West Side Story Program

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Director’s Note: Many people put A LOT of hard work and dedication into building this musical. The cast of actors, organizers, and crew members for this show have been absolutely incredible; I could not have asked for a better group! West Side Story is particularly complex in the areas of music and dance, but fortunately we have amazing students, teachers, and volunteers who rose to the challenge. I am extremely proud of all the students and so grateful to all the volunteers! Even though everyone has put in a great deal of time, it has felt more like fun than work. Besides all the great people involved, the musical itself is also wonderful. It is the kind of show that will cause you to think, move you to tears, and make you laugh hysterically all in the same act. So, I hope you enjoy this amazing piece of theatre as much as we enjoyed putting it together! Now……It’s time to choose.

West Side Story Synopsis Romeo and Juliet is updated to the tenements of mid-1950s New York City in this musical landmark. We are introduced to two rival street gangs: the Jets, second-generation American teens, and the Sharks, Puerto Rican immigrants. When the war between the Jets and Sharks reaches a fever pitch, Jets leader Riff decides to challenge the Sharks to one last "winner take all" rumble. He decides to meet Sharks leader Bernardo for a war council at a gymnasium dance; to bolster his argument, Riff wants his old pal Tony, the cofounder of the Jets, to come along. But Tony has set his sights on vistas beyond the neighborhood and has fallen in love with Bernardo's sister, Maria, a love that, as in Romeo and Juliet, will eventually end in tragedy.

DISCLAIMER Be advised that the following production contains derogatory, cultural slurs. This type of language is in no way upheld by Monroe High School. The expressions chosen by the playwright do, however, accurately reflect the time in which the musical is set and the hostility among different social groups.

Emily, We are very proud of all your accomplishments including this show! God bless you always. Love, Mimi & Pap Adam, We love you so much and you are OUR STAR !! Love, Mom and Dad

We are very proud of our Hoover girls! Love, Uncle Aaron & Aunt Lisette

Emily and Rachel, We are so excited to be here at West Side Story to see both of your beautful faces! We love you both so much! Love, Andy, Sarah, Jacob and Luke

Gayle, You are amazing and I’m so proud of you. I love you so much! Love, Casey

Jacob, You’re so talented, smart & simply amazing. We know you’ll go far. Congrats on everything!! Love Ya Cuz, Donia.

Eric, We’re so proud of you! Have a blast! Sharks rule! ☺ Love, Dad, Mom and Lindsay

Jay, What a joy you are to us! We love you! Papaw Phil, Nanna, Papaw Buddy, Mamaw Sandy

Rachel, We are proud of you for using all your talents for God’s glory! Best stage manager ever! Love, Dad, Mom, Emily & Zach

Hi Adam! How was your day? I am looking down on you and I know you are a star!! Break a Leg. Love, Grammy

Sweetie Pea!!! I love you!! Break a Leg! Love, Mom

Cayli, My Audrey Hepburn girl ~ “I never think of myself as an icon. What is in other people’s minds is not in my mind. I just do my thing.” Love you! Mom

Parker, We love you and are so proud of you! Aunt JayLen, Uncle Barak, Barak Jay, Bryce, and Grace

Nikki, I am so very proud of you and your accomplishments over these last four years. I hope you continue your future in Theatre because it shows how talented you are. I love you so much!!! Mom

Nikki, I am so excited to see my talented Aunt Ninni in action! Only on this stage will you outshine me! I LOVE YOU! Your biggest little fan, Carson

