ABRSM Annual Review 2009

Page 1


A celebration of the year


‘Throughout its first 120 years ABRSM has demonstrated a steadfast commitment to music and musical performance’ Stewart Sutherland Chairman, ABRSM

‘From tiny beginnings ABRSM has become an organisation whose work has shaped and inspired the training of generations of musicians’ David Wright Reader in the Social History of Music at the Royal College of Music


01 — 05 Welcome

About ABRSM Who’s who Chairman’s statement Chief Executive’s statement

06 — 07 Highlights of 2009 08 — 17 Our work

Exams and assessments Publications Professional development Giving

18 — 21 120th anniversary

A history in outline Celebratory activities

22 — 23 Financial summary

24 — 36 Acknowledgements

The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music Annual Review for the year ended 31 January 2010.

New diploma holders New CT ABRSM holders Awards Prize winners Examiners CT ABRSM mentors Representatives



Music is at the heart of our work. We are here to support and encourage music learning throughout the world so that everyone can share in its power.

Patron Her Majesty The Queen


We motivate musical achievement through our authoritative assessment of students, the professional development of their teachers, and a wide range of published resources. We also actively support music education through funding and advocacy. ABRSM is the leading authority on musical assessment. By delivering our exams rigorously and consistently we set the worldwide gold standard, with over 600,000 people, in over 90 countries, choosing to take them every year. As part of our commitment to excellence in music education, we provide a rich resource of materials, from albums of repertoire for the earliest stages of learning to scholarly editions of the great composers. Our online presence includes SoundJunction, our award-winning site for music learners.

President His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales Governing Body Lord Sutherland of Houndwood kt, Chairman Professor Jonathan Freeman-Attwood, Principal of RAM Professor Colin Lawson, Director of RCM Philip Ramsbottom Alan Smith Professor Jonty Stockdale, Principal of RNCM Tony Travis Professor John Wallace obe, Principal of RSAMD Nicholas Ward Guy Perricone, Chief Executive Timothy Leates, Secretary Executive Directorate Guy Perricone, Chief Executive

We know that good teachers endeavour to enhance their professional skills. We support their continuing professional development through our innovative courses and online learning resources.

Leslie East, Executive Director: Syllabus & Publishing

To build on our 120 years inspiring generations of musicians, we provide charitable donations, scholarships and sponsorships, as well as acting as an advocate for music education. We do all we can to give music a voice in public life because we believe it has the power to change people’s lives.

Richard Crozier, Professional Development Director

Timothy Leates, Executive Director: Finance & Administration Tim Arnold, International Operations Director

Penny Milsom, UK Operations Director Eugene O’Donnell, IT Director Nigel Scaife, Syllabus Director Ben Selby, Marketing Director Clara Taylor, Chief Examiner


02 Throughout its first 120 years ABRSM has demonstrated a steadfast commitment to music and musical performance. Music has the capacity to develop confidence in an individual and bring different cultures closer together. ABRSM’s work worldwide since its founding is indicative of how widespread and shared music is as a language. This year we have celebrated the achievements of the musicians ABRSM has supported in the past 120 years. The sheer weight of numbers is astonishing when we consider the millions of exams taken, the thousands of music teachers who have developed their professional skills by attending our courses, and the multitude of new titles and recordings we have published. Alongside all of this work, ABRSM has always provided financial support for individuals and organisations within the field of music education. The collected activities of ABRSM have stemmed from a core belief in music’s power, and in a commitment to excellence and meticulous attention to detail. The professionalism and creativity shown by all colleagues – examiners, course leaders, representatives and staff alike – now, more than ever, drives the organisation forward.

‘The professionalism and creativity shown by all colleagues – examiners, course leaders, representatives and staff alike – now, more than ever, drives the organisation forward’ In a year when we celebrated our history and launched a new brand identity – having first carefully considered exactly what sort of organisation we were and wanted to become – we also bade farewell to Richard Morris, ABRSM’s Chief Executive for the past 17 years. Richard has been a wise and far-sighted leader. In his time the organisation has developed, expanded, and responded to a changing world. We remain deeply in his debt. Happily he has agreed to continue consolidating our links with China and to develop to fruition the association on which he has been working for the last few years. We offer our warmest thanks and good wishes for the other vistas that are undoubtedly opening up before him.

