cheap mx5 insurance

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cheap mx5 insurance cheap mx5 insurance Related

We are looking at buyin a house what insurances will we need and around how much should we budget for this? We are first time buyers ans are looking to buy a house and we were wondering what are the insurances we need to take out and how much should we be looking at budgeting for this a month any help would be brill thanks x I want to know about car insurances? What car insurance are good out there for full coverage What is the best student health insurance plan in Florida? What is the best student health insurance plan in Florida? My mother needs health insurance but...? Ok, so my mom is extremely sick. Her stomach/genital areas are usually in very big pain, which makes her have trouble walking to the bathroom, and even then she said using the bathroom is even more painful. She sometimes has trouble breathing so she drags her feet (because she can't walk too well now) and go outside. The pain goes away after she takes some pain stopping pills, but they do come back. Now, she does not have health insurance, and neither do I actually. I don't think any health insurance company would actually take her cuz her health is so poor. What are my options here? We're not rich, so I don't think a direct scan of her body and (possible) surgery is a good idea (so expensive :( ). PS. I live in Southern California." Should I file a claim with auto insurance? I drove my car into a column in a parking lot, denting and scratching the left side of the car. Repair estimate is about 1600. My insurance deductible is 500. Is it worth filling a claim? How much will my premiums go up if I file a claim? I have excellent record otherwise." How much will motorcycle insurance cost me in CA? I'm 20 years old college student, I'm getting the 2013 Ninja 300 (my first bike), I have had no accidents driving my car since I've started driving. I haven't gotten my motorcycle liciense yet, how much will it cost me on average..?" How long do i have to wait to change to a cheaper car insurance company?

I just got this car last week, and it's used and the dealer financed me, but i had to go get full coverage on it before i drove it off the lot. It was late in the day and i was panicked , so i hit the 1st office i could find, and that's going to be about $150 a month for full coverage (!!) Do i have to wait for a period before shopping a new insurance co. ? If so , how long?" Claiming Back car insurance? Is it possible, i have been paying car insurance on my car for three months, while it has been out of use at the garage i purchased it from, due to the engine blowing! The garage have taken over 3 months to sort it under warranty, and the car is covered under there insurance, i didnt cancel the insurance due to thinking it wouldnt take this long! as i pay 140 a month it tolals up to alot and i was wondering if can claim any of the insurance premium back?? They still have the car useless Evans Halshaw be warned, only had the car 8 weeks.." Do people with learner's permit have to be on the insurance? ? I am 15 turning 15 1/2 on oct. 29 and my mom says I cant get my permit until she gets insurance on the car.How much does it cost exactly? How is the health insurance bill in the Senate going to lower costs? Can someone explain to me how the bill going through the Senate right now does anything to control costs for the average family or person in the US? So far this is what I see: 1) If you have a good plan they are going to tax it - Raises costs 2) The insurance companies will have to cover everyone, even preexisting conditions Raises costs 3) Cuts payouts to health providers for Medicare - Raises costs on others (they have to make it up) 4) Shifts costs to States for Medicaid - Raises state costs which raise state taxes 5) Cuts how much the Government pays for drugs Raises cost when pharma makes up costs on private plans 6) Forces businesses to provide insurance for employees - Raises costs on all products Can anyone explain how this bill can lower costs for those who have insurance and keep them from rising? I am all for health insurance reform, these reforms just look terrible to me." What are the steps to obtain medical insurance? I used to have peachcare,but my parents said something happened to it and I don't have insurance anymore." Car insurance? What is THE cheapest car for a newly qualified driver to get insured? I have looked at things like corsa's but they are really expensive to ensure, 5/6 times the value of the car, im female by the way if that matters. I expect to pay alot but i would rather get a better car which is more expensive and cheaper insurance than a crap car with high insurance? Any ideas?" Graduating from college and need affordable health insurance?

