The Advance-Titan 12/1/16

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ADVANCE-TITAN December 1, 2016


VOL. 122, NO. 11

Seg fees cover athletic operating costs by Morgan Van Lanen

hen a sports team at sh osh travels to a tournament for the ee end or needs a ne set of uniforms it is not the ath letes ho pic up the ill or the athletic department ho covers the cost or the isconsin Inter collegiate thletic onference ho hands over the mone . ather the student od as a hole even those ho do not participate in a sport pa for the operating cost of all varsit teams at UWO. egregated fees hat stu dents pa along ith tuition and room and oard help cover the costs of athletics. uring the school ear full time students at sh osh paid . in these fees eg regated ees ommittee hair

hristopher toc us said. ach student paid . to sports teams operating e pens es. his as a three percent increase from the prior ear toc us said. perating costs include team travel lodging meals uniforms e uipment and officials. ccording to the uit in thletics isclosure hich can e found on the athletics e site the total operating costs et een all men s and omen s sports as for . o ever segregated fees do not totall cover this cost ssociate udget lanner ouglas almon said. “ ost of a team s operating costs are from segregated fees ho ever the are also supple mented through fund raised dol lars and revenue from operating sports camps almon said.

ccording to amie eman the hief ommunications f ficer at sh osh each in dividual team s udget is deter mined ever ear ased on past re uired udgets. his is the eas iest a to recogni e ho much in segregated fees the teams are going to need com ined. “ It as first determined hen udgets ere original l distri uted from ac in the s eman said. “ ou get hat ou got last ear plus or minus unless there s a udget cut or udget increase from the state. eman also stated that if a coach has a specific ant for his or her team a fund re uest can e sent to thletic irector ar r l ims. hen as ed to comment for this article ims re uested that all uestions e directed to e

man and almon. dditionall team funds t p icall do not change due to the amount of athletes on a s uad. or e ample the men s s im ming and diving teams are a com ined udget and even though there are no male divers this ear the udget for the team pro a l as not reduced e man said. egregated fees that go to ard athletics do not onl go to ard operating cost ut cov er large pro ects that need to e completed. hese costl up grades can cause seg fees to go up toc us said. ccording to toc us the eg ees ommittee approved t o changes the athletics department anted to ma e last semester. ne score oard in olf hich cost the student od and ne turf at itan tadium


UWO football continues playoff run The UW Oshkosh football team will return to the quarterfinals of the ivi sion III oot all hampion ship for the second ear in a row. uarter ac rett asper said he en o s eing in the pla offs even if the circumstances are different from last ear. “It feels good to get ac to the uarterfinals asper said. “ e re in a little differ ent situation than we were last ear ith having to go on the road. viousl e are going to e at a slight disadvantage ut I don t thin competition is an thing ne to us. he itans on the first game of the tournament on aturda ov. against the ashington niversit ears in a dominant fashion scoring seven touchdo ns and holding the ears to t o touchdo ns ma ing the

e used for toc us said. “ e can loo at the rea do n and sa ou re as ing for this amount of mone for travel and e re onl illing to pa this amount of mone toc us said. “In that case the ould have to loo for other means of funding or ust ma e due ith out those funds. he ne t eg ees aturda ill e held on e ruar and ill e open to all students. he total costs of omen s sports last ear as and men s as ac cording to the uit in thlet ics isclosure. ecause segregated fees do not cover all e penses for things li e recruitment the mon e comes from sports camps and team revenue almon said.


OSA, orgs disagree over fairness of recognition process

UWO running back Mitch Gerhartz ran for 204 yards and scored a touchdown on 21 carries against Wash. U on Nov. 19.

by Nate Proell

for . “ here asn t a hole lot of opposition to approving those purchases toc us said. “ or e ample the score oard is go ing to allo advertising hich ill hopefull help to pa for some of the costs there. hen the fact that e also needed to replace the turf ecause of the lia ilit issues and in ur issues. here asn t a hole lot that e could do a out that. etermining ho much stu dents ill pa in segregated fees starts ith something called eg ee aturda . his is here the eg ees ommittee hich consists of students profes sors and staff listens to presen tations the different emits segregated fees cover. he pre sentations consist of ho much mone a specific service needs and hat the mone is going to

score . asper thre for ards and three touchdo ns. i tans running ac itch erhart ran for a career high ards and also had a touchdo n. unning ac evon in enme er had t o scores and sophomore tight end od oon had his first touchdo n of the ear. he itans out pla ed the ears on all fronts holding them to ards of total offense compared to the i tans . he itans defense came up ith four fum les and t o interceptions. n aturda the itans managed to pull a a from t. ohn s in a game here the ohnnies ept it close until the fourth uarter. he first uarter ent scoreless ith the first score of the game coming in the second uarter from a ard lan ec er rush in a drive that was the result of an interception from itans strong safet ohnn agan putting

the score ith left in the second uarter. ec er had a career high rushing ards and three touchdo ns on aturda in a game here the ohnnies surrendered rushing ards the most in their past games. he ohnnies ere uic to tie the game on their ne t pos session after a ard touch do n pass from uarter ac ac son rdmann to running ac ac undl ith left in the second uarter. s the first half as ind ing do n the itans managed to ta e the all ards in pla s and reta e the lead from a ard field goal from ic er li ettstein. he i tans ere no ahead and never lost the lead for the remainder of the game. he ohnnies received the all to start the second half after inning the coin toss and electing to differ at the eginning of the game. uic and out from the

Correction Correction Policy: The Advance-Titan will try to investigate and correct any factual errors printed in the paper. If you see something that is not quite right, please email us at or call 424-3048. Correction: In the November 17, 2016 issue of The Advance-Titan, the headline stated there was a robbery, when in fact it was a burglary. A robbery is when a person uses a weapon, force, threats of a weapon or force to take property from another person. A burglary, on the other hand, is when someone enters a dwelling and removes property without the owner’s consent. In the November 10, 2016 issue of The Advance-Titan, there was a title mix up in the article, “Student tries to impeach OSA President Boothe.” Aza Muzorewa is the Reeve Advisory Council Vice President.

ohnnies resulted in a punt to the itans ho started their drive on their o n ard line. fter a asper incom pletion the second pla of the drive as a ard ec er rush hich rought the i tans to the ohnnies ard line. fter a rush for a loss from in enme er a ec er rush for t o ards and a ard completion from asper to ide receiver am ent o s i the itans ere faced ith fourth and at the ohn nies ard line. ec er rush for ards gave the itans their sec ond touchdo n of the game hich e tended their lead to ith to pla in the third. he ohnnies ne t posses sion resulted in a ard punt to the itans ho ever a asper interception on the hich as returned ards ohnnies line


by Cari Fehler arious student organi ations gathered at the enate meeting uesda night to voice their concerns over the lac of recognition the receive as stu dent organi ations on campus. ome of the organi ations included the hilosoph lu ollege emocrats illennials lu and the sh osh tudent eterans ssociation. his ear numerous stu dent organi ations missed the application deadline in order to receive official recognition through the niversit . resi dent of ollege emocrats and current ice resident of il lennials lu randon olligan a political science ma or said there are multiple factors that led to student organi ations not eing recogni ed. “I thin there are a variet of reasons that so man orga ni ations missed this applica tion deadline olligan said. “ irst communication a out these deadlines as poor of ten going to the rong people or getting to organi ations late and this process as tedious length and confusing. econd is that despite this failed to accommodate an one even if the missed the deadline ith no regards as to h or hat had happened for an given organi ation. hief of taff le o va e plained that ever student organi ation must complete egistered tudent rgani ation raining as one part of the pro cess to e officiall recogni ed and some ma have gotten con fused a out this. “ ne of the main commu nications that I ve heard from clu s is that the thought that coming to their clu udget meeting counted as their training hich it did not o va said. “ he ho to use our allocated funds meeting that as more so ust ho clu s can use their funds rather than get ting recogni ed as a clu ...I feel

li e some clu s did not reali e that there ere as man steps as there need to e for them to e come recogni ed. ova said deadlines for stu dent organi ations have al a s een this a to his no ledge. “I no in the past it s een fairl strict on the deadline for hen clu s can get recogni ed so I don t thin there s ma or changes from last ear to this ear ut it s al a s ust a turnover thing from e ecutive oards ova said. “ here s al a s miscommunication moving to ne leadership in other clu s and even here in . ccording to ova follo s the structure of the fed eral government and therefore tries to remain professional and hold students accounta le hile still promoting student engage ment. “ e ant students to e as engaged and active as the can e... ut at the same time to no that there are certain policies in place for ever thing to sta on trac and ever thing to eep going ova said. “ here are different hoops that clu s need to sta in line ith ust so ever one remains on the o and the path eeps going and ever thing remains usiness and formal and professional. oving for ard randon olligan said he had some ideas a out here to go from here. “ he first appropriate step to addressing the large volume of unrecogni ed student orga ni ations ould e to reopen the recognition process for the eginning of the spring semester said olligan. “It s unaccepta le that our student veterans organi ation ould have to ait until ne t academic ear to e formall recogni ed our niversit . olligan said man organi ations sought a solution even efore the enate meeting uesda evening. “ ultiple organi ations have alread emailed the e ec


Look What’s Inside! Remembrance

Student Housing



Vigil remembers trans victims of hate crimes, suicide

Sophomores should not have to live on campus

Read more on A2

Read more on A6




Ti Windisch - News Editor Alex Nemec - Assistant News Editor

December 1, 2016


UW Madison Chancellor Rebecca Blank refers to a PowerPoint during the budget discussion. Blank and Chancellor Andrew Leavitt spoke on campus about the new state budget.

