Protection Screen Xclimb 60

Page 1

User information


Method statement

999800902 en-GB

Protection screen Xclimb 60


The Formwork Experts


User information Protection screen Xclimb 60


© by Doka Industrie GmbH, A-3300 Amstetten 2

999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60


Contents 4 4 7 8

Introduction Elementary safety warnings Eurocodes at Doka Several utilisations – one system

10 11 12 14

System description System overview Functional principle System dimensions

15 15 16

Structural design Loading data Structural design


Anchoring on the structure

22 30

Assembly instructions Starting up

32 32 33 36

Repositioning Hydraulic system Hydraulic repositioning Resetting by crane



40 41

Additional areas of use Variable clearance between floor-slab and vertical profile Imposed loads Inclined facades Varying inclinations Floor support Xclimb 60 / Floor support Xclimb 60 adjustable

42 44 46 48

52 52 56 60

66 66 74

Loading platform Protection screen Xclimb 60 with integral loading platform Loading platform Xclimb 60 for constant storey heights Loading platform Xclimb 60 for non-constant storey heights

75 76 77

General remarks Design variants Using the Protection screen Xclimb 60 in conjunction with . . . Fall-arrest systems on the structure Transporting, stacking and storing Doka service offerings


Component overview

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3 The Formwork Experts


User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Elementary safety warnings Introduction

User target groups


● This User Information booklet (Method Statement) is aimed at everyone who will be working with the Doka product or system it describes. It contains information on the standard design for setting up this system, and on correct, compliant utilisation of the system. ● All persons working with the product described herein must be familiar with the contents of this manual and with all the safety instructions it contains. ● Persons who are incapable of reading and understanding this booklet, or who can do so only with difficulty, must be instructed and trained by the customer. ● The customer is to ensure that the information materials provided by Doka (e.g. User Information booklets, Instructions for Assembly and Use, Operating Instruction manuals, plans etc.) are available to all users, and that they have been made aware of them and have easy access to them at the usage location. ● In the relevant technical documentation and formwork utilisation plans, Doka shows the workplace safety precautions that are necessary in order to use the Doka products safely in the usage situations shown. In all cases, users are obliged to ensure compliance with national OH&S (occupational health and safety) rules throughout the entire project and to take appropriate additional or alternative workplace safety precautions where necessary.

● Provide safe workplaces for those using the formwork (e.g. for when it is being erected/dismantled, modified or repositioned etc). It must be possible to get to and from these workplaces via safe access routes! ● If you are considering any deviation from the details and instructions given in this booklet, or any application which goes beyond those described in the booklet, then revised static calculations must be produced for checking, as well as supplementary assembly instructions.

Hazard assessment ● The customer is responsible for drawing up, documenting, implementing and continually updating a hazard assessment at every job-site. This document serves as the basis for the site-specific hazard assessment, and for the instructions given to users on how to prepare and utilise the system. It does not substitute for these, however.

Remarks on this document ● This User Information booklet can also be used as a generic method statement or incorporated with a site-specific method statement. ● Many of the illustrations in this booklet show the situation during formwork assembly and are therefore not always complete from the safety point of view. Any safety accessories not shown in these illustrations must still be used by the customer, in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations. ● Further safety instructions, especially warnings, will be found in the individual sections of this document!


Rules applying during all phases of the assignment: ● The customer must ensure that this product is erected and dismantled, reset and generally used for its intended purpose under the direction and supervision of suitably skilled persons with the authority to issue instructions. These persons' mental and physical capacity must not in any way be impaired by alcohol, medicines or drugs. ● Doka products are technical working appliances which are intended for industrial/commercial use only, always in accordance with the respective Doka User Information booklets or other technical documentation authored by Doka. ● The stability of all components and units must be ensured during all phases of the construction work! ● The functional/technical instructions, safety warnings and loading data must all be strictly observed and complied with. Failure to do so can cause accidents and severe (even life-threatening) damage to health, as well as very great material damage. ● Fire-sources are not permitted anywhere near the formwork. Heating appliances are only allowed if properly and expertly used, and set up a safe distance away from the formwork. ● The work must take account of the weather conditions (e.g. risk of slippage). In extreme weather, steps must be taken in good time to safeguard the equipment, and the immediate vicinity of the equipment, and to protect employees. ● All connections must be checked regularly to ensure that they still fit properly and are functioning correctly. It is very important to check all screw-type connections and wedge-clamped joins whenever the construction operations require (particularly after exceptional events such as storms), and to tighten them if necessary.

999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60



Regulations; industrial safety

● The equipment/system must be inspected by the customer before use, to ensure that it is in suitable condition. Steps must be taken to rule out the use of any components that are damaged, deformed, or weakened due to wear, corrosion or rot. ● Combining our formwork systems with those of other manufacturers could be dangerous, risking damage to both health and property. If you intend to combine different systems, please contact Doka for advice first. ● The assembly work must be carried out by suitably qualified employees of the client's. ● It is not permitted to modify Doka products; any such modifications constitute a safety risk.

● Always observe all industrial safety regulations and other safety rules applying to the application and utilisation of our products in the country and/or region in which you are operating.

Erecting the formwork ● Doka products and systems must be set up in such a way that all loads acting upon them are safely transferred!

Pouring ● Do not exceed the permitted fresh-concrete pressures. Excessively high pouring rates lead to formwork overload, cause greater deflection and risk causing breakage.

Striking the formwork ● Do not strike the formwork until the concrete has reached sufficient strength and the person in charge has given the order for the formwork to be struck! ● When striking the formwork, never use the crane to break concrete cohesion. Use suitable tools such as timber wedges, special pry-bars or system features such as Framax stripping corners. ● When striking the formwork, do not endanger the stability of any part of the structure, or of any scaffolding, platforms or formwork that is still in place!

Transporting, stacking and storing ● Observe all regulations applying to the handling of formwork and scaffolding. In addition, the Doka slinging means must be used - this is a mandatory requirement. ● Remove any loose parts or fix them in place so that they cannot be dislodged or fall free! ● All components must be stored safely, following all the special Doka instructions given in the relevant sections of this User Information booklet!

Instruction as required by EN 13374: ● If a person or object falls against, or into, the edge protection system and/or any of its accessories, the edge protection component affected may only continue in use after it has been inspected and passed by an expert.

Maintenance ● Only original Doka components may be used as spare parts. Repairs may only be carried out by the manufacturer or authorised facilities.

Symbols used The following symbols are used in this booklet:

Important note Failure to observe this may lead to malfunction or damage.

CAUTION / WARNING / DANGER Failure to observe this may lead to material damage, and to injury to health which may range up to the severe or even life-threatening.

Instruction This symbol indicates that actions need to be taken by the user.

Sight-check Indicates that you need to do a sight-check to make sure that necessary actions have been carried out.

Tip Points out useful practical tips.

Reference Refers to other documents and materials.

Miscellaneous We reserve the right to make alterations in the interests of technical progress.

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User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Important note:

● All persons who are going to put the Doka automatic climbing formwork Xclimb 60 into operation need special knowledge which can only be passed on by skilled Doka personnel in a special instruction and training programme. ● As proof that they have received such special instruction, an "OPERATION LICENCE" is issued to persons who have undergone this training course.

The first time of putting into service and the first typical sequence of a hydraulic raising operation must all be supervised by a Doka Formwork Instructor or other authorised technician.

● Persons who have not obtained this "OPERATION LICENCE" are not allowed to perform hydraulic repositioning on the Doka automatic climbing formwork Xclimb 60.


999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60


Eurocodes at Doka In Europe, a uniform series of Standards known as Eurocodes (EC) was developed for the construction field by the end of 2007. These are intended to provide a uniform basis, valid throughout Europe, for product specifications, tenders and mathematical verification. The EC are the world's most highly developed Standards in the construction field. In the Doka Group, the EC are to be used as standard from the end of 2008. They will thus supersede the DIN norms as the "Doka standard" for product design.

Ed Ed




Design value of effect of actions (E ... effect; d ... design) Internal forces from action Fd (VEd, NEd, MEd) Design value of an action Fd = γ F · Fk (F ... force) Characteristic value of an action "actual load", service load (k ... characteristic) e.g. dead weight, live load, concrete pressure, wind Partial factor for actions (in terms of load; F ... force) e.g. for dead weight, live load, concrete pressure, wind Values from EN 12812

Comparison of the safety concepts (example) Permissible stress design

115.5 [kN]


EC/DIN concept


115.5 [kN]

Rd gM = 1.1

90<105 [kN] n ~ 1.65




60 [kN]

gF = 1.5


Factual≤ Fpermissible


60<70 [kN]



90 [kN]

The widely used "Permissible stress design" (comparing the actual stresses with the permissible stresses) has been superseded by a new safety concept in the EC. The EC contrast the actions (loads) with the resistance (capacity). The previous safety factor in the permissible stresses is now divided into several partial factors. The safety level remains the same!

Rd Rd

Design value of the resistance (R ... resistance; d ... design) Design capacity of cross-section (VRd, NRd, MRd) Rk Rk Timber: Rd = kmod · Steel: Rd = γM γM


Characteristic value of the resistance e.g. moment resistance to yield stress


Partial factor for a material property (in terms of material; M...material) e.g. for steel or timber Values from EN 12812


Modification factor (only for timber – to take account of the moisture and the duration of load action) e.g. for Doka beam H20 Values as given in EN 1995-1-1 and EN 13377 The "permissible values" communicated in Doka documents (e.g.: Qpermissible = 70 kN) do not correspond to the design values (e.g.: VRd = 105 kN)! ➤ Avoid any confusion between the two! ➤ Our documents will continue to state the permissible values. Allowance has been made for the following partial factors: γF = 1.5 γM, timber = 1.3 γM, steel = 1.1 kmod = 0.9 In this way, all the design values needed in an EC design calculation can be ascertained from the permissible values.

Ed≤ Rd

A Utilisation factor

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User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Several utilisations – one system All the utilisations set out here are based on the same functional principle and use the same key components.

Loading platform Xclimb 60

Protection screen Xclimb 60

An easy-to-reposition loading platform for constant or non-constant storey heights.

Full-area enclosure for safeguarding work on the floorslab formwork. Loading platforms can be integrated in the protection screen, for inbound/outbound loading of equipment.

98009-241-01 98009-240-01

This manual deals with the Protection screen Xlimb 60 and the Loading platforms Xclimb 60 only.


999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60


Automatic climbing formwork Xclimb 60

Guided climbing formwork Xclimb 60

Innovative self-climbing formwork for safe, fast repositioning.

Innovative climbing formwork for safe, fast repositioning by crane.


Follow the directions in the "Guided climbing formwork Xclimb 60" User Information booklet!


Follow the directions in the “Automatic climbing formwork Xclimb 60� User Information booklet!

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9 The Formwork Experts

System description

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

System description System description

Protection screen Xclimb 60 – guided repositioning, either by crane or hydraulically The Doka protection screen Xclimb 60 is a system in which the entire unit is structure-guided at all times, even while being repositioned.

Resetting by crane Even in windy conditions, an entire unit is repositioned safely and easily in one single lift.

Hydraulic repositioning Portable hydraulic components can be added to make the Protection screen Xclimb 60 independent of the crane.

High safety in every phase of the work ● The system is guided up, and secured to, the structure during lifting. ● operators are protected from all climatic influences ● safe repositioning also possible in high winds

High flexibility ● variable influence widths, for ideal adaptation to structure geometry ● working platforms can be attached anywhere on scaffold ● suitable for storey heights of between 2.70 and 4.50 m


999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

System description

System overview Suspension point D


● Floor support Xclimb 60 rigid - For anchoring the protection screen to the floorslab. The "Guiding shoe" is fastened to the "Floor support", with a Cone screw B 7cm. ● Guiding shoe Xclimb 60 rigid - Provides guidance during repositioning, and loadtransfer.


Vertical profile Xclimb 60 L




● Vertical profile Xclimb 60 10.75m - For guiding the screen unit through the "Guiding shoes". Climbing cams on this vertical profile give it a safe, firm hold in the "Guiding shoe". ● Shackle Xclimb 60 6.5to - Attachment point for fixing the screen unit to the structure at the start of operations. - Attachment point for lifting the screen unit by crane. ● Strengthening profile Xclimb 60 2.00m - To increase the influence width, a Strengthening profile Xclimb 60 2.00m can be bolted onto the vertical profile.

Working platform This facilitates work on slab stop-ends and prestressed floor-slabs.



Consisting of: ● Connector WS10 Xclimb 60 ● Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 0.50m ● Corner connecting plate SK ● Multi-purpose waling WU12 Top50 3.00m ● Pressure strut Xclimb 60 0.67m


The individual components are joined together with Connecting pins 10cm and Spring cotters 5mm.


Hydraulic system

A Floor support Xclimb 60 rigid B Cone screw B 7cm C Guiding shoe Xclimb 60 rigid D Shackle Xclimb 60 6.5to E Vertical profile Xclimb 60 10.75m F Strengthening profile Xclimb 60 2.00m

● Hydraulic cylinder Xclimb 60 - Is fixed onto the "Guiding shoe" to perform hydraulic raising. The screen unit is raised in 300 mm steps. ● Lifting mechanism Xclimb 60 - This is bolted onto the hydraulic cylinder when the system is first assembled. In the hydraulic raising operation, the lifting mechanism meshes with the climbing cams of the vertical profile and pushes the entire unit upward.

G Screw-set for Strengthening-profile Xclimb 60 H Connector WS10 Xclimb 60 I

Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 0.50m

J Multi-purpose waling WU12 Top50 3.00m K Corner connecting plate SK L Pressure strut Xclimb 60 0.67m M Hydraulic cylinder Xclimb 60 N Lifting mechanism Xclimb 60

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System description

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Functional principle Resetting by crane The repositioned unit is in its new position.



Unit for repositioning is in starting position.

