ACCESS Spring News 2019

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Our Mission: Expanding Individual Potential Through Innovative Instruction SPR ING NEWS 2 0 19 JOIN US FOR THE ACCESS

Spring Plant Sales APRIL 8 - JUNE 1 Mondays—Saturdays 8:00am—3:00pm ACCESS Academy and Young Adult Campus 1500 North Mississippi Street

The Road to Success: WILL STUCKEY’S JOURNEY WITH AUTISM When you first meet Will Stuckey it is not hard to be captivated by his wit and bright personality. You could say he is somewhat of a legend as he walks the halls of the ACCESS Academy. Former teachers and therapists greet him with excitement wanting to reminisce of memories together. “Let’s let sleeping dogs lie,” Will professes in his deep, directive voice. You can tell he means business. He is eager to share of who he is today. At 16, he is a sophomore at Joe T. Robinson High School in Little Rock. He is an honor roll student and was recently invited to join the National Honor Society. “It’s multifactorial. It’s more than just grades, it is about one’s character and leadership skills,” his mother Ashley says. “We are proud of his participation in choir, band, beta club, guitar club and various social activities both at school and in church. We never envisioned that he would be thriving to this extent.” Ashley and Joe Stuckey think back to the “quiet, easy, laid-back baby” they once knew. “It was such a wonderful thing at the time,” Ashley reminisced, “but as he got a little

bigger we realized there was a reason he was so quiet.” By Will’s first birthday, they realized something was not quite right. At Will’s one-year checkup, the pediatrician was concerned about his speech development. With reservation, Ashley and Joe waited with uncertainty until a speech pathologist friend encouraged them to seek an evaluation. Ashley remembered, “His speech was not developing. He was making babbling sounds, maybe a word here and there.” Near his second birthday, they set up an evaluation with a speech pathologist. After just one or two sessions, “He literally started talking,” recalled Ashley. “One day he did not, the next day he did.” Will was discharged by the therapist. But the family made observations about his speech over the next few weeks. “It was a running monologue based on observation, but still no interactive communication,” Ashley shared. “He was describing everything in his mind, everything he would see, but it was difficult for him to request what he wanted.” Ashley remembered that they would be at the

Angelonia • Caladiums • Calibrachoa Coeopsis • Dragon Wing Begonias Drift Roses • Echinacea • Ferns Frost-Free Gardenia • Gaura • Geranium Herbs • Hibiscus • Hosta • Hydrangeas Knock Out Roses • Lantana • Mixed Baskets • Petunia Sky • Salvia • Sedum Sempervivum • Sun Impatiens Verbena • Wave Petunias

Follow us at @accessgroupinc to see photos of our beautiful selection of annuals, perennials, hanging baskets, and mixed containers!

park and Will would run to play with the other children, but he could not figure out how to interact with them. “He had no idea what to do.” Around his third birthday, Ashley and Joe made an appointment at the Dennis Developmental Center, and Will was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. They started researching developmental preschools. Ashley said, “we were blown away by what we found at ACCESS.” Unfortunately, there was a waiting list. They took an opening at another center but Ashley recalled crying each day as she

Cover Story Continued on page 6


What is Your Impact?

Numbers are interesting and provide significant insight into how ACCESS continues to grow. The most meaningful measure, however, is to personally observe the families and individuals that enjoy opportunities they thought might not be available to them. Sure, ACCESS produces results, but ACCESS never loses sight of the fact Dear Friends, that the most important result is equipping each We all desire to make an impact at work, at home and in our individual that walks in the door with tools to community. We long to live meaningful, independent lives and reach their greatest potential. leave a lasting impression. Each day brings new opportunities that we embrace and challenge us to live fully.

My wife Becky and I have been privileged to see and experience how ACCESS can provide such meaningful and independent lives to individuals that may start their journey a step or two behind others. ACCESS’s dedication to those individuals and their embrace of what ACCESS offers them has been a great joy to experience. Since 1994, ACCESS has been building brighter futures for families in Little Rock, Arkansas and beyond. While we face challenges today in the accelerating pace of change in healthcare and education, we continue to anticipate these changes to provide quality services to our clients and their families. Investments to ACCESS provide just that – unique, person-centered, innovative programs that are having a lifechanging impact on those we serve. Today, we have grown to a $12,000,000 organization that impacts more than 780 lives each year. Our mission is delivered each day by a team of more than 200 employees who are dedicated to empowering individuals to achieve their personal best. This would not be possible without your generous philanthropic support.

Through the pages of this publication, we highlight the success of individuals with developmental disabilities. The stories that follow are examples of the impact of living our values and providing superior services to create exceptional experiences for our students. The ACCESS staff come ready to work each day to serve and make a difference. But we cannot do this work alone. It is the support from you that is the key to sustaining our success. Your gifts of time and resources help to enhance programs and maintain financial strength to ensure our goals will be carried out well into the future. Thank you for generously continuing to support our efforts. With your help, we will remain strong for many generations of individuals with developmental disabilities to come. Today, we celebrate the impact and valuable role that you have on this mission. Together, we are building new levels of confidence and independence by empowering students with learning disabilities to define and achieve success throughout their lives. Together, we are making a significant impact. Sincerely, Jackson Farrow, Jr.

ACCESS is turning


This fall kicks off the 25th Anniversary of ACCESS and its mission of expanding individual potential through innovative instruction. We wouldn’t be where we are today without you. Be on the lookout for all of the fun ways we will be celebrating this major milestone with our ACCESS families, staff, supporters, and more.

Want to be part of the 25th Anniversary planning committee? Contact Kellie Wilhite, Director of Development. (501) 217-8600 |


Calendar of Events APRIL 8 - JUNE 1

MAY 21

Spring Plant Sales Begin Every Monday—Saturday 9:00 am—3:00 pm ACCESS Academy and Young Adult Campus 1500 N. Mississippi Street Little Rock AR 72207

MAY 10

Muffins with Moms 8:00—8:30 am Both Campuses

University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Project SEARCH Graduation 10:30 am Fred. W. Smith Conference Room—UAMS Hospital Little Rock, Arkansas

MAY 23


Early Childhood (EC) Black & White Picture Preview Stella Boyle Smith EC Campus 10618 Breckenridge Drive Little Rock, AR 72211

Arkansas Children’s Hospital Project SEARCH Graduation

MAY 13

17th Annual ACCES Cup Golf Tournament Chenal Country Club

MAY 14


Mercy Fort Smith Project SEARCH Graduation

8:00—11:30 am Central Arkansas Christian School

10:00 am Mercy Fort Smith Hospital Fort Smith, Arkansas

CAC Track Meet


Academy and Young Adult Black & White Picture Preview Cap & Gown Photos ACCESS Academy and Young Adult Campus


MAY 15

CHI St. Vincent Project SEARCH Graduation 10:00 am Lake Valley Community Church Hot Springs, Arkansas

Early Childhood Easter Hat Parade 8:30 am—Infants, EC1, and EC 2 Classes 2:15 pm—Pre-K 3, Pre-K 4, and KT Classes Stella Boyle Smith EC Campus


Pre-K 3 Circus 10:00 am Stella Boyle Smith EC Campus, Kelly O’Connor Therapy Gym


ACCESS Prom 6:30—9:30 pm Little Rock Christian Academy

MAY 10

Mother’s Day Ceramics Sale 7:30 am—1:00 pm or until sell out ACCESS Academy and Young Adult Campus

10:00 am Children’s Hall—Arkansas Children’s Hospital Little Rock, Arkansas

MAY 23-25

Special Olympics Arkansas Summer Games Harding University Searcy, Arkansas

’RE CloWEse d

MAY 27

Memorial Day Both Campuses CLOSED

MAY 31

Pre-K 4 Spring Program “The Carrot Seed”