Chancellors talk budget woes by Nicole Horner UW Madison Chancellor Rebecca Blank and UW Oshkosh Chancellor Andrew Leavitt met with officials and alumni on Wednesday to discuss the Wisconsin state budget and its role in public higher education. Blank said she is doing these joint events with chancellors at a number of other locations. “We have alums all over the state,” Blank said. “It’s just great to bring all of these different alums together and talk about the fact that we’re all in this together. This is not Madison versus Oshkosh, this is Madison and Oshkosh together.” According to Jennifer Skolaski, a UW Madison alumna, this bond is beneficial to oth the schools


and the state. “ e all enefit from the interconnection of our institutions and the recognition that Wisconsin really thrives when we invest in that one for all, all for one idea,” Skolaski said, “A strong and effective UW Oshkosh, UW Madison and UW System are critical to our competitiveness, our quality of life and our state’s future.” Blank said budget cuts impact not only the smaller UW schools, like UW Oshkosh, but bigger schools like UW Madison. “We have managed those cuts; but they are clearly impacting us at this point, threatening our quality,” Blank said. “It really is time to reinvest in the University of Wisconsin.” Blank said these cuts have major consequences. “We’ve reached a point


utives, senators, etc to ask for recognition to be reopened,” said Colligan. “Besides, this I would rather our student leadership come up with measures to simplify the recognition process and increase better communication in regards to the process and not have it be a zero-sum deadline. But reopening the recognition process for the spring semester would be the best way that OSA can immediately address their own negligences of not recognizing longstanding,

previously recognized student organizations.” Colligan said OSA recognition comes with crucial benefits for student organizations. “It’s important for not only my organization but for all organizations to be recognized so that we have the formal privileges whether booking rooms for meetings and events or simply having access to the University’s resources in regards to advertising and promotion that are included with OSA recognition” Colligan said. OSA Vice President Maria Berge said OSA is working together on a solution that will pro-

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EDITORS /////////////// EDITOR IN CHIEF Jessica Johnson

MANAGING EDITOR Jessica Zemlicka


where there’s simply no effective way to manage these cuts without doing something that hurts our educational quality,” Blank said. “To think that you’re going to solve our budget problems by cutting this further is, quite honestly, not very realistic.” According to Leavitt, the budget led to a transition from low enrollment courses to high enrollment courses at UWO. “We simply can’t afford low enrollment courses anymore on the upper division level,” Leavitt said. Blank said unfunded maintenance costs were what irked her about the last budget. “I’m taking money out of the education budget right now because I have no money for maintenance costs from the state,” Blank said.

Nyreesha Williams-Torrence

STAFF //////////////////// Kurt Ness

vide a happy medium. “It’s something that’s being currently looked at by Brandon [Miller, Interim Dean of Student Affairs and OSA Advisor] and the executive team,” Berge said. “The changes will have to be made to the Assembly bylaws as the Assembly is the body that deals with [recognition.]” Novak said reopening the recognition process is not off the table. However, clubs may not get funding. “That’s something we’ve talked about at our executive board meetings for OSA,” Novak said. “Whereas we can reopen up RSOT ... I feel like that might be beneficial for students just so they have a place to meet because I would hate to deter students from being in a club and talking about their interests. So I feel like if they were at least granted a room and someplace to meet, that would be half the battle because some clubs don’t even use their funds, they just want a place to hangout, meet and talk about their passions.”

COPY EDITORS Moira Danielson Elly Durand Cally Kobza Ashley Larson Allison Prusha Frankie Rabas Kylie Sweere Kellie Wambold Natasha Zwijacz

Ti Windisch, editor Alex Nemec, asst. editor




Claire Pytlik



Constance Bougie

Alyssa Grove, editor Raquel Tuohy, editor


Austin Walther, editor Morgan Van Lanen, asst. editor


Kurt Ness

COPY CHIEF Garrett Wright


Emily Fredrick

Vince Filak

Haley Lentz

Alicia Kahl Hailey Lawrence Katherine Baird Lance Gulotta Crystal Knuth Elizabeth Pletzer Kelsey St. John Olivia Schilcher Constance Bougie

we’re all here today. I want all of you to see that too. Please stay hopeful.” Garrett Denning, the Student Titan Employment Program student for the LGBTQ Resource Center, spoke on behalf of the center. “For anyone who is feeling hurt and alone and threatened in these tough times, the Center is here for you,” Denning said. “We will always be here for you.” Stadler said the number of anti-transgender hate crimes that occurred this year appeared to be endless. “I spent a lot of this time sitting and staring at the official finali ed list of people that we lost,” Stadler said. “I studied this list for a couple weeks and although it only included what I assumed to be half of the total murders this year, the list just went on and on.” Stadler said although many transgender individuals are lost due to hate crimes, several are lost from suicide. “Remember those who have committed suicide,” Stadler said. “Remember them too.” Jim Riley, a former graduate intern at the LGBTQ Resource Center and a crisis counselor for the Brown County Crisis Line, emphasized the reality of suicide. “As we talk about things like suicide tonight, it’s real,” Riley said. “It’s something I see and I work with every single day. Whether that’s completed, attempted or desired, it’s real.” Riley said he wants everyone to take care of themselves. “I want you to feel safe, and I want you to talk to those of us who [are counselors] if you need to because you’re important, and I’m glad you’re here,” Riley said. Cannon said people who attend this vigil learn the realities transgender individuals face. “Our transgender siblings are being murdered simply for being who they are, especially trans women of color,” Cannon said. “Many in the trans and nonbinary community are attempting and dying by suicide in response to the daily hatred and trans-prejudice they experience.” Cannon said it is important people stand up to the hatred and prejudice directed towards transgender people. “It is important for cisgender people to know about TDoR in order for them to understand the consequences of their not fighting against the trans pre udice and hatred that is killing transgender individuals,” Cannon said. The event concluded with a candlelight vigil where each of the speakers lit a candle in honor of a victim. Stadler then said that there are resources available for anyone in need. “There is the Trevor Hotline, there’s a Trans Lifeline, there’s the Suicide Hotline,” Stadler said. “Please use any resources that ou can find to sta safe tonight.” According to Cannon, there is one way that people can show support for victims. “By never forgetting them,” Cannon said.

by Nicole Horner Rainbow Alliance for Helping Others Perceive Equality presented a vigil on Nov. 21 where transgender allies gathered together to honor transgender individuals who lost their lives due to hate crimes or suicide. The event took place the night after Transgender Day of Remembrance. According to Liz Cannon, the co-adviser of HOPE and the LGBTQ Resource Center Director, Transgender Day of Remembrance brings attention to anti-transgender violence. “Transgender Day of Remembrance memorializes the transgender individuals who have been murdered in the previous year,” Cannon said. “Clearly, murder and violence are a major problem.” Throughout the event, four speakers shared their personal experiences as well as stories and poems relating to those whose lives have been lost due to anti-transgender hate or prejudice. Isaac Schreiber, a senior at UW Oshkosh, spoke at the event because he has been active in both the trans and LGBTQ communities. According to Schreiber, this event gives speakers an opportunity to share stories and encourage hope in addition to remembering those who have fallen. “I’m really honored to have been given a chance to speak at Trans Day of Remembrance this year,” Schreiber said. “We need to remember those who have fallen.” Mars Stadler, a senior at UWO, said they were asked to speak at this event because they are on the executive board of Rainbow Alliance for HOPE. “About two weeks ago, I was asked to speak in front of all of you to introduce the Trans Day of Remembrance,” Stadler said. “This is an amazing opportunity for me.” According to Stadler, Transgender Day of Remembrance is a chance for communities to gather as one and to recognize victims. “It’s one of the days out of this year that we come together as a community and we grieve those who we lost due to transgender violence,” Stadler said. “It means acknowledging those we’ve lost and knowing how much harder we must fight to eep going. Cannon said communities also gather together on this day to support victims. “We come together to mourn their loss, acknowledge their lives and commit to fighting the hatred that illed them,” Cannon said. Stadler said the sense of community found at this event helps encourage hope. “I see that even though we’ve lost friends and family and members of our community, we’ve gained a lot too,” Stadler said. “I see a group of allies who are willing to give support to one another. I see a group of people who are full of love and compassion and empathy. I see our future as a community, and I’m so hopeful and grateful that