Crane-lift the unit for repositioning into the Lower the screen unit desired position. until the climbing cams are The vertical profile is safely resting on the pressure guided in at least bolts. 2 "Guiding shoes".






999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

System description

Hydraulic repositioning


The repositioned unit is in its new position.




Unit for repositioning is in starting position.

The unit for repositioning is raised by repeated extension and retraction of the hydraulic cylinders. Lower the unit until the Lifting mechanisms mesh climbing cams are resting on the pressure bolts. with the climbing cams and Continue retracting the push the unit upward. The vertical profile is safely hydraulic cylinders until the lifting mechanism can guided in at least mesh with the next climb2 "Guiding shoes". ing cam.





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System description

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

System dimensions


³ 1100



£ 6500


£ 2500

³ 245





480 350

Dimensions in mm a ... storey height 2700 - 4500 mm


999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Structural design

Loading data Structural design

Anchoring on the structure

Working platforms

Imposed loads





For higher imposed loads than these, the Floor supports Xclimb 60 described in the section headed "Additional areas of use" must be used.

Anchoring forces per suspension point


V ... permitted vertical load max. 30 kN H ... permitted horizontal load: max. 60 kN

A Multi-purpose waling WU12

Permitted service load: 1.5 kN/m2 (150 kg/m2) Load Class 2 to EN 12811-1:2003

FX 98009-248-01



Max. anchoring forces: FX, k = 60 kN (Ed = 90 kN) FZ(1),k = 65 kN (Ed = 97.5 kN) FZ(2),k = 106 kN (Ed = 159 kN)

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15 The Formwork Experts

Structural design

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Structural design Wind pressure

Influence width

1) Determine the wind pressure as a function of the wind speed, the building environment and the structure height. 2) Refer to the relevant curve (A) to (H) in the following diagrams.

With no Strengthening profile Xclimb 60 2.00m

Note: Intermediate values may be linearly interpolated. Important note: ● The diagrams apply to the following imposed loads: - V ... permitted vertical load: max. 30 kN - H ... permitted horizontal load: max. 60 kN ● The diagrams are only valid so long as the protection screen does not extend more than 2.0 m above the new floor-slab. ● The structural design data given here apply only to standard assignments on straight walls. For assignments on e.g. inclined walls, separate statical verification must be performed. ● Take account of the available length of the squared timbers when planning the project. The squared timbers needed for the enclosure must be the same length as the overall width of the protection screen.

4.3 4.1 3.9 3.7 3.5 3.3 3.1 2.9 2.7 2.5 0.00

A 1.00











Follow the directions in the Calculation Guide "Wind loads to the Eurocodes" when determining the wind pressure!


0.88 (H)


Influence width [m]

To increase the influence width, a Strengthening profile Xclimb 60 2.00m can be bolted onto the vertical profile. For more information, see the section headed "Design variants". With Strengthening profile Xclimb 60 2.00m 4.5 4.3 4.1 3.9 3.7 3.5


3.3 3.1 G

2.9 2.7 2.5 0.00












1.04 (G)

a ... storey height [m]

1.70 (B)

➤ Select the influence width as a function of the storey height.

a ... storey height [m]


2.21 (A)

Wind pressure [kN/m2] we = cp, net x q(Ze) 1.43 1.36 1.30 1.10 (C) (D) (E) (F)

when Trapezoidal metal sheet 35x207mm 1.03x.....m is used


Influence width [m]

Examples ● Basic data: - curve (B) (wind pressure = 1.70 kN/m2) - enclosure with trapezoidal metal sheet - storey height: 3.50 m ● With no Strengthening profile Xclimb 60 2.00m - influence width: 2.10 m ● With Strengthening profile Xclimb 60 2.00m - influence width: 2.75 m


999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Structural design

when Trapezoidal perforated sheet 35x207mm 1.03x.....m is used ➤ Select the influence width as a function of the storey height. With no Strengthening profile Xclimb 60 2.00m 4.5 4.3

3.9 3.7


3.5 3.3 3.1




2.7 2.5 0.00

A 1.00









a ... storey height [m]




Influence width [m]

To increase the influence width, a Strengthening profile Xclimb 60 2.00m can be bolted onto the vertical profile. For more information, see the section headed "Design variants". With Strengthening profile Xclimb 60 2.00m 4.5 4.3 H







3.3 E

3.1 2.9 2.7 2.5 0.00

A Strengthening profile Xclimb 60 2.00m











a ... storey height [m]



Influence width [m]

Examples ● Basic data: - curve (B) (wind pressure = 1.70 kN/m2) - enclosure with perforated trapezoidal sheet - storey height: 3.50 m ● With no Strengthening profile Xclimb 60 2.00m - influence width: 2.80 m ● With Strengthening profile Xclimb 60 2.00m - influence width: 3.60 m

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17 The Formwork Experts

Anchoring on the structure

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Anchoring on the structure Anchoring on the structure

Components: C


F D 9767-321-01

A Universal climbing cone 15.0 B Sealing sleeve K (expendable anchoring component) C Cone screw B 7cm D Stop-anchor (expendable anchoring component) F Depth mark

Both the positioning points and the suspension points are prepared using one single type of cone, the Universal climbing cone (A) . ● Depth of concrete cover on "cone" side of wall: 5.5 cm ● Depth of concrete cover on the "stop-anchor" side in a slab of minimum thickness: 2 cm

Stop-anchor 15.0 11.5cm Stop-anchor 15.0 16cm Stop-anchor 15.0 40cm

Minimum slab thickness 19 cm 24 cm 48 cm

Dimensioning the suspension point The required cube compressive strength of the concrete at the time of loading must be specified separately for each project by the structural designer. It will depend on the following factors: ● load actually occurring ● length of the stop-anchor ● reinforcement / extra reinforcement steel ● distance from edge The introduction of the forces, the transfer of these forces into the structure, and the stability of the overall construction, must all be verified by the structural designer. The required cube compressive strength fck,cube,current must be at least 10 N/mm2, however.


Preparing the positioning point and suspension point WARNING ➤ Always screw the Stop-anchor into the Universal climbing cone until it fully engages (i.e. up to the depth mark). Not screwing the anchor sufficiently far into the cone may subsequently lead to reduced load-bearing capacity and to the failure of the suspension point – resulting in injury and damage. ➤ For the positioning point and suspension point, ONLY use Cone screws B 7 cm (head of screw is red, to indicate its high load-bearing capacity)! WARNING Sensitive rod steel! ➤ Never weld or heat tie-rods. ➤ Tie rods that are damaged or have been weakened by corrosion or wear must be withdrawn from use. ➤ Only use approved tie-rods. ➤ Prevent the vibrator from touching the positioningpoint. Tools needed: ● Reversible ratchet 3/4" ● Spanner for Universal climbing cone 15.0/20.0 ● Box nut 50 3/4" (for Cone screw B 7cm)


H C G 98009-243-01

C Cone screw B 7cm G Floor support Xclimb 60 rigid H Guiding shoe Xclimb 60 rigid

999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Anchoring on the structure

Positioning point ➤ Screw the Stop-anchor into the Universal climbing cone, until it engages (up to the depth mark). ➤ Fasten the Universal climbing cone to the installation template with a Cone screw B 7cm. The installation template ensures that the positioning-point is correctly located.


Note: Universal climbing cones are supplied with Sealing sleeves K (B) . Every time the Universal climbing cones are used again, fit them with new sealing sleeves first!

● The axis of the universal climbing cone must be at right-angles to the surface of the concrete – maximum angle of deviation: 2°. ● Do not exceed the tolerances for the locations of the positioning point and suspension point. ● Embed the Universal climbing cone so that it is flush with the concrete surface. ● Protect the thread from soiling.

➤ Fix the installation template to the stop-end formwork. b



Important note: ➤ The positioning-point must align with the suspension point beneath it (± 10 mm in the horizontal). ➤ Tie the Stop-anchor tightly to the reinforcements with binding wire.

a 98009-242-01

a ... Centre-to-centre spacing (± 20 mm) b ... 480 mm (± 10 mm)

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Anchoring on the structure

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Suspension point ➤ Screw a Cone screw B 7cm into the end face of the Floor support. a

➤ Remove the safety pin. ➤ Push the "Guiding shoe" onto the cone screw on the "Floor support". ➤ Tighten the cone screw. A tightening torque of 100 Nm (20 kg assuming a ratchet-length of approx. 50 cm) is sufficient. ➤ Insert the safety pin into the "Guiding shoe" until it is fully engaged


a ... 35 mm

➤ Fix the Floor support Xclimb 60 in the Universal climbing cone 15.0 with a second Cone screw B 7cm. A tightening torque of 100 Nm (20 kg assuming a ratchet-length of approx. 50 cm) is sufficient.




Safety pin

➤ Turn the safety pin downwards. 98009-249-01


Forcibly tightening the Cone screw B 7cm any more than this may cause damage and even cause the form-tie to break! The only tool allowed to be used for screwing in and fixing the Cone screw B 7cm in the Universal climbing cone is the Reversible ratchet 3/4".

I 98009-304-01

Reversible ratchet 3/4"

Reversible ratchet 3/4" with extension

Ratchet MF 3/4" SW 50

C Cone screw B 7cm I

Safety pin

The "Guiding shoe" is now secured against accidental lift-out. Tr687-200-01




The handle of the safety pin must be pointing downwards!

999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Retrofitting a safe suspension point e.g. if the crew forgot to prepare a positioning-point. ➤ Drill a hole of diam. 25 mm. ➤ Drill a hole of diam. 55 mm and 130 mm depth. ➤ Screw the Cone screw B 7cm into the Universal climbing cone. ➤ Screw the tie-rod into the Universal climbing cone until it is fully engaged, and put the rod part-way into the hole. ➤ Paste the ready-mix mortar (site-provided) into the drilled hole with a spatula.

Anchoring on the structure

Important note: ➤ Weld a seam onto the Super-plate to join the nut and the plate. Do this BEFORE screwing the Super-plate onto the tie-rod. ➤ Screw the welded Super-plate onto the underside of the concrete floor-slab and secure it with a screw and dowel so that it cannot be accidentally unscrewed.



B 98009-277-01



c I




E Super-plate 15.0


F Dowel, Ø12 G Hexagon timber screw 10x50


H Weld-seam 98009-276-01

a ... 25 mm b ... 130 mm c ... 55mm A Universal climbing cone 15.0

➤ Mount the "Floor support" and "Guiding shoe" in the same way as for the standard suspension point.

Dimensioning the suspension point

B Sealing sleeve K (expendable anchoring component) C Cone screw B 7cm D Tie-rod 15.0mm E Ready-mix mortar

➤ Insert the unit so that the Universal climbing cone is flush with the concrete surface. Scrape away the excess ready-mix mortar with the spatula.

The required cube compressive strength of the concrete and ready-mix mortar at the time of loading must be specified separately for each project by the structural designer. It will depend on the following factors: ● load actually occurring ● slab thickness ● reinforcement / extra reinforcement steel ● distance from edge The introduction of the forces, the transfer of these forces into the structure, and the stability of the overall construction, must all be verified by the structural designer. The required cube compressive strength fck,cube,current must be at least 10 N/mm2, however.

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21 The Formwork Experts

Assembly instructions

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Assembly instructions Assembly instructions

The modular design of the Xclimb 60 system means that many different combinations are possible. Depending on the project, the actual design may thus differ very greatly from the basic type described here. ➤ In these cases, you should discuss the assembly procedure with your Doka technician. ➤ Follow the shop drawing / assembly plan exactly. Note: The plank and board thicknesses given here comply with the C24 category of EN 338 (S10 of DIN 4074).

In Germany, wooden deck-boards must bear the "Üsymbol" mark of conformity.

Important note: ● A hard, flat, firm surface is needed! ● Prepare a sufficiently large assembly area. ● Tightening torque of the couplers for the bracing tubes: 50 Nm

Overview of assembly steps






7 5





1. Lay down the Vertical profiles Xclimb 60. 2. Mount the Connectors WS10 Xclimb 60 3. Mount the bracing tubes. 4. Mount the Shackles Xclimb 60 6.5to. 5. Mount squared timbers. 6. Mount the sideguards. 7. Mount the gap decking. 8. Assemble the working platform. 9. Mount the trapezoidal sheeting. 10.Assemble the enclosure of the working platform.


999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Assembly instructions

Laying down the Vertical profiles Xclimb 60 ➤ Prepare squared timbers to lay the vertical profiles down upon (height: at least 0.2 m). ➤ Lay down the vertical profiles, spaced apart by the exact centre-to-centre distance. The climbing cams must be facing down here. ➤ Arrange the vertical profiles so that both diagonals are the same.

Fitting the bracing ➤ Brace the vertical profiles both horizontally and diagonally. Width-across 22 mm


y x D C A 98009-212-01

C Screw-on coupler 48mm 50 D Swivel coupler 48mm E Scaffold tube 48.3mm



a ... centre-to-centre spacing (tolerance max. ±5 mm) x = y ... diagonals (tolerance max. ±10 mm) A Vertical profile Xclimb 60 10.75m

Mounting the Connectors WS10 Xclimb ➤ Screw the Connectors WS10 to the planned positions on the vertical profile. Insert the screws as shown, from above. Width-across 24 mm

Distance between swivel coupler and screw-on coupler: max. 160 mm.

Mounting the "Shackle Xclimb 60 6.5to" ➤ Bolt the shackle to the vertical profile with a threaded bolt and hexagon nut. Width-across 36 mm ➤ Secure the hexagon nut with a cotter pin.


B 98009-214-01

F Shackle Xclimb 60 6.5to


B Connector WS10 Xclimb 60

Included in scope of supply: ● 4 hexagonal bolts M16x50 ● 4 hexagon nuts M16 ● 4 washers 17 ● 1 Connecting pin 10cm ● 1 Spring cotter 5mm

Included in scope of supply: ● 1 threaded bolt M24 ● 1 hexagon nut M24 ● 1 cotter pin Follow the directions in the "Shackle Xclimb 60 6.5to" Operating Instructions!