Graduating from college and need affordable health insurance? Where can I buy cheap auto insurance or temporary auto insurance in the United States? I know u can do it in the UK...but can't find any insurance agency in the US to do it. What will happen to my insurance rate? I'm an 18 year old driver with geico and I have just been in an accident (my fault). My tires skid as I braked and I hit the stopped car in front of me. Nobody was hurt and the other car's back bumper suffered some scratches. The bumper was still intact and the only thing noticeable is the paint transfer. The police came and he offered to not involve insurance but the other person insisted so now my question is, how much will my insurance go up? Cause I've heard the geico is pretty notorious for jacking up rates alot . Thanks" Do you think i could get a used car and insurance with under $3k? i really need a car to get around, i have full time job, n part-time student. It's getting to my nerves that whenever i need to go somewhere, i have to ask my brother or sister to take me. Yes i am a student 18 yo, i don't have much money, and my parents refuse to buy me a car, reason because my mom said insurance is too expensive, and she doesn't give a shitt about me. Do you think i could get it anywhere? i was thinking about buying the car 1st then insurance later on because i can't afford it. idk what should i do?" WHAT CAR INSURANCE COMPANY IS THE CHEAPEST IN NJ? WHAT CAR INSURANCE COMPANY IS THE CHEAPEST IN NJ? My car got hit from the back. they have no insurance. They want me to sign an agreement. should I sign? My car got hit from the back in traffic during snow. She asked me if I can not calling the police and insurance company because the car and insurance is not under her name. Since mine is a SUV, I do not have much damage except the rear bumper and bumper bar. So I agreed and she will pay for my car's damage. I took all the necessary photos about the accidents on that day as backup. Couple days later, she recommended to fix my car and hers together at her's friends shop to get a lower price. I am fine with that too. On that day, I went with her. But she wants me to sign an agreement stating that This letter is intended as a follow-up to our agreement, in regards to the incident which occcurred on Tuesday December 10, 2013. We agreed to the following provisions: Lawrence and I agreed that the rear bumper will be repaired and there will be no further action and claim against me and my insurance now or in the future. After the repair is completed, a receipt will be issued and signed by both parties. I am not a lawyer, I just wonder will there be any catch on this? If I signed this and she claims that my car hit her instead and went through their own insurance. What is my protection?.." "Car wreck, how much is the insurance going to give me?"

I got into a car wreck sometime this month of May. It wasn't my fault, the guy made an early turn and hit me. My car and his car are now totaled. I was wondering how much money the insurance will give me on the newer car...? By the way, I have a 1995 Honda Accord Ex and its now totaled. I just wanna know how much they will pay me back? And I have insurace, but not full coverage." Oregon car insurance? Can I give my daughter my car registered in my name and she get car insurance for it? Car insurance in Florida? Do i need to have a Florida license in order to have car insurance for a car registered in Florida? Should people be required to have health care coverage like they do for car insurance? That way if someone's not covered the hospital can refuse to treat them just like a car insurance company can refuse to cover someone who didn't have coverage with them. Problem solved, no need for the gov to intervene. Only those over 65 years old should be allowed to apply for medicaid, all other working age bodies should buy it themselves especially if they can all afford monthly cell phone and internet bills and clothes and vacations and stuff." Do insurance companies have a specific category for rock crawlers and how much does it cost to insure one? I want to buy a rock crawler and the only reason I would probably insure it is just so I could drive it on the street ocassionally not as a daily driver that wouldnt be to smart anyway depends though How much will insurance go up on state farm now that a 16 year old has their licence? i am turning 16 in a couple days and my rents were wondering about the cost of insurance and keep procrastinating it. What is the average deductable on car insurance? What is the average deductable on car insurance? cheap mx5 insurance cheap mx5 insurance What good car insurance? I'm looking for a car insurance . I try to look fo a company that doesn't try to kill me with in payment. I live in new york city. Does anybody out there know a car insurance more Anyone claimed their Car a Wreak through their insurance before? what happens exactly? Ok, so my car has Hail damage ALL over it from a recent storm. I am covered for insurance but i wanna know what to do?! i can't call them at this stage cos they call centre is down :( SO, if my car is worth $30,000 & the damage is worth about $5,000 $7,000 how do they work out if it's considered a wreak or not? My premium is about $1000 (cos i'm under the age of 25) so what happens if they declare it a wreak? Do i just get a cheque and then they take the car? or what? If anyone has had their car considered a wreak through insurance before, please enlighten me :) Thanks x" Where can I find cheap car insurance for someone who has a dui? I live in AZ and I am trying to find car insurance for someone who has had a dui. The only company so far is Bristol west but they are too expensive. Where else can I go? My daughter was in a multi vehicle car accident and i cant seem to find an estimate for car insurance? It was a 2001 hyundai elantra. My insurance was 9 star. My daughter just turned 21 and wasen't given permission to drive the car. How much is insurance if you're 19 to 20 years old? im planning on getting a car in a few months and i'm just curious how much i have to put out for insurance on a coupe car years from around 2000 to 2006. and how much less would it cost if i had my parents to buy it and just put my name under the insurance? How to make health insurance more affordable/cheaper? can someone give me some sites to provide me with information? i have to do a problem-solution speech on economic change. sites with statistics are definitely desired. "On average, how much will my insurance cost?" I'm 17 and female. on average how much do you think my insurance would cost on a 1.2L corsa 2003 model, with a black box fitted? Also would it be cheaper if i put the insurance in my dads name (9 years no claims) and me as a named driver? I'm struggling to find quotes as i haven't passed my test yet, just wondering whether it's worth buying this car thanks in advance BQ: do you know of any cars which are fairly cheap for teenagers to insure?" First Time Insurance? Does anyone have any suggestions of companys for Insurance for a first time driver, i dont expect it to be too cheap but most qoutes ive had are Horrendous. also, cars that

