The Advance-Titan 4/28/2016

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ADVANCE-TITAN April 28, 2016


VOL. 121, NO. 23

UW men s tennis finishes last season after by Morgan Van Lanen The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh said goodbye to the men’s soccer program earlier this school year after it was announced in spring of 2015 that it was being cut. It is now time for UWO to say farewell to the men’s tennis program as well. Junior Austin Laumb transferred to Oshkosh to play tennis after spending his freshman year of college at a small private school in Minnesota. He said he has no regrets when it comes to switching to be a Titan and he will miss playing more than anything. “Well, it’s definitely an honor to play for UWO and it’s been the experience of a lifetime,” Laumb said. “Playing on this team has been the best time of my life and has given me memories I will never forget. I met some of my best friends on the team; our team is incredibly close and I’ve met some of the best people in my life through tennis.” When Chancellor Andrew Leavitt and Athletic Director Darryl Sims announced the two programs would be phased out after this school year, they said it was due to budget cuts. However, men’s tennis head coach James ewison said he could not find logic in this reasoning. “I truly believe the reason for cutting the program was out of total lack of care for the program, and I think the Oshkosh community de-

serves to stop hearing about budget issues when the money from our program will be going to other more popular programs,” Lewison said. “A good example to show the disinterest by the chancellor and athletic department was that my group of guys wasn’t even invited to the athletics meet-and-greet in September. Wouldn’t you think that if the athletic department empathized with the tennis players, they would have invited my team to the event? There have been other instances similar to that where the team has not been included. But maybe the chancellor and athletic department are just trying to ‘practice’ not having the team next year? ” This is not the first time the administration has threatened to cut the men’s tennis program. Steven Francour, the head coach of both men’s and women’s tennis at Oshkosh from 1990 to 2013 and a previous tennis player at the University, said the same thing happened back in 2004. “We had a meeting with Elliott Garb, the assistant chancellor at the time, and he told us, due to budget concerns, that tennis would be cut along with wrestling,” Francour said. “There was a lot of backlash, so they reversed the decision.” Unlike many other sports at UWO, including both the softball and baseball teams who traveled to Florida, the men’s tennis program was not given any money by the athletic department to travel on a spring break trip in March, Lewison said earlier

News UW Oshkosh offered “Free School” on Saturday to the Fox V alley community. Read more on A2.

this year. According to Lewison, he and his players were especially frustrated with the situation given the circumstances of the longevity of the team. UW Oshkosh’s Assistant V ice Chancellor Jamie Ceman stated the men’s tennis team spends $10,998 each year. This amount of money equates to 1.65 percent of the total athletic department budget, which consists of $665,080. Tennis players and Lewison said they have been told the $10,998 will not be expired after this season. Rather, they have been informed the money will instead be added to other sports’ funds. Francour said the actual amount of money that will be saved from cutting the team is insignificant. “It’s like having a penny in your pocket and that penny falling on the ground,” Francour said. “It has no consequential value.” Francour also pointed out how other UW System schools have not made drastic changes the way UWO has since Scott Walker cut UW budgets in 2015. “The whole state system is under the same budget,” Francour said. “Y et, no other school to date has dropped a sport. It’s disappointing to think they could not have come up with a solution.” The men’s tennis team learned about their fate during the 2015 tennis season when Daniel Bickett was still their coach. Bickett was the coach at UWO during the 2015 sea-

son, before accepting a position at UW-Green Bay. Sophomore avid effler explained Sims was the first person to tell the team it was being cut. “Coach [Bickett] came up to us after practice one day and was like, ‘Hey, we have a meeting with Darryl,’” effler said. “And we thought we were in trouble for something. We walk in there and [Sims] immediately was like, ‘Guys, I’m sorry but your program is getting cut.’ I had no clue. I was so mad at that moment. It sucked.” effler went on to list the reasons Sims gave for why the tennis team would not be able to compete following the 2015-16 school year. “He said it was budget reasons, from the 7.5 million dollar budget cut from Scott Walker,” effler said. “But then to find out that it’s really going back into the athletic program probably hurt the most, knowing that [Sims] kind of lied to us right there. He just tossed up a bunch of different numbers, saying what our budget was. It was just a whole mess of information.” Since then, the team has been given other reasons for the cut, like not being in a conference and Title IX . Players and Lewison agree the lack of communication between them and administration has made this transition harder and more hurtful than necessary. Mark Gorski, the father of sophomore V incent Gorski, said from a parent’s perspective, the University


is not taking advantage of a situation that could teach his son and other athletes valuable characteristics for the future. “Each day my employees look to me to make good decisions that provide security and future growth for the company and employees,” Mark said. “Our leadership team bases our decision-making on the company mission. The UWO leadership team is failing and letting our future leaders down.” Mark also believes the athletic department is not following its mission statement, which is: “The Department of Intercollegiate Athletics support and extend the missions of UW Oshkosh by shaping an environment that promotes excellence in student achievement, academic success and personal growth; and identifies and communicates the needs and concerns of student-athletes to the University community and beyond. The Department of Intercollegiate Athletics is committed to providing an equitable multi-sport athletic program for male and female students.” “Nowhere in the mission statement does it state the programs should be in a conference that provides championship status or automatic qualifier status,” Mark said. “This sounds like the athletic director is reaching for reasons to support a poor decision that does not support the University’s mission statement. Since they


Campus Connections


Erik Buchinger, Alison Herrmann and Megan Esau send their best as they venture off to the next best thing after the A-T.

Communication is key, according to graduate student Katheryn Bermann, this week’s featured editorialist.

Read more on A7.

Read more on A5.




Alison Herrmann - News Editor Jessica Johnson - Assistant News Editor

April 28, 2016

Vice Chancellor Roter leaves UWO


Above: Oshkosh community members learn about sustainability during a free workshop in Sage Hall. Below: Child works on arts and crafts while guardian takes advantage of the daycare services at the event.

Free School provides teaching moments by Alex Nemec UW Oshkosh hosted the Free School event, which held workshops that focused on sustainability and increasing awareness about the condition of our environment on April 23. The event was run by the Student Environmental Action Committee and included events such as Envisioning A Sustainable Farm For The Future and an interactive class that taught attendees about vermicomposting. UWO student Logan Myers said he originally attended the event for extra credit offered by his biology professor, but was looking to get more out of the event. “[I’m looking] to gain some new perspectives on ideas that haven’t been challenged in a while; some new innovations,” Myers said. Myers said he thinks our society is becoming more sustainable and it is becoming cool to help save our planet. “I think it’s definitely important,” Myers said. “Y ou only have one earth and you [have to] protect it.” Erika V an Ryzin is a freelance teacher and owner of Dancing Frog Farm in Fremont, Wisconsin and travels around teaching others about natural remedies and making the world more sustainable. V an Ryzin was the teacher of the Envisioning A Sustainable Farm For The Future workshop and said sustainability should be incorporated through every level of schooling. “There should be something to deal with sustainability every season,” V an Ryzin said. “It should actually start at elementary school.” Event attendee Thatcher Peterson said integrating sustainability into the education system earlier is harder than it sounds. “Do you waste time teaching sustainability… to high school kids given that their schedules are so tightly organized? ” Peterson said. “For every thing you add to them, what are you going to take away? Peterson said the trade-offs for

teaching sustainability are what causes him the most trouble supporting sustainability being taught in schools, even though he thinks it is important. “Sustainability and the various meanings of it, is one of many, many areas that you can say are equally important,” Peterson said. “I don’t know which of these areas is more important than any other areas. For every course you take in sustainability, you’re not taking a course in something else.” UWO environmental science alum Torrence Hess said he thinks sustainability is hard to teach and wishes the sustainability council would incorporate more science into their classes. “It would be nice if they tied sustainability in with some heavy science, instead of just people having worms in their kitchen,” Hess said. Daniel Benz, who owns Hedgehog Lawn and Garden in Oshkosh, volunteered his time to help Hess lead the vermiculture workshop, which is the process of composting, at the event. Benz said the goal of his business is to take their worm farm and build it into his landscaping company and become a zero waste company, which will cut out having to run to the dump all the time.

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“Even though the dump is now composting, it’s still on the city and that costs taxpayers money,” Benz said. “Whereas if we can do it, we can create food, plants, sell plants at plant fairs [and] off season produce.” Benz said he is going to put on a display about succotash farming as well, which is a form of Native American farming. “Y ou grow the corn stalks, grow the pole beans up the corn, then you cover the ground with squash, making very good use of the property,” Benz said. This isn’t Ben ’s first time volunteering for the UW system as he said he helps out at the UW gardens, including building a hoop house, which is a low budget greenhouse. Benz said he was going to use this hoop house, which cost less than $ 500 to build, to get students more involved. “We’re basically going to be able to get the students interested earlier during the school year to get them there to start their seeds and nurture their plants,” Benz said. “So that when it comes time to plant them, which is in May, they’re almost out of school. If they have more invested into, they will put more time into their garden, and in turn they’ll learn more.”

