The Advance-Titan 4/13/2017

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April 13, 2017





Residence Life Director retires after 35 years

Special Olympics comes to UWO for the 41st consecutive year by Aaron Tomski Special Olympic athletes competed in the 41st-annual state indoor sports tournament at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Kolf Sports Center on Saturday and Sunday. Gruenhagen Conference Center Director Marc Nylen said he has been working with the Special Olympics Program for 13 years. He said the event hosts groups of Special Olympic athletes from most of the Wisconsin counties who come to UWO to compete in the basketball tournament. “It is the single longest conference history that we have hosted so I have really enjoyed working with it for the many years that I have,” Nylen said. Josh Semrow, age 25 from Portage Wisconsin, said this is his 6 th season playing on the basketball team and he loves to come to UWO because of the positive environment. “I like the way that we can all come play basketball together and come up and have a good time and have fun,” Semrow said. Nylen said there are a lot of important elements that go into the weekend’s tournament, such as the ROTC program helping with setup and student delegations from across the UW Colleges. “The athletes lodge here in Gruenhagen, and they get the

opportunity to dine all weekend on campus in Blackhawk along with the rental of some facilities,” Nylen said. “So, I think it is important for the town and gown as well to know we are hosting events like these.” Nylen said there are a hundred to a hundred fifty people who serve as volunteers, and that is really important for the Special Olympics. “People travel from La Crosse. [ Also] , doctors from Milwaukee and Madison to help volunteer,” Nylen said. “When you volunteer, you want to know that your time was well spent helping.” UWO alumni volunteer Josh Calhoon said he decided to help out at the event through a service program at Concordia University as a part of the community outreach. “It is a very positive environment, nice to see the athletes play together, and see them interact and compete,” Calhoon said. “If they didn’t have programs like this, they would feel left out. It is a very good way to have them be involved.” Nylen said it is a competitive tournament and the teams don’t want to lose but all of it is in good spirit. “It is special for our students and equally if not more for those special athletes,” Nylen said. “But you can tell they want to perform well, and they want to win.”


TOP: The Door County players defend and block their opponent from shooting a basket on Saturday. ABOVE: A Door County basketball player dribbles the basketball in the 41st annual Special Olympics at UWO.


by Alex Nemec Director of Residence Life Tom F ojtik has taken the University’s retirement package offer and will be retiring on Aug. 1 after 35 years of service at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. F ojtik said he started working at UWO when he was 23 years old and, in a professional sense, has grown up here. F ojtik said he was eligible the last time the campus offered retirement packages but thought it was too soon. “I just thought the timing might be right [ now] ,” F ojtik said. “We have a newly renovated building opening this upcoming fall and I really wanted to see that through and when I leave it won’t be quite done, but close. It just seemed liked the right time.” F ojtik said he wouldn’t call his leaving a retirement, but rather more of a sabbatical because he plans on working in the future. “I’m 58 years old and I’m being given the gift of time,” F ojtik said. “Imagine, even for yourself, six months off. That is a gift and that’s the way I’m looking at it.” According to F ojtik, his biggest accomplishment here at UWO was including people in his work and seeing his staff grow professionally in front of him. “I’m very eager to give them real responsibilities and I think that that’s really been for me, as a leader, a theme for me,” F ojtik said. “I’m really proud of the impact I’ve had as a supervisor that way.” Assistant Residence Life Director E lizabeth Morrell said F ojtik’s legacy is his ability to change and enhance student’s experience in the dorms. “Tom’s legacy is, without question, the quality and impact of the residential experience for students at UWO,” Morrell said. “He has been essential in advocating for the facilities, programs, staff and opportunities that allow students to have a transformative experience in the residence halls.” United Students in Residence Halls President Shania Williams said F ojtik is the ideal director for residence life. “His work ethic is incomparable to anyone I have ever met,” Williams said. “Tom is someone who exceedingly meets all of the characteristics. He doesn’t have to, but he comes to every USRH assem-

bly meeting and if for some reason he can’t make it he lets us know ahead of time. That is not something you would see a lot of Directors of Residence Life doing.” F ojtik said he has a lot of memories at UWO, but how nice people were around campus stood out to him. “The one thing that really strikes me, when I came here for a job interview 35 years ago, was the basic niceness of the people, particularly the students,” F ojtik said. Assistant Director of Residence Life Lori Develice Collins said she had the opportunity to work with F ojtik as an undergraduate community advisor. “At that time, Tom was an Assistant Director of Residence Life, working with leadership initiatives and residence life programming,” Collins said. “Some of the things hall staff and hall leaders most appreciate about Tom now are the same things I admired in him over 20 years ago, and still do today: empowerment, encouragement and approachability.” F ojtik said there is an immediate jolt to the campus when upper level faculty leave, but the campus will overcome it. “The fact is, we should all be building redundancies into our work,” F ojtik said. “F or example, virtually everything I do, I have someone in this office that can do it also. o those kind of redundancies exist so that makes the transition easier.” Morrell said her favorite memory of F ojtik is his role during move-in days in the fall. “The energy he brings to welcoming our students to cam us during this first Homecoming is infectious and the reason so many volunteers request to ‘be wherever Tom is,’” Morrell said. F ojtik said his youngest is going off to college in August so he is going to welcome that. “The month of August I’m going to not come to work,” F ojtik said. “I’m not going to go to any meetings. August and September, I’m really going to focus on the house and the garden and getting the kids off the college and really embracing that.” F ojtik said the short term plan is to stay at home and train their new puppy. “ ’m going to enjoy the first couple months for sure,” F ojtik said.

Jesse McCartney chosen as Bye Gosh Fest performer by Natasha Zwijacz Jesse McCartney is set to headline UW Oshkosh’s annual Bye Gosh F est on May 4, 2017 at 3: 30 p.m. in the Kolf parking lot. Clara Hewins, an elementary education major, said Bye Gosh F est is a good way to finish the school year. “It’s a fun event because it’s the end of the year, so you’re like ‘woo I’m done and I’m here to have fun while listening to good music,’” Hewins said. Months of preparation and planning from Reeve Union Board, which not many students see, go into Bye Gosh F est according to Rachael Horkmann, RUB concerts and comedy chair. Dylan Bram, program advisor for RUB and late night programs, said the process starts in October when the middle agent sends a list of more than 100 artists. The middle agent is the person

who works between RUB and artist agents, according to Bram. The concerts and comedy chair narrows that list down, gives it to the RUB committee who narrows it down more and then it gets sent out to the campus for voting, Bram said. “ e get the to three or four, fill out a piece of paper [ then] goes to our middle agent to let him know who we’re gunning for,” Bram said. UWO students had chosen Machine Gun Kelly as their No. 1 choice, but administration had some concerns over the messages the artist sends and how that would work against the campus’ goal. They asked if RUB wanted to support something like that artist knowing it could be offensive to people on campus, Bram said. “RUB was willing to support him because they are trying to support the campus vote,” Bram said. “[ RUB wanted to] give them what they it’s part of their allo-

cated money, we want to give them what they have paid for.” Horkmann said she made the offer to Machine Gun Kelly because he was available and in her price range, but administration came back asking for a letter saying why RUB would be standing behind the decision. “I brought up how we’ve had artists who are similar in the past, and no one’s complained that I’ve ever heard of,” Horkmann said. “They had said it was an outdoor show so people that weren’t even at the show would be able to hear the profanity, that it would offend people, and I’m like, ‘this is a college campus.’” Horkmann said she submitted the letter and even told administration that Machine Gun Kelly would do a PG show, but administration said they wanted to see all the edited lyrics before approving or RUB could find an indoor venue and do an un-



Katelyn Lipson, Brooke Lemkuil and Cortney Kallenberger play bingo during the Bye Gosh Fest announcement party on Thursday in the Titan Underground.




Alex Nemec - News Editor Laura Dickinson - Assistant News Editor

April 13, 2017

Hintz talks about UW future

by Collin Goeman Rep. Gordon Hintz discussed his political history and current work with the state assembly with graduate students in Sage Hall on Monday as part of the Graduate Student Association speaker series. Graduate student and GSA member Danica Kulibert said hearing a local government figure like Hintz talk about today’s issues is valuable due to the nature of many UWO graduate programs. “As part of GSA we met to discuss what kind of speaker would be good to bring on campus, and due to the current political climate we thought someone in local government would really draw more people in,” Kulibert said. Graduate student Aaron Bagley said listening to someone like Hintz, who is so active in our government and our university system, was a great opportunity. “Hintz is a local figure, and a very prominent one,” Bagley said. “He’s our voice in the government, he represents us, and it was an honor to come here and listen to him speak.” Hintz talked about his path to becoming the 54th district representative, as well as what he does as part of the joint finance committee which EMILY FREDRICK/ADVANCE-TITAN he has served on for the past two Rep. Gordon Hintz discusses the top issues that he focuses on, years. which include transportation, K-12 funding and the UW system.