Advance-Titan Staff and Awards



Leavitt addressed the problem of student debt at UWO and said the state could help lower the amount of debt students graduate with. “One of the ways that we can help cure that problem is by trying to shift a greater amount of the cost of education back onto the state as opposed to onto the families of the students,” Leavitt said. According to Blank, the UW system is a worthwhile investment for the state. “Our contribution to the economy is just highly important,” Blank said. Blank said the public can help support UW Madison and UW Oshkosh by contacting Governor Walker or a local legislator, hosting or attending a meeting with them or attending UW Lobby Day in Madison.

Trans victims of suicide, violence honored in vigil


WRITERS ////////////// NEWS

Cari Fehler Hailey Lawrence Nicole Horner Laura Dickinson Kierra Carr


Mariah Heyden Best of the Midwest CAMPUS CONNECTIONS Kellie Wambold Allison Prusha Anne Wilhelms Mia Wilson


Joshua Crowe Natalie Dillon Michael Johrendt Nathan Proell Ti Windisch

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The UW Oshkosh Advance-Titan is written and edited by students at UW Oshkosh who are solely responsible for its content and editorial policy. Any UW Oshkosh student is welcome to work on

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Ti Windisch - News Editor Alex Nemec - Assistant News Editor

Breakfast honors alumni employees

by Laura Dickinson UW Oshkosh thanked alumni staff members of UWO at the Titan x2 Alumni-Employee Appreciation Breakfast held by the alumni association on Nov. 18 at the Alumni Welcome and Conference Center. Director of Alumni Affairs Christine Gantner said the purpose of the event was to show alumni who work at UWO that their work and meaningful engagement within the community is appreciated. “We want our alums to be engaged with our students and there is an awareness and engagement from them,” Gantner said. “I think it is exciting because I see that alums really want to help their institution. I am really grateful for their campus support.” Alumna and Clinical Placement Coordinator Donna Steinke said she was thrilled and honored the University asked her to come back and be a staff member in the nursing program to help other nursing students pursue their dreams. “I never thought I could be working for a school of this stature,” Steinke said. “This program is so highly regarded. To think that they picked me, it’s just too good to be true.” Steinke graduated from UWO back in 20 12, when she received her nursing degree from the University after deciding to go back to school. “Back in 20 0 8 I had been a customer service manager, but during that time frame is when a lot of businesses were closing,” Steinke said. “They closed the doors where I worked and I was forced to look for new opportunites. I always wanted to be a nurse, but didn’t think I was smart enough for it.” Steinke said it wasn’t always easy trying to get her degree, but the people she met at UWO became her family.

“The people here are so welcoming,” Steinke said. “It truly is another family to me. Because of my age, I am going on 5 7 , I feel like these kids going through the program are my own kids. I just want to be looking out for them because everyone needs someone to look out for them.” Assistant to the Vice Chancellor Jean K waterski came back to work at UWO after graduating in 19 8 5 and said helping the community surrounding UWO is her favorite part of working here after graduating. “It meant a lot to come back and to try and help improve the community that I was a part of for many years,” K waterski said. “I love watching the students grow and mature into people who help our world.” Steinke said the opportunities offered through the UWO community is why she loves working here. “Y ou are really not limited here,” Steinke said. “There are so many programs here and through networking within this community you have so many options.” K waterski said being an alumna of UWO gives her another perspective in helping students currently enrolled. “I know what it is like to walk on this campus and how to experience Oshkosh,” K waterski said. “Every new class of students that comes to Oshkosh amazes me and I love that Oshkosh has been such a part in my life.” K waterski said she hopes many students will be engaged in UWO after they have graduated from the University. “There is so many things students can do once they graduate,” K waterski said. “I encourage future alumni to give to the University and attend homecoming. It all positively impacts and help the University for generations to come.”

December 1, 2016


Jamie Stacy adjusts Bailey Bennett’s hair. Bennett was crowned Miss American Teen 2017.

Student named Miss American Teen by Hailey Lawrence UW Oshkosh’s very own Bailey Bennett was crowned Miss American Teen last weekend. Bennett said she has participated in this pageant before, but this one was more challenging than the previous pageants. “I had competed in this pageant five other times and this year was much different than any other year,” Bennett said. “Being away at college made it more difficult to prepare. I did most of my preparation over the phone with my mother or over Skype with my coach Thomas Stokes.” Bennett’s struggle with balancing being a new college student and competing in the pageant did not stop her

from being crowned Miss American Teen, and Bennett said she was surprised that she won. “When they called my name, I was in total shock,” Bennett said. “I had worked so hard for this position and couldn’t believe it was my turn to represent this system.” Paige Hildebrandt, a junior and supply chain management major, knows Bennett through their sorority, Gamma Phi Beta. Hildebrandt said Bennett’s crowning was well deserved. “I think it’s amazing to see someone be so passionate about what they are doing,” Hildebrandt said. “Bailey is such a driven and hardworking person which makes it so rewarding to see all of her hard work has paid off. I’m so proud of everything she’s accomplished and I can’t wait to see what the

future holds for her.” While hard work and having a large support system helped, Bennett said she owes her victory to her father, who passed away three days prior to the pageant. “The week and this whole next year are all in honor of my father,” Bennett said. “He was with me the whole way and I owe a lot of my strength to him.” Bennett said this was the fruit of her labor paying off, and she gained a lot of confidence through competing in the events over the years. “Competing this week proved to me that I am strong enough to deal with whatever cards are dealt to me,” Bennett said. “I cannot wait to represent this wonderful system and the title of Miss American Teen 20 17 throughout this year.



Raquel Tuohy - Campus Connections Editor

December 1, 2016

NAMI chapter launches at UWO, raises mental health awareness by Raquel Tuohy


UW Oshkosh student and recipeint of the Barry Tuckwell Scholarship Alex Witt plays the French horn.

Witt wins a horn scholarship by Allison Prusha Alexander Witt, a French horn player at UW Oshkosh, recently won the 20 15 International Barry Tuckwell Scholarship and was invited to perform at the International Horn Symposium in a masterclass. Witt is also a member of the 13 2nd Army National Guard band, the Oshkosh Symphony and regularly subs with athe Fox Valley Symphony. Throughout his years at UWO, Witt has moved up from the last chair horn in the University Symphonic Band to the principle player in both the wind ensemble and the University Symphony. Witt said his talent as a horn player began early on with a simple interest in music. “It started in fourth grade when I took up the French horn,” Witt said. “I chose it because it was different than all the instruments that my friends chose.” He fostered his talent in his high school band, and wasn’t sure he wanted to give up on all his progress in college. However, he began his college career studying computers and only pursued music through his minor. Witt said he thought music wasn’t going to be in his future when he came to college. “I didn’t want to quit music, but in order to fully invest myself in

my major, I had to make some difficult choices itt said. “It as between doing well in computers, or continue with music.” Witt said it was his family who convinced him to follow his heart and continue with music. In addition, Witt decided to major in general education. “They helped me realize what was truly important to me despite me not seeing it clearly,” Witt said. Witt said he has met some amazing people, through his experience in the UWO music department including professors that inspired him to pursue his passion for music. “These people, including my professor Dr. Bruce Atwell saw some passion in me that I didn’t see,” Witt said. “Once they pushed me to be better and better, it made me love what I do even more.” Horn professor Bruce Atwell said Witt is dedicated to music and has been a role model and leader in the department. “Alex is one of the most talented horn players to come through UW Oshkosh,” Atwell said. “He has worked very hard to become a very strong horn player.” Another one of Witt’s professors, associate professor of jazz and trumpet Marty Robinson, said Witt is a great musical talent that has been a mainstay within the music department. “[He] is both a stellar horn play-

er in the wind ensemble and orchestra, as well as a soloist with the UWO Jazz Ensemble, which I direct,” Robinson said. “It’s not so often that students are so exceptionally strong on more than one instrument, but Alex clearly is.” UWO student K atie Warren said his humor and confidence sets him apart from other artists. “Alex is Alex,” Warren said. “He not only is very talented in solo work and ensembles but he has proven his talent in the Jazz ensemble on the French horn, which is unique and takes a lot of independence and skill. He has a lot of areas of expertise.” Robinson said Witt changed during his UWO years by developing a focus and musical concentration that comes with maturity and practice. “He listens a lot to quality music and has been able to surround himself with other strong players so that he continually is learning from others in any musical environment that he is playing in,” Robinson said. This is Witt’s last year, before beginning student teaching. Looking back, he said he commends the entire faculty in the music department and his friends for making his time at UWO worthwhile. “These concerts and performances were some of the most memorable experiences that I will carry with me in my career,” Witt said.