999800902 - 10/2010

23 The Formwork Experts

Assembly instructions

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Mounting the squared timbers

Mounting the sideguards

The cross-section and spacing of the squared timbers will depend on the project in question. ➤ Place the squared timbers onto the vertical profiles and screw them on. Width-across 17 mm Bore diameter: 12 mm

➤ Fix squared timbers to both end faces, using universal countersunk screws. G

G 98009-218-01

➤ Attach the rubber sheet to the squared timber on one side of the the screen unit, with wooden battens and universal countersunk screws.




Cross-section of squared timbers: min. 10 x10 cm Spacing between squared timbers: max. 110 cm


G Squared timber


Connecting the squared timbers to the vertical profiles

G 98009-222-01


a ... 100 mm G Squared timber H Wooden batten I

Rubber sheet, 0.35x10.00m

J Universal countersunk screws


Nuts & bolts etc. required for each connection: ● 2 square bolts M10 (length will depend on the cross-section of the squared timbers) ● 2 washers V 11 DIN 440 (on timber side) ● 2 washers R 11 DIN 440 (on steel side) ● 2 hexagon nuts M 10 Note: See the section headed "Design variants" for information on how to use the Strengthening profile Xclimb 60 2.00m.


999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Assembly instructions

Mounting the gap decking Where the storey heights remain constant, the gap decking can be mounted directly to the protection screen.

➤ Screw a "Securing chain 18cm" onto the gap decking. Width-across 17 mm ➤ Raise the gap decking and hook the "Securing chain 18cm" into the appropriate hole in the vertical profile.

➤ Screw planking hinges to the gap decking and the squared timber. Width-across 17 mm Bore diameter: 12 mm C A



98009-275-04 98009-275-03

α ... swivelling range 180° A Planking hinge 39cm B Gap decking (e.g. web board 32mm)

Nuts & bolts etc. required for each hinge ● 4 square bolts M10 (length will depend on the cross-section of the squared timbers) ● 2 square bolts M10x50 ● 6 washers A10.5 ● 6 hexagon nuts M 10

C Securing chain 18cm

Nuts & bolts etc. required for each "Securing chain 18cm" ● 1 square bolt M10x50 ● 1 washer A10.5 ● 1 hexagon nut M10

Opening cut out of the gap decking 98009-275-01




Note: For information on preparing the gap decking for varying storey heights, see the section headed "Design variants".

a b c d 98009-326-01

a ... 455 mm b ... 600 mm c ... 650 mm d ... 750 mm e ... 160 mm f ... 50 mm g ... 100 mm

These dimensions apply when the closed gap-decking unit is angled at between 0° and 25° to the concrete floor-slab. For steeper angles than this, wider gap decking units are required. Note: A rubber sheet attached to the end faces of the gap decking prevents any small items falling off.

999800902 - 10/2010

25 The Formwork Experts

Assembly instructions

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Assembling the working platform

Cut-out needed in platform decking




➤ Mount Doka beams H20 to the multipurpose walings. Width-across 13 mm Bore diameter: 10 mm



d b





a ... centre-to-centre spacing (tolerance max. ±5 mm) K Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 0.50m



L Doka beam H20 a ... 90 mm b ... 260 mm c ... 240 mm d ... 140 mm e ... 260 mm f ... 200 mm g ... 325 mm h ... 1050 mm

Beam screws H8/70



➤ Bolt Connecting pins 10cm to the Multipurpose walings and secure them with Spring cotters 5mm. ➤ Attach a lifting chain to the connecting pins. ➤ Fly the working platform to the protection screen. N

➤ Fasten deck-boards to the Doka beams with universal countersunk screws 6x90.

N 98009-216-01


β ... max. 30° 98009-215-03

N Connecting pin 10cm + Spring cotter 5mm

M Board 50x200 mm

Every deck-board must be fixed with 4 screws! Do a sight-check to make sure that the deckboards have been fixed properly!


999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Assembly instructions

➤ Make cut-outs in the trapezoidal sheeting around the connection points for the working platforms.


➤ Bolt the working platform to the Connectors WS10 with Connecting pins 10cm, and secure these with Spring cotters 5mm.





a B

a ... 300 mm b ... 120 mm c ... 200 mm d ... 680 mm


B Connector WS10 Xclimb 60

➤ Fix the working platform so that it cannot tip over, then detach it from the crane.

WARNING Sharp edges ➤ Use personal protective equipment or fit edge protectors around the cut-out edges of the trapezoidal sheeting.


Mounting the trapezoidal sheeting ➤ Align the trapezoidal sheets on the protection screen, and screw them down.

➤ The drilling screws must be screwed into the squared timbers under every corrugation trough ➤ Mount further trapezoidal sheets with an overlap. O

P 98009-220-01


O Trapezoidal metal sheet 35x207mm P Drilling screw 6.3x50mm

When working on the trapezoidal sheeting, always stand or kneel on a formwork sheet, not on the metal sheeting. This spreads the load and prevents the trapezoidal sheeting getting dirty.

999800902 - 10/2010

27 The Formwork Experts

Assembly instructions

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Assembling the enclosure of the working platform ➤ Lay a Multi-purpose waling WU12 across a pair of trestles. ➤ Bolt a corner connecting plate and a pressure strut to the Multi-purpose waling with Connecting pins 10cm, and secure these with Spring cotters 5mm.

➤ Screw the squared timbers onto the Multipurpose walings. Width-across 17 mm Bore diameter: 12 mm


N S 98009-229-02

Nuts & bolts etc. required for each connection: ● 2 square bolts M10 (length will depend on the cross-section of the squared timbers) ● 2 washers V 11 DIN 440 (on timber side) ● 2 limpet washers 11 (on the steel side) ● 2 hexagon nuts M 10 (not included with product)



N Connecting pin 10cm + Spring cotter 5mm Q Multi-purpose waling WU12 Top50 3.00m R Corner connecting plate SK S Pressure strut Xclimb 60 0.67m

Note: See the section headed "Design variants" for information on how to use the Strengthening profile Xclimb 60 2.00m. ➤ Mount the sideguards and trapezoidal sheeting in the same way as on the protection screen . 98009-221-01

➤ Prepare the second Multi-purpose waling in the same way. ➤ Place squared timbers onto the Multi-purpose waling. G




a ... centre-to-centre spacing (tolerance max. ±5 mm) G Squared timber


999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Assembly instructions

➤ Bolt Connecting pins 10cm to the Multipurpose walings and secure them with Spring cotters 5mm. ➤ Attach a lifting chain to the connecting pins.

Sideguards on exposed platform-ends On corner configurations, suitable side protection must be provided on the narrowsides of the working platforms. 1) Screw the Handrail-post shoe SK (narrowside) onto the Doka beam H20.


N G 98010-290-01 98009-228-01

G Handrail-post shoe SK (narrowside)

N Connecting pin 10cm + Spring cotter 5mm

➤ Fly the working-platform enclosure to the protection screen.

2) Bolt the Handrail post SK 2.00m onto the Handrailpost shoe SK.



➤ Bolt the working-platform enclosure onto the Multipurpose walings and the Connectors WS10 with Connecting pins 10cm, and secure these with Spring cotters 5mm.


F Handrail post SK 2.00m

3) Mount the enclosure to the Handrail post SK 2.00m.

K 98009-319-01




B Connector WS10 Xclimb 60 K Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 0.50m N Connecting pin 10cm + Spring cotter 5mm

999800902 - 10/2010

29 The Formwork Experts

Assembly instructions

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Starting up

➤ Put on personal protective equipment before starting to mount the guard rails. ➤ Mount guard rails around all exposed edges. ➤ Mount the "Floor supports" and "Guiding shoes" (see the section headed "Anchoring on the structure"). Preparing all the "Guiding shoes" 1) Pull the safety clip out of the guide tube. 2) Pivot the guide cheeks to the rear. 3) Bolt the safety clip back into the guide tube.

➤ Set the slinging points on the Lifting beam 110 kN 6.00m to the required centre-to-centre distance. Follow the directions in the "Lifting beam 110kN 6.00m" Operating Instructions! ➤ Attach the chains to the lifting-beam and to the shackles of the vertical profiles.










G Guide tube

The chains are looped around the connecting pins in the Multi-purpose walings WU12.

H Safety clip I

Guide cheek

4) Move the pressure bolts on the "Guiding shoes" into the appropriate position.

Fix the protection screen to the suspension points ➤ Lift the protection screen by crane and guide it towards the suspension points with the aid of taglines.









J Pressure bolt K Fall-arrest barrier


Attaching the crane K

Oblique pull causes deformation of the vertical profiles. ➤ Use a Lifting beam 110 kN 6.00m when repositioning the Protection screen Xclimb 60. ➤ Place the lifting-beam onto squared timbers.




K Fall-arrest barrier L Tag-line

999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Assembly instructions

➤ Lower the protection screen onto the pressure bolts.

➤ Close the gap decking.



J Pressure bolts

Closing the guide cheeks on all the "Guiding shoes" 1) Pull the safety clip out of the guide tube. 2) Pivot the guide cheeks to the front. 3) Push the guide cheeks up against the vertical profile. 4) Bolt the safety clip back into the guide tube.


Important note: ➤ Provide safe access routes to the slinging points. ➤ Detach the lifting chain from the protection screen.


I 2

G 3

H 98009-284-01



G Guide tube H Safety clip Guide cheek

The guide cheeks (I) of the Guiding shoes Xclimb 60 must reach over the flange of the profile. The safety clips (H) must be bolted next to the guide cheeks in the guide tube (G) . H G



The Fix-De-Fix 3150kg remote uncoupling system makes it possible to detach slinging chains by remote-control from ground level. Follow the directions in the Operating Instructions!



999800902 - 10/2010

31 The Formwork Experts


User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Hydraulic system Repositioning

The protection screen is moved by means of a hydraulic branch-line system. One hydraulic unit is sufficient to power 4 Xclimb 60 hydraulic cylinders.

Hydraulic unit Xclimb 60 50/60Hz

Installing the hydraulic system for the first time ➤ Bolt the lifting mechanism to the hydraulic cylinder, and secure the bolt with a linch-pin.


Is supplied to the site ready for operation.



L Hydraulic cylinder Xclimb 60 M Lifting mechanism Xclimb 60

➤ Arrange the hydraulic hoses from the hydraulic unit and connect them to the hydraulic cylinders. A



92810-804 92810-210-01

Drive mechanism

A Hydraulic unit Xclimb 60 50/60Hz

The hydraulic unit transforms electrical energy into hydraulic energy. The hydraulic system is equipped with all necessary electrical and hydraulic control and safety elements for ensuring lasting safe operation.

B Hydraulic hose Xclimb 60

● Required supply voltage: 400V/50Hz or 480V/60Hz


C Hydraulic cylinder Xclimb 60 D Lifting mechanism Xclimb 60

Follow the directions in the "Doka automatic climbing formwork Xclimb 60" Operating Instructions!

999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60


Hydraulic repositioning Instructions for safe resetting of the entire unit

Important note: ● Before lifting: Remove all loose items from platforms. ● "Passenger transportation" is forbidden! ● During the lifting/repositioning cycle, no site personnel are allowed to be on the units to be climbed, or on adjacent units for repositioning. ● When one climbing unit is lifted and repositioned, this opens up exposed fall-hazard locations on the remaining units. These exposed locations must be made safe by putting up an access prohibition barrier. Follow the directions in the "Doka automatic climbing formwork Xclimb 60" Operating Instructions!

Repositioning operation Preparing the lifting operation ➤ Mount the "Floor supports" and "Guiding shoes" (see the section headed "Anchoring on the structure").

Closing the guide cheeks on all the "Guiding shoes" 1) Pull the safety clip out of the guide tube. 2) Pivot the guide cheeks to the front. 3) Push the guide cheeks up against the vertical profile. 4) Bolt the safety clip back into the guide tube.






H 1 98009-302-01


G Guide tube H Safety clip I

Guide cheek

The guide cheeks (I) of the Guiding shoes Xclimb 60 must reach over the flange of the profile. The safety clips (H) must be bolted next to the guide cheeks in the guide tube (G) . H





98009-267-02 98009-304-01

To make it easy to see the final position for the repositioning operation, a mark can be made on the vertical profile.

G Floor support Xclimb 60 rigid H Guiding shoe Xclimb 60 rigid


➤ Pull the vertical profile towards the building with a chain hoist.

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33 The Formwork Experts


User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

➤ Mount guard rails around all exposed edges. ➤ Move the pressure bolts on the "Guiding shoes" into the relevant position.

Mounting hydraulic cylinders to the vertical profiles of the unit for repositioning 1) Place the hydraulic cylinder onto the "Guiding shoe". 2) Pull the guidepieces on the lifting mechanism to either side.


2 98009-286-01

K 1 J

98010-254-01 98009-272-01


3) Place the lifting mechanism up against the vertical profile. 4) Close the guidepieces on the lifting mechanism.



J Pressure bolt K Fall-arrest barrier

The pressure bolts in the "Guiding shoes" of the last floor-slab to be poured must be deactivated.



The profile guide (N) must be closed.




999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60


➤ Tilt up the gap decking and fix it with the securing chain.

Dismounting the “Floor supports” and “Guiding shoes” CAUTION ➤ Do NOT dismount the "Guiding shoes" on whose pressure bolts the screen unit is resting! ➤ Open the guide cheeks on the bottom "Guiding shoes". Where the casting-section heights are less than 3.50 m, the vertical profiles will still be guided in the bottom "Guiding shoes".


Lifting ➤ Raise the protection-screen, step-by-step, to the next casting section. ➤ Close the gap decking. ➤ After the repositioning operation is complete, retract the cylinders, dismount them and transport them to the next unit for repositioning.