Advance-Titan Staff and Awards

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over the past few years, we wouldn’t by Alex Nemec be where we are now: moving forward on certain resolutions, certain issues,” UW Oshkosh V ice Chancellor of Schettle said. Student Affairs Petra Roter stepped Leavitt said Roter has always been down after 11 years of service on April a student-centered, results-oriented 25. administrative leader. Roter will be replaced by Brandon “Her energy, leadership and estabMiller, current vice chancellor of en- lished priorities make her a strong rollment management, and will serve advocate for achieving and advancing as the interim vice chancellor starting important goals,” Leavitt said. “She is July 1, 2016. an accomplished student affairs proRoter said she stepped down be- fessional.” cause she is at a professional juncture Schettle said one of Roter’s greatest in her life and thought it was time for qualities is her advocation for student a change. rights for the past 11 years. “My ultimate professional goal is “She never loses sight that the unikind of an executive in higher [edu- versity is here for students,” Schettle cation], presidency, chancellorship,” said. “There’s been colleagues of mine Roter said. “I really need to kind of from across the state who have met focus on that next level and trying to with her in meetings and they’re just gain some different experiences that like ‘Wow, I wish she was my [OSA] will allow me to expand my portfo- advisor.’” lio.” Schettle said while people on camRoter said being able to be there for pus like to focus on other issues and orientation and commencement and get caught up in the politics in the UW seeing people come in the front door system, Roter stayed focused on the then walk across the stage is one of her students. favorite memories. “Dr. Roter did a wonderful job of “Knowing that I had some kind of making sure the impact and purpose part in helping of why we’re here is [students] reach to simply serve the their goals and students, and what we be successful, for can do to help those me, is the gratifystudents,” Schettle ing aspect of what said. I do,” Roter said. Schettle said he Roter said her thinks what the future time as interim leaders of OSA will chancellor was miss about her is their one of her most ability to rely on Rotfond memories in er to inform the OSA her tenure. members. “For me that “It was consistently was a phenomealways her who was nal opportunity to willing to reach out,” lead and to serve,” Schettle said. “She’d Roter said. “The be working late into Roter support that I got the night to make sure from the campus, faculty, staff and that anything we needed help with, students was remarkable.” anything that we wanted to get done, UWO Chancellor Andrew Leavitt she was there, by our side helping us.” said his proudest moment of Roter’s Miller said Roter made a lasting imwhile here was her term as interim pression when he interviewed for his chancellor. job last year. “Her service was an excellent bridge “I had known of Dr. Roter and what from the chancellorship of Richard she had done to create a very nationWells,” Leavitt said. ally well known division of student Leavitt said Roter’s work as vice affairs,” Miller said. “So finally meetchancellor for student affairs was ing someone who I looked up to was a filled with accomplishment and lead- highlight for me.” ership. Miller said it is too early to decide “She has worked as a solid and con- whether or not he is going to interview tributing member of the University’s for the interim chancellor job. senior-level leadership team,” Leavitt “My love is enrollment managesaid. “We are excited for her to have ment, especially as it pertains to stuthis opportunity to serve the UW Sys- dent success,” Miller said. “I don’t tem.” know what the future will hold, at this OSA President Jordan Schettle said point my goal is to continue the good Roter was his guide when it came to work and exemplary work under the understanding UW systems. leadership of Petra.” “[I] came into student government Roter said the reason she got into about three years ago and at the time this field is because she likes to work I didn’t know much, I was just a kid with students and that is what she will who thought it would be cool to be in- miss the most. volved in student government,” Schet“There are a lot of great aspects of tle said. “It was [Roter] who took me working at a system office, but you do aside and sat me down and explained not have students,” Roter said. “I’ve everything in a way that a 19-year-old worked with students directly for 35 kid could easily understand and com- years. For me, that I think is going to prehend.” be the hardest adjustment, but I will Schettle said it was Roter’s help as be working on initiatives at programs OSA advisor that has gotten them to that I know will impact students, not where they are now. just on this campus, but on all the “Without her help and guidance campuses.”

Chris Rozek Eric Fennig Tyler Hahn

WRITERS ////////////// NEWS

Holly Lynaugh Alex Nemec Matt Silva Ti Windlsch

CAMPUS CONNECTIONS Marcella Brown Allison Prusha Andrew Smith Kellie Wambold


Erik Buchinger Michael Johrendt Sean Maloney Nate Proell Anthony Michalovitz

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Alison Herrmann - News Editor Jessica Johnson - Assistant News Editor

April 28, 2016

Walk a Mile in Her Shoes returns for fourth year

by Matt Silva

Despite several health code violations and concerns that workers need improved training, Sodexo officials say UWO has

SAFE FOOD by Ti Windisch

Despite multiple accounts from students about the sanitary conditions of UW Oshkosh dining, Sodexo, the food service company on campus, said all of its procedures are up to health department standards. According to the Winnebago County Health Department website, there were observed violations found in Blackhawk commons in September 2015 including damaged containers of salad dressing and employees not washing their hands before sanitizing water container lids. General Manager of Sodexo Bill Rotchford said the follow-up inspection revealed the issues in Blackhawk and across campus had been corrected. “It was, like, two weeks later, they came back and everything was fine,” Rotchford said. The Health Department website confirms all priority violations had been corrected by the time the follow-up inspection occurred. Environmental Health Specialist Amanda Pinter said UWO does well in ensuring health codes are followed. “UW Oshkosh does great,” Pinter said. “If there’s ever an issue, say a violation, they correct it right away.” Pinter said violations are not uncommon at the beginning of the school year. “Some [of this year’s violations] are repeat violations where I noticed this [same issue] last year,” Pinter said. “Typically it’s because there’s turnover in staff.” According to Pinter, those repeat violations could also be stemming from entirely different issues, such as two related pieces of machinery having problems. “Our inspection sheet has 54 violations that could occur, but within each violation there are multiple problems that can happen,” Pinter said. “It could be a cooler issue one inspection, then a freezer issue next time.” UWO junior Jacob Tennie said he’s not surprised there were code

violations found on campus. “Honestly, considering the number of other places I have heard this year getting cited for violations, it doesn’t amaze me, but I am disappointed since I do expect more from a campus that serves over 13,000 students,” Tennie said. Rotchford said his company would not be around if they served unsafe food. “We’ve got to keep people safe, our employees and customers,” Rotchford said. “If we can’t do that we won’t survive.” Rotchford said the myth students get sick from food at Blackhawk has more to do with poor nutritional choices than unsafe food being served. “How much fried foods did your parents give you at home?” Rotchford said. “Y ou had more grease intake in like your first three days at school.” According to Rotchford, a sudden spike in grease or other dramatic dietary changes can indeed make students sick. “That is going to upset your digestive system, if you’re eating stuff you’re not used to,” Rotchford said. Rotchford said reports campus restaurants are giving students food poisoning are false. “[People] say ‘the chicken was bad,’” Rotchford said. “I want to look at the person and say, ‘not that I’m discounting your statement, but if the chicken was bad, 900 people eat the chicken. Y ou know how many people would be sick? 900 people.’” Tennie said he believes the food on campus has made him sick before in his three years of eating it. “I believe that campus food does make people sick, for those of us students with acid reflux and other health concerns there really is no way of keeping from getting sick easily,” Tennie said. Rotchford said Sodexo tries to maintain the highest level of sanitation possible. “We set Sodexo standards that are normally actually higher than the state standards,” Rotchford said. UWO sophomore Aracely Torres

UW Oshkosh is hosting the 4th annual Walk a Mile in Her Shoes in the Reeve Memorial Union Ballroom on Wednesday, May 4 to take a stand against sexual violence. The UWO Women’s Center is coordinating the event, which aims to increase awareness of gender violence among everyone. The Women’s Center Interim Director, Sommer Hodson, said it is important to not be passive about this subject. “Not being a rapist isn’t good enough,” Hodson said. “If there is one case of gender violence in any given university, that is too high of a number already.” Participants are encouraged, but not required, to wear heels and carry posters on the walk. According to Hodson, Walk a Mile in Her Shoes is a growing international event. “Our goal is to reach 400 participants,” Hodson said. “We are also looking to increase the involvement of the community in this year’s event.” The event will start in Reeve Memorial Union. The participants will then walk down Elmwood Avenue, eventually coming back through Algoma Boulevard and finishing the walk back at Reeve Memorial Union. Hodson said there will be prizes for some of those who participate in the event. The person who wears the highest heels, the individual who raises the most money, the group that raises the most money and the group with the largest attendance will be rewarded. UWO Sophomore Artina V ite said sexual violence is present in today’s society and is a problem for many families and friends. She said the most important thing people can do is to draw more attention to it. “Not a lot of people acknowledge gender violence,” Vite said. “Men walking in heels can be a very powerful statement. It can draw attention to this problem.” Sergeant Donovan Heavener said the University Police contributes to the event and their goal is to increase awareness about sexual harassment and what students can do about it. “We will have a table set up in the Reeve Ballroom, with [Community Service Officers] and an officer to answer any question students may have,” Heavener said. “Also, we will be talking about our safe walk program.” Heavener said they never had any problems during this event and officers may walk the mile with the participants. “We need to recognize this problem is out there,” Heavener said. “We must put an end to it.”

