18th century chemical terms

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Sugar of (A Subtance) Usually signifying an acetate (C2 H3 O2 ). Sugar of Lead Lead acetate (Pb(C2 H3 O2 )2 ). Sulphur (a) As a "principle," in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries the substantive causes of the properties of inflammablility, color, and odor; (b) in the doctrined of phlogiston, a compound composed of vitriolic (sulfuric) acid and the inflammable principle, "phlogiston." Sulphur Album Fixum Potassium nitrate (KNO3 ). Sulphurated Iron Ferrous sulphide (FeS). Sulphur Minerale Solid mineral sulphur (S). Sulphur Of Antimony (Golden Sulphur of Antimony) The orange sulfide of antimony, usually a mixture of the trisulfide (Sb 2 S3 ) with some of the pentasulfide (Sb 2 S5 ). Sulphureous Salt of Stahl Impure potassium sulfite (K2 SO3 ). Sulphureous Acid Sulfurous acid (H2 SO4 ). Sulphurets Sulfides (S). Sulphureum (Bergman) Sulfurous acid (H2 SO3 ). Sulphurous Acid (Pre-Lavoisier) Sulfuric acid (H2 SO4 ). Sulphur Vivum Naturally occurring sulphur (S). Superolefiant Gas (Dalton) Butylene (C4 H8 ). Swedish Acid Hydrofluoric acid (HF). Sweetened Spirit of Salt Ethyl chloride (C2 H5 Cl). Sweet Mercury (Mercureous Dulis) Mercurous chloride (Hg 2 Cl2 ). Sweet Principle from oils and fats Glycerol (HOCH2 CHOHCH2 OH). Sweet Sublimate Mercurous chloride (Hg 2 Cl2 ). Sympathetic Ink Any solution that is colorless but becomes dark (and thus visible) by heating, by addition of other chemicals, etc. Syrup of Violets A water extract of the petals of violets. Syrupus Violatum See Syrup of Violets.

T Tabasheer (Tabachir) A white powder formed at the joints of bamboo shoots. Imported from the Orient and used as a medicinal. Talc A mixture of magnesium metasilicilate (Mg3 H2 (SiO4 )3 ) with magnesium silicate (Mg3 Si4 O11 . H2 O).

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