Kaiserslautern American, June 17, 2016

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June 17, 2016

Volume 40, number 24

Polish forces, allies integrate for exercise Anakonda 2016 Story and photo by Airman 1st Class Lane Plummer 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs SWIDWIN, Poland — A joint, multinational event took place from June 7 to today with service members participating from 24 nations, including the U.S., Turkey, Finland, Bulgaria, the U.K., Spain and more. The objective of the exercise is to conduct complex training events, such as multinational air assault and airborne operations, air defense operations and bridging operations to improve cooperative abilities and demonstrate U.S. commitment to regional security. According to Airman 1st Class Daniel Musso, 4th Air Support Operations Squadron joint terminal attack controller, participating in such large-scale exerSee ANAKONDA, Page 3

Tech. Sgt. Cody Quinn, 15th Air Space Operations Squadron training NCO in charge, helps a Polish joint terminal attack controller as they coordinate a training event during exercise Anakonda 2016 June 10 in Poland. Anakonda 2016 is a multinational exercise that seeks to train, exercise and integrate Polish national command force structures into an environment involving other countries. This exercise further supports assurance and deterrence measures by demonstrating allied defense capabilities.

ANGOVILLE-AU-PLAIN, France — It was June 1944. World War II raged across many countries in Europe, and France was no exception. Tens of thousands of men and women put their lives on the line for their countries, and many made the ultimate sacrifice. However, less than an hour’s drive away from the site of the largest sea-

borne invasion in history, two men made a stance to ensure that both ally and enemy alike wouldn’t have to make that sacrifice. In a small church in Angoville-auPlain, Kenneth Moore and Robert Wright, both medics with the 101st Airborne Division, provided medical care to 80 Allied and German troops and one child in June 1944. Just outside of the church, with its still blood-stained pews showing the remnants of combat long passed, stands a memorial adorned with an

American flag and a French flag dedicated to these two men, where U.S., German and French service members, veterans and civilians gathered June 4 to pay their respects. “It was honoring and humbling to be among the veterans of the greatest generation and be a part of a ceremony here, where some of them fought,” said Col. Al Boyer, commander of 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division. “Even when we are forced to fight, we still have to have a human side. We have to pro-


Story and photo by Staff Sgt. Timothy Moore 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs


US, German, French honor WWII veterans

It’s vacation time. Make sure to get enough sleep before a trip. Also, check vehicle fluid levels, headlights, brakes, warning signals, belts, hoses, and tire pressure and condition.

Honor Guard Airmen sharpen skills, graduate course, Page 6

See HUMANITY, Page 2


Tip of the Week

tect civilian lives and treat the enemy with fairness when we can. I think what these two gentlemen did back in 1944 is still very present in our military today. I believe we have the same characteristics and compassion in today’s Army as we did in 1944, and I think put in the same situation, our Soldiers would do the same thing today.” After setting up the medical station in the church, Moore and Wright

Medics ensure safety at Swift Response 16, Page 12

Historical vehicles on display in Kaiserslautern, Page 17

Page 2

Kaiserslautern American

June 17, 2016

Pressing record: Photographer in videography world


by Airman 1st Class Tryphena Mayhugh 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

I am an Air Force photojournalist and videographer. From June to October 2014, I attended the Basic Photojournalist Course at the Defense Information School on Fort George G. Meade, Maryland, for my technical school. It was a very stressful 4 1/2 months, but I made it through to my first duty station at Ramstein. Ever since I raised my right hand, there has been talk about combining the photojournalist and broadcast career fields that fall under public affairs. Several months ago, my superintendent came to my desk and told me I would be heading back to DINFOS to take another course, only this time it would be a 3 1/2-month course to learn videography. At first, I was apprehensive about returning to DINFOS. I remembered how stressful the photography course was. Could I really go through it all over again? What if I was terrible? The Air Force would be investing time and money to send me to this course. What if I failed? I forced myself to push these doubts aside, and as I did, I started to feel excitement. While this course may be tough, I was looking forward to the challenge.

Three other Airmen and I were chosen amongst our peers to be the first to receive official training in both photojournalism and videography. We were to be the guinea pigs that decided how some aspects of this merge would go in the future. In the last few days of January, I found myself back at Fort Meade walking the halls of DINFOS again. I was enrolled in Video Production and Documentation Class 01016. It was a much different class from the one I went through for photojournalism. There was not only the difference between photography and video. My photojournalism class was comprised entirely of Airmen, both students and instructors. The VPD course was originally only for Marines and Army, and my fellow Airmen and I were added to see if this is where the Air Force wanted to send Airmen in the future. It was a unique and rewarding experience to work in a joint environment. While there was some good-natured ribbing between the three branches, I was glad to have had the opportunity to work alongside the Soldiers and Marines in my class. In this course, I learned basic composition and lighting techniques, various rules to follow when shooting video and how to piece your shots together into a well-edited video using Adobe Premiere. When your job

requires you to produce something that is subjective, you have to have thick skin when it comes to getting critiques. My instructors were tough but fair, and I learned a lot from them. I consider myself very lucky to have been selected for this training. When the inevitable merger comes to fruition, I will already be a step ahead of my peers and avoid having to learn a new skill through on-the-job training. I also enjoyed undertaking a new challenge and furthering my education within my career field. There are many Airmen throughout the Air Force that may also face the challenge of learning a new skill because of a merge within their career field. I was fortunate to receive official training, but several Airmen in my office have taken the initiative to learn all they can about video or photography before the merge begins. It is through initiative and motivation such as this that the Air Force continues to grow and expand as a whole. Now that I am back at Ramstein, I look forward to being able to use my new skill for real-world applications instead of only for the classroom. I hope to do well as both a photojournalist and videographer and prove it was worth the Air Force’s time and resources to send me to the course.

humanity, from Page 1

searched the battlefield to find injured Soldiers. When a German officer arrived at the church and asked the medics to provide aid to German soldiers as well, Moore and Wright agreed. The only stipulation they gave before providing medical care was that weapons be left outside of the church so as not to compromise its status as a noncombatant facility. “It was profound to be outside the church where (this) actually happened, where they dropped in, set up an aid station and saved lives opposed to what you usually see about people taking lives and capturing places,” said Cpl. Connor Burgal, 3rd Brigade, 2nd Battalion, 506th Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Divison. “It was also really good to see the Germans here. They’re here

recognizing the heroes of our past, from both sides, because they saved their guys’ lives as well as our own. As long as we can honor each other’s past, we can build toward the future.” As the ceremony went on, representatives from the U.S., France and Germany laid wreaths and saluted the memorial as a show of respect and gratitude for what Moore and Wright not only did for the lives they saved but also for future generations to look back upon. “For those of us who have been in combat, we understand that there is sacrifice and valor in war,” Boyer said. “It’s a human endeavor of death. For these two medics to do what they did in the fight here in 1944, to save both American and German lives, it shows the human side of combat. It shows the humanity that can exist even in the horrors of combat.”


AdvantiPro Team

Cliff Goodall, a World War II veteran, signs an autograph after a memorial ceremony June 4 in Angoville-au-Plain, France. The memorial ceremony was in honor of Kenneth Moore and Robert Wright, medics with the 101st Airborne Division during World War II, who provided medical care to Allies and enemies alike at the Angoville-au-Plain church in June 1944.

The Kaiserslautern American is published by AdvantiPro GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany, a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Air Force or the Department of the Army, under exclusive contract with the 86th Airlift Wing. This commercial enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services overseas. Contents of the KA are not necessarily the official view of, or endorsed by, the U.S. government, Department of Defense or Department of the Air Force. The appearance of advertising in this publication,

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June 17, 2016

Kaiserslautern American

Page 3

Mildenhall Airmen transit through Ramstein Story and photo by Airman 1st Class Joshua Magbanua 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs A CV-22 Osprey assigned to the 7th Special Operations Squadron at Royal Air Force Mildenhall, England, landed June 6 at Ramstein. The aircraft and its crew stopped on the way back to Mildenhall after participating in the D-Day remembrance airdrops in Normandy, France. “It was a solemn experience, and all (who) were involved clearly understood the significance of the events that took place on June 6, 1944,” said Capt. Ryan Andreasen, 7th SOS CV-22 instructor pilot. “We dropped a mixture of U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force and French special operations personnel who were performing military free-fall jumps over Normandy in remembrance of D-Day.” Andreasen said their time in Normandy was a chance to sharpen their operational skills and enhance their ability to cooperate with other units during missions. “Military free fall is one of

An Airman from the 7th Special Operations Squadron at Royal Air Force Mildenhall, England, prepares a CV-22 Osprey for departure June 6 on Ramstein. The CV-22 crew were returning to Mildenhall from the D-Day remembrance airdrops in Normandy, France, and stopped by Ramstein to pick up their squadron members returning from a deployment.

the methods we use in order to employ special operations forces,” Andreasen said. “The remembrance airdrops gave us the opportunity to exercise our ability to perform with the same special operations forces that we work with on a regular basis.” In addition to taking part in the airdrops, the crew picked

ANAKONDA, from Page 1

cises is important for him and his wingmen to stay on top of their game. “We are here in Swidwin, Poland, assisting the Polish military with Anakonda 2016 while also supporting the 173rd Airborne Brigade’s mission as well,” Musso said. “Here, we’ve been getting to work with joint (attacks) observers. We’re getting some valuable training with them we wouldn’t normally get.” Anakonda 2016 is based on a combinedthreat structure, in which forces participating in this event can expect to train for both conventional and nonconventional forces as well as criminal elements. The exercise is not only a way for service members to test and develop their job skills, but it also displays the capability that the U.S. has to enable and execute a full range of military missions with its allies to support Europe. Musso believes these efforts are embodied by the service members working with their European allies. “It’s important that we continue to do these exercises on this scale with so many of our allies,” Musso said. “We all need to

up several 7th SOS members coming home from deployment. “On our return flight from France, we had the opportunity to stop by Ramstein Air Base to pick up some of our squadron mates who were returning from a contingency deployment,” Andreasen said. “It was great to see our

come together with all of our individual tactics and training we’ve had over our careers and collectively bring them together.” Anakonda 16 involves more than 25,000 participants, with approximately 12,000 U.S. Soldiers. The exercise reinforces the United States’ commitment to Poland and its Baltic allies. According to Capt. Jacob Hoffman, Polish army JTAC, one of the many important aspects of the event is testing his ability to communicate with so many other nations’ service members. “In an air traffic control tower, English is the only language someone can communicate to other planes with,” Hoffman said. “This exercise helps me by making me test my English with so many other people.” The U.S. has participated in this exercise since 2012, with each year seeing participation growing in size and scope. As the U.S. European Command commander, Gen. Philip M. Breedlove, said in his February 2016 posture statement, “We cannot overemphasize how important European nations, in particular our North Atlantic Treaty Organization allies and non-NATO partners, are to ensuring America’s security and safety.”

brothers in arms return safely to their homes and family members.” Maj. Seth Cannon, 352nd Special Operations Wing deputy of wing plans and deployed team member, said he was looking forward to

coming home after their mission. “We were supporting (security operations of the United States and its allies),” Cannon said. “We had a very successful deployment, everybody really performed well. “After a few months of being (deployed), it’ll be nice getting back with friends and family. It’s nice of our unit to send an aircraft to come get us,” Cannon continued. Cannon said the knowledge he and his teammates acquired during the deployment will benefit the 7th SOS in the future. “We’re taking our experiences downrange back to our squadron,” Cannon said. “They’ll certainly be utilized to enhance our local training.” Even though Andreasen, Cannon and their respective teams performed different missions in separate locations, they both return to Mildenhall with knowledge and experiences they believe will help make the 7th SOS a stronger and more effective warfighting unit.

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Kaiserslautern American

June 17, 2016 9:35 p.m.: Larceny of private property on



JUNE 11 3 a.m.: Assault in Landstuhl. 6:50 a.m.: Drunken operation of a vehicle and major traffic accident with injuries in Kirchheimbolanden. 12:58 p.m.: Major traffic accident with injuries


3:45 p.m.: House break-in in BruchmuehlbachMiesau. 6:30 p.m.: Major traffic accident without injuries in Knopp. 7:20 p.m.: Major traffic accident with injuries in Weidenthal. 10:47 p.m.: Drunken operation of a vehicle in Mannheim.


12:15 a.m.: Drunken operation of a vehicle in Kaiserslautern. 11:13 a.m.: Theft from a motor vehicle in Kaiserslautern. 11:48 a.m.: Fraud was reported to the KMC law enforcement desk.

4 p.m.: Major vehicle accident without injuries on Ramstein.


1:30 p.m.: Absent without leave and animal neglect in Oberheim-Kirchenarnbach.


3:25 p.m.: Major traffic accident with injuries in Ramstein-Miesenbach. 8:54 p.m.: Drunken operation of a vehicle in Kaiserslautern.


3:58 a.m.: Drunken operation of a vehicle in Kaiserslautern. 9:15 a.m.: Major traffic accident without injuries in Ramstein-Miesenbach.

in Rodenbach. 3:37 p.m.: Major traffic accident without injuries on Vogelweh. 10 p.m.: Self-harm ideations in RamsteinMiesenbach. 11:56 p.m.: Major traffic accident without injuries in Einsiedlerhof.

JUNE 12 12:54 a.m.: Drunken operation of a vehicle in Kaiserslautern. 1:20 a.m.: Sexual assault, resistance and breach of arrest in Kaiserslautern. 5:48 p.m.: Major traffic accident with injuries in Ramstein-Miesenbach.

Editor’s note: The purpose of the weekly blotter is to deliver a chronological listing of criminal activity in the KMC. The information contained in the blotter is not indicative of crime trends or the targeting of service members or their dependents. The location and nature of the entries is dependent upon where the crime was reported and not necessarily where the crime took place.

GAIWC donates

The German-American and International Women’s Club will donate the total of €22,000 to 16 German and American charity organizations and special projects as well as to the German-American student exchange program. Donations will be given Saturday at TheodorZink-Museum in Kaiserslautern.

Traffic impacts

Motorists must expect traffic impacts and delays on L369 between Harmon Gate and Ramstein East Gate June 24 to 28 due to road construction for a high-pressure gas line for the new hospital. Team Ramstein leadership is working with German authorities to ensure the LVIS Gate will always be accessible during construction time.

Take Note

786th FSS reduced service hours

On Thursday, the 786th Force Support Squadron will have reduced hours of operation due to an official function. The military personnel flight will close at noon and both the Northside and Vogelweh fitness centers will be unmanned. Normal operations will resume the following day, June 24. For mission-essential emergencies, contact 0178-320-6468 or 0174-932-5926.

New hours

The Weilerbach administration office, town hall, has new operating hours. The citizen’s service office is open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mondays, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, and 7 a.m. to noon Wednesdays and Fridays. The registry office is open from 8 a.m. to noon and 1:30 to 6 p.m. Mondays and 8 a.m. to noon Tuesdays to Fridays. For more information, visit www.weilerbach.de.

Retirement briefing

The next retire in Germany briefing conducted by the 86th Airlift Wing Retiree Activities Office will be held at 10 a.m. July 28 in Bldg. 2120, room 102. To attend the briefing, sign up with the RAO by phone at 480-5486 or via email at 86aw.rao@us.af.mil.

be reconciled and submitted to Defense Finance and Accounting Services Indianapolis for payment. If the traveler is unable to present the orders to Sato, then the official who directed the travel is responsible for doing so. For details, contact your local official travel office.

Automotive class

Central Texas College will offer an introduction to automotive technology Aug. 1 to Sept. 26. Class will take place from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at the Ramstein Auto Hobby Shop, Bldg. 2136. For details, call 480-5536 or email ramstein@europe.ctcd.edu.

Ramstein outprocessing

Ramstein outprocessing is held every Monday at 8 a.m. in Bldg. 2402. ROP Line personnel must be preregistered to attend, and a virtual outprocessing checklist will be loaded upon attendance. ROP has an 80-seat capacity. Unregistered members will be seated on a first-come basis until capacity is reached. Remaining members will be asked to return at a later date. To preregister, use the following SharePoint link: https://ice.usafe. af.mil/sites/435MSG/435MSS/786th%20 Force%20Support%20Squadron/ROP/ SitePages/Home.aspx.

DTS travelers

Travelers who have booked and arranged their official travel using the Defense Transportation System are required to provide copies of their official travel orders to the local Sato travel office within 72 hours of the scheduled flight. Without official travel orders, invoices cannot

Most modern vehicles have antilock brake systems. ABS brakes prevent uncontrolled skids during hard braking by sensing wheel lock-up and releasing brake pressure, many times per minute, just long enough to prevent a skid. Do you know how to react when the system activates? In many vehicles, drivers may experience a rapid pulsation of the brake pedal, almost as if the brake pedal is pushing back. Sometimes, the pedal may suddenly drop. The valves in the ABS controller may make a noise that sounds like grinding or buzzing. In some cars, you may feel a slight vibration; this means the ABS is working. It is important not to take your foot off the brake pedal when you hear noise or feel pulsations, but instead continue to apply firm pressure to stop in the shortest distance possible and maintain steering.


June 17, 2016

Kaiserslautern American

Page 5

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Page 6

Kaiserslautern American

June 17, 2016

Honor Guard Airmen sharpen skills, graduate course Photos by Airman 1st Class Tryphena Mayhugh

Graduates from the Air Education and Training Command’s Class 5 Basic Protocol, Honors and Ceremonies Course post the colors in a demonstration of a funeral ceremony during their graduation ceremony June 9 on Ramstein. Members of the Air Force Honor Guard mobile training team taught the course for honor guard Airmen across U.S. Air Forces in Europe.

Graduates from the Air Education and Training Command’s Class 5 Basic Protocol, Honors and Ceremonies Course participate in a funeral ceremony demonstration as part of their graduation ceremony June 9 on Ramstein. The course was established to provide training and procedural guidance for rendering proper military funeral honors.

Staff Sgt. Srun Sookmeewiriya, 313th Expeditionary Operations Support Squadron senior controller, plays Taps on the bugle during a funeral ceremony demonstration as part of the Air Education and Training Command’s Class 5 Basic Protocol, Honors and Ceremonies Course graduation ceremony June 9 on Ramstein.

Tech. Sgt. Daniel Whiteman, 786th Force Support Squadron NCO in charge of base honor guard, salutes during a funeral ceremony demonstration as a part of the Air Education and Training Command’s Class 5 Basic Protocol, Honors and Ceremonies Course graduation June 9 on Ramstein. The graduating class consisted of Airmen from Aviano Air Base, Italy; Royal Air Force Station Mildenhall, United Kingdom; Incirlik Air Base, Turkey; and Ramstein.

Graduates from the Air Education and Training Command’s Class 5 Basic Protocol, Honors and Ceremonies Course recite the Honor Guard Creed after receiving their diplomas June 9 on Ramstein. The graduates completed 80 hours of training in pallbearing, firing party, colors and maintenance and wear of the ceremonial uniform.

Graduates from the Air Education and Training Command’s Class 5 Basic Protocol, Honors and Ceremonies Course participate in a funeral ceremony demonstration during their graduation ceremony June 9 on Ramstein. The course emphasized the importance of military customs and courtesies, dress and appearance, and drill and ceremony.

June 17, 2016

Kaiserslautern American

Page 7

PTS: Treatable, normal response to abnormal events by Dr. Joseph Maio Landstuhl Regional Medical Center

June is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month, so it’s a good time to think about this common problem. Estimates of posttraumatic stress in the military suggest that 12 to 15 percent of service members who have been deployed meet the PTSD diagnostic criteria. Many more experience the effects of PTS without necessarily having a diagnosis of PTSD. PTS also is common in the general U.S. population. Ten percent of women and 5 percent of men meet the criteria for PTSD as a result of the various traumas that people face, such as sexual abuse, domestic violence and other crimes. The rate of PTSD in females is higher because they are more likely to be victimized. Some experts suggest that it is more appropriate to talk about PTS injury instead of using the label of PTSD. It is important to recognize that PTS is not some disease you catch. It is the result of experiencing a severe trauma and then responding to that trauma in a very human way, and PTS is a pervasive injury. It affects one’s thinking, emotions, memory, sleep, physical health, sense of self and spirit. Someone with PTS typically struggles with intrusive memories, images and nightmares, which create a kind of persistent mental torment. There is hypervigilance and a heightened level of arousal. The fight-flight-freeze response is in overdrive. Trauma survivors also tend to be irritable and angry.

PTS is also marked by avoidance — for example, avoiding public places and crowds. The person also puts a lot of effort into blocking out thoughts and memories of the trauma and is reluctant to talk about it with anyone. Sometimes you see excessive use of alcohol or other drugs, excessive gambling or promiscuity. These behaviors are intended to numb the person emotionally or distract them from the thoughts and feelings that torment them. PTS often leads to a very negative view of self, others and the world, often leading to an exaggerated sense of danger and vulnerability, difficulty trusting others, unreasonable self-blame and guilt, and feelings of worthlessness. Furthermore, PTS can have a huge impact on relationships. The anger can be an issue, of course, but emotional numbing, withdrawal and isolation also take their toll on relationships. Because the emotional impact of PTS is so strong and some reactions are overthe-top compared to what one ordinarily sees in everyday life, like hitting the floor when a door slams, the person with PTS starts to think they might be crazy. And too often, uninformed people around them might suggest the same. But it’s not crazy at all. Indeed, it has been said that PTS is a normal response to abnormal events. Nonetheless, PTS can be confusing for family and friends. One often hears the statement that the person who came back from war is not the person who went away. Different factors can increase the likelihood of developing PTS, including


a history of earlier trauma, multiple traumas, multiple deployments and prolonged exposure to traumatic situations. Also, it may be that some people’s baseline brain chemistry puts them at greater risk for PTS. That is, the part of the brain that is responsible for the fight-flight-freeze response may be primed to react more intensely. A key factor in the development and maintenance of PTS is what the person comes to believe as a result of the experience. Take this scenario: A Soldier loses a friend in combat, a terrible event no matter what. If the surviving Soldier tells himself that his friend died because he was in a war environment, he will grieve over the loss of his friend, but PTS is less likely. On the other hand, if the Soldier says, “It’s my fault my friend died,” the likelihood of PTS has gone up dramatically. Similarly, a returning Soldier who does not differentiate between the risk in a combat environment and the risk at home is more likely to develop PTS than a Soldier who sees that the risk at home is much lower. The good news about PTS is that it is treatable, although it takes time and a lot of hard work. You can’t completely erase the effects of PTS, but people can get to the point where the negative impact of the trauma is greatly reduced, where they are able to experience happiness and peace of mind again, where they have the freedom to do what they want out in the world, and where they can have solid, loving relationships again. For most people, therapy happens in an outpatient clinic, such as the LRMC behav-

Just send a high resolution photo in JPG or TIFF format to

editor@kaiserslauternamerican.com with “vacation photo” in the subject line. Please include the following details when submitting: Name of the photographer, date photo was taken, first and last name of everyone in photo, location of where the photo was shot. Photos are published on a space available basis. NOTE: Photos must be submitted in high resolution (300 dpi) – that’s usually a minimum setting of 1200 x 1200px on a standard phone camera.

ioral health clinics that serve adults, adolescents and children. Other military medical treatment facilities in Europe also have behavioral health clinics. One issue to consider is access to treatment for different categories of beneficiaries — active duty, family members, retirees and civilian employees. If a medical treatment facility cannot provide the needed services there are providers on the economy. TRICARE can provide information about this option. One treatment option for activeduty military personnel in U.S. European Command, Africa Command and Central Command is the Trauma Intensive Outpatient Program at LRMC, also known as Evolution. For more information, see the Evolution webpage at http://rhce.amedd. army.mil/landstuhl/services. cfm?MTFinfo_id=693. However, not everyone needs the level of intensity of an IOP, so interested service members should talk to their outpatient behavioral health provider to see if it might be an appropriate choice for them. An important consideration in getting treatment is whether you are getting the right

kind of treatment. There are three forms of treatment for PTS that have been shown to work. These are cognitive processing therapy, prolonged exposure, and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. It is important to ask what type of treatment the provider offers and, as treatment progresses, make sure the provider is sticking to the protocol. Another consideration to ask about is how often someone can be seen. Trauma recovery is hard work, and it goes better with regular appointments. If someone is seen once every four to six weeks, they are at a disadvantage with respect to recovery. People who want to recover have to commit to regular appointments. If someone goes to therapy just once in a while, it is unrealistic to expect much progress. There are good online resources related to PTS. For example, the National Center for PTSD is a solid source of information for patients, families and professionals. Visit their website at www.ptsd.va.gov. There also are some Twitter feeds that can provide information and encouragement. Some of these include @ptsdpro, @ptsd and @ptsdchat.

Page 8

Kaiserslautern American

June 17, 2016

Service members search for more than gold by Staff Sgt. Timothy Moore 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

They wake in the early hours of the morning to go out to their site. They set up screening stations, and for the next six to eight hours, they withstand the changing weather as they search through tons of dirt one bucket at a time. They look more like gold miners

than service members, but they aren’t searching for gold. They are looking for something, to some, more important than gold. They are looking for evidence of a fallen hero’s presence. The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency seeks to provide the fullest possible accounting for missing personnel from past wars to their families and the nation. These men and women are the way they do that.

