The Advance-Titan 10/6/16

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Musical Moments

Extended Alcohol

UWO Football

The Osh

Alcohol in TUG

The UWO Titans rolled over UW Stout 45-17, improving to 4-0.

UWO music department hosting floutist and pianist this weekend.

Titan Underground has expanded their alcohol sales, now serves beer daily.

Read more on A9.

Read more on O6

Read more on A4






October 6, 2016

VOL. 122, NO. 4

Students limited during Pub Crawl by Alex Nemec In an attempt to reduce the amount of participants in the semi-annual Pub Crawl event on Oct. 8, UW Oshkosh is closing parking lots to those without permits and turning away all dorm visitors. Sophomore and North Scott resident Cameron Meinholz said the restrictions during Pub Crawl are “bogus.” “It’s just an annoyance at this point,” Meinholz said. “It’s not like they’re going to prevent [Pub Crawl] from happening.” Check-in hours for the dorms during the weekend are

24 hours starting at 7:30 p.m. Friday Oct.7 and will return to normal check-in hours Sunday morning. Director of Residence Life Thomas Fojtik said the University Police Department gave them information that said a disproportionate amount of incidents during Pub Crawl are committed by non-UWO students who are visiting residents in the dorms. “Since we went to this policy [in 2015], the number of Pub Crawl-related issues in the halls has gone down significantly,” Fojtik said. According to Fojtik, previous problems with Pub Crawl

in the dorms have included noise complaints, building damages and extra clean-up due to people getting sick from drinking excessively. Freshman and North Scott resident Caiden Roig said the policy of not allowing guests during Pub Crawl makes sense, but thinks the previous students ruined it for the future students. “I wish it wasn’t that way, but I understand why they did it,” Roig said. Assistant Director for Student Safety and Conduct Joann Barnes said people could face sanctions which are determined by a number of factors,

including the seriousness of the violation and if the person has had previous violations. “The sanctions for underage drinking violations would typically involve [Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse] education through the University Counseling Center,” Barnes said. “If a visitor is from another UW system school, the incident report would typically be sent to that UW school. Policy violations for non-students could result in restriction from all residence halls, or possibly from the UW Oshkosh campus.” UPD Captain Chris Tarmann, speaking on behalf of


Further Coverage:

• See how OPD and UPD work the crawl differently. p. A2 • There are better uses for ticket fine money. p. O3 • Local bartenders impart wisdom on fall crawlers. p. O4 • Editorial: the drunk bus needs more shine. p. A5

UWO last among UW schools in employee diversity



ABOVE: A group of participants look on during the Fox Valley Take Back the Night event at UW Oshkosh. BELOW: Two participants march with hundreds of others to support survivors of sexual violence.

The Fox Valley and UWO communities march in solidarity during ‘Take Back the Night’ event by Nicole Horner Hundreds of people marched at the Fox Valley’s Take Back the Night event to raise awareness, support survivors and remember those lost to domestic and sexual violence. UW Oshkosh hosted the event at the Alumni Welcome and Conference Center on Oct. 5. Take Back the Night has been on campus for 26 years. According to Alicia Johnson, the director of the UWO Women’s Center, the event has evolved over the years to recognize all forms of violence. “This event really started focusing on gender violence, but more so on violence experienced by women,” Johnson said. “Now as we have broadened the event, we highlight how people of all genders are victims or survivors of sexual violence and that these same resources and support are available to everyone.” Leslie Wartgow, the Campus Awareness for Relationship Education adviser on campus and one of the coordinators for Take Back the Night, said the event began as a women’s movement, but has progressed into a community movement that focuses on all forms of gender violence, domestic violence and sexual assault. “It’s one night for the community

Parking and Transportation Services Manager Benjamin Richardson, said the open lots will have times listed as “permit parking only.” “A few lots are closed and will be barricaded and we’ll have patrolling Community Service Officers and Police personnel writing citations to non-permit holders,” Tarmann said. Tarmann said people parking in the closed or permit parking only lots could receive a citation or be towed at the owner’s expense. Meinholz said he had a friend who wanted to come

to come together and take back their community,” Wartgow said. “For a lot of victims and survivors, it’s coming together with people who are going to be supportive of whatever they’ve been through.” Johnson said Take Back the Night has plenty of resources for violence victims. “It’s really good for people to know of the available resources in case they come across a survivor or victim or if they become one in the future,” Johnson said. “There are a lot of community programs. There’s the [Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner] nurse program at Aurora Health Care, and that’s a really great service.” According to Ambir Dorn, a registered nurse at Aurora Health Care, SANE has a table at Take Back the Night every year, but also offers sexual assault exams to victims. “If somebody would like to come in and have an exam done, whether they’re reporting sexual assault to the police or not, we offer medications, Plan B and a head-to-toe physical to make sure that they’re not injured in any way, shape or form,” Dorn said. According to Dorn and her fellow RN Michelle Thede, the key message of this event is to remind people it’s OK to speak out and make sexual assault a


Online Extras For additional photos and video from the march, visit

by Ti Windisch UW Oshkosh had the lowest percentage of minority employees among UW System schools last year, according to the UW System Accountability Dashboard. “The employees–we have a problem,” UWO Chancellor Andrew Leavitt said. “We’re 94 percent majority, six percent employees of color. We need to be much more reflective of what the students are.” According to the Accountability Dashboard, UWO had 1501 employees during the 2015 academic year, including 103 employees that were listed as African American, American Indian, Asian American, Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, Hispanic or Latino or two or more races. Those employees made up 6.9 percent of the workforce at UWO in that year, the lowest percentage among UW schools. According to the UW System Accountability Dashboard, last year the number of minority students enrolled at UWO was around 12 percent. That percentage has risen at UWO every year since 2007. Senior Kijana Webster said having more people of color around campus is important to broaden students’ horizons. “I think it’s important because seeing the same type of people every time leaves you narrow-minded, not that it’s a bad thing, but it’s a lack of perspective,” Webster said. According to Webster, his high school was more diverse than UWO is. “I see there’s quite a bit more students of color where I’m from – I went to Menomonee Falls,” Webster said. According to Leavitt, UWO needs to double its percentage of minority employees in order to properly cater to all the students on campus. “It’s important for students to see people on our campus in positions of leadership and authority who look like them,” Leavitt said. “That’s

a very important model to have, and so we need to work harder to do this.” Executive Director of Fit Oshkosh, an organization focused on increasing the racial literacy of Winnebago County, Tracey Robertson said UWO is not yet diverse enough but she thinks the university is moving in the right direction. “The university leadership has acknowledged that it has more work to do to be more diverse, and I believe it is putting policies and practices in place to ensure that it will be over time,” Robertson said. According to Robertson, having a non-white President of the United States is a positive step for diversity, although people need to see more local examples of people of color in power. “The percentage of people who will serve as President of the United States is minuscule,” Robertson said. “People of all backgrounds need to see professors, and firemen and city workers who look like them. They need someone on the ground with whom they can relate to and aspire to.” Leavitt said changes to UWO’s hiring practices need to focus on giving truly equal opportunities to applicants of all ethnicities. “It’s about making sure we cast the widest possible net, and that we give every consideration to all employees who apply here,” Leavitt said. “We’re making some changes in how we run searches, which I believe will eventually lead to a higher level of people of color being employed by this institution.” Leavitt said diversity among students is on the rise at UWO in recent years, with the number of minority students peaking at 13 percent this academic year. “We’re going in the right direction,” Leavitt said. “I would also say you have to look at the student achievement gap.” According to Leavitt, the student achievement gap is the difference in academic





Ti Windisch - News Editor Alex Nemec - Assistant News Editor

October 6, 2016

UWO Study Abroad Fair shows students the world by Hailey Lawrence The Office of International Education will showcase the numerous study abroad possibilities during the study abroad fair on Wednesday Oct. 5 at the Alumni Welcome and Conference Center. According to study abroad coordinator Kelsey McDaniels the fair will showcase not only what UWO has to offer but also what the whole UW System has to offer. “Students aren’t restricted to our programs,” McDaniels said. “If we don’t have a program that a student wants, we have other companies and these companies offer other things like volunteer experiences, internships.” Various locations will be available to students; popular locations include Japan, Europe and Peru, according to McDaniels. McDaniels said regardless of the program, each school available for students is provided in English so there is no need to speak a second

language. “The courses are nice because you can go with a professor or you can go to school over there and either way there will be course options in English,” McDaniels said. Besides education, McDaniels said students will get a lot more than just studying done while abroad. McDaniels said students will also get an enhanced worldview and will get to experience varied cultures, meet other people and gain connections through their experience abroad. “We want students to enjoy it and to come back a changed person because study abroad can teach you a lot about yourself,” McDaniels said. “The overall goal we want students to get out of studying abroad is to enjoy the experience.” Brianna Swafford, a fifth-year social work major, recently went abroad to Italy last summer for an Italian Food Culture course. According to Swafford, the hands-on

experience with her food class was something she will always remember. “I would cook a meal with a professor and I didn’t have any cooking experience before I went and now I have all these recipes,” Swafford said. Besides getting the hands-on experience out of her trip, Swafford said she learned a lot more than just food culture. She said she learned what it’s like to be in a different part of the world. “It was a big culture shock but I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Swafford said. “I highly suggest it for literally anyone. I would go back in a heartbeat.” Claire Clough, an environmental studies major, said she would love to see the world in a new way if she were to study abroad. “I’m very interested,” Clough said. “You gain a new perspective on a culture and I want other students to see how similar and how different the rest of the world is compared to us.”


When it comes to Pub Crawl crises, students need to know the differences between the two police forces that operate on and around campus. This chart should help clear up any confusion to the ways each department operates:

Pub Crawl Situations Someone calls for a ride home from a bad situation from which they’re drunk and underage, what is the course of action? Someone is at a house party that ends up getting busted.

