The Advance-Titan 9/29/16

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September 29, 2016





UW System calls for more funding by Ti Windisch UW System President Ray Cross called for an increase in state spending on the UW System to help address the problem of student debt Wisconsin has been facing. In a press release from Sept. 9 detailing his position, Cross said the UW System needs more money from the state in order to better serve students. “We help our students through financial aid counseling and assistance, but we want to do more to help them graduate faster while maintaining the excellence our universities are known for,” Cross said. “It’s time to invest in the university system

so our students get the help and resources they need.” UW Oshkosh Chancellor Andrew Leavitt said he is not interested in raising tuition, and wants students to graduate as quickly as possible. “What I want to do is make sure that we have the proper resources to provide a high quality education to you and deliver it on time so you can come in and out of here and be successful in the shortest amount of time possible,” Leavitt said. “The idea that college presidents and chancellors are wringing their hands thinking of ways to extract more money from students is simply not true.” According to Leavitt, the trend of the state subsidy

lowering and tuition being frozen in recent years will eventually have an adverse effect on the education UWO provides. “At some point, with this kind of curve, it’s going to impact quality,” Leavitt said. Cross said the decreasing amount of money going to universities is forcing students to take out more loans and pay more for school in general. “Of course, students would prefer to use grants to pay for college, but when federal and state funding declines, it makes college more expensive for students and expands their reliance on loans to finance their education,” Cross said. Sophomore Joe Backmann

said he believes the state should increase spending on colleges due to the rising costs of education. “College is getting more expensive every day, people do need more student loans to help them get through it,” Backmann said. Leavitt said the federal government should decrease the amount of interest on student loans in order to help the American economy. “I wish the interest rate were lower,” Leavitt said. “6.8 [percent] is way too high. In this country we ought to be charging 0.1 percent for a student loan. It would drive so much economic prosperity.”



UWO students exercise their First Amendment rights

Campus opposes Gmail change by Ti Windisch


UW Oshkosh students write on a giant beach ball on campus to express their right to free speech. The Young Americans for Liberty inflated and pushed the ball around during the day on Friday in a display of their First Amendment rights. Read more on A2.

Wisconsin education officials discuss shrinking budgets by Hailey Lawrence In a forum held at Oshkosh’s Webster-Stanley Middle School, many gathered to hear various Wisconsin education officials to discuss the public school system in the state of Wisconsin. The panel was made up of school finance expert Michael Ford, UW System President Ray Cross, State Superintendent Tony Evers, UW Oshkosh Chancellor Andrew Leavitt and Oshkosh Area School District Superintendent Stan Mack “It’s not surprising to me that our education system, which is the most expensive thing in the state, is starting to reflect this fragmentation that we have in our ideologies,” Ford said. The speakers met on Sept. 26 and said the public school system is underfunded. According to Ford, the education system is fragmented due to its complicated nature, the inclusion of statewide voucher schools and private school tuition reduction. “We’ve created this system that’s incredibly complex and creates these new governance challenges,” Ford said. “We spend a lot of time on the politics of it

and whether or not we should be doing these things and not on implementation.” Cross said in order to help the education system, the state needs to be able to successfully send more students through the education pipeline. “We put forth a strategic framework,” Cross said. “Number one, we must get more people through, successfully through, the education pipeline for Wisconsin employers. The second thing is to make the university experience more dynamic.” According to Cross, UW System schools need to improve their relationship with businesses and communities because they are public universities, even if they aren’t funded as such. “We have [to] improve our operational excellence in a way that makes us as [efficient] as possible,” Cross said. Evers said the lack of funding, lack of teachers and lack of motivation to shape students into healthy adults is leading to a damaged system. “The higher education system cannot be only about jobs,” Evers said. “We also have to make sure that they are good adults. They need to have the social and emo-

tional skills necessary to be a good adult in the state of Wisconsin.” Evers said the funding for K–12 public schools in Wisconsin is lacking. “If we believe that equity is a significant value in our system, it’s broken, bottom line,” Evers said. According to Leavitt, another issue brought up was cutting up to $7.4 million from a $100 million operating budget. Leavitt said although it seems like a small amount, about 90 percent of that budget goes toward salaries, meaning jobs are being cut. “This institution, in order to meet this cut, is cutting 140 positions,” Leavitt said. “We have about 1,440 positions now and by the end we will have 1,300 positions.” According to Leavitt, students could face adverse effects from these changes. “We hope that it affects the students as little as possible,” Leavitt said. “One of the effects will be class availability…They will go on to the next class ahead of them but they won’t be able to see the choice anymore. We can’t afford them anymore; we are still committed to them.”

Leavitt said the loss of teachers and cutting classes takes a toll on the system. “There are holes that appear within the organization and with those holes, staff has to fill them and it’s making it very, very difficult for them,” Leavitt said. Mack said the Oshkosh school system will need more funding in order to correctly serve students going forward. “The reality of being able to finance an operating school system with zero new dollars and stable enrollment puts us in a position to not be able to meet the need of students and prepare them for higher education along the way,” Mack said. When asked about the funding of the public school system in Wisconsin, UWO junior Brandon Colligan said funding has continuously decreased and schools are not currently funded properly. “We haven’t seen this only in Wisconsin but nationally,” Colligan said. “In Wisconsin specifically, we’ve seen a decrease in university funding, which affects the tuition cost and accommodate class sizes. There aren’t enough eyes on this issue and we need an increase in student and university funding.” UW Oshkosh could be moving away from using Google and towards Outlook to power Titan Apps, the email client used by students and faculty members on campus. According to an email sent by Chief Information Officer Ann Milkovich on Sept. 27, a switch to Office 365 is a possibility in the future. “All campuses in the UW System are now on Office 365 as a common email/calendaring platform–UW Oshkosh is the only UW campus not using that platform,” Milkovich said. “Remaining on Gmail prevents us from benefiting from both the UW System collaboration and our collective ability to control costs.” Associate Professor Tracy Slagter said she believes being different from the rest of the UW System does not make UWO worse off in this case. “I understand that other UW System schools use another provider, but I’m not convinced that that alone is a reason for us to reject a system that is working quite successfully for us,” Slagter said. “I like that we’re different. In my experience, faculty at other UW System schools wish they had a Google-based system like ours.” Slagter said she found that members of other universities often used private Gmail accounts to work with her because of the ease of the Google suite. “In collaborating with people at other schools, it’s quite often been the case that they use their personal Gmail account (vs. their UW system accounts) to collaborate because it’s just so much easier to work through Google…,” Slagter said. “To switch to something that makes us less efficient seems like a huge step backward to me.” Milkovich said switching platforms typically is not a popular move among users. “Changing software that impacts all of campus will always cause concern,” Milkovich


UWO Farmers Market •

Held at Reeve Memorial Union from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. on October 5.

Located outside of Reeve if the weather is nice, or inside if conditions dictate it.

Students can purchase locally produced food from comapnies located around Oshkosh and northern Wisconsin