would be low on insurance would be great, cheers!" Where can i get the cheapest car insurance in marion ohio? Where can i get the cheapest car insurance in marion ohio? Should I buy life insurance from Transamerica? I have read that AEGON owns Transamerica Life insurance. There is a posting that both are potential scams. One warning was about health insurance. Is there a connection between the life insurance and the health insurance? The Transamerica building in San Francisco is shaped like a Pyramid. Wouldn't it be something if........ Insurance pays for Impound fee's help? Here is my situation. I was driving from school and a crazy driver made me avoid him almost hitting me causing me to crash into a parked car on the curb, the guy recklessly driving left the scene and i got stuck with all the blame. I'm a teenager 17 years old i have no license nor permit but i was responsible enough to get myself insured in the car full coverage i had to find ways to get from school to home and from home to work. Well my car got impounded and now i'm stuck with a hefty ticket for 1) making an unsafe move 2) Driving without a license and my dad got a ticket for letting me drive without a license. The car is totaled from the right side of the front and it's a Toyota Celica GT-S 2004. My questions is this. Will insurance pay for the towing and impound fee's that are about to hit me? I live in California. I have full coverage on insurance and i already called them and I'm expecting a call back. I really can't afford the impound fee's and my dad is in a very heavy financial situation. I pay for the car myself and insurance which is hefty. I'm just wondering if insurance will pay for the Impound fee's and the cars damage. Thanks for your answesr." Car Insurance...? I was wondering which car insurance company has a reasonable price? Wat is the avarage cost for car insurance in nyc? anyone! please be as specific as posible? so ive been thinkin about getting a car. but i dont know how much i would be paying a month for car insurance..i would really appreciate to get accurate answers...thank u guys Does anyone know what would be a cheap first car for a 17 year old girl?? Hi... Just wondering if anyone knows which cars are cheaper to insure for a 17 year old girl. Any suggestions please..................... 2002 corvette insurance? Ok i'm thinking about buying an '02 corvette and was wondering how much the insurance on the car would be. Anybody have one or know anything about what the