MAY 16

St. Bernards Project SEARCH Graduation 10:00 am St. Bernards Auditorium Jonesboro, Arkansas

MAY 17

Ouachita County Medical Center Project SEARCH Graduation

Performances by Class, Starting at Time Stella Boyle Smith EC Campus, Kelly O’Connor Therapy Gym

University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff Project SEARCH Graduation 10:00 am HPER Complex—UAPB Campus Pine Bluff, Arkansas

8:00—8:30 am Both Campuses


EC Independence Day Hat Parade 8:30 am—Infants, EC1, and EC 2 Classes 2:15 pm—Pre-K 3, Pre-K 4, and KT Classes Stella Boyle Smith EC Campus


Independence Day Both Campuses CLOSED


13th Annual Bingo Bash 6:00 pm Annunciation Center at the Greek Orthodox Church


Stella Boyle Smith Early Childhood Graduation Stella Boyle Smith EC Campus, Kelly O’Connor Therapy Gym


ACCESS Academy and Young Adult Graduation 7:00 pm Immanuel Baptist Church Little Rock

10:30 am W.K. Green Center Camden, Arkansas

MAY 20


Donuts with Dads

AUGUST 12—16

ACCESS Academy and Young Adult Campus CLOSED for Summer Break

AUGUST 15—16


ACCESS Academy and Young Adult Program Begins Half Day Schedule ACCESS Adventure Begins

ACCESS Stella Boyle Smith EC Campus CLOSED for Summer Break


First Day of School for the 2019-2020 Academic Year Both Campuses

ACCESS Academy and Young Adult Campus


ACCESS by the Numbers During the 2018—2019 academic year, ACCESS will serve more than 780 families from 34 counties in Arkansas, as well as neighboring states.

19 43 63 140 108 109 125

229 ACCESS Employees

Members of the ACCESS Board of Directors Outpatient clients enrolled in therapy Interns in Project SEARCH Arkansas: ACCESS Initiative across 7 sites Early Childhood students Academy & ACCESS Life Students Project SEARCH Arkansas: ACCESS Initiative graduates receiving Follow Along services Community volunteers


Evaluations performed through the ACCESS Evaluation and Resource Center in 2018

1,233 Hours of therapy services per week

ACCESS is CARF Certified ACCESS is pleased to announce that a CARF Three-Year Accreditation was awarded to our organization for mental and behavioral health services. This achievement is an indication of the dedication and commitment by ACCESS to improve the quality of the lives of students and clients. This accreditation will enable us to expand individual potential through innovative instruction for more families. During the accreditation process, surveyors from CARF International recognized some of the following strengths of our mission: • The ACCESS staff is enthusiastic, caring, and compassionate and go above and beyond. • ACCESS is well thought of in the community. • Parents report a very high level of satisfaction. • The organization provides innovative and holistic services for individuals and families. • ACCESS has clearly aligned its mission and values to its work practices. CARF International is a nonprofit organization that offers accreditation services and support for health and human services programs. 4

Annual Report & Finances “What could be more rewarding than knowing that you have had an impact to positively change the course of a child’s life?” - Tammy Simmons, Executive Director, Co-Founder



Revenue 51% 36.2%

ACCESS Annual Report Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Current Assets Checking and Savings $1,197,547 Investments, Endowment $1,259,316 Accounts Receivable, Net $1,496,522 Pledges Receivable $274,730 Other Current Assets $183,429 Total Current Assets $4,411,544 Fixed Assets, Net Total Fixed Assets Other Assets Restricted Cash and Cash Equivalents Other Assets Total Other Assets Total Assets

Programs & Tuition Therapy

Fundraising ACCESS Evaluation and Resource Center

ACCESS Projects You’ve Helped Support The gift of LITERACY to children and youth

HIGH-QUALITY THERAPY SERVICES to address developmental delays

Liabilities Current Liabilities Long Term Liabilitlies Total Liabilities Net Assets Unrestricted Undesignated Unrestricted Board Designated Temporarily Restricted Total Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets


$52,799 $36,630 $89,429 $10,132,183

$6,993,015 $0 $6,993,015

$1,820,508 $456,403 $862,257 $3,139,168 $10,132,183

UPGRADED TECHNOLOGY that is a critical part of every student’s educational experience 5

The Road to Success dropped her son off. She knew “this was not where he needed to be to get the help he needed.” She prayed for the day that they would receive the call from ACCESS. Within a few months, that call came and Will was enrolled at ACCESS in May 2006. Reflecting on Will’s first day at ACCESS, Ashley expressed, “I had such a peace and confidence, such gratitude. I did not shed a tear. I did a happy dance dropping him off and picking him up.” Susan Lockhart and Tim Thomas were Will’s first teachers. “He felt instantly at home here – we all felt at home. Will was off to a great start. He was finally here! That familial feeling was there from day one,” the family recalled.


again, the team graciously went above and beyond, as they always do.” This new learning environment did not prove to be the best opportunity for Will. The family decided to homeschool him for his eighthgrade year. “It was difficult,” recalled Joe. “The best thing that came out of it was that it was an exceedingly strong motivation from both Will and us to go back to traditional school.”

The Stuckeys are rooted with strong faith and family. Will has a younger sister, Sidney, who is nine years old. “They are very supportive of each other. They have each other’s backs,” Ashley commented. “At the young age of nine, Sidney understands that life is harder for her brother, and that his challenges are very real and different from hers. As she matures, she will understand more.”

Will made slow and steady progress at first. Then around the second or third grade, things became more difficult for him academically and socially. Joe expressed, “We still felt we were in the right place and doing all the right things, but it just became harder. It felt like we hit a wall.” In 2012, the family moved to the outskirts of Little Rock. They felt it would be good for Will to have more open space; not as socially challenging for him. Joe professed, “He just cratered. We were going backwards.” Will was losing some of the skills he had worked so hard to achieve. “That’s when it got scary for a while. No one seemed to understand, nobody had seen that happen before.”

When asked what they hope for Will in the future, Joe remarks, “first, we will never place limitation on him. I am 100% certain that he has a special purpose, and we are in the process of figuring it out like you are with any kid.” Joe offered, “More specifically, will he be able to work and live independently? He is super motivated and driven for success. He’s interested in having a job, making money and being responsible for himself. That is the kind of thing that you hope for.”

“ACCESS was there every step of the way,” expressed Ashley. “It was a definite team effort, it always has been.” ACCESS Academy and Young Adult Director Cheri Stevenson added, “Even when the days were hard, it made our team’s journey more successful due to the family’s commitment. They were very open and receptive to all recommendations.” They listened to suggestions from his teachers, therapists, academic therapists, and his ABA therapist Jennifer Nash. They worked hand-in-hand with his doctors. Joe added, “We could not have made it through without Ms. Mary Stuart’s (Will’s teacher at the time) patience in the classroom. I do not think he would have come out of that dark hole without that team approach.” As Will continued to progress, they decided to “step out on faith” to try a charter school. Ashley said, “We were terrified to leave this setting where we knew he was safe and learning. It would have been wonderful for him to stay and we were comfortable with that, but could he do more?” During the transition, Ashley remarked, “Tammy and Cheri came to meetings with us to establish his IEP which gave such peace of mind. I was afraid I would not be able to advocate appropriately without their guidance. They were able to speak to his background, his history at ACCESS. Once 6

He wants to be seen as anyone else his age. Things that clearly defy his comfort zone – going to a school where he didn’t know anyone, playing in the band, voluntarily speaking in front of the entire church – he pushes through that fear and takes on challenges.” Ashley exclaimed, “We would never have guessed a few years ago that he would be thriving in every conceivable way. He even has his driver’s license – he drove us here today! I just marvel over his bravery, courage and tenacity of spirit, especially in the past two years. There is not anything he won’t try at this point.”