Vendors will not accept Titan Dollars as currency at the event. Read more on A3




Ti Windisch - News Editor Alex Nemec - Assistant News Editor

September 29, 2016

UWO police to host event to benefit Special Olympics hance that through this event.” by Alex Nemec According to Tarmann this event allows cops to behave differentThe UW Oshkosh Police Depart- ly around people in the community ment is holding its third annual Run rather than always being seen as a with the Cops event on Oct. 6 to raise cop. $50,000 for the Special Olympics “You’re in your law enforcement and strengthen its relationship with capacity, but you’re acting differentthe community. ly,” Tarmann said. “People see the The 5k run costs $25 to enter, but raw side of you, they see the human runners can post a link to their regis- side of you, and I think people forget tration page on social media, which that.” allows people to donate money to the Officer Chance Duenkel of UWOparticipant’s fee. If the participant PD, who plans on running in full unihas enough people donate to them, form and gear, said the event unifies their fee is covered by the dona- the entire Oshkosh community as tions and the rest goes to the Special whole. Olympics. “[The event shows] law enforceUniversity Police Department ment, the on-campus community and Captain Chris Tarmann said the idea the off-campus community together was brought to him five years ago working towards one goal and that’s and the goal was to create a fun event to give as much as we can to Special students would like while building Olympics,” Duenkel said. relationships between the communiBoothe said the event is important ty and local law enforcement. to both faculty and students alike “The inception of the event was, because with the media coverage on how do we make a really fun event police related issues increasing, tenthat stands out differently as a run,” sions can also increase. Tarmann said. “It’s not just a 5k “Run With the Cops allows for where you wake up at seven o’clock everyone to come together and get in the morning to know each other and go and run on a personal level, It’s not just a 5k where you wake take hilarious picthree miles. The goal is to raise up at seven o’clock in the morning tures with friends, money for Spe- and go and run three miles. The goal participate in a docial Olympics is to raise money for Special Olym- nut eating contest Wisconsin.” and volunteer,” pics Wisconsin. Tarmann said Boothe said. the inspiration — Chris Tarmann Duenkel said the for him putting event will present this run togeth- University Police Department Captain police officers in a er is seeing the different light to the smiles on the faces of the people who community. are part of Special Olympics. “It’s nice to be able to have a good “You have that raw care and pas- time with the members of the comsion for police officers,” Tarmann munity, to show that we are people said. “It’s the true nature of some- too, we like to have a good time,” one with special needs who looks at Duenkel said. “It’s a lot more enjoylaw enforcement, they really have a able than writing tickets.” respect for that career.” Sobralski said the event shows UWO student Joseph Sobralski, cops in a fun environment. who is participating in the run, said “Instead of just being the law enhe likes the cops on campus because forcers, they can go out and have fun they have improved his experience in with the college students,” Sobralski Greek Life. said. “They help make our campus safe,” Tarmann said he remembers growSobralski said. “With [the] pie in the ing up and looking at police officers face [event], they helped make sure thinking they were a different type of everything was [running smoothly].” person. Oshkosh Student Association Pres“Really they’re human beings, ident Austyn Boothe said her and her they’re very much like yourself and Vice President Maria Berge knew myself,” Tarmann said. “We’re just campus safety was important when people. We go to work and put on a they were running for office. uniform and protect people. For me “We have been working to estab- that helps solidify the fact that that lish a positive working relationship cops can have fun, they can do it, but with the university police and rec- they can still protect you. It’s a neat ognized that an event like this really synergy.” allows for the campus community to Duenkel said it’s important to earn get to know [the] university police as much money for Special Olympics in a fun and informal way,” Boothe as possible so they can have more said. experiences like Run With the Cops Tarmann said this event reminds and bring joy to their lives. police officers that citizens see and “Just seeing the impact it has on mirror their conduct in the commu- the Olympian’s lives and the joy that nity. they get out of participating in these “It helps show cops they need to events, it really brings home why it’s make good choices and that people such an important event,” Duenkel look up to them,” Tarmann said. “So said. I’m really excited to be able to en-


UW Oshkosh students use permanent marker to write messages of their choice on a massive beach ball. The Young Americans for Liberty’s First Amendment event took place largely in front of Polk Library.

Student group encourages expressions of free speech

by Thomas Locke An 8-foot tall inflatable beach ball made its way around campus grounds being rolled by Young Americans for Liberty members who were encouraging students and faculty alike to write anything on it with a marker on Friday, Sept. 23. YAL is a nonpartisan student organization focused on the informing and defense of student rights and liberties. According to the president of the local YAL branch, Jakub Nowak, the group acts when they feel it is necessary. “We only get political when we feel the campus is trying to infringe on the rights of the students,” Nowak said. Nowak said YAL used the ball as an exercise in free speech as well as a recruitment tool to increase interest about the organization. “In the past few years, YAL only had enough members to continue being an official group,” Nowak said. “We had just enough members for the Oshkosh Student Association to approve us. Hopefully this event will

make our presence known on campus.” When asked about the ball itself, Nowak said previous attempts at similar events were not as effective. “We used to do the same thing with a wall we put up on campus, but it didn’t garner enough attention because students would have to walk over to it to even see what was happening,” Nowak said. “Last semester, I heard of other branches of YAL using a giant beach ball for this, which could be rolled over to where the students were.” YAL members said the ball took 20 minutes to inflate and drew the attention of many students on their way to class or lunch. Conner Zornow was almost one of the students to bypass it. “My friend started freaking out about a giant beach ball, so I had to go check it out,” Zornow said. Zornow, who wrote “Go big or go home” on the ball, said he found the demonstration to be a good reminder of student’s rights. “Freedom of speech is important, but not always productive,” Zornow

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said. Laura Jean Baker, an instructor, said she was still thinking about what she wanted to write. “The effectiveness of this exercise is limited by how seriously the people writing take it,” Baker said. “Some of the notes are about important topics, but there isn’t a lot to say on the campus about [certain messages].” Senior Jordalyn Simpson brought up campus policy after jotting down “Love is love. Recognize all.” “It’s good to get everyone’s uncensored opinion,” Simpson said. “Everyone is worth hearing, but there are a lot of standards to uphold on campus that don’t allow the same kind of free speech.” After writing on the ball itself, several students also showed interest in joining YAL, signing up on a clipboard Nowak had brought along. Kevin Borisy wrote “Get Noided” on the beach ball and said he enjoyed their approach to the topic. “People are going to say things that I might not always like, but that’s what America’s about,” Borisy said.

Advance-Titan Staff and Awards


Nyreesha Williams-Torrence

STAFF //////////////////// ARTISTS/GRAPHICS Kurt Ness

COPY EDITORS Moira Danielson Elly Durand Cally Kobza Ashley Larson Allison Prusha Frankie Rabas Kylie Sweere Kellie Wambold Natasha Zwijacz

Ti Windisch, editor Alex Nemec, asst. editor




Claire Pytlik



Tyler Hahn

Alyssa Grove, editor Raquel Tuohy, editor


Austin Walther, editor Morgan Van Lanen, asst. editor


Kurt Ness

COPY CHIEF Garrett Wright


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Cari Fehler Hailey Lawrence Nicole Horner Laura Dickinson Thomas Locke


Constance Bougie Katherina Baird

Brandon Colligan

CAMPUS CONNECTIONS Kellie Wambold Allison Prusha Anne Wilhelms Mia Wilson


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The UW Oshkosh Advance-Titan is written and edited by students at UW Oshkosh who are solely responsible for its content and editorial policy.

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Ti Windisch - News Editor Alex Nemec - Assistant News Editor