insurance on the car would be? Thanks. The general car insurance ? is there a catch ? I feel like there's a catch . No personal info required and its 39 bucks . Is there a catch ? Or just a bad car insurance Does a warning for running a red light increase insurance rates? PLEASE HELP!? Today I got pulled over for the first time for running a red light , when the officer pulled me over, as he was getting off his bike I took my seatbelt off (I know, now that I think of it, it was such a stupid thing to do, but it was my first time being pulled over and I didnt know how to react). He di.dn't say anything about the seatbelt, but he told me that I ran the red light back there. Ok, let me explain this to you guys now, i don't know if you're familiar with Cape Cod or not but there are TONS, literally tons of tourists here right now, and the roads are really narrow.. There was a guy in an Audi pulling into a parking spot in reverse in front of me and he was taking half of the lane that I was on.. This parking spot happens to be 10 ft away from the set of lights. In my mind I was thinking, I'm gonna go to the left side to let this guy go in, and while that was happening I was worried about the tourists that like to jaywalk and cross the road inbetween cars... So I go to the left and the left and gas it a little bit, I was going like 10 mph as I was taking off, and the light turns yellow, I cross the crosswalk, then the light turns red and I drive under the set of lights.. These 2 bike cops came immediately after me... So long story short, it was my first time being pulled over, I took the seatbelts off, and I ran the red light because there was a guy pulling into a parking stop right in front of me and I was too worried looking around afraid I was going to hit a jaywalking tourists. I know people always think they're right, but I honestly think I didn't do anything wrong here. I got a $25 seat belt fine and a warning for running the red light, which is complete BS. I know it's a warning but I don't want it on my record at all, how can I appeal, any tips? Im only 18 years old, just got off my JOL and I'm very conscientious of other people, never speed or anything. I appreciate your help, will give best answer, thanks!" What cars have cheap insurance for a teen? Not looking for some online thing with only a couple new cars. In YOUR experience what cars have the cheapest insurance? Right now I'm looking for any beater as looks really don't matter too much as I'm only gonna pay like $500 or a little more depending on the car and only going to drive it for 3-4 months or so (unless its a classic) because with the job I am getting next month Ill be able to afford a much nicer car and insurance in no time. I got a quote for an 03 civic si coupe at 400 bucks a month (while on my dads insurance) I am 17 and thats too much for me right now heck i could buy an old beater civic for that much. So I'm thinking going back as 90's and up (I'm all for classic cars but I dont think the insurance will be any less because they think all old cars have massive and fast motors and are death traps. I like this 87 monte carlo ss that isnt too old but again the insurance sees ss and adds another $100 -_- ) theres also a 76 camaro with a 305 that I really like and its already yellow! (bumble bee anyone?) though i dont know how the insurance would be for that. It's just a regular one as there was no z28 option in 76. Now I'm thinking what about the early 90s civics such as the hatch? though I would guess insurance would still be high because they are easy to steal see my frustration no matter what cheap car i think of insurance finds a reason to skyrocket rates What cars can you recommend me that I can get for a grand? cheap insurance and cheap gas would be good too but if the fbodys arent too bad on insurance then i dont care about the gas.

