The Advance-Titan 10/18/2018

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The October 18, 2018



VOL. 124, NO. 6



ABOVE: Students paint windows in Reeve Memorial Union during homecoming week. BELOW: Students participate in a spoons competition.


A student collects paint while working on a homecoming window painting project.

Homecoming: ‘Join in and come to events’

by Holly Gilvary Forget about Buzz Lightyear shouting, “To infinity and beyond!” At UW Oshkosh, this week is all about homecoming and is titled “To Homecoming and Beyond 2018.” Saturday’s events begin with an alumni/family day continental breakfast at the Reeve Union Titan Underground from 10-11 a.m.; historical non-walking tour of campus led by UWO archi-

vist Joshua Ranger in Reeve, Room 221 from 10:30-11:30 a.m.; the Tent City tailgate pregame celebration with free food and entertainment on the second floor of Reeve from 11 a.m.-1 p.m.; the football game versus UW La Crosse at J. J. Keller Field at Titan Stadium at 1:30 p.m. with homecoming coronation at half time; and the fifth quarter celebration at the Fox River Brewing Company Tap Room following the football game.

Shuttle buses will begin running from the Alumni Welcome and Conference Center to Reeve at 10:30 and to the Titan Stadium at noon. This year’s events also include window painting in Reeve, a spoons tournament, a UWO talent show with Daniel Franzese from “Mean Girls,” house and hall decorating, flag football, the homecoming comedian Drew Lynch and yell like hell/lip sync. According to Reeve Union

Board member Jose Medina, spirit days are a new addition to homecoming this year. “If they do, [participate in Spirit Days] they get placed in a raffle,” Medina said. “The raffle is random so the winner gets free homecoming comedian tickets.” The spirit days were Pajama Day on Sunday, Disney Character day on Monday and pink day on Wednesday. Home sporting events occuring yet this week include

women’s cross country on Friday and women’s soccer against UW-River Falls on Saturday. Special Events Chair Emilia Callejon encourages all students to come and attend homecoming events. “If you’re not in Greek life or in a hall you can still join in and come to events; it’s not specifically just for them,” Callejon said. “We want more people to come to [the events] so they can see what it’s all

Faculty workload and class sizes threatened by cuts

by Bailey McClellan


A line of police cars can be seen in the side mirror during rush-hour traffic on I-94 in Milwaukee. The road was shut down to honor a Milwaukee officer killed on duty.

Police suicide numbers rise

by Nikki Brahm

University Police Chief Kurt Leibold experienced 12 officer suicides during his 26 years as an officer and assistant chief of police in Milwaukee. One officer was dealing with the stressors of his job as well as planning a wedding. Another was unsure if police work was the right line of work for him personally. Many officers had difficulty dealing with all the hard cases they saw. Leibold said he knew many of the officers, and most of their suicides were completely unexpected. But those suicides shouldn’t be unexpected, according to a study done by the Ruderman

about.” There will also be an AllGreek Reunion Event to reunite alumni who were in Greek life, and a two-day reunion event for alumni of the journalism program to celebrate its 50th anniversary. Saturday’s events include open houses of the journalism department, located on the third floor of Sage Hall, and the Advance-Titan office, located in Reeve Union Room 19, from 9-11 a.m.

Family Foundation, a private philanthropic foundation based in Boston. The 2018 nationwide study found that first responders, which includes law enforcement officers, firefighters and emergency medical service personnel, are more likely to die by suicide than in the line of duty. In 2017, for example, 140 police officers committed suicide, while 129 officers died in the line of duty. Leibold said while he experienced 12 officer suicides he knew only three officers that were killed on duty. The study also found that post-traumatic stress disorder and depression rates for first responders are as much as five times higher than the rates of

other citizens. Other research gives more detail into the problem: — A 2013 study of 750 police officers found that exposure to critical incidents had a direct correlation with alcohol and post traumatic stress disorder symptoms. — Other studies estimate that 35 percent of officers suffer from PTSD symptoms, and 9-30 percent suffer from depression. Those statistics hit close to home earlier this month when a UW Oshkosh police officer shot himself in the torso during a domestic disturbance. “He’s been serving the public for 25 years,” Leibold said. “He’s been a public servant, and


Budget cuts to come in fall 2019 could mean bigger class sizes and increased workloads for faculty, according to UW Oshkosh officials. The three-phase fiscal plan, which took effect in September, calls for a $9.5 million reduction to general-purpose revenue spending over the next two years in order to make up for a $7 million shortfall caused by declining enrollment in recent years. Reductions to academic spending for each of the University’s colleges are spread over a three-year period, with 50 percent of the cut occuring in 2019-20. According to officials from the College of Business and the College of Education and Human Services, administrative staff are considering several options to reduce spending, including increasing class sizes, changing degree requirements, eliminating some course sections and not replacing positions vacated through attrition. The College of Letters and Science previously proposed to increase teaching loads in 2019-20 to overcome budget shortfalls. COB Dean Barb Rau said without changes to address increased class sizes, the cuts may force faculty to take on more work. “Without pedagogical changes and/or support to address larger class sizes, faculty workload will increase or result in more preps,” Rau said. “As the faculty workload has been increasing over time, I am concerned that we will reach a tipping point for faculty.” UWO economics professor Marianne Johnson said increasing workloads effect students and faculty. “Whether it is larger classes or more classes, that takes the time I have during the week and spreads it across one-third more students,” Johnson said. “That means longer lines at office hours, longer waits until I can respond to emails, longer waits until you get your assignments graded and back and less individual attention. It also makes it harder for faculty to volunteer to do things like be honors thesis advisers, to supervise student research grants or take students on study abroad trips.” Johnson said she is worried increased workloads will result in increased turnover. “I know some amazing professors who are looking for jobs elsewhere,” Johnson said. “It is

hard to believe that we would lose award-winning faculty to other schools. But that’s the situation that’s been created.” Rau said she is concerned that losing faculty now could lead to bigger problems down the road. “Ideally, we would not make such deep cuts because replacing faculty is very expensive and very slow,” Rau said. “Academic labor markets have about an 18-month cycle, so if we lose too many faculty now, we will not be able to meet increased demand quickly.” Rau said University administrators are also working to find other ways to minimize the effects of the budget cuts. “Costs are only one side of the equation,” Rau said. “COB faculty have been very active in offering solutions related to enrollment and retention to increase revenues. In addition, we have been working hard to develop new programs that will run on cost recovery. As we grow these programs, we are able to preserve jobs by re-deploying our faculty and staff while also building new revenue streams for the institution.” Johnson said it’s important to recognize that the cuts are largely the result of the state’s control over tuition. “If the University was allowed to set its own tuition and operate like any other business that is allowed to set prices, we wouldn’t have this problem,” Johnson said. “The problem is that while tuition freezes sound like a good idea, this is the outcome.” COEHS Dean Linda Haling said regardless of what challenges the budget may bring, she believes good things are on the horizon for the University. “I continue to be optimistic for the future,” Haling said. “As a University, our enrollment is increasing, which means that our reputation as a quality institution remains despite these budget cuts.” Rau said whatever decisions are made regarding the budget, she urges students to be considerate of University staff. “We have excellent faculty and staff and they are working very hard to meet (student) needs in an extremely difficult environment,” Rau said. “Students can improve faculty working conditions by simply being patient, understanding and supportive. Larger class sizes and increased demands on their time are not their fault.”

A2|October 18, 2018

News Advance-Titan

Christina Basken - News Editor Nikki Brahm - Asst. News Editor

Pub crawl email raises sexual assault questions choose to participate,” the email stated. “If you are among them, we want you to be an informed participant about common negative experiences related to participation. One such experience is sexual assault. Perpetrators can use alcohol to impair people and they target those who are vulnerable. Legally, individuals cannot consent to sexual activity when they are incapacitated by alcohol or other drugs.” The email also included NCHA data, stating “6.6 percent of students who participated in pub crawl reported experiencing sexual assault over the past year as opposed to 2 percent of students who did not attend pub crawl. The same data reported that a sexual assault was attempted over the past year for 12.4 percent of pub crawl participants as opposed to 3.5 percent of those who did not attend.” Munin said he worked on the message with the help of Health Promotions, the Women’s Center, the Counseling Center and University Police. UWO senior Mariah Heyden and junior Noelle Fenwick both made posts on social media with concerns on the email’s message regarding sexual assault. Heyden’s post on Facebook got over 140 likes and over 60 shares and Fenwick’s post on Twitter received over 700 likes and more than 190 retweets. Based off Twitter analytics, Fenwick’s post had over 50,000 impressions. “I just didn’t think he approached it in the best way that he could have,” Heyden said. “He just kind of listed statistics


Police Suicide Facts • • •

On average officers will witness 188 critical incidents during their careers 17 in 100,000 police officers will commit suicide every year. Only 3-5% of U.S. law enforcement agencies have suicide prevention training programs Source: Ruderman Family Foundation



Leibold said he knew another officer was struggling with mental health when he was in the process of planning his wedding. That officer didn’t approach Leibold for help. “I don’t know if that stress put him over the edge,” Leibold said. “The stress of a wedding, the stress of a job, but he ultimately ended up killing himself, too.” According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, police work has one of the highest rates of injuries and illnesses out of all careers due to high-risk situations. Kate Mann, Oshkosh crime prevention and public information officer, said she agreed that there are many things that make police work stressful. “The things that we see on the street, usually people don’t experience in their lifetime,” Mann said. “We see a lot of different situations in people [who] are not having their best days and that can be tough — all the different calls we have to experience, whether it’s a suicide, an accident, a domestic elder abuse, animal abuse, there’s so many different scenarios out there.” Leibold said police work is different than any other kind of work except maybe the military. “I say that because you never know what’s going to happen,” he said. “You can go from driving down the street and being 100 percent calm, to seconds later being 100 percent adrenalized. Physically, it takes its toll.” Leibold said over time, he’s noticed that there has been more awareness in precautionary measures toward mental health. For example, UWO officers are encouraged to attend emotional survival training provided by national instructors. “It’s sporadic,” Leibold said. “It’s not something that’s required, not something that

probably there is enough of. Different police departments do different things. Some are way ahead of the curve as far as mental well-being for their police officers.” Mann said the Oshkosh Police Department holds in-service training twice a year, rotating training on different topics, including education on mental health. Training could also include how to deal with stress. “One of the things that is common for law enforcement is to exercise,” Mann said. “It’s a good stress reliever and it helps keep us in shape for our job. And then in the past we’ve [also] talked about making sure you have a healthy diet, that you get enough sleep ... the usual things that are discussed to help relieve stress.” Leibold also said the University screens officers’ mental health through a psychological exam as a requirement. Mann said the Oshkosh Police Department does as well. “It is about three hours worth of test-taking, answering different questions,” he said. “There’s an essay portion to it and then an interview, so it’s about a fivehour day.” Leibold said interventions are also important for officer mental health. “We have gotten better at having interventions for our own police officers,” Leibold said. “In Milwaukee there was an early intervention program that would flag if an officer called in sick a lot or if they had a lot of citizen complaints.” Mann said at least half of the Oshkosh Police Department has had a five-day, 40-hour week crisis intervention training. “That has scenarios in it and just helps teach us about mental health and dealing with people in a crises,” Mann said. Cole Dawson, a junior criminal justice major, said he plans to be a police officer after graduation and eventually a detective. Although he knows the job is highly stressful, he also knows it is the right career for him. “Officers work in very stressful situations and sometimes witness horrible cases that take a toll on them, which results in poor mental health,” Dawson said. “I think officers in urban areas would have more mental health issues, the reason being

that they usually have higher crime rates, which results in more serious and traumatic cases. Although these rates are high, the job has many rewards, such as helping people and bringing structure to society.” Leibold said he hopes to become part of the solution to officer mental health problems, and he is now in a master’s program to become a mental health counselor for police officers. “It’s not only helping them through their careers, but it’s also vetting them on the front end so you get the right people doing police work,” Leibold said. “It’s really important for our future.” And it’s the right move for him, too, at this point in his career. “... It’s funny because you never know which way your life is going to take you, “ Leibold said. “You really don’t.”