Walk a Mile in Her Shoes Registration •

You can register online or at a table in Reeve Memorial Union


Used food-service trays at Blackhawk Commons await cleaning. The Blackhawk Commons had multiple health code violations in September 2015. said she is comfortable eating on campus. “I feel relatively safe,” Torres said. “I don’t think about it.” An unnamed source who works at a campus restaurant said food safety training occurred after food service had begun in the semester. “They didn’t train us right away for the food safety,” the source said. “I started the second day of school and we didn’t get safety training until the third or fourth week, I thought that was kind of wrong, that we should’ve been trained right when we started.” According to that source, the training provided was not thorough or overly helpful. “We went over a list of things we have to do, but there wasn’t a handson anything,” they said. “It was just ‘read this list, this is what you have to do.’” Rotchford said training does occur before student workers begin their jobs serving food on campus. “We do food safety training at our mandatory call back meeting before the semester opens,” Rotchford said.

“Additionally, the same training is done with all new hires.” Sodexo Satellite Retail Manager Jenna Janssen said Sodexo student workers receive both introductory and monthly training. “All the students get a brief food safety training at the beginning of their employment with us, and we do monthly training,” Janssen said. Janssen said while employees may not have received on-site training they would still be educated on food safety. “It’s possible they didn’t get effective on-the-job training, but they would’ve had food safety training for sure,” Janssen said. Rotchford said he takes pride in the work his staff does to ensure students eating on campus can rest assured they won’t get sick. “I’m proud of not only what the company does to keep food safe and keep people safe, but what we do on campus and the training and the time our folks take to make sure that happens,” Rotchford said. “My goal is to have the health department come in and find nothing.”

Everyone participating has to register

You can register at the event if needed

You can register with a donation or without




Alison Herrmann - News Editor Jessica Johnson - Assistant News Editor

April 28, 2016


UW Oshkosh Fletcher Hall will begin renovations June 2016. The new building will include a four-story addition to the front of the building with new rooms and a lobby area.

UWO Fletcher Hall renovations set to begin June 2016

by Holly Lynaugh Renovations on Fletcher Residence Hall are scheduled to begin this June after several years of planning. The renovation project, which was approved by the state building commission last summer, is set to add extra bedrooms, an elevator and lounge areas to the freshman residence hall. Christine Miles, senior project manager in the planning and construction department, said the renovation should be fully completed in about a year. “Construction should start in June and will be finished by mid-July 2017, so it is ready for the fall 2017 semester,” Miles said. Miles said Fletcher Hall, built in 1964, has been well

maintained over the years but is at the point where some things need replacing. “It is a very structurally sound building and has many years of usage left in it, so investing in rejuvenating it makes financial sense,” Miles said. Miles said Fletcher Hall will eventually have a ramped entrance on the Evans/ Stewart side which will allow for easy access to bike storage rooms and the existing dumpster building. A four-story addition to the front of the building will include a lobby area at ground level, along with student rooms and lounges on the second through fourth floors. “The finished rooms will be very similar to how the Taylor Hall rooms are arranged,” Miles said. Director of Residence Life

Tom Fojtik said a larger number of students will be assigned to South Gruenhagen, South Scott and Stewart Hall during the renovation. He said Fletcher Hall was chosen after Taylor Hall in a long-term plan to renovate older buildings on campus. “Fletcher is showing its age, and we believe it is best to renovate a larger building now so we can provide more renovated spaces for students, primarily sophomores and juniors,” Fojtik said. “Our plan is to complete the Fletcher project, then move on to Evans and Stewart, which we would do at the same time.” Miles said windows, doors and internal systems will be updated to provide another 4050 years of usage with regular maintenance. “The entire building will re-

Students bring down property values by Megan Esau The expansion of off-campus student housing surrounding UW Oshkosh, caused by a rapid increase the in population of student renters, may have a negative economic impact on the city, according to city planning director Darryn Burich. Junior and senior enrollment numbers at UWO, a population that largely lives in off-campus rentals, has increased from 3,900 students during the 2000 – 01 academic school year to 5,623 students during the current academic year, according to UW System undergraduate enrollment statistics. Over that time period, property management companies have acquired more properties in the neighborhoods surrounding campus to meet this expanding student housing demand, according to city of Oshkosh housing ownership records. This has caused the transition of those neighborhoods into predominantly poorly taken care of student rentals. A memo presented to the city manager on March 4 defined two categories of concern with the rental housing stock: the first being safety and appearance of rental properties and the second relating to property values and tranquility of life in single-family neighborhoods. “When the rental starts encroaching into a predominantly owner-occupied neighborhood, over time it pulls down the value of the housing stock,” Burich said. “That can establish a new comparable value in the neighborhood lower than where it was before.” Wisconsin Statute 70.32 states the value of a property should be assessed at a fair-market value, or what a reasonable buyer would pay for a property in its present condition. The need for off-campus student housing impacts the value of properties surrounding campus in a number of ways. The amount of money a property recently sold for has an effect, said city of Oshkosh appraisal commercial superviser Marty Kuehn.

According to the rental housing memo sent to the Oshkosh city manager, the transition of neighborhoods from single-family homes to rental properties tends to lower property values. “There is a ceiling for how high landlords will acquire properties for and that is oftentimes below assessed value so that helps to create a new, lower comparable value in the market,” the memo stated. Even though property managers said they understand the guidelines for how assessments are made, some landlords do not believe those numbers are actually representative of the value of a building. “That doesn’t mean what we paid, it doesn’t mean how much money was invested, it means that’s their view of what the property is worth for property tax purposes,” Mike Goudreau, one of the owners of Discovery Properties said. “So it’s the government’s attempt to try and collect more money from us.” Kuehn said he disagrees with that statement and said an assessor’s guise is not to approach a property with the mindset of pushing as much money as possible in order to get money out of people’s pockets. “That’s a jaded outlook on life,” Kuehn said. “The assessments on properties are used to collect property tax from that property and the other properties. That’s to supply income to the community to provide those services to the city, to the county, to the state, vocational, school district.” Regardless of decreasing property values, the cost of rent for students continues to rise each year by about $ 10 per tenant, according to All American Investments rental agent Brian Gauthier. Even with this increase in rent, the quality of off-campus student housing generally stays the same, and Discovery Properties said it is not always worth it to keep properties in great condition due to the possible damage renters may create. “I’m sure you can imagine it’s hard when you have that

many properties to keep them all 100 percent looking nice,” Discovery Properties customer service representative Meghan Smith said. “And it’s hard too when you’re placing seven guys in a house. If we rehab an entire unit and put eight guys in there for a year we’re not going to get the same property we put into it out of it.” Tony Palmeri, a former city council member and member of the Middle V illage Neighborhood Association, which focuses on neighborhood activism in the area bordered by Jackson, Church, Main and Irving, said this argument can only be used to an extent. “I’m sympathetic to landlords saying they don’t want to fix things because people will just break them, but think about what a cop out that is,” Palmeri said. Poor rental housing quality not only impacts students but also brings down the value of properties still owned by single families. This makes single-family homes in neighborhoods surrounding campus less attractive to good buyers and makes houses harder to sell. “It is already difficult enough to sell a home, but when you are surrounded by properties that are not well kept, it doesn’t become impossible to sell your home, but the pressure to give it away for less than what you think it is worth is greater,” Palmeri said. He said people who could be key elements to creating a better neighborhood engage in panic selling and flee the areas surrounding campus because they think the housing and economic situation will never improve. “Basically, any community thrives when the people that live in the community believe the community is worth caring about,” Palmeri said. “Rental properties that are not kept up, whether they are student rentals or any other, give the impression that this is not a place worth caring about, this is a place where people just live for a few years and then they move on, and that is destructive to community morale.”

ceive a face-lift inside and out,” Miles said. “All interior spaces will receive new finishes from skim-coated walls, to get rid of the concrete block look, to new flooring, various ceiling finishes and fresh modern bathrooms.” Miles said the campus is hopeful to receive a LEED silver rating once the project is completed, meaning the building will have to meet specific standards on sustainability. “All of the systems going into the building are being designed to incorporate energy efficient products and operating systems,” Miles said. UWO student Jenna Thiel, who lived in Fletcher Hall her freshman year, said she noticed updates could be made to the doors and carpeting. “Other than that, Fletcher is a great hall to live in and I hope

By the numbers Fletcher Hall •

When it opened: 1964

How many rooms: 468

Cost: $18,754,000

Estimated completion date: Fall 2017

with these renovations it brings some new and lasting memories for the University,” Thiel said. Thiel said she hopes the renovation keeps the original charm of the building intact. “I hope that Fletcher Hall still has a lot of character, because I think that is what I enjoyed most about that hall,” Thiel

said. Miles said once the renovation is complete, Fletcher Hall will be a great residence hall for future UWO students. “Fletcher Hall will still have a traditional residence hall layout, but it will look and feel like a new facility,” Miles said. “It will be a bright, welcoming place to live.”