How much would car insurance cost for me? How much does it cost to get my first car insurance under my parents insurance living in NV, USA? Also: I'm 18 yrs old, Just got my driver's license, White male Caucasian, Drive a black 1996 Honda Civic, been in no accidents, got good grades from High School, had no bad records in general, I live in a safe area, but will drive about 80 miles a week ." Home-owner's Insurance Question? Okay, maybe a stupid question, but I need help here to settle an argument. I say that home owner's insurance does NOT cover an air conditioner if it breaks, unless it is tied to a disaster event i.e. lightening strike, fire, etc.. Husband says that you can have it in your policy that insurance company will pay to repair or replace the air conditioner if it just breaks down, as long as it is within the manufacturer's expiration date." Can't afford healthcare but make too much for medicaid? I'm so frustrated with how our country handles healthcare - it should be a basic right for all citizens, not a big business. Anyway, my boyfriend and I are full-time students currently living off of student loans and not working while we are in a very demanding program. We have no health insurance and our school does not have a health clinic. My boyfriend has been having severe gastrointestinal issues that are getting increasingly worse, he fears he may have bowel cancer or some horrible disease and wants to get checked out. We looked into medicaid and found out he does not qualify b/c he has more than 2k in the bank (all loan money), but we need that money to pay rent and eat and pay tuition and books. The cheapest health insurance we can find is $150 a month and doesn't include any extra testing (like a colonoscopy, etc.) So, what does your average middle american trying to get by and go to school to become a better person do? Should we just wait until he dies? Seriously. Rapists and murderers in prison are getting better healthcare than your average family. This place sucks, I want to move to Europe. Any suggestions on how we can get him affordable or free help before he dies?" Insurance for a 3 series BMW Convertable? Does anybody know a good/cheap insurance company for a BMW 3 Series Convertable. I don't have any no claims as i have always driven a company car! Please please help!!!! Can my parents add me to their car insurance for a shot period of time? I'm planning to go on a road trip and I was wondering if it's possible for my parents to add me to their insurance so I can use their car for a week, and whether it will be cheaper that way than to rent a car (I'm 24). They have American Family Insurance." Which credit reporting agency is best for the credit report? I know that i can get my free credit report once a year, but there are like 3 reporting agencies to chose from. Which of those agencies is most accurate, and gives out the

most info? I want one, to show all the negatives thing i might have in order for me to fix them, if there are any." Can you claim your car insurance if your car needs repairs not caused by an accident? If you have fully comprehensive insurance can you make a claim even though you have not been in a crash or other accident? The car in question has an MOT however it needs extensive repairs and is not drivable. The repairs are going to cost more than the car is worth and so it really just needs to be scrapped or sold for a ridiculously small sum of money to someone who can fix it up. The problem is that there is still a huge outstanding balance for the loan repayment of the car! Can anyone help please? cheap mx5 insurance cheap mx5 insurance Does auto insurance cost more in Las Vegas than los Angeles? Does auto insurance cost more in Las Vegas than los Angeles? In Northern California on average how much does the minimal amount of gas and insurance cost per month ? I'm 18 and looking into buying my first car this year. From my understanding the cheapest of Vehicles could be anywhere from $500-$1000 dollars. Since I'm doing this alone I'm asking you from your own personal experiences with car finances. What is the best car insurance i can get? I am 18 and have a minnimum paying job.. what would be the cheapest car insurance i can get? its a 86 honda accord. Pregnant with no insurance? I recently moved and I no longer have health insurance. I am 33 weeks pregnant. I do not qualify for Medicaid. are there any other inexpensive options? I am currently working part time but I won't be working for much longer. What is the easiest way to have insurance? My unemployed mom spoils my 12 y/o little brother everyday and I only work 14 hours. I've tried applying to 30 stores but my AA diploma is worthless. Does the insurance cover my car after i just barely bought and crashed the next day? My Uncle bought a car one day and the next day he crashed. So I was wondering if his old car insurance which he is still paying for can cover the car. Car Insurance query (involved in accident)?

Yesterday I was involved in an accident, I was stopped on the motorway when a car was going too fast crashed right into the back of me, pushing me into the van in front, the recovery guy who picked my vehicle up said it prob will be written off due to its age. My questions are: a - I am an additional named driver on the policy with direct line, the policy holder in my mum, we didn't select for courtsey car, and my friend seems to think that the person who crashed into me, his insurance company should provide me with one? And if so how do I go about this? b - I think I may have whiplash, my neck is extremley sore and I can't look to right and left without turining my whole body, I am going to doctor's tomorrow, do I get compensation for this as it said online you can claim loss of earnings but at the moment I am unemployed. I spoke to Direct Line who advised providing the man admits it was his fault (I can't see him not as it clearly was) then my mum won't loose her no claims. Thanks" Does anyone know the average insurance quotes for 2007 Nissan Altima in North Carolina? Does anyone know the average insurance quotes for 2007 Nissan Altima in North Carolina? How much should life insurance cost per thousand? for a middle aged person with no health issues. Car insurance check for air bags? So im planning on getting either Allstate or Farmers Insurance, I'm wondering if they will check for air bags when they look at my car." Were can i get cheap car insurance in the central florida area? Were can i get cheap car insurance in the central florida area? "Hi, this is my first time getting contact lenses, i just wanna know where can I find an affordable price?" I have called a few optometry clinics already but the price is just not satisfying; it was around $350.00 for a year (including eye exam). I would like to know if there is any other place that would do it for cheaper. By the way, I live around San Gabriel, CA. Please recommend optometry clinics located around me(less than 20mins drive), I would appreciate it." What's the best way to shop for insurance? Through a broker or online? A broker has many insurance and knows where to shop if I go online am I going to be get the best rate? Are custom orthotics covered by health insurance? I heard getting a pair is expensive but i need them for running uninjured

