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南腔北调· LifeStyle


2014 年二月号 总第 350 期

8 大名酒的“名片” Bai Jiu's Big Eight

张嘉译 马上绽放

Zhang Jiayi In His Prime

2.14 In the Mood for Love

The Snake’s Finest Moments l Auto House l Intersecting Paths l Ahead of the Pack l Neo-Idolatry


品味生活 年度最佳特辑

The snake’s finest moments

人民币 40 元 CN41-1046/J 港币 50 元


Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure

LifeStyle 1



LifeStyle 3

Editor’s Note

请关注我们的官方微博: 新浪微博 lifestyle 品味生活

The February cover is a shot of actor Zhang Jiayi

Time to Rest and Reflect

若无闲事挂心头 我们即将跨入中国的农历新年,虽然这是个全民欢庆的 节日,但是别忘了中国人还有一个词叫“年关”——这何尝 不是一道关卡啊。经历了跌宕起伏的一年,真的想好好歇一 会儿,可以审视生活,重新确定前行的方向。但是年末报告、 各种表格,还有来年规划还没完成,而公司年会、社交宴请、 慈善晚会等活动让人转得像个陀螺。更让人揪心的是,久未 归家的儿子蓦然发现父亲的健康问题越来越多了,而其他亲 人也在陆续跟进…… 为给亲朋好友挑选节日礼物,我花了整整两个下午在商 场和 eBay 疯狂扫货。圣诞节对中国人来说,可能只是流光 溢彩的彩灯、杳无音讯的海外邮件,还有变相增加的工作量, 因为外国同事此时正在休圣诞假。很显然,圣诞也没能让全 世界都歇一歇。而元旦,更像是提供一次扬眉吐气跑过终点 的机会,当然前提是你一路都出色地完成了任务。然而,以 终为始,终点线又是下一个起跑线,压力也随之而来——下 次如何做得更好?如何离完美更近一步?“一年更比一年好” 真真是杀人不见血啊。 这两个假期我都没能找到时间好好总结自己的生活,还 好中国的农历新年“马”上就来了,我将用这个辞旧迎新的 假期完成积压下来的工作、来年的规划以及纠缠存在的意义。 然而我错了,我比迎接圣诞的时候更忙碌,更加疲惫不堪。 这是送礼献殷勤、笼络人心的时候,这是和中国同事出去狂 欢的时候,这也是全世界都担忧工作积压和订单延期的时候, 因为一年一度全球最大规模“春运会”马上就来了。天大的 事情也抵不过回家过年的急切心情,中国春节前后,你甭想 他们会回复你的邮件。 对我来说,从感恩节一直到春节后这段时间,就像一个 巨大的漩涡,远不是节日的悠哉和放松,而是加倍的压力。 幸好快结束了,我们不都安全地进入马年了么。深呼吸一下, 坐下来,重新审视,也许我能为来年下一两个决心。 若无闲事挂心头,便是人间好时节。



Time to take a break. Through all the ups and downs and wild turnarounds of the year, I struggled through. In mid-December, I wanted a rest. The Christmas season was upon me and New Year’s revelry beckoned. But oh wait…still incomplete were the annual reports, spreadsheets, and plans for the next year. Just as critical were the company parties, networking dinners, charity galas and myriad other events. The proposals for all the business development plans for the next year and the overall strategic recommendations were also due. Of course, this is the time for family, which usually just means even more stress. My father was having more health problems and the steprelatives were on the way. I was really hoping to take a few days off just to reassess the direction of my career, and find new directions. Those two afternoons frantically rushing through the shopping mall and ebay trying to find gifts for friends and family were the only moments I got away from my work. For Chinese, the Christmas holiday may be a fun day out and a lot of pretty lights, but there are always those foreign colleagues on vacation who pile on extra work, the unanswered emails from abroad, and plus, in China, there aren’t even days off. Christmas did not provide many moments of pause anywhere in the world. New Year’s doesn’t even feel like the last part of a holiday - more just a chance to triumphantly run through a finish line if the work is done. But it provides another challenge, an additional bit of pressure: I need to come up with those resolutions and then push myself to live up to them. I must improve and make things better in the next year. There is just too much about my life that is too far from perfect. I definitely did get much time to meaningfully reflect about life. Fortunately, Chinese New Year seemed to offer another chance to start anew. Another goalpost before which I could finish that accumulated work, make the plans for the next year and have those essential moments of planning and pondering the true meaning of existence. Not so fast. The weeks leading up to the Spring Festival are even more frazzled than the one before Christmas. This is the time to pay court to government officials, go to events with Chinese colleagues, and make sure gifts and greetings have been sent to all the right people. Even businessmen not based in China have to fret about the work stoppages and orders delayed due to the world’s largest annual migration. For the three weeks before and after Chinese New Year, inboxes throughout China seem to remain untouched. To me, it feels like the two to three months from Thanksgiving till fifteen days after Spring Festival are one giant maelstrom that, far from providing peace and rejuvenation, means way more stress. But now it’s finally over - we’re safely into the Year of the Horse. Time to breathe out, sit back and re-assess. Maybe I can even make a resolution or two.

Nels M.N. Frye 费志远 Editor-in-Chief

LifeStyle 5

FEBRuary 032

速递 014 马年骑木马

084 偶像制造



086 涂向东: 艺海无涯,学无止境

澳大利亚工业设计大师马克·纽森为孩 子们设计的第二件作品

“书法之妙在于用抽象的文字表现具 象的情感,摄影之法则是用写实的画 面表达灵感的触动”

空间 024 各得其“所”

V’ House 让主人和阿斯顿马丁古董车 都各得其所

享乐 094 爱在浪漫酒店

028 夏日小屋

2014 情人节,以爱之名,入住奢华酒店, 在浪漫中沉醉

夏日小屋与其所在的莫斯科风格建筑 主体相得益彰,独具匠心的设计更能 引发观者的共鸣

110 新明园本味

特辑 038 LifeStyle 年度最佳特辑

LifeStyle 精选 2013 年度选题亮点,分 享全球顶级生活方式,诚意呈现智趣 潮流


简单并不是指清淡或者不复杂,而是 食物的味道要单一纯粹,食材本身不 要被过度加工和夸张化

068 张嘉译:马上绽放 作为鸿洲集团的首位形象代言人,张 嘉译成熟沉稳的气质马上绽放

072 8 大名酒的“名片” 中国八大白酒酒标上的图案都表达了 什么内容及寓意?




LifeStyle 7


084 Curated

014 Rocky the Horse


A modern take on this traditional children’s toy by Marc Newson

084 Neo-Idolatry

Yue Minjun’s new solo exhibition

086 Live and Learn

Abstract words express specific feelings; realistic images reflect inspiration of an artist.



024 Auto House

A dwelling for a contemporary couple and their collection of Aston Martins

094 In the Mood for Love

Celebrate the most romantic holiday of the year at these hotels

028 A Summer Pavilion

An evocative design in a Moscow compound - The Summer House.

110 Pure and Authentic

Ingredients should neither be over-processed nor overstated.


038 The Snake’s Finest Moments

LifeStyle’s most noteworthy from the Year of the Snake


068 Zhang Jiayi: The Prime of Life What makes life a perfect fit for the first ever spokesperson of Visun Group

072 Bai Jiu’s Big Eight

Test your knowledge about China’s top 8 baijiu brands and their logos.



016 Columns 114 Events 118 LifeStyle Focus 128 Fabulous

Ӓ̛ʺ᣺‫ي‬Өᦥइ‫ܫڡ‬Ӓ̛$3%ᯫᦐ͔ᫌ‫˭ޡ‬಩ॷӝúúᆃఀࡣʺ᣺ࣹ‫ڤ‬ЯǍᦥइવద ᫎድᒱࠇ੝֗‫ݓ‬੝Ἳ ࠇ੝ЯԻᤊᅊࢴࢌᄊ᜵ࡣੋܴᠶ᜵᫂߷ᛤᎿఀὊþᎿᮼලÿЛெᯀԊnjþ֗ÿெᯀԊܸ֗۶ᦥच኎ܳᫎᮼᐙᥙ০ СᠶድᒱဣᯥἻՏֶᯮᕂΈᦿὊԳద ࣱவዛ௄चಏर˗Өܸࠐ͘ԊἻ௧̛᜵‫ڡ‬ӝᯫࡑʷૉᄊ͘ᝬ֗ࠐ͘‫ڡڤ‬ ᯫᤥἻ࠲˞ખ̛ᄊ‫׸‬Ҭ̡‫ܣ‬৙ॷѹᤵພᯰnjਂਓᄊࡐϣਖԪǍੈ̓੾ឳὉᎿ‫ݬ‬ᄊᅔᄿʹᰎnj࿘ྲᄊˌவᎿᮼἻ ࠀ࠲̾০ᄊӒ̛˨஻ᬲ̿঄খǍ

LifeStyle 9


Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure

刊头题字:涂向东 国际刊号 ISSN 1003-2711 发行范围 Advertising License 广告经营许可证 Supervisory Board 主管、主办 Publishing House 编辑出版 President 社长 Publisher 出版人

国内刊号 CN41-1046/J 国内外公开发行 4100004000361 河南省文学艺术界联合会 南腔北调杂志社 Nan Qiang Bei Diao 饶丹华 Rao Danhua 符濠 Richard Fu

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EDITORIAL DIVISION 编辑部 Editor-in-Chief 执行主编 Editorial Director 编辑总监 Editors 编辑

Chief Graphic Designer 美术总监 Assistant Graphic Designer 助理美术编辑 Taipei Correspondent 驻台北记者

费志远 Nels Frye 彭小乐 Evan Peng 刘芯菲 Eva Liu 应 捷 Jeffrey Ying 韩 萌 Audrey Hammonds 刘 洋 Liu Yang 李学维 Wayne Li 孙旭阳 Sun Xuyang 吴聿书 Samuel Wu

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10 LifeStyle

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LifeStyle 11

12 LifeStyle

每月,LifeStyle 杂志将给您奉上来自全球的最新流行前沿资讯。 LifeStyle selects the most captivating people, places and things from around the world.


Desirables / P.14


Destinations / P18

新美学殿堂:法国娇兰之家 The Guerlain store, Paris

LifeStyle 13




Rocky the Horse 儿童小马驹摇椅“洛基”是澳大利亚工 业设计大师马克·纽森为孩子们设计的第二件 作品。怀旧的传统木马玩具,简直就是中世 纪赛马的时尚翻版。塑料制成的小马采用单 色设计,还形象地配上了小缰绳,便于孩子 抓握。 The second of Marc Newson’s designs for Children, Rocky is a modern take on a traditional object, a pop version taking its character loosely from medieval jousting horses. Called Rocky, the toy is moulded from plastic in one colour with a rope slotted through the mouth as reigns.

14 LifeStyle

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Travel with Adler 塔米联手美国著名设计师兼作家乔纳 森·艾德勒推出令人惊喜的“Jonathan Adler travels with TUMI”旅行用品系列,包括各 款行李箱、圆筒型手袋及旅行袋,均配以鲜 艳夺目的颜色和图案。对艾德勒来说,旅行 就等同于创意。这个系列正好展现其跳脱不 羁的奢华精神,实用却又不失玩味,无论在 旅途还是日常生活中,都能带来一股属于春 天的盎然生机。 Jonathan Adler, the furniture designer best known for his witty colorful pieces, has teamed up with Tumi to concoct a similarly witty and colorful travel collection. “Jonathan Adler Travels with Tumi” has several different suitcases and travel bags designed in his signature midcentury-inspired graphics and Palm Beach-esque bright colors. These will surely put a spring in your step as you go through boarding security. www.tumi.com

16 LifeStyle


Tusky Wine “长”了一对非洲疣猪獠牙的红酒架,丝毫不见阴森,倒是让 人想起那个强者为王的殖民时代。米兰 Cedes 公司用镀镍黄铜为品 酒这样的风雅之事生生地增添了几分“暴力美学”。这对獠牙当然 不是白长的,一边可放置螺丝刀开瓶器,一边可放红酒塞。将这款 红酒架置于餐桌中央,想不引人注目都难。 This intriguing looking wine holder from Cedes Milano is made out of nickel-plated brass and two warthog tusks that make for a very colonial looking piece. One can envision this item as a centerpiece for a dining table. Indeed it is also very practical, the two tusks each holding a corkscrew and wine stopper. www.cedesmilano.com

LifeStyle 17




Back to Blakes 位于英国伦敦南肯辛顿地区罗兰花园 33 号的布 莱克酒店是全世界第一家精品酒店。1978 年,既是 酒店老板又身兼设计师的阿瑙斯卡·汉姆贝尔创建了 布莱克酒店。这里的工艺品和装饰不拘一格,很多 都是汉姆贝尔本人在从中国到柬埔寨的旅行途中收 集来的。布莱克酒店格外注重保护客人隐私,这也是 为什么众多影视明星、音乐家和顶级设计师选择下 榻于此的原因,同时也为这家酒店赢得了“时尚酒店” 的美誉。 Blakes Hotel is a hotel in London credited as being one of the first boutique hotels in the world. Located at 33 Roland Gardens in South Kensington, the hotel was established in 1978 by Anouska Hempel, the London hotelier and designer and is packed full of eclectic artefacts from all over the world - collected by Hempel during her globe-hopping from China to Cambodia. Respected for protecting the privacy of its clients from the paparazzi, it’s the London base of film stars, musicians and top designers earning the reputation as the “couture hotel”. www.blakeshotels.com

18 LifeStyle


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品味酒店, 让更多的人 了解高端酒店的 精致与奢华。 品味酒店, 品味经典! 关注“品味酒店”微信:


LifeStyle 19




That New Store Smell 1913 年,由著名建筑师查尔斯·缪埃斯 操刀打造的“新美学殿堂”法国娇兰之家首 次开门迎宾,香榭丽舍大街 68 号精品店也 被列为法国国家纪念建筑。2013 年,娇兰 力邀数度打造世界最华美精品店的设计师 彼得·马里诺对娇兰之家进行装修改造。著 名设计双人组哈斯兄弟将整个天花板变成 一片荡漾的“水面”,令人想起香水的涟漪。 四个巨大的巴卡拉水晶吊灯则提醒着人们, 这个著名的法国水晶制造商自娇兰创始之 初便为其创造了许多美丽至极的水晶瓶。 改造后的娇兰之家面积超过 1 万平方英尺, 米其林星级厨师盖伊·马丁主理的地下餐厅 le 68 也进驻新增区域,鼻子和味蕾的盛宴 仅一步之遥。 First opened in 1913, the Guerlain store on the Champs-Elysees is one of the city’s classic beauty locations and has recently been overhauled in a lavish new renovation by Peter Marino that opened last month. It now contains a luxurious polished ceiling by the Haas Brothers and four shimmering Baccarat chandeliers. The 10,764 sq ft store has doubled in size, with new zones including a ‘hall of mirrors’, and even contains a restaurant by Michelin starred French chef Guy Martin located in the basement called ‘le 68’. www.guerlain.com

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LifeStyle 21



香提莫里斯度假村: 毛里求斯爱恋之旅

成都阿玛尼艺术公寓: 天府之国的意式优雅

毛里求斯有着人间伊甸园之称,海天 一色的浪漫氛围,加上当地保罗和弗吉尼亚 的动人爱情传说,让这里成为了名副其实的 浪漫逃逸胜地。位于毛里求斯最美南海岸的 顶级酒店度假村香提莫里斯推出全新毛里 求斯爱恋之旅专案套餐,为宾客呈现独一无 二的异域浪漫体验,此外还可按爱侣需求定 制专属爱恋之旅,比如一场极致浪漫的“皇 式求婚”、在酒店独有的码头小屋安排一次 “浪漫之夜”、由专属厨师及服务人员提供 一顿“浪漫海滩 BBQ 晚餐”,将独特、浪漫、 愉悦的一天化成永恒。

乔治·阿玛尼旗下的室内设计工作室阿 玛尼家居携手门里集团,将在成都打造优雅 舒适又极具品位的阿玛尼艺术公寓。该豪华 住宅项目以两栋 222 米的超高层建筑为主 体,地面共计 65 层,楼顶设有天际恒温游 泳池,每个公寓单位还将配套 Armani/Casa 家具、Armani/Dada 厨柜以及 Armani/ Roca 卫浴等产品。阿玛尼艺术公寓将于今 年下半年开盘发售,预计于 2016 年底全部 建成。

Celebrate Love at Shanti Maurice, Mauritius

Mauritius is well known as a sort of Eden, while the touching love story of locals Paul and Virginia only adds to the romanticism of this exotic getaway. A five-star hotel and resort on the most beautiful south beach of Mauritius, Shanti Maurice (ww.shantimaurice. com), has recently launched a “Celebrate Love” package for guests which will definitely bring you an authentic and unique experience. Meanwhile, Shanti Maurice can customize your love journey according to your requests, including a “Royal” proposal, “Paul & Virginia” romantic night out, or a beach BBQ dinner.

22 LifeStyle

Armani Casa to Build Luxury Residences in Chengdu

Giorgio Armani’s interior design studio Armani/Casa has partnered with Mind Group to begin work on “L’ art Residence”, a luxury living complex in Chengdu in southwest China. The residence will comprise two 222-meter high apartment buildings with 65 apartments each, featuring a heated rooftop swimming pool, and equipped with a highend Armani/Dada kitchens and Armani/Roca bathrooms. The units will be for sale in the second half of 2014, and are scheduled for completion by the end of 2016.



开启世界各地建筑与室内设计灵感之旅。 A visual tour of practical and aesthetic buildings and interiors around the world.


Structure / P.24


Interior / P.32

奥德堡照明为建筑注入生命 Zumtobel has been involved in a variety of artistic and cultural ventures

LifeStyle 23




Auto House

荷兰马斯特里赫特市明亮宽敞的现代摩登家 V’ House, 让主人和阿斯顿马丁古董车都各得其所。 A contemporary new dwelling for a couple and their stable of vintage cars Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Jan Bitter

WAA 建筑事务所在宛如中世纪织锦挂 毯一般的荷兰马斯特里赫特市添上了一朵 名为 V’ House 的“花”——这是专为一 对夫妇和其珍藏的古董车所打造的住所。 为了与马斯特里赫特现有的建筑风格相和 谐,WAA 没少费心思:房子正面人为地“造” 出一个切口,从而形成三角外形,从左邻 的斜屋顶一直延伸至右舍的垂直墙壁。由

24 LifeStyle

于此处既窄且长,各个空间都尽可能做到 最大,以便有效地利用自然采光。一楼与 外部相通且后端下沉,这样的设计让两层 高的房子享用了三层的空间,室外车库有 着落了,业主的阿斯顿马丁系列跑车就停 在那里。 在两幢历史建筑间“夹缝求生”的 V’ House 却是不小,共 530 平米,可通过正 面外墙上的两扇自动玻璃门进出,这给正 在中产阶级化的马斯特里赫特增添了些许 摩登气息。两扇大玻璃门是房子的主入口,

若同时缩进,汽车也可驶进驶出。出于隐 私和安全的考虑,玻璃门没有任何把手或 锁眼,外人无从下手,主人却可在世界任 何一个角落通过任何一部苹果手机遥控开 关。仔细看,除了实体窗帘,正面外墙上 还布满由特殊工艺打造的小圆点,其数量 随高度的增加而递减,远远望去就像风中 飘着另一层护帘。 V’ House 内部设有快慢两条通道: 从一楼走楼梯可到达宽敞的起居室,起居 室与厨房餐厅由一段斜坡连接起来,楼梯 井和电梯则提供了一条捷径,能快速通往 任何一层。巧用斜坡以及这样的快慢通道 有别于传统的、单纯的楼层叠加。快速通 道的终点是顶层大阳台,这里能观赏马斯 特里赫特别样的屋顶线全景。

起居室“悬”在两个工字梁上,而工 字梁横跨了屋后两堵砖石结构的承重墙。 5x10 厘米的钢拉杆自工字梁伸展至起居室 的玻璃面,于是“悬”在阿斯顿马丁上方 成为了可能。考虑到隐私问题,玻璃上覆 有高反射涂层,随着季节和阳光角度的变 化,其呈现黄绿色或琥珀色。只有住在主 卧的人才能明显看到这种“悬挂”,因为 从敞向起居室屋顶的主卧能看到那两个工 字梁。 房间的温控由隐藏在天花板和地板里 的混凝土芯活化系统来实现,同时为了划 分空间和突出房间的存在,所有的储物空 间都建在公共区域,并且都是个性化定制

的,例如办公区平时“藏”着一张床,必 要时可放下来给临时访客(如主人已成年 的孩子)使用。就是因为储物空间的非固 定性,让室内设计变得异常灵活,随时可 推翻再定义,再加上那些定制家具,如一 体式定制厨房和餐桌,真可谓名副其实的 自由表达式。

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’ House was constructed for a couple that collects vintage cars, and is stitched within the medieval tapestry of Maastricht in the Netherlands. Designed by WAA Architects, the designers had to take into account that the city dictates all new structures remain within the envelope of pre-existing buildings. Therefore a cut was created in the house’s front façade to generate a triangulated surface, which leads from one neighbor’s sloped roof to the opposite neighbor’s vertical wall. As the house’s site is long and narrow, voids were cut into the maximum permitted volume to ensure that natural light spills throughout the interior. The ground floor is both open to the exterior elements and sunken to the rear of the site, which makes possible the maximum two-story height allowance. A covered portion of this exterior space serves as an outdoor parking garage for the owners’ collection of Aston Martins. As the house finds refuge between two historical buildings, it is a burst of modernity within this currently gentrifying neighborhood of Maastricht. The house is enormous, totaling 530 m2, and is entered through two oversized sliding glass doors that perforate its front façade. These doors serve as the house’s main entry and open to either their left or right for entry by foot, and both simultaneously retract to allow the entry of automobiles. Due to safety and privacy concerns, these glass entry doors have no handles or keyholes

26 LifeStyle

and are instead are remotely opened from any iPhone, from anywhere in the world. For further privacy the house’s front façade was fritted with a gradient pattern of dots, which disperse in placement as the house rises towards the sky and focus at a distance to compose an image of curtains fluttering in the wind. Actual curtains align the interior of the front façade to afford additional privacy. Circulation throughout the house occurs via two paths. A “slow” stair leads from the ground floor to the expansive living room, which is connected to the partially raised kitchen and dining areas by a small ramp. A “fast” stairwell traverses the entire height of the house and, together with the platform elevator, allows for direct vertical shortcuts to all levels of living. Thus this house, with its multiple circulation interventions, such as its living room ramp and ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ paths, is organized not around the traditional notion of stacked floors and is instead organized around its circulatory section. At the apex of this ‘fast’ route is the entrance to an expansive roof terrace that’s also the most public space of the house, as it offers panoramic views over the spired roofline of Maastricht. The living room has been suspended from two I-beams that span two masonry bearing walls that surround the rear of the site. Steel tension rods measuring 5x10 cm extend from these I-beams into the almost fully glazed façade of the living room, which allows its volume to float above the Aston

Martins below. For privacy reasons, this glazing was treated with a highly reflective coating that casts a hue of chartreuse or amber depending on the season and angle of the sun. Only when inhabiting the master bedroom is this hanging of the living room apparent, as the I-beams are visible from the master bedroom, which opens onto the living room’s roof, which functions as a private terrace for the owners. Heating and cooling is provided via a concrete core activation system concealed within the floors and ceilings of the house, while all storage is built into the circulatory areas in order to divide spaces and define rooms. These custom designed storage units also outfit the office space, where they conceal a bed that can be lowered to accommodate temporary visitors, such as the owners’ now grown children. All storage areas recede in prominence due to their fluid integration, which allows the house’s interior to remain flexible and open for ephemeral definition. The one-piece custom designed kitchen was constructed in stainless steel, and the dining table, which is connected to it, cantilevers 3.5m toward the front façade. The custom furnishings and storage spaces, together with the in-situ concrete and multiple roof terraces, make the V’ house an expression of free space in a regulated heritage context.

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A Summer Pavillion 夏日小屋与其所在的莫斯科风格建筑主体相得益彰, 独具匠心的设计更能引发观者的共鸣。 The Summer House is an evocative design that is nestled within a Moscow compound. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Artur Khachaturian

28 LifeStyle

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这个作品被设计者命名为“夏日小屋” 可能颇具讽刺意味。从结构上看,它并不 像是通常意义上的房子;从感官上来说, 也没有多少夏天的感觉。不过,也许这就 是俄式冷幽默的特点。阳光明媚的日子里, 凉亭似的夏日小屋绝对是开一场伏特加派 对的最佳场所。 事实上,设计者也是根据客户需要打 造了这个别致的多功能休闲区。在温暖的 夏日,主人可以呼朋引伴,和家人抑或是 合作伙伴欢聚一堂,又或者主人需要一个 静谧的空间,能够安心工作,独自沉淀。 夏日小屋由阿图尔·哈恰图良和吉安娜 ·霍夫汉尼创办的哈恰图良建筑设计事务所 负 责 设 计。 项 目 于 2013 年 竣 工, 占 地 约 136 平米,虽选址在莫斯科工业区内,但远 离道路和工业生产区,又靠近小树林,避 免了噪音影响。在视觉上,设计者尽可能 避免工厂出现在观者的视野范围内,同时 又可看到开阔的自然景观。整个设计都体 现了这一概念,其外立面均有独特的角度, 从而构造出一个个私密的内部空间。 建筑底座是一个矩形平台,被分为三 个区域:一部分区域为朝向工厂的露天开 阔空间,同时也作为凉亭的入口,该区域 的中间部分有一棵树,树荫刚好可以遮蔽 夏日骄阳的暴晒;其他两个区域则都与工 厂间隔开来,其中一个区域有屋顶,但多 少还是保留了一部分露天空间,可以作为 整个建筑内部空间的功能性分隔,另外一 个区域是朝向树林的开放式平台。屋顶的 倾斜设计作为建筑外立面的延伸,更好地 保持了建筑的完整性。西侧的建筑外立面 则呈斜对角弯折,从而缓解了整体造型的 突兀感,也更为人所接受,并作为凉亭以 平台为起点的标高(4 米)。整个凉亭没有 隐藏的地基或下部构造,完全由地面架构 支撑起来。建筑主体采用纯木料搭建,也 有利于抵御俄罗斯特有的严寒。建筑外立 面为木板条与聚碳酸酯材料,与建筑主体 紧密相连。

30 LifeStyle

白天,随着日照变化,空间内的光影 也会随之改变。夏日小屋最大限度地把重 点放在自然光影与细节之处,同时又在炎 炎夏日里营造出“高树早凉归”的独特感 官体验。


he Summer House is perhaps ironically named since the structure is neither a full house nor particularly summery. Maybe this is the famously grim Russian humor or something more fatalistic. On lighter days one can envision a full-blown vodka fueled party happening inside the Summer House. In fact, the client requested a multifunctional recreational area for the warm summer season, where he can bring his family, invite business partners, gather a large company or work alone in silence and meditation. Designed by Khachaturian Architects whose principals include Artur Khachaturian and Gianna Hovhannisyan, the project is located within the industrial district of Moscow. This location was chosen intentionally, to be distanced from the road and production noise, and to be closer to the forest. The primary objective was to limit the visual contact with the factory and open the views to the natural landscape. The whole shape of the arbor supports this concept, as each of its facades is turned to a particular angle to create the intimate atmosphere inside. Measuring in at 136 square meters, the project was completed in 2013.