“It’s my job to make sure a fallen hero is presentable to their families and given the honor they deserve,” said Sgt. 1st Class Joseph Stoner, NCO in charge of Mortuary Affairs, 16th Sustainment Brigade, 21st Theater Sustainment Command. “It’s different being out here looking for evidence of someone’s presence, but it’s no less important that we are as dedicated and thorough to honor these

Photos by Spc. Kelsey Ostrawski

21st TSC takes part in Rheinland-Pfalz Day Top photo: A soldier from the 18th Military Police Brigade demonstrates U.S. Army equipment to a visitor of Rheinland-Pfalz Day 2016 June 4 in Alzey, Germany. Bottom photo: A young German girl tests the comfort level of a Bradley fighting vehicle at Rheinland-Pfalz Day 2016 June 4 in Alzey, Germany. Rheinland-Pfalz Day is a multiday event featuring entertainment and informative displays and booths from various regional organizations. U.S. participation in the event included several demonstrations and displays by 21st Theater Sustainment Command organizations.

fallen heroes.” There are approximately 82,000 personnel who are unaccounted for from past conflicts, including soldiers from World War II. It is with the personnel this number represents and their loved ones that the Department of Defense formally created one agency, DPAA, responsible for the recovery and accounting of missing service members from these conflicts. With assistance from host nations, DPAA sends out a research and investigation team to comb through archives and talk to military or governmental officials with knowledge of a particular region or battle to track down leads. An investigative team will follow up on the leads of the RIT to obtain enough information to connect a particular site with unaccounted personnel. Their findings and recommendations help to determine recovery sites. Once a site has been designated, recovery teams are deployed to begin their search. “The work can be tough, and it can be disheartening when you search through tons and tons of soil and find nothing,” said Dr. Meghan-Tomasita Cosgriff-Hernandez, a forensic anthropologist with DPAA. “But when you do find something, it’s a great feeling to know that not only was the research and investigation worthwhile but also that you are closer to giving a family closure. That’s a great feeling.” Cosgriff-Hernandez said that even though the goal is to find someone and remove their missing-in-action label, it isn’t always a bad to find nothing. “It typically takes about five recovery missions to close down a site,” Cosgriff-Hernandez said. “If after a few visits to a site we don’t find anything else, it might just mean we’ve found all that was there. If we could, we would comb through entire fields looking for even the smallest thing, but experience has shown us when we need to start looking toward another site and working toward giving another family some peace of mind.” Cosgriff-Hernandez looks at that as the ultimate goal of her job, and Stoner agrees. “The DPAA European detachment commander visited our site and told us about a family member who was being interviewed about her fallen hero, her family being found,” Stoner said. “She was asked if we owed the men and women anything. At first, she said no. Then, she came back to say we owe them their names because they don’t deserve to be listed as missing in action. We owe them their names. I think that’s the least we can do.”

June 17, 2016

Kaiserslautern American

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Kaiserslautern American

June 17, 2016

Trace Adkins visits Ramstein

Photos by Airman 1st Class Joshua Magbanua

Country music singer Trace Adkins performs for members of the KMC and their families June 11 on Ramstein. The free concert was open to all Department of Defense cardholders.

Trace Adkins shakes audience members’ hands during a free concert June 11 on Ramstein. Adkins came down from the stage to greet fans after the event was briefly interrupted by heavy rain.

Audience members cheer during a free concert performed by Trace Adkins June 11 on Ramstein. The event was briefly interrupted by heavy rain and resumed after Adkins came down from the stage to shake hands with the audience members.

Spectators watch a concert performed by Trace Adkins and his band June 11 on Ramstein. The free event was sponsored by the USO.

Concertgoers line up for concessions at a USO kiosk while waiting for the Trace Adkins concert June 11 on Ramstein. The USO-sponsored event was free to all Department of Defense cardholders and their family members.

June 17, 2016

Kaiserslautern American

Page 11

Buying, selling used cars in Germany

Photo by oneinchpunch/Shutterstock.com

by Joerg Moddelmog Kaiserslautern Legal Services Center Are you thinking about buying a used car downtown, or are you about to sell your car to a fellow service member? Then you might be interested to know that in both cases, the sale and purchase is subject to German law. Therefore, it is good to know what host nation laws say on the subject of warranties and defects. Even though verbal contracts are valid and fully enforceable in Germany, only a written agreement enables you to adequately prove the terms of the agreement and clarify each other’s obligations. All terms should be reduced to writing and signed by the parties because written contracts are presumed to be correct, complete and without binding oral or side agreements. The buyer should have the car thoroughly checked and tested before the sale is concluded. The car should be inspected by a trustworthy, independent third party such as a garage. Since it does not say anything about the real condition of the car, passing inspection is hardly enough proof that the car will remain reliable. Rather, it just shows the car is doing fine at that one moment. A clause such as “inspection guaranteed” only means that the seller has the duty, and the right, to place the car into such a condition that it passes inspection. Normal wear and tear usually does not constitute a legally relevant defect, even if it impairs the functioning of a used car, unless the buyer demands a clear, concrete and binding representation from the seller to the contrary. Therefore, the buyer should ask the seller for specific assurances and express warranties or guarantees for certain conditions that are important to him or her. These should be put down in writing. In Germany, the average total life span of a car is 10 years. After eight years, rust is a significant danger for almost every car in Germany and, therefore, is considered to be normal wear and tear. When buying a new car from a dealership, the warranty period is two years. It is reduced to one year if you buy a used car from a dealer. Only when buying from a private person can the warranty be excluded completely by terms such as: “as is,” “with all faults” or “Gebraucht wie besichtigt,” which means “bought as seen.” It is also important to verify the seller’s name on the bill of sale and to keep a copy of the power of attorney if the seller is selling on behalf of another person. Do not hesitate to ask to see the seller’s ID. Additionally, you should keep the seller’s local address and phone number on file in case you need to contact them later should a problem arise. If you encounter problems when selling or buying a car, feel free to contact either the German attorney-adviser Matthias Voelker at the Ramstein Law Center at 489-2552 or 06371-47-2552; or German legal assistance attorneys Joerg C. Moddelmog and Holger Blug at the Kaiserslautern Legal Services Center on Kleber Kaserne at 483-8848 or 0631-411-8848.



Ingredients for 4 people Slightly more than 1 pound of chicken breast, diced in ½ inch cubes 1 cup sundried tomatoes, chopped in half 3 tablespoons olive oil 1 teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon ground white pepper 1 teaspoon dried oregano A sprinkle of chili 8 ounces cream 1 tablespoon chicken broth 1 quart water 1 pound penne noodles ½ cup chopped parsley ½ cup mozzarella cheese, finely diced in ½ inch cubes

In a Dutch oven pot, heat the oil and roast chicken on all sides. Season with salt, pepper, chili and oregano. Add tomatoes. Roast all for a few minutes. Add cream, broth and water. Once this boils, add pasta. Put in a 180 degree Celsius oven. Allow to cook for 15 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes. Three minutes before penne noodles are done, add the mozzarella and chopped parsley. Gently stir mozzarella and parsley into mixture. When the pasta is done, you are ready to add the chicken to the pot. Stir and you are ready to serve. A nice side dish is a light summer salad with tomatoes, lettuce and cucumbers. Vinegar and oil dressing is typical for this salad. The dressing has a touch of salt, sugar and ground white pepper for flavor.

Love our recipes? Let us hear about it! Contact us at ads@KaiserslauternAmerican.com for feedback or recipe suggestions. We would love to hear from you!

your meal y o j n E !

Photo by siamionau pavel / Shutterstock.com

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Kaiserslautern American

June 17, 2016

Multinational medics ensure paratroopers’ safety at Swift Response 16 by Capt. Richard Skinner and Capt. Jeku Arce 421st Medical Battalion and 30th Medical Brigade Public Affairs TORUN, Poland — U.S., Polish and U.K. medics provided drop-zone medical coverage for an airborne operation involving more than 1,500 paratroopers from multiple nations June 7 in support of Swift Response 16, a multinational exercise being conducted in conjunction with exercise Anakonda 16. The 82nd Airborne Division, Poland’s 6th Airborne Brigade and Britain’s 16 Air Assault Brigade conducted the airborne operations as part of this U.S. Army-led exercise to enhance the readiness of the combat core of the U.S. global response force with allied high-readiness forces in Europe. Medical teams from the 30th Medical Brigade, Poland’s 1st Army Field Hospital, 10th Military Hospital and the United Kingdom’s 16th Medical Regiment provided roving medics on the drop zone, coordinated air and ground evacuation and provided immediate medical care to injured paratroopers in medical tents next to the drop zone. Less than 1 percent of paratroopers sustained injuries, all of which were minimal, during this airborne operation. Swift Response 16 demonstrated the ability of the medical interoperability of U.S. and partner nations to respond to a real-world, high-risk casualty producing operation, validate capabilities, and integrate medical policies and procedures. While in Poland, the 30th Medical Brigade also provided medical mission command for Anakonda 16 and will host the key event that will validate the mass-casualty plans of the 44th Chemical Battalion and 1-3 Infantry Divisionon June 11 at Drawsko Pomorskie Training Area.

Photo by Capt. Jeku Arce

Roving medics from the 557th Medical Company watch a wave of paratroopers jump to determine where they may land on the drop zone in support of Swift Response 16 June 7 in Poland.

Photo by Capt. Jeku Arce Photo by Capt. Jeku Arce

Ground ambulances from the 557th Medical Company finish unloading injured paratroopers next to the drop zone during Swift Response 16 on June 7 in Poland.

Medics from the 557th Medical Company and U.K.’s 16th Medical Regiment carry an injured paratrooper from a Polish military ambulance to the medical facilities next to the drop zone during Swift Response 16 June 7 in Poland.

Photo by Capt. Richard Skinner

Photo by Capt. Jeku Arce

Spc. Jessica Venard, 557th Medical Company medic (left), and 1st Lt. Andrew Porter, 557th Med. Co. executive officer, discuss their sector of coverage on the drop zone to provide immediate medical coverage for over 1,500 paratroopers in support of Swift Response 16 June 7 in Poland.

Pfc. Quentin Greene, 557th Medical Company patient administration specialist, inventories an injured patient's belongings as part of the PAD process that tracks patient movement during treatment during Swift Response 16 June 7 in Poland.

June 17, 2016

Kaiserslautern American

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Kaiserslautern American

June 17, 2016

Becoming better sponsors for incoming Airmen by Senior Airman Larissa Greatwood 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Imagine arriving in a foreign country for the first time as you start the next leg of your military career. Not only is the long flight exhausting but also carrying multiple bags, maybe children and pets and trying to figure out the next step can become extremely stressful. Once situated in a dorm room or temporary-living facility, what is the next step? A sponsor can help figure out that next step. During a tour at Ramstein,

many Airmen may have the opportunity to assist newcomers to their unit. It’s important to set them up for success so their transition is as smooth as possible. The Airman and Family Readiness Center provides a sponsorship training class once a month to teach potential sponsors the importance of taking care of their own. “The purpose of the sponsorship training is to provide newly appointed sponsors a guide to assist new arriving personnel in (the Kaiserslautern Military Community),” said Roderick Dailey, 86th Force Support Squadron Airman and Family

Readiness Center community readiness specialist. “It’s important to train sponsors to become great sponsors to ensure they are able to help make transitions as seamless as possible. “I hope the sponsors who attend this class create and maintain a tradition of being a great sponsor so when the newcomers become sponsors they remember how positive their experience was and they provide the same or better experience for others,” Dailey continued. The class provides attendees with a checklist of items to take care of before a new member arrives as well as

the sponsor’s duties once they’re officially on station. During the class, potential sponsors learn how to answer most, if not all, questions a new member may have when coming to the KMC. “Taking the class, I learned about what my sponsor could have done for me when I first got here,” said Staff Sgt. Amanda Iarossi, 86th Medical Squadron MRI technologist. “I think the training is super beneficial and will help me become a good sponsor. (The training) organizes everything and gives us the tools to assist (the newcomer) in a more straightforward way.”

Iarossi said the training as well as her experience arriving to Germany will help her become a helpful and effective sponsor. “It is extremely overwhelming when first arriving here,” Iarossi said. “Especially having a family, it was hard to balance in and outprocessing, work and taking care of my family. My sponsors were pretty good about helping me, but things can always be better. I want to make sure I take care of them as best as I can.” To sign up for sponsorship training, contact the AFRC at 480-5900 or 016371-47-5900.

Ask an attorney: Owning private firearm in Germany

by R. Peter Masterton 21st Theater Sustainment Command Legal Office

Q: I’ve heard it is difficult, but is there any way to bring my personal firearms to Germany? A: Owning a firearm in Germany can be a challenge. Germany has special rules that make it difficult to own, ship and store privately owned firearms. This article is designed to provide a general introduction to the rules. Specific questions should be addressed to your local U.S. forces vehicle registration office, which is the military office responsible for registering both motor vehicles and firearms. U.S. personnel who come to Germany are not permitted to bring privately owned firearms with them until they are properly registered with the U.S. forces and German authorities. Unfortunately, this cannot be done prior to arrival. Once you arrive, you will have to overcome a number of hurdles before you can import or buy a firearm. German law requires their citizens to demonstrate that they are reliable and pass certain tests before they can own a firearm. By agreement with

the German government, U.S. forces personnel are required to meet these same requirements. Before you can obtain a license to own a firearm, you have to establish your need for a firearm. This can be done in two ways: You can obtain a German hunting license or a German certificate of need for sport shooters. The German hunting license can be obtained by passing a U.S. Forces Rod and Gun Club or Outdoor Recreation sponsored German hunting course. The German certificate of need for sport shooting can be obtained through membership in a German or U.S. forces sport-shooting club, active participation in shooting events for a period of one year or more with a minimum of 18 visits to the range, maintenance of a shooting log book, and obtaining insurance protection. Once you have obtained one of these documents, you may be issued a German weapons possession card listing your specific privately owned firearms. If the weapons possession card is issued based on a German hunting license, you will only be authorized ownership of rifles and shotguns and up to two pistols. If the card is issued based on a German certificate of need, you will

only be authorized to own the weapons you use for sport shooting. To obtain a permit to own a privately owned firearm you must also request a background check from the FBI using an AE Form 190-6D Part A. The FBI background check is similar to the one required for firearm owners in the United States. Once the background check has been successfully completed, you should request a statement of reliability, an AE Form 190-6H(A) for military personnel and civilian employees or an AE Form 190-6H(B) for family members, from the first O-5 level commander in your chain of command. The forms to request the background check and statement of reliability can be found at the U.S. Army Europe website, https://aepubs.army. mil/ae/public. Once these requirements have been completed, you should submit an application for registration of your firearms, AE Form 190-6D, to your local U.S. forces vehicle registration office. After you have obtained your license, you may bring your firearms to Germany. If you plan to hand carry your weapons, you will need to comply with airline firearms rules. Because of airline restrictions

on weapon transport, prior planning is important. Getting your firearms back to the United States at the end of your tour of duty here can also be a challenge. If you purchased any firearms in Germany, you will have to get permission to import them into the United States from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Military personnel will need to fill out an ATF Form 6-Part 2 and government civilian employees will need to complete an ATF Form 6-Part 1. The application should be submitted at least six months prior to your permanent-change-of-station move, as the approval is only valid for a year and can take up to six months to process. If you have written documentation that you brought your firearms with you, you may return them without permission of the ATF. Once you have received permission to bring your firearms to the United States, you should bring all your paperwork to your local U.S. forces vehicle registration office to begin the deregistration process. Handguns and long guns may be returned in a government household goods shipment, hand carried with the permission of the airline or shipped through an authorized German firearms dealer to an authorized U.S. firearms dealer. Military members can also send long guns to the U.S. through the U.S. postal service. Editor’s note: This article only provides an overview of the rules relating to privately owned firearms. More information can be found in Army in Europe Regulation 190-6 or from your local U.S. forces vehicle registration office.

June 17, 2016

Kaiserslautern American

Page 15

US, Polish lead annual multinational exercise

Photo by Staff Sgt. Frank Brown Jr.

Macedonian soldiers cross over an M3 bridge during a deliberate water-crossing mission conducted as part of exercise Anakonda 16 June 8 in Chelmno, Poland. Anakonda 16 is a U.S.- and Polish-led multinational exercise that kicked off with an opening ceremony June 6. The exercise includes about 31,000 troops representing 24 nations.

Photo by Staff Sgt. Betty Boomer

Photo by Staff Sgt. Frank Brown Jr.

A Polish color guard carries flags representing participating nations during the Anakonda 16 opening ceremony June 6 at the National Defense University in Warsaw, Poland. Anakonda 16 tested the ability, readiness and interoperability of the Polish armed forces with allies and partners while conducting a joint defensive operation on a large scale.

Maj. Gen. Mark S. Inch, U. S. Army provost marshal general, consults Lt. Col. Matthew Gragg, commander of the 709th Military Police Battalion, 18th Military Police Brigade, during Anakonda 16 June 8 in Chelmno, Poland. Anakonda 16 is an exercise designed to train, exercise and integrate Polish national command into a joint multinational environment.

Photo by Staff Sgt. Frank Brown Jr.

Photo by Staff Sgt. Betty Boomer

Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges, U.S. Army Europe commanding general, prepares for a briefing just prior to a deliberate water crossing conducted as part of exercise Anakonda 16 June 8 in Chelmno, Poland.

Antoni Macierewicz, Polish minister of defense, and Lt. Gen. Marek Tomaszycki, Polish armed forces operational commander, review troops during the Anakonda 16 opening ceremony June 6 at the National Defense University in Warsaw, Poland.

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Kaiserslautern American

June 17, 2016

Biking, hiking, skating fun along mills Sunday by Petra Lessoing 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs The Landstuhl and Thaleischweiler-Froeschen union communities will sponsor an adventure day called “Car-Free Wallhalb Valley� from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. The county roads between Nardini-Klinikum, the German hospital, in Landstuhl and ThaleischweilerFroeschen will be closed to motorized traffic. Bikers, hikers and skaters will be able to enjoy the trail going through the Palatinate mill valley without having to watch out for cars and motorcycles. The official event opening will be at 10 a.m. at the entrance of Thaleischweiler-

Courtesy photo

Bicyclists and hikers enjoy the car-free road from Landstuhl to Thaleischweiler-Froeschen from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday.

Froeschen. The 25-kilometer route will then lead along historical mills to Wallhalben,

Mittelbrunn and on to Landstuhl. A total of seven eating

and drinking stations and one bike service station will be set up. Hungry visitors

can taste wurst salad, schnitzel in a roll or ice cream at Kneispermuehle, salmon and trout in Wallhalben, pasta and salad at LandgrafenMuehle, barbecue specialites at Knoppermuehle, gyros in Mittlebrunn and regional specialties at Nardini-Klinikum St. Johannis in Landstuhl. First aid stations will be set up in ThaleischweilerFroeschen and Mittelbrunn. In Mittelbrunn, the local dog club will offer musical entertainment by the Pfaelzer Rhuthmusfetzer at noon and a dance performance by local youth at 1 p.m. For details, visit www. landstuhl.de/kultur-freizeit/ veranstaltungen.html or www.pfaelzer-muehlenland. de.

‘Old World Culinary Hike’ presents specialties, activities by Petra Lessoing 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Courtesy photo

During the “Old World Culinary Hike,� hikers enjoy the scenery on 5 1/2-kilometer route near Heimkirchen from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday.

erkraut, hot game pot, smoked trout, herring with potatoes, roasted pork

Heritage Baptist Church Don Drake, Pastor

“Welcome Home!�

Sundays at 10am, 11am and 6pm Wednesdays at 7pm

KĂśnigstr. 48, 67678 Mehlingen, next to Sembach 1IPOF t www.heritagebaptistramstein.com

with pasta salad, goulash, game frikadellen, French toast and homemade Kaiserslautern Evangelical

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer!

8:30 am Worship & Holy Communion

Landstuhl Christian Church

Lutheran Church Sunday School Following Meeting in Ev.-Luth. St. Michaelis Church, Karpfenstr. 7, 67655 Kaiserslautern E-mail: kaiserslautern@selk.de or call 0631-64327 for directions. Scott Morrison, Pastor www.KELC.eu

Kaiserstr. 66 * 06371-62988 Sunday Worship 11 AM


CHURCH OF CHRIST Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Worship Service Children’s Ministry Provided


Heimkirchen, a part of Niederkirchen, will sponsor the “Old World Culinary Hike� from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. The scenic hiking route is 5 1/2 kilometers long and features 10 stations, where only Palatinate specialties from the so-called “old world� will be served. Heimkirchen is located in the northern part of Kaiserslautern County in the valley of the Gelbach creek, which is called Old World on historical maps. The variety of landscapes will reflect in the diversity of food specialties being served. Local clubs and associations will serve meat dumplings with horseradish and sau-

cakes. Drinks include tap beer, various wines, prosecco and cocktails. A display of chain saw works will be set up at station No. 1, Im Hueterwald. The Palzband will provide musical entertainment at station No. 3, and children can have fun on a jumping castle at station No. 4. Station No. 7 includes a special attraction, a farmers museum that shows the development of agriculture in this region. Those who get an early start will be able to enjoy the breakfast station with fried eggs on bread, wurst and pastries from 9 a.m. to noon. Flyers in English with all information and a map can be found in local stores or downloaded at www.otterbach-otterberg.de.

Sun: 10 am, 11 am and 6 pm Wed: 7 pm MĂźhlstrasse 34 67659 Kaiserslautern Tel. 06 31 - 36 18 59 92 Tel. 06 371 - 46 75 16

June 17, 2016

Kaiserslautern American

Historical vehicles on display in Kaiserslautern

Page 17

KMC Assembly of God Church

Reverend Chuck Kackley Phone: 06333-9931838 Cell: 0171-6574322

Services are held at Kaiserstrasse 16 A, Einsiedlerhof WORSHIP HOURS: Sunday 10 a.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Family Night A Christian fellowship that gathers to study God’s word verse by verse so we can know, glorify and serve Christ.

Teaching the village, reaching the world!

We meet Sundays at 11 a.m. For more info call 06371-616793 or visit our website www.CCK-Town.org Industriestr. 50 66862 Kindsbach

Photos courtesy of the city of Kaiserslautern

Spectators welcome the vehicles taking part in the Trifels Rallye, which is a part of the Kaiserslautern Classics event. Motorists are scheduled to return from a 250-kilometer tour around 5 p.m. Saturday on Stiftsplatz.

by Petra Lessoing 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs The center of Kaiserslautern will offer a journey through the history of motor vehicles Saturday. The 10th Kaiserslautern Classics will be set up from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. in the center of town displaying vintage vehicles, newer cars, motorcycles and first-response vehicles. Utility vehicles and tractors will be shown in Industrial Park West. Two vintage busses will be available to take visitors from the center of Kaiserslautern to the industrial park every 25 minutes. They will leave from Fackelrondell, the fountain next to the mall, and go to the vehicle inspection station on Merkurstrasse. Private collectors, vintage vehicle friends, motor sports clubs and associations will

show off about 200 of their vehicles during the event. Car enthusiasts will find renowned car models such as Opel on Riesentrasse and Porsche on Fackelstrasse. Classic U.S. cars can be admired next to Stiftskirche, and historical fire trucks will be set up on Altenhof. They will go on a ride through the center of town at 1:30 p.m. Saturday. The event will also feature an entertaining program with rock ‘n’ roll performers. The rockabilly band Lucky 13 will perform from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Schillerplatz to be followed by Dave Hooray and his Rock ‘n’ Roll Threesome from 3 to 7 p.m. The Boosters will entertain from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. near Stiftskirche to be followed by Andy King with his “Shadow of Elvis� show from 4 to 8 p.m. Andy Dodt will sing with

his Forever Young choir from 1 to 4 p.m. in different locations. The event also includes the ADAC Rallye Trifels Historic. Registered drivers in historic vehicles will participate in a 250-kilometer tour through the Westpfalz area. The tour will start at 3:30 p.m. today at Stiftsplatz and at 9 a.m. Saturday at Pfalzgalerie Museum. Drivers are supposed to be back at 5 p.m. at Stiftsplatz, where visitors can admire their vehicles. Stores in the center and all other areas will be open until 8 p.m. Saturday. Flyers with all information will be displayed in local stores and in the Kaiserslautern Tourist Information office, next to Fruchthalle, across from Rathaus. For details, visit www. kaiserslautern-classics.de.


Kaiserslautern Classics displays a variety of vintage vehicles next to Stiftskirche Saturday. Visitors have a chance to experience the history of vehicles.

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worshipping, growing, serving to the glory of God 3UNDAY 3CHOOL !- s 7ORSHIP !- n .URSERY !VAILABLE Pastor Toby DuBose facebook.com/trinityreformedpca WWW TRINITYREFORMEDPCA COM s 4EL +IRCHENSTRASSE A ,ANDSTUHL

Air Force and Army Chapel Schedule Protestant Services

POC for Miesau, Landstuhl and Daenner is the USAG R-P Chaplains Office in Bldg. 2919 on Pulaski Barracks. DSN 493-4098, civ. 06313406-4098 Miesau Chapel (Bldg. 3175) Seventh-Day Adventist Worship Sabbath School: 9:30 a.m. Saturdays Spanish Sabbath School: 9:30 a.m. Saturdays Worship: 11:00 a.m. Saturdays Small Group: 6:00-7:00 p.m. Tuesdays Landstuhl Community Chapel (Bldg. 3773) Worship: 11:00 a.m. Sundays Children’s Youth Church: 11:00 a.m. Sundays Daenner Community Chapel (Bldg. 3150) Chapel Next Worship Worship: 10:00 a.m. Sundays Children’s Church: 10:30 a.m. Sundays Ramstein North Chapel (DSN 480-6148, civ. 06371-47-6148) Contemporary Service: 11:00 a.m. Sundays Ramstein South Chapel (DSN 480-5753, civ. 06371-47-5753) Liturgical Services: 9:00 a.m. Sundays Liturgical Sunday School: 11:00 a.m. Sundays Traditional Service: 11:00 a.m. Sundays Vogelweh Chapel (DSN 480-6148, civ. 06371-47-6148) Gospel Service: 11:00 a.m. Sundays. Protestant education classes are available for all ages at Vogelweh, Ramstein, Landstuhl and Daenner. For information, call DSN 480-2499/489-6743 or civ. 06371-47-2499/0631-536-6743. PWOC - Protestant Women of the Chapel Thu 9:00-11:30 a.m., Kapaun Chapel Mon 6:30-8:00 p.m., Vogelweh Chapel Tue 9:00 – 11:00 a.m., Ramstein North Chapel Conference Room Tue 5:30-7:30 p.m., Ramstein South Chapel

Catholic Services

Daenner Community Chapel (Bldg 3150) Confession: 11:30 a.m. Sundays (Jun-Aug) Sunday Mass: 12:00 p.m. (Jun-Aug) Confession: 12:00 p.m. Sundays (Sep-May) Sunday Mass: 12:30 p.m. (Sep-May) Landstuhl Community Chapel (Bldg. 3773) Confession: 8:30 a.m. Sunday Mass: 9:00 a.m. Ramstein North Chapel (DSN 480-6148, civ. 06371-47-6148) Daily Mass: 11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday Sunday Mass: 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Confession 4:00-4:45 p.m. Sundays Vogelweh Chapel (DSN 480-6148, civ. 06371-47-6148) Confession: 4:00-4:45 p.m. Saturday Mass: 5:00 p.m.