Important note: The load from the “Guiding shoe” acts beyond the edge of the slab. ➤ A second person must secure the “Guiding shoe” with a cable while the “Floor support + Guiding shoe” unit is being dismounted. ➤ Unscrew the cone screw on the bottom "Floor support". ➤ Remove the “Floor support + Guiding shoe” unit from the edge of the slab.






J Pressure bolts 98009-358-01

The hydraulic cylinders can be placed on the hydraulic unit ready for transport to the next location.


The “Floor supports” plus “Guiding shoes” can be put into Doka multi-trip transport boxes to be moved to the next usage location.

999800902 - 10/2010

35 The Formwork Experts


User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Resetting by crane Instructions for safe resetting of the entire unit

Important note: ● A balancing lifting beam must be used when resetting the screen unit by crane. ● Before lifting: Remove all loose items from platforms. ● "Passenger transportation" is forbidden! ● During the lifting/repositioning cycle, no site personnel are allowed to be on the units to be climbed, or on adjacent units for repositioning. ● When one climbing unit is lifted and repositioned, this opens up exposed fall-hazard locations on the remaining units. These exposed locations must be made safe by putting up an access prohibition barrier.

Repositioning operation Preparing the lifting operation ➤ Mount the "Floor supports" and "Guiding shoes" (see the section headed "Anchoring on the structure"). G


Closing the guide cheeks on all the "Guiding shoes" 1) Pull the safety clip out of the guide tube. 2) Pivot the guide cheeks to the front. 3) Push the guide cheeks up against the vertical profile. 4) Bolt the safety clip back into the guide tube.






H 1 98009-302-01


G Guide tube H Safety clip I

Guide cheek

The guide cheeks (I) of the Guiding shoes Xclimb 60 must reach over the flange of the profile. The safety clips (H) must be bolted next to the guide cheeks in the guide tube (G) . H G

I 98009-304-01 98009-267-02

G Floor support Xclimb 60 rigid H Guiding shoe Xclimb 60 rigid


➤ Pull the vertical profile towards the building with a chain hoist.

To make it easy to see the final position for the repositioning operation, a mark can be made on the vertical profile.


999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60


➤ Mount guard rails around all exposed edges. ➤ Move the pressure bolts on the "Guiding shoes" into the relevant position.

Lifting CAUTION Oblique pull causes deformation of the vertical profiles. ➤ Use a Lifting beam 110 kN 6.00m when repositioning the Protection screen Xclimb 60.


➤ Place the lifting-beam onto squared timbers. ➤ Set the slinging points on the Lifting beam 110 kN 6.00m to the required centre-to-centre distance. 98009-286-01

Follow the directions in the "Lifting beam 110kN 6.00m" Operating Instructions! ➤ Attach the chains to the lifting-beam and to the shackles of the vertical profiles.


Close-up of crane hoisting point







A Shackle Xclimb 60 6.5to

➤ Lift the protection-screen unit to the next casting section. ➤ Close the gap decking.

J Pressure bolt K Fall-arrest barrier

The pressure bolts in the "Guiding shoes" of the last floor-slab to be poured must be deactivated. ➤ Tilt up the gap decking and fix it with the securing chain.



999800902 - 10/2010

37 The Formwork Experts


User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Important note: ➤ Provide safe access routes to the slinging points. ➤ Detach the lifting chain from the protection screen.

Dismounting the “Floor supports” and “Guiding shoes” CAUTION ➤ Do NOT dismount the "Guiding shoes" on whose pressure bolts the screen unit is resting! ➤ Open the guide cheeks on the bottom "Guiding shoes". Where the casting-section heights are less than 3.50 m, the vertical profiles will still be guided in the bottom "Guiding shoes".

Important note: The load from the “Guiding shoe” acts beyond the edge of the slab. ➤ A second person must secure the “Guiding shoe” with a cable while the “Floor support + Guiding shoe” unit is being dismounted. ➤ Unscrew the cone screw on the bottom "Floor support". ➤ Remove the “Floor support + Guiding shoe” unit from the edge of the slab.






J Pressure bolts

The Fix-De-Fix 3150kg remote uncoupling system makes it possible to detach slinging chains by remote-control from ground level. Follow the directions in the Operating Instructions!



The “Floor supports” plus “Guiding shoes” can be put into Doka multi-trip transport boxes to be moved to the next usage location.


999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60


Dismantling Dismantling

➤ Gently raise the protection screen with the crane, and move it away from the building.

General remarks

Important note: ● A hard, flat, firm surface is needed! ● Prepare a sufficiently large assembly area.

➤ Mount guard rails around all exposed edges. Attaching the crane ➤ Attach the chains to the lifting-beam and to the shackles of the vertical profiles (see the section headed "Resetting by crane"). ➤ Tension the chains slightly with the crane.






K Fall-arrest barrier

Pivot the guide cheeks to the rear 1) Pull the safety clip out of the guide tube. 2) Pivot the guide cheeks to the rear. 3) Bolt the safety clip back into the guide tube.


CAUTION ➤ No persons are allowed anywhere in the slewing range of the crane. ➤ Lower the screen unit into a recess in the ground in order to pivot it over its centre of gravity. ➤ Set down the screen unit and dismantle it.







G Guide tube H Safety clip I

Guide cheek


The chains are looped around the connecting pins in the Multi-purpose walings WU12. 999800902 - 10/2010

39 The Formwork Experts

Additional areas of use

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Additional areas of use Additional areas of use

The Protection screen Xclimb 60 can also be used on complex shapes of building. For special requirements such as these, two different types of "Floor support" are available: ● Floor support Xclimb 60 ● Floor support Xclimb 60 variable Floor support Xclimb 60 rigid + Guiding shoe Xclimb 60 rigid + Cone screw B 7cm

Floor support Xclimb 60

Floor support Xclimb 60 variable




Variable clearance between floor-slab and vertical profile V ... permitted vertical load [kN] Imposed loads H ... permitted horizontal load [kN] Max. forward or rearward inclination of vertical profile Max. sideward inclination of vertical profile Inclined facades Hydraulic repositioning where inclination remains constant Hydraulic repositioning on varying inclinations Varying (vertical profile can be inclinations adjusted under load)


— 30

















999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Additional areas of use

Variable clearance between floor-slab and vertical profile Possible clearances with Floor support Xclimb 60: ● 85 mm ● 215 mm ● 345 mm

Set-back floor-slabs

Possible clearances with Floor support Xclimb 60 variable: ● continuously adjustable between 85 mm and 345 mm a1 ... 85 mm clearance

a2 ... 345 mm clearance









c ... 260 mm

b ... 580 mm

Important note: If cones are placed in different positions from those shown above, revised structural analysis will be required!

999800902 - 10/2010

41 The Formwork Experts

Additional areas of use

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Imposed loads The Floor supports Xclimb 60 can be set to any of 3 loading ranges – 30, 45 and 60 kN – to sustain different vertical loads. The loading ranges are identified by markings on the "Floor supports". Floor support Xclimb 60 adjustable

Floor support Xclimb 60 E









A Marking

A Marking

B Connecting pin 25cm

B Hexagon bolt M12x130 (load limiter)
















60 kN

60 kN

345 mm 215 mm 85 mm

b ... 580 mm





E Bolt position for the 60 kN loading range

Loading range 30 kN 45 kN 60 kN 60 kN



E Bolt position for the 60 kN loading range

V ... perm. vertical load H ... perm. horizontal load a ... clearance


D Bolt position for the 45 kN loading range






D Bolt position for the 45 kN loading range E


C Bolt position for the 30 kN loading range (stand-by position)





C Bolt position for the 30 kN loading range D


V ... perm. vertical load H ... perm. horizontal load a ... clearance

Loading range 30 kN 45 kN 60 kN 60 kN

60 kN

60 kN

85 85 85 345 mm 255 mm 165 mm

b ... 580 mm


999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Additional areas of use

Lateral horizontal loads ➤ To transfer lateral horizontal loads, fix the "Floor supports Xclimb 60" and/or "Floor supports Xclimb 60 adjustable" with a Doka Express anchor.


Anchoring forces per suspension point

Important note: While being lifted, only one vertical profile of the screen unit should be secured against lateral horizontal loads. This prevents any constraints occurring during lifting.

FX 98009-330-02




c ... 475 mm (Floor support Xclimb 60) c ... 450 mm (Floor support Xclimb 60 adjustable)

Max. anchoring forces: Loading range V ... perm. ver30 kN 45 kN 60 kN tical load H ... perm. hor60 kN 60 kN 60 kN izontal load FX, k 60 kN 60 kN 60 kN (90 kN) (90 kN) (90 kN) (Ed) FZ(1), k 40 kN 40 kN 51 kN (Ed) (60 kN) (60 kN) (76.5 kN) FZ(2), k 71 kN 86 kN 111 kN (106.5 kN) (129 kN) (166.5 kN) (Ed)



H2 98009-343-02

Follow the directions in the "Doka Express anchor 16x125mm" Installation Instructions!

V ... perm. vertical load H ... perm. horizontal load H2 ... perm. lateral horizontal load

Loading range 30 kN 45 kN 60 kN 60 kN

60 kN

60 kN

5.3 kN

5.9 kN

6.5 kN

999800902 - 10/2010

43 The Formwork Experts

Additional areas of use

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Inclined facades

Important note: The diagrams shown in the "Structural design" chapter are not valid for inclined forming assignments. In these cases, revised static verification is required.

Sideward inclination Sideward inclination: max 10°

Forward and rearward inclination 98009-350-01




Forward or rearward inclination: max. 10°


➤ To transfer lateral horizontal loads, fix the "Floor supports Xclimb 60" and/or "Floor supports Xclimb 60 adjustable" with a Doka Express anchor. Important note: While being lifted, only one vertical profile of the screen unit should be secured against lateral horizontal loads. This prevents any constraints occurring during lifting.



999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Additional areas of use

Important note: Arrange the vertical profiles in such a way that the bottom climbing cams are at the same height (parallel to the floor-slab).

Repositioning Note: Crane-lifting the protection screen on inclined facades entails hazards, and requires separate verification. Hydraulic lifting provides greater safety on assignments involving inclined facades. Follow the instructions given under the heading "Repositioning" for safe resetting of the entire unit! Aligning the vertical profiles ➤ Pull the vertical profile towards the building with a chain hoist, or – if necessary – push it away from the building.


Combining a forward or rearward inclination with a sideward inclination



Aligning made easy, with the "Floor support Xclimb 60 adjustable" ➤ Align the vertical profiles by turning the screwjack mechanism on the "Floor supports".

92841-259-01 98009-359-01

999800902 - 10/2010

45 The Formwork Experts

Additional areas of use

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Varying inclinations By adjusting the "Floor supports" under load, the protection screen can be used on facades with varying inclinations (e.g. kinks, radii).

Facades with radii

Note: Only "Floor supports Xclimb 60 adjustable" can be adjusted under load. The "Floor support Xclimb 60" is not suitable for use on facades with varying inclinations.




Kinks in the facade


999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Additional areas of use

999800902 - 10/2010

47 The Formwork Experts

Additional areas of use

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Floor support Xclimb 60 / Floor support Xclimb 60 adjustable Preparing the "Floor supports Xclimb 60 variable" ➤ Turn the screwjack mechanism to move the "Floor support" in the guide block into the specified loading range.

Assembly instructions Positioning point ➤ Prepare the positioning point (see "Anchoring on the structure".

The loading ranges are identified by markings on the "Floor supports".


92841-222-01 92841-223-01

b ... 580 mm (± 10 mm)

Important note: If cones are placed in different positions from those shown above, revised structural analysis will be required!

Suspension point

Important note: ➤ Use personal fall arrest systems (PFAS) to protect against fall hazards when working on unsecured slab-edges. ➤ Mount guard rails around all exposed edges. Preparing the "Floor supports Xclimb 60"

Tools needed: ● Reversible ratchet 1/2" ● Box nut 24 1/2" CAUTION Wrong loading range Incorrect screwjack travel means that the "Floor support" will be overloaded! ➤ Use the hexagon bolt to limit the screwjack travel to the loading range specified in the assembly and shop drawing. ➤ Use a self-locking nut to fix the hexagon bolt in the relevant position.

CAUTION Risk of toppling! ➤ Do not attempt to set the loading ranges on the Floor support Xclimb 60 at the edge of the floor-slab. ➤ Fix the bolts in the the "Floor supports" to set them for the specified loading range.

A 92841-253-01

A Hexagon bolt M12x130



A Connecting pin 25cm

The loading ranges are identified by markings on the "Floor supports".


999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Additional areas of use

Fixing the "Floor support" to the floor-slab CAUTION Risk of toppling! ➤ Do not push the front support beyond the edge of the floor-slab. ➤ Fix the "Floor support" in the Universal climbing cone 15.0 with a Cone screw B 7cm. A tightening torque of 100 Nm (20 kg assuming a ratchet-length of approx. 50 cm) is sufficient.

Mounting the hydraulic cylinders Mounting hydraulic cylinders to the vertical profiles of the unit for repositioning 1) Place the hydraulic cylinder onto the "Floor support". Check that the hydraulic cylinder fits firmly onto the "Floor support". 2) Pull the guidepieces on the lifting mechanism to either side.





B Front support

Forcibly tightening the Cone screw B 7cm any more than this may cause damage and even cause the form-tie to break! The only tool allowed to be used for screwing in and fixing the Cone screw B 7cm in the Universal climbing cone is the Reversible ratchet 3/4". Reversible ratchet 3/4"


Reversible ratchet 3/4" with extension


Ratchet MF 3/4" SW 50


3) Place the lifting mechanism up against the vertical profile. 4) Close the guidepieces on the lifting mechanism.

4 Tr687-200-01



The profile guide (N) must be closed.