The basement of the building is a rectangular terrace that is divided into three spaces. The first is the open area, facing the factory and organizing the entrance to the pavilion. The center of this space is a tree that shades from the summer sun. The two other spaces are shielded from the factory. One is covered, consisting of more and less open areas to create an opportunity for functional separation of the internal space, and the other is the open terrace looking at the forest. The slope of the roof is designed to be a continuation of the facade, maintaining an integration of the design. The western facade is fractured diagonally to create a less dramatic shape and transition to more of a human scale, as the maximum height mark is four meters from the terrace level. The entire volume of the arbor is formed by its structure; there are no hidden substructures. The main building material is native wood, resistant to Russia’s harsh winter climate. The facades are made of wooden slats, which are attached to the structure along with polycarbonate. During the day, depending on the movement of the sun, the space is filled with different patterns of light and shadow, as the project was carried out with maximum attention to details and natural shades.

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Light Up Your Life 奥德堡照明为建筑注入生命,光魅无限! Austrian lighting designer and manufacturer Zumtobel Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Zumtobel

Royal Cabinet of Mathematical and Physical Instruments at the Zwinger palace in Dresden

32 LifeStyle

Kunstkammer Wien

1950 年,高端照明方案提供商及照明设 备生产商奥德堡集团在奥地利西部福拉尔贝 格州的多恩比恩建立。半个多世纪以来,奥 德堡家族因集团创建者沃尔特·奥德堡博士和 他的两个儿子约格·奥德堡和弗里茨·奥德堡而 声名远播。 奥德堡成立之初,主要生产可配适最新 荧光灯产品的电子镇流器,在登记成为股份 公司并收购锐高公司少数股权后,于 1976 年 起开始拓展国际市场。 近年来奥德堡照明多涉足文化艺术领域, 为诸多备受瞩目的项目提供了照明解决方案, 例如德国德累斯顿军事历史博物馆、法兰克 福施泰德博物馆以及丹麦哥本哈根广播音乐 厅等。 奥德堡的新晋作品是为奥地利最重要 的文化项目之一——维也纳艺术与自然奇观 展览装设照明灯饰。奥德堡定制了差异化的 LED 照明解决方案,运用柔和的灯光实现对 各类展品的有效照明,从而打造出最高水准 的灯光效果。 另一个得益于奥德堡照明的展示空间是 德国皇家数学物理仪器博物馆。这家博物馆 位于德累斯顿茨温格宫内,拥有极富历史意 义的藏品 2500 余件。历经六年重建,博物馆 终于在 2013 年 4 月向公众开放,复式楼层设 计使展厅面积几乎扩大了一倍。馆中陈列的 四百件科学仪器展品包括地球仪、天球仪、 燃烧镜、望远镜和钟表等,其中最古老的当 属一个 12 世纪的波斯天球仪。参观者可以通 过与展品的近距离接触,了解到科学家最初 是如何探索世界的。

Stadel Museum

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34 LifeStyle

Royal Cabinet of Mathematical and Physical Instruments at the Zwinger palace in Dresden


Werkram Haus

he leading manufacturer and designer of high-end lighting solutions, Zumtobel Group originated as “Elektrogeräte und Kunstharzpreßwerk W. Zumtobel KG”. It was founded in Dornbirn / Vorarlberg Austria in 1950. For more than 50 years the Zumtobel family was represented by the founder Dr. Walter Zumtobel, then by his two sons Jürg and Fritz Zumtobel. In 1950, Dr. Walter Zumtobel founded the company in Dornbirn, Austria; at the time it produced Electrical ballast for the newly introduced fluorescent light fittings. The company’s international expansion began in 1976 when Zumtobel was listed as a stock corporation and acquired a minority stake in the British company Tridonic Ltd. Zumtobel has been involved in a variety of artistic and cultural ventures having supplied the lighting solutions for several high-profile projects such as the Military History Museum in Dresden, Germany, the Danish Radio Concert Hall in Copenhagen, Denmark and the Stadel Museum in Frankfurt Germany. Recently, Zumtobel installed lighting art the Kunstkammer Wien (literally, chambers of art and natural wonders), whose reopening in Vienna is one of Austria’s most important cultural projects. Zumtobel was able to make an essential contribution ensuring the state-of-theart presentation of this unique collection by providing a very special lighting solution. Zumtobel developed a customised LED lighting in order to obtain a highly differentiated, gentle and effective illumination of the various objects on display. Another historical space that has received the Zumtobel treatment is the Royal Cabinet of Mathematical and Physical Instruments at the Zwinger Palace in Dresden. After six years of reconstruction, the Royal Cabinet of Mathematical and Physical Instruments at the Zwinger palace in Dresden has been open to the public since April 2013. On a floor space that has almost doubled, 400 of the around 2,500 historic scientific instruments are still displayed. Terrestrial and celestial globes, burning mirrors, telescopes, clocks and watches provide visitors with an insight of how scientists used to explore the world in the past. The oldest exhibit is a Persian celestial globe from the twelfth century.

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Structure News


The Crystal Palace Architectural Competition

英国著名维多利亚式建筑水晶宫最初于 1851 年 在伦敦市中心的海德公园内建造,1854 年被迁至伦 敦南部布洛姆利,1936 年毁于一场大火。水晶宫一 度被用来举办万国博览会,是当时世界上最大的玻璃 和钢结构建筑,承载了大英帝国无数的荣耀。英国前 首相丘吉尔曾表示它的烧毁是“一个时代的终结”。 不久前中融集团宣布将投资 5 亿英镑让水晶宫涅槃重 生,将其打造为一个新的文化设施,同时恢复周边公 园。该项计划得到了伦敦市市长和布洛姆利地方议会 的支持。届时逾 2000 个永久和临时就业机会将会产 生,当地商业街将获得更广泛的投资。水晶宫重建计 划需要一年的咨询和设计研发,全球建筑界的翘楚们 都已收到“英雄帖”。 Architects have been invited to submit expressions of interest in designing The Crystal Palace as a new cultural destination for London in the spirit, scale and magnificence of the original. Plans to invest £500 million in rebuilding The Crystal Palace and restoring the surrounding public park were announced in October 2013 by ZhongRong Group, with the support of the Mayor of London and the Bromley Council. The new culture-led exhibition and employment space will sit at the top of the 180-acre Crystal Palace Park in south London. It will incorporate the listed Italian style terraces, and other Victorian heritage within the park, fully restored for the public. The project is expected to create more than 2000 permanent and temporary jobs as well as attracting wider investment into the local high streets and the wider economy.

贝诺:两座全新零售商业地标 庆祝进驻上海五周年

Benoy Celebrates Five Years in Shanghai with Two New Retail Landmarks 全球领先的建筑设计、总体规划、室内建筑和平面 设计公司贝诺,以两个地标项目的盛大开幕喜迎进驻上海 五周年。上海环贸 iAPM 商场和静安嘉里中心前不久双双 华丽亮相,再次将屡获殊荣的设计与理念带给这个中国最 大的城市。全新开幕的上海环贸 iAPM 商场和静安嘉里中 心不仅入围了竞争激烈的 2013 年亚洲国际房地产大奖评 选,还分别捧得金奖(最佳零售商业和休闲项目)和银奖 (最佳综合体专案)。贝诺主席格雷厄姆·卡特利奇对此 评论道:“我们在中国获得成功的重要因素是运用本地 知识。我们的开发项目由本地和英国专家团队共同完成, 同时也确保两方面的意见都能受到重视。” Benoy, a world leader in Architecture, Masterplanning, Interior Architecture and Graphic Design, is celebrating its five year anniversary in Shanghai with the opening of two landmark developments. iAPM Mall and Jing An Kerry Centre have both launched to the public and bring with them award-winning designs and concepts to China’s largest city. Coinciding with their openings, iAPM Mall and Jing An Kerry Centre were both named winners at the heavily-contested 2013 Asia Awards, taking home the Gold Award (Best Retail and Leisure Development) and Silver Award (Best Mixed-Use Development) respectively. “An important factor in our success in China has been to utilize local knowledge. Our developments are delivered by a team of local and UK experts, and we ensure both opinions are engaged;” explained Graham Cartledge CBE, Chairman of Benoy.

36 LifeStyle

别致找寻值得格外关注,特色内容专门为您料理。 Special finds deserve special attention. We serve you the main dish of each month at its best.

LifeStyle 年度最佳特辑 The Snake’s Finest Moments / P.38

英国贝利兄弟和鲁德公司 Berry Bros. & Rudd, Britain

LifeStyle 37


Best Courtyard Restaurant: Brian McKenna @ The Courtyard


Newest Hotspot: Guangzhou

LifeStyle 年度最佳特辑

The Snake’s Finest Moments LifeStyle 精选过往一年选题亮点,分享全球顶级生活方式,诚意呈现智趣潮流。 As we enter the year of the Horse, LifeStyle takes a look back at the past year, carefully selecting our top picks and favorites and presenting to you what has been the most noteworthy during the serpentine year.


Most Iconic Designer: Andree Putman


Most Exclusive City Guide: A Side of Hong Kong 38 LifeStyle


Most Chinese Supercar: 2013 Audi R8 China Limited Edition


Best Combination Space: Fang Suo Commune


Artsiest Hotel: The Dolder Grand


Most Perfect Diamond: The Winston Legacy

最具代表性的展览 Most Iconic Exhibition: V&A’s David Bowie Is

最可爱的城堡 Loveliest Castle: Leeds Castle in Kent







Most Whimsical Wallpaper: Fornasetti and Cole & Son 视错觉墙纸 以超现实和异想天开的设计著称的意 大利著名家居品牌佛纳塞迪联手英国皇室 御用品牌科恩森,打造出新奇的视错觉墙 纸,其中的椅子图案来源于殿堂级艺术大 师比埃罗·佛纳塞迪创建的图片库。2013 年 正好是这位品牌创始人的百岁诞辰,其设 计理念源于“先选基本图案,加以混和, 再给图案变换颜色,改变其维度”。 Fornasetti, the design label best-known for its surreal graphic designs, collaborated with Cole & Son, the British maker of hand-made wallpapers, in 2013 for the 100th anniversary of Piero Fornasetti’s birth. Barnaba Fornasetti used motifs from his father’s archives, saying, “I chose things and I mixed them together, and I changed the colour and the dimensions.” www.cole-and-son.com



Most Glorious Game: “All In” Poker Table

描金管道扑克牌桌 设 计 师 阿 克 涩· 伊 博 格 领 衔 Akke Functional Art 事务所打造的这张价格不菲 的扑克牌桌堪称世界最贵。制作该桌子耗 费 600 个工时,采用了世界各地 15 种珍稀 木材,其中包括珍稀的黑檀木和花梨木。桌 子下面是起支撑作用的描金“管道”,并有 复古爱迪生灯泡。 Designer Axel Yberg, from modern furniture design studio Akke Functional Art created a rather expensive poker table dubbed “All in”. This exclusive poker table required 600 hours of labor to produce, and boasts a surface constructed using 15 species of exotic woods, a base which has been fabricated with gold-painted plumbing pipes, and Edison Reproduction Light Bulbs. www.akkefunctionalart.com

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The Ultimate Table Timepiece: Atmos Hermès

Rarest Rug: Clark Sickle-Leaf Carpet



积家限量水晶座钟 2013 年是瑞士著名钟表制造商积家创 立 180 周年,为此积家联合爱马仕和圣路 易玻璃工场推出 Atmos Hermès 空气钟。 这款恒动空气钟机芯内部充满气体,能随 着温度的变化收缩或膨胀,从而为钟表提供 动力。该款空气钟限量生产 176 台,以纪 念爱马仕 176 岁诞辰。

克拉克镰形树叶地毯 去年苏富比拍卖行以 3370 万美元成交 了一条克拉克镰形树叶地毯,神秘买家通 过电话竞投购得。这条 17 世纪初的纯手工 波斯地毯原为美国实业家、蒙大拿州参议员 克拉克的藏品,后来被捐赠给了哥伦比亚特 区科克伦艺术画廊。该地毯刷新了史上地毯 拍卖最高记录。

In celebration of its 180th anniversary, last year Jaeger-LeCoultre revived their striking Atmos clock that functions without any battery or electric current needed, using a hermetically sealed capsule connected to the mainspring to automatically wind itself. To recreate this astonishing piece, the Swiss timepiece manufacturer called upon the expertise of Hermès and Les Cristalleriees de Saint-Louis. Only 176 pieces were produced to mark Hermès’ 176th anniversary. www.jaeger-lecoultre.com

Where does a $33.7 million rug come from? Persia of course, and on June 5th 2013, Sotheby’s sold an early 17th century rug known as the Clark Sickle-Leaf Carpet for $33.7 million to an anonymous telephone bidder, setting a record for a carpet. The rug was part of a collection bequeathed to the Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington D.C. by William A. Clark.



Most Glitchy Perspective: Good Vibrations

颤动储物柜 意大利设计师费鲁奇奥·拉比亚尼为顶 级家具品牌 Fratelli Boffi 设计了一款名为“美 好的颤动”的储物柜。他使用数控机床对橡 木进行精雕细刻,模拟早期电脑图像载入错 误时模糊闪烁的情形,颠覆了传统的家具设 计原则和风格,意欲用歪曲的画面唤起一种 似曾相识的亲切感和原始质朴的情怀。 For those wishing to make their rooms look disoriented and medicated, this distorted cabinet was created for Italian furniture brand Fratelli Boffi by designer Ferruccio Laviani. Entitled Good Vibrations, the cabinet was done to look like a glitchy digital photograph but was actually carved by a CNC machine out of oak. www.laviani.com







Most Metallic Furniture: Silverwing

Best Cosmetic Chemistry: The Alchemist’s Dressing Table



闪亮“银翼” 法国室内设计师及建筑师法布里斯·奥 塞特推出的首个家居系列产品“银翼”由普 埃纳铁艺制品公司限量打造。该系列包括 一款沙发和一个扶手椅,皆为不锈钢材质, 但看起来像玻璃吹制而成,其基座由烟熏 有机玻璃打造。靠背上隆起的枕头由变形 的金属制成,靠背和座椅之间则由树脂玻 璃连接。

美容术士的梳妆台 毕业于英国皇家艺术学院的劳伦·戴维 斯设计了一套在家自制天然护肤化妆品的 工具。这套工具由铜、枫木、软木和玻璃 制成,简洁又美观,闲置时可作为家居摆设。 三层蒸馏器用来萃取精油,芳香器具用来制 作面霜和香膏,带有枫木手柄的双面铜盘可 用来调制眼线膏。 The Alchemist’s Dressing Table project by Lauren Davies features a three-tier distiller for making scented oils, a scent infuser for creating creams and balms, and a doublesided copper bat for mixing eyeliner. Crafted out of copper, maple wood, cork, and glass these elegantly designed pieces will adorn any surface.

Launched by French interior designer and architect Fabrice Ausset, the fabulous furniture line “Silverwing” is a collection comprising a sofa and an armchair made of stainless steel, blown like glass, with a smoked perspex base. Inflated pillows created out of a deformation of the metal were welded together, and the backrest connected to the seat by way of plexiglass parts. www.pouenat.fr



Most Deceptive Distiller: The Prohibition Kit

微型酿酒蒸馏器 奥地利设计师弗朗西斯科·莫拉吉尼(创 意网站 CargoCollective 资深会员) 打造出一套精妙装置,既可用来 烹饪又可酿酒,包括 4 件铜质器具: 洒水壶、火锅炉、蒸煮锅和果盘。 每一件都是日常家居用品,但组 合在一起就成为一个微型酿酒蒸 馏器。 Austrian designer Franceso Morackini of Cargo Collective designed an elegant solution for both cooking and drinking, appropriately called The Prohibition Kit. Consisting of a set of copper utensils that when put together turns into a miniature alcohol distiller; when separate each has its own ordinary purpose: a watering van, fondue stove, cooking pot, and fruit bowl. www.cargocollective.com

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Most Collectible Cognac: Maison Camus 卡慕年份干邑至尊系列 年份珍藏系列能为干邑爱好者们提供 绝好的品鉴记录机会。卡慕年份干邑至尊 系 列 的 9 款 干 邑(1964、1970、1971、 1973、1974、1980、1988、1989 以 及 稀 世的 Pionneau 1969)见证了非凡的祖传技 艺。Pionneau 1969 是一款充满情感的干邑, 卡慕于上世纪 60 年代末接手。Pionneau 1969 全球限量不足 5000 瓶,每一瓶都标 有各自独特编号及酿酒师亲笔签名。 Maison Camus has an exclusive selection of nine vintage cognacs- 1964, 1970, 1971, 1973, 1974, 1980, 1988, 1989 and the exclusive Pionneau 1969 Vintage. The Pionneau 1969 Vintage is a very special expression from the House of Pionneau. Less than 5,000 bottles were produced; each one numbered and signed by hand to guarantee authenticity, ensuring luxury for the true connoisseur. www.camus.fr

10 最昂贵的香槟

Most Expensive Champagne: Louis Roederer’s Cristal 2002 路易王妃镀金限量版 顶级香槟品牌路易王妃香槟联手奢 侈品设计师菲利普·迪·梅沃为其珍品佳酿 2002 水晶年份香槟设计了限量版 3 升容量 大香槟瓶,用 24 克拉黄金镀就的精美网格 包围晶莹剔透的玻璃瓶身。该香槟限量 400 瓶,每瓶售价为 26000 美元,堪称 2013 年 最贵香槟之一。 Champagne Louis Roederer teamed up with designer Philippe di Meo in 2013 to create a limited edition Jeroboam design for its prestige cuvee Cristal 2002. Limited to 400 units, each Jeroboam comprises a distinctive clear glass bottle encased in a lattice of 24-carat gold. With each bottle priced at $26,000, these bottles may have been one of the most costly champagnes of 2013. www.champagne-roederer.com







Best Pop Art Partnership: Andy Warhol Perrier Limited Edition Bottles



Largest Caviar Dish

舌尖上的黑色黄金 素有“黑色黄金”美誉的鱼子酱是奢华与地位的代名词。这道号称全球最大的银制鱼 子酱菜肴,长 84 厘米,工艺精湛细腻,形如一只栩栩如生的大鲟在水波中畅游。去年, 这件宝贝在佳士得拍卖会亮相。 Known as Black Gold, caviar has long been associated with luxury and status. This caviar dish - the world’s largest - would fit right into any legendary party. It is 84 cm long and is molded to look like a large sturgeon riding stylized waves. The special dish was predicted to be sold by Christie’s in their September auction of last year.



Best De-branded Design: Selfridges’ Limited Editions 塞尔福里奇 伦敦塞尔福里奇百货公司联合亨氏和马麦酱等各大知名品牌,对现有产品进行“去品 牌化”设计。这些连名字都没有的限量专供产品“干净而纯粹,远离市场竞争的喧嚣,给 人宁静的享受”,却并不妨碍眼尖的顾客立刻出手哄抢。 Last year, famous brands including Heinz and Marmite produced limited editions of their products with no brand names on the packaging for London department store Selfridges. Though these pared down products had no text logo, the products are instantly recognizable. Selfridges’ initiative was aimed at inviting customers to “celebrate the power of quiet.” www.selfridges.com

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巴黎水安迪·沃霍尔限量瓶身 知名气泡水品牌巴黎水 2013 年夏天跨 界推出安迪·沃霍尔限量瓶身,向这位波普 艺术家致敬。沃霍尔上世纪 80 年代的鲜艳 版画被放在瓶身上供大众欣赏,共有四种 不同的设计图案,并印有七句大师的妙语。 Perrier water paid tribute to Andy Warhol last summer with a series of limited edition bottles inspired by his vibrant screen prints of Perrier bottles created in the 1980s. Pop art and fizzy water fanatics loved the bright and bold color palette printed on the bottles, with four different label designs and seven different Warhol inspirations including some of his famous quotes. www.perrier.com



Most Perfect Diamond: The Winston Legacy 温斯顿遗产 “钻石之王”哈利·温斯顿在 2013 佳 士得日内瓦瑰丽珠宝专场上斥资 2670 万美 元买下一颗被拍卖行标榜为“完美钻石” 的 D 级无瑕梨形钻石,创造了有史以来无 色钻石的最高拍卖纪录。 Diamonds are one of the most expensive stones in the world and last year, Harry Winston - “King of Diamonds” - purchased a flawless D-color pear-shaped diamond for more than $26.7 million at Christie’s Magnificent Jewelry Sale in Geneva. Marketed as “the perfect diamond” by the auction house, the price was a world auction record for a colorless diamond.



Terrific Timepieces: Chinese Peony, Grands et Petite Sonnerie

Most Automative Espresso: Espresso Veloce’s V12


雅克德罗中国牡丹怀表,S.Smith & Sons 超级复杂 18K 金三问怀表 这两款不俗怀表皆在我们 2013 年甄选 的古董怀表之列:雅克德罗中国牡丹怀表 由黄金制成,饰有珐琅彩绘牡丹以及名贵 的珍珠,1780 年前后专为当时清朝皇室制 造;S.Smith & Sons 超级复杂 18K 金三问 怀表于 1882 年至 1883 年制造,结合了逆 行万年历、月相显示等天文显示以及飞返功 能。 These remarkable pocketwatches were featured in our lineup of notable and historic watches in 2013: the “Chinese Peony,” is attributed to Jaquet Droz, Geneve, was made for the Chinese Imperial court circa 1780, designed from enamel and set with pearls. The 18k gold Grands et Petite Sonnerie by S. Smith & Son was made in 1882-83 and features a retrograde perpetual calendar, flyback date hand, moon phases and tripleovercoiled balance spring.


V12 引擎咖啡机 Espresso Veloce 公司的全球最具震 撼力超梦幻咖啡机宛如放置在 F1 赛车中的 V12 气缸引擎。该咖啡机集极强表现力和功 能性于一体,以镁、钛、铝三种金属材质纯 手工打造,霸气十足。 Johannesburg-based company, Espresso Veloce arguably crafts some of the world’s most beautiful espresso machines. Taking inspiration from complex Formula One engines, their pieces have become an expressive - and functional - piece of automotive art. Recent piece V12 was handcrafted from magnesium, titanium, and aluminum pieces that come together to form a striking showpiece.





17 最昂贵的玩具

Costliest Toy: Lego Metallic Gold Brick 乐高金砖 乐高玩具曾“抛”出 6 块 14K 包金金 砖(2x4),授予上世纪 80 年代在乐高服 务 25 年以上的员工。其中一块在乐高网站 上以 14450 美元的价格成交,当之无愧成 为世界上最昂贵的玩具。 Legos have become as ubiquitous as Barbie but this particular brick is one of only half a dozen made. This is a solid 14kt gold brick made to the same dimensions as a 2x4 brick and was only given to workers who had been with the company more than 25 years during the 1980s. This rarity recently sold for $14,450 on an online Lego website.

18 最巨型的鸭子

Biggest Bathtub Toy: The Rubber Duck 大黄鸭 去年荷兰鬼才艺术家弗洛仁特珍·霍夫曼的巨型橡皮鸭从匹兹堡出发,走到了包括北京 在内的世界各地(偶尔因恶劣天气而放气)。它不分国界,不歧视任何人,也没有政治立场。 胖胖笨笨的身躯有 5 层楼那么高,每次现身总是一路微微颔首,向到场的每一位示意。 Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman’s The Rubber Duck made waves (literally) last year as it traveled the world visiting ports from Pittsburgh to Sydney to Beijing, deflating occasionally as it went. This charming giant duck is five stories wide, made, as the artist said “to do no more than amaze.” As it approached each harbor, it slowly nodded its way to acknowledge everyone present.

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Most Expensive Modern Art: Balloon Dog (Orange) 杰夫·昆斯橙色气球狗 2013 年 11 月佳士得在纽约举行战后 及当代艺术夜场拍卖。杰夫·昆斯橙色气球 狗华丽亮相,拍得 5840.5 万美元,成为在 世艺术家单品拍卖世界新纪录。气球狗表面 完美无瑕,犹如镜面,色彩华丽细腻,堪称 所有现代雕塑作品中最受人们喜爱的一件。 On November 12th of last year, Jeff Koons’ 12 foot sculpture “Balloon Dog (Orange)” set records, becoming the most expensive piece of art by a living artist sold at auction, sold at Christie’s for $58.4 million. The monumental work boasts flawless reflective surfaces and bright orange color, making it one of the most beloved contemporary sculptures today.



Most Charitable Mini Cooper: Cavalli Mini Paceman Mini Paceman 特别版 意大利著名时装设计师罗伯特·卡瓦利 操刀设计的跨界概念车 Mini Paceman 特别 版于维也纳举行的 2013 生命之球慈善晚会 上以 19.4 万美元被拍卖,所得款项全部捐 给生命之球艾滋病防治慈善基金会。独一 无二的主题车款采用遇光会产生变化的虹 彩颜料,车顶漆有罗伯特·卡瓦利的品牌标 志,签名则位于车门之上,金光闪闪的隔栅、 镜壳、前灯和尾灯使其散发出不可抵挡的高 贵气质。 For the Life Ball 2013, Roberto Cavalli designed a gold-themed Mini Paceman. The special Paceman was distinguished by an iridescent paint, Cavalli logo on the roof and signature on the door, gold-painted roof and alloys, together with gold-finished grill frame, mirror cases, headlight and taillight surrounds. At the AIDS Solidarity Gala in Vienna, the one-off was sold for $194,000.



Most Chinese Supercar: 2013 Audi R8 China Limited Edition 奥迪 R8 中国限量版 奥迪曾发布马里布蓝的奥迪 R8 中国特 别版(限量 80 辆),而去年限量 30 辆、 车身为北欧金的 2013 R8 中国限量版也隆 重登场。这两款车配备轻量化发动机、哑光 黑色排气尾管和 19 英寸 Y 形轮毂。铝质换 档球头上的限量编号将“4”排除出局,显 然充分考虑了中国消费者的喜恶。



Most Magnificent Machine: Morsus Morsus 这款造型酷热的定制摩托车名为 Morsus,是排气改装第一品牌“天蝎”与斯洛 文尼亚摩托定制厂商“梦机车”联袂推出的梦 幻之作,设计师托马兹·察普代尔对其进行了 精心改造和升级。Morsus 像极了一只隐隐待 发的精干毒蝎,暗含力量又摄人心魄,其干练 利落的“肌肉”线条彰显着纯正的赛车血统。

Last year, Audi released the new R8 China Limited Edition in a gorgeous Nordic Gold, limited to only 30 pieces and exclusively designed and produced for the world’s largest auto market. The original, in a flashy Malibu Blue, and this new edition both boast lightweight engines, matte black tailpipes and “Y” spoke wheels. The hand numbered gear shifts leave out digits including 4, proving Audi’s knowledge of its client.