September 29, 2016

Campus to get fresh food at farmers market by Laura Dickinson UW Oshkosh and Sodexo will provide fresh and organic produce to students with the third annual farmers market, bringing local vendors from all over the Fox Valley area Oct. 5 at Reeve Memorial Union. The farmers market will be held outside Reeve from 12-5 p.m. if the weather permits and inside the Reeve concourse if weather gets bad. There is no fee to attend. Kyle Milligan, Sodexo’s unit marketing coordinator, said the farmers market will bring awareness of the good local produce from the area. “Most of the vendors are from the Oshkosh, Fox Valley area and a couple are from up north,” Milligan said. “Also, we will have some products from Sodexo themselves. They will have bakery [goods] there from their bakery on campus.” Some of the vendors from the area include: Grandma Blake’s, Dandelion Farms, Patti’s Candies, Cassidy Paintings, Carol’s OLIVIA SCHILCHER/ADVANCE-TITAN Caramel Kettle Corn and Cindy Lou GarDrew Hildenbrand attempts to block Jason Hataj’s frisbee throw. 5F allows you to match with people with similar interests. dens. Milligan said this year’s farmers market is the largest one on campus yet and is another way Sodexo supports healthy eating options on campus. “I think that it is a great idea that UW Oshkosh is offering locally grown food on campus,” junior Taylor Richter said. “I love the salads they offer at Reeve, and the farmers market will just give me another way to eat healthier.” According to Milligan, it will also bring the option of local produce to students livaddition to selecting sport pref- cares a lot about our health so it’s by Cari Fehler ing in the dorms who may have limited erences, users can also select great to have a place like the Rec their experience level. transportation to grocery stores. Center for people to exercise.” “When you live in the dorms and on cam“We included 4 different skill Having four different skill Find Fit Friends For Free (5F) pus, it’s hard to get fresh fruit and produce is a fitness app that allows us- levels,” Camenisch said. “One levels ranging from beginner and things like pumpkins [and] caramel corn ers to connect with one another of them is ‘Never done, want to level to expert level is a good all from a good source so we are bringing it based on age, gender and loca- try.’ We want to encourage ev- idea since there is a wide array to them,” said Milligan. of people who workout in the tion to make plans to work out erybody to use the app.” Although there are many farmers markets Camenisch said the 5F app Rec Center, Parks said. together. in the area, Richter believes the convenience “There are people there at 5F, an app created by Sporty stands apart from other free fitof the farmers market at Reeve will finally Buddy, is available for iOS ness apps in terms of user expe- the same time every day, and get her to one. there are some people that come where users make a profile that rience. “I haven’t been to many farmers markets “Every main function is ac- in sporadically and do differincludes photos, a small biograin the past, but I always want to go,” Richter cessible with only one or maxent things every time, which is phy and sport preferences. said. “They always have looked fun to me. 5F app creator Ursin Came- imum two taps,” Camenisch great, too,” Parks said. Having a farmers market on campus will Senior Rob Fraser thinks that nisch said he came up with the said. “That means it’s very easy definitely get me to go.” to use. We have also incorporatthe app could be useful for enidea for the app through his exUWO student Angela Keenan likes more periences as an air ambulance ed a feature to ‘flag’ someone couraging more students to utithan just the fresh produce being sold at the pilot, where he saw many people else’s profile if it contains inap- lize the free workout facilities at farmers market. that were sick as a result of an propriate content. Additionally, the Rec Center. “I love the other things than just the fruits “It seems like a good way to inactive and unhealthy lifestyle. one can ‘block’ a connected user and veggies,” Keenan said. “I like flowers if that user behaves inapproprimotivate people to exercise,” “A few patients needed to and little trinkets that go along with the Fraser said. amputate their ‘dead’ foot due ately.” farmers market.” Former Student Recreation Student Dylan Parks said peoto type 2 Diabetes,” Camenisch Besides having food to purchase, there and Wellness Center employple should not stop at technolsaid. “Type 2 Diabetes is linked will also be crafts being sold and activities to a lack of physical activity and ee and senior Dylan Parks said ogy to meet people within the being held during the event, Milligan said. is preventable. My main goal is encouraging students to exercise context of the gym. “It is a cool atmosphere and it’s a cool “I encourage people to talk to to help people be more active. together is a good idea. OLIVIA SCHILCHER/ADVANCE-TITAN thing to do during the day, especially if it is “I think that it would be good those around them at the gym Having a sport buddy to exercise with will certainly help with to get people who are nervous and work to end the stigma of Jason Hataj reaches for a catch during an held outside,” Milligan said. “You can get about starting to get into the gym not talking to each other while at ultimate frisbee game. 5F has many activ- outside and enjoy the day, learning about that.” your local foods.” According to Camenisch, in working out together,” Parks the gym,” Parks said. “The gym ities users can match with to exercise. said. “In general, our generation should be a community.”

Gym buddy app finds its way to UWO campus



said. “People are expressing opinions on both personal preference for Gmail versus Outlook as well as the impact of the possible change.” According to Slagter, the synergy of Google products makes it easy for her to collaborate with others and get work done. “Mostly, I love how it all works together: I can move easily between email, Google Docs, Calendar and Forms, for example, without any clumsy logins or concerns that other UW Oshkosh users might not be able to access items I send,” Slagter said. “Personally, I think the integrated system we have has made me more efficient.” Senior Brianna Fehlberg said she found Office 365 to be inferior to Gmail when she used the former at a previous job. “I felt like Outlook is kind of outdated,” Fehlberg said. “Gmail feels more user friendly to me.” According to Milkovich, the differences between the two options are more about personal preference than overall quality. “Some users will say that Outlook is less interactive and user friendly; other users will say the same about Google,” Milkovich said. “Each platform offers benefits that the other does not. It boils down to different feature use and in some cases, just personal preference.” UWO Chancellor Andrew Leavitt addressed the concern over the potential switch happening so quickly in an email sent to UWO employees on Sept. 28. “I want to assure you decisions that impact all corners of campus do not happen in a vacuum, nor do they happen without proper research and anal-

ysis,” Leavitt said. According to Leavitt, groups representing the campus community have been involved in the decision to potentially move away from Google. “Information Technology has been investigating the options of our email platform for several months and has kept both Leadership Council -- which has leaders from each governance group -- and Administrative Staff informed and involved,” Leavitt said. Milkovich said students and faculty members concerned about the potential change should contact their representative group. “It’s always best for the campus community to work through their shared governance channels,” Milkovich said. “Concerned individuals should express their preferences to their constituent representatives.” Slagter said she appreciated the email from the Chancellor confirming that any changes had yet to be made. “It was a very nice email that acknowledges the issue and the need for enhanced transparency surrounding the decision,” Slagter said. Milkovich said changing email providers would slow down the campus, but service would not stop outright. “There is always a small slowdown in productivity when learning a new program, even one that is reasonably familiar, but we do not expect any system downtime,” Milkovich said. “As far as data transfer goes, a solution that manages both historical record-keeping and needed files and emails is a requirement if we change systems.” According to Slagter, faculty could adapt to a different system but making the choice to change would be disappointing. “To have a system that people genuinely like and have built courses around taken away in favor of what appears to be an inferior product is simply discouraging,” Slagter said.



According to Leavitt, the government making less money off students is one solution to the mounting costs of getting a degree. “That’s one of the ways of making college more affordable, is to get the federal government out of the profit business on student loans, which is what they’re doing now,” Leavitt said. Leavitt said higher education is unique in how it gauges its cost for students looking to attend a university. “We’re the only industry that I can think of where we factor the cost of living into our product,” Leavitt said. According to Leavitt, college is obviously very expensive, but much of the cost would be incurred by students even if they weren’t in school. “Forty-five percent of the expenses you pay are directly related to the classroom,” Leavitt said. “Fifty-five percent are not. As a matter of fact, that 55 percent, you would pay that even if you weren’t in school.”

Backmann said living off campus can be cheaper than the expected cost of room and board, although underclassmen do not get that option. “Here we have to live in the dorms for two years; it definitely gets pretty expensive when you look at the first two years,” Backmann said. According to Leavitt, most students with extreme loan debt acquire it from outside loaners; the maximum amount that can be borrowed through the government’s Stafford loan program is $28,000 over four years. “When somebody says ‘I have $100,000 in student debt’, I say to myself. ‘How did they get into that much debt,’” Leavitt said. “What they did is they borrowed [the max through Stafford loans] and then they went out to the open market.” According to Leavitt, most students who finish school pay off their loans within a reasonable time frame. “The other thing that always baffles me is people say. ‘You will spend a lifetime paying your student loans,’” Leavitt said. “I don’t know how that’s possible. If you are in the Stafford program,

there is a ten year payment schedule. It’s like buying a car.” Leavitt said although UWO could do better as an institution to cut costs for students, he believes student loans are a good investment for students who finish college. “You use a student loan as a tool to make an investment in yourself,” Leavitt said. “That investment pays off many, many times over in a lifetime. It’s been shown that you’re going to make about a million dollars more over a lifetime with a bachelor’s degree versus somebody who doesn’t.” Backmann said he believes it takes perspective to see a college education as an investment. “I think over time it’s easier to realize it as an investment as you’re farther along in the process,” Backmann said. “I think over time I’ll treat it as more of an investment.” According to Leavitt, the benefits of a college education extend beyond financial incentives. “You’re going to, in my opinion, live a more fulfilling life in the sense that you learned knowledge and skills in college that helps transform you as a citizen,” Leavitt said.



Raquel Tuohy- Campus Connections Editor

September 29, 2016

RUB TO HOST DISNEY CRAFT NIGHT by Allison Prusha Reeve Union Board hosts a Disney-themed crafty adventures event in the Reeve Ballroom on Thursday, Sept. 29 to bring out everyone’s inner child. It will be a Disney-themed night with Disney karaoke, creating original Mickey ears and more. Senior Abby Boville said she expects a lot of people to attend the event due to its popular theme. “College kids love watch-

ing old movies from their childhood and I feel like they would enjoy crafts from that theme too,” Boville said. Reeve Union Board member, Samantha Law-Gotich came up with the idea and will be running the event on Thursday. “It took me about a week to come up with the idea and about a week to come up with the event,” Law-Gotich said. While a few theme ideas were thrown around, the Disney theme generated the most excitement. Law-Gotich said she the

Disney theme because she thought no one is too old for Disney. “It’s a fun event that will allow the kid in everyone to come out,” Law-Gotich said. There were brightly-colored signs placed around various campus buildings last week to promote the event as well as a blurb in the Student Announcements email the students receive from UWO. Senior Marisa Wegener said knowing the event is happening in advance makes her want to attend it. “I definitely think the event

has been promoted well, and I think that Disney is really popular among students here so it sounds like it’ll be a fun time to get to have a whole Disney themed event,” Wegener said UWOSH-CON might include Disney in the spring Law-Gotich said. “It is a miniature comic-con event that will have games, crafts, and food based on a variety of TV shows and movies,” Law-Gotich said. If you are in need of a study break and want to enjoy Disney goodness, come to the crafting session this Thursday.