As for Will, he is quick to share his memories of ACCESS, especially “the staff and how they helped me and my disability. I felt like I could strive in everything I did. After I graduate, I hope to get a job here.” “ACCESS is unique and very special,” Joe adds. “There is nothing else like it in the state. We could not be more thankful for this organization. We will never forget.”

Reluctant yet confident, Ashley and Joe enrolled Will at Joe T. Robinson in 2017. “He didn’t know a soul when he walked into the school,” they remarked. “Social interactions are hard with an autism diagnosis, but peer motivation has been a positive thing for him. Band and choir has given him a built in peer group. He is in a good place with his classes. They are just challenging enough, but we have to be careful, can’t hit that wall.” Will is a teenager now, finding a balance between social life and academics. “He doesn’t want to be held back by his diagnosis.

For parents with young children who might be struggling with delays, Ashley encourages them to seek help. “Early intervention is key! Looking back, you will never regret seeking that opinion. Getting that evaluation could change the trajectory of your child’s future. Every day is critical, especially when they are so young. Call the ACCESS Evaluation and Resource Center. Find your path. Make your plan. Get your map. Dive in.” Joe‘s advice for those families walking that journey now: “Hold on to that rope. Do not let it go.” Ashley added, “In those dark days, in those valleys, in the pit, remember today is not the end. Today is one day in a journey. Keep moving forward.”


Brandi Frank, ACCESS Parent The ACCESS Evaluation and Resource Center (AERC) changed our lives. I’ve known something was a little off for our 11-year-old son Aidan for years. His older brother is diagnosed on the autism spectrum, so his school just assumed he was autistic as well. I wondered that myself at times since his areas of concern seemed to match his brother’s. Aidan has a great memory and can recall things in great detail, but he was failing in school. Years ago, his father, teachers and I answered a booklet provided to us through his psychiatrist resulting in a diagnosis of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). We put a 504 plan in place, but things still weren’t clicking for Aidan. A good friend happened to become his teacher and she expressed concern, emphasizing the need for a better 504 plan and more testing. Year after year, I would ask our school about testing for our son, but no one seemed to be able to help. After my friend told me Aidan’s struggles, I contacted my insurance provider to ask for recommendations, and we chose to drive to Little Rock from Carlisle to seek a comprehensive evaluation through ACCESS.

“ACCESS changed our lives. Now we know how to help our son be the best he can be.”

Working with psychological evaluator Kimberly Newton and ACCESS changed our lives. She was able to discover the correct diagnoses and help us create a 504 to fit Aidan’s needs. It turned out that Aidan was not on the autism spectrum at all. He had been struggling with a variety of learning disabilities that no one knew about. School is completely different for Aidan now. We don’t spend nights crying over homework, and his much-needed recess isn’t taken away from him because he didn’t have enough time in class to complete his work. We still have struggles, but a huge weight has been taken off our shoulders. Now we know how to help our son be the best he can be.

Don’t let summer break get in the way of your child’s academic progress! Call today to learn more about academic therapy.

(501) 217-8600

Finding Success through

Academic Therapy Did you know that ACCESS offers Academic Therapy, specialized tutoring tailored to help children reach their full potential by working one-on-one with a trained academic therapist to address learning challenges? Academic therapists have been trained in specialized, researchbased, multisensory programs designed for remediating students with dyslexia and other learning disabilities.

“We have seen huge results in both reading and comprehension, as well as increased confidence in both kids! The girls never complain about going to their tutoring lesson because they are having fun and know they are learning how to succeed in their school work.” – Amy O’Connor, parent

Academic therapy is not just for the academic year. According to ACCESS academic therapist Chelsea Cooper, there are many benefits to receiving academic therapy over the summer months. Summer therapy helps lessen the “summer slide,” or skill regression many students experience between school years. It offers a structured time during the summer where students may refine skills and can help ease the transition back to school. 7

21st Annual Starry Starry Night The 21st Annual Starry Starry Night presented by Bank OZK, raised over $280,000 to support ACCESS in building brighter futures. We are humbled by the outpour of support from volunteers and sponsors. Our sincere appreciation is extended to the Starry Starry Night planning committee for their hard work and leadership.

Q: What made you choose to serve on the Starry Starry Night Committee?


This year, we continued the tradition of honoring some of the ACCESS Stars who have ignited potential throughout their work in the community and in the individuals that we serve. 2.




Clockwise from top: 1. Taziki’s Mediterranean Café and the Keet Family were honored as our Dedicated Community Supporter. 2. Tanarah Luxe Floral and Bylites helped to create a magical atmosphere to compliment the theme of “Igniting Potential.” 3. Eric and Ashley Merriman 4. Guests participated in silent and live auctions and enjoyed an after party with live music from local band White Chocolate 5. Lynn, Kelly and Amy O’Connor 6. One of the Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities ACCESS Horticulture Technicians, Taylor with her award as one of this year’s honorees. 4.

Thank You to Our Starry, Starry Night Sponsors Presenting Sponsor Bank OZK Platinum Sponsors Lynn and George O’Connor Ellis and the late Gus Walton Gold Sponsors Terri and Chuck Erwin Bronze Sponsors Arkansas Democrat Gazett Dillard’s Gwatney Chevrolet Patti Bailey Stella Boyle Smith Trust


Host Table Sponsors Arkansas Bolt Co. Big Rock Mini Golf and Fun Park Libby and Scott Davis Kristen and Steele Davis Becky and Jackson Farrow inVeritas Jill and Ted Penick Katherine Ann Trotter Beverage Sponsors O’Connor Distributing Southern Glazer’s In Kind Sponsors Bylites Gaylen McGee, Auctioneer Mangan Holcomb Partners Tanarah Luxe Floral TC Print Solutions

Starry Starry Night Committee Amy O’Connor Amanda Daugherty Hayden Shurgar Wendy Butler Julia Hamra Jeni Hill Mollie Campbell Angela Wilcox Jillian Hastings Lindsey Cooper Lauren McCullar Jill Penick Natalie Hairston Celeste Connor Shannon McKinney Stephanie Chester McKenzie Moriconi

A: “From the minute our ACCESS journey began, it was clear to our family that we were a part of something special. The love in the hearts of every staff member, teacher, and therapist poured out to us, and we knew they had just as much of a commitment to see our son succeed as we did. Their investment in Hudson and in every single student and family member is something I’ve never seen or experienced. For all of the gratitude I’ve felt since we started ACCESS in August, I was honored to be able to give back in a tangible way (by serving on the Starry Starry Night Committee) to the place that has already given my family so much. I look forward to doing everything I can to help propel the mission of ACCESS to all those who need a little extra support, hope, and love.”

– Mollie Campbell, ACCESS Parent and Starry Starry Night Committee Member

Interested in joining the 22nd Annual Starry Starry Night Committee? Contact Tori Horton, Special Events and Corporate Sponsors Associate for more info:

2019 ACCESS Stars Employee Igniting Potential:

Monika Garner-Smith, ACCESS Co-Founder and Early Childhood Director

Faithful Foundation Supporter: The Philip R. Jonsson Foundation Dedicated Community Supporter:

Taziki’s Mediterranean Cafe, The Keet Family

Shining Stars, the Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) ACCESS Interns: Lily Clark, Taylor Ford, Tripp Gleason, Beau Hammons, Nicholas Jones, Gatlin Vogelsegang

An Eventful Year The Harriet and Warren Stephens, Stephens, Inc. 17th Annual ACCESS Cup will be held on Monday, May 13th at the Chenal Country Club. Enjoy a day of golf filled with food, friends and fun while you put your golf skills to the test. Golf, cart fee, luncheon and reception are included in team fees, and all proceeds from the tournament will benefit ACCESS and its mission.