Fall crawl passes with sparse conflict

Calvin Skalet The annual Oshkosh pub crawl event took place on Saturday. This year the event saw few incidents compared to previous years. According to Lt. Kevin Konrad there were 83 ordinance violations which included underage drinking and open intoxicant violations over the weekend. In the fall of 2015, there were 100 citations and 10 arrests issued by Oshkosh PD during pub crawl. Konrad said there were three motor vehicle citations and two jail arrests, one of

which was for an outstanding warrant. UWO police officer Trent Martin said while pub crawl is always a popular weekend, the plan never changed for officers on duty. “Our safety action plan didn’t change at all from past events to this year,” he said. “We deploy officers to known busy areas on and around campus and mitigate any issues that may be associated with pub crawl by simply being present and available for calls.” Martin said there were no incidents that would put the campus community in continuous fear or danger.


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he’s done a pretty good job, and he just had a crises.” Leibold said there are many stressors that could contribute to poor mental health with police officers. “Police officers work nights, they work weekends, they work long hours and holidays. It’s not a healthy environment,” he said. “They eat on the run, rarely do [they] get to sit down … and have a meal or plan a lunch; it’s always when you can get it in.” For some, the stress is too much. Leibold said an officer he was close with approached him with concerns when he was a sergeant in Milwaukee. The officer was about three years into police work in a busy district. “He saw a lot of bad stuff and had to deal with a lot of bad stuff,” Leibold said. “I remember he was in a transition in his life and he came to me wondering, ‘Is this the job for me?’ I encouraged him and said, ‘Yes, police work has ups and downs.’ We’re struggling in this industry getting quality people who want to do this type of work, so I encouraged him … to keep pushing forward, because we need people like him to do police work.” One year later, the officer took his own life with his service weapon. Leibold says he still feels some guilt about that officer’s suicide, and he wonders if he pushed the officer to stay in the profession when he was asking how to get out of it. “That one hurt a lot, but in hindsight, we can always look back and see some signs,” Leibold said. “But it’s too bad we didn’t do interventions when it was happening to make a difference.”


LEFT: Trash is left on the yard of a student residence during fall 2018 pub crawl. RIGHT: Senior Mariah Heyden sends Art Munin an email questioning his email on pub crawl and its message on sexual assualt. BELOW: UWO students participate in pub crawl by celebrating in the front yard of a student’s home.


by Nikki Brahm Associate Vice Chancellor and Dean of Students Art Munin sent out a campus-wide email about pub crawl, which some students have called a scare tactic. On Oct. 6, Munin emailed students statistics on participation, sexual assault and alcohol overdoses to educate students on the dangers of the event. In the email, Munin included data from the National College Health Assessment focusing on campus-specific questions regarding pub crawl. The report stated that 23 percent of students participated in pub crawl in fall of 2017. Munin said his goal in the email was to inform students that the majority of students don’t participate. “We have data to show how much alcohol and drugs [students] actually are using and then we ask students how much they think students are using,” Munin said. Munin said the perception from students is higher than the reality. The Oshkosh city police sends the University all the tickets they write during pub crawl so they can see how many students receive tickets and follow up with them. “We just got it for this past pub crawl and it’s only about a third of tickets that are written are for students,” Munin said. “The majority is non-students.” Information on sexual assault was also included in Munin’s email: “...While all these changes are notable, some students still

October 18, 2018|A3

News Advance-Titan


Bike & Build member, Megan Althus travels through the mountains, celebrating Earth Day.


LEFT: The 2018 Bike & Build team stopped to take a group photo in Jacksonville, Florida, while traveling across the country to build affordable housing. BOTTOM RIGHT: Bike & Build 2018 Trip Leader, Sydney Arvin, works hard volunteering to build homes with Habitat for Humanity in Lexington, Kentucky.

Bike & Build travels to build affordable homes

by Megan Behnke The non-profit organization Bike & Build benefits affordable housing by having young adults bike across the country and build homes for those in need. Bike & Build operates cross-country and regional cycling trips for service-minded young adults to raise money and awareness for affordable housing. This year alone, riders donated nearly $140,000 to affordable-housing organizations across the United States. Bike & Build Program Director Casey Eisenreich said Bike & Build started in 2003 and is based on the old Habitat Bicycle Challenge program that raised funds for Habitat for Humanity. “Our founder, Marc Bush, had previously done trips with Habitat Bicycle Challenge,” Eisenreich said. “And when that organization disbanded, he created Bike & Build to continue the idea of cross country cycling trips that benefit affordable housing.” Eisenreich said she estimates that the 132 Bike & Build riders have helped construct and renovate over

1,300 new homes, which will be available for those in need in 2018. Director of Outreach Lily Goldberg said she is proud of what the participants accomplished over the summer. “Not only did they contribute their volunteered time and fundraised dollars to help build homes for low-income families, they brought awareness to an issue that impacts millions of Americans,” Goldberg said. Eisenreich said Bike & Build is an amazing experience because riders come out of their summers with a great understanding of not only affordable housing, but also how different communities are across the country. “Honestly it is the community you are immersed in that makes it so special,” Eisenreich said. “You see fantastic sights, experience the true kindness of strangers, get fed at great church potlucks, learn how different affordable housing looks across the country, have roadside dance parties, and come away with a group of 32 people that are now your family.” UW Oshkosh alumnus rider Dan Tanner said he participated because he wanted to do something more personally engaging in a non-academic way.

“In people I disagreed with fundamentally, I recognized traits that I respected immensely,” Tanner said. “That was my one take away from the ride - to look for the best in people, to never write off a relationship and to make a friendship I develop in a personal challenge to better myself.” Goldberg said that each rider fundraises at least $5,000 to participate and they go to different construction sites throughout the trip. “While on the road, teams stop every fourth or fifth day to volunteer on a build-site with organizations like Habitat for Humanity, Rebuilding Together and YouthBuild,” Goldberg said. Each cross-country trip engages 30 young adults to pedal their bikes from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific over a 10-week period. Eisenreich said the construction sites are chosen by the leaders of each trip. Each leader is responsible for coordinating two weeks of the trip, which entails securing overnight host locations, meals, showers and build sites. “We often work with a lot of Habitat for Humanity and Rebuilding Together affiliates across the country,” Eisenreich said. “But we also

encourage our leaders to connect with smaller, more local non-profit organizations with unique approaches to the affordable housing cause.” Riders pedal an average of 70 miles per day, sleeping at night on the floors of churches and community centers and eating donated meals from generous community hosts. Goldberg said Bike & Build riders are the next generation of leaders in their communities. “Their cross-country journey represents the powerful result of mixing compassion with determination,” Goldberg said. Tanner said the secret to biking across the nation is to just have commitment. “Step one: start peddling and eat as much as you can,” Tanner said. “Those things in life that seem impossible or difficult just take a bit of commitment.” Eisenreich said trips usually have 32 riders with four cross country and two regional trips planned in 2019. “All of our cross country trips are comprised of young adults ages 1826, while our Keys to Canada trip has an age limit of 18-30,” Eisenreich said. “Each trip has four leaders, and our leaders are 18-29.”

Another UWO alumnus rider, Karla Sordia, said that after doing Bike & Build, it made her even more involved in her community. “I’m passionate not only about affordable housing, but also about what happens after people get a new home,” Sordia said. “That trip increased my curiosity about affordable housing in millions of ways.” Eisenreich said she learned both about herself and her leadership, as well as the country she lives in, from her Bike & Build experience. Eisenreich said she took a lot of what she learned on her trip as far as leadership, organization and trip experience into her position. “We constantly had to be flexible, think on our feet, encourage each other, and learn to function as a team,” Eisenreich said. “In my current position as a program director, I help to manage and supervise our leader teams, who coordinate these riders for our many rides.” For more information on the organization and on how to join for next summer, visit www.bikeandbuild. org or call (267)-331-8488.

UWO welcomes Wis-go Vegans According to OSRCA: Students must be in good academic standing and must be pursuing their first baccalaureate degree. Students applying for the Summer Collaborative Research Grant must be enrolled in at least six undergraduate credits for the following fall semester. Students applying for the Academic Year Research grant must be enrolled for at least six undergraduate credits during each fall and spring semester.

Grants to fund student research

by Neal Hogden

The Office of Student Research and Creative Activity has extended new grant opportunities for students looking to research certain topics at UW Oshkosh. The grant gives students the funds to work with a faculty member to further research a topic of their choosing. The Interim Director of the OSCRA Activity, Stephen Kercher, said this is a wonderful opportunity to boost students’ resumes. “It really is a partnership between the faculty member and the student,” Kercher said. “The faculty member can help jumpstart someone’s interest and help shepherd that idea into a proposal and then hopefully into real research.” Kercher said the opportunity is extremely valuable and students are encouraged to apply. “The value added of doing something like research, of really stretching your wings and re-

ally pushing yourself to do a little bit more in this very unique research-oriented environment that we thrive in here is there for the taking,” Kercher said. The grant is beyond the fiscal amount of what is usually offered to students who would like to get involved in research opportunities. Chemistry professor Jennifer Schuttlefield Christus said the opportunity gives students a freedom that normal labs don’t offer. “It’s a wonderful opportunity for students to get their hands on research projects and learn in the lab not under structured guidance that we typically use in labs. Rather, this is open and exploratory,” Shuttlefield Christus said. “They can refine their skills and find out what research is really like.” Senior Zac Chambers said his research opportunity forced him to narrow down his topic to focus on something very specific within the field of study. “[This opportunity] helps you pay more attention to detail,”

Chambers said. “I think that’s very important. When you’re submitting the research to get the grant, you have to pay attention to all the details, you have to think of everything. You may have an idea and when you have the faculty there, you can narrow it all down and know exactly what you want to look for.” The main goal of the OSRCA is to give students a chance to further their education through research, according to its website. “The Office of Student Research and Creative Activity is dedicated to helping students identify opportunities for research and creative activity, locate resources to help fund them and then, not least, share the results of their work with peers and members of the general public,” according to the website. To check out the OSCRA and apply for funding, go to

by Christina Basken The UW Oshkosh Student Association voted in a new student organization, Wisgo Vegans, during its senate meeting on Tuesday. Wis-go Vegans is an on-campus organization with the goal of creating a community for people interested in talking about their experience and advice as a vegan. President of Wis-go Vegans, Noelle Fenwick, said there was no other plantbased organization on campus before Wis-go. “In the summer, I went vegan,” Fenwick said. “Coming back to campus I was kind of worried about falling back into temptation, going back to the land of meat and cheese, so I just kind of did it to create a community of

support, engagement, that kind of thing.” Fenwick said she has been a vegetarian since her first semester at UWO. “I have an ethics professor, Professor Williams, who is vegetarian all the time and vegan most of the time, and he did a lecture of the ethics of eating animals and it just clicked and I was like ‘Woah, what am I doing?’” Fenwick said. OSA Vice President Pro-Tempore, Allie Chen, said she voted in favor of Wis-go Vegans because of her own experience as a vegetarian. Chen said it’s common to hear negative feedback about being vegetarian. “Sometimes it is just nice to be around people who think alike, and if you have a club for that, that’s your

community right there,” she said. Fenwick said the organization is growing rapidly. “We have gotten 20 members just within the first month of school of me advertising,” Fenwick said. OSA Senator Colin Daniels said he did some of his own research about vegans and watched some documentaries, which ultimately made him want to vote in favor for the new organization. “It’s definitely a good initiative, especially creating a healthier campus and creating some awareness about it.” Wis-go Vegans will meet biweekly in Reeve 210 at 6 p.m. on Mondays during the month of November.