999800902 - 10/2010

49 The Formwork Experts

Additional areas of use

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Operating the system Activating / deactivating the pressure bolts As a basic rule, the pressure bolts in the "Floor supports" must be activated on the same floor-slabs as when "Floor supports Xclimb 60 rigid" are used. ➤ Tilt up the dirt cover.

Fixing the vertical profile in the "Floor support" ➤ Pull the safety pin on the "Floor support" backwards and slide the guide cheeks outwards.

1 1 2




A Safety pin B Guide cheek


➤ Lift the protection screen by crane and guide it towards the suspension points with the aid of taglines. ➤ Lower the protection screen onto the pressure bolts. ➤ Close the guide cheeks on all the "Floor supports".

➤ Use the pull-back handle to pull the pressure bolt in the "Floor support" inwards and latch it into place.


2 2





B Pull-back handle with pressure bolt

➤ Lift the pull-back handle to activate the pressure bolt. The pressure bolt and pull-back handle must automatically snap foward.

The guide cheeks of the "Floor supports Xclimb 60" must reach over the flange of the profile. The safety pins must be bolted in the guide tube.



999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Transporting, stacking and storing Doka stacking pallet 1.55x0.85m Ideal for "Floor supports Xclimb 60" and "Floor supports Xclimb 60 adjustable". Doka stacking pallets are transport and storage units that are only suitable for Doka components, provided that these are centrally loaded and fixed so that they cannot slide or tip out. ● Only one Doka stacking pallet may be lifted at a time. ● Use a suitable lifting chain. (Do not exceed the permitted load capacity). E.g: Doka 4-part chain 3.20m Art.n° 588620000. ● Spread-angle β max. 30°! ● Load the items centrically. ● Secure any loose parts to the stacking pallet in such a way that the parts cannot slide or tip.

Additional areas of use

Bolt-on castor set B The Bolt-on caster set B turns the stacking pallet into a fast and manoeuvrable transport trolley. Suitable for drive-through access openings > 90 cm.

The Bolt-on caster set B can be mounted to the following multi-trip packaging items: ● Doka stacking pallets ● Doka accessory box

● Durable ● Stackable ● Safe to lift by crane


Max. load: 1100 kg Follow the directions in the Operating Instructions!

999800902 - 10/2010

51 The Formwork Experts

Loading platform

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Protection screen Xclimb 60 with integral loading platform Loading platform

Working platform integrated in the protection screen, for moving materials and equipment in and out.

● Locally permitted service load: 3.0 kN/m2 (300 kg/m2) ● Do not exceed the permitted vertical load of the suspension point! - 2 x 30 kN = 60 kN (with 2 vertical profiles) For higher imposed loads than these, the Floor supports Xclimb 60 described in the section headed "Additional areas of use" must be used. Permitted point load (e.g. wheel load): 7.0 kN (700 kg) with 5x25 deck-boards Permitted point load (e.g. wheel load): 5.0 kN (500 kg) with 5x20 deck-boards

☞ 98009-240-01

Important note: A statical check must be performed on any divergent, project-specific adaptations. The permitted service load must also be revised if necessary.

Assembly instructions Preparing the protection screen ● For detailed information on this, see the section headed "Mounting instructions" for the Protection screen Xclimb 60. ● Follow the directions in the section headed "Structural design" to determine the influence width.




1) Screw extra Connectors WS10 to the planned positions on the vertical profile. 2) Do not cover the opening needed for the loading platform with trapezoidal sheeting. 3) Mount end-to-end squared timbers beneath the Connectors WS10 Xclimb 60.


a ... 3000 mm b ... 6000 mm c ... 4550 mm H 1 2




999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Loading platform

Mounting the Multi-purpose walings

Attaching the platform decking

➤ Prepare squared timbers to place the Multi-purpose walings onto. ➤ Lay down Multi-purpose walings (A) and (B) , spaced apart by the exact centre-to-centre distance and with identical diagonals. ➤ Lay down Multi-purpose waling (C) .

➤ Bolt the Bracing device Xclimb 60 15.0 to the planned positions on the Multi-purpose waling WS 10 using Connecting pins 10cm, and secure these with spring cotters. ➤ Mount Doka beams H20 to the multipurpose walings. Width-across 13 mm Bore diameter: 10 mm

Joining the Multi-purpose walings together ➤ Push clamping plates onto the threaded rod and fix them with 2 hexagon nuts on each side. ➤ Tighten the hexagon nuts firmly against one another, i.e. "counter" them so that they cannot work loose. c






Beam screws H8/70



➤ Fasten deck-boards to the Doka beams with universal countersunk screws 6x90.


















c d



a ... 3000 mm (tolerance max. ±5 mm) b ... 300 mm c ... 1400 mm d ... 1600 mm x = y ... diagonals (tolerance max. ±10 mm)








c ... 4550 mm d ... 2600 mm e ... Beam centres max. 500 mm H Doka beam H20 5.90m I




J Bracing device Xclimb 60 15.0 K Lifting rod 15.0

A Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 5.00m B Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 2.25m C Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 4.00m D Threaded rod M16 270mm E Clamping plate for U-head F Hexagon nut M16

One deck-board must be left out to enable the loading platform to be fixed to the protection screen. Do a sight-check to make sure that the deckboards have been fixed properly!

G Squared timber

For adaptation to the storey height, fit a squared timber between the Multipurpose walings WS10.

999800902 - 10/2010

53 The Formwork Experts

Loading platform

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Crane slinging points ➤ Mount a Lifting rod 15.0 and Retaining plate 15.0 in the planned positions. K

Mounting the handrail posts and squared timbers ➤ Bolt the handrail posts onto the Multipurpose walings with Connecting pins 10cm and secure these with Spring cotters 5mm. ➤ Screw squared timbers onto the handrail posts. Width-across 17 mm Bore diameter: 12 mm Nuts & bolts etc. required for each connection: ● 1 square bolt M10 (length will depend on the cross-section of the squared timbers) ● 1 limpet washer 11 ● 1 hexagon nut M10 (not included with product)



Mounting the trapezoidal sheeting ➤ Align the trapezoidal sheets on the protection screen, and screw them down.

K Lifting rod 15.0 L Retaining plate 15.0

Follow the directions in the "Lifting rod 15.0" Operating Instructions!

Assembling the enclosure of the loading platform The working-platform enclosure is set up using Universal railings SK 2.00m. Universal railing SK 2.00m On either side At rear

➤ The drilling screws must be screwed into the squared timbers under every corrugation trough ➤ Mount further trapezoidal sheets with an overlap.

Preparing the tension-rod bracing 1) Screw the tie-rod into the bracing device. 2) Push an anti-twist guard over the flat (unthreaded) sides of the tie-rod. 3) Fix the anti-twist guard with a hexagon bolt and hexagon nut. 2



3 1




4) Screw the prepared tie-rod into the spindle component on the loading platform.






M Universal railing SK 2.00m N Connecting pin 10cm + Spring cotter 5mm O Squared timber 98009-279-01

Tie-rods required for each loading platform: ● 2 tie-rods 15.0mm 3.35m ● 2 tie-rods 15.0mm 5.40m Bracing device Xclimb 60 15.0: Permitted tensile force: 60.0 kN 54

999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Loading platform

Mounting the loading platform to the protection screen

➤ Detach the loading platform from the crane. ➤ Fit the missing deck-board.

➤ Attach the 2-part chain of the balancing lifting beam to the Lifting rods 15.0.




β ... max. 30°

➤ Lift the loading platform by crane and guide it towards the protection screen with the aid of taglines.


➤ Use personal protective equipment when attaching the loading platform to the protection screen. ➤ Bolt the loading platform to the Connectors WS10 with Connecting pins 10cm, and secure these with Spring cotters 5mm.






P 98010-253-01


N 98009-258-03

➤ Bolt the bracing device to the Connectors WS10 with Connecting pins 10cm, and secure these with Spring cotters 5mm.

f ... 2032 mm g ... 1965 mm h ... 3150 mm i ... 1050 mm J Pressure bolts

How to lift The loading platform is repositioned in the same way as the protection screen (see the section headed "Repositioning").

Important note: No payload (service load) is allowed on the loading platform while it is being repositioned.



To dismantle, perform the above steps in reverse order.


N Connecting pin 10cm + Spring cotter 5mm P Connector WS10 Xclimb 60 Q Loading platform Xclimb 60 R Bracing device Xclimb 60 15.0 999800902 - 10/2010

55 The Formwork Experts

Loading platform

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Loading platform Xclimb 60 for constant storey heights An easy-to-reposition loading platform, for moving materials and equipment in and out.

● Locally permitted service load: 3.0 kN/m2 (300 kg/m2) ● Do not exceed the permitted vertical load of the suspension point! - 2 x 30 kN = 60 kN (with 2 vertical profiles) For higher imposed loads than these, the Floor supports Xclimb 60 described in the section headed "Additional areas of use" must be used. Permitted point load (e.g. wheel load): 7.0 kN (700 kg) with 5x25 deck-boards Permitted point load (e.g. wheel load): 5.0 kN (500 kg) with 5x20 deck-boards

Important note: A statical check must be performed on any divergent, project-specific adaptations. The permitted service load must also be revised if necessary.


Assembly instructions





Pre-assembling the Vertical profiles Xclimb 60 For detailed information on this, see the section headed "Mounting instructions" for the Protection screen Xclimb 60. 1) Lay down the vertical profiles, spaced apart by the exact centre-to-centre distance. 2) Bolt "Connectors WS10 Xclimb 60" onto the vertical profile. 3) Bolt spindle-strut connectors onto the vertical profile. 4) Brace the vertical profiles both horizontally and diagonally. 5) Mount the Shackles Xclimb 60 6.5to. g

f 2


a ... 3000 mm b ... 5000 mm c ... 4550 mm 1



5 98009-263-01

a ... 3000 mm f ... 595 mm g ... 2700 mm


999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Loading platform

Mounting the Multi-purpose walings

Attaching the platform decking

➤ Prepare squared timbers to place the Multi-purpose walings onto. ➤ Lay down Multi-purpose walings (A) and (B) , spaced apart by the exact centre-to-centre distance and with identical diagonals. ➤ Lay down Multi-purpose waling (C) .

➤ Mount Doka beams H20 to the multipurpose walings. Width-across 13 mm Bore diameter: 10 mm Beam screws H8/70

Joining the Multi-purpose walings together ➤ Push clamping plates onto the threaded rod and fix them with 2 hexagon nuts on each side. ➤ Tighten the hexagon nuts firmly against one another, i.e. "counter" them so that they cannot work loose. c







➤ Fasten deck-boards to the Doka beams with universal countersunk screws 6x90. C


















a ... 3000 mm (tolerance max. ±5 mm) b ... 200 mm c ... 1150 mm d ... 1180 mm e ... 1110 mm x = y ... diagonals (tolerance max. ±10 mm)




h F F








c ... 4550 mm d ... 2600 mm e ... Beam centres max. 500 mm f ... 390 mm g ... 160 mm h ... 460 mm i ... 140 mm H Doka beam H20 5.90m I

A Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 4.00m B Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 2.25m C Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 4.00m D Threaded rod M16 270mm



K Lifting rod 15.0

Do a sight-check to make sure that the deckboards have been fixed properly!

E Clamping plate for U-head F Hexagon nut M16 G Squared timber

For adaptation to the storey height, fit a squared timber between the Multipurpose walings WS10.

999800902 - 10/2010

57 The Formwork Experts

Loading platform

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Crane slinging points ➤ Mount a Lifting rod 15.0 and Retaining plate 15.0 in the planned positions. K

Mounting the handrail posts and squared timbers ➤ Bolt the handrail posts onto the Multipurpose walings with Connecting pins 10cm and secure these with Spring cotters 5mm. ➤ Screw squared timbers onto the handrail posts. Width-across 17 mm Bore diameter: 12 mm Nuts & bolts etc. required for each connection: ● 1 square bolt M10 (length will depend on the cross-section of the squared timbers) ● 1 limpet washer 11 ● 1 hexagon nut M10 (not included with product)



Mounting the trapezoidal sheeting ➤ Align the trapezoidal sheets on the protection screen, and screw them down.

K Lifting rod 15.0 L Retaining plate 15.0

Follow the directions in the "Lifting rod 15.0" Operating Instructions!

➤ The drilling screws must be screwed into the squared timbers under every corrugation trough ➤ Mount further trapezoidal sheets with an overlap.

Assembling the enclosure of the loading platform

Mounting the loading platform onto the Vertical profiles Xclimb 60

The enclosure on both sides of the loading platform is set up using the Universal railing SK 2.00m. At the rear of the loading platform, the enclosure is set up using Multipurpose walings WS10.

➤ Bolt Connecting pins 10cm to the Multipurpose walings and secure them with Spring cotters 5mm. ➤ Attach the 2-part chain of the balancing lifting beam to the connecting pins. ➤ Fly the loading platform to the vertical profiles.

Universal railing SK 2.00m

Multi-purpose waling WS10 + Corner connecting plate SK





M 98009-264-01






N Connecting pin 10cm + Spring cotter 5mm

M Universal railing SK 2.00m N Connecting pin 10cm + Spring cotter 5mm O Squared timber P Corner connecting plate SK Q Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 2.50m


999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Loading platform

➤ Bolt the loading platform to the Connectors WS10 with Connecting pins 10cm, and secure these with Spring cotters 5mm.

CAUTION There is a risk of tipping if the centre-of-gravity position is altered. ➤ Persons must stay well outside the operational range of the crane!



➤ Lift the loading platform by crane and fix it to the building.


N Connecting pin 10cm + Spring cotter 5mm R Connector WS10 Xclimb 60


➤ Bolt the spindle strut onto the Multi-purpose waling WS10 and onto the Connector WS10 Xclimb 60 with Connecting pins 10cm, and secure these with Spring cotters 5mm.


h N S






N Connecting pin 10cm + Spring cotter 5mm


S Spindle strut T10 350/400cm T Connector for Spindle strut Xclimb 60

➤ Detach the loading platform from the crane. 98010-253-01

Fixing the loading platform to the building Note: Follow the directions in the section headed "Starting up"!