Nyreesha Williams-Torrence - Opinion Editor

April 28, 2016

April is sexual assault awareness month by The A-T Staff

Cartoon by: Shayna Beining

Campus communication could be better munication styles and [the professors] recognize that, so they will often tell us information in class, via email, and also on D2L,” Duffey said. Given how valued communication skills are today, it’s even more important that professors set a good example. Good communication skills seem to be disappearing, which is what makes them so valuable. In fact, a quick search on with the beginning keyword “importance” yields “importance of communication skills” as the top result. by Katheryn Bermann So what makes communication such an important issue? Last year posted a stoKatheryn Bermann is a first year gradu- ry entitled “Why Communication Is ate student in experimental psychology. Today’s Most Important Skill” that Her views do not necessarily represent may help answer that question. those of the Advance-Titan. “We often treat communication as if it were a discrete act, a matter UWO students say communication of performance or lack thereof,” the between students and professors is article says. “A crucial, but often good overall, but there is definitely overlooked, function of leadership is room for improvement. creating a culture in which effective “I have always felt that my pro- communication can flourish.” fessors value my time and questions, However, according to students, so they generally get back to me in a not every professor is doing as well good amount of time,” Lizzie Duffey, as they could be in creating such an president of UWO’s Communication environment. Jimmy Willing, a secClub, said. ond-year graduate student, shared In general, students seem to feel some frustrations he had in trying to that professors want them to succeed. get certain professors to work with Communication is prompt, encour- him. aged and usually quite concise. “Some [professors] are really bad Plus, it’s not just through email. at answering e-mails,” he said, confu“Not all of us have the same com-

sion evident in his response. And with good reason too: there seems to be an unspoken rule that when professors email students, they expect a reply within 24 hours, so when they themselves don’t reply, it leads to frustration, and sometimes even professional consequences. Willing recounted one time in which he continually had problems encouraging a professor to reply to his emails. He even put “Please Reply! ” in the subject line, but no response came. In addition, he had trouble communicating with another professor about a poster for a conference. The communication was so bad that he worried about whether the poster would be done in time. “[That professor] really dropped the ball,” Willing said. Other students seem to recognize how rare good communication is, especially given Willing’s experiences. “I have been lucky to have very articulate and strong communicators as professors over the past four years,” Duffey said. “Some professors have told me that they dedicate at least an hour each day to emails.” When communication difficulties do occur, what should be done? Willing doesn’t think either party is necessarily right or wrong when communication breaks down. “Most faculty do care [about com-

municating with students],” Willing said. “The trouble is, faculty and students tend to have different communication styles. Finding a middle ground between those generational differences tends to be the main challenge. Students appear to recognize this, saying they will go speak to professors in person if they’re confused. Even in class, they seem to recognize that asking questions is a good thing. “If I’m ever unsure about something, I will be sure to speak up and ask a question because I realize that I am probably not the only one in the room that is also confused about something,” Duffey observed. This kind of initiative is going to be valued later, according to an article on entitled “Why Taking Initiative at Work Is Key to Y our Success.” “It’s saying to your boss, ‘Would you mind if I helped out on this project if I did so in my spare time? ,’” the article said. If all professors worked to instill this kind of work ethic in their students, one can only imagine the kind of young employees that would enter the workforce. It would certainly bring UWO that much closer to fulfilling the Chancellor’s goal of preparing students “to become successful leaders in an increasingly diverse and global society.”

As April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, the Advance-Titan encourages its readers to take a stand to prevent assaults. Sexual assault takes many forms, including attacks, such as rape or attempted rape, or touching another person' s body in any way that is unwanted or inappropriate. Sexual assault can be physically and emotionally devastating for victims. And no matter the circumstances, no one deserves to be put through the devastation of rape or sexual assault. The National Department of Health and Human Services Center for Disease Control website states an estimated 20 to 25 percent of women in college are victims of sexual assault or rape. The website also mentions that one in 22 men also experience sexual assault during their lifetime. According to the National Center for V ictims of Crimes website, 73 percent of victims are assaulted by someone they know. The National Center for V ictims of Crimes website states less than 39 percent of rape and assault cases are reported. If you or someone you know is a victim of sexual assault or rape, encourage that person to get help immediately. It is especially important to get in contact with the University Police or Oshkosh Police Department. UW Oshkosh has a number of services on campus to help victims through the aftermath of assaults. The Counseling Center is a free and confidential service for students and is available seven days a week. V ictims are also encouraged to go to the Student Health Center to be checked for STDs and other injuries. The Student Health Center is located in Radford and will see students immediately if desired. Whether or not a student has been a victim of sexual assault or rape, students can join CARE/ MenCARE. This campus organization is dedicated to raising awareness and preventing sexual assault. The University Police provide tips on how to prevent sexual assault. They include traveling in groups, walking in areas that are well-lit and staying alert to your surroundings. To view more tips to staying safe, visit the University Police website.


SUBMIT A LETTER TO THE EDITOR: All letters must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Tuesdays. Readers can submit letters via email, mail or in person. Email letters to our University account, atitan@uwosh. edu. This is the preferred

method. Deliver letters in person to the A-T office in Reeve Union, room 19. Mail letters to: The Advance-Titan, Reeve Union Room 19, 800 Algoma Blvd., Oshkosh, WI 54901



The Advance-Titan welcomes and reads all letters. Timely, well-written, provocative opinions on topics of interest at UW Oshkosh are given first preference.

All letters are subject to editing; not all letters can be published. Letters of length exceeding 300 words may be edited at the discretion of the Advance-Titan staff. Name, position, address and daytime phone are required, even in email submissions (only name,

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We cannot acknowledge receipt of all submissions. If your letter is chosen for publication, we will attempt to contact you for verification via email or phone. For more information, email us at atitan@uwosh. edu, call (920) 424-3048 or visit our website.



A-T Staff - Campus Connections Editor

April 28, 2016

UWO Theater Department showcases musical by Kellie Wambold The UW Oshkosh theater department is concluding its season with the musical comedy “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee,” a musical that follows six young spellers deal with winning, losing and puberty. Written and composed in 2005 by Rachel Sheinkin and William Finn, director Bryan V andevender said unlike other shows done by the theatre department this year, “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” is a show aimed at entertaining its audience, rather than asking philosophical questions. “Y ou might call it a palette-cleanser,” V andevender said. “Y ou might call it a chance to breathe after examining some heavy issues and serious themes.” Parker Sweeney, who plays speller Leaf Coneybear, said the show is what most people expect from a musical. “It’s a musical that you don’t have to think too much about,” Sweeney said. “It’s an over-the-top spectacle. Josh Decker, who plays speller Chip Tolentino, said this show is also unique because it breaks the fourth wall, using volunteer spellers and audience interaction. “I also personally get to walk through and give candy to the audience,” Decker said. Griffyn Albers, who plays speller Logainne SchwartzandGrubenierre, said the audience participation adds a level of surprise for the both the audience and actors. “It’s never what you’re going to expect, which is the fun part,” Albers said. V andevender also said the show follows several storylines for the audience to connect with. “There is no one character that is more important than another,” V andevender said. “The multiplicity of stories creates a multidimensional evening of storytelling for the audience.”

Albers added that the show will remind the audience of their youth, even though the spellers do swear and talk about erections more than the average elementary schoolers. “It’s nostalgic because we’re a bunch of college [students] who have been given permission to act like kids again,” Albers said. The way this show fits in with the rest of UWO’s theater season, V andevender said, is by examining how a community is formed. “It’s not one the characters right away know is going to form because they are all there for individual purposes, but by going through this competition they make ties; they make friendships or more adversely relationships,” V andevender said. “They share this common experience that bonds them.” V andevender said the substance of the show comes from the unique ensemble of quirky characters. “For the most part the spellers are people who consider themselves outsiders, who feel like they don’t belong, and they all come to a place in which their uniqueness is celebrated,” V andevender said. “They all go through a process where they learn about themselves and what it means to have something that makes you special.” Sara Neumann, who plays speller Olive Ostrovsky, said the show contains a timeless message that can always use repeating. “Besides the fun aspect of the show, ‘Spelling Bee’ also has a really good message about winning and losing at the heart of it all, which I think is a good message for people to experience,” Neumann said. Neumann added that the show has pushed the cast harder physically than most other shows done at UWO. “It’s a very energetic show and you have to bring everything you’ve got to every scene and song otherwise it won’t be as successful,” Neumann said. Decker said he feels the show will be a success based on how the cast is still reacting to the show.