Suspects arrested in connection to burglaries, stolen vehicle

by Nikki Brahm Seven suspects were arrested in connection to several burglaries that occurred in residential areas near the UW Oshkosh campus and in connection to a stolen automobile complaint, according to a press release issued Tuesday by the Oshkosh Police Department. From Sept. 9 to Sept. 27, there were nine burglaries and three attempted burglaries in residential areas surrounding campus. Unlocked homes, windows, garages and cars

have been targeted at night. According to the updated press release, three males ages 20 to 26 years old were arrested in connection with receiving stolen property. Four juveniles were also arrested in connection with multiple charges including party to the crime of a burglary, receiving stolen property and operating a motor vehicle without the owner’s consent. The Oshkosh Police Department continues to urge the public to lock their homes, garages and vehicles, as well as hide valuables in their cars.

A4 | October 18, 2018

Opinion Advance-Titan

Lauren Freund - Opinion Editor

Landlords take advantage of students

Marijuana should be legalized

by Courtney Schuna Courtney Schuna is a senior English major. Her views do not necessarily represent those of The Advance-Titan.

by Joshua Mounts Joshua Mounts is a senior journalism major. His views do not necessarily represent those of The Advance-Titan. Almost every student deals with landlords during their college experience. Some students deal with different landlords over their years in college, and others choose to stick with the same company throughout their years. But the fact still stands: you will probably deal with a less-than-ideal landlord sooner or later. Imagine yourself as student about to live off campus. Students living off campus are probably tasting sweet independence for the first time in their lives. Going away to a place far from their parents’ house, finally escaping the overwatching eyes of their guardians. Landlords aren’t oblivious to the fact that students are off on their own for the first time, and unfortunately, this can lead to some exploitation. There are certain things that young adults don’t know when renting their first places, and landlords take advantage of that. Riding the high of pure independence, students often sign their first leases without reading them thoroughly, when in reality scouring the fine print in those documents is important for everyone to do. There are often details hidden in the agreements that students should be aware of; small specifics about rules and things you could be charged for at the end of the lease. My roommates and I had a poor experience with a landlord at our first house. We were so excited about living in a house together that we didn’t really evaluate what we were getting ourselves into. The house would fit our needs as well as our budget and that was pretty much that. We didn’t really know how bad it would get until midway through our lease when the landlords ignored our requests for repairs around the house. The gravity of the whole situation really came to light when our lease ended. Everyone has to pay a security deposit at the beginning of the year to cover for damages that the place may endure during the tenants’ residency. We, as most people probably do, were expecting our full deposit back because we thought we were fairly clean and careful. Our landlords came to us and not only kept our entire deposit, but also tried to charge us for more than $1,000 in extra expenses. We came to the sudden realization that things weren’t as they had once seemed. Of course we fought the landlords about these expenses and even threatened to take them to court to fight it out, and all of a sudden they decided we didn’t owe them anything. As unfortunate as it is, students need to be careful when dealing with things as big as legal rental agreements and be mindful about trusting landlords. It’s a sad truth but a truth nonetheless. People may try to take advantage of you, but that’s part of growing up. Being forward, stern and firm as well as questioning certain things with people like landlords could save yourself some money as well as some trouble in the future.

Recent cases prompt action


by The Advance-Titan Staff

Professors are similar to parents in that they take on the role to care, guide and provide support. What happens when professors overstep that role, and what repercussions should they face? Obviously, what has happened with recent sexual harassment and assault cases on UW Oshkosh is not the perfect solution. Last week, the Advance-Titan covered a story about a former art professor who the University found guilty of violating the UW system rules on sexual harassment and assault with a female student. Michael Beitz pursued a sexual relationship with a female student for three years, which included searching campus for her, kissing her without her consent and sexually assaulting her. Beitz resigned in 2015 and within months was hired at University of Colorado Boulder where his record didn’t follow him. He is currently working there until May of 2019. In early September, the Advance-Titan also covered a story on former volleyball coach Brian Schaefer who sexually assaulted one of his players. Schaefer was quietly fired a year ago after investigations showed that he did harass his player. Unfortunately, these are not the only cases of sexual ha-

rassment and assault at UWO. The Oshkosh Northwestern reported that the Beitz case was one of three confirmed instances and 15 complaints of sexual harassment at UWO in the past five years. UWO had the second-highest number of complaints in the UW System in these five years. Hiring Process

The University uses a search and screen process to assess a candidate’s skills, experience and education to find the most qualified people with the college dean and/or chair making the final decision. All UWO employees have to go through a criminal background check prior to starting work at the University. Reference checks are done through the University’s applicant tracking system in person or over the phone by a search and screen committee or hiring supervisor. All employees are required to take Title IX training, and two weeks ago, in-person and on-campus sessions were held to further train employees on sexual harassment and assault cases. Complaint Process When a student comes forward with a sexual harassment or assault complaint about a professor, the first step the school takes is to decide if any interim actions need to be taken.

All UW System employees must report to the Title IX Coordinator if a student comes forward with a complaint of sexual harassment or assault. Next, the school completes an investigation and remedy any findings before working to prevent a recurrence. The director of equal opportunity, equity and affirmative action is the investigative source for cases on complaint. In terms of learning anything from the recent Beitz case, the University refused to comment as it is a personnel matter and is an ongoing case. Student Reactions

UWO sophomore Jillian Heintz said she thinks a record should contain cases of sexual assault and harassment complaints because she didn’t know any details about the Beitz or Schaefer case. “I don’t think it’s right that [Beitz] got to leave without anything on his record,” Heintz said. UWO junior Jack Steinhoff said he also didn’t know much about the cases and that shows that there should be more communication about them. “It’s terrible that a lot of that stuff is coming out now in the news,” Steinhoff said. “I guess it’s time that people talk about it and make it known.” UWO freshman Anna Gerstner said the recent cases make her feel uneasy about professors who take advantage of students.

“It’s disgusting, honestly,” Gerstner said. “Why are professors doing that to students?” Possible Solutions UWO senior Samantha Volkman said the hiring process should require more information on applicants to prevent a case like Beitz from happening again. “Maybe there should be better screening of professors before they hire them,” Volkman said. “Maybe get more background information on them.” Gerster said doing several background checks and several observances of professors after being hired could also be a solution. “Get triple background checks and then after that do another background check,” Gerstner said. “After that, observe by having someone go in once a month to see how they interact with students.” Although there are different solutions to prevent these sexual harassment and assault cases, the University needs to learn from previous cases and communicate with students on what is happening. If a student is seeking support after being sexually assaulted, they can go to confidentail sources, including the counseling center, the Student Health Center or talk to the campus victim advocate, Ciara Hill, from Reach Counseling.

Marijuana is a great way to treat various medical conditions like severe anxiety and cancer. Its use, both recreational and medical, should be legal in all 50 states. A Pew Research Center article by Hannah Hartig and Abigail Geiger titled, “About six-in-ten Americans support marijuana legalization,” states that 62 percent of those surveyed say the use of marijuana should be legalized. Hartig and Geiger also said different generations believe marijuana should be legalized. “Majorities of Millennials (74%), Gen Xers (63%) and Baby Boomers (54%) say the use of marijuana should be legal,” Hartig and Geiger said. According to the Drug Policy Alliance in “Marijuana Legalization and Regulation,” there are many benefits to legalizing marijuana. “It reduces harm, creates jobs, saves money and marijuana promotes consumer safety,” the articled stated. UW Oshkosh senior Samantha Tate said she believes that marijuana does more good than harm and should be legalized. “You cannot overdose on marijuana,” Tate said. “If marijuana is legalized, many people who are in prisons for marijuana will be released and jobs will be created.” Prospective UWO student Austin Wahljohnson said he understands both sides of the debate. “The whole issue depends on the situation,” Wahljohnson said. “If you are at home it’s not a big deal, but if you are in public it could be potentially dangerous to be around.” Overall, marijuana is better legal than illegal because it has so many societal benefits like treating medical conditions and creating jobs.

Street preachers provide interactions for students

by Jesse Szweda Jesse Szweda is a senior English major. His views do not necessarily represent those of The Advance-Titan. Like other students at this University, I had a Christian upbringing, which meant I got to hear plenty of preaching throughout my childhood. However, this preaching always took place within a church on Sunday morning. It wasn’t until I went to college that I discovered some Christians actually preach in public and that college campuses are often their favorite place to do it. This brand of evangelism is often called open-air preaching, and though not all evangelists that come to our campus preach, most of the students I know

have had at least one encounter with an preaching as a method of evangelism. open-air preacher. “We have a responsibility to share Needless to say, many students dis- the Word of God,” Knoll said. “One of like them. the things you have to realize, though, It’s not uncommon to hear stories is that simply telling someone that God of these preachers behaving in a ver- exists only goes so far.” bally abusive manner, usually against Knoll said he believes that some of LGBTQ+ students. the most powerful ministry is carried Incidents like these have led some out on a personal level, forming bonds people to question whether they should with students and emphasizing the imbe allowed on college campuses. portance of a relationship with Christ. I think we as students “When we do that need to accept the presin a more personTo limit one idea over al way, I think that ence of these preachers another is to restrict on our campus. shows God’s love Though I often dis- the free flowing thought fuller,” Knoll said. agree with their mes- of ideas. “But I wouldn’t dissage, I believe that miss the ability for — Heath Pucel God to work in peoopen-air preachers proPreacher ple just sharing the vide an opportunity for students to interact with word publicly.” different world views, Faith-based clubs and this can contribute to an atmosphere on our campus tend to focus on this of intellectual exploration that is ulti- style of evangelism. However, the openmately beneficial to our University. air preachers I have spoken to place a It’s not too hard to find students on greater emphasis on public preaching. campus who have an opinion on the Duane Schneider, a open-air preacher subject of open-air preachers, and many who frequently comes to our campus, of these students are Christians them- said that Christians who preach in pubselves. lic places are acting out of love for their UW Oshkosh senior Aaron Knoll neighbors. is the leader of a Bible study for His “I would say that the most loving House Christian Fellowship and said he thing we can do is to warn others,” thinks there are limitations to open-air Schneider said. “I believe street preach-

ing is a siren that sounds the alarm that one day every one of us is going to stand before God.” Heath Pucel, one of Schneider’s fellow preachers, also said that universities should be careful not to suppress the free speech of open-air preachers. “In a realm such as UW Oshkosh, it’s a world of academia,” Pucel said. “We talk about a world of free thought and ideas. To limit one idea over another is to restrict the free flowing thought of ideas.” Ultimately, open-air preaching is a form of free speech, and if we take our civil liberties as Americans seriously, then we need to respect the right of open-air preachers to take their message to our campus. Do some of these preachers act in a hateful or disruptive way? Absolutely. But for every one of those preachers, there are just as many who refrain from attacking students personally and are willing to cooperate with law enforcement if any complaints are received. The University has been called the marketplace of ideas, and the more ideas students are exposed to, the more this atmosphere of intellectual exploration and debate can flourish. And I think we should all be able to agree on the value of that atmosphere.