Guy Perricone arrives at an exciting time for ABRSM. Secure in its beliefs, values and practices, the organisation can continue to aspire to set international leading standards in all that it does and be bold in its developments in the coming years. Stewart Sutherland Chairman



04 To change whilst retaining that which is important to us is a challenge that faces us all, both as individuals and collectively. There is the need for continuity and for keeping hold of the best parts of our traditions, which are, after all, what have brought us this far. And yet we must always be ready to face new realities, be flexible enough to cope with and adjust to whatever life throws at us, and be able to shape a future for ourselves. ABRSM finds itself at a particularly interesting juncture, where change is seemingly all around, at least on the surface. Underneath it all, however, are those same core values of excellence and open communication, and our belief in the benefits that music brings. Whilst I am actively involved in ABRSM’s work and mission, I have been here but a few short months, and so the achievements covered in this review of 2009 belong to the time of my predecessor. Richard Morris’s 17 years as Chief Executive saw sustained growth in the number of candidates examined each year – up from around 500,000 in the early 1990s to consistently over 600,000 today – and recognition of ABRSM as a leading advocate for music education in the public arena. His unshakeable faith in the value of educational excellence and the provision of sustained, high quality experiences of making and studying music helped to shape his work here. Those who knew and worked with him will remember a kind and dedicated man, and a leader who cared deeply for the organisation and those within it.

‘ABRSM remains an organisation that stands for music and that articulates its vision through four areas of activity: exams, publications, professional development and charitable giving’


It will not be long until we see another significant change in leadership at ABRSM as Clara Taylor, our Chief Examiner since 1997, hands over responsibility for examiner panels to John Holmes in August. The processes for selection, training and moderation of examiners have been transformed under Clara’s excellent direction, and there will not be one amongst us who will not miss her company, musical authority and warm humour as she moves on to new projects. So, whilst certain things change, ABRSM remains an organisation that stands for music and that articulates its vision through four areas of activity: exams, publications, professional development and charitable giving. This review summarises our collective activities in all four areas throughout 2009, and I congratulate our examiners, course leaders, representatives and staff on their considerable accomplishments. Their commitment to the core values and objectives of our organisation is quite remarkable, and we are extremely grateful to them for it. A question I have been often asked by people outside ABRSM since I joined in January is: ‘How do things differ from one country to the next?’ A large part of my first weeks and months at ABRSM has been spent meeting the people who deliver our services in the UK and throughout the world, and I now have an answer to that question.

I’ve been to many countries and centres already, and have sat in exam rooms from Doncaster, UK to Singapore. The biggest difference between the two was the weather. In all the important respects, the similarities massively outweigh the differences, and those of us who make it so are the reason for this. In meeting our various teams, colleagues, partners and supporters around the world, I have been struck by their unwavering belief in the importance of maintaining the highest quality in all our activities, in upholding our standards and imposing them on everything we do. As the leader in our market, we will not allow complacency to set in, but will continue to look for ways in which we can improve the services we offer, adapting to the ever-changing environment in which we operate. Things may change and progress, but they will continue to be rooted in the strongest traditions of ABRSM. Guy Perricone Chief Executive



637 k 416 75 26 1

ST First ever High Scorers’ Concert in Dubai

Over 637,000 exams taken in 2009

International examiner tours

Over 75% of UK exams entered online

Audio download shop expanded



New international exam centres added

21 273 17

45k 400 Over 45,000 UK children took part in the Music for Youth Regional Festival Series, sponsored by ABRSM

Scholarships awarded to students at four Royal Schools of Music

Over 400 bursaries, awards and prizes presented

New CT ABRSM holders from Hong Kong, Indonesia and the UK


Entries to the inaugural ABRSM International Young Composers’ Competition

BEST CLASSICAL PUBLICATION The ABRSM Songbook named ‘Best Classical Publication’ by the Music Industries Association

UK High Scorers’ Concerts





‘ I am happy and proud to do this worthwhile and The worldwide provision of music exams fascinating job, is ABRSM’s core activity and requires a considerable network of staff, representatives and to feel that and examiners. Nearly 300 volunteer my contribution Honorary Local Representatives (HLRs) in the UK and Ireland, and 230 Representatives is valued’ and Contacts throughout the world played a We have supported music learning and provided international benchmarks for over 120 years. The candidates and teachers who use our music exams know that they are part of the most respected and valued system in the world.

critical role in overseeing exams locally last year. Over 660 examiners met and examined more than 637,000 candidates in 2009. Through our collaborative approach to syllabus development we seek the views of a wide range of teachers, examiners and specialist panels. This ensures that our syllabuses are relevant and accessible to all, no matter which teaching and learning approaches are adopted.