J 98009-265-01

➤ Attach the 2-part chain of the balancing lifting beam to the shackles of the vertical profiles and – at the rear – to the Lifting rods 15.0.


β ... max. 30° h ... 2353 mm J Pressure bolts

How to lift The loading platform is repositioned in the same way as the protection screen (see the section headed "Repositioning").

Important note: No payload (service load) is allowed on the loading platform while it is being repositioned.

Dismantling To dismantle, perform the above steps in reverse order.

999800902 - 10/2010

59 The Formwork Experts

Loading platform

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Loading platform Xclimb 60 for non-constant storey heights An easy-to-reposition loading platform, for moving materials and equipment in and out.

Important note: A statical check must be performed on any divergent, project-specific adaptations. The permitted service load must also be revised if necessary.

Assembly instructions Pre-assembling the Vertical profiles Xclimb 60 For detailed information on this, see the section headed "Mounting instructions" for the Protection screen Xclimb 60. 1) Bolt the vertical profiles together with a D25/135 bolt, and secure this with a 6x42 linch pin. A

B 98009-309-01



C Vertical profile Xclimb 60 top 2.48m

2) Lay down the vertical profiles, spaced apart by the exact centre-to-centre distance. 3) Bolt "Connectors WS10 Xclimb 60" onto the vertical profile. 4) Bolt spindle-strut connectors onto the vertical profile. 5) Brace the vertical profiles both horizontally and diagonally. 98009-300-02



D Vertical profile Xclimb 60 bottom


e 3


a ... 3000 mm b ... 5000 mm c ... 4550 mm


● Locally permitted service load: 3.0 kN/m2 (300 kg/m2) ● Do not exceed the permitted vertical load of the suspension point! - 2 x 30 kN = 60 kN (with 2 vertical profiles)




For higher imposed loads than these, the Floor supports Xclimb 60 described in the section headed "Additional areas of use" must be used.

a ... 3000 mm d ... 595 mm e ... 2700 mm

Permitted point load (e.g. wheel load): 7.0 kN (700 kg) with 5x25 deck-boards Permitted point load (e.g. wheel load): 5.0 kN (500 kg) with 5x20 deck-boards


999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Loading platform

Mounting the loading platform onto the Vertical profiles Xclimb 60




➤ Pre-assemble the loading platform (see the section headed "Loading platform Xclimb 60 for constant storey heights"). ➤ Mount extra crane slinging points.

➤ Bolt Connecting pins 10cm to the Multipurpose walings and secure them with Spring cotters 5mm. ➤ Attach the 2-part chain of the balancing lifting beam to the connecting pins. ➤ Fly the loading platform to the vertical profiles.

K 98009-307-01

N Connecting pin 10cm + Spring cotter 5mm


➤ Bolt the loading platform to the Connectors WS10 with Connecting pins 10cm, and secure these with Spring cotters 5mm.




➤ Mount a Lifting rod 15.0 and Retaining plate 15.0 in the planned positions. R

N Connecting pin 10cm + Spring cotter 5mm R Connector WS10 Xclimb 60



K Lifting rod 15.0 L Retaining plate 15.0

Follow the directions in the "Lifting rod 15.0" Operating Instructions!

999800902 - 10/2010

61 The Formwork Experts

Loading platform

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

➤ Bolt spindle struts to the Multi-purpose waling WS10 with Connecting pins 10cm, and secure these with Spring cotters 5mm.

Fixing the loading platform to the building Note: Follow the directions in the section headed "Starting up"!


➤ Attach the 2-part chain of the balancing lifting beam to the Lifting rods 15.0. CAUTION There is a risk of tipping if the centre-of-gravity position is altered. ➤ Persons must stay well outside the operational range of the crane! S




➤ Lift the loading platform by crane and fix it to the building.

➤ Bolt the spindle struts to the connectors with Connecting pins 10cm, and secure these with Spring cotters 5mm.





h N



➤ Pre-tension the Spindle strut T10 to the greatest possible length in order to compensate for any tolerances. ➤ Detach the loading platform from the crane.






β ... max. 30° h ... 2775 mm i ... 4000 mm 98009-312-01


f ... 2353 mm g ... 2958 mm

To dismantle, perform the above steps in reverse order.

N Connecting pin 10cm + Spring cotter 5mm R Spindle strut T7 250/300cm S Spindle strut T10 350/400cm


999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Loading platform

Resetting by crane Follow the instructions given under the heading "Repositioning" for safe resetting of the entire unit!

Lifting ➤ Hoist the unit for repositioning up to the next section. ➤ Detach the repositioned unit from the crane.

Important note: No payload (service load) is allowed on the loading platform while it is being repositioned.


Repositioning operation Preparing new "Guiding shoes" ➤ Mount the "Floor supports" and "Guiding shoes" (see the section headed "Anchoring on the structure"). ➤ Move the pressure bolts on the "Guiding shoes" into the appropriate position. ➤ Pivot the guide cheeks to the front.


➤ Use a balancing lifting beam with sufficient carrying capacity. ➤ Adjust the slinging points on the balancing lifting beam to match the centre-to-centre spacing of the vertical profiles. ➤ Attach the 2-part chain of the balancing lifting beam to the Lifting rods 15.0.








J Pressure bolts


J Pressure bolts 999800902 - 10/2010

63 The Formwork Experts

Loading platform

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Hydraulic repositioning Follow the instructions given under the heading "Repositioning" for safe resetting of the entire unit!

Important note:

Preparing new "Guiding shoes" ➤ Continue raising the unit for repositioning, a step at a time, until the top climbing cam has risen max. 10 cm past the activated pressure bolt in the top "Guiding shoe".

No payload (service load) is allowed on the loading platform while it is being repositioned.


Follow the directions in the "Doka automatic climbing formwork Xclimb 60" Operating Instructions!

Repositioning operation 98010-318-01

a ... max. 10 cm

➤ Pull the vertical profile towards the building with a chain hoist.


Lifting See the section headed "Repositioning" for instructions on how to mount the hydraulic cylinders to the unit for repositioning. ➤ Mount the "Floor supports" and "Guiding shoes" (see the section headed "Anchoring on the structure"). ➤ Completely extend the hydraulic cylinders. ➤ Move the pressure bolts on the "Guiding shoes" into the relevant position.



➤ Lower the screen unit until the climbing cams are resting on the pressure bolts of the top "Guiding shoes". Closing the guide cheeks on all the "Guiding shoes" 1) Pull the safety clip out of the guide tube. 2) Pivot the guide cheeks to the front. 3) Push the guide cheeks up against the vertical profile. 4) Bolt the safety clip back into the guide tube.



The guide cheeks (I) of the Guiding shoes Xclimb 60 must reach over the flange of the profile. The safety clips (H) must be bolted next to the guide cheeks in the guide tube (G) . H G





J Pressure bolts


999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Loading platform

➤ After the repositioning operation is complete, retract the cylinders, dismount them and transport them to the next unit for repositioning.







J Pressure bolts

The hydraulic cylinders can be placed on the hydraulic unit ready for transport to the next location.

999800902 - 10/2010

65 The Formwork Experts

General remarks

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Design variants General remarks

With no working platform

One working platform

If no working platform is needed, the enclosure can be attached directly to the Connectors WS10 by way of its Multipurpose walings WU12.

Facilitates work on slab stop-ends. The individual components are joined together with Connecting pins 10cm and Spring cotters 5mm.






A Multi-purpose waling WU12 Top50 B Connecting pin 10cm + Spring cotter 5mm C Sleeve Xclimb 60 D35mm

Crane slinging points for mounting the screen unit to the structure and dismounting it from the structure: ➤ Bolt a Sleeve Xclimb 60 D35mm into the Multi-purpose waling WU12 with a Connecting pin 10cm and secure this with a Spring cotter 5mm. ➤ Attach the chain to the Sleeves Xclimb 60. 66

A Corner connecting plate SK B Pressure strut Xclimb 60 0.67m

999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

General remarks

completely enclosed

Two working platforms with a non-enclosed space between them The solution for the working platform outlined in the section headed "Mounting instructions" can also be mounted one storey lower down, in the same way. (e.g. for pre-tensioning the floor-slab)

The enclosures of the working platforms are connected to one another by Adjustable waling extensions FF20/50. The lower working platform is connected to the enclosure by Formwork element connectors FF20/50 Z. (e.g. for pre-tensioning the floor-slab)


















A Corner connecting plate SK

A Corner connecting plate SK

B Pressure strut Xclimb 60 0.67m

B Pressure strut Xclimb 60 0.67m

C Squared timber 12 x 12cm

C Squared timber 12 x 12cm

D Diagonal bracing

D Diagonal bracing E Adjustable waling extension FF20/50 F Formwork element connector FF20/50 Z

999800902 - 10/2010

67 The Formwork Experts

General remarks

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Working platforms with C5 channel assembly (for USA only) The working platforms are based on the Corner connecting plate S. The Corner connecting plate S can be combined with Multipurpose walings WS10 and with C5 channel assemblies. b

One working platform Facilitates work on slab stop-ends. The individual components are joined together with Connecting pins 10cm and Spring cotters 5mm.


b a















a... 107 mm (hole-grid for Multi-purpose waling WS10) b... 0'-6" (hole-grid for C5 channel assembly)


A Corner connecting plate S 3 3/4" x 2"

a ... 1015 mm (3’-4") A Corner connecting plate S 3 3/4" x 2" B Pressure strut S Xclimb 60 2’-0"-6 3/4" C C5 channel assembly L=2’-0" D C5 channel assembly L=10’-0" E Connector WS10 Xclimb 60


999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

General remarks

The version of the working platform using Multipurpose walings WS10 and Spindle struts GS T5 permits greater platform width.

Two working platforms The enclosures of the working platforms are connected to one another by splice plates. (e.g. for pre-tensioning the floor-slab)


b D















b ... 1190 mm (3’-11") A Corner connecting plate S 3 3/4" x 2" 98009-200-09

B Spindle strut GS T5 65/101cm C Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top 50 2’-6" D C5 channel assembly L=10’-0" E Connector WS10 Xclimb 60 F Connector for Spindle strut Xclimb 60

A Corner connecting plate S 3 3/4" x 2" B Pressure strut S Xclimb 60 2’-0"-6 3/4" C C5 channel assembly L=2’-0" D C5 channel assembly L=14’-0" E Splice plate C5 channel F C5 channel assembly L=10’-0" G Connector WS10 Xclimb 60 H Squared timber 6" x 6" I

Diagonal bracing

999800902 - 10/2010

69 The Formwork Experts

General remarks

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Gap decking for non-constant storey heights with planking hooks and planking bolts The planking hook is screwed onto the gap decking, and has several different bolt positions enabling it to be adjusted to non-constant storey heights. Before the protection screen is repositioned, the gap decking is simply tipped up out of the way and remains attached to the protection screen.

How to mount: ➤ Mount vertical squared timbers on which to fasten the planking bolts. Fastened with Angle connector Fastened with universal counter9x5cm (G) and universal countersunk screws (F) sunk screws (H)





Screws, bolts etc. required for each squared timber: ● 4 universal countersunk screws 8x200







Screws, bolts etc. required for each squared timber: ● 8 universal countersunk screws 6x80

➤ Drill diam. 20 mm holes in the squared timbers, for the planking bolts. ➤ Push the planking bolts into the holes and secure each bolt with a linch pin.



A Squared timber 10 x 10cm B Planking bolt Xclimb 60 D20mm C Planking hook Xclimb 60 D Gap decking (e.g. web board 32mm) E Securing chain 18cm

Note: A rubber sheet attached to the end faces of the gap decking prevents any small items falling off.







a ... 250 mm b ... Bolt position for a different storey height B Planking bolt Xclimb 60 D20mm


999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

General remarks


➤ Cut out an opening in the gap decking.

➤ Attach the gap decking to the planking bolts and fix it with the locking lever (F) .



c ... 840 mm


➤ Screw planking hooks onto the gap decking. Width-across 17 mm Bore diameter: 12 mm Nuts & bolts etc. required for each planking hook ● 2 square bolts M10x50 ● 2 washers A 10.5 ● 2 hexagon nuts M 10 ➤ Screw a "Securing chain 18cm" onto the gap decking. Width-across 17 mm C


E 98009-291-03

C Planking hook Xclimb 60 D Gap decking (e.g. web board 32mm) E Securing chain 18cm

Nuts & bolts etc. required for each "Securing chain 18cm" ● 1 square bolt M10x50 ● 1 washer A10.5 ● 1 hexagon nut M10 (not included with product)

999800902 - 10/2010

71 The Formwork Experts

General remarks

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

with planking fork The planking fork is mounted on the Guiding shoe Xclimb 60, and is thus always located at the same height as the floor-slab. The gap-decking unit remains on the planking fork even while the screen unit is being lifted, and is then repositioned separately.

How to mount: ➤ Bolt the Planking fork Xclimb 60 onto the Guiding shoe Xclimb 60.


A 98009-239-01

A Planking fork Xclimb 60 rigid C Guiding shoe Xclimb 60 rigid

➤ Fasten a length of squared timber to the underside of the gap decking. ➤ Drill holes in the gap decking for the support pin of the planking fork. ➤ Place the gap decking onto the planking fork and secure it with a Spring cotter 5mm.