What will the officers who are walking around during Pub Crawl do?


Chuck Malkowski sold produce for Loffredo Fresh Produce at the third annual UWO Farmers Market. Students purchased fruit, baked goods and more in Reeve Memorial Union.

Farmers bring local flavor to UWO by Laura Dickinson UW Oshkosh and Sodexo food services featured fresh, local products at the third annual farmer’s market in Reeve Memorial Union on Oct. 5. According to Kyle Milligan, Sodexo’s unit marketing coordinator, the original plan was for the event to be held outside, but with the morning rain, vendors had to adjust and move booths inside. Many vendors returned to this year’s farmers market, including local vendor Whispering Pine Farms owner Paula Fitch. “We love coming back here, the students really seem to enjoy it,” Fitch

said. Student Mckenna Immerfall said the event brought the convenience of healthy eating to UWO students. “It makes sense since it’s hard to get off campus to buy groceries,” she said. “It makes it more accessible.” Danielle Boerson of Boerson Farms said the farmers market is a chance for students and local growers to familiarize themselves with each other. “The farmers market is a super positive reminder to eat in-season foods and it gives us a chance to connect with the student body,” Boerson said. According to Boerson, it’s important for students to recognize what goes into their food. “College students are asking more

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EDITORS /////////////// EDITOR IN CHIEF Jessica Johnson

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questions about their food sources,” Boerson said. “They are thinking more about what they are putting in their bodies.” According to Milligan, this year’s farmers market was more successful for local vendors compared to the farmers markets held in the past. “The kettle corn located outside almost completely sold out as well as Sodexo’s bakery,” he said. Boerson said selling her products at UWO and at other farmers markets is her favorite part of the experience. “I love talking to people about food and what they cook in their kitchens with my produce,” Boerson said. “It really puts me in touch with my customers.”

Nyreesha Williams-Torrence

STAFF //////////////////// ARTISTS/GRAPHICS Kurt Ness

COPY EDITORS Moira Danielson Elly Durand Cally Kobza Ashley Larson Allison Prusha Frankie Rabas Kylie Sweere Kellie Wambold Natasha Zwijacz

Ti Windisch, editor Alex Nemec, asst. editor




Claire Pytlik



Tyler Hahn

Alyssa Grove, editor Raquel Tuohy, editor


Austin Walther, editor Morgan Van Lanen, asst. editor


Kurt Ness

COPY CHIEF Garrett Wright


Katie Hanson

Vince Filak

Haley Lentz

Alicia Kahl Hailey Lawrence Katherine Baird Lance Gulotta Crystal Knuth Elizabeth Pletzer Kelsey St. John Emily Fredrick Nyreesha Williams-Torrence Olivia Schilcher Hunter Thiel Constance Bougie


UPD encourages the use of its SafeWalk program. If a student calls for a walk while drunk and underage, we would not ticket them. The safety of our students is always our number one priority.

OPD assesses the person and ensures they aren’t at the point incapacitation or unable to care for themselves. They will receive a citation for ordinance violation and then we make sure they are returned home safely.

If the police respond to a house party and the person is under the legal age to drink, that person will receive a citation and the person throwing the party will also be cited.

If the person is underage and drinking at the party, the person will be cited and released if he or she isn’t intoxicated. In certain scenarios, the party host will also be cited for allowing the underage drinking

UPD Officers’ and CSOs’ top priority is student safety. These officers will look for underage drinking, open intoxicants and disorderly events during Pub Crawl.

OPD will deploy officers throughout the campus and downtown area. The officers will look for underage drinking, open intoxicants, public urination, loud music and other violations

If a student receives a citation, there will be instructions attached to the ticket, explaining how and when to contest or pay the citation. If a student receives a citation, that information is shared with the Dean of Students office.

The person can pay the ticket or explain the circumstances to the judge. First offense underage drinkers can enter a diversion program through the district attorney’s office. OPD is in communication with all parties impacted by the event, including landlords, UPD, the Dean of Students office and the chancellor’s office. Students cited could be put into immediate contact with UWO officials.

SOURCE: UPD Chief Kurt Leibold

SOURCE: OPD Chief Dean Smith

Advance-Titan Staff and Awards


If you get a ticket, how should you handle it? Who else will be told about your ticket?



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Cari Fehler Hailey Lawrence Nicole Horner Laura Dickinson Thomas Locke


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CAMPUS CONNECTIONS Kellie Wambold Allison Prusha Anne Wilhelms Mia Wilson


Joshua Crowe Natalie Dillon Michael Johrendt Isaac Mazanka Nathan Proell Zijo Zulic


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The UW Oshkosh Advance-Titan is written and edited by students at UW Oshkosh who are solely responsible for its content and editorial policy.

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Ti Windisch - News Editor Alex Nemec - Assistant News Editor

October 6, 2016


UW Oshkosh ROTC students work together to complete the group obstacle. Future officers participate in training with fellow ROTC members to enhance and hone their skills everyday.

Army-oriented cadets work together in the ROTC program to learn the skills of soldiers and develop physical strength as UWO instructors help to inspire another group of


by Nicole Horner The Reserve Officer Training Corps have helped Army-oriented students at Oshkosh since 1968. The UW Oshkosh ROTC program differs from the programs at other schools because it focuses on the Army. “Every branch of service has an ROTC,” Lt. Col. Keven Beattie said. “Here in Oshkosh, only Army is represented.” The program is designed to train cadets to become officers in the U.S. Army. Cadet Isaac Geffers said freshmen begin at the MS1 level where they learn basic skills for soldiers. MS2s learn leadership skills their sophomore year and juniors in the MS3 year get assessed on their accompany leadership. Seniors, or MS4s, spend their final year at the battalion level where they do a lot of planning. At Oshkosh, all students in ROTC have physical training on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; and strength training on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Student Recreation and Wellness Center. The students that are contracted to be officers once they graduate have



performance between majority and minority students. “Historically, there’s been a gap between the two,” Leavitt said. “You had the majority population performing at a higher level than students of color for a variety of reasons. That gap is closing.” Senior Emily Grover said diversity is important because it improves the academic experience of students. “It brings a lot more perspective to campus,” Grover said. “It would be a lot more interesting in classes if people were able to speak up with their own experiences or perspectives.” Robertson said students interested in helping UWO become more diverse can use their voices to help. “Students need to share their positive multicultural experiences in their circles of influence,” Robertson said. “They need to champion for and require policies and practices that result in increased diversity in all of their places of in-

PT every day of the week. Although PT varies, it is an indication of how students are doing physically, Geffers said. “We do buddy carries, where we have to carry another individual for a certain distance,” Geffers said. “We do a lot of long runs, they can be 3 to 6 miles; and ruck marches, where you basically walk or run for 10 miles with 30 pounds on your back.” According to Geffers, ROTC tries to keep PT as combat-focused as possible and it conducts several major training events. “We have two FTX’s, or Field Train Exercises, that we do every year,” Geffers said. At this semester’s FTX, students did day and night land navigation, rappelling and confidence courses. Geffers said the spring FTX is designed for the MS3s to practice small unit leadership on running missions like ambushes and raids. Cadet Kevin Wernet said the program also participates in campus events. “The general cadet is more involved than the average student at Oshkosh,” Wernet said. According to Geffers, the program supports events such as Run with the

fluence.” Leavitt said part of college is learning to think in new ways, and diversity is part of that. “Diversity is going to be an increasingly important component of what people do in the future in terms of their livelihood, their jobs, their lives,” Leavitt said. Leavitt said he would like UWO to have a higher percentage of minority students than Oshkosh. “What would be a great number to have?” Leavitt said. “In my mind, 20 percent. Which would be an over-realization of the demographics of the area.” According to Leavitt, UWO could have a positive economic impact on the entire Fox Valley by introducing more diversity into the region. “UWO, if we can have a greater percentage of students of color here at our university then there are in the general population of this area, we could drive an increase in diversity in this area which will make it a much more richer and a much more economically viable place,” Leavitt said. “And that’s the big picture.”

Cops and Take Back the Night every year, which is what he loves about ROTC. “Every event we do, even support for other things, is kind of nice because we all go together,” Geffers said. “We’re all one big student organization.” Geffers said although there are people in charge of the program as a whole, a lot of leadership falls on the junior and senior students. According to Geffers, ROTC emphasizes that academics come before the program, but students take priority in both their classes and ROTC. Beattie said the ROTC program is very adaptable to student schedules. “We understand their primary job is to earn their degree,” Beattie said. “As long as the student informs us of conflicts with their schedule we will make sure to work with them.” According to Wernet, students interested in becoming involved with ROTC should know that anybody can join the program. “Anybody on campus can join ROTC their freshman and sophomore year and not have to serve in the military,” Wernet said. “I would strongly advise that as many people as possible do this because it teaches you disci-



up, but couldn’t due to the restrictions in place. “I agree with the checkin hours being extended,” Meinholz said. “The whole no guests whatsoever thing, I think that’s not necessary.” Meinholz said if the campus wants Pub Crawl to die out they need to stop hyping it up. “Like they said in that video last year, it’s not a real holiday,” Meinholz said. “They keep preparing for it like it is. So they’re kind of giving it legitimacy and if they just stopped concerning themselves about it then I think you would see less rebelliousness during this weekend.” Freshman and North Scott resident Ethan Benicke said it is unfortunate for people who don’t participate in Pub Crawl. “I have people who want to come to my dorm on the weekends sometimes, but I have to tell them no,” Benicke said. “It’s an unfair advantage

pline, but it also gives you basic leadership skills.” According to Beattie, joining ROTC does not require students to pass any tests initially. “For your first two years there are no certain qualifications,” Beattie said. “To move into the advanced course, junior and senior year, you must meet minimum physical and academic requirements.” Geffers said when it comes to selections, ROTC looks for people who are physically fit and show leadership capabilities. “Anybody can participate in ROTC and come to PT every day, but it takes that next step of actually taking an initiative and being a leader,” Geffers said. “That’s how you gain your contract. Once you gain your contract then you’re set to become an officer.” Beattie said he has worked long and hard to get to his current position. “I am going on my second year as the Professor of Military Science for the Fox Valley ROTC detachment,” Beattie said. “However, I did commission as a second lieutenant from ROTC at UW-La Crosse 18 years ago.” Beattie said working with enthusiastic cadets is his favorite part about be-

to others.” According to Roig, Pub Crawl is what Oshkosh is known for. “Everyone that I talk to came here for Pub Crawl and can’t wait to experience it,” Roig said. “They want to know what it is.” Benicke said Pub Crawl should stick around on campus and in the community because it’s something for people to do in Oshkosh. “It’s a give and take towards the situation,” Benicke said. “There’s positives to it, it helps businesses earn money, [but] it doesn’t help campus with safety issues.” Roig said he thinks the university and students can meet in the middle on a compromise for Pub Crawl, and that the university has taken good precautions with restrictions like the no guest rule. “I guess [they] could figure out some safe guidelines to make sure it’s safe for everybody, but everyone still has fun,” Roig said. “And make sure it isn’t too destructive for the campus, the city and the community itself.”

