March 10 2014

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Addison  Independent,  Monday,  March  10,  2014  â€”  PAGE  5

Distracted  driving  costs  lives

Letters to the Editor Speed  traps  are  an  affront  to  citizens’  privacy  rights To  Russia  with  love. Recently,  I  was  excoriated  and  exiled  to  Russia  by  a  person  by  the  name  of  R.  Woods  of  Rochester,  Vt.  This  for  having  suggested  in  a  previous  letter  to  the  editor  that  law  enforcement  speed  traps  were  an  invasion  of  privacy.  I  was  going  to  make  a  heartfelt  response  to  him  or  her  except  that  when  I  called  over  to  WKH 5RFKHVWHU SRVW RIÂżFH DQG WRZQ clerk,  I  was  told  no  such  person  re-­ sides  in  the  town.  So  I  will  direct  my  words  to  the  community  at  large. “Restriction  of  free  thought  and  free  speech  is  the  most  dangerous  of  all  subversions.  It  is  the  one  un-­ American  act  that  could  most  easily  defeat  us.â€?  William  O.  Douglas  (the  late  great  Supreme  Court  justice).  He  also  once  said:  â€œThe  Constitu-­ tion  is  not  neutral.  It  was  designed  to  take  the  government  off  the  backs  of  the  people....â€? Â

R.  Woods’  repugnant  vitriol  was  not  only  a  libel  to  me  but  a  grave  affront  to  all  citizens  of  this  com-­ munity.  To  compound  the  calumny,  the  Addison  Independent  apparently  QHYHU FRQÂżUPHG WKH DXWKHQWLFLW\ RI WKH DXWKRU DQG IXUWKHU LQĂ€DPHG the  debate  by  inserting  my  name  in  the  heading  of  the  post.  However,  that  merely  raises  the  issue  of  good  manners,  duty  of  care  and  unbiased  journalism.  In  the  words  of  Voltaire:  â€œI  do  not  agree  with  what  you  have  to  say,  but  I’ll  defend  to  the  death  your  right  to  say  it.â€?  Lastly,  if  the  community  does  not  agree  with  the  fact  that  speed  traps  are  problematic,  why  does  nearly  HYHU\ FDU Ă€DVK WKHLU OLJKWV DW PH DV I  approach  one?  And,  of  course,  the  question  remains.  Who  is  R.  Woods? John  Burton Cornwall Editor’s  note:  Is  Mr.  Burton  im-­

plying  that  we  should  have  printed  his  letter  but  not  the  one  from  a  detractor?  The  opposing  letter  was  not  kind,  but  its  crude  expression  of  support  for  law  enforcement  was  as  legitimate  a  sentiment  as  the  one  Mr.  Burton  expressed  in  his  original  letter,  that’s  why  we  printed  it.  Re-­ grettably,  Mr.  Burton  is  right  that  we  GLG QRW FRQÂżUP WKH LGHQWLW\ RI Âł5 Woodsâ€?  before  publishing  the  let-­ ter,  and  we  should  have;Íž  we’re  sorry  we  didn’t.  We  often  do  contact  letter  writers  before  publication  and  we  had  a  phone  number  for  this  one,  but  in  our  haste  we  did  not  make  the  call,  and  if  we  had  we  would  have  found  the  phone  number  discon-­ nected  and  therefore  disposed  of  the  letter.  We  applaud  John  Burton  for  having  the  courage  of  his  convic-­ tions  and  sign  his  name  to  his  letters  and  remind  others  to  do  the  same.  â€”  John  McCright,  news  editor.