“The biggest thing that we do every two years is the state budget,” Hintz said. “It’s a pretty incredible experience because you get to see everything that state government does.” Hintz said the biggest portions of the budget he works on include education, medicaid, corrections, the UW System and transportation. Hintz said one of the most important issues he has dealt with recently is the transportation budget. “When you live in an area like ours that produces a lot of goods, you need to have a strong infrastructure system,” Hintz said. Hintz said the gas tax is usually used to cover these expenses but has been too low recently due to a tax freeze, as well as fuel efficiency, inflation and rising construction costs. “Governor Walker has been committed to not raising taxes, but the cost of that has been that we have to do a lot of borrowing,” Hintz said. Hintz said this borrowing has led to projects all across the UW System, such as the second part of the Clow renovation, to be delayed due to lack of funds. “Projects like Clow aren’t getting funded because we’re spending those funds on things like highways,” Hintz said. Hintz said when he was a part of the state building commission, it was important for him to see UWO

building projects completed and continue to improve. “My goal early was to help Oshkosh, including this University,” Hintz said. Hintz said it is difficult for government to function in the modern era due to the diversification of opinion among citizens. “Two of the big challenges to my job, and democracy in general, are definitely the communication and the divide,” Hintz said. “I’ll knock on 20 different doors and they’ll have nothing in common, I’ll say, ‘What’s on your mind?’ and they’ll give me 20 different things.” Hintz said being active in politics is key to making a difference, but he sees fewer citizens participating. “If you ask me, the biggest thing that’s changed since I started has been the waning engagement,” Hintz said. “I’m contacted way less than I was when I started.” Hintz said engagement is an extremely important part of our political system, due to its effect on local communities. “You can hate politics and say it doesn’t matter, but your profession or community is probably impacted or affected in some way,” Hintz said. “I’ve always been somebody that tries to reach people and tell them to find a way to make it relevant because democracy requires engagement.”

Students can Be The Match

by Kierra Carr Be The Match, a organization dedicated to helping people who have bone marrow disorders, will hold a registration drive at Reeve Union concourse next week for students who want to donate. The registration will be Tuesday, April 18 and Wednesday, April 19 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sydney Langmann, president of the Be The Match Club of UWO, said they help individuals that have any blood, bone marrow or immune systems disorders. Langmann said some of these disorders can come in a variety of form such as leukemia, lymphoma and aplastic anemia. Senior Brandon Ruder said he never knew about this drive, but after learning about how much of an impact it has on people in need of the marrow, he thinks everyone should register. “I would sign up because there could be a chance for me to change someone’s life tremendously and that would be the best gift in the world,” Ruder said. Langmann said when people join the Be The Match Registry, they will

hopefully be the match of your arm through a to someone who needs a needle,” Langmann said. Unlike donating blood, bone marrow donation. “Donating bone mar- the red blood cells and row involves matching other cells not necessary a donor’s tissue type to for the bone marrow rea patient’s tissue type,” cipient will be returned to the body Langmann Langmann said. Langmann said the do- said. Langman said the other nor will have the inside of their cheeks swabbed type of donation is bone with a cotton swab gath- marrow donation, which er cheek cells, in order is a surgical procedure to will be tissue-typed. that involves anesthesia. Once the person is unWhich won’t need to donate until there’s a match. der the anesthesia, the surgeon Langwill inm a n n Younger donors produce sert a said there are two higher-quality cells that will n e e d l e t y p e s provide the best possible out- into your pelvic of do- come for the patient. bone to nations, — Sydney Langmann d r a w one of President of Be the Match out bone which is Club m a r r o w, peripherL a n g al blood m a n n stem cell donation where they col- said. “This procedure mainlect cells for transplant. “With PBSC, you go ly occurs if the person through a process called needing the bone marrow apheresis,” Langmann is an infant or child, or said. “A needle will be there is an emergency sitplaced in your arm and uation,” Langmann said. Langmann said periphblood will be passed through a blood cell sep- eral blood stem cell donation may involve pain arator machine.” Langmann said the when the needle is placed machine collects PBSCs, in your arm, unlike marplatelets and white blood row donation which is cells, and the rest of the done under anesthesia, so blood is returned to your there is no pain. After the marrow donabody. “This process is very tion, a common side efsimilar to donating blood, fect is feeling like you’ve as blood will be taken out slipped on ice which

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causes muscle soreness or pain, Langmann said. “People are not paid to donate bone marrow,” Langmann said. “If you are chosen to donate, costs for transportation, medical care, or any other expenses are covered.” According to Langmann, people between the ages of 18 and 44 are the most requested donors. “Younger donors produce higher-quality cells that will provide the best possible outcome for the patient,” Langmann said. Langmann said most college students fit into this category and are able to make a huge difference in someone’s life. Langmann said a wonderful example of this is UWO’s football quarterback Brett Kasper and his donation story to now 11-year-old Phoenix Bridegroom. “Not only will a bone marrow donation give a patient newfound hope,” Langmann said. “It also has the ability to positively impact the community as well.” Langmann said if any student would like more information on joining the club or joining the registry, they should contact Be The Match Club at BeTheMatch@uwosh. edu.

SOCIAL MEDIA Austin Walther

STAFF ////////////////////


Wisconsin, said he really enjoys playing basketball. “I just like playing with my teammates, and just playing basketball is UWO Basketball Head Coach Pat fun,” Lenon said. “It is a good place to Juckem said the UWO basketball team play.” was asked to participate in the Special Nylen said the UWO campus is very Olympics State Tourwelcoming, and the nament two years ago athletes look forward and they were given a They really enjoy being like to coming back year proposal to play a game anyone else, and anything they after year. with the athletes. can do that makes them feel like “It feels like they “We are always look- anyone else, [it’s a] confidence are coming home ing for ways to engage boost for them. again,” Nylen said. and give back to our “It gives the athletes campus,” Juckem said. — Pat Juckem a sense of ownership “It went really well, and Special Olympic Coach of the campus.” our guys got into it.” Juckem said overNylen said there is all, it is a festive enan age range on these vironment watching how the athletes teams, for instance there could be an interact and how competitive the teams 18-year-old male who is participating were and the love of the game showed on the same team as a 40- year-old fe- through. male. “It was a seamless event,” Juckem “I like how you can see athletes and said. “They really enjoy being like coaches interact with each other,” Nyl- anyone else, and anything they can do en said. “It is the spirit of competition.” that makes them feel like anyone else, Steve Lenon, 31, from Waupaca, [it’s a] confidence boost for them.”

Advance-Titan Staff and Awards

Emily Fredrick, editor Alicia Kahl, asst. editor


A Door County athlete passes the ball to a teammate during the 41st Annual Special Olympic games held at Kolf Sports Center.

COPY EDITORS Moira Danielson Elly Durand Trevor Hurst Ashley Larson Bailey McClellan Frankie Rabas Kylie Sweere Natasha Zwijacz CAMPUS CONNECTIONS SHOW

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Lauren Freund Kellie Wambold

National College Conference, 2010






Jordan Fremstad Nathan Proell Calvin Skalet

AWARDS //////////////


National College Media Conference, 2012 Best all-around non-daily student newspaper (Region 6) Society of Professional Journalists, 2001 Member Associated Collegiate Press.

Alex Nemec, editor Laura Dickinson, asst. editor






AD MANAGER Haley Lentz




ASSOCIATION COLLEGE NEWSPAPER CONTEST 1st Place General Excellence Winner 2012, 2011

Website Large School--over 10,000 students. National College Media Convention, 2016.



POLICY ///////////////////

Nicole Horner, editor

CAMPUS CONNECTIONS Alyssa Grove, editor


Morgan Van Lanen, editor Mike Johrendt, asst. editor


Kurt Ness

COPY CHIEF Garrett Wright

Kurt Ness

Vince Filak

Katherine Baird Ryan Deloge Janice Lee Jacob Lynch Elizabeth Pletzer Olivia Schilcher Zachary Tazalla Aaron Tomski

Jason Wright

Constance Bougie

Kierra Carr Moira Danielson Collin Goeman Aaron Tomski Katherine Baird Mariah Heyden Hailey Lawrence Elizabeth Pletzer


2005, 2002, 1991, 1981, 1973

Best of the Midwest Conference, 2004



The UW Oshkosh Advance-Titan is written and edited by students at UW Oshkosh who are solely responsible for its content and editorial policy.

