Four Signs You Need To Clean Your Gutters ASAP

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Gutters are vital for protecting your house from water damage, but sometimes they can get clogged with leaves and other debris. If you don’t keep up with gutter maintenance, it could lead to serious damage—both to your home and your wallet. So how can you tell if you need gutter cleaning Villa Park IL? Here are four signs that will help you determine whether it’s time to break out the ladder and the garden hose.

1. Visible Clogs – One of the most obvious signs that it’s time to clean your gutters is if you can see a clog when looking up at them from the ground. If there’s a visible blockage, even if it’s only in one section of the gutter, chances are plenty more hiding further down the line.

2. Sagging Gutters – Another surefire sign you need to clean your gutters is if they begin to sag or pull away from the house. This usually happens when gutters become weighed down by too much debris or water, which ultimately causes them to separate from the roofline and become loose on their mounting brackets.

3. Cracks & Holes – When gutters fill up with leaves and other debris, they can start to crack or form holes due to excess pressure put on the material during storms or heavy rains. If you notice any cracks or holes in your gutters, repair them as soon as possible so that water doesn’t leak into areas of your home where it shouldn’t be going!

4. Water Overflow – Check your foundation after a heavy rainstorm; if water is overflowing out of your gutters, they need cleaning! Water should never be spilling onto the ground surrounding your home; instead, it should be directed away from the foundation through properly functioning downspouts and far away from landscaping features.


While all homes require regular gutter cleaning Villa Park IL, regardless of how often they experience storms or heavy rains, some may need more attention than others depending on their location and climate conditions where they’re situated. Paying attention to these four signs will help ensure that your gutters stay clean and functioning properly so that no surprises arise down the line!

Four Signs You Need To Clean Your Gutters ASAP
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