Big Ideas • What:


• When:Thursday,


craft 29


night 7p.m.

• What to expect: Disney Karaoke and make-your-own Mickey Mouse ears • Where:




• Who is hosting: Reeve Union Board

Director promises plays will reflect life’s craziness


Michael Uslan speaks to students about the obstacles he has overcome in the first University speaker series this year.

Producer of Batman speaks at UWO by Mia Wilson Executive producer of three Batman films, Michael Uslan, appeared as the first keynote in the UW Oshkosh’s speaker series to inspire students to plan for the future, but follow their childhood dreams. The speaker series holds several events throughout the school year, hosting a diverse group of people with varying stories and experiences. Student and committee member Katie Becker explained why they chose Uslan as part of the series. “He has a really cool story about how he got into his career and how his education and going to college has helped get him to where he is today,” Becker said. Uslan spent most of his childhood adoring comic books and has since turned his passion into teaching the first-ever comic book course taught on a college campus, producing the first and many other Batman movies and writing a memoir, “The Boy Who Loved Batman,” as well as several comics including “Batman,” “Archie


and Veronica” and “Lone Ranger/Green Hornet.” Several students were lined up for the event well before it started, waiting for the doors to open. Senior Ashley Stewart expressed her anticipation for what was to come. “He’s like an idol and everything I’d want to be, it’s really intriguing to see how he started [this] trend,” Stewart said. “It’s weird to think of cinema without Batman movies.” During his speech, Uslan said his career all started based on a dream. “So what do you do?” Uslan said. “I wanted to write comic books and make dark and serious Batman movies. I’m a blue-collar kid growing up in New Jersey. So how do you get there from here?” His journey to Hollywood surely didn’t come overnight; it took rejection from several people to get where he is now. “There were no laptops and I wrote down the names of every single executive I could find having anything to do with movies or TV,” Uslan said. “At the end, I had a list of 372 people that I could send my resume to. I

sent out 372 resumes and got two job offers.” Uslan said fetching coffee as a producer’s assistant for $95 a week wasn’t exactly on his radar, but he knew he had to start somewhere. “Plan B, always have a Plan B,” Uslan said. “And a Plan C and a Plan D because life never works out how you think it’s going to work out.” Part of Uslan’s Plan B was the law degree he obtained while struggling to follow his true passion, but he didn’t want to become a lawyer. “I’d rather be delivering pizza for Domino’s,” Uslan said. Through connections that Uslan had after gaining international news coverage for being the first to conduct a course on comic books in college, Uslan called up the president of DC Comics, whom he had formerly interned for a few years before, and decided that he would buy the rights to Batman so that he could pursue his dream. When he proposed the idea, he was told that the brand is dead; Nobody was interested in Batman anymore. Uslan thought otherwise

and with six months of negotiation, the rights became his, and he headed to Hollywood. “I was turned down by every single studio in Hollywood,” Uslan said. “They told me it was the worst idea they’d ever heard. ‘They said Michael, you’re crazy... You can’t do serious comic book movies based off an old television series; that’s never been done before.’” However, the dismissals Uslan faced didn’t stop him from continuing to pave a path toward success. “It took 10 years of everybody telling me that I was crazy, that my ideas suck, ten years of rejection,” Uslan said. “So here’s the point, and it took me a lot of years to figure this out: If you don’t believe them when they tell you how bad you are and how terrible your work is, and believe in yourself, you’re going to do okay.” Uslan later opened the floor to the audience to ask questions. When asked what gave him the drive to continue on during the time where everything seemed to be going against his plans for the future, Uslan said, “A great support system.”

Upcoming Speaker Series October

• Who: Monti Washington • When: Oct. 25, 7 p.m. • Where: Reeve Union Ballroom

November • Who: Hillary Corna • When: Nov. 9 7 p.m. • Where: Reeve Union Ballroom

February • Who: Tom Ryan • When: Feb. 28 7 p.m. • Where: Reeve Union Ballroom

For more info: • Visit the UW Oshkosh speaker series website for upcoming dates.

piece to “Trifles” and is told by Kellie Wambold from the perspective of nie Wright, the widowed UW Oshkosh’s theatre de- wife of John Wright. “Her work is incredibly partment is embarking on its 2016-2017 season with a moving,” Vandevender said. message about life’s unpre- “I know that audiences will dictability and a revitalized be touched by her performance.” student organization. Purse-Wiedenhoeft said Theatre professor Jane Purse-Wiedenhoeft said the season looks to tackle the theatre season’s theme, contemporary issues we are “A Wayward World,” is an facing in the country today. “As always, I hope [the eclectic mix of plays and audience] will be entertained messages being presented and will be encouraged to this year. “This year we found that reflect on ideas and issues the main themes of the in- that are of current interest in the world dividual around us,” shows were P u r s e - Wi e quite a mix We are lucky to have denhoeft of ideas and professors that are always said. somehow so involved and supportive A l o n g in our diswith the dic u s s i o n s , of us. verse season we realized shows, — Gryffin Albers of that they TAB Vice President the theatre’s all comstudent ormunicated ganization, how life is Theatre Arts all over the Board, is focusing on reachplace and the idea of a ‘wayward world’ seemed appro- ing out to new and returning priate not only in relation students who want to get into the plays but also in rela- volved in theatre and opention to the world at large,” ing communication between the radio-TV-film, music and Purse-Wiedenhoeft said. The theatre season’s theatre departments. “Most of our main acshows will include Agatha tors graduated last year, so Christie’s murder mystery “And Then There Were [the department] is entering None,” Neil Simon’s com- this transition year,” TAB edy “Laughter on the 23rd Vice President Gryffin AlFloor” and Arthur Miller’s bers said. “This year there is structure, a great executive drama “All My Sons.” Theatre professor Bryan board and more involvement Vandevender said this year’s [and] connections with other season offers students and departments.” Purse-Wiedenhoeft added audiences exposure to many that with several theatre madifferent genres. “I feel that this year’s sea- jors graduating last spring, son offers students and au- she’s looking forward to diences exposure to a wide what new talent will step variety of genres and styles,” forward in the coming auditheatre professor Bryan Van- tions. “I always enjoy the prodevender said. Susan Glaspell’s “Trifles” cess of working with young will be the first show of the actors as they learn and season, a classic feminist grow from show to show,” one-act about the murder of Purse-Wiedenhoeft said. Albers said the theatre John Wright and the women who piece together the evi- professors have all responded positively to TAB having dence to solve the murder. UWO’s theatre department a stronger voice in the dewill be presenting Glaspell’s partment. “TAB has the privilege to classic feminist piece during its centennial anniversary, work with professors and and as part of the anniver- other departments to help sary celebration, the depart- make the theater act as a ment will bring in Gram- cohesive, democratic area,” my-nominated storyteller Albers said. TAB gives the Milbre Burch to perform her students a voice that actually one-woman piece, “Some- gets listened to.” UWO’s production of “Tritimes I Sing.” Burch wrote “Sometimes I fles” runs Oct. 6-8 at 7:00 Sing” in 2010 as a follow-up p.m. and Oct. 9 at 2:30 p.m.