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NEWS Throwing pies for Make-A-Wish Advance-Titan


Alex Nemec - News Editor Laura Dickinson - Assistant News Editor

April 13, 2017

Top Left: UW Oshkosh Police Lieutenant Trent Martin gets a pie thrown at his face during the 2nd Annual Pie In The F ace fundraiser where pies were $5 for 1 pies or $10 for 3 pies. Top Right: Reeve Union Board Program Advisor Dylan Bram wipes whipped cream from his eyes and hair. Bottom Right: Tri Sigma sorority members Morgan Sternad ( left) , Alex Thompson ( middle) and Cassidy Wichman pose for a photo after Sternad and Wichman unexpectedly splash Thompson with whipped cream. Bottom Left: Despite the slippery conditions, Morgan Sternad laughs as Cassidy Wichman helps her up. Photos by Alicia Kahl




Alex Nemec - News Editor Laura Dickinson - Assistant News Editor

April 13, 2017

Students experience solitary confinement by Laura Dickinson A demonstration of solitary confinement was on dis lay in the Reeve Memorial Union oncourse to hel demonstrate social injustices in our justice system on ednesday as art of Social Justice Week at UW Oshkosh. olitary confinement is the isolation of a risoner in a se arate cell, away from other risoners, as a unishment. social work major Amanda V ue said the reason the dis lay is being demonstrated for Social Justice Week is so eo le can learn and see the roblems with solitary confinement first-hand. “ e are trying to bring to light on how our system treats and handles inmates and criminals,” ue said. “ olitary confinement causes a lot of mental issues for inmates and is being used on inmates who already have mental issues worsening these condi-

tions. hey s end hours a day international standards, the Unitin these confined areas.” ed States is very loose on their V ue said the most common standards on what is and isn’t reasons eo le are ut into sol- considered torture.” itary confinement is because so homore rett ileither they are violating rison son went into the solitary conregulations or they are a high finement model and said he was risk inmate. only in there for a few minutes “ he conce t behind solitary before he wanted to get out. confinement is to have inmates “ think that solitary confinethink about ment is inhuwhat they have mane,” Wilson done wrong Once they are released out said. “It’s very with no dis- of the system, they will have small in there tractions,” V ue a harder time adjusting back and sterile and said. and most likely will end u if I had to stay V ue said the back in the system in there for United States hours on end, I is one of the — Amanda Vue know would few democratUWO social work major go crazy.” ic countries Social Justhat still ractice Week voltices solitary unteer ngie confinement in their criminal Z emke said this system affects justice system. everyone in Wisconsin and ac“ irst of all, it is a very e en- tion to reform solitary confinesive ractice and most countries ment goes ast just inhumane don’t even use this ractice,” treatment of inmates. ue said. “ ther countries view “ ome eo le have a hard this as torture and com ared to time sym athizing with the in-

mates, so what we tell eo le who don’t think this should be reformed is that this treatment is coming out of your ta dollars and other alternative ways of handling inmates would actually be less e ensive,” emke said. V ue said the solitary confinement system is setting u inmates to return back into the system. “Once they are released out of the system, they will have a harder time adjusting back and most likely will end u back in the system,” V ue said. V ue said the United States needs to look into other alternatives and end the ractice of solitary confinement. “ think instead of utting inmates in this bo , they should be hel ing them and getting them counseling hel ,” ue said. “Hel ing them get mental hel and having them socialize and having them be more involved in the community are better alternatives than what is currently going on in our system.”


ABOVE: Fels creates art with reclaimed wood that have been described as atmospheric and unimaginable. BELOW: Fels’ exhibit will be up at the Allen Priebe Gallery for the public to experience until April 11th.

Artist, students create exhibit by Moira Danielson The UW Oshkosh Allen Priebe allery hosted the e hibit of erra ictoria othwell els, which gave students an o ortunity to work alongside the artist to create the e hibit. F els arrived on the UWO cam us around the end of arch to survey the gallery for her installation before constructing it. allery director ail enske said the e hibit is custom made for the llen riebe gallery and the materials are from recyclables. “ uring erra’s lecture she talked in detail about her revious work and how it led to the creation of the installation you see in the gallery,” enske said. “Her work is site s ecific, which means that it is created for the s ace - in this case the riebe allery. he iece only e ists during the run of the e hibition, then it will be destroyed at the end of the show. he ceiling tiles that makeu a large art of the installation are salvaged from the garbage, recycled into the artwork.”


enske said els’ revious work in ew ork is what hel ed ins ire the e hibit at UWO. “E arlier this year she created an installation in imes uare which became an influence for the wenty eventeen iece in the gallery,” enske said. “It included references to decay and melting architectural elements and was the first iece in what she described as a new direction in her work. he work is the artist’s res onse to the current olitical environment and the deterioration of culture and civil conversation. he talked about her dee concern about how we are treating each other in .” egan ragenbrink, resident of the riebe allery oard, said the board chose to bring els to cam us to switch u the kind of e hibit they normally have. “ s to why we to bring erra to cam us, the board felt the strong need to bring more diverse art forms and ractices into the gallery,” ragenbrink said. “We have recently had lenty of shows aintings,


edited show. fter the ballroom floor almost broke for the ike osner show in , eeve wasn’t an o tion, and they didn’t know where else to go, Horkmann said. “I think they eventually just caved,” Horkmann said. “ hich was good since lbee is a gym and we’re lucky enough to even have the homecoming comedian in there.” fter waiting for administration to sign the forms, finally made an

drawings, rinting but an obvious lack of work. e felt as though erra would bring a valuable e erience to cam us with her use of uni ue mi ed medias and site s ecific design.” ragenbrink said she knew who els was and already admired the artist’s work and the e erience was wonderful because els is fresh out of graduate school with relevant information to share with current students. “ was ersonally a fan of her work for uite a while and was very interested in her constant

offer to achine un elly after a few days, he ended u cancelling his tour of the idwest, ram said. “ hat’s what’s definitely ut us in a hold u ,” ram said. “ ou’re waiting on a bunch of voices that are just not there. o when they got back, we eventually got what we needed but then the artist ended u changing his lans.” Assistant Director for Student Involvement issy urgess said she doesn’t know if they want the information shared ublicly because they don’t want the erce tion that administration is censoring the concert but rather they are just trying to be safe.

e erimentation with different recycled materials and evolving structures,” ragenbrink said. “Her work a arently a ealed to the rest of the board as well, and they thought she also brought valuable knowledge to students as she only graduated from her master’s rogram at olumbia niversity last year in . he site s ecific installation was also very valuable as many students have had little to no e erience in that rocess.” els’ e hibit will be in the llen riebe allery until ril .

“This concert is an outdoor concert and can be heard by anyone and everyone including the neighbors across the river so being mindful and res ectful of that,” urgess said. “ he other iece is, is this [how does] want to re resent themselves t was more of the administration challenging to say, s this who you want to re resent you ’” Interim V ice Chancellor for Student ffairs randon iller said administration was trying to work with ram to advise what could or could not do and whether a good lan of action with the radio edit show would have worked.


The model was set up in Reeve Union for students to fully understand what is solitary confinement

Sex trafficking affects Oshkosh by Morgan Van Lanen When students at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh think se trafficking, they often do not realize its affect on the o alley and surrounding area, nterdisci linary tudies rofessor ourtney auder said. ne of auder’s students, my eckman, gave a resentation on Tuesday in Reeve emorial nion titled “ ot n y ackyard e rafficking in merica,” in accordance with Social Justice Week. auder said eckman’s resentation was a good reminder for Oshkosh students that sex trafficking is in fact ha ening within the area, even though most eo le think it is just a foreign roblem. “ ast year we [had] numerous resentations on se trafficking and it was really im ortant for us to have another one this year to remind us that this is still an issue,” auder said. “ his is not an e ternal, global henomena that is ha ening outside of our nation. ut, as [ eckman] tilted so erfectly, it’s in our backyards. nd that we should not allow it to be ha ening in our backyards.” omen and ender tudies rofessor and director of the omen’s enter on cam us licia Johnson said the location of Oshkosh and the events it hosts are main contributors to trafficking. “ ecause we’re located right off of [Highway] , we’re a very o ular route for transorting different trafficking victims,” Johnson said. “And also, we have several big events, like E AA, Country USA and Rock . eo le who are im s will bring in their trafficked girls to then work those events.” shkosh’s ro imity to larger cities is another contributing factor, Johnson said. “ ith the ackers in reen ay, leton is a big city and then ilwaukee is a really o ular hots ot,” ohnson said. “ ilwaukee is known as the Harvard of im schools. o eo le will come and learn how to be a im in ilwaukee and then go and im elsewhere.” hroughout the resentation, eckman shared facts and statistics about se trafficking around the world. he even included a

