Livro das Fazendas - miolo

Page 87

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In one of the Traituba bedrooms, visitors could admire the bed which had been ordered by the Junqueiras for the emperor’s rest, with the headboard being richly turned in crafted wood. Another attraction which most certainly would be seen by the illustrious visitor was called “the Tree of the Battle”, which was already old at the time of the Discovery of Brazil. Even greater today, six men holding hands would be necessary to embrace its trunk. A third generation member of the family, José Frauzino Forte Junqueira, known as the Major of Traituba, effected a major refurbishing at the seat in 1905. Amongst the changes made, he tore down the upper floor of the house, which had been built for the exclusive purpose of putting the Court of Dom Pedro up. The farm today is administered by Otto Aguiar Junqueira and José Frauzino Junqueira, sons of Oswaldo Cruz Azevedo Junqueira and Alice Aguiar Junqueira. The house has nearly 30 rooms, it has thick adobe walls, large doors and windows and pine floors. Besides being a patrimony of the Minas Gerais State, Traiatuba Farm is one of the birthplaces of the Mangalarga Marchador breed. The firm walk - regular, even and comfortable - is fascinating to all who visit the property. The breeding stock is a just reason for pride for the family and holds in its history, famous reproducers such as Pégaso, Canário, Glicério and Beduíno, amongst others.


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