Baumann presents voice recital by Anne Wilhelms Senior Eli Baumann presented a voice recital on Monday, as a part of a continuing student recital series presented by the UW Oshkosh music department. Baumann was accompanied by K ristin Ihde on the piano and performed three different sets, each with songs from a mix of different composers, including Mozart and Beethoven. Baumann has been involved with music departments and programs for most of his educational career. He said he began singing in middle school, but only recently started performing professionally. “I can’t trace my performing back too far,” Baumann said. “I sang in high school, mostly in choir, but I didn’t really think much of it.” Baumann also said he is excited to perform with the Oshkosh symphony this weekend and hopes that will give him the chance to show off his vocal skills. When Baumann started college, he said he wasn’t sure what he wanted to major in, but he knew he wanted to include music in whatever he did. “It was a choice I just made,” Baumann said. “I didn’t know what I wanted to do, and I was going to college, so I just decided this is what I’m going to be.” Eventually, Baumann chose to be an instrumental and general education major, blending his love for music and teaching. Baumann said there wasn’t one

deciding factor in choosing to pursue music, but he has had good memories that drove him in that direction. “There was no real super inuence to choose music au mann said. “Nobody was pressuring me or pushing me, it was just something that I did for myself. I had a really good experience in the music program back in high school.” Voice professor Nathan K rueger, who Baumann has been studying under for four years, said he is an ambitious student. “ e has or ed to refine his skills as an engaging performer and I think he demonstrated this well during his recital,” K rueger said. Director of Choral Activities Eric Barnum said Baumann is a student who strives and thrives in the music field as a vocalist and trumpet player. “Both are challenging in their own ways and it requires determination to practice enough to develop expertise in both,” Barnum said. “He has participated in numerous ensembles on campus in a professional manner, striving to be a valuable member of each.” K rueger said every singer, including Baumann, makes artistic decisions that contribute to the finished performance. “We worked hard to make Eli’s choices evident to the audience and I felt that Eli displayed a clear understanding of the text and communicated his musical goals clearly,” K rueger said. Barnum said Baumann is a rep-


Eli Baumann sings at his senior student recital. He was accompanied by Kristin Ihde on the piano and performed three different sets that featured Mozart. resentative to many for the hard working students currently present in the University’s music department. “Music is a challenging and often daunting career path and Eli has the resolve to move forward in this career with a single-mindedness,” Barnum said.

For the executive board of the UW Oshkosh chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, launching the organization was a personal endeavor. According to its website, NAMI is the largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. The idea for the UWO chapter of NAMI began after the organization’s president, sophomore Amber Nahley, dealt with her own anxiety. “Last winter I was in my CNA class and we were doing pulses and I was getting an anxiety attack because that’s just what happens when you have anxiety,” Nealy said. “Some student was testing on me and they said ‘ your pulse is really high, what’s going on? ’ I said I had anxiety and they stopped talking to me, like I was making it up or something.” Nahley said she wanted to confront mental illness on campus by doing a survey, but she felt it wouldn’t be effective. It wasn’t until she was assigned a social action project in her social justice class that she realized she had the perfect platform to begin creating the club. The director of the social justice minor program and professor Courtney Bauder said he is proud of Nahley for recognizing a need for more mental health resources on campus. “We didn’t have a student group where people who either receive or need support for mental health issues, for those who want to be allies to those students, and also for those who have professional or career goals in serving a population of people that have mental health issues,” Bauder said.

Secretary of NAMI at UWO Alyssa Adamus said she got involved in the organization because of her background in dealing with mental health issues. “I have my own anxiety, depression, PTSD and all that kind of stuff,” Adamus said. “I have a lot of family history with these things, I grew up with a mother who is an alcohol and drug counselor, so my whole life this has been my passion.” The goals of NAMI at the University are to address the mental health stigma that exists amongst students on campus, provide education on mental health illnesses and empower students to start a conversation on mental health. Junior Hannah Laus said she joined the club because she wanted to get a better understanding of what mental illness actually is. “I think people romanticize it and glamorize it, which is something they shouldn’t do,” Laus said. “For some people, mental illness is a very serious issue that affects their daily lives.” Nahley said she hopes the club will create an inviting atmosphere where students can come and speak openly about mental illness. “My goal is to make it as easy to talk about mental health as it is to talk about a migraine or a sprained ankle,” Nahley said. In the future, the club wants to collaborate with the national chapter of NAMI to provide more educational tools as well as start a peer support group run by students. Adamus said she is optimistic about where the club is going. “I think that things are going to go really well,” Adamus said. “I think people are going to learn a lot more about mental illness and with education it will help reduce the stigmas.”

The A-T Timehop

Then: 1976

Now: 2016

-Parking cost $25 per year

-Parking costs $216 per year.

-Reeve was remodled to feature a fairway.

-Reeve is being remodeled to include a gender neutral bathroom

-Kelly’s Bar opens, created from service station. -Gay student alliance recognized at UW Oshkosh.


Bar celebrates 40 years. -UW Oshkosh has LGBTQ resource center and Q+ Unity are now recongnized. By: Raquel Tuohy



Raquel Tuohy - Campus Connections Editor

December 1, 2016

Across 1 Captain obsessed with a whale 5 Baseball great Ruth 9 Channel covering Capitol Hill 14 Formal affair 15 Taken by mouth 16 Rome’s home 17 Chronological documentation in a court case 20 Prior name of Ho Chi Minh City 21 Spot of acne 22 Driver’s license prerequisite 23 Damaging precipitation officials oint an accusing finger at 3 2 Greek Cupid 3 3 Great Lakes’ _ _ Canals 3 4 Prom participant 3 7 Japanese drama 3 8 Cry bitterly 4 0 Links org. harpshooters magnifiers 4 5 Discouraging answers 4 7 Organs that may be pierced 4 8 “Be careful on that icy sidewalk” hen repeated a a aiian fish 5 2 Shoelace securer 5 3 Offended smack 5 6 New Deal org. 5 8 More gloomy rief film role 6 5 Female reproductive gland 6 6 Any one of the Bahamas 6 7 Geometric art style 6 8 Cup, in Calais 6 9 Cartoon screams 7 0 Leaves speechless Down 1 Elementary lessons 2 “Y ou’re a riot ... not” 3 Jai _ _ 4 Fatal plant diseases 5 Outskirts of the outskirts 6 Weimaraner warning 7 Joan at Woodstock 8 Horror’s “Mistress of the Dark” 9 Spanish hero El _ _ 10 Classic cowboy hat 11 Windex target postseason semifinal 13 K remlin refusal 18 Genesis shipbuilder

Answers to last week’s puzzles





















19 24 26 27 28 29

List listings Wall St. deals Price of admission Check-signing needs _ _ -Z : classic Camaro “Not gonna happen” 0 Z any 1 Try to bite, puppy-style 5 K iddie-lit monster 6 Sing like Joe Cocker 9 Best-seller list entry 2 Fusses over 3 LAX listing 4 The “a” sound in “about” or “around” 6 Ice cream treats 7 Erik of “CHiPs” 9 Flower child, e.g. 0 Roll in the aisles 3 K ilt wearer olcanic o 5 Amo, _ _ , amat 7 Vaulted church recess 9 Had the information 0 Behold, to Caesar 1 Classic cars 3 Santana’s “_ _ Como Va” 4 Lodge logo animal