K Honorary Local U Representative



‘I have today, aged 47, taken my first graded exam. The examiner could not have done more to make me feel at my ease’ UK exam candidate

EX AM DELIVERY Facts and figures More than 637,000 candidates took an ABRSM exam in 2009, an increase of more than 2% on the previous year. Particularly notable growth was demonstrated in Bahrain, China, Italy, Korea, Kuwait, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and Vietnam. Practical exams and assessments remain the most popular, with candidate numbers for graded exams, diplomas, the Prep Test and Performance Assessment approaching 500,000. The majority of exams taken were at Grades 1–5. It was the best year yet for our UKbased Music Medals assessments, with the number of candidates reached since their inception passing 30,000.

‘The ABRSM website is extremely user-friendly, and the online entry service, which has always been good, is an example to all of how such things should be done – simply, quickly and efficiently’ UK applicant

Our examiners saw candidates in more than 90 countries, with 416 tours to those outside the UK and Ireland. We opened 26 new exam centres in Bermuda, Germany, Greece, India, Jamaica, the Netherlands, the Philippines, Portugal, Thailand and the USA, and notably held our first ever Practical exams in Poland, and a highly successful trial session in Shanghai, China. Developments in customer service Following research and customer feedback we focussed on issuing UK Practical exam results more quickly, reducing the waiting time in the summer and autumn terms from three or four weeks to two weeks for most candidates. The online exam entry form was streamlined to become more user-friendly, and we saw record online entries in Malaysia (83%), the UK (75%) and Singapore (75%). The take-up in Singapore allowed us to launch compulsory online entry for all Theory entries in 2009, with a view to all Practical entries also being made online from 2010. Our Representative, the Hong Kong Examinations & Assessments Authority, provides online entry for Hong Kong exams, standing at 27% for 2009. The UK online service was extended to include notification of Practical appointments online plus venue details, links to a map and exam guidance information. Examiners Our team of examiners consists of respected musicians from every branch of the profession, and was strengthened by the appointment of 25 new members in 2009: 16 to the main graded panel and nine to the diploma panel. A series of professional development seminars was run throughout the year to provide training and support for the main, diploma and theory panels. Representatives and HLRs We held four regional conferences in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and South East Asia involving over 50 Representatives and 11 staff (see also page 21). Representatives were updated with the latest developments (including our new brand), and they in turn fed back about operations in their own areas. Many ideas and suggestions from these conferences have now been put into practice. To further enhance links between staff and Representatives and ensure the best support for teachers, students and examiners, staff from the UK met with members of our worldwide community in China, Cyprus, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Macau, Malaysia, the Philippines, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, Thailand, the United Arab Emirates, the USA and Vietnam.

11 UK and Ireland HLRs came together for a meeting at the 2009 Annual Lunch to look back at the long history of their vital role over ABRSM’s first 120 years. From consultation with HLRs on their understanding of the role, our recruitment processes were reviewed and updated to recognise their essential voluntary activities in support of local musicians. New guidance about exam day stewarding was created, drawing on HLRs’ expertise and ideas from HLR seminars. We introduced new exam centre and piano reports to allow closer and more consistent monitoring and help us to provide the best possible facilities for all candidates. Special events Alongside ABRSM’s 120th anniversary we marked 60 years of exams in Kenya. Special anniversary certificates were created for all successful candidates, and a celebratory High Scorers’ Concert was held. High Scorers’ Concerts are highly popular and enjoyable dates in the calendar that give young musicians a wonderful opportunity to share their achievements with a wider audience outside the exam room. They provide valuable performing experiences in supportive and celebratory settings. It’s now 20 years since the first High Scorers’ Concerts were held as part of our centenary celebrations, and many thousands of students have taken part in one since. In 2009 our Representatives and HLRs organised 43 High Scorers’ Concerts in 15 countries, including 17 in the UK and the first ever in Dubai.