ing involved in ROTC. “Their energy makes me want to be a better officer and do everything I can to make them the best second lieutenants,” Beattie said. According to Beattie, the ROTC program helps Oshkosh students in a variety of ways. “We educate and train students to be leaders of character,” Beattie said. “That additional education and experience is what separates cadets from their peers on campus.” Wernet said ROTC pushes participants beyond what they think they can do. “You have to have some form of leadership, and ROTC gives you the stepping stool for that,” Wernet said. “You develop leadership skills, you learn how to interact with people, you learn to manage time better and you also gain a better awareness, understanding and appreciation for the military overall.” Geffers said ROTC has prepared him for life after college. “I’ve definitely stepped up as I’ve gone through ROTC and it’s pushed me,” Geffers said. “I know when I get out and come to the work world, I’m going to be able to use those attributes.”




Ti Windisch - News Editor Alex Nemec - Assistant News Editor

October 6, 2016

Underground extends hours for alcohol

by Cari Fehler With a new school year comes many changes and, for the Titan Underground, one of this year’s changes was adding new alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages to their selling list, as well as extending the times when students can purchase them. Prior to this year, alcohol could only be purchased on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays after 4 p.m. Sophomore and Titan Underground employee Jeanine Carroll said alcohol sales suffered due to the restrictions. “We just had no sales,” Carroll said. “Last year we had our karaoke night and open mic night on a Wednesday, and it was at night but we didn’t sell anything. We had older people from the community come in and do karaoke, but they couldn’t order any alcohol and they told us, ‘You should really change your hours.’ We were selling it, but not a lot.” Now, patrons ages 21 and older can purchase alcohol


on all seven days of the week from 11 a.m.-10 p.m. with valid identification. Carroll said she has already seen an increase in sales since the changes. “Even on Friday night I sold a couple,” Carroll said. “People came down just to play pool. That was already a big change from Sunday, Monday, Tuesday.” Randy Hedge, the director of Reeve Memorial Union, said the decision to expand these sales had been on the table for a while. “Over the past several years, the service of alcohol in the Titan Underground has been discussed multiple times with governance, both OSA and Reeve Advisory Council,” Hedge said. “Last year, students again brought the question to the governance bodies, and both OSA and RAC submitted their recommendations to the Chancellor.” To ensure safety for all patrons, Titan Underground staff undergoes training through a program called ServSafe, which teaches service industry professionals about alcohol


known issue and to prevent violence as well. “The importance of this event is to bring awareness to the community,” Dorn said. “And to pass on the message that this is a problem that needs to be addressed.” According to Wartgow, Take Back the Night shows survivors they are not alone. “We want them to come forward,” Wartgow said. “We want them to feel safe, and we want them to get the help that they need to get out of those kinds of relationships.” Wartgow said seeing how many people are committed to helping vic-

consumption. According to Hedge, they are also prepared to take any additional, necessary steps to maintain a safe, legal atmosphere in Titan Underground. “All of our staff are annually trained in ServSafe training,” Hedge said. “Service is managed in strict accordance with all state laws. It is also understood that we may elect not to offer alcohol service during certain times, or at events when all or most of our patrons are likely to be under legal drinking age. During larger events when we are serving, we will follow our Event Protocol Planning process and will review each event with University Police and our management staff. Some events may require wrist banding or other security measures.” Senior Domonique de la Rosa said her primary concern with the changes would be if it became a burden to other students. “If it ever became a disruption to people studying here I wouldn’t be as okay with it, but if people just stop in here

tims of violence is really exciting for her. “Every year you hope that whoever needs help is going to get help and that they’re going to see that there are so many resources and people that care,” Wartgow said. “And that they can reach out for what they need.” According to Johnson, Take Back the Night sends a powerful message to victims of violence. “To come to this event as a survivor and see all these people here rallying around a cause that you’re directly affected by can be an empowering experience,” Johnson said. “Whether they reveal that they’re a survivor or not, it’s something for them to take away, and it’s something that we can all participate in together.” Johnson said she appreciates that

for a casual drink after all-day classes, I’m for it,” de la Rosa said. “I’m sure they did a lot of research before making any sort of concrete decisions.” Freshman Emily Westburg said she thinks serving alcohol in Titan Underground could provide a good option for students of age who are concerned with the safety of consuming alcohol off campus. “Maybe it was just to give people a safe place to drink, as opposed to having people get completely wasted at a bar and then either trying to walk back to their dorm or wherever they’re going, but be here instead,” Westburg said. Hedge said ultimately this decision was about making the student body happy. “The goal of the new sevenday-per-week sales of beer in the Underground is simply to offer alcohol as an alternative beverage for patrons who are of age,” said Hedge. “The Underground currently sells only a few beers each week (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic), and we expect it to continue to be low key, but a nice offering.”


Titan Underground employee Raelena Hoff serves a beer. The Underground now sells alcohol daily.

Take Back the Night raises violence one small group of people. Every year awareness. we get 400 to 500 people that come “It’s a great way to raise awareness in.” and to open the According to conversation about Wartgow, the Take To come to this event as a Back the Night sexual violence or survivor and see all these people committee put a gender-based violence,” Johnson here rallying around a cause that lot of effort to get said. “Hopefully, you’re directly affected by can the community inwe can continue be an empowering experience volved in this year’s that conversation event. — Alicia Johnson throughout the “We want them year.” to know it’s not just Director of the Women’s a campus event; Wartgow said Center it’s for everyone,” events like Take Back the Night are Wartgow said. “It’s important not only to violence vic- always been the community and camtims, but also to community members. pus, but we really pushed harder this “It shows that the community is year to make sure the community committed to ending gender vio- knows that it’s a community event.” lence,” Wartgow said. “It’s not just Senior Trina Do said students un-

derstand the message and importance of Take Back the Night. “It shows [survivors] support and lets them know that they’re not alone,” Do said. “They don’t have to deal with anything by themselves.” According to senior Kayla Leavitt, students are aware of how much events like Take Back the Night help victims. “It gives them ideas for resources that they can use to help them get out of the situation that they’re in,” Leavitt said. Senior Sydney Krimmer said students should consider coming to next year’s Take Back the Night. “You never know who this might help,” Krimmer said. “Eventually you may use this information, and it’s good to know.”




Alyssa Grove - Opinon Editor

October 6, 2016

‘Drunk bus’ offers students free rides by the Advance-Titan Staff

In a crowd of intoxicated students, a designated driver is often hard to come by. The UW Oshkosh campus has a late night Titan Transit bus service in place for these very instances. Students excitedly plan their nights of going to the bars or parties, and getting home is often the last thing on their mind. Most choose to walk home surrounded by the safety of their friends, but sometimes that walk ends up

being much farther than they may think. UWO students have access to Titan Transit’s normal operating hours seven days a week, which will take them from the campus’ neighboring streets to stores as far as Festival Foods or Target. Titan Transit offers a late night service route, nicknamed the “drunk bus,” providing students with free rides from streets surrounding campus and down to Main Street. The late night service runs from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. Thursday through Saturday.