“I love volunteering at ACCESS because it is a truly joyful and inspirational experience to see the students overcome the obstacles they face and how hard they, along with the teachers, staff and parents, work to achieve those goals.” - Chris McNulty, ACCESS Cup Chairman

Interested in joining us for the 17th Annual ACCESS Cup or 13th Annual Bingo Bash? Contact Tori Horton, Special Events and Corporate Sponsor Associate for sponsorship or team information:

Save the date for the 13th Annual Bingo Bash taking place on Thursday, July 18, 2019 at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church. We are thrilled to welcome back USAble Life as the Presenting Sponsor! Join chairmen Chandler and Morgan Bailey and Callie and David Gutierrez, along with the ACCESS in Action Young Professionals Group as we play bingo, win prizes and enjoy great food and drinks, all while helping ACCESS continue to build brighter futures for individuals with special needs.

The 3rd Annual ACCESS Gator Gras was a huge success! More than 450 ACCESS families, friends, employees and alumni enjoyed the evening’s festivities. From dunking a favorite ACCESS employee to bounce houses, balloon animals, and a candy walk, kids of ALL ages had a big time. ACCESS Academy classes, ACCESS Life, and Project SEARCH Arkansas: ACCESS Initiative joined the annual parade of classes with uniquely designed banners and throws for the audience, led by the famous ACCESS Gator mascot. We are already looking forward to next year! Thank you to the ACCESS Development Council and Gator Gras Committee for your efforts in planning this great event for our ACCESS community. Also, we want to give a big shout-out to our wonderful volunteers and vendors that provided food, fun and cheer to our guests. We could not have done it without you! 9

News From Development You are making a difference! So far the ACCESS Annual Giving Campaign has raised over $125,000 in donations and pledges for this fiscal year. However, we are not done yet; we still need your help! Join us today to support #ACCESS4ALL and make a gift to the Annual Giving Campaign. Donations to the campaign support the budget from which ACCESS operates so that our team can carry out our mission of expanding individual potential through innovative instruction.

Granting Access to More

ACCESS is grateful to have been awarded a grant from the HoganTaylor LLP Foundation in support of new and upgraded technology initiatives. ACCESS depends on the support of our community partners to carry out its mission.

Thank you for joining us on November 27 for #GivingTuesday. On this global day of giving, your efforts not only helped to raise over $27,000 for our mission but also raised awareness throughout the community through social media likes and shares. Thank you for making a difference!

ACCESS was the proud recipient of funding from I Love LK Memorial Fund for a second year in a row. The funds will support the CHI St. Vincent Project SEARCH program in Hot Springs.

Thanks to a $5,000 grant from the Union Pacific Community Ties Giving Program to assist with workforce development through vocational and career training programs, ACCESS is able to expand individual for teenagers and young adults with special needs as they prepare to join the competitive workforce.

Support ACCESS

Major Donor Jubilee

The ACCESS Major Donor Party was held on Thursday, October 4, 2018 at the ACCESS Academy and Young Adult Campus. It is because of our generous and dedicated supporters that ACCESS has been able to grow to serve over 780 families across Arkansas and beyond.


Whether for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, end of year gifts, or birthdays, donate to ACCESS in honor of someone who holds a special place in your heart. We will send a heartfelt acknowledgement letter sharing the meaningful gift with your honoree. Use the attached envelope or donate online at For more information, contact Laura Wyerick, Annual Programs Coordinator. 501.217.8600

Volunteers In Action High School Volunteers Throughout the year, ACCESS welcomes students from surrounding schools and programs to volunteer at our campuses in a variety of ways. Our students benefit from the service these individuals provide as they gain experience and, often times, a newfound passion for those we serve. It is truly a win-win! ACCESS is in our fifth year hosting students from Little Rock Christian Academy’s J-Term program and Mount St. Mary Academy’s Junior Service Learning program. We are humbled by these longstanding relationships, and look forward to new ones as we welcome students from Arkansas Commitment this spring.

Educational Assistance Dogs

We now have TWO Educational Assistance Dogs working at ACCESS. Gabe, a white standard poodle, provides service to the students at the ACCESS Stella Boyle Smith Early Childhood Campus. Volunteers, Townes Delp and Sheila Shields, work with Gabe as he encourages the children to reach their goals in class and therapy. Gabe’s handler is Tammy Simmons, ACCESS Executive Director and Co-Founder.

Photos with Santa

Thanks to DADs of Arkansas volunteers, ACCESS was able to offer a family-friendly gathering with Santa and his elves, along with a couple of special holiday friends this year! Guests were able to meet the big man himself, play games, and partake in holiday activities to celebrate the season. This event supported families who have children with special needs to provide a sensory-safe environment for holiday photos.

President’s Volunteer Service Award Did you know that ACCESS is a Certifying Organization for The President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA)? The PVSA recognizes and celebrates individuals making a positive impact on the community through volunteer work. ACCESS is now able to recognize volunteers at this prestigious level. This spring, Chase Canterbury and Maeson Moore achieved Bronze President’s Service Awards for providing over 100 hours of service over the past year to ACCESS and other organizations. Thank you Chase and Maeson for your hard work and dedication!

Josie, a black lab, provides service to the students at the ACCESS Academy and Young Adult Campus. She specializes as a “comfort dog,” knowing when students need a little extra attention or care. Josie’s handlers are Libby and Scott Davis. Special thanks to Andrea Salsberry with Paws 4 Hope for her support and connecting us with these incredible dogs! 11

Donors ACCESS extends a heartfelt thank you to the following individuals, corporations and foundations who made a cumulative gift of $100 or more to our mission between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2018. Also listed are the many friends and family members to whom you paid tribute with donations to ACCESS. The generosity represented in the following pages enables our efforts to expand individual potential through innovative instruction. These names inspire us each day as we live out our mission and continue to meet the needs of our community.


The Brown Foundation of Houston


Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities


Ottenheimer Brothers Foundation Steuri Family Endowment Windgate Foundation


Elizabeth and Jeff Glasbrenner Marion & Miriam Rose Trust Lynn and George O’Connor Philip R. Jonsson Foundation Ginna and J.D. Simpson Harriet and Warren Stephens, Stephens, Inc.


Heather and Scott Allmendinger Anonymous Patti Bailey Bank OZK Terri and Chuck Erwin George and Linda Gleason Foundation Judy W. Fletcher Family Foundation Lindsey Robison East Endowment PotlatchDeltic Katherine Ann Trotter Ellis and the late Gus Walton*


John Bailey Bass Charitable Foundation Bemis Company Foundation Kristen and Steele Davis Libby and Scott Davis Dillard’s Becky and Jackson Farrow Gwatney Chevrolet Jane and Chris Hartz The Hussman Foundation inVeritas Beth and Don Johnson LPR Foundation Susan and Robert McGowan April and John McMorran Northwestern Mutual Foundation Rachael and Dan Oberste Jill and Ted Penick Rebsamen Fund Tammy Simmons Skyview Farms Partnership Stella Boyle Smith Trust Union Pacific Foundation USAble Life Warriors for Walt Charitable Fund 12


Arkansas Bolt Co. Shannon and David Aston Amy and Wes Baden Bailey Family Foundation Leslie and Gary Collins Laura and Mark Doramus Everett Automotive Fallon Benefits Group Kathryn and Will Griffin Callie and David Gutierrez Jeanne and Harold Joyner Julie and Lynn Marshall Chase and Matt McKay Meadors Adams & Lee, Inc. Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates, & Woodyard, P.L.L.C. Murphy USA Patricia and Andre Paixao Olivia and Joe Ramsey Simmons First Investment Group, Inc. Janna and Matt Toland Uniti Group Inc. Walmart