ACT I Scene 1- The Street • •

“Jet Song”-Jet Guys Jets, Sharks, Anybodys, Schrank, Krupke

Scene 2 – In front of Doc’s Drugstore • •

“Something’s Coming”-Tony Riff,Tony

Scene 3 –Dress Shop •

Anita, Maria, Bernardo,Chino

Scene 4 – High School Gym • • •

“Mambo”-Jets & Sharks “Maria”-Tony Jets, Sharks, Tony, Maria, Glad Hand, Krupke

Scene 5 – Maria’s Balcony • •

“America”-Shark Girls Tony, Maria, Sharks

Scene 6 – Doc’s Drugstore • •

“Cool”-Jets Jets, Sharks, Doc, Tony, Schrank

Scene 7 – Dress Shop • •

“One Hand, One Heart”-Tony & Maria Anita, Maria, Tony

Scene 8 – The City •

“Tonight”-Jet Guys, Shark Guys, Anita, Tony, Maria, Riff

Scene 9 – The Street •

Jet Guys, Shark Guys, Tony, Anybodys ACT II

Scene 1 - Maria’s Apartment • • •

“I Feel Pretty”-Maria, Consuela, Rosalia & Francisca “Somewhere”-Tony & Maria Maria, Consuela, Rosalia, Francisca, Chino, Tony

Scene 2 – The Street • •

“Gee, Officer Krupke”-Action, Arab, Baby John, Diesel, Snowboy Action, Arab, Baby John, Diesel, Snowboy, Krupke, Anybodys

Scene 3 – Maria’s Apartment • •

A Boy Like That/I Have Love-Anita & Maria Anita, Maria, Tony, Schrank

Scene 4 – Doc’s Drugstore •

Action, Arab, Baby John, Diesel, Snowboy, Anybodys, Doc

Scene 5 – Doc’s Drugstore •

Doc, Tony

Scene 6 - The Street •


Jay, Good luck on your big performance. Hope you knock ‘em dead! God Bless! Your annoying brother, Jordan and His goofy friend, Tim

Gayle, You are our shining star! We love you and are so proud of you! Papy, Mamy, Grandpa & Grandma

Hannah Robertson, Enjoy your time on the West Side! You make us very proud! We love you. Mom & Dad

Heather, Have fun, break a leg. Love, Grammy

Danny, We hope you’ve had fun in your first show. So proud of you for trying something new! Love you! Mom & Dad

Jacob, This may be your last high, school show, but you’ll always be a star!!! Love, Linda

Jacob, We are so proud of you and we Wish you the best!! Love, Richelle, Jeff, Cody, Alex, Cody & Kylee

Alex, We know this is just the beginning for you. We love you! Papy, Mamy, Grandpa and Grandma

Emily, Have fun! What a fantastic way to wrap up your senior year! We're so proud of you! Break a leg, Jet Girl! Love, Dad, Mom, Rachel & Zach

Emily and Rachel, We are so proud of you both! God has blessed us with sweet talented granddaughters! Love, Grandpa Herb and Grandma Audrey

Parker, We love you and have so enjoyed your talents. From a footloose Garvin, A convincing Le Fou, a skeptical salesman attempting to thwart professor Hill, and now a singing & dancing Shark! Break a leg! Grandpa and Grandma Kalasek

Jay, I am so unbelievably proud of you! I know you are going to be awesome! Break a leg! Love you, Your favorite and awesome big sister, Megan

Personal Ads The cast of West Side Story, You make working around the clock worth it. You’re all fabulous and I’ve enjoyed every moment of working with you! Break a leg! Snork Norsworthy

Jay, Your hard work has paid off and we couldn’t be more proud of your performance! Love, Mom & Dad

Heather, We are so proud of you. Keep smiling! Love, Mom & Dad

Kaitlynn, Wow! Senior year! We Could not be more proud of you! We love you! Your awesome family.