“ e’re just trying to make sure it is a rogram that would not be offensive or ut us in the news,” iller said. fter achine un elly cancelled his [entire] idwest tour, had to look at who to get ne t but the second artist, eremih, was just as bad, if not worse, than the first artist, so we icked esse c artney, ram said. student yla rown said whenever she thinks about esse cartney, she’s thrown back to when she was sitting with her brother in the backseat on the way to school and he was singing his heart out to eautiful Soul. “ t’s such a good memory of my

-minute real-life story about a girl who was a victim of se trafficking for the majority of her childhood. eckman said about , children are at risk of being se trafficked in the nited tates today. “ e slavery is a thriving merican industry,” eckman said. “ t thrives because there is a demand.” he amount of money eo le who take art in se trafficking children is another reason why the industry is booming, eckman said. “ im can make , , er child er year, according to the ustice e artment,” eckman said. hat many eo le do not know is that the se trafficking industry is owered by the internet, eckman said. ommon, everyday sites like acebook and raigslist are laces where children are trafficked every day. hen it comes to bringing awareness to local trafficking, eckman said the research she conducted shows how the shkosh olice e artment has been making strides. “ hrough my research have found out that there have been a lot of local olicies or sti ulations that we use, as far as law enforcement goes,” eckman said. “ nd law enforcement is taking a really ositive ste in the right direction to mitigate the roblem and recognize that there is an issue. There are a lot of training events and things like that, that have been going on as well in the area.” However, locating se trafficking victims can be e tremely difficult, eckman said. “ t’s im ortant to really o en your eyes to how limited visibility is for us,” eckman said. “V ictims look just like you or I may look. raffickers look like you or I may look.” auder said the roblem of trafficking in shkosh and the o alley will continue but talking about the roblem might lead to something. “ know that we bring in s eakers that can continue to s eak to that and we have lots of different events that hel bring a bit of an awareness to it,” auder said. “ ut, conversation needs to continue until the situation is eliminated.”

little brother when he was still blonde and cute,” rown said. Hewins said she thinks he is a good choice because this generation grew u with him. Hewins said she believes the erformance itself is going to be really good. esse c artney is doing a lot of college tours right now because he says we’re his best and loyal fans. “ think, because he really a reciates how much we love him, that makes the erformances better,” Hewins said. “ ike he’s more e cited to erform which makes me ha y because he is my childhood homeboy.”




Alyssa Grove - Campus Connections Editor

April 13, 2017

UW Oshkosh celebrates Thai culture by Lauren Freund

The International Students Association shared some parts of Thai culture for their monthly cultural night in the Horizon V illage Rec Lounge F riday night. The event was put together by the Asian Students Association with four Thai students choosing which aspects to feature. his was the first year shkosh had students from Thailand, so it was an exciting moment for everyone who is a part of the association. Since April is Asian Appreciation Month, they thought it would be perfect to have an Asian culture that has not had major re resentation in shkosh be the theme of this month’s culture night. mmigration om liance oordinator Johannes Schmied helps students run these events and explained how they choose which culture to feature each month. “The International Students Association, together with the E xecutive Board, who are also students, decide which culture will be featured,” Schmied said. “And they start discussing it at the bi-weekly meetings with all the members of the International Students Association.” Schmied said once they decide which country will be featured, they work with

the students from that country to help make the food, decorate and set u activities. senior and nternational tudents Association president Yeng Lee said she was the one who asked the hai students to be featured this month and helped them buy supplies. “ just asked the hai students and they said they would do it,” Lee said. “So they came up with the recipes, and then we took them sho ing for the ingredients. e came here early tonight to hel them prepare the food and set up the tables.” The E xecutive Board also helped by promoting the event and got everything ready for the hai students to make sure the night went smoothly. The event had many different activities, with Thai music playing throughout the room and the colors of hailand’s flag decorating the room. The night started off with three main Thai dishes for students to try. These dishes were a s icy minced chicken salad, green curry with chicken and assaman curry with chicken. After everyone had gotten some food, the students played a Thai music piece with a aw , a traditional hai string instrument. After the music performance, they started a game of Thai bingo, using the forty-four letters of the Thai alphabet that

those attending arranged into any order in hopes of winning a prize from Thailand. The last activity of the night was a traditional dance in the middle of the room that was free for anyone to jump in at their will. senior ree nna isher said she enjoyed the food and, although she wasn’t able to do everything, was interested by the Bingo game. isher also said she thinks a future event should focus on a country that isn’t e ected, like an frican country or a editerranean country, since shkosh doesn’t have a lot of that kind of food available locally. “Typically we do Asian cultures, so it would be interesting to see maybe, an African country or maybe like candinavian, reek, editerranean,” isher said. “ e do have a lot of E uropean food up here since we have a lot of Polish and German descent. So, it would be interesting to have something we don’t usually have.” Senior E unice Kim said she thought seeing an African country featured would be interesting. She also said that she enjoyed the food and learning about Thai culture. “I loved the food a lot,” Kim said. “I never knew their al habet so could learn their alphabet, their culture, their food and I loved it.”


UWO education major Patiphat Tittha plays an original Thai song on the Saw U for Friday night’s Thai Cultural Event.

The A-T Timehop A flashback to 1997 -UW Oshkosh was ranked the 8th best school in the Midwest. -Bathrooms began to be locked in the residence halls. The locking was originally only during the first two weeks of the semester until voting took place to keep the requirement. ALYSSA GROVE/ADVANCE-TITAN

Anna Schiferl, as Amber, and Sara Neumann, as Karen and Beth, read Hannah Clark’s play “Icarus.”

Award-winning playwright driven by Greek tragedy by Alyssa Grove A live reading was performed of Hannah lark’s lay, “ carus,” ednesday night in the shkosh erimental heatre. lark is a freshman theatre major whose play won the 19th annual laywriting om etition after being in Professor Richard Kalinoski’s laywriting class. ccording to lark, “ carus” is all about escaping. “E veryone in the play is trying to esca e something,” lark said. “ he main character is a girl named Amber who is struggling with her past, present and future all at once.” mber was read by student Anna Schiferl, the role of her father, Harry, was read by student Aaron Busse and both Amber’s mother Beth and father’s girlfriend aren was read by student Sara Neumann. The stage directions were read by student rystal Knuth. lark said the ins iration for her play came from Bruegel’s painting “Landscape with the F all of Icarus,” which is mentioned in her play. “I was utterly entranced by it,” lark said. “ ater found out that

illiam arlos illiams wrote a poem inspired by that painting. I knew then that wanted to be art of that - I wanted to tell the idea of Icarus in a new way.” lark said she wanted to rewind the story back to before carus fell and focus on the escape. “I found a character who needed to escape, and I ran with the idea,” lark said. “ even drafts later, here we are.” enior radio film major rittney agner attended the reading after her friend asked her to go. “I wasn’t sure if I would enjoy the reading,” agner said. “ ut was pleasantly surprised and really enjoyed the play.” agner said she thought having one person play multiple roles added an interesting element to the play. “Sara did a great job of switching between the roles of Karen and eth,” agner said. “ he drew arallels between the two characters but still made their personalities distinct.” he laywriting om etition winner gets to rehearse their play for six to eight hours with a selected cast, give a public reading, receives a framed poster created for the reading as well as $ 100 cash

prize, according to Professor Richard alinoski. alinoski started the com etition in 1998, and he coordinates the competition in its entirety and also directs the winning play or plays. “ ecause of my background as a working laywright, it made sense to me to offer this opportunity,” alinoski said. “ his roject is one beyond the normal responsibilities of our department. Because of challenges for time and other commitments I am the sole judge.” alinoski said around to submissions are received each year and any shkosh-enrolled student is eligible to enter the competition. “Students should participate because working with an e erienced cast helps them improve their writing, their sense of dramatic structure and their understanding of the power and influence of actors on a scri t,” alinoski said. “ ually im ortant is the chance for the student playwright to witness and learn from a live audience in attendance at the public reading.” Honorable mentions for this years competition include Nicholas Martin, le vadal and eith rish.

-Students participated in a “Kick for Cash” competition. A cash prize of $10,000 was given to two students who could kick a 45-yard field goal. -University police were not allowed to carry handguns while patrolling campus -Reeve Union became smoke-free.