Is this true with insurance companies? hi do insurance companies in US currently asks or checks for any pre existing condition ,before enrolling us? is that true or is that what obama is proposing for insurance companies under new healthcare plan. i never got tested/checked for anything, before getting myself enrolled......." How can I get cheap car insurance as an 18 year old in the SE UK? I can't seem to get anything less than 3000 What is a good looking and cheap running car for a 17 year old british man hoping to pass soon? i would prefer a hatchback but dont actually mind lol...need it too look good, be cheap to run and cheap on insurance" Car insurance... HAVE THEY GONE MAD? Basically I am 16 and looking to buy a car that needs work, so that I have a car for when I pass my driving test. I have pretended I was born a year earlier which would make me 17 and eligible for insurance, but all the other details are true. I have also added my dad on the policy and the cheapest I got quoted was nearly 4000, and it's not like i'm going to be driving a rocket ship its a 1989 subaru justy 1.2l engine, which I have valued at 500 (double what its worth). Thus I am struggling to see why it costs so much?? BTW IT'S FIRE AND THEFT NOT EVEN FULLY COM" How can I get affordable health insurance because of obama care? I work but i have 2 kids to support and I Make Minimum Wage.. plus rent and bills.. Does anyone have any suggestions about how i could possibly get health care or what will happen if I just simply cant afford it? And no smart *** remarks like get a better paying job. Jobs are hard to find where I Live and i am making it with what i have. But obama forcing us to have health insurance is making me wonder what Options i have. Medicare? or some kind of afforable health insurance? would love to hear people who are in the same boat i am. and any POSITIVE Suggestion would be helpful. Thanks Where can I find affordable family health insurance? Looking to find several health company quotes. NJ Average car insurance for a 17 year old? i am looking into buying a 2001 Oldsmobile Bravada and i was wondering what people think i would be paying for car insurance, i have tried the insurance quote websites but as im 16 (almost 17) they don't allow me to continue. i appreciate your help! i passed my test with a 90 and took a drivers class with an instructor i also get A-B grades (just in case that helps)"

2003 350z or new altima coupe? (insurance costs)? I'm an 18 years old male. What's the smaller of the two evils and by approximately how much? The 350z would be the enthusiast trim and the coupe would be S trim. Both automatic Can i put my 20 year old daughter on my health insurance? MY 20 year old daughter doesn't live at home but needs health insurance can I add to my health insurance What should I do I hate insurance company? This is frustrating I got involve an accident was going straight and suddenly a lady turned in front of me I could have ran into to her but I choose to go around and I wrecked my car to a fire pole she ddnt stop I spoke to geico they gonna fix my car as I had full coverage but they said they gonna analyse if my policy will increase or not at renewal cause they putting me at fault as there's nobody else to blame and the funny thing is that same thing happen to me a year ago I turned in front of a lady she could have went around but she ran right into me where the accident happen there was camera if I'm able to get them the videos to show that I didn't intentionally wreck my car would they take that in consideration ? Now they making me think bad like I should have run into her car and let her take the blame I could have get injured and probably everybody in her car? This is bs Motorcycle insurance? I live in Southern California, what insurance compnay can I contact that will provide really cheap motorcycle insurance. Some of the rates out there are unbelieveable" cheap mx5 insurance cheap mx5 insurance Affordable health insurance for self employed in Missouri? Affordable health insurance for self employed in Missouri? Does my Company car insurance cover me to drive other insured cars 3rd Party? im insured fully comp to drive my company car, so because i am fully comp does this mean that i am insured to drive 3rd Party any other car that is also insured Fully Comp?(not in the company)" Health insurance help? usually, how much does it cost monthly for health insurance in california, marin county?"