Stacey, I’m so proud of my daughter for all her achievements. I’ll be there always cheering you on. I love you! Mommy <3

Jay, Your aunt Melly loves you very much and I am so proud of you! Aunt Melanie

Gayle, You are so talented and so full of life. We always enjoy watching you perform and we’re proud of you. We love you! Mom & Dad

Alexander, We are so proud of you for getting the role you wanted. You’re an awesome Baby John! We love you! Mom & Dad

Danny, Go for the dream! Love, Grandma

Hannah Robertson, You’ll always be my star! Love, Grandma

Brailee, Listen shark girl... We think you rock! Have a great show! We love you! Your awesome family

Jacob, Congratulations on your final high school show!! We’re very proud of you and we love you very much!! You always make us proud!! Love, Mom & Dad


Tony Riff Action A-Rab Baby John Snowboy Big Deal Diesel Anybodys Velma Graziella Clarice Minnie Pauline Beatrice

Jay Miller Troy Patrick Saxon Hall Danny Robertson Alex Bryan Jon Lawson Adam Johnson Matt Kakari Mandy Baker Gayle Bryan Emily Hoover Hannah Robbins Taylor Patrick Danielle Guido Cayli Baldwin


THE SHARKS: SHARKS: Maria Bernardo Anita Chino Pepe Indio Luis Anxious Juano Rosalia Consuelo Teresita Francisca Estella Margarita

Hannah Robertson Chris Shorten Katya Hernandez Myles Brown Christian Floyd Parker Kalasek Jacob Turnbow Jonathan Caudell Eric Stone Kaytlynn Nall (Maria U) Nikki Larkin Heather Baker Myah Pope Brailee Nall (Anita U) Stacey Schanck

THE ADULTS: Doc Detective Schrank Officer Krupke Glad Hand

Dave Farrish Taylor Young Nathan Frith Jennene Alexander

Chris Shorten (12 Grade) - Bernardo, a Shark Christopher Shorten is a senior this year and plans to attend The Ohio State University in the fall. Chris is an avid writer who wishes to one day become a published author. Until his dream comes true however, he will continue to write and do all of the other activities he loves--playing the tuba, studying philosophy and psychology, acting, and deciphering life's many riddles. After all, success only comes to those who are willing to continue against the odds.


Eric Stone (10 Grade) – Juano, Sharks Eric has been involved in musicals at church and with the Middletown Children’s Community Theatre. He is involve his church youth choir and worship band. He is involved Accapella Choir and Between the Lines at school, soccer Student Council and plays Soccer for Cincinnati United Lakota Lightning. He is excited to be a part of his first Monroe High School musical. Go Colts!


Jacob Turnbow (12 Grade)- Luis, a Shark Jacob is very happy to be a part of West Side Story along side his friends. Thanks to his parents for supporting him, and all the stage parents who helped put this on. This is his senior year and some of you will be missed.

Taylor Young (12th Grade)-Lt. Schrank Taylor has been in musicals since he was in 8th grade. He has been in High school musical, Footloose, Music Man, Beauty and the Beast, and now West Side story. Taylor would like to thank his Mom and his Dad for all the support also all his friends and his girlfriend for being there for him all the time. Sadly, this is his last musical

Hannah Robbins (12th Grade) - Clarice, Jet Girl Hannah’s been in Show Choir since her sophomore year and A Cappella Choir since her junior year. She’s an original member of Between the Lines. She’s been casted in Footloose, Beauty and the Beast, The Music Man, West Side Story and various church productions. She plans to major in Praise and Worship in college and minor in Theater. First, she wants to thank God who is first in her life and without him she wouldn't be alive. Second, she wants to thank her parents for everything that they've done for her. Last, but not least, she wants to thank you all for coming!


Danny Robertson (9 grade) - Arab, Jet Danny is a freshman at MHS. West Side Story is his first production. He plays the role of Arab, who is a member of the Jets. He’s so stoked! Danny wants to give a shout out to his sister, Hannah, who's playing the role of Maria.


Hannah Robertson (12 Grade) - Maria Hannah is a senior at Monroe and plans to attend Anderson University in the fall majoring in music education. Prior to “West Side Story,” she has been in “High School Musical,” “Footloose,” “Beauty and the Beast,” and “The Music Man.” She is also involved in the A Capella Choir, Show Choir, and Between the Lines singing group, Thespians, NHS, and Student Council at Monroe. Hannah would like to thank God, Mr. and Mrs. Jauss, Mr. and Mrs. Norsworthy, and all the parents involved in this production. To the cast, thank you for a great time and to her parents, thank you for all of your support. A special thanks to Jay Miller for being the best Tony a Maria could ask for!