9 fun ways to lose your Thanksgiving turkey belly by Kellie Wambold


Alyssa Grove - Opinon Editor

December 1, 2016


ra i a s el to ut a sto to smo ing

Almost every day a person comes across some sort of non-smoking ad. Whether it is on TV, radio, internet or in a magazine, they’re everywhere. Some see them as ineffective, annoying, gross or unnecessary, but in reality they work. However, years ago these ads had a different purpose. One of the better-known pro-smoking ads was the Marlboro Country ad which came out in 19 9 8 . This ad was viewed by millions throughout the U.S. It portrayed a rugged man living the classic cowboy life, smoking and effortlessly looking cool. However, now the reality of smoking is more commonly known and is what ads are depicting today. Movements are taking place to hopefully change the lives of young adults who believe smoking is just as cool as it was in the 5 0 s. One of the better-known anti-smoking movements is the “The Real Cost” campaign, which has disturbing and impactful ads. The movement began in February 20 14 and uses scare tactics to emphasize the health consequences that go hand-in-hand with longterm smoking, such as premature wrinkles, gum disease and yellow teeth. “The Real Cost” movement uses strong rhetoric to create an urgency that hopes to end smoking among young adults in the U.S. They focus on the main consequences of smoking cigarettes, which include health issues and loss of control due to addiction. Each focus has its own set of TV commercials, print ads and radio ads. One of the commercial ads depicts cigarette chemicals as a “beast” to give people a visualization of what they put into their body when they smoke. The narrator at the end of the commercial warns, “If

cigarettes looked as bad as they actually were you’d run like hell.” This powerful statement leaves viewers with an almost eerie feeling and alludes to the fact that smokers aren’t aware of the true dangers linked to the chemicals in cigarettes. Other “Real Cost” ads show exaggerated examples of what will eventually happen after long-term use of tobacco such as wrinkled skin and tooth loss. Y oung adults often fear aging, so exposing the damages smoking has on physical appearance could lead to the stop of smoking. These ads give an insight to how controlling and addictive tobacco products can be. The sense of urgency is definitely felt through this campaign’s multimedia movement. This isn’t an issue that the FDA wants to figure out in the next decade or so. They want to fix the problem now. “The Real Cost” is a successful campaign because it tells an exaggerated story about the effects of smoking. This form of media presentation allows an audience to have an emotional connection to the ads and the such graphic images leaves viewers thinking. Whether it’s stealing your money, killing you slowly or wasting your time, cigarettes have a nasty effect on an individual’s life. For viewers who don’t smoke, it is still very effective. These ads have prompted conversations with friends and family who are smokers and brings up the issues that we have in our society. These graphic commercials also allow more argument for those teens attempting to help their friends. “The Real Cost” website indicates that in 20 0 0 , the percentage of young adults smoking was at 23 percent. Fast forward to now and roughly seven percent of teens smoking cigarettes. This is an all-time low and shows incredible progress through these last couple years. If movements like these keep pushing and fighting for change there is a chance to finally end smoking in the United States for good. Overall, “The Real Cost” movement was successful because it created an urgency and community focus on ending cigarette smoking. The goal is to end smoking completely, and the current results for teen smoking have greatly decreased in the past three years. As movements similar to these keep advocating and urging for change, there is a chance to end smoking across the United States for good.

position and city will be published along with the article). The Advance-Titan does not publish poetry, anonymous or open letters, and letters printed elsewhere. Each writer is generally limited to one published letter to the editor per month.

We cannot acknowledge receipt of all submissions. If your letter is chosen for publication, we will attempt to contact you for verification via email or phone. F or m ore i nf orm a t i on, e m a i l u s a t a t i t a n@ u wosh . e d u , ca l l ( 9 2 0 ) 4 2 4 - 3 0 4 8 or v i si t ou r we b si t e .

by Katherine Baird Katherine Baird is a junior communications major. Her views do not necessarily represent those of the Advance-Titan.

Cartoon by Constance Bougie

enefits of require on am us ousing o not out eig t e ost

by the Advance-Titan Staff Most sophomores at UW Oshkosh are forced into living in on-campus housing for a full year. This means that they are paying at least an additional $ 4 ,220 in housing alone, not including the required meal plan. Director of Residence Life Tom Fojtik said this policy has been in place at UWO for 4 0 years, and was initially created by the Board of Regents. In order to live off campus, a student must be married, be at least 21 years old, have earned 4 8 credits or have lived in a residence hall for four semesters. Fojtik said the marriage exemption and age exemption are the oldest exemptions and originated when the Board of Regents first created this housing policy. “The [other] two [exemptions] reflect an adjustment we made in light of students tending to take fewer credits per semester than they did 10 or 15 years ago,” Fojtik said. Since a majority of sophomores are required to live on campus, the average Wisconsin resident sophomore will pay around $ 15 ,23 0 for

SUBMIT A LETTER TO THE EDITOR: All letters must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Tuesdays. Readers can submit letters via email, mail or in person. Email letters to our University account, atitan@uwosh. edu. This is the preferred

a year of schooling at UWO. However, it is unreasonable to make a student live on campus two years in a row. A freshman housing requirement is reasonable, as it teaches independence without giving too much. It helps students with the adjustment process that comes with starting college and provides them with 24 -hour resources, but one year is enough. “We believe a student living on campus is more likely to be engaged in campus life, which will help them be a more successful student and community member,” Fojtik said. Making a 20 -year-old student follow the strict rules of the dorms is almost demeaning. It is understandable to force quiet hours and guest rules upon a freshman, but sophomores are often rolling their eyes at the childish rules placed on them and are counting down the days until they can move out into their own house or apartment. There is the option of living in Horizon Village when students want a bit more independence that doesn’t come with the other residence halls, but only if they

method. Deliver letters in person to the A-T office in Reeve Union, room 19. Mail letters to: The Advance-Titan, Reeve Union Room 19, 800 Algoma Blvd., Oshkosh, WI 54901

want to pay $ 6 ,120 for a year of living there. This equates to about $ 5 12 per month. The amount of money students are already wasting on a second year of on-campus living is too much, let alone adding that extra money on just to get their own bathroom and kitchen. Most houses around the UWO campus have a monthly rent averaging around $ 3 7 0 per person, which varies depending on how many roommates they have and whether or not utilities are included. This would add up to about $ 4 ,4 4 0 for an entire 12 months of rent; but that’s three more months than on-campus housing gets you, which is beneficial for a lot of students who want to live in Oshkosh during the summer for internships and jobs. Also, off-campus housing doesn’t come with the expense of a required meal plan like residence halls do. Students are contracted into paying at least $ 2,8 10 for meals that often go to waste due to lack of time or conflicts with dining hours. This amounts to $ 7 ,0 3 0 for the full year of housing plus meals, which is an additional

$ 2,8 10 compared to off-campus housing. While a house off campus doesn’t come with 15 meals each week, that extra $ 2,5 9 0 can go towards groceries that students actually have time to and want to eat. Requiring two full years of on-campus housing is simply unnecessary. While there are ways to get around it, most students don’t fit the criteria. Fojtik said this policy has been reconsidered over the years, but so far no major changes have been made. “We have twice asked working groups to review this policy and make recommendations for the future and both committees recommended we keep the policy for now,” Fojtik said. UWO needs to further reconsider this policy. While there are benefits to students, the cost simply outweighs them. Off-campus students are still plenty involved with UWO’s campus, as housing is not far at all. The requirement for sophomores to live on the UWO campus should be lifted so students can make the most cost-effective decisions during their time here.



The Advance-Titan welcomes and reads all letters. Timely, well-written, provocative opinions on topics of interest at UW Oshkosh are given first preference.