Greed,  government  corruption  are  sustaining  poverty The  failure  of  foreign  aid  and  the  damage  caused  by  corrupt  governments  are  highlighted  in  Paul  Theroux’s  latest  book  on  Africa,  â€œThe  Last  Train  to  Zona  Verde.â€? He  focuses  on  Angola,  a  coun-­ try  with  vast  oil  wealth,  political  repression,  and  some  of  the  worst Â

tried  to  intervene  but  is  underfunded  and  unsupported  by  our  xenophobic  Congress. If  we  want  to  confront  terrorism,  (Continued  from  Page  4) poverty  and  starvation,  this  is  not  a  Leviticus  is  even  better:  27:6:  A  small  issue.  It’s  the  biggest  issue  in  child  aged  1  month  to  5  years  of  age  the  world. Morris  Earle  Jr. was  worth  5  shekels  if  a  boy,  or  3  if  a  Middlebury girl.  So  much  for  the  sanctity  of  life  that  can  be  bought  and  sold  so  easily. In  Deuteronomy  22:13-­21,  it  is  said  that  if  a  single  woman  has  sexual  relations  while  single  and  living  in  environmentalists,  historic  preser-­ selectboard  will  note  the  close-­ her  father’s  house,  she  can  be  stoned  vationists,  young  people,  seniors,  ness  of  the  vote.  In  the  lead-­up  to  to  death.  Not  murder? etc.),  or  is  it  to  encourage  open  dis-­ the  vote  on  Town  Meeting  Day,  As  for  our  founding  fathers,  life,  cussion  of  all  the  issues?  Numerous  opponents  of  the  town  plan  posed  liberty  and  the  pursuit  of  happiness  well-­read  newspapers  (e.g,  The  many  questions  that,  I  believe,  were  New  York  Times)  regularly  run  op-­ QRW VXIÂżFLHQWO\ DQVZHUHG 7KH GHFL-­ may  be  stated  in  the  Declaration  of  ed  pieces  by  writers  who  disagree  sion  about  location  has  been  made,  Independence,  but  not  necessarily  for  women,  slaves  or  children  who  had  with  their  editorial  policy.  The  but  there  are  other  questions  (e.g.,  Addison  Independent  does  have  FRVWV WUDIÂżF DQG SDUNLQJ DQG IDFLOL-­ few  rights.  Also,  abortion  was  legal  until  well  into  the  1800s  or  later  for  a  â€œCommunity  Forum,â€?  but  if  I  ties  for  young  people  and  seniors). many  states.  One  of  our  founding  remember  correctly,  all  the  writers  Before  going  full  speed  ahead,  fathers,  Thomas  Jefferson,  stated  that  favored  a  yes  on  article  6. may  we  ask  the  board  to  continue  for  Native  American  women  who  I  continue  to  express  my  appre-­ in  discussion  with  all  parties  and  ciation  for  the  way  the  Independent  WR PDNH D FDUHIXO HIIRUW WR ÂżQG WKH seems  to  print  as  many  letters  as  best  answers  to  the  questions  that  possible  representing  every  view-­ have  been  raised  about  the  town  point.  But  I  am  asking  now  for  a  plan? reconsideration  of  its  own  editorial  George  Klohck policy. Middlebury Meanwhile  (and  this  may  be  more  important),  I  hope  that  our Â

Brisson  thanks  voters  for  support Dear  Shoreham  voters, I  am  honored  by  your  gracious  support  in  my  write-­in  campaign  for  treasurer.  The  cold  day  outside  the  polls  was  worth  it.  I  plan  to  work  KDUG WR IXO¿OO P\ GXWLHV DQG IROORZ %DUE .LYOLQœV ¿QH H[DPSOH DV WRZQ treasurer.

As  Will  Stevens  said  at  the  end  of  town  meeting  and  I  agree,  â€œShore-­ ham  is  awesome.â€? Thanks  again  and  please  introduce  yourself  to  me  when  you  come  in  to  register  your  dogs  before  April  1. Kathleen  Brisson Shoreham

Isn’t this nifty, the twins are turning 50!

Opinions? Tell us what’s on your mind. Email  to:

State’s  Attorney  David  Fenster,  to  educate  our  teens  about  the  dan-­ gers  of  distracted  driving.  So  far  we  have  presented  at  Middlebury  Union  High  School,  and  are  plan-­ ning  similar  presentations  at  Mount  Abraham  and  Vergennes  union  high  schools. The  fact  is,  none  of  us  is  able  to  drive  safely  while  engaging  in  any-­ thing  other  than  driving.  If  we  drive  while  â€Ś  talking  on  a  cell  phone,  tex-­ ting,  eating,  programming  the  GPS,  reaching  for  a  CD,  or  doing  any  of  the  myriad  other  things  so  many  of  us  do  while  driving,  we  are  actually  reducing  our  brain’s  ability  to  focus  on  driving  by  close  to  40  percent.  Everyone  agrees  it’s  dangerous  to  drink  and  drive.  But  texting  or  cell  phone  calling  (or  doing  any  other  tasks)  while  driving  impairs  our  reaction  time  and  driving  ability  as  much  as,  or  more  than,  driving  over  the  legal  alcohol  limit. See  for  yourselves,  by  visiting  Join  me  and  take  the  pledge  not  to  drive  distracted,  and  urge  Gov.  Shumlin  to  support  H.62. Emily  Joselson Middlebury

Letter Â

roads,  schools,  childhood  death  rates  and  unemployment  on  the  African  continent.  Government  cor-­ ruption  and  greed  like  this  the  world  over  is  the  biggest  producer  of  pov-­ erty  and  political  unrest,  while  our  corporations  work  with  countries  like  Angola  and  turn  a  blind  eye  to  WKH GDPDJH LQĂ€LFWHG 7KH 81 KDV

Newspaper  should  consider  revising  editorial  policy Because  of  the  closeness  of  the  vote  for  the  town/college  plan  for  new  town  hall  and  recreation  facili-­ ties,  I  believe  it  can  be  reasonably  argued  that  Angelo  Lynn’s  editori-­ als  in  the  Addison  Independent  made  the  difference  in  the  result  of  citizens’  choice  on  article  6.  In  recent  editorials  Mr.  Lynn  has  been  a  dependable  cheerleader  for  one  side  among  the  voices  speaking  about  the  future  of  our  town. I  am  left  to  wonder  how  different  things  would  be  for  Middlebury  if  our  newspaper  made  a  point  of  giving  a  respectful  summary  of  all  points  of  view  before  declar-­ ing  its  choice.  Is  the  purpose  of  a  community  newspaper  to  promote  the  interests  of  one  group  (say  businesses,  schools,  the  college, Â

This  is  in  response  to  a  letter  from  a  reader  who  disagreed  with  proposed  legislation,  H.62,  now  pending  in  the  Vermont  House,  titled:  An  Act  Relating  to  Prohibit-­ ing  the  Handheld  Use  of  a  Portable  Electronic  Device  While  Driving.  This  reader  claimed  she  was  an  experienced  driver,  and  could  easily  talk  on  a  cell  phone  while  driving. As  a  personal  injury  attorney  who  too  often  sees  the  tragic  consequences  of  distracted  driving  â€”  including  sitting  with  bereaved  families  who  have  lost  a  loved  one,  or  whose  loved  one  has  suffered  serious  personal  injuries,  as  the  re-­ sult  of  a  collision  with  a  distracted  driver  â€”  I  decided  to  join  with  others  around  the  state  to  speak  out  about  the  dangers  of  distracted  driv-­ ing,  and  try  to  â€œget  aheadâ€?  of  the  curve.  I  started  by  examining  my  own  driving,  and  realized  that  I  was  wrong  to  think  I  could  safely  multi-­ task  while  driving  without  endan-­ gering  anyone.  I  have  now  â€œtaken  the  pledgeâ€?  not  to  drive  distracted,  and  not  to  call  or  text  those  I  know  to  be  driving. I  have  also  started  making  pre-­ sentations  to  area  high  schools,  with Â

Love, the family

accompanied  men  into  war  or  went  along  with  hunting  parties,  â€œchild-­ bearing  becomes  extremely  inconve-­ nient.â€? He  admired  them  for  their  â€œvolun-­ tary  abortions,â€?  and  the  fact  that  they,  â€œpracticed  birth  control  and  when  necessary  terminated  their  pregnan-­ ciesâ€?  (americancreationblogspot. com). Finally,  if  God  creates  all  life  and  we  do  not  possess  any  authority  to  stand  in  the  way,  why  is  everything  around  the  world  so  messed  up?  Massive  amounts  of  killing  go  on  every  day,  abortion  being  the  least  of  it.  God  must  have  one  sick  sense  of  humor. Patricia  Stevenson Salisbury

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