Revista Volumen VIII

Page 102


Rev. Acad. Puert. de Jur. y Leg.

Nationalists attacked the United States Congress and the pardon of Dr. Albizu Campos was revoked.95 The four years of Secretary Trías at the helm of the Department of Justice ended and he returned to the private practice of law. Although he was not a member of the cabinet, Trías maintained his ties with ―La Fortaleza.‖ The Governor asked for his advice in many initiatives, projects and complex constitutional matters. Especially important were the plans to add more powers to the recently created constitutional arrangement. Dean Efrén Rivera Ramos in his commentary about the last book of Trías, The Trials of the Oldest Colony in the World, asserts that: ―On regard to the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, stands out his proposal addressed to his fellow party members, about how what happened between 1950 and 1952 should be understood. The author tells us that he visualized the ―Estado Libre Asociado‖ (the Commonwealth) as another step, just like the Law of the Elected Governor, in the long path toward autonomy, but not necessarily the definitive solution to the problem of the status.‖96 Trías, in his Historia Constitucional de Puerto Rico recounted to a great extent his interventions on the status matters, The historian Pedro Aponte Vázquez found that: ―During the monthly reunion with his cabinet in March 3, Muñoz Marín commended Trías Monge to inquire through ―someone‖ if Albizu would have agreed to be paroled on conditions similar to those that were later imposed by the pardon. The handwritten notes that Muñoz Marín took during said reunion indicate that he was interested in, and worried about the denunciations that the Nationalist Party had stated before the Organization of the United Nations and before the Organization of American States. Days later, in March 9, he commanded Trías Monge to ask the doctors that knew of Albizu‘s condition, what was convenient for his health. He wanted to know, also, if a psiquatric test could be performed with the exclusive use of information obtained in an indirect way.‖ 96 Efrén Rivera Ramos, ―Comentario en torno al libro de José Trías Monge, Puerto Rico: The Trials of the Oldest Colony in the World‖, 67 Rev. Jur. U.P.R. 113, 115 (1998) 95

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