UWO senior Sam Walvort said she uses the late night bus because of the distance between her house and the bars. “I live far away from the bars, so it’s a safer option than driving or relying on a friend to drive,” Walvort said. Walvort said she thinks the bus isn’t used as much as it could be because people aren’t aware of the route the bus takes. “I don’t think enough people know that it is an option or where it goes,” Walvort said. “[those who know about

it] don’t think it’s going to go by their house.” The UWO website has a link hidden in the depths of its Division of Students Affairs page linking students to maps of the bus routes, but this isn’t enough. Students should be aware of this service, especially during weekends like Pub Crawl, so they can make the safest choices possible. Fifth-year UWO student Natalie Moser suggested the campus should actively promote this service to students by including it in the campus

announcement emails as a reminder. “I think it is underutilized because it is never advertised on campus and students don’t know about it,” Moser said. “It provides a safe alternative to students who might otherwise drive drunk.” With a weekend like Pub Crawl approaching, UWO should remind students of this free service available to them. Emails with the maps and times of the bus routes should be sent out so students know that they have options besides walking, risking driv-

Study abroad worth the cost

Student questionnaires are often filled with questions like, “have you been out of the country? Where have you traveled? Have you studied abroad?” Even teachers and peers are asking where you have been. Maybe they’re asking to see if you’ve experienced another culture, or if you have an appreciation for other countries besides the U.S. Traveling, an enriching experience within itself, can benefit us as citizens more than we might first realize. Of course you could always learn about a country and even a culture from just Googling it’s name or reading about it, but to gain a comprehensive and honest understanding? No. Many would agree that you can not fully understand a culture, a society or let alone a country until you have been immersed within it. So why go? If there was one word that could convince people to do anything, it would probably be “food.” Food is a huge part of society and culture around the world. As Americans, we often aren’t known for our appreciation for cuisine, especially compared to that of neighboring countries where they have famous dishes that people would travel overseas for. Students who have traveled abroad don’t even have to tell you what they ate during their trip because often their pictures can tell the story ten-fold. Traveling to other countries provides a first-hand perspective on how people interact with one another, which is often different from our society’s norms. Observing these types of interactions gives us a different perspective, even an appreciation, for societies across the globe. With the amount of times I’ve heard, “I would travel abroad in a second if I could pay for it,” I myself could’ve traveled abroad three times al-

ready. Affordbility is an issue for many students, and it is the main reason some don’t look past the second page of the flyer. However there are many ways to get yourself packed and on a plane for an inexpensive cost. As every staff member in the Office of International Education would tell you, the price should not immediately deter you. There are many resources that aim to aid students in their goals to travel. Opportunities for internships abroad are also available at a far cheaper cost than the semester-long trips. Students are encouraged to put a small sum of money in a travel fund or savings account every time they receive a paycheck or gift money. As time goes on and the fund steadily grows, they will soon find themselves in a more financially stable place to consider travel. When traveling abroad, students experience many different aspects of foreign cultures. Schedules are followed that consist of time for classes as well as day trips to historic places and famous landmarks. Olivia Medrow, a UW Oshkosh alum, spoke of her experience traveling abroad with the communications department to Greece, Italy and Turkey during the spring interim before she graduated. When asked what her days consisted of, Medrow explained, “We were only on a 17 day trip, so we didn’t have very much free time. We basically had the nights to ourselves and one day in each country.” Medrow said that if you were to take a longer trip you’d have more free time in each of the countries and get the opportunity to explore with your fellow travelers. “The experience absolutely outweighed the cost,” Medrow said. “Had I known freshman year that I would love traveling as much as I do, I would have taken an interim study abroad trip every year. I’d be way more in debt, but I’d still consider it worth it.” Medrow’s perspective of her trip aligned with many others who described their experience as enriching and eye opening. Based on the benefits that the vast majority of travelers have experienced, it would seem that they outweigh any apprehensions one might have. Some people see study abroad trips as having a larger impact on their wallet than on their life, but based on interviews and personal experience it’s safe say that it is just the opposite.

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by Katherine Baird Katherine Baird is a junior communications major. Her views do not necessarily represent those of the Advance-Titan.

Cartoon by Constance Bougie

STAR Report needs major makeover

by Constance Bougie Constance Bougie is a sophomore journalism major. Her views do not necessarily represent those of the Advance-Titan. UW Oshkosh’s STAR Report may be moderately helpful when enrollment time comes around, but it definitely could use a makeover. As the report exists now, the typical UWO student has at least three tabs open in their internet browser as they piece together their class schedule: TitanWeb, for finding out which classes are open and available each semester and at what times; the STAR Report, for figuring out which classes to take; and a major-specific webpage, where course descriptions can be found. It’s a relatively complex process that could be combined and simplified. “I feel like the names of the classes should be next to the [course codes on the re-

SUBMIT A LETTER TO THE EDITOR: All letters must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Tuesdays. Readers can submit letters via email, mail or in person. Email letters to our University account, atitan@uwosh. edu. This is the preferred

port],” UWO student Micah Coates said. “[That way] you don’t have to keep scrolling to the last page and back to the page you were on to see what classes you have yet to take.” Currently, required classes are listed by number behind two-digit codes signifying which department they fall under. A common concern with the STAR Report is that students have to decode what is presented in them. One UWO senior suggested the STAR Report should have “a simplified layout with links to extraneous information when necessary.” Possible links could refer students from the STAR to major and minor webpages, course descriptions or information to contact specific advisors. Oshkosh Student Association president Austyn Boothe said she’d like to see more user-friendly options in the report. “I would like to see a report that is printer-friendly and not in code,” Boothe said. “Students should be allowed to give feedback on issues they have with STAR and that feedback should be used to find a reporting system that works for the students of our campus.” Many students have expressed not only that the STAR Report could be more useful, but also that it can often be difficult to comprehend without the help of an adviser. This problem is only com-

method. Deliver letters in person to the A-T office in Reeve Union, room 19. Mail letters to: The Advance-Titan, Reeve Union Room 19, 800 Algoma Blvd., Oshkosh, WI 54901

pounded for first-year and transfer students, as returning students are expected to have a grasp on the report already. “I believe a STAR is only helpful to reference when students have a great understanding of the report,” Boothe said. “It seems like most of us don’t.” Boothe said she thinks most of the undergraduate advisers in the Center for Academic Resources are working very hard to ensure students are properly informed. “I believe the confusion really stems from general education advisers and degree major advisers giving out conflicting information,” Boothe said. “Hearing multiple different pieces of advice on what classes to take and when to take them can really set a student back if they make the wrong choice.” Having to take an extra semester in order to compensate for scheduling mistakes is one of the greatest issues when it comes to choosing classes. The better prestented to us the STAR Report is the safer we will feel about our educational futures. The weight of worry that comes with a messed up schedule is a heavy one that students shouldn’t have to bear. Boothe said she would like to see a system in place in which all advisers are better informed on specific and general education requirements.

“Having a STAR that is easier to read and understand would help make this process easier for all involved,” Boothe said. According to the frequently asked questions page concerning the STAR Report on UWO’s website, the report is due to be updated soon. Proposed changes include using course titles in addition to numbers within the report and adding in a “what-if” capability, which would allow students to find required classes for potential majors and minors. The STAR Report can be a useful tool when October rolls around and students begin choosing classes for the spring semester. Its organizational system is very comprehensible, dividing major-necessary classes from those required for other reasons, in addition to color-coding classes that have yet to be taken versus those that have already fulfilled degree requirements. The STAR Report could be more comprehensible, though, with features like printer-friendliness in all internet browsers, a more readable format and links to helpful webpages. By making additional changes, next year’s freshmen and transfer students might very well find it much easier to navigate the scheduling of their classes; and returning students will be faced with less worry about the possibility of taking an extra semester.



The Advance-Titan welcomes and reads all letters. Timely, well-written, provocative opinions on topics of interest at UW Oshkosh are given first preference.

All letters are subject to editing; not all letters can be published. Letters of length exceeding 300 words may be edited at the discretion of the Advance-Titan staff. Name, position, address and daytime phone are required, even in email submissions (only name,

ing or paying for an Uber. Instead of making endless attempts to crush the Pub Crawl weekend, campus needs to acknowledge that students are going to partake in it either way, and it is the school’s responsibility to tell students of all the options they have available. Students should remember to utilize options provided to you that help you get to and from where you’re headed. Enjoy the festivities of Pub Crawl weekend, and all others like it, while still remembering to crawl safely.


SPORTS Advance-Titan

Austin Walther - Sports Editor Morgan Van Lanen - Assistant Sports Editor

October 6, 2016

Elliott sisters wrap up their journey by Zijo Zulic


ABOVE: No. 4 senior midfielder Robyn Elliott has three goals and four assists this season. BELOW: No. 17 senior forward Rachel Elliott has four goals and three assists this season.

If it was not for theneight year-old Robyn Elliott attending a summer school class named ‘Soccer Fun,’ and dragging her twin-sister, Rachel Elliott, to a tryout a week later, the Elliott soccer journey may have been written differently. In 2013, Robyn and Rachel took their talents to the UW Oshkosh after four outstanding years at Hamilton High School in Sussex, Wisconsin. The thought of going separate ways crossed the minds of the Elliotts, but they both knew if they stayed together, they could create something special at UWO. “Before coming to [UWO] we had discussed going to different schools,” Rachel said. “I don’t think I would’ve survived without my best friend suited up next to me on the field.” During their time at Hamilton High School, both Robyn and Rachel played on the varsity girl’s soccer team all four years. They received all-conference awards and honorable mentions. Robyn was named a threetime captain, a second-team all-conference defender, a first-team all-conference midfielder and received an honorable mention. Likewise, Rachel was named to the second-team all-conference team and firstteam all-conference twice. She also has an honorable mention under her belt.

