport is required for this trip. The deadline to register is June 10. For more information regarding trip details and cancellation fees, contact Rheinland-Pfalz or Baumholder BOSS at 4934469 or 485-6228; 0631-3406-4469 or 06783-66228. To sign up for this trip, contact Trips 4 Troops toll-free at 0-800-TRIPS4U or go online to www.trips4troops.com/tt/groups/bh.

Community Yard Sale June 28, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Do you have stuff that you would like to sell for a little bit of extra money? Come and sell it at the BOSS Community Yard Sale! The next yard sale will take place at Soldier Park on Smith Barracks. Tables may be rented for $10 each. Reserve your table in advance by contacting the Warrior Zone, 485-8298 or 06783-6-8298.

BOSS Camporama July 5, 1 p.m. - July 7, 5 p.m. Reconnect with the outdoors and join BOSS for a campout at the Baumholder Campgrounds! Bring your own camping supplies, food and beverages. Camping equipment is available to rent at Outdoor Recreation. BOSS will provide one night of BBQing with a DJ, one big bonfire and one day at Lake Bostalsee with all-day transportation! The cost is $25 and the deadline to register is June 27. Open to all U.S. ID cardholders, ages 18 and older. For more information or to sign up, contact Baumholder BOSS, 485-6228 or 06783-6-6228.

June 12- July 24 The Summer Reading Program encourages reading throughout the summer months for patrons of all ages. Read and earn prizes! The Kick-Off Party takes place on June 12, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. The first 150 kids to come in and register will receive a free t-shirt, popcorn and drinks! Registration may continue throughout the entire Summer Reading Program through July 24.

Craft With Me June 19, 2:30-4:30 p.m. On the 3rd Thursday of every month, come out for 'Craft with Me!' Join our Art Instructor from Baumholder Arts and Crafts Center and make a fun craft! Open to children ages 5-12 and their parents. No registration required. Smith Bks., Bldg. 8332, 485-1740 or 06783-6-1740.

Sports and Fitness Army Birthday 5K Run/Walk June 12, 9 a.m. Categories are male, female and youth under 18 years of age. Awards will be presented to the top three per category. Those who would like to run but not compete may participate for free. You may pre-register at Mountaineer Fitness Center or on the day of the event beginning at 8 a.m. at Hall of Champions Fitness Center. For more information, contact the Sports Office, 485-6671 or 06783-6-6671.

Special Events Independence Day Celebration July 4 With less than a month until Independence Day, it is time to start making plans! Baumholder community is the place to be for the 4th of July! The Independence Day Celebration begins with a Celebration 5K Run/Walk, starting at 9 a.m. at Hall of Champions. Categories are male, female and youth under 18 years of age. Awards will be presented to the top three per category. Later in the day, community members of all ages are invited to gather together at the Hall of Champions Fitness Center parking lot beginning at 4 p.m. for an evening full of festivities, to include: Community BBQ, 4 p.m. Children's activities, 4 p.m. Rheinland-Pfalz Idol Finale, 6 p.m. Chili Cook-off and Dessert Bake-off, 7 p.m. Watermelon Eating Contest, 8 p.m. Games on the lawn, 9:30 p.m. Fireworks, 10:30 p.m. Come celebrate the holiday with family and friends. For more information or to register for the cook-off and/or bake-off contests, contact Jacqui Haggerty before June 30 at 485-6970 or 06783-6-6970.

Baumholder FMWR

Find out more online: baumholder.armymwr.com

Page 22

Kaiserslautern American

June 6, 2014


Mark Your Calendar 2014 Events

» The first Toddler Picnic in the Park event, hosted by the New Parent Support Program, takes place from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Wednesday during the summer at Pulaski Park on Pulaski Barracks. Parents with toddlers are invited to bring a picnic lunch and enjoy playing and picnicking with other toddlers. Toddler-specific information will be provided, with topics ranging from summer safety to nutrition. For more information, contact the New Parent Support Program at 493-4066/4058 or 0631-3406-4066/4058. » KMC Onstage presents “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” Shakespeare’s most-loved comedy, at 7:30 p.m. today, Saturday, and June 13 and 14; and 3 p.m. Sunday and June 15 at KMC Onstage, Bldg. 3232 on Kleber Kaserne. Not recommended for younger audiences; children under 5 are not permitted to any performance. Tickets may be reserved in advance through KMC Onstage. For more information, call 483-6626 or 0631-411-6626, or email nathan.d.records.naf@mail.mil. » Shop until you drop at the summer bazaar, which features a variety of more than 90 European vendors selling treasures, paintings, jewelry, wine and much more. Food and beverages will be available on site. Dates: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. today, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. All prices are in U.S. dollars, and cash, check and debit cards are accepted. The bazaar will be held in the Special Events Center, Bldg. 237 on Rhine Ordnance Barracks. If traveling on autobahn A6, take the Kaiserslautern-West exit toward the Opel circle, and follow the event signs. » In mid-June, Armed Forces Entertainment and Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation will present the 2014 Mixed Martial Arts Stars Summer Tour. Fighters will be offering a variety of MMA clinics, open to all age groups and skill levels. Clinic participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and meet the fighters for 30 minutes after the 1.5 hour long clinics. There will also be separate meet and greet opportunities in the community, with specific times and locations to be determined. Clinics will be hosted in both Kaiserslautern and Baumholder. Visit www.kaiserslautern.armymwr.com for more details. » Enjoy Reggae and hip-hop music from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. June 13 at Armstrong’s Club, Bldg. 1036 on on Vogelweh Housing. Socialize and show off your best dance moves. Food and beverages will be available for purchase. There is no cover charge. Open to ages 18 and older. For details, call 0631-354-9986. » Put on your favorite superhero costume and head over to the Rheinland-Pfalz Library for Superhero Day June 14. The event will include superhero movies, crafts and more. Open to all ages, and no sign-up is required. For more information, contact the Rheinland-Pfalz Library, Bldg. 3810 on Wilson Barracks, at 486-7322 or 0637186-7322. » Armstrong’s Club hosts the Father-Daughter Cinderella Princess Ball from 4 to 8 p.m. June 14 in Bldg. 1036 on Vogelweh Housing. Enjoy an evening filled with adventure, prizes, games, entertainment and a Cinderella movie presentation during dinner. There will also be a father-daughter waltz dancing opportunity. A real-life Cinderella will greet the guests and announce the seats to all attendees. There will also be photo opportunities with

Cinderella. Cost is $50 per father-daughter pair, and $25 for each additional child attending. Proper dress and reservations are required. Seating is limited, so reserve your spot today. Deadline to register is today via Webtrac. For more information, call 0631-354-9986. » Join the Rheinland-Pfalz Library for culinary travel movie marathons in celebration of the Adult Summer Reading Program. Refreshments will be provided. Movies will be shown from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. June 21 and 28, and July 5, 12 and 19 in the library, Bldg. 3810 on Landstuhl’s Wilson Barracks. For more information, call 486-7322 or 06371-86-7322. » Come out for a night of fun and laughter at the Celebrity European Comedy Jam at Armstrong’s Club. This comedy show, brought to you by GMD Entertainment in conjunction with Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation, will feature stateside comedians, including Hot Topic, Munchie and headliner Melanie Comarcho. The event takes place June 28. Doors open at 7:30 p.m., and the show begins at 9. Advance admission costs $20. Admission at the door costs $25. For more information, call 0631-3549986. » The Kazabra Club hosts Country Night from 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. every Saturday in Bldg. 2057 on Vogelweh. There is a $5 cover charge. » Armstrong’s Club hosts Open Mic Night from 5 to 10 p.m. every Tuesday in Bldg. 1036 on Vogelweh Housing. If you think you have what it takes, bring your gear and be heard. For ages 18 and older. No sign-up required. For details, call 0631-354-9986.

Support Groups

» The ABC Allergy Support Group meets from 6 to 8 p.m. June 18 in the Yellow Ribbon Room in Bldg. 2926 on Pulaski Barracks. Do you or someone you love have food allergies? Come visit with others who share similar experiences and learn to adapt to food allergies overseas. Children are welcome. Register in advance by calling 4934203 or 0631-3406-4203. » Community for Autism Awareness, Understanding, Support and Education, or CAUSE, is a support group for members of the community who have an autistic family member to get information and get involved. The group meets from 6 to 7 p.m. the second Tuesday of every month in the media center at Vogelweh Elementary School. No registration required.


» The German-American and International Women’s Club Kaiserslautern holds a playgroup meeting from 3:30 to 5 p.m. June 16. Join parents from other cultures and enjoy a coffee together while children play and hear other languages. The fee for each play date is €2 to cover facility costs. For more information, contact Beatriz Jimenez at playgroup@gaiwc.com or 0172-7043585, or visit the GAIWC website at www.gaiwc.com.


» U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz hosts a job fair from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. June 17 at the Kazabra Club, Bldg. 2057 on Vogelweh. Employers will include local employers and Department of Defense contractors. There will

be a special military spouse preference briefing given by Air Force Civilian Personnel at 11 a.m. For more information, call Pascalina Bonnin at 493-4029 or 0631-3406-4029. » A private sector resume writing class takes place from 10 a.m. to noon June 18. Looking for a job in the private sector and don’t know where to start? Take this class designed to help prepare you in your career search. Learn important information about what an employer might look for on a resume. Register in advance by calling 493-4203 or 0631-3406-4203. » A USA jobs workshop takes place from 10 a.m. to noon June 27 in the computer lab in Bldg. 2917 on Pulaski Barracks. Register in advance by calling 493-4203 or 06313406-4203.

Classes & Training

» Bank Account Management class takes place from 9 to 10:30 a.m. Tuesday in Bldg. 2917 on Pulaski Barracks. Learn to reconcile your bank account, find hidden fees and take the stress out of finances. Register in advance by calling 493-4203 or 0631-3406-4203. » Coupons and Coffee takes place from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Family Life Center in Bldg. 2919 on Pulaski Barracks. This workshop includes couponing, sharing new ideas and saving money. Register in advance by calling 493-4203 or 0631-3406-4203. » Couples Communication takes place from 6 to 8 p.m. June 17 and 24 in Bldg. 2917 on Pulaski Barracks. This twopart series teaches better communication, effective listening and understanding taught in a fun learning atmosphere. Take the stress out of your relationship. Register in advance by calling 493-4203 or 0631-3406-4203. » A single parenting seminar takes place from 5:30 to 7 p.m. June 19 in Bldg. 2917, Room 205, on Pulaski Barracks. Parenting on your own has a series of challenges and obstacles. Join us for this educational class to examine services and tools to aide in successful parenting. Register in advance by calling 493-4203 or 0631-3406-4203.

Baumholder Events

» Rheinland-Pfalz Idol live auditions will be held at 6 p.m. Saturday at Baumholder’s Hilltop Theater. No registration is required, and contestants will be notified on the spot based on the decision of judges and a live audience. There will be three categories of contestants: youth, ages 6 to 12; teens, ages 13 to 17; and adults, ages 18 and older. The competition rounds will take place at 6 p.m. June 14, 21 and 28 at the Hilltop Theater. Judges and audience members will vote on performances and move their favorite contestants toward the finale. The finale will be held at the Independence Day Celebration at 6 p.m. on Baumholder in the fest tent. There will be one winner from each category with the winner being 100 percent based on audience vote. For more information on the audition process or how to be a part of the viewing audience, call Jacqui Haggerty at 4856970 or 06783-6-6970. » On June 19, come out to the Baumholder Library for “Craft with Me.” Join an art instructor from the Baumholder Arts and Crafts Center and make a fun craft! The activity takes place from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Open to children ages 5 to 12 and their parents. No registration required. The library is located in Bldg. 8332 on Smith Barracks. For details, call 485-1740 or 06783-6-1740.