All letters are subject to editing; not all letters can be published. Letters of length exceeding 300 words may be edited at the discretion of the Advance-Titan staff. Name, position, address and daytime phone are required, even in email submissions (only name,




Austin Walther - Sports Editor Morgan Van Lanen - Assistant Sports Editor

December 1, 2016

Women’s basketball keeps cruising by Ti Windisch The UW Oshkosh women’s basketball team is off to a 4 -0 start after a 5 4 -3 2 win over St. Norbert in their home opener at K olf Sports Center on Tuesday night. Junior forward Eliza Campbell led the way in scoring for the Titans in the win on Tuesday with 13 points. Campbell also put up nine rebounds and a steal in the win. Titans head coach Brad Fischer said Campbell got off to a strong start in the game because of a good match-up, plus her scoring talent. “Eliza’s probably our most talented offensive player because she can score in and out,” Fischer said. “She got going early and I think that got us going on that end of the floor.” The victory against St. Norbert follows two wins the Titans racked up before Thanksgiving break when they defeated Iowa Wesleyan University and Alverno College each by over 4 0 points. UWO outscored those two teams 6 9 -23 and 6 5 -21, respectively. Fischer said the two earlier games were encouraging, but he didn’t read too much into the big wins for his team. “It’s hard to tell,” Fischer said. “Non-conference, especially early in the year, you don’t know a lot about the other teams. Y ou have no idea what kind of year they are going to have or how good they are. They’ve both been more than competitive in the other games they played, so we feel like we did a lot of good things defensively.” Fischer said his team’s performance against St. Norbert could have been better, although getting the win regardless shows how good the team can be. “If we can beat a team that I think is probably going to win 20 games, by 20 points, and be critical of it, that we didn’t have to play our best to do that, I think that tells us that we could be pretty good,” Fischer said. “Obviously then we’ve got to do the work to get better at those things.” Senior guard Taylor Schmidt scored 11 points to go along with three rebounds, two assists and three steals against St. Norbert. Schmidt said it’s too early to tell if this is one of the best teams she’s been on, but the Titans aren’t lacking in skill. “We definitely have the talent

to do something great but each year has different players and chemistry and I think that you can’t compare teams you just have to look at the talent you have now,” Schmidt said. Fischer said every team he’s coached has been a little different from each other, and the defensive prowess of this year’s squad has stood out to him. “I feel like we’ve had a good team every year, and it’s just a matter of what kind of good team it is,” Fischer said. “This team has been better so far defensively than I thought we would be. I thought we’d have more offensive firepower this year, and actually defense has been the piece that’s taken hold.” Fischer said the Titans won’t know just how high their ceiling is until they end up in a challenging game this season. “Y ou don’t know a ton until you face a little bit of adversity, get in a tight game,” Fischer said. “I think we’re a long way from really knowing how good we can be, but I definitely think we have the pieces and we have the mentality in place that could make this a really special year.” Schmidt said she agreed with Fischer about the Titans defense playing a major role in their strong start to the season. “Our defensive effort has been outstanding,” Schmidt said. “When your first three games of the year start off with holding teams in the 20 ’s that shows the talent we have on that end.” Senior forward Alex Richard played a big part in the Titans defensive effort, blocking three shots to go along with her six points, nine rebounds and two assists. Richard said strong defense helps the Titans stay motivated when things on offense aren’t going according to plan. “They say defense wins championships, that’s wellknown,” Richard said. “It gives us energy, when we’re not making the shots and we get down on ourselves, it’s a big pick-meup when we get those steals and blocks.” Fischer said the Titans are tough to guard because of all of their threats on the offensive end. “If you go into the bench, I think K ylie [Moe] had eight and Emma [Melotik] had seven or so,” Fischer said. “That balance is going to be huge when we start playing the best teams on our schedule.” Richard said having a bal-


Senior guard Taylor Schmidt (10) fights her way past St. Norbert defenders. The Titans beat the Knights 54-32 at home. anced offensive attack makes it fun for the Titans and it also makes them dangerous on that end of the floor. “I think we enjoy having a well-rounded team,” Richard said. “It makes it harder for us to guard, and I think that’s the reason we’re doing so well right now.” Fischer said the Titans used

Overvall UWO sports expenses for 2015-16 Sport


Percent of total




Men’s basketball



All other men’s teams



Total of men’s program



Women’s basketball



All other women’s teams



Total of women’s program



Not allocated by gender



Grand Totals



speed and energy to help defeat St. Norbert, but the team went a little too fast at some points during the game. “We talk about playing at our speed limit, as fast as we can go until we start making bad decisions and can’t finish plays,” Fischer said. “I thought we were trying to push it because we thought we could wear them

down a little bit, which we did, but we were going a tick too fast which led to some turnovers, and some missed layups in transition.” Fischer said any UWO students who are basketball fans should come watch the Titans play, and people who have come previously tell him the games are entertaining for them.

“We’re a fun team to watch and we’ve got kids that play really hard,” Fischer said. “Y ou’ve got to like defense though, if you come to watch, because we’re going to try to make it really hard for people to score.” The Titans next game is on Saturday at Carroll University in Waukesha.

“These things work out,” Ceman said. “Usually they find a a . Ceman said teams are always encouraged to help cover costs through fundraising and asking for donations, something the University did not allow the men’s tennis and soccer teams to do after it was announced they would be cut after their 2016 season. Ceman said it would have been nearly impossible for the men’s soccer and tennis teams to completely cover their budgets from donations alone, as players suggested they do. “What they were requesting to do is fundraise their entire operational budget,” Ceman said. “To try and sustain any operational budget through fundraised dollars is incredi l difficult. hat s h the administrators didn’t want to do that. It was just setting them up for failure, even if you look at the amount of money that was being fundraised at the time. It was talked about over and over.” Ceman described the men’s soccer team had about $60,0 of committed donations last year to help fund this year’s potential team. However, she expected only $50,0 would have actually been donated, which would only be enough to cover a coach’s salary. “Then they wouldn’t have got any operational revenue,”

Ceman said. “And for that to be sustainable, they would’ve had to get that every single year. So it puts them in jeopardy every single year of being able to have enough sustainable money. So it’s just setting them up for failure.” According to Stockus, the Seg Fees Committee was allowed no input in the cutting of the sports teams. “That was something that was decided well before Seg Fee Saturday last year and we weren’t involved in that decision at all,” Stockus said. When asked to be interviewed for this article, Director of Communications Mandy Potts asked that questions be directed to Sims instead of Chancellor Andrew Leavitt. Stockus advised students to become more conscious when paying their segregated fees by taking the time to learn what the money goes towards. He encouraged students to join the Seg Fees Committee and attend Seg Fee Saturday to become more knowledgeable. “A lot of people just hit the pay button on Titan Web and that’s all they do,” Stockus said. “So I don’t even know how many people are aware in how much they pay in tuition or room and board and things like that. Especially if they aren’t the ones paying for it, if it’s just something loans are covering.”

Students pay for sports BUDGET FROM PAGE


“All proceeds from ticket sales go to the central Athletics Program Revenue account,” Salmon said. “A portion of this revenue is then combined with segregated fees to make up the sport budgets.” Coaches’ salaries work a little different, as they are not funded through either segregated fees or the Athletics Program Revenue account. Rather, coaches are paid using General Purpose Revenue funds. GPR funds are a combination of tuition and state funds that are allocated to UWO from the UW System, Salmon said. When teams make it to the postseason, such as an NCAA tournament, players are expected to help fund the costs of operation through fundraising. “The NCAA will reimburse some costs for postseason tournaments,” Salmon said “The remainder is covered through a combination of fund-raised dollars and funds from the central Athletic’s PR account.” According to Salmon, a team has never been denied participation in the postseason due to a lack of funds. Ceman also said teams are normally a le to find a solution.




Austin Walther - Sports Editor Morgan Van Lanen - Assistant Sports Editor

December 1, 2016

Noone, Wittchow lead Titans in loss

by Jordan Fremstad The UW Oshkosh men’s basketball team has hit a cold stretch, dropping three of its last four games with a 7 7 -6 4 loss to Augustana College ( IL) Wednesday night. Junior point guard Charlie Noone and sophomore guard Brett Wittchow lead the evening with 20 points each. Augustana had four players in dou le figures to help the i ings to their fifth in of the season. The Titans dropped to 2-3 early in the year. UWO has faced fierce competition to start the 20 16 campaign with matchups against teams with a combined record of 11-2. Despite the slow start, head coach Pat Juckem said how important early competitive opponents are. “It’s absolutely imperative,” Juckem said. “We realize fully what type of league we play in and the kind of competition. When you play really good teams in your nonconference it exposes you and stresses your team a little bit, and focuses on those areas that need attention.” Noone and sophomore guard Ben Boots have been the calling cards for UWO in the stat column. Prior to Wednesday’s game, Noone was averaging 12 points per game and Boots an impressive 21. Both have shot better than 5 0 percent from the oor giving the itans a pair of reliable players that can hit key shots in crunch time. Juckem had plenty of good things to say about how these two individuals have produced this season. “Charlie puts a ton of time into his game,” Juckem said.