Christina Basken - News Editor Nikki Brahm - Assistant News Editor

October 18, 2018

Happy 50th anniversary Journalism celebrates with open house, presentations by Barbara A Benish I remember the first story I wrote for the Advance-Titan. It was about 1980, and I had written for my high school newspaper so I thought I knew what I was doing. But this story was about pesticides used on campus, and I admit, even after interviewing multiple sources, I was confused. That confusion came through in my story. Let’s just put it this way — it wasn’t my best work. Fast forward more than three decades and I’m back at the Advance-Titan, this time as adviser. Production nights are a little shorter than I remember, and quieter, too, since Mac computers and Adobe Creative Cloud have taken the place of typewriters, word processors and wax machines, the latter which

were needed then to paste the brate: more than 2,800 gradcolumns of text on large pa- uates, about 87 percent of our per dummies. students have one or more inBut the camaraderie ternships prior to graduation among the and, accordstaff hasn’t ing to recent changed since job placement my days in data, 88 perthe basement cent work in of Radford the field. Hall, where On behalf the A-T was of the Dethen locatpartment of ed. We are Journalism, one big famI invite you ily, and I’m to join in our excited and celebration, very proud to whether that be a part of be attending that family. the free pro I’m also talks or media BARBARA BENISH excited and panels on Friproud to be day, to taking part of the committee that part in the Department and has helped plan the Depart- Advance-Titan open housment of Journalism’s 50th es on Friday or Saturday. anniversary celebration, for Check out the schedule to the we truly have a lot to cele- right for times and locations.

Many of our alumni — from ESPN, Axios and Politico, Facebook and many other major companies — will be here to share their stories and expertise. Enjoy this special edition of the Advance-Titan that looks at the past and to the future of the Department. Here’s to 50 years of producing journalists whose expertise span multimedia and print, public relations, advertising, social media, photography and videography, and more. It’s been quite a ride — and one I have thoroughly enjoyed. Barbara Benish is the adviser of the Advance-Titan and internship coordinator for the Department of Journalism.

Tech changes keep journalists always learning by Lauren Freund

TOP LEFT: Ray Barrington types his story on a typewriter in the basement of Radford, where the Advance-Titan offices formerly were located. BOTTOM LEFT: 2014 editors lay out the paper on Mac computers. RIGHT: In 1979, a reporter types her story into a word processor; her story is then transferred to a 1-inch strip of yellow paper punched with holes, which is inserted into another machine to become columns of text.

Advance-Titan began in 1894 by Christina Basken and Alex Loroff

For over 120 years, the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh has boasted an independent student-run newspaper that has evolved with the university to become a staple of UW Oshkosh’s student media. The paper that is now known as The Advance-Titan began in 1894 as The Normal Advance, which was published by faculty members and students of the Oshkosh State Normal School, Wisconsin’s third teacher training school. The Normal Advance was started by the school’s

faculty in order to get news out to the entire student body and staff in a timely manner, as well as to provide students and faculty with opportunities to improve their writing skills. Throughout its years of existence, the student newspaper has undergone multiple name changes, but in January of 1967 the paper became known as the Oshkosh Advance-Titan, eventually becoming simply known as The Advance-Titan. The Department of Journalism was officially started in 1968, with David Lippert, a man with a background in newspapers and a strong belief in freedom of the press, at the helm in creating the new program. He also served as adviser to the student newspaper.

The Advance-Titan officially became a student organization in the 1970s, with the students pretty much in control over the day-to-day operations of the newspaper and a faculty adviser overseeing the group, giving advice and signing printing contracts so the print newspaper could be published each week. According to journalism emeritus professor Gary Coll, who later also advised the newspaper, the students and faculty who were involved with The Advance-Titan were like a family, as they would often work through the night to put the paper together each week. They sometimes slept on

From typewriters to Mac computers, the UW Oshkosh Department of Journalism has experienced significant changes in technology over the past 50 years. Alumna Mary Bergin, ’73, experienced the Department when it only had typewriters. “The only lab that I recall was the darkroom, for making black-and-white photos from camera film,” Bergin said. “We used electric typewriters to compose articles for homework or our Advance-Titan newspaper assignments.” As the department looks forward and technology continues to update, Bergin said that it’ll be important for the department to stay on top of changes. “It’s certainly going to keep changing, getting more and more efficient,” Bergin said. “It will be very important for faculty to stay on the cutting edge of changes and improvements.” Alumnus John Giesfeldt, ’86, experienced the journalism labs when they had Tandy Radio Shack-80 computers. “Basically, they were true word processors,” Giesfeldt said. “No graphics capabilities, but they were better than typewriters.” Giesfeldt said that with technology providing more channels for journalism, the department must keep updated and provide the best for students. “The challenge for the department is to keep the curriculum relevant,” Giesfeldt said. “The communications landscape has changed – digital in all forms, print, broadcast etc. Each has its limits and capabilities.” Alumna Patty Brandl graduated from UW Oshkosh with a journalism degree in 2003, and by then, the department had iMacs in the labs. “I was grateful for the school because it did let me learn how to use all of the Mac computers, the iPads, everything,” Brandl said. “I think it’s so much easier, and for graphics it’s a lot nicer.” Brandl said that without the internet, the Advance-Titan was the main source for knowing what was going on around campus. “The only technology we had to let us know what was going on around us was the A-T,” Brandl said. “And people would just wait for that thing to come out.” Alumnus Tony Palina, ’01, said that technology brings a new challenge to students. “I think, unfortunately, as technology has evolved and you have the old folks versus the new folks it’s going to be assumed that people of this generation should know all that,” Palina said. As technology continues to update, Palina said that the department just needs to focus on embracing it. “You almost have to guess what the next thing



Discover Wisconsin host named Outstanding Young Alumna by Joe Schulz Mariah Haberman, an Emmy-nominated host, producer and marketer for the long-running tourism show “Discover Wisconsin,” will be receiving the Outstanding Young Alumni Award Friday at UW Oshkosh. When Haberman isn’t working on “Discover Wisconsin,” she tours Wisconsin raising awareness for alcoholism and writes her lifestyle blog, which

focuses on personal and professional development. Haberman said she grew up on a farm in Evansville, Wisconsin, where she learned the value of hard work. “My parents never really had a 9-5 job, and I don’t really work 9-5 now either,” Haberman said. “I think that was the biggest thing, just learning how to work really hard and understanding that sometimes in life, work doesn’t really stop.”

After graduating with a journalism degree in 2010, Haberman went to work for several marketing firms. She said those experiences were a marketing boot camp. “The thing about agencies is you get a wide array of experience with a wide array of different clients,” Haberman said. “You … go into an agency like that at 22 with your eyes wide open, and you get the feeling when you leave [that]

you learned a ton in just a short amount of time.” Haberman said her willingness to step out of her comfort zone has led to her success. “I think it’s all about not getting too comfortable,” Haberman said. “I think a lot of people in their careers get angry because they plateau at a certain area and they never feel comfortable diving into things that scare them. I’ve always been intrigued and fascinated and ex-

cited by areas that I don’t know a lot about, which has kept me at Discover Mediaworks the past five years.” In 2017 “Discover Wisconsin” was nominated for a Chicago/Midwest Regional Emmy award for interactivity. Haberman said being nominated for an Emmy made her feel grateful and reassured her that “Discover Wisconsin” was on the right track with its digital and social media efforts.


1968~Dr. David “Doc” Lippert founds the Department of Journalism in the College of Letters and Science at the Wisconsin State University of Oshkosh to train news reporters.

1972~Sigma Delta Chi, now known as the Society of Professional Journalists, establishes a chapter at UW Oshkosh in February.


1974~The department adds a second sequence to the curriculum: advertising-public relations. Developing the curriculum are new faculty members Garner Horton, left, and Bill Scrivner, right.


1969~The journalism department moves into the former UAW Hall where the Clow parking lot is now located. By 1969, the faculty members included Lippert, Harrison Youngren and Gary Coll. Judy Schultz had joined in 1967 when Lippert was planning the department.

1973~The Oshkosh Advance-Titan wins its first Pacemaker Award, sponsored by the Associated Collegiate Press.

1985~In May, the UW Oshkosh Chapter of

1980~The UW Oshkosh American Advertising Federation chapter is established, providing national opportunities for the advertising-public relations sequence.

the Public Relations Student Society of America is established, overseen by Dr. Harvey Jacobson. In 2012, the chapter is renamed the Dr. Julie Henderson PRSSA Chapter to honor the dedicated public relations professor and adviser.


1978~The department gains accreditation by the Accrediting Council for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications, or ACEJMC. The department maintains its academic rigor for this national accreditation as evidenced in reviews every six years.

2002~Paul Anger, ’72, then editor and vice president of The Des Moines Register, is the department’s first recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award. Since then, the department has had six alumni win this award.



1983~Linda Lord-Jenkins, ’74, is the journalism department’s first recipient of the Outstanding Young Alumni Award, presented by the university’s Alumni Association. As of 2018, we have had 29 alumni win this award.

1996~The Journalism Advisory Board forms to provide faculty with professional insight for curriculum, internships and strategic initiatives. Long-serving board members include Ron Montgomery, ’84, who has served on the board since its first year, and John Giesfeldt, ’88, the current president.

The department’s founder, Dave Lippert, dies on May 31 in a traffic accident. Gary Coll takes over as chair.