Rachel said UWO women’s soccer head coach Erin Coppernoll was the deciding factor in her choosing to continue her education and soccer career at UWO. “I chose to play soccer here because I loved all of the opportunity and room for growth that coach Coppernoll saw in me,” Rachel said. “She always believed in me as a player and a person and I can’t say the same thing about the other coaches who were recruiting me.” Robyn said Coppernoll has given her the confidence she needs. “She believed in me and my abilities before I came here, which I think enforced my own belief in myself,” Robyn said. Coppernoll said the Elliott twins have made a tremendous impact on the soccer program. “I think they care deeply about the success of this program and do everything they can to make this program better on the field and off,” Coppernoll said. “They are overall wonderful human beings.” The connection with Coppernoll might have stemmed from her previous tenure at Hamilton High School. “I first met the Elliott twins when I was at a high school game of theirs during their junior year,” Coppernoll said. “I was there to watch a senior on the other team but their play caught my eye. I used to coach at Sussex and knew the coach very well, so I got their contact info and the rest is history.” Since joining the Titans in 2013, the Elliotts have combined for 37 goals, 24 assists, 118 games started and 140 total games played. But the most prestigious accolade the Elliotts have achieved was in 2014 when UWO defeated UW-Whitewater 1-0 to win the Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Conference women’s soccer tournament, Coppernoll said. “There were some big games during the WIAC Championship run in 2014 that they played huge roles in those victories,” Coppernoll said. The Elliott duo also led the Titans to a regular season WIAC championship in 2015. This was the first regular season championship in school history. Robyn was named first

team All-WIAC in 2013, 2014 and 2015. She also received second team All-Regional in 2013. Rachel was named first team All-WIAC in 2014. Rachel and Robyn have found success on the pitch in part of the sibling connection they share. “Playing with my sister is one of the coolest things in the world,” Robyn said. “We are able to read off each other and feed off the other one’s energy.” Rachel added how confident it makes her knowing Robyn is on the pitch with her. “I love playing with Robyn because she is such a skilled player,” Rachel said. “I know just where she is going to play me the ball. We have a twin-telepathy when it comes to playing. We can read each other without saying anything, which makes us dangerous.” However, such as any sibling relationship, the Elliotts do not always see eye to eye with one another due to their competitive nature. “Every now and then you’ll hear us bicker about a pass, but it blows over quickly, just like our fights off the field,” Rachel said. “They last for a combined five minutes at most.” Aside from the sibling altercations, Rachel said Robyn is the sole reason she continues to play soccer at such a high level. “The person who has influenced me to keep playing is Robyn,” Rachel said. “[She] makes me want to keep going even when I felt like stopping. I aim to be as hard of a worker like her. She shows me each day that soccer has so much to offer and I am so glad she brought soccer into my life all those years ago.” Rachel and Robyn are now in their final chapter of their journey as members of UWO’s women’s soccer team. The legacy the Elliott sisters have created for themselves will never be forgotten. Their plans after school and soccer are done entail finding suitable jobs for themselves. They hope to use the skills learned from playing soccer such as being a leader and communication to their advantage in the work force. “They have changed this program for the better in so many ways,” Coppernoll said. “They are excellent role models of Titan student athletes.”

Titan TV makes history by winning Tom Butler Award by Jordan Fremstad

The 2016 Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Association Tom Butler Award went to a student-run television station for the first time, Titan TV at UW Oshkosh. Since 1998, the prestigious honor has gone to the best media organization coverage of WIAC athletic events. The award can go to any media organization, but this year the WIAC recognized Titan TV as the best WIAC coverage in the state of Wisconsin. The award is named after former Sports Information Director Tom Butler, who served the WIAC from 1967-1996. Titan TV covered Titan athletics ranging from football, men’s and women’s basketball, volleyball and men’s and women’s soccer. The station runs a full broadcast with the same

basic principles that an ESPN or Fox Sports broadcast would have. The games were available on local channel 57 and were also streamed online. Former graduate Ross Kohlhase served as sports director and graduates Cody Krupp and Tyler Stricker provided in-game commentary with Sean Becher as the producer. The Titan TV staff was led by station manager Adam Steinbach. Through their dedication, the student organization was able to provide quality material to several community members who rely on coverage for UWO athletics. Stricker is currently serving as the weekend sports anchor/ reporter at KIEM-TV in Eureka, Calif. He emphasized the importance of hard work to making a broadcast possible. “I think the award goes to show how dedicated Titan TV

is to the athletics at UWO and the quality of each broadcast,” Stricker said. “The students who work on the broadcasts put in the time on weeknights and weekends to further develop their skills to put out quality content.” UWO radio-TV-film director of television services, Justine Stokes, said it’s the students’ ability to work and handle pressure that makes a production work. “It’s proof of the process, student media is built on the idea that we run as professionally as possible,” Stokes said. “We don’t use the fact that we are a student organization as a crutch, it’s a laboratory, you are asked to provide coverage that no one else is covering.” Stokes also talked about what makes a broadcast run as smooth as possible. “It’s long hours and it takes a lot of people, and the people

watching don’t get that concept,” Stokes said. “If you do it well the people watching won’t know what went into making that production possible.” The station’s coverage of UWO’s quarterfinal football game received over 10,000 viewers to put in perspective the demand for athletic coverage. However, Titan TV isn’t just providing a product to the community, it is preparing students for the professional media industry. “We are an industry-focused program where you need your classes and your studies,” Stokes said. “You need to know the why and the how and then you need to apply it.” Steinbach said the organization gave him the necessary tools to make a successful career as a producer. “I believe that Titan TV shaped my college career and prepared me for work after

graduation,” Steinbach said. “I was able to learn the fundamentals of television production while working with my friends to produce award-winning content. UWO is home to an outstanding RTF program and this award is a testament to that.” Titan TV recently upgraded their entire studio to run in high definition, which is now the universal standard in studio television. Students are able to participate in a real-world simulation of what the television industry will be like in their future careers. Krupp is the weekend sports anchor at WESQ-TV in Palm Springs, Calif. Neil Hebert is another former graduate working at WEAU-TV in Eau Claire, Wis. The WIAC saw Titan TV as a professional media organization. This recognition has gone to people and organizations such as Jack Copeland from the

NCAA in 2015 and D3sports. com in 2014. However, in 2016 a group of students with many dreams and passions to pursue careers in media, won the award including first place in their football coverage of UW Oshkosh vs. UW-Whitewater by the Wisconsin Broadcasters Association. The RTF program’s radio station WRST, 90.3 FM, also took home this award in 2008. That is two student organizations from the university in the past decade. Tyler Stricker said his job performance today was in large part due to Titan TV’s opportunities. “It gave me the responsibility of producing quality content every time we went out to air,” Stricker said. “I use these same skills at my job today. I can’t thank Titan TV enough for opportunities given to me and the shaping it has done to get me where I am today.”




Austin Walther - Sports Editor Morgan Van Lanen - Assistant Sports Editor

October 6, 2016

Leave it to Lumpy for UWO volleyball Head coach Brian Schaefer earned his nickname from the organizers of the first UWO men’s volleyball club based on the TV show ‘Leave it to Beaver.’

by Austin Walther Brian Schaefer has been involved with UW Oshkosh volleyball every year except for two since 1992, as he was an original member of the men’s team, and he joined the coaching staff of the women’s team in 1998. During tryouts for the first men’s volleyball club team, Schaefer earned the nickname “Lumpy” from the organizers of the club. While staying in Clements Hall during his freshman year, Schaefer came across a flyer advertising the start of a men’s volleyball club on campus. He had played with a group of friends in high school, but it wasn’t an actual team so he decided to try out. “There was supposed to be three teams,” Schaefer said. “You had to pick what team you thought you were going to be on, so I put the ‘C’ team because I was some freshman who didn’t have a clue how good I was.” Nick Neitzel and Jim Boos were the two organizers of the club. They had played on a men’s volleyball club at UW-Waukesha County so they decided to form a club at UWO. Boos said he wasn’t sure what kind of turnout they were going to have. “We were in Albee Hall,” Boos said. “We had one net, we had 12 volleyballs that the intramural department gave us and we had 55 guys show up.” After the tryout, Neitzel and Boos went over to Schaefer one night and started talking to him about the team. Schaefer said he remembers them asking him why he wrote down “C” team and he said he didn’t know how good he was. “They told me, we think you’re going to be on the ‘A’ team,” Schaefer said. “But we can’t remember your name so we’re just going to call you Lumpy from ‘Leave it to Beaver’. I thought, you can call me whatever you want, just as long as I’m on the team.” Lumpy is the nickname of Frank Bank’s character, Clarence Rutherford, on the TV show, “Leave it to Beaver.” Boos and Nietzel were expecting seven or eight people to show up and if they were lucky maybe 15. Boos said they had to figure out some way to keep track of everyone. “We were kind of just winging it as we went,” Boos said. “What we determined as we started to watch people, it was clear on who some of the better players were and what we needed to do was figure out a way to identify them.” Boos said Schaefer (at the time) was fairly talented and had the skill to control the ball, pass it well and moved like he had played the game for a while.They needed to call him something both he and Neitzel would understand. “He looked a lot like Lumpy from ‘Leave it to Beaver,’” Boos said. “So that’s Lumpy. We did that with a lot of other players too. That’s really what it came down to. Back then he looked a lot more like what Lumpy looked like.” Boos didn’t know Schaefer’s personality at the time so the nickname was based solely on appearance. “It was really his look,” Boos said. “Similar build, similar facial structure and darker hair. It was just one of those things where you look at someone and go ‘wow, that looks like whoever.’” At the time it happened, Schaefer said he didn’t try to stop it because he was just trying to make the team and it was the first time meeting these guys. “I have never thought of it as an embarrassing thing,” Schaefer said. “That’s basically who I am and that’s my

name.” Schaefer said he remembers most of the nicknames given to players on the men’s team. “My roommate was Schmitt at the time so they started calling him Schmitty,” Schaefer said. “Another friend went by Chia for Chia pet because he had short black hair. We had a guy who looked like Bart Simpson so they nicknamed him Bart. Nick had the nickname Stick because he was 6’8 and was really skinny. Everyone had a nickname so I just thought whatever because I needed one, too.” Boos said he and Neitzel came from a group of friends who mainly referred to each other by nicknames. “We didn’t go by our formal names,” Boos said. “We all had nicknames for each other, therefore that’s kind of what we did.” Since he was young enough and he didn’t know a whole lot of people in college, his name became Lumpy. Schaefer said even the few who did know him at UWO started using the nickname too. “My roommate at the time, Cory, was a high school friend of mine and he instantly stopped calling me Brian and started calling me Lumpy,” Schaefer said. “If you’re on a team, most of them are your friends at that point.” Schaefer went on to graduate from UW Oshkosh in 1996 with a bachelor’s degree in social work. He then left for two years to coach at Lakeland College in 1997 and UWGreen Bay in 1998. Schaefer returned to Oshkosh to join the women’s volleyball staff and took over the men’s program in 2000. One story early in his tenure with the men’s team involved a trip to Nationals with one of his roommates and assistant coaches, Kevin Martin. “We were at Nationals and I was on the team and also ran the team and I did all the hotel booking,” Schaefer said. “For Nationals, it was chaotic. You go and watch the matches and you’re not always with the team.” Schaefer said Martin had to run back to the hotel while Schaefer stayed back. When Martin arrived at the hotel, he realized he forgot the key so he had to go up to the front desk and ask for a new one, but he forgot what Schaefer’s real first name was. “The desk worker asked what name was it under?” Schaefer said. “He couldn’t remember Brian Schaefer even though I was his roommate for two years. He said I don’t know; we just call him Lumpy.” When Martin later told Schaefer this story, Martin said the desk clerk had a very confused reaction when she heard this. “He continued to struggle and she was laughing at the situation,” Schaefer said. “She started saying Brian very slowly and he goes, Brian Schaefer!” Schaefer considers that one of the best Lumpy stories there is and he tells it every chance he gets. “We always do funny moments at camps and that’s one of my go-tos.” In 2001, Schaefer earned his master’s degree in educational leadership at UWO and in 2004, he took over for Marty Peterson as head coach of the women’s volleyball team during the season and was the leading candidate for the full time position in 2005. During the hiring process for the job, Schaefer said a former coach asked him if he was going to let his players call him Lumpy because she wasn’t sure what that was all about. “She wasn’t negative, but