Advanced Cabling Systems, LLC Jan and Dave Allmendinger Anonymous Anthony Timberlands, Inc. Aon Risk Solutions Arkansas Blue Cross & Blue Shield Arkansas Democrat Gazette Avon Pipe Company Inc. Pam and Rick Blank Bray Properties LLC Wendy and Richie Butler C. B. Foundation Alison and Cesar Caballero Suzanne and Walt Carter Chambers Bank Cogbill-Crone Wealth Management David, Celeste and D3 Connor Datamax Datek Inc. Irene and George Davis Elaine and Claiborne Deming Evo Business Environments Walter Ebel III The Faded Rose Restaurant Brittany and Ryan Franklin Cynthia and Tom Frazier Julia and Randy Garcia Gill Ragon Owen P.A. Angie and Greg Golden Andrea and Jay Heflin Hogan Taylor LLP I Love LK Memorial Fund JMD Construction Services Mary and Richard Kelley Ginny and Baker Kurrus Kutak Rock LLP The Layton Family

Lester McKinley Family Foundation Krysten and Mark Levin Little Rock Pediatric Clinic Neilla and Greg Longino Lauren and Ethan McCullar McConnell & Son Inc. McDonald’s The Retzer Group Katie and Jake Melton Phelps Fan, LLC Potbelly Sandwich Shop Mary Lou and Terry Rasco Regions Insurance Kim and Kirk Reynolds Beth and Ted Rice Sarah Ali and Ali Ridha Rose Law Firm Carrie and Hunter Scott Simmons Bank Clarke Simpson Monika Garner-Smith and Roger Smith Snell Prosthetic & Orthotic Laboratory Judy and David Snowden Southern Bancorp The Southern Company of NLR, Inc. Angie and J.T. Stephens Ashley and Joe Stuckey Melissa Thomas Touchdowns with David Tulsa Community Foundation W M Lloyd Company Walmart Foundation Kellie and Michael Wilhite Windstream Corporation Loan and Scott Wofford Mandy and Eric Wright Wright Lindsey & Jennings LLP Wright Plastic Surgery


Advanced POS Solutions Rose Ann and Peter Attig B. Interiors Inc Shannon and Erik Bailey Shelly Baldwin Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Cathy and Hank Browne Cindy and Tim Burson CFO Network Megan and Jonathan Chastek David and Donna Cone Jessica and Jack Davis Sarah Beth and Fred Davis Crews and Associates DASH Heating and Cooling FCA Certified Public Accountants Laura and Milton Fine Eliza and Alec Gaines Stacy and Jack Grobmyer Sharon and Marc Gunter Katherine and Chris Hardison Frank Hickingbotham Stacey and Lance Hines Lindsey and Drew Holbert Ashley and Jon Honeywell

Huffman Drywall Company Beth and Andrew Jones JTJ Restaurants Valerie and Art Kellam Kroger Ann and Mark Langston Joel Ledbetter, Jr. Lighting & Power Solutions, Inc. Malmstrom White Co. Herbert Mathews Maverick Transportation Shannon and Frank McKinney Liane and Alan Meadors Jaimie and Steve Moss Susie and Eric Munson Jan and Rick Murphy Amy and Ryan O’Connor Owens Murphy Jaguar Land Rover VW Paylocity PC Assistance, Inc. Helen Porter Laura Hobart-Porter and Nicholas Porter Jacque and Michael Ptak Purple Cow Restaurants Real Property Management Central Arkansas Jananne and David Reding Riverside Bank Roark-Perkins-Perry-Yelvington, P.A. Architects Sage Real Estate Solutions, LLC Satterfield Motor Co. Smart Chevrolet Laurie and Justin Spencer Katie and Miles Stephens Cheri Stevenson Lynne and Mark Watterson


Anonymous ACE Glass Attig | Steel PLLC Kris and Brent Baber Chandler and Morgan Bailey Lorie and Chip Baker Marsha Billingsley Patricia Blass Chucki and Burt Bradberry Shalene and Michael Caple Rebecca and Phil Campbell Lori and Jeff Carfagno Jo and Michael Carson The Charlotte John Co. Derek Cisne Dick Cisne Martha and Ronald Clark Lynn and David Coates Meghan and Andrew Collins Cosmetic Surgery Center Cross, Gunter, Witherspoon & Galchus, P.C. Wally Davis Tish and Patrick Delozier Robert Denton Desselle Real Estate, Inc. Ginny and John Deuschle Melissa Dixon Jill and Bo Dunlap Stacy and Gus Fitts Lynne and Hayden Franks Laura and Mike Freville Kacky and J.R. Fuller Jill and Stephen Fussell Andrea and Jim Gary Theresa Wyerick-Glover and David Glover Marci Hall Julia and Ryan Hamra Susan and John Harbour Laura and Ernie Harper McCall and John Harriman

Riley Hays Rae and Mark Holst Mimi and Joe Hurst James & Carter Jill and Greg Joslin Marissa and Kevin Keith Robert Klein Nikki and Larry Lawson Gwen and Michael Leger Sandy and Fred Levin Mann and Kemp PLLC Tom Massey Miller & Company, PLC Peggy and David Mitchell Frances and David Mitchell, Jr. Judy and Joe Morgan Moses Tucker Real Estate Teresa and Joseph Murphy Carroll and Susan Penick Radiology Consultants Debby and J. Thomas Ray Tiffany and Brian Reddick Carol and Brandon Ricketts Amy and John Scurlock Rick Pruitt and Baxter Sharp Steel, Wright, Gray & Hutchinson PLLC Brent Stevenson Suzanne and Chuck Stofer Michelle Stuemer Carol and Chuck Tennyson Katie and Kent Thompson Karen and Bill Toland Trojan Athletic Foundation, Inc. The University of Arkansas Foundation, Inc. Vicki and Mack Wallace Cappy and Charles Whiteside Angela and Lance Wilcox Brandy and Bubba Wood Laura and Patrick Wyerick Jillian and Scott Yant


Jenny Adams Cathy and Al Alexander Anonymous Jennifer Steel and Chris Attig Mollie and Brent Birch Clint Boone Aaron Bragg Helen and Kevin Brown Kathleen and Robert Brown Joyce and Fred Burkhead Haley Burks Donna Via and Granville Burrus Stephanie and Daniels Bynum Diane and Dale Carpenter Sybil Carroll Beth Carter Roxanne and Leon Catlett Meredith McNeil Causey Pam and Edwin Clark Ellon and Rogers Cockrill Patti and Charlie Coleman Maragert Davis Pamela Diemer Megan and Brad Delco DeLone Operating Company Diane’s Gourmet Luxuries Allison and Jim Dowden Debbie and Gergory Dwyer Janice and Kyle Edmonson EF Group Karen and Denny Ferra Loris Fullerton Claudia and Harry Hamilton Carter Harbuck Allison and Dale Harrison Helen and Fred Harrison Jennifer Wilson-Harvey and Jack Harvey