Codenamed Morsus, this custom motorcycle is the pride and joy of Slovenia based company Akrapovi. A showcase of their brand, the bike was upgraded in 2013 by designer Tomaž Capuder of a Dreamachine Motorcycles and bears strong resemblance to a scorpion. With sleek lines, enormous wheels, and bodywork of carbon fibre and titanium, the gorgeous design clearly speaks to the bike’s racing pedigree. www.akrapovic.com







Star Ships: Heesen Yachts

Best Subterranean Style: Toledo Metro Station in Naples



黑森绝色豪艇 荷兰著名游艇品牌黑森对细节要求极 为苛刻,其作品工艺上乘,风姿绰约,性能 尤佳。2013 年黑森三艘明星级绝色豪艇炫 动了整个春天。

那不勒斯托莱多地铁站 全球不乏创意满满的地铁站,但意大 利那不勒斯堪称“地下艺术殿堂”的托莱多 地铁站绝对能拔得头筹。西班牙艺术家奥斯 卡·图斯克茨·布兰卡用蓝色和白色碧莎马赛 克打造出梦幻般的蓝色海洋,似乎要带领乘 客踏上一段奇妙的旅程。

Based in Holland, Heesen is a luxury superyacht builder who pays meticulous attention to detail, resulting in a combination of fantastic performance, quality craftsmanship and gorgeous design. Last year as spring sparkled with promise, we reviewed the sleek Satori (pictured), sporty Aurelia and super-opulent Quinta Essentia, all in all a spectacular lineup for lovers of the sea.

While there are many fancy and well designed subway stations across the globe, we were most taken with the beautiful new Toledo Metro Station in Naples, Italy – designed by Spanish firm of architects Oscar Tusquets Blanca, it is covered in dazzling mosaics, many of which evoke an aquatic theme.



Chicest Fast Food: Gas Station/McDonald’s in Batumi 当麦当劳遇见加油站 2013 年,格鲁吉亚海滨城市巴图米的 一家麦当劳店以时尚和创意让我们过目不 忘。当地建筑师乔治·卡马拉迪斯设计了一 座全玻璃的多面建筑,集加油站和麦当劳餐 厅于一体,还包含一个室内花园。据建筑师 介绍,市政部门希望建造一座与众不同的加

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油站。这家具有地标性意义的麦当劳堪称全 球最优雅有品的连锁餐厅。 Could this be the most impressive McDonald’s in the world? In the former Soviet nation of Georgia, Architect Giorgi Khmaladze’s dramatic gas station and McDonald’s restaurant caught our eye in 2013. “The officials of the city of Batumi wanted to avoid having a regular gas station in the middle of the area, which right now is undergoing major renewal,” Giorgi Khmaladze said. In such a sleek location, a Big Mac must taste better.



Most Inhabitable Egg: Exbury Egg 遁世蛋形屋 这个“躺”在河床上的遁世蛋形屋非 常适合厌倦了都市喧嚣的人们,虽然它最初 存在的目的是给艺术家、研究员史蒂芬·特 纳提供一个临时的栖息之所,以便他研究 河口水生生态环境变化模式和创作艺术品。 外形充满童趣又能自给自足的蛋形屋能满 足各种度假生活需求。 For those of you tired of the rush of modern society, we discovered the Exbury Egg, a bespoke wooden studio and lab designed by artist and researcher Stephen Turner. The egg-shaped entity was created in order to study the life of a tidal creek. Turner also ensconced himself inside the egg to create a range of artistic works.



Most Psychedelic Pop-up Bar: Bar Oppenheimer 奥本海默复刻酒吧 德国当代艺术家托比亚斯·里赫伯格将 自己最爱的法兰克福奥本海默酒吧等比例 复刻搬到纽约曼哈顿美洲酒店。擅用几何 线条色块营造视觉迷惑效果的他,再次将 一次大战军舰御敌时运用的“炫目迷彩” 大量套用在空间里。这个迷幻视觉风格的酒 吧犹如大型雕塑,具有正常酒吧的所有功 能,但仅存三月。 The artist Tobias Rehberger brought his favorite Frankfurt bar, Bar Oppenheimer, to New York’s Hotel Americano. This bar was an exact facsimile except that it had all the surfaces covered in Mr. Rehbergher’s signature camouflage patterns creating a dizzyingly lavish visual, the entire piece resembling a sculpture. The space was a fully functioning bar, but only existed for 3 months. www.pilarcorrias.com







Latest Luxury Outpost: Lane Crawford’s Shanghai Flagship Store

Best Bauhaus Chic: Aesop’s Berlin Flagship Store



连卡佛上海旗舰店 著名奢侈品百货公司连卡佛上海旗舰 店去年盛大揭幕,这是连卡佛在大中华地区 的第八家门店。除了五百多个设计师品牌, 国际小众品牌和中国新起之秀的作品在此 也享有一席之地。为庆祝开业,连卡佛邀 请到国际知名品牌璞琪、普罗恩萨·施罗等, 各设计一款特别 T 恤,售卖所得收入扣除 成本后捐给联合国儿童基金会中国办事处 以改善弱势儿童的生活状况。

伊索柏林旗舰店 澳大利亚著名有机护肤品牌伊索在 德 国 柏 林 开 设 了 首 家 旗 舰 店。 新 店 面 由 Weiss-heiten 设计工作室倾情演绎,参照了 包豪斯艺术学校和柏林老工业区的建筑风 格。店内处处渗透着低调凛冽的诊所格调, 与伊索的包装(棕色玻璃瓶子看起来很像药 瓶)相得益彰。 This stylishly institutional shop is Aesop’s first flagship in Germany, and was designed by Weiss-heiten to marry Berlin’s industrial history with references to the famous Bauhaus art school. Aesop is the sustainably chic cosmetics brand from Australia and their signature brown apothecary style packaging is a fine match for the handmade green tiles that line the interior.

Lane Crawford’s newest flagship opened last year in Shanghai as the brand’s eighth branch in China. Aside from its 500+ designer collections, it also stocks international niche brands and up-and-coming Chinese designers. To celebrate the flagship opening, Lane Crawford offered an exclusive range of Shanghai-themed charity t-shirts with designers such as Proenza Schouler and Emilio Pucci with net profits going directly to UNICEF China. www.lanecrawford.com



Most Iconic Exhibition: V&A’s David Bowie Is “华丽摇滚教父”大卫·鲍伊回顾展 去年,由英国维多利亚与艾伯特博物 馆举办、古驰赞助的《“华丽摇滚教父” 大卫·鲍伊回顾展》于伦敦盛大举办。这是 全球第一场为大卫·鲍伊举行的国际性回顾 展,也是首个获得“大卫·鲍伊档案馆”查 看权限的展览。三百余件展品包括手写乐 谱、原版演出服、艺术家的时尚创作品、摄 影作品、电影、音乐录影带以及布景设计, 还有鲍伊的专用乐器和专辑艺术作品等等。 Last year, the landmark David Bowie Is exhibition at the V&A (Victoria & Albert Museum) was held in London in partnership with Gucci. The V&A was given unprecedented access to the David Bowie Archive to curate the first international retrospective of David Bowie’s extraordinary career, with more than more than 300 objects including handwritten lyrics, costumes, album artwork and rare performance material from the past five decades.

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Best Art Fair Opening: Art Basel Hong Kong 2013 首届香港巴塞尔艺术展 首届香港巴塞尔艺术展打造了一个缤 纷绚烂的艺术游乐场——表演、晚会以及展 览让人应接不暇,从“芭莎艺术”盛会到“颇 特女士”鸡尾酒会,吸引了诸多艺术和时 尚大牌,英国超模凯特·摩丝也在其中。35 个国家和地区的 245 家顶级画廊参加了本 次艺术展,共展示全球三千多位现当代艺术 家的作品,质量堪称史上之最。 The first Art Basel fair in Asia, Art Basel Hong Kong was held at the end of May 2013. With 245 leading galleries from 35 countries, the fair was a whirlwind of shows, parties and exhibitions. From Bazaar Art’s gala to smaller parties like Net-a-Porter’s cocktail, the show attracted a roster of art stalwarts and fashion types such as Kate Moss.

32 最好玩的艺术

Most Playful Art: “The Art of the Brick” Exhibits 积木狂想季 乐高积木大师内森·萨瓦亚的“积木狂 想季”巡回展览走过了北美、亚洲和澳大 利亚的知名城市,被 CNN 评为“全球十大 必看展览”之一。他用标准尺寸和颜色的乐 高积木创作出震撼人心的大型艺术雕塑或 造型,其主题涵盖广阔,既表现了无穷的想 象力和创造力,又充满童真趣味,“积木狂 想季”于 2013 年 7 月登陆上海浦东正大艺 术中心。 Last year, The Art of the Brick museum shows landed in North America, Asia and Australia, coming to Shanghai from July to October. These exhibitions focused exclusively on the use of LEGO bricks as an art medium and NY-based artist Nathan Sawaya took it to new heights with multiple unique exhibitions created solely from standard LEGO bricks and several new sculptures created specifically for each exhibition.







Wordiest Art Exhibit: Pearl Lam Galleries’ Light Stream 流光里的警醒 去年秋天,香港艺术门画廊举办美国 概念艺术家珍妮·霍尔泽的首个个展《流光》, 呈献其一系列全新及经典作品。霍尔泽为 《流光》挑选了来自《常理》、 《生活》及《生存》 系列中的语句,展示在电子展板及石凳上。 “金钱造就品味”、“不要太相信专家”等 具备独特含义及影响力的精辟短语,以汉字 雕刻在大理石凳上。 American artist Jenny Holzer presented Light Stream, a major exhibition of new and vintage work in her first solo exhibition in Hong Kong, at Pearl Lam Galleries, last fall. For this exhibition, Holzer drew upon her multiple text series, presenting some for the first time in Chinese. Statements like “Money creates Taste” and “Don’t place too much trust in experts,” chosen for their impact were carved into bench seats.

34 最佳复合店

Best Combination Space: Fang Suo Commune 方所 方所,广州太古汇、本地服装品牌“例 外”旗下一个以书店为主体的新形态复合 店。这一独特的文化组合形式涵盖了书店、 美学生活、衣饰设计、展览空间与咖啡,是 一个知性与感性同时得以寄托的地方,也是 一个多元文化与创意平台。世界零售业大会 授予其“年度最佳购物场所设计奖”,绝对 值得你下次来广州一探究竟。 Fang Suo Commune is an innovative combination bookstore, café, houseware and luxury clothing boutique in Taikoo Hui mall in Guangzhou, under the banner of famous local brand EXCEPTION. A place for intellectuals, imaginative minds and artists to mingle and create, the space won an award for Best Retail Space Design and is one of China’s most forward-thinking shops. A must-see on your next trip to Guangzhou.

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35 最耀眼的西装

Most Sparkling Suit: Diamond Chip Diamond Chip 英国顶级西装面料制造商世家宝用 80% 的 150 支超纤羊毛和 20% 的真丝混纺, 加入钻石粉末,制成具有特殊光泽的闪亮 面料,取名“Diamond Chip”。用这款奢 华面料制作的西装闪耀着优雅的英伦时尚 气息,那些平时能够从容面对珠宝诱惑的男 人,真的能淡定吗? Perhaps men are not so easily seduced by jewelry, but they will certainly appreciate this tailor-made gem of a suit. Diamond Chip cloth consists of a Super 150’s wool (80%) – into which diamond fragments have been processed – and pure silk (20%). The cloth is woven at Scabal’s own weaving-mill in Huddersfield, England. www.scabal.com

36 最佳休闲鞋履

Best Loafers: Berluti Crocodile Loafers 伯鲁提鳄鱼皮便鞋 在鞋履的王国,伯鲁提是当之无愧的 时尚领航者,脚蹬伯鲁提鳄鱼皮便鞋的绅 士更是多了一份玩世不恭的潇洒。伦敦康 迪街的伯鲁提首家门店提供维修、漂染咨 询和个性化贵宾定制服务。在门店设计上, 木质、玻璃、抛光精钢、黑色大理石以及伯 鲁提标志性的手工染色皮革的使用打造出 阳刚气派的奢华氛围。 In the shoe world, nothing connotes stylish excess more than a pair of Berlutis, and in crocodile skin the sense of rakish opulence only intensifies. The brand’s first Maison is on Conduit Street, in the heart of Mayfair London. With customer service areas for repairs, patina consultations and a bespoke/ VIP area, this emporium of masculine luxury is defined by wood, brushed stainless-steel, black marble and the house’s hand-patinated leather.





37 最佳新风尚

Best New Style Movement: Heritage Brands 遗产级品牌 2013 年,遗产级品牌和其他致力于传 承和弘扬传统工艺的品牌在亚洲首个国际顶 级 B2B 时尚贸易展 The Hub 上找到了进入 中国市场的平台。继奢侈品品牌大腕占据中 国市场数十年后,新一波国外服装大潮正在 涌入。这些新晋中小品牌奉行产品品质和本 地加工优先的理念,坚持选用最好的原料进 行可持续环保生产,让遗产级品牌更符合现 代发展。 In 2013 we profiled the beginning of a promising inclination in China kicked off by August’s The HUB in Hong Kong. Following decades of dominance by well-known luxury labels in China, the next wave of foreign apparel and accessories is arriving: smaller producers that prioritize durability and keeping production close to home. From all over the globe, the members of this assembly share a fanaticism toward quality, a dedication to sustainable production, and a commitment to modernization of heritage.

38 最经典的礼物

Most Classic Gifts: America’s Heritage Brands 美国“老字号” 2013 年 圣 诞 节,LifeStyle 甄 选 出 那 些历史悠久的美国经典品牌,包括 Allen Edmonds 鞋履、Filson 户外服饰及用品和 Lotuff 皮具,为你一解挑选礼物的烦恼。历 经千锤百炼的美国“老字号”非常适合钟爱 复古风且对品质有高要求的人群。 LifeStyle offered readers its picks for the most classic gift ideas from America’s finest heritage brands for the 2013 holidays, including shoemakers Allen Edmonds, outdoor gear company Filson and leather goods supplier Lotuff. These gift ideas stand the test of time and are perfect for fans of vintage style and purveyors of excellent quality.

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Best Multi-Brand Stores: Joyce, Triple Major, SPACESHIP by Tips Joyce,Triple Major, SPACESHIP by Tips 随着中国消费者从迷恋大牌转向注重 个性,多品牌精品店应运而生。它们一方 面 网 罗 众 多 难 寻 的 国 外 小 众 品 牌, 一 方 面专注本土设计师,发展势头十分强劲。 2013 年我们选出的最爱有香港的 Joyce、 北京的 Triple Major 和上海的 SPACESHIP by Tips。 Along with China’s fashion market turning toward quality, it has also branched out into multi-brand stores. Rising sophistication of consumers has meant more multi-brand fashion stores stocking hard-to-find foreign brands, moving the emphasis from logos and status to personal style. Among our favorites were Hong Kong-based Joyce, Beijing’s Triple Major, and Shanghai’s SPACESHIP by Tips.





40 新晋最潮城市

Newest Hotspot: Guangzhou 羊城广州 LifeStyle 精选旅行、商务和休闲最佳 目的地,羊城广州无疑是 2013 年最抢眼的 主角之一。随着 W、四季酒店等高端酒店 的进驻,还有扎哈·哈迪德设计的广州歌剧 院和珠江新城的崛起,这个以工厂和小企业 闻名的重商城市正成长为一个迷人的时尚 之都。 LifeStyle regularly features locations perfect for travel, business and leisure, and one of our sites for 2013 was the massive southern city of Guangzhou. A commercial hub of China, the city is home to a population of practical yet increasingly aesthetically oriented people, and a growing number of top-tier hotels like the W and Four Seasons. Zaha Hadid’s Opera house and the cloudpiercing Zhujiang New Town make it a definite place to check out this year.



Best Cigar Tour: London 伦敦雪茄漫步 LifeStyle 嘉宾编辑迈克尔·鲁宾逊对伦 敦梅菲尔和圣詹姆斯区历史悠久的雪茄商 做了专题报道,带领读者拜访桑特店、大 卫杜夫伦敦店、福克斯·圣·詹姆斯以及快乐 主义酒行和世界上最古老的帽子作坊洛克 公司,深度了解英国绅士文化。 Michael Robinson took us on a whirlwind tour of London’s best cigar shops and pubs last year, getting into the depths of the culture as well as one can in a short time. The London Cigar Walk led us through Sautter’s, Davidoff London and Fox of St James’, with stops at classic area locations like Hedonism wine shop, Locke & Co., the world’s oldest hatters, and more.

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Most Exotic Vacation: The Pride of Africa

非洲之傲:重温昔日奢美 登上“非洲之傲”豪华列车,用 28 天 的时间体验非洲——这是 2013 年 LifeStyle 甄选的全球奢华游中的一条线路。怀旧优 雅的古典风格木质车厢让人回到上世纪 20 年代的黄金岁月,车上配备了全球一流的美 酒佳肴,乘客可一路体验具有深厚历史底蕴 的酒店,欣赏维多利亚大瀑布和埃及阿布辛 贝神庙。到了开罗,夜生活很少的朋友可以 与城中乐活精英一起开怀畅饮。 Among LifeStyle’s most luxurious travel guides of 2013 was this fantastic ride through Africa. Designed by Rovos Rail, it features a 28-day journey on the luxurious 1920s style Pride of Africa train, boasting teak-walled cabins and period furnishings, stellar dining and world-class wine list. From the finest historic hotels to sights like Victoria Falls and Abu Simbel, the train took our readers through to Cairo, where revelers can sip their champagne with the urban elite.



Best Ski Resorts in Asia: Changbaishan International Resort 万达长白山国际度假区滑雪场 去年 LifeStyle 精选了亚洲五大顶级滑雪胜地,它们无一不拥有优越的自然环境、提供 速度与激情的完美体验。新落成的万达长白山国际度假区位于中国自然环境最纯净的长白 山,其滑雪场设施为中国之最,并拥有天然火山温泉、奢华酒店群、博物馆、剧院等全功 能配套设施,堪称亚洲之首。 In December, we hand-selected five of Asia’s top ski resorts, which offered not only a rush of speed but spectacular natural beauty. One of our favorites, Changbaishan International Resort is located in one of the most untouched areas in China, near the magnificent Changbai Mountain. The resort, along with its world-class ski facilities and natural hot springs, also boasts a group of international luxury hotels, theater and folklore museum, etc.



Most Exclusive City Guide: A Side of Hong Kong 另眼看香港 2007 年,埃利斯·克鲁格和亚历克斯· 达耶移居香港,并在那里创办了高级定制 服装店“胡子”。历经多年打拼和耕耘,“胡 子”与这座光怪陆离的城市同呼吸共成长。 去年的香港特辑让读者通过“胡子”的视野, 窥见到一个别样的香港。 LifeStyle friends Ellis Kreuger and Alex Daye moved to Hong Kong and founded hip tailoring shop Moustache in 2007. As it grew, so did the number of unique boutiques and quirky dining spaces of the city, including Café de Goldfinch, famous first date spot for Tony Leung and Maggie Cheung in In the Mood for Love. Their guide, featured in our October issue, took us on a truly unique tour of one of the world’s most glamorous cities.







Most Inspirational Winery: Lapostolle Winery & Residence 智利拉博丝特酒庄 拉博丝特酒庄位于智利科尔察瓜山区 南部著名的拉埔山谷,在这里,酿造美酒和 酒庄建筑的灵感都是葡萄园内鸟类所赋予 的。一次偶然的机会,酒庄的主人在阿帕 尔塔葡萄园山坡上的一株野生灌木中发现 了一个鸟巢,于是建造了外形犹若鸟巢的阿 帕尔塔酒庄,并邀请智利建筑师罗伯特设计 完成。 At Lapostolle Winery & Residence, located in Chile’s Po Valley, brewing wine and the building of the winery itself was inspired by birds in the vineyard. Wandering the valley one day, the owner of the winery discovered a small bird’s nest in a shrub, and was inspired to construct the Winery in the same visage, inviting Chilean architect Roberto Benavente Riquelme to complete the design.



Best Retro Cocktails: The Passenger

马德里:美食专列 “旅客”主题餐吧位于西班牙马德里, 是著名拉美裔设计师帕洛里奥及其团队的 最新力作。设计师充分利用餐厅狭长的空 间,打造了一列上世纪 30 年代老式火车车 厢。几个大“窗户”其实是平板显示器,变 幻的景色则是不断播放的流动画面,以此营 造出乘坐火车旅行的感觉。在这里你可以边 品尝美味鸡尾酒边与朋友聊天。 The Passenger, a restaurant and cocktail bar designed by Parolio, was made to resemble a 1930s luxury train, drawing inspiration from the typical narrow but wellappointed space of the train cabins. Located in Madrid Spain, the clubby interior is a fun and cozy place to imbibe cocktails. The real fun, however, are the video screens which mimic the movements of a train. www.parolio.com

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Best Courtyard Restaurant: Brian McKenna @ The Courtyard 马克南四合轩 世界名厨马克南入驻紫禁城边的四合 院,打造不走寻常路的马克南四合轩。古 典与现代、西餐创意与中餐文化完美融合, 是家庭聚会、情侣约会的好去处。顶层的私 人包间与雪茄房适合举办公司年会,地下的 酒吧区则是时尚人士聚会畅饮的场所。 Set in the Forbidden City, Brian McKenna @ The Courtyard is the newest venture by celebrated Chef Brian McKenna. Chef McKenna blends Western influences with Chinese flavors in a magical way, offering a menu of creative cuisine set in a classical Beijing courtyard, which aims to excite all guests’ senses. Its top-floor private rooms are great for company meetings, and the underground bar is a marvelous setting for fashionistas.



Smokiest Flavors: The Big Smoke

The Big Smoke The Big Smoke 餐厅也玩花哨的噱头, 但掩盖不住其追求真实自然的风格,给人一 股浓浓的人情味与一种直击心灵的温暖。慢 火熬炖的排骨甚至等不及你品尝就用鲜香 滋味将你围绕,光看着就能感受到那美味。 这里的手工鸡尾酒杯杯经典,却又充满新 鲜的惊喜。The Big Smoke 带你远离浮华的 北京城,来到一个杜绝虚荣攀比且无需炫耀 自己身份地位的地方。 Though there is plenty of smoke and maybe even a mirror at The Big Smoke, the emphasis is on the true nature of things – the communal feeling and warmth. The Big Smoke not only serves delicious juicy slowcooked ribs, but transports diners to a place thousands of miles from Beijing, where showiness and status are forgotten and the flavor, grit and smoke from good meats rule the rodeo.





49 最惊艳的教堂

Best Cathedral: Cathedral of The Northern Lights 北极光教堂 挪威小城阿尔塔位于北极圈以北大约 500 公里处,以绚丽多彩的北极光闻名于世。 挪威王妃梅特·马里特·霍尔比在此主持了北 极光教堂的揭幕仪式。作为醒目的地标性建 筑,新教堂直指云霄,通体闪亮,仿若造物 主之作。其设计出自北欧著名建筑事务所 SHL 和 LINK Arkitektur。 A striking presence, the Cathedral of the Northern Lights is a shimmering, slightly uncanny structure in the small Norwegian town of Alta, approximately 500 km north of the Arctic Circle. At its grand opening, The Crown Princess of Norway, Mette-Marit, inaugurated the 47-metre-high cathedral. Designed by schmidt hammer lassen architects in cooperation with Link Arkitektur, the cathedral was intended as a symbol and an architectural landmark.

50 最可爱的城堡

Loveliest Castle: Leeds Castle in Kent 利兹城堡 全世界大大小小的城堡多了去了,利 兹城堡凭何揽此殊荣?这座有着近 900 年 历史的城堡位于素有“英格兰花园”之称 的肯特郡,当你身处其中时,感觉并不像防 御性城堡,而像英国乡村豪宅;六位中世纪 英格兰女王曾在此居住,气场温雅高贵;水 中城堡够稀缺,少了阴森之气,多了一份灵 秀;在城堡中优雅踱步的黑天鹅和绿孔雀, 可爱不是一点点…… Located in “England’s Garden,” Kent County, this castle at first glance does not strike one as a defensive structure, but rather a royal luxury, and certainly lives up to its name, the Loveliest Castle in the World. The castle has nearly 900 years of history, and having housed six medieval Queens in its day, it gives off a sense of royal grandeur. Standing out among England’s many small castles, this one is truly remarkable with its gorgeous scenery, graceful black swans and majestic peacocks circling the property. And as you walk into the castle itself, you enter the picturesque atmosphere of an English country house. www.leeds-castle.com

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52 最佳室内设计

Best House Interior: Studio RUIM’s Dutch House



Most Iconic Designer: Andree Putman

阿姆斯特丹“欢乐之家” 让一幢 17 世纪的大宅满足 21 世纪一户四口之家的现代生活需求可不是件简单的事, 但阿姆斯特丹 RUIM 工作室的室内建筑师西格莉德·范克利夫和雷内·范德利斯特成功将 400 平米的空间变成了拥有五室三厅两厨两卫的欢乐之家,外带 200 平米的花园。他们曾为戏剧、 歌剧设计舞台布景,担纲服装设计及现代化室内设计,同时不乏旧建筑翻修经验,深厚的 专业功底使其能够游刃有余地操作这个项目,既保留了这座宅子原来的贵族气质,又符合 现代生活品位。 Making a 17th century Dutch townhouse livable for a 21st century family is no easy task, but interior architects Sigrid van Kleef and René van der Leest of Amsterdam’s Studio RUIM had what it took to strike that difficult balance. Their background in theatre and opera sets and costume design, as well as in restoration and interior design of contemporary homes were fundamental in establishing a balance between the grandness of this former patrician’s home and the needs of a modern 4 member family.

安德莉·普特曼 法国国宝级设计大师安德莉·普特曼的 设计格言是“让美成为人人都能拥有的东 西”,经常戴着“有色”眼镜和扎眼珠宝的 她是奢侈的标志、时尚的代名词。2013 年 1 月 19 日,安德莉的逝世让人们失去了一 位风尚大师。1984 年,普特曼设计的“精 品酒店”的鼻祖——纽约摩根酒店为其在设 计界赢得了一席之地,此后阿瑟丁·阿拉亚、 巴黎世家、巴利等奢侈品牌的店面设计邀约 接踵而至。 One of the most recognizable names in contemporary design, Andree Putman personified Gallic chic, dressing in monochromes with bold jewelry. Her death on January 19th, 2013 left the world bereft of a prominent tastemaker. Her design of Morgans Hotel in NYC in 1984, one of the very first boutique hotels, made her influential, and interior commissions soon followed including store interiors for Azzedine Alaia, Balenciaga, Bally and more.







Best Interior Designers: Studio Peregalli 米兰佩雷加利设计工作室 “浪漫、理性和华美”也许是形容佩 雷加利作品最好的字眼。这家米兰设计工作 室的当家人劳拉·萨尔托里·里米尼和罗伯托 ·佩雷加利,师承已故著名舞台设计师伦佐 ·蒙贾尔迪诺。这两位搭档尽得大师真传, 擅长时空穿行的手法,能轻易拨动你柔软 的心弦。在两人 2011 年出版的《创造过去》 一书中,佩雷加利说他们的工作室创作的是 “引人浮想联翩的严谨作品”。 Romantic, cerebral and lush may best describe the interiors created by Studio Peregalli. The Milan-based firm consists of Laura Sartori Rimini and Roberto Peregalli who are proper heirs to the timetraveling spirit of their late mentor, Renzo Mongiardino.“Rigor with imagination” is how Peregalli describes the Milan firm’s oeuvre, captured in the 2011 book “The Invention of the Past” that was published by Rizzoli.