“He is a self-made player. He is one of those absolute gym rats and I am not surprised. He is one of the leaders of this team and he d e the first to admit that he can play even better than he is right now.” Boots’ came from K imberly High School, a perennial powerhouse in football and basketball. Juckem said he has not been surprised with Boots transition to the college level. “Ben is another that we are not surprised,” Juckem said. “He has always been around winning programs through K imberly High School’s football program and basketball program. He has a lot of that it-factor to him, and the only thing that matters to him is winning the game.” Boots said the offseason work by the entire team helped put him in a position to be successful as an underclassman. “A lot of guys on our team have really put in the time,” Boots said. “We are just trying to get better and do what we can to put wins on the board.” Noone emphasized the care the team puts in to ensure stability throughout a long season. “We have a lot of guys that are willing to put in the time in the offseason and get better in different aspects of their game.” Noone said “They take good care of their bodies, and they care a lot about this team and this program.” Wittchow has been another productive piece for the Titans, shooting 13 points per game and hitting 4 0 percent of his shots. The Titans came up short against Wartburg College ( IL) 8 3 -7 2 and Benedictine Uni-

versity 6 8 -5 5 . Boots supplied 3 1 points against Wartburg but the team was outscored 5 0 to 29 in the second half. The Titans were able to pull out a win against Edgewood College 7 4 -6 3 . UWO shot under 28 percent from three against Augustana. Free-throw-shooting has been an issue for Oshkosh, hitting less than 7 0 percent of their opportunities. Noone said guys have to step up in that category by putting in the extra work. “We don’t do a ton of it in practice, it is something guys have to do outside of practice and put in that extra work,” Noone said. “It is something that gets better as the season goes on.” UWO improved mightily in that category on Wednesday going 11-12 from the line. Oshkosh has been close to putting consistent play together but coach Juckem said they can play better. “Our goal is to win them all, and we need to be playing better than we are, but I think our opponents and the quality of the teams we have played is going to help us in the long run,” Juckem said. The Titans have a little more than a month before Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Conference play begins, but Boots talked about how games like these prepare a team for a tough grind down the stretch. “I think a really tough nonconference schedule really prepares you for the year in the WIAC,” Boots said. “We will have a lot of tough games week in and week out for about 14 straight games so it’s good to be prepared for that.” Noone talked about win-

Basketball leading scorers on the season

Ben Boots

Charlie Noone

Sophomore guard

Junior guard

FG: 29-52

FG: 14-30

3PT: 18-33

3PT: 12-24

FT: 9-12

FT: 8-9

Rebounds: 16

Rebounds: 14

ning the day in practice and games to get them back on track. “We are just trying to get better every day,” Noone said. “We try to have a great mindset every day. We have played some really good teams here early, so that is going to make us a better team in the long run.” Boots said the team doesn’t

worry so much about records this early in the year. “The ceiling is very high,” Boots said. “We don’t worry specificall a out hat our record is going to be. Right now we just have to get back to playing as hard as we can and let the results take care of themselves.” UWO will have its home opener on Saturday against

Calvin College, a team that has dropped three of its last four games. Juckem said the team will use these early games as lessons and move forward and improve. Following Saturday, the team will head back out on the road for a matchup against Maranatha Baptist University on Monday.




Austin Walther - Sports Editor Morgan Van Lanen - Assistant Sports Editor

December 1, 2016

Cross Country ends year strong by Michael Johrendt


Nerissa Vogt helped lead the team to 28 wins this season, culminating in their second NCAA appearance in three seasons.

Vogt uses injury as motivation for her senior season at UWO by Natalie Dillon UW Oshkosh women’s volleyball player Nerissa Vogt approached her senior season with high goals for herself, but her ability to play the next season took a dive as she broke her kneecap while participating in a Tough Mudder obstacle run over the summer. Vogt ended her junior season for UWO women’s volleyball as an American Volleyball Coaches Association All-American Honorable Mention, ranked third in the NCAA Division III for blocks with 16 9 and led the team with a .24 8 hitting percentage. Before the Tough Mudder ogt finished the last fe matches of her junior season experiencing some tendonitis. Even though she was worried about the pain, she decided to partake in the Tough Mudder anyway. As Vogt mounted a half pipe, she slammed both of her knees into the obstacle. Immediately, there was pain. Unable to run, Vogt limped the remaining two miles to the finish line. When she returned home, Vogt felt as if she had to throw up due to the pain. The X -rays taken in urgent care revealed she sustained a vertical fracture in her kneecap. The results rocked Vogt and she was unsure whether she would be able to play her senior season. “I was in an immobilizer the whole summer and [felt] depressed because I feared losing my senior season,” Vogt said. “I was very worried. I cried ever da for the first few weeks.” Meanwhile, head coach Brian Schaefer worried about how Vogt was handling her injury and just how serious it was. “She was our most decorated returner,” Schaefer said. “Not being able to have her would be a big let down because we knew our schedule would be tough right away. We wanted our team to be at full strength.” After eight weeks in the immobilizer, Vogt returned to get another X -ray. Her kneecap hadn’t healed at all and was still in two pieces. While it sounds as though this would postpone her season, the failure of her kneecap to recover enabled her to be cleared to play. Vogt said if her knee had healed, she wouldn’t have

been able to play. “It was still in two pieces,” Vogt said. “It was good news. If it had healed, I wouldn’t have been able to play this season, but because it stayed apart I was cleared to play. Dr. Mackenzie said that was the best case because it couldn’t get any worse, I couldn’t do any more damage.” Cleared to play, Vogt faced a decision: she could redshirt and play her senior season fully healed the next year, or she could fight through the pain and finish ith the girls she started with. Schaefer said Vogt was determined to go out with the other seniors. “We asked her if she wanted to redshirt, but I don’t think she [would] like that,” Schaefer said. “She felt that the team could do really well. She wanted to go out with her best friends that led her through everything for four years.” Even though she was cleared to play, Vogt had to work for playing time just as any other girl on the team. Schaefer said he had to move some players around, including Brianna Witter, Carly Lemke and Brooke Brinkman, to fill in for ogt s spot. “Nerissa had to battle for starting time and playing time,” Schaefer said. “Brooke, Carly and Bri are really good middles so Nerissa wasn’t necessarily our starter, hurt or not. It’s crazy to think she was in practice and two weeks earlier she was immobilized. It’s a testament to how passionate she is.” ogt s a ilit to fight for playing time was limited due to her injury. In the preseason, she could only participate in certain drills for a certain amount of reps. The day before leaving for Atlanta, Georgia for the Emory Classic, Vogt was told by the training staff that she couldn’t play in the tournament. As the year went on, she was able to play one match per day per tournament, then one day of a tournament, but Vogt was on the sideline more than she was used to. With the role change, Vogt said she brought more spirit, energy and positivity to the team, but she longed to be on the court. Coupled with the injury itself, Vogt felt even more mental frustration. “It hurt to be on that sideline and not being able to contribute on the court,” Vogt said. “I’d break down all the time

After earning an at-large bid due to their impressive performance at the Midwest Regional, the UW Oshkosh women’s cross country team earned another top-16 finish at the NCAA Division III Women’s Cross Country Championship on Nov. 19 in K entucky. The men, who did not receive a bid to the final, sent senior Tyler Miletti based on his individual merits. Junior Cheyenne Moore took home top honors for the Titans, finishing in 4 5 th place. Juniors K risten Linzmeier and Erica Munyan were next up, with Linzmeier finishing 10 2nd and Munyan in 10 5 th, respectively. Freshman Ashton K eene ( 17 4 th) , senior Leah Rendflesh ( 229 th) , senior Michelle Draxler ( 26 3 rd) and junior Jessica Stamn ( 27 1st) rounded out the results for Oshkosh. Moore recorded her first championship race with Munyan and Linzmeier both running to career bests in their second consecutive championship races. This marks the second year the women are under the supervision of head coach Eamon McK enna and the second consecutive year in which the women made the NCAA final. With the expectations coming into the season being set high, freshman Breanna Van Den Plas said the outlook they set matched up with the ending results. “The results of the season are matching up nicely considering the amount of injuries we have,” Van Den Plas said. “Luckily, I got the opportunity to run on the conference team and experience the thrill of earning second place as a team. The regional team did nothing but impress us all, [as] they took fourth overall just one point behind third.” In 20 15 , the women finished in 15 th place and with the streak of top-16 finishes in the team event being continued in 20 16 , the team has now had 23 top-16 finishes in the national championship race. McK enna said the women had their sights set on earning a berth at the NCAA Championship since the be-