50 years of history in the making

by Zach Dion Home is where the heart is. No one department at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh knows that better than the Department of Journalism. In five decades, the journalism department has had five different homes: a house in front of Reeve Memorial Union, which is now a parking lot; a building behind Clow Hall, which is now also a parking lot; the basement of Radford Hall; Clow Classroom; and finally, the third floor of Sage, where it is still housed today. The department was started with one purpose: to train newspaper reporters. But it has continually updated its programs and majors, and today offers a major in Public Relations and a major in journalism. The journalism major also includes emphases in multimedia journalism, which is new this year, as well as advertising and media studies. And advertising will soon be another major offered, although it will take two years to get the major approved,

Since the Department was established in 1968, it has graduated more than 2,800 students. Gary Coll, a former professor and chairman of the department, recalled fighting against the department moving into standard-type academic quarters. This began when David Lippert, founder of the department, worked to find buildings on campus to house the department and The AdvanceTitan newspaper that were set off in some way from the rest of the campus. “You know, you don’t want to be too close to anybody if you’re a journalist,” Coll said. “You want to be able to be independent and objective. You won’t want others looking over your shoulder all the time as that might put pressure on you. So, it was a succession of buildings and we were always trying to be on our own and develop our own classrooms, our own reading room, and things like that.” Today, the UWO Department of Journalism has a main office, a reading room, a journalism computer lab, a scanning lab, two graph-

ics labs, a photo studio, a journalism workroom and offices for its 11 faculty and staff members. The Advance-Titan, the department’s oldest student organization, was founded in 1894 as the Normal Advance and switched its name to The Advance-Titan in 1967. Since its establishment, the department has founded four other clubs: Advertising Club, Photo Club, the Dr. Julie Henderson Public Relations Student Society of America and the Society of Professional Journalists. In addition, it also has a chapter of Kappa Tau Alpha, a national society that honors achievement in journalism. Coll said the department continually adapted to the times, bringing new technology into the curriculum as it was developed, including electric typewriters, Tandy Radio Shack-80 computers and iMac computers, as well as changes in computer software. It also made the transition from film photography, using a dark room to develop photos, to digital photography. “We developed new class-

es, got people to teach those parts of the program and formed student organizations: news, advertising and public relations,” Coll said. “It just kind of grew from there until now. Our form now is to have a number of sequences for students to go out and do journalistic achievement in a number of areas.” Coll said he also saw rough times within the media sphere during his career, similar to today’s era of fake news. “What we do is often not popular… I mean you’re giving the secrets away,” Coll said. “And you’re empowering people to know a little bit about their lives and portraying for them a pretty good representation of what’s going on out there, and I think people in positions of authority have always resented that.” Coll summarizes the journalism realm with the classic quote from Mr. Dooley, a fictional 19th century Irish bartender: “The job of the newspaper is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.”

TECHNOLOGY FROM PAGE A5 is going to be,” Palina said. “I think as long as the department is being led or is going in the direction of embracing the technology, or at least not pushing it away, they’ll be fine.” Gary Coll, a faculty member from 1969 to 2005, was there for many of the technological changes. “They came along, they went quick, and everybody kept with it,” Coll said.


“But if you look where you jump from, from here to here, you just see it’s unbelievable.” On the future of the department and technology, Coll said that we will continue to use and keep up with it, but not be dependent on it. “We always want to stay up with it,” Coll said. “But I don’t think we’re looking at it to replace us.”


the floor of Coll’s office in Radford Hall where the paper was put together at that time. In the beginning, students putting together the newspaper had to convert typescript into camera-ready copy, and a student then had to drive the copy to Ripon where the papers were then printed. It was a lengthy process that required students to write their stories on typewriters, then input their stories into a device that would punch a series of holes on a roll of 1-inch yellow paper, which was then inserted into a large phototypesetting processor that spit out the copy in columns. The paper columns of copy then were cut and pasted onto the large paper layout. In 1992, the Advance-Titan offices moved to Reeve Memorial Union during Radford Hall renovations. The move was supposed to be temporary, but Reeve Union became the newspaper’s permanent home where it still operates. Today, technology has made the process of publishing a newspaper much easier, with students writing, editing and designing the paper on Mac computers, as well as posting updates or breaking


Dave “Doc” Lippert, who started the journalism dept., teaches a student how to use a camera.

news on social media or its website. But one thing has remained constant throughout the years, said Barbara Benish, current A-T adviser and in the 1980s, a writer and editor of the student newspaper. “The Advance-Titan is still one large family; the people you work with on a weekly basis become your best friends you can lean on during emergencies and celebrate with during successes. And those friendships continue on, even decades after graduating.” Journalism professor Vince Filak, who served as Advance-Titan adviser for 10 years, said it is up to the students of today and tomorrow to see how the newspaper evolves in the future. “Where it goes is really kind of dependent on what the students see as a vision,” Filak said. “My vision has always been very simple; you are the voice, and you are at the service of the audience of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh.” Paul Anger has seen the newspaper industry evolve. He graduated from UW Oshkosh in 1972 with a bachelor’s degree in journalism, and credits his career success to what he learned while working for The Advance-Titan as a student. “Working on The Advance-Titan with creative, committed fellow students was really helpful,” said Anger, who retired in 2015 as editor/publisher of The Detroit Free Press. “We put in very long

hours, and we were not micro-managed by Dr. Lippert, but he instilled in us high standards and expected us to meet them.” In his 48-year newspaper career, Anger also worked as an editor or publisher for the Des Moines Register, the KnightRidder Washington Bureau and the Miami Herald. Anger said journalism is a great opportunity to make the world a better place. “I highly recommend journalism to anyone who is curious, has good word skills, and who wants to make the world a little better, or a lot better,” he said. “If you go into journalism and work on your craft, you will never have a dull moment. And you can feel good that the work you do truly makes a difference in people’s lives. There’s nothing ‘fake’ about that.” Anger also recommends students not pay attention to the criticism journalists face today. “Don’t pay attention to the criticism … from those with selfish, boorish, political motivations,” Anger said. “In the end, the truth always wins out. If you are a good journalist — careful, fair and accurate — your truth will win out. You are needed, now more than ever, in our democracy.”

2011~Jim VandeHei, ’95, receives an honorary doctorate from UW Oshkosh for his exceptional accomplishments as founder and executive editor of Politico. VandeHei later goes on to start Axios in 2016.

2010~Cindy Schultz, right, takes over the journalism department office with the retirement of Judy Schultz after 43 years in that role.

2018~The department introduces the multimedia major, which merges the writing and visual emphases to keep curriculum on pace with technology and practices in the field, as well as changing demands for online and mobile content.

2011~The journalism department is granted the Certification in Education for Public Relations by the Public Relations Society of America, becoming the first university in Wisconsin to receive this distinction. 2012~The department rolls out its new public relations major, the first of its kind in the UW System, through the leadership of Dr. Henderson prior to her retirement.

Graphic by Ana Maria Anstett

We are the UW Oshkosh chapter of the nation’s most broad-based journalism organization, and we can help you get moving toward a professional career.

Our activities include:

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We are looking for new members, and there is room at the top! Contact us at

Happy 50th Anniversary to the UW Oshkosh Journalism Department!


UWO student Hannah Thorn poses for students Eli Miller and Lance Gulotta who are working on a multimedia project for class.

Alumni give advice to students

by Hailey Lawrence There are many ways that people can describe journalism, and over time there have been many quotable quotes to describe it. For instance, Wilbur F. Storey said that “it is a newspaper’s duty to print the news and raise hell.” Alumni of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh’s Department of Journalism have many words of wisdom to share about being a journalist. Here’s what they have to say. Patrick Durkin Former Editor for Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine, Outdoors Column Writer

PATRICK DURKIN “To paraphrase Flannery O’Connor, facts and truth don’t change according to people’s willingness to stomach them. Journalists must write with facts, knowledge and documented research. We can’t wing it. If you write with strength and integrity, most people recognize it. If you try to please everyone, you please no one.”

Patrick Durkin was just leaving the Navy in 1980 when he decided to pursue a career in journalism. He enrolled at UW Oshkosh in 1981 and graduated in 1983 with a bachelor’s degree in journalism and minors in English and political science. While studying journalism, Durkin was a copy editor, reporter, and column writer for The Advance-Titan. After college, Durkin wrote for the Oshkosh Northwestern as a sports and education writer, while additionally writing and editing the outdoors section of the paper. Durkin’s ultimate goal was to be an outdoors writer for a major publication. In 1991, Durkin became the editor for Deer & Deer Hunting magazine. He worked there for 10 years until he started freelancing in 2001. Durkin now writes an outdoors column that appears in 17 Wisconsin newspapers and writes feature articles for publications including American Hunter and Inside Archery. Durkin’s greatest advice for aspiring journalists would be to be flexible and to keep learning. He also says that writing with strength and integrity is necessary to be recognized as a respected journalist. Mary Bergin Food & Travel Writer and Photographer “I’m a big believer in being able to do whatever you aspire, if you want it enough and realize that personal sacrifices – some major – will be necessary along the way. When you get the courage to take the right risks, you mold a journalism career to match your personal passions [and] interests.” Mary Bergin went from be-

about taking risks and going out of your comfort zone. Megan Esau Proposal Support Specialist

for Fox World Travel

From Boring

to Brilliant

support specialist. Esau says that it is important for students to challenge themselves and to see how far they are willing to take that challenge. Esau also says that making the world more educated is the most important part of being a journalist. Patrick Stiegman Vice President/Editorial Director of Global Digital Content for ESPN


ing a nursing major to a veterinary medicine major before deciding to be a journalism major in 1973. During her time at UW Oshkosh, Bergin was an editor at The Advance-Titan and a member of Sigma Delta Chi, now known as the Society of Professional Journalists. After she graduated in 1978, Bergin worked at the Oshkosh Northwestern as an editorial assistant. Bergin then went to work at The Capital Times in Madison for 20 years, which she said was one of her proudest moments as a journalist. In 2002, Bergin also decided to freelance and followed her passion for food and travel. She has published multiple books and received the Lowell Thomas Award in 2015 for a Chicago Tribune article she wrote on a bratwurst museum in Germany. Bergin continues her love for food and travel with her weekly “Roads Traveled” column about her independent travels, as well as her culinary commentary. Bergin says that it is an honor and a privilege to tell the stories of average people. She also says that being a journalist is

MEGAN ESAU “We want to share stories and we want to share the truth and contribute to a more educated world. I think staying strong in this profession just comes from knowing that you are in it for good reason, and that you’re here to share the truth and fight the real fake news that’s out there.” Megan Esau originally had a minor in journalism before making it her major in 2015. What ultimately made her decide to make it become her major was taking a Writing for the Media class. During her time at UW Oshkosh, Esau was a copy editor for the A-T and also worked at the Writing Center. She graduated in 2016 and went to work full-time at EAA after previously being an editorial intern there. Esau said she had many opportunities at EAA, including meeting seven of the Apollo astronauts and the U.S. Secretary of the Air Force. In August 2018, she moved to Fox World Travel as a proposal


PATRICK STIEGMAN “Identify, adapt and overcome. Be curious, be thoughtful, be open-minded, be committed to the task. The rewards will follow.” Patrick Stiegman always had a passion for journalism and the accredited journalism program at UW Oshkosh is what made him decide to enroll here. During his time at Oshkosh, Stiegman said journalism was everything to him — from being the editor and sports editor of the The Advance Titan, to working at the Oshkosh Northwestern covering sports. After graduating in 1988, Stiegman went to write for many metro

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NEWS Advance-Titan


Christina Basken - News Editor Nikki Brahm - Assistant News Editor

October 18, 2018



newspapers including the Wausau Daily Herald and the Wisconsin State Journal before joining the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Stiegman then went to work for ESPN as executive editor, editor-in-chief, and now is the editorial director of global digital content. As a sports journalist, Stiegman has covered events ranging from the Olympics to Super Bowls. Stiegman says the best part about being a sports journalist is that he gets to capture the human spirit and tell stories that change people’s lives. Stiegman’s advice for aspiring journalists is to be fully committed to being a journalist to get any results. He also says the best part about being a journalist is that journalists serve and humanize the world and bring different perspectives to readers.

