Tips for Choosing a Pond Fountain

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Tips for Choosing a Pond Fountain

Fountains are a magnificent way to make your pond or lake more attractive and relaxing. The sight and sound of water rising and falling while forming graceful patterns is relaxing and soothing. Besides their aesthetic qualities, fountains significantly improve the level of dissolved oxygen in water. As the water in a pond rises and falls back down, it is able to dissolve more oxygen. As such, the stirring and splashing effect caused by a fountain in a water body like a lake or a pond plays a great role in aerating water. So, which features should you look for when planning to buy a pond aerator fountain or outdoor fountains?

Here are the key features that you need to consider when looking for outdoor fountains or any other type of pond aerator fountain. 1.

The 6 Feet Rule

The general rule of thumb is that if a pond is more than 6 ft deep, a fountain will not be able to aerate it adequately. This is because aeration is attained when the whole body of water moves at the same time. Fountains disturb the top column of water only, so if a pond is more than 6 ft deep, the lower columns will not be touched and will remain oxygen-deprived. If you would like to aerate deeper ponds, you need to choose a subsurface aeration fountain or aqua blower that will be able to offer complete circulation. 2. Shape and Size of Your pond Larger ponds will require more aeration due to their greater volume. If you have a large pond, it may require a greater number of fountains to account for this. Another factor will be the shape of your pond. A round pond is ideal as it makes it easier for water circulation to reach all areas. An oddly shaped pond with “arms” extending far from the fountain may be difficult to reach to provide adequate aeration, in which case you will likely need more fountains.

3. Spray Pattern A fountain’s spray pattern also determines how effectively the fountain will be able to provide the aeration that your pond needs. You should make sure to inquire as to the aeration properties of specific nozzles to get a better idea of this before purchasing. 4. Horsepower In most ponds that are 1 acre or less, fountains with a 1 HP pump will be able to provide good aeration. In the case of large ponds, lakes, and ponds or lakes with non-round shapes, more fountains or increased horsepower may be required.

Contact details of Admiral Lake and Pond Restoration : Website:

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