54 最佳餐厅设计

Most Glamorous Restaurant Interior: Maison Blanche 卡萨布兰卡“白房子” 人们或许不会期待在一座北非城市里 邂逅欧陆魅力风情,但不可否认的是,卡 萨布兰卡的白房子餐厅的确是一抹耀眼的 华彩。毕业于米兰多莫斯设计学院的法国著 名设计师克里斯托弗·皮耶和才华横溢的菲 利普·斯达克强强联手,打造出个性十足的 餐厅空间,让人仿佛置身于上世纪 70 年代 巴黎的豪华夜总会,它同时也成为卡萨布兰 卡最佳风尚场所之一。 Although one doesn’t expect high Continental glamour in the middle of Casablanca, Maison Blanche brings along magnificent glitz to the Northern African city. Designed by French designer Christopher Pillet who studied in Milan at the Domus Academy and has collaborated with Philippe Starck, the interior is an exceedingly lavish number that brings to mind a luxe ‘70s Parisian nightclub.

62 LifeStyle



Best Rehabilitation: Ptuj Performance Center 普图伊文化中心 斯洛文尼亚普图伊文化中心被寄托了 提升周边地区文化艺术氛围的期望。这里原 本是一座有八百年历史的多明我会修道院, 现由斯洛文尼亚著名建筑设计工作室 Enota 修缮改造成为一座新文化中心。建筑内部采 光极好,墙面刷上纯白色的涂料,许多古老 的遗迹都被完好地保存了下来,你会看到裸 露的砖墙和古老的基石,还有那早已褪色的 斑驳壁画。而新增附属空间的设计又增添了 别样的美感。


The Ptuj Performance Center in Slovenia is a renovation of an existing 800 year old Dominican monastery. Completed by the Slovenian architectural firm ENOTA, the Performance Center seeks to raise the cultural awareness in the surrounding region. With its dramatic light-filled interiors and stark white paint, the new additions create a visually engaging scheme. Many of the old “ruinous” aspects have been preserved such as the exposed brickwork and old foundation stones.

昆士兰“邮票之家” 这栋倚山靠水、有着戏剧化夸张造型的“邮票之家”给人以艺术画廊或是博物馆的错觉, 其实是水生态系统工程的成果之一。由于地处澳大利亚热带旋风多发地区,远北昆士兰的 查尔斯·莱特建筑师事务所让其像铜墙铁壁般足以抵挡 5 级飓风,并完全实现自给自足。建 筑内一切功能和应用皆脱离对“网”的依赖,覆盖屋顶的太阳能电池板可自行供电,还配 备了可承受 25 万公升水的收集、回收和处理系统。


Best New House: Stamp House

A dramatic presence more reminiscent of an art gallery or museum, the Stamp House is equally advanced in its conception and sustainability. Designed by Charles Wright Architects and located in Far North Queensland (FNQ), Australia a tropical locale that has a propensity for cyclones, the house is entirely self-sustaining. The architects designed the building to be selfsufficient, so it functions entirely off-grid.



Best New Museum: Festival Hall in Erl 奥地利蒂罗尔州音乐节音乐厅 奥地利西部蒂罗尔州厄尔镇位于阿尔卑斯山的腹地,专门用于冬季音乐表演的蒂罗尔 州音乐节音乐厅就坐落在一片起伏的苍翠山坡上。这栋带有尖角的音乐厅由奥地利知名的 德迈建筑师事务所设计建造,当地由冰川作用形成的沉积岩地貌和多姿多彩的岩石构造成 为设计灵感的源泉。音乐厅黑色块状外立面巨大而尖利,好似外太空的异形飞船坠落人间, 其刻意而为的裂缝与褶皱一样的建筑形式就像堆积层叠在一起的岩石。 Like a shard of glass emerging from the rolling green hills, the Festival Hall of the Tiroler Festival is a jarring but elegant presence. According to the architects, Delugan Meissl Associated Architects, the venue’s shape derived from the topographical geometry of the area. The building’s form and position both relate to the impressive landscape defined by rock formations and a historical structure, the Passionsspielhaus.





58 最佳别墅酒店

Top Villa Hotel: Villa D’Este

埃斯特别墅酒店 位于蒂沃利的这两幢历史性建筑物可 追溯到 16 世纪的红衣主教托罗美奥·加利奥, 彼时蒂沃利是罗马贵族和皇室建造别墅林 园避暑的首选地,埃斯特别墅就是托罗美奥 ·加利奥的夏宫。1873 年别墅被改造成豪华 酒店,客人可享受其世界闻名的服务,包括 一流的客房、各种便利设施和美食。依傍着 风景宜人的公园,埃斯特别墅酒店还可一览 科摩湖的秀丽景致。 Villa d’Este has welcomed guests with its gracious hospitality since 1873. Visitors are treated to a celebrated standard of service, including top-rated rooms, amenities and cuisine. This elegant villa overlooks the glorious Lake Como and is set in a picturesque park, a place that has won the hearts of travelers for generations.

64 LifeStyle

59 最佳艺术酒店

Artsiest Hotel: The Dolder Grand 苏黎世多尔德大酒店 苏黎世多尔德大酒店一部分建筑可追 溯至 19 世纪,另一部分则建于 1964 年。 酒店拥有堪称博物馆级别的艺术品,其中 大部分来自酒店大部分业权的所有者乌尔 斯·史瓦哲巴赫。客人在这里能欣赏到村上 隆、安迪·沃霍尔、萨尔瓦多·达利以及大量 19 世纪时期的作品,如毕沙罗描绘四季的 一组画作,同时诸多的青铜器和古董钟表也 在展示之中。 The eclectic Dolder Grand Hotel--one part was built in the 19th century, and another in 1964--also holds an eclectic but museum worthy collection of art, mainly from the collection of Urs E.Schwarzenbach. Guests can take in original pieces by artists like Takashi Murakami, Andy Warhol, Salvador Dali as well as numerous 19th century pieces such as a set of Pissarro paintings depicting the Four Seasons.



Hotel for the Stars: Hotel Lancaster 巴黎兰卡斯特酒店 上世纪 30 年代末,在德国经典电影《蓝天使》里饰演歌舞女郎而声名鹊起的巨星玛 琳黛·德丽以巴黎兰卡斯特酒店为家,一住便是三年,可见该酒店的吸引力之大。酒店最初 是一个私人住宅,如今酒店为了纪念玛琳黛·德丽,以她的名字命名了位于四楼的套房。 It is little wonder that Marlene Dietrich, the siren of the classic film The Blue Angel, chose to make Hotel Lancaster in Paris her home for three years in the late 1930s. The hotel, after all, started as a private residence. Today, her stay is commemorated in the fourth-floor suite that bears her name.



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达克米勒欧曼的设计作品 Interior design by DDMU




Zhang Jiayi The Prime of Life

人到四十,张嘉译正处在男人最有魅力的时候。 作为鸿洲集团的首位形象代言人,他成熟沉稳的气质马上绽放。 Still young at the age of 40, Zhang Jiayi finds himself in his prime, and his mature, level outlook makes him the perfect fit for the first ever spokesperson of Visun Group. Editor: Eva Liu Photos: Visun



从《帕米尔医生》、《国家使命》到《蜗居》、《借 枪》、《心术》、《浮沉》,从白玉兰奖最佳男 演员到飞天奖视帝,你怎样看待自己的成功? 每一个演员都需要长时间的磨砺和积累,磨 砺自己的意志,积累对作品、对角色的理解力。 每一个演员想成功都要靠自己的实力,记得刚毕 业时老师跟我说过,“你可能要经过很长一段时 间的磨炼,才能真正站在舞台上,属于你自己的 舞台上”。 对于一个演员来说,情商到底有多重要? 比较重要!因为你要去感受不同生存状态下 的人物,需要有很强的感受力、想象力和理解力。 一个小人物如果放在生活中,我们可能都不会注 意到他,但是当你真的接到这个人物角色的时候, 你要能理解他为什么会产生这样的情感。 哪个年龄段是你最好的时候? 最好的时候就是现在,有积累,有阅历,有 精力。有了阅历和经历,对很多东西就有更深的, 或者说更准确的理解,而且我现在正是精力充沛 的时候,年龄再大一点可能体力精力也跟不上了。 这个年龄也是接戏和商业合作范围最广、成果最 明显的阶段。 作为鸿洲集团首位形象代言人,你的成熟沉稳气质 与鸿洲集团发展高端度假产业定位看上去很契合。 我很荣幸成为鸿洲集团的形象代言人。在我 眼里,鸿洲集团是一个具有南中国顶端价值运营 商之称的商业集团。 给鸿洲集团拍广告和平面形象好玩吗?感觉有什 么不一样? 这组形象广告片是在鸿洲集团三亚、海口的 各项产业基地取景拍摄的,包括三亚鸿洲时代海

岸、三亚鸿洲埃德瑞度假酒店、海口鸿洲江山、 海口鸿洲埃德瑞皇家园林酒店、鸿酒会、鸿洲皇 家马术俱乐部等地。这组大片演绎了鸿洲热带高 端度假生活,我也体验了一次鸿洲游艇、帆船、 马术等颇有质感的生活方式。 假期里最想做的事情是什么? 回家陪陪女儿,和朋友聊聊,打打高尔夫。 加入明星高尔夫球队两年多了,应该算中等偏上 的水平吧。以前是光被人切,很没乐趣,现在切 人就有乐趣了。 From your first role in Dr. Pamir, to other TV shows like The Nation’s Mission, Dwelling Narrowness, and Borrow Gun, you’ve won several awards; how do you view your success? Every actor needs time to grow, accumulate experience, grasp his roles and hone his craft. Every successful actor relies on his own strength – I remember when I’d just graduated a teacher told me, “You must spend a long time on self-discipline before you can truly stand on the stage and have it become your stage.” Do you think that EQ (Emotional Quotient) is important for an actor? Quite important! You need to get a sense of the characters, characters in different states of existence, and for this you need to have a very strong sense of empathy and imagination to understand each role. Though you may not notice someone who plays a small role in your everyday life, when you receive this role as an actor you must really try to understand why he or she became this way.

What time period was the best in your life? Besides shooting movies, what other business activities do you have now? The best time is now! I have accumulated experience and energy, and at this age I feel I’m at my best; and also I can accept a wide range of acting roles and business partnerships. With experience comes deeper insight, and a more precise understanding of things. I’m also at my physical peak now, while in a few years my body may not be able to keep up with things – to sum it up, the present is pretty great.

As the spokesperson, your sense and matured temperament quite suits the high-end brand positioning of Visun Group. What are your views on the company? It’s my honor to be Visun’s spokesperson. In my view, Visun has the top valued operations in Southern China right now. Did you enjoy shooting ads for Visun? What was interesting about it? We shot all these ads at our properties in Sanya and Haikou, including the Sanya Times Coast, Eadry Resort Hotel Sanya, Visun Greatland Haikou, Eadry Royal Garden Hotel

Haikou, Sense Club, Visun Royal Equestrian Club, and so on. Apart from these, there are also yacht and equestrian clubs. They give you a feeling of a luxury vacation in the tropics, and the yachting, sailing and horse riding way of life. What would you like to do most over the holidays? I’d like to stay home and be with my daughter, or meet with some friends and play golf. I’ve been a member of a celebrity golf team for over two years and developed some skill at it, and now I’ve usually got the upper hand among my friends.




Material Culture


The Big Eight

中国八大白酒酒标上的图案都表达了什么内容及寓意? How much do you know about China’s top 8 baijiu brands and their logos? Text: Eva Liu

72 LifeStyle


Moutai 茅台酒标图案分成三部分:中间是一 条从右上方到左下方的 60 毫米宽白色斜带, 红色的“贵州茅台酒”五个字夹在中间。斜 带和左上角的相接处有 13 毫米宽的金色条, 条上有“中外驰名”四个黑字。左上角为一 红色色块,中间有直径为 35 毫米的套金色 边的白圈,圈内有环形麦穗、金色齿轮和红 五星图案。斜带和右下角的相接处有一条细 金线。右下角的红色色块上印有“中国贵州 茅台酒厂出品”。内销茅台还曾使用过“葵 花”商标,外销为“飞天”,即享誉全球的 中国敦煌壁画艺术飞天形象,这款商标也一 直延续使用至今。 The classic label of national liquor Moutai consists of three parts. On the body of the bottle is a 60 mm-wide white band which slants from the lower left corner to the upper right with five red Chinese characters on it spelling out “Kweichow Moutai”. On top of this is a golden stripe, 13 mm wide, whose characters read, “Famous in China and abroad”. In the upper left corner, a smaller white circle rimmed in gold features stalks of wheat, golden gears and a red 5-point star, while the bottom right corner features the slogan, “Product of China Moutai Distillery Kweichow, China”. Moutai sold in the domestic market once also used their “sunflower” trademark, while today, bottles featuring the flying “Apsaras” trademark are exported regularly.




Material Culture


Xinghuacun Fenjiu 汾酒的标志形如一枚杏花红印,杏花成攒,漫天花瓣,象征汾 酒清香天下,誉满全球。酒标也似一幅剪纸窗花,五片花瓣象征五 朵“祥云”。吉祥的红色寓意喜庆、热烈,演绎着汾酒的创新与开放、 激情与梦想。 Fenjiu’s traditional logo is shaped like an apricot blossom. The flourishing flower is symbolic of the liquor’s aroma and its global popularity. The label also calls to mind a traditional Chinese paper cutting. The flower-shaped decoration represents auspiciousness, passion, dreams, creativity and the brand’s open-mindedness.


Luzhou Laojiao 泸州老窖特曲酒的标志带有典型的农耕文化色彩,其新标志用 红蓝太极式体现出“泸州”和“国窖”双品牌战略理念,不过新标 主要用于泸州老窖的企业整体形象宣传。 This brand’s earlier logo incorporated traditional farming culture; while the new logo uses a Tai Ji diagram with opposing red and blue swirls. Older versions of the brand’s label displayed its place of origin, “Luzhou” along with the words “National cellar”, but newer versions replace the latter with “Laojiao”, the brand cellar instead.


Wuliangye 五粮液酒标上的大圆代表地球,表示产品定要覆盖全球市场; 五根呈上升趋势、有动感的线汇集到一点,表示五种原料(粮食) 升华成了五粮液,同时表示五粮液酒厂蒸蒸日上的发展态势;两个 同心圆表示东西南北中的职工同心同德;中心小圆中的 W 表示五粮 液和五粮液酒厂永远在职工心中。 The logo of liquor brand Wuliangye is simple but meaningful. An outer circle represents the earth, implying the brand’s expansion to a global market; the five curved lines which start from all sides but meet at the top of the ring represent the five grains from which the liquor is brewed; and the inner ring paired with the outer represent the solidarity of the brand’s staff. Lastly, the uppercase “W” in the middle is, of course, the brand’s name.


Xifengjiu 凤凰是传说中的神鸟。西凤酒采用凤凰图腾作为其品牌标志, 是一个民族精神凝聚力与号召力的象征。西凤酒血脉里灌注了凤凰 顽强执著的精神,彰显着博大强劲的民族凝聚力。 The Phoenix is arguably the most famous of mythical birds. Xifeng takes the fiery fowl, also representative in the Middle Kingdom of national spirit, persistency and the strong force of the Chinese people, as the symbol of the brand.

74 LifeStyle


Gujinggongjiu 传说东汉建安年间曹操将家乡的九酝春酒(即古井贡酒) 以及酿造方法献给汉献帝刘协,自此成为历代贡品。古井贡酒 以用水之井和酒的历史典故命名。古人描绘龙的来历时,有五 种说法:一曰龙在远古,一曰龙在天上,一曰龙在海里,一曰 龙在深潭,一曰龙在朝市。其中三个说法与“古井贡”三字有关。 古井贡酒历史悠久,正像神龙降临的远古时代一样,充满了神 秘感和厚重感。 In the reign of Jian’an during the Eastern Han Dynasty, noted warlord and penultimate Chancellor of the Dynasty Cao Cao presented nine jars of liquor from his hometown (Gujinggongjiu) along with its brewing method to Emperor Xian. This liquor then went on to become a tribute to the emperors of all following dynasties. The brand’s name comes from combining the names of wells with ancient references to a proverb about the origins of dragons. This brand’s history, nearly as ancient as the proverbial dragons themselves, is shrouded in mysterious sentiment.


Dongjiu “董”由“艹”和“重”组成,艹与草同义,重为数量多之意, 故“董”寓意“百草”。 “百草之酒”董酒产于贵州遵义董公寺镇, 由于地处低纬高原,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,植被茂密,泉水甘醇, 确为酿造美酒之地。董酒国密系列的酒标上带有“国密”印章, 意为“国家保密酿造工艺”。 The Chinese character “ 董 ” (dong) consists of the radical “ 艹 ” meaning grass, and the bottom “ 重 ”, symbolizing large quantities. Put together, the character therefore suggests a large amount of grasses. Dongjiu is in fact brewed from a diversity of grasses, originating in Donggongsi, Zunyi, Guizhou, a lowlatitude plateau whose climate is mild in all seasons – perfect for brewing liquors. The brand’s “Guomi” (“state secrets”) series includes a stamp on the label, indicating state-level protection of its brewing method.


Jiannanchun 剑南春的标志为酒名的拼音缩写。这是一个富有内涵且诗 情画意的名字:“剑南”二字点出美酒产自剑门雄关之南的绵 竹(绵竹位于剑山之南,剑南春酒的前身为绵竹大曲,创始于 清朝康熙年间),令人联想起沃野阡陌的天府平原;“春”乃 是古为今用,苏东坡曾经说过“唐人酒多以春名”,此字引人 领略美酒的魅力,给人以春天的启示。 The Jiannanchun Group’s logo consists of the brand’s initials inside of an elegant design. The name has two meanings: “Jiannan” indicates the origin of the liquor - Mianzhu, an old city located at the south (nan) of the Mountain Jian in western Sichuan. (Its predecessor, called “Mianzhu Daqu” has history dating back to Emperor Kangxi’s rule during the Qing Dynasty.) “Chun” is the Chinese word for Spring, connecting the liquor to the loveliness of the season. Su Shi, also known as Su Dongpo, a famous poet, painter, calligrapher and statesman of the Song Dynasty, once noted that “many liquors from the Tang Dynasty are named ‘chun’”.



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奔驰 GLA45 AMG

宝马 X5 M Performance Parts

全新奔驰 GLA45 AMG 在今年一月份举办的北美车展上全球 首发。该车搭载 A45 AMG 以及 CLA45 AMG 一样的 2.0 升四缸 涡轮增压发动机,最大输出功率达到 265kW(360hp),峰值扭 矩 450Nm。与之匹配的是 7 速双离合变速器,并配备 4MATIC 全时四轮驱动系统,百公里加速时间预计在 5 秒左右,最高车速 被限定在 250km/h。

带有 M Performance 套装的宝马 X5 拥有全新设计的前后 保险杠。新保险杠设计更为运动,也更强调空气动力学设计。前 保险杠下方增加了一套碳纤维下唇,后保险杠则增加了底盘扩散 器。该车还拥有更为坚硬的悬架弹簧以及卡钳被漆为蓝色的 M Performance 制动系统,另外 M Performance 套装还提供仅限该 套装使用的双色 21 英寸锻造铝合金轮毂。

The new Mercedes GLA45 AMG made its debut this January at the NAIAS. Like the A45 AMG and CLA45 AMG, it’s equipped with a 2.0L four-cylinder turbocharged engine with max output of 360hp (265kW) and peak torque of 450N-m. Along with its 7-speed dual clutch transmission it is also outfitted with the all-wheel drive 4MATIC system, enabling it to hit 100 km/h in under 5 seconds, and reaching an electronically limited top speed of 250 km/h.

Outfitted with the “M Performance” package, the X5 incorporates all-new front and rear bumpers with a sporty, aerodynamic design. It also boasts a carbon fiber front splitter and rear diffuser, along with a more rigid suspension and a new M Performance brake system with calipers finished in blue. This outfit also includes limited time bicolored 21-inch forged aluminum tires.

Mercedes GLA45 AMG

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BMW X5M Performance Parts

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奥迪 SQ5

保时捷 Macan Turbo

已在北京上市的奥迪 SQ5 为汽油版车型,分为黑色和蓝色 两种专属车漆颜色。该车搭载了一款 3.0 升 V6 机械增压发动机, 最大输出功率为 354hp,峰值扭矩 470Nm。传统系统匹配了来 自采埃孚的 8AT 自动变速箱。可在 5.3 秒内实现百公里加速度, 电子限速下的极速达 250km/h。

保时捷全新中型 SUV Macan Turbo 拥有强健有力的前裙板, 其典型特征是超大进气口的侧翼板,更为抢眼之处在于它的前扰 流唇,其设计基于 918 Spyder。侧翼板涂与车身同色的车漆。 3.6 升 V6 双涡轮增压发动机可提供强劲的动力,输出功率非常惊 人,为 294 kW(400 hp)。百公里加速仅需 4.8 秒,最高时速 为 266km/h。

Audi SQ5

The Audi SQ5 will soon officially be available in Beijing, a diesel model that comes in two exclusive colors: Panther Black or Estoril Blue. Packing a 3.0L supercharged V6 engine, it has max output of 354hp, and torque of 470N-m. The traditional system is paired with ZF’s eight-speed automatic transmission. The SQ5 can get up to 100 km/h in only 5.3 seconds, with electronically limited top speeds of 250 km/h.

Porsche Macan Turbo

Porsche’s all-new midsize SUV the Macan Turbo boasts a powerful look from the front, with characteristic large air intakes on the sides of the grille. Even more eye-catching is the sloping front-toback line, based on the design of the 918 Spyder. The side blades are striking and make the car appear sleeker. A 3.6-litre twin-turbo V6 engine offers considerable power at 400hp (294kW), and can get the car from 0-100km/h in only 4.8 seconds, with top speeds of 266 km/h.



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法拉利 F12 升级版 N-LARGO

Ferrari F12 N-LARGO

德 国 超 跑 改 装 公 司 Novitec Rosso 最 近 发 布 了 一 款 F12 N-LARGO 车型。该车以法拉利 F12 Berlinetta 为原型,加装碳纤 维宽体套件,包括全新的前杠、格栅、大包围及侧裙等。21/22 英 寸合金轮毂配合倍耐力 P Zero 高性能轮胎,调整过的尾灯以及大 尺寸尾翼让车身风格大变。运动悬挂让车身高度降低了 40mm。刷 新 ECU 和改装运动排气系统后,6.3 升的 V12 发动机最大功率和 极限扭矩提升至 781 马力和 722 牛米,极速达 350km/h。 German brand Novitec Rosso’s custom Ferrari F12 recently came out, using the F12 Belinetta as a basis, with an added carbon fibre body kit including a new front bumper, grille, side skirts and increased rear width. 21/22 inch tailor-made rims complement the P ZERO highperformance wheels, and modified tail lights and wide rear spoiler make the supercar even flashier. Novitec Rosso has lowered the suspension by up to 40mm, also renovating the ECU and ventilation systems. A 6.3L V12 engine produces 781hp and 722N-m for a top speed of 350km/h.

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改装兰博基尼 Aventador LaMotta

RevoZport Lamborghini Aventador

RevoZport 正式发布一台以拉莫塔命 名的改装兰博基尼 Aventador,拉莫塔取 自美国知名职业拳击手杰克·拉莫塔之名。 这部改装车最主要的升级部分就是动力, RevoZport 将原车 6.5 升 V12 的引擎压榨出 820 马力的最大功率,比之前多了 120 马 力。整车进行了多处碳纤维材料改造,重量 减轻 80 公斤。而外观和内饰方面的改造包 括:3 公斤的碳纤维引擎盖、Alcantara 碳 材质座椅、重新设计的后保险杠和排气口、 全新的侧裙和碳纤维踏板等。增加的动力部 分主要依靠对引擎 ECU 的重新调校和改装 的全新铬镍铁合金排气系统,其他亮点还包 括前 20 英寸后 21 英寸 Klassen ID 合金轮 毂,比普通的 LP700-4 轻了将近 1.5 公斤。 R e v o Z p o r t ’s r e c e n t l y u p g r a d e d L a m b o r g h i n i Av e n t a d o r i s n i c k n a m e d “LaMotta”, for famous American boxer Giacobbe Jake LaMotta. The car’s real upgrade is in performance, with its RevoZport 6.5L V12 engine, squeezing out an impressive output of 820hp, and stripping the car down by 80kg thanks to a liberal use of carbon fibre. Exterior and interior design upgrades include a weightsaving 3kg carbon fibre hood, stitched Alcantara seats, and door panels, new rear bumper and air tunnels all forged from the same material. Output was boosted by using a revised ECU, a forced induction unit, a new inconel exhaust system. Other highlights include 20/21 inch Klassen ID alloy rims, 1.5kg lighter than the classic LP700-4’s.