ginning of the season. “It took a while, as we dealt with some fitness and injury issues, but the women did an excellent job of coming together, staying positive throughout the season and maintaining their focus on the daily process of getting better instead of looking too far ahead,” McK enna said. “The women ran their best race of the season on Saturday and it paid off with a trip to Nationals.” The men ran to a seventh-place tally in the Midwest Regional on Nov. 12, but were unable to earn a chance to improve upon their thirteenth-place finish in last year’s NCAA final. With Miletti earning an individual bid into the race stemming from placing 13 th in the Midwest Regional for the men, he was able to improve on his 14 1st place finish from the final a year ago by finishing 114 th out of 27 8 participants to cap off his season. Miletti’s time of 25 : 28 .2 was less than two minutes off the pace of the leader. This is McK enna’s fifth consecutive year coaching the men’s cross country team at UWO after coaching at Wisconsin Lutheran College and he said even though the men as a team were unable to qualify for Nationals, there were high achievements the team accomplished this season. “Two of our top five guys were out all season due to injury, so that affected our chances,” McK enna said. “Our men’s team also had their best race of the season at Regionals, but it just wasn’t enough to earn the bid to Nationals. Tyler Miletti qualified as an individual, and that was a secondary goal of ours, to at least have representation at Nationals for both genders.” With the season over for both squads, the views switch to looking forward to next season. Freshman Joe Z ack said for the returning members, he feels they will be able to make vast improvements to prepare for next season. “I am confident that with the returning guys, we will close the gap as best as we can,” Z ack said. “We have the talent to do some big things as a team, and it is time to actualize it.”

Oshkosh final results Women


Nerissa Vogt’s X-ray of her knee after she broke her kneecap. The doctor told her that because it did not properly heal, she was cleared to play this season instead of redshirting her senior season. because my senior year had brought me here and I didn’t even see the court. I was hearing from a lot of people that I should just quit and save my body.” As a teammate and friend, senior Laura Trochinski didn’t let Vogt get too discouraged. Trochinski helped Vogt battle the mental frustrations through jokes or encouraging talks. “Our relationship is based around joking with one another and every once and awhile I would give her a short, serious talk,” Trochinski said. “Mentally, I wanted to help her stay positive and keep pushing her so she could be out on the court with us.” As the season progressed, Vogt fought through extreme amounts of pain. To battle it, she went through rehab for her hips and quads, facilitated by her athletic trainers. They gave her various techniques and doses of tylenol and advil along with some ice to keep her going each match. Through her injury, Vogt learned to cherish playing volleyball even more, so when she was out on the court, she

put everything she had into it, regardless of the pain. “I learned a lot about playing time and it made me realize how every second on the court should be cherished because you never know when your last serve, pass, set or hit is going to be,” Vogt said. “I wanted volleyball more than anything, so I ignored the pain and kept pushing because the season isn’t forever.” ogt finished the season with 14 8 kills, 7 0 digs, 112 total blocks, 23 2.5 points and a .24 2 hitting percentage. Although her injury allowed her to start in only six matches in the first half of the season she started in 12 of the last 18 matches including eight starts in a row heading into the home stretch of the season. fter the season finished Vogt looked back on her decision to play rather than redshirt. “I am happy with what I have accomplished,” Vogt said. “I always have a sense of what if, but there is no point in living that a . I got to finish with the same girls I started with and it means a lot.”

Cheyenne Moore


Kristen Linzmeier


Erica Munyan


Ashton Keene


Leah Rendflesh


Michelle Draxler


Jessica Stamn

271st Men

Tyler Miletti



Austin Walther - Sports Editor Morgan Van Lanen - Assistant Sports Editor

December 1, 2016

Football advances to quarterfinal game against St. Thomas PLAYOFFS FROM PAGE

SPORTS Advance-Titan


backer Carter Hansen, gave the Johnnies the ball on the UWO 16 . The Johnnies ran four plays and got their second touchdown of the game, which narrowed the Titans’ lead to three points with 5 : 3 3 remaining in the third quarter, putting the score 17 -14 . The following possession for the Titans was a 3 -andout, which resulted in a punt, which gave the Johnnies the ball on their own 29 -yard line. The Johnnies, now within three points of tying the game, were able to take the ball to the UWO 27 where the Titans’ defense was able to hold the Johnnies to fourthand-inches as the third quarter came to an end. St. John’s began the fourth quarter with a run for a loss of one yard resulting in a turnover on downs to give the Titans the ball back. UWO started the drive on their own 28 which resulted in one play for a touchdown after a 7 2-yard Linzenmeyer rush to increase the Titans’ lead to 24 -14 with 14 : 0 9 remaining in the game. The Titans were able to put up one more score with 2: 3 2 to go in the game via a Hecker 20 -yard rush, giving him his third touchdown of the game. The Johnnies got the ball down to the 17 with 2: 3 2 to play; however, after two plays the Titans got the ball back after an interception

from defensive back Cole Y oder on the UWO 3 8 . A 5 0 -yard Hecker rush brought the Titans to the Johnnies 5 -yard line where the Titans let the clock run out resulting in a final score 3 1-14 . Hecker said despite things not going as planned on offense through the air, the ability of the team to step up and still perform well is what makes the team so successful. “It shows how deep we are and how versatile we are,” Hecker said. “Anybody could go off. We got anybody that can do that and it happened to be me that day.” On Saturday, the Titans will face the undefeated St. Thomas Tommies, who are conference champions of the Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference. The Tommies are coming off lo out ins in the first two rounds of the tournament with wins over University of Northwestern-St. Paul and Coe College. Titans’ head coach Pat Cerroni said he feels his team is in a good position so far in the tournament. “It’s good, everything is good,” Cerroni said. “We got a really tough game this week but we are pretty focused prett confident feel ing good. Top eight team in the country, this is where we should be.” The game will be held in Minnesota at Palmer Field at O’Shaughnessy Stadium with kickoff at noon. Follow @ atitansports on Twitter for complete coverage of the game.


Quarterback Brett Kasper takes the snap against Wash. U on Nov. 19. Kasper went 10-18 for 192 yards and 3 touchdowns.

at MH-Baylor

NCAA Division III football quarterfinals

Wheaton at Alfred Mount Union at St. Thomas UW Oshkosh at UW-Whitewater John Carroll

UWO wrestling has two strong meets on the road over break by Josh Crowe There were no team scores kept on Saturday at the Concordia University Wisconsin Open; however, the UW Oshkosh wrestling team had some impressive individual performances. The Titans were led by their young captain, sophomore ar hoins i ho finished the day 4 -0 in the 15 7 -pound group. Choinski won three of his four matches by pin and made it to the championship match, but unfortunately, sustained an injury and was forced to forfeit, giving him a second place finish for the tourna ment. Choinski said he wasn’t concerned about long term health when it came to his injury. “I was beat up from practice and also sic ith a nast u so by the end of the tournament I felt run down,” Choinski said. “Instead of risking serious injury I was pulled from the tournament.” Choinski did not win four matches against some of the best wrestlers in the country by accident as he said he does

it by simply outworking the other opponents. “Every day after practice I spend another two hours of my own time practicing and getting ready for competition,” Choinski said. “As a wrestler, there really is no time off or breaks, so it’s constant preparation.” Choinski was not the only bright spot for the Titans as Michael Dunlap, wrestling at finished the da ith a 3 -2 record with two of his three wins by pinfall. Freshman Aristride Serrano restling at finished the day at 2-2. Both of his wins were by majority decision. Sophomore Donovan Luckett, wrestling at 14 1, finished the da ith a record and freshman Bennett Temple, wrestling at 125 , also finished the da at . Temple said he was happy with his improvements during the meet. “I thought my performance as definitel etter than the last two weeks, mainly because I was in better shape and competed better,” Temple said. “The tournament didn’t go exactly as planned but it was one of the toughest tournaments in the country so I wasn’t at all upset.”

The Titans did lose their first match of the oung sea son the following Tuesday against UW Stevens Point. The wrestlers and coaches know that it is a long season and they are going to lose some matches, but are looking to build off of the success they had on Saturday. While the Titans may be young, head coach Efrain Ayala said he is not at all surprised by the success. “We demonstrated that we are on the mark for where we want to be come March,” Ayala said. “Some of the best teams in the country were there and we showed we are able to wrestle with the best.” As far as what they have to work on, Ayala said success will come with getting more experience. “We still need to work on putting together a full match and controlling the tempo of the match, which will all come in time,” Ayala said. The Titans host University of Wisconsin-Platteville tonight at 7 p.m. The meet will be held in Oshkosh at K olf Sports Center. The next tournament for the Titans will be Saturday at Milwaukee School of Engineering. The meet starts at 9 a.m.

2016 Stagg Bowl Friday, December 16 Salem Stadium Salem, Virginia

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