The Titans are currently 16-3 in 2016. Under Schaefer, the team hasn’t finished worse than fifth in conference. she felt it to be strange,” Schaefer said. “People respect you for who you are and not your name. Obviously I got the job so that wasn’t the wrong answer.” From there, Schaefer went on to win at least a share of the Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Conference in five of his first six seasons with the Titans. Schaefer certainly left off right where Peterson was as he continues to build the women’s program. One thing Schaefer said he does during his recruiting is make sure the girls know what his name is and then tells them the story behind it. “For my recruiting style I’ll say, coach Lumpy, Brian ‘Lumpy’ Schaefer,” Schaefer said. “Recruits will say, ‘I saw you signed the letter as coach Lumpy and I talked to a high school coach and they know you, but they don’t call you Brian and then I tell them.’” On the men’s side, Schaefer has had even more success. The Titans have won eleven Wisconsin Volleyball Conference titles including the last eight. The men have won 13 straight Midwest Ten Conference championships while winning six collegiate club Division I national titles including the last three. With all that recognition, Schaefer said he is certainly known throughout the volleyball state and the first name that comes to mind is Lumpy. “I think a lot of people know Oshkosh volleyball, especially the men’s,” Schaefer said. “They might not even know who I am, but they know of this person.” Whether it’s around the UWO athletic offices or out in the volleyball community, Schaefer said he will hear Lumpy more times than Brian. “Most of my players still say, coach or coach Lumpy or just Lumpy; guys and girls,” Schaefer said. “All my colleagues do, or at least 95 percent of them do. Darryl [Sims] does, Vicci [Stimac] does. So I know I’m respected in the volleyball community for doing my job and doing a lot for it.” Former player on the men’s team and current assistant coach of the women’s team, Jon Ellmann, said he remembers it being an odd nickname at first, but that’s just what everyone in the gym called him. Now that he works with

Schaefer, Ellmann said in formal settings it will be Schaefer, but most of the time he will use Lumpy and different forms of the name. “His role is head coach and because I feel some situations require formal address, I still call him coach Schaefer in professional written correspondence as well as some in personal situations,” Ellmann said. “For the most part it’s Lumpy, Lump Dog, Lump Dizzle or countless other names that have just become common place in the UWO volleyball world.” For current freshman Samantha Jaeke, she remembers hearing the name Lumpy at a UWO volleyball camp in middle school. Now that she’s on the team, Jaeke said she finally has heard the full story. “At first I didn’t really understand why his name was Lumpy, but I just went along with it,” Jaeke said. Jaeke said it is completely normal to call Schaefer coach Lumpy. “Being a freshman, calling my coach Lumpy isn’t weird to me because I have always known him as Lumpy,” Jaeke said. “It would be weird if we had to start calling him coach Brian.” The other aspect to having a nickname as that, is telling a parent they should speak to Lumpy. Program director of Southport Volleyball Club and longtime colleague of Schaefer’s, Brian Sharkey, has sent numerous boys, and in the near future, girls to play for Schaefer. Sharkey said it’s always interesting to call Schaefer Lumpy to parents. “Imagine the first time you tell a mom, ‘I encourage you to send your son or daughter to go play for Lumpy,’” Sharkey said. “No matter how you say it or try and spin it, there is no way to make that statement sound appealing.” With a nickname like Lumpy, it can be a little strange having players call you that, but Schaefer said he knows the players understand how to separate his seriousness on the court and his sarcasm off. “My players know I am there for them and they know I’ll do anything for them,” Schaefer said. “When they say Lumpy, they’re not giggling in the back of their head. It’s just like my first name. If they have


Schaefer has won three Coach of the Year Awards. a question during the game and they say Lumpy, that [is] just like saying coach Schaefer.” Boos said the best thing about the nickname is when Schaefer personalized his license plate in college and Schaefer said he still has it today. “I have ‘Lumpy VB’ as my license plate,” Schaefer said. “The first people that saw that was Jim [Boos] and his wife and they laughed really hard because it’s an official personalized thing that I’m embracing.” Even though Lumpy on “Leave it to Beaver” was a little more mischievous, Boos believes Schaefer embraces the nickname in different ways.

“To me it means someone who is outgoing, easy to get along with and [someone] everyone knows,” Boos said. “If you say the name Lumpy in the volleyball community, everybody knows who that is, which is really neat. And it’s a credit to him and what he’s been able to do in his time there.” Schaefer said he isn’t the type of person who will ever grow out of his college nickname and he plans on keeping it for as long as he can. “I don’t think people roll their eyes and wonder why others call me Lumpy; it’s just how it is,” Schaefer said. “I’ll be 85 hopefully and people will still be calling me Lumpy.”


SPORTS Advance-Titan

Austin Walther - Sports Editor Morgan Van Lanen - Assistant Sports Editor

October 6, 2016

Women’s volleyball sweeps UWO Invite by Natalie Dillon

The UW Oshkosh women’s volleyball team is back on a five-game winning streak after an unbeaten four game invitational in Oshkosh on the weekend of Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 improving their record to 16-3 overall. Organizer of the invitational, head coach Brian Schaefer said it was an opportunity to play some of the best teams in the region and give the team a better shot at the NCAA tournament. There were four ranked teams in attendance, #12 UW-Whitewater, #18 Elmhurst College, #19 UW-La Crosse and #23 UW Oshkosh. “That is what we were trying to get out of it, to play the better teams in our region,” Schaefer said. “We knew going in this year we were hitting all of the best teams in the region. Even if our conference record isn’t the greatest, we can say we beat the other teams in the other conferences.” To conclude tournament play on Saturday, Oct. 1, UWO competed against Dominican University of Illinois. The Titans took a quick 18-10 lead off of a five point run aided by kills from Samantha Jaeke, Shannon Herman and Tina Elstner. Back to back to back kills from Carly Lemke increased the Titans’ lead to 22-13. Two blocks from Elstner gave the Titans the first set, 25-17. Dominican opened the second set with a 5-1 advantage. The Titans battled back to eventually tie the set at eleven a piece with a block from Jaeke. Their lead grew to 23-18 after a four-point run aided by a kill from Herman and block from Elstner. The set point went to the Titans after an error by the Stars. The Titans maintained the lead the entire third set after the Stars captured the opening point. A seven-point run later in the set, aided by kills from Lemke and Elstner, secured the Titans’ lead at 22-12. A kill from Elstner gave Oshkosh the set and match at 25-27. Team leaders include Elstner with 11 kills and seven blocks, Lexi Thiel with 30 assists, and Gardner with a match best 11 digs. The Titans kicked off Saturday play against the St. Mary’s Belles of Indiana. In the first set, the Titans took a quick 6-2 lead with kills from Jaeke, Lemke, Herman and an ace from Nerissa Vogt. The four-point lead lasted only so long, as the Belles went on a small run of their own to get the set back within one at 9-8. St. Mary’s kept the game close at one point, trailing

only 12-11 before Oshkosh steadily built a lead. The largest lead of the set occurred at 22-15. The set point came from a kill from Herman. The Belles took an early lead 4-1 before the Titans responded to tie the game back up at four. The set was also tied at five, six and eight. Oshkosh took the lead 15-9 after a five point run with kills from Vogt and Jaeke. St. Mary’s rebounded with a four-point run of their own, including an ace to close the gap to 15-13. At 17-16, the Titans looked to pull away from the Belles after taking advantage of a service error and an ace by Jaeke, but the next serve from Jaeke went long. This was the second time in the match where she served an ace followed by an error. Jaeke said she knows how to cope with this issue and didn’t let it affect her overall play. “When it comes to my serves, they are minor adjustments,” Jaeke said. “While I’m tossing the ball I know that if my elbow is down that’s why the ball goes out. It’s one of those mental things you just have to go back and remember.” The Belles closed the gap yet again with a three-point run to trail 21-20. The two teams would exchange points until Oshkosh took advantage of a Belles service error with a hit off of the antennae to win the second set 25-22. Set three started off where the last set ended as the two teams battled back and forth. The set was tied six times before the Titans went on to score the next ten of the last eleven points of the set. The run was highlighted by a kill from Lemke, two aces from Laura Trochinski and a kill by Thiel was interrupted by only one point. A kill from Elstner put the set and match away 25-16. Lemke said they know coming back to playing late at night and early the next morning requires more energy. “In volleyball we play a lot of tournaments, unlike other sports, so we have to play late and get up early,” Lemke said. “If we play well we need to built on that energy for the next day. We also recoup and rehydrate to bring more energy. Every game is big for us and it’s all for that end goal. We need to bring energy no matter what time of day.” Lemke recorded nine kills and a match best six blocks. Vogt and Jaeke contributed an additional 18 kills. Elstner led the team with nine digs. Jaeke also finished the match with five service aces. Oshkosh capped off Friday night with a win over Alma College from Michigan in three straight sets, winning