Scott Belille Editor of the New London Press Star “Sometimes as a journalist you have to make the call to … focus your efforts on informing the people who sincerely care. And you do your absolute best to report well and responsibly in hopes that your fiercest critics’ arguments have no weight.” Scott Belille had a passion for reading and writing, which made him decide to pursue journalism at UW Oshkosh. At Oshkosh, Belille was the club secretary for SPJ, the Society of Professional Journalists, and was the assistant news editor and a reporter for The Advance-Titan. When Belille graduated in 2015, he knew he wanted to be a community news reporter and moved back to his hometown in New London. He worked as a sports writer for the New London Star. In 2017, Belille was promoted to editor for the Press Star and its sister publication, the Clintonville Tribune-Gazette. Belille said that he loves being a community reporter because he gets to preserve his community’s history for future generations to look back at. Belille said that the one thing that a journalist should do is to never leave a reader confused or with a question unanswered. He also said that readers still value learning facts and being informed so journalists can’t let them down.

SCOTT BELILLE Read more about the Department of Journalism: • • •

NSAC gives applied skills to ad majors Public Relations advances in the department The full story version about Mariah Haberman Visit us at



LEFT: Bailey McClellan feeds a giraffe at her social media internship at the NEW ZOO. TOP RIGHT: Nikki Brahm pets an arctic fox and conducts an interview at the Shalom Wildlife Center in West Bend as a reporting intern for the Washington County Daily News. BOTTOM RIGHT: Christina Basken, photo intern, takes an air-to-air of two Swifts for EAA’s Sport Aviation magazine.

Internships: ‘game changer’ in job market by Josh Mounts One of the biggest worries college students face when graduation approaches is whether they will be able to get a job in the months after the ceremony. The UW Oshkosh Department of Journalism internship program works aggressively to ease students’ minds and to prepare them for the job-searching process. Gary Coll, UW Oshkosh emeritus journalism professor who taught for 36 years, said the Department’s internship program essentially began with students reporting local high school sports while working for the Oshkosh Northwestern and other area newspapers. After that, the department and university created a program where employers could request the school find students willing to take jobs with them. “Later, when the Department added an advertising and public relations emphasis, we institutionalized it by going to an internship program,” Coll said. “It allowed for businesses to recruit our students to come and work for a period of time under the rules of the internship program.” The program has continued to grow and now students take part in internships from a wide variety of employers including, but not limited to, the Green Bay Packers; the brand-new Milwaukee Bucks affiliate, the

Wisconsin Herd; Pandora Radio; EAA and many more. Barbara Benish, the department’s internship coordinator, has been with the program for 10 years, working to make sure that journalism students have the skills, knowledge and experience they need when they graduate to find a job. That includes preparing and revising resumes and cover letters, participating in mock interviews, creating book and online portfolios, networking and learning about things like salary negotiation or interviewing techniques. Benish said most employers no longer want students to have one internship; they want to hire students who have had multiple internships. Some journalism students will graduate with as many as five internships; not surprisingly, those students generally have job offers before they graduate, she said. In most semesters, about 90 percent of journalism graduates will have at least one internship or other relevant experience, which helps to make the job search much easier, Benish said. In Spring 2018, for example, 87 percent of journalism graduates either had an internship or other related experience at graduation. Specifically, 81 percent of journalism minors and majors had at least one internship prior to graduation, and of those with internships, 61 percent also had relevant experience working at the

Advance-Titan, Titan radio or TV, or participating in competitions such as the National Organ Donor Awareness Campaign, Bateman Competition or the National Student Advertising Competition. Brody Karmenzind, a 2014 UW Oshkosh alumnus who now works as a partner manager for Facebook, went through the internship program as a student and said it prepared him for the job market. “I highly recommend the internship program,” he said. “ It changed my life because it kept me accountable and helped me crush one of my internships.” Karmenzind also had multiple internships, but his internship at Pandora eventually allowed him to get a job at Facebook. “I asked my co-workers for a connection at Facebook, which lead to a coffee date,” he said. “After that coffee date, the Facebook employee tossed me into the referral system because we connected so well. Two years after that coffee meeting, a recruiter at Facebook hit me up and it led to a job on the sales team where I am currently working.” With the combined work from both staff and students, the internship program for the Department of Journalism is continuing to put students in a place to succeed. “All and all, I give the internship program a heart emoji and highly recommend it for any student,” Karmenzind said. “It’s a game changer.”


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October 18, 2018|A9

Campus Connections Advance-Titan

Jack Tierney - Campus Connections Editor

“Mean Girls” actor hosts UWO homecoming talent show


UWO student Jacob Fulton bends over backward during his performance of “Mama J” Tuesday. by Jack Tierney Daniel Franzese, You-Go-GlennCo-Co star of “Mean Girls,” hosted a talent show in the Reeve Union Ballroom on Tuesday, Oct. 16 for the third night of homecoming. Franzese took the stage in black shoes, black pants, black shirt and fluorescent green hat. His good-humored jokes took aim at the Packers, his mother and Ryan Gosling in traffic. Emilia Callejon, the event coordinator, said she was happy to get a bigname host like Franzese. “We meet him at [National Association for Campus Activities], which is where we get all of our event people for the year,” Callejon said. Callejon said NACA is a place to find talent that Oshkosh event coordinators rely on. “It’s a big conference where we meet comedians, magicians, anybody that we want to come and ask them to come here,” Callejon said. Callejon said that hosting a talent show requires hours of work from shirts to prep to hosts; it takes many days and weeks of hard work. “Having everything in advance, making sure everything [performers] need is on stage, getting the room re-

served, getting everything ready for homecoming is a two-month preparation,” Callejon said. Max Khang won the event by performing a stripped-down version of OneRepublic’s hit song “Secrets” on ukulele. “The whole thing felt calm,” Khang said. “It felt natural and comfortable, and the whole room gave off a vibe that was just comfortable. I was able to feed off of them.” Khang said he wasn’t phased when the crowd applauded during his performance. “I think when you’re performing you have to keep the moment there,” Khang said. “You have to be in your moment. After, you can break character.” Khang said he spreads love to those who keep their talents hidden. “You have to self-love,” Khang said. “It takes a while, but you’ll get there. People will always be there to guide you and help you be comfortable.” In second place was Jacob Fulton, whose drag routine was propelled by the sounds of Gloria Gaynor and Celine Dion. “A drag performer is what-ever you make of it,” Fulton said. “It is an escape from reality. You can be whomever you want whenever you want to


Members of Diet Lite find their rhythem after technical malfunctions slowed their start. be. It’s a fun way to make extra money look like if I was the one performing,” participating in school musicals and too.” Fulton said. talent competitions in high school.” Fulton said that listening to music The third-place winner, Tabitha Prochaska said she hopes that music with family and having a supportive Prochaska, delivered an a capella per- will play an instrumental role in her family has helped him become the formance of “Somewhere Over the day-to-day life. performer he is today. Rainbow.” “I am actually studying elementary “I remember when I was three or “This is my second year participat- education, but throughout my life I’d four and I was with my grandma and ing in the talent show here,” Prochas- love to incorporate music in my teachthe little Vegas showgirl in me was al- ka said. “I’ve done many open mics ing somehow, along with just doing ways trying to envision what it would around my hometown, along with music on the side,” Prochaska said.


By Lee Marshall


Max Khang performs “Secrets” by OneRepublic.


about being sexually assaulted, and that was it and there was no other background information. So it was like 6.6 percent of people who were assaulted last year also attended pub crawl. So in the 365 days someone went to maybe one or two days of pub crawl activity and somewhere in that 365 days they were assaulted. I just think that is a very weak correlation and I think it’s just kind of irrelevant.” Heyden said she feels the University has a strong anti-pub crawl agenda. “La Crosse has Oktoberfest, Madison has Freakfest, Whitewater has Spring Splash and we have pub crawl,” Heyden said. “Kids are going to participate no matter what, so instead of trying to scare us out of it, you should more or less accept that we are going to do it … and just give us those safety precautions.” Fenwick said she felt the email pushed the blame on potential victims of sexual assault who choose to attend pub crawl versus those who choose to stay home. Fenwick said she was sexually assaulted on campus her freshman year. “It was actually someone I knew,” Fenwick said. “There had been drinking, it was my own dorm room and basically I was unconscious for most of the attack. And I honestly, the next day, kind of denied it to myself.” Fenwick said she had symptoms of depression and anxiety and went to the counseling center, where she was able to make the connection to her assault. “This summer I went to counseling every week to work on it and now I’m finally at a place where I can talk about it,” she said. Fenwick said she would have reacted to the email the same way even prior to her assault. “After going through everything I’ve gone through and healing and coming back stronger from it, I think it made me strong enough to write an email to the dean of students, which sounds pretty daunting, and to post it and share it and talk

about it,” she said. “If anything, it has made me more outspoken about this issue, but not more passionate.” Munin said he plans on meeting with students who contacted him about their concerns. “I always want to see how we can further evaluate and further improve the educational advantages we put out there for students,” Munin said. “Ultimately ,this is all about wanting to make our campus safe, and I appreciate that they’re invested in that.” Munin said he is working with the womens center on campus initiatives to prevent sexual assault, such as the online sexual assault education module called Think About It that first-year and transfer students are required to complete. Director of the Women’s Center Alicia Johnson said she suggested changes to the email that were incorporated. Johnson said Munin is a strong ally to survivors of sexual violence. “Additionally, Dr. Munin and I are working together to write a Department of Justice grant that, if awarded, would allow the University to hire a full-time sexual violence prevention professional,” Johnson said. Munin said the grant is $300,000 and would start an initiative for trauma-intensive care training for faculty and students. It would also further support programs on campus such as the Red Zone Initiative, which aims to prevent sexual assault, specifically during the first six weeks of the school year, or the “red zone,” when a disproportionate number of sexual assaults take place. “We hope to be submitting that grant application in early 2019,” Munin said. “There are educational ventures that are continually ongoing. We try to educate people on the nature of consent because it is ultimately the responsibility of perpetrators to make sure that they are not perpetrating. And if those perpetrators are UWO students, they need to understand the consequences, which is you will not be a UW Oshkosh student if you are found responsible. Being here is a privilege and we need to be respectful of everybody in our community.”

A10|October 18, 2018

Sports Advance-Titan

Evan Moris - Sports Editor Neal Hogden - Assistant Sports Editor


Cross-country hosts Kollege Town Invitational

by Billy Piotrowski The UW-Oshkosh cross-country team competed in their largest meet of the season this past Saturday, Oct. 13. The team traveled to Lake Breeze Golf Club in Winneconne to compete in the UW Oshkosh Kollege Town Sports Invitational. The Invitational was a pre-national meet due to Lake Breeze Golf Club also being the site of this year’s NCAA Division III Championship. Nearly 60 teams showed up to run the course. Head coach Eamon McKenna said the field of that many teams poses a unique challenge compared to other meets during the regular season. “The field size was huge, and adding to the challenge this past weekend was that the course was wet and muddy,” McKenna said. “Times were slow,

people were losing shoes, falling down and dealing with the additional difficulty of uncertain ground. With that being said, a race of that size and caliber is an awesome opportunity for our young teams to gain experience and to race against the best. Our teams showed that they will not back down or get nervous against high-quality competition, which is a great sign of things ahead.” Sophomore Andrew George was the third-fastest runner for the Titan men. With a time of 26:47, George placed 134th individually and third for UWO, which placed 20th of the 50 teams on the men’s side of the meet. George said he focused on closing the gap from the teammates ahead of him to minimize their points. “I was also focusing on matching up with as many WIAC runners as I could see,” George said. “The size of the meet only made me more excited be-

cause there were just more people to beat. It helped me, if anything.” The Titan women placed 21st out of the 52 teams on their side of the Kollege Town Sports Invitational. Sophomore Hannah Lohrenz finished 78th individually and second for the Titans with a time of 23:34. Lohrenz said she focused on staying engaged throughout Saturday’s meet. “It was a very muddy course, so a lot of us on the team prepared mentally for it knowing that it was going to be difficult and that we were going to have to push ourselves harder than usual,” Lohrenz said. “Because it was such a large meet, we knew that we had to keep moving up throughout most of the race because it was going to be so crowded at the start. Since we talked about the amount of racers before we got to the meet it was easier to not get so caught up in the size of the race.” Coming up for the Titans is their last meet of the regular season. The Titans will run Friday, Oct. 19 in the UW-Oshkosh Open at the Lake Breeze Golf Course in Winneconne, WI.


