Skills Needed to Build a Motorcycle- Adham Elzebda

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Extent of Modifications Make slow but sure and minor modifications to your project bike, and keep it on the road the whole time.  Make extreme modifications to your bike, meaning it will be off the road until you end. 

Older bikes are normally less complicated— and therefore relatively easier to work on, both mechanically and electrically.  The more common older bikes seem to have more information and parts available.  Rare old bikes, are, in my opinion, reserved for masochists. Parts and information are limited. 

Skills Design skills  Project management skills  Technical drawing skills  Mechanical skills  Electrical skills  Benchwork skills  Metalworking and Fabrication skills 

Metal shaping skills  Welding skills  Machining skills  Surface preparation skills  Painting and polishing skills 

Have a look on the web for a drawing of the frame for your project bike. Sketch out the wheel sizes you might want to use on another sheet, and cut them out. Put them next to the frame where they might be located. Sketch in a tank and seat.  The Project Management Skills is the discipline of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific success criteria. 

If you need to research very specific tasks, like how to disassemble a particular engine, an hour invested on a forum before you start the job will probably save you five hours down the track.  Sketchup is very quick and intuitive to learn and use, On Shape is more powerful, and it’s more useful to me as a mechanical engineer. Regardless of the medium and tools you use, it’s helpful to appreciate how to read and build technical drawings. 

Workshop Equipment A build platform is very helpful, and beats working on cold concrete in the middle of a cold winter. These can be constructed simply from hardware store timber. Of course you can buy both low-end and high-end platforms if you have a spare thousand dollars or so. But you’re more likely to be on a budget, and unless mechanics is your profession, you can build one for under a hundred dollars.

Metallurgy Consideration metals and their properties will help you to fittingly select a metal for a particular application. When you are customizing a motorcycle, you end up working with metals in some manner.

Generally, metals are divided into ‘ferrous’ and ‘non-ferrous’. If you mix metals together to produce a metal with specific properties, it is called an ‘alloy.’ A numbering system is used to identify the alloy and its contents.  Aluminum is another important material for motorcycles, due to its relatively high strength to weight. We can use aluminum for lightweight applications like tanks, fenders and bodywork, and non-structural parts like brackets or machined bar for use as spacers or foot pegs. 

The Reveal once you’ve combined all these elements, you have a custom bike, built by you, to your specifications. It might take two years, or five years, or ten years—but you’ll have the ultimate satisfaction knowing that it was all done by you.

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