Jewish Religious Services Ramstein South Chapel Synagogue (DSN 480-5753, civ. 06371-47-5753) Shabbat Evening Service: 7:00 p.m. 1st & 3rd Friday

Islamic Services

Ramstein South Chapel Mosque Area Bldg. 2403 (DSN 480-5753) Friday Jummah prayers 1:00 p.m. Daily Prayers: Monday - Saturday 7:30 a.m. Fajr Monday - Thursday 1:30 p.m. Dhuhr Monday - Friday 3:00 p.m. Asr Religious Education/Fellowship : 1st and 3rd Sunday from 12:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Orthodox Christian

Kapaun Chapel (DSN 480-6148, civ. 06371-47-6148) Divine Liturgy: 9:00 a.m. Sundays Confessions by appointment

Chapel Youth Program Kaiserslautern Youth of the Chapel/Club Beyond, (Religious Youth Center, Pulaski Bks., Bldg. 2869) Weekly activities available for all teens in grades 6-12! For more information about upcoming Clubs and trips or volunteering please email kaiserslautern@clubbeyond.org Protestant Youth of the Chapel PYOC Middle School Ministry Thursdays 3:30-5:30 p.m., Main Exchange (food court) PYOC High School Ministry Tuesdays 6:30-9:00 p.m., North Chapel Info: www.ramsteinpyoc.blogspot.com Contact: ramsteinpyoc@googlemail.com AWANA awanaramstein@gmail.com Sundays, 2:00-4:00 p.m., Youth Center

Episcopal (Anglican) (St. Albans)

10:30 a.m. Sundays, Kapaun Chapel


Universalist Service, 1:30 p.m. second and fourth Sundays (Sept.-May), Kapaun Chapel


Saturdays 7:00 p.m., Kapaun Annex

Buddhist (SGI)

Ramstein North Chapel (Conference Room) 10:30 a.m. every 1st Saturday Daenner Chapel 3rd Thursday Noon For more info: ktownsgibuddhism@gmail.com

Confessional Lutheran (WELS)

4:00 p.m. second and fourth Sundays, Ramstein South Chapel

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Kaiserslautern American

June 17, 2016

Was ist Los? KMC Cultural Highlights

Courtesy photo

by Petra Lessoing 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs The following is a list of performances and events happening in the KMC and nearby locations. Dates are subject to change.

Performing arts:

Pfalztheater Kaiserslautern: • “Der kleine Horrorladen,” “Little Shop of Horror,” a musical by Alan Menken, in German, 7:30 p.m. today, June 24 and July 9. • “Das Mass der Dinge,” a play by Neil LaBute, in German, 8 p.m. today, June 29 and 30, and July 1, 5, and 13. • “Idomeno,” an opera by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, in Italian, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Tuesday, June 29, and July 1 and 16. • “Romeo und Julia,” a ballet by James Sutherland with music by Sergej Prokofjew, 6 p.m. Sunday, and 7:30 p.m. July 8 and 15. • “Liebe und Information,” a play by Caryl Churchill, in German, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday and July 7, 12, and 14, and 6 p.m. June 26. • “My Fair Lady,” a musical by Frederick Loewe, in German, 7:30 p.m. Thursday and July 2 and 10. • “Tristan und Isolde,” a musical

Courtesy photo

Medieval fest The village of Doerrenbach celebrates a fest with plays, music and activities to crown the new Sleeping Beauty. Celebrations start with a medieval market at noon Saturday. The crowning takes place at 5 p.m. Medieval street theater plays are 4 p.m. Saturday, and 1:30 and 5 p.m. Sunday. Doerrenbach, also known as “Sleeping Beauty of the Pfalz,” is a wine village west of Bad Bergzabern. For more information, visit www.doerrenbach.de.

drama by Richard Wagner, 5 p.m. June 25. For details, call 0631-3675-209 or visit www.pfalztheater.de. Kammgarn Kaiserslautern: • The band Hard to Handle presents rock cover songs, 8 p.m. July 9. Tickets cost €17. For details, visit www.kammgarn.de. JUZ (Youth Center), Steinstrasse 47, Kaiserslautern: • The bands Broken Honesty and Butt Pretty perform rock and pop, 8 p.m. Saturday. Tickets cost €7.50. For details, visit www.juz-kl.de. Kaiserslautern, Volkspark (duck pond at corner of Entersweiler-/ Donnersberger Strasse): • Outdoor concert with the Kaiserbachmusikanten presenting “A little bit of everything,” 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 26. Admission is free. Snacks and beverages are available in bistro. Children’s adventure playground is next to music pavilion. Kaiserslautern, Bremerhof beergarden, Bremerhof 1: • The band Knut Maurer’s Picture Book presents rhythm ‘n’ blues, 7 p.m. Thursday. Admission is free. For additional information, visit www.facebook.com/bremerhof. Bildhaus Musikclub Ventil, Hahnbacherhof 2, 67701 Schallodenbach: • The Rosevalley Sisters present revue singing of the 1930s and 1940s, 8:30 p.m. Saturday. The park and gallery are open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday. Admission is free. For more information, visit www.bildhaus.info. Bad Duerkheim, Roemerplatz: • Singer Cris Cosmo presents pop mixed with reggae and Latin music, 7 p.m. Thursday. Saarbruecken, Saarlaendisches Staatstheater, Schillerplatz 1: • “Falstaff,” an opera by Guiseppe Verdi, in Italian, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Thursday, and July 1, 5 and 12, and 6 p.m. July 17. • “Peter Grimes,” an opera by Benjamin Britten, in English, 7:30 p.m. June 25. For details, call 0681-3092-486 or visit www.theater-saarbruecken.de. Nationaltheater Mannheim, am Goetheplatz: • “Farewell,” dances by Kevin

Rock concert at fire station The Landstuhl fire department sponsors its traditonal rock concert, “Rock am Turm,” meaning “rock at the tower,” with the rock bands Brass Machine and The Watching Saturday. Doors open at 8 p.m. Admission fee is €9. The fire station is located in Landstuhl, Am Feuerwehrturm 4. For more information, visit www.feuerwehr-landstuhl.de.

O’Day and Dominique Dumais, 7 to 10:20 p.m. today. • “Frida Kahlo,” a ballet by Dominique Dumais, 7:30 p.m. June 25. For more information, visit www.nationaltheater-mannheim.de. English Theatre, Gallusanlage 7, Frankfurt: • “Bad Jews,” a savage comedy about family, faith and legacy by Joshua Harmon, through July 1. Performances are 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays to Saturdays, and 6 p.m. Sundays. For additional information, visit www.english-theatre.org.


• Kaiserslautern, Gartenschau (dino park), open 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily, through Oct. 3. Special events on Sunday: Ecumenical worship service with Go Spirit choir at 11 a.m. in willow church and the opening of new flower show, “Unbelievably Magical,” at 3 p.m. in flower hall. Tickets cost €7 for adults and €3 for children. For more information, visit www.gartenschau-kl.de. • Kaiserslautern, Japanese Garden, Am Abendsberg 1, open to Oct. 31. Tickets cost €5.50 for adults and €3 for children. For additional information, visit www.japanischergarten.de. • Kaiserslautern, center and Merkurstrasse, vintage vehicle display, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday. For details, read article on Page 17. • Otterberg, town hall parking lots, family event to highlight climate protection and arts with activities, performances, noon to 5 p.m. Saturday. • Otterberg, Stadthalle, ladies night with shopping opportunities, 8 to 11 p.m. Saturday. • Heimkirchen, old world culinary hike, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. For details read article on Page 16. • Landstuhl to ThaleischweilerFroeschen, car-free road, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday.

For details read article on Page 16. • Schoenenberg-Kuebelberg, Ohmbach lake, model boat display, noon to 6 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. • Kappeln (north of Lauterecken), arts within old walls: regional artists present their works made of different techniques in old barns, Hauptstrasse 20; musical entertainment, eating specialties, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. • Winnweiler, Johannisfest with rides, vendor booths and musical entertainment, Saturday to Monday. Stores open 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. • Pirmasens, Unterer Schlossberg, sand beach with sun chairs and beach bar, today to June 26; fire show Saturday night. • Traben-Trarbach/Mosel River, old town fest, Saturday and Sunday. • Wachenheim/German Wine Street (south of Bad Duerkheim), castle and wine fest, today through Monday. • Kapellen-Drusweiler (east of Bad Bergzabern), rose hike through vineyard passing 400 rose bushes and eating and drinking stations, Sunday.

Flea markets:

• Kaiserslautern, Pfalz-Center (across from Daenner Kaserne), 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays. • Kaiserslautern, Toom Baumarkt, Hohenecker Strasse 10, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. today. • Kaiserslautern, Vogelwoogstrasse 100 (near Vogelwoog pond), 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. • Mehlingen, Abtstrasse 25a, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays. • Bad Duerkheim, Saline (saltworks, Gutleutstrasse 48), 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays. • Bad Duerkheim, Brunnenhalle, Kurbrunnenstrasse 30-32, second hand fashion market, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. • Gruenstadt, Kaufland, Kirchheimer Strasse 39, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday.

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Kaiserslautern American

June 17

EURO 2016 Schedule Group A France

Group B

Fri., June 10, 9 p.m., Paris, St. Denis Romania 1 0


Sat., June 11, 6 p.m., Bordeaux



Sat., June 11, 3 p.m., Lens



1:1 2:0




Thu., June 16, 3 p.m., Lens Albania








Sun., June 19, 9 p.m., Lyon






1. ................................. 2. ................................. 3. ................................. 4. .................................




Thu., June 16, 6 p.m., Lyon Northern Ireland


Thu., June 16, 9 p.m., Paris, St. Denis Germany Poland


Tue., June 21, 6 p.m., Marseille England

Mon., June 20, 9 p.m., Toulouse




Mon., June 20, 9 p.m., St. Etienne


Sun., June 12, 6 p.m., Nice 1 0 Northern Ireland Sun., June 12, 9 p.m., Lille


Wed., June 15, 3 p.m., Paris, Lille Russia

Sun., June 19, 9 p.m., Lille




Wed., June 15, 9 p.m., Marseille



Sat., June 11, 9 p.m., Marseille Switzerland

Wed., June 15, 6 p.m., Paris, Parc des Princes Romania Switzerland France

Group C

1. ................................. 2. ................................. 3. ................................. 4. .................................




Tue., June 21, 6 p.m., Paris, Parc des Princes Northern Ireland Germany



1. ................................. 2. ................................. 3. ................................. 4. .................................

Round of 16, Game 1

Round of 16, Game 3 Sat., June 25, 9 p.m., Lens

Sat., June 25, 6 p.m., Paris, P. d. Princes

Round of 16, Game 2

Round of 16, Game 6





Sat., June 25, 3 p.m., St. Etienne

2nd Group A

2nd Group C

Winner Group D

3rd Group B/E/F

Winner Group B

Quarter Final 1

Sun., June 26, 9 p.m., Toulouse

3rd Group A/C/D

Winner Group F

Quarter Final 2

Thu., June 30, 9 p.m., Marseille

Fri., July 1, 9 p.m., Lille



Winner Game 1

2nd Group E

Winner Game 3

Winner Game 2

Winner Game 6

Semi Final 1

Wed., July 6, 9 p.m., Lyon

If traveling to France for the EURO Cup, exercise increased vigilance and risk management.

: Winner QF 1


Sun., July 10, 9 p.m


Winner QF 2 Winner SF1

7, 2016

Kaiserslautern American

Group D

Group E

Sun., June 12, 3 p.m., Paris, Parc des Princes Turkey Croatia 0 1


Mon., June 13, 3 p.m., Toulouse Czech Republic 1 0



Fri., June 17, 6 p.m., St. Etienne Czech Republic




0: 2





Tue., June 21, 9 p.m., Lens Czech Republic



1. ................................. 2. ................................. 3. ................................. 4. ................................. Round of 16, Game 5



Sat., June 18, 9 p.m., Paris, Parc des Princes Portugal Austria




Wed., June 22, 6 p.m., Lyon






Wed., June 22, 9 p.m., Nice Turkey


Sat., June 18, 6 p.m., Marseille Sweden






Wed., June 22, 9 p.m., Lille Spain

0 :2

Tue., June 14, 9 p.m., St. Etienne Italy

Fri., June 17, 3 p.m., Toulouse Croatia

Tue., June 21, 9 p.m., Bordeaux


Tue., June 14, 6 p.m., Bordeaux Austria

Mon., June 13, 9 p.m., Lyon Belgium

Sat., June 18, 3 p.m., Bordeaux



Group F

Mon., June 13, 6 p.m., Paris, St. Denis Sweden 1 1

Fri., June 17, 9 p.m., Nice Spain

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Wed., June 22, 6 p.m., Paris, St. Denis Iceland Austria




1. ................................. 2. ................................. 3. ................................. 4. .................................

1. ................................. 2. ................................. 3. ................................. 4. .................................

Sun., June 26, 6 p.m., Lille

Mon., June 27, 6 p.m., Paris, St. Denis

Round of 16, Game 7

Round of 16, Game 4

Round of 16, Game 8





Winner Group C

3rd Group A/B/F

Winner Group E

Sun., June 26, 3 p.m., Lyon

2nd Group D

Winner Group A

Quarter Final 3

2nd Group F

Quarter Final 4

Sun., July 3, 9 p.m., Paris, St. Denis


: Winner Game 7

Winner Game 4

Semi Final 2

Thu., July 7, 9 p.m., Marseille



m., Paris, St. Denis Winner QF3 Winner SF 2

2nd Group B

3rd Group C/D/E

Sat., July 2, 9 p.m., Bordeaux

Winner Game 5


Mon., June 27, 9 p.m., Nice

Winner QF 4

Winner Game 8

s V z R uly 10 J 0 1 June

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Kaiserslautern American

June 17, 2016

Mark Your Calendar

June 2016

Photo by Vira Mylyan-Monastyrska/Shutterstock.com


» Superhero Safety Day will be held from noon to 4 p.m. Saturday at the Ramstein Community Center, Bldg. 412. Real-life heroes will be giving fun safety tips. Dress up as your favorite superhero and receive a free comic. Enjoy free giveaways, raffle prizes, music, a bounce house, kids maze and more. For more information, call 480-6600 or 06371-47-6600 or visit www.86fss.com. » A swing-dance event with jazz music from the 1920s to 1950s will take place from 7 to 10 p.m. Saturday in the Stadtteilwerkstatt, Pfaffstrasse 3 in Kaiserslautern. The theme for this event will be “Hey, Sailor.” There also will be dancing instructions, coffee and cake. Donations are welcome. For details, visit www.lautern-swingt.de. » Ramstein Officers’ Club will offer a special barbecuestyle Father’s Day brunch from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Sunday. They will serve grilled ribeye steak, oven baked chicken, hot wings, biscuits and gravy and various breakfast and dessert stations. The menu also includes favorites from The Flying Pig Bar-B-Que, including smoked brisket, country sausage and pork ribs. Cost is $24.95 for club members, $29.95 for nonmembers, $9.95 for children 10 to 16 years old, $4.95 for children 4 to 9 years old and free for children 3 and under. Additionally, all dads will get a special surprise. » A Caribbean culture party, hosted by KMC’s Caribbean Heritage Association in association with KMC’s British community, will take place from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. June 25. The party includes free food, music, children’s activities and coed games. For details, email kmcchaevents@gmail.com.

Armstrong’s Club Events

Armstrong’s Club is located in Bldg. 1036 on Vogelweh Family Housing. Call 0631-354-9986 for details. Unless otherwise stated, events have no cover charge and are open to all ID cardholders and their guests, 18 and over. » Comedy show: Saturday. Come out to Armstrong’s Club for a night of fun and laughter at the comedy show. This event will feature host Lee Marvin Adams and comedians Jason Thompson and Munchie. Doors open at 7 p.m., and the show begins at 9 p.m. Cost: $20 in advance, $25 at the door. Purchase tickets in advance at Armstrong’s Club, any Java Cafe in the KMC or online via WebTrac. » Father Daughter Fairytale Ball: 3:30 to 7 p.m. June 25. Dads, take your daughter out for a special night she’ll always remember. The night will be filled with music, dancing, bonding and fun. Cost: $59.95 per father-daughter couple and $14.95 per additional child. Ticket price includes a plated meal, keepsake photo, gift bag and princess meet and greet. Deadline to purchase tickets is June 20. Come in formal attire. Military dress uniforms are encouraged but not required. Tickets are available online via WebTrac, from Armstrong’s Club Mondays through Fridays or from any Java Cafe in the KMC. » Small Tab Tuesdays: 5 to 10 p.m. every Tuesday play a game of pool or pick your favorite jam on the jukebox while enjoying specials. » Trivia Wednesdays: 6 to 10 p.m. every Wednesday. » Throwback Thursdays: 7 p.m. every other Thursday, listen to hits from the ’80s, ’90s and today. » Karaoke Fridays: 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. every Friday show off your singing skills and socialize in a fun environment. » Tropical Latin Saturdays: 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. every first and third Saturday in June through August.

Kazabra Club Events

Kazabra Club is located in Bldg. 2057 on Vogelweh. Call 489-7261 or 0631-636-7261 for details. Unless otherwise stated, events have no cover charge and are open to all ID cardholders and their guests, 18 and over. » Father’s Day Bingo: Sunday. Celebrate Father’s Day at the Father’s Day Bingo event with appetizers, games and opportunities to win cash. Doors open at 1 p.m. Games begin at 3 p.m. Bingo packs start at $30. » Country Karaoke: 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. every other Friday. Sing your favorite country hit and take a spin on the mechanical bull Tornado. » Texas Hold ’em: 8 p.m. to midnight every Friday. Buy-in is $25. Register and buy-in by 7 p.m. » Country Night: 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. Saturdays. Dance lessons take place from 7 to 9 p.m. There is a $5 cover charge. » Sunday Sports: 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. Sundays. Enjoy 50 cent wings and $1 hot dogs and take part in fun sports trivia.


» 10 Steps to a Federal Job will be held from 10 a.m. to noon Wednesday on Pulaski Barracks, Bldg. 2917. This class provides information and tips regarding the federal hiring system. It is designed for people who are considering applying for a federal job and who are not familiar with the process. For more information and to enroll, call 493-4203 or 0631-3406-4203. » Interview Techniques takes place from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Wednesday on Pulaski Barracks, Bldg. 2917. Learn the secrets to the perfect interview. This hands-on class teaches the different interview styles, standard questions, negative speech characteristics and the major do’s and don’ts in an interview. For more information and to enroll, call 493-4203 or 0631-3406-4203. » USA Jobs Workshop will be held from 10 a.m. to noon June 24 on Pulaski Barracks, Bldg. 2917. Want to learn more about finding a government job? Get the one-up on competition with hands-on instruction and assistance from an Employment Readiness expert. RSVP required. For more information and to enroll in the next available class, call 493-4203 or 0631-3406-4203.

Support Groups

» Dads 101: A Crash Course for New and Expecting Dads meets from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Yellow Ribbon Room on Pulaski Barracks, Bldg. 2926. This is a class for dads, by dads. Learn from experienced dads in this informational class. Topics include preparing for fatherhood, surviving the first few weeks, caring for your new baby, ways to keep your baby safe and more. For more information and to enroll, call 493-4203 or 0631-3406-4203. » Baby Bumps will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Wednesday and June 29 the Landstuhl Community Club, Bldg. 3780. Join the New Parent Support Program for this socialize-and-learn series for expecting women. This two-part series will be taught by labor and delivery and NPSP registered nurses. No registration required. For more information, call 493-4203 or 0631-3406-4203. » Spectrum Families Support Group meets from 5 to 6 p.m. the second Tuesday of every month at Vogelweh Library, Bldg. 2059. This support group is for anyone who is, has, loves or works with a person with a spectrum disorder, such as Autism, Aspergers, or Pervasive Developmental Disorder — Not Otherwise Specified. For more information and to enroll, call 493-4203 or 0631-3406-4203.


» Wiggles and Giggles meets from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. every Wednesday at Pulaski Park. Parents with children under 5 years old are invited to come, play together and meet new people. In case of bad weather, the group will meet at E-Street Cafe on Vogelweh. For more information, call 493-4203 or 0631-3406-4203. » Walk and Talk meets from 11 a.m. to noon the third Friday of every month. Stimulate your body and your mind. Join Army Community Service to walk and talk it off. Locations vary. For more information, call ACS at 493-4203 or 0631-3406-4203.

Classes and Training

» Sponsorship training will take place from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. June 28 in the Yellow Ribbon Room on Pulaski Barracks, Bldg. 2926. This course will help you fulfill the role as a sponsor for incoming personnel. Units sending student to training are required to pre-register with Army Community Service to ensure that a unit-specific sign-in roster is available. This training is open to Soldiers, civilians and spouses who will act as sponsors. For more information and to register, call 493-4203 or 0631-3406-4203. » Commanders and senior leaders training is from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m the first Thursday of every month. This training is a mandatory requirement within 45 days of assumption of command for all commanders and senior enlisted advisers, E7-E9. Receive information on the Family Advocacy Program, the Exceptional Family Member Program and the Army Emergency Relief Program. Participants will receive a certificate upon completion. Class meets on Pulaski Barracks, Bldg. 2917. Registration is required. For details, call 493-4203 or 0631-3406-4203. » Conversational German courses are offered in two levels: beginner and intermediate. Participants will gain a better understanding of the written and verbal German language. All course materials are provided to students free of charge. Classes run in eight-week semesters. Advanced registration is required. For details, call 493-4203 or 0631-3406-4203.

Baumholder Events

» Get crafty with the Arts & Crafts Center’s Craft Fair from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. July 9 in the Hall of Champions Fitness Center parking lot on Smith Barracks, Bldg. 8105. Sell or purchase unique homemade items at the “Rock the Block” party. Table reservations cost $25 and must be reserved one week prior to event date. Per AER 210-70: Individuals operating a home based business may not use Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation facilities in support of the HBB. For more information or to reserve a table, contact Baumholder Arts & Crafts Center on Smith Barracks, Bldg. 8104, at 485-6687 or 06783-6-6687. » Single Parent Support Group meets from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. every Thursday at the Army Community Service building on Clinic Kaserne, Bldg. 8746. This educational class examines the services and tools available for successful single parenting. Feel free to bring a lunch. For more information, call 485-8188 or 06783-6-8188. » Trivia Night is held every Thursday at Tavern on the Rock on Smith Barracks, Bldg. 8085. Compete solo or in a group and test your trivia skills for a chance to win a prize. Trivia begins at 7 p.m. Open to ID cardholders and their guests, ages 18 and older. For more information, contact 485-7345 or 06783-6-7345.

June 17, 2016

Airman & Family Readiness Center

For more information or to sign up for a class, call the Airman & Family Readiness Center at 480-5100. MONDAY » Transition GPS Workshop: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., A&FRC » Ramstein Spouses Orientation: 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., A&FRC TUESDAY » Transition GPS Workshop: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., A&FRC » Reintegration briefing: 9 to 10:30 a.m., IDRC » Predeployment briefing: 1 to 3 p.m., IDRC WEDNESDAY » Transition GPS Workshop: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., A&FRC » Base Intro: 7:30 to 11:45 a.m., E-Club » Bundles for Babies: 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., A&FRC » USA Jobs Workshop: 10 a.m. to noon, A&FRC THURSDAY » Transition GPS Workshop: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., A&FRC JUNE 24 » Transition GPS Workshop: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., A&FRC » Basics of PCS’ing for Spouses: 9 to 11a.m., A&FRC

Health Promotion

For more information, call Health Promotion at 06371-47-4292 or 480-4292 or stop by Bldg. 2117. TUESDAY » Tobacco Cessation: noon to 1 p.m. THURSDAY » BOD POD: 1 to 3 p.m.

Kaiserslautern American

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JUNE 17 » BOD POD: 8 to 10 a.m.

to content and space, children may not attend. To register, call 479-2370 or 06371-46-2370.

Family Advocacy


To register for classes or for more information, call Family Advocacy at 479-2370 or 06371-46-2370. » EXPECTANT PARENT ORIENTATION: 8:30 to 11 a.m. the first Tuesday of every month, except for August, at Learning Resource Center, Bldg. 3718, at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. Learn about birth registration, passports and much more. No sign-up needed. For more information, call the New Parent Support Program at 06371-46-2098 or 479-2098. » DADS 101: 8 to 10 a.m. July 11, Aug. 1 and Sept. 12 at Health Promotion on Ramstein, Bldg. 2117. The class is designed to teach fathers to become more effective parents. It allows dads to ask questions about labor and delivery, teaches them how to calm a crying baby, teaches role adjustment and other infant care issues. To register or for more information, call the New Parent Support Program at 479-2098 or 06371-46-2098. » ACTIVE PARENTING FOR STEPFAMILIES: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. July 6, 13, 20 and 27 in Bldg. 2121, fourth-floor conference room. Feel free to bring a lunch. Due to content and space, children may not attend. To register, call 479-2370 or 06371-46-2370 » ANGER MANAGEMENT: Four-session workshop from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. July 12, 15, 19 and 22 in Bldg. 2121, first-floor conference room. Feel free to bring lunch. Due

Contact your school ASACS counselor for details. » ADOLESCENT SUPPORT AND COUNSELING SERVICE is a comprehensive program providing prevention education and counseling services to 11- to 19-year-old ID cardholders in the military community. ASACS’s mission is to provide comprehensive counseling services to adolescents and military families stationed OCONUS while enhancing military readiness and quality of life. In addition, ASACS offers Life Skills classes that promote health and personal development in the Department of Defense schools. ASACS participate in supportive activities related to military life transitions as well as providing individual, group and family counseling services. ASACS counselors’ offices are located in DOD schools for the convenience of military families. ASACS counseling services are completely confidential. Hours are from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday; however, flexible appointment times are available to meet the needs of military families.

Medical Group

» ATTENTION: TRICARE ONLINE IS AVAILABLE for your convenience. Schedule your own appointments, view the home care website, check lab results, contact the nurse advice line, get medication refills and more. To register or for more information, visit www.tricareonline.com. ADVERTISEMENT

July 2–3, 2016 1. Medieval Market at Birkenfeld Castle July 2-3, 2016 Welcome to the 1st Medieval Market at Burg Birkenfeld! The historical environment of the former castle grounds is the perfect location for the 1st Medieval Market at Birkenfeld . Two great days for the entire family on this beautiful terrain high above the city on Castle Hill. Our wonderful contributors will show you the world of the Middle Ages. Enjoy the performances of the artists, craftsmen and showmen that provide all sorts of maidservants. Vendors and craftsmen with their medieval goods and numerous attractions of the fairground awaits you. Get well entertained by jugglers and magicians, bards and minstrels and medieval camp groups. Unwind in the taverns and food stalls, while enjoying the many authentic food and potions. Tickets: Day ticket Saturday and Sunday: €6 per adult, family €12

Enter for a chance to win!