Stacey Lynn Schenck (10 Grade) – Stacey is currently in Show Choir. The past musicals she’s been in are Dig It, Compose Yourself, Go West and High School Musical. Her family and friends give Stacey her inspiration to sing and perform. She would be nothing without them.

CREW Director Music Director Choreographer Fight Choreographer Technical Director Set Construction Costumes Publicity Playbill Tickets Concessions Stage Manager Sound Spot Stage Crew

Set Construction Crew

Publicity Artwork Print Work:

Devan Norsworthy Mark Jauss Jennifer Hoelle-Jauss Benjamin Norsworthy Paul Mann Wayne Robbins Kim Nall & Angie Hoover Kaylene Etheridge Sophie Bryan Kim Robertson Mimi Johnson Rachel Hoover Rachel Robbins Krysten Flick Doug Flick, Eileen Butler Sara Sumner, Ellen Short, Erin Short Krysten Flick, Alyssa Rawls, Alex Hall, Jackie Cain, Jenny Stuhlreyer, Eric Wenglikowski Hannah Robbins, Rachel Robbins, Emily Hoover Maria Dongo Daubenmire Printing

Special thanks to: Dave Farrish and Jennene Alexander Mitchell Finke, Diane Mueller, Donna Townsend, Mrs. Norsworthy’s 4th & 5th Period Drama Classes, Butler Tech, Mr. Burklow’s Advanced Internet Class, Steve Moon, Pam Miller, Karen Cook, Jay Junker (“Time to Choose” t-shirts), Cinda Pelfrey (You can have your space back!), Hannah Robbins & Saxon Hall (For untangling fence), Travis Rice & Alex Bake (For “R” and “E”)

Cast Bios th

Amanda Baker (10 Grade) – Anybodys, a Jet Amanda is acting in her first musical at Monroe High School. Earlier this year, she took drama class with Mrs. Norsworthy and performed in the drama 1 class production of "Thriller" playing the role of Michael Jackson's girlfriend. She also had a role in the Carol Burnett show that was put on earlier in the school year. Amanda is very excited to be a part of West Side Story and would like to thank everyone who supports her! th

Heather Baker (12 Grade) – Teresita, a Shark Girl Heather has participated in many musicals over the years. She was a chorus member of Guys and Dolls, High School Musical, Footloose; she was the stage manager of the Music Man. Heather is a member of NHS, twirls the flag in the school’s marching band, attends Young Life, is a member of the yearbook staff, and a former member of the school’s Varsity Bowling Team. She is the Clerk for Monroe’s Thespian Troupe. Heather would like to thank her mom and dad for everything they done for her over the years, all of her friends (you know who you are!) for making her high school experience awesome, and Mrs. Norsworthy (Snork!) and Mr. Jauss for being the best directors ever! She plans on attending Miami University Oxford in the fall.

Cayli Baldwin (Junior) – Beatrice, a Jet Girl This is Cayli’s first musical and she is extremely excited to be a part of it! She is involved in the Monroe’s girls tennis team, the academic quiz team, future teachers club, prom committee, and she also takes piano lessons. Cayli would like to thank her amazing mother for all the great things she does and also her older brother Craig, who always encourages her to do her best.

Myles Brown (11th Grade) – Chino, a Shark Myles has performed in High School Musical, Beauty and the Beast, The Miracle Worker, Rumors and the Carol Burnett Show. Myles would like to thank Marlon Brando, his Mommy and Daddy and his sister Nia Ain Gayle.


Kaitlynn Nall (12 Grade) – Rosalia, a Shark girl This is Kaitlynn's fifth musical. She has performed in High School Musical, Footloose, Beauty and the Beast, and Music Man. She is also in Show Choir, Acapella Choir, and Pop Acapella-Between the Lines. She would like to thank her parents for teaching her to work hard and have good standards. It has shaped her into the person she is today.