Cast members of ‘The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee’ performed a dress rehearsal for their April 28 to May 1 show at the Fredric March Theatre. The box office opens one hour before the start of the show.

“I still have to hold back laughter and I see it every night,” Decker said. Sweeney added that he is certain the UWO theater department has a great show ready for its students. “If I’m having fun at rehearsal I know people will have fun seeing

it,” Sweeney said. “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” runs from April 28 to April 30 at 7:30 p.m. and May 1 at 2:00 p.m. at the Fredric March Theatre. Students tickets are $ 5 and the box office open ones hour before the show start.


Top row, left to right: Morgan Van Lanen, Austin Walther, Nyreesha Williams-Torrence, Erik Buchinger. Middle: Garrett Wright, Kurt Ness, Megan Esau, Alison Herrmann. Bottom: Katie Hanson, Jessica Zemlicka, Katie Knox, Jessica Johnson. Not pictured: Shayna Beining.

Thank you!

We would like to extend our deepest gratitudes to our advertisers and our readers for a great spring semester! It’s been a fantastic year and we look forward to many more years. If you missed out on any A-T action this semester, check us out online on Facebook, Twitter or our website! TheAdvanceTitan




A-T Staff - Campus Connections Editor

April 28, 2016

Honorary A-T staff member leaves position as ‘Couch Potato’ in May by Megan Esau


The A-T editorial staff attended the Wisconsin Newspaper Association conference in March for the first time since 2012.

News editor pens super cheesy farewell Alison Herrmann

by Alison Herrmann The past four years at UW Oshkosh have seemed to be some of the longest and quickest years of my life. To be honest, I never wanted to come to UWO; it was my back-up school. I pretty much resented Oshkosh the moment I moved into the dorms, but like all college students, I made friends in the dorms, passed my gen eds with mediocre colors and ate one too many buffalo chicken wraps. When I was a sophomore, I decided to join the copy desk at the Advance-Titan. While I was terrified to walk through the doors of that newsroom, I knew it was almost necessary for my career as a journalist to get experience. What I didn’t realize, when I was a scared sophomore, was that newsroom was about to become my safe haven. At the beginning of my senior year I became the assistant news editor, which was more terrifying than joining the copy desk. Suddenly I became partly responsible for a team of writers and an entire section. Not only was it overwhelming to become an editor but the fall 2015 semester was also overwhelming for the A-T in general. Some people at the University decided to go on a power trip and try to shut down the paper; little did they realize they don’t have that power. The A-T decided to have a fundraiser to pay back the deficit. The fundraiser ended up bringing the staff together more than we thought possible. When you feel as though everyone is against you, you can’t help but lean on others who are feeling the same way. Even though I was completely burnt out, I still wanted to be at the paper, but only because of the support from the staff and my friends. When I was sitting down trying to figure out what to write for my senior sendoff, the only thing that I wanted to do was write a thank you letter to everyone who helped me get through my senior year and college in general. So here it goes: Thank you to the editorial staff of the A-T. We have spent too many hours in the small hole-in-the-wall that we call a newsroom, but I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. To Katie Knox: Thank you for always being a shoulder to lean on and most importantly, introducing me to Grey’s Anatomy. Our friendship has grown so much since I started working at the A-T and I don’t regret one moment of it. To Jessica Z emlicka: Thank you for taking me under your wing when I was

the assistant news editor under you. Y ou have taught me so much. There is no way I would’ve known everything I know now when it comes to leadership, inDesign and organization without you. To Nyreesha Williams-Torrence: Thank you for the amount of laughs we have had, both in the newsroom and out. They are some of my fondest memories. Y ou may never admit it, but you are one of the smartest and kindest people I know. Y ou taught me to stand up for myself and to believe in myself. Y ou three girls have become some of the most important people in my life and I know each of you are going to go on to great and memorable things. To V ince Filak: Thank you for always believing in my abilities as not only a student, but an editor. I know there are people at this University who try to undermine you as a professor and an adviser, but you are truly one of the reasons I decided to stay at UWO. The passion you have for journalism and for your students shows and is appreciated by those who matter. To Dr. Gleason: Thank you for not only being a great professor but a fantastic chair of the department. Y ou have helped and advised me through some of the most difficult times in my college career. Y ou also reintroduced me to my love of photography, which I never realized I missed so much. To Jessica Johnson: Thank you for keeping the news section together this semester.

Y ou were there to pick up the pieces and run the show when I wasn’t able to. I know you are going to be an amazing editor in chief next semester and I can’t wait to see where it takes you. To Erica Kennedy: Thank you for listening to me complain and vent about my struggles at the A-T when you weren’t even a part of it. There is no possible way my time at college would have been as memorable if it wasn’t for you. Having you as a roommate was one of the best things that could’ve happened. Y ou are my best friend and I truly don’t know what I would do without you. To Morgan V an Lanen: Thank you for always being able to take the sass and give it back. If there is one thing I could change about our friendship is that I wish we‘d gotten to know each other sooner. Y ou are really one of the funniest people I know. Even though I’m graduating, I know I’ll see you around when you come and visit Francesca’s. To the rest of the A-T staff past and present: Thank you, thank you, and thank you. Y ou are and will forever be considered a family of mine. The amount of hardship we have had to endure together is more than most can take. While I wish we didn’t need to go through what we did, it only brought us closer together and I don’t regret any of that. Thank you to UWO for the memories, good and bad. I’ll always be a Titan.

While my name has not graced the pages of the Advance-Titan for almost a year now, I’d like to think the staff still considers me part of the family— or, at the very least, their family dog. I come down to the newsroom every Wednesday to hog the couch, eat my dinner and be given attention, and I serve as a great distraction to those who would like to avoid work. I can’t believe I just compared myself to a dog. In all seriousness, although I was pretty much useless 70 percent of the time, I hope during that other 30 percent of the time I was of some help to all you official staffers. Whether you were one of the people who asked me questions about AP Style or InDesign, or who asked for feedback on a story, you may have thought you were learning from me, but, really, I was learning from you. I was learning how to give constructive feedback and learning how to work as part of a team, and I believe these experiences have helped me to become a better journalist, even though I no longer officially work for the A-T. Due to my big kid internship at EAA, I was not able to commit enough time to the newspaper to stay on

staff during my senior year, but I am so thankful that you all continued to tolerate me and let me come visit every Wednesday. Being a part of the A-T family, from my days as a copy editor and writer to my days as an only-sometimes-helpful-and-productive couch potato, has been such a huge part of my college experience, and I will never forget the people I’ve met and the influence they’ve had on my life. I owe a big thanks to my parents for being patient (or pretending to be) whenever I would read my A-T stories to them over the phone and demand their honest opinions of my work. I also owe an even bigger thank you to V ince Filak for helping me recognize my potential and for encouraging me to join the staff. And for calling bullshit whenever I said I didn’t know how to write a story and telling me I should never hide my abilities just to fit in. And for helping me land an incredible internship at EAA (where I work with two awesome UWO journalism alumnae— shout out to Meghan and Katie) that will turn into a full time job after I graduate in two and a half short weeks. In the eloquent words of Napoleon Dynamite’s brother, Kip, “Peace out.”

“Erik the Legend” leaves lasting legacy at the A-T by Erik Buchinger

Ever since I joined the Advance-Titan as a sophomore in 2013, I have begged, pleaded and even cried a little bit for a story to run in this publication that was solely about me. For years, this idea has been shot down for reasons beyond even what I could understand, but now I have my chance, so sit back, relax and enjoy the magic that is – well… me. During middle school, the idea of being a sports writer was an intriguing job to me. The idea stemmed from episodes of one my favorite television shows Everybody Loves Raymond where Ray Romano’s character was a sports writer for New Y ork Newsday. Sports have always been a big part of my life. However, I am a much better watcher

of sports than I am player of ger in production. When I arrived at UW Oshsports. Trust me. I can watch sports way better than most kosh, I immediately declared people I know. I’m really myself a journalism major with a radio tv film minor. good at it. Like really good. The only sport I played in I’m not really sure why I high school was basketball, didn’t join the Advance-Titan and I took full advantage of right away, but it just took a the athletic ability I possess year to develop that perfect resume to with 11 caapply for the reer varsity points, inDuring my sophomore job. During cluding my year, I began as a sports my sophob r e a k o u t writer, and that’s when more year, game on Se- my legendary status really I began as a nior Night sports writin which I started to develop. er, and that’s went off for — Erik Buchinger when my five. AccordClass of 2016 legendary ing to one of status realmy sources, ly started to the statue of me in front of the school is develop. After a semester of still in the process of being writing, I was promoted to assistant sports editor. sculpted. A semester later, I moved When I wasn’t ballin’ out on the basketball court in up to sports editor. After that, high school, I was working my role transitioned to unon the next great issue of The paid social media intern as Bear Facts, our student news- well as my triumphant return paper, which is sadly no lon- to sports writing, taking over

the sports section with feature stories that were potentially too long and could be mistaken for novels. The Advance-Titan has helped me greatly in landing multiple sports writing positions with,,, BadgerOfHonor. com and the Green Bay Bullfrogs. This summer, I will return to the Northwoods League as a media relations assistant before looking for other fulltime work for the fall. While I have done a lot for the Advance-Titan, admittedly the Advance-Titan has done quite a bit for me. Without the Advance-Titan, I would not have had the experience I do now as I look to graduation in a few weeks. I tried desperately to fail a class or two to stay in school and remain eligible to continue my craft with the A-T, but it’s difficult to do when you’re as smart as me.