Ahead of the Pack

生活式设计事务所达克米勒欧曼的总裁和设计总负责人 Eric D. Ullmann 与 LifeStyle 畅聊事务所独特的设计方式和让人期待不已的新工作室。 Eric D. Ullmann, President & Design Principal of Lifestyle Design practice Duncan Miller Ullmann, talks with us about the firm’s creative approach and exciting new studio plans. Editor: Audrey Hammonds

达克米勒欧曼是如何在众多室内设计公司中 脱颖而出并成为行业翘楚的? 我认为是方式的差异性。虽然达克米勒 欧曼只是一家中等规模的公司,但非常具有 国际视野,并将这种国际化融入每个项目; 我们与每个客户的“私交”具体而各异,加 入客户视角后,我们的作品更为独特不凡, 从而从众多竞争者中脱颖而出。我们的很多 设计让酒店客人过目不忘,他们再口耳相 传,没有比口碑营销更管用的营销方式了。 与美国相比,中国的室内设计行业发展非常 迅速,如何才能在这里一直领先? 我个人认为这个“迅速发展”里面有 很多复制山寨的设计,尤其当业主想以最 快的速度建成一个项目时。我们的创意让我 们一直领先——有远见的开发商追求革新, 而我们在这块扮演着重要的角色。 你们如何在设计中诠释当地文化?如何让设 计更本地化? 我们在着手设计每个项目前,都会花 上三四天,甚至一周的时间泡在当地。为 了领会这个城市的精髓,我们会拍大量的照 片,采访艺术家,“消化”他们在那里创作 的文学、工艺等作品。试图从大量收集的东 西里找到当地的文化内核,这是个浩大的工 程。之后,我们会在酒店设计中表现出来, 也许是通过一件艺术品,或者是更抽象的现 代诠释。举个例子,我们在设计杭州 JW 万 豪酒店时,考虑到杭州以丝绸著称,客房床 尾巾的设计制作就用到了当地的丝绸。 当涉及历史文物建筑改造项目时会是什么情 形? 这一点其实很有意思的,翻新跟新建 比,时间和困难都得翻倍,因为到位的预算 更紧,所以做好预算配置至关重要。上海扬 子精品酒店本来位于一幢上世纪 20 年代的 破损老楼里,我们将其改造成 5 星级的奢 华酒店和上海一处重要的古建筑地标,原来 200 间房改建成 98 间 5 星级客房,并对餐 厅设施进行了重新配置优化,备受国内外游 客的青睐。

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你们陆续推出了一些跨界项目和公司,包括 提供生活方式解决方案的工作室。在中国运 营这样的公司或工作室有什么优势?会受到 什么挑战? 我们新工作室正在运行中,衷心希望 它能实现有机增长。进驻上海差不多十年, 我们发现自己变成诸多酒店人、顾问、运营 商以及产品供应链的中心,所以想建立一个 工作室,为大家提供一个相互交流的平台, 同时也能在这里享受各种服务。新工作室将 设有餐厅、休息室和艺术廊,我们每季度会 在此举办艺术展览。从休息室能直接望向艺 术工作室,设计师们可以和艺术家直接互 动,这也是设计过程中不可或缺的一部分。 酒店客户可以过来考察我们如何为其品牌 创作出更佳的方案,也可以来此和供应商或 艺术家畅谈合作。 未来几年中国室内设计会出现什么趋势? 现在已经出现一些新的趋势, “现代化” 就是其中的关键词之一,但现代化有时候会 显得冷冰冰,需要可过渡的现代化敏感度, 让其更显亲近、舒适;另外,空间总是有 限的,将来会有更多明智务实的设计方案, 高品质的绿色环保装饰材料也会更受青睐, 同时颜色将会更丰富。这么多年来,我一直 都觉得一切太单调了。老实说,酒店看起来 都十分相似。达克米勒是色彩的忠实信徒, 在酒店设计中非常注重色彩的运用。 最让你有成就感或者说最让你骄傲的是哪个 作品? 我们承接的知名项目包括集大型酒店、 赌场、购物为一体的澳门金沙城中心和前面 提到的上海扬子精品酒店等,尤其后者带给 了我们很大的荣耀。对我个人而言,我喜欢 创造新项目,我总觉得手头正在创作的远比 已完成的好。 现阶段什么能给你灵感? 就是旅行。走出去,看不同文化背景 下的生活方式有什么差别。我最近去了胡志 明市,当然也少不了参观当地主要的酒店, 但是更能给我灵感的是吃路边摊和与当地 人聊天。亲历一个城市的文化、与当地人交 谈对我最具启发性。

你觉得哪个酒店品牌最契合自己的风格? 为什么? 我们不想用某一种风格定义自己的作 品。我们每一个项目都融入了业主和用户 的视角,都是与合作伙伴通力协作的结果。 我们不仅做希尔顿、万豪等大品牌,也有个 性非常独特的项目,包括多功能综合建筑。 我们喜欢与真正懂生活且追求个性的人合 作。我们能找到绝妙的人和视角的地方,就 是我们大展身手的地方,这也是我们最大的 优势。 As a big name in the industry, what makes DDMU stand out among so many other interior design firms? I think our approach is different. We’re a medium sized firm, and we bring a very international perspective to each project. Our personal relationship is different with each and every client, and through this relationship with our clients’ visions, much of our work is more unique than our competitors’. We’ve been fortunate to be able to create great experiences that people remember. Guests who stay at our hotels truly remember it and pass that along, and nothing can compete against the marketability of people’s word. What does it take to get ahead in China specifically, where the industry is growing rapidly, as opposed to the US? The Chinese market is developing so rapidly, and in my opinion there is a large amount of copy and paste design involved when owners just want a project built as quickly as possible. Our creativity is keeping us ahead of the pack – true developers are looking for something innovative, and we play an important role in creating sustainability in what’s happening here in China. How do you interpret cultural aspects in your designs? What kinds of work do you do to make the designs more localized? With any project, we like to spend three to four days or even a week within the area and understand the essence of the city. We take a lot of photographs, interview artists, understand what they produce there, craftsmanship, literature, etc. It’s really a culmination of a lot of different things we do to find the essence of the region. We then interpret that in a literal way, maybe in a piece of art in the hotel design, or through a more abstract modern interpretation in the design. For example Hangzhou is known for silk, so when we designed for the JW Marriott in Hangzhou, every room’s bed scarf was designed and fabricated from silk there in the city. Could you give us insight into what working on a historical preservation project entails? Refurbishments can interestingly enough take twice as long and be twice as difficult. They often have more stringent budgets in place, and budget management plays a key role. For example, the Yangtze Boutique hotel in Shanghai was a dilapidated 3-star

达克米勒欧曼设计咨询有限公司是一家 1989 年成立,源于美国的国际室内设计 公司,在美国达拉斯、中国上海及香港 设有办公室,主要致力于为高端酒店业 提供专业的室内设计服务。 Founded in the United States in 1989, DESIGN Duncan Miller Ullmann is an international interior design firm with offices in Dallas, Shanghai and Hong Kong. It is committed to providing professional interior design services to the high end hospitality industry.

building built in the 20s and we turned it into a 5-star luxury operation and a vital historical landmark in Shanghai. In the end we transformed it from a 200 room hotel into 98 rooms of 5-star quality, repositioned for restaurants which both international and local Chinese travelers would like. You’ve launched a number of crossindustry projects and firms, including DDMU’s new Lifestyle Solutions Studio. What are the challenges and advantages of running such a studio or company in China? Our new studio is a work in progress which we really want to be organic and develop over time. Being here (in Shanghai) almost 10 years, we find ourselves to be a hub of many consultants, many hoteliers, operators and product and supply lines etc., so we wanted to create a studio which people can interact with and enjoy. The studio will have a dining room, lounge, and an art gallery where we will hold quarterly art exhibitions. The lounge will look down into the art studio so that our designers can interact with artists directly and become an integral part of the design process. Hoteliers can come in and look into how we can create better solutions for their brand, perhaps cooperate with the suppliers or a certain artist etc. What impressions do you have of the inclination of Chinese taste toward interior design over the coming years? There are a few trends now – modern is certainly a key style, but modern can get very cold at times, so instead it may incorporate a modern sensitivity but be transitional so it’s very comfortable. There will also be smarter design solutions, spaces won’t be so large, and they’ll support more sustainable quality materials which will ultimately use less of the material with more enhancement of the end product. Also a

lot more color - for so many years I think everything’s been very monotone, and hotels are starting to look similar quite honestly. We’re a big believer in color, and bringing that into the hotels we’re designing. What would you say is your greatest accomplishment, or which project are you most proud of? We’ve done some great projects including the Sands Cotai Central integrated mega resort in Macau and of course the Yangtze which I mentioned before. This was a great accomplishment. But for me it really falls down to the work we have on the boards. We love to create new projects, and I constantly feel like what we’re creating today is better than what we’ve done before. What is your current inspiration? I just travel – it’s really getting out and seeing how different cultures deal with daily lifestyle. I was recently in Saigon and of course went around to major hotels, but for me that’s not as inspirational as getting out on the street, eating street food, talking to locals about the best places to see and be, and experiencing the cities cultures and people, is most inspiring. What hotel brands do you feel best fit your style and why? We don’t portray ourselves as having a style – each and every project is developed with the owner’s and end user’s vision, and in cooperation with our partners talking to. We don’t do just any other Hilton, Marriott etc. It’s usually very unique projects and locations, including mixed use developments. We like to align ourselves with people that understand lifestyle and want to create something unique. Where we can find fantastic people and visions – that’s our niche, that’s where we excel.






Intersecting Paths 这个画展我给它起名叫“阡陌之间”, 阡陌是田间纵横的小路,原意想指画家刘洪 利来自乡村。其实这是我的狭隘理解,如今 的阡陌已不再是桃花源时代的阡陌,如今的 农人也不再是昔日的耕作之人。刘洪利祖祖 辈辈生活在中国的穷苦乡村,这些作品是他 30 年来艰辛生活的积累。30 年的辛酸苦辣, 欢愉梦想一一都在画里。 我很讨厌梦想这个词,它已经被用得 很庸俗了,而且有这玩儿意的人基本都没实 现过。我也很讨厌执著这个词,执著的人也 都差不多在半路上死光了。刘洪利没有梦想 也不执著,他不过是喜欢画画这件事,每天 的劳作之后,这铺天漫地的色彩能让他瞬间 跟世界对上话,他在比现实生活要好一千倍 的想象世界里如鱼得水。 当刘洪利风尘仆仆地抱着一大卷画出 现在画廊时,我对这个白天需要为生计奔 波,夜晚需要为自己心灵奔波的人充满了敬 意。“艺术是什么”这个无聊的命题再次让 我思考。艺术肯定不是为有钱人存在的,价 格卖得好不见得是艺术;艺术也不是为穷人 呐喊的,批判得响亮的东西也不是艺术;艺 术不是无病呻吟,艺术也不是谋生的手段。 艺术不需要科班学习,很多人没进过美院, 但仍然创作出灿烂夺人的艺术;学院里的人 有技术,但很多人离艺术还有些许距离。艺

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术不是枷锁也不是牢笼,一个人不应该因为 做了与艺术有关的事就觉得艺术就是他全 部生命的真谛。艺术没那么高大,它只不过 是慰藉自己心灵的一剂强心针,只不过是逝 水年华中相依相伴的一盏领路灯,就算它改 变了我们的生活,也带不走我们灵魂里与生 俱来的孤寂和对真相永无休止追寻的欲望。 刘洪利让我流泪的一幅作品叫《地球 之殇》,十五米的长卷,那是他在一次地 震后画出来的,小动物们在地震前的惊慌, 灾难来临时大自然的翻脸无情,人类的无能 懦弱,灾难过后涅槃重生。画面栩栩如生, 惊心动魄。我不敢去探测他的内心,但从这 长得好像没有尽头的画卷里我还是读到了 他丰富的不囿于阡陌之间的别样情怀。这情 怀是仁爱的情怀,是艺术的组成部分。 其实人有梦想是好事,梦想让人生充 满了很多不确切但很踏实的希望。灵魂生活 和肉身生活是我们生存的两种方式,梦想是 灵魂生活的翅膀。只是对于没有灵魂的东 西,梦想就变得一无是处。 当你驻足在刘洪利的画前,我希望你 能多呆几秒钟。看看来自阡陌之间的色彩和 旋律,看看来自他灵魂深处那些叫做艺术的 顽皮精灵,看看我们一直没有放弃称之为梦 想的东西如何在一个农民画家身上悄悄地 燃烧了几十年。


’ve called this exhibition “Intersecting Paths”, in reference to the intersections of small country paths through farmland fields, as an allusion to painter Liu Hongli’s family history. But in fact, this is just my limited understanding of it -- neither the footpaths nor the farmers of Liu Hongli’s ancestor’s time resemble those utopic images from the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Liu’s family has lived for generations in the poor backcountry of China, and his works are a reflection of thirty years of bitterness and joys of a hard life there. I usually can’t stand the term “dream” – it has become almost vulgar due to overuse, and those who use it rarely achieve what they set out to in the end. My opinion on the word “persistence” is frankly no more positive, with so-called “persistent” people often giving up halfway through. Liu Hongli has no dramatic ideas of dreams or persistency; he just loves painting. He creates a kingdom of his own, better than the real world, which he can slip into like a fish into water. After working a long exhausting day, he can connect to this world with each

stroke of the color on his canvas. When Liu Hongli finally arrived at the doorway of my gallery, tired from the journey and carrying a huge roll of paintings under his arm, I immediately respected him. Impressed by his life of toil during the day and finding inner peace through painting at night, I was again perplexed by the question, “what is art?” Art does not exist for the rich, as works with high prices are not necessarily good ones; yet neither is it a rallying cry for the poor, as critical pieces aren’t necessarily artistic. Nor is it sentimental nonsense, or even a way to make a living. One need not be academically successful to be a real artist –study and technique do not necessarily make real talent. Art is also not a cage – one need not think that because one makes some form of art that it is his entire life. Art is not this lofty – but it can console the spirit and strengthen the heart, and it can lead us through the passage of time. It changes our lives, but cannot take away the desolate loneliness of our souls, and the desire to search for the truth. One of Liu Hongli’s paintings that made

me weep is called “Elegy for the Earth”. The 15-meter-long piece, which he created after a horrible earthquake, vividly depicts the panic of animals beforehand, the temporary yet unrelenting ruthlessness of nature, the weakness of humans and the rebirth afterward. I’m not brave enough to step into this man’s world, but looking at this seemingly endless scroll, I can see beyond the intersecting country roads to his feelings of compassion, which are an essential quality of art. Perhaps it is a good thing for people to dream; dreams, while imprecise, can fill people with hope. We live partly in the physical and partly in the spiritual world, and dreams become wings for the soul. It is only for a soulless being that dreams are useless. If you have the chance to stand in front of Liu Hongli’s paintings, I hope you can linger for a few seconds to feel the colors and melodies of these country paths, get to know the sprites and spirits that live in his world, and to see how that which we still call a dream has quietly manifested itself over the decades in the life of this farmer and artist.

黄扉 北京商报《中国当代艺术周刊》主编、北京 798 艺术区盛世天空美术馆馆长、艺术策展人。

Huang Fei is the Editor-in-Chief of Beijing Business Today’s China Art Weekly and Curator of Saatchi Sky Art Gallery at Beijing's 798 Art District.






Neo-Idolatry 去澳门艺术博物馆观展《岳敏君:偶像制造》,充满创意地大笑一次。 A new solo exhibition of seminal contemporary Chinese artist Yue Minjun Editor: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Pace Beijing

澳门艺术博物馆目前正在举办《岳敏 君:偶像制造》大型个展(2013 年 11 月 20 日至 2014 年 2 月 16 日),该展览囊括 了岳敏君近年创作的 52 件(组)作品,包 括绘画、室内及户外雕塑。前不久岳敏君、 冯博一、王晓松在佩斯北京画廊专门举办了 “岳敏君:偶像制造”澳门艺术博物馆个展 的专场对谈。策展人冯博一以不同时期岳 敏君工作室的文化地理变化为主线,追问 岳敏君艺术与工作室之间的转换互生关系。 对谈嘉宾依据展览的策划以及实施的过程, 就岳敏君创作中的日常文化动力、岳敏君的 偶像艺术与历史和时代特征之间的关系展 开对话与交流。 《岳敏君:偶像制造》展览的亮点之 一是创作于 2011 年的油画《角色》,画面 中央的主角“大笑人”是岳敏君创造的经典 “偶像”形象。在他身后,排列着几位著名 的角色,如影星玛丽莲·梦露、神魔小说人 物孙悟空、漫画主角蝙蝠侠,他们紧闭双唇, 面无表情;紧贴大笑人身后的是一个因没 有肌肉而显得咧嘴大笑的、代表着“终结” 的骷髅头。手法上对流行图像的冰冷挪用和 拼凑,内容上放肆的嬉笑、高高在上的明星 地位、虚构的英雄等主题的混杂,正是岳敏

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君一贯反讽、调戏、颠覆而又动人的语调。 自上世纪 90 年代以来,岳敏君以个人 形象为蓝本,结合不同时期中国社会生活符 号,创作出不同系列的“偶像”作品,因其 独特的时代精神气质不仅成为中国当代艺 术中的经典图像,也是国际上辨识当代中国 的图像符号之一。艺术家创作中的玩世主义 幽默、对时代生活的广泛关注以及对图像传 播的有效利用,使他的艺术深深地嵌在了当 代中国的语境中。1990 年以来,作为最早 受到国际关注的中国艺术家,岳敏君应邀参 加了一系列重要国际展事,并曾获得 2007 年美国《时代周刊》年度人物称号。 看完岳敏君的作品展,被荒诞的大笑 人激发起无限创意又无处发挥?艺博馆也 早有准备!观众只要在《岳敏君:偶像制造》 现场索取“大笑口明信片”,并与它在澳 门任何地方拍摄 1 至 2 张充满创意的大笑、 傻笑照片,连同个人资料、相片主题及简介 电邮至 macaoart@gmail.com,即可参加“偶 像制造——澳门大笑人照片征集”创意摄影 比赛,经策展团队初选及 Facebook 投票后, 再由岳敏君本人从 10 强作品中挑选 3 幅得 奖作品,优胜者可获岳敏君亲笔签名画册及 系列纪念品。

岳敏君是中国当代艺术舞台上最具代 表性的艺术家之一,其作品以一系列傻笑 的光头“偶像”著称。这些偶像色调艳丽、 形态怪异,甚至还有些血腥气。虽然是赖皮 赖脸的嬉笑,却有着一种犯忌般的快感与幽 默。他的艺术创作是一种张扬的叙事、放纵 的想像,以荒谬的形式凸显存在的本质。

“Yue Minjun: Neo-Idolatry”, the solo exhibition at the Macao Art Museum (MAM), will run from November 20th 2013 to February 16th 2014. A total of 52 works that Yue Minjun has created in recent years, including paintings, indoor and outdoor sculptures is being exhibited at the museum. Curator Feng Boyi, using Yue Minjun’s studio in different periods of cultural geography changes as the main line, asked about conversion relationships between Yue Minjun’s art and studio. This time the invited guests in the dialogue will be artists and curators. According to the exhibition scheme and implementing process, they will have dialogues and exchanges about the daily cultural motivating power in Minjun Yue’s art creation, Minjun Yue’s Idol Art and the relationships between history and times. One of the highlighted exhibits, Roles, is an oil painting created in 2011. The laughing man is placed in the middle of the composition with several famous ‘roles’ alongside, such as the movie star Marilyn Monroe, the novel character Monkey King Sun Wukong, and the comic superhero Batman. However, their lips are closed tightly on their emotionless faces. A skull that represents ending right behind the laughing man – seemingly with a big grin due to the lack of muscles – makes the whole piece more paradoxical and absurd. The work emotes a wide-ranging sarcasm on issues such as shameless laughter, lofty stardom, and fictional heroes, as if raising question to the audience with his fiery colors. Since the 1990’s, Minjun Yue has blueprinted personal images, combined different periods of Chinese social life symbols, and produced different series of “Idols” works. Their unique spiritual disposition has not only become a classic image of Chinese contemporary art, but it

is also one of the identifying symbols for contemporary China’s image in the world. Since 1990 Yue Minjun has been invited to a series of important international exhibitions. He also won Time Magazine’s Person of the Year in 2007. The MAM will also organize a ‘Neo-Idolatry: Call for Macao Big Laughing Faces’ photo contest. Participants only have to take a creative photo featuring themselves and a ‘big laugh post card*’ of this exhibition in any location in Macao, then email it to

macaoart@gmail.com. Entries will be first selected by MAM’s curatorial team and then uploaded to MAM’s Facebook page. Shortlisted participants can press ‘Like’ on the MAM Facebook page, tag their own photos, and appeal to friends for their ‘Likes’ on the photos. Finally, from the top ten ‘Like’ photos, Yue Minjun will select the 3 winning works. Winners will be awarded Yue Minjun’s autographed catalogue, plus exhibition souvenirs.





涂向东: 艺海无涯,学无止境

Tu Xiangdong: Live and Learn “书法之妙在于用抽象的文字表现具象的情感, 摄影之法则是用写实的画面表达灵感的触动。” “The beauty of calligraphy lies in the use of abstract words to express specific feelings, and the law of photography is to interpret inspirational emotion through realistic pictures.” Text & Photos: Tu Xiangdong

自幼学书,行锋走墨多年,不诩笔底龙蛇, 不曰大家正源,然时日一长,不免沾染墨客骚 情,心有不甘。世间大千于眼于心,常常非黑 即白,倒也干净利落,但总欠一丝春秋冷暖, 少些许缤纷色彩。于是,我开始接触摄影,尝 试关注取景框里的世界和镜头记录的生活,有 趣的是,书法之妙在于用抽象的文字表现具象 的情感,摄影之法则是用写实的画面表达灵感 的触动。 以天地为师,攒雨雪为友,不受世故羁 绊,不顾人间忧烦,倒也是自由自在的得意人 生。这也是我如此热衷拍摄与马有关的作品的 原因。近年来,我常奔走于高原、大漠,饱览 祖国山川大河,一路追寻马儿的嘶鸣与踪影, 并乐此不疲。 马对于北方的牧民来说,绝不仅仅是一种 普通的动物或是一种简单的交通工具,它是一 种精神,是一种美好人格的象征。昂首奔驰的 骏马是高原游牧民族狩猎、放牧、迁徙、征战 不可缺少的亲密伙伴。有时看到成群结队的马 儿奋蹄激进,就感觉大地的脉搏膨胀得要爆裂; 有时看到三五为伴的马儿啃雪觅食,就感觉时 间的痕迹消失得无影无踪。每每如此,我便兴 奋不已,情不自禁地把这些画面记录下来。 今后,我会继续不遗余力地拍摄更多的图 片,临摹更多大家的书法,拿出更多更好的作 品,以此感谢曾经给过我鼓励和帮助的人们。

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群马涉水 ( 涂向东摄影作品 )





书法家简介: Profile 涂向东,男,祖籍四川。现为人民艺术网顾问、人民艺术网艺术家 协会副主席、中国摄影家协会会员、山西省文联委员、山西省书法家协 会维权委员会主任、中国国际书画家协会常务理事。其书法、摄影作品 多次见报,《人民日报》、《光明日报》、《中国日报》、《中国书画报》、 《人民政协报》等媒体曾多次报道。其书法先后被中央办公厅、中国社 会科学院、全国政协礼堂、公安部、故宫博物馆和孟加拉总理、罗马尼 亚驻中国大使等诸多机构和个人收藏。先后为《品味生活》杂志和中国 首位诺贝尔文学奖获得者莫言等题写书名。 Tu Xiangdong, whose ancestral home is Sichuan, was born in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province in 1963. He is now Vice President of People’s Artists Association, Consultant of The People Artists Net and a member of China Photographers Association. His calligraphy and photography works appeared in many media reports, such as People’s Daily, People’s Daily Overseas Edition, China Daily, Chinese Calligraphy and Painting, Hong Kong Commercial Daily, China Economic Herald and LifeStyle.

大漠群英 ( 涂向东摄影作品 )

方骖并路 ( 涂向东摄影作品 )



形影相随 ( 涂向东摄影作品 ) 观瀑图 ( 涂向东摄影作品 )


started to learn calligraphy when I was a child. Though I’d earned years of experience in this realm, I neither took my works as masterful pieces nor saw myself as an outstandingly talented calligrapher. However, calligraphic practice brought me continuous accumulation of knowledge as the days, months and years passed by, and I was also influenced by literati. I saw people going through thick and thin and the boundless universe ruthlessly presenting black-and-white answers to each question, which seemed a bit cruel. Then I set out to dabble in photography and try to focus on people around me through my lens. It is quite interesting that the beauty of calligraphy lies in the use of abstract words to express specific feelings, while the law of photography is to interpret inspirational emotion through realistic pictures. I felt free to be artistically creative and make the whole world to accompany me; I broke the fetters of earthly perplexities with the power that nature bestowed on me. That’s why for so many years I indulged in taking photos of horses. I was enchanted by traveling across the plateaus and deserts of my motherland and being visibly moved by the beauty of the country and the neighs and whinnies of the horses at each click and flash.

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For wranglers in northern China, the horse is not only an ordinary weight-bearing animal, but also represents a noble spirit and a humble personality. Fine horses are indispensable for nomadic hunting and grazing, migration and expedition. They are irreplaceable close friends to nomads. Sometimes I feel that a whole herd of horses galloping away could burst the artery of the earth, and my pulse will race severely just from standing nearby; sometimes when a small group of horses is leisurely browsing on the snowfield to forage, no one can even feel the passage of time. I’m always excited about these moments and cannot help but to take photos. I will spare no effort to record more thrilling images and imitate more marvelous calligraphy works in the future. And as always, I am grateful for the encouragement and support from all my friends.

代马望北 ( 涂向东摄影作品 )




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有关酒店、旅行、美食及新鲜体验的 Travel, gourmet, and leisure from around

一切享乐。 the globe.


