Access by design Autumn 2010 Issue 124

Page 29

Building Regulations special feature

Implementing the Building Regulations The debate over whether Part M is globally enforced began long before Communities and Local Government requested feedback

The Building Control Officer David Withington, District Surveyor’s Office, City of London

on the Building Regulations this August. Indeed, while many professionals recognise the need to update the Approved Document M, ensuring the guidance within the current Document is met is perhaps even more pressing. Here, Building Control Officer David Withington and Terry Warren of Approved Inspector jhai limited explain their roles in implementing Part M, while Melanie Smith, Senior Lecturer at Leeds Metropolitan University, outlines her department’s research into enforcement of the Building Regulations

Building Control in the City of London The ‘square mile’ constituting the City of London, differs from most other London Boroughs in that it contains only approximately 5,000 residents, the majority of the built environment being offices and shops. Commercial properties in the City are frequently changing, either due to new development or refurbishment for new occupiers. This makes for a relatively high turnover of work and constant reference to applicable building standards of which Approved Document M forms only part, but one which can take precedent should there be conflict with other requirements of the Building Regulations. The District Surveyor’s Office benefits from a wealth of knowledge and experience in

The City of London witnesses a high turnover of commercial buildings

Issue 124 Access by Design


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