Alyssa Grove - Campus Connections Editor

April 13, 2017

A c r os s 1 Plus 5 Kernel-less picnic discards 9 What judges wear 14 In a little while 15 “Once _ a midnight dreary ... “ 16 K ick out of the country 17 S pring break destination, perhaps 18 Nevada gambling city 19 Like thickets 20 Longtime navigation method 23 List of mistakes olf scorecard figure 25 Med. condition with repetitive behavior 28 Tries to be heard in a noisy room 31 Save 33 Rascals 36 R abbit’s foot, perhaps 38 Geometry calculations 40 Small battery 41 Body part often sculpted 42 Toy sold in eggs 45 Paradise 46 E t _ 47 P uts a tight lid on 49 F irst st., alphabetically 50 “_ _ you s erious?” 52 “Hold on a second” 56 K ids’ game hinted at by the starts of 20-, 36- , and 42-Across 60 R eeves who played “Ted” in “Bill & Ted” films 62 H igh spirits 63 B it of deception 64 C lark’s exploring partner 65 Author Rice 6 L ike 2, 4, 6, a nd so on 67 “ The Count of _ Cristo” 68 C harlie Brown’s “Phooey! ” 69 E rotic

8 Poke around 9 F orward, as mail 10 Plow-pulling animals 11 Church game handout 12 Golfer E rnie 13 Recognize 21 I-95, e.g.: Abbr. 22 _ a soul 26 E vil legacy 27 E vil spirit 29 Maui party 30 Sings like E lla 32 Retail outlets with many loafers? 33 F irst to stab Caesar nimated film mermaid 35 1973 #1 hi t for Helen Reddy 37 “ Kiss Me _” 39 New York university city 43 Picnic area 44 Baseball’s Bronx Bombers 48 Calculator function 51 Award named for Poe 53 “__ L ost That Lovin’ F eelin’” 54 Devereux’s earldom 55 So, so small 57 I nch or mile, e.g. 58 F orearm bone 59 Dollar fraction 60 M erged Dutch airline 61 F air-hiring letter

8 fun ways to appreciate the Earth during Earth Week 2017

by Kellie Wambold

Fired Fred tries his hand at label making

D ow n 1 Parenthetical remark hat a two-fingered “L” represents 3 Word with panel or power 4 Limited-time retail offer 5 Panacea 6 O il-exporting org. 7 H it on the head

Cartoon by Lee Marshall

OPINION Advance-Titan


Nicole Horner - Opinion Editor

April 13, 2017

Cartoon by Constance Bougie

University should be more forthcoming by the Advance-Titan Staff UW Oshkosh continues to be tightlipped about recent matters that have occured on campus. This lack of transparency is worrisome, especially because these matters directly impact the UW Oshkosh community. Although the University may not be allowed to disclose certain details to the campus community, they should try and be as open as possible when the information regards students. Specific incidents in which the University has not been forthcoming enough with the community have centered around the UW System filing a suit against former Chancellor Richard Wells regarding the UWO F oundation. Since the initial email from Chancellor Andrew Leavitt, students have not been updated on the status of the F oundation, which houses a variety of funds for things such as scholarships and athletic programs. The University has also been unclear about information involving certain staff members, such as business professor Willis Hagen and cross country and track and field coach E amon McKenna. The University needs to find a way to better disclose information regarding these types of situations to students and other members of the UWO community, as this information oftentimes pertains to them. F oundation scholarships directly impact students who depend on that money to attend UWO, and these students should have the right to at least be given basic information about these matters that affect them and their education. Back at the beginning of the semester when the UW System initially filed the lawsuit against Wells, the University addressed the UWO community through an email from Chancellor Andrew Leavitt explaining the issue. Leavitt’s email provided transparency when he imediately reported former UWO F oundation Art Rathjen’s involvement in the matter. Communication like this needs to happen more on

SUBMIT A LETTER TO THE EDITOR: All letters must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Tuesdays. Readers can submit letters via email, mail or in person. Email letters to our University account, atitan@uwosh. edu. This is the preferred

campus. The University has not given any more information to the UWO community since the initial email was sent out months ago. Although there are rules and barriers in place by which the University needs to abide when addressing sensitive topics like these, the UWO community should not be kept in the dark. A little more communication within these matters could go a long way when it comes to maintaining trust and understanding within the UWO community. E ven telling students that they are unable to release certain information would be a step in the right direction. An institution or a person usually looks worse when they have to backpedal and deflect when something bad happens, rather when they tell the public outright. Transparency resonates more with consumers than secrecy. If the University comes out and tells the campus what’s going on and is upfront about it, the campus could be more trusting. The University may have their hands tied regarding the F oundation as to not impede the ongoing investigation, but if there is any information that they are able to tell students, they need to do so. According to UWO Chief Communications Officer Jamie Ceman, there is nothing to currently update students on. “The University wants to be transparent and provide information to the campus community on the status of the UWO F oundation,” Ceman said. “If I’m able to provide information on any of these topics, I will reach out as soon as I can.” It is nice to hear the University plans to update us when they can, but when will this update actually take place? The University has also remained quiet on situations involving the leaves of absence of Hagen and McKenna. Hagen has not taught classes since being pulled from one earlier in the semester. Associate Dean of the Business Department Barbara Rau said she could not provide any information about the situation, as did Public Records Custodian Kate McQ uillan.

method. Deliver letters in person to the A-T office in Reeve Union, room 19. Mail letters to: The Advance-Titan, Reeve Union Room 19, 800 Algoma Blvd., Oshkosh, WI 54901

Students in the business class that Hagen was pulled out of were not given any details about his removal. When Hagen was taken out of class, it should have been known to students the next day via a campus message. McKenna has not coached since March. UWO Director of Athletics Darryl Sims emailed cross country and track runners saying McKenna would be out of office until further notice and later said he could not speak on the matter, as did Ceman. “Personnel matters cannot be commented on,” Ceman said. The campus deserves to know whether the employee is gone due to personal issues, conduct or because they are a danger. It is unprofessional of the leaders of the athletics department, Sims and Assistant Athletic Director V icci Stimac, to be nontransparent about controversial topics within the department. The athletics department leaders are refraining from sharing important information regarding McKenna. This lack of communication from the athletics department is difficult not only for student athletes, but also for reporters who do their best to showcase athletics. This problem may never be resolved if the leaders of the athletic department fail to share this information. The lack of transparency involving these incidents can cause the UWO community to imagine the worst. When something of substance happens on campus, the faculty and student base deserve to know without having to guess which rumors are true. The University needs to be more open with its students on matters that affect all members of the UWO community in order for any affected individuals to remain informed on these situations. Students deserve to be kept in the loop on these topics because they can have a direct impact on their college experiences and education. If the administration is not keeping the campus informed on this information, they are not doing their job properly.



The Advance-Titan welcomes and reads all letters. Timely, well-written, provocative opinions on topics of interest at UW Oshkosh are given first preference.

All letters are subject to editing; not all letters can be published. Letters of length exceeding 300 words may be edited at the discretion of the Advance-Titan staff. Name, position, address and daytime phone are required, even in email submissions (only name,

Love comes in multiple forms When your boyfriend or girlfriend of years breaks up with you, initially you curse their name, but in the end you still have love in your heart for them and wish them the best. hen there is the ever-fleeting “in love.” Most have heard the phrase “falling in and out of love.” You can fall out of love just as fast as you fell into it, and it is reserved s ecifically for lovers or significant others. F alling in love is like jumping in puddles: always excitby Mariah Heyden ing and easy to do, but it is so simple to step out of and walk away at any time without a Mariah Heyden is a jusecond thought. nior public relations maBeing in love is analyzing jor. Her views do not nectheir details because their essarily represent those every look fascinates you, of the Advance-Titan. getting light headed while The world today can be inhaling their perfume or cocold and hard, most likely logne because you cannot get due to people being afraid to enough of it, when their presgive away their love. There is ence and touch infatuates you a tendency in today’s day and and when they simply graze age to be aloof and uninterest- their hand with yours and the ed because it seems cool and hair on the back of your neck prevents rejection or wrong stands. impressions. F alling in love hits you We should not fear express- hard. You never see it coming ing one of the most genuine and you will never be quite emotions. The best way to un- the same. You can fall in love derstand how to love is know- with so many different souls ing the different ways you can for so many different reasons, love someone. and every one is special. But Sometimes the love you many times the infatuation share with someone happens will end and the connection automatically, such as loving will be nothing but a forgotten your mother, father, siblings memory. That does not invalor other family members. idate the love you shared with Other times love will not be that person, it just means that a given, but it comes almost it was not necessarily unconinstantly. Think about your ditional. best friend and the first time If you are truly lucky in this you met. The two of you prob- lifetime, you will find a erably clicked from the start and son who falls under both catethe love you share has contin- gories for love. You will fall in ued to blossom ever since. love with them and genuinely In a lot of relationships, you love their soul forevermore. grow to love the other person. Your two souls will link toYou know them initially and gether to bond and become over time as you explore them one. on a deeper level, the love beAuthor Justin Blaney has a tween you flourishes. quote that perfectly describes Some relationships happen loving and being in love with when two people dislike each one person. “When I am strong other originally, and by some you are my favorite weakness, way of life their souls gravi- and when I am weak you are tate together my greatest and become strength.” linked. If you When you are lucky True love does not stop, enough to truly love it does not end and it never find this ersomeone, no fades no matter how much son, matter when hold or how you time passes. onto them choose to tight because — Mariah Heyden they are your love them, the love you soulmate. emit is unE veryone conditional. You would do needs love. veryone s ecifianything at the drop of a hat cally needs both kinds of love. for them, and your love will To fall in love and to love never run out for them, even if someone on a more intimate they are no longer in your life. scale. When someone you care We should strive for more about passes away, your love love. Logan Hill, contributor does not stop because you for Cosmopolitan magazine, cannot see them. You love wrote in a January 2017 adthem through the physical and vice column, “The beautiful mental memories you keep of thing about love, is that it isn’t them; like the smell of their zero sum: The more love you perfume, an old sweatshirt give to one person doesn’t they gave you or remember- mean there is nothing left over ing their laugh and the way for other people. If anything, their eyes closed when it was it’s exponential: The more a good joke. love you give the more love When your best friend you can give.” moves across the country you So many young people fear do not stop loving them be- giving away love due to hurt cause they are no longer with or rejection, but that is not you. You love them through how it should be. E very gracphotographs, phone calls and ing of love is a blessing and distance. a lesson no matter what hapTrue love does not stop, it pens and we should appreciate does not end and it never fades that. Appreciate the love we no matter how much time receive when we receive it: passes. If you stop speaking that is how we stay afloat in to a friend, in your head you this world. want to hate them for what And in order to receive, we they did to you, but in your must be willing to give with heart you simply cannot. every ounce of our being.