Taylor Patrick (8 Grade) – Minnie, a Jet Girl Taylor is a jet girl in West Side Story. She has done many other shows with Middletown Performing Arts Academy such as Peter Pan, Jungle Book, Wizard of Oz and Nutcracker. Taylor has also done a show at La Comedia called Cindarella. She just finished West Side Story with a group in Lebanon and can’t wait for this one.

Troy Patrick (9th grade) – Riff, leader of the Jets Troy has done two shows at La Comedia, the "Christmas Spectacular" and "Cinderella". He has also been in another production of West Side Story through Dance Kids Studios where he currently takes ballet and musical theater classes. Troy has been in choir with Mr. Jauss for two years; he is currently in A Cappella choir, show choir, and Between the Lines.

Myah Pope (11th grade) – Francesca, a Shark This is Myah’s first musical and she is really honored to participate in it. She has danced for many years and she is currently teaching a dance ministry at her church. Myah wants to thank her family for inspiring and supporting her in her goals, and she’s really excited ☺


Jay Miller (12 Grade) – Tony Jay is honored to play the role of Tony in this iconic Broadway Musical. He’s been in past school plays and musicals such as Footloose, Beauty and the Beast, the Music Man, the Carol Burnett Show, the Wizard of Oz, Guys and Dolls, and Fiddler on the Roof. In his spare time he likes to hang with his friends, write, and film short films, watch old movies, and listen to good ol’ tunes. Jay would like to thank his parents for their love and support of everything heI does, Brett Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. Norsworthy and Mr. and Mrs. Jauss for putting on such a darn good show and finally, the stellar cast, for helping him have one of the best times he’s ever had in High School. He’ll miss you guys. ☺

Nikki Larkin (12th Grade) – Consuela, a Shark girl Nikki has been an active thespian for 4 years now. She is the VicePresident of her thespian troupe and has been a Dance Captain in Monroe's Show choir for 5 years.She has been in performances since she was in elementary school such as Annie, Footloose, Beauty and the Beast, Rumors, the Music Man, The Carol Burnett Show, and more.She is attending Wright State once this year is over."if it wasn't for this outstsanding cast, Mrs.Norsworthy, and Mr.and Mrs.Jauss this performance wouldn't be possible. Thanks for making my senior year amazing!" She would like to thank her mom for putting up with her for all these years. "Words can't describe how much I appreciate everything you do mom, I LOVE YOU".


Jon Lawson (12 Grade) – Snowboy, a Jet Jon is a senior who goes to Options Academy – The Arts (Butler Tech) through Monroe. There, he is currently a Dance Major. Some shows that Jon’s been in with Monroe include High School Musical, Footloose & Beauty and the Beast.

Brailee Nall (9th Grade) - Estella/Understudy for Anita This is Brailee’s first musical and she has enjoyed it thoroughly. She plays trumpet in the band and has played for 5 years. She completed her first year in the marching band this fall. She enjoys reading, watching movies, and spending time with her family.


Alex Bryan (8 grade) – Baby John, a Jet Alex is glad to have the part of Baby John in this year’s musical. He’s participated in previous musicals such as Guys & Dolls and High School Musical. He is in Jr. High Student Council and plays the trumpet in Monroe’s Marching Band. Alex would like to thank his parents for inspiring him, and his sister, Gayle (who is Velma in the musical) for always helping him along the way.


Gayle Bryan (10 Grade) - Velma, a Jet Girl Gayle is a member of the Monroe Thespians, Show th Choir and Between the Lines. This is her 6 musical at Monroe. She has also been in four plays. Gayle is also a member of the drill team. She would like to thank her wonderful mother for always supporting her, and her dad, for loving her and shout out to Baby John for being awesome. Casey, you’re amazing! Oh yeah and Gayle has a friend, her name is Danielle.