June 6, 2014

Airman & Family Readiness Center

For details or to sign up for a class, call the Airman & Family Readiness Center at 480-5100. MONDAY » Ramstein Spouses Orientation: 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., A&FRC TUESDAY » Reintegration brief: 9 to 11 a.m., IDRC » Extreme Couponing: 10 a.m. to noon, Bldg. 2118, 3rd floor » Pre-deployment brief: 1 to 3 p.m., IDRC » CAUSE Autism Support Group: 6 to 7:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY » Base INTRO: 7:30 to 11:45 a.m., E-Club » Key Spouse Cluster Training: 9 a.m. to noon, A&FRC » Resume writing: 9 a.m. to noon, A&FRC » Managing Your Money: 10 a.m. to noon, A&FRC THURSDAY » What is What?: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. » Homeschooling 101: 9 to 11 a.m., A&FRC JUNE 13 » MFLC Lunch & Learn — Coping with Transitions: 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., A&FRC

Kaiserslautern American

FREE Friday » Music Makers: Join Mr. Fernando in this fun music class. Youth are required to bring their instruments. » Pinterest Your Interest: Get ready to search, click and craft by using Pinterest for great ideas on cool projects. » Fitness Friday PALA Challenge: Get up, and get moving. Mr. Ronnie’s head-to-toe workout puts you on the path to recognition from President Obama. Everyday fun » Power Hour Think Tank: Homework help, study skills and game challenges that get your brain in shape. » Artist Studio: Figure sketching — from portraits to caricatures, learn to draw people and figures. All new print making. Use templates and print making to create a masterpiece. » Game Tech: Monday and Tuesday: Mr. Bryan teaches you how to produce your computer game masterpiece. » Photoshop: Wednesday and Thursday: A picture is worth a thousand words. Learn how Photoshop makes your pictures the best that they can be.

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ior. To register, call 479-2370 or 06371-46-2370. » THE FIVE LOVE LANGUAGES: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. today at the HAWC. Ever wonder what really makes your partner feel “loved” or your children feel “loved”? Join us for this fun and entertaining seminar. To register, call 4792370 or 06371-46-2370.

Medical Group

» Self Initiated Care Kit, twice a month. Call 479-2273 (CARE) to sign up for a class. » Attention: TRICARE online is available for your convenience. Schedule your own appointments, home care website, check labs, nurse advice line, medication refills and more. Register online today at www.tricareonline. com.


» Mark your calendars for summer and fall registration. Get ready to join our camps, classes and clubs: Aug. 4: Fall after school clubs Aug. 11: Fall instructional classes Spaces are limited, so don’t delay. Register online at www. 86fss.com, or call Ramstein Youth Programs at 06371-476444, or Vogelweh Youth Programs at 0631-536-6504 for details. » Get ready for the Keystone Color Run — 5K of colorful family fun to help combat the tragedy of teen suicide. Register online at www.86fss.com beginning Thursday.

For more information, call the Health and Wellness Center at 06371-47-4292 or 480-4292 (HAWC). MONDAY » Healthy eating class: 10 to 11:30 a.m. TUESDAY » Heart Smart: 10 to 11 a.m. WEDNESDAY » Running clinic: 10 to 11:30 a.m. » Tobacco cessation 2: noon to 1 p.m. THURSDAY » No classes JUNE 13 » Bod Pod walk-in hours: 1 to 3 p.m.

» Adolescent Support and Counseling Service is a comprehensive program that provides prevention education and counseling services to 11- to 19 year-old ID cardholders in the military community. Their mission is to provide comprehensive counseling services to adolescents and military families stationed OCONUS while enhancing military readiness and quality of life. In addition, ASACS offers life skills classes that promote health and personal development in the Department of Defense schools. ASACS participates in supportive activities related to military life transitions and provides individual, group and family counseling services. ASACS counselors’ offices are located in Department of Defense schools for the convenience of military families. ASACS counseling services are completely confidential. Hours are from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday; however, flexible appointment times are available to meet the needs of military families. Contact your school ASACS counselor for more information.

Ramstein Youth Center

Family Advocacy

Military family life consultants


CLUBS R US AFTER SCHOOL FUN Monday » Planet Earth: Join Mr. Ronnie in the club room as we discover ways to care for our planet. » Sweet Science: From rock candy to elephant toothpaste, join us as we create edible science experiments. Tuesday » Scrapbooking: Join us as we create scrapbooks to hold all of our special memories. » Spring Crafting: Spring is in the air. Join us for a crafting experience you will be sure to love. Wednesday » Girls Fun: Join Ms. Lena in this girls-only club. Learn about cars, masonry and construction. Thursday » Around the World in Eight Dishes: Pot stickers, jam tarts, quesadillas and more. Join us as we cook our way around the world. » Storm Chasers: Join Mr. Ronnie to brave learning about tornados, thunder, lightning and more.

Health and Wellness Center

» EXPECTANT PARENT ORIENTATION (MONTHLY): Orientation is from 8 to 11 a.m. the first Tuesday of every month at the Learning Resource Center, Bldg. 3718 at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. Learn about birth registration, passports and more. For more information, call the New Parent Support Program at 479-2098 or 06371-46-2098. » FORTIFY YOUR MARRIAGE: 3 to 4:30 p.m. Wednesdays at the Ramstein Southside Chapel. This four-session interactive workshop helps partners put their relationship in a whole new light. To register, call 479-2370. » SURVIVING ADOLESCENCE AND YOUNG ADULTHOOD: 5 to 7 p.m. Thursdays, from Thursday to July 10, at Ramstein Middle School. Learn how to turn the challenges of raising a teen into opportunities for growth. Develop a positive and healthy relationship through improved communication. To register, call 479-2370 or 06371-46-2370. » 1,2,3 MAGIC PARENTING: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesdays, until June 24, at the HAWC. This is a workshop for parents struggling to stop unwanted behaviors or those who are looking for a simple way to encourage desirable behav-

» Military family life consultants are licensed clinical providers who assist service members and their families with issues they may face throughout the cycle of deployment to reintegrating with their family and community. The MFLC Program provides short-term, non-medical counseling support for a range of issues including: relationships, crisis intervention, stress management, grief, occupational and other individual and family issues. Psycho-educational presentations focused on issues common to the military family including: reunion/reintegration, stress coping, grief/ loss and deployment/reintegration. For more information, call 0152-24211233; 0152-02663352; 0176-69333243; or 0151-5674 8179.


» The SAPR office is open 24/7 and provides on-call response 365 days a year for the community. More than 80 trained and certified victim advocates are available. For more information, contact the SAPR office at 480-5597.

Your classified ad portal! UNLIMITED, FREE private ads with photos Available 24/7 Online and printed in your military newspaper (Kaiserslautern American, Herald Union, The Citizen)

Place your ads online today:


Page 24

Kaiserslautern American

June 6, 2014

Was ist Los? KMC Cultural Highlights by Petra Lessoing 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs The following is a list of performances and events happening in the KMC and nearby. Dates are subject to change.

Performing arts

Pfalztheater Kaiserslautern: • “Manon Lescaut,” an opera by Giacomo Puccini, in Italian, 7:30 p.m. today, June 17, 21, 25 and 27. • “Lady Macbeth von Mzensk,” an opera by Dmitri Schostakowitsch, in German, 7:30 p.m. Saturday and June 28. • “Day at Gartenschau,” Pfalztheater ensembles present a diversified program 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday at the Kaiserslautern Gartenschau. • “Viva la Mama,” a comical opera by Gaetano Donizetti, in German, 7:30 p.m. June 13. • “West Side Story,” a musical by Leonard Bernstein, in German, 7:30 p.m. June 14, 18, 20 and 6 p.m. June 22 and 29. • “Hiob,” a play in German, based on the novel by Joseph Roth, 3 p.m. June 15. For more information, call 0631-3675-209 or visit www.pfalztheater.de. Kammgarn Kaiserslautern: • The Caruso Lehman Quartett presents Sinti jazz and swing, 8 p.m. today. Tickets cost €14. • In Extremo presents medieval folk and thrash metal rock, 8 p.m. Saturday. Tickets cost €24. • The Lulu Weiss Ensemble presents Sinti jazz, 8 p.m. Thursday. Tickets cost €14. • Crew V presents soul, funk and jazz, 8 p.m. June 13. Tickets cost €14. • “Nuit de la Chanson,” Pauline Ngoc performs French chansons, 8 p.m. June 14. Tickets cost €17. • The band Hard to Handle presents cover rock, 8 p.m. June 21. Tickets cost €14. • The band Vanden Plas performs progressive metal, 8 p.m. June 27. Tickets cost €20. For more information, visit www.kammgarn.de. Fruchthalle, Kaiserslautern:

• Jazz stage meets Mallets, 5 p.m. today. Tickets cost €14. • The German State Philharmonics Rheinland-Pfalz presents a film music concert, “The Passion of the Maid of Orleans,” 8 p.m. June 13. Tickets cost 17 to €25. For more information and tickets, call Kaiserslautern Tourist-Info at 0631-365-2317. St. Martin Platz, (bottom of Steinstrasse), Kaiserslautern: • The Emmerich-Smola-Music School presents a serenade concert, 5 p.m. today. Bildhaus Music Club, Hahnbacherhof (near 67701 Schallodenbach — go through Otterberg; Mehlbach is closed): • The band Boys Named Sue presents rock ‘n’ roll, country, country swing, bluegrass and blues, 8:30 p.m. June 14. Visit www.bildhaus-krueger.de/ termine for details. Volkspark, Kaiserslautern (duck pond on Entersweiler-/Donnersberger Strasse): • Neuleininger Blaskapelle performs folk music, musical songs and symphonic brass, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 15. Admission is free. Beverages and snacks are available. Children can enjoy an adventure playground. English Theatre, Gallusanlage 7, Frankfurt: • “The Collector,” a psychological thriller by John Fowles, through July 4. Performance times are 7:30

Courtesy photo

Adventure trip Waldgrehweiler (northeast of Rockenhausen) offers “Adventure Trip Moscheltal” with musical entertainment, dance performances, arts and crafts presentations, displays, games and food from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. For details, visit www. donnersberg-touristik. de.

Courtesy photo

Delicacies in Annweiler Annweiler/Trifels sponsors a special market with delicacies of all kinds in its historical part of town from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, and 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday. Farmers, vintners and vendors present their products such as meat, cheese, herbs, oils, vinegars, liqueurs, mustard, pasta, bread and wines. For details, visit www.markt-der-genuesse.de.

p.m. Tuesday to Saturday, and 6 p.m. Sunday. For more information, visit www.english-theatre.org. Nationaltheater Mannheim, am Goetheplatz: • “Training Isadora,” a ballet by Dominique Dumais, 4 p.m. Sunday, 7:30 p.m. June 15, and 7 p.m. June 28. • “Don Carlo,” an opera by Guiseppe Verdi, in Italian, 7 p.m. Wednesday and June 29. • “Tosca,” an opera by Giacomo Puccini, in Italian, 7:30 p.m. June 17. For more information, visit www.nationaltheater-mannheim.de.


