Redressing the balance: the status and valuation of teaching in academic careers

Page 12

Redressing the balance

These are presented within our main analysis

The responsibility of the individual

(section 3.12, Box 10) and referred to in our ‘Toolbox’ (Chapter 4). We found widespread

The individual academic has a personal

recognition of student feedback as one of the

responsibility not only to seek improvement in

key measures and indicators and yet it appears

their teaching reputation, but also to drive the

to be little used. This is in marked contrast to

balance between teaching and research and to

the USA, where student feedback is amongst

develop their career and reputation accordingly.

the professional attributes and metrics that is most widely used and valued within the clinical

As the UK academic community redresses

and biomedical science community.

the balance between research and teaching, individual academics will need to

All university biomedical science

enhance the care and attention they give

departments and medical schools

to their teaching reputation and portfolio.

should have in place effective student feedback systems that are locally fit for purpose but nationally standardised. A commitment should be made to implement beneficial changes, stemming from the student feedback and suggestions received. Lessons should be learnt from the best schemes in the USA, Australia and some UK institutions.


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