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Adam Townend OUGD303 Identities Brief 2 Board 7/10

The Delivery The driving force behind this brief was typography, but the client also requested a symbol or icon that could be used as mark that worked alongside the logotype or on its own. After debating we both agreed on the clackerboard arrows that symbolise forward thinking, movement and timing. I tried to keep the identity as flexible as possible to ensure Charlotte could use it as she chooses.

The business cards were printed in a variety of colours, which Charlotte chose. Due to budget I didn’t look into the stock wasn’t considered. Instead, Charlotte requested a website to showcase her work. I set up a simple Indexhibit website that allows her to upload her work without prior knowledge of web programming. A branded notebook was also added to the range.

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.