‘What a fab range of choice from such a wide repertoire – some old favourites, the great masters, jazz, modern and romantic. I’m sure my students are going to love all this’ UK applicant on the 2009–2010 Piano syllabus

SYLL ABUS DEVELOPMENTS New in 2009 Revised syllabuses for Piano, Singing and Guitar came into use in January 2009, and we have seen strong growth in candidate numbers for these subjects. We published revised lists of set pieces for Cello, Double Bass, Trumpet, Trombone and Bass Trombone in the summer of 2009 in preparation for the 2010 exams. Accompanied pieces now feature alongside solos in Double Bass List C, and the number of pieces to choose from was extended for the three revised brass syllabuses. Additionally, more pieces written for cornet were included in the Trumpet/Cornet/Flugelhorn syllabus, to reflect the fact that a significant number of candidates take the exam on cornet. We also introduced the option of playing a ‘related’ instrument for one piece to give more flexibility. You can find details of the complementary publications and recordings that we produced to support these syllabuses on pages 12–13. Looking ahead An expert group began revising the Organ syllabus ready for 2011. All aspects were reviewed before organ teachers were invited to field-test the new approaches, including the introduction of Grade 1. We reviewed the detail of the aural tests that are part of all Practical graded music exams. Most modifications relate to the wording that examiners use when conducting the tests, to make the requirements clearer and more straightforward for candidates. New material was commissioned from a team of examiners in preparation for reissuing examiner tests and the published specimen tests and training materials. A selection of string teachers piloted draft sight-reading examples and scale requirements, and their responses to these led to further development work. We revised our proposals and put them online for further comment. New sight-reading tests have now been commissioned from nine composers.


12 The year 2009 was the last in which none of our syllabus-related Selected Exam Pieces (for Piano, Violin, Flute or Clarinet) would be published, and we took the opportunity to develop some new, distinctive titles.




16 contemporary pieces

Compiled by Alexandra Wood

Good reads Henry Purcell’s 350th birthday was celebrated by the addition to our Extraordinary Lives series of Bruce Wood’s fine biography. Described by BBC Music as ‘a good read [that] will surely tempt readers ever further’, this title now serves as one of the best introductions to Purcell’s life and times. Raising an Amazing Musician is our first self-help book for parents, containing ‘20 lucid and information-packed chapters that can gently guide responsible parents through the long path that will take their child from beginner lessons to the concert stage’ (Murray McLachlan, International Piano). Music for strings We launched three new titles at the European String Teachers Association National Conference in September: Spectrum for Violin (the latest addition to our contemporary music series), More Time Pieces for Cello and Time Pieces for Double Bass. Spectrum for Violin includes exciting modern pieces that even the earliest-grade violinists can handle. Compiled by concert violinist and teacher Alexandra Wood, the collection features composers as diverse as Thea Musgrave and Kenneth Hesketh. The new volumes in the Time Pieces series include many works that appear on the revised Cello and Double Bass syllabuses, making it easier for candidates to access repertoire for their exams.

13 Inspirational performances Some of the finest trumpeters and cornetists in the UK – John Wallace, John Miller, Paul Archibald, Alistair Mackie and Roger Webster – contributed inspirational performances to our first ever recordings of Trumpet syllabus repertoire. We also produced the third set of recordings to support the Cello syllabus. As well as a distinguished line-up of cellists, including Alexander Baillie, William Bruce, David Burrowes, Sebastian Comberti and Gemma Rosefield, the recordings are remarkable for the playing of a fine collection of pianists.

Joining the Dots: Book 1

A Fresh Approach to Piano Sight-Reading

Many candidates cherish the ‘playalong’ piano accompaniments that we provide as invaluable aids in preparing for exams. To enable more students to take advantage of this facility, we expanded our audio download shop – www.abrsm.org/audioshop – to include single-track downloads for violin, flute and clarinet. Developing skills The Joining the Dots series is one of ABRSM’s most innovative new publications. It presents a fresh approach to developing skill and confidence in piano sight-reading, as created by composer, teacher and examiner Alan Bullard. The five books cover Grades 1–5 and each volume contains several exercises, characterful sight-reading pieces and a duet. This integrated approach will help students to learn to read music more quickly and easily, and we intend to extend the format to other instruments. Key titles that we publish every year – such as the theory papers and model answers that are vital for candidates’ preparation and success in exams – remain central to our work, but the past year has reinforced ABRSM’s reputation as being much more than a publisher of exam material. The icing on the cake – and a tribute to our compilers, consultants and staff – came in October when UK music retailers voted The ABRSM Songbook as the Music Industries Association ‘Best Classical Publication’.