25-14, 25-15 and 25-17. The first set started with a three-point run from the Titans, assisted by kills from Jaeke and Elstner. The Scots would come within one point at 4-3, but that’s as close as they would get the rest of the match. The Titans went on a fourpoint run with kills from Lemke and an ace by Jaeke to increase their lead 11-6. From there, the Titans slowly built up a nine-point lead before going on a five-point run to end the set. The second set at 6-5 was the only lead Alma had during the entire match, but it was quickly squandered with three Scot errors. Alma committed several errors in the entire second set as the Titans gained another lead off of a kill from freshman Herman and four more Scot errors. The set ended on a string of errors from Alma and another kill from Herman. The Titans cruised through the the third set, jumping out to a quick 10-4 lead. Oshkosh held leads as large as ten points at 20-10 and 21-11. The final points of the match came from kills by Vogt. In the first match of the tournament, the Titans squared up against Trinity University out of Texas. In the first set, Trinity took a quick 7-2 lead off of a couple miscues from the Titans. After a timeout from UWO, the Titans closed the gap to 7-4 with kills from Jaeke and Lemke. Directly after, the Tigers went on a run of their own, extending the lead to 11-4. However, kills from senior Brooke Brinkman and Jaeke kept the score within two at 14-16. In response, Trinity went on a five-point run, unhindered by an Oshkosh timeout. The Titans fought back closing the gap to 19-23, but they wouldn’t score another point in the set. The set point was an untouched ace, splitting the Oshkosh defense. The second set started with a small lead by the Titans off of service errors by the Tigers. Trinity quickly tied the set up three and four before going on a five-point run, giving them the lead 8-4. The Titans responded with a run of their own to close to the gap to a one point deficit at at 7-8 and 9-10. The Titans would not get this close again as the Tigers led by as much as five points consistently throughout the rest of the set. Down two sets with the match on the line, Trochinski noticed there was a dramatic shift in energy among the Titans. “We started out very slow the first two games that we lost,” Trochinski said. “In


In order: Nerissa Vogt, Lexi Thiel, Renee Rush wait for a serve against Alma College. The Titans went 4-0 on the weekend in the UW Oshkosh Invitation on Sept. 30 and 31. comparison to Platteville, tied the set later at 15 and “We play five sets so much, you could tell the crowd 16 before taking their first it’s fun for us. We like five wasn’t into it as much as lead of the set at 17-16. The set matches. It gives us more when we came back to win Titans regained the lead off energy and experience.” Elstner led the Titans the third, fourth and fifth set. of a block from Brinkman with 13 kills. Teammates That helped us with our play. and Elstner. Late in the set the two Brinkman and Jaeke pulled It was a snowball effect to teams were tied at 23 a piece. through with ten kills a piece. help us win the match.” The Titans scored the first Rush put the Titans up with Vogt led the team with seven points of the third set, but a kill. The next point was blocks, freshman Rachel the Tigers didn’t back down. replayed after some debate Gardner had 11 digs, Thiel They tied the set at three and whether the ball was hit out pitched in with 42 assists, five. That’s when the Titans or not, but the Titans pre- and Jaeke and Trochinski gained the lead aided by an vailed winning the fourth set both had two aces. Both Jaeke and Thiel were ace and several kills from 25-23. The Tigers took the lead in named to the All-Tournament sophomore Renee Rush. The Tigers fought back to the fourth set after four pass- Team for their performances tie the Titans late in the set es to get over the net from on the weekend. Back on a multiple game at 17 and 18. However, they the Titans. With a kill from couldn’t manage to go on a Jaeke, Oshkosh fought back winning streak, Jaeke said substantial run as kills from to tie the set at four then she feels it will greatly add Elstner, Vogt and Brinkman went on an insurmountable to the team confidence. “It will help our team conkept them at bay. Thiel’s five-point run in which Jaeke ace put the game away as had two aces while Thiel and fidence a lot,” Jaeke said. “When you win games you the Titans secured set three Vogt recorded a key block. The Titans captured the obviously feel good about 25-20. The Titans took the first fifth set 15-9 and won the yourself. Not only that, but what we’ve achieved when point off of a kill from match 3-2. Brinkman said rather than we’ve won games like our Elstner to begin the fourth set. From then on, the two dread five set matches and character, intensity, cheerteams battled back and forth, slough through, the team ing, it has grown. By wineight times the Tigers com- enjoys the five set competi- ning those matches it gives us a lot more confidence to ing within one point of the tions. “After every game, wheth- do that exact same thing in Titans. The biggest lead the er we are down or up, we just a different, harder match and Titans had was 13-9. Trinity kept battling, come to the middle and talk come out with a win.” UWO looks to keep the coming within one at 13-12 about what we still need to before being held at bay by work on to get through the streak alive as they travel to two kills from Vogt. They five sets,” Brinkman said. UW-La Crosse on Oct. 5.

Cross country twins keep pace at Oshkosh by Michael Johrendt

A year ago, Breanna and Amanda Van Den Plas were running at Kewaunee High School, which was made up of roughly 400 students, and they are now on the cross country team at UW Oshkosh. Ever since Amanda and Breanna started running, the competitive drive has been there for each other. The bond has given the twins a reason to keep running. Middle school is where both of their running careers began. However, high school was when the duo started showing their potential. Amanda and Breanna capped off their final years of high school with appearances in the WIAA State Cross Country Championship meet. Even with this being their first years both Amanda and Brean-

na have acclimated to the nature of the cross country team very quickly, and they said the quick assimilation has begun with Coach Eamon McKenna. “[McKenna] was one of the very first people that we met,” Breanna said. “We met some teammates, and a big reason why I chose Oshkosh was because of him. Having a good coach was something that I really wanted to have.” Amanda had better results throughout high school, including a ninth-place finish at the WIAA Division 3 Sectional 8 race to qualify for the State Championship. Finishing in 52nd place, she was able to go out on a strong note for her high school career in 5,000-meter races. According to her sister Breanna, Amanda’s performance is motivation for her to do better too. “Because she is faster than

me, it always motivates me to keep with her at practice,” Breanna said. “It is just that I have to take it into the race and try and stick with her.” During her senior year, Breanna had four top-30 finishes in the year, highlighted with a ninth-place tally in the 5,000m De Pere Invite. She, like her sister, qualified for the WIAC State Championship race by having a strong finish in the Division 3 Sectional 8 qualifier race. Both Breanna and Amanda ran in ten 5,000-meter events during the 2015 season, which again helped show their consistency. For the sisters to begin their running careers, Amanda said they decided to look within their family for the source of inspiration. “My dad was basically the big motivator to get into long distance [running],” Amanda said. Breanna said their dad has

experience in long distance running. “My dad ran marathons and half marathons, so he took us to a cross country meet our sophomore year,” Breanna added. “Just watching him motivates us to keep going.” Both Amanda and Breanna have ran in the Midwest Open and the Hoffman Invite, while Amanda ran in the Roy Griak Invitational in Minnesota while helping contribute to Oshkosh’s win. With the girls making up onethird of the new class of runners for the Titans, McKenna said he has nothing but praise for the twins’ impact on the team. “They are competitive, disciplined and committed to putting in the work that is asked of them, and that has a positive impact on our team,” McKenna said. “Amanda is more of the distance runner while Breanna is more versatile on the track.”




Austin Walther - Sports Editor Morgan Van Lanen - Assistant Sports Editor

October 6, 2016

Oshkosh football ready for Whitewater by Nathan Proell


Brett Kasper waits for the snap in the first quarter. UWO scored 17 points in quarter one.

The Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Conference opener for the UW Oshkosh football team resulted in a 45-17 victory against the UWStout Blue Devils. The Titans are off to a 4-0 start for the first time since 2013. “These guys just keep impressing me,” Head Coach Pat Cerroni said. Although the Titans are pleased with a perfect record so far, starting quarterback Brett Kasper said the team is not letting any of their success get to their heads. “We’re never really content,” Kasper said. “Coach Cerroni has really been stressing that with us this year, especially not to become complacent and always to strive to be perfect rather than just be good.” Kasper said despite the lack of competition and playing time for the starting team, they feel ready for the challenge and know that one school’s playoff hopes may be ruined after Saturday. “It’s going to be a tough environment to play in, but that’s going to prepare us for hopefully the postseason,” Kasper said. “The team is obviously ready.” The game against Stout started with an empty possession for the Blue Devils that lasted 2:05. The Titans got the ball at 12:25 in the first quarter and the Titans scored a touchdown from a 21-yard run by wide receiver Sam Mentkowski at 11:12. The Titans had seven of their 17 points from the first

quarter on the board. Kasper said he knows the importance of being able to score on the first drive, especially with the competition only getting harder as the season goes on. “It was very reassuring to come out and score on our first drive,” Kasper said. “I thought it was a good sign for the offense.” After another empty possession for the Blue Devils, the Titans scored a touchdown with an 11-yard run from running back Devon Linzenmeyer’s first touchdown of four for the game. The Titans last possession of the first quarter resulted in a 26-yard field goal from kicker Eli Wettstein giving the Titans a 17-10 lead. The Blue Devils started out the second quarter with a 51yard field goal from kicker Drew Pearson that put the Blue Devils on the board 17-3. After a Titans penalty on the kickoff that brought them to their own 10 yard line, a 79-yard touchdown run from Linzenmeyer extended the Titans’ lead to 24-3. After an empty possession for the Blue Devils, the Titans got the ball back for a drive that resulted in Kasper’s first interception of the season on the Blue Devils nine yard line. The Blue Devils got the ball on their own nine yard line and were able to take the drive to their own 43 yard line before the Titans got the ball back via interception by cornerback AJ Plewa who returned the ball 21 yards to the Blue Devils 28 yard line. The Titans took one snap and scored a touchdown from a 28-yard run by Linzenmeyer

