Can I install a Kaspersky antivirus without a CD drive?

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Can I install a Kaspersky antivirus without a CD drive?

System requirements are mandatory to install the applications you need to complete your daily tasks. Whether you play games, write code for web-based applications or install them, system requirements are prior conditions to perform any action in your workstations. When it comes to antivirus, these requirements work in synchronization with the latest version to install and get timely updates. Before discussing the procedure to install Kaspersky antivirus, we will discuss some post-installation recommendations:• Check the protection status of your Kaspersky in the main window of the application. You can perform this check by opening the action center and then, Control Panel. Under the option of System and Security, select Review your computer’s status. • Check the warranty of your anti-virus by logging in to your Kaspersky account. Click on Support and then, go to Warranty. You will see the total time period for the warranty. Moreover, the action center automatically generates alerts if the warranty deadline gets elapsed. • Prefer to run a full-time system scan on a weekly basis so that hackers can’t avail of the undue advantage of your personal information. Installing Kaspersky without Compact Disk There are various ways to install antivirus. In this section, I will be discussing the installation process step-by-step without a CD. Let’s see how it happens:• Install the executable file to your operating system downloaded from the Kaspersky Lab site. • Run the command line interface by typing cmd in the search bar of your windows. You will see a popup window in black color. This is a command prompt from where we will initiate the further process.

• Go to the Download folder of your PC. Locate your Kaspersky activation code. Drag it from there and drop on the command prompt spot. In case it doesn’t work, type kav20.exe/len-us. • Now, the command prompt will ask for the Kaspersky ACTIVATIONCODE=<value>. Enter the activation key in the value option.




• Accept the end-user license agreement by AGREETOEULA=1 • Wait for the time till the command prompt checks the necessary parameters for the further installation process. • Enter the address of the installer by INSTALLADR=<value>, where the value indicates the address of the installer. Follow the other essential instructions for the setup wizard and close to the command prompt as the installation is complete.

The above process is easy-to-implement for tech-savvy people as they are flexible with such instructions. For non-tech users, there are various ways to install Kaspersky antivirus mentioned on the company’s site. Don’t hesitate to visit the webpage in case you get stuck while downloading the antivirus. Source URL:

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