Erik Buchinger, sports writer, editor and unpaid social media intern, will graduate in May.



A-T Staff - Campus Connections Editor

April 28, 2016

Top T eets a out e once s emonade Across 1 “Dragnet” star Jack 5 Campus military prog. 9 Die-hard 13 Gillette razor 14 Bridal path flower piece 15 Hindu princess 16 Apply crudely, as paint 17 Samuel on the Supreme Court 18 To be, to Tiberius 19 “Fiddler on the Roof” song 22 “What a relief! ” 24 Continental trade gp. 25 Ritzy residence 26 Corned beef-andSwiss sandwich 28 Q uantities: Abbr. 30 ‘60s hallucinogen 31 Like businesses specializing in international trade 34 Second in command: Abbr. 35 Golfer’s concern 36 Convenience 40 Beatles hit that begins, “Y ou say yes, I say no” 45 Sci-fi saucer 48 Bears or Cubs 49 At the back of the pack 50 Poe’s “The Murders in the Rue _ _ ” 52 ATM access code 53 _ _ Moines 54 Like some government partnerships 58 Hipbone parts 59 “_ _ -ho! ” 60 European capital west of Helsinki 63 No longer working: Abbr. 64 Forgetting to carry the

one, say 65 In the sack 66 Scots Gaelic 67 Sheep fat 68 Unit of force Down 1 Fistful of bills 2 Approx. landing hour 3 Q uick reviews, as before a test 4 Hindu title of respect 5 Archaeologist’s find 6 Big name in elevators 7 London gallery 8 In the vicinity of 9 “_ _ you clever! ” 10 Feudal servant

A p ril 9, 201 6 (1 0: 29 p .m.) Officers responded to a reported broken sidewalk light pole between Reeve Memorial Union and Horizon V illage. The light pole is property of UW Oshkosh Facilities Management. A witness identified a male intentionally damaged the pole. The male perpetrator has not been identified. The case has been closed until further information is recieved to identify the perpetrator. A p ril 1 6 , 201 6 (9: 24 a.m.) Officers responded to Donner Hall to investigate an odor of marijuana coming from a room. Police identified a strong odor and made contact with two residents, a 25-year-old male UW Oshkosh student and a 20-year-old male UWO student. The 20-year-old was warned for underage drinking. The 25-year-old male was placed on a probation hold for a no drink violation and transported to the Winnebago County Jail. The two residents denied a room search and claimed to not know the source of the odor.

11 Enlarged map segments 12 Cut down on calories 14 PepsiCo, to Q uaker Oats, e.g. 20 _ _ -do-well 21 SALT I participant 22 Opera solo 23 Garment edges 27 This and that 28 Geometric given 29 V ideo file format 32 Jazzy Fitzgerald 33 Kennedy and Turner 37 Obeys, as rules 38 “Auld Lang _ _ ” 39 Brain scans, briefly 41 Small needle case

42 Freeloaders 43 Twist who asked for some more 44 Chaplin of “Game of Thrones” 45 Judge at home 46 More unpleasant 47 Planetary paths 51 Air freshener brand 52 Turn on one foot 55 Ecuador neighbor 56 In very short supply 57 Creek croaker 61 “Dancing With the Stars” judge Goodman 62 Keats’ “To Autumn,” e.g.

A p ril 1 7 , 201 6 (4: 26 a.m.) An officer investigated a complaint from the sixth-floor community adviser at North Scott Hall. The CA reported two intoxicated females tore down his paper CA sign from ourside his door. A 20-year-old female UW Oshkosh student was cited for Underage Consumption and Possession of Alcoholic Beverages and warned for V andalism. A second 20-year-old female UWO student was warned for Underage Consumption and Possession of Alcoholic Beverages. A p ril 1 9, 201 6 (5 : 39 p .m.) An officer responded to Webster Hall to investigate an marijuana odor coming from a room. The officer made contact with the room’s 19-year-old male resident, who admitted to smoking marijuana in his room. The student refused a room search but turned over a marijuana pipe. The male was referred to the Winnebago County Districy Attorney’s Office for misdemeanor Possession of Drug Paraphernailia.

Three things sexually responsible adults do By:Nyreesha Williams-Torrence 1. Have a conversation with your partner about their sexual history Have they practiced safe sex in the past? Gotten tested for sexually transmitted diseases? Have they been treated for an std in the past? This conversation may be difficult or even a little awkward to have, but it’s necessary. In all honesty, if you and your partner can’t have this discussion, you probably shouldn’t be having sex. 2. Protect yourself Using condoms for penetrative sex, both vaginal and anal, is a great way to avoid contracting an STD. 3. Get tested! Not all STDs are curable but there are treatment options for almost all of them. Going to the doctor for an std screening is the only way to be sure you’re healthy since some STDs, like chlamydia and gonorrhea can be asymptomatic and go unnoticed by the carrier. Additionally, someone who has a pre-existing STD is five times more likely to contract HIV.

Answers to last week’s puzzles




Austin Walther - Sports Editor Morgan Van Lanen - Assistant Sports Editor

April 28, 2016


Austin Laumb (left) and David Leffler (right) slap hands after winning a point on Saturday, April 23 against UW-La Crosse at Kolf Center Outdoor Courts. The Titans fell to the Warhawks 0-9.

Tennis pla ers re ect on their time at UW TENNIS FROM PAGE


have the funding available from donations, why not keep the program going? By working with the team to teach them how to budget and plan instead of giving up, UWO could be known as an innovative university and could sustain this offering for many years to come.” According to sophomore Jordan Anderson, he and his teammates were given no suggestions or recommendations from administration on steps of how to keep the program running. “My first reaction after I heard that we were being cut was, ‘What can we do? ’ and ‘How can we prevent it? ’,” Anderson said. “[The administration] really has given us no option. Y ou would think that they would want to do everything they can to help prevent it, same as we do. But it seems like they’re doing everything they can to make sure that it stays cut, which is pretty backwards, in my opinion.” Self-fundraising has been out-of-the-question since the beginning, sophomore Logan Z astrow said. “[Administration] just [doesn’t] want to go back on their word,” Z astrow said. “There’s really no reason why we can’t fundraise for ourselves. There’s no downside to us bringing in more money.” While all of this off-thecourt drama could have gotten in the way of his players’ games and practices, Lewison said he is happy it did

not. The head coach said he is proud of the way his athletes have treated the situation. “There hasn’t been much drama at all which was surprising to me since I thought the guys might take out their frustration that the program was ending on me,” Lewison said. “We have worked a lot on mental game and taking one point at a time to avoid what I call the snowball of frustration.’” Overall, the Titans are 6-11 on the season. They are 5-4 at home, 0-3 away and 1-4 at neutral locations. Since they are conference-less, they do not have an overall conference record or a conference placing. Friday, April 22 and Saturday, April 23 marked the last games that would ever be played on their home courts. On the 22nd, the Titans fell to UW-Whitewater 0-9 and on the 23rd they lost to both UW-Eau Claire and UW-La Crosse 0-9. The men’s tennis team will play their in their final game as a UWO program on Saturday, April 30 at Concordia University WI . For player Billy O’Connell, cutting the team has been a nightmare, but he is extremely thankful for even getting the opportunity to compete at UWO. After transferring from UW-Whitewater this year to UWO for the tennis program, he is happy to get just one year to play. O’Connell, along with the majority of the team, will not be transferring to a different school to continue playing NCAA tennis. He and his teammates already have plans to live in a house together next year.


Players huddle after competing in their final home match. The Titans will travel to Concordia University on Saturday, April 30. “We are making a club team next year,” O’Connell said. “We are always still optimistic that they could still bring it [the tennis program] back next year or the year after. We are trying to do some self-funding through the team. We think that this is our best bet.” Michael effler, the fa-

ther of avid effler, said he wishes the 10 athletes the best of luck in their future endeavors. “The University has made its decision,” effler said. “It adversely affects a lot of young men. However, I want to believe the athletic director and the chancellor did not make the decision on a whim.