Jonathan Caudell: (10th Grade) - Anxious, a Shark This is Jonathan’s second musical and he is very excited to be a part of it and to work alongside his close friends. He is happy to be a Shark because he loves Spanish and Hispanic culture. He was also a part of the fall play, Carol Burnett Show. He appreciates his friends and their encouragement toward him in music and theater. He is also a part of Thespians, Student Council, Future Teachers Club, Academic Quiz Team, and Choir.


Christian Floyd (10 Grade)- Pepe, a Shark Christian Floyd is 16 and a sophomore at Monroe. Christian is a part of Monroe's Acapella choir. He has been in other performances such as Beauty and the Beast, Rumors, The Music Man, and more. Christian is also involved in a band called " The Star-Crossed Lovers" Next year he will be going to Options Academy of the Arts to further his passion in Music. He is motivated by quotes from Charlie Sheen. He would also like to thank Nikki,and his parents for everything they've done for him. "Enjoy the show!"

Emily Hoover: (12th Grade)-Graziella, a Jet Girl Nathan Frith (10th Grade) – Officer Krupke Nathan is a sophomore here at Monroe High School. He is very excited because this is his first time in a show. Nathan doesn’t really do a lot, so he thought it was nice to take a break from terrorizing his peers and participate in something artsy. Lol.

Danielle Guido (10th Grade) - Pauline, a Jet girl Her name is Danielle. Her middle name is Alana. Her last name is Guido. She loves performing and making people laugh. This musical has been a great experience. The dances are awesome and....yeah. She is currently in Algebra 2. She was the understudy for a pepper shaker for Beauty and the Beast. She has a liking for animals. She is a black belt in Taekwondo. She is not the understudy for Maria. She also has a friend. Her name is Gayle.

Emily is thrilled to be on stage in Monroe's production of West Side Story as Graziella! She played Ethel Toffelmeier in The Music Man. She enjoys helping to lead worship in her church’s Youth Praise & Worship Band and choir, and is a member of Monroe’s A Cappella choir as well as the pop a cappella group, "Between the Lines". She has performed in several children’s theatre productions in her church as well as in the local community. She is a member of Monroe’s Thespian Troupe, Yearbook Staff, National Honor Society and her church youth group. Special thanks to God, family and friends for their love and support!


Adam Johnson (10 Grade) – Big Deal, a Jet Adam has been in every musical at Monroe since 2004 and music is his life in general. Adam would like to thank his parents and friends.


Saxon Hall (11 grade) – Action, a Jet Saxon has been in more plays than the number of times Oprah decided to lose weight. If you looked up the word “extraordinary” in the dictionary, you’d probably see a picture of Denzel Washington. But he’d be holding a picture of Saxon. He rocked your world as Cogsworth in Beauty and the Beast, made you cry during The Music Man, and will make you want him in your children’s history books when you see his performance this year. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! P.S. Garbage Day!

Matt Kakaris (12th Grade) – Diesel, a Jet Matt has played music since birth. Currently, he plays everything from drums to guitar. He was in Monroe High School's "The Carol Burnett Show." After High School he will attend the Art Institute of Ohio - Cincinnati for Digital Filmmaking.



Katya Hernandez (11 Grade) – Anita, a Shark girl rd Katya is 17 and has been in musicals since 3 grade and nd church plays since 2 . Being on stage is a great feeling for her and she loves showing the audience something they don’t usually see. Katya is so glad to play the role of Anita this year. As always, she had a great time doing the musical. She would like to thank her family, Mr. Jauss and Mrs. Norsworthy.

Parker Kalasek (12 Grade) – Indio, a Shark This is Parker’s fifth musical at Monroe. He is in the Monroe show choir and A Capella choir. He enjoys spending time at his church and participating in the youth group. He couldn’t have done this show without the support of his family, his church, his fellow cast mates, his very awesome friends, Prof. Seth M. Oak, and God. Parker is dedicating his last show at Monroe to all of these awesome people that he’s grown to love through all of these years.

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