Raquel Tuohy - Campus Connections Editor


September 29, 2016

Across 1 Trek to Mecca 5 Astringent in taste 10 Something made on a shooting star 14 Brainstorm 15 Circus animal handler 16 Pot starter 17 1999 satire about a reality show 18 Erie or Cree 19 KOA visitor 20 Theoretical temperature at which molecular activity ceases 23 __-and-effect 26 Wimbledon do-over 27 Quieted, with “down” 28 Wes in the Basketball Hall of Fame 30 __ Domingo 31 Astronomical phenomenon 35 Bambi’s aunt 36 “Mr.” with Jim Backus’ voice 37 In line for 40 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. 44 Pasty-faced 46 Ability spotted by a scout 47 Slow-moving mollusk 48 “__ was saying ... “ 51 Actress Rene 52 Rarity for a pitcher, nowadays 55 Some dadaist pieces 56 Go to pieces 57 Rocker Hendrix 61 “The Lion King” lion 62 Show beyond doubt

Answers to last week’s puzzles

63 Eve’s partner 64 Represent unfairly 65 Fathered 66 Toy on a string

10 Dangerous place for an embedded journalist 11 Dream up 12 Man cave system 13 “The Great” Judean Down king 1 Shake a leg, quaintly 21 Ding-dong maker 2 Put two and two to- 22 Sched. postings gether 23 Like kitten videos 3 Air Force One, for one 24 Any minute, to 4 Indonesian site of a Shakespeare WWII naval battle 25 Court sports org. 5 Some “Night Court” 29 Sinister spirit characters: Abbr. 30 Teapot feature 6 “Silent Night,” e.g. 32 Western neighbor of 7 Novelist Zola Nev. 8 Counter, as an argu- 33 Size up from med. ment 34 Charged particle 9 Author Harte 37 Dead ends?

38 Coffee servers 39 __ perpetua: Idaho’s motto 40 Two-person log-cutting tool 41 29-Down’s milieu 42 Schoolteacher of old 43 Toronto baseballer 44 Hooded ski jacket 45 Supermarket freebie 47 Speed-reads 48 Big name in arcades 49 Madrid mister 50 “Uncle!” 53 Actor Omar 54 Got a hole-in-one on 58 Wedding vow 59 Memorial Day month 60 “I think,” in texts

Calendar of upcoming events S.A.F.E. Training What: Train to be an ally for the LGBTQ+ community. Where: Halsey 310 When: Oct. 2, 6-9 p.m. Hosted by: LGBTQ Resource Center

Queer Talk Show What: Talk show with Cheryl Hentx Where: Center for Equity and Diversity When: Oct. 5, 11:30 a.m. Hosted by: LGBTQ Resource Center

Almost Alumni Lunch Student Org. Training What: Lunch for students graduating

What: Training for students in an organization

Where: Alunni Center

Where: Reeve Memorial Union 215

When: Oct 11, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Hosted by: UWO Alumni

When: Oct. 3, 4-5:15 p.m. Hosted by: OSA

8 cheap fall activities for students by Kellie Wambold

OPINION Advance-Titan


Alyssa Grove - Opinon Editor

September 29, 2016

Vote Feingold this November for U.S. Senate

by Brandon Colligan Brandon Colligan is a sophomore interactive web management major. His views do not necessarily represent those of the Advance-Titan.

when I saw them in the classroom, they were wonderful, knowledgeable teachers.” UWO senior education major Kaitlyn Albrecht said she agreed these tests do not evaluate students the best way possible. “I think there has got to be a way to do it differently,” Albrecht said. “I think that if they want to do a test like this in the classroom so that our professors can evaluate us then that’s fine. But I think there has to be a different way [to do it] as far as applying it to real life and actual students in front of us.” Albrecht said she didn’t feel that the required test she took this week, the Foundations of Reading Test, was a good indicator of her ability as a teacher. “I studied for it the night before and I was able to memorize and apply definitions as far as tests go,” Albrecht said. “But it doesn’t show that I can apply it within the classroom with real students in front of me.” Not only do these students have to take tests that do not accurately assess their abilities, but they have to pay unreasonable amounts of money for them. Professor Dr. Joshua Garrison of the English department said the cost of these exams for stu-

dents worry the department. “It is a concern we have, that a student is being asked to spend this amount of money of the course of their years here,” Garrison said. “It bothers me that a student has to spend $700-$800 dollars for these tests.” Garrison added that many UWO students come from working class families, and that students attending the university are often working their way through school. Having to pay for these tests out of their pockets is just another burden. Fondrie said that if a student happens to fail one of the tests they have to pay each time to retake it until they pass. “We try to make it so that you can put it through as financial aid but the second time [you have to take it] you’ve got to pay that out of pocket,” Fondrie said. UWO does not have any funding or stipends to help students pay for these tests. If someone cannot afford to pay to take a required test, then they may have to make sacrifices in their life to save up, or they have to choose not to take it, which prevents them from moving further in their degree. “I did have one student who told me she was going to the

food bank because she had to save up for her FORT,” Fondrie said. “It’s a choice between taking a test and eating.” Is it necessary to require students to pay out of pocket costs in order to show our society that they are good enough to teach? There is a saying that goes, “Those who can, do. Those who can’t do, teach.” But these students are proving that they can and this country’s school system is forcing them to pay to prove it. “There should be scholarships that can help us out,” Albrecht said. “Or they should at least pay half of it. Or pay the full thing the first time you take it then if you fail it the first time then maybe you have to pay for it.” UWO needs to have some sort of funding to help students pay to take these tests. Every year, students are paying to get an education here and they should not be forced to pay additional fees just to prove on paper what they have been demonstrating in class. Education majors are not the only ones that have to pay for exams like these. Many majors require outside testing and UWO needs to offer support to students who need it.

Wisconsin is front and center in this year’s presidential election, but the state’s U.S. Senate race is just as pivotal. Incumbent Republican Ron Johnson is up against Democrat Russ Feingold in a race that could determine whether Democrats gain control of the senate. When it comes to the issues, Johnson and Feingold couldn’t be farther apart. To put it simply, Johnson is out of touch with Wisconsin. Though he is supposed to represent a state with a proud history of progressive senators, Johnson has cast his lot with the likes of the Koch brothers and Ted Cruz. Rather than listening and voting for the people of Wisconsin, Johnson’s vote often goes to the highest bidder. On few issues is this more obvious than college affordability, where Johnson continues to stand against the interests of students. On student loans, an issue that strikes close to home for thousands of Titan students, Johnson has worked to stonewall any reform. He opposes legislation that would allow students to refinance their student loans - like you can for mortgages or car payments - which would save students thousands of dollars. He’s even called student loans “free money.” Tell that to the average Wisconsin stu-

of many; a few prevalent ones from this past week being the Black Lives Matter movement and Bisexuality Visibility Day. But how often do we pay attention to the rest of what’s going on in the world? Many are quick to assume that the younger generation would much rather sit in bed scrolling through their iPhones than go out and pick up a newspaper to read from the local convenience store. All of this time may not necessarily be spent texting our friends or scrolling through social media. “I think [millenials keep up with current events], just in different ways than in the past,” UW Oshkosh Women’s Center faculty member Eliza Farrow said. Most of us aren’t taking advantage of the free newspapers that sit around in Reeve Memorial Union waiting to be picked up and paged through. However, according to the American Press Institute’s study “How Millennials Get

News,” 69 percent of millennials get news at least once a day. Social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter often serve as a source of news for the younger generation, with both original content going viral, and traditional news articles being reposted and spread around. Some UWO students say they also keep up with current events via online publications and radio broadcasts. What reasons do we have to keep up with current events? Junior Lexi Parker said she thinks it is important to keep up with what was going on both in our country and worldwide. “We are the next generation to take responsibility for our actions,” Parker said. “We have to try to make the world a better place for our children and our grandchildren.” Farrow said if people aren’t keeping up with the news, they may not be able to make well-informed decisions.