Alan Bullard


14 Meeting teachers’ needs Our CT ABRSM course is a big step for many teachers to take – both financially and pedagogically – and so we offer a range of courses and seminars to meet all needs. In 2009 we introduced ‘Through the keyhole’, an accessible series of one-day workshops for teachers and parents of exam candidates. Alongside other core courses and one-day seminars, we continued the one-day Introduction to Instrumental and Vocal Teaching in the UK and the extensive Professional Development Programme in South East Asia, and offered two-day courses in India and the West Indies supported by our Centenary Travel Grant. The concept of continuing professional development for instrumental and vocal teachers is now the norm, but this was far from the being the case when ABRSM introduced its courses in 1995. The educational climate has changed significantly over the past 15 years. The revolution in communications during this time has given teachers the means to do things that they could only dream about previously. Teachers and learners now have immediate access to huge free libraries of information, recorded sound and video clips. Music can be performed, transcribed, notated, arranged, listened to, printed and transported at the touch of a button. Embracing innovation To be effective in this fast-moving world, with its daily announcements of new technologies, teachers need to be as aware of developments as their students are. They need to understand and embrace innovation and capitalise on the motivation it can bring to the teaching and learning environment. Yes, change can be hard to cope with, as it can threaten stability and purpose, but we define change on a daily basis through musical composition and performance. The first step to mastering the new environment is to share one’s fears with others. ABRSM professional development courses were designed from the outset to facilitate this. Jackie Frost teaches in Bedfordshire, UK, and was nervous about embarking on the Certificate of Teaching (CT ABRSM) course. With encouragement she signed up for the fast-track course in 2009, and discovered a different world: ‘When I enrolled on the CT ABRSM course, little did I think that it would change my entire approach to teaching, providing me with strategies to help learners, whatever their needs.’

Setting the agenda The 2009 CT ABRSM course in Manchester, UK welcomed fourth-year students from the Royal Northern College of Music (RNCM) for the first time. RNCM Vice-Principal Linda Merrick and piano professor Helen Krizos, a CT ABRSM mentor, facilitated this new approach. Helen Krizos noted: ‘Our talented students are tomorrow’s teachers. By exposing them to the innovative thinking that is at the heart of the CT ABRSM course we are helping them to set an agenda for learners in the future.’

Number of teachers attending ABRSM professional development courses and seminars in 2009

121 30 175 78

Certificate of Teaching (CT ABRSM) (Hong Kong, Indonesia and UK)

Teaching Music Effectively (UK)

Introduction to Instrumental and Vocal Teaching (UK)

Let’s Teach Jazz (UK)

879 377 850 880 Professional Development Programme seminars (South East Asia)

Centenary Travel Grant courses (India and West Indies)

Examiner presentations and teachers’ meetings (international tours)

One-day seminars (UK)




‘The generous assistance an ABRSM International Scholarship provides has enabled me to build up my musical career and expand my horizons’ Jun Ishimura, pianist and Royal College of Music International Undergraduate Scholar, 2008

‘Our Regional Festival Series is about performing, inspiring, learning and celebrating, so there’s a real synergy between Music for Youth and ABRSM’ Lincoln Abbotts, Chief Executive, Music for Youth

17 To build on our 120 years inspiring generations of musicians, we provide charitable donations, scholarships and sponsorships, as well as acting as an advocate for music education. We do all we can to give music a voice in public life because we believe it has the power to change people’s lives. Scholarships We continue to support young musicians at the beginning of their professional music careers. We offered a total of 21 scholarships to junior, undergraduate and postgraduate students at four Royal Schools of Music in 2009. These awards are among the most supportive of those available to students who wish to study in the UK. Each provides full payment of tuition fees for the duration of a course, £4,500 towards living costs, and a flight home upon completion of the course for international scholars. Once again these scholarships reflected the international and diverse nature of our activities with students coming from China, New Zealand, Russia, South Africa, South Korea and the UK to study a wide range of subjects: double bass, flute, horn, jazz drums, percussion, piano, saxophone, trumpet, violin, voice and composition.

