Million Book Collection

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thehigheigenus 'substance/ to wit, the'intelligences'

and<souls,' all suchgeneia will beunitedin the realityof the higher genus ' substance', so when you abstract the

chaiactenstics distinctive of£substance' and<accident,' these

twogeneia aieunited intothe[reality of thegenus] ' con-

tingent5Finally,\then you abstractthe charactenstic distinctions of <contingent1 and ' necessary,' thesetwo are united in the * AbsoluteExistence,'which is the veritable

Being,existing of Himself,andnotthroughanotherbeing beyond Himself Necessity is His externalquality,and 'Contingency'His internal quality-te,

they are the

*archetypal ideas n generated byHis self-revelation to HimselfwhenassumingHis ' modes' All these distinctions,whether called 'diffeience' and ' property' 01 ' appearances ' and ' characteristics,' are

' Divine

Modes/ contained andinvolvedm the ' Unity of the OneEeal

Being' Fust,thesemodesaie represented underthe form of the ' archetypalideas' in the stage called the ' Divine Thought' (or knowledge) ,2 in the next place,in the stageof the ' sensible world,' when clothed with the pioperties and attributes of exteinal existence-which

is the theatie


manifestation,a mirroi reflecting the inner Divine Beingthesemodesassumethe forms of external objects It follows, therefore, that m the external world there is

only OneBeal Being, who, by clothing Himself with diffeient

modesand attributes,appearsto be enduedwith multiplicity and plurality to those who are confined in the narrow prison

of the ' stages/andwhoseviewis limited to visibleproperties and results

Creation'sbookI studiedfrom rayyouth, And everypageexamined,but in sooth I neverfoundtherein aughtsavethe £Truth/ And attributesthat appertainto ' Truth ' 1 Aytln %tJiabitah, the ' Ideas' of Plato's «IntelligibleWorld/ the

archetypesor patternsof all things m the externaland«sensibleworld ' In the systemof Plotmnstheseideasare all containedm the first emana

toon,reason (now) Jsmi expresses <intelligibleworld' by 'alami ''dm,

and i sensibleworld' by filawii mn

2Mtwtala i WOT, ie,'aql i lull, nous,or Logos,the first epiphany J

or emanation

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