According to the American Press Institute’s study, the main reasons millennials read news today is to stay informed and be a better citizen, they find news enjoyable or entertaining, they like to talk to others about the news and be able to decide their views on issues. All are perfectly valid reasons to make more efforts to keep up with the news. “We don’t have time [to keep up with the news],” junior Sarah Wilson said. In this technology-oriented age, however, there are a myriad of ways to keep up with things without ever having to spend a large amount of time or money doing so. The New York Times and BBC News, along with many other news sources, host smartphone apps where the latest articles are only a click and a swipe away. For the auditory learner, other sources provide free hourly podcasts online and via apps. Additionally, websites

like and offer morning emails summarizing the previous day’s relevant news in a few short paragraphs. Another easy way to stay up to date is following news outlets directly on social media like Facebook or Twitter. The idea that millennials are ignorant and wrecking society comes up so often in the words of their predecessors that articles with titles like “Millennials are killing the napkin industry” have nearly reached meme status online. But a lot of us really aren’t out to destroy things like the paper napkin industry or light yogurt, in spite of what popular newspapers might say. By keeping up with the news we’re not just educating ourselves for the sake of knowledge. We’re reading the stories of people who inspire us to go out and do our own newsworthy things. We’re learning about the causes that we might decide we want to spend the rest

of our lives fighting for and finding what it is that we want to change in the world once we’ve graduated. We’re making sure that politicians won’t be able to pull the wool over our eyes by citing incorrect facts about our country and our history. For many, a lack of interest in keeping up with news may be a result of not finding articles they are interested in. If reading about politics does not interest you then try news about science and technology, art and music, social justice or geek culture, to name a few. News is being reported everywhere nowadays from an infinite number of sources. It’s only a matter of paying attention to it, and finding topics one cares to follow. And when smartphones die, there will always be piles of print newspapers sitting around in Reeve (and Blackhawk, Polk and Clow) waiting to be picked up, flipped open and paged through.

position and city will be published along with the article). The Advance-Titan does not publish poetry, anonymous or open letters, and letters printed elsewhere. Each writer is generally limited to one published letter to the editor per month.

We cannot acknowledge receipt of all submissions. If your letter is chosen for publication, we will attempt to contact you for verification via email or phone. For more information, email us at atitan@uwosh. edu, call (920) 424-3048 or visit our website.

Cartoon by Tyler Hahn

Tests add to financial pressure

by the Advance-Titan Staff

If you are interested in paying hundreds of dollars in tests alone, in addition to your tuition, then an education major may be the one for you. Students pursuing a degree in education are required to pay to take three, sometimes four, tests that do not necessarily evaluate their ability to stand in front of a classroom full of students and teach. Professor Dr. Suzanne Fondrie of the education department shared her thoughts on the subject. “I think that there have been external pressures to prove that teachers are good,” Fondrie said. “I don’t have anything against them, per se, but they’re expensive.” Fondrie added that standardized testing in general can cause stress, and when students are being evaluated on how well they can instruct a group of individuals, a pencil and paper isn’t the best way to go about it. “Does a standardized test tell you what a person is going to be like in the classroom? No,” Fondrie said. “I’ve had people who struggle with those tests and

dent, who in 2014, graduated with $28,000 in debt. Sadly, Johnson’s “free money” comment is just the tip of the iceberg. He recently suggested replacing college professors with documentaries, questioning why there should be teachers when the students could just watch a video, an outlandish idea that reminded Wisconsinites how out of touch Johnson is with students and teachers alike. You’re much more likely to find Johnson roaming the halls of cable network buildings than listening to students in college classrooms. Think about it, when’s the last time Senator Johnson visited UWO? Higher education should be an option for anyone who is willing to work for it. But if Johnson had his way, only those who are born into wealthy families would be able to attend college. Washington Republicans like Johnson are working overtime to keep college financially out of reach for the middle-class and working families of Wisconsin. Johnson opposes even the idea of federal student loans. Johnson’s campaign isn’t financed by students, teachers or the people giving whatever they can. He’s backed the Wall Street billionaires who couldn’t care less if kids are burdened with high interest rates. Those are the voices Johnson listens to, not Wisconsin’s students. There’s too much at stake in this election to send Ron Johnson back to Washington. I am proud to say I’ll vote for Russ Feingold in November, and I would urge every student in Wisconsin to do the same. Feingold is the real deal. He’s called for allowing students to renegotiate student loans, and Feingold’s goal is for students to “graduate debt-free” from fouryear and technical colleges. He’s a proven leader who supports plans that all who are willing to work hard can afford a quality education.

Millennials keep up with news more than you may think

by Constance Bougie Constance Bougie is a sophomore journalism major. Her views do not necessarily represent those of the Advance-Titan. The upcoming presidential elections have a large number of us clicking on every featured article on Facebook concerning our favorite—or least favorite—candidates. Lately, other famous topics have been catching the eyes

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Austin Walther - Sports Editor Morgan Van Lanen - Assistant Sports Editor

September 29, 2016

Tennis team exits ITA Tournament early, with a loss by Morgan Van Lanen

Katie Hanson/Advance-Titan

No. 2 forward AJ Jackson dribbles the ball against Wartburg College on Sept. 18th. Jackson has two goals this season.

Offensive struggles continue by Zijo Zulic Two first half goals from Wheaton College’s Chelsea Gnan and Sarah Frey proved to be enough as the Thunder defeated the visiting University of Wisconsin Oshkosh women’s soccer team 2-1 on Saturday, Sept. 24. Wheaton College (2-6) capitalized on an Anna Saunders throw-in that found teammate Gnan right outside the 18-yard box. Gnan’s goal came in the 28th minute of the first half, giving the Thunder a 1-0 lead. UWO head coach Erin Coppernoll said she was not impressed by her team’s play at the beginning of the game “We did not show up the first 30 minutes against Wheaton,” Coppernoll said. The slow start from the Titans was deemed costly when Wheaton College’s Frey extended the lead to 2-0. Frey sent a shot from the top of the box to beat UWO goalkeeper Jessica Galason. Her goal came at the 43 minute mark. UW Oshkosh (5-4) was outshot 14-3 in the first half alone and 25-6 the entire contest. Rachel Elliott noted the lack of possession was the reason behind being outshot. “To minimize shots we need to keep possession of the ball,” Rachel said. “We need to focus on the final clear and playing quicker and smarter

out of our defensive third.” Rachel said the soccer team needs to improve on playing as a team if they want to show improvement from the game on Saturday. “As a group we need to work on playing to each other’s strengths and keep focusing on playing one and two touches,” Rachel said. “We will need to practice winning balls out of the air so we can maintain possession.” UW Oshkosh got on the board after Wheaton College’s Molly Thorson committed a foul in the penalty box resulting in a penalty shot for the Titans. Alek Kleis added another goal to her resume as she converted on the penalty kick to cut the lead to 2-1 going into the halftime break. This was Kleis’ fourth goal of the season and proved to be the only goal in the contest for UWO. Through nine matches this season, the women’s soccer team has had trouble in the final third of the pitch and that trend continued on Saturday, Coppernoll said. The head coach added that decision-making has to be better in the attacking third if the Titans want to see any improvements offensively. Rachel said the struggles continue to haunt the offense. “We were having problems making the right final pass or putting the shot on frame to even test their keeper,” Rachel

said. The UWO women’s soccer team upset No. 21 ranked Loras College 1-0 on Thursday, Sept. 22. Coppernoll said the Titans did not play to the standard of UWO soccer, but still managed to get the victory. “We withstood [Loras’] pressure and got the goal we needed in the second half,” Coppernoll said. “We played some ugly soccer but got the [win].” Robyn Elliott’s lone goal came in the 55th minute of the match, and proved to be the game-winning goal. Robyn now has two goals on the season and both are game-winners. Robyn, typically a holding midfielder, contributed to the offensive effort with six of the 12 shots UW Oshkosh took. “This is awesome for our team, especially when it comes down to the end of the season when tournament play is starting up,” said Robyn. “Beating a ranked team can help get us get a bid.” Coppernoll said she adjusted Robyn’s position for this particular game because she could fill the space needed. “We moved her more forward because we knew where the space would be open,” Coppernoll said. “Robyn is a key player for us and in big games like this you want your key players to step up, and she did.”

Loras College (5-2) tallied 26 total shots in the contest against UWO, but only nine shots were on target. Galason kept the Titans in the game with her outstanding performance in goal, Coppernoll said. “Jess was solid,” Coppernoll said. “[Loras College] did not find the frame a lot on most of their shots, but when they did she was able to be there.” Galason finished the game with nine total saves and received her second clean sheet of the season. Galason said she credits her backline for her performance against Loras College. “Our game against Loras was one of the better games we’ve played all year all around the field,” Galason said. “I feel like having such a strong backline in front of me gave me the confidence to make those saves and be on my game.” Galason said nothing has changed for her since beating such a high-ranked team. “As for my confidence, I go into every game with the same mentality no matter who we are playing,” Galason said. “I go out there and give it my all no matter if we are playing a high ranked team or not. That’s just what I know to do.” The women’s soccer team takes on the Milwaukee School of Engineering on Thursday, Sept. 29.