A Planking fork Xclimb 60 rigid B Gap decking (e.g. web board 32mm)

Note: A rubber sheet attached to the end faces of the gap decking prevents any small items falling off. B




A Planking fork Xclimb 60 rigid B Gap decking (e.g. web board 32mm) D Squared timber


999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

General remarks

Strengthening profile Xclimb 60 2.00m To increase the influence width, a Strengthening profile Xclimb 60 2.00m can be bolted onto the vertical profile. WARNING Highly stressed threaded joints! Risk of fracture if unsuitable screws are used. ➤ ALWAYS use the "Screw-set for Strengthening-profile Xclimb 60". ➤ Use NEW "Screw-sets" every time the equipment is re-assembled.

Important note: ➤ When strengthening profiles are used, extra washers are needed where the squared timbers are bolted onto the vertical profile. ➤ Mount 2 squared timbers above and below each "Strengthening profile", to fix the trapezoidal sheeting to. Connecting the squared timbers Connecting the squared timbers to the vertical profiles to the multi-purpose walings

To prevent the joints working loose: ➤ Lubricate all bolts and nuts with WD40 spray. ➤ Tightening torque of the nuts: 150 Nm.

Assembly instructions ● The middle of the "Strengthening profile" must be at the same height as the top of the floor slab. ● Minimum height of the squared timbers when "Strengthening profiles" are being used: 135 mm ➤ Screw the "Strengthening profile" to the vertical profile, in the planned position. Width-across 24 mm






Nuts & bolts etc. required for each connection: ● 2 square bolts M10 (length will depend on the cross-section of the squared timbers) ● 2 washers V 11 DIN 440 (on timber side) ● 2 washers 16 DIN EN ISO 7094 (on timber side) ● 2 washers R 11 DIN 440 (on steel side) 2 limpet washers 11 (on the steel side) ● 2 hexagon nuts M 10 ➤ Mount the gap decking to the vertical squared timbers. Follow the directions in the sections headed "Mounting the gap decking" and "Gap decking for non-constant storey heights".




b C 98009-322-01

a ... approx. 1 m b ... 135 mm

Fix a wooden spacer between the hinge and the squared timber.

A Strengthening profile Xclimb 60 2.00m B Screw-set for Strengthening-profile Xclimb 60 C Squared timber

999800902 - 10/2010

73 The Formwork Experts

General remarks

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Using the Protection screen Xclimb 60 in conjunction with . . . Doka Table Lifting System TLS

Self-climbing unit TLS

With the Doka Table Lifting System TLS, Dokamatic tables can be vertically shifted from one floor to the next with no need for a crane. The valuable crane time that this saves can be used for other operations on the site, speeding up the entire construction workflow.

The Self-climbing unit TLS is a lifting appliance that is used for automatic, fast and safe raising of the Table Lifting System TLS in construction operations, without crane assistance.


Plan view: d









a ... 4.50 m A Protection screen Xclimb 60 B Table Lifting System TLS

Follow the directions in the "Doka Table Lifting System TLS" Assembly and Operating Instructions!

f d ... 4850 mm e ... 640 mm f ... 5160 mm g ... 5430 mm

Follow the directions in the "Self-climbing unit TLS" Operating Instructions!


999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

General remarks

Fall-arrest systems on the structure Handrail clamp T

● Attached with Screw-on shoe XP, railing clamp, Handrail-post shoe or Step bracket XP ● Protective grating XP, guard-rail boards or scaffold tubes can be used as the safety barrier

● Fixed in embedded anchoring components or reinforcement hoops ● Guard-rail boards or scaffold tubes can be used as the safety barrier





Handrail post XP 1.20m

geprüfte Sicherheit

a ... > 1.00 m

geprüfte Sicherheit

a ... > 1.00 m

Follow the directions in the "Edge protection system XP" User Information booklet!

Follow the directions in the "Handrail clamp T" User Information!

Handrail post 1.10m Handrail clamp S





● Attached with integral clamp ● Guard-rail boards or scaffold tubes can be used as the safety barrier

● Fixed in a Screw sleeve 20.0 or Attachable sleeve 24mm ● Guard-rail boards or scaffold tubes can be used as the safety barrier

geprüfte Sicherheit

a ... > 1.00 m geprüfte Sicherheit

Follow the directions in the "Handrail post 1.10m" User Information!

a ... > 1.00 m

Follow the directions in the “Handrail clamp S” User information!

999800902 - 10/2010

75 The Formwork Experts

General remarks

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Transporting, stacking and storing The following instructions must be complied with when storing and transporting separate parts or assemblies. This ensures careful, safe treatment of the equipment: ● The parts must be onloaded and off-loaded, transported and stacked in such a way that it is not possible for them to fall off, tip over or slide apart. ● Only set down the parts or assembly units on flat, firm, clean surfaces. ● Spread-angle β of slinging chains: max. 30°. ● Do not detach parts from the lifting straps until they have been safely set down. ● When transporting the equipment by truck, bundle the components or otherwise secure them against slippage, or else transport them in suitable containers. ● Protect all components against soiling, as this prolongs their service life. ● Clearly arranged, logical storage arrangements reduce the time needed for assembly. ● Using intermediate packing timbers during storage and transport lessens the risk of damage. Please co-ordinate arrangements for return delivery of the equipment with the Doka branch responsible.


999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

General remarks

Doka service offerings Doka customer training Formwork training pays Forming operations account for the lion’s share of labour costs on concrete construction sites. Modern formwork equipment helps to rationalise operations. By improving the overall construction sequence at the same time, however, further very worthwhile gains in efficiency can be achieved. This requires not only better equipment, but also greater skill in making optimum use of this equipment. Doka can help here, with its specialist training programme - to help each and every member of the team do his bit towards boosting efficiency and lowering costs. Doka customer training events also look at the formwork equipment and handling methods that are needed in order to achieve optimum safety - knowledge and awareness which can only enhance workplace safety on the site. You’ll find the Doka training programme well worth looking into. Your nearest Doka branch will be pleased to tell you more about Doka's various training offerings.

999800902 - 10/2010

77 The Formwork Experts

Component overview

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60 [kg]

Article n°


Article n°

Component Doka Protection Safety screen overview Systems Xclimb 60

Guiding shoe Xclimb 60 rigid Führungsschuh Xclimb 60 starr

19.0 581303000

Strengthening profile Xclimb 60 2.00m

25.0 581372000

Strengthening profile screw-set Xclimb 60

1.4 581389000

Shackle Xclimb 60 6.5to

2.0 581376000


Floor support Xclimb 60 rigid Deckenauflager Xclimb 60 starr

Galvanised Length: 90 cm

Planking fork Xclimb 60 rigid Belaggabel Xclimb 60 starr

8.5 581373000

Verstärkungsprofil Xclimb 60 2,00m Painted blue

Schraubensatz Verstärkungsprofil Xclimb 60 Galvanised

Schäkel Xclimb 60 6,5to

Galvanised Width: 40 cm

Galvanised Follow the directions in the "Operating Instructions"!

Connector WS10 Xclimb 60

4.9 581380000

Anschluss WS10 Xclimb 60

Floor support Xclimb 60

Galvanised Length: 21 cm Width: 10 cm Height: 13.5 cm

50.5 581370000

Deckenauflager Xclimb 60

47.0 581388000

Galvanised Length: 145 cm

Pressure strut Xclimb 60 0.67m Druckstrebe Xclimb 60 0,67m

4.8 581381000


Floor support Xclimb 60 variable

Deckenauflager Xclimb 60 justierbar Galvanised Length: 150 cm Width: 31 cm Height: 19 cm

Vertical profile Xclimb 60 10.75m Vertikalprofil Xclimb 60 10,75m

61.5 581371000

305.0 581375000

Pressure strut S Xclimb 60 2'-0"-6 3/4"

6.5 581391000

Corner connecting plate SK

9.9 581382000

Druckstrebe S Xclimb 60 2'-0"-6 3/4" Galvanised

Painted blue

Winkellasche SK

Galvanised Length: 43 cm Width: 35 cm


999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Component overview [kg]

Corner connecting plate S 3 3/4"x2" Winkellasche S 3 3/4''x2''

Article n°

13.2 581392000

[kg] Universal railing SK 2.00m

22.8 581325000

Universal-Geländer SK 2,00m


Galvanised Length: 59 cm Width: 41 cm

Sleeve Xclimb 60 D35mm

Article n°

0.24 581383000

Hülse Xclimb 60 D35mm

Galvanised Length: 5 cm

Securing chain 18cm

0.07 581384000

Sicherungskette 18cm


Handrail-post shoe SK narrowside

5.5 581351000

Geländerschuh SK stirnseitig


Planking hinge 39cm

2.4 581385000

Belagscharnier 39cm


Handrail post SK 2.00m

21.3 581352000

Geländerholm SK 2,00m

Galvanised Length: 225 cm

Planking hook Xclimb 60

1.0 581377000

Belaghaken Xclimb 60

Galvanised Length: 30 cm Height: 19 cm

Planking bolt Xclimb 60 D20mm Belagbolzen Xclimb 60 D20mm

0.53 581378000

Galvanised Length: 170 cm

Bracing device Xclimb 60 15.0 Abspanneinheit Xclimb 60 15,0

8.1 581390000

Painted blue

Rubber sheet 0.35x10.00m

25.6 580789000

Gummiplatte 0,35x10,00m

Height: 0.5 cm

Connector for Spindle strut Xclimb 60 Anschluss Spindelstrebe Xclimb 60 Galvanised

4.1 581316000

Trapezoidal metal sheet 35x207mm 1.03x.....m Trapezblech 35x207mm 1,03x.....m Painted yellow Galvanised

999800902 - 10/2010

6.1 580786000

79 The Formwork Experts

Component overview

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60 [kg]

Trapez. perforated sheet 35x207mm 1.03x.....m Trapezlochblech 35x207mm 1,03x.....m Galvanised Painted yellow

Self-drill. screw 6.3x50mm

Article n째

4.0 580765000

Galvanised Width-across: 8 mm

Connecting pin 10cm

0.34 580201000

Verbindungsbolzen 10cm

Adjustable waling extension FF20/50 Ausgleichslasche FF20/50

Scaffold tube 48.3mm 1.00m Scaffold tube 48.3mm 1.50m Scaffold tube 48.3mm 2.00m Scaffold tube 48.3mm 2.50m Scaffold tube 48.3mm 3.00m Scaffold tube 48.3mm 3.50m Scaffold tube 48.3mm 4.00m Scaffold tube 48.3mm 4.50m Scaffold tube 48.3mm 5.00m Scaffold tube 48.3mm 5.50m Scaffold tube 48.3mm 6.00m Scaffold tube 48.3mm .....m Ger체strohr 48,3mm

9.1 587532000

3.6 5.4 7.2 9.0 10.8 12.6 14.4 16.2 18.0 19.8 21.6 3.6

682014000 682015000 682016000 682017000 682018000 682019000 682021000 682022000 682023000 682024000 682025000 682001000


Galvanised Length: 14 cm

Spring cotter 5mm

Article n째

Painted blue Length: 87 cm

0.01 580785000

Bohrschraube 6,3x50mm


0.05 580204000

Federvorstecker 5mm

Screw-on coupler 48mm 50

Galvanised Length: 13 cm

Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 0.50m Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 0.75m Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 1.00m Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 1.25m Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 1.50m Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 1.75m Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 2.00m Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 2.25m Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 2.50m Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 2.75m Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 3.00m Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 3.50m Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 4.00m Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 4.50m Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 5.00m Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 5.50m Multi-purpose waling WS10 Top50 6.00m Mehrzweckriegel WS10 Top50

Galvanised Width-across: 22 mm

10.2 14.9 19.6 24.7 29.7 35.0 38.9 44.2 48.7 54.2 60.2 68.4 79.4 89.1 102.0 112.4 118.0

580001000 580002000 580003000 580004000 580005000 580006000 580007000 580008000 580009000 580010000 580011000 580012000 580013000 580014000 580015000 580016000 580017000

Swivel coupler 48mm

Mehrzweckriegel WU12 Top50

25.3 32.0 37.5 44.2 50.0 63.1 75.7 90.7 103.4

580018000 580019000 580020000 580021000 580022000 580023000 580024000 580025000 580026000

1.5 582560000

Drehkupplung 48mm

Galvanised Width-across: 22 mm

Beam screw H 8/70

0.06 580117000

Riegelverschraubung H 8/70 Galvanised Length: 8 cm Width-across: 13 mm

Painted blue

Multi-purpose waling WU12 Top50 1.00m Multi-purpose waling WU12 Top50 1.25m Multi-purpose waling WU12 Top50 1.50m Multi-purpose waling WU12 Top50 1.75m Multi-purpose waling WU12 Top50 2.00m Multi-purpose waling WU12 Top50 2.50m Multi-purpose waling WU12 Top50 3.00m Multi-purpose waling WU12 Top50 3.50m Multi-purpose waling WU12 Top50 4.00m

0.84 682002000

Anschraubkupplung 48mm 50

Doka beam H20 top N 1.80m Doka beam H20 top N 2.45m Doka beam H20 top N 2.65m Doka beam H20 top N 2.90m Doka beam H20 top N 3.30m Doka beam H20 top N 3.60m Doka beam H20 top N 3.90m Doka beam H20 top N 4.50m Doka beam H20 top N 4.90m Doka beam H20 top N 5.90m Doka beam H20 top N .....m Doka beam H20 top N .....m BS Doka-Tr채ger H20 top N

9.5 12.8 13.8 15.0 17.0 18.5 20.0 23.0 25.0 30.0 5.2 5.2

189011000 189012000 189013000 189014000 189015000 189016000 189017000 189018000 189019000 189020000 189010000 189021000

Varnished yellow

Painted blue

Formwork element connector FF20/50 Z Elementverbinder FF20/50 Z

6.0 587533000

Painted blue Length: 55 cm


999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Doka beam H20 top P 1.80m Doka beam H20 top P 2.45m Doka beam H20 top P 2.65m Doka beam H20 top P 2.90m Doka beam H20 top P 3.30m Doka beam H20 top P 3.60m Doka beam H20 top P 3.90m Doka beam H20 top P 4.50m Doka beam H20 top P 4.90m Doka beam H20 top P 5.90m Doka beam H20 top P .....m Doka beam H20 top P .....m BS Doka-Träger H20 top P