Lindsay and Jay Heulitt Brooke and Tim Hicks Jeni and Nate Hill Grayson Hinojosa Carly and Jeff Hood William R. Hooton, Jr. Mary Horras Elizabeth and Wesley Ivory J. W. Nutt Co. Beth and Doug Jackson Annemarie Dillard Jazic and Ante Jazic Angie and Jordan Johnson Lori and John Johnson Jim Kelley Rachel and Hamilton Kemp Kenan and Griff Keyes Jason Laird Corbin and John Levin JoJo Lister Little, Shaneyfelt, Marshall & Co. Susan and Ryan Lockhart Terri and Jay Martin Christina and Ken Mayo Mary Nell and Michael McBryde Johnna and Alan McClain Rachelle and Holt McConnell Donna and Thomas McLarty Molly and Chris McNulty Mary Stuart McRae Ashley and Eric Merriman Kelli and Mason Miller Michelle and Lance Miller Paula and Joe Morgan Kimberly and Donald Newton Ralph S. O’Connor* The Oraha Family Holly and David Parker Alicia Pattillo Becky and Herb Peach Amy and Ray Peeples Harriett and Terry Pollock Beth and Charlie Porter Jeff Priebe Jimbo Ramsay Razoo Foundation Richard H. Brossard Trust Jeannie Roberts Deborah and George Robertson Jordan and Nathan Rutledge Blake Schuhmacher Becky Scott Sheila and Ben Shields Deanna and Nathan Siria Morgan and Isaac Smith Anne and Breck Speed Joanne S. Sullivan Becky and James Terbrack Jane and Kenn Thompson Robin and Gary Thompson Lindy and Jason Vint Margery Wage Lydia and David Waller Laura and Glenn Ward Lindsay and Bret Ward Stephanie Watson Christy Williams Lucy and Quinten Whiteside (*) Deceased


Honorariums In Honor of ACCESS Faculty, Staff and Board Members Marci Hall

In Honor of Becky and Jackson Farrow Allison and Jim Dowden

In Honor of Aurora Akana Megan and Jonathan Chastek

In Honor of Otto Fitts Stacy and Gus Fitts

In Honor of Fritz Attig and Family Rose Ann and Peter Attig

In Honor of The Glasbrenners Mary Lou and Terry Rasco

In Honor of Dr. Shelly Baldwin Bennett Fine Laura and Milton Fine

In Honor of Jeff Glasbrenner Fallon Benefits Group

In Honor of Rachel and Matt Biedron Alice and Philip Jones In Honor of Jerah Bryan Rebecca and Joshua Bryan In Honor of Cesar Cabellero Michelle Elliot In Honor of Liam Carlson Lindsey and Luke McCoy In Honor of Bradley and Witt Chester Stephanie and Elliott Chester In Honor of David Connor III Celeste and David Connor In Honor of Campbell, Lindsey and Hunter Cooper Becky and Phil Campbell In Honor of Libby Davis Scott, Wally, and Wyatt Davis In Honor of Libby and Scott Davis Kathryn and William Griffin III In Honor of Scott Davis Irene and George Davis In Honor of Marissa Dove Paula and Joe Morgan

In Honor of Tripp Gleason Amy and Wes Baden In Honor of George Griffin Nikki and Larry Lawson In Honor of Richard Hahn, Kelly O’Connor and Matthew Prickett Katherine Ann Trotter In Honor of Dr. Bruce Hall Lester McKinley Family Foundation In Honor of Porter and Payton Harriman McCall and John Harriman In Honor of Jane and Chris Hartz Donna Via and Granville Burruss In Honor of Joseph Heulitt Lindsay and Jay Heulitt In Honor of Ali Hicks Neilla and Greg Longino In Honor of Megan and Maryo Jimenez Laura and Patrick Wyerick In Honor of Harold Joyner Carol and Chuck Tennyson In Honor of Jackie Lackie Libby and Scott Davis

In Honor of Dutch Leger Mary Horras In Honor of Krysten Levin Sandy and Fred Levin

In Honor of Allie Ramsey Molly Ramsey In Honor of Claire Ricketts Carol and Robert Ricketts

In Honor of Philip and Sam Levin Krysten and Mark Levin

In Honor of Stacey and Shay Sebree Laura and Ernest Harper

In Honor of Grayson Lipin Kristin and John Lipin In Honor of Adele and Bill Lloyd Ellon and Rogers Cockrill In Honor of Owen Lloyd Sue and Peter Powell In Honor of the Loving Teachers and Staff at ACCESS Jeni and Nate Hill In Honor of Landon Markham Tom Massey In Honor of Riley Mayo Christian and Ken Mayo In Honor of Liane and Alan Meadors Jay Heflin In Honor of Chris McNulty Bret, Lindsay, and Ella Grace Ward

In Honor of Tammy Simmons Libby and Scott Davis Beth and Don Johnson McConnell and Son Inc. Lynn and George O’Connor Judy and David Snowden In Honor of Clarke Simpson Joel Ledbetter Jr. In Honor of Judy Snowden Margaret Davis In Honor of Grace and John Steuri Suzanne and Chuck Stofer In Honor of Sam and Charlie Thompson Pamela and Edward Kleitsch Katie and Kent Thompson In Honor of Janna Toland Helen Porter Karen and Bill Toland

In Honor of Lynn and George O’Connor Patricia B. Blass Cathryn and Hank Browne Donna and David Cone Allison and Jim Dowden Judy and David Snowden Trish, Angel, Jennifer, and Susan

In Honor of Katherine Ann Trotter Andrea and Jimmy Gary

In Honor of Lynn, George, Kelly, Ryan and Amy O’Connor Becky Scott

In Honor of Caeden Winters Mary and Charles Winters

In Honor of Kelly O’Connor Judy and David Snowden

In Honor of Mattie Weber Diane and Dale Carpenter In Honor of Kellie Wilhite Judy and David Snowden

In Honor of Eloise and Genevieve Wright Marsha Billingsley Mandy and Eric Wright

Memorials In Memory of Nick Alexander Sarah Beth and Fred Davis Ginny and Baker Kurrus In Memory of Claire Bihn Rachelle and Holt McConnell In Memory of Jason and William Braddock Lorie and Chip Baker In Memory of George Brennan David Gutierrez


In Memory of Charles Carroll Brent Stevenson

In Memory of Fletcher Hartz Jane and Chris Hartz

In Memory of Burns M. Crotty, Sr. Debby C. Ray

In Memory of Dick Horne Diane’s Gourmet Luxuries

In Memory of Frances L. Cummings Melanie Cummings and Scott Wiley

In Memory of Betty Johnson The Cameron Family Shalene and Michael Caple Beth Carter Jennifer Floyd, Joanne Raynes, Suanne Walker and Families Laura Garner Lanie Hess

In Memory of Charles Raymond Day Shannon and Frank McKinney

William R. Hooton, Jr. Kansie Howard Rick Pruitt and Baxter Sharp Tammy Simmons Mary V. Spencer In Memory of Thomas Forrest Leath Glenna and Keith Dennie The Hegman, Kinard, and Thompson Families Susan and John Meador Richard H. Brossard Trust

In Memory of Richard “Dickie” Hay McKinney, Jr. Jane and Bill Arthurs Virginia A. Buttry Carter Recruiting and Associates Roxanne and Leon Catlett Ellon and Rogers Cockrill John E. Coker Irene and George Davis Libby and Scott Davis Elizabeth Dober Martha and James F. Gramling Marjem and John Gill Elenia A. Gray Marilyn Hall

Dorothy and Andy S. Hendricks Rita and Bill Holmes J. W. Nutt Co. Beth and Doug Jackson Janet and Bud Jones Kenan and Griff Keyes Little, Shaneyfelt, Marshall & Co. Marilyn Hall’s Thursday Mah Jongg Group Joann and Garth Martin Donna and Thomas McLarty Cindy and Doug McNeely Sheila and Mike Mehaffy Amanda and John Moore Beverly and Dick Moore, Jr.