Photo by Ranunculus/ mittelaltertage.com

Photo by Ray Binder/ mittelaltertage.com

Tickets available at all known Ticket Regional advance sales points, Ticket hotline: 0651 - 9790 7777 + www.ticket-regional.de and at all Wochenspiegel Service Center Hunsrück and at Peter Thiel Bookstore in Birkenfeld. Photo by Ray Binder/ mittelaltertage.com

Send us your name and contact information to SpecialEdition@AdvantiPro.de by June 24 for a chance to be 1 out of 5 winners of 2 tickets to the 1. Medieval Market at Birkenfeld Castle, July 2-3, 2016.

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Kaiserslautern American

June 17, 2016

Education Notes

Where in the Library is Vinicus?

In celebration of the “Read for the Win” summer reading program, Rheinland-Pfalz Library is hosting a fun challenge for children ages 12 and under. Through July 29, the library staff will hide their Olympic mascot, Vinicus, in a new location each day. The first child to find Vinicus wins a prize! No cost to participate. For more information, contact Rheinland-Pfalz Library in Landstuhl, Bldg. 3810, at 486-7322 or 06371-86-7322.

Youth Center summer activities

Looking for a fun way to keep your youth occupied during the summer months? U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz Youth Programs offers several activities throughout summer for youth in grades 6 through 12. Visit Garmisch, Tropical Islands Resort, Italy or one of the many fun amusement parks in Germany. Programming runs from Sunday to August 27. Find a complete schedule at www.kaiserslautern.armymwr.com. To enroll, contact Parent Central Services on Pulaski Barracks, Bldg. 2898, at 493-4516/4122 or 0631-3406-4516/4122; or Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation One Stop shop in Landstuhl, Bldg. 3810, at 486-8943 or 06371-86-8943.

Shark Week at Rheinland-Pfalz Library

Celebrate Shark Week July 5 through 9 at Rheinland-Pfalz Library, Bldg. 3810, in Landstuhl. The library will have amazing shark materials on

display for you to check out. Open to all ages. No registration required. For more information, call the library at 486-7322 or 06371-86-7322.

Driver’s education

Pulaski Barracks, Bldg. 2898, at 493-4516/4122 or 0631-3406-4516/4122; or Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation One Stop shop in Landstuhl, Bldg. 3810, at 486-8943 or 6371-86-8943.

Installation Management Command Europe is proud to announce the availability of a comprehensive driver’s education program for high school students in Europe. The program has been made possible through a collaborative effort and contract with the “Fahrlehrerverband,” the German National Federation of Driving Instructors. For more information and to register, contact Parent Central Services on Pulaski Barracks, Bldg. 2898, at 493-4516/4122 or 0631-3406-4516/4122; or Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation One Stop shop in Landstuhl, Bldg. 3810, at 486-8943 or 06371-86-8943.

KMC Teen Shuttle

Computer-assisted piano class

Kindermusik is a musical program that nurtures young children’s development in the areas of language, social, emotional and physical skills. SKIESUnlimited offers Kindermusik classes in three age categories: Cuddle and Bounce, ages 0 to 18 months; Wiggle and Grow, ages 18 months to 3 years; and Laugh and Learn, ages 3 to 5 years. Open to all branches of service. For details and to register, contact Parent Central Services on Pulaski Barracks, Bldg. 2898, at 0631-3406-4516/4122 or Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation One Stop shop in Landstuhl, Bldg. 3810, at 486-8943 or 06371-86-8943.

SKIESUnlimited is offering a computer-assisted piano class to help students learn how to play piano. Students receive both a 30-minute individual lesson and a 30-minute interactive piano lesson at a workstation with a stand-alone computer. Students are asked to bring piano books and other teaching materials they may have from previous piano lessons. The class is offered Mondays and Thursdays on Pulaski Barracks, Bldg. 2901, and in Landstuhl, Bldg. 3819. Open to all branches of service for children ages 4 to 18 years old. To register, contact Parent Central Services on

Child, Youth and School Services offer a KMC Teen Shuttle service. Pick-up and drop-off points are located throughout Vogelweh, Vogelweh Housing, Ramstein and Landstuhl. ID card, shuttle card and permissions slips are required to ride the shuttle. For more information and to apply for your shuttle card, contact Parent Central Services on Pulaski Barracks, Bldg. 2898, at 493-4516/4122 or 0631-3406-4516/412; or Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation One Stop shop in Landstuhl, Bldg. 3810, at 486-8943 or 06371-86-8943.


Photo by Gariann Wrenchey

LEMS AVID class meets with Olympic mentor The Landstuhl Elementary Middle School Advancement Via Individual Determination class meets with their Classroom Champions mentor, Olympic bobsledder Elana Meyers Taylor, virtually May 27. The AVID class spent the year learning about goal setting, perseverance, healthy living and community service.

June 17, 2016

Kaiserslautern American

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Tackle football registration

Registration for the fall season of Child, Youth and School Services tackle football is open through July 15. Open to youth ages 10 to 14 years old. Practice locations are available on Miesau, Landstuhl or Pulaski at 6 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesday or Thursday. Practice locations can be chosen until teams are full. Sign up early to get a spot. Cost: $135. Cost includes equipment. For more information or to register, contact Parent Central Services, on Pulaski Barracks, Bldg. 2898, at 493-4516/4122 or 0631-3406-4516/4122; or Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation One Stop shop in Landstuhl, Bldg. 3810, at 486-8943 or 06371-86-8943.

Youth fall sports registration

Register your children for the fall Child, Youth and School Services sports season through July 15. Sports offered: cheerleading, soccer and flag football for ages 5 to 15 years old; and volleyball for ages 9 to 15 years old. All participants must be registered with CYS Services. For more information or to register, contact Parent Central Services on Pulaski Barracks, Bldg. 2898, at 493-4516/4122 or 0631-3406-4516/4122; or Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation One Stop shop in Landstuhl, Bldg. 3810, at 486-8943 or 06371-86-8943.

Kaiserslautern American

Participants should wear appropriate, loose-fitting clothing. Cost is $100 for the whole week. Participants must register by Saturday.

Night run

The sports club TUS Glan-Muenchweiler will sponsor a running event tonight. Runners of all age groups can participate. The 2-kilometer student run will begin at 9 p.m. Walkers and runners for the 4.2-kilometer course and the 8.4-kilometer run will start at 10 p.m. The starting point for all runs is the fire house. The award ceremony will take place at midnight.

2016 COMM Cup Golf Tournament

Headquarters U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa presents the 2016 COMM Cup Golf Tourney June 24 at Woodlawn Golf Course on Ramstein. The tournament will be a four-person scramble best ball. Registration will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 a.m. with a shotgun start at 8 a.m. Cost: $35 for annual members and $55 for nonmembers. Fee includes cart, hotdog lunch and free bucket of balls at the range. Final registration and pay-by date is Tuesday. For more information and to register, email usafe.a6.boosterclub@gmail.com.

Bodybuilding, Figure Invitational

Get your child into soccer this summer with SKIESUnlimited summer soccer camps. One-week camps run from Monday to Aug. 16 on Pulaski Barracks and Landstuhl Post. Specific times and locations vary. Camps are divided by age and skill level. All camps are taught by professional soccer coaches and players. Open to ID cardholders from all branches of service. To register, contact Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation One Stop shop in Landstuhl, Bldg. 3810, at 486-8943 or 06371-86-8943; or Parent Central Services on Pulaski Barracks, Bldg. 2898, at 493-4516/4122 or 0631-3406-4516/4122.

U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz will host a Bodybuilding and Figure Invitational June 25 at the Kaiserslautern High School auditorium. Open to all ID cardholders, including active-duty military members, family members and Department of Defense civilians ages 18 and older. Entry fee: $45. Registration will be held from 9 to 10:30 a.m. A mandatory competitors’ meeting will take place from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. The event will begin at noon. Trophies will be presented for first and second place in each weightheight division as well as an overall award for men and women. Cost for spectators: $8 for adults and $5 for children ages 12 and under. Preregistration will be open through Wednesday. For more information, contact Tom Dennis at 493-2088, 0631-3406-2088 or thomas.d.dennis.naf@mail.mil.

Summer Skate 2016

Unit-level soccer sign-ups

Summer soccer camps

Summer Skate will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday through Aug. 25 at Crossroads Skate Rink. Cost is $6 a day and is open to all ID cardholders, not just students. The Crossroads Skate Rink is located on Vogelweh, Bldg. 2053.

Karate Tech Adventure Week

Youth will have the opportunity to learn about and experience martial arts, discipline, focus, fitness and fun during Karate Tech Adventure Week Monday to June 24 at the Vogelweh Community Center. Activities will include Karate Tech training, crafts, a bouncy castle and more. Each day will focus on different martial arts concepts and activities. No previous martial arts experience necessary. Activities for ages 6 to 9 will be from 8 a.m. to noon and for ages 10 to 18 will be from 1 to 5 p.m.

Units wishing to participate in unit-level soccer must sign up before July 6. Teams are open to all ID cardholders, including active duty, family members and Department of Defense civilians. Season begins July 11. For more information or to sign up, contact Coleman Swinton at Rhine Ordnance Barracks Fitness Center at 493-2087 or 0631-3406-2087.

Unit-level softball championships

Cheer on your favorite unit-level team at the U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz unit-level softball championships. Games will be held at 6 p.m. daily July 18 to 21 at the Kaiserslautern Army Depot field near Daenner Kaserne. The championship game will be held at 6 p.m. July 21. The top-six teams from the season league will participate, and the first- and second-place teams from

June 17, 2016

the championships will advance to the Installation Management Command-Europe tournament. Free for spectators. For more information, visit www.kaiserslautern.armymwr.com.

WELLBEATS™ now available

WELLBEATS™ programs are now available at all U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz fitness centers. Formerly known as Fitness On Request, WELLBEATS™ provides a safe place for newcomers to learn and master the fundamentals of dozens of classes, including: yoga, Pilates, step, dance, cycling, kickboxing, strength training, pre- and postnatal and more. Classes are 35 to 50 minutes in length, and there is no cost. Classes may be reserved for Soldier physical training from 6 to 7:30 a.m. Mondays through Fridays. Locations: Rhine Ordnance Barracks, Landstuhl, Miesau, Sembach and Kleber fitness centers. For more information, visit www.kaiserslautern.armymwr.com or contact your local USAG Rheinland-Pfalz fitness center.

Youth cheer, tumbling classes

SKIESUnlimited offers cheer and tumbling classes for youth, ages 6 to 18 years old. Classes help to improve strength, flexibility, jumps and tumbling. Classes are offered on a monthly basis at the Rhine Ordnance Barracks Special Events Center, Bldg. 237. Open to all branches of service. For class offerings, times and prices, contact Parent Central Services on Pulaski Barracks., Bldg. 2898, at 493-4516/4122 or 0631-3406-4516/412; or Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation One Stop shop in Landstuhl, Bldg. 3810, at 486-8943 or 06371-86-8943.

Chakra Yoga

Practice the Chakra Yoga flow at 5:30 p.m. every Wednesday at the Massage & Yoga Studio on Pulaski Barracks, Bldg. 2899. This new yoga sequence is catered around the seven chakras. A special introductory class is held on the first Wednesday of every month. For more information, contact 493-4156, 0631-3406-4156 or visit www.kaiserslautern.armymwr.com.

Gymnastics classes

SKIESUnlimited offers gymnastics classes for toddlers, children and youth. Open to all branches of service. For class offerings, times and prices, contact Parent Central Services on Pulaski Barracks, Bldg. 2898, at 493-4516/4122 or 0631-3406-4516/412; or Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation One Stop shop in Landstuhl, Bldg. 3810, at 486-8943 or 06371-86-8943.

Wii Sports, Wii Fit

The ROB Fitness Center is offering Wii Sports and Wii Fit for free. Shake up your fitness routine with some Wii and experience a whole new level of exercise and fun. For more information, contact the fitness center at 493-2241 or 0631-3406-2241.

June 17, 2016

Kaiserslautern American

Page 27

NOW SHOWING Editor’s note: The movies listing was the most current at the time of publication. Dates are subject to change. Please check with your local theater for the most up-to-date schedule.

Finding Dory *3D* (PG) 11 a.m., 1:45 p.m., 5 p.m., 6 p.m. Central Intelligence (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 2 p.m., 9 p.m. Warcraft *3D* (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 8 p.m. The Conjuring 2 (R) 6:15 p.m., 9:30 p.m. X-Men: Apocalypse (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2:45 p.m., 7:45 p.m. SATURDAY Finding Dory *3D* (PG) 11 a.m., 12 p.m., 3 p.m., 5 p.m., 6 p.m. Central Intelligence (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 6 p.m., 7:45 p.m. Warcraft *3D* (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 1:45 p.m., 3 p.m., 6:15 p.m., 8:45 p.m. The Conjuring 2 (R) 9 p.m. X-Men: Apocalypse (PG-13) 9:30 p.m. SUNDAY Finding Dory *3D* (PG) 11 a.m., 12 p.m., 1:45 p.m., 3 p.m., 4:30 p.m. Central Intelligence (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 6 p.m. Warcraft *3D* (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 5:45 p.m. X-Men: Apocalypse (PG-13) 5:45 p.m. MONDAY Finding Dory *3D* (PG) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:45 p.m. Central Intelligence (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 8 p.m. Warcraft *3D* (PG-13) 11 a.m., 5 p.m. The Conjuring 2 (R) 7:30 p.m. Ratchet & Clank *3D* (PG) 11:30 a.m., 4:45 p.m. Sing Street (PG-13) 2 p.m., 7:30 p.m. Money Monster (R) 2 p.m., 7:30 p.m. TUESDAY Finding Dory (PG) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:45 p.m. Central Intelligence (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 8:15 p.m. Warcraft (PG-13) 11 a.m., 5 p.m. The Conjuring 2 (R) 7:30 p.m. Ratchet & Clank (PG) 11:30 a.m., 4:45 p.m. Sing Street (PG-13) 2 p.m., 7:30 p.m. Money Monster (R) 2 p.m., 7:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY Finding Dory *3D* (PG) 11:45 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 5:15 p.m. Central Intelligence (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 8 p.m. Warcraft *3D* (PG-13) 11 a.m., 5 p.m. The Conjuring 2 (R) 7:30 p.m. Ratchet & Clank *3D* (PG) 11:30 a.m., 4:45 p.m. Sing Street (PG-13) 2 p.m., 7:30 p.m. Money Monster (R) 2 p.m., 8 p.m. THURSDAY Finding Dory *3D* (PG) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:45 p.m. Central Intelligence (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 8 p.m. Warcraft *3D* (PG-13) 11 a.m., 5 p.m. The Conjuring 2 (R) 7:30 p.m. Ratchet & Clank *3D* (PG) 11:30 a.m., 4:45 p.m. Sing Street (PG-13) 2 p.m., 7:30 p.m. Money Monster (R) 2 p.m., 7:30 p.m. FRIDAY

Finding Dory (PG)

Courtesy of Movieweb.com

With help from her friends Nemo and Marlin, Dory embarks on an epic adventure to find her parents, who she was separated from as a child. Her journey brings her to a conservatory that houses diverse ocean species. Dory now knows that in order to be reunited with her mom and dad, she must save them from captivity. Starring Ellen Degeneres and Diane Keaton.

Ratchet & Clank (PG) Two unlikely heroes, Ratchet and Clank, struggle to stop a vile alien named Chairman Drek from destroying every planet in the Solana Galaxy. When the two stumble upon a dangerous weapon capable of destroying entire planets, they must join forces with a team of colorful heroes called The Galactic Rangers in order to save the galaxy. Along the way they’ll learn about heroism, friendship, and the importance of discovering one’s own identity.

Ramstein-Süd / Landstuhl

For reservations & information call 06371-937037 For all movies and showtimes visit

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Grace Studio

Dance Body & Mind German lessons www.grace-studio.org

Weilerbacher Str. 110 67661 KL - Einsiedlerhof

Puzzle courtesy of http://thinks.com/

Graphic by heromen30/Shutterstock.com

Bob claims to be on a top-secret case and enlists the help of former big-man-on-campus Calvin, now an accountant who misses his glory days. But before the staid numberscruncher realizes what he’s getting into, it’s too late to get out, as his increasingly unpredictable new friend drags him through a world of shootouts, double-crosses and espionage that could get them both killed in more ways than Calvin can count.

Starring James Arnold Taylor and David Kaye. Central Intelligence (PG-13) Bob, a one-time bullied geek, grew up to be a lethal CIA agent. While home for his high school reunion,

Courtesy of Movieweb.com

Starring Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart.

Across 1 Set upon 9 Give new hands 15 Cargo quantity 16 Show clearly 17 Pregnant 18 Aquarium fishes 19 Cold War thaw 20 “___ Resartus” (Carlyle) 21 Elvis Presley film 23 “Carrie” star 27 Claret and burgundy 28 Japanese sauce 29 Moments 34 Indigo dye 35 Big bang producer 36 Prefix with space 37 Sheets and pillowcases 40 Mideast state 42 Aloha State bird 43 Staggered 44 Decisive conflict 48 Rip into 49 Chaotic 54 Ark berth 55 Asian part of Turkey 56 Illusory sight 57 Habitus 58 Hit hard 59 Bridge supports Down 1 Under cover? 2 Dial sound 3 Delicate use of words 4 To ___ (just so) 5 Sour note 6 Heyerdahl raft 7 Polished off 8 1950s White House monogram 9 Holds back 10 High point 11 The same 12 Become a member 13 Not ___ in the world 14 French article 20 Fragrance 22 Showed delight

23 Attempt 24 Window division 25 In the thick of 26 Summons 30 Swiss river 31 Oscar-winner Patricia 32 Beech or birch 33 Completely convinced 35 Article of faith 38 Furious 39 Brought to nought 40 Archaeological period 41 The S of SPQR 44 Airy rooms 45 Brings up 46 Bathtub murder victim 47 Eatery 50 Drop down? 51 Airline from Lod 52 Feudal address 53 Impudence 54 Band booster 55 Gallery display


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Attention all singers, rappers, comedians, and dancers! Seeking Contestants for Apollo Amateur Night for $500 prize! Email: oo7dizzy77@gmail.com for more details. Calling all SNCOs; did you know that there is an all-service professional organization in the KMC area known as the KMC Top 3? Interested in becoming a member? Visit www.facebook.com/ KMCTop3 for more information! Installation Team Needed for Projects on military bases throughout Germany, installation construction electrical carpentry flooring furniture plumbing painting wallpaper CCTV audio visual, Our physical address is in the US but these projects are located at military bases throughout Germany., phone: 763-746-2272, email: steve@ gkillc.com. KMC Top 3 Golf Tourney 23 Jun at 0800. Door prize ticket w/ reg at 0630 (tickets sold on-site). 4Person Scramble $50/$35 nonmbrs/mbrs. Contact unit or event POC to sign up! Thomas Seamans/Duvall Roundtree KMCTop3WM@gmail.com or 4784684/480-7451. The Darmstadt Retired Military Group is looking for new members. We meet once a month to share ideas and help each other. No Dues. If you are a Retired U.S Military Service Member, surviving spouse or a retired American in the area and are interested please contact Larry at 0615152548 or at lemery1366@ya hoo.com

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1 BEDROOM Beautiful attic apt./studio in Weilerbach, Sonnenstr.22,62sqm, new BIK, liv/dinrm, BR, bathrm w/ toilet, storage, lrg. hallway, €360+util., avail.now. 06374919396 Nice single apt in Mackenbach. Approx 40sqm, livrm, BR, BIK, bath, carport, shed, €335 + electr, TLA possible €25/day. Avail Jul 1. 06374-6166 / 06374-993981 Ramstein - Miesenbach Apt 65sqm 5km RAB fully furn avail now ideal for single TLA possible 06371-50456


2 BEDROOMS Ramstein-Miesenbach, Brückenstrasse 3, livrm, BIK, 2BR, 1.5bath, stor, car park, garage(€30) €762 incl heat, 1month dep 06371-50831 !! Beautiful Apt 125sqm 1st floor, parquet floors, large parking lot, huge balcony, BIK 1.5 bath 2BR liv/dinrm basem laundry KL-Siegelbach €700+util 01705727776 4-Room apartment in Hochspeyer, 2 bd, 1 bth, 85 sq meters, Heinrich-Fischer-Straße 67691 Hochspeyer Germany, €590, email: Bettina.Masters@gmx.de

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Apartement with separate entrance near Ramstein, 2 bd, 1 bth, 110 sq meters, €670, email: theobald66@hotmail.com. Beautiful loft Apt 5 min from Sembach, furn 2BR lrg liv/din rm, BIK, bath, play rm, sml pantry off str. prkg €700+util (water and trash incl)+2mo dep American owned & housing approved. Avail 5 July. 06302-983298 after 7pm or 063134064216 work Ktown Downtown Apartment, Kaiserslautern Germany, €700, ph: 0172 68 55 976 or email: mre.kmc@icloud.com.Nice apartment right in downtown K-Town, quiet street, 2 mins from shops, restaurants and bars. 80sqm, 2 bedrooms, big modern bathroom, modern kitchen, nice living room, washer/dryer hookups, high speed internet, basement, private parking, no pets. Available now. Housing approved.

Apartment in Landstuhl, 3 bd, 2 bth, 105 sq meters, Landstuhl Germany, €750, phone: 01622679106 (Markus Lasarsch), email: a.o.wittmann@freenet.de.

Beautif house in SchönenbergKübelberg.236 sqm, 5 rooms, BIK, 2.5 baths, laundry rm, gas heating, wooden ceilings, Laminate and tiled floors, fully fenced yard, small dogs ok. 1450 € + util.Call or text 0152 08762059.Call 06371/12971, email: tina.haeuser.aika2@t-onli ne.de. Countrystyle Apartment for rent in Miesau 15 min. to airport over A6, Nice 120 qm apartment, new carpet, gas central heating, 4 bedrooms, yard and grill place, 2 parking places in 2 family house. 3 min to A6 15 min to airport. build in kitchen, new painted, seperate washing room, big 120 qm space under roof for stuff or sport training, just see pictures and call Rick for appointment, no finders fee, english spoken, €590,0049 177 512 2020, cannae@gmx.net, whatsapp, see pictures

Apartment, 3 bd, 1 bth, 120 sq meters, Ringstrasse 33 67685 Weilerbach Germany, €700 + util + 2mnth dep, Avail now, email: an drea.plank@mailintern.de. Renovated FSH in 66885 Altenglan! NO FINDER'S FEE! Ktown Penthouse, phone: 0172 015773883261or 06374 1591 68 55 976, email: mre.kmc@ic Apt Mackenbach 3BR liv/din, School district Ramstein, 263 m² loud.com.Beautiful, traditional lu- BIK, balc, bath, no pets. (2830 sq. feet), 4 bedrooms, 1.5 xury apartment in a quiet street €500+util., deposit €1000, Avail baths, 1 BIK, 1 living room, 1 dining room, 1 pantry, basement, atright in the heart of downtown Kai- now. 06374-1877 tic, fast internet connection availaserslautern. 2000 sq ft of living space, quality hardwood floors, Beautiful Apartment in Landstuhl/ ble, fenced yard, 1 patio, 1 balexclusive fittings, huge balcony, 2 Atzel, 4 rm ap.It has 3 bedrms, li- cony, oil heating system, pets nebig bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, big vingroom w/ fireplace, furnished gotiable, rent 1680.00 EUR, availaopen living room, dining room, kit- kitchen w/ Side-by-Side Fridge & ble 1.July 2016. For more informachen, laundry, storage, elevator induction stove. Electric oven & tion please contact G.I. Bill Pay right into apt. No garage, free on- dishwasher.The floor has both la- Service & Real Estate at ram street parking for residents. Hou- minate & tile throughout.Price stein@gibillpay.com or 06371465407 or 0160-1065196 sing approved, available immedia- €650,0175 5640390 tely. Einsiedlerhof: next to WPC 3BR, Steinwenden 110sqm 2BR liv/din livr big BIK+dining area & pantry 1 rm bathrm basem. attic garage no ½ bathr balc, perfect for singles, pets please €480+utl, avail Jun no pets non-smoking please. Call All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com 0631-58796 after 6 pm 1,06371-50152;06371-62233 (English) Ramstein Villag, 650€ (w/o utilCaution: Some Classified ties) - 3 bedroom appartment 4 ads have become a target rent in Ramstein Village, 3 bd, 1 for scams. Please be cauAPTS FOR RENT bth, 120 sq meters, Ramstein-Mietious if potential buyers offer senbach Germany, €650, phone: you payment methods other 0162-6044668, email: ap.kartes@ than cash. gmx.de. 111 Bruchmühlbach-Miesau apt. $$ Second Chance Finance $$ newly renovated, 130sqm, full Weilerbach, nice maisonette apt Have you got credit issues that bath, BIK, 3 bedrms, 1 livrm, bal- avail now, 4Rms, kitchen, bath, may be holding you back from cony and terrace, garage, balc (104sqm) €650+util, 0171purchasing a reliable car? Military €850+util., 0176-70363455. 772 63 62 or willba@web.de Used Car Sales can Help! 06313549908 125 m² Apartment in downtown



Kaiserslautern! 3 bedrooms, 1 full APTS FOR RENT bath, basement, balcony. Eisenbahnstraße 67655 Kaiserslautern €830, phone: 01717475698 or Queidersbach, 4Bdr, 063159503, email: eva_hagel@ 66851 appt. living/dining rm, 3 bathr, firegmx.de. place, garage, terrace, 180sqm, €1150+util., please call 0637164521. No fee.


