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Worth1000.com | Photoshop Contests | Are you Worthy™ | tutorial

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow! By Philbert I'm going to attempt to explain how to create a realistic snowstorm effect like in my entry (Heading for Shelter) for the TG B2B:Movie Scene.

Page 1 : Background This tutorial will show you how to turn the image on the left into the image on the right:

Since there are tutorials here at W2K that cover masking and such, I'll assume you already know the basics of Photoshopping, such as finding source images, masking, cloning, and everything else that will allow you to get to our starting point:

Page 2: Making Snow The first thing we need to do is lay the foundation for the snow. Nothing Mother Nature does is orderly and snowfall is about as random as it gets. The quickest and easiest way to make something look random is to use a noise filter, so...

1. Create a layer set above our starting point and name it "Snow". 2. Activate the Snow layer set and add a new layer in it. Fill the new layer with 50% Gray. 3. Now let’s generate the noise: Filter -> Noise -> Add Noise... 50%, Gaussian Distribution, Monochromatic 4. Blur it a bit to give it nice, soft edges. Filter -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur... Radius 4.0 pixels

You should have something like this:

Doesn't look like much like snow, does it?

Page 3: Making it Snow, part 2 Next we'll use the magic of a Curves adjustment layer to increase the contrast and create our snowflakes.

1. Add a Curves adjustment layer above the noise layer. Layer -> New Adjustment Layer -> Curves... Group With Previous Layer 2. You'll see the Curves Adjustment Window. Make the "curve" look something like this:

so your noise will look like this:

Note: You can play around with the Curves Adjustment to increase or decrease the number and size of the flakes.

Page 4: Snow! White specks on a black background don't look like much at first. That's where blending comes in handy.

file:///C|/Worth1000/53.htm (1 van 5)13-6-2006 23:18:45

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