Holly and David L. Parker Becky and Herb Peach Jill Rensch James C. Robinson Charley Swann Deloris White Cappy and Charles B. Whiteside III In Memory of C. Allen McKnight Dr. Stephanie F. Watson In Memory of Sonny Melton Katie and Jacob Melton

In Memory of Vivian Nixon-Bonser Jane and Kenn E. Thompson In Memory of Jesse Parker, Jr. Pam and Edwin Clark In Memory of Joe Pollock Scott, Libby, Wally and Wyatt Davis In Memory of Gregory Rachels Pine Bluff Hunting Club Tammy Simmons In Memory of Shanna Ramos Jennie Roberts

In-Kind Donors 103.7 The Buzz 106.7 The Ride New Country Heather and Scott Allmendinger aMUSEing Lips with McCall Anne Amie Vineyards Anonymous Anthropologie Arkansas Democrat Gazette Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Arkansas Travelers Arkansas State Police Arkansas United Soccer Club Amy and Wes Baden Austin Family Dentistry Bob Black-Ocken Barbara Jean Ltd. Baumans Bella Boutique Belle and Blush Big Rock Mini Golf and Fun Park Boulevard Bread Company Box Turtle Bray Gourmet Burge’s Hickory Smoked Turkeys & Hams Wendy and Richie Butler Bylites Camp Winnamocka Mollie and John Campbell Caracalla Card My Yard CARE Central Arkansas Rescue Effort for Animals Suzanne Carter Catering to You The Chancellor Hotel Clique Cycle Clubhaus Fitness Cobblestone & Vine Celeste and David Connor Cosmetic Surgery Center Andrew Crone Crossfit Midpoint The Crown Shop Dave & Buster’s

Libby and Scott Davis Kristen and Steele Davis Amanda and Jacy Daugherty Debi Davis Designs Diane’s Gourmet Luxuries Dillard’s Dust Bowl Lanes DVP Hair E. Leigh’s Eggshells Kitchen Co. The Faded Rose Restaurant Falk Plumbing Supply Fassler Hall Fence World First Tee of Central Arkansas Fleet Feet Fletcher Bensky Furs Jamie Freyaldenhoven Garvan Woodland Gardens Gary Houston Electric Company Gean’s Superior Cleaning Service, LLC Graffiti’s Callie and David Gutierrez Gray Malin HALL Wines Hannah Kate Hannah Kate McCall Harriman Jeni and Nate Hill Heights Corner Market Heights Nail Salon & Spa Hocott’s Garden Center Irby’s Dance Studio Izard Chocolate JE Stover Photography JMD Construction Services Bethany Johnson Jones and Son Diamond and Bridal Fine Jewelry K. Lewis Interior Design Kendra Scott Kilgore Saw Co. The Kinders Kurt and Ashley Knickrehm La Terraza Little Finders

Little Rock Big Stork Little Rock Convention and Visitors Bureau Little Rock Plastic Surgery, PA Little Rock Racquet Club Love Nails Lucky Lucky Dog Maddie’s Place Market Street Catering Mary Garrett Jewelry Martha and Gary Markland Matilda Jane Clothing Jennifer McCallum McFarland Eye Care Shannon and Frank McKinney Barbara Miles Milk & Honey Tees Alicia Miller Missy and Thomas McCain Moonlight Mixes Moots Monograms, Etc. The Movie Tavern Suzanne and Madison Murphy Museum of Discovery North Little Rock Police Department O’Connor Distributing Amy and Ryan O’Connor Lynn and George O’Connor Paninis & Company Reese and Evan Partin Petite and Keet Potbelly Sandwich Shop Prego Cafe Purple Cow Restaurants Quapaw Bath & Spa Raduno Brick Oven and Barroom Recharge Massage The Red Apple Inn and Country Club Revive Medical Spa Rich-N-Tone Calls Inc. Rock City Dance Center Rocktown Distillery Rodan + Fields Ashley Saer Safety Before Skill Swim Lessons

Dero Sanford Scarlet Beauty Sephora Kristin Shelby Hayden and Thomas Shurgar Tammy Simmons Simply Dixie Jamey Sims The Social Type South on Main Southern Glazers Wine & Spirits Staley Electric Laura Stanley Steamroller Blues Sterling Seacrest Partners SWaNK Hair Studio Table 28, Chef Scott Rains Tanarah Luxe Floral Taziki’s Mediterranean Café TCPrint Solutions Janna Toland Train with William Trio’s Trojan Athletic Foundation, Inc. Tulips U.S. Pizza Company University of Arkansas Little Rock UBS Jolynne Varner P. Vartman Leigh Viner W.Inc Beauty The Waters Hotel Hot Springs Wicked Mix By Moonlight Mixes Kellie Wilhite Wilkerson Jewelers William Barnes Carol Willbanks Wordsworth Books & Co. Yella Dog Press ZenStudio


Innovative Instruction at ACCESS Early Childhood

The ACCESS Early Childhood Pre-K 4 Classes have been learning about space as part of their unit centered around the classic children’s book “Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me” by Eric Carle. To bring together all of their exciting learnings, students launched their day with a trip to the moon. From mission control and spaceships, moon rocks and more, these ACCESS astronauts are ready to take on the universe!

Astronaut Day

“I love that my child is happy, and I love that his teacher has called in the right therapists to evaluate some issues that have come up. I do believe his teacher and everyone there wants him to grow and develop as best he can.” - ACCESS Parent

Individual Potential Unlocked Community Helpers

As part of our Community Helpers unit, visitors from the Arkansas State Police came to the Stella Boyle Smith Early Childhood Campus to spend time with the students and teach them about their roles in the community. The students enjoyed meeting the police service dog and getting a peek inside the helicopter that landed on the parking lot.

Fritz, Age 6

The Early Childhood Family Literacy Night featured multi-sensory activities inspired from the beloved children’s book “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie” by Laura Numeroff. Students and families visited interactive stations created by our ACCESS teachers and therapists that included story time, milkshake taste testing, cookie phonics, milk “mustaches”, an obstacle course, cookie decorating and more! Family Literacy Night allows our students’ families to see the original literacy-based curriculum at ACCESS and learn how they can incorporate the innovative instruction at home.

Family Literacy Night


Over the past several years, we’ve seen Fritz’s potential unlocked through use of his communicative device when interacting with his teachers, therapists and classmates. This assistive technology device helps individuals that are functionally nonverbal to communicate through photos, words and basic commands. From therapy to the classroom, ACCESS Staff have encouraged and taught Fritz how to communicate using his “talker” when expressing his thoughts, feelings, wants and needs. We are so proud of you, Fritz!

Expanding Potential Through Therapy

Individual Potential Unlocked

Speech Therapy, More Than Just Words: Q & A with ACCESS Speech-Language Pathologists Molly Ramsey and Amanda Dreidric Q: Most people associate speech with vocal language and articulation. What all does speech therapy actually encompass? A: Speech therapy is SO much more than talking. The role of a speech therapist is diverse; we work on so many aspects of communication, as well as feeding and swallowing. Communication includes articulation, fluency, language, social skills, cognition, and hearing. Q: How do you incorporate those different types of communication skills into therapy, and why are they important? A: For the preschool population (mainly ages 2-4 years), we incorporate various communication strategies into therapy through play-based activities, structured tasks, and integration in the classroom. When a child is not a successful communicator, they may become frustrated, which can then affect behavior, attention, confidence, social skills, and academics. For preteens/teenagers, they are learning independence and functional life skills. We want to teach them to use appropriate speech, language, and social skills so that they can learn to be successful, independent adults.

Ghia, Age 10 After months of hard work, Ghia has recently learned to ride a bike! Because of Ghia’s struggles with motor coordination, motor planning, and visual perception, this task was very difficult for her, but it was a goal she set for herself in order to participate in activities like her peers. Way to go Ghia!