• Kaiserslautern Gartenschau, through Oct. 31. Special events: “T-shirts, bags and tensides,” an interactive display on sustainable chemistry, to Oct. 12 in exhibition hall. Flower show, “6 Elements,” to June 22 in flower hall. Sunday: Catholic worship service, 11 a.m. in willow church. Music in the Park with singer and guitar player, 2:30 p.m. in Neumühlepark. Pfalztheater ensembles perform 2 to 6 p.m. throughout the area. Gartenschau hours are 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tickets cost €7 for adults and €3 for children. For more information, visit www.gartenschau-kl.de. • Kaiserslautern, Japanese Garden open through Oct. 31. Hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. For details, visit www.japanischergarten.de. • Kaiserslautern, center, children’s festival, Saturday. • Kaiserslautern, Stiftskirche, Night of Churches starts with ecumenical worship service 6 p.m. Sunday. Flammkuchen and wines will be served next to Pentecost fire in yard. For program in other churches, visit wwww.kirchen-in-kl.de. • Kaiserslautern-Siegelbach, zoo,

family day at the zoo, Sunday and Monday. • Eulenbis, hill fest at Eulenkopf, Sunday and Monday. • Miesau, horse tracks next to swimming pool, horse tournament/ show, Saturday through Monday. • Gries-Sand (Ohmbach Lake), medieval market with vendors, craftsmen, knights fights, Viking boat, food specialties, 11 a.m. Saturday through Monday. • Enkenbach-Alsenborn, road between two village parts is closed for Skate Night with music bands, food specialties, 5 to 11 p.m. Sunday. • Kusel, old town fest, today through Sunday. • Lemberg Castle (southeast of Pirmasens), castle fest, today to Sunday. • Rhodt unter Rietburg (south of Edenkoben), blossom fest, today through Monday. • Neustadt-Gimmeldingen, wine fest, today thorugh Tuesday.

Flea markets

• Kaiserslautern, Pfalz-Center (across from Daenner Kaserne), Saturdays. • Kaiserslautern, Opel parking lot, Portal 4, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday and June 14. • Mehlingen, former Penny market (Tannenstrasse), 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays. • Ramstein, Autokino, 3 to 7 p.m. today and June 13. • Sembach, Gewerbepark, near tower, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday and Monday. • Bad Dürkheim, Saline (salt-works in Kurpark), 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and June 14, and 3 to 7 p.m. Thursday. • Homburg, Am Forum (near town hall), Saturday.

June 6, 2014

Kaiserslautern American

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Kaiserslautern American

June 6, 2014

German pros join WTB-E for wheelchair basketball ers — professionals who tour the country playing other city teams — participated as well. Even though their experience level on the Members of the German Bundesliga FCK court was much higher in general compared to Rolling Devils, a wheelchair basketball team the WTB-E Soldiers, the Rolling Devils made based in Kaiserslautern, came out to the sure everybody got a chance to play by passKleber Fitness Center May 30 to join Warrior ing the ball to Soldiers as often as possible. Transition Battalion-Europe Soldiers in a Though everybody on the court was competifriendly game. tive, it was evident to the fans in the bleachers “I’m glad we got to mix it up. I wouldn’t that all were there primarily to have fun. have wanted to play against them,” said “I enjoy this. It’s really a lot more about WTB-E Soldier Spc. Israel Cruz after the fun than competition,” said Rolling Devils game. player and branch president Sascha Gergele. Players from both teams combined to form “Americans here in Kaiserslautern are intetwo separate teams that faced off against each grated into the community, and they like to other. play basketball. This is good to bring the Soldiers are assigned to the WTB-E when Germans and the Americans together.” Photo by Linda Steil they are wounded, injured or ill and are After playing three games with their expected to require intensive medical treat- Warrior Transition Battalion-Europe Soldier Spc. Israel Cruz chases Bundesliga American counterparts, Antac said he could FCK Rolling Devils wheelchair basketball player Sascha Gergele down the court ment for an extended period. Oftentimes, during a friendly game May 30 at the Kleber Fitness Center. see improvement in their play. The Rolling their conditions preclude them from particiDevils are always looking for people to play pating in regular physical training activities, so they teamwork than regular basketball.” with their team and he said he hopes some of the engage in adaptive sports like wheelchair basketball Rolling Devils player Serdar Antac agreed. He’s WTB-E Soldiers might consider it. and sitting volleyball. been playing wheelchair basketball for 23 years, the “This is a good chance for these veterans,” Antac “They can’t do what they did before, but they can past 12 at the professional level in Germany and said. “This can give them a chance to possibly play do this,” said WTB-E Command Sgt. Maj. Eugene Turkey. for a good club.” Chance. “The whole idea is to keep them active and “It’s really a lot of things coming together,” Antac For Sgt. 1st Class Neil Jasmin, another Soldier for them to have fun as well.” said. “It’s coordination, power (and) athleticism. It assigned to WTB-E at Kleber Kaserne, it was fun And Cruz, a Soldier assigned to Kleber Kaserne shows there’s no limits as long as you keep trying.” just to play and meet with the community team. in Kaiserslautern, said he loves wheelchair basketThis was the third visit by the Rolling Devils, “It was good to bond more with the community,” ball. whose team included players with varying levels of Jasmin said. “Plus it helped show everybody that, “It’s a really good workout, and it’s actually fun,” experience. Some members of their youth league even though you’re in a wheelchair, you can still he said. “It takes more finesse, coordination and joined the game, while a few first Bundesliga play- excel.” by Ed Drohan Europe Regional Medical Command Public Affairs

Army birthday run

Celebrate the Army’s 239th birthday at the BOSS Army Birthday Run. This 5K fun run/walk will take place at 10:30 a.m. June 14. Registration will take place from 9 to 10:15 a.m. in Bldg. 237 on Rhine Ordnance Barracks.The registration fee is $5. All ages are welcome, and pets must be leashed. For details, call 493-2088 or 0631-3406-2088.

Fitness center open 24/7

The Ramstein Northside Fitness Center is now open 24 hours a day, seven days a week for registered members. For more details and to register, visit the fitness center front desk. For details, visit http://tinyurl.com/kn76ylk.

Triathlon volunteers needed

Volunteers are needed for the third annual TRI Pfalz Triathlon to be held Aug. 3 in Kaiserslautern. There will be a need for helpers not only on the day of the race but also in setup and teardown work before and after. Being part of the volunteer team that will manage an international group of athletes will also provide various benefits to each helper. For full information and to register as a volunteer, visit www.tri-pfalz. de/volunteer,1,20.html.

Bambino soccer registration

Registration for afternoon bambino soccer is now open. Soccer is for children ages 3 to 4. Cost is $20 for six 45-minute sessions. Soccer is offered from 4 to 4:45 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays. Registration closes July 18. Register online via Webtrac or through Parent Central Services by calling 493-4516/4122 or 0631-3406-4516/4122, or the Family and Morale, Welfare and

Recreation One Stop Shop at 486-8943 or 06371-86-8943.

Take Note now online

Take Note, a guide to volksmarching in the area, can now be found online at www.kaiserslauternamerican.com under “sports.”

Golf tournament

KMC Top 3 will sponsor a golf tournament July 18 at the Woodlawn Golf Course on Ramstein. For details and to pre-register, email jack.haskell@us.af.mil or Jason.brandy@us.af.mil.

17TH ANNUAL AMERICAN LOGISTICS ASSOCIATION CIATION CHARITY GOLF TOURNAMENT Golf Tournament, 4 Person Best Ball Scramble Friday, June 27, 2014, Shotgun Start at 08:00 Woodlawn Golf Club, Ramstein AB, Germany


Golfers and non-golfers are welcome and invited. ALL PROCEEDS GO TO THE American Logistics Association (ALA) Charity FUND TO HELP NEEDY FAMILIES IN THE AMERICAN COMMUNITIES IN EUROPE. PRIZES: 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams (trophies & gift certificates) “HAM” award Annual ugliest swing award Longest drive & closest to pin Raffle with MEGA prizes

ENTRANCE FEE: (Note: Woodlawn Club Members have reduced fees) $60.00 ALA Members $75.00 Non-ALA Members $50.00 DeCA, AAFES, NEXCOM, MW $35.00 Military E-4 & Below

any Plus m

CONTACT: Dave Kumler, MDV/Nash Finch. Email: dkumler@compuserve.com or Chris Harvard, HMI Email: chris@harburmarketing.com



more a

June 6, 2014

Kaiserslautern American

Page 27

NOW SHOWING Editor’s note: Schedules and synopses are provided by the Army and Air Force Exchange Service. Movie times and dates are subject to change by the individual theaters. Please check with the theater to ensure accuracy.

Gateway Cineplex (Ramstein) Maleficent 3D (PG) 11:15 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 5:45 p.m., 9 p.m. Maleficent (PG) 2:30 p.m., 5:45 p.m. X-Men: Days of Furture Past 3D (PG-13) 1:45 p.m., 5 p.m., 8:15 p.m. X-Men: Days of Furture Past (PG-13) 11 a.m., 9 p.m. A Million Ways to Die in the West (R) 11:15 a.m., 4:30 p.m., 9:45 p.m. The Other Woman (PG-13) 11 a.m. Neighbors (R) 2 p.m., 7:15 p.m. SATURDAY - Maleficent 3D (PG) 11:15 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 5:45 p.m., 9 p.m. Maleficent (PG) 2:30 p.m., 5:45 p.m. X-Men: Days of Furture Past 3D (PG-13) 1:30 p.m., 4:45 p.m., 8 p.m. X-Men: Days of Furture Past (PG-13) 11 a.m., 9 p.m. A Million Ways to Die in the West (R) 11:15 a.m., 4:30 p.m., 10 p.m. The Other Woman (PG-13) 7:15 p.m. Neighbors (R) 11 a.m., 2 p.m. SUNDAY Maleficent 3D (PG) 11:15 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 6:15 p.m. Maleficent (PG) 2:30 p.m., 5:45 p.m. X-Men: Days of Furture Past 3D (PG-13) 11 a.m., 5 p.m. X-Men: Days of Furture Past (PG-13) 11 a.m., 4:45 p.m. A Million Ways to Die in the West (R) 2:15 p.m., 8:15 p.m. The Other Woman (PG-13) 11:45 a.m. Neighbors (R) 2:15 p.m., 8 p.m. MONDAY - Maleficent 3D (PG) 11:30 a.m., 2:45 p.m., 6 p.m. X-Men: Days of Furture Past 3D (PG-13) 11 a.m., 4:45 p.m. A Million Ways to Die in the West (R) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:45 p.m., 7:45 p.m. The Other Woman (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 7:15 p.m. Neighbors (R) 2:15 p.m., 8 p.m. The Quiet Ones (PG-13) 4:45 p.m. 2D TUESDAY - Maleficent (PG) 11:30 a.m., 2:45 p.m., 6 p.m. X-Men: Days of Furture Past (PG-13) 11 a.m., 4:45 p.m., 7:15 p.m. A Million Ways to Die in the West (R) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., 8 p.m. The Other Woman (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2 p.m. Neighbors (R) 2:15 p.m., 8 p.m. The Quiet Ones (PG-13) 4:45 p.m. WEDNESDAY - Maleficent 3D (PG) 11:30 a.m., 2:45 p.m., 6 p.m. X-Men: Days of Furture Past 3D (PG-13) 11 a.m., 4:45 p.m. A Million Ways to Die in the West (R) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:45 p.m., 7:45 p.m. The Other Woman (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 7:15 p.m. Neighbors (R) 2:15 p.m., 8 p.m. The Quiet Ones (PG-13) 4:45 p.m. THURSDAY - Maleficent 3D (PG) 11:30 a.m., 2:45 p.m., 6 p.m. X-Men: Days of Furture Past 3D (PG-13) 11 a.m., 4:45 p.m. A Million Ways to Die in the West (R) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:45 p.m., 7:45 p.m. The Other Woman (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 7:15 p.m. Neighbors (R) 2:15 p.m., 8 p.m. The Quiet Ones (PG-13) 4:45 p.m. TODAY -

Grace Studio

Dance Body & Mind German lessons www.grace-studio.org

Weilerbacher Str. 110 67661 KL - Einsiedlerhof

Ramstein-Süd / Landstuhl

For Reservations & Informations call 06371-937037

Next to Autobahn A6, Exit 13 (Landstuhl) Merkurstraße 9, 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach 6 THEATRES, THX, EX and all Digital Sound Systems

