Volunteer Satisfaction and Experience Survey Report

Page 18

Training Training is an important component of the Volunteer Program at ACT. ACT strives to ensure that volunteers feel capable to fulfill their roles in the agency, and are given opportunities to learn and develop skills. Research has shown that dissatisfaction with training can lead to higher levels of volunteer burnout and dropoutv. Almost all respondents to Survey One received ACT Core Skills Training. Many other respondents noted participating in other training in addition to Core Skills. Volunteers who are unable to participate in Core Skills are still able to volunteer with ACT, but in a limited capacity (with our fundraising events, Pride Walk, or Condom Stuffing nights). What training have you received from ACT to support your volunteer activities

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Core skills training

Program specific training

In-service training workshops

on the job training



Communication with Volunteers Our literature review identified a volunteer’s “feeling of engagement” with the agency as important to their retention and dedication in volunteering. The volunteer program identifies regular communication with volunteers as an important component of engagement, making sure that volunteers feel connected to ACT and aware of agency activities. Volunteers receive news about what is happening at ACT through a number of mechanisms. By far, the majority of respondents noted that they receive information about ACT via communications from the Program Volunteer Resources Manager and/or their program specific coordinator/supervisor. In addition to those response options listed in the survey, some volunteers receive news about what is happening at ACT through other organizations and through the Access Centre (reception) at ACT. In response to our question “Do you feel informed about what’s happening at ACT?”, 39% of respondents stated that they always felt informed about what was happening at ACT, and 30% said they mostly felt informed. 15% stated that they sometimes felt informed, 10% said rarely, and 5% said never. Because this was not an open-ended question, we were not able to assess what barriers exist for these volunteers to obtain information about the agency. Volunteer Satisfaction and Experience Survey Report Page 18

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