Aaron Elswick Urban Design + Landscape Architecture Portfolio

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“3 x 1 = 1”

Lexington, Kentucky | 2012 “3 x 1 = 1” is a wall mural competition winning entry that I designed and collaboratively built with Jon Morris (professional metal sculptor). The competition was for wall murals that were themed around inspiration. I began by researching people who have inspired me throughout my life. In doing so I discovered that each of these people did so by breaking from normality. They each accredited these breakthroughs to being achieved by first balancing themselves. The concept of inspiration I then defined as being something only achievable through the balancing of one’s self. The piece compositionally is an abstraction of the balance present in a mind, body and spirit Venn diagram. The combination of three different materials into parts allowed the piece to visually play on said balance. The piece also breaks normality by being a mural comprised of sculpture and shadow, as opposed to traditionally two dimensional mediums.

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