FRI JUNE 06 - WED JUNE 11 In Digital 3D: Edge of Tomorrow (PG13)- Fri - Wed 18:00 In Digital 3D: Fri - Sun 15:45, Tue & Wed 16:00 In Digital 3D: X-Men: Days of Future Past (PG13)- Fri 15:45, Sat & Sun 15:30, Mon - Wed 16:00 A Million Ways to Die in the West (R)- Fri - Mon 17:45, Tue & Wed 18:00 In 2D: Maleficent (PG)- Fri 18:15, 20:15, 22:30, Sat 13:30, 18:00, 20:15, 22:30, Sun 13:30, 18:00, 20:15, Mon 18:00, 20:15, Tue 18:15, 20:30 , Wed 18:15 In 2D: X-Men: Days of Future Past (PG13)- Fri 17:30, 20:00, 22:30, Sat 13:30, 17:30, 20:00, 22:30, Sun 13:30, 17:30, 20:00, Mon 13:30, 17:45, 20:15, Tue 18:00, 20:30, Wed 18:00 The Fault in Our Stars (PG13)- Fri 15:45, 17:45, 20:15, Sat & Sun 15:30, 17:45, 20:15, Mon 17:45, Tue 16:00, 20:30, Wed 16:00, 18:00, 20:30 In 2D: Edge of Tomorrow (PG13)- Fri & Sat 15:45, 20:15, 22:30, Sun & Mon 15:45, 20:15, Tue & Wed 16:00, 20:30 Also showing: The Other Woman, The Amazing Spiderman: Rise of Electro, Godzilla

Visit www.kaiserslauternamerican.com/movies.php for more information Maleficent (PG) — “Maleficent” explores the untold story of Disney’s most iconic villain from the classic “Sleeping Beauty” and the elements of her betrayal that ultimately turned her pure heart to stone. Driven by revenge and a fierce desire to protect the moors over which she presides, Maleficent cruelly places an irrevocable curse upon the human king’s newborn infant, Aurora. As the

child grows, Aurora is caught in the middle of the seething conflict between the forest kingdom she has grown to love and the human kingdom that holds her legacy. Maleficent realizes that Aurora may hold the key to peace in the land and is forced to take drastic actions that will change both worlds forever. Starring Angelina Jolie and Elle Fanning.

Puzzle courtesy of http://thinks.com/

ACROSS 1 Western buddy 5 Token 9 Conceal 13 Theater award 14 Jazzman Chick 16 Novelist Seton 17 Tall flower 19 Fashion designer Saint Laurent 20 Audiophile’s setup 21 Trap activator 23 Indian coin once 25 Vast amounts 26 Bulgarians, Serbs, etc. 29 Crackpot 31 Yarn 32 Part of many German names 33 Send into exile 36 Be indisposed 37 Derisive cry 39 Nectar collector 40 Native of Britanny 42 Heavy-duty cleanser 43 Entreaty 44 Biblical region 46 “___ is human” 47 Sense of taste 48 Author Bellow 50 Type of well 52 “Remington ___” 56 Blood vessel 57 “The Blackboard Jungle” author 59 “___ You, Babe” 60 Good judgment 61 Casks 62 Mafia bosses 63 Cut 64 Helper DOWN 1 They may be full of beans 2 Aid in crime 3 Vex 4 Corrupt 5 Grafting shoot 6 Charged particle

7 Abrasive particles 8 Nerve cell 9 Farm cart 10 Unconquerable 11 Color changers 12 Relaxation 15 Friendly 18 Egg producers 22 Flower part 24 Heaps 26 Attempt 27 Den 28 Charge 30 Cry of defeat 32 “The Bonfire of the ___” 34 Soothsayer 35 Take in aurally 37 Carbonated drinks 38 Affirmative votes 41 Ancient money 43 Cornmeal mush 45 Table extenders 46 Ballerina’s attire 47 Please, in Pisa 49 White as a sheet 50 Fanatical 51 “Peter Pan” dog 53 A case of pins and needles 54 Provide for a while 55 Gael’s tongue 58 Queensland neighbor: Abbr.


Page 28

Kaiserslautern American

June 6, 2014

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Haupstuhl, rustical Apt. 1st floor, 1bedr, big living/dining area, with open fireplace, 1 ½ bathrm, BIK, Free parking lot, 120sqm, €720, 2mths deposit. Directly available, A beaut. Apt, 15min to Vogelweh 0170-3324501 or RAB or hospital, 4BR, walkin KL-Erlenbach, Am Matzenberg closet, bathroom w/bigshower + 37, compl new renov. Apt whirlpool, bathroom w/shower 105sqm 2BR liv/dinrm bik bath and WC, liv/din rm, new BIK terr 2balc celler parking spot+carport. w/very beautiful view near forest, €650+utl Call: 06301-4148 very quiet, sunroom, laundry w/ K-Town downtown, great top warm water, floorheating, floor apt close to bars and shops, 171sqm, AFN connect, DSL, quiet st, great views, 3 bed, 1.5 1100€ + utl, Tel. 0170/93 55555 bath, BIK, parking, Av now, 685 or 06333/9940788, hohmann-pia@ Euro, Call 0172 6855976 web.de K-Town, luxury fully-furnished apt, designer furnishings, all utiliApartment 130qm; 2 bedrooms; ties included, perfect for singles built in kitchen with dishwasher; lior couple, Av. now, 858 Euro, Call ving/diningroom; 1 3/4 ba0172 6855976 throoms; fireside; Sat-TV; DSL possibe; balkony; 1 Garage; sepe- Kusel Bledesbach, 22kilometer rate enter; no pets; available; call : to RAB, 17 kilometer to Baumholder, 120sqm, 1BR, 2living, 06307/6475; 700€ + utilities 1dinrm, loggia, 1bath, guest toilet, BIK, new fully furn. No pets. exApartment 150qm; 3 bedrooms; cept elec and trash+one month built in kitchen with dishwasher; lirent. Avail now.Call: 06333688936 ving/diningroom; 1 3/4 bathrooms; Sat-TV; DSL possibe; Landstuhl City Apt, 5min LRMC, balkony; 1 Garage; 1 parking shopping center 2min by foot, place; seperate enter; no pets; 10min RAB, 75sqm, 4sgl/cpl, lrg available; call : 06307/6475; 900€ bik, livrm, 1BR, bath, storage, big sunny balc, parking spot €550 + utilities monthly incl heating+2months rent. 06374-4750 or 0171Apt 10 min RAB 80 sqm 2br 4311340 1livrm 1bath + guest WC stor BIK balc 1 cpks avail now €520 + util Landstuhl downtown: very cool apartment, 125sqm, 3 bed, big 0170-7369018 bathroom, nice BIK, available 1 June, €800+ut. Call Melinda 0172/ Apt in Sulzbachtal, approx 6855976 or kka.immobilien@ic 85sqm, 2rms, bik, bath. €300 loud.com +util. 06308-7159 Landstuhl-Apt for rent, 141Sqm, 4Bedr, 1Bathr, 1Livrm/Dinrm, BIK, Bann, beautiful Apt 72sqm, new Features: storagerm, Yard, balc, BIK, furn., SAT TV, DSL, €450 Prkg spot €850+util.no pets, +util 06371-16868 EnEV 108,8 kWh/(m² a)=green phone01602322110 Einsiedlerhof: next to WPC 3BR, Large Apt Schwedelbach. 3miles livr big BIK + dining area & pantry to airbase, 193sqm, 5BR, 2baths, 1 ½ bathr balc, no pets non-smoliv/dinrm, kitchen w/ electric appking please. Call 0631-58796 after liances, attic yard, €1240 rent 6 pm +util. Phone: 06304-919272 *!Nice Apt Landstuhl Kolping Str.9 95sqm 2BR BIK stor bath fully furn €550+utl Avail now 01781460633 or 0160-4498569

Eulenbis, Brunnenweg 6, 2 storey studio, 4 bdrm, lrge livrm, bik w/ lrg dnrm, 2 baths, 2 ½ baths, balconies, attic storage, floor heat, 170 sqm, 15min from RAB. No realtor fee, Rent €1300 incl. heating. Call 06371-50549. Exclusive big new building, 160sqm!20min from RAB, furn or not furn, ground flr, 4BR, w/ 1 ½ baths & BIK.2 outdr terraces w/ BBQ., excellent view of German countryside.Kreimbach-Kaulbach. Garden & side walk are maintained by landlord.Pets are welcome.0151-54607136 or 015143457009

Luxury double level apartment: in beautiful village of Mehlbach, Ramstein and K-Town 20 mins, 160sqm, completely newly renovated, 3 bed, 2 bath, BIK, garage, Av. now, €940+ut. Call Melinda 0172/6855976 or kka.immobilien@ icloud.com Mackenbach, 2 bedroom apartment for rent. Balcony and basement storage available Manfred Stridde 06374-3783 or 480-7300 Mackenbach, 5 Min. to Base, next to Golf Course, very nice 2BR Apt, 85 sqm, BIK, 1.5 bathrooms, Balcony, no pets, Basement. Rent: € 530 + Util., Garage + € 30,00. Call 06371-44310.

June 6, 2014

Kaiserslautern American

APT FOR RENT All ads and pics on class-world.com

Mehlingen lrg apt, 120sqm 2BR, liv/dinrm, brand new BIK, 1.5baths, utilrm, part furn, lrg balc, garden, SAT/AFN, flr heating, €700, Call: 06303-6691 or 0176-70501800 Obermohr very nice 94sqm, Apt, second flr, 2BR, liv/dinrm, BIK, bath, WC, terrace, park-spot, garage, €725 incl heating, 0637152510

10min to Ramsteinbase, new house, 4BDR, 2 baths, sauna, garage, rent €1775, Dzepezauer@ aol.com, 01726823232 Brand new & upscale home for rent in Winnweiler, 320sqm, €3000,5bedr.3 bathr.garage info@ housingoffice.com/017664036072 ***** House in Waldmohr. 340sqm, 5BR, 3baths, d-gar, highest standards. €2700 obo. Bedesbach, 250sqm, 5Br, XXL gar, €1950. Queidersbach, 250sqm, 5BR, gar, €1775. Sembach, luxury, 6BR, €2200… and much more. Realtor Erica 016096697945, florida0001@gmx.de

Otterberg, 67697, Im Althütterhof 11; apt 150sqm BIK liv/din rm bath extra WC 3BR balcony storage tiled+heated floors garage no *Ramstein school dist. House, pets €960+utl incl. garage Call: 220sqm, 1200sqm property, terrace, family rm, dinrm, BIK, laun06301-2911 dry, 2full baths, 4BR, private patio area in the back. Very quiet area, Ramstein city, lux. apt. 3BDR, 6miles to RAB westgate, kids and BIK.garage i.basement, r. pets welcomed. €1600 +util. w/op€725,01726823232 Dzepezauer@ tion to buy. Avail now. Call Owner aol.com, 06364-175436 Ramstein City: apartment 3 bedroom , 1 ½ bath, built-in.kit., living-diningrm., balcony, garage, 745,-- € + util, no findersfee www.agra-immobilien.de 0637157656

*Sun-filled duplex-house in Schöneberg-Kübelberg:South side, central location.Dead-end street. 204sqm, 3BR, gallery, 2bath, tiled+wooden flrs, flr heat, gasheat, 2terr.Property. Size 554sqm.Kindergarten next door, 200m to busRamstein new renovated quiet & station Ramstein school, 15min to gated ground flr Apt. 84sqm, RAB.Avail now.€1530 0151ground floor, 3rms, furnished kit17422996 chen, bath & garage €790+elec. Call: 0171-3676126 30 Min. to RAB Duplex in RieRamstein: apartment 2 bedr., schweiler-M. higher standard, terbath, built-in-kit., living-diningrm., race, 2Balc, studio, bik, Sauna, balcony, garage, 580,--€ + util , basem finished into Partyroom w/ no finderfee www.agra-immobili kitchen, electr. blinds, 2fireplace, wooden floors & tiles, Garden, en.de 06371-57656 Double garage. €1200 + util +garage (€70) Tel.: 0177-7832625