with 7:49 left in the first half, putting the Titans ahead 31-3. At 2:58 in the second quarter Dylan Hecker had a four-yard touchdown run. The last scoring drive for the Titans was in the first half with a 23-yard touchdown pass from Kasper to Linzenmeyer with 28 seconds left. The Titans ended the first half 45-3 and Kasper finished the game at the half with 224 yards of passing and one touchdown. Mentkowski said it felt good coming out with a really strong first half. “In the past we’ve been known to be a second half team,” Mentkowski said. “I think this year’s goal is to get rid of that.” The Blue Devils were able to put up two more touchdowns in the second half but it would not be enough as the game ended 45-17 with the Titans on top. Next weekend, the 4-0 sixth ranked Titans take on the 4-0 second ranked UW-Whitewater Warhawk.Mentkowski said the team is not preparing any differently and they are ready for the challenge. “We’ve prepared every week the same way,” Mentkowski said. “It’s really about us, we just want to be the best we can be every week.” Cerroni said he feels confident the team is ready for the challenge. “It’s a week to week thing,” Cerroni said. “It’s gonna be a great game, big game. We’re excited about it.” The game is set to kickoff at 1:05 p.m. at Perkins Stadium in Whitewater and will be televised on Time Warner Cable Sports Channel and audio available on WRST 90.3 FM.


SPORTS Advance-Titan

Austin Walther - Sports Editor Morgan Van Lanen - Assistant Sports Editor

October 6, 2016

Swim and dive email adds to drama

Former men’s tennis and soccer teams are discouraged after an email about open diving tryouts is sent to students at Oshkosh swimming head coach Christopher Culp said diving can be a tough recruiting sport because Editor’s Note: This is the it is very different from sports first part of a series of articles like football and soccer. “Diving is a weird breed, about WIAC athletics and budget managment done by the Ad- there’s not a whole lot of divers out there,” Culp said. “It’s vance-Titan sports section. A campus-wide email about harder and harder to find them the men’s and women’s diving because high schools are limitteam conducting a search from ing diving because of insurance athletes sparked student reac- and liability and that type of stuff. It’s tougher and tougher tion. The email that was sent out to get them.” McQuillan went on to exon Sept. 21 read, “The UWO plain that Oshkosh is not necesSwimming and Diving team is looking for students with div- sarily struggling to find divers. ing experience to potentially Rather, the team is simply tryjoin the program. The swim- ing to boost their roster count ming and diving program has a so they have a better shot at great facility and a very expe- scoring points against Wisrienced coaching staff that can consin Intercollegiate Athletic help develop your diving skills Conference rivals, who may to compete at the collegiate lev- have fewer divers because of el. Students with a gymnastics last year’s large graduating background are encouraged as class across the state. “Overall in the WIAC conwell.” After cutting men’s soccer ference, specifically the divduring the fall of 2015 and ing portion of swimming and men’s tennis in the spring of diving has had lower numbers 2016, anything that happens traditionally,” McQuillan said. in regards to the Titans’ athlet- “It’s not just Oshkosh. Last ics department can bring con- year, specifically, there were a troversy and mixed feelings lot of outgoing seniors on the among athletes, coaches and teams.” McQuillan entered her 14th students. season as UWO’s head diving As shown by senior Nick Woodbury’s tweet, the email coach with two female divers, sophomore Gabrielle Kraus did just that. Woodbury, a member of and senior Colleen Barnstable. the UWO men’s soccer team The team acquired two other from 2013-2015, tweeted a divers, junior Emma Link and screenshot on Sept. 21 of the freshman Johnna Seelman who announcement that was sent became interested after receivabout the diving team and ing the email. “I wasn’t concerned coming tagged Chancellor Andrew in with two,” McQuillan said. Leavitt in it. The tweet said, “Hey @ “I would’ve been fine with two. uwochancellor just a heads up, We have two very competitive the [men’s] soccer team had to divers. I wasn’t concerned with cut players because we had too that.” Link said this is not her first many that wanted a spot.” time being a part of a diving The tweet has received 50 team. During her junior year likes and 18 retweets so far. According to Woodbury, he of high school, she was a part is frustrated with how athletic of the diving squad and even director Darryl Sims has han- advanced to regionals. Howdled the athletics budget in re- ever, after hitting her head on the board and needing to get cent years. “It obviously hurts a little stitches, Link said she decided bit to see resources spent in a to take a break from diving and program that is failing when switched to track. She hopes to prove to people they could have been used for that not just gymnasts make the tennis or soccer programs,” good divers. Wo o d b u r y Link wants said. “It realIf the dive team can’t ros- to show that ly just shows ter a full team, that still won’t i n f l e x i b l e the incommake the tennis program or and dainty petence of the soccer progam. come people, such Sims and as herself, back. those who can excel at aid him in — David Leffler the sport. decision Ex- Tennis Player “I was making for looking for the athleta way to get ic departmore inment.” Junior David Leffler, who volved on campus,” Link said. competed on the men’s tennis “I was thinking about joining a team from 2015-2016, said he sorority, but that’s just not me. I is also irked with the email that have done sports before here at was sent out. However, he does UWO [cross country and track] not want any team to have to go and loved the thrill of competing at the college level, and through what his team did. “Personally, I don’t believe wanted to take advantage of that any programs should be the amazing opportunity. Also, cut,” Leffler said. “If the dive I love diving almost as much as team can’t roster a full team, I love running and have a pasthat still won’t make the ten- sion for both sports. I’m definis program or soccer program nitely not as good a diver as I am a long distance runner, but come back.” The diving head coach for it’s exciting for me to see how both the women’s and men’s far I can go with the sport.” On the other hand, there are team, Amy McQuillan, stressed that her and Culp sent the no male divers on the team this email, not because they had to, year. According to Culp, the only male recruit decided in but because they wanted to. “It wasn’t that we had open June that he would be attendspots,” McQuillan said. “In ing a Division II school instead. There was no interest from fact, we don’t.” The first thing that comes to walk-ons either. Typically two to three athfinding players for a team is recruitment. Men’s and women’s letes will make up each diving by Morgan Van Lanen

team, McQuillan said. However, if one team were to have more divers, it would probably be the women’s, she said. Diving is very similar to gymnastics, making it a more of a female-orientated sport. Additionally, the head dive coach said this year is no different from previous years when it comes to the lack of men for the squad. “It’s always preferred to have male divers,” McQuillan said. “We will continue recruiting like we do every year. There’s always fewer men than there are women, again, across all of the schools that compete in our conference. It’s just a bigger challenge to get male divers, generally speaking, not just to Oshkosh but across all of the schools.” Woodbury, his fellow teammates and the men’s tennis team understand that their two teams were cut for multiple reasons. Everything from budget cuts, to not being a part of a conference, to Title IX were justifications for why the teams was phased out. However, the athletes question why teams with such high numbers would be cut when there are other teams out there with lower participation, such as men’s diving, Woodbury said. “I feel bad because I don’t want to advocate for them cutting any more programs, but it really does show the inefficiency of the athletic department,” Woodbury said. When asked to be interviewed for this article, athletic director Sims requested that all questions be directed to McQuillan and Culp. UW-River Falls is an example of a WIAC school who recently suspended both their men’s and women’s swimming and diving programs. It happened in 2014 due to budget cuts to the athletic department. According to the school, the swimming and diving program cost $56,366.54 during the 2013-2014 school year. According to UWO Assistant Vice Chancellor Jamie Ceman, women’s swimming and diving and men’s swimming and div-

ing each have their own budget. “As a WIAC conference sport, the UW Oshkosh Athletics department allocates the men’s swimming and diving budget at $12,381 and the women’s swimming & diving budget at $13,815 [for the year],” Ceman said. Culp said he loves the bond the swimming and diving programs have with one another, as they support each other at both practices and meets. However, he said he does not have enough information to intelligently respond to whether or






Women’s Tennis at UW-Stevens Point 3:00 p.m.

Women’s Golf at WIAC Championship 12:00 p.m.

Women’s Cross Country at Gene Davis Invitational 10:00 a.m.

Football at UW-Whitewater 1:00 p.m.

Women’s Golf at WIAC Championship 10:00 a.m.

Women’s Volleyball vs. UW-Eau Claire 7:00 p.m.

Men’s Cross Country at Gene Davis Invitational 11:00 a.m.

Women’s Soccer at UW-Platteville 2:00 p.m.

Upcoming Events


ABOVE: Senior Colleen Barnstable watches on while Kraus practices her dives at Albee Pool during practice on Sept. 30. BELOW: Sophomore Gabby Kraus talks to diving head coach Amy McQuillan. The diving team has four women this year.

Women’s Golf at WIAC Championship 10:00 a.m.

not just a diving team could be phased out of a NCAA swim and dive team, but he has seen alterations made at the high school level. “I know from a high school level, the pools I worked at out in California, we had a beautiful, Olympic-sized facility, outdoor, it was brand-new,” Culp said. “Once the school found out how much they could save off taking the boards out, with insurance and risk and everything that go out, they immediately took it out. We technically had a diving team but the div-

ers went and practiced at a club somewhere else.” After finishing fifth place out of five teams in the WIAC for three years in a row, Culp is looking forward to continue the rebuilding of the program again this season, he said. “Swimming and diving’s roster is larger this year than it has been in the last five years,” Culp said “We are more competitive, broke five school records, had a NCAA B cut in swimming and a NCAA Regional qualifier in diving last season.”

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