Bursaries and prizes Our annual Macklin Bursaries helped four ABRSM scholars – violinists Lisa Ueda Lee and Charis Jenson from the UK, Japanese cellist Yoshika Masuda, and South African violist Willem Mathlener – to further their studies or launch professional careers. An additional 399 prizes were awarded to candidates who had excelled in their graded music exams. Sponsorship We continued to provide financial support for a number of music education organisations in the UK. Our sponsorship of the National Association of Music Educators and the Scottish Association of Music Educators helped fund their annual conferences, bespoke workshops and courses for instrumental, vocal and classroom teachers nationwide. Our sponsorship of the Federation of Music Services (FMS) in turn funded a number of regional conferences for UK-based music service teachers. ABRSM also continued to provide the FMS with a consultancy on professional development within music services thus ensuring that the quality of teaching, learning and musical leadership in the UK is supported at all levels. In July we strengthened our relationship with CLIC Sargent, the UK’s leading children’s cancer charity. We supported its Practice-a-thon Music campaign, a nationwide fund-raising initiative that encourages people of all ages and abilities to practise their musical instruments and raise money for the charity through music. The campaign has raised over £500,000 to help children and young people with cancer since it was launched in 2002. Finally our long-standing support for Music for Youth’s (MfY) Regional Festival Series ensured that more than 45,000 children in England and Wales were able to take part in this inspirational annual concert series. Comprising 70 concerts, participants were given access to live music-making opportunities, regardless of ability or performance standard. Supporting MfY for another three-year term was again illustrative of our interest in developing musical talent at the grassroots level.


18 ‘If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change.’ Lampedusa’s famous aphorism is one of the golden rules of institutional continuity. If we apply it to ABRSM’s 120-year history, we see that there have indeed been times when the Board has needed to change, sometimes in significant ways. Constraining fresh thinking or new practices, however, has been the obligation to maintain ABRSM’s standards and its educational purpose. This is because the single, most important thread running through its history is the expectation of parents, teachers and candidates that ABRSM will deliver consistency of standards and fairness of judgement. Loss of that reputation would have undermined faith in the Board. So there have been stretches of ABRSM’s life when, through anxiety, it has resisted necessary change, anxious to preserve the illusion of the status quo. However, ABRSM would have failed to reach its 120th anniversary had it not periodically also realised the need to renew its effectiveness and its relevance as an educational force, and taken effective means to reorientate itself, which is the point of Lampedusa’s precept. Today’s musical pluralism has brought a whole new set of challenges for the examining process, including syllabuses that must encompass a much more eclectic variety of instruments and compositional idioms – some a far cry

from the Board’s original focus on the classical canon. The social, educational and musical environments of the late Victorian era when ABRSM began examining are astonishingly different from those of the 21st century, and in response ABRSM has had to become a very different sort of educational force. The founders of ABRSM, from their position of what we would today think of as slightly remote paternalism, would have found some of today’s requirements – such as being subject to the external scrutiny of quality assurance processes, and the need to be responsive to customers – very strange notions indeed. These very different ends of the historical spectrum show clearly that at least part of ABRSM’s success has rested on its paradoxical ability to change in some necessary respects while staying the same in others. The Associated Board of the Royal Academy of Music (RAM) and the Royal College of Music (RCM) held its first exams in 1890 at 42 centres and with 1,143 candidates after only a few months of planning. The Board constituted a neat institutional bridge between the Royal Schools. The aspirations of RCM’s founding charter required the College, amongst other things, to advance the cause of music ‘by means of a central working and examining body’ in Britain through the ‘promotion and supervision of such musical instruction in schools and elsewhere’ as well as by ‘the encouragement and promotion of Music … throughout our Dominions.’

19 Alexander Mackenzie, who had become the Academy’s Principal in 1888, fully realised its implications, and therefore moved quickly to seek this alliance with the RCM. So was ABRSM established, legitimised by the RCM’s charter. The College and (by extension) ABRSM were very much part of the late 19th-century drive to modernise British society. There was great pressure to expand the skills of the population through the reform and expansion of university education, by increasing the authority of the chartered institutions to train and regulate the professions, and by ensuring the effectiveness of primary and secondary school education. Armed with the RCM’s charter, ABRSM saw its exams as the means to regulate the quality of the music teaching for the private and school music lessons then being taken up with such enthusiasm by the middle classes. At a fee of two guineas for the senior exams and 15 shillings for the junior ones, they were certainly not a cheap option. Awareness of that background helps to explain why graded music exams were very much a British phenomenon and how they came to spread so rapidly across the British world. ABRSM’s immediate success indicates how naturally its exams fitted within their musical and social environment. The jibe ‘a land without music’ was only ever aimed at British composition, and not at the incredible amount of musical performance – amateur and professional – then taking place right across 19th-century Britain.