All ads and pics on class-world.com

! KL-Einsiedlerhof, 5min to RAB, Zum Grossen Berg 4: 180sqm luxury, 2 liv-dinrm, 3BR, 2baths (1yaccuzzi), 2BIK, Balc, garden, €1250+util + €30 garage. Avail 7 Jul. Call 0163-8431636 !!! Townhouse in Kusel, liv sp 141sqm, fully furn, 20 min to RAB. 0176-23404388 or 06371-60351 !Mansion!: beautiful german-style FSH in Hütschenhausen, 400sqm, 6 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, BIK, huge living room, wintergarden, fireplace, patio+gorgeous yard, 3 car garage, €2800+ut. Av. now. Call Melinda 0172/6855976 or kka.immobilien@ icloud.com

5 min. RAB: Exceptional duplex with extravagant amenities, floor heat, gas fireplace, walk in showers and closet, round bath tub with integrated TV, air conditioning, modern kitchen, electric shutters, in floor lights, 2 terraces, a must to see, € 1.050,-- + util., Verbrauchsorientierter Energieausweis, Endenergieverbrauch 73,8 kWh/(m² a), Heizung: Gaszentralheizung (Erdgas), Gebäudebaujahr 2005, Energieeffizienzklasse B, I.B.u.Immobilienservice Thomas Sourißeaux 06374 995 694 Thomas.sx@t-online.de Almost brandnew, freest. 290 Sqm, 6 Bedr., 3+ Bath, Familyr., floorheat, open-fire-pl., Carport, 20 Min. to RAB €2100.00, Hol leck@yahoo.de, Jürgen, 01709801507

Airbase: 10 min Huetschenhausen: great 5 br house, floorheat, gar, yard E 2060,- ; Bruchmuehlbach: beautiful 6 br house, open floorplan, yard, gar E 2250,-; Oberstaufenbach: 6 br house, big fenced yard, gar, storage E 1635,; brand new luxury house in Winnweiler: luxury house, 315 sqm, 8 br, yard, gar E 2450,-, Landstuhl: lux. dplx: 3 br, walk i.closets, yard, garE 1230,- ; - pics of houses avail - JR Rrealty - reduced fee- ph: 06371-71756 or jfr46@out look.com

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HOUSES FOR RENT All ads and pics on class-world.com

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House in Reichenbach-Steegen, Horststr. 6, for rent 90sqm 3BR BIK new gas heating €560 +utl 1month deposit avail now 0637162411 or 0174-8457197

Beautiful house in Waldmohr, 10 Min to RAB, 203sqm, 5BR, kitchen/fully equipt, 2.5 bathrm, big dinrm, balcony, terrace+garden, 2 carpks, gardenhouse, DSL+TV, near busstop, Tel: 0176-24387678

since 1985

€ 9.80

June 6, 2014


House in Reichenbach-Steegen for rent130sq.m., 4 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 dining room, 1,5 bathrooms, 1 kitchen, a basement and a garage. Its available at the 1st of June. The rent for the house is 900€ cold. For interest you Erzenhausen, 10 min Ramstein, can call me at 01744774740. 126sqm, 5 rooms, 2 bathrooms, large bik, small garden. €850+util. Garage with automatic door ope- Kaiserslautern-Erlenbach Nice ner €40. Avail now. Mail: Chris individual Freestanding 1Fam House in a nice liv complex, tel.Lebailly@gmx.de 10min to Kleber/Daenner/Panzer Kasern & Vogelweh, fast way to Farmhouse Gries, €1200, RAB, 100sqm hallway liv rm 2BR 5bedr.1 livrm., 2shower, BIK, cloadd. rms BIK&din rm 1.5bath se to Miesau, Ramstein, avail06/ (1sep guest WC w/laundry), floor16, call after 17PM, 01715091305. heat SAT (AFN & German), lamps & curtains, shutters, un furn, FSH in Gries, 160sqm, 3BR, electr. garage door, garden+cour2.5bath, BIK, pantry, 2balconies, tyard use for BBQ no pets liv+dinrm, lrg basem, garage + €720+1mo dep.From Private. prk spot, garden, small pets (ne- Avail now, Tel 06301-2080 or gotiable). €1070+util. €1000 dep. 0151-23726138 Avail now. 0171-8329280 (English) or 06826-5240910 (German) Kaiserslautern-Siegelbach: or pd.Dahl@t-online.de 225sqm, 5 bed, 3.5 bath, BIK+pantry, garage, floor heating, House for Rent in Landstuhl (5 fireplace, nice views and yard, min walking distance to LRMC) quiet street €1550+ut. Av. now, 140 sqm liv space; 2 BR, livrm & Call Melinda 0172/6855976 or separate dinrm; 2 gar; BIK; 1.5 kka.immobilien@icloud.com baths; fireplace; terrace & garden. Avail 1 Jun. Rent € 990. Contact Katzweiler, 280sqm, new duplex, Fr. Bennewirtz at 0631-96251 garage, 4BR, €1900. Immo T. 016096096498 House for rent: Reuschbach - 6 km from Ramstein / RAB: 5 rooms, furnished kitchen, living / Kindsbach, 3BR, townhouse, studining room with fire place, 3 ½ dio, patio, garage, €1030. Immo bathrooms, closets, pantry, 191 T. 016096096498 sqm, parking lot, yard, pets are welcome. Rent 1.250,00 Euro + Landstuhl Melkerei, 3BR, bungautil. For further information please low, 2 baths, patio, yard, garage, call: Jürgen Müller, phone: 06383- €800, Immo T. 016096096498 928968, cell: 0179 - 4768717 or juergen_mueller_@arcor.de KL-Siegelbach, beautif. freest. house 190sqm, 6 bedr. 2 bath House in Country near Winnwei1liv.-din. 1 bik, basem. 1 ler 3/4 BR, BIK, plus storage & utiGarage1200,00 € + util. no pets. lity room. DBL garage, floor heaPlease call: 0172-6785550 / ting and Fireplace 260sqm 5 min. 06301-719565 to Autobahn 1700 Europlus Util. 017623363020 leave message. Krickenbach: duplex 3 bedr., 1 ½ bath, living-diningrm., built-in-kit., garage, patio, yard, 1.040,-€ + util www.agra-immobilien.de 0637157656




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K-Town westside: 170sqm, 4 bed, 1.5 bath, BIK, studio loft, gas heating, fireplace, patio and small yard, basement, garage, €1175+ut. Av. now. Call Melinda 0172/6855976 or kka.immobilien@ icloud.com

Landstuhl-Melkerei: German-style FSH, 220sqm, 5 bed, 2.5 bath, BIK, gas heating, garage, nice big yard, €1420+ut. Av. 15. June Call Melinda 0172/6855976 or kka.im mobilien@icloud.com Mackenbach, town house, 3 bedr., 1,5 bath, small yard, basement (Hobby room), € 880.-- + util., Verbrauchsorientierter Energieausweis, Endenergieverbrauch 106,7 kWh/(m² a), Heizung: Gaszentralheizung (Erdgas), Gebäudebaujahr 1994, Energieeffizienzklasse D, I.B.u.Immobilienservice Thomas Sourißeaux 06374 995 694 Thomas.sx@t-online.de, Mackenbach: huge freestanding 8 bedr., 4 ½ bath, living-diningrm., open-fire-place, built-inkit., patio, big fenced in yard, doublegarage, 3.460,-- € + util www.agra-immobilien.de 0637157656 Nice FSH w. In-Law-Suite in Siegelbach, 15 km to RAB, 6 km to K'Lautern, 286 m², 3 BR, 2 Baths, BIK, Liv/Din-Room, Basement, Double-Garage, Yard, Patio, Balcony, Pets allowed, Avail: Now, Rent: 1800 Euro (neg.) + 60 Euro garage + util. NO FEE! Please view our website for more listings and details.www.gibillpay.com/rea lestate For more information please contact G.I. Bill Pay Service & Real Estate: 06371-465407 or 0160-1065196 or ramstein@gibill pay.com Nice house in a quiet area for a save and sane life. Short drive distance to Landstuhl and RAB. 3BR, 1.5bath, BIK, big southside deck and yard. €850+€300 utilies. Available now. Please call 063755485 landlord speaks English Nice House in Brücken/Pfalz (Zip 66904), 15 min RAB, 20 min KL, Miesau 10 min. Approx. 230 sqm, built 1849, completely renovated 2007. 3 floors, 4-6 BR, 2 big livingrms, 2 baths, 1 BIK, storagerms. 3-4 parking spots, approx. 300 sqm property, balcony, basement. Housing approved, School bus for children available. Rent 1450€ + util. Tel: 0176 61306300 after 6.30 p.m. Friday - Sunday all day

Nice House Schopp, 10min Vogelweh / 20min RAM, 220sqm, 5BR, 3.5bath, BIK, 450sqm garden, beautif. panoramic views, av 25 Jun, €1600+util 015120106428 or 06301-2939 (Fam Landstuhl 5min hospital, Siegfried) 170sqm, 3BDR, BIK, basement, rent€950, 01726823232 /Dzepe Oberarnbach near Ramstein, zauer@aol.com freestdg house, 8 bedrm, 305 sqm, 3½ bath, Sauna, 2 carport Landstuhl: Great Duplex 4BR/ 2120€ 0637113600 4BA Garage.Price € 1500Please call me RE/MAX Real Estate Center Call Sonja 01603807277, 0631/ Ramstein brand new FSH, 41408880 5Bedr., 3Bathr., BiK, Din.-Livr., laundry, floorheating, lowenergie, Landstuhl-Melkerei, freestan- garage+carport, patio, yard, avail. ding, bik, garage, 2 bdr, office, now, €1.650+util, rmimmobilien@t€1100, Martin 0177-1700206 online.de or 06374-915430

June 6, 2014

Kaiserslautern American


Page 31

Ramstein city, 220sqm duplex, Ramstein down town, €1000, Steinwenden, 1FSH, big garden, Weilerbach, 4BR, duplex, garagarage, 4BR, open fireplace, yard, 01726823232 /Dzepezauer@ garage, 160sqm, 5 min to RAB. ge, 200sqm, €1440. Immo T. 016096096498 €1500. Immo T. 016096096498 aol.com, €1250+util. 015221615388

All ads and pics on class-world.com

Ramstein, 10 min, FSH, 6BDR, 4baths, sunroom, pets ok, 2garages, rent €1650, Dzepezau er@aol.com Ramstein, nice big Townhouse, 240sqm, 5bedr., 3bathr., BiK, liv., dinr., laundry, storage, patio, fenced yard, avail. 16.June €1750 +util, rmimmobilien@t-online.de or 06374-915430 Ramstein: freestanding 6 bedr., 3 ½ bath, built-in-kit., living-diningrm., open-fire-place.patio, yard, 1.750,-- + util www.agra-im mobilien.de

fformerly Thirsty Nellie’s • Under new Management! Mon ndayy Open Mic with Keith Tueesdayy Heineken and Jaegermeister € 2,00 Tu T Wed dnesd day Quiz Night 8:30 p.m. on Thu Th ursdaay Karaoke 9 p.m. on Frid day or Saaturrday Live Music Fr Su Sunday Live Sport Shows Mon. - Thu. 4 p.m. - 1 a.m., Fri. 4 p.m. - 3 a.m. M S Saturday 1 p.m. - 3 a.m., Sunday 1 p.m. - 1 a.m.

