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San Antonio, United States

I was bullied for being passionate about art. I was called ugly and insulting names because I love to eat. I was probably the weirdest nerd in the entire school back in high school because I prefer buying art materials and going to local art exhibits than attending nonsensical drinking spree at a schoolmate’s house party. But that didn’t steer me away from my addiction to art or my crazed moments over food. These things made me happy and that was enough for me. This is probably sounding like I’m a total loser. Well, I’m now an accountant, waiting for my final interview with the biggest financing firm in Texas. I’m in the process of buying my own house. And a co-curator at a local museum in San Antonio. I’m telling you this because I want to share the lesson in life I learned after being an underdog for years - and that is life begins after high school. You become what you choose to be. And I choose to be a person with moral and values. Stop the hate. #notobullying
