Google Classroom: Guide for Teachers

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GOOGLE CLASSROOM: Guide for Teachers

This guide will introduce you to Google Classroom, which is one of the many tools offered by our Google Apps for Education service. It will provide you with all you need to create and manage class streams and create, share and collect assignments all online in the cloud.

Google Classroom With Google Classroom, teachers can create classes and invite their students in minutes, saving time to focus on learning. Classroom brings students and teachers together. Teachers can share resources, post announcements and assignments for students to complete all online in a web browser so students can keep track of what’s due. Students and teachers can collaborate together all in the one place. Student work can also be viewed live by teachers who can provide real-time (paperless!) feedback.

Contents About Google Apps for Education


Email your Students


Starting Up


Add a Class Announcement


Logging On


Set Student Posting Permissions




Create an Assignment


Create a Class


Edit or Delete an Assignment


Change a Class Theme


View Student Progress


Add Class Resources


Add Students to Your Class


Mark and Return Assignments to Students


Remove or Mute Students




Welcome to Google Apps for Education

Benefits Google Classroom:

About Google Apps for Education

• l ets teachers post class resources, assignments, announcements and due dates so they are visible to all class students. Even students can post announcements if the teacher enables it.

Google Apps for Education (GAFE) is a cloud-based system offering online productivity tools for classroom collaboration. GAFE provides students and teachers with unlimited cloud storage in Google Drive, Docs, Sheets and Slides. GAFE also provides student email and other modern online communication tools.

• can be accessed from anywhere online, on any device with a modern browser.

• c onnects to your Google Drive to automatically create and manage folders for each of your classes. Classroom adds any assignments and materials to the right folder all on its own. • enables real-time learning all in the web. Teachers can view a student’s work live and students can receive feedback as they go, even before they’ve submitted.

Starting up

Logging on

Open a web browser and go to the Digital Backpack webpage:


Create a Class

Enter your SchoolsNET username (firstname_lastname) and password.

On the bottom right of the page, select TEACHER

Click “Logon”. Students Students who have returned their parent/carer consent form will use their SchoolsNET username (student number) and password. Click “Logon”. When the Backpack page launches, click the Google Classroom icon.

Click the + icon on the top right to create your first class

Give your class a name. Make the title something you and your students would immediately recognise. In the second Section text box, add a description such as the year level, name of the course your class belongs to, then click CREATE. NOTE: IT’S RECOMMENDED THAT YOUR SCHOOL CONSIDER A CONSISTENT NAMING CONVENTION FOR CLASSES SO STUDENTS DON’T SEE CLASS TITLES AND DESCRIPTIONS DIFFERENTLY DEPENDING ON THE TEACHER.





Change a Class Theme

Click “Title” in the materials area at the bottom of the page and give your resource a name. The icons below enable you to add your resource a number of different ways:

In the header of your Classroom page, select Change class theme and select something you like. Google provides a gallery for you to choose from.

Add Class Resources Click ABOUT on the title bar and add any additional information which may be helpful to your students.

Upload a file that is stored on your computer. For e.g. it’s a unit outline on your G: Drive folder.

Add a file from your Google Drive. This could be a file you’ve already uploaded to Google Drive earlier, or perhaps a Google Doc or Sheet you have created inside of Google drive.

This brings up a YouTube search field for a YouTube video you may wish to add as a material.

This will provide a link to another webpage or site that you want to make visible as easy access for students.

Once you have added the resource, click POST and it will appear on the page.

To delete or edit the item, click the ellipsis icon (the 3 dot icon) on the top right of the resource for options. The materials you add will be available in Google Drive for you and all your students who join the class.

You can also post resources and materials for your class in the ABOUT section. This can be a unit outline, syllabus, class rules etc.





Add Students to your Class There are a few options when it comes to adding students to your Classroom class and they are all very simple.

Click GROUPS and look through the list for your class code or unit title that corresponds to the class you have created.

Google Groups are automatically created for you based on your school, and the classes and units you teach.

To invite students in your class or unit, click STUDENTS in the title bar, then click INVITE

You will then see a list of all students within this group as represented in MAZE. Select the students in this list you want to send a class invitation to, or Select all to include all students. Click Invite Students. This will send an email notification to the selected students and provide a link for them to accept and join your class. This list may contain students who do not yet have a Google Apps account. Only students with the parent permissions checked in MAZE will have a Google Apps account to receive an invitation for your class. Students who do not yet have Google Apps permission will still be visible in this list, but will not receive an invitation.

When you have invited students, they will get an email invitation. Once the student accepts the Classroom invitation, “Invited” will disappear and the student’s name will no longer be faded.