position and city will be published along with the article). The Advance-Titan does not publish poetry, anonymous or open letters, and letters printed elsewhere. Each writer is generally limited to one published letter to the editor per month.

We cannot acknowledge receipt of all submissions. If your letter is chosen for publication, we will attempt to contact you for verification via email or phone. F or mor e in for ma tion , ema il u s a t a tita n @ u w os h. ed u , c a l l ( 9 2 0 ) 4 2 4 - 3 0 4 8 or v is it ou r w eb s ite.




Morgan Van Lanen - Sports Editor Mike Johrendt - Assistant Sports Editor

April 13, 2017

Titans jump out to best 24-game start in 30 years by Mike Johrendt Continuing their winning ways, the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh softball team swept both doubleheaders against UW-Platteville and UW-E au Claire this weekend to reach the 20-win plateau. This marked the 13th win in UWO’s last 15 games and pushed the Titans to first place in the Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Conference standings. Saturday’s doubleheader pitted Oshkosh against its first conference opponent of the season, UW-Platteville. UWO put up 15 combined runs in both games, including a 10-spot in the opening contest. In the first victory, Oshkosh pushed all 10 of its runs across the plate in the first two innings, including six in the first frame. Junior third baseman E rika Berry got the scoring going for the Titans by hitting a two-run home run to tie the game at two-all. A sacrifice fly by freshman right fielder Claire Petrus, followed up by a two-RBI single by junior Caitlin Hoerning and an RBI single by sophomore E mma F ionda closed the first inning scoring for UWO. Head coach Scott Beyer said the team’s development has been evident ever since the F lorida trip, including staying tough after facing an early deficit. “Last year when we got down, we got discouraged and did not think we could come back and win,” Beyer said. “We have proven that already this year that we can make a comeback and score as many runs as we need to. We can will ourselves to win a game.” The remainder of the scoring took place in the fourth inning, all on one swing of the bat. With the bases loaded, Petrus made it five RBIs on the day by putting one over the fence for a grand slam. On the rubber, senior Sara Brunlieb earned her sixth victory of the season by going four innings, allowing five earned runs and striking out

four Pioneers. Junior pitcher Clare Robbe came in and finished the game for Oshkosh, pitching the remaining three innings and allowing only one run while striking out one. In the second game of the doubleheader, Oshkosh combined a stout defensive effort with a strong offensive showing to shutout UWP, 5-0. Sophomore pitcher Bailey Smaney remained undefeated, earning her fourth win by pitching five innings and only allowing one hit and striking out four. Three of the Titans’ nine hits were home runs, with Hoerning, Berry and sophomore catcher Abby Menting all sending it out of the park in the contest. Hoerning had a two-run blast in the second inning and both Berry and Menting hit solo shots in the bottom of the fifth frame to punctuate UWO’s victory. Robbe said even with the youthfulness of the team, and with four freshman and five sophomores holding down nine of the seventeen roster spots, every player must earn their playing time. “We have a close family-style team; however, we are also competitive,” Robbe said. “Just because you’re an upperclassman, that doesn’t guarantee you more playing time than a sophomore or freshman. The only role as upperclassmen is to teach them based off their past experiences of collegiate ball and be positive role models to them.” Sunday’s doubleheader had UWO facing off against UW-E au Claire, and the Titans only put up four runs in the series. However, due to solid pitching and timely defense, four runs was all that was needed to beat the Blugolds. Both games resulted in 2-1 Oshkosh victories, and Oshkosh put up both of its runs in the first inning of the opening contest. Menting provided the scoring by hitting a two-run bomb to left center field that brought Berry to the plate. Brunlieb finished one out away from a complete game, as she pitched into the sixth inning and earned two outs

before exiting. She struck out six while only allowing four hits and the lone run. Petrus came into the game and faced two batters, ending the Blugold threat and earning her second save of the season. In the second game, seven innings was not enough to decide the outcome, as it took until the bottom of the 11th inning to keep Oshkosh undefeated over the weekend. No teams scored until the 11th, as E au Claire scored once in the top of the inning before the Titans walked it off and won 2-1. Smaney began the game, and both she and Petrus earned no decisions in the game. Smaney went six innings and allowed only six hits, while Petrus had four and one-third innings of work, registering two strikeouts. Robbe came in and recorded the final two outs of the top of the 11th inning for UWO, earning her sixth win of the season against two losses. Robbe’s victory came via smart base running by the Titans, as both freshman second baseman Amanda McIlhany and shortstop Natalie Dudek scored on a fielder’s choice from Berry. McIlhany scored on the throw and Dudek came around to score on a throwing error by the Blugolds’ shortstop. Senior outfielder Lauren Torborg said the team has certain aspects to work on stemming from last year and remaining focused falls into that category. “This year the team came into the season with the mentality of taking the season in five phases,” Torborg said. “The purpose of this is to not think of the season as three and a half long months, but in five stages where each phase has a goal. Another aspect the team came into the season wanting to improve is how we respond to our opponent scoring. If the other team scores, we [ want to] answer back with runs. Looking to extend their winning streak to 10 games, the Titans travel to UW-La Crosse for a doubleheader on F riday, April 14.

Photos by Jacob Lynch

TOP: Junior outfielder Caitlin Hoerning lays out to catch a ball during the recent homestand. Hoerning currently holds a .306 batting average, with one home run and nine RBIs. MIDDLE: Sophomore catcher Abby Menting rounds second base after she hit her second home run of the season in the first victory of the doubleheader against UW-Eau Claire. BOTTOM: The team gathers at home plate to celebrate a home run during the doubleheader against UW-Eau Claire. Six of the season’s 11 home runs were hit over the weekend.




