Five Tricks That Can Get You Cleaner Windows

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Five Tricks That Can Get You Cleaner Windows

We all know that cleanliness is next to godliness. To get a cleaner look at your window, you must apply the best possible trick. Sometimes it becomes annoying and stressful to eliminate all the stains and scratches on your window glasses. Even after rubbing vigorously, you can miss those edges or corners. Even after using the best trick, you can feel that only half of the work proceeded. For your convenience, you can take advice from the professional cleaners of Anacortes Window Cleaning services. Hard water contains magnesium and calcium, which can make your glass surface look old and cloudy. Here are some five tips and tricks that can help you to get rid of hard water and salt stains from your window. You can use some of the following ingredients to restore the original texture of your window. Dishwasher Before you start cleaning with your dishwasher, you need to wipe the glass surface. You can use any type of cleaner available in the market to wipe the glass. Keep a soft sponge handy to sponge the glass surface. Scrub the glass nicely and pat it to dry using a towel. Newspaper It is one of the oldest tricks to clean the windows. The black and white print that comes on the newspaper helps clear out the minerals from window glasses. Use dry newspapers that can absorb the minerals. You can also soak it in cold water and then wipe it. After you complete, wipe with a damp cloth that can help you get rid of any residue. Once the area gets cleaned, allow for air drying. Lemon juice Lemon juice is also considered a suitable cleaning solution for window glasses. It can get you rid of any hard water stains or salt stains effectively. White vinegar White vinegar is also helpful to dispose of any stubborn stains. Paste a solution of vinegar and baking soda to get more effective results. Hot water If you have few stains, then you can also use hot water. Following these tips can let you get cleaner window glasses. You can also contact the professionals of Anacortes window cleaning services to get the best result.

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