The UW Oshkosh women’s tennis head coach Robert Henshaw described his team’s performance as “rough” at the Intercollegiate Tennis Association Midwest Regional in St. Peter, MN this past weekend. Henshaw had little to say about competing in the tournament. “I am fine with not speaking much about the ITA,” Henshaw said. “We had two individuals stand out but the majority of the team had a rough outing. The ITA is really an individual tournament and I would prefer to speak about the production of the team.” The team’s overall score was 5-14. Freshman Alyssa Leffler, who finished the weekend with a 3-3 singles and doubles combined record, had more positive things to say about the tournament. “The competition was good,” Leffler said. “Everyone did a great job. It was a lot of tennis packed into two days, but it was a lot of fun.” In the first round of singles play, UW-La Crosse’s Haley Clope defeated junior Bailey Sagen 6-2 and 7-5. Junior Paige Ganser also fell in the first round, as she lost to UW-Eau Claire’s Olivia Gallagher 3-6 and 4-6. Samantha Flemming of UW-La Crosse beat sophomore Hannah Peters 6-1 and 6-3, while sophomore Annie Docter was swept by St. Scholastic’s Jessica Solberg 2-6 and 3-6. Leffler was the only Titan to earn a win in singles play. In the consolation bracket of singles, she dominated her opponent, Claire Christian from Luther College, 8-3. Sagen lost 3-8 in the consolation bracket to Sarah Lasecki from Coe College. Ganser was also dominated 1-8 by Bridget McKeegan of Nebraska Wesleyan. Docter fell 3-8 to St. Thomas’ Jessie O’Brien in the consolation bracket as well. Sagen and Peters got their first win of the day in doubles play, as they defeated their opponents, Sarah Lasecki and Kaitlin Fosler from Coe College 8-4. Leffler and her partner,

freshman Samantha Koppa ,were defeated in the first round by St. Norbert College’s Elizabeth Manlick and Meg Witt 8-3. Additionally, Docter and Ganser were crushed by Taylor McLeod and Paige McLeod from St. Thomas 0-8. In the second round of singles play, Megan Humphreys and Gabi Kitchell of UW-Whitewater flew by Sagan and Peters 0-8. In the first round in the consolation bracket, Docter and Ganser fell to Bri Dorr and Aubrey Eckstrom from St. Catherine University. Koppa and Leffler had a strong run, winning three straight matches after moving to the consolation bracket. In the first round they defeated Riley Abeyesekera and Lauren Martin from Gustavus Adolphus College 8-3. By default, they won against Madison Crow and Claire Christian from Luther College. In round three, they snuck past Paige Vannausdle and Jenna Stewart of Central College 8-2. However, the duo lost to Molly Stewart and Olivia Gallagher from UWEC by default due to the team leaving the tournament prior to the match starting, Koppa said. According to Koppa, there was some miscommunication between tournament officials and the UWO tennis team. That, along with the fact Leffler had already played five other times that day, led to the team departing from the tournament. “When we went to the building to give them our scores for the previous match, they told us we were in the finals, but we thought we had already won the consolation finals,” Koppa said. “We wouldn’t have played for three or four hours. It was a group decision to leave.” Although her team did not leave the tournament with a victory, Leffler still took away a winning attitude from the weekend. “It was a very cool experience,” Leffler said. “There were teams from all over the Midwest and the facility where it was held was incredible.” The Titans will face off against Marian University on Thursday, Sept. 29 at Buttermilk Creek Park in Fond du Lac.

Statistics for the 2016 UWO women’s soccer team Games played 11

Overall Record 5-4

Goals per game average 1.22

Goals for 11

Shots per game average 13.8

Goals Against 10

Goals against average 1.09 Cross CrossCountry Country Chardlend Howard

Cross Country Erica Munyan


SPORTS Advance-Titan

Austin Walther - Sports Editor Morgan Van Lanen - Assistant Sports Editor

September 29, 2016


Above: No. 5 Lexi Thiel and No. 1 Nerissa Vogt go up for a double block against the Pioneers on Wednesday night. Vogt recorded a total of three block assists and Thiel had two. Below: No. 9 Brooke Brinkman records one of her nine kills vs. the Pioneers. Brinkman recorded her 100th kill on Wednesday night and averages 2 kills per set on the season.

Women’s volleyball defeats Pioneers by Natalie Dillon

The UW Oshkosh women’s volleyball team rebounded after the conference loss to UWWhitewater to win in straight sets over UW-Platteville on Wednesday, Sept. 28 improving its overall record to 12-3 and conference record to 1-1. The Titans got off to a quick start this week as they took the first set from the Pioneers 25-20 while many players contributed to the effort. Freshman Samantha Jaeke, senior Brooke Brinkman, senior Nerissa Vogt and sophomore Tina Elstner had multiple kills. However, the first set was closer than the score showed. The Titans and Pioneers tied the match seven times, as late in the game as 12-12. That’s when UWO went on a five point run to pull ahead 17-12, even after two timeouts from UWP. Last week, the Titans used time-outs to stall the Warhawk momentum, but this week Platteville’s time-outs did little to stop the energy. The Titans’ offense, aided by kills from Elstner, Brinkman, and Jaeke, propelled them through to win the first set. The second set began with a small run by the Pioneers, who went up 4-1. The momentum shifted after the Titans won a point after a long volley. From there, Oshkosh took over with aces from freshman Samantha Jaeka and Rachel Gardner. Brinkman said she was excited about the aces while also

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recording one herself later on in the match. “It was great, honestly,” Brinkman said. “It gets us going and gets us motivated. It’s fun.” The rest of the set went rather smoothly besides a couple of service errors. Head coach Brian Schaefer said they worked on serving in practice because of their seven servises errors last week. “We aren’t the hardest serving team, so it’s definitely a focus of ours because blocking and offence are probably our top two things,” Schaefer said. “That means we have to balance those and our serving and defense. We have to buckle down. Everyone can serve a ball over the net. It comes down to focus. The ones that go ten feet wide or jump serves into the net, they can fix that themselves.” The offense of the Titans compensated for some troubles serving and defending as the second set ended with a kill from Brinkman. When the Titans goT ahead by two sets, Vogt said there is a different mentality to the game and they relax and play looser. “You can let loose a little bit and that’s when you have the most fun,” Vogt said. “You have that confidence behind you; you can let your hair down and just play volleyball. When we have two wins under our belt, I get so crazy, I become a mad woman on the bench. The stress is gone. We play better relaxed.” In the third set sophomore Renee Rush assisted the Ti-

tans with five kills. In combination with other kills from Brinkman, Elstner and Jaeke, the Pioneers had very little response. They were also plagued by two illegal rotations. Ahead 23-14 in the third set, the Titans called time-out. Rather than disrupt momentum, Vogt said the objective was to discuss what was working and the team likes to talk about what is working well. “When things are working, we reiterate what is working,” Vogt said. “This works, this works, and this works, keep doing it. We leave it at that. Sometimes too much talking is detrimental. It keeps our mind set sustained.” The Titans defeated the Pioneers 3-0 with scores of 2520, 25-18 and 25-17. Multiple players contributed to the win. Elstner had 13 kills along with nine from Brinkman and eight from Jaeke. Senior Lexi Thiel lead the team with 31 assists. Both Jaeke and senior Laura Trochinski had two aces, and freshman Rachel Gardner had eight of the team’s 31 digs. In comparison to last week, Schaefer said the difference came from the energy. “The bench was involved and the people on the court were hyper,” Schaefer said. “We embraced our crowd. Last week the loss was more internal as opposed to Whitewater being that good. They are good, but so are we.” The Titans go into their invitational with four games over the weekend on Sept. 30 and Oct. 1





Women’s tennis at Marian University 4 p.m. Fond du Lac, Wisc.

Men’s and women’s cross country at Notre Dame Invitational 4:15 p.m. (EST) Notre Dame, Ind.

Women’s volleyball UWO Invitational 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Women’s golf at Mad Dawg Invitational 1 p.m. Stevens Point, Wisc.

Women’s golf at Mad Dawg Invitational 9 a.m. Stevens Point, Wisc

Women’s volleyball UWO Invitational 4 p.m. and 8 p.m.

Football vs. UW-Stout 2 p.m. Titan Stadium

Women’s soccer vs. UW-River Falls 7 p.m.

Women’s tennis vs. Lawrence University 10 a.m.


Women’s soccer at MSOE 7 p.m. Milwaukee, Wisc.