Q: What is pragmatic language, and why is that an important part of communication? A: Pragmatic (social) language is such a huge part of a child’s life and something they use every single day. It is important to teach these skills in order for children to be able to build social relationships with peers, have conversations with friends and family, and learn to work in groups. Q: What advice would you have for parents who feel their children are struggling in areas of communication? A: There is no age too young or too old for speech therapy. Children develop at different rates, and your pediatrician will be able to help you determine if your child is within an appropriate window of time for meeting specific milestones. If the doctor is concerned, he or she can refer you to a speech-language pathologist to pursue a comprehensive speech-language evaluation for your child.

Brinley, Age 3 Brinley has worked hard in feeding therapy learning to tolerate, try, and even enjoy foods with varying textures, tastes, colors and smells. She has increased her diet which now includes a wide variety of foods and ensures she is receiving more nutrients. Brinley is now able to better participate at meal time with family and friends.

The Kelly O’Connor Therapy Gym at the ACCESS Stella a Smith Early Childhood Campus, along with the therapy gym at the Academy and Young Adult Campus, are constantly abuzz with occupational and physical therapists working to help individuals meet goals and milestones that will increase independence and participation within their community.

Therapy in Action


A Peek Into The ACCESS Academy

Individual Potential Unlocked

An Individualized Approach To Education In Mr. George’s Upper 1 Class In the Upper School at ACCESS, high school-aged students enter a class at a variety of levels, remaining with the same teacher for four years or more. In order to be successful, the education team must create an individualized approach to each student. According to Upper School 1 teacher George Robertson, “The best analogy is that of a coach working with his or her athletes. The most successful coaches are able to assess their athletes ability level and help them progress to be the best they can. This includes using all the tools and resources that are available and removing as many obstacles that impede progress. At ACCESS, those resources include the teacher, the teacher’s assistants, the therapists and the administration working together. Additionally, one of the most important resources are the students. Our kids have a high level of empathy and concern for each other and are incredible at helping their classmates in so many ways!” George says this individualized instructional method and structure (therapy services provided on campus) ties directly into the ACCESS mission statement: Expanding Individual Potential Through Innovative Instruction. The connection between action and mission creates a culture and environment that produces positive outcomes for our students. “I feel a tremendous personal responsibility for each student’s development and success. This means I must be attuned to a student’s disability, but still walk the fine line of pushing each student to reach his or her full potential while not destroying his or her confidence in the process,” declares Mr. George. “The challenge is intensified when success is judged not only in academic progress, but in emotional and physical development as well. When students have success, especially graduates who are excelling in college or are successful in the workplace and living independently, I am overjoyed and feel a strong sense of purpose for what I do!” According to Mr. George, “Kids with special needs are no different than anyone else. They have hopes and dreams and want to do the things that everyone else does. However, they can become frustrated and discouraged because their disability can get in the way of doing those things,” he explains. “Therefore, a special needs teacher must remain positive and encouraging, realizing that their students have tremendous strength and resilience. They are able to achieve so much!”

Kennedy, Age 17 Congratulations to Upper School 1 Academy student Kennedy for completing all requirements to earn her GED! The GED is a series of tests that are extremely challenging with a low national pass rate. To achieve this accomplishment is the result of Kennedy’s extremely hard work and dedication over the past months. We can’t wait to see where her journey leads her next after graduation!

Holiday Sing Off

ACCESS celebrated the holidays throughout the month of December, culminating in the annual ACCESS Academy Sing Off. Classes worked together to prepare and perform their favorite holiday jingles. Congrats to Ms. Erin’s Upper 2 class for winning this year’s competition with a hilarious and cheerful rendition of the 12 Days of Christmas. Special thanks to the ACCESS Spirit Squad for warming up the crowd in true Gator spirit!

Ms. Teresa’s Lower School class embraced their “word of the month” in November by combining “thankfulness” with Veteran’s Day. The class wrote letters of gratitude to active military, working on writing skills while learning much more than just academics.

Veteran’s Day


A Purposeful, Independent Life Project SEARCH® Arkansas: ACCESS® Initiative in Partnership with Arkansas Rehabilitiation Services

Individual Potential Unlocked

Graduates in the Workforce

Local Businesses Fostering Independence For Young Adults Big thank you to the Innovation Hub of North Little Rock for hosting not just our Central Arkansas Business Advisory Council (BAC) meeting but also interns from our Little Rock Project SEARCH Arkansas: ACCESS Initiative sites. Interns and staff enjoyed learning about the opportunities the Innovation Hub provides for the community and were able to participate in the screen printing workshop. Thank you Innovation Hub and BAC member Chris Jones for making us feel so welcomed!

“We are so excited that Paris joined our team and are thankful to Project SEARCH for helping Cintas find awesome talent like Paris!”

Congratulations to St. Bernards Project SEARCH graduate Katey on being awarded for 6 months of perfect attendance at her job! Katey is a 2018 graduate from the St. Bernards Project SEARCH program and works in janitorial services at The Mall at Turtle Creek in Jonesboro.

- Tanner Chapman, PHR, SHRM ­CP | Sr. HR Manager, Cintas Corporation

Want to learn more about how you and your business can get involved with your local Business Advisory Council? Contact Emily Ward, Project SEARCH Arkansas: ACCESS Initiative Job Developer. 501.515.9672 |

Calling all ACCESS Alumni! Are you an alumni of one of ACCESS’ many programs? We want to hear from you. Let us know what you are up to these days, and make sure we have your correct contact information on file. We want to make sure our entire ACCESS family is included in our various events and celebrations! Email Laura Wyerick at

Congratulations to Gus, a 20172018 Ouachita County Medical Center Project SEARCH graduate. Gus was the recipient of the Matt Lyles Award from the Camden Noon Lions at the Distinguished Service Awards Banquet. The Matt Lyles Award goes to someone that has overcome their disability while helping their community. 19




10618 Breckenridge Dr. | Little Rock, AR 72211 |

2019 ACCESS Board of Directors Walter M. Ebel, III Chairman

Shay Sebree President

2019 ACCESS Senior Management Tammy Simmons, M.S., CCC-SLP Executive Director, Co-Founder

Monika Garner-Smith, M.Ed. Director of Early Childhood, Co-Founder

W. Scott Davis

Cheri Stevenson, M.S., CCC-SLP

Vice President

Director of Academy and Young Adult Services

Jackson Farrow, Jr.

Melissa Thomas, M.S., CCC-SLP

Amy Baden

Kellie Wilhite



Heather Allmendinger Shelly Baldwin, M.D. Fred Davis Brandon Freville Jane Hartz Beth Johnson Harold Joyner Kurt Knickrehm Mark Langston Lynn O’Connor Olivia Ramsey Becky Scott Philip Tappan Katherine Ann Trotter

Director of Clinical Operations Director of Development

Jo Carson

Director of Administration

Mark Campbell

Connect With Us ACCESS Stella Boyle Smith Early Childhood Campus

10618 Breckenridge Drive Little Rock, AR 72211

ACCESS Academy and Young Adult Campus

1500 North Mississippi Street Little Rock, AR 72207

(501) 217-8600

Director of Finance

Shalene Caple

Executive Assistant ACCESS® is a 501c3 nonprofit offering evaluation services, full-time education, therapy, training and activities for individuals with disabilities. Founded in 1994, the center comprises ACCESS Early Childhood Program, ACCESS Academy, ACCESS Therapy, ACCESS Therapy (specialized tutoring), ACCESS Life, Project SEARCH® Arkansas: ACCESS Initiative, Waiver, and the ACCESS Evaluation and Resource Center. The ACCESS Stella Boyle Smith Early Childhood Campus is located at 10618 Breckenridge Drive in Little Rock, Arkansas. The ACCESS Academy and Young Adult Campus is located at 1500 N. Mississippi Street in Little Rock, Arkansas.

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