ABOVE: UWO sophomore Nick Freitag fends off an opposing runner as he sprints toward the finish line at the Titan Fall Classic on Sept. 21. LEFT: Senior Jacob Rost tries to improve his finishing time as freshman Andrew Muskevitsch attempts to catch him.

Lieder, Challoner excel, team has rough start in WIAC opener

UWO takes down WIAC foes by Christine Bjornstal The UW Oshkosh women’s volleyball team managed to overcome its loss last Wednesday after the team by picking up three straight wins on the road over the weekend while only dropping one set out of 10 played. The Titans opened the weekend against UW-River Falls Falcons in a WIAC conference matchup Friday night. UWO played their second-straight conference match in one week, winning over the Falcons three sets to one. Both teams came into the match with an 0-4 record in conference play and desperately seeking a win. The two teams were evenly matched with the first three sets going to extra points, but the Titans put the Falcons away 25-22 in the fourth and final set of the match. UWO senior Samantha Jaeke led the team with 11 kills in the match, hitting .360 overall. UWO won the match 27-25, 24-26, 26-24, 25-22. UWO improved their conference re-

cord to 1-4 after the win. The team then traveled to the University of Northwestern in Saint Paul, Minnesota to take on the host team and Saint Mary’s University. UWO swept both teams in three sets. In the morning match, the Titans took on St. Mary’s University and dominated the first two sets in overall hitting percentage, limiting St. Mary’s to under .150 and outblocking them as well with 11.5 total team blocks. UWO finished off the Cardinals 2520, 25-23, 25-20. Senior Tina Elstner lead the team with 12 kills while junior libero Rachel Gardner had 18 digs and Rebecca Doughty had 23 assists in the match. Gardner has career highs in multiple statistics including digs, kills and blocks and reflected on her stellar season to date. “I think what has helped me this year is being able to settle into my position, having the experience each year in the same role has helped me not only have more confidence, but also my overall skill has improved every year,” Gard-

ner said. In the third and final match of the weekend, UWO recorded their third-straight win, taking on the host team Northwestern. The Titans took their team up to the next level after playing a tight first set winning 25-23. UWO dominated in the second set, hitting .393, compared to the .062 that the Eagles hit, 25-18. The Eagles tried to prevent the Titans from the sweep when they led 22-21 in the third although the teams tied the set up two more times before Carly Lemke finished the Eagles off with a service ace, winning 25-23. UWO freshman Taylor Allen had an impressive match, hitting .538 with seven kills in the match. The Titans have improved their record 13-12 overall and 1-4 in the WIAC. UWO will head to Mequon for the Concordia University Wisconsin Invitational on Friday, Oct. 19 and 20. Titans return home to Kolf Sports Center to take on UW-Platteville at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 24.

The UWO swim team has pieces to have a successful season and postseason by Neal Hogden The men’s and women’s swim and dive teams got off to a rocky start during their opening meet of the season but had a couple of bright spots. UW Oshkosh lost the meet to Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Conference powerhouse UW-Eau Claire. The men fell by a score of 180.557.5. Sophomore Jarrett Lieder was a bright spot for the team as he won the 1,000yard freestyle and 500-yard freestyle races. Lieder said coming into the season in a better position physically has been key in him starting the season strong. “This year I think I’m coming into the season in better swimming shape but more importantly I know what being a UWO swimmer is like and the experience is helpful in all aspects,” Lieder said. Lieder was also part of the 200-yard freestyle relay that consisted of junior Michael Gerondale, senior Ian Sewell

and freshman Case Geidl, which took third place. Head coach Christopher Culp had a glowing evaluation of Geidl after his first race. “I think he’s going to be excellent for us,” Culp said. “He’s coming in and probably one of our top swimmers. I’m really excited to watch him develop over the season and see what he’s capable of doing.” The women were also unable to top the Blugolds as they lost by a score of 18853. Senior Sydney Challoner had a nice day in the pool as she notched wins in the 200yard individual medley as well as the 100-yard breaststroke. Challoner was happy with her performance and she said that it will give her confidence moving on in the season. “It gives me confidence in the rest of the season that I am starting on the right track by being able to compete and even win against a fast team like Eau Claire,” Challoner said. Culp said there was a good

inkling that Lieder and Challoner were going to swim well in Eau Claire. “They’re both team leaders that work very hard,” Culp said. “We were pretty sure that they were most likely going to win their events.” Culp said a point of emphasis after the meet was cutting time on their turns during the race. “We talked about our performance, and we talked about how our turns need work,” Culp said. “We immediately worked on that on Monday and Tuesday this week.” Culp said he is excited about a couple of incoming freshman this year. “Hannah Cunningham looks like she’s going to be really strong for us,” Culp said. “Rachel Jaworski, she’s going to be great. Alex Schuster, she’s going to be great. Alyssa Hassel is going to be great because she doesn’t have a bad stroke.” The Titans’ next meet will be Oct. 20 at the Wisconsin College Showcase in Brown Deer, Wisconsin.

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Neal Hogden

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Holly Gilvary Joseph Schulz Megan Behnke Bailey McClellan


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Sports Advance-Titan

October 18, 2018|A11

Titans pour it on late over Pioneers in first home game by Evan Moris

Remaining UWO Football Schedule

Carry the Flag

vs The UW Oshkosh football team faced UW-Platteville in a Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Conference matchup Saturday in which the Titans prevailed with a 31-10 victory over the Pioneers. The Titans used a 21-point fourth quarter to put the Pioneers away, extending their record to 4-2 on the year and 2-1 in conference play. The UWO defense was able to hold UW-Platteville to only 10 total points despite the Pioneers dominating time of possession 33:22 to 26:38. The Pioneers also accumulated more first downs than the Titans (22-19). The Titans offense tallied 332 yards of total offense Saturday, led by wide receiver Dominic Todarello’s 146 yards of total offense (71 rushing, 75 receiving).


Oct. 20

UWSP Oct. 20

UWEC Oct. 20


Oct. 20

UWO Season Leaders

1st Quarter The first drive for both the Titans and the Pioneers stalled, resulting in punts. The Titans began their second drive from their own 10yard line. Titans quarterback Kyle Radavich led the Titans on a 19-play, 8:05-second drive into the wind that ended with a Radavich 3-yard pass to UWO linebacker Justin Kasuboski, putting the Titans ahead 7-0. The Pioneers started their ensuing drive at their own 23yard line with 2:19 remaining in the first quarter. The Pioneers carried the drive over into the second quarter. 2nd Quarter The Pioneers continued their drive successfully into Titan territory. On the ninth play of the Pioneers drive, UW-Platteville quarterback Colin Schuetz dropped back to pass when the ball was tipped and intercepted by Titan defensive back Calvin Shilling, who said the ball was gifted to him. “I saw the ball pop, and I grabbed it,” Shilling said. “That was just me being in the right spot.” The Titans took over at their own 37-yard line after the interception. The UWO offense was able to get the ball down to the UW-Platteville 26-yard line before the drive stalled, forcing a UWO 43-yard field goal attempt from Peyton Peterson that went short of the uprights. After a stalled drive by the


UWO senior running back Mitch Gerhartz stiff arms Pioneer defender on his path to 75 total yards Saturday. Titans, UWO punter Turner Geisthardt pinned the Pioneers on their own 5-yard line. The Titan defense was able to push the Pioneers back to their own 1-yard line, forcing UW-Platteville to punt from the back of the endzone. Todarello was sent back to return the Pioneers’ punt and took the ball back 30 yards to the Pioneers’ 17-yard line. The Titans, in great field position, were able to move the ball forward six yards for Peterson to attempt a 28-yard redemption field goal, drilling it through the uprights, putting UWO ahead 10-0 shortly before half. 3rd Quarter Coming out of halftime, the Pioneers received the ball and began their drive at their own 33-yard line. With the wind at their back, the Pioneers drove the ball 60 yards, on 14 plays to the Titans 7-yard line where UW-Platteville kicker Samuel Herkert attempted a field goal that went wide-right. The Titans were only able to gain a total of 40 yards in the third quarter. The Pioneers took their third possession of the third quarter at the 3:41 mark from their own 47-yard line. The Pioneers drove the ball down

the field into the fourth quarter. 4th Quarter Play resumed with the ball in UW-Platteville possession at the UWO 18-yard line. The Pioneers were able to get the ball to the Titans 3-yard line before being halted by the Titan defense. UW-Platteville attempted another field goal and this time Herkert booted it directly through the uprights to put the Pioneers within one possession, 10-3. 12:43 remained in the game. On the ensuing Titan possession with the wind now at their backs, the second play of the drive, Todarello took an end-around 54 yards to the house putting the Titans ahead 17-3. UWO kicked back to the Pioneers who took over at their own 25-yard line. On the third play of the UW-Platteville drive, Titans defensive lineman Brandon Kolgen forced a fumble, which was picked up by Titans safety Taylor Ripplinger and returned 34 yards for a touchdown, resulting in a score of 24-3 Titans. Ripplinger said everything dropped perfectly in place as a defense for him to recover the fumble and score a touchdown. “The running back came

up the hole, our defensive lineman Kolgen stripped the ball,” Ripplinger said. “I was in the right place at the right time. Ball bounced up, I picked it up and saw some space.” The Titan defense stopped the Pioneers on their next drive, forcing them to punt back to the rolling Titans offense. The UWO offense started their second drive in the fourth quarter at their own 25-yard line. In seven plays and 75 yards, the Titans were able to score again. This time Titan running back Mitch Gerhartz ran one in from two yards out and put the Titans ahead 31-3 with 5:05 left in the game. The Pioneers were able to score one more time at the end of the fourth quarter to make the score 31-10. The Titans defense held its own once again forcing three turnovers and scoring one touchdown Saturday after letting up 20 points the week prior against UW-Whitewater. Ripplinger said the defense was ready for redemption against the Pioneers. “We bounced back well,” Ripplinger said. “We learned that we have to let the plays happen in front of us. As long as we limit the big plays, this defense is going to be tough

Three Titans garner WIAC honors

to score on.” Mitch Gerhartz, Junior RB Titan head coach Pat Cerroni said he was pleased with 377 yards, 2 touchdowns his team and planned for the game to be close going into the fourth. “We were thinking this was Receiving going to be a close game, and at least we’re going to have Riley Kallas, Senior WR the wind in the fourth quarter, and it was going to come down to a field goal,” Cerroni 308 yards, 2 touchdowns said. Cerroni said the team was happy when two of the team’s seniors were able to make big Passing plays early in the fourth to extend the Titans’ lead. Kyle Radavich, Soph. QB “Sure was nice; we all loved it,” Cerroni said. “It was great, it was a big win 918 yards, 7 touchdowns for us. [UW-Platteville is] always on the cusp of making the playoffs. Great battle, and Tackles we won.” The Titans are back at Cole Yoder, Senior DB home this week versus a tough UW-La Crosse team. Shilling said the Eagles are 43 tackles, 4 ints going to present a challenge, but the Titans will be ready. “They have a bunch of Sacks good athletes,” Shilling said. “They’ve played hard all seaDerrick Jennings Jr, son. We’ve got to practice hard this week, put in a good Senior LB game plan and go execute.” UWO will play UW-La Crosse for the Titans home- 2.5 sacks, 1 touchdown coming game at J. J. Keller Field at Titan Stadium this Saturday, Oct. 20. Kickoff is set for 1 p.m.

