Trauma Informed Practice Framework Poster

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Developing a Trauma-informed Practice Framework for Wales Led by ACE Hub Wales and Traumatic Stress Wales and coproduced with partners in Wales with the support of Welsh Government Framework Statement of Purpose To develop a national trauma practice framework for people,

Definition of Trauma-informed •

A trauma-informed approach recognises that everyone has a role

organisations, and systems to bring consistency and coherence to

in creating opportunities and life chances for people affected by

all of the work on ACEs and trauma. This extends from the need for

trauma and adversity.

empathic, compassionate responses at a universal end of the

It is an approach where a person, organisation, service or system

continuum through to more acute and specialist interventions. This

takes account of the widespread impact of adversity and trauma

will provide a place in which to situate the existing work and support

and understands potential ways of preventing, healing and

identification of gaps in practice and subsequently knowledge and

overcoming this as an individual or with the support of others,

skills across a whole system.

including communities and services.


It is where people recognise the signs and symptoms of being affected by trauma in individuals, families, communities, staff, and others in organisations and systems across all Welsh society.

The aims of this framework are to: Provide a co-produced, single framework which provides a continuum from universal through to specialist approaches; and that these specialist approaches need to be ‘wrapped around’ by universal trauma-informed approaches. Provide a consistency of understanding of what is meant by a traumainformed approach; setting out the essential knowledge and skills to operate at all practice levels to support and help people affected by traumatic events. Bring together good practice across Wales in a single, accessible framework with resources which support workforce development in the context of trauma- informed organisations working in a system that enables and supports this. Ensure improved trust and join up between services, organisations, and sectors, and make a positive difference to the lives of children, adults, and their families in Wales through a consistent way of working, ensuring that individual recovery and growth journeys are person-centred and effective. Provide a Practice Framework that sets out the knowledge and skills needed for each practice level, and a repository of resources that support each area.

In this approach knowledge about trauma and its effects are integrated into policies, procedures, and practices. It seeks to actively resist re-traumatisation and prevent and mitigate adverse consequences, prioritising physical

and emotional safety and

commits to ‘do no harm’ in practice.

Models and Practice Levels This diagram represents the relationship between universal and specialist approaches, working in a trauma-informed way and recognising how individuals can move between practice levels. The Practice levels are then outlined in terms of who they are aimed at, what they mean and what good looks like, providing a structure.

Practice Principles

Consultation The framework ‘Trauma-Informed Wales: A Societal Approach to Understanding, Preventing and Supporting the Impacts of Trauma and Adversity’ is currently out for consultation. Closing date: 17th June 2022.

To access the Consultation document:

Please get in touch: The framework was co-produced by the ACE Hub and Traumatic Stress Wales in partnership with the Welsh Government. The leads would like to recognise the contribution of the expert reference group which includes those working in the public sector, the third sector and those with lived

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