Component overview [kg]

Article n°

9.9 13.2 14.3 15.6 17.7 19.2 20.8 23.9 26.0 31.2 5.4 5.4

189701000 189702000 189703000 189704000 189705000 189706000 189707000 189708000 189709000 189710000 189700000 189711000

6.3 9.0 12.3 13.3 14.5 16.5 18.0 19.5 22.5 24.5 29.5 60.3 5.0 5.0

189282000 189283000 189271000 189272000 189273000 189284000 189285000 189276000 189286000 189277000 189287000 189288000 189299000 189289000

Varnished yellow

Doka beam H20 eco N 1.25m Doka beam H20 eco N 1.80m Doka beam H20 eco N 2.45m Doka beam H20 eco N 2.65m Doka beam H20 eco N 2.90m Doka beam H20 eco N 3.30m Doka beam H20 eco N 3.60m Doka beam H20 eco N 3.90m Doka beam H20 eco N 4.50m Doka beam H20 eco N 4.90m Doka beam H20 eco N 5.90m Doka beam H20 eco N 12.00m Doka beam H20 eco N .....m Doka beam H20 eco N .....m BS Doka-Träger H20 eco N

Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised 0.50m Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised 0.75m Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised 1.00m Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised 1.25m Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised 1.50m Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised 1.75m Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised 2.00m Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised 2.50m Tie rod 15.0mm galvanised .....m Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 0.50m Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 0.75m Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 1.00m Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 1.25m Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 1.50m Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 1.75m Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 2.00m Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 2.50m Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 3.00m Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 3.50m Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 4.00m Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 5.00m Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 6.00m Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated 7.50m Tie rod 15.0mm non-treated .....m Ankerstab 15,0mm

581821000 581822000 581823000 581826000 581827000 581828000 581829000 581852000 581824000 581870000 581871000 581874000 581886000 581876000 581887000 581875000 581877000 581878000 581888000 581879000 581880000 581881000 581882000 581873000

1.1 581966000 Galvanised Height: 6 cm Diameter: 12 cm Width-across: 27 mm

0.23 581964000

Sechskantmutter 15,0

Varnished yellow

0.72 1.1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.5 2.9 3.6 1.4 0.73 1.1 1.4 1.8 2.1 2.5 2.9 3.6 4.3 5.0 5.7 7.2 8.6 10.7 1.4

Superplatte 15,0

Hexagon nut 15.0

Doka-Träger H20 eco P

Article n°

Super plate 15.0

Varnished yellow

Doka beam H20 eco P 1.25m Doka beam H20 eco P 1.80m Doka beam H20 eco P 2.45m Doka beam H20 eco P 2.65m Doka beam H20 eco P 2.90m Doka beam H20 eco P 3.30m Doka beam H20 eco P 3.60m Doka beam H20 eco P 3.90m Doka beam H20 eco P 4.50m Doka beam H20 eco P 4.90m Doka beam H20 eco P 5.90m Doka beam H20 eco P 9.00m Doka beam H20 eco P 12.00m Doka beam H20 eco P .....m Doka beam H20 eco P .....m BS


6.5 9.4 12.7 13.8 15.1 17.2 18.7 20.3 23.4 25.5 30.7 46.8 62.4 5.2 5.2

189939000 189940000 189936000 189937000 189930000 189941000 189942000 189931000 189943000 189932000 189955000 189956000 189993000 189999000 189957000

Galvanised Length: 5 cm Width-across: 30 mm

Lifting rod 15.0

1.9 586074000

Umsetzstab 15,0

Painted blue Height: 57 cm Follow the directions in the "Operating Instructions"!

Retaining plate 15.0

1.8 586073000

Jochplatte 15,0

Galvanised Length: 17 cm Width: 12 cm Height: 11 cm

Vertical profile Xclimb 60 top 2.48m

Vertikalprofil Xclimb 60 oben 2,48m Painted blue

80.8 581305000

999800902 - 10/2010

81 The Formwork Experts

Component overview

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60 [kg]

Vertical profile Xclimb 60 bottom 5.20m Vertical profile Xclimb 60 bottom 7.15m Vertikalprofil Xclimb 60 unten

Article n°

180.0 581307000 238.0 581306000

[kg] Spindle strut T10 350/400cm

Article n°

57.5 584328000

Spindelstrebe T10 350/400cm

Galvanised Painted blue

Spindle strut GS T5 65/101cm Spindelstrebe GS T5 65/101cm

9.1 584356000


Cone screw B 7cm

0.86 581444000

Konusschraube B 7cm

Spindle strut T7 250/300cm

red Length: 10 cm Diameter: 7 cm Width-across: 50 mm

29.4 584326000

Spindelstrebe T7 250/300cm


Universal climbing cone 15.0 Universal-Kletterkonus 15,0

1.3 581977000

Galvanised Length: 13 cm Diameter: 5 cm Tool: Spanner for universal climbing cone 15.0/20.0

Sealing sleeve K 15.0

0.03 581976000

Dichtungshülse K 15,0

Orange Length: 12 cm Diameter: 6 cm

Stop anchor 15.0 11.5cm Stop anchor 15.0 16cm Stop anchor 15.0 40cm

0.77 581868000 0.83 581997000 1.4 581999000

Sperranker 15,0



999800902 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts

User information Protection screen Xclimb 60

Component overview [kg]

Tool box SK

Article n°

23.0 581539000

Werkzeugbox SK

(A) Tie rod wrench 15.0/20.0

[kg] Lifting beam 110kN 6.00m

Galvanised Length: 626 cm Follow the directions in the "Operating Instructions"!

Galvanised Length: 37 cm Diameter: 8 cm

(B) Center bit DF 30 (C) Universal cone spanner 15.0/20.0

0.10 586081000 0.90 581448000

Galvanised Length: 9 cm Width-across: 50 mm

(D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J) (K)

Torx bit-set 25/30 Angular arbor SL-1 Universal pry bar 400/23 Transition piece A 1/2"x3/4" Extension 22cm 1/2" Extension 20cm 3/4" Extension 11cm 1/2" Reversible ratchet 3/4"

0.25 1.4 0.61 0.18 0.31 0.68 0.20 1.5

581540000 582867000 581550000 580684000 580582000 580683000 580581000 580894000

136.5 586359000

Umsetzbalken 110kN 6,00m

1.9 580594000

Article n°

Lifting mechanism Xclimb 60

6.7 581340000

Hubmechanik Xclimb 60

Galvanised Follow the directions in the "Operating Instructions"!

Galvanised Length: 50 cm

(L) Reversible ratchet 1/2"

0.73 580580000

Galvanised Length: 30 cm

(M) Box nut 50 3/4" (N) Box nut 24 3/4" (O) Box nut 13 1/2" (P) Fork wrench 50

0.81 0.21 0.06 0.98

581449000 500679030 580576000 581549000

Hydraulic unit Xclimb 60 50/60Hz

Hydraulikaggregat Xclimb 60 50/60Hz Length: 125 cm Width: 70.8 cm Height: 111.2 cm

245.0 581341000

Length: 41 cm

(Q) Ratchet-ring wrench 22/24

0.59 581547000

Length: 33 cm

(R) Ratchet-ring wrench 17/19

0.47 581546000

Length: 27 cm

(S) Combination wrench 41 (T) Combination wrench 36 (U) Combination wrench 30

1.5 582841000 0.75 582860000 0.43 582840000

2 pcs.

(V) Combination wrench 27 (W) Combination wrench 24

0.40 581548000 0.25 582839000

2 pcs.

(X) Combination wrench 22

Hydraulic cylinder Xclimb 60

19.0 581342000

Hydraulic hose Xclimb 60 5.00m Hydraulic hose Xclimb 60 10.00m Hydraulic hose Xclimb 60 17.00m

4.2 581343000 7.6 581344000 12.0 581349000

Hydraulikzylinder Xclimb 60

0.20 582838000

2 pcs.

(Y) Combination wrench 19

0.14 582837000

2 pcs.

(Z) Combination wrench 17

0.16 586340000

2 pcs.

(AA)Combination wrench 13

0.06 586341000

2 pcs.

(AB)Nut for box spanner 36 3/4" L (AC)Nut for box spanner 30 3/4" L (AD)Nut for box spanner 30 1/2" L (AE)Nut for box spanner 24 3/4" L (AF)Nut for box spanner 24 1/2" L (AG)Nut for box spanner 22 1/2" L (AH)Nut for box spanner 19 1/2" L (AI) Nut for box spanner 17 1/2" L AA









0.67 0.52 0.50 0.25 0.30 0.25 0.16 0.16

580895000 582846000 581545000 582845000 586364000 581543000 580598000 581542000

Hydraulikschlauch Xclimb 60


















Fix-De-Fix remote uncoupling system 3150kg

27.0 586014000

Abhängeautomat Fix-De-Fix 3150kg Follow the directions in the "Operating Instructions"!

999800902 - 10/2010

83 The Formwork Experts

Protection screen Xclimb 60 – for safer, faster slab-forming operations The Protection screen Xclimb 60 can be repositioned either by crane or hydraulically. The entire unit remains anchored to the structure at all times, even while being repositioned. The Doka protection screen Xclimb 60 is available for rental, leasing or purchase. At any of the Doka branches in your region. Why not give us a call?

The Doka Group's central plant at Amstetten, Austria

Doka international

Certified to

Doka GmbH

ISO 9001

Josef Umdasch Platz 1, A 3300 Amstetten, Austria Tel.: +43 (0)7472 605-0, Fax: +43 (0)7472 64430 E-Mail: Internet:





SARL Doka Algérie 24 A Route de la Rassauta Bordj-El-Kifane, BP 170, 16120 Alger Telephone: +213 (0)21 21 27 26 Telefax: +213 (0)21 21 28 98 E-Mail:

Doka Japan K.K. Miwanoyama 744-6 Nagareyama-shi 270-175 Chiba-Ken Telephone: +81 (0)471 78 8808 Telefax: +81 (0)471 78 8812 E-Mail:

Doka Qatar WLL P.O.Box 23439 Doha, Qatar Telephone: +974 44500628 Telefax: +974 44500608 E-Mail:

Doka Tunisia Ltd. Bureau de Liaison Zone Industrielle, Rue d l‘usine Le Kram 2015 Tunis Telephone: +216 (0)71 977 350 Telefax: +216 (0)71 977 856 E-Mail:


Doka Formwork Technology Mahmoud Othman & Sons LLC P.O. Box 7620 Jeddah 21472 Telephone: +966 0)2 669 10 08 Telefax: +966 (0)2 664 86 25 E-Mail:

Canada Doka Canada Ltd./Ltée 5404 - 36th Street S.E. Calgary AB T2C 1P1 Telephone: +1 403 243-6629 Telefax: +1 403 243-6787 E-Mail:

China Doka Formwork (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. Bldg. 2, No.3883 Yuanjiang Road Minhang District Shanghai 201109 Telephone: +86 21 6090 0899 Telefax: +86 21 6090 1099 E-Mail:


Doka Korea Ltd. Rm.N.220, Doosan Venture Digm Bldg., 126-1 Pyeongchon-Dong, Dongan-Gu, 431-755 Anyang City, Gyeonggi-Do Telephone: +82 31 478 3700 Telefax: +82 31 478 3701 E-Mail:

Saudi Arabia

Singapore Kuwait Doka Kuwait Div. of Riham Gen. Trad.& Cont. Co. P.O. Box 2217 Salmiyah 22023 Kuwait Telephone: + 965 2 4822 462 Telefax: +965 2 4822 472 E-Mail:

Doka Formwork Pte. Ltd. 9 Gul Circle Singapore 629565 Telephone: +65 6897 7737 Telefax: +65 6897 8606 E-Mail:

South Africa

Turkey Doka Kalip-Iskele Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. Güzeller Org. San. Bölgesi Inönü Mah. Nazarbayev Sok. No:19 41400 Gebze, Kocaeli Telephone: +90 262 751 50 66 Telefax: +90 262 751 50 05 E-Mail:

United Arab Emirates Doka Gulf FZE P.O. Box 61407 Jebel Ali Free Zone, Dubai Telephone: +971 (0)4 881 8096 Telefax: +971 (0)4 881 8097 E-Mail:

Doka South Africa (Pty) Ltd. Johannesburg Branch CA Brand Bldg, 2 Sebasa Road Chloorkop Ext.10 Kempton Park 1619 Telephone: +27 (0)11 310 9709 Telefax: +27 (0)11 310 9711 E-Mail:

United Kingdom

Doka Branch Lebanon Sodeco Square, Block C / 9th floor Beirut Telephone: +961 (0)1 612569 Telefax: +961 (0)1 612570 E-Mail:





Doka Ireland Formwork Techn. Ltd. Monasterboice, Drogheda County Louth Telephone: +353 (0)41 686 1620 Telefax: +353 (0)41 686 1525 E-Mail:

Doka Norge AS Heggstadmoen 4 N 7080 Heimdal Telephone: +47 72 89 38 10 Telefax:n +47 72 89 38 11 E-Mail:

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Doka India Pvt. Ltd. Hiranandani Business Park Sentinel Bldg 2nd Floor Commercial Premises No 201&202 Powai, Mumbai - 400 076 Telephone: +91 22 402 64435 Telefax: +91 22 402 64436 E-Mail:


Doka UK Formwork Technologies Ltd Monchelsea Farm, Heath Road Boughton Monchelsea Maidstone, Kent, ME17 4JD Telephone: +44 (0)1622 74 90 50 Telefax: +44 (0)1622 74 90 33 E-Mail

Other subsidiaries and representatives: Angola Azerbaijan Bahrain Belgium Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Brazil Bulgaria Chile Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Egypt Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Iran Italy Jordan

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The Formwork Experts

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