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3 Bedroom apartment, Apartment at 66877 Ramstein Miesenbach Am Dansenberg 5 for rent available Juli 1.2016.3 bedroom, 1 bathroom, big livingroom with ironcast ofen, build in new kitchen with electric stove, dishwasher, refrigerator and freezer, storage room next to kitchen, washer and dryerroom, little balcony, big carport next to house, floors made with Laminat (woodimitation). Rent 750 € + 100€ carport + utilities, See www.ahrn.com 3048702 - call Harry at 0160-6315679 or email at harry.rubel@gmail.com

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*We are giving $2000 off new BMWs, , Kaiserslautern, $ starts @ $29600, phone:017699970323, email: michael.cumiskey@bavarianmotorcars.com 2003 BMW 318i 143,412km/ 89,112miles Excellent condition. New top-rated all-season tires. $6100. absheres@ymail.com 2000 Skoda Fabia, good on gas, dependable, dealer maintained, asking $2500 obo, for more info contact Brian at 0176-31508726 slavix132@gmail.com

Kaiserslautern American

2002 Toyota Rav 4 SUV with AWD, $8,995-, US SPEC, Manual, Cruise Control, Power Locks, Alloy Wheels, All Wheel Drive, All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com Power Windows, Perfect Condition, Call:0176 22730967, Email: in 02 Peugeot MUST GO!!! Descrip- fo@europeanmotors.org, tion: Dealer maintained!!! Great Web:http://www.europeanmo car in excellent condition (minor tors.org scratches and scraps on exterior). Equipped with Computer (Driver 2003 VW Sharan Diesel Family Information System), Keyless Ent- and Utility Van, Diesel Fuel Turbo ry, Power Windows, 3x3 point re- diesel engine - German Specificaar seat belts, Height adjustable tions -TUV Inspection valid to drivers seat, Power steering, Re- April 2018 - 235 000kms (145 000 mote central locking, Central miles) Seven (7) passengers/Carlocking, Airbags, CD Player, Ra- go Driver/Front Passenger seats dio, Folding rear seats, and 40 heated, and adjustable. Child saMPG! Car will also come with win- fety seats- two seats convert rater cover. Fresh oil change, new ti- pidly to built-in child safety seats. res, muffler, battery, and more! A Five seats snap in/ out for cargo great and reliable car! Available space Tires: Two sets-winter and May 1st. Please call 0174-949- summer (1 set of wheels/rims) Ste8063 for additional questions or reo Radio and CD player Air conditioning system (needs compresshowing. $3000. sor) Price: $5,000, €4,450 OBO 1 PT Cruiser, 2.2 Diesel, 2003, Contact: John 0152-0702-7323 Location: GlanGreen, Plates, 5-speed, 4-door, (English) new TÜV, Air Cond, 2 Sets of Ti- Münchweiler res, Summer/Winter, ABS, Power 2005 Audi A3 Sportback 1.9 TDI Stearing, Elec Windows and German Specs $4800 Contact Locks, Keyless Entry, €2000, 0160 968 44778 ddundkk@hotmail.de 2005 BMW X5 (3.0i/V6) Great, sa-


1997 BMW 523i Sport Sedan, $6,495, EU Spec, Automatic, Leather, Heated Seats, Just serviced, 12 months guarantee included in price! Perfect Condition, Call: 0176-22730967, Email: info@euro peanmotors.org, Web: http:// www.europeanmotors.org

fe and dependable family car. Silver exterior with black leather interior. Very smooth and clean car. We PCS in less than two weeks...first respectable offer takes it...very negotiable and willing to show and test drive anytime between now and second week of June. Again...After doing research make me a good offer and it's yours. Call or text 0151-29006454 or email clay.lancaster@ gmail.com

1999 Ford Focus Sedan 5 Speed 1.4 ltr power everything heeded seats new inspection and stell 1 year warranty on motor trans and differal, 90, Babenhausen Germa- 2005 Mercedes ML 270 CDI 4x4, ny, €3100, email: ddundkk@hot Turbo Diesel, 2.7L 5 Cyl, Turbo mail.de. Diesel, Automatic/Tiptronic, 96,900 KMs/60,000 Miles, Obsidi1999 VW Passat Sport Combi, an Black Metallic Price: $16,990, $4,995-, US SPEC, Manual, Navi- 0631-354-9908 gation, Cruise Control, Heated Seats, Roof Rails, Cloth Interior, 2006 Chrysler Town & Country LiHiFi System, Perfect Condition, mited (van), Landstuhl Post Ger$6500.00, phone: Call :0176 22730967, Email:info@ many, 017640425215, email: werjedi@ europeanmotors.org, Web:http:// hotmail.com. www.europeanmotors.org 2001 BMW 318I Sport Sedan, $6,495-, German SPEC, Manual Transmission, Cloth Seats, Automatic Climate Control, Power Windows Excellent Condition, Call:0176 22730967, Email: info@ europeanmotors.org, Web:http:// www.europeanmotors.org 2001 BMW 320i Sport Sedan, $7,995-, EU SPEC, Automatic, Leather Sport Seats, Cruise Control, Alloy Wheels, Excellent Condition, 12 Months Warranty, 1 Owner Vehicle, Call: 0176 2273 0967, Email: info@europeanmotors.org 2001 VW Passat Sport Combi, $5,995, US Spec, Manual, Navigation, Cruise Control, Heated Seats, Roof Rails, Cloth Interior, HiFi System, Perfect Condition, Call: 0176-22730967, Email: info@ europeanmotors.org, Web: http:// www.europeanmotors.org 2003 Porsche Cayenne S AWDEuro Spec, $8600 obo, phone: 01622964164, email: tsather31@ gmail.com. 2003 Volkswagen Golf for sale $3,500, marcus.j.garrison@ gmail.com

2006 Honda Accord "EX" Sport Sedan, $9,995, US spec, Manual, Power Glas Sunroof, Cruise Control, Cloth Seats, Alloy Wheels, Excellent Condition, Call: 017622730967, Email: info@european motors.org, Web: http://www.euro peanmotors.org 2006 Peugeot 206 CC RC-Line Convertible, 1.6 Liter/108 HP, German Spec., 15" Winter & 17" Summer Tires + Rims, JBL Sound System, German Inspection until 04/ 2017, Great Condition, asking €4500, Call 0173-6345979 (Kaiserslautern)

Page 29

2006 Toyota RAV 4 US specifica- 2009 Toyota RAV4 Limited tions, suv toyota, stuttgart germa- (S1472), Automatic SUV 4X4, Jany, $8200, nancyme72@gmail.com cob-Pfeiffer-Straße 100 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, $16999, 2007 Chevrolet Corvette, 6.0L, phone: 0631 98 741, email: na V8, 400HP, 71,591 miles, red, than@usedcarguys.net. black leather interior, $26,995, contact mark@americanmo 2010 Buick Lucerne CXL V6 (S1254), Automatic Sedan V6, Jators.net, 0176-93136972 cob-Pfeiffer-Straße 67661 Kai2007 Chevy Cobalt, 97000 miles serslautern Germany, $13999, - Red - 4 door - Automatic Trans- phone: 0631 98 741, email: na mission - $ 5000 OBO - Get it whi- than@usedcarguys.net le it lasts Contact me at 2010 Dodge Challenger R/T Cou015138728473 pe, $25,995, US Spec, Automatic, 2007 Lexus SC430 Coupe/Con- Cruise Control, Power Glass Sunvertible, $25,795, US Spec, Auto- roof, Power Seats, 20 inch Alloy matic, Leather, Cruise Control, Wheels, Perfect Condition, Call: Power Seats, Alloy, Power Hard 0176-22730967, Email: info@euro Web: http:// Top, Perfect Condition, Call: 0176- peanmotors.org, 22730967, Email: info@european www.europeanmotors.org motors.org, Web: http://www.euro 2010 Dodge Challenger R/T, 5.7L, V8 Hemi, Coupe, 55,531 mipeanmotors.org les, manual, gas, Black Crystal, 2007 MINI Cooper "S" Hardtop, Black premium Leather interior, $12,695, US spec, Manual, Lea$24,495, contact mark@american ther, Cruise Control, Heated motors.net, 0176-93136972 Seats, Alloy Wheels, Power Glass 2010 Honda Element EX 4Door Sunroof, Perfect Condition, Call: (S1467), Automatic Crossover, Ja0176-22730967, Email: info@euro cob-Pfeiffer-Straße 67661 Kaipeanmotors.org, Web: http:// serslautern Germany, $12999, www.europeanmotors.org phone: 0631 98 741, email: na 2007 Mustang GT, 4.8L, V8, than@usedcarguys.net 300HP, Coupe, 74,262 miles, ma- 2010 Honda Odyssey 3.5 EX-L 7 nual, gas, Grey Metallic, Black Seater (S1374), Used Car Guys Premium Leather, $13,995, con- Used Cars Ramstein Kaiserslautact mark@americanmotors.net, tern Baumholder, $14999, phone: 0176-93136972 0631 98 741, email: nathan@used carguys.net. 2010 MAZDA 3i Sport Sedan, $10,995-, US SPEC, Automatic Transmission, Cloth Seats, Cruise Control, Front Wheel Drive, Alloy Wheels, Excellent Condition, Call: 0176 2273 0967, Email: info@euro peanmotors.org, Web: www.euro peanmotors.org 2008 Corvette Z51, 3LT options 2010 Nissan Rogue SUV, blue, package, Z51 handling package, 74K, Automatic, AWD, 4-door, 0-60 in 4.0 seconds, heads-up power windows, locks, cruise condisplay, lateral G-force sensors, trol, rear back-up camera. Rear driver-programmable power lea- seats fold down for more ther seating w/ exit assist, touchs- room.Clean-smoke free!Motivated creen bluetooth DVD player w/ seller-€9000 OBO, email: mnovobil stealth subwoofer, removable Tar- ski@gmail.com or call ga-top, $28995 email: 015207073094 luftwaffe808@gmail.com 2008 Porsche Cayman S, US Spec. 2nd owner. Maintained by local German Porsche Center. Power windows, seats, mirrors, door locks. Heated seats. 6 CD changer. Extra rims with winter tires. Excellent condition! Wiesbaden $27000, email: thomasrodeha ver@yahoo.com 2008 VW Touran, BEST OFFER, low miles 63000 km, excellent condition, like new, one owner 87 year old, email: KEModest@t-onli ne.de, phone: 06374-5162.

2006 Pontiac G6 GT, 3.5L, V6, Sedan, automatic, gas, 87,500miles, Bright White, Black Premium Leather interior, $8,495, contact mark@americanmo tors.net, 0176-93136972 2006 Toyota Corolla (German Möbelspedition Specs):- Clean, Non-Smoking, Pet-Free Car in Good ConditionCar was previously registered on • Inland and foreign moves Base- Diesel Fuel, very Fuel-Effi- • Business and building moves • Delivery and assembling of cient- 5-Speed Manual Transmisnew furniture and fittings sion- App. 251,000 km- All Main- • Packing tenance done regularly- German • Furniture Storage Inspection good thru June 2017- … international moves since 1880 06 31 / 3 57 32-0 Includes Winter tires, ak_grown@ www.umzuege-sander.de kabelmail.de



$ $ €

2010 Toyota Corolla "S" Sport Sedan, $14,695, US spec, Automatic, Cloth Seats, Cruise Control, Power Glas Sunroof, Alloy Wheels, Perfect Condition, Call: 0176-22730967, Email: info@euro peanmotors.org, Web: http:// www.europeanmotors.org 2010 Volkswagen GTI, 2.0L Turbo 200HP, Sport Hatch, automatic, gas, Dark Grey Metallic, GTI Cloth Interior, $15.995, contact mark@americanmotors.net, 017693136972 2010 Volvo XC90 3rd Row SUV (S1396), Used Car Guys Used Cars Ramstein Kaiserslautern Baumholder, Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße 100 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, $19499, phone: 0631 98 741, email: nathan@usedcar guys.net 2011 Ford Fusion SEL. NADA lists for $15,000;selling for $14,000. 47,000 miles;6-Speed autom;Red candy metallic tinted w/ charcoal black leather upholstery.New all-weather tires and new rear brakes.Contact mjma pes@yahoo.com or 015232717578. 2011 Hyundai Sante Fe GLS V6 (S1431), Automatic Crossover, Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, $15799, phone: 0631 98 741, email: na than@usedcarguys.net 2011 Jeep Compass Sport (S1454), Automatic SUV Crossover, Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, $10999, phone: 0631 98 741, email: na than@usedcarguys.net 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4×4 Laredo (S1437), Automatic SUV 4X4, Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, $22999, phone: 0631 98 741, email: na than@usedcarguys.net 2011 Mercedes ML300 Turbo Diesel, €23,000, Grand Edition model with many extras. Ride in style for 1/4 the price of a new ML. excellent condition, contact: email: papyporsche@aol.com



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Page 30

Kaiserslautern American

AUTOS All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com 2011 MINI Countryman "S" ALL4, $23,795-, US SPEC, Automatic, Leather, Cruise Control, Alloy Wheels, All Wheel Drive, Glass Sunroof, Excellent Condition, Call:0176 22730967, Email: info@ europeanmotors.org, Web:http:// www.europeanmotors.org 2011 Nissan Rogue SV AWD (S1461), Used Car Guys Used Cars Ramstein Kaiserslautern Baumholder, Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, $13999, phone: 0631 98 741, email: nathan@usedcarguys.net 2011 Volvo C30 T5 Turbo LOADED (S1478), Automatic Turbo Hatchback, Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße 100 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, $19799, phone: 0631 98 741, email: nathan@usedcarguys.net. 2012 BMW 128i, 3.0L, i6, 230HP, 28,470 miles, Blue Metallic, Cream Leather interior, $25,495, contact mark@americanmo tors.net, 0176-93136972 2012 BMW 328i Hardtop Convertible, $28,995, US Spec, Manual, Leather, Cruise Control, Heated Seats, Alloy Wheels, Navigation System, Perfect Condition, Call: 0176-22730967, Email: info@euro peanmotors.org, Web: http:// www.europeanmotors.org

2012 GMV Acadia, 3.6L V6 288HP, 63,764 miles, automatic, Gas, black metallic, grey leather, $24,995, contact mark@american motors.net, 0176-93136972 2012 Honda Pilot EX-L 4WD 8 seater (S1311), Automatic SUV 8 Seater 4 Wheel Drive, Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, $28999, phone: 0631 2012 Nissan Maxima, 3.5L, V6, 98 741, email: nathan@usedcar 290HP, Sedan, 24,250 miles, automatic, gas, Deep Purple, Beige guys.net Cloth interior, $23,495, contact 2012 Hyundai Elantra, 1.8L, Se- mark@americanmotors.net, 0176dan, 48,050 miles, automatic, 93136972 gas, Grey Metallic, Grey Leather interior, $15,995, contact mark@ 2012 SMART Brabus sports car americanmotors.net, 0176- GERMAN specs, sports car smart brabus, 2012 German specs grey 93136972 (similar to picture)...great car.Spe2012 Hyundai Sonata SE Sedan cifications: 1.0L I-3 70 P engine 5(S1345), Used Car Guys Used spd tip auto-shift man transmissiCars Ramstein Kaiserslautern on w/OD Fuel Economy City 34.0 Baumholder, $15999, phone: mpg city fuel economy Fuel Eco0631 98 741, email: nathan@used nomy Hwy 38.0 mpg hwy fuel ecocarguys.net. nomy Rear-wheel drive Keyfob (all 2012 Jeep Liberty, 3.7L, V6, doors) remote keyless entryABS & 210HP, SUV, 23,598 miles, gas, driveline traction control USB/ Black Metallic, $24,995, contact Bluetooth connections Stability mark@americanmotors.net, 0176- control Side impact beamsBuilt-in navigational systemStability 93136972 2012 Jeep Patriot Latitude 4×4 control4-wheel anti-lock brakes Sunroof (S1436), Automatic SUV, (ABS), $11500.00, nancyme72@ Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße 67661 Kai- gmail.com serslautern Germany, $17499, phone: 0631 98 741, email: na than@usedcarguys.net

2012 Jeep Patriot, 2.0L, 158HP, SUV, 16,961 miles, automatic, gas, Silver Metallic, Dark Slate Grey interior, $15,495, contact mark@americanmotors.net, 01762012 Buick LaCrosse - Like New! 93136972 $14995 -- Excellent cond/53K miles, 3.6L, SIDI V6, 6-Spd Auto w/ 2012 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, manual driver shift control, leather 3.6L, V6, 285 HP, 49,209 miles, pkg, comfort & convenience pkgs, SUV, manual, gas, Silver Metallic, 18 alloy wheels/new tires, much Dark Slate Grey interior, $29,995, mark@americanmo more! Phone: 01516 1220018, contact tors.net, 0176-93136972 email: gabrielnerf@msn.com

2012 Dodge Durango SXT AWD 7 Seats (S1434), Automatic 7 Seater SUV, Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, $21699, phone: 0631 98 741, email: nathan@usedcarguys.net.

2012 Toyota Prius, Hybrid, only 31,000 miles, US specs, $14,000 Ramstein Air Base Germany, email: sjcr75@gmail.com 2012 Volvo XC60, 3.2L, V6, SUV, 32,059 miles, automatic, gas, Black Metallic, Black Premium Leather, $29,495, contact mark@ americanmotors.net, 017693136972

2012 Nissan Altima S (S1428) Auto Sedan, $14,999, Used Car Guys Used Cars Ramstein Kaiserslautern Baumholder, phone: 0631 98 741, email: nathan@used 2012 Volvo XC70 3.2 I6 AWD carguys.net. (S1412), Automatic AWD, Jacob2012 Toyota Rav4 "Limited" V6 Pfeiffer-Straße 67661 KaiserslauSUV with AWD, $24,695, US tern Germany, $25999, phone: spec, Automatic, Cruise Control, 0631 98 741, email: nathan@used Power Seat, Alloy, Navigation, carguys.net Glass Sunroof, Perfect Condition, 2013 Audi A3 Quattro, 2.0L, Call: 0176-22730967, Email: info@ 220HP, 6,788 miles, automatic, lieuropeanmotors.org, Web: http:// ke new, $34,995, contact mark@ www.europeanmotors.org americanmotors.net, 017693136972 2013 Chevrolet Tahoe V8 LT 4X4 8 Seater (S1441), Used Car Guys Used Cars Ramstein Kaiserslautern Baumholder, $33999, phone: 0631 98 741, email: nathan@used carguys.net 2013 Dodge Dart, 2.0L 160, Sedan, 36,591 miles, automatic, gas, grey metallic, Diesel Grey Cloth interior, $15,495, contact mark@americanmotors.net, 017693136972

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June 17, 2016 2013 Dodge Journey SE FWD (S1463), Automatic SUV, JacobPfeiffer-Straße 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, $17999, phone: 0631 98 741, email: nathan@used carguys.net 2013 Ford Escape SE FWD, Ford Auto Vehicle Ford Escape, 67681 Sembach Germany, $16900.00, email: daps455@gmail.com 2013 Ford Escape Titanium 4WD (S1449), Automatic SUV 4WD, Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, $22499, phone: 0631 98 741, email: na than@usedcarguys.net. 2013 Ford Focus, 2.0L i4, Hatchback, 23,642 miles, automatic, gas, deep cherry red, Dark Slate Grey interior, $14,995, contact mark@americanmotors.net, 017693136972 2013 Honda Odyssey EX-L Minivan (S1312), Automatic Minivan 7 Seater, Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, $28999, phone: 0631 98 741, email: nathan@usedcarguys.net 2013 Hyundai Sante Fe Sport AWD (S1336), Automatic. Crossover AWD, Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, $21499, phone: 0631 98 741, email: nathan@usedcarguys.net 2013 Lexus ES 350 Base $8,800USD!!! The car is accident free, with a low mileage, well maintained and service regularly. Full Options!!! Tires are 100% great, the Car is in perfect shape. Interested buyer should contact me: autuorimaria56@gmail.com 2013 Nissan Altima, 3.5L V6 240HP, Sedan, 24,300 miles, automatic, gas, storm blue, black premium cloth interior, $20,995, contact mark@americanmo tors.net, 0176-93136972 2013 Toyota Avalon, 3.5L, V6, 268HP, Crimoson metallic, Black leather interior, $25,995, contact mark@americanmotors.net, 017693136972 2013 Toyota Highlander, 2.7L, SUV, 17,109 miles, automatic, gas, Grey Metallic, Grey Cloth interior, $26,495, contact mark@ americanmotors.net, 017693136972 2013 Toyota Rav4, 2.5L, SUV, 14,837 miles, automatic, gas, Red Candy Metallic, Grey Cloth interior, $22,995, contact mark@ameri canmotors.net, 0176-93136972 2014 Ford Explorer XLT V6 7 Seater (S1486), Automatic Crossover 7 Seater, Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, $31499, phone: 015253927310, email: nathan@usedcar guys.net Audi A4, 1998, 2.4L V6, Automatic/Tiptronic, 119,600 KMs/74,300 Miles, Santorin Blue Mica Metallic, $5,030, Euro Spec, 0631-3549908

2014 Ford Mustang 5.0 GT/CS Coupe, $28,895, US Spec, Manual, Leather, Power Seats, Alloy Wheels, California Special Pack, Perfect Condition, Call: 0176 22730967, Email: info@european motors.org, Web: http://www.euro peanmotors.org 2014 Ford Mustang GT, 5.0L, V8, 405HP, Coupe, manual, gas, Gun Metal Grey, Black Premium Leather interior, $32,495, contact mark@americanmotors.net, 017693136972 2014 Honda Pilot EX with Leather (S1305), Automatic SUV 7 Seater, Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, $30999, phone: 0631 98 741, email: nathan@usedcarguys.net. 2014 Jeep Cherokee Latitude 4×4 (S1475), Automatic Crossover 4X4, Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, $22999, phone: 0631 98 741, email: nathan@usedcarguys.net 2014 MINI Countryman JCW ALL4, Blue, $34900, 12821 miles, Manufacturer Warranty, Automatic, Panoramic Sunroof, Leather, Navigation, Auto Climate, Xenon Lights, Heated Seats, Rain Sense Wipers, Upgraded Sound System. Call or text 017680420465 2015 Honda Accord EXL 3.5L V6 Sedan (S1405), Automatic Sedan V6, Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, $26999, phone: 0631 98 741, email: na than@usedcarguys.net. 2015 Honda Pilot EX-L AWD 8Seater Tow Pack (S1394), Used Car Guys Used Cars Military Kaiseslautern, Weilerbacher Str. 110 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, $36999, phone: 0631 98 741, email: nathan@usedcarguys.net 2015 Hyundai Sonata HYBRID Limited (S1347), Automatic Hybrid Sedan, Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, $24999, phone: 0631 98 741, email: nathan@usedcarguys.net 2015 Hyundai Sonata Limited Navi Panoramic Sunroof Loaded! 2.4L (S1407), Automatic Sedan, Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, $24499, phone: 0631 98 741, email: na than@usedcarguys.net. 2015 Jeep Compass 4X4 Sport Trail-Rated (S1402), Automatic SUV 4X4, Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, $20999, phone: 0631 98 741, email: nathan@usedcarguys.net 2015 Jeep Patriot 4X4, 2.4L, SUV, 2,715 miles, automatic, gas, Deep Blue Metallic, Dark Slate Grey interior, $21,995, contact mark@americanmotors.net, 017693136972 I have a Fantastic Range of Tires in Stock at Great Prices, €, 0631/ 91572

June 17, 2016

Kaiserslautern American

Car for sale, Honda SUV, 96,000 miles; Automatic 5-spd; 4-cyl VTEC 2.4 Liter; 20 mpg city/26 mpg hwy; moon roof; summer All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com and winter tires; multi-disc CD; AC; power doors & locks; cruise 2015.5 Volvo XC60 T5, This beaucontrol. dock130@yahoo.com tiful XC60 T5 Premier Drive-E is very well equipped and awaiting Chevrolet HHR LT, 2009, Mileage your test drive at our Kaiserslau- 78000 mi, Options Air Conditiotern showroom. Some of the fea- ning, All Season Tires, Pwr mirtures on this car are: Laminated rors, Power locks, Power seat, panoramic roof, Leather seating Power windows, Alloy wheels, Bosurfaces, Heated front & rear dy Sedan Doors 5, Engine 2.2L seats, Rear park assist camera, 4cyl, Auto, Patriot Military Sales Park assist front and rear, BLIS, Tel: +49 (0) 631 357 8231 0631 351700, 0171 7554004, in Chrysler PT Cruiser, diesel, 2.2l, fo@capitolmotors.com standard, AC, no rust, no acci2nd Owner selling 1995 BMW dent, 190000k, winter+summer ti320i, solid transportation reliable res, leather seats w/heat, low mileage, Winnweiler Germa- pet+smoke free, 5l on 100km, ny, $2400, phone:06302-982- â‚Ź2500, stefandsanya@gmail.com 5977, email: JFF@use.start or 0151-45261009 mail.com. Daihatsu silver met, 4 door, 5 BMW 316I 4 door automatic blue speed, 1.0 LTR , year 2002 air elec windows ft all weather tires cond, summer tire and winter tivery good Aand dependable famires, CD player, ABS, air bags, $ ly car. $ 1799.OBO, 90, Germany, 1100, and we deliver, if you have $1799.ddundkk@hotmail.de any cars for dispose of, accident, BMW 316 I, compack, red, ABS, Non operational, we remove it for air bags, elec windows, 5 speed, you, email for info ddundkk@hot air cond, call 0175-3213199 or mail.de email, $1400, if you have any car for dispose of, accident, Non ope- Ford Escort SE, 1998 blue, autorational, we remove it for you, matic, US mod, all season tires, email for info ddundkk@hotmail.de $1699, and we deliver anywhere, if you have any cars for dispose BMW 318i Edition Lifestyle, 9/ of, accident, non operational, we 2003, 124.700 km, 143 hp, sapwill remove it for you my phone is phire black metallic, air conditio0175-3213199 call or e-mail, ned, glass sunroof, fabric and leaddundkk@hotmail.de ther combination, good condition, 66894 Bechhofen Germany, Ford Focus 1999, 4 door, 5 â‚Ź5990, phone: 016091968491, Speed, all weather tires, ABS , power stering, German TUV till email: zillo@gmx.li BMW 320d touring, HU 04/2017, 2017, MY PH 0175-3213199, Automatic transmission, 110 kW $1200, if you have any cars for (150 PS), Diesel, FR 05/2004, dispose of, accident, Non opera170,000 km, full leather grey, Acci- tional, we remove it for you, email dent-free, full serice history, full for info ddundkk@hotmail.de


Ford Kuga, 2015, $28,500, German Specs. Titanium (Escape) 1.5l Eco-Boost. 150hp. 6 speed manual. Polar Silver Metallic. Leather Heated seats. Keyless entry, push button start. 4 winter and summer tires, auto headlights, and much more. eapropin@out look.com Guaranteed Used Cars at Great prices, We have a Huge Selection of Low Mileage Cars Trucks & Suv s in Stock. All our used cars are German TĂœV inspected before sale and inspection on Base is Guaranteed. Our Pricingis fair and if you have a trade in US or European we will gladly give you a fair Quote. We offer financing. 017699970323,0631 414 898 19, michael.cumiskey@bavarianmotor cars.com Hyundai Accent, GLS, 4, door, automatic, ABS, power stering, 1.4 LTR, $1550, if you have any car for dispose of, accident, non operational, we remove it for you.Email ddundkk@hotmail.de Intake manifold, never used, for a civic type R or a Acura Acura RSX type S PRC $120, isabell_1_98@yahoo.com or 017622987498 Loaded 2014 BMW X1 xDrive 28i low miles, BMW X1, Holzgerlingen Germany, $25000, phone: +4915216114223, email: buy.bmw.x1@gmail.com Mazda 626 Gray 4 Door 5 speed air cond KMS 19400 â‚Ź2900 with 1 year warranty on motor trans and differant, email ddundkk@hot mail.de