Morgan Van Lanen - Sports Editor Mike Johrendt - Assistant Sports Editor

April 13, 2017

Women’s golf swings into start of season

Priebe also said replacing top talent was a big factor in the Titans’ success last fall. The UW Oshkosh women’s The Titans brought in three golf team starts competition freshmen in Hannah Braun, on F riday, April 14, at the Hanna Rebholz, and Dianna Kathy Niepagen Spring F ling Scheibe, who achieved eight in Normal, Ill. The Titans last to - finishes this ast fall. “We also brought in three competed in October during their active season in which freshmen in the fall who were they recorded a second-place able to fill out a very strong finish in the isconsin nter- to five layers for us after collegiate Athletic Confer- losing two of our to five the previous spring,” Priebe said. ence championship. The WIAC participates “Our team works together in two seasons for women’s well, and we are always able golf: an inactive season and to pick each other up when an active season. The inactive one person has a bad day.” Ruetten said she is always season occurs in the spring, while the active season be- looking for the same thing out of her team when they pregins in September. The active season includes pare for an opponent. “We are continually focusconference matches within the WIAC. In the inactive ing on improving our conseason, it is mostly non-con- sistency,” Ruetten said. “Imference opponents within the proving our driving accuracy, greens reached in regulation tournaments. Titans head coach Liza Ru- and short game saves are the etten said the team is very focus of most of our practice fortunate to have the inactive sessions.” ith the itans fielding a season during the spring. “Our preparation for our fall relatively young team, inand spring seasons remains cluding having Laura Stair as the same,” Ruetten said. “In the only senior on the squad, Ruetten the WIAC said she’ll conference, Some of the things that allow us as look to her fall is our active sea- a team to be successful is how much senior for son and we support we have, all of us are like leadership are thank- family and want to help each other in as well as many othful for that any way we can. ers to lead a fact. The — Laura Stair very hopeweather is Senior women’s golfer ful group. much bet“Laura ter in the Stair, our fall for golf lone senior, has played a leadthan the spring.” Ruetten also said the two ership role for the past two different seasons affect the years,” Ruetten said. “She has way the Titans practice. The organized team dinners prior long winters cause for fle i- to weekend travel and has bility within the team’s prac- also served on [ Student-Athlete Advisory Committees] tices. “We practice about 8-12 for the past two years.” tair, who recorded five hours per week leading up to our weekend events, re- to - finishes last year and gardless of the season,” Ruet- finished fifth in the ten said. “However, we only Championship, said the team average about two days or is extremely close, which has 4-5 hours outside during the helped their success throughout her four years. spring.” “Some of the things that UWO sophomore Kayla Priebe looks to make a big allow us as a team to be sucimpact for the Titans this sea- cessful is how much support son after she earned Player of we have,” Stair said. “All of the Year honors last October us are like family and want to lead a league-high four to help each other in any way UW Oshkosh selections to the we can. Being the only senior, 2016 -17 All-WIAC Women’s fall season was kind of bittersweet; it was my last conferGolf Team. Priebe became the second ence season as well as conferconsecutive Titan and third ence tournament.” Ruetten also said she explayer in program history to win conference Player of the pects leadership out of comYear. UWO’s McKenzie Paul petitors other than just Stair. “Micayla Richards and won the league’s top individual award last season, and Kayla Priebe also show leadJennifer Young earned the ership qualities both on and award in both 2003-04 and off the course,” Ruetten said. “I expect both Micayla and 2006 -07 . The only league player to Kayla to continue to strengthaverage less than 80 strokes en their presence for our inper round this season was coming freshman in the fall of Priebe, who also earned 2017 .” The UWO women compete llfirst team status last year. Priebe averaged in the Spring F ling on April 7 8.5 strokes over 18 holes 14 and are looking forward that led the WIAC by close to to non-conference play. Ruetten said the non-conference two strokes. Priebe said the team gained matches are very important success throughout last fall’s for seeding in the National season and noted a tourna- Tournament. “Our main goal for our ment in the previous year that spring season is to make a motivated them. “I think part of this [ suc- strong showing in our mostly cess] had to do with coming non-conference out-of-state off of a trip to D-III Nationals events,” Ruetten said. “We in Houston last May,” Priebe always strive to maintain our said. “We saw our hard work GolfStat ranking. GolfStat pay off there, so we were rankings seed you for the willing to continue our hard national tournament should your team qualify.” work in the fall.” by Calvin Skalet


ABOVE: No. 29 sophomore infielder Zack Radde slides to home plate against Stevens Point. UWO went 2-2 in the series. BELOW: No. 6 junior second baseman Jack Paulson puts the tag on a Stevens Point runner during their four-game series.

Baseball begins conference play by Nate Proell The UW Oshkosh men’s baseball team stands in third place in the Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Conference after beginning conference play this past weekend and winning three of their last six games to put their record at 11-10. Titans head coach Kevin Tomasiewicz said hovering around a .500 record is not a good situation in baseball. “It’s like the worst spot in baseball,” Tomasiewicz said. “You’re teetering around .500 which means you could be really good, you’re just not showing it.” Tomasiewicz said it is frustrating the team has seemed to teeter around .500 for the past three years. “With the schedule that we play and the type of competition that we play we’re not playing teams that are below .500 very much,” Tomasiewicz said. “We’re playing teams that are usually at least in the running of their conference tournament or the regional. We’ve been able to hang with them, it’s just that for three years now we just haven’t been able to consistently get over the hump.” After a 3-2 loss to Concordia University Wisconsin on Thursday, April 6 , the Titans began a four-game series with the UW-Stevens Point Pointers this past weekend, April 8-9. The Titans split the series after losing their first game on Saturday by a score of 0-4 and then by winning their second game of the day by a score of 8-2. On Sunday, the Titans lost game one by a score of 4-0 and then won the second game in 11 innings with a score of 116 . In the Titans’ victory on Saturday in game two of the series, junior pitcher Nick McLees had a career high six strikeouts and allowed four hits all game. The Pointers got things started in game two after scoring two runs in the bottom of the second, one off a wild pitch and the other off an RBI. However, the Titans were quick to respond in the top of the third as they managed to score four runs in an inning that began with Titans’ junior first baseman ndy rahier getting hit with a pitch that put him on first. Brahier’s at bat was followed by two walks from so homore infielder ach Radde and junior shortstop Jack Paulson. Brahier and Radde then scored on a single from Titans’ junior catcher Taylor Grimm. Paulson then scored after stealing third and going home off a throwing error from the Pointers’ catcher. Grimm

scored off a ground out from junior second baseman Noah Polcyn. After keeping the Pointers scoreless in the bottom of the third, the Titans added two more runs to their score after a two-run home run from Brahier that also scored senior outfielder ohnny agan to ut the score at 6 -2. The Titans tacked on two more runs in the to of the fifth, which began with a strike-out from junior outfielder ogan Reckert before three walks from the Pointers that loaded the bases before agan was walked and scored Polcyn. The second run in the top of the fifth came via adde making it to first on an error which scored so homore outfielder Sam Schwenn. The rest of the game went scoreless and ended with the final score of - . In their second victory of the weekend against the Pointers, the Titans got off to a fast start, scoring four runs in the top of the first. his inning began with two strikeouts for the Titans, followed by a walk that ut agan on first. agan advanced to second on a wild pitch and reached home on a double from Brahier. A single from Radde down the right field line scored Brahier and a home run from senior shortstop Tyler Kozlowski plated two. Halfway through the first inning, the Titans were already ahead 4-0. It was not until the bottom of the fourth when the Pointers answered back with a four-run inning to tie the game, which included a three-RBI double and a run-scoring single that tied the game at four by the end of the fourth. he to of the fifth went scoreless for the Titans, which allowed the Pointers to score two runs in the bottom of the

fifth off a two-run home run, which gave the Pointers the lead, 6 -4. During the top of the sixth, the Titans scored a run on a Grimm double that scored Radde to make the score 6 -5. The bottom of the sixth, as well as the whole seventh inning, was scoreless. In the top of the eighth, the Titans tied the game off a Radde single that scored agan. The Titans were able to keep the Pointers scoreless in the bottom the eighth and after a scoreless ninth inning for both teams, extras were needed to decide the six-all tie. The beginning of extra innings was scoreless for the first whole inning, but the itans pulled away and scored five runs to take the lead. A double from Paulson scored Kozlowski, a single from Schwenn scored Titans’ sophomore catcher Jensen Hinton and an agan walk with the bases loaded scored Paulson. The Titans continued to score, as a sacrifice fly from Brahier that scored Polcyn and a Radde single that scored Schwenn occurred before the inning ended. ith the five runs scored, the Titans now had an 11-6 lead and after a scoreless bottom of the 11th for the Pointers, that was all was needed to secure the victory. Radde said that although the team did not perform as well as they had hoped to open conference play, Tomasiewicz is still doing a good job of keeping up the morale of the team. “[ Tomasiewicz] is just trying to kee us confident because our goal right now is to obviously win the conference and think we can definitely do that if we play better,” Radde said. “ e’re confident that we can do well.” Kozlowski said that the

team needs to be ready to take on their opponents and come out strong from the beginning of each game, especially since conference play has started. “We gotta come out ready to go and win,” Kozlowski said. “We gotta win as many as we can. Our conference season is real short, we can’t take games off. We gotta be ready to go right away.” In Tuesday’s 14-2 victory over Ripon College, the Titans had a season-high 16 hits as they won their third matchup in a row with Ripon by a combined score of 35-4. The Titans scored in every inning but two which began with an agan sacrifice fly that scored Schwenn in the top of the first. Ripon managed to answer with a run scored in the bottom of the first to make the score 1-1, but that was as close as Ripon got to the Titans before they took control of the game and scored 13 runs in the next eight innings. Tomasiewicz said although the team did not have the best performance over the weekend to open conference play, the team is showing some good signs and the season is far from over. “Plenty of games to play and right now our goal is to get better,” Tomasiewicz said. “You always want to be playing your best baseball at the end of the season because that’s the most important time of the season. Our goal is to be peaking that last weekend in conference play when we probably end up playing the number one team in the country ( UW-Whitewater) .” The Titans continue WIAC play today and F riday, April 13-14, against UW-La Crosse in a four-game series and the first home series of the season for the Titans.