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Ramstein-Miesenbach freest House 300sqm from private 8BR w/ceiling fans, 3baths, liv/dinrm, BIK, Air cond, studio, part furn, lg garage & patio w/BBQ, pool w/ slide, fenced quiet backyard, open firepl, basem w/ laundryrm, kids&pets welcome €2200 +energy+water and nothing else, 015229696477 or email: wolfrex2712@ yahoo.de. Pictures available. Ramstein-Miesenbach: freestanding 4 bedr., 2 ½ bath, living-diningrm., familyroom, built-in-kit., garage, balcony, yard, 1.760,--€ + util www.agra-Immobilien.de 06371-57656 Rodenbach: duplex 3 bedr., 1 ½ bath, living-diningrm., built-in-kit., yard, garage, 971,--€ + util www.agra-immobilien.de 0637157656 Schwedelbach nice duplex, 230sqm, 5Bedr., 2Bathr., BiK, Din.-Livr., laundry, carport, patio, yard, avail.15.July, monthl.€1700+util, rmimmobilien@ t-online.de or 06374-915430 Spesbach: duplex 5 bedr., 4 bath, built-in-kit., living-dingrm., patio, yard, fenced yard, 1.840,-€ + util www.agra-immobilien.de 06371-57656

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Page 32

Kaiserslautern American

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0,.( 6$1'(5V &DYLW\ 6HDOLQJ Auf dem Immel 12 Tel. 06374 / 2538 67685 Weilerbach Fax: 06374 / 4889 lackiererei.lenhard@t-online.de

HOUSES FOR RENT All ads and pics on class-world.com

Various beautiful houses in the KMC area. Rental prices from 900 Euro - 2600 Euro. FSH, Townhouses and more. Reduced finder's fee. Please view our website for more listings and details.www.gi billpay.com/realestate For more information please contact G.I. Bill Pay Service & Real Estate: 06371-465407 or 0160-1065196 or ramstein@gibillpay.com Weilerbach-Erzenhausen: cosy german-style house, completely newly renovated, 125sqm, 4 bed, 2 bath, large BIK, garage, quiet village with beautiful surroundings, close to base, €910+ut. Call Melinda 0172/6855976 or kka.immobili en@icloud.com

HOUSES/APTS FOR SALE All ads and pics on class-world.com

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!!!OPENHOUSE!!! Saturday 7.5.14 from 14-6:00, Hütschenhausen, Matzberg 10.Don`t miss this one-it won`t last!4BR/3BA 255qm living space, 623qm property, Price € 365 000 RE/MAX Real Estate Center Call Sonja 01603807277, 0631/41408880 Family of four LTB house quickly in the Ramstein school district.Prefer 4+ BR, 2 bath, 200+ sqm.Don't use a realtor, contact us directly. dora.mill@yahoo.com or 01577-681-5881 SFH in Waldmohr approx. 1300 sqm Areal big Pool.5Rms BIK fireplace Partyrm Double garage fully built out basement. 440.000,-€ Tel. 0177/5050253

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June 6, 2014 Sembach, 4BR, 3 wet cells, large LR, built-in kitchen, ample closets, swim&sports hall in basement+wash&laundry rooms. Additional storage rooms in basement & attic, 2 patios, large garden, 1 car garage&3 open parking. Available end of July. Tp 01708810390

Beautiful TLA House, www.beauti ful-tlf.jimdo.com, 5min to RAB, 4bedr, fullyfurnished, 0176/ 39755130

Landstuhl: 5***** Apartment, Apt No. 2, perfectly located and furnished Whirlpool, Steamshower, Dolby Surround, Boxspring beds www.ferienwohnungen-pech Steinwenden, Bungalow, tel.de €100 info@ferienwohnun 165sqm, + granny annex, big gar- gen-pechtel.de den 1338sqm, built in 1975, garage, €185.000 obo. Avail now. 015221615388 Weekend vacation property in Frankelbach.13,000sqm.25min from Ktown.Property includes a small cabin, fresh water spring, electricity provided by a windmill.$43,000. 0176-55219884

TLA/TDY All ads and pics on class-world.com

AUTOS All ads and pics on class-world.com

Caution: Some Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash. 06 VW Passat, $, timdaves@out look.com, , 2.0L 4 Cylinder Front Wheel Drive Turbo, Clean Car Fax Report, 86701 Miles, Color Gold W/Tan Leather, Automatic, Cruise Control, Email For More Infos On Mirrors Email For More Infos On timdaves@outlook

! ! ! ! 1 & 2 BDR Luxury Temp Apts TLA/TDY in Ramstein. 100% equipped including TV, DVD, free Internet, washer/dryer, free calls to USA. reservation / questions call: 0151-46501528 / mail:info@ ramstein-tla.com / www.ramsteintla.com / www.facebook.de/ram1999 Toyota Altezza, Reduced steintla TO $6000 obo, silver/black, 172,000km, inline 4 cylinder BE1-4BR Temp. Apt in Ramstein. AMS 5th gen black top engine, af100% equipped, including TV, Inter market stereo, 6 speed manuternet, BIK. Reservation/questions al, 4 door. Contact Drew at call: 0171-3358163 016094773425 or drew. holsen back@yahoo.com Available Now! TLAs-Ramstein 13BedFurn Wash/Dry phone/internet 01742430124 2004 Corvette Coupe, Commemorative Ed, 25,500 miles, Exc. NBM4RENT.COM Cond., LeMans Blue, New MicheComfortable 1-3 bedrooms with lin Tires, 4 sp. Auto, Comfort Acfull beds, linens and bedding, & cess, Leather, Cruise, Power Evertwo full baths. Kitchen has stove, ything, Dual Airbags, Moon Roof/ cookware, microwave, dishwas- Targa, HUD, Bose CD, ABS, Tracher, refrigerator, & utensils. Free tion Contrl, Active Handling, Dual high speed internet, phone calls Climate, Sport Exhaust. $27,000 to landlines in Germany, satellite obo. slutz2004@gmail.com or TV and parking. 3 minutes to 0711 722 48 680 Ramstein Base, 10 minutes to Landstuhl Hospital. For reservati- 2004 Peugeot 204, runs great, ons call +49(0)176-710-720-34 or awesome gas mileage, €3000, visit www.ccpugh.com Jim @ 015259668188 2006 Automatic Gray Acura TSX incl. both summer & winter tires & chains. 120,000 mi., leather seats, moonroof, power/heated seats, A/ C, 6 disc CD changer, cruise control Car has had 1 owner, nonsmoker, no pets. cathyostrander@ hotmail.compets. 2007 Grey Volvo XC90 3.2L AWD Loaded, $13,000 firm. Excellent condition, 99,500 miles, 7-seats, climate package, premium package, entertainment system, front/ back parking assist, GPS. Call or email Don at dsumme5178@ aol.com or 063725096807. 2007 Toyota FJ Cruiser SUV, €13450, jdeskelson@yahoo.com 2008 Ford Focus SE for sale $6,900, riverafamily114@ gmail.com, 2010 Camry Fully Loaded 10,000 mi., $18,000.00, Phone: 0171 95 24 338

June 6, 2014

Kaiserslautern American

Black Convertible C5 Corvette, $24900 NEG, 2004 C5 Corvette, Great Condition, Low Mileage, AUTOS Many Extras.The Vehicle is stanAll ads and pics on class-world.com ding at the US Military Mart in Einsiedlerhof, Kaiserslautern. Come 2010 VW Polo Automatic, check it out!! Or call $13,000, OBO 1.4L, Fully loaded. 015164419639. 44K Miles, Orig Owner. Set of Snow tires mounted on fctry rims. Contact us in the evenings at BMW 318, 2000 manuel, €4950, 0176/43064737 0172-6623527. 2011 Ford Focus SE $11,000 Automatic transmission, 40+miles, PW/PL, 35MPG HWY, MP3 Player... Please call Kate @ 015140166190

BMW 525i 4 door sedan 2002, $6,200, Approx. 105,000 Mi, Orig. Owner, Only BMW Dealership Maintained, Winter tires and rims included.pat.schiener@eu.do dea.edu

2012 Ford Fusion SEL with WarCar GPS Navagation System, ranty, 33000 miles, fully €70.00, zbone007@yahoo.com loaded$16000, schokobee71@ gmail.com, $16000, Come see us at LRMC military saschokobee71@gmail.com les for all your car buying needs. We have 2013/14 in stock. We are 2011 Volvo S60 T6, $22,300, now able to order 2015 to your 015117265896, jamco54@ya specs! We can ship here to Gerhoo.comFullyloaded, excellent many for you or stateside. Call cond. 300hpturbo, heatedseats, 06371463334 or email BH27406@ ect.TechPack:Backupcamera, military.com moonroof, USB, Bluetooth, Adap.Cruise, Xenon bending lights, many more options.Xenon ben- Ford Pick up, $19500 obo, joe_strobel@yahoo.com ding lights, many more options. 4 new 235/55 R17 103V NEXEN WinGuard Sport(103=Weight Index which is up to 875 Kilograms, V=speed up to 245 km h).Bought last year, never put on my Mustang.The next winter is coming. Be prepared. Tel.01781687425 4 x Opel winterTires mounted on ENZO 6 1/2 J X 15 EH2+ Alu Wheels. Good Year Ultragrip 7+ 195/65 R15 M+S Reifen. Look New! Around 8-9 mm profile., $400.00, omarrstanley@aim.com, 40-50 MPG, 142K miles, US specs, original owner. Just inspected, 4 new all season tires, 4 winter tires, Navigon GPS included. Scratches and minor dings, no accidents. All scheduled maintenance and every 5K oil/filter changes done. david.estroff@ gmail.com Available immediately, highly reliable 2006 Honda CRV EX for $8000 obo. 4-WD, automatic, 128K miles, no rust (from HI!), US spec, passed inspection. Call/text 01624261026.

Low Mileage PT Cruiser, $4250, US Specs - Automatic transmission Single owner - Low Mileage Runs great! $1000 below KBB due to impending PCS move. 3x 1000 watt transformers included as bonus! Call Matt at 01702967495 Mercedes Benz SLK 320, $8,300, pellatons@yahoo.com, German Specs, 4-Matic Trans, All leather Int., heated seats, navi.km's are 233,000. Mercedes maintained photos available. Four new tires, new brakes, winter tires on separate rims. Mercedes E320, '00, Automatic, 145000 km, with alloy wheels, leather interior, DVDs in headrests, extra-fully loaded, & perfect mechanically!!! Super nice car! $7900 (or 5700 Euros) Wiesbaden, 017669350-983. PCS Sale!! Mercedes E 200, Model 2000 Automatic, leather, power steering, breaks, windows, doors. Cruise control, Xenon lights, ABS, Stero, fully loaded. new oil change & batterie.new winter tires. none smoking car - Garage kept- good condition - only € 3.250 obo call 0172-676 2717

Golf III, build year 1997, approx. 238,000km, green, 5 gears, A/C, good sound system $700. Call: Metallic Grey 2012 VW Golf TDI station wagon. Climate control, 015751358790 heated seats, GPS, roof rack, tinted glass, dealer serviced and For sale is an Automatic Merce- much more. Great road car and des E200, 1999. Gorgeous blue- only 42500 km, still under warrangreen color. German specs, in- ty! Call Bill at 0151-511-90027. spections passed. No problems! Good shape - inside and outside. It has 270,000 km. $3400 cash Michelin Latitude Diamaris - 285/ please. We are in Wiesbaden. ser 45 R19 107V BMW Tires, set of 4, gelana@gmail.com. Call 0176- very good condition. $1,200 OBO. Contact sandersjn@sbcglobal.net. 69350-983. Must pick up. Grand Dodge Caravan SE 2009 Automatic, 7 seats, Entertainment Center with Hard Drive, Navigation System, Back up Camera, Stow and Go Seats, Dual Sliding Doors, Keyless Entry, well kept by 1 owner. 89k miles. $12.490. Contact: 0151-26067460

Opel Astra 2001, runs great, Diesel. 5 speed / manual transmission. Just passed inspection! 390K km. PCSing - must sell! Only $2000 (or 1500 eu). We are in Wiesbaden. sergelana@ gmail.com Tel. 0176-693-50983.