In life, we all have to learn to deal with adversity. Sometimes life does not seem fair, but we have to pick ourselves up and move on. I know these fine young athletes will demonstrate their strength of character, their commitment to UWO, and continue to achieve great things albeit off the court! ”

As for Lewison, he is still searching for what to do next. “I’ve been really privileged to be able to have a variety of interesting jobs,” ewison said. “I would love the opportunity to coach another collegiate tennis team, although this team is setting a very high bar, with how easy it is to work with them.”

SPORTS Kasper connects with Phoenix



Austin Walther - Sports Editor Morgan Van Lanen - Assistant Sports Editor

April 28, 2016

doctor take a look at her. They did blood work, and they knew right away that she had After more than a year of relapsed.” In October 2014, the cancer waiting to find out the identity of the recipient of his bone had come back. “It was really difficult,” marrow transplant, UW Oshkosh quarterback Brett Kasper Tammy said. “Physically for her, it was extremely diffihas found his match. The recipient was 0-year- cult, painful and hard. The old Phoenix Bridegroom from relapse was really hard on Chesterton, Indiana, who was her because she felt like she diagnosed with acute lympho- had already paid her dues and blastic leukemia and needed gone through this before, so the transplant to save her life. it’s confusing for a kid to have “The doctor told us that to go through something like her only chance of beating that again.” After determining that a this cancer after it had come back was a transplant, and a transplant was the only way successful transplant at that,” to save Phoenix’s life, the Phoenix’s mother Tammy doctors tested her sister, Diva, Bridegroom said. “So it was who was not a match. Approximately two months very scary.” In October 2011, when she after Phoenix’s relapse, the was years old, Phoenix un- family was notified that they derwent a five-day stretch in had identified a match. Following a successful which she experienced headaches on and off along with transplant surgery, Phoenix’s family had to wait one full occasional vomiting. “We took her to the doctor, year to find out the identity of and the doctors thought she the donor. A few weeks ago, Tammy had a sinus infection,” Tammy said. “Then she started learned asper was the dolooking like there was some- nor and reached out to him through thing much email. more wrong “It was a with her. Medically, her status is 100 She wasn’t percent cancer free, so she’s thank you for getting any doing as well as she possibly letter what he has better, so could at this moment. done for we ended up us,” Tammy taking her — Tammy Bridegroom to the ER at Mother of Phoenix said. “Shortly thereafthat point.” ter, he wrote Accordme back ing to Tamand sent me my, the doctors knew Phoenix was some photos and gave me hisnot responding normally. She tory of what his story was like was overly tired, looked de- and what the process was like hydrated and was vomiting for him.” The UWO football team regularly. “They knew they wanted partnered with Be the Match, to do some blood tests right which prides itself on manaway and give her some flu- aging the largest and most ids,” Tammy said. “As soon diverse bone marrow registry as the first blood tests came in the world according to its back, they knew right away website. Approximately 80 percent that she had leukemia.” Phoenix started experienc- of the football team voluning hemorrhages in her brain, teered to have their mouths and she was immediately air- swabbed during an on-campus lifted to Riley Children’s Hos- registry in the spring of 2014. “They say it’s like winning pital in Indianapolis where she was put on life support for the lottery to be a match, so when I first got on the registry 12 days. Due to the brain injuries, list, I didn’t really think anyPhoenix was unresponsive thing of it,” Kasper said. “But and lost her vision, Tammy at the same time, if you buy a lottery ticket, you still have a said. “She couldn’t see at all,” chance to win, so you’ve got Tammy said. “A couple to think if you do get matched months after that, she was with a recipient, you have to able to have the surgery done, be committed to it. I knew if and right after her surgery, she I was ever to get matched, I wouldn’t back down from it.” was able to see again.” After being notified in NoAfter going through nearly three years of recovery, which vember 0 4 that he was a poincluded chemotherapy and tential match, Kasper went in radiation, Phoenix concluded for more testing. A month later during finals week, he was treatment in June 2014. “She started complaining of told he was a perfect match headaches and started vom- for an -year-old girl. “When I actually got the iting again and had no appetite,” Tammy said. “She was call saying that they’re going under a doctor’s care fairly to go through with me, it was regularly at that point, so it really exciting,” Kasper said. All Kasper knew going into was kind of like just to be on the safe side, let’s have the procedure was that the recipiby Erik Buchinger

ent was an -year-old girl, and on Feb. 17, Kasper underwent surgery at UW Hospital in Madison. “I was a little bit nervous because I didn’t fully know what to expect,” Kasper said. “The only nerve racking thing for me was being put under, which sometimes can be a little scary, so I was a little nervous going in.” Approximately 10 months after surgery, asper was notified through his coordinator that the recipient was doing well, and Phoenix’s identity was revealed a few months after. “We haven’t met yet, but it’s looking really promising to actually meet because they’re really open about their story,” Kasper said. “They want to spread awareness of childhood cancers.” Kasper said he would like to have Phoenix and her family attend one of his football games at some point in the fall. “Ideally, I would meet with them once down there and then bring them up here for a game or two,” Kasper said. Tammy said she hopes stories like this will lead to more people to register. “My hope is that our story would inspire people to get on the national bone marrow registry, so they can be potential matches and life savers,” Tammy said. According to elli VanderWielen, the community engagement representative for Be the Match at the Community Blood Center, this story has already raised awareness with an increase in potential donors. “I can’t even begin to explain the impact that Brett has made on our organization in this community,” VanderWielen said. “He has inspired, and he has given hope, courage, purpose and meaning in life. His story is going to continue to encourage people for years and years to come.” UW Oshkosh held the first day of this year’s Be the Match drive on April 27 and students can still register on Thursday, April 28 from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. in Sage Hall or Reeve Memorial Union. “There’s about ,000 patients each year that search the registry, and it is our mission to make sure that everyone has a match, but unfortunately that doesn’t always happen,” V anderWielen said. “That’s why being in a college campus where there is diversity is really important because you’re more likely to match with someone within your own race and ethnicity.” VanderWielen said the support from the Oshkosh community made a big difference for Phoenix. “A little over a year ago, that girl was in a rough spot, but now she knows that Brett,


Phoenix was diagnosed with leukemia in 2011. Today she is 100 percent cancer free. his coach, an entire team and an entire community were really supporting her during that time, and at that point, she didn’t even know,” VanderWielen said. “Now over a year later, she knows how much support she has of some wonderful folks in a different community.” When Phoenix was first diagnosed in 2011, Tammy left her position as a local MCA administrator to become a stay-at-home mom to take care of Phoenix full time, which she still does today, while her husband John is a self-employed graphics designer. After missing the majority of her schooling so far, Phoenix is enrolled at Brummitt lementary School in Chesterton in third grade. “The hardest thing for her was having to be isolated and not being able to go to school and be with the other kids her age,” Tammy said. According to Tammy, Phoenix is healthy and doing well in her recovery. “She is doing great,” Tammy said. “Medically, her status is 100 percent cancer free, so she’s doing as well as she possibly could at this moment.”


Kasper underwent bone marrow surgery on Feb. 17, 2015.




Austin Walther - Sports Editor Morgan Van Lanen - Assistant Sports Editor

April 28, 2016

UWO Softball Aces 2015-16 pitching stats

Track and field competes at UW-Whitewater by Brady Van Deurzen

Clare Robbe

6-1 record

Sara Brunlieb •

12-4 record

55.1 IP

94.1 IP

2.53 ERA

1.11 ERA

35 Ks

60 Ks

Softball holds onto conference lead by Michael Johrendt The UW Oshkosh women’s softball team took on three opponents this week and came away with four wins in six games. Facing St. Norbert College at home and UW-Whitewater and Marian University in road contests, the Titans held down their conference lead. In their last home games of the season, the Titans took on St. Norbert College and came away with a sweep of the doubleheader. They held the Green Knights to three total runs over the two games, while scoring 13 of their own. Sophomore pitcher Clare Robbe had a complete game effort in the first game, allowing no earned runs while striking out three in a 4-1 win. Sophomore second baseman Elizabeth Fonk led the team with three RBIs, stemming from a two-RBI double and a sacrifice fly. Sophomore right fielder Brianna Witter had a perfect day at the plate, going threefor-three and scoring once. She said setting smaller goals throughout the season makes the overall goal easier to reach. “Our main goal is to win the WIAC conference,” Witter said. “We want to [win], but we aren’t shooting for a specific record. Instead, we are just taking it game by