Mazda Precary Turbo Diesel Air Cond 5 speed 1st hand year 1998 new inspection and 1 year warranty, 90, Babenhausen Germany, email: ddundkk@hot Ford Ka - Model 2004, â‚Ź1380, ste â‚Ź3000., fandsanya@gmail.com, Ford mail.de. 140.000km, silver, 5speed, very Mercedes 190 E 5 speed 4 door clean. Great car for the winter, power stering ABS new inspectinew winter tires, front-wheel on and 1 year warranty on motor drive, phone calls 0152-06786080 trans and rear end, 90, BabenhauGood Year Ultra Grip Winter Ti- sen Germany, â‚Ź3000., email: res with steel rims, 175/65 R14. ddundkk@hotmail.de.

equipment, all comfort, Negotiable â‚Ź8700, call 0176-62056022 BMW 525i Model 2000, new German inspection, power stearing, power locks, air cond, leather interior, seat heating, power windows, alloy rims w/ new summer tires, new battery and brakes. â‚Ź1800. 0152-06467728 Excellent condition used one win- Set of Monster Green Borbet BMW 735i Euro spec 1997, great ter. Rims 4x100. $175; Call: 0162- 9x16 with new tires, Bolt pattern condition, about 170,000 miles, 297-2951 4x100, â‚Ź550, 0631/91572 very reliable, clean in and out, new tires and brakes, not trashed out, moving back to states and need quick sale.Call Louis @ 0151 6414 6124 BMW730i 2005 automatic, 63000 miles, 258PS, sunroof, wood, accident-free, full service history, garaged, non-smoker, AC, avigation professional, telephone, leather powe seats w/heating, 4winter+5summertires, perfect condition, $14,900.Call 015127104833 Camper For Sale, $29000, ed_thornburg@yahoo.com, Mercedes-Benz Marco Polo with Activity Package-loaded. Auto, diesel, AC, stove, frig, awning, sleeps 4. Car for Sale, 2006 VW Touran, t Accident Repairs low miles 63000 km, excellent condition, like new, one owner 87 t Body Work year old, best offer, email: KEMo t Maintenance dest@t-online.de, phone: 06374t Warranty - Work 5162 Dodge Dart SXT 2.0L (S1465), t Damage Estimates hauptstuhl@honda-ecker.de Used Car Guys Used Cars Ramt Tax Free Mon-FSJ t Sat 0900-1300 stein Kaiserslautern Baumholder, $15299, phone: 0631 98 741, á .DLVHUVtU +DXSWVWXKO email: nathan@usedcarguys.net

Page 31 Mazda Xedos/626 1992 Miles: 200000km Color:blue Transmission: manual Upholstery:leather Description: selling a 92 mazda xedos or 626. v6. has a 5 spd manual transmission, car has been tuv inspected. selling because we now have a suv. car runs great and has new brakes all around, new tie rods and ball joints. $1900 obo. if you would like to come see it or get pictures or have questions text/whats app me 01711805686 Kevin

Mercedes C200 1995, $2000 obo, Silver, European Specs, 2.2 liter engine, sunroof, automatic, 117,000 km, power steering, electric windows, runs great! Please email: mercedes-c200@t-onli ne.de. Mercedes-Benz C 180 Avantgard Automatic 2004, A Black, Automatic Transmission, 2004, 1.8 , with 124,000 miles. Runs fantastic‌perfect for traveling Europe. Seats five with lots of room for luggage in the back.Full Option.8 Aluminum weelcup Call 015117610336/em: essamhindi@ online.de Inspection Guarantee. Miles; 128,500, Color: Black/Engine:2.5 L turbo inline 6, Capacity:18 gal, RANGE (C/H) 306.0/ 432.0 mi./EPA (C/H) 17/24 mpg/ AWD, winter mode, 5 speed shiftable automatic, leather interior, Power Sun Roof, Traction Control, Stability Control more!!! hp2ronin@gmail.com Mitsubishi Cosama, 1.6ltr, green, 4-door, 5-speed, ABS, power stearing, German TĂœV till Jan 2017, my phone is 0175-3213199, $1500, ddundkk@hotmail.de

MINI Cooper Cabrio, green, inside black and part leather, new tires (all year tires) on aluminium rims, lots of extras, all services done, Accident-free, FR 09/2005, 76000km, Petrol, 85 kW (116 PS), replacement engine, Negotiable â‚Ź8,400. 0176-62056022 Motorhome - See Europe in style. Fleetwood Tioga 1996, 31ft x 100 inches. Sleeps 5/6, queen master bed and separate shower and toilet. Beautiful with many luxuries. $15K OBO. Call Scott for pictures and more info 01622972951. New new + German TUV GERMAN TUV+No US inspection Need +++ Mitsubishi Eslipes G L, Red, 2.0 LTR , 16 VAL, air cond, 2 door, 5 Speed, elec windows KMS 163,000, $1695, ddundkk@ hotmail.de Nissan Almera TINOdi, 2002, German specs, pw.windows, 2nd owner, no accidents, TĂœV summer/2016, AC, 5seat, standard, great travel car, no rust, POV inspection guaranteed, â‚Ź2400, full tank goes 1100km, call 015145261009 or stefandsanya@ gmail.com Opel Tigra Twin Top 1.4 Convertible in TOP Condition, German spec, 70,000 miles, manual, black interior/exterior, chrome rims plus winter tires, parking control, just serviced, Kaiserslautern â‚Ź5900, call Jasmin: 015773049505, email: jasmin_reichle@yahoo.com. PT Cruiser, 2.2 Diesel, 2003, Green plate, 5 speed, 4 door, TUV new air cond, 2 set of tires summer/ winter, ABS, power stering elec windows, and locks, key less entry, price â‚Ź2000, if you want any cars for dispose of, accident, non operational, we will remove it for you, email for info ddundkk@ hotmail.DE Thinking of buying a new Quality Pre-owned car, then look no further, we have over 150 cars in stock. Patriot Military Automobiles 09662-702 6280

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Kaiserslautern American

VW Golf 16V Black Magic !! 75PS 157000Km 6 x Airbags . ESP , Central Look , Aircondition , Radio CD USB , Electric Windows All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com and Mirrors.Very Nice Shape , Black Magic Color and Rear WinSale by Owner: 2013 VolvoXC90 dows with Black Foil. LED RearR-Design Platinum 7-seater. Exe- lights.Good Condition.Pass Incellent cond rating! Fully-loaded: spection !!!!0170 - 1910484 Platinum, Climate pkgs, NAV, Bluetooth, sun/moon rf, BLIS, rear sensor, leather int, black metallic VW golf cabriolet, This convertiext. $29,928, tiffanylanigan@ya ble was born in 2013, has 40,000 km, GPS, automatic, air conditiohoo.com ning, black leather interior, dealer TYRES for Mustang, I changed maintained, all the bells and whistmy tyres to get Europeen Spec les one could want. For €15,000 homologation for my Mustang GT someone is walking away with the 2014 (back to France this Sum- fun car of their dre mer) I sell 4 tyres Pirelli P ZERO ams.francisporter2@yahoo.com 255/40 ZR 19, approx 6000 miles200 US $ only famil VW Golf IV 1.4 1998 with 150000 le.garand37@gmail.com km for Sale.Vehicle just past GerV W GOLF 16 V 75PS 157000Km man Inspection without any issu6 x Airbags. ESP, Central Look, es. Inspection will be accepted Aircondition, Radio CD USB, Elec- from US Registration for 30 tric Windows and Mirrors.Very Ni- days.€2490, for more info call: email: ce Shape, Black Magic Color and +491708128934, Rear Windows with Black Foil. stger1976@gmx.de or see online. LED Rearlights. Good Condition. Pass Inspection!!!! 0170 - 1910484 VW GTI 2013, $16999k, The per-


Vehicle, 2006 Jeep Liberty 4X4 in outstanding condition! Meets US specifications. Only 99,000 miles. Automatic transmission, great air conditioner, original owner and always treated with tender loving care. V-6, and everything works perfectly. New Michelin tires! Call +491749348639 Volkswagen Passat 2.3 V5 Comfortline, Volkswagen Passat 2.3 V5 Comfortline Automatic, 127000 km German passing till 06/ 2017. Top condition. Langenäcker 7 66879 Kottweiler Schwanden, €4200, email: movetrading@t-onli ne.de./ Aamer Kiany@ Cell 015730428252 Volvo Model: XC90 T6 AWD RDesign Year: 2016 Color: Bursting blue metallic Upholstery: Charcoal Nubuck / Nappa leather with contour seats Transmission: 8speed automatic w/ geartronic, in fo@vipsales.eu or 06134-284943

CHILD CARE All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com The 86th Force Support Squadron at Ramstein has licensed providers on and off the installation. Providers who provide more than 10 hours a week of care must be licensed. Please use good judgment when choosing child care services. For more information please contact DSN 478-7420 or civ 06371405-7420 or email 86FSS.FCC@ramstein.af.mil

Play Academy ChildCare. I am a licensed & certified child care provider. I live in Rodenbach, 10 min Vogelweh & 10 min RAB. I have years of experience & references. My home is warm & cozy. Warm home cooked Lunch is provided for the children every day. Your child will have its very own indoor playground & fenced in backyard for the summer as well as weekly field trip outings. If you are in fect car! 66,000 mi, xtra winter alu need, I am here for you Mondayrims/tires, roof rack, winter matts, Friday. Age 2-5, Mon-Fri 7-5. new clutch, bluetooth, heated 0176-83550843 seats, satelite radio, keyless, power everything, iPod connect, plad interior, airbags. Very good cond brethelenius@google mail.com


Dell Inspiron 23 - All-in-one desktop computer, desktop computer, Brücken (Pfalz) Germany, $450.00, email: charleshtollejr@out look.com, phone: 015144959369

Electric Meat Slicer, 240 volt meat slicer electric kitchen appliance, Vogelweh 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, $20.00, phone: 015259526762, email: justin.hasel den@gmail.com Food Steamer. 3 Tiers of Stackable Baskets. 60 min. Timer with Bell. Up to 8ltr. Capacity and 1.1ltr. Rice Container. 220V. Orig. Box.NEW. chefsteven2015@ gmail.com Foot Massage Bath. 5 Massage Settings. With Heating. Massageball + Massagebrush. 3.3ltr. 100 Watt.220V. User Guide. Orig. Box. $15. chefsteven2015@gmail.com Garment Press, Kalorik, 110V, Kalorik Garment Press, 110V, new $ 349.00, asking $75.00.Wiesbaden, 0611 / 5858 9640, call after 19:00 or leave message.

Great Hyundai Computer screen17 inch. comes with stand. Dual voltage. Includes VGA monitor 2 AFN decoders with remotes cord. Works great. $40 bretheleni and 2 satellite dishes , decoders us@googlemail.com 18 months old call 063749154656 or email rohokie@ya hoo.com

All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com

VW Passat Wagon 1999, 1.6 liter, Silver, 5-speed, ABS, power stearing, air cond, winter tires, German TÜV, lots of new parts and dealer maintenance, elect.windows front, keyless entry, $2250, AC unit, 220v mobile air conditioning unit. Cools the whole floor. ddundkk@hotmail.de 300 OBO.rigs26@aol.com White all black interior BMW 328i, Fully loaded M Sport package BMW with 63000 miles. In good condition! Heated seats, navigation, comfort access package and so much more. Email for more details. The picture of the car is in the profile picture. faithandlve8484@gmail.com


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Home Theater System.Max. 3000 Watts.220V.USB, Memory Card, Scart.Audio/Video/S-Video.Digital input (Optisch/Koaxial).Headphone.Digital-PLL-Tuner.UKW.40 Station Memory.DVD/ CD Player.4 Surround Box and 1 Center Box, Subwoofer.Orig. Box.bethmary100@gmail.com HP PC with Mouse, Keyboard and Remote. Orig.Box.chefsteven2015@ gmail.com IPAD 2 Air MF532LL/A 32GB WiFi + cellular White with Logitech blutooth keyboard, IOS 9.2, 32Gb $359.00.email: big-al@mer witz.de, phone: 0637160179 LCD TV 24" HDMI/DVI/VGA/PC/ DVI/USB Remote Control User Guide Orig. Box.chefsteven2015@ gmail.com LG Freezer, good condition. For pickup only. Kaiserslautern city. €80. Call Jacky 0179-5352827 Phillips 4K ULTHD TV, Phillips 4K UHD TV, Darmstadt Germany, $400.00, phone: 06151-52548, email: lemery1366@yahoo.com. Sony Cassette Car Stereo/Radio Protection Case. Cables and User Guide.chefsteven2015@gmail.com Space Heater. 220v. Needs one element replaced. See photos on FIG classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949676, $5, eyates9761@ aol.com Surly cross check bike, big bike for a big guy Ready for Cross season, or your first race, $990, email: bellsbikeonline@gmail.com. The perfect system to watch satellite programs in English or German Sony Bravia LCD flat screen color TV and Atemo AM 500 HD Satellite receiver selling as a complete set. $195. for both, al@mer witz.com Toshiba 40 inch Regaza HDTV for sale, flatscreen HDMI remote surround sound, 67273 Weisenheim am Berg Germany, €125, email: brethelenius@google mail.com, phone: 01623305535 Transformer/converter 2000 watt110V to 230V-200/240 volt to 100/ 120 volt-very quiet-great working7 month old. ab918855@ gmail.com

Green mini stereo 220volt. Good AEG front loader washing machicondtion. With cd player. Perfect ne. Good condition. Kaiserslaufor kids. Call 017622987498 tern city. For pickup only. Call Hair Dryer. 3Heat + 2Speed SetJacky 0179-5352827 tings. Cold Shut Button. ConcenAEG ÖKO-favorite, 220 volt dish trator + Finger Diffusor Attachwasher, ex. condition. More info ment. Lightweight. Super Quiet. please call after 1700 hrs. 0163Removable End Cap. 1875 Watt. 8853574 110V.User Guide. Orig. Box.. Belkin, Surge Master, under mo- chefsteven2015@gmail.com nitor power center, 110V, never Honda Cassette Car Ra used, $15.00. Pic available dio.chefsteven2015@gmail.com cchhrriiss99@netscape.netWiesba $10, den, 0611 / 5858 9640, call after Router, Belkin N150, Treadmill - Proform 635 CW, jcambr@yahoo.com 19:00 or leave message. $249, timboney_52@hotmail.com, well maintained/functioning treadmill. Adjusts for speed & slope. Cross fit ski poles adjustable for tension. Emergency situation stop. Treadmill walking jogging, 66892 Bruchmühlbach-Miesau Germany, €500, email: rigs26@aol.com TVs, Voltage Regulators, €250, cbpohlman@aol.com Whirlpool front loader washing machine for sale, €150, ysamek@ googlemail.com, German 220V. Please call after 1700 hrs. 01638853574


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June 17, 2016

Kaiserslautern American

ELECTRONICS All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com Used RU Braun Automatic Chrono Watch.Great Watch! Keeps perfect time. I'm giving it up because I have too many watches.Looks great!Has day of the week, 24 hour & reminder hand.Must sell!$300.brethelenius@ googlemail.com White leatherette case for IPAD mini W/removable bluetooth keyboard, $45.00, firm. al@mer witz.com / 06371-60179 White Mini IPAD. Infrequently used. No scratches or blemishes. Latest IOS installed.$169.00. 06371-60179 Yamaha AV Receiver/Amplifier. Premium Aluminium. Dolby Digital/ EX Decoder. Pro Logic II. 100 Watts x 10. AF/FM Tuner. 40 Station Random + Direct Tuning. Remote Control. User Guide. Dual Voltage. Excellent Wor king.chefsteven2015@gmail.com

FOR SALE All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com Caution: Some Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash. 2 each 120V Cisco Wireless-G Internet Home Monitoring Cameras Model WV54GCA, with manual and CD. $40, spvendor@ gmail.com 2012 rear seat cover made for Volvo XC60, designed by Volvo to fit the rear seat like a glove with spaces for the seat belts and zippers to accommodate the 40/60 split design, must have for kids and/or dogs! Kaiserslautern $100.00 obo, text 0151-70611124 30 Plastic Clothes Hangers.Strong and Dura ble.Black.bethmary100@ gmail.com 3-Tier Tea cake/Dessert Server, Vintage 3-Tier Tea Cake/Dessert Server. Made from bone china. See photos on FIG classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949676, €15, eyates9761@aol.com 4 new Michelin tires: 215/70 R16X. $400.00. contact email cris tan.allen@gmail.com 50 Plastic Clothes Hangers. Black. Strong and Dura ble.chefsteven2015@gmail.com 8 beverage glasses.16 oz.6.5highx3.5diameter.Perfect for ice tea, smoo thies.bethmary100@gmail.com

9 Slot Storage Block.Space for Chef Knife, Meat Forke, Sharpener, Shear and 5 other knives.Hard and Durable Wood (Bu che).$25.bethmary100@gmail.com Adidas Traxion Soccer shoes for men size 8.5, soccer soccer shoes adidas adidas traxion used, 75385 Bad Teinach-Zavelstein Germany, €15, phone: +4932212152735, email: asti.wb@ gmail.com. Aeropostale Hoodie. Turquoiseblue. Lettering “aero” and zipper at the front. Size M. Barley worn. €13. janina.wuttke@gmx.de Air Mattress Queen Size.Blue.Max Weight 500 lbs.Orig. Box.chefsteven2015@gmail.com Alessis 110V/220V digital performance/studio piano w/chair, music stand, stool, hard case 750$, call 06374-991073 pls leave a message Antique Bench, Very nice oak bench re-purposed from antique bed. Cushioned seat w/ storage underneath. Ornate carving & wheels. Perfect for home entryway or hallway. See photos on FIG classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949676, €600, eyates9761@aol.com Antique China Cabinet w/ Table & Chairs, antiques and old stuff. Antique 100 y.o. German china cabinet, matching dining table with 4 chairs.See photo on KA classifieds webpage. Contact Eric and Mia at063759949674., €950, eyates9761@aol.com Antique Vanity/Desk, Beautiful antique 8-drawer vanity. Tilt mirror & mirrored side wing storage. Four parts for easy transport. Can also be a writing desk. Great condition. See photos on FIG classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949676, €550, eyates9761@aol.com Antique wooden end table/night stand, includes white marble counter top, 34 tall x 19 wide, See photos on FIG classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949676, €90, eyates9761@ aol.com Barbie and Ken Collection. bethmary100@gmail.com Bath Robe.Black. 100% Polyster Sherpa Fleece. Shawl Collar.Long Sleeve. One Size fits All.Orig. Box. NEW. bethmary100@ gmail.com Beautiful Mori Lee Wedding Dress, Only worn once!! and we are still together! Make this your wedding dress on a budget.Size: 8-10Color: White creamThe train is approx. four feet long (not royal long!).It is looking for a home, so contact me if you are interested. $150, brethelenius@google mail.com Candle Holder. Iron Base with Glass Cylinder. 9" High.chefsteven2015@gmail.com

67661 KL-Einsiedlerhof

Beautiful, intricately designed embroidered tapestry wall art. Golden toned Unicorn and Lion motif. Cloth sleeve to insert hanging bar. 37.5 wide x 36. See photos on FIG classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949676, $150, eyates9761@aol.com

Page 33 Cafe curtain set in two packages. Flower Basket pattern. One pair 60 x 36 tiers in one package, one pair 60 by 36 swags in one package, See photos on FIG classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949676, $10 for both, eyates9761@aol.com

Camelback Hydration Systems, One camelbak and cleaning kit never been used (20 euro for both). Used one 10 euro. See photos on FIG classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at eyates9761@ Black knitted pullover. Size XS 063759949676, but fits also for size M. €5. See aol.com www.finditguide.com for pictures. Candle Holder, Has black metal Janina.Wuttke@gmx.de and glass housing. Large, over 3 feet high. Rustic look. Great for InBlanket/Throw Horse. 72"x52". doors or Outdoors. Holds a very Reversible. Heavy Quality. Machilarge candle. Helps create a ne Washable. Machine Dry At warm, cozy atmosphere. john@ad Low Heat. Great Condition. vantipro.de chefsteven2015@gmail.com Canister Vaccum Cleaner, CreviBody Fat Scale. Digital Display. ce Tool, Upholstery Tool, Floor Precision of 100g. Precision Body Brush, Mattress Brush, Extra FilFat 0.1%. Max 140 kg. Save Info ters, User Guide, great for car clea for up to 10 User. User Guide. ning.chefsteven2015@gmail.com Orig.Box.hefsteven2015@ Canon Camera w/ Case.Canon gmail.com Camera Sure Shot 85 Zoom.User Bicycle, Womans Fischer German Bike. Like new. $50.00. Must be able to pick-up. Please email: tropicalparadise96@gmail.com

Bohemian Crystal Wine Glasses, Six Bohemian Crystal Wine Glasses, 24% lead crystal. Perfect wedding ot anniversary gift. See photos on FIG classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949676, €15, eyates9761@ aol.com

Guide.Orig. Box.Case Logic Camera Case 3 Pockets (2 Zipper Pockets).Belt Loop.Very Sturdy.chefsteven2015@ gmail.com Chopper. Stainless Steel Blades. Stainless Steel Body for Durability. Orig.Box. NEW.chefsteven2015@gmail.com

Book: Sophie Kinsella "ConfessiCollection of leather bound, sions of a shopaholic" in good congned by the author, 1st edition dition, $3, 0175-6298926, pick up books, mint cond. Over 100 diffein Hochspeyer or on Kleber rent books. Authors include: NorBoots, New Salomon Greenland man Mailer, William F. Buckley, Back Country Boots.Thermal Insu- Joseph Heller, Elie Wiesel, Donald lation Thinsulate.Size: EU46/ Mc Dunne, John Updicke, Tom GB11.Made in Czech Repu Wolfe, etc. $ 15.000 - serious inquiries only! Call: 0631-940213 or blic.bethmary100@gmail.com 0151-270-19822 Brand new never worn fitted cap Comforter Set. Buttons connect from New Era, Little Rock Travethe 2 Comforter into 1. Great Qualers Minor League hat Size 7 3/8 lity. 75" x 54". Orig.Packed.NEW. Happy to ship to APO contact bre $50. chefsteven2015@gmail.com thelenius@googlemail.com Brass Stand Lamp, 110v or 220v.Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949676, €60, eyates9761@ aol.com Buffalo leather shoes for men size 10, shoes leather shoes men size 10 used, 75385 Bad TeinachZavelstein Germany, €15, phone: +4932212152735, email: asti.wb@ gmail.com. Cafe curtain set in 2 packages. Sunshine pattern. Pair of 60 x 36 tiers in one package, Pair of 60 by 36 swags in one package, See photos on FIG classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949676, $10 for both, eyates9761@aol.com Cognac/Brandy Glass Set. Engraved Horse. With Box. chefsteven2015@gmail.com

Cooks 10 Eggs at Once, Nonstick 4egg Poaching Tray, 3egg Omelet Tray, Brush. Stainl.Steel Lid, On/Off Switch, Audible Alert, Standby Mode, Easy Cleanup, 2Egg Holders, Beaker with Piercing Pin, User Guide, Orig. Box, chefsteven2015@gmail.com Covered Bowl Korea. Porcelain. 24 Carat Gold Trim. 3.5" Diameter. Handpainted.. chefsteven2015@gmail.com Craftsman Gas Lawn Mower, $150, 2 years old Please contact goworko_99505@yahoo.com Crystal Heart Rosenthal, Germany. Heart Shaped Crystal. Clear Crystal. 3". Orig. Box.NEW. chefsteven2015@gmail.com Dallas Cowboy Hat. NEW. chefsteven2015@gmail.com Dark green Roxy Jeans. Size 30. Find pictures at www.finditgui de.com €10. janina.wuttke@ gmx.de Decorative Japanese Plate, Decorative ceramic plate from Japan. See photos on FIG classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949676, $30, eyates9761@aol.com Deep Freezer 220V, EUR50, phone 015208261982 Designer Hand bag. George Gina and Lucy. Used twice. Paid 160€ for the bag. Asking €50, isabell_1_98@yahoo.com or 017622987498 Dog Feeder. Adjustable Bowl Height to your Dog's Needs. Perfect for Growing Puppies or Senior Dogs. 2 Stainless Steel Bowls (Dishwasher Safe) Each Bowl (1.6Qt.) 17.4"H x 15.7"L x 18.8"W. Very Sturdy. Orig. Box.chefsteven2015@gmail.com Drinking Cup.Stainless Steel.350 ml.Dishwasher Safe.WMF, Germa ny.chefsteven2015@gmail.com ESPRIT Curtains 19Euro each in very good condition, Pick up in Hochspeyer or on Kleber Kaserne Cell 0175-6298926

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Page 34

Kaiserslautern American

FOR SALE All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com Eco warrior shoulder bag, handmade felt, environmentally friendly bag made using only wool, water and soap, €25, jenniferwilking@hot mail.com Egg Cooker. Cooks 10 Eggs at Once, Nonstick 4egg Poaching Tray, 3egg Omelet Tray, Brush. Stainl. teelLid, On/Off Switch, Audible Alert, Standby Mode, Easy Cleanup, 2Egg Holders, Beaker with Piercing Pin, User Guide, Orig. Box.chefsteven2015@gmail Felt bag, gorgeous hand-made felt bag with blue design, medium size, €30, jenniferwilking@hot mail.com For Sale, €150, ysamek@google mail.com, German 220, Whirlpool front loader washing machine. Please after 1700 hrs. 01638853574 For That Special Collector a Beautiful The United States Commermorative Presidential Collection, spvendor@gmail.com Frosted Beer Glasses (4) Perfect for Fathers Day, 4 frosted 0.5 liter hurricane style beer glasses. German eagle & state/city shield designs. You dont see this style any more. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949676, $40 total, eyates9761@aol.com Garmin 360 Navigation, $50, spvendor@gmail.com

Garden Shelves+8 Pots, Very nice Victorian style garden stand. White painted iron, 71 tall. Includes 8 terra cotta and ceramic planters and flower pots at no added charge. See photos on FIG classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949676, €80, eyates9761@aol.com Garden stand/Shelves, Very nice Victorian style garden stand. White painted iron, 71 tall. Includes 8 terra cotta and ceramic planters and flower pots at no added charge. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949676, €80, eyates9761@ aol.com Garment Bags, 2 garment bags with pockets-for up to 5 garments-durable material-weather resistant-2 pockets for accessories-full length center zipper-greatcondition (used the bags twice, ab918855@gmail.com German Beer Stein. Famous German Attraction Theme. Pewter Lid 9.5"HIGH. €70 chefsteven2015@ gmail.com German Beerstein Octoberfest.Decorative Pewter Lid (Carriage).Limited Edition.Heavy Quali ty.10"High.NEW.chefsteven2015@ gmail.com German Beerstein Wildlife.Fox Design.Decorative Pewter Lid (Fox).Heavy Quali ty.10"High.NEW.chefsteven2015@ gmail.com German Pewter Cup Set. Engraved with Wildlife Theme. 3.25"High. 95% Pewter. NEW. chefsteven2015@gmail.com

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German Pewter Cup. Engraved with Steffi Graf Design (3 Different Motifs). 3.5" High. 95% Pewter. new. chefsteven2015@gmail.com German Pewter Plate. Engraved with all 16 German Regional District Logos. 9"Diame ter.chefsteven2015@gmail.com German Porcelain Plate.Porcelain Plate Hunter Series.Limited Edition.Manf.Kaiser, Germany.Wall Mount.9.5Diameter.bethmary100@ gmail.com Gilde Clown. Gilde, Germany. 3.5" High. Handpainted. new. chefsteven2015@gmail.com Griddler Cuisinart, Dual Temperature Controls for Grill/Panini and Griddle, Reversible Nonstick Plates Switch from Grill to Griddle, Integrated Drip Tray for Easy Storage, 110V, User Guide, Orig.Box, NEW, chefsteven2015@gmail.com Guinea Pig and Bird cages.Multiple guinea pig and bird cages for sale from $15 to $40. Cages sold in pet stores for much, much more. Call Dave in Miesenbach at 06371-462922 or email at payezmc@Hotmail.com Hand-carved Indonesian table + 6 chairs + two matching cabinets $990 Indonesian and Thai dolls each $35 Antique French Louis XIV cabinet - $750Set of 6 Indonesian shadow dolls - $125, call 06374-991073 Hollister strapless top. White color, size M. With ribbons to tie a bow on the back. €15. For pics see www.finditguide.com. Contact janina.wuttke@gmx.de Horizon Adventure 6 Treadmill, $300.00, phone: 015251048003, email: tvaughn31@gmail.com.This treadmill is aimed at the professional runners, with an extra wide running track it is very robust. This treadmill folds for storage and has wheels for moving.