Austin Walther - Sports Editor Morgan Van Lanen - Assistant Sports Editor

September 29, 2016

Carpenter creates a new culture by Michael Johrendt In 2011, Jordan Carpenter began his college career at UW Oshkosh. His goals included graduating with an undergraduate degree and running cross country. Three and a half years later, he was able to earn his degree while recording high academic marks and being a top runner for the men’s cross country team. After taking 2012 off from competition due to illness, he came back and ran the next three years to end his career, becoming one of the most successful runners in Titan history. His journey began at Ashwaubenon High School where he ran cross-country throughout all four years. Carpenter said they had three All-American honors on the team during his freshman year. “In my [high school career], I made the state meet as an individual only once in cross country and never [for] track,” Carpenter said. “I did have the goal of being All-American one day, but as a freshman it seemed very unrealistic, and it probably was at the time.” During Carpenter’s first year at UWO, his running performance was strong and successful as it was capped off with an opportunity to run in the NCAA Division III Championship and placed 264th. The next year Eamon McKenna was brought in as the men’s team head coach, and Carpenter said a connection was evident from day one. “I think [McKenna] also could see how dedicated I was to getting better, so it motivated him to help me achieve my goals,” Carpenter said. “This bond only grew stronger during my time at Oshkosh. I can honestly say that Eamon is the person I look up to the most in life and he has been a great friend and mentor since he arrived on campus.” The cross country team took home a WIAC Championship during Carpenter’s freshman year. He ran in six meets, including both the WIAC and NCAA Championships. In 2013, Carpenter was back out on the course for the Titans. He ran in seven different events, culminating in another DIII Championship appearance. His top finish of the season was 17th. Opponents took notice during Carpenter’s junior year. His only double digit finish, 45th, came during the NCAA DIII Championship. He recorded a first place finish, his first in the collegiate ranks, at the Roy Griak Invitational. He took home one third, fourth, fifth and two ninth place finishes on his way to earning a College Sports Information

Directors of America AllAmerican Team nomination. Carpenter said having a record-breaking junior year was what kept him driving for more. “Once you get a small taste of success you always want more,” Carpenter said. “I went from wanting to place in conference, to wanting to place at nationals, to wanting to be a national champion. You always have to have new goals to achieve.” Carpenter peaked during his senior year by recording two second-place finishes on the year. He helped lead the team to a 13th place finish at the NCAA DIII Championship in 2015. He finished 13th individually, earning an NCAA All-American award for his performance. McKenna said Carpenter, being a fifth-year senior, was highly regarded by his fellow runners on the team. “Jordan has had a profound impact on my coaching career,” McKenna said. “He is someone that I was able to lean on as a leader during my first four years of being a head coach, and I learned a lot from him. Jordan’s work ethic and desire for success helped instill and deepen a competitive hunger in me as a coach. [His] impact will be felt for a long time, and his accomplishments speak to a legacy as a Titan legend.” By using his remaining eligibility in 2015, Carpenter’s career as a Titan today is down to solely academics. He held a 4.0 GPA during his entire undergrad and Carpenter said he understood academics would be key to his development later on, regardless of where they led him. “The biggest lesson that I passed on [to my teammates] was being an example of consistency,” Carpenter said. “I showed the guys that you can go from being average to being great by putting in the work day-in and day-out. Academics were always important [to me], even during the season. It was what I was doing when nobody was around that made me a great student.” Senior UWO runner Charlend Howard said Carpenter always encouraged the team to give it their all and. He left a lasting legacy as someone who never wanted to lose. “Being a teammate with Jordan provided my running career with a mentor who I could look up to 24/7,” Howard said. “Jordan provided an environment of always wanting to win no matter what. He encouraged me personally to have that same mentality and to push myself everyday” Currently Carpenter is continuing his education while jump-starting his coaching career. He is taking online


ABOVE: Runner Jordan Carpenter, right, poses with head coach Eamon McKenna after winning the 2015 All-American. BELOW: Carpenter leads the pack during a meet. Carpenter was successful on both the course and in the classroom. courses to work toward earning his Master of Business Administration through UWO. His coaching career has begun in California, as he is assisting in distance running and recruiting for the PomonaPitzer Sagehens. Carpenter said everything boils down to where he came from. His roots are very important to him, and his accomplishments show him that hard work pays off in the long run. “In Eamon’s office, there is a large plaque with the names of all of the All-Americans in the program’s history,” Carpenter said. “I used to sit in his office and read all of the names on there so I really wanted to be up there one day. Now I am proud to say my name appears on those plaques three times.”

Roy Griak Invitational Results Men’s: 1/8 37 points

Women’s: 1/14 69 points








Charlend Howard



Erica Munyan



Tyler Miletti



Cheyenne Moore



Joe Zack



Ashton Keene



Mitch Pauers



Kristen Linzmeier 24:56.27


SPORTS Advance-Titan

Austin Walther - Sports Editor Morgan Van Lanen - Assistant Sports Editor

September 29, 2016

Football starts 3-0 before conference play by Nathan Proell The UW Oshkosh football team finished its non-conference part of the season undefeated 3-0 as they shutout the Morthland College (Ill.) Patriots 77-0 which is their third highest point total in history on Saturday, Sept. 24 This was their first 3-0 start since 2013 and head coach Pat Cerroni said they are happy about that. “The first goal in our program is to go through non-conference undefeated,” Cerroni said. The Titans scored one of five touchdowns in the first quarter at 11:36 and never looked back when running back Dylan Hecker scored on a 9-yard touchdown run to put UWO up 7-0. At 7:39 quarterback Brett Kasper threw a 30-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Dom Todarello. In the following possession for the Titans, Hecker had a 35-yard touchdown run at 5:42 putting the Titans on top 21-0 after the extra point kick was made by kicker Eli Wettstein in a game where he tied his school’s record of making all nine of his extra point kicks. After a drive from the Patriots that lasted 22 seconds and consisted of 0 yards, the Titans got the ball back and at 5:05 Kasper threw a 60-yard touchdown pass to Todarello stretching the Titans’ lead to 28-0. To finish out the first quarter, running back Devon Linzenmeyer ran for a 13yard touchdown to put the Titans up 35-0. The first Titans possession


Running back Dylan Hecker rushed for 51 yards on three carries vs. Morthland. He has a total of 127 yards on five carries so far this season. of the second quarter resulted in a 49-yard touchdown pass from backup quarterback Connor Senger to wide receiver CJ Blackburn, giving Blackburn his first touchdown of the season after not playing in week two due to a hamstring injury. The Titans’ following possession resulted in another touchdown from a 38-yard run from wide receiver Andy Jones. With 11:04 still to play in the second quarter the Titans were up on the Patriots 49-0. After another empty pos-

session from the Patriots, the Titans put their eighth touchdown of the game on the board with a 22-yard run from Senger at the eight-minute mark. To close out the first half of the game, the Titans’ third quarterback of the game, Jayden Essman, threw a 14yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Evan Thammahong putting the score 63-0 at halftime. The first touchdown of the second half was a 38-yard touchdown pass from Essmann to wide receiver Robbie

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Bell making the score 70-0. The final touchdown of the game for the Titans came with 8:40 yet to play in the third quarter. A 53-yard touchdown run from running back Chad Walton gave the Titans the eventual final score of 77-0. The Titans’ total time of possession was 15:15 as they had 530 yards of total offense with 40 total plays and 18 first downs. The Titans’ defense was able to hold the Patriots to 103 total yards of offense with 63 total offensive plays and only nine first downs. The Patriots’

total time of possession was 44:45. Despite the blowout win from the Titans and finishing non-conference play 3-0, Cerroni said he knows that these past three games are not the hardest part of the season. “You have to keep it in perspective,” Cerroni said. Cerroni said he is well aware of what the team must do now that the WIAC play is about to start. “All those stats in the non-conference are gone,” Cerroni said. “Now it begins.” Blackburn said they know

every game counts from here on. “The kind of mentality that we have is it’s one game at a time,” Blackburn said. “Every week is like a playoff week for us. We know that if we lose, our season is over.” The Titans’ season will continue this Saturday, Oct. 1 at 2 p.m. at Titan Stadium, as they take on UW-Platteville in the first home game of season and the WIAC opener. “It’ll feel great to be back at Titan Stadium,” Kasper said. “We’re glad to be back home.”

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