game and making sure that we put all of our effort and focus into our next game. By focusing on smaller goals it will help us toward that bigger picture of winning the conference.” In the second game of the doubleheader, the Titans used an early offensive output, tallying four runs in the first three innings, to win 9-2. Eight Titans recorded hits in the contest, and six had RBIs. Freshman catcher Abby Menting went two-for-three with one RBI and two runs scored, and sophomore right fielder Caitlin Hoerning drove in four runs. Junior pitcher Sara Brunlieb scattered four hits and one run over five innings of one-run ball on her way to earning her 11th win of the season. Menting said with the grind of the schedule, the team is not afforded the time to prepare for every game, but if they concentrate on fundamentals they will be just fine. “We [do not] have time to prepare for all [the] games,” Menting said. “We have to continue to play our game and do the little things right. If we keep our minds right and stick to the fundamentals, we [will] be good to go. We can only control what we do, so that is what we focus on. We don’t necessarily worry about the other team, we just worry about us.” The doubleheader on Saturday pitted Oshkosh up

against UW-Whitewater, and the Warhawks handed the Titans their first two conference defeats, both by one run. The first game brought a walk-off win for Whitewater, as an RBI single in the bottom of the seventh inning proved to be the decider in a 3-2 defeat. Brunlieb went the distance, earning her fourth loss of the season, even while recording six strikeouts and only allowing two earned runs. Freshman Kaitlyn Krol hit a solo home run in the top of the seventh inning to tie the game at two. In the second contest, the Titans put up seven runs on 11 hits, including three long balls, but still fell 8-7. Sophomore third baseman Erika Berry, Hoerning, and Robbe all hit home runs for Oshkosh, with Hoerning and Berry both sending balls out of the stadium in a four-run seventh. Junior starting pitcher Paige Giese and Robbe only allowed three earned runs in the game, with Robbe striking out three Warhawks. Next up for Oshkosh was facing off against Marian University. The Titans only allowed one run through both games in winning the two-game series. Oshkosh put up 16 runs, including 11 in the five-inning mercy-rule second game. The first contest was much closer with a 5-0 Oshkosh win, as Brunlieb pitched her

way to her twelfth victory of the season. She threw a twohit shutout, striking out four. She said the team excels by simply being themselves and not losing character when in tough situations. “We just want to be ourselves when it comes to every game,” Brunlieb said. “We do not want to do too much. ABC softball is what our mentality has been this year. We know we have the talent so we just have to ‘play ourselves.’ The overall goal is to win the conference title to have the opportunity to host but we take it one game at a time.” The second game was an offensive showing for the Titans, as they posted seven runs alone in the second inning in an 11-1 victory. Menting had a home run and led the team with five runs batted in, and Witter, Giese, senior centerfielder Hayden Krueger and senior shortstop Haley Bayreuther all earned RBIs in the win. Robbe closed out the doubleheader with a complete-game gem, striking out two batters while allowing only one run on three hits. She faced only 19 Sabres, and only threw 54 pitches. The Titans close out their season with two scheduled away doubleheaders against UW-Eau Claire and University of St. Thomas (Minn.), with a rescheduled two games against UW-Platteville eventually being put back on the schedule.

The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh men’s and women’s track and field teams took a trip down to UW-Whitewater on Friday, April 22 to take part in the Phil Esten’s Track Challenge. Both the men’s and women’s teams finished in the top four, with the men finishing second place with a team score of 144 and the women finishing in fourth place with a score of 90.5. The men’s team consistently finished in the top three places, however, they fell short of the UW-La Crosse, which scored 206 total points. Senior Jordan Carpenter was one of the participants who finished first in his event. Carpenter ran the steeplechase and finished with a time of 9:05.31. With Carpenter’s time in the steeplechase, he said he will most likely qualify for nationals. Carpenter said he believes the rest of his team should also be focused on reaching the national circuit. “Obviously, with the talent we have on the team, we will do well at most of the meets we bring a full team to, but the goal of the meets before conference is to get as many people qualified for the conference and national meets as possible,” Carpenter said. Carpenter said he believes he will be participating at nationals due to the time he achieved in his event, but he still believes he can make improvements. “The race wasn’t perfect and there are areas that I need to work on as I look towards the national meet, most notably would be my water jumps,” Carpenter said. “I hope to break the 9-minute barrier for the first time in my career this coming weekend.” While Carpenter took first place in his event, Coach Ben Dorsey said he thought that the meet went well all tgether and many other participants performed well. “It was a great overall meet

with great weather,” Dorsey said. “Wal Khat and Roberto Lara ran awesome in the 1500 meter. The women’s 4x100 broke the school record. Taylor Sherry opened up nicely in the 100 meter hurdles.” Just like the men’s team, the women’s team also had first place finishers. Senior Taylor Sherry was just one of these participants who finished atop the leaderboards. Sherry took first place in the 100 meter hurdles with a time of 14.37. She also finished eighth in the 400 meter hurdles with a time of 1:05.38. Sherry has dealt with injuries, preventing her participation in events earlier in the season. Due to this, Sherry said she did not know how well she would perform. “ ast riday was my first outdoor meet and I was very happy with my opening times,” Sherry said. “I had great practices leading up to the meet so I had high expectations in the 100 meter hurdles and I was very satisfied in my performance as well as almost tying my lifetime personal record, and ultimately, qualifying for nationals.” Sherry ran in the 400 meter hurdles for the first time in her career as well. She said she was looking forward to the experiences that were to come in her new event. Sherry also went on to add she believes her team is in a good position for moving forward. Sherry said her team needs to take things week by week. “Everyone did a great job embracing the competition and using it to our advantage,” Sherry said. “This week’s focus is to continue to get more people qualified for the conference meet.” The women’s team missed out on a top three finish by falling short to UW- Stout by eight points, (98.5-90.5). Both track teams will travel to the Drake Relays in Des Moines, Iowa and the Gina Relays in Hillsdale, Michigan from April 28 through the 30.


SPORTS Advance-Titan

Austin Walther - Sports Editor Morgan Van Lanen - Assistant Sports Editor

April 28, 2016

Titans split series with Warhawks by Nathan Proell

The UW Oshkosh baseball team improved its record to 13-15-1 after splitting a four game series with UW-Whitewater on April 23 and 24 and a win on April 26 against Concordia University. On April 23 the Titans started a four game weekend series that ended in two wins and two losses. The Warhawks are 2nd in the Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Conference with a conference record of 8-4 and an overall record of 20-6. Pitcher Jesse Sustachek said the Warhawks are one of the best teams in the nation and the team is pleased with being able to compete with such a quality opponent. “We’re all feeling really good with how we played 3 out of 4 games,” Sustachek said. “Once again we found out that we can play with the best teams and that raises our confidence a lot.” The Titans lost game one by a score of 7-1. The game featured a double by catcher Taylor Grimm and a solo homerun from second baseman Noah Polcyn, which came in the third frame and was the Titans only score of the game. In game two the Titans won by a score of 8-4 in a game that featured doubles from outfielder Robbie leman and third baseman Tyler o lowski. At the end of the fifth inning the Warhawks led 2-1. The Titans took the lead in

the sixth frame after scoring four runs. First baseman Andy Brahier had an RBI and leman had a double which brought in two runs. The Titans scored two more runs in the seventh and one in the ninth to bring the final score to -4. On April 24 the Titans again split the double header with the Warhawks. In game one on Sunday the Titans won by a score of 9-4. At the end of the fifth inning the Warhawks had the lead 4-0. It wasn’t until the sixth frame when the Titans started scoring and kept Whitewater from getting on the board for the rest of the game. A three run homer from leman in the sixth frame brought the score to 4-3. In the next inning a triple from outfielder Trent Whitcomb brought in three runs to make the score 4-6. In the ninth frame two RBI’s from Whitcomb and outfielder Johnny agan brought in two more runs. It was later in the inning that agan scored on a passed ball that brought the final score to 9-4. The second game on Sunday was the lowest scoring game of the weekend as Whitewater won 1-0. The only score of the game came from an RBI double by Warhawks designated hitter Steve Chamberlain in the first inning. Despite being pleased wit.h being able to win two games against the nationally ranked Warhawks, Grimm said the


Lucas Gregory throws a pitch against UW-Whitwater. The Titans and the Warhawks each took two games on April 23 and 24. team is almost at that level and needs to learn to bring in runs when it really counts. “It’s coming up with that one big play each game,” Grimm said. Head coach evin Tomasiewic said he is feeling much better about this week-

end after a tough weekend before in La Crosse where the Titans lost all four of their games. “I feel pretty good about it, especially after our weekend in a Crosse,” Tomasiewic said. “I thought we came back and played pretty well

against a pretty good Whitewater team.” On April 26, the Titans beat Concordia by a score of 2-1. The Titans’ two scores came in the second and third innings. In the second inning leman hit a solo homerun and

in the third, an RBI from shortstop Sam Schwenn gave the Titans a final score of - . The Titans have a four game series against UW-Stevens Point, who is 16-14 overall and third in the WIAC with a conference record of 7-5, on April 30 through May 1.

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