Grey Metallic 2012 VW Golf TDI, climate control, GPS, tinted glass, parking assist system, roof rack, much more, still under warranty. Great road car, with only 42,500 km or 25,000miles. Showroom condition.Call Bill @ 0151-51190027

This is Kahlua. She is a 1979 VW T2 Crew Cab RHD.If you are a VW enthusiast you will know that this model is rare; she also benefits from having a manual transmission.Kahlua is the outcome of a 2-year restoration.Contact 447971237629

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Page 33

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Page 34

Kaiserslautern American

June 6, 2014



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SIDI Vertigo Corsa Motorcycle Boots 11.5/ 46, $150, Blue/ white color, good condition, replaceable armor in toes, heals, shin. Straps provide snug fit. Stopped riding so cleaning out garage. Eric zinger65@hotmail.com, 01608087198

All ads and pics on class-world.com

approx. 14 inches

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2004 Honda CRF230F Motorcycle "Street Legal"!!! $2570 or best offer(obo), Exellent condition, customized with BBR & Baja Designs accessories & street legal kit. Electric start too! Low miles, detailed records jdeskelson@ya hoo.com


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Caution: Some Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash.

YAMAHA Leather Jacket Blue, $200, Size 42, never crashed in but some signs of use, good condition, Hein Gericke is the brand. Has hard armor in shoulders and forearms, impact foam on the back. Eric zinger65@hotmail.com, 01608087198


while stocks last

All ads and pics on class-world.com

Come and enjoy the freshness ‌

Farm (Freudenbergerhof) in Ernstweiler close to ZweibrĂźcken, exit Ernstweiler, follow sign “Erdbeer Paradiesâ€? Mon – Sat 8 a.m. – 7 p.m., Sun 8 a.m. – 4 p.m


LDS Meeting Times: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has several congregations in the KMC. Visitors are always welcome. Wards (time): Kaiserslautern (0830), Ramstein 1st (1230), Ramstein 2nd (1730). 0631950125

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Cable, DSL, LTE, Mobile – since 1995 ‌ Are you paying far too much? Up to 100 MB as low as 23.95₏ monthly. THE COMMSHOP - JUST OFF RAMSTEIN AIR BASE Ziegelhßtte 2 – 66877 Ramstein – www.bunt.com

Consultations, signups, moves ‌ If we can’t get it Your partner for Telekom, Kabel Deutschland, Vodafone, Quix and others. no one can!!!

LDS Young Single Adults welcome all singles 18-30 for the following activities: Family Home Evening: Mondays @1830. Institute: Wednesdays @1930. Location: Am Lanzenbusch 3, Ramstein 66877. Phone: 017618300841.

ADOPTION All ads and pics on class-world.com

Adopt while stationed overseas! www.adopt-abroad.com Adoption Intl & foster care, home studies. Hague accredited. Caseworkers in Germany. US 1-888-6873644

CHILD CARE All ads and pics on class-world.com

The 86th Force Support Squadron at Ramstein has licensed providers on and off the installation. Providers who provide more than 10 hours a week of care must be licensed. Please use good judgment when choosing child care services. For more information please contact DSN 478-7420 or civ 06371405-7420 or email 86FSS.FCC@ramstein.af.mil Play Academy ChildCare. I am a licensed & certified child care provider.I live in Rodenbach, 10 min Vogelweh & 10 min RAB.I have years of experience & references.My home is warm & cozy.Warm home cooked Lunch is provided for the children every day. Your child will have its very own indoor playground & fenced in backyard for the summer as well as weekly field trip outings.If you are in need, I am here for you Monday-Friday. Age 2-5, Mon-Fri 7-5.06374-944828

ELECTRONICS All ads and pics on class-world.com

Electric guitar amp for sale; Rocktron Rampage, ideal for practice in your home and beyond.Fantastic gain characteristics, AGX noise reduction, 8`` speaker with lots of volume asking $120.- call 0172 35 64442 GPS Car or Bike Navigator System, zbone007@yahoo.com

One Price! One Plan! One Place! All included!

HP Laptop Computer Pavillon ze2200, $75.00, spvendor@ gmail.com

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Netgear, great condition, original $90, asking $45 obo, Tel: 015157571912 New Metal Detector, Look for gold and silver coins, jewelry or old war relics while in Europe. New MPX Digital detector retail price $699, only $250, 0175-4498922 Sale of electrical connectors, $10.00, eric.a.arrington4.mil@ mail.mil, Connectors for small electrical devices. SONY S890 Bass Reflex Speakers, 2 Sony Bass Reflex Acoustic Lens 4 way 4 speaker system.Price is negotiable., $200, omarrstan ley@aim.com

June 6, 2014

ELECTRONICS All ads and pics on class-world.com

Kaiserslautern American Car roof carrier- For luggage or skis, GTI 500 + Thule mounting pieces; suitable for all cars; TUVinspected, $50, hasenbuhlerh@ya hoo.com

Page 35

Mega Crane, with remote control. Large size all functions works over 50 in. tall. $20. spvendor@ gmail.com



Tacima Transformer 2000 Watts, I am selling because I don’t really Collection of leather bound, siuse it. It still works. It’s quiet and gned by the author, 1st edition Relax, Ayurveda Massage small. $55, ss2day@gmail.com books, mint cond. Over 100 diffe- PHILIPP-REIS-STR. 9 66849 LANDSTUHL Two transformers, $25 each. rent books. Authors include: Norman Mailer, William F. Buckley, Please call for appointment 015157571912 Joseph Heller, Elie Wiesel, Donald Mc Dunne, John Updicke, Tom Wolfe, etc. $ 15.000 - serious inFOR SALE quiries only! Call: 0631-940213 or All ads and pics on class-world.com 0151-270-19822

0160-9191 3823




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Open: Mon-Fri 11:00 – 19:00 | Sat 9:00 – 17:00


Caution: Some Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash.

Electrical Pedicure chair, great condition. Cleaned and covered in storage. 250Euro OBO Croatianlady84@gmail.com

Fender type Telecaster electric guitar. Masterbuilt, professional in*Laney GH50L all valve top guitar strument. Excellent sound specamplifier and 4x12 Laney speaker trum and tonal qualities. Must see cabinet. Brand new, never left the and try! Tom at 0172 35 64442 living room. Amazing sound possi- Fridge/Freezer Combo medium bilities. Serious offers and details size, like new, bought in October at 01723564442 last year, $300, 14K Gold Omega Necklace, $1700, rebeccajeanball@ gmail.com, 14k Gold Omega Necklace. Wt:28.3G Width:10cm4cm Length: 18in. Recent apprasial(with paperwork) value at 2750.00$.E-mail for pictures!!Please serious inquiries only.


From private collectors art niveauarticals from 1970´s a varietyof items, crystal glasses, L.LadroHummel/Goeble, figures, villeroyBoch coffee tea and dinners, manymore etc. Call 06371220 volt iron and ironing board. 51375 or0173-6640836 Contact Eric and Mia at Giant Antique Warehouse Sale, 063759949674., $30, Sat 14 June, Sun 15 June, 10ameyates9761@aol.com 3pm Schneeweiderhof 11, 67754

AF Mens Mess Dress Jacket size Essweiler Map: www.schoolhou 40R, $20, Perfect condition I just se-antiques.com don't need it anymore. Eric New Dark Side Licence Plate. zinger65@hotmail.com, spvendor@gmail.com 01608087198 An adjustable full-size bassinet allows you to keep baby closer longer. Diaper changing table with wipe clean fabrics that resist mess during changes. Easily converts to a portable playard. Signature Graco® push-button fold makes closing your playard quick and hassle-free. Airy mesh on all sides for maximum ventilation. Convenient carrying bag for nofuss travel and storage. New price: 129.99, selling for $95, 06374944368 or 0176-55247077 or email Doris.Koenig@gmx.de Antique Tin Pot - very old - passed down from my grandfather. $40. See pictures at www.classworld.eu E-mail s.vogl75@web.de Art Nouveau furniture over 100 years old. A variety of items, grandfather clock (Harmonium), crystal glasses, Murano glasses, Meisner porcelain figurines, 200 years old, coffee and Tea set. Call: 0177-5211480 Baby Buggy in good condition, with additional baby carrier. $50.00, spvendor@gmail.com Bowflex Selecttech Dumbbells, $350, includes 2 dumbbells, the stand and bench. This setup would cost $600 from the bx. mattson475@gmail.com


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Butcher block -solid wood excellent addition to your kitchen $95 or OBO See photo on KA classified web site. Call Rex 0637157570

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Made in England Pitcher and bowl…. $50 or OBO See KA web site Call Rex 06371-57570

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Page 36

Kaiserslautern American

June 6, 2014 field, Dan Scho , ft le m ro F Squade Support rc o F th 6 8 ina director, D ron deputy dia Fleisi and Ly Swaim rally bers of the cherr, mem e n , and Pauli committee sident of pre Nicholas, n’s wn Wome la d o o the W se o ciation, p Golf Asso before the for a photo omen’s Golf W Woodlawn osted its h n o the Associati “Rally for l a u n n a th 5 1 y 31. Cure” Ma

Golfers en jo perfect we y near a th er and beautiful su rrounding s during the tournament on R amstein’s Woodlawn Golf Course. T he tournament was a big succ ess with partic ipants from the U.S. a nd Europe . Funds rais ed are use d to support the U.S. and Germ an Susan G. Komen fo undations.





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June 6, 2014

Kaiserslautern American


Antique 100 y.o. German china cabinet, matching dining table with 4 chairs. See photo on KA FOR SALE classifieds web page. Contact All ads and pics on class-world.com Eric and Mia at 063759949674., I am selling a Sunbed from Dr. â‚Ź950, eyates9761@aol.com Kern Modell NGR 241. The light tubes were exchanged and ran Antique Bench, Antique bench for approx. 300 hours. Also have with cushion seat, storage space avail 300 hours light tubes. (The and wheels. See photo on KA new tubes run up tp 600 hours.) I classifieds web page. Contact am selling the sunbed for someoEric and Mia at 063759949674., ne. The light tubes can be bought â‚Ź600, eyates9761@aol.com at ebay or directly from Dr. Kern. One or two tubes are possibly defect and need to be replaced. Antique corner desk. See photo Bought for 3500 to 4000 DM. If on KA classifieds web page. Conyou are interested please contact tact Eric and Mia at us, the sunbed is located in Kai- 063759949674., â‚Ź150, serslautern, Tel: 0176-55 24 70 77 eyates9761@aol.com 06374-944368 (Doris)

Like New Futon, mattson475@gmail.com


Many DVDs for sale! $10 per box. For example: Married with Children, 27 Dresses, Friends, Roseann, Hot in Cleveland, Perfect Stranger, Schwarzenegger, Seinfeld, The Nanny and many more. See Classified World homepage for full list. Contact me at mbar Antique secretary desk. See bret@hotmail.com photos on KA classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at â‚Ź120, Old German barn ladder $15 See 063759949674., KA classified web page for photo. eyates9761@aol.com Contact Rex 06371-57570

Leather Couch for Sale, L-shaped, 2-piece sectional in great condition, light creme color, originally purchased from Haverty's Furniture store. Owned by a nonsmoking couple with no pets. $1,000 OBO. balisco2016@ gmail.com or 017632708505. Living room and dining room, french style maple furniture living room (cabinet, tv dresser, 2 coffee tables) and dinining room (cabinet, dining table with 6 chairs), all together â‚Ź1200, sh4579@ gmx.de Mantel Clock, Mantel clock from the 60 era. Key wind chines on the half and full hour. $70.00 spvendor@gmail.com Must Sale Now!, $80.00, eric.a.arrington4.mil@mail.mil, Sturdy Iron and Stone Table With Three Chairs. Charming! Stand Must Go! $40.00, eric.a.arrington4.mil@mail.mil, T.V. / Multi-Purpose stand with storage. / Multi-Purpose stand with storage.