June 17, 2016 Hummel Figurine Set Apple Tree Boy and Girl.4High.Orig. Box.Perfect Condition.bethmary100@ gmail.com Hummel Figurine Set.Grandpas Boy and Grandmas Girl.4High.Orig. Box.Perfect Condi tion.bethmary100@gmail.com Hummel Figurine Set.Umbrella Boy and Girl.3.5High.Orig. Box.Perfect Conditi on.bethmary100@gmail.com Items for Sale, Crane tabletop leg/arm exerciser, $25.00, Callaway Clones Golf Clubs, 3-9 Irons, PW, SW, good condition, $40.00. Contact Tom Rewis, Casa.rewis@ t-online.de or 0171-363 0906. Japanese Sake Cups, Five rustic pottery style authentic Japanese sake cups, characters represent good fortune, heath, wealth, happiness, See photos on FIG classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949676, $20, eyates9761@aol.com Kitchen Aid Ravioli Maker KRAV.Attachment for Kitchen Aid Maschine.Metal Construction.Easy-Fill Hopper.Filling Scoop.Cleaning Brush.Orig. Box.NEW.bethmary100@ gmail.com Laptop / Notebook / Tablet Bag.Dell.Several Zippers and Compartments.Strong and Durable.Adjustable Shoulder Strap (detachable).15x12x3.Black.Great Condition.bethmary100@ gmail.com Laundry Basket Rectangular.White.With 2 Handles.Very Sturdy. 24x17x9.5High.chefsteven2015@ gmail.com LEGO Anakin's Jedi Interceptor, Never opened Star Wars Anakin's Jedi Interceptor. Son doesnt play with Lego anymore. isabell_1_98@ yahoo.com or 017622987498 Marilyn Monroe Box 12" x 8". $15. chefsteven2015@gmail.com

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Like New Poker Chips with carrying case, $20.00, spvendor@ gmail.com Lot's of things, All Free. A stand for a terrasse Satellite Dish, A Garden Classic Spreader, A 110V Alarm Clock. A Proctor Silex Stream Excel 110V, 2 Line Cordless Phone with headset 110V, A Cuisiant toaster 110V. goworko_99505@yahoo.com Lounge Chair, Hunter Green with nice (neutral) green mat that goes on top. Heavy metal frame -- very durable. Has wheels, easy to move around. Folds together to ease carrying. Get ready for spring! john@advantipro.de Marilyn Monroe Glass Coasters Set of 4. $12. chefsteven2015@ gmail.com Metal Rack/Shelf, 5 shelves, durable, 60kg per shelf, galvanished plus system. no screws. 180x100x40cm. orig box, new, chefsteven2015@gmail.com Must sell 65 year old flawless solitaire .45 carat diamond ring set in white gold. Asking best offer $700. Will accept $ or €. Call: 06332-41560 from 9 - 18:00. Must Sell, Swarovski crystal at half the value given by the Swarovski company! The last two Retired pieces, whale $690, turtle $150. Both for $755. Will accept best offers $/€: call 06332-41560 between 9am to 8pm. Can deliver to RAB! My husband has various movies for sale 3 Euro each. Pick up in Hochspeyer or meet me on Kleber Kaserne. Phone: 01756298926 New never worn fitted caps, New York Mets. The price is $10 ea, caps sizes 7 3/8 and 7 3/4, will mail vial APO brethelenius@google mail.com New with tags boy-clothes Size 5/ 6,4 € each Pick up in Hochspeyer or on Kleber Kaserne, mela nie.prinz@yahoo.de Nike Sports Travel Bag Large.Black.3 Compartments.2ft.Longx1ft.Highx1ft.Wide.Perfect Conditi on.chefsteven2015@gmail.com Official New York Mets Jerseys and Equipment, Official MLB New York Mets Jerseys from MajesticTeam set of jerseys for sale! Enough to outfit your whole baseball or softball team! These are official jerseys from Majestic. They have been used for a couple seasons, but are still in good shape. The black home jerseys are in good shape. The Orange Spring Training Jerseys have some fading in the ventalated under arm area, but still are good to go. $300, brethelenius@google mail.com Old broken bicycle, Cannondale V500 blue, only part broken is Manitou shocks, no longer have original shocks, Kaiserslautern, $250.00, aarontgrogg@ gmail.com, 0151-12687290 Org. Thomas Sabo Charm, price new was 49€, never used, was a bday present, selling price €20, for pics please see classworld.com, s.vogl75@web.de Oversized Cardigan from Review. Black and white stripes. For pictures visit www.finditgui de.com. €10. janina.wuttke@ gmx.de

June 17, 2016

Kaiserslautern American Swarovski Pegasus - From the 1998 "Fabulous Creatures" Series. Retired in 1998, Asking $500.Ph. 06374/944828

FOR SALE All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com Oriental Ceramic Bowl. Beautiful mostly green oriental ceramic bowl from Hong Kong with fish motif on inside. Bowl and small pedestal stand are 14.5 tall together and 13 wide. See photos on FIG classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949676, $100, eyates9761@aol.com Panasonice bread maker, 20volt, 67688 Rodenbach, $80, email: isabell_1_98@yahoo.com or 017622987498 Pants Hanger Rack.Metal.Silver.Space Saver for Hanging Pants, Jeans......Very Sturdy.bethmary100@gmail.com Paraffin Wax Hand Spa, Soothe aches and renew aging skin on hands, elbows, or heels with this paraffin wax spa treatment. Wax refills available on Amazon. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949676, $10, eyates9761@ aol.com Perfume Mint by Tony Gard (for men), full bottle, €26, email: ace333jenny@yahoo.com Piano, Baby Grand Triftstraße 66879 Kottweiler-Schwanden Germany, $2000, email: marthaoyan@ gmail.com, phone: 0637171770 Picnic basket 2, Very nice wicker picnic basket. Has food storage section plus two compartments for standard wine bottles. 12.5 wide x 10.5 tall x 9 deep, Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949676, $20, eyates9761@aol.com Picture Frame 50x70cm. Orig. Packed.NEW.bethmary100@ gmail.com Porcelain dolls, over 100 to choose from, all dressed. Price Obo Call: 0176-90796039 Purses and Car Caddy, purse car caddy black white charcoal snake badge buddy wallet, $35, phone: 015145527264, email: yeddings@ gmail.com.I am a Thirty One addict. No need for these items. They are brand new/never used.

Tray. Plush Cushion Base provides comfort and stability. 17.5" x 13.5". NEW. chefsteven2015@ gmail.com

Bell. Treadmill 220V - €375--negotiable. Great condition, tracks in miles/KM, multiple inclines, gym T.U.K. Leather Shoes for Men Si- quality.Less than 2 years old.Pickze 10, shoes leather shoes men si- up in Brücken (20 minutes from mnovobilski@ ze 10 used clean soles, 75385 RAB).email: Bad Teinach-Zavelstein Germany, gmail.com or call 015207073094 €40, phone: +4932212152735, Tricycle: Deluxe Steer & Stroll Triemail: asti.wb@gmail.com ke by Radio Flyer, $50, phone: Swiss Cow chefsteven2015@gmail.com

Picnic Basket 1, Very nice wicker reed picnic basket with gingham cloth liner. Has sleeves/straps for utensils, plates, & bottles, 16" wide x 12.5" tall x 12.5" deep. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949676

Six Bohemian 24% lead crystal wine glasses from Czech Republic. Ribbon with Starburst pattern. Perfect as a wedding or anniversary gift. See photos on FIG classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949676, Tae Kwon Do sparring gear plus Retro Ice Buckets, Classic retro €15, eyates9761@aol.com bag. Helmet, body padding, arm ice buckets, perfect for your next guard, and shin guard. Teen/adult cocktail party. One white and one Spoon Set (6 Spoons).Stainless med size. See photos on FIG claspeach colored. See photos on Steel.Dishwasher Safe.Matt.Per- sified web page. Contact Eric and FIG classifieds web page. Con- fect for Joghurt, Ice Cream, Latte Mia at 063759949676, $30, tact Eric and Mia at Macciato.....WMF, Germany.Orig. eyates9761@aol.com 063759949676, $10 each, Box.NEW.bethmary100@ Tapestry Wall Hanging 1, Beautieyates9761@aol.com gmail.com ful, intricately designed embroideRosina Wachtmeister Glass Cat Steam Iron. 1700 Watts Power. red tapestry wall art. Golden toPair. Can be used with Metal StaStainless Steel Soleplate. Variable ned Unicorn and Lion motif. Cloth ke (incl.) or without. 32" High. GoSteam Control. Pro Vertical sleeve to insert hanging bar. 37.5 ebel, Germany. Orig.Box. Steam. Spray Button. 3 Way wide x 36. See photos on FIG chefsteven2015@gmail.com Smart Auto Off. Extra Large Water classifieds web page. Contact Samsonite Sports Travel Tank (8.4oz.). Self Clean. Made in Eric and Mia at 063759949676, Bag.Heavy Duty Quality.Great as Germany. Excellent Working. $150, eyates9761@aol.com Sports Travel User Guide. Tapestry Wall Hanging, three Bag.chefsteven2015@gmail.com Orig.Box.chefsteven2015@ items with floral rose patterns. Serving Tong.Great for Serving gmail.com See photos on FIG classifieds Fries, Asparagus.Stainless container box.Ultra web page. Contact Eric and Mia Steel.Dishwasher Sa Storage Though Storage.Rubbermaid.31 at 063759949676, $25 each or fe.$10.NEW.bethmary100@ Gallon/117.3 ltr. 32.5x20x16.8.Ma- $50 for the set, eyates9761@ gmail.com de in USA.Shatter Resistant to aol.com Set of three pink vases, different 0F.Shatter Resistant to Tapestry Wall Hanging, Three shapes but matching in color, per- 18C.bethmary100@gmail.com matching embroidered tapestry fect for shabby-chic feature or to upcycle. €10, jenniferwilking@hot Striped hand-made felt shoulder wall hangings. Patterns of bulb flomail.com bag, large, trend colors, perfect wers (Daffodil, Tulip, and Hya€30, jenniferwilking@hot cinth). 9 wide x 41 long. See phoSheep Pendulum Clock, Makes gift, tos on FIG classifieds web page. Sheep Sound and Sheep Appears mail.com Contact Eric and Mia at every Hour (Noise can be muted). Suit bags, 2 suit bags with 063759949676, $30 each or $90 Orig. Box. NEW.chefsteven2015@ pockets-for up to 5 garments-du- for the set, eyates9761@aol.com gmail.com rable material-weather resistant-2 Shoe Rack Steel.For Up To 14 pockets for accessories full length Target practice, eco warrior Pair Shoes.4Shelves.12 Shoe Hol- center zipper-great condition. shoulder bag, hand-made felt, environmentally friendly bag made ders.88cm H. x 69cm W. x 27cm ab918855@gmail.com using only wool, water and soap, Deep.Orig. Super Mario Kart Wii Reversible €25, jenniferwilking@hotmail.com Box.NEW.bethmary100@ throw. Fitted sheet pillow case gmail.com and lining. Never used. Paid over Toaster, 4 Slice Long Slot, 110V Skylander Giants backpack, $100, asking $65,017622987498. 7 Adjustable Shade Settings, Ba$10, email: isabell_1_98@ya gel + Frozen Buttons, Toast + hoo.com or call 017622987498 Swarovski Crystal Mouse. Collec- Cancel Buttons, Removable Tray, User Guide, Small grey felt shoulder bag with tible Edition. Made in Austria. Crumb mushroom design, perfect gift, Orig.Box. Great Condition. new Orig.Box.chefsteven2015@ chefsteven2015@gmail.com gmail.com €20 jenniferwilking@hotmail.com

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Page 35

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015144955943 TV Storage Case.12 Handles.Casters.Foam Interior.Black.Very Sturdy.Fits TV Size up to 42".49"L.x31"H.x14.5"Deep.Perfect Conditi on.bethmary100@gmail.com Two Safety Helmets for bikes, skateboards, scooters, Rollerblades, etc, Both adult size S/M (14+). Adjustable straps. See photos on FIG classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949676, $5 each, eyates9761@aol.com Two throw rugs. Black/brown one 47 x 67, blue/beige one 31 x 59, Perfect for hallway, entry way or under furniture items Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949676, $15 for both, eyates9761@aol.com Used Segway I2, segwayi2scooter, $2990, email: bellsbikeonline@gmail.com V&B Cermaic X-MAS Ornament Set: German Male/Female Gingerbread Ornaments. 4" High, Villeroy & Boch Germany. NEW. Orig.Box. $20. chefsteven2015@ gmail.com Various Boy-Clothes Sizes: 4 - 6 in excellent condition. Pick up in Hochspeyer or on Kleber Kaserne. Phone: 0175-6298926 Each item is 3 Euro / Pajamas 5 EUro each. Various dresses for women, size S and M. They can be bought at our fleamarket stand in Mehlingen. Ask for Marianne. Every Saturday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Abtrasse, 67678 Mehlingen Various size new gym bags $10.00 each, spvendor@ gmail.com

Page 36

Kaiserslautern American

Wall Sconce, One brass 220v candle holder wall sconce. Perfect if youre renovating a formal parlor or looking for an old world All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com European accent in your stairwell All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com house. See photos on FIG classi2013 pair of lazy chairs, leather Various KIDS Movies for sale 3 fieds web page. Contact Eric and white. €230 for both chairs. Like Euro each except for the Thomas Mia at 063759949676, €15, new condition. Please contact the train ones (they are new in eyates9761@aol.com Nathalie at macarthurnathalie@ package) 5$ each. Pick up in Hochspeyer or meet me on Kle- Wine Bar Tools, Just in time for gmail.com ber Kaserne Phone: 0175- Fathers Day. Wine bar tools in 3 & 2 Seat Couches, €500.00, 6298926 wooden holder, Includes cork parwk@superkabel.de Viking Sword. Handle and Blade screw and two cork stoppers. 3 Drawer Cart.White w/ 4 Engraved on both Sides. Real Edelstein (onyx) handles. See pho- wheels.25.5"H. (w/o wheels Steel. With Black Wall Display tos on FIG classifieds web page. 24"H.) x 11.5"W.x14.5"D.Made in Eric and Mia at USA.NEW.chefsteven2015@ Mount. Made in Spain. Contact 063759949676, $10 for the set, gmail.com chefsteven2015@gmail.com eyates9761@aol.com Vintage Classic Video game from 6 Drawer Dresser. Great Conditi Mattel - Classic Baseball. A must WMF Cookware 11pc. Covered on.bethmary100@gmail.com have for the collection. Still works Low Casserole 16cm+20cm. Co- 8 Drawer Dresser. Lots of storagreat. $20 brethelenius@google vered High Casserole ge space. 45"H. x 29"W x 14"D. mail.com 16cm+20cm+24cm. Saucepan bethmary100@gmail.com Vintage handheld video game 16cm. Cold Handles of Stainless Adjustable Full/Queen Size Bed. from Coleco. Alien Attack is a Steel. Dishwasher and Oven Safe. Headboard, Footboard and Rails. classic and a must have for every Orig.Box. NEW.chefsteven2015@ Cherry Wood.Very Sturdy.Asgame collection! in great scape. gmail.com sembly is easy, no tools requiRuns on 4C batteries. $20 brethele red.Made in USA.bethmary100@ WMF Knife Set with Storage nius@googlemail.com Block (Wood). 9 Pieces. Blades gmail.com Vintage Italian porcelain serving made from Forged Special Blade American Bedroom Set, €190, bowl with tray, ornate rose floral Steel. Made in Germany. Orig. (or make offer), consisting of dresmotif, perfect complement to Box.NEW. chefsteven2015@ ser with 3part mirror, and 2 night other antique wooden furniture, gmail.com tables, solid oak with brass handSee photos on FIG classifieds les, very beautiful 06302-5554 fran web page. Contact Eric and Mia Wristwatch Zodiac Sign. Gemini cuml@yahoo.com at 063759949676, €30, Design. Black Leather Band. Orig. Antique 100 yr.old German china Box. NEW. chefsteven2015@ cabinet, matching dining table eyates9761@aol.com Wall Decor Picture. Hand Craf- gmail.com with 4 chairs. See photo on KA ted. Deer Hide. Made In Sibe The Swarovski Pierrot measures classifieds web page. Contact ria.chefsteven2015@gmail.com 8". This is the first edition of "Mas- Eric and Mia at 06375-9949674, Super Mario kart lunch cooler, querade" series. Retired in 1999. €950, eyates9761@aol.com Antique Brittany French Bench $8,017622987498 isabell_1_98@yahoo.com for 300$, antique French Louis XIV Schrank 650$, antique German dark oak buffet $500 Call 06374-991073 pls leave message Great advice, product samples, Antique English Book Case, $75, perfect solutions. 45 inches high, 11 inches deep, 29 inches wide. Curved Door with • Radiofrequency Therapy Glass Insets. Side Panels with • Botox and Fillers Glass Insets, 2 Glass Shelves. • Chemical Peeling Buyer Must Pick Up. Please Call • Microdermabrasion 0159 0297 6140. • Hyperhydrosis-Treatment



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Antique French Louis XIV Schrank $650. Call 06374-991073 pls leave amessage. Antique Oak Furniture, Dining table w/4 chairs ($300), sewing machine (Singer) ($125), hall tree with bench ($300)-All items available now.Email vmdaniel2@ gmail.com or phone 06314114246 (0730-1700). Antique reproduction secretary desk. See photos on KA classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 06375-9949674, €120, eyates9761@aol.com Bed, Single w/mattress. Solid wood frame. Mattress like new condition. €75, jcambr@ya hoo.com Brown Corduroy Upholstered Chair, $25, Buyer Must Pick Up. Please Call 0159 0297 6140, Cabinet with 5 Adjustable Shelves.Lots of Storage Space.44"H. x 42"W. x 14.5"DE EP.bethmary100@gmail.com Cherrywood Coffee Table and End Table Set, $250.00, Akdippoli to@yahoo.com Clock, $150.00, spvendor@ gmail.com Coffee Table w/Magazine Shelf and Glass Center Piece. 4x2ft. 16"High. great condition .bethmary100@gmail.com Complete German Water Bed Luna- 12 Years Old, May need one of two new water mattresses.It's disesembled. Must Pick up. Pleasecontact: goworko_99505@yahoo.com Couch Relax Chair, €199, great furniture use as a relax chair or bed diff moves, cover washable, like new, was new 398 euro at moebel martin, from a smoke and pet free home, cell 015145261009 stefandsanya@ gmail.com Couch set, €900, stefandsanya@ gmail.com Desk (with 3 rollout shelves). 30"H. x 35.5"W. x 18"Deep. chefsteven2015@gmail.com Desk with Chair. $75.00 OBO. Must be picked up in Saalstatdt. Relax Station • Shiatsu • Ayurveda j_c_hudson@yahoo.com. 063753889355. Dining Room Table & Chairs. Philipp-Reis-Str. 9 $350.00 OBO. Large table with 66849 Landstuhl 18" leaf, 4 regular chairs, 2 arm Please call for appointment chairs. Must pick-up in Saalstadt. 06375-3889355. j_c_hudson@ya hoo.com. Dining Table Set.Dining table w/ 4 design arm chairs.Dining Table 44 diameter.W/ extension Relax Station * 61.5x44.Great condition. China, Japan & Thai massage bethmary100@gmail.com * Wed & Thu 60 min massage Glass and Metal End Table, moPlease call Yoko for an appointment dern style. Vogelweh 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, $25.00, pho 01 76 • 62 19 77 28 ne: 015259526762, email: justin.ha Akazienstrasse 1a • 66849 Landstuhl-Atzel selden@gmail.com


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June 17, 2016 Dining Table/4 chairs/3 barstools set White dining table set. Comes with 36"x60" table/4 chairs/3 barstools. Table comes apart for easy transportation - buyer must be able to pick up. Need gone for PCS. Call or text Danielle at 01715648874. Large 4 Section Closet (Schrank), $250, 7ft 4in by 11ft 5in (3 sections are 3ft 3in wide, 1 section is 1ft 8in wide). Two Clothes Hanging Rails, Many Shelves. We will help take apart. Buyer Must Pick Up. Please Call 0159 0297 6140 Large office desk/workspace, office desk workspace, Brücken (Pfalz) Germany, $150.00, charles htollejr@outlook.com, 015144959369 Large wicker storage chest. Perfect for toys, blankets, linens, anything. Embroidered tapestry seat/ lid cover. See photos on FIG classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949676, $80, eyates9761@aol.com La-Z-Boy Rocker Recliner, $75, Dark Green Fabric, Clean and Cozy. Buyer Must Pick Up. Please Call 0159 0297 6140. Love Seat, $75, Warm Gold Fabric, Clean and Cozy. Buyer Must Pick Up. Please Call 0159-0297 6140. Mantel Clock from the 60 era. Key wind chines on the half and full hour, $70.00, spvendor@ gmail.com Mattress Pad. Full Size. Tommy Hilfiger. Great Condition. No Stains. bethmary100@gmail.com Mattress Set: Stearns and Foster Queen, Spangdahlem Air Base, $800, phone: 015144955943 Metal Coat Rack w/ Brass Buttons. Very sturdy 69"H. x 16"W.chefsteven2015@gmail.com Metal Headboard+Footboard, Queen Size, Brushed Nickel Finish, Metal Gauge Tubing, Solid Bar Wire, very sturdy.bethmary100@gmail.com Metal/Mirror shoe cabinet with 5 drawers and body length mir ror.69H.x20W.bethmary100@ gmail.com Microscope, Lomo MB-10 stereo microscope with various parts and lenses included. Excellent condition. €400 obo, jcambr@ya hoo.com Oak table with extra leaf to extend table. Has unique carvings. Must pick up. Not able to deliver. Location Rodenbach $400, 017622987498 or isabell_1_98@ya hoo.com Piano nicely done in good condition recently tuned 590 euro, phone ditthierbach@aol.com, phone: 06731 44782

June 17, 2016

FURNITURE All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com One Each 2&3-Seat Couches, â‚Ź500.00. Like new from smoke & pet-free home, anthracite-colored cloth front & back. New price 1450â‚Ź asking 500â‚Ź. Pick up in Siegelbach. Call 06301-7988092 after 8PM. parwk@superkabel.de Oriental Hatbox/End Table, Solid wood vintage oriental hatbox with Korean motif brass hardware and design elements. Great hall way/ entry way storage. See photos on FIG classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949676, $130, eyates9761@aol.com

Kaiserslautern American

Page 37

White Metal Modern Coffee Table, white metal modern coffee table table small, Vogelweh 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, $45.00, phone: 015259526762, email: jus tin.haselden@gmail.com

Superior Real Estate in Siegelbach, 5 bd, 2 bth, 195 sq meters, Siegelbach Kaiserslautern Germany, â‚Ź525000, email: filipe-oliveira@ web.de.

!!Attention: Nice freestanding house with sauna, 5 bd, 2.5 bth, 320 sq meters, Enkenbach-Alsenborn Germany, â‚Ź2000, phone: 06303-4438, email: willenra@ gmx.de.

White Modern Wardrobe, wardrobe schrunk modern wood white, Vogelweh 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, $50.00, phone: 015259526762, email: justin.hasel den@gmail.com


67752 Rutsweiler an der Lauter, Am Sess 8. House can be divided into two units.5BDR, baths, terrace, garage, 327sqm, â‚Ź1600+util.Avail now. Pls call 0176-70675001

Wooden bookshelf. See photo on KA classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949674, $150, eyates9761@aol.com Zither, â‚Ź950 (or make offer), fran cuml@yahoo.com, 06302-5554 near Sembach


Race Car Bed, Twin, solid wood, color blue, Length: 234 cm Width: 102 cm Height at highest point: 63 cm fits mattress size 200 x 90 All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com cm (not included), buyer must be Building site in Kollweiler 1922 able to pick up. $80 Call/text sqm, HofstraĂ&#x;e 35 66879 Kollwei015204445052 ler Germany Gosenberger Hof, â‚Ź100000, phone: 0049 6373 Recliner couch loveseat leather, 893499, email: info@khschoon.de. $390, stefandsanya@gmail.com, real leather black, works great not For Sale: House, 4 bd, 1.5 bth, often used, very comfy, back pil- 150 sq meters, Kaiserslautern lows come off easy to carry, cell Germany, â‚Ź220000, OBO, phone: 015170326505, email: outback 0152-06786080 knolls@live.de. Solid rustic oak dining room, â‚Ź500, (or make offer) cabinet FSH in Mehlingen, near Kaisersâ‚Ź240.000, phone: 3,80m long, table 2m long with 8 lautern, 6303807708, email: lgheysen@ chairs. Hel-Sus80@gmx.de msn.com. or 0177-9563750 193 TV Stand with 4 Wheels.3 Levels. sqm, fenced yard, 4 bdrms., 2 46.5"W x15"D x20"H.Great Condi- and1/2 baths, double garage BIK, tion. $95.bethmary100@gmail.com lvg room, fam. room, patio, for sale by owner, ten minutes to Sembach Kaserne.

