Unlocking vs jailbreaking

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Many of us cannot distinguish between Bluetooth and wifi, CDMA and GSM and many other terms which look ambiguous to them. Unlocking and jailbreaking too fall in same category. There are a lot of fellows around the world for whom these two terms are similar. But technically these two terms are totally different. Both have own function and purpose. Let us discuss it here. In most of the countries around the world Wireless carriers offer iPhones at less price with a contract of using their telecom service for a fixed period of time. It is just like a restriction in which your iPhone is locked to use a particular carrier service. As far as amount is concerned it is a very lucrative scheme for the customer , that is why it clicks easily. But when users experience the signal problems in their area or they find another cheaper service- then what to do or where to go? Now consumer wants to get rid of that unwanted service and switch on to desired wireless carrier. This facility of switching between the wireless carriers is termed as unlocking. Even after unlocking iPhone it depends upon the model of your phone whether it supports CDMA or GSM network. There are two types of iPhone unlocking : Hardware unlocking and Software unlocking Hardware unlocking is not recommendable as in this process one has to open up your cell phone which is little risky. In software unlocking there are certain codes to put in at right place and you will have your device with the desired service. Unlocking of iPhone is done at many cell phone repair centres or Apple stores nearby your area. Now what is jailbreaking? Apple has designed the environment of its apps very strictly.For millions of its IOS users Apple has provided numerous apps but at the same time its users have no authority or control over their own device. They cannot customize it accordingly. On the other hand Apple has its own perception of protection and security of their device. But as we all know that each and every worldly problem has its unique solution so this problem is also not an exception. Here the term jailbreaking becomes meaningful. It gives you an unauthorized access to remove such limitations and after breaching the security one can easily download other software and apps which are not approved by Apple.

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