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Tourism Tourism is one of the world’s largest industries, accounting for nearly an eighth of global Gross Domestic Product. It is one of the more complex, cross-cutting areas of economic activity, with huge social and environmental interactions, that needs to be approached from the perspective of sustainable consumption and production. For example, it has massive potential to support the economic and social development of poorer countries. At the same time, there is a need to minimise the potential which tourism also has for damaging the environment and indigenous cultures.

Ramblers on hillside looking over valley Source: 3rd Avenue

The Government aims to build greater cooperation with the UK’s outbound tourism industry and with international partners to promote more sustainable patterns of tourism globally. As a first step we have helped to set up the Travel Foundation, which is developing mechanisms through which tourism can make a positive contribution to local people and the environment. We also recognise that a more coordinated and strategic approach is needed across government and industry. The Government is setting up new arrangements across departments so that the many dimensions of sustainable tourism can be better addressed, both for tourism within the UK and for UK tourism overseas. Within the UK we seek a tourism sector which grows and thrives by actively embracing sustainable development principles. Regional Development Agencies develop and implement Regional Sustainable Tourism Strategies with the aim of mainstreaming tourism into their wider actions to achieve sustainable economic growth, through their Regional Economic Strategies. We will support their actions with the help of local authority Beacon Councils and private sector initiatives like the Green Tourism Business Scheme.

Construction and construction minerals The construction sector makes an important contribution not only in the use and management of resources, including minerals and wood, but also in shaping how we use them in our everyday life. The Code for Sustainable Buildings (see Chapter 4) will establish new voluntary standards for resource efficiency. In addition, the Government will continue to demonstrate what can be achieved by good design and management through our Millennium Communities programme. Through our work with the Housing Forum, English Partnerships, and others, the Government will continue to actively promote the use of good quality Modern Methods of Construction which can offer resource efficiency through reducing waste, better levels of productivity, energy efficiency, and improved health and safety.

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