Upcoming golf schedule April 14-15 April 21-22 April 29-30

Kathy Niepangen Spring Fling

UW-Whitewater Spring Fling Viking Invitational




Morgan Van Lanen - Sports Editor Mike Johrendt - Assistant Sports Editor

April 13, 2017

Volleyball loses in WVC Championship by Jordan Fremstad

UW Oshkosh club volleyball’s chance for three straight Wisconsin V olleyball Conference championships was spoiled by No. 4 Marquette University on April 8. The Golden E agles swept past the Titans 21-25, 20-25 to end the regular season. The Titans still have a chance to write history as they make their way to the National Collegiate V olleyball F ederation Championships in Kansas City, Mo. The Titans ( with six titles) are one crown away from the record in NCV F championship history. finished the regular season with a 35-4 record, 11-1 in the WV C and 8-0 in the Midwest Ten Conference. The Titans claimed the WV C regular season title for the ninth straight season. The Titans collected both the MTC regular season title and the tournament championship coming back from 2016 when the team failed to win either, crashing a 13-year streak on top of the MTC. F ollowing this weekend’s championship action, UWO will say goodbye to five graduating seniors. Allen Grunhert, Travis Hudson, Joe Kuchler, Wesley Morioka and Michael Wamboldt will leave behind a storied program and take on the next match in their lives. Team captain Wamboldt, a Pleasant Prairie native, will graduate with a degree in nursing. Wamboldt has been a part of three straight national title runs for this club. He helped UWO win three WV C Division I regular season titles since 2014 and a pair of tournament championships in 2015 and 2016 . Wamboldt was a member of three MTC regular season and tournament titles from 2014-17 , and said it was a priceless experience and part of the UWO legacy. “This club is a brotherhood and I am very happy to have been a part of so many great accomplishments

here,” Wamboldt said. “I am thank- successful in volleyball and accomful to have chosen this organization plished in society. “This program has provided me and I hope the guys I played with over the years will continue to have with life-long friendships and memories,” Kuchler said. “It taught me success in both volleyball and life.” Team captain Morioka will gradu- responsibility, accountability and ate with a degree in chemistry with many other intangibles that will an emphasis in biochemistry. Com- help me be successful in life. I can’t ing up from Chicago, Morioka was thank Lumpy and all the other coacha five-year artici ant in club es enough for everything they have volleyball, earning WV C F irst-Team done for me.” Hudson will graduate with a deAll-Conference three straight years [ 2014-2016 ] along with two MTC gree in resource management. The Wauwatosa West F i r s t - Te a m High School All-Conference UW Oshkosh volleyball has alumnus was a honors in 2015 and 2016 . Mo- been like a second family to me. starting setter all rioka is a WV C Not only has it furthered my vol- five seasons with Scholar Ath- leyball skills but it has molded me the Titans. He was the NCV F Nationlete of the Year into the man I am today. al Player of the nominee. — Wesley Morioka Year from 2014Morioka said Senior men’s volleyball player 2016 . the memories Hudson said and opportunithe legacy the ties have helped program has built to mold and during his time at UWO was by far prepare him for the rest of his life “UW Oshkosh volleyball has been his best adventure. “UW Oshkosh volleyball has like a second family to me. Not only has it furthered my volleyball skills been the best experience,” Hudson but it has molded me into the man said. “Through the program I have I am today,” Morioka said. “The made numerous friends not only in coaches and players I have come to Oshkosh, but around the country. know over the ast five years will I wouldn’t trade my time here for forever be in my memory and heart. a different experience somewhere know it is going to be difficult not else.” Grunert is leaving the Titans with seeing them every day and not having them in my life as I begin a new a degree in business administration. The fortunes were not so bright for chapter in mine.” Kuchler will depart from UWO Grunert this year after suffering a leg with a degree in nursing and is also injury in January and derailing his a WV C Scholar Athlete of the Year opportunity to play this season. Grunert was a member of the 2015 nominee. He was a part of the D-III and 2016 NCV F national titles. He team’s fifth- lace finish in the was twice named to the NCV F DiNational championships. ll- merican first team and Last year Kuchler assisted the vision D-III team to a WV C D-II runner-up Wisconsin V olleyball Conference ivision ll- onference first team. finish in both the regular season and state championship, and he was Last year he was named the Wisnamed to the State Championship consin V olleyball Conference State all-tournament team and led the Championship most valuable player. The Cardinal Stritch Universileague in digs per set. Kuchler said the program taught ty transfer said the family he has at him the discipline needed to be UWO will always be something he


No. 14 senior Travis Hudon sets the ball for No. 10 senior Peter Nordel. can hold on to. “The coaching has given us the tools for success, and the teammates make all the hard work worth it,” Grunert said. “No matter what hapens when the final ball dro s, there are over 30 friends I have supporting me the rest of my life. I think that is what makes playing at UW Oshkosh special.” UWO’s D-II squad took the WV C title last weekend over the Titans

Men’s basketball gives back by Nate Proell

On Saturday night the UW Oshkosh men’s basketball team participated in a co-op basketball game against Special Olympics athletes for Special Olympics Wisconsin as they hosted their 41st Indoor Sports Tournament on the Oshkosh campus. This is the third year the men’s team participated in this event. Titans head coach Pat Juckem said the feeling of being able to participate and seeing how much it means to the athletes from the tournament still feels special. “When you see the quality of interactions and what it means to those athletes, they could have been playing with the Chicago Bulls,” Juckem said. “I think that’s how they viewed it and for our guys that’s a pretty awe-inspiring impact to have, that they look up to you and really put you on a pedestal.” The men played two 30-minute games with the Special Olympics basketball team. Juckem said the game is not about winning or losing; rather, it is about being able to give back, showcase unity and to have fun. “ he high fiving, utting your arm around someone or just picking somebody up when he shoots an air ball, nobody takes it too seriously,” Juckem said. “We understand the purpose and the intent of it.” Titans junior guard Jake Laihinen said the feeling of being able to participate in some-

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UWO men’s basketball players pose with Special Olympics athletes in Kolf on Sunday. thing like this is great. “It’s really fun for us and the athletes clearly enjoy it too,” Laihinen said. “It is just a great way for us to connect with them and the co-op game is a great way to do it, too. It’s a really fun experience.” Laihinen said the Special Olympics staff tells his players to not go easy on other athletes. “We play hard and we’re trying to showcase our skills along with them, get them open shots,” Laihinen said. “It means a lot that they really enjoy it and we’re able to make some good connections.” Titans junior guard Charlie Noone said it is clear the Special Olympics athletes are dedicated to what they do and they enjoy being able to compete.

“I think people underestimate just how hard they work at what they do,” Noone said. “They just don’t show up and play. There’s hours and hours that go into doing what they do and it shows. Their passion is pretty unbelievable, but it’s just an awesome experience.” Juckem said being a part of this game perfectly demonstrates the mission statement of his team, which is to be more than just an athlete. “Part of this is us just fulfilling that mission, that our program is just not purely based on winning and losing,” Juckem said. “We want to stand for excellence just as much off the floor as we do on the floor. t’s a fulfillment of that responsibility.” Juckem said it is his team’s

responsibility to help out in the community. “We’re pretty blessed,” Juckem said. “Our guys are talented, they’re good athletes, they’re at a good university, they have a lot of good things going on and they have a responsibility to contribute, to give back, in whatever form that may be.” Laihinen said participating in the Special Olympics basketball game speaks volumes to how serious they take their responsibility to give back. “That’s one of our core principals,” Laihinen said. “We’re trying to strengthen the community as a whole and as a team to help them out and it’s a good connection for us. We’re just glad they keep asking us to do it every year.”




Track & Field at UW-Platteville Invitational 6 p.m.

Track & Field at UW-Platteville Invitational 10 a.m.

Baseball UW-La Crosse 1 p.m. and 4 p.m.

Baseball UW-La Crosse 12 p.m. and 3 p.m.

Softball at UW-La Crosse 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Women’s Golf at Kathy Niepagen Spring Fling

D-III team 20-25, 25-17 , 15-11. The itans - team finished the regular season 48-5, 16 -0 in the WV C, and 10-0 in the Midwestern Intercollegiate V olleyball association. he itans - team finished the regular season 30-12, 13-3 in the WV C and 4-5 in the MIV A. The NCV F National Championships run April 13-15 in Kansas City, Mo.

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