Hotel / P.94 飨宴

Dining / P.110 美酒

WineClub / P.112

上海扬子精品酒店 Yangtze Boutique Hotel Shanghai



爱在浪漫酒店 In the Mood for Love 2014 情人节,以爱之名,入住奢华酒店,在浪漫中沉醉…… Romance is in the air at these hotels. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Respective hotels

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惠州白鹭湖雅居乐喜来登度假酒店 Sheraton Bailuhu Resort, Huizhou







Palais de Chine Hotel Taipei

如果你与爱人去台北共度情人节,那 么充满法式浪漫风情的君品酒店一定会为 你们的甜蜜锦上添花。虽然是一家商务酒 店,但君品会让你一扫对商务酒店冷硬单 调的印象:顶级美馔、典雅住宿和贴心的 一站式服务,完美再现了中国与巴黎这两 个东西世界历史文化中心的风采,创造出 无可比拟的酒店新美学。尝试一下酒店顶 级法式烧烤餐厅“云轩”的烛光晚餐吧, 不仅可享用全城最顶级的海鲜和炭烧牛排, 还有窖藏的珍稀佳酿助兴。如果还嫌不够, 户外古典法式风格的 Le Bar 酒吧定能让你 惊喜。想像一下,微醺的空气里满满都是 浪漫因子,整个城市以爱为名,醉在这流 光溢彩的良辰美景中…… If you are planning to bring your loved one to this business city and want a couple's getaway also, then this is the place to stay or eat. The dark interior of the lobby and restaurant area are cinematically dramatic as are the rooms which have a flamboyant design scheme. This is not a boring bright business hotel; rather it is very unique and the French restaurant, La Rotisserie, is first rate for a date night. Retire to Le Bar for a romantic after dinner cocktail. www.palaisdechinehotel.com

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海 上


Yangtze Boutique Hotel Shanghai 不是每一家酒店都能像上海扬子精 品酒店那样,除了美馔佳酿,还有才子 佳人终成眷属的爱情佳话。情人节来这里 沾点光,也未尝不是美事一桩。酒店位于 上海市中心的人民广场,前身是扬子饭店, 1934 年盛大迎宾后不久便跻身上海顶级酒店 之列。 19 世纪中期上海开埠以后,西洋文化涌入 上海滩。扬子舞厅是当时饭店的副业之一,还 聘请了外籍乐队和知名歌手驻店演出,有“银 嗓子”美称的姚莉就是其中之一,她首唱的《玫 瑰,玫瑰,我爱你》更是蜚声国际。后来姚莉 与饭店副经理的儿子黄保罗相恋成婚。为了纪 念这段佳缘, 扬子精品酒店将这首歌保留下来, 作为每间客房的背景音乐,而且还以“玫瑰” 命名了一间套房,赢得中外宾客的喜爱。 扬子舞厅也经常举行各种派对和宴会,不 时会有时装表演吸引追求时尚的名流、艺人。 当时阮玲玉、周璇、胡蝶这些演艺界大腕经常 出入扬子舞厅,她们活跃于各类派对中,晚上 便留宿在扬子饭店。 Located in People’s Square, the city centre of Shanghai, The Yangtze Boutique Shanghai is a historic hotel which was originally built in 1934, and the birthplace of the classic song “Rose, Rose, I Love You”. Between 1942 and 1946, the hotel’s resident singer Yao Li made the song popular in Shanghai with her signature “Silver Voice”. Yao married Huang Bao-Luo, the son of hotel Deputy General Manager, during her performance in the Yangtze. Today, in memory of this romantic love story, The Yangtze Boutique Hotel plays the song Rose, Rose I love You as the background music in each guestroom. Of course, the Rose Suite, which was named after this song is one of the most popular room types among many guests. The hotel’s Yangtze Dance Hall also used to be a popular social venue for parties, social functions as well as fashion shows. Legendary actresses such as Zhou Xuan, Ruan Lingyu and Hu Die were all among the most frequent guests. www.theyangtzehotel.com






Tai O Heritage Hotel Hong Kong

香港的发展日新月异,但大澳渔村仍 保留着独一无二的渔村风貌,展现出香港 最纯朴的文化特色。情人节和心爱的人逃 离熙攘的大都会,前往香港大澳文物酒店 这样的避世之所,同样浪漫有余。 这座楼高两层、具有浓厚殖民地色彩 的建筑,由 1902 年建造的旧大澳警署重修 而成。酒店坐落在石仔埗街的僻静山丘上, 将宁静的大澳渔村和优美的海景尽收眼底。 翻新后的建筑保留其原有的文化特色,设 计简洁别致,流露出 19 世纪晚期古典建筑 的韵味。原本位于顶层的旧警察站岗处改 装成为玻璃屋顶餐厅。在可饱览港口景致 的大露台,摆一桌佳宴,开一瓶香槟,夕 阳西下,两人之外,还有古老的大炮、探 射灯和看守塔静默入画。 Situated in a secluded spot in the New Territories by the Tai O ferry pier, the Tai O Heritage Hotel was built in 1902 as the Tai O Police Station. This former fishing village is a charming escape from the hustle and bustle of Hong Kong. The building was converted into the Tai O Heritage Hotel in 2012. The hotel includes nine colonial-style rooms and suites with sea views and a roof-top restaurant serving Tai O specialties. A romantic date can he had on the large terrace which offers beautiful views of the harbor. Take in the nostalgic atmosphere with a bottle of champagne and a dinner for two as the sun sets surrounded by picturesque old cannons, searchlight and guard towers. www.taioheritagehotel.com

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The Langham Shenzhen

传奇酒店品牌朗廷,以奢 华显赫著称,品牌精髓经过时 间的冲刷越发显得历久弥新。 深圳东海朗廷酒店悠然伫立于 这座活力四射的国际化都市, 为其缔造一隅令人迷醉的世外 桃源。从欧式建筑设计到经典 下午茶、粉红玫瑰花,无一不 为高贵典雅赋予浪漫意味。情 人节不妨来到这里,在享受节 日特色美食的同时体味瑰丽欧 式浪漫,让王子与公主童话般 的爱情照进现实。 朗廷粉红玫瑰——每位入住酒店的女性宾客都会收到一朵娇 艳的粉红色玫瑰,为旅居时光增添一抹浪漫色彩。 朗廷午后茶聚——源自 1865 年的朗廷午后茶聚教人忆起旧日 的优美雅度,情人节特色下午茶更赠送粉红鸡尾酒,堪称最 佳情侣茶聚之选。 『珍藏坊』手工心意——酒店巧克力精品店『珍藏坊』的手 工巧克力课程,让您亲手为所爱的人制作情人节礼物。 『爵廊』浓情巧克力 ——欧陆风格的典雅餐吧『爵廊』,情 人节当晚将巧克力融入每道菜肴,极尽甜蜜浪漫。 Occupying an enviable position in the heart of Futian,Shenzhen’s commercial and retail hub, The Langham, Shenzhenconveys a classic romance and luxury in a modern, vibrantcity. The British inspired hotel is a bastion of civility in bustlingShenzhen. The Langham Pink Rose – Each female guest will receive a pink rose from hotel’s Service Stylist by arrival, adding a romantic touch to the stay. Tiffin at The Langham – “Tiffin at The Langham” afternoon tea recalls the grace and elegance of a bygone era, makes an ideal choice for an afternoon date. Treasures & Scent –Make your Valentine’s Day gift with your own hands to the special someone in the hotel’s chocolate making workshop. Duke’s Wines & Grill – At this stylish restaurant and bar, a 5-course dinner menu with chocolate as main actor will be perfectly matched with the other exquisite delicacies. shenzhen.langhamhotels.com



白鹭湖雅居乐 喜来登度假酒店

Sheraton Bailuhu Resort, Huizhou 惠州地处珠江三角洲东侧的南海沿岸,拥有数千年的悠久历史, 并以金色沙滩、清澈海水、连绵山脉和苍翠丛林闻名于世。惠州白鹭 湖雅居乐喜来登度假酒店伴湖而居,打造爱侣度假的浪漫之所,再加 上这里典型的亚热带气候,让人仿佛觉得来到了意大利科摩或波托菲 诺。这种感觉尤其在品尝了班尼意大利餐厅的异国美食后更明显,此 外采悦轩中餐厅以诱人的粤菜为主打特色,食材每日更新,旨在呈现 地道的粤菜精髓。 Get away from it all with a second (or first) honeymoon at the new Sheraton Bailuhu Resort, Huizhou, in Guangdong province. This holiday destination is renowned for its beautiful lake and scenic mountains. The sub-tropical climate results in a feel similar to that found in Como and Portofino in Italy, classic locales for a romantic vacation for two. Indeed, for those looking for a fine discreet meal, Yue, the hotel's Cantonese restaurant can delight with their inspired versions of local catches of the day. For those looking for more of a continental twist, the Italian restaurant Bene can place you on an Italian voyage. Sheraton.com/huizhoubailuhu

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西昌位于四川西南部,这里有远离城 市喧嚣的自然原生态和朴素的民俗风情。 邛海湾柏栎度假酒店坐邛海拥泸山,将山 水合二为一又各具特色。临泸山的酒店前 区呼应山之巍壮,临邛海的后区与前区轴 线分明,自然清寂。酒店 U 字型的布局最 大限度地为房间争取了宽阔视野,空间上 采用错落式结构,无论在哪个房间都能看 到山水风景。曲径通幽,移步异景,还有 私人浅丘和幽静的海滨游憩区,你将和爱 人在邛海湾的月光下发现爱的真谛。 2014 情人节,不管是海鲜盛宴还是美 容大餐,每一道佳肴、每一款甜点都倾注 了邛海湾柏栎度假酒店爱的祝福,让你永 远铭记这一晚。

scenery no matter which room you choose. Winding trails, private hills and secluded seaside areas bring true carefree comfort, to be shared between you and your loved one. Paxton merges love into every cuisine, whether your favorite seafood or healthy snack. Master chefs specially designed Lobster Thermidor, Burgundy Baked Snail, Crispy Foie Gras, French Caramel Steamed Egg, and many fabulous desserts like Cream Caramel, Tiramisu, Chocolate Mousse and more are perfect for a sweet date night. www.paxtonvacances.com



Paxton Vacances Resort Qionghai Bay Xichang

Xichang is in the Southwest of Sichuan, a place with tranquil landscapes, beautiful mountains and deep folk customs. Paxton Vacances Resort and Suites Qionghai Bay are located on Haibin Road, on the southwest bank of Qionghai, adjacent to famous scenic areas like Lushan, the wetland park and Moonlight Town. Embraced on both sides by Qionghai and Lushan, the hotel and suites merge the sea and mountains into a cohesive whole while retaining their individual characters. The U shape of the buildings maximize the view from each room, and with classic Mediterranean terraces and optimized inner space, each couple can see the

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The Ritz-Carlton, Tianjin

对于北京时尚人士来说,周末逃离帝都的喧 嚣和拥挤,到天津享受静谧的二人世界或家庭时 光,俨然成为一种个性的生活方式。开业不久的 天津丽思卡尔顿酒店位于一幢欧式建筑内,宫廷 般的内饰平添了几分王子公主的童话色彩。这个 情人节,酒店用浪漫唯美的方式为亲密爱人奉上 惊喜,特别推出浪漫情人节入住礼遇,让人感受 一份与众不同的宠爱:不仅有豪华礼宾车接站, 还有醇厚香甜的香槟恭迎,水疗中心“50 分钟浪 漫双人护理”更是为情侣量身打造独家体验。夜晚, 香溢餐厅准备了浪漫极致的情人节美馔,让你与 另一半享用津城最美味,感受爱的幸福甜蜜。 Located in a historically inspired European building, the new Ritz-Carlton, Tianjin is an ideal destination for those looking for a romantic getaway. Indeed, this Valentine's Day, the hotel is offering an enticing special to celebrate love in luxury, comfort and style. Upon pickup at the Tianjin East train station, the lucky couple will find a bottle of champagne waiting in their room as well as a spa treatment for two. Restaurant ZEST will craft a special menu and hotel's bar and restaurant FLAIR will create romantic cocktails to celebrate the love under the moonlight. www.ritzcarlton.com/en/Properties/Tianjin

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Le Méridien Xiamen

人人都爱私人订制,幸福的瞬间更需 精心订制。 2014 年情人节, 厦门艾美酒店 “革 新”创意,接受爱侣订制自己的特色菜单 与服务。专属大厨和贴身管家会帮你为爱 人打造一个难忘而唯一的情人节。除了订 制美味,还可以在就餐过程中安排求婚等 惊喜,又或者可以在客房的私人厨房中亲 手烹制浓情蜜意。只需提前通知工作人员, 艾美就会为客人留出足够的创意空间。选 择艾美,私人订制浪漫情人节即刻呈现。 客人还可凭借自己的房卡,免费探访鼓浪 屿钢琴博物馆。这张房卡其实也是艾美艺 术家 100 团队的艺术作品,喜欢的话可以 收藏,作为今年情人节的特别纪念。 厦门艾美酒店的情人节客房包价,除 了有情人节私人订制晚餐,还包含了奢华 轿车机场接送服务及房间内的浪漫客房欢 迎茶点。 Everyone loves being treated to their own special moment. For your moments of love, a customized dinner and atmosphere are essential this Valentine's Day. This year, Le Méridien Xiamen provides innovative services for couples to “Discover Romance”, in which chefs and concierge attendants will help you create an unforgettable night. Apart from a personal dinner, guests can also arrange a surprise proposal, or couples can have fun cooking for themselves in the personal kitchen in their suite. Just notify a staff member, and in return you’ll get all the creative space you need. Le Méridien Xiamen will be the “personal tailor” of your Valentine’s Day.Guests can also use their room card – designed specially by Le Meridien’s team of 100 artists – for a free visit to the Gulangyu Piano Museum, and if you like it enough, feel free to take it home as a Valentine’s Day souvenir. The Valentine’s Day package, in addition to the custom dinner, also includes limousine transfer to and from the airport and romantic welcome tea in your room. www.lemeridien.com/xiamen

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InterContinental Beijing Financial Street

会不会为情人节那天的安排而苦恼?既然如此,何不 交给专业团队打理呢?今年,北京金融街洲际酒店为情人 节准备的礼遇包括高级房或行政房含早住宿、季候风西餐 厅 / 巨扒房餐厅及酒吧的浪漫晚餐,以及独特的双人水疗。 季候风西餐厅曾多次被评为北京最佳餐厅,提供现场扒制 的牛排、羊排、龙虾、鱼类、贝类等新鲜菜品。根据客人 的口味现吃现扒,搭配厨师调好的酱汁,独具风味。而巨 扒房餐厅及酒吧以柔嫩多汁的炭烤澳洲安格斯 250 天谷 饲牛排以及时尚甜品著称,是肉食爱好者的天堂。 What is your date expecting from you this Valentine’s Day? Treat her with a romantic experience package at the urban InterContinental Beijing Financial Street. On February 14th, the hotel is offering a special one-night stay at InterContinental Beijing Financial Street which includes a romantic dinner for two at Monsoon/Steak Exchange Restaurant, and a Pampering spa treatment for two. www.intercontinental.com/icbeijing

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Promotion Situated in the South China Sea, just off China’s southern coast, Hainan Island is sometimes called the “Hawaii of the East.” Surrounded by palm trees, azure waters, and picturesque mountains, the Sheraton Shenzhou Peninsula Resort is located in Wanning on Hainan’s east coast. Overlooking the sea and set amid an integrated community, the resort features unspoiled serene beaches and all day leisure recreation, redefining the holiday experience in this prominent tropical destination. We get Married, one of the most popular TV series in China in 2013, featured the Sheraton Shenzhou Peninsula Resort as a very romantic spot for stars Guo Ran and Yang Tao. Since then, many couples have followed them to celebrate love here. Spring breezes in Hainan bring along the exciting Suite Sweet Temptation offer from Sheraton & Four Points Shenzhou Peninsula. Treat yourself to a wonderful stay at the Shenzhou Peninsula and enjoy a tempting reason to indulge in the cleanest air in China and our Sweet and Comfort Sleeper Bed with our compliments.


The Sweet Temptations of Love 海南岛是中国南部沿海的一处天堂度假胜地,素有“东方夏威夷”之美誉。 神州半岛喜来登度假酒店位于海南岛东海岸的万宁市,坐拥葱郁繁茂的棕榈树、 蔚蓝无垠的海洋和气势恢宏的群山。酒店不仅独享 4 公里绝美、静谧的金色沙滩, 还拥有超过 3600 平米的室内外婚礼及宴会场地。婚礼礼堂处于热带花园环绕之 中,木质结构的尖顶式建筑在椰树的映衬下更添神圣的梦幻感。清新独特的海 滩婚礼则抛开传统婚礼的矜持与束缚,在落日晚霞渲染的沙滩上,被鲜花环绕 的美丽新娘打着赤脚、踏着金沙,迎着海风裙角飞扬。满载亲朋好友祝福的新人, 伴着海浪声宣读他们爱的誓言,并将彼此间永恒的承诺书写于漂流瓶中,由大 海见证美好爱情。爱她就带她来神州半岛,一岛一世界,一生一承诺,无论是 结婚典礼、周年纪念、求婚仪式、蜜月旅行还是婚纱摄影,神州半岛都将是见 证爱情和婚姻的幸福殿堂。 2013 年风靡全国的情感大戏《咱们结婚吧》也斥巨资远赴海南拍摄杀青戏, 这个在剧中展现海天一色、清澈静谧的梦幻拍摄地便是神州半岛喜来登度假酒 店。由于此部电视剧的带动,神州半岛从以往清净的海岛开始变得人气鼎盛。 现在入住《咱们结婚吧》果然和桃子的神州半岛甜蜜套房,远离喧嚣的城市和 雾霾天气,享受水天一色间那清澈纯净的静谧,优雅灵动的神州半岛喜来登和 福朋酒店为如此温暖的春天准备了极致诱惑的甜蜜礼物。

From January 6th to March 31st, 2014, follow the Suite Sweet Temptation trend: a 40% off your suite Late checkout – keep your room until 4pm Bountiful breakfast for two persons Free Wi-Fi Round trip transfers from Wanning Railway Station Enroll as a SPG member, and earn these great advantages: Enjoy 10% discount at Shine Spa for Sheraton 15% F&B surcharge waiver Children (under 10 years old) eat for free, dine with SPG member For more information, please call +86 898 62538868 http://sheraton.com/shenzhoupeninsula

从 2014 年 1 月 6 日至 3 月 31 日,诱惑将为您带来舒适尊享: 套房 6 折优惠 甜蜜时光可延迟至下午 4 点退房 坐在可眺望南中国海的阳台上享用次日丰盛双人自助早餐 免费客房无限网络 万宁高铁站至酒店免费穿梭巴士 免费加入喜达屋 SPG 俱乐部,您的礼遇更多精彩: 喜来登炫逸水疗 9 折优惠 免除餐饮 15% 服务费 会员用餐所携 10 岁以下儿童免费享用儿童套餐 此优惠活动不适用于 2014 年 1 月 30 日至 2 月 6 日

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山盟海誓 只在涵碧楼

An Oath of Eternal Love

超广角面湖的视野,宁静闲适的优雅氛围,这是踏进涵碧楼的最初感受。 涵碧楼作为台湾最顶级的饭店,下榻宾客对这里的印象都是风景优美,间间面 湖的房间,提供宽敞舒适的入住环境,加上自然造景的空间,尤其拥有最引以为傲 的日月潭湖景和融入地理环境的极简建筑设计,让每位来到涵碧楼的客人心动不已。 而这样的涵碧楼,现在更成为很多人心目中最理想的结婚地点。

让婚礼在涵碧楼浪漫上映 前有翠绿山脉 270 度环绕,山峦层层交迭,加上日月潭波光粼粼的湖水相映, 高雅的证婚亭缀以摇曳的鲜花。如梦似幻,浪漫如仙境的场景,悠扬的音乐,微风 徐徐,阳光温暖地洒落在日月潭湖面。依山傍水,日月为证,在众人的祝福下,彼 此约定携手共度一生。

想结婚吗? 位处日月潭北方的涵碧楼,拥有广阔视野,举目所及都是大自然恩赐的山水之 美。拥有绝佳的自然景观,与经典的建筑设计。群山环绕、碧水萦绕的涵碧楼成为 新人举行户外婚礼的首选地。每一处,都参与了新人的重要时刻。 2014,爱你一世。良辰美景,只待即将相伴一生的爱侣踏入涵碧楼,圆一场浪 漫婚礼的美梦。

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Looking out over a panoramic view of the breathtaking Sun Moon lake, a feeling of tranquil relaxation overcomes you as you step into Lalu. As Taiwan's top hotel, guests who stay at Lalu will experience stunning scenery, a room overlooking the picturesque lake, a spacious and comfortable check-in environment and natural architectural design which seamlessly blends with the lake and landscape. With all these fantastic assets, Lalu has become an ideal wedding destination for guests from all over the world.

Your Wedding; Showing Now at Lalu

Surrounded by 270 degrees of misty emerald mountains reflected in the crystal waters of Sun Moon Lake, a wedding pavilion embellished with fluttering flowers stands waiting for you. With the glittering sunlight and strains of music drifting by, this dreamlike scene could almost be a fantasy – the perfect scenario to agree to spend your lives together in a fairytale wedding.

What Are You Waiting For?

Located to the north of the lake, Lalu is completely surrounded by the beauty of nature. The unmatched landscape, along with the hotel’s classic design all play an important part in a newlywed’s wedding vision, and these make Lalu the perfect choice for an outdoor wedding. The beauty of nature only awaits your arrival. Come hold your dream wedding at Lalu – the romance of your moments spent here will accompany you a lifetime. No.142, Zhongxing Road, Shuishe Village, Yuchi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan Tel: 886 49 285 6888

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2013 中国旅游地产 十大新闻评选结果揭晓 亚湾红树林度假世界首个经营年度预分红 公告,首个经营年度每标准客房的预分红 额为 11700 元。“开业当年即赢利”也为 备受业内瞩目的“红树林模式”写下一个 有力的注脚。 2 李亚鹏变身开发商 35 亿元进军艺术商业 地产 2013 年 11 月 14 日,在结束与王菲的 婚姻两个多月后,李亚鹏现身丽江,变身 商界董事长,首次以中书控股董事长、雪 山投资有限责任公司董事长的身份杀入资 本圈,带着他的首发项目“雪山艺术小镇” 进军文化艺术主题旅游商业地产,称其将 开发和运营不可复制的体验式文化艺术商 业地产模式。

伴随中国高端消费群体对生活方式和 生活质量要求的提高,旅游地产、休闲地 产也随之逐渐升温。近几年,国家相继出 台刺激和拉动旅游及相关产业发展的新政 策,为旅游地产的发展提供了一个广阔的 发展平台。搜狐焦点旅游地产作为旅游地 产行业强势媒体,关注最新行业动向,掌 握独家房地产企业资讯,挖掘城市投资价 值。 搜狐焦点旅游地产联合旅游卫视、中 国不动产研究中心等强势行业权威企业发 起推出 2013 中国旅游地产十大新闻评选活 动,从二十余则候选新闻中选出 2013 中国 旅游地产十大新闻。一时间引发几十万网 友关注,37000 多名度假投资置业者网上 投票,上百名业内人士及媒体从业人员参 与评选,其中以北京和海南的网友占比为 主,分别以 19.57% 和 19.35% 的参与度名 列前两位,黑龙江和广州的网友也积极参

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3 宋卫平:畅谈发展养老产业 作为全国知名的房地产企业,在老龄 化加剧的背景之下,绿城也毅然投身养老 事业。宋卫平对于老年产业有怎样的判断? 绿城集团在开发养老地产方面,有什么超 前做法?除了养老地产,绿城还将介入养 老产业的哪些项目? 与投票。2013 年旅游地产的热度持续升温, 从长白山到海南岛,从新疆到大连,在百 强房企中至少有三分之一介入了旅游地产 领域。拥有中国稀缺“暖冬资源”的海南 岛更是以得天独厚的气候条件和度假优势, 成为北方一线城市和东北地区城市居民争 相奔赴的度假旅游目的地。 2013 年中国旅游地产十大新闻票选结 果如下: 1 今典红树林公布首年度预分红 2013 年 8 月 30 日,今典集团公布三

4 房企大肆圈地 云南旅游地产疯狂或成“下 一个海南” 记者通过在云南三天走访调查发现, 仅在西双版纳地区,就有万达、雅居乐、 碧桂园等大型房企陆续大规模拿地,其中 保利集团正在同政府部门洽谈地产开发事 宜。云南城投、华侨城、中坤、华彬等房 企也早已抢滩云南旅游地产市场,每一个 项目都动辄数千亩,投资数百亿元。 5 大理古城迎“外来炒房团” 房东毁约卖 房现象频出 大理优美的环境、宜人的气候吸引了


8 中国式买房从国内“抢购”转到国际“血拼” 伴随着房价上涨,“一线城市不能买,就去二线城市 买。要是国内不能买,就去外国买”。 “中国式买房” 已经从国内“抢购”转到国际“血拼”。在国内限购令等 调控政策的制约下,购买国外房产的价值逐渐显现。 9 多家房企借力国内“出海”探路 或专注旅游地产 中国房地产企业出现了一股猛烈的海外扩张风潮。这 些房企的扩张思路各有千秋,或专注旅游地产,或钟情住 宅项目,但不管开发商的视野转向何方,来自中国的需求 都是多数房企海外扩张的第一个借力跳板。

越来越多的北上广成功人士放弃都市繁华生活,到大理古城 找一个安静的居所,享受生活。大理学院民族文化研究所张 锡禄教授认为,外地人争相来大理买房,房租上涨,并不是 坏事,说明大理古城越来越有吸引力,古城的房子越来越值 钱了,但是也不能见利忘义,还得遵守合同。 6 复星三亚海棠湾打造大型旅游度假综合体 继迪拜和巴哈马后,全球第三座亚特兰蒂斯酒店将落户 海南。复星集团与柯兹纳国际控股有限集团于 2013 年 10 月 10 日在上海签署合作协议,复星将在未来三年内投资逾百亿 元,在三亚沿海棠湾国家海岸打造一座七星级酒店及海洋公 园,即亚特兰蒂斯酒店。

10 赴美抢房团千人报名 底特律房价告急 底特律,曾经是三大汽车公司通用、福特、克莱斯勒 总部所在地,被称之为“美国的巴黎”,如今却成了“悲 惨世界”。据央视报道,底特律政府为巨额债务所困已濒 临破产,而当地楼市因此也告崩溃。一栋两三层的楼房两 三千美元就能买下。“我们天天喊,像买白菜一样买房, 你还别说,这回底特律的房价还真有点白菜价的意思了, 两套房只需要 1000 美元,一双高档皮鞋的价格而已。”

7《旅游法》实施 旅游产品暂入“空窗期” 长线游报价翻倍涨,短线“捂盘”不报价……即将实施 的《旅游法》使整个旅游市场充满了变数,《旅游法》的实 施到底会对市场产生怎样的影响?重庆海外旅业集团总经理 张力向记者透露,《旅游法》否定了目前市面上流行的绝大 多数购物团产品运营方式,制定新的产品需要时间,这必然 会产生一个空窗期。此外面对《旅游法》严苛的处罚制度, 在行业指导意见出来之前,谁也不敢首先试水,设计并公布 符合新规的“购物团”产品。

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Pure and Authentic Text: Eva Liu Photos: Sun Ming Yuen


onveniently situated in Beijing’s trendy Parkview Green, Sun Ming Yuan specializes in Cantonese Cuisine. The enthusiastic owner and chef are passionate about interpreting ingredients in a simple yet creative way. Unusually, their main dishes, snacks etc. are all served on one layer of paper without any grandiose details. Deep-fried Crispy Chicken, one of the restaurant’s specialties, has a beautiful golden color, is crisp outside and smells delicious. Strictly following the traditional recipe, their Soup of the Day with soft watercress and pork is pleasing to the eye as well as the stomach, with ingredients you can taste in every mouthful. Believe it or not, every dish at Sun Ming Yuen is meticulously prepared by the chef himself, Li Minghui. His definition of simplicity is that it doesn’t mean you can omit caution and care in your procedures. Different ingredients have different characters, which should neither be over-processed nor overstated.

自成一格的新明园位于北京超人气潮 流地标侨福芳草地购物中心南侧。这家有 着私家食堂风格的餐厅得益于从老板到主 厨对传统粤菜的钟爱,成为粤菜本味的绝 佳诠释之处。 新明园有两张餐单,一张主菜单,一 张点心单,简简单单的压纹纸,没有花俏 的配图,也没有原材料解析,质朴的感觉 呼之欲出。一道明园招牌脆皮鸡,金黄的 色泽带出了脆皮的质感,似乎能看到表层 蒸腾出的热气。油香、肉香、蒜香,丝丝 香气萦绕,尚未入口,享受已至。一盅西 洋菜煲猪展汤,完全按照传统粤菜做法来 煲,枣肉色汤汁清清亮亮,颇为养眼。浓 郁的香气盘绕在汤盏里,西洋菜和猪展肉 绵软适中,食材的本味充分溶入汤中。 信不信由你,这里每一道菜都出自主 厨李明辉之手。他奉行烹制“简单的食物” 的美食哲学,“简单并不是指清淡或者不 复杂,而是食物的味道要单一纯粹,食材 本身不要被过度加工和夸张化”。对粤菜 超级痴迷的主厨坚持私家食堂级的把关标 准,他相信每一种食材都有独特的生命, 他就是 想要找到自己的感觉,一种类似于 知己的感觉。 17 Dongdaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing Tel: 010 8561 9040

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A Heavenly Pasture Text: Eva Liu Photos: mumu

牧牧餐厅是京城第一家北欧牧场风情的主题西餐厅。从 外观来看,独栋两层,有露天天台,餐厅就像屹立在繁华都 市里的清新牧场,包裹着奶牛斑的外衣,颇有童真感。 走进重装开业的“奶牛的世界”,一幅北欧牧场装修风 格的画面映入眼帘:挑高的房梁、古朴的吊灯、砖红色与奶 牛肤色相间的墙壁、形状各异的鹅卵石、养眼的木质桌椅、 手工雅间壁画,还有老板特意从俄罗斯带来的别样艺术画。 很天然质朴,又不失现代简约的时尚气息。因为环境独特, 经常会有影视剧组前来取景。 牧牧餐厅的厨师来自世界各地,最新菜单定义为“地球 村”,意寓在牧牧能享受到世界各地的美食。平日里,或许 你会去西班牙餐厅吃海鲜饭,去俄式餐厅喝红菜汤,去德式 餐厅吃猪肘,去美式餐厅吃牛排,去法式餐厅吃鹅肝,去泰 式餐厅吃菠萝饭,而在牧牧,所有味道都能尝到。至于特色 菜品,最值得炫耀的当属西班牙墨鱼饭,火焰山牛扒、沙威 玛烤肉、土著部落辣牛肉、德国猪肘、雅尔塔香肠汇也值得 推荐。

4-1 Changyungong Road, West Third Ring North Road, Beijing Tel: 010 8841 8080

mumu caffee is the first Nordic pasture themed western restaurant in Beijing. A two-storey building with an open balcony, the restaurant is like a heavenly meadow in this bustling metropolis -- a Garden of Eden with cow-spot patterned fences, a delightful touch that adds a sense of simplicity. mumu caffee’s reopening is more about reconstructing their “cow world”. The distinctive interior decorations include high ceiling supported by huge beams, quaint drop-lights dangling in the air, wooden tables and chairs, red bricks, cobblestones and cow spots on the walls, and even freehand murals in the private dining rooms. The owner of the restaurant also brought back several beautiful paintings from Russia. mumu’s unique setting has made it the ideal backdrop for many films and tv series. The chefs of mumu caffee have recently released their latest international menu, focused on the concept of a global village. They intend to bring guests gourmet cuisines from all over the world. While one would typically choose a Spanish restaurant to have seafood paella, a Russian diner for Borsch, German for pork knuckle, American for steak, etc., the all-inclusive mumu serves all these and more. Their recommended specialties include: Spanish rice with cuttlefish, Grilled beef steak, Doner kebab and shish kebab, Aboriginal spicy beef, German pork knuckle, and the Yalta sausage combination.