All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com Professional Services are offered by registered businesses as well as private people. To ensure a satisfactory service experience, please always ask for credentials and deny payments up front.


5+ BEDROOMS !! Attention! 5 Bedroom House Sauna- 2,75 Bath- 700 sqm yard fenced in 67677 Enkenbach- Alsenborn, 5 bd, 3 bth, 67677 Enkenbach- Alsenborn, â‚Ź1900, phone: 015773740252 email: willen ra@gmx.de. !!!360sqm lrg house, Obernheim (Landstuhl school) 7BR 4bath 2liv/ din sauna 938sqm lot 2300â‚Ź+utl+dbl gar. Option to buy the house. Avail June 1. 0157/ 74285394 housing appr !!!Alsenborn Freestanding 5 Bedroom house 215 sqm BasementFenced yard-KMC-Area 8 Minutes-Kleber 8 Minutes-Sembach 3 Minutes-RAB 10Minutes, 5 bd, 2 bth, â‚Ź1330, phone: 015773740252, email: willenra@ gmx.de.

Large House in Blaubach, 4 bd, 3.5 bth, 330 sq meters, Am Ackerchen 29 Blaubach Germany 66869, â‚Ź179000, phone: 063057150390, email: blizdarm@ya hoo.com. 20-25 minutes to Ramstein. Large living area and kit- Free standing house in HefersVintage Chairs, Two antique so- chen; two car garage, sauna, se- weiler, Perfest for home schoolid wood chairs with gold velour parate apt. ling! 178 m², Modern, 5 Beupholstery on seat cushion and drooms, Built-In-Kitchen, 1.75 Miesau nice big duplex, new reback. See photos on FIG classiBaths , Living/Dining-Room/Area, fieds web page. Contact Eric and novated, 5 bedr.+2 hobbyr., 2 Attic, 1 Garage, Gas heat, Balbath, laundry, livingroom with sunMia at 063759949676, â‚Ź80 for cony, Terrace, Walk - In - Closet, room, fireplace, gas heating, paboth, eyates9761@aol.com High Speed Internet (QUIX), Firetio, yard, garage, 247 sqm, near White IKEA Twin Trundle Beds w/ Ramstein Airbase, school district, place, Yard , Next bus stop for Mattresses, $175, Buyer Must EC prep., 340000â‚Ź, call +49 DOD school bus route is 2 km furPick Up. Please Call 0159 0297 1726801258 or rmimmobilien@t- ther in Niederkirchen Pets welcome! Rent 1200.00 EUR + utilities. 6140. online.de Avail: Now, No finder´s fee!For White luxus designer couch, 37in Row house in Schwedelbach, 4 more information please contact W X 82in L, asking $875.00 or bd, 3 bth, 185 sq meters, Am Hu- G.I. Bill Pay Service & Real Estate BO. Excellent condtion. More in- bel 29 Schwedelbach 67685, at ramstein@gibillpay.com or fo, please after 1700 hrs. Cell â‚Ź265000, phone: 06374-2868, 06371-465407 or 0160-1065196. 01638853574 call: 06374-2868 5-9 pm

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Schopp 300sqm house, 5 bdr, 2.5 bth, 2bik, d.gar., garden, no dogs, FriedhofstraĂ&#x;e 13,67707 Schopp Germany, â‚Ź1900, phone:06303-809387, email: nic.grei ner@yahoo.de.

Freest House 210sqm Bosenbach 4BR 2bath BIK w/island, lg front balc w/view private rear covered patio, nice yard 2x 2car garages, pets neg. 20min RAB, RAB schools, â‚Ź1280+util, Avail now, Free-standing 5 bedroom house Call: 0176-32166335 + sauna + 2 bath. 290 sqm living space in 67661 KaiserslauternSiegelbach, Pirmannsgarten 3 Freest 1FH in Miesau, 200sqm 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, 2baths 4BR master BR w/ walk-in email: slash-andreas@gmx.de. closet studio liv/dinrm BIK stor rm garage terr â‚Ź1400+utl+â‚Ź30 for ga0160/6409347 rage, no realtor 0173-3191580 Houses for rent, !10min RAB, 20min Kaiserslautern, 249m², Duplex 240sqm live-space in Busstop 100m, Floor heating, 5 Spesbach, Langewanne 12a, built Bedrooms, 3 Bathr, Big liv- and di- year 2002,4BR, 2bathrm, ningr, Kitchen, Studio, Balcony, 2storagerm, laundryrm, liv/dinrm, Garage, 2 Terraces, VDSL, pets al- BIK, fireplace, terrace, garden, galowed, Housing ID: 3556651. from rage, studio, â‚Ź1720 incl garage, 08/April/16. call me 0160-5912616 015155580000, edy@online.de. â‚Ź1775 Duplex 4BR Tal Strasse 3, LinKaiserslautern-Siegelbach Free- den. 2 bath BIK garage open fistanding House, 5 bd, 4 bth, lar- repl 2 balc 2liv rm laundryrm â‚Ź750 ge master BR, sauna wood stove + util 06307-6734 or 0160garage carport, lofted ceiling, nice 98566159 yard, accepts small pets, http:// photobucket.com/ Enkenbach - Alsenborn: BeautiSiegelbach_house, â‚Ź1935, Call/ ful/Large 4BR House, 2.5 bath, Text: 0176-8459-2996, Email: gos 225 sq meters, Wiesenstrasse 10, peldon@gmail.com Enkenbach-Alsenborn 67677. â‚Ź1700/mo, garage â‚Ź40. 10min to KL-Siegelbach Fstdg House, 5 kleber/sembach, 25min to RAB. bd, 4 bth, sauna wood stove gara- phone: 0176-6494-0454/0176ge carport oil heat, lofted ceiling, 6494-0455, email: stang71111@ya flat backyrd, http://s852.photo- hoo.com bucket.com/user/builtas1/library/ Siegelbach?sort=6&page=1, â‚Ź1935, 1-571-969-2769, 0176- Free of commission! Ramstein 8459-2996, gospeldon@out school district. Housing approved! 4 bd, 1.5 bth, 160 sqm, Eilook.com senbacher StraĂ&#x;e 27a 66909 MatLandstuhl big house, 245sqm, 5 zenbach, â‚Ź1,000+util+dep, phone: bedrms, 3 baths, garage, balc, +49 6383 926829, email: carsten yard, â‚Ź1690+util+dep. Call renerei tamm@web.de sig@gmail.com Kaiserlautern, FSH, 160sqm, Ramstein 10 mins FSH, 5 bd, 2.5 4BR, terrace, gar, no fee, â‚Ź1140, bth, 66892 BruchmĂźhlbach-Miedzepezauer@aol.com, Dieter sau Germany, â‚Ź1885, phone: 0172-6823232 0172 68 55 976, email: mre.kmc@ icloud.com.



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Page 38

Kaiserslautern American ! Kaiserslautern-Einsiedlerhof 67661, Zum GroĂ&#x;en Berg 4. 5min to RAB+Vogelweh.180sqm luxury, 2 liv-dinrm, fireplace, 3BR, 2.5 baths (1 big round jacuzzi), 2BIK, 2 balc, parking lot. â‚Ź1250+util.Can be seen now. Avail 1 Jul. Call 0163-8431636



â‚Ź1.180 DPLX house for rent, DPLX house, HauptstraĂ&#x;e 12A 66879 Oberstaufenbach Germany, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, 1,75 bathrooms, loundry room, garage for two cars â‚Ź1.180+â‚Ź2,200 deposit phone: 06385-1888, email: heil_1979@email.de

Duplex in Weilerbach, 180sqm, garden with terrace, 4BR BIK livrm w/firepl 2.5baths carport garDuplex in Weilerbach, 180sqm, den â‚Ź1260+utl garden with 0172-6283480 terrace, 4BR BIK livrm w/firepl 2.5baths carport garKL Hohenecken, nice house, 155 den â‚Ź1260+utl 0172-6283480 sqm, 4BDR, 3baths, double garage, rent â‚Ź1160, NO FEE, Dzepezau Beautiful FSH in Gundersweiler, er@aol.com, Dieter 01726823232 15 km to Sembach, 25 km to Kaiserslautern, 30 km to Ramstein, New & modern duplex in Hor- 252 m², 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, bach, 15 km to Landstuhl, 20 km Built-In-Kitchen, Living-Diningto RAB, 180m², 4 Bedrooms, 1 Area, Storage, Basement, Party/ Walk-In-Closet, 1.5 Baths, Liv/Din- Hobby-Room in basement with Area, Built-In-Kitchen, Storage, 1 kitchenette, Double-Garage, Studio, 1 Carport, 2 Balconies, Fenced yard, Patio, 2 Fireplaces, Floor-Heating (oil), Pets welcome! Floor-Heating (heat pump), NO Avail: Now, Rent: 1200 Euro + 20 pets, Rent: 2045 Euro + utiliEuro carport + utilities.NO ties.NO FINDER'S FEE!For more FINDER'S FEE!For more informati- information please contact G.I. on please contact G.I. Bill Pay Bill Pay Service & Real Estate at Service & Real Estate at ram ramstein@gibillpay.com or 06371stein@gibillpay.com or 06371- 465407 or 0160-1065196. 465407 or 0160-1065196. No finders fee! Ramstein school district. Housing approved! 4 br, 1.5 bth, 160 sqm, BIK, balcony, 2 parking-lots, 66909 Matzenbach, â‚Ź1,000+util+dep, phone: +49 6383 926829, email: carsten tamm@web.de Wonderful Duplex Hirschhorn 10 km next to airbase Ramstein.Open design, floor heating, very quiet, outskirts of field and forest. 230 sqm living space, 4 bedrms, 2.5 bathrms, loggia, 2 livingrms, garage spot pitch, terrace. Rent 1600 EUR +utilities ( ca. 200.- EUR ) Avail June 22. Please call 0171-3857873 or 06301-6097834



House Reichenbach-Steegen, 3 bd, 2 bth, 180 sq meters, Am Berg 1 66879 Reichenbach-Steegen Germany, â‚Ź1400 + util+ 2mnths dep, avail now. email: an drea.plank@mailintern.de. or call 015 77 38 83 261 or 06374 1591 Modern Bungalow, 135 m², 20 minutes to RAB, 20 minutes to Baumholder, 3 Bedrooms, BuiltIn-Kitchen, 1 Bathroom , Open space Living/Dining-Area, Double Carport, Yard partially fenced, Terrace, School district Baumholder, Rent 1000,00 EUR + 50,00 EUR Carport + utilities, Gas-Heat, Pets negotiable, Avail: NowFor more information please contact G.I. Bill Pay Service & Real Estate at ram stein@gibillpay.com or 06371465407 or 0160-1065196.

Modern recently renovated farm house, near Weilerbach, max.15 minutes to Ramstein Air Base 3 bedrooms, (176 Sq Meter) â‚Ź1240, Car port.Basement, Built-in kitchen, Central Oil heating, new carped floor, open living room, with large kitchen, build in full wooden cabinets, floor heating, 2 bathrooms, in quiet surrounding, Telefon: 01784440123, E-Mail: barba Beautiful Home in Sulzbachtal rawiehn@web.de. 67734, 3 bd, 1.5 bth, 164 sq meters, quiet location next to forest, Nice Duplex-Half in near Land15mins to RAB/Vogelweh, comes stuhl! No Finder's Fee! Nice renoequipped with 220V appliances, vated Duplex in Wiesbach, 19 km closets in all bdrs, american ow- to Landstuhl, 25 km to RAB, 271 ned, â‚Ź1190 (+utilities) Call Eva m²,3 Bedrooms, 2 Living-Rooms, 0171-7764961. Dining-Room, 2 Built-In-Kitchens, Basement, Studio, 2 Garages, Gorgeous FSH, Erfenbach 67659 Yard, Pets negotiable, Avail: Now, Kaiserslautern Germany, â‚Ź830, Rent: 1500 Euro + 80 Euro Garaphone: 0172 68 55 976, email: ges, + utilities. For more informatimre.kmc@icloud.com.Quaint, on please contact G.I. Bill Pay completely renovated freestan- Service & Real Estate at ram ding house located in Kaiserslau- stein@gibillpay.com or 06371tern-Erfenbach, only 15 minutes 465407 or 0160-1065196. to Ramstein. Quiet street, gorgeous yard, kitchen, modern bathroom, nice living area and 3 be- Ramstein: 3BR, 1 /Liv rm, BIK, 2 drooms. Gas heating, housing ap- bathrm, BIK, basement, ya. Graproved, ready to move into imme- ge. DSL, no pets, 5 min to RAB, avail MAY 15, Engl. spk.â‚Ź 1.160 , diately. Loads of German charm. 00 + util.Call 06371-7315 or Luxury Wiesbaden Townhouse 015124282056

Residence, 3 bd, 1.5 bth, 140 sq Willi-Brandt-Allee 14 Very nice freest. House, 3-4 BeHouse in Fischbach, ₏1150 plus meters, ₏3100, email: drooms, Studio, 2 Bathrooms, Liutilities, 154sqm, 3 bedr, 1.5 Wiesbaden, wheelerk99@gmail.com. bathr, call 0162-2735824 ving/Dinigroom, Builtinkitchen, Basement, Garage, Garden, 157sqm, 1200 ₏ +Utilities 0162 U.S. & GERMAN ATTORNEYS 1800500 US & German Divorces • Support Issues FULL SERVICE LAW FIRM

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June 17, 2016 Nice FSH in KL-Siegelbach! NO FINDER'S FEE! Modern , free standing house in 67661 Siegelbach, school district district Vogelweh, 286 m² (3078 sq. feet)3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms w. shower, 1 BIK, 1 living/dining room area, basement, attic, in-law-suite w.2 bedrooms, living/dining room area, 1 BIK, 1 bathroom, fast internet connection available, 2 car garage, 2 patio's, 1 covered balcony, gas heat, pets welcome (pet liability insurance requested)rent 1860.00 EUR (incl. garage). For more information please contact G.I. Bill Pay Service & Real Estate at ramstein@gibill pay.com or 06371-465407 or 0160-1065196


1ďšş2 BEDROOMS Country House for rent in KMC Area- 8 min Sembach- 15 min KTown- 20 min RAB. 190 sqm- 2 BR- 2 BathJacuzzi- 2 Rooms- 2 garag elec/doors-no pets av.05/ 25/2016 â‚Ź 1410 incl.Garage + utiles call +491789837620 www.mein-wellness-ferien haus.de/countryhouse/index.html

JOBS All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com Dog Groomer / Wash Helper. Im looking for a friendly dog experienced help in Part-Time as a Dog Groomer or Washer. Location: Waldmohrer Weg 5 66901 SchĂśnenberg-KĂźbelberg Germany, 15 min. from Air-Base â‚Ź450, phone: 01716500787, email: schmidt-ma tava@gmx.de, web: www.barkave nue.de Executive Assistant: RESPONSIBILITIES: Devising and maintaining office systems, incl data management and filing.Coordinate with HR dept, travel agent and Administration for visas, making travel arrangements & follow up on accommodation arrangements. REQUIREMENTS Secretary degree. Minimum 5 years of experience in the same role. German, English bilingual, another language will be a plus.lm.humancapi tal@lauramerino.com

Goufrais Representative, Freelance, with Angelic Imports. Example opportunity: Chocolate Fest 681 Maryland Ave Burlington WI 53105 USA, email: info@angeli !!!BR, 2LR, DR, furn, kitchen, cimports.com. 2baths, walk-in closet, large garden, Steinwenden-Weltersbach!No pets 0173-8081792.




Home for Sale or Rent, Nice, American-owned, home with 1/2 acre enclosed back yard for sale or rent in Mackenbach. Great, convenient location just two miles to Ramstein Air Base. Directly on walking/cycling route to wooded areas. Outdoor swimming pool just 4.5 km away along trail route. This can be your personal residence, d6m5h@yahoo.com House for rent - The house is with garden and parking lot.Bus stop for American school.5 mins drive to city Wiesbaden. Cell 0178-7828443, 06084-2336.h.vic toria@gmx.de

Results – Guaranteed. At H&R Block, we stand behind our work. If we make a mistake, we will pay any additional interest and penalties. Plus, if the IRS should call you in for an audit, we will explain your audit notice and the documentation you need to provide, at no extra cost. We have experts on hand year around to help you. All prior years can be done as well. Can your tax services give the same Guarantee? Kaiserstr. 55 • 67661 Kaiserslautern Tel: 0631-3554711 or 30396446 Email: hrblock.ktown1@yahoo.com

Ramstein 10 min, new house, 200sqm, 2baths, pets welcome, rent â‚Ź1200, No Fee, Dzepezauer@ aol.com, Dieter 0172-6823232

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2008 HD FAT BOB - as good as new - less than 4000 miles! US specs. Color Flat Black. Original HD Sissy bar + luggage rack. Windvest 14" windscreen. Living room (forget garage) kept over the winter. Full service completed last summer. Asking $12000. email: freddyvermeir@hotmail.com, phone: 01709335830 2008 Kawasaki Concours 14 motorcycle--34K miles--sports-touring lots of upgrades--new rear tire, heated grips, tip over protection, highway pegs, saddlebag/engine guards, windsheild extenders, & more. $6700 or equivalent in EURO, email: mnovobilski@ gmail.com 2012 HONDA CBR 600RR is pre owned, in excellent condition and available for sale, $5,390, email: bellsbikeonline@gmail.com. Lookin for Sportster parts or a bike ( Ironhead too ) which needs some work, basket case or sittin longer time too. BT Ultra Classic perhaps too. Just make me your offer what you have and we will see. 2wheelmechanic@web.de

June 17, 2016

Kaiserslautern American



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All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com

Lookin for friends, female/male who likes harleys, works on them, who are into Rock music, good food, havin fun, BBQ, beeing outside and enjoying a good time together. Just email me and we will see when we can meet.2wheelmechanic@web.de Looking for an nice contact? I am a goodlooking German manager 52 years old and looking for a young lady ( around 25 - 40 years old ) to meet and have some fun. I love Asian and exotic ladies...Want to have a longer relationship Your can contact me by mail : Po20160521@t-online.de Single guy, 63, B1 German speaker, not glued to a smartphone, non-smoker, active & fit, loves cooking, candlelight, music seeks an active, emotionally available, non-smoking lady, 60+ for friend, companion.Coffee? Wiesbaden area please. agameone@ya hoo.com

Professional Services are offered by registered businesses as well as private people. To ensure a satisfactory service experience, please always ask for credentials and deny payments up front. For cleaning services, arrange for payments after a final walk-through and inspection of the clean house. Energetic Adult Pet Sitter Available.n home pet sitting in a 4,000 square foot house with a large fenced in yard complete with bushes and trees. Long walks included daily for dogs through fields, woods, town, and heath. Price determined by species, size, and care required. Experience includes: dogs, cats, small and large birds, rabbits, fish, lizards, and guinea pigs.Dogs must pass an interview to ensure compatibility with our gentle mixed breed dog. Cat sitting available by phone arrangement only. felvus.mj@hot mail.com

WM, 2wheelmechanic@web.de, Looking for female from 40 + for friendship or more. Like BBQ, mc Family Portrait, PICTUREONE drivin etc. Your Photostudio in KMCC Mall on Ramstein Air Base! We offer Photosessions, Photoprints, an IDphotos International experience in studio, location outdoor and All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com event photography since 20 years! KMCC Mall, First Floor 06371-9753925 pictureone.rab@ There have been reports of gmail.com pets being sold from breeding facilities that are not managed at the highest profes- IDPHOTO 10,- €2 printouts in 2 sional standards. Please x2 inchYour favorite picture in 2 x choose your pet carefully. 2 inch printout Ideal for visa, passMake sure you check the cre- port, identity card, driving license, dentials of the people selling etc.Presentation and distribution of the pictures right after the the pet, and get proper paperwork showing shots and/ shoot You will find us: PICTUREOor other proof of healthy con- NE Photography Ramstein KMCC dition. For further advice, Mall Bldg.3336, First Floor 66877 Ramstein Air Base Phone: 06371consult your Veterinarian. 9753925 Mail: pictureone.rab.@ gmail.comStore Dog transporter, brand new, used 2x, front slanted doors for easy access, width 31in, 25in tall, 29x19in interior, grey and black color, €50. Can deliver to Ramstein, call between 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. 06332-41560


World Wide Pet Transport. Pet Relocation ... Pickup and delivery between residence and airports around the world., pet relocation live animal transport dog cat Frankfurt Airport pets shipping service, 60549 Frankfurt Germany, €on request, email: ivar@ care4cargo.com, phone: +49 (0)69 96 86 4091

Just the way you are! Natural and unstaged photos where a professional photographer shows emotion. Professional wedding coverage and portraits that emanate purity and naturalness. Reinhard Michel works as a Wedding photographer in München, Rosenheim and Salzburg, as well as national wide and internationally. admin@ muenchenhochzeit.com

Page 39 Violin Lessons, Bruchstraße 13 67655 Kaiserslautern Germany, phone: 0179 1662 828, email: mi chelle.livingston1@gmail.com.

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TLA / TDY All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com

Rhine River Tours: Exclusive allday-tour with a small group including Rhine cruise, Rhinestein Castle, Germania Monument, Ruedesheim and lots more! For more information, please call your tour guide Artur: 0160-3431986, email: rhinerivertours@gmx.de. Riding lessons, We offer riding lessons in English for beginners and advanced riders (children, teens and adults)We are open Monday to Saturday 2pm-7pm and we are 15 minutes from Ramstein Air Base. For an appointment call: 0160-1795222 or Email: riding-lessons@gmx.de Beginner's lesson: 13,5$Advanced lesson: 17$

Big German Estate Sale !!! Excellent Bargains ! 11 June starting @ 09:00 hrs. 20 Min from Ramstein: 66885 Altenglan, Neue Strasse 32 Giant Warehouse Sale, 40% off all furniture and collectibles, Jun 18&19 10AM-3PM.Schneeweiderhof 11, 67754 Essweiler, www.schoolhouse-antiques.com

Kinder Art. Creative and classical hands-on art instruction combined w/ exposure to various musical generes. 90 minute classes weekly. Contact Snhch@hot mail.com Make-Up Artist Services available! I can travel to you or you come to me.For events, lessons, and more! I specialize in contouring! Ramstein-Miesenbach Germany, €30-90, email: sophmua@ gmail.com call or text: +49 170 8086212


!!!!!1-5 bed luxury apts & houses for TLA/TDY personnel in Ramstein/Mackenbach/Bruck muhlbach.2min to RAB.Short walk to shops/restaurants. 100% equipped, TV, AFN, English satellite, free phone, high speed internet, free calls to USA and Eur.good library and movie selection.Pets welcome.Off street secured parking.Call Jennie 0171-2679282. OR luxuryapts09@yahoo.com

WANTED All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com TLA, €from 100, email: temp_house@hotmail.com, phone: 0179 145 6657 I need a battery 12V, 65 Ah, used, but in good shape. Thanks for your offer pacesun@gmail.com

Translator / Interpreter Certified KL, near Vogelweh. Reasonable Looking for free moving boxes rates. Call: 0631-54440 for free. Will pick up. Call Roland Permanent hair removal/tattoo Dilger Tel: 0173 3996488 removal by phil-cosmetics - Ramstein since 15 years - 0171- MRE (Meal Ready to Eat) Wan4933369 ted!!! Offers to: 0170-1910484 Voice lessons (experienced professional singer, BM) 06372- Pet sitter (2 cats) wanted, Cat sit6240245 or ellen@iocanto.com ter wanted on occasions where faWeb Retail Company, 8000 Brug- mily is on leave or on travel. Daily ge Belgium, phone: +32 (0) 50 32 rate negotiable. Administer meds, 12 28, email: info@webretailcompa dry food and water, clean kitty litter. lorileeramirez@gmail.com ny.be.

Various long-sleeve blouses for women, size S and M. They can be bought at our fleamarket stand in Mehlingen. Ask for Marianne. Abtstrasse, 67678 Mehlingen. Every Saturday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Various shirts for women. Size S and M. They can be bought at our fleamarket stand in Mehlingen. Ask for Marianne. Every Saturday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Abstrasse, 67678 Mehlingen

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Built-in Dishwasher SN 56 P 530 EU Item no..: 1892508 • Up to 66% faster washing and drying with varioSpeed Plus • Including: varioFlex basket • Glass care system • 6 programs

Heat Pump Dryer GTA 38261 G | item no.: 1968545 • TouchDry sensor drying • Direct condensation water draining possible • Drum light • Up to 24h start and end time preselect

549.8 KG







A +++


Washing Machine




WM 14 W 550 | item no.: 2036268 • Display with start time preselection • Special program for shirts and outdoor clothing • speedPerfect – up to 65% faster for perfect wash results Care Drum • lean washing in a flash – 15 minute program

1400 RPM

8 KG



Heat Pump Dryer LAVATHERM T 77684 EIH | item no.: 1728924 • Reverse Plus: for especially delicate washing • Silent System: especially quiet in use • Yearly consumption based on 160 standard drying cycles: approx. 177 kWh electricity


A +++


Care Drum

Fridge Freezer Combination KND 9861 X A+++ item no.: 1505562

• 3 safety glass shelves, 4 glass door shelves

8 KG

8 KG


• Anti-fingerprint stainless steel • Total volume: 430 liters (fridge 318 liters, freezer 112 liters)

• Consumption: 203 kWh electricity per year

• Dimensions (WxHxD): 28”x76”x27”


Built-in Oven & Stovetop EPMX 331203 item no.: 1664077 • Pyroluxe self-cleaning system • Remaining heat display • Electr. Temperature control for oven • Anti-fingerprint stainless steel coating • Extra large 72 liter oven

44 DB


A +++









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Offers valid on 17-6-2016. Sold in standard household amounts only. Subject to errors and technical adjustments.



44 DB

A ++


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