Invite students by enrolment code

Email your Students The email function is not available in Classroom because ETD staff use Outlook, not Gmail. You can email students individually from your Outlook by typing their as depicted

All Google Classrooms have a unique enrolment code that is displayed in the STREAM section of your page. If you share this code with your students, they can log into Google Classroom, select Join Class and enter that code and it’s done. NOTE: GOOGLE CLASSROOM DOES NOT CURRENTLY ALLOW A CLASS TO HAVE MULTIPLE TEACHERS. GOOGLE MAY RELEASE THIS FEATURE IN THE FUTURE.

Remove or Mute a Student

Email groups have been pre-created in Google for you. These groups sync with MAZE daily, so with one single email address you can email all students in your class, your unit, a year cohort or all students at your school. These groups all begin with your school code. As an example, if I was teaching at school XXXX:

Would send an email to all students:

at my school in Year 11 at my school in the 4503BS2 class code

Click STUDENTS in the title bar and select the student/s you wish to remove, email or mute. Click the ACTIONS button and select the appropriate field.

You will then be asked to confirm.




Add a Class Announcement

Create an Assignment

Class announcements allow you (and students with posting permissions) to share information or anything of interest with your class. With announcements, you can attach a link to a webpage, uploaded file, anything in your Google Drive or a YouTube video (if your students have YouTube access). To add an announcement, in your class STREAM click Share with your class

Click Assignment at the top of the stream.

Type your announcement and select any of the appropriate icons if you want to attach a file, Google Drive item, a YouTube video or a link Enter the title of the assignment and a description. The assignment is due the next day by default. Click the date to select a different date from the calendar. click POST

If you want the assignment turned in before midnight on the due date, click Add time to set a different time. You can click the time again to select a time from the drop-down list.

Set Student Posting Permissions

To attach a file, a Google Drive item, a YouTube video, or a link, click the appropriate icon.

This feature enables you to set permissions on what students can and can’t do on the class stream.

Click STUDENTS and select the appropriate field from the drop down list. 12



Locate and select the relevant item and click Add. If you attach a Drive item, you have a few options on how the student can interact with the item. You set the appropriate option by clicking Students can view file next to the attached item.

Edit or Delete an Assignment

Select Students can view file if you want all students to read the same file, but not change it. Select Students can edit file if you want all students to make changes in the same file. Select Make a copy for each student if you want each student to have an individual copy of the file that they can change as needed. Click the assignment menu and select Edit or Delete. Selecting Edit will allow you to make any changes to the assignment. Click Save.

If you want to give the assignment to another class as well, click the class name next to the attachment icons and select any additional classes. Click Assign to post the assignment for students.

If you delete an assignment, all grades and comments related to the assignment are deleted. Any attachments or files created by you or the students are still available in Google Drive.

View Student Progress

Open the class and click the assignment in the class stream.




The Student Submissions page shows the current status of the students’ work on this assignment and review what they have done. You can also view which students have submitted the assignment, which will be marked as DONE. This allows you to click the student’s assignment to open it to add feedback, comments or suggestions all in the document, even if the student is in the document at the same time.

By clicking on the student in the list, you will see more detail including the date and time of submission (if submitted), submission history and of course anything the student has submitted including any other attachments. To open all of the students’ assignments at once, click FOLDER to open the Google Drive folder where all of the work is stored. Click any item in the folder and begin reviewing the student’s work.

If you chose to create a copy of a Google Drive item for each student, the copy appears on the Student Submissions page when the student opens it.




Mark and Return an Assignment to a Student:

To grade an assignment, click No Grade on the same line as the student’s name. The default point value for an assignment is 100. To change this, click Points and select the point value for the assignment. Or, click the number and enter a new number. Only whole number grades are supported at this time. You cannot enter a letter grade or a decimal point.

Add any additional feedback and click RETURN ASSIGNMENT. The student receives an email telling them that you’ve returned their grade. Also, the student regains edit access to any Drive files that were part of the assignment.

Enter the grade in the box. Warning: The grades that you enter on this page will not be saved unless you return the assignments to the students.

Click RETURN. The student’s name and the grade is listed. On the Student Submissions page, a message indicates that the assignment has been returned. The list on the page is updated to show the student’s work that is graded and returned.




Support See your School’s ICT Coordinator or IT Officer. Should your ICT Coordinator or IT Officer be unable to resolve the issue, they can log a request with the Shared Services ICT Service Desk.

Self Help Free online training is available from the Google for Education training page. /training/get-trained/ Support for all other areas of Google Apps can be obtained via the Google Help Center.

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