Belgium Oak Buffet - Circa 1920. Porcelain dolls, over 100 to choo- Hand carved, with Brass Handles, se from, all dressed. Price Obo Leaded Glass, and Inlaid Tiles. A beautiful addition to any home. Call: 0176-90796039 Call Bill @ 0151-511-90027. Selling two Fender Stratocaster electric guitars. Never left the hou- Childrens bedroom set, $300, se, top condition. One is a mattson475@gmail.com collector's item. Serious offers and details at 01723564442 Clock, $170.00, spvendor@ gmail.com Small English coal stand. Can be used as an end table. $25 See photo on KA classified web site Departure Sale, $10.00, Call Rex at 06371-57570 eric.a.arrington4.mil@mail.mil, Souvenir /Book Case.Pick up Swarovski Crystal - Attention col- from Stuttgart-Patch only. /Book lectors! All retired pieces reduced Case.Pick up from Stuttgartto half their value, All pieces over Patch only. 40years old! Prices greatly reduced! Great gift for any special occasion! Private collection!The last two Retired pieces., whale, turtle. Call for info: 06332-41560 between 2pm to 8pm. Can deliver to RAB! Transformers, Multiple 220 volt transformers. 4 X 300 watt for $40 each and 1 X 75 watt for $20. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949674., $40, eyates9761@aol.com Wine Rack/Holder, holds six bottles, attractive metal finish, fits perfectly in a small, narrow space. $10; 0163-330-5535 or john@ad vantipro.de

FURNITURE All ads and pics on class-world.com

A beautiful German white shrank with glass vitrine and lighted bar (â‚Ź300) and a complete set of Black Leather Bound 1987 Encyclopedia Brittanica (make an offer) 01704019648

Final Sale, $80.00, eric.a.arrington4.mil@mail.mil, Multi functional storage with glass door. functional storage with glass door. Final Sell, must Go! $60.00, eric.a.arrington4.mil@mail.mil, Two stacked multiple storage cubes. Must Go!Two stacked multiple storage cubes. Must Go!


Enlist our tax expertise.


Antique French armiore with mirror doors. Louis IV style. See photo on KA classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949674. â‚Ź800, eyates9761@aol.com

Page 37

H&R BLOCK knows the specific tax benefits for personnel serving in the military and civilians working overseas. We can help you get all the deductions you’re entitled to. AAFES KMCC Mall 2nd floor, Ramstein Airbase

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June 15

10 a.m. - 6 pm

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German Sideboard and Highboard for Sale. Oak-rustic color, solid wood. Great condition! New â‚Ź1200 each, now selling for â‚Ź200 each! Call: 0176-907-96039 Inlaid Wooden End Table. Sorrento style. See photo on KA classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949674., â‚Ź30, eyates9761@aol.com Last Days Sale, $20.00, eric.a.arrington4.mil@mail.mil, Storage Cabinet. Pick up from Stuttgart Patch Only. Storage Cabinet. Pick up from Stuttgart Patch Only.

:( $5( /22.,1* )25:$5' 72 <285 9,6,7

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Page 38

Kaiserslautern American

June 6, 2014

GPC AND VAT FORM. tone: Acoustic signal after Ź Signal brewing


Display: blue illuminated LCDdisplay


COFFEEMAKER 28736 Ź Cups: 2-12 Ź Pot: 1.5 liters Ź Holds 7 ounces of coffee beans Ź Warming plate: automatic shutdown after 2 hours Coffee is ground fresh, then brewed immediately for perfect coffee enjoyment! Can program up to 24 hours in advance by timer with clock function. Item no.: 1690782




87853 Ź Operation: rechargeable or regular batteries Ź PERFECT FOR BEARD OR BODY HAIR Item no.: 1742906

38915 Ź Double long slits: for up to 4 slices Ź Crumb tray Ź Features: defrost and warm-up capabilities Item no.: 1458670





18606 Ź Capacity: 1.2 liters Ź Filter: removable scale filter Ź Boiling stop: with automatic shut off Item no.: 1298972

48845 Ź Volume: 2 liters Ź Solid engine: suitable for continuous operation with fully automatic compressor Ź Touch panel: with remaining time indicator and digital timer Ź HOMEMADE ICE CREAM FOR GOURMETS Item no.: 1810188

NO TAKE AWAY GUARANTEE. SALE ONLY AS LONG AS STOCK IS AVAIL ABLE. Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Kaiserslautern

Merkurstraße 62-64 67663 Kaiserslautern

Tel.: 0631/4142-0


Offers valid on 06-06-2014. Sold in standard household amounts only. Subject to errors and technical adjustments.

All prices shown in Euro. You can also pay us with US Dollars, GPC and VAT Form



June 6, 2014

Kaiserslautern American



All ads and pics on class-world.com

All ads and pics on class-world.com

Vanity unit for bathroom, in great condition, â‚Ź8, $ accepted. 015152112197 or gaelle_pub@ya hoo.fr

Professional Services are offered by registered businesses as well as private people. To ensure a satisfactory service experience, please always ask for credentials and deny payments up front. For cleaning services, arrange for payments after a final walk-through and inspection of the clean house.


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Wooden bookshelf. See photo on KA classifieds web page. Con- Massage Ayurveda and Wellness tact Eric and Mia at in KL. Please call for appointment 063759949674., $150, 0151-59027082 eyates9761@aol.com Pcs cleaning, gardening, painting, movings, storage rooms in all size, â‚Ź, andreasbuerstlein@ya hoo.de 06371/976038

Tel 06371 - 61 37 48 Picture frames, gifts and a photo studio all in one!

Psychotherapy & Coaching Evaluations and Reports Huge Charity Yard Sale, June 4- Further info, see online ad 7, Gonbacherstr.4 67728 Mu- or Info@DrKoppel.de enchweiler (near Sembach). Open Tattoo Removal Studio Now from 10am-2pm each day (or until Open in Ramstein Village. Please it is all gone). All of the money Visit our website www.refinedima goes to Die Fellfreunde (dog resges.de or call 06371-9527068 and cue charity). We have lots of great arrange for a free consultation stuff! Translator / Interpreter Certified KL., near Vogelweh. Reasonable Moving Sale! 7 June 0900rates. Call: 0631-54440 1400.Small 220v appliances, Queen oak headboard $30, mirro- Weekly - BI-weekly & PCS Cleared Schrank 80x76x24.5" $300, ning Cell: 0160-91948691 InspEnglish cherrywood pumper or- Guaranteed E-Mail cthompson@tgan $350, ski suits, clothes, & gi- online.de www.cthompson-clea ve-aways. No children's things. $, ning.com www.morgioia@yahoo.com All ads and pics on class-world.com

All ads and pics on class-world.com

I dare you...., I dare you to go on 5 dates with me – you think you can handle a SWF in her 40?s, fun, attractive, spontaneous, romantic‌and much more ? Then respond if you are a SWM in your 40's, looking for good companionship. MyDare@web.

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All ads and pics on class-world.com

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LTB land for home construction in the Ramstein school district. American family of four relocating JOBS All ads and pics on class-world.com to the area and want to settle down. Any and all leads appreciaWanted: Full time Dental Recep- ted. 015776815881 or dora.mill@ tionist for busy American practice yahoo.com in Ramstein-Miesenbach. Previous dental experience preferred. If interested please email resume Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery • CertiďŹ ed in Oral Implantology and Aesthetic Facial Surgery to: ramsteindentalofficemanager@ HĂślzengraben 2, 67657 Kaiserslautern • Tel: 0631-371170 • E-Mail: mchrist65@web.de gmail.com, Attn: Danyel • Oral Surgery Wanted: Registered full time Dental Hygienist for busy American practice in Wiesbaden. If interested please email resume to: ram steindentalofficemanager@ gmail.com, Attn: Danyel

Results – Guaranteed. At H&R Block, we stand behind our work. If we make a mistake, we will pay any additional interest and penalties. Plus, if the IRS should call you in for an audit, we will explain your audit notice and the documentation you need to provide, at no extra cost. We have experts on hand year around to help you. All prior years can be done as well.

Rathausring 6 • 66877 Ramstein


Multi Family Yard Sale!!! xgrunts@ yahoo.com

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Wood dinning table with extension, â‚Ź65, $ accepted. 015152112197 or gaelle_pub@ya hoo.fr

Page 39

• • • • •

Dental Implants Computer Implant Planning Periodontics Dental Hygienist Service Comprehensive Dental Service in General Anaesthesia Regional Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery for Facial Skin Cancer Laser Treatment Laser Hair Removal Traumatology In- and Outpatient Procedures 3D X-Ray

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JOB OPPORTUNITY Wounded Warrior ProjectÂŽ (WWP) serves veterans and service members who incurred a physical or mental injury, illness, or wound, co-incident to their military service on or after September 11, 2001. With a mission to honor and empower Wounded Warriors, 770Ă?OFFERSĂ?PROGRAMSĂ?THATĂ?AREĂ?SPECIlCALLYĂ?STRUCTUREDĂ? to engage warriors, nurture their minds and bodies, and encourage their economic empowerment. Warrior families and caregivers are provided comfort, care, and education to help support the recovery of their wounded service members.


7OUNDEDĂ?7ARRIORĂ?0ROJECTĂ?ISĂ?SEEKINGĂ?QUALIlEDĂ?APPLICANTSĂ?FORĂ?AĂ?FULL TIME Ă? salaried Alumni Manager position. This position will be responsible for WWP Alumni and outreach efforts in the LRMC and Ramstein area and will also manage the team charged with communicating, networking, and coordinating WITHĂ?FAMILYĂ?MEMBERSĂ?ANDĂ?THEĂ?$O$ 6"! 6(!Ă?OFlCESĂ?TOĂ?ENSUREĂ?WARRIOR SĂ?NEEDSĂ? and medical care are met. This position also oversees the planning and execution of WWP Alumni events (recreational activities, Project Odyssey, ETC Ă?ANDĂ?SERVESĂ?ASĂ?AĂ?REPRESENTATIVEĂ?ATĂ?EVENTSĂ?BENElTTINGĂ?THEĂ?ORGANIZATIONĂ? (i.e., media opportunities, fundraising events, etc.). + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +



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LONDON (3 nights) â‚Ź289*p.p. RT Bus-2 nights Hotel with breakfast-London Tour Bus CROATIA (3 nights) â‚Ź299*p.p. RT Bus-3 nights Hotel with breakfast and Dinner-Tour in Pula United European Airlines Tours Tel: 0173-313 2075 Daily hours: 7:30 a.m. - 10:30 p.m.

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+ Current work residence permit or SOFA status to work in Germany. +Ă?"ACHELOR SĂ?DEGREEĂ?ORĂ? Ă?YEARSĂ?RELEVANTĂ?MILITARYĂ?WORKĂ?EXPERIENCEĂ?REQUIRED + Experience with military treatment facilities and/or military medical separation/ retirement process. + Minimum of 2 years of demonstrated management experience required. +Ă?%XPERIENCEĂ?INĂ?RELATIONSHIP BUILDINGĂ?WITHĂ?MILITARYĂ?ORGANIZATIONS Ă?VETERANSĂ?Ă?Ă?Ă?Ă?Ă?Ă?Ă?Ă?Ă?Ă? associations, and other targeted constituents. +Ă?%XPERIENCEĂ?INĂ?ORGANIZINGĂ?ANDĂ?COORDINATINGĂ?EVENTS + Must be able to travel 25% to 50% of the time (both domestically and internationally). +Ă?6ALIDĂ?5 3 Ă?DRIVER SĂ?LICENSE

TO APPLY or for more information please visit: woundedwarriorproject.org/cool-careers or woundedwarriorproject.org


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