Titans open season as second-ranked team in the country by Neal Hogden




by Neal Hogden

and 93 total tackles over his four-year career. Challoner used two individual wins and a fourth-place relay finish at the dual-meet in Eau Claire to earn her WIAC Women’s Swimmer of the Week award. Challoner took first place in the 100-yard breaststroke and the 200-yard individual medley. She also participated in the 200yard medley relay that came in fourth place. The senior’s time of 1:12.19 in the 100yard butterfly was only 12 hundredths of a second slower than her fastest time in the event last season. Challoner said she would like to break a school record before she graduates. “Individually, my goal is to break the 200 IM school team record and to place top eight in all of my events at conference,” Challoner

said. “As a team I believe that the women’s team has a great chance to be competitive with Stevens Point just like last year and would love to beat them again this year.” Lieder also won two races against UWEau Claire, earning him the WIAC Men’s Swimmer of the Week award. Lieder won the 500-yard freestyle and the 1,000-yard freestyle. He also swam with the 200-yard freestyle relay team to help them earn third place. Lieder said he aims to place first at the conference meet later in the year and would like to break records as a team. “Personally, I’d like to win my events at conference,” Lieder said. “As a men’s team we have some more records in mind that we would like to break.”

Three Titan athletes received Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Conference Player of the Week honors this week. Senior football player Taylor Ripplinger, junior swimmer Sydney Challoner and sophomore swimmer Jarrett Lieder all earned the awards for their performances from Oct. 8-14. Ripplinger, a safety for the UWO football team, received the award for his five-tackle performance against UW-Platteville. Ripplinger also recovered a fumble and returned it 32 yards for a touchdown in the 31-10 win. His career stats include three interceptions


The UW Oshkosh men’s basketball team will open its 2018-19 campaign ranked No. 2 in the nation by This ranking comes after the Titans went 25-8 and made a trip to the NCAA Division III national championship last season where they lost to this year’s No. 1-ranked team, Nebraska Wesleyan University. After losing only two seniors, the Titans will look to get back to the national championship game with a plethora of experience and a new head coach. Interim head coach Matt Lewis will look to guide the team toward the NCAA D-III tournament and beyond after former head coach Pat Juckem left to coach D-III Washington University in St. Louis.

Returning starters for the Titans are seniors Ben Boots, Brett Wittchow and Kyle Beyak and juniors Adam Fravert and Jack Flynn. Boots averaged a team high 16 points per game on 39 percent shooting from the 3-point line. Fravert led the team in rebounding with 7.5 boards per game while Flynn averaged seven per contest. Wittchow returns after serving as the Titans’ sharpshooter last season, connecting on 49 percent of his 3-point shots. Charlie Noone leaves a large hole in the Titans’ starting lineup as the guard averaged 10.2 points a game and had a big 32-point performance in the playoffs to help the Titans get to the Elite Eight. The Titans kick off their season with an exhibition game against the Division I UW-Madison Badgers on Nov. 2 at the Kohl Center in Madison.

A12|October 18, 2018

Sports Advance-Titan

Titans drop two games in WIAC play by Calvin Skalet The UW Oshkosh women’s soccer team lost a pair of conference matchups last weekend after the Titans fell to UW-Eau Claire on Saturday, Oct. 13 and lost to Stevens Point on Wednesday, Oct. 17. The Titans gave up three early goals against the Pointers as UW Oshkosh fell against UW-Stevens Point on Senior Night with a score of 3-1. UWO forward Mallory Knight scored the lone goal for UWO after she scored off an assist from UWO freshman forward Alyssa Gunderson. Knight leads the team in goals with six this season. The Titans shot the ball more than the Pointers as UWO compiled 22 shots in match compared to UW-Stevens Point’s 14 shots. UW-Stevens Point committed nine fouls in-match compared to UW Oshkosh’s four. The Pointers were given two yellow cards in the game. The loss drops the Titans to a 5-9-1 record and a 2-3 record in Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Conference play. The Titans have four seniors on their roster this year, Alexis Brewer, Michaela Schenk, Erin Gruber and Taylor Arnold. UWO head coach Erin Coppernoll said it’s always bittersweet when she thinks about losing her senior leaders after working with them for four years. “I’m always thankful and proud of them when they commit to something for four years,” Coppernoll said. “I think that says a lot about themselves. It shows that they enjoy the game, they enjoy the program and that they enjoy each other enough to want to push each other to be better for four years.” UWO midfielder Maddie Morris said the offensive struggles can be fixed near the opposing goal. “We need to focus on our final pass and decision making in the final third of the field,” Morris said. “We work hard to get the ball up the field but

struggle to get the correct shot or pass on so that is a spot for improvement.” Morris said the offense needs to be more creative when trying to find open lanes for attacking opportunities. “Creating more dangerous runs and looking to find the penetrating pass is a way that we can increase our offense,” Morris said. “Going forward in the attack if we have many people in dangerous positions and forcing high pressure onto the defense is a way we can get around teams.” On Saturday, the Titans fell to the Blugolds by a score of 1-0 giving up the only goal of the game in the first half. UW-Eau Claire’s Emily Sullivan scored the match’s only goal after she scored in the 36th minute of play. The Blugolds were the more aggressive team on the offensive side of the ball, compiling 17 shots with seven of them being on goal. The Titans were held to five shots and three corner kicks. UWO had three shots blocked by Blugolds goalkeeper Sammie Lefaive, shots from UWO freshman forward Kylee Brown in the 50th and 54th minute and by UWO midfielder Maddie Hill in the 57th minute of action. UWO goalkeeper Erin Toomey saved six of the seven shots she encountered. Coppernoll said last weekend wasn’t the best performance she has seen from her team. Coppernoll also said playing on grass as opposed to turf affected them in Saturday’s match. “Saturday wasn’t our best game,” Coppernoll said. “Playing on grass was kind of a bad concoction.” Coppernoll said the goal they gave up on Saturday was an impressive shot by Sullivan. “The goal we gave up was a really nice goal by Eau Claire,” Coppernoll said. “I’d rather have that than some of the goals we’ve given up where it was our fault.” UWO continues WIAC play with its final home match against UW-River Falls on Saturday, Oct. 20 at J. J. Keller Field at Titan Stadium.


TOP: Titan forward Ashley Baalke moves ball versus past defender in Wednesday’s match. BOTTOM LEFT: Tory Schumann fights for the ball near midfield. BOTTOM RIGHT: UWO defender Taylor Simkowski meets Pointer defender at the ball while UWO midfielder Maddie Morris watches from a far.

Women’s tennis dominates Blue Devils, halted versus Blugolds by Evan Moris The UW Oshkosh women’s tennis team competed in two matches this past week. The Titans picked up a victory 6-3 on Friday, Oct. 12 versus UW-Stout. The following day, the women’s tennis team fell to UW-Eau Claire 0-9. Friday, Oct. 12 versus UW-Stout Alyssa Leffler and Michelle Spicer led the team with a combined three points on Friday to help propel the Titans to three out of the team’s six total points. Leffler and Spicer joined forces to win their doubles match 8-2, then went solo and won their singles match-

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es. In No. 1 singles, Leffler won 6-0, 6-0 over UWStout’s Linsey Thisius as Spicer in No. 3 singles beat Kennedy Kleist 6-0, 7-5. Hannah Peters and Ireland Slattery also added points to UWO’s victory. Peters defeated Annie Sandry 6-1, 6-3 in No. 2 singles while Slattery won against Elizabeth Wahlquist 6-2, 6-1 in No. 6 singles. In No. 3 doubles, Taylor Johnson and Ashlee Polena earned the final team points as the duo beat the Blue Devils’ Kayla Chamberlain and Mariah Kent 8-6.

UW-Eau Claire proved to be a tall task last Saturday as the team failed to score

a single point. Head coach Robert Henshaw said the Blugolds had the upper hand Saturday proving to be the difference against the Blugolds. “Eau Claire is a tough team, and we were missing two players who are typically in our top six,” Henshaw said. “We needed them in order to make things a bit more competitive.” The Titans were only able to get three total points in doubles out of a possible 27. The best result versus the superior Blugolds opponents came from Monica Micoliczyk as she was able to compete in her No. 4 singles against Blugold Hanna Zevenbergen, where she lost 6-4, 6-4. In No. 2 singles, Peters was able to put up a fight against Emily Cooper

but was defeated 6-2, 6-3. The Titans will gear up for the Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Conference tournament this Saturday and Sunday at Nielsen Tennis Stadium in Madison, Wisconsin. Henshaw said he will be satisfied if the team plays hard and places in the top half against the fellow WIAC opponents. “The ultimate goal of the WIAC Championship is to finish in the top four,” Henshaw said. “The ladies on our team have made great improvements over the course of their respective collegiate careers. They have really distanced themselves from the players and teams who finished the regular season below us in the standings.”




Women’s Cross-Country UW Oshkosh Open 12:30 p.m.

Football UW-La Crosse 1:30 p.m.

Men’s Cross-Country UW Oshkosh Open 1:15 p.m.

Women’s Tennis WIAC Championship @ Madison-Nielsen Tennis Stadium 11:30 a.m.

Women’s Volleyball vs. Illinois Wesleyan University @ Concoridia University Wisconsin 1:00 p.m.

Saturday. Oct. 13 versus UW-Eau Claire

Women’s Volleyball at Concordia University Wisconsin 3 p.m.

Swimming & Diving UW Oshkosh Alumni Meet 1 p.m.

Women’s Volleyball vs. Cardinal Stritch University 3:00 p.m. Women’s Soccer vs. UW-River Falls 7 p.m.












Are you struggling with something in your life? Read “To The Younger” and learn you are not alone. Written by Oshkosh resident Mark J. Spanbauer, “To The Younger” includes stories and lessons to help teens and young adults deal with life’s problems. Available at and at UWO’s University Books & More


Women’s Tennis WIAC Championship @ Madison-Nielsen Tennis Stadium 11:30 a.m.


Women’s Volleyball UW-Platteville 7:00 p.m. Women’s Soccer at St. Norbert College 7 p.m.

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