Moreover, the British were as fiercely competitive about musical performance as they were about sport, as was evident from the huge popularity of brass band contests and the growth of Competitive Festivals. Certainly graded exams could fuel highly competitive attitudes among pupils and teachers alike, not least through the press coverage given to the public distributions of certificates at local centres. ABRSM’s exams were also important because they put practical music on a par with attainment in other school subjects. The Board effectively copied the well-established system of local exams for school subjects that the Oxford and Cambridge exam boards had initiated in the mid-nineteenth century. This accounts for the original title of these music exams as ‘Local Examinations’ in Music. Much of this context is now lost, which unfortunately means that we are now largely unaware of a whole dimension of British musical development. The new ABRSM involved some of the leading instrumental and compositional figures of the day, which meant that its exams carried the undoubted air of musical authority. The rapid take-up of these exams – and so the spread of ABRSM certificates across the country – helps explain just how it was that in a remarkably short period of time, the RCM and the rejuvenated RAM had firmly established themselves on the national landscape as the primary incubators of British musical talent.



The successes gained by pupils of former RAM and RCM students in ABRSM exams reinforced this message, because the quality of their teaching was seen to demonstrate the value of conservatoire training. As part of this process, the graded exam syllabuses of the Board became crucial in shaping the music students of the future because of the influence on the technical and cultural formation of pupils from an early stage. ABRSM’s Honorary Local Representatives – the eyes and ears of the organisation on the ground, and pivotal to the success of administering ABRSM exams – were established from the very beginning. Meanwhile, the exams themselves rapidly evolved. From only two grades (Senior and Junior) in 1890, preparatory (or ‘School’) exams were introduced the next year and others were gradually added. But the rationalisation into the now familiar eight grade system came only in 1933, partly as a cost-saving simplification of the system in reaction to the effects of the great depression.

For many years, ABRSM’s exams served the drawing room culture of piano, strings and singing (plus organ, harmony and counterpoint), and only well after the Second World War came the surge in orchestral instruments. From 1895 the Board was invited to examine abroad in conjunction with local universities, beginning with South Africa, and then setting up centres in Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand and the Far East – all of which has expanded into the huge international operation ABRSM runs today. Last year ABRSM examined over 637,000 candidates worldwide; its work supported by a publishing house whose practical, scholarly-based editions enjoy significant critical acclaim. And as well as its exams, scholarships and prizes, the Board’s professional development programmes and courses contribute to its support of instrumental and singing teaching provision internationally. Thus from tiny beginnings, ABRSM has become a large and complex organisation whose work has shaped and inspired the training of generations of musicians. David Wright is Reader in the Social History of Music at the Royal College of Music. His social and cultural history of ABRSM will be published by Boydell and Brewer in 2011.


21 To mark our 120th anniversary we ran a series of international conferences for Representatives, inaugurated the ABRSM International Young Composers’ Competition and held a celebratory concert in London, UK. Sharing ideas The conferences provided valuable opportunities for nearly 50 Representatives and staff to discuss new developments and share ideas. They were held in four locations: London, UK; Cape Town, South Africa; Bali, Indonesia; and Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. All participants contributed through a series of presentations, workshops and discussion groups. Celebrating new music Entry to the ABRSM International Young Composers’ Competition was open to anyone who had taken an ABRSM exam, with two age categories: up to 14 years, and 15–18 years. We received 273 entries from all over the world, testifying to the truly international reach of ABRSM and the global appeal of the competition. The competition jury was made up of Thalia Myers (pianist, teacher and creator of ABRSM’s Spectrum series), Michael Omer (composer and ABRSM examiner) and Leslie East, ABRSM Executive Director: Syllabus and Publishing, who noted: ‘The jury unanimously agreed that all four prize-winning entries are notable for their originality and technical fluency. They are well-written for their instruments and well-judged in terms of application of the content to the length of the piece.’

Up to 14 years Winner: Daniel Evans (14) for Appearances for solo piano

Runner up: Sarah Gait (14) for Satellite 2: Activity on a Distant Moon for cello and piano

Highly commended: Wang Yi Fei (7) for The Little Green Bunny for solo piano

Runner-up: Christopher Gough (18) for Pour La Perte d’un Frére for french horn and piano

Highly commended: Leung Hok Kiu Johnson (16) for Colour 2nds for solo piano

15–18 years Winner: Toby Young (18) for Jubilate for solo piano

In performance The audience at the anniversary concert on 27 July 2009 at Cadogan Hall, London was treated to world premiere performances of the two winning pieces from the International Young Composers’ Competition. Offering a snapshot of repertoire from ABRSM syllabuses over the years, the concert programme featured performances from some of our High Scorers and scholars as well as special guest ensembles Panatical and Catfish Blue. ‘We will maintain the commitment to contemporary composition shown by our anniversary competition,’ ABRSM’s then Chief Executive Richard Morris told attendees on the night. ‘We will also seek to reach out more, whether it be to young people in the early stages of instrumental and vocal learning, to parents seeking guidance about music education, to teachers or older learners. Whatever the future holds, ABRSM will hold to its mission of motivating musical achievement in the most holistic sense.’