I was driving without proof of insurance.? The cop pulled me over for speeding but did not cite me on that charge. He just cited me a fix it ticket for not having proof of insurance in my car. I am insured and have a card to prove it. I am a minor in California. Will I have to go to court on my date or can I do it earlier? What will happen to my record? What will I have to go through? thanks Ford focus insurance? any one know which type of ford focus has a low insurance group, i am looking to buy one soon but want one that has a cheap insurance policy, i am thinking of a focus ghia 1600 or 1800cc around 03 reg, any help please What is the best rated and least expensive car insurance for a female age 19 with a clean driving record ?t? The car is an SUV 94 ford astro van in California.Know that only need collision coverage...Thanks for helping Where to find a dental insurance/plan that provides full coverage(if not 100% something close)? I am sick and tired of being robbed over and over by those dental offices...whatever my dental plan says it saves on me they always come up with something to make me pay as I am not insured at all! I am willing to pay more for and expensive dental plan/insurance that covers me 100% or very close from that(=> 80%) I just don't want to go through the price of each service I get from the dental office because its useless! ... and please don't post me links to those websites that collects my private information just to give me quotes! Only if you tried the insurance or know somebody tried it...I am looking for life experience not google search results! thank you very much :) "How much is average insurance for a motorcycle, preferably in Texas.? I am female and over 25 yrs. of age. What is the cheapest insurance? i have a vauxhall corsa 1.0 litre im 17 and just passed and insurance quotes ive tried is 4000+pound a year anyone know any cheap insurance's thanks!!!!! 16 year old insurance question? i dont wanna hear the bs about only a agent can quote me i want a average of the cost for a 16 year old male! driving a old truck with driver ed paper saying that i passed umm i exspect it to be 100$ monthly? I have have 14 points on my license i need a cheap insurance? some companys have a limit on points

Insurance Types? Is there a type of insurance that covers any type of damages you cause? Specifically destruction of a mattress. Can an Auto Insurance company force you to use aftermarket parts for repair in Connecticut? I had tire tread fly into my car on the highway. Tore the bumper and smashed the condenser. The insurance company has after market parts on the estimate, but I want to sell this car someday and want OEM. I'm pretty sure I am out of luck, but just wanted to make sure as this is my first time dealing with an incident. Thanks." Accident and Insurance questions. In California.? So I got in an accident a couple of weeks ago. The other driver refused to show me her insurance. I was found 100% liable for the accident because the other driver lied about the accident . Now I'm getting phone calls from the other drivers insurance telling me that they are investigating their client because they think she got the insurance a few hours after the accident. What does this mean for me? I provided some pictures to the investigation team because they wanted the exact time of the accident. If the driver is found guilty what will happen. Will I still be liable? Also should I let my insurance know about this investigation. New Drivers: How much do you pay in Car Insurance a month? I know this is a more personal question so I will just ask for a RANGE; like for example, $400-$500." Can anyone take a Life Insurance Policy on my life without me knowing it? A while ago I heard of a story of a buisness taking life insurance policies out on their employees without their knowledge of it. So, I figure it cant be a far stretch for anyone to take out an life insurance policy on anyone if they know the relevant personal information. If they can, how can I find out what insurance company has written so I can have it DESTROYED." Best health insurance? Best health insurance? How much would it cost to insure a large SUV for a 16 year old? I have always wanted this car: The Toyota Sequoia. I know it gets crappy gas mileage, but ive seen worse. And plus Im not gonna be driving that much either. my school is very close to me, along with all my friends houses. But how much will insurance be at your best guess? Also, if I don't blow off gas, and waster it, how much money do you think I will pay per month in

California? Dont try to tell me that I am not old enough to be behind an SUV, because 1) Im going to be learning how to drive from my parents in an suv, so i will have some experience 2) my parents want me to get an SUV 3) Im not a dumb a** whos gonna go 50 mph and try to cut a corner and flip over. Bottom line is, im getting an suv and thats that." What are the payments on an Infiniti G35 Coupe? How much for the car a month? And the insurance? If anyone has this car please let me know how much you pay for the car & the insurance. Thank you so much in advance. Why is my car insurance company charging me 2 premiums? I go through farmers insurance and last month I paid a premium of 94.42 and now this month I'm being charged a premium of $83.70 plus a renewal adjustment of $7.27 does this mean my car insurance is always going to be this high? It was only $67 last 6 month cycle. "What are some practical, sensible alternatives to forcing people to carry health insurance or pay a tax?" I have a problem with paying for people who don't carry insurance, like a certain brother-in-law who works as a handy man, lives paycheck to paycheck, smokes like a chimney, and refuses to buy health insurance. He is one accident or one case of lung cancer away from passing on a huge hospital bill to the rest of us. If we remove the requirement for people to carry health insurance, what is the alternative? Would we remove the requirement for hospitals to treat anyone who either did not have insurance or could prove they could pay the full cost out of pocket? Maybe people like my brother-in-law could get a tattoo on their butt that says Dear Doctor, I gambled and lost, let me die! Or maybe we let the states deal with the issue. Then the federal government could withold Medicare/Medicaid funding from any state that didn't ensure someway, somehow that everyone has affordable healthcare available. Lets solve the problem 50 times and 50 different ways instead of once. Gee that sounds better! So yea - whats the alternative? If its such a bad thing to make people buy health insurance, then give me a GOOD, practical alternative?" How much would insurance be for a 2012 Mazda3 for a 17 year old? okay 1st dont tell me anything about what i shouldnt get because i donnt give a ****. it's not a sports car. its the cheapest mazda car & i like it & all i want to know is what the insurance might be .. i need good insurance companies & an actual price range .. please no paragraphs about non sense (: & im a male if that helps (: & YES I CAN AFFORD IT ! How can I prevent this girl from completely taking advantage of my insurance company? A few nights ago I accidentally brushed the side of my neighbor's car with my front bumper (cause she was parked like an idiot as usual). I'm taking full responsibility of it cause it's my fault and I have no problem with that. Initially I was going to pay for the scrape to be compounded out and whatever else was wrong as a result of me hitting

it. However, when I spoke to her, she started pointing out a ridiculous amount of things: there's a scratch in addition to the scrape (ok, sure), she says I cracked her light (maybe I did, it's possible) but she's also saying that I caused her tire to pop out and that there's tread missing from it (which makes absolutely no sense because I didn't hit the tire or rim or wheel well at all). Basically, she expects a whole new paint job and a set of tires which is ridiculous for the small amount of damage that was done. I want to make sure she isn't trying to take advantage of my insurance company and cause my rates to skyrocket as a result. The car is a complete piece of sh*t and she doesn't take care of it at all - the paint's dull, the rims are rusted - and I think she's trying to fix these things by making it like they were a result of me hitting her. I have no problem at all taking responsibility for the damage I did, but I do have a problem with her making things up and trying to fix other issues through my insurance company. The last claims representative I spoke with told me that I would not be contacted by the adjuster at all since there is no damage to my car. Since she's going to be talking with the adjuster and I won't, I'm afraid she's going to exaggerate the amount of damage. Should I call my insurance company and tell them this? Will they care? What can I do?" Mr vice president my name is michael and i am in indiana. how can i afford health insurance michael? i tried finding insurance but i can't even afford it. what can i do Does your car insurance rate go up if you get a seat belt ticket in illinois? Does your car insurance rate go up if you get a seat belt ticket in illinois? cheap mx5 insurance cheap mx5 insurance

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