Work Engagement, Disengagement and Meaningfulness

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possible to envisage underpinning, passive constructs in disengaging experiences but, given that disengagement has been positioned as an active state, it again makes little sense to think of any contributors to this state as being passive. However, distinguishing passive and active constructs may be appropriate if disengagement were to be considered as its own continuum, from high to low disengagement. Disengagement as a continuum is discussed in section 6.5. Coming back to the whole of the matrix at Figure 6.6, there are interesting considerations in relation to active and passive constructs in different engagement conditions. For example, self-worth is shown as the most important of the passive positive engagement constructs, but it is also shown as the most important (active) disengagement construct. This indicates a fundamental characteristic of self-worth. Whilst experiencing a sense of worth is key for maintaining engagement, losing a sense of self-worth is also a key factor in creating the desire to withdraw. As noted, autonomy is shown to be a construct that would not actively draw a person into an activity, but is important in order to maintain engagement. However the lack of autonomy, control, or overall self-determination is shown to actively diminish engagement or disengage. Values are a passive driver of engagement, underpinning purpose, but when a person is compelled to be in an activity that is incongruent with his or her values, this appears to actively diminish engagement, or disengage, and impel him or her to withdraw. Whilst challenge and affective connection each appear to enhance or diminish engagement, depending on their degree of presence or absence in an activity, lack of affective connection, but not lack of challenge, appears to also create a sense of active disengagement. These examples indicate the different dynamics that may be experienced in relation to active and passive, or facilitating constructs in different engagement conditions. Implications of this are discussed in chapter 7. Throughout the research, and this thesis, I have referred to disengagement as a condition, or state, rather than a continuum, however the next section explores the possibility and implications of disengagement as a continuum.


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