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Red Wine for the Year of the Horse “马上有一切”的马年到了,当然也 得“马上有红酒”喽。为什么要有红酒呢? 很高兴你这么问。因为“玫瑰般的殷红是我 爱人最爱的红酒的颜色。这里又是中国,一 个拥有几千年历史文化的国家,这里充满了 火红的梦想。红色是革命的象征,是长江和 珠江的象征,也是中国崛起和人民团结的象 征”。 红葡萄的果皮和籽富含抗氧化成分, 因而由其酿造的红葡萄酒也十分有益健康, 这也让常说的祝酒辞“为了健康”显得更为 贴切。当然,我最钟爱的祝酒辞永远都是“为 了爱”。其实,除了西式餐点,红酒与许多 中式菜肴也很搭,特别是以红肉为主要食材 的菜品,只要辣度适中,便可以红酒佐餐, 不过也有几种红酒很适合搭配辛辣食物,比 如浓郁醇厚的红仙粉黛、马尔贝克、西拉、 佳美娜和设拉子。当你不知道如何选择酒菜 或是对搭配有所怀疑的时候,我建议你用喜 欢的啤酒来搭配辛辣菜品。因为搭配不当的 后果可是很严重的。如果用餐后感觉酒和食 物不太搭,那么这顿饭所有的美食和美酒就 再难入这位食客的法眼。 红酒与浪漫之间永远有着千丝万缕的 关联。用你最爱的红酒和爱侣共祝“永浴爱 河”,这是多么美好的一件事啊。当红酒渐 渐渗入你的血液,在你身体里流淌,你自然 而然会鼓起勇气告诉你的爱人你如何死心 塌地地拜倒在她的石榴裙下,或者承诺 你永远是眼前这个男人忠实的爱慕 者。当侍者询问是否想加酒时, 你只需微微一笑,用坚定而 充满热望的眼神看着他 或她的眼睛,说“要 加”。两瓶美酒下 肚,双方都有意 继续畅谈的话, 可以回家或 者去一个隐 蔽的小花

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园,又或者你们刚好在旅途中,就回到附近 的酒店——这时就该向你最要好的朋友征 求意见,准备最后一锤定音了。红酒是很好 的社交润滑剂,不过如果想要你的“红酒投 资”物有所值,还是顺其自然为好。 越了解红酒你就越觉得可供选择的种 类太多,也会逐渐发觉你最喜欢的究竟是哪 一抹“红”:赤霞珠、美乐、西拉、丹魄、 设拉子、红仙粉黛、佳美娜、歌海娜、马 尔贝克、古典基安蒂、黑皮诺、皮诺塔吉、 佳利酿、桑娇维赛、红色波尔多混合酒以及 勃艮第红酒,等等,不胜枚举。为了充分利 用你的“一个人的红酒之旅”,不妨记住你 品尝过的每一款葡萄酒的味道以及爱它或 不爱它的理由。最好记录下每款红酒的特点 以及适合佐以何种美食。如果把这些一一记 下,一段时间后就会形成你个人的独到品 位。等下次购买红酒或是在餐厅点餐,就会 对各种红酒的特质心里有数了。 红色是红酒的颜色,那些享誉世界的顶 级红酒越来越多地出现在中国人的餐桌上。 现在就开始你的红酒之旅,你会有不少新发 现,比如很多未曾听过的优质红色酿酒葡萄 汁的名字,这还不够有趣吗?红酒的魅力无 法言喻,不过“尝”试的时候还是适量为好。 红酒是社交和浪漫约会的润滑剂。如果你爱 红酒,又喜欢探究学习,甚至还可以去攻读 红酒研究的博士学位,做一名葡萄栽培或葡 萄酒酿造师。这类专业在许多广泛种植葡萄 国家的一流大学都有设置。只要一直坚持下 去,让红酒成为你的知音,一路与你相伴, 那么在爱情、事业、学业和社交上都会好事 连连。


t’s the Year of the Horse and the perfect beverage to celebrate is premium red wine. And why you ask should it be red wine? Glad you asked. “Red as roses can be, that is the color of my true love’s favorite wine. For this is China, land of a thousand red sun rises, a thousand red sun sets and a thousand red dreams. Red is the color of the revolution, of the Yangtze and the Pearl Rivers, the rise of the people for the people and the heart that longs to be united with the beloved.” Red wine is also considered to be a healthful beverage, due to the antioxidant properties within the skins and seeds of red grapes, making the popular toast “To Good Health” ever more appropriate. Of course, my favorite toast will always be “To Love”. In addition, red wine goes well with a great variety of Chinese as well as western recipes, especially those which include red meats, so long as the spice level is low to moderate. And while there are some red wine varieties that go better with spicy foods than others, such as full-bodied Red Zinfandel, Malbec, Syrah, Carmenere and Shiraz, I always recommend that when in doubt, it’s a far safer bet to go with one’s favorite beer with spicy foods to insure a more perfect marriage of the food and beverage. And at the end of the meal, if the wine did not go well with the food, either the wine or the food will remain hardly touched. As for red wine and romance, the connection is obvious. Toasting “To Love” with favorite red wines and a romantic companion of choice is always a pleasant experience. And what could be more enjoyable than letting your red wine, magic elixir race through your body, eliminating any inhibitions that may have been preventing you from telling your Love how much you worship the ground upon which she or he is standing or is seated. And when the waiter asks if you would like another bottle, just smile and stare into her or his eyes as you proclaim with assurance and affection, “Absolutely”. And if after sharing two bottles of a delicious red wine the mutual inclination to continue your intimate discussion at your home, secluded garden or if you are traveling, your nearby hotel accommodation is the least bit in question, it’s time to ask for the advice of your closest friend on how to close “The Sale”. Red wine can be a magnificent lubricant that facilitates improved social intercourse; however, you must go with the flow, so the mood and signals of your intended, if your red wine investment is to pay-off.

And there are so many wonderful varieties of red wine from which to choose as you continue to learn more about red wine and increasingly discover the reds that you like the most: There is Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah, Shiraz, Red Zinfandel, Carmenere, Malbec, Chianti Classico, Pinot Noir, Red Bordeaux Blends, Burgundy Reds, Tempranillo, Grenache, Pinotage, Carignan and Sangiovesse; to name but a few. So, to make the most of your continuing “personal wine journey”, keep a diary of every wine you try, carefully noting what you liked about it as well as what you did not like about it. Record whether or not the wine was good by itself (“Quaffing”) or if it needed the right food accompaniment to taste good, and if so, what foods. If you keep this detailed a record, over time, you will have an easy, personal reference to the wines that you admire with and without food; so that whether you are shopping in one of your favorite wine shops or scanning the wine list in a restaurant or bar, there will always be a good red wine you know you’ll like by the glass or by the bottle and with or without food. Red is the color of so many good wines produced around the world and increasingly available in China. If you begin your red wine journey now, you will still be finding new red varietals you have not previously known three years from today. Is that exciting or what? Some studies are interesting, but you never get to taste them. Red wine is always interesting, you get to taste it in modest or ambitious quantities, it’s a great facilitator of social and romantic intercourse, and if you

are a superior student of red wine, you can even achieve a Ph.D in red wine studies as a viticulturist or an enologist from many of the leading universities in wine growing countries. So, forever more, let red wine be your mantra and only good things will follow in love, business, social intercourse and academia. I am Red Owl, Ever Vigilant, Over & Out.

田博华,公益创业家,社会公益组织 FTA 领导人。该组织以最小的运营开支争取最大限度地帮助美国及亚太地 区需要帮助的人们,并致力于与联合国儿童基金会和国际仁人家园合作来减轻他们的困苦,此外还以直接干预和 慈善捐赠的形式帮助柬埔寨和泰国的贫困家庭和个人。目前 FTA 在美国纽约州梅纳兹、泰国曼谷和柬埔寨金边 设有办事处。 Fred Tibbitts, Jr. heads a Social Entrepreneurship operated as an NGO, Fred Tibbitts & Associates or "FTA", keeping all expenses to a minimum and donating all profits to those less fortunate in Asia Pacific and the United States. FTA is committed to easing the suffering of those less fortunate via contributions to both UNICEF and Habitat for Humanity International. In addition, FTA does direct intervention, charity relief for individual, very poor families in Cambodia and Thailand. FTA has offices at Bangkok, Thailand; and Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

LifeStyle 113



北京万达嘉华酒店盛装开业 暨万达酒店及度假村举办首届品牌盛典

Wanda Realm Beijing Grand Opening & Wanda Hotels and Resorts First Annual Brand Ceremony 1 月 13 日,北京万达嘉华酒店盛大开 业,这是万达酒店及度假村在中国管理的 第 11 家万达嘉华品牌酒店。当天,万达酒 店及度假村还举办了以“共赋华章”为主题 的首届年度品牌论坛与品牌盛典,近三百位 嘉宾出席此次活动。专家与业界精英齐聚一 堂,探讨了万达品牌的现状与前景、酒店业 与中国经济所面临的挑战和发展趋势以及 国际化发展与境外投资等议题,并对未来的 发展抱持乐观态度。 On 13th January 2014, Wanda Hotels and Resorts held a special double event as its eleventh Wanda Realm branded hotel managed in China opened, and it announced plans for the brand’s future and other plans with its first grand annual brand forum and ceremony “China Brands Future”. Nearly three hundred guests gathered together at the newly re-branded Wanda Realm Beijing for Wanda’s Brand Forum and Brand Ceremony, during which experts and industry elite discussed the status and development of Wanda as well as other hotel brands in China. Topics included challenges and prospective trends for hospitality and the Chinese economy, and international development as well as investment, as they look forward to a bright future.

114 LifeStyle

第二届 FTA 新德里年度晚宴举办

The Second Annual FTA Evening in New Delhi

1 月 13 日,知名品酒顾问公司田博华 及联营公司(FTA)在新德里古尔冈威斯汀 酒店举办“与好友相约冬夜新德里”晚宴。 35 位贵宾出席了此次活动,其中不乏酒店 区域总经理及其他负责人、媒体人士和赞助 商。FTA 晚宴旨在表彰酒店业的杰出人物, 同时以捐资人的名义颁发奖学金以及为需要 帮助的人提供慈善捐助。当天的晚宴为联合 国儿童基金会驻印度办事处和仁人家园印度 分别捐款五百美元,此外还对位于印度蒙德 戈德和尼泊尔的 Pema Ts’al 学院进行了特 别捐赠。 On January 13, the 2nd Annual Fred Tibbitts & Associates – “A Winter Evening in New Delhi with Very Special Friends” - was held at The Westin Gurgaon, New Delhi. It proved to be another memorable event for the thirty-five guests, who included area general managers and other hospitality leaders, media and valued sponsors. The primary purposes of the FTA dinners are to recognize hospitality excellence, provide scholarships in the name of those whom are honored and to make charitable contributions to benefit those less fortunate. Following the dinner toasts, a donation of $500.00 USD from the dinner proceeds went to UNICEF India and an equal donation to Habitat for Humanity India. That evening, a special donation was also made to benefit the Pema Ts’al Monastic Schools at Mundgod and Nepal.

LifeStyle 115

LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS...LIFESTYLE 爱彼推出皇家橡树格林威治标准时间概念 陀飞轮腕表 Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Concept GMT 爱彼皇家橡树格林威治标准时间概念陀飞轮腕表将于 2014 年日内瓦国际高级钟表展首度面世。此款腕表优雅 纯白的色泽和光彩令人过目难忘,功能配备强大。精心雕 刻的钛金属表壳中层和橡胶制成的表带,搭配纯白色陶瓷 表圈,优雅构建出彰显极致建筑美感的独特结构,精妙承 载一枚陀飞轮以及“格林威治标准时间”第二时区显示器。

欧米茄情人节献礼:欧米茄 Ladymatic 腕表 The Perfect Gift: Omega DeVille Ladymatic Watches

欧米茄推出全新 Ladymatic 腕表。此款腕表表盘由白色珍 珠贝母制成,表圈上镶嵌有 60 颗长形切割钻石,旋入式 表冠上镶嵌有“明亮式欧米茄切割”钻石。与此独具匠心 的表壳及表盘交相辉映的是以 18K Sedna 金打造的表链, 表链链节内铺嵌有精致白色珍珠贝母。每处铺嵌的珍珠贝 母材质均经过精细切割,无需粘合材料便与表链完美相配。

劳力士黄金对表浓情献礼情人节 Rolex Golden Watches for Valentine’s Day

2014 情人节之际,劳力士献上黄金优雅表 款。星期日历型 II 的 18ct 黄金表壳于 2008 年首次推出,如今又配以新款香槟色表盘, 表盘镶有 8 颗长方形钻石,6 点和 9 点位置 则镶有两颗长方形红宝石,此外还配备镶有 80 颗方形钻石的闪亮外圈。闪烁的宝石与 磨光的璀璨黄金互相辉映,更为这款极具洒 脱与个性魅力的腕表增添雍容气度。

缪缪发布 2014 早春鞋履系列 Miu Miu Releases Spring 2014 Footwear

缪缪前不久推出了 2014 早春鞋履系列。该系列呈现了全 新的印花设计和制作工艺。“经典高跟鞋”由多彩亮片和 人造宝石刺绣妆点,更具现代韵味。真丝罗缎或漆皮打造 的鞋履点缀迷人的印花,打造出姿态万千的足下风情。

Glyph 头戴式 3D 显示器开卖 Avegant Glyph 3D "Virtual Retinal Display”

Avegant 公司最新推出梦幻级 3D 头戴显示器的消费者版 本。这款 3D 头戴显示设备被命名为 Glyph,其采用最新 的虚拟视网膜显示技术,可以通过两个独立的 1280×768 像素投影仪直接将图像投射到用户的视网膜上,并且没有 任何闪烁现象,呈现出一种明亮且充满活力的画面效果。 售价为 499 美元。

云狐携旅游卫视推出极限四防智能手机爱路客 J5 Mob/Fox & The Travel Channel: New Travel-Proof Smartphone J5 云狐公司携手旅游卫视在京正式发布旗下新机——爱路 客 J5,其主要定位于酷爱旅行的“驴友”一族,是一款 主打极限四防功能的安卓平台智能手机。爱路客 J5 在外 形上延续云狐系列产品的一贯设计风格,使用明快的黑 / 黄作为主色调,其采用了双料注塑工艺外壳,辅以软胶 包裹及双层防水圈,加之航天级钢化玻璃,打造出顶级 的四防能力。

诺基亚 Lumia 1320 正式登陆中国 Nokia Lumia 1320 Officially Lands in China

诺基亚 Lumia 1320 不久前正式登陆中国。 该机配备 6 英寸超大屏幕,整合了多项诺基 亚 Lumia 智能手机的高端创新,拥有超高的 性价比,并搭载诺基亚专业拍摄及诺基亚影 像日志、广受欢迎的 HERE 地图及位置服务 以及 Nokia MixRadio 无限量下载、无广告 的音乐服务等各项优质 Lumia 智能手机体 验,成为大屏智能手机中的不二选择。

惠普发布首款体感控制笔记本 Envy 17 HP Releases New TouchSmart Laptop Envy 17

惠普在京正式发布世界首款搭载体感控制技术的全新消费 类笔记本惠普 Envy 17 Leap Motion SE 笔记本。该机除支 持以往消费类笔记本的功能外,还创新地加入了此前一直 受到热切关注的体感技术,给用户带来了一种全新的使用 体验。


LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS...LIFESTYLE 金宝汇购物中心举办媒体答谢会 Jinbao Place Holds Media Appreciation Meeting

前不久金宝汇购物中心在其六层金莲花 泰国餐厅举办媒体答谢会。作为定制理 念的推动者,金宝汇专注领域并不局限 于潮流风尚,而是更加追求其艺术内涵, 全面打造生活方式的定制化、专属化。 除却不断引进高端定制品牌入驻,更通 过携手顶尖设计师创作贴合金宝汇风格 的作品、举办一系列具有新鲜视角的跨 界设计展览,塑造出独具特色的金宝汇 风貌。

2013《时尚新娘》婚尚盛典举行 Cosmo Bride’s 2013 Wedding Awards of the Year

2013 年度时尚新娘婚尚盛典前不久在 北京国贸大酒店隆重举行。作为婚尚界 规模最大的颁奖典礼,婚尚盛典今年已 是第三次举办。此次奖项由 210 位专业 评委专家在公平、公正、公开的原则下 设置评审标准,最终评选出婚尚成就大 奖、婚尚成就单项奖、时尚新娘推荐大 奖、明星推荐大奖、幸福婚礼清单网络 人气奖以及今年的“幸福偶像”。

法国卡慕世家酒廊举办 80 年代 2013 圣诞怀旧派对 Maison Camus Holds 80’s Style Christmas Party 2013

法国卡慕世家酒廊前不久在其会所举办 80 年代 2013 圣诞怀旧派对。卡 慕世家酒廊副总裁伊莎贝拉女士与酒廊众多 VIP 客户出席了当晚的派对。 酒廊特意为宾客朋友们提供了美味的西式精美冷餐和法国文思金樽起泡 酒、多款特调鸡尾酒、法国红白葡萄酒、卡慕干邑、单麦威士忌等多款美 酒,更有 80 年代的风情热舞热爆现场。

保兰德伦敦国际华语电影节 圆满落幕 Powerland’s China International Film Festival London Ends

塔斯马尼亚上演夏季缤纷活动 Tasmania Stages Fun Summer Activities

2013 保兰德伦敦国际华语电影节在伦 敦圆满落幕。本次电影节由中国民族奢 侈品牌保兰德、国家新闻出版广电总局 电影局与英国文化协会携手倾力打造, 并得到中英政府的鼎力支持。在开幕式 暨颁奖典礼上,保兰德集团董事长兼 CEO 郭顺元先生率先为第一位获奖者 颁奖。保兰德集团也全程参与了电影节 主活动单元。

塔斯马尼亚在这个夏天举办了一系列 精彩活动,包括节庆、市集集会以及运 动赛事等。最先上演的当属澳大利亚标 志性的帆船赛——劳力士悉尼霍巴特 帆船赛,另外还包括霍巴特最大的美食 美酒节以及于新年伊始举办的塔斯马 尼亚美食节和在马里恩湾举行的瀑布 音乐艺术节。而二月份的塔州也是精彩 连连,朗赛斯顿顶级美食节和澳大利亚 全国古董自行车锦标赛都是不可错过 的特色活动。

瑞航在苏黎世机场贵宾休息室 新辟简餐区 SWISS Opens New “Senator Bistro” at Zurich Airport

约会波尔多:完美呈现别样优雅 A Date with Bordeaux, A Lifestyle of Elegance and Grace

绿巨人:城市的虫害卫士 Beijing LVJUREN: Tailored & Comprehensive Pest Control

英国致力于成为 最受中国游客青睐的目的地 UK Campaigns to Become China’s Most Welcoming Tourist Destination

瑞士国际航空公司苏黎世机场贵宾休息 室底层新辟的简餐区采用全新的设计和 装修理念,占地面积超过 220 平米,设 有 50 个座位(吧台区另有 30 个座位), 每个座位都配备独立电源和 USB 接口。 简餐区走酒馆风格,可选食物包括冷热 小吃,饮料则包含多种新口味的咖啡。 瑞航贵宾休息室面向飞常里程汇常旅客 会员及星空联盟金卡会员开放,提供免 费无线局域网,各类报刊杂志一应俱全。

北京绿巨人生物科技有限公司是经北京 市爱卫会和疾病预防控制中心、北京市 工商局登记注册的城市害虫综合治理专 业 PCO 公司;是中国和北京有害生物 防制协会会员及资质单位。该公司拥有 A 级的服务质量标准,长期服务于高档 酒店、机场、高尔夫球场、大型商超、 工厂、医院、写字楼大厦、机关、学校、 别墅等各个行业,在服务过程中严格执 行国家有关卫生防疫的各项管理规定, 使用符合国家相关卫生标准的器械和药 品。 所有员工经国家专业培训, 持证上岗, 绿巨人以现代化、专业化、技术化的服 务标准为经营理念,成为 PCO 行业典范。 24 小时服务热线:010-64333385, 网址:www.bjljr.com

全球葡萄酒标杆、被誉为“葡萄酒皇后” 的波尔多葡萄酒不久前在京举办“约会 波尔多”大型生活方式展,首次以大型 展览、互动体验的方式将世界葡萄酒之 都——波尔多浪漫优雅的生活气息呈现 给中国消费者。波尔多葡萄酒行业协会 亚太区总裁托马斯·朱力安先生携国际 超模裴蓓、王朱筱寅夫妇为展览揭幕。 1 月 10 日起,“约会波尔多”生活方 式展在北京 798 艺术区悦·美术馆浪漫 登场,并免费向公众开放。

前不久英国文化、媒体与体育大臣玛利 亚·米勒在上海宣布启动“欢迎中国—— 尽享英伦礼遇”计划,致力于让英国成 为最受中国游客青睐的欧洲目的地。首 批参与“欢迎中国”计划的成员包括维 珍航空、伯明翰旅游局、希尔顿酒店集 团、哈罗德百货等。英国旅游局将和众 企业共享客户需求,提升文化意识,并 鼓励开展中文导游培训以及翻译网站和 旅游宣传刊,确保中国游客能尽享英伦 礼遇。预计到 2020 年英国将每年吸引 65 万中国游客,从而为英国经济带来 年均 11 亿英镑的收入。


IFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE 上海金茂君悦大酒店: 任命葛睿夫先生为总经理及区域总监 Grand Hyatt Shanghai: Mr. Richard Greaves, General Manager and Area Director

泰州万达希尔顿逸林酒店: 任命丹尼尔先生为总经理 DoubleTree by Hilton Jiangsu – Taizhou: Mr. Daniel Alcaraz, General Manager

淮安万达嘉华酒店: 任命顾峥嵘先生为总经理 Wanda Realm Huaian: Mr. Jason Gu, General Manager

北京珠三角万豪酒店: 任命 GP Yeow 先生为总经理 Beijing Marriott Hotel Central: Mr. GP Yeow, General Manager

武汉光谷希尔顿酒店: 任命王泰华先生为总经理 Hilton Wuhan Optics Valley: Mr. James McStayOng, General Manager

上海嘉定喜来登酒店: 任命陈尊山先生为总经理 Sheraton Shanghai Jiading Hotel: Mr. Tan Choon Sun, General Manager

廊坊潮白河喜来登酒店及廊坊固安 福朋酒店:任命陈松先生为总经理 Sheraton Langfang Chaobai River Hotel & Four Points by Sheraton Langfang: Mr. Billy Chen, General Manager

长白山万达威斯汀及喜来登度假酒店: 任命陈伟女士为市场销售总监 The Westin and Sheraton Changbaishan Resort: Ms. Sandra Chen, Director of Sales & Marketing

上海国丰酒店: 任命廖梳砚女士为餐饮总监 Guoman Hotel Shanghai: Ms. Joanne Leow, Director of Food and Beverage

北京凯宾斯基饭店: 任命卢迪彬先生为餐饮部总监 Kempinski Hotel Beijing Lufthansa Center: Mr. Bernd Rudigier, Director of Food & Beverage

Mr. Richard Greaves has joined the Grand Hyatt Shanghai as the new General Manager and Area Director. He brings a wealth of experience and industry expertise along with an excellent understanding of the operational and management requirements of Hyatt. He will lead the team to a new level of excellence as they welcome the 15th Anniversary of the hotel.

Mr. Gu has 27 years of wide-ranging management experience in the hospitality industry and has held leadership roles in a number of well-known international hotels. Prior to joining Wanda Realm Huaian, he was the Deputy General Manager of Wanda Changbai Mountain Park Hyatt in 2011.

H i l t o n Wu h a n O p t i c s Va l l e y re c e n t l y announced the appointment of James McStayOng as General Manager. James will be responsible for overseeing the establishment and opening of the 520-room hotel. James comes to Hilton Worldwide from Marco Polo Hotels, where he was Area GM- South China, as well as, General Manager – Marco Polo Shenzhen.

Sheraton Langfang Chaobai River Hotel and Four Points by Sheraton Langfang, Gu’an are pleased to announce Mr. Billy Chen as General Manager. Mr. Chen has more than 25 years of experience in international hotels, having held senior management positions with InterContinental, Marco Polo, Hilton hotel groups and more. He also possesses a rich experience in hotel pre-opening.

Miss Joanne Leow has 16 years of working experience in food and beverage management for the hospitality industry, having previously worked for Pan Pacific Hotel, Century Hotel, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Sunway Resort Hotel and Spa, First World Hotel and Sheraton Towers Singapore. Prior to this appointment, Joanne was the Acting Director of Food and Beverage in Hotel Nikko Tianjin.

DoubleTree by Hilton Jiangsu – Taizhou recently announced the appointment of Daniel Alcaraz as GM effective 13 January 2014. A large portion of Daniel’s 15-year hospitality experience is in food and beverage, as well as banqueting operations, having worked in several hotels and outlets in Spain and France. Daniel joined Hilton Worldwide in 2007 as Food and Beverage Manager for Hilton Barcelona.

M r. Ye o w b r i n g s w i t h h i m a w e a l t h of expertise and knowledge of the hospitality industry, resulting from his 22 years of working experience in Asia Pacific countries and his study on hotel management in Australia and Switzerland.

A passionate and dedicated hotelier who strives to achieve outstanding results in all areas of the hotel, Tan brings a wealth of more than 30 years’ experience in the hospitality industry with an F&B background. Tan began his career with the Starwood family in 2006 and has since held senior management positions within the company.

With her career in the hospitality industry starting in 1998, Miss Sandra Chen has more than 10 years’ experience in Sales Marketing and Revenue Management. She has worked for different hotel groups including IHG, Hilton and Kempinski. Prior to joining the Changbaishan team, she worked at the Carlson Rezidor Regional Office in Shanghai.

Joining Kempinski Hotel Beijing Lufthansa Center from Swissôtel Foshan in Guangdong, where he held the position of Director of Food and Beverage, Bernd returns to Kempinski where he started his career. Bernd has been building up his extensive background in Food and Beverage for the past decade and sharpened his skills with Swissôtel in Berlin, Singapore and China.

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This Valentine’s Day, spoil your beloved with a romantic dinner, serenaded by melodious sounds. Experience the irresistible gourmet dining and rose sparkling wine specially selected at The St. Regis Beijing just like romantic true love. Tel: +86 10 6460 6688 ext 2440/2441

三亚美高梅度假酒店: 霓湾海鲜餐厅新貌 MGM Grand Sanya: Neera Seafood Restaurant’s New Look

北京金融街洲际酒店:情人节超值双人 SPA 身体护理 InterContinental Beijing Financial Street: The Most Relaxing Valentine’s Day at I•SPA

On 14th February this sweet day, embark on the Aromatic escape at I•SPA, be enveloped by the soft music and aromatic smell, enjoy nature sea salt exfoliating treatment, fragrance bath and our signature massage by using selected deeply moisture massage cream and natural essential oil, let your body and soul revive! Tel: +86 10 5852 5601

Recently upgraded Neera Seafood Restaurant offers the most romantic beachside dining at MGM Grand Sanya. Designed by architects WATG and BBGM, the restaurant is the perfect fusion of a tropical sea view and Las Vegas nightlife for an ultimate dining experience. The restaurant is also known for its magic shows performed by its staff at the tables. Tel: +86 898 8863 9999

合肥万达威斯汀酒店: 威斯汀“营养美味”品牌活动 The Westin Hefei Baohe: Kitchen Competition

长沙万达文华酒店 SHUI 水疗中 心:“皇家浴”如此愉悦 Wanda Vista Changsha SHUI SPA: So Exhilarating

北京希尔顿逸林酒店:情溢随园 DoubleTree by Hilton Beijing: So Much Love, So Many Surprises

广州富力丽思卡尔顿酒店: 携手广州康迪特殊学校举办泰迪 熊下午茶爱心捐赠活动 The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou: Charity with Kangdi Special School

Recently, The Westin Hefei Baohe hosted a Kitchen Competition with a total of 20 media attendees to showcase Westin’s signature Eat Well, one of the key components of Westin Six Pillars of wellness in China. Tel: +86 55 1298 9888

DoubleTree by Hilton Beijing invites you and your dearest love to embrace the most romantic Valentine’s Day at Sui Yuan restaurant on 14 February 2014. With our outstanding chef tailoring a special 5-course set menu, as well as romantic sparkling wine and private guest rooms. Come to Sui Yuan to celebrate Valentine’s Day, where you’ll make memories that last. Tel: +86 10 6338 1999 ext 1726

金茂三亚希尔顿大酒店: 春节“精心宠爱健康水疗之旅” Hilton Sanya Resort & Spa: Luxury Spa Package for Chinese Spring Festival Season

We’ve put together a tailor-made Luxury Spa promotional Package especially for winter – the extraordinary journey starts with a Tropical Mousse Scrub, continues with a De-Aging Tropical Fruits Wrap, furthers with a 90 minute massage of your choice followed by our essential facial and accomplished with a selection of spa cuisine and a personalized gift. Tel: +86 898 8858 8888

"A year’s plan starts with spring". Spring is full of vitality. It symbolizes a new season and a fresh start. Select the Royal Bath and Ethnic Fusion Body Massage to help you rejuvenate for a new journey in life, including a welcome drink, Royal Bath, Ethnic Fusion Massage, Seasonal Fruits and more. Tel: +86 731 8800 8888

With the conclusion of its Teddy Bear Afternoon Teas, The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou donated the proceeds from the sale of the Teddy Bears, to the autistic students in Guangzhou Kangdi Special School. Ken Chow, Director of F&B Operation of The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou received an Appreciation Medal from Kangdi Special (Photo: The right one) Tel: +86 20 3813 6688

三亚海棠湾民生威斯汀度假酒店: 无忧会议包价 The Westin Sanya Haitang Bay Resort: A Clutter Free Meeting

The Westin Sanya Haitang Bay Resort offers its Clutter Free Meeting which will lead guests into a refreshing meeting experience with top-notch facilities and enjoyable service in a tropical paradise. For meeting groups with 20+ persons, book 4 or 8 hours in an appointed meeting room, morning and/or coffee breaks, conference l u n c h , f re e w i re l e s s i n t e r n e t f o r meeting organizer, and more. Tel: +86 898 8865 9999


LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCU... LIFE上海万豪虹桥大酒店:“缱绻情缘 ·美式罗曼”尽在万豪虹桥 Marriott Shanghai Hongqiao: A Romantic Valentine’s Set Menu

Surprise her on this perfect romantic day at Manhattan Steakhouse with chic American style ambiance and superb wester n cuisine. Marriott Hongqiao’s star chef prepares you and your loved one selected beef and fresh lobster from Australia. The Valentine’s 5-course set menu for you two is only RMB888 net, including a glass of sparkling wine per person. Tel: +86 21 6010 6000 ext 6633

上海外滩半岛酒店:JET SET 新年派对闪耀全城 The Peninsula Shanghai: Gatsby Guests Boarded the Elegant Express at Jet Set NYE Party!

On Tuesday 31st December, The Peninsula Shanghai, Riviera Events and MVP Shanghai put together the most prestigious New Year’s Eve party in town. The Jet Set New Year’s Eve party was hosted in one of Shanghai’s most luxurious hotels with the iconic Bund as the backdrop. The location was perfect as guests boarded the elegant express and headed straight to 2014 in style. Tel: +86 21 2327 2888

上海金桥红枫万豪酒店 : 浪漫甜蜜之约 Shanghai Marriott Hotel Pudong East: A Delicious Romance

Romance is inescapable this year. Shanghai Marriott Hotel Pudong East seeks to appeal to the romantics t h i s Va l e n t i n e ' s D a y b y o ff e r i n g mouth-watering cuisine, bubbling Champagne and lovely surprise while sensational music embraces you! A romantic journey starts from RMB 298 net per person. Tel: +86 21 6036 8888

上海新世界丽笙大酒店: 旋景璀璨情人节之夜 Radisson Blu Hotel Shanghai New World: Valentines Day Dinner at Epicure on 45

上海御锦轩全套房酒店: 浪漫爱意就在御锦轩 The One Executive Suites Shanghai: Love in the Air

上海希尔顿酒店: 希尔顿迎新“富贵满堂”贺年礼盒 Hilton Shanghai: Chinese New Year • Nian Gao

上海金茂君悦大酒店:春节献礼 Grand Hyatt Shanghai: Celebrate Chinese New Year!

上海虹桥雅高美爵酒店:荣膺 2013 年度“非常之旅”上海地区 最具人气酒店奖 Grand Mercure Shanghai Hongqiao: “The Most Popular Hotel in Shanghai”

上海大酒店及王宝和大酒店:被授 予“五叶级中国绿色饭店”称号 Shanghai Wang Bao He Co., Ltd.: Sister Hotels Awarded “National Five-Leaf Green Hotel”

Planning a perfect Valentine’s Day evening with your beloved one? Then the ideal place to be is Epicure on 45! This revolving restaurant located on the 45th floor of the Radisson Blu Hotel Shanghai New World is offering lovers a sweet Valentine’s memory with its romantic setting for this one special day of the year. Tel: +86 21 6359 9999 ext 4210

An old Chinese legend about nian gao (Chinese New Year cake) held that this sticky sweet snack was fed to the Kitchen God to plug his mouth and prevent him from badmouthing anyone when he reported to heaven. At Hilton Shanghai indulge in our special Deluxe Hilton Rice Cake Kit – purchase 4 and get a bottle of red wine free! Tel: +86 21 6248 7777 ext 1760

Grand Mercure Shanghai Hongqiao received the award of “Most Popular Hotel in Shanghai” from Special Trip 2013, The World Travel Awards. The ceremony was hosted by <Oriental Morning Post>, a Shanghai-based news media company whose daily newspaper reaches the entire Yangtze River Delta region. Tel: +86 21 5153 3300 ext 3575

Pamper your loved one on Valentine's Day with romantic treats and unforgettable experiences in the heart of Shanghai. On Friday, 14th of February, The One Executive Shanghai creates the dreamy solution to a romantic getaway at only RMB1314 per night. Celebrate this special day with your beloved one and enjoy the perfect day tailored to sweeten up your mood. Tel: +86 21 6157 1688

Welcome and celebrate the Year of the Horse with spectacular city view and a variety of Chinese New Year delicacies at Grand Hyatt Shanghai. This exclusive offer is available throughout Chinese New Year festival. Enjoy our Chinese New Year promotion starting from CNY 1,688 inclusive of many valued benefits: Tel: +86 21 5049 1234

R e c e n t l y, G r a n d C e n t r a l H o t e l Shanghai & Central Hotel Shanghai, the sister hotels of Shanghai Wang Bao He Co., Ltd. were awarded the "National Five-Leaf Green Hotel ", at a ceremony held at the Central Hotel Shanghai. The expert review group affirmed all efforts and achievements made by the two hotels in the process of green construction. Tel: +86 21 5353 8888


LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCU... 上海扬子江万丽大酒店:见证一生 一世的爱恋,许下挚爱永恒的诺言 Renaissance Shanghai Yangtze Hotel: Get to the Heart of the Matter

廊坊潮白河喜来登酒店:盛大开业 Starwood Hotels &Resorts: Debuts Sheraton Langfang Chaobai River Hotel

上海宏安瑞士大酒店: 冬季八折尊享奢华住宿 Swissotel Grand Shanghai: Winter Saver -Luxury at 20% Off

上海世茂皇家艾美酒店:爱如空气 Le Royal Meridien Shanghai: Love Is in the Air

Swissôtel Grand Shanghai offers the exclusivity and comfort of luxuriously appointed guestrooms at 20% discount on Fully Flexible rates this winter. For a minimum two-night stay the offer is combined with the “Book Smart, Stay Smarter” online offer when booking through swissotel.com. www.swissotel.com/shanghai

Va l e n t i n e ' s D a y i s t h e p e r f e c t opportunity to show the most special person in your life exactly how much you care. On February 14, Le Royal Meridien has special couples' menus at our signature French and Italian restaurants: Allure French Cuisine, Le Bistrot Signature Restaurant, and Favola Italian Restaurant. Tel: +86 21 3318 9999

上海东方佘山索菲特大酒店: 荣获中国优秀度假酒店殊荣 Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental: Wins China’s Excellent Resort Hotel

成都高新豪生大酒店:英国著名歌 手詹姆斯·布朗特入住 Howard Johnson Hi-Tech Plaza Chengdu: Welcomes British Singer James Blunt

Let’s get to the heart of the matter. Nothing says “I love you” like spending Valentine’s Day with the one you love at Renaissance Shanghai Yangtze Hotel. Come and enjoy chef’s selected inter national dishes and indulge yourself in the romantic settings on this special day. Tel: +86 21 6275 0000

Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental has been awarded China Excellent Resort Hotel in the China Best Hotel & Resort Awards 2014 by My Vacation Magazine. With striking visual ambiance and classic Mediterranean Architecture, Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental is a subtle blend of traditional Chinese Fengshui and French contemporary style, perfect for both leisure and business. Tel: +86 21 3761 8888

Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc. recently announced the opening of Sheraton Langfang Chaobai River H o t e l i n n o r t h e r n C h i n a ’s H e b e i province. Owned by China Fortune Land Development Co.Ltd.,Sheraton Langfang Chaobai River Hotel is the second Starwood hotel in Hebei Province and the only international fivestar hotel in Langfang City. Tel: +86 316 895 9999

British Singer James Blunt recently per for med a concer t at Sichuan Stadium in Chengdu. Howard Johnson Hi-Tech Plaza Chengdu was the only designated hotel to host him and his team. James Blunt and his team were super thankful for the excellent services provided in the hotel as well as for the band catering before the concert. Tel: +86 28 8282 0224

上海海神诺富特大酒店: 情人节浪漫自助盛宴 Novotel Shanghai Atlantis: Valentine’s Day Buffet Dinner

Looking for a romantic candlelight dinner for two? Celebrate this St Valentine’s Day at Novotel Shanghai Atlantis, where a special menu has just blossomed for your fabulous date night. Treat your beloved in our Square Restaurant or Art 50 Revolving Restaurant, where each lady will receive a delightful surprise of rose and chocolate! Tel: +86 21 5036 8998

明宇酒店集团:营销中心整合行动 大会举办 Minyoun Hotel Group: Sales & Marketing Center Integration Meeting

Recently, the Sales & Marketing Center Integration Meeting of Minyoun Hotel Group (MHG) was held at Minyoun Plaza Chengudu. Vice President of Minyoun Group and President of MHG Mr. You Wen Zhou, Vice President of MHG Mr. William Chen and Mr. Jin Qiao, and many more department leaders attended to mark the grand opening of the Sales & Marketing Center of MHG and Chengdu Area Sales & Marketing office. Tel: 400 6261 666

成都高新皇冠假日酒店:隆重揭幕 Crowne Plaza Chengdu West: Grand Opening

Congratulations to General Manager Michael Martin and his team for the opening of the latest addition to our Greater China hotel portfolio, our 20th December opening for 2013 in Greater China by the Greater China Regional Operating Committee. Crowne Plaza Chengdu West has 347 guest rooms and suites and every guest will be treated with “Crowne Plaza Sleep Advantage program”. Tel: +86 28 8782 6666



Beijing’s best steakhouse The Cut is upping the bar for food lovers. Chef Andreas Block has created a brand new menu, available starting from February 7. Come taste The Cut’s new take on Wagyu filet mignon, ribeye, strip loin, and much more. The Cut has also added salmon, halibut, lamb, and fresh Atlantic lobster to the new menu. Tel: +86 10 8507 3617

北京万豪酒店普洛文斯 意大利餐厅:浓情蜜意之旅 Beijing Marriott Hotel City Wall, Provincia Restaurant: Romantic Dream Package

Start your timeless love experience with Provincia’s exquisite five-course d i n n e r, f re e f l o w i m p o r t e d w i n e . Then continue the romance with an over night stay in a Deluxe Room on February 14th, and make your Valentine’s Day a sweet memory under the stars. Tel: +86 10 5811 8233

北京 JW 万豪酒店:唯美情人节 JW Marriott Beijing: Be My Valentine

北京丽晶酒店美食廊:甜蜜绽放 Regent Beijing: BCD New Cakes and Deli Selections

北京丽亭华苑酒店:美国美食盛宴 Park Plaza Beijing Science Park: The American Kitchen

北京金融街丽思卡尔顿酒店: 新春家宴,喜庆团圆 The Ritz-Carlton Beijing, Financial Street: Qi Restaurant Family Reunion

This Valentine’s Day, spoil your special someone with a romantic evening of indulgence at JW Marriott Hotel Beijing. Make the evening perfect with an unexpected gift and romantic gourmet dining options. Asia Bistro’s buffet includes seafood and steak and a raffle including a stay in Sanya, or at CRU Steakhouse, win a tailored wedding dress from Taiwan’s Linli. Tel: +86 10 5908 8995

The American Kitchen draws on the rich flavors from the many diverse regions of the US where immigrants have shaped local food culture. From 11th February to 31st March, The American Kitchen features traditional regional dishes from Boston Clam Chowder, Louisiana Crab Cakes, Jambalaya, Sloppy Joe’s and Southern Fried Chicken to Blueberry Cobbler, Snickerdoodles and Shoofly Pie. Tel: +86 10 8235 6699 ext 651

BCD is an appealing café offering freshly baked Danishes and gourmet coffees from 7AM sharp! All coffees are all made with pure Arabica bean variety, roasted by Italy’s favorite Lavazza! Lunch includes freshly tossed salads, homemade fresh sandwiches, Croque-Monsieur, quiche and pizzas, all available in individual portions to be taken away quickly. Tel: +86 10 8522 1888 ext 3824

Choose our family reunion menu specially designed by Chef Li to provide guests with an array of festive, traditional dishes. “Braised Pumpkin with Shrimp and Chinese Herb,” “Crispy Roasted Meat with Mustard” and “Fried Prawn Balls with Wasabi Sauce” are all healthy options to keep you cozy during the winter season. Tel: +86 10 6629 6999

上海金桥红枫万豪酒店: 纵享“啡”凡午后时光 Shanghai Marriott Hotel Pudong East: A Yummy Getaway

上海绿地万豪酒店: 经典浪漫双人西餐 Marriott Shanghai Luwan: A Taste of Romeo & Juliet

上海花园饭店欧陆法式餐厅: 情人节套餐 The Okura Garden Hotel Shanghai, Continental Room Restaurant: Valentine’s Day Set Meal

上海世纪皇冠假日酒店:食之艺 ——儿童趣味乐园周末自助餐 Crowne Plaza Century Park Shanghai: Eat & Art Weekend Buffet

Give yourself an afternoon treat and enjoy a welcoming escape from the ordinary at The Lounge of Shanghai Marriott Hotel Pudong East! Wash down a piece of exquisite homemade cake with free flow coffee and tea only at RMB 68 net per person. Tel: +86 21 6036 8888

On this special day, a candlelight dinner will add romance to the evening. Please enjoy a romantic lovers’ night exclusively for you at our Continental Restaurant. RMB 1888/two persons. Tel: +86 21 6415 1111

Have a romantic evening with your l o v e d o n e . O u r c h e f p re p a re s a delicate menu including Australian Beef Tenderloin or King Prawn with a glass of red or sparkling wine. Also includes a spectacular buffet of the finest seafood, tasty international cuisine and sweets. Tel: +86 21 5318 8888 ext 6535

Enjoy some quality time with your family and join our competition whilst devouring our sumptuous buffet. As a unique experience we invite you to draw your favorite design or picture on our place mats and hopefully get them framed and put on our “wall of fame”. Children can have fun in our exclusive “kids room” while you relax. Tel: +86 21 5190 8888 ext 8307



LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE ... LIF 上海希尔顿酒店: 美食,音乐,尽在浪漫情人节 Hilton Shanghai: Food, Music and Romance on Valentine’s Day

上海龙之梦大酒店: 意式美食自助 The Longemont Shanghai: Antipasto Buffet Plus at Amici

上海大宁福朋喜来登集团酒店: 养生暖锅精选自助晚餐 Four Points by Sheraton Shanghai, Daning: Hot Pot Buffet Dinner

昆山瑞士大酒店: 情人节浪漫晚餐 Swissotel Kunshan: Romantic Dinner on Valentine’s Day

广州白云万达希尔顿酒店 感趣自助餐厅:情人节特别推荐 Hilton Guangzhou Baiyun, Senses: Valentine’s Day Promotion

深圳凯宾斯基酒店: 海鲜盛宴 Kempinski Hotel Shenzhen: Seafood Feast

杭州和达希尔顿逸林酒店: 情人节自助晚餐 DoubleTree by Hilton Hangzhou East: Valentine's Day Buffet Dinner

西昌邛海湾柏栎度假酒店: 甜蜜时光,华丽陪伴 Qionghai Bay Paxton Vacances Hotel: Say You Love Me

抚顺万达嘉华酒店: 饕餮盛宴,浪漫呈献 Wanda Realm Fushun: 2 For 1 at Café Realm

沈阳万达文华酒店: 浓情蜜意,浪漫情人节 Wanda Vista Shenyang: Valentine’s Day Dining at Café VISTA

S u r ro u n d y o u r s e l f w i t h u l t i m a t e elegance at Leonardo’s, dining on gourmet Mediterranean fare – pan fried goose liver, Atlantic lobster, black truffle mashed potatoes and more – for an indulgent dinner, including two glasses of champagne and one raffle ticket. Prizes include tickets for two to Bangkok Thailand and a 2-night stay at Conrad Bangkok. Tel: +86 21 6248 7777 ext 1850

Ward off the winter cold with our Hot Pot Selection Buffet Dinner! Gather around a boiling pot of delicious soup, exquisitely prepared with fresh ingredients like seafood, meat, and seasonal veggies. What could be better than hot pot to keep out the numbing winter? The simple yet delicious flavour keeps you perfectly warm. Tel: +86 21 2602 2222

Bring that someone special to indulge in the finest of dining experiences prepared by Chef Sertac Ozdemir and his team at the most renowned western restaurant in town. Fresh oysters baked with Parma ham, oxtail with poached quail egg, Australian beef tenderloin, strawberries and Chocolate, including a glass of free pink sparkling wine. Tel: +86 20 6667 8076

Bring your lover to have this romantic moment together. Free flow of Mumm champagne, red & white wine, local beer and soft drink, featuring grilled baby lobster and homemade dessert tiramisu for every guest, a complimentary bottle of red wine and a gift box with homemade chocolates and macarons for each couple. Tel: +86 571 8989 8888

Café Realm redefines the standard of all-day dining service at international hotels. Busy hotel guests can enjoy the convenient and delicious “Takeaway Breakfast”. What’s more, the Café Realm also serves sumptuous international buffets and a fabulous a lacerate menu. All in all, you are pampered with delicious surprises at Café Realm, day or night. Tel: +86 24 5395 6666 ext 6808

Amici Italian Restaurant is introducing a new dining experience concept this season, offering a generous selection of Italian antipasto, four daily salads, delicious homemade desserts and seasonal fresh fruit to accompany your main course choice and your pasta DIY selection. The main course options include prime beef tenderloin and gorgeous seafood dishes. Tel: +86 21 6115 9988 ext 8230

Celebrate the most romantic occasion, Valentine’s Day with your love at Café Swiss. Candlelight, sweet chocolates, loving rose, sparkling wine, plus an extravagant buffet dinner. Live entertainment will add a touch of romance. All couples will receive a small gift with good wishes. Tel: +86 512 5788 5998

Starting from 1 January 2014, Seasons Restaurant will bring you a Seafood Feast, featuring a splendid buffet selection including oysters, clams, lobster, scallops and more for only RMB 328 +15% per person. Wonderful seafood delights will be ready for you in this Seafood Feast! Tel: +86 755 8888 8888 ext 8318

You and your loved one are invited to Paxton’s Romance night on February 14th. Strolling along the seaside, you can stay away from the bustle, enjoy the beautiful scenery and food – love is in the air! Indulge in French elegance, and make sweet memories that will last forever! Starting from RMB999/Couple. Tel: +86 834 888 8899 ext 8306

At Café Vista, indulge in a sublime buffet dinner featuring a range of aphrodisiacs, guaranteed to put you in the mood. Feast on a selection of ocean-fresh seafood, including French Oysters and Norwegian smoked salmon, alongside sushi and sashimi. Sample sweet Miniature Treats, or dive into the Chocolate Fountain together. RMB 519 net for 2 persons, including a glass of sparkling wine, small surprise. Tel: +86 24 3162 8888 ext 8601


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北京独家零售代理商 北京悦读汇文化有限公司 北京物美大卖场、物美高超连锁销售

本刊还在 Dior、宝马、奥美等国内百余家品牌公司、公关公司、外企发行,《品味生活》发行新增场所 ( 上海地区 ) Citic Square: 1168 Nanjing Xi Lu. LG 11A (Near Shanxi Bei Lu) 中信泰富店:南京西路 1168 号地下一层 11A 室 ( 靠近陕西北路 ) Tel: 021-5292 5228 Fax: 021-5292 8666 Contact person: Johnny Zhang 张立丰

Hongyi Plaza: 288 Jiujiang Lu.G116 (Near Nanjing Dong Lu) 宏伊国际广场店:九江路 288 号一层 116 室 ( 靠近南京东路 ) Tel: 021-3366 5026 Fax: 021-3366 5027 Contact person: Andrew Lin 林莹

Hong Kong New World: 300 Huaihai Zhong Lu. G107 (Near Madang Lu) 香港新世界大厦店:淮海中路 300 号一层 107 室 ( 靠近马当路 ) Tel: 021-6335 3739 Fax: 021-6335 3735 Contact person: Ken Zheng 郑小波

Pudong Big Thumb Plaza: 199 Fang Dian Lu. G31 (Near Dingxiang Lu) 浦东大拇指店:浦东芳句路 199 弄证大大拇指广 31 号 ( 靠近丁香路 ) Tel: 021-5033 6277 Fax: 021-5033 6278 Contact person: Alan Lu 卢阳恒

Hongqiao Maxdo Building: 86 Xianxia Lu. Rm108 (Near Zunyi Lu) 虹桥万都中心店:仙霞路 86 号 108 室 ( 靠近遵义路 ) Tel: 021-5208 1978 Fax: 021-5208 1979 Contact person: James Pan 潘伟

Lof: 283 Jianguo Xi Lu. Rm 1104-1105 (Near Jiashan Lu) 尚街店:建国西路 283 号 1104-1105 室 ( 靠近嘉善路 ) Tel: 021-5466 8312 Fax: 021-5466 8313 Contact person: Nina Zhuo 卓海芳

Pudong Xinmei: 999 Pudong Nan Lu.G104 (Near Babai Ban) 浦东新梅双塔大厦店:浦东南路 999 号一层 104 室 ( 靠近八佰伴 ) Tel: 021-5134 1075 Fax: 021-5134 1076 Contact person: Leon Xu 徐振童

Jiaozhou Lu No. 265 Jiaozhou Lu. Near Xinzha Lu 胶州路店:胶州路 265 号 ( 靠近新闸路 ) Tel: 021-6272 0353 Fax: 021-6272 0393 Contact person: Jammie Tee 佘真媚

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LifeStyle Periodical 品味生活,品味优雅人生!

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订阅热线:010 85890129-120 | 传真:010 85896501 | 联系人:史先生 开立银行:中国民生银行北京国贸支行 | 户名:北京生活品味广告有限公司 | 账号:0112 0141 7003 1737





Terrifically Terrible

俗话说,物以稀为贵。食材中的奢侈 品——由鲟鱼卵制成的鱼子酱便是如此,这 种号称“黑色黄金”的东西论克卖,颗颗金 贵,让整个上流社会趋之若鹜。前不久法国 顶级鱼子酱品牌裴卓仙大手笔推出三罐重 磅明星鱼子酱产品:10 公斤的沙皇帝国“伊 凡雷帝”、5 公斤的“凯瑟琳二世”和 2.5 公斤的“亚历山大”。这三款产品皆限量售 卖,由手工完成包装,并且手工印上独一无 二的编号。据称“伊凡雷帝”是目前世界上 最重的罐装鱼子酱。 Petrossian Paris, known for its prestigious caviar, has presented three extraordinarily generous tins of its star product. The largest, “Ivan the Terrible,” contains 10kg of Petrossian’s Tzar Imperial caviar, making it the world’s largest caviar tin according to its maker. The other two tins in this unusual line are also named for tsars and tsarinas. “Catherine the Great” contains a whopping 5kg of the delicacy, while the one named after Alexander contains 2.5kg. An exceptional product deserves exceptional packaging, of course. Each piece in this limited edition will be hand packed, and each label hand lithographed and numbered.

128 LifeStyle

南腔北调· LifeStyle


2013 年十二月号 总第 346 期

胡里奥·伊格莱西亚斯 拉丁天王的中国情缘 Julio Iglesias The Singing Sinophile

Americana for Christmas l Monastic Majesty l Hats off to Hatters l An Elegant Finishing Touch l Sushi with Style

复活的古堡 Castle from the Ashes


家亚洲顶级滑雪场 之速度与激情

of Asia's Top Ski Resorts

亚洲都会酒店之旅 City Hopping in Asia

人民币 40 元 CN41-1046/J 港币 50 元


Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure


品味之选 Americana for Christmas

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