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Artem Matiushenko | Liuxinyi | Daria Purenok | Irati García | Paula Pez | Sasha Marchuk | Silvia Sánchez | Cristina López | Jared Peralta | Panibe |

Artem Matiushenko | Liuxinyi | Daria Purenok | Irati García | Paula Pez | Sasha Marchuk | Silvia Sánchez | Cristina López | Jared Peralta | Panibe | Anna Lyakhova | Artem Lavrukhin | Evgenia Sigutina | Noemí Díaz


Issue 1.

Photographer: Artem Matiushenko | Male Model: Anton Matiushenko

ADOPTAUNAPRENDA is a project based on textile recovery. It was born to extend the life cycle of garments that can be used for a longer time. The purpose of the project is to make these garments regain their emotional value through their stories. With this magazine, the aim is to give a voice to projects that work in different areas of sustainable fashion. We approach these editorials through photography as the main expression and common thread. I hope you like it. Noemí Díaz Patiño @adoptaunaprenda

Issue 1. Cover and back story: Into the Nature by Kamil Gracki


Eat Me | Artem Matiushenko - page 2 Plastic Wrap | Liuxinyi - page 5 Girl in Red | Daria Purenok - page 7 Solitude II | Irati García - page 10 Empathy Handmade | Paula Pez - page 14 Malady | Sasha Marchuk - page 18 Rooftop Party | Silvia Sánchez - page 22 Ibiza Slow Fashion | Cristina López - page 27 Bloom | Artem Matiushenko - page 30 Into the Nature | Kamil Gracki - page 32 Grazie | Jared Peralta - page 34 Whispers | Panibe - page 36 Golden Age of glamour 1930’s | Jingyi Huang - page 38 The North Wind Changes in the South | Artem Lavrukhin - page 40 Be Easy | Evgenia Sigutina - page 42 Metanoia | Noemí Díaz Patiño - page 44

Curation & editorial Design: @itrynottothink ADOPTAUNAPRENDA | Prendas con historia 2021 @adoptaunaprenda

Issue 1.

Plastic Wrap.

Photographer and Stylist: Liuxinyi | Model: Intensivecareu


When she only have plastic wrap, we made it into clothes.

Issue 1.


Girl in Red.

Creative Director & Photographer: Daria Purenok Model: Anna Radzkova

Hi, I am Daria, a young photographer from Minsk, Belarus. This project is about finding your own style within the atmosphere of an abandoned city.


Solitude II. Photographer: Irati García | Models: Aina Costa, Tanit Cortés & Mayro | Jewelry Designer: Lia B. Olalla Borrego Issue 1.


Issue 1.


Jewelry, textiles and beautiful objects to connect with your essence.

Issue 1.



Issue 1.


Empathy handmade. Photographer: Paula Pez Model & Eco-designer: Cielo Fayรณ Issue 1.


Blessed nature, I keep you in my treasure chest Live by your side and learn from you every day. What you can give us is not achieved by destroying yourself.

Issue 1.


Photographer: Sasha Marchuk | Photographer Assistant: AralovaAlina | Photographer Assistant: Gil’ Elena | Photographer Assistant: Elizabeth Malinina | Model: Nemkina Valeria | Stylist: Alyona Stadnik | Hair & Makeup: Elizaveta Perepelica Original text: Sasha Marchuk



19 Issue 1.


Иногда ты плохо себя чувствуешь. Вы пьете витамины или что-нибудь профилактическое и думаете: «Скоро пройдет». А внутренний голос такой: «Нет, это не излечимо на всю жизнь». Вы: “да ладно, чушь какая-то” ... И три года спустя этот голос оказался прав. И с одной стороны я ВАНГЕТ, а с другой как-то обидно. ... На что я жалуюсь? Температура 37, слабость в теле, вялость в голове. Беспорядок. Болезнь. Всем, кто сейчас болен: лучи добра и душевные объятия

Issue 1.

Sometimes you don’t feel well. You drink vitamins or something preventive and think: “It will soon pass”. And the inner voice is like this: “No, it’s not curable for life.” You: “oh well, some kind of nonsense” ... And three years later, that voice turns out to be right. And on the one hand I’m vanget, but on the other, it’s somehow offensive. ... What am I complaining about? Temperature 37, weakness in the body, dullness in the head. Disorder. Malady. To everyone who is sick now: rays of goodness and mental hugs

Issue 1.



Rooftop Party. Photographer: Silvia Sรกnchez Styling & Production: Papagayo Vintage



Past and Present united for the Future



Issue 1.

Ibiza Slow Fashion.


Photographer: Cristina Lรณpez | Fashion Designer: Etikology | Models: Tanit Carbonell & Xiomara Cantero (Deva Models) | Fashion Designer: La Brisa Ibiza | Makeup Artist/Hair Stylist: Raquel Lopez Parejo


Issue 1.


Issue 1.

Photographer: Artem Matiushenko | Male Model: Anton Matiushenko


Photographer: Artem Matiushenko | Male Model: Artem Matiushenko


Into the nature. COVER STORY Photographer: Kamil Gracki Model: Pilar M. Dress: Explore Wear


“Going to the mountains is going home” - John Muir Issue 1.



Photographer: Jared Peralta | Model: Jasmine Graziela


Miss of Utopia are clothes and sleeping accessories dyed with plants using ecological, top-quality fabrics.


Starting from cotton threads with the highest ecological certificates, through rubber bands made of natural rubber tree, to the material itself, which is considered to be a vegan equivalent of silk.

Issue 1. 37

Photographer: Panibe | Models: Klaudia Agier & Judyta Chrystowska | Fashion Designer: Miss Of Utopia


Golden age of glamour 1930’s.


Issue 1.


Photographer: Jingyi Huang | Model: Anna Lyakhova | Stylist: Rita Yuany

Photographer: Artem Lavrukhin | Creative Director: Viki Karavaeva | Stylist: Andrey Projeev | Model House: Sigma Sebastopol | Clothes: Dea Crimea

The north wind changes in the south.




Be easy. Photographer: Evgenia Sigutina | Model: Ana Demidovaa | Dress: Calico

Issue 1.


Run across the field in a flying dress and see off autumn


Metanoia. Photographer: Noemí Díaz Patiño | Model: Lynn Lopes | Hair & Makeup Artist: Eva Cendón Sánchez | Stylist: Ángela Santos Issue 1.


μετανοĩεν. Ένα ταξίδι που αλλάζει τον τρόπο σκέψης ή συναισθήματος, τη ζωή ή τον τρόπο ύπαρξης ενός ατόμου. A journey that changes the way of thinking or feeling, the life or the way of being of a person.

47 Issue 1.

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