Income 2009-2010: ÂŁ36.5m

48% International exams 36% UK & Ireland exams 15% Publishing 1%

Professional development & other

This financial summary applies to the financial year ended 31 January 2010. These graphs indicate the approximate proportions of ABRSM’s income and expenditure arising from and applied to its different activities. They have not been taken

Expenditure 2009-2010: £35.4m

from the full annual accounts and have not been audited, independently examined or subject to a reporting accountant’s report. The most recent full annual accounts, trustees’ report and external auditor’s report are available from both the Companies House and Charity Commission websites.

23 45% Exams 19% Staff 18% Scholarships & donations 11% Administration & development 7%




Francisca Si Min Lin Fei Jerry Feng Fares Kardous Hirosei Kuruma


Shu Yin Crystal Lai

Adam Chan

Li Hok Chung

Kevin Chow

Minna Liu Shi Yang

Bella Chu

Sun Pei

Edward Robert Scheffer Cliff

Tang Mian

Jane Farnan Vanessa Yuen-Ting Ho Sabina Im Stephanie Jones Sherlynn Khoo Yi Ting Lam Jaslyn Lee Seul Lee Lee Queenie Ting Yan Melissa Lim Wai Chun Liu Xiao Hui Ma Alexander Chi Yuen Mau Kerryn Schofield Gregory Hamilton Smith Kiarash Taghavi Hsern Ern Tan Hui Sien Teo

Emily Weng Yip Sum Wu Yang Ying Yan Jing Yun Yu Zhang Yan Zhong Yu Jia Qi Zhou Zou Zhizhao Cyprus Polys Christofi Louiza Christou Pamela Michaelides Egypt Sherif Aly Dahroug Wafik Adly Gayed Nabil Kamel Agaiby Gebraeil

Yvonne Teo Charlene Wijaya

France Ruth Maybank


Emily Spagnol

Margaret Austin

Alice Zimmermann

Leandro Layne Germany Canada

Mark Ehrenfried

Ning Zhou

Ulrike Gรถtz

Sylvia Yong

Helene Grabitzky

Uy Lily Chua

Lisa Volk Stephan Ziegler

China Bin Zhaoqi


Chen Yu

Ayodeji Mayowa Ajayi

Ke Ni Fang

Ogebule Oluwafemi Abayomi

Oparamanuike Joseph Chinedu Aderayo Abiodun Oyegbade Grenada

Fung Hoi Tin Miu Kwan Fung Fung Yi Ni Bethan Joan Greaves Ha Yi Man

Ethorn Francis

Ho Chi Wing

Hong Kong

Chun Hang Huang

Au Wing Yee Au Yu Man Bat Ka Man Carmen Chan Amy June Chan Ching Man Emme Chan Hei Lam Cecilia Chan Hok Pang Aaron Chan Kai Lung Chan Lai Yee Chan Mun Tak Ada Pui Yu Irene Chan Chan Siu Tung Wai Kuen Vicky Chan Chan Ying Ying Chau Kei Lok Yan Ying Chen Yan Ho Cheng Sze King Cecilia Cheng Cheung Ka Man Cheung Tsz Him Yat Wai Maggie Cheung Cheung Wai Kwan Wai Lam Vivian Cheung Ka Wai Chi Chiu Tak Yee Amy Chiu Yuk Ying Chong Kai Hin Chow Hoi Ying Chow Yin Ching Ping Ting Brenda Chow Tak Chuen Chow Chu Wai Lok Siu Han Chung Ding Pak Lun Kevin Zhao Jing Ding Hong Chung Fu

Yik Yin Ho Hui Ming Kit On Yu Hui Hwang Wai Ki Christine Man Sze Kan Kwan Long Kwong Hoi Shan Lai Chi Hin Lam Pak Lun Tin Oi Lam Lam Tsun Yat Kenny Wong Fai Lam Yu Suen Lam Sze Yin Lau Wai Pik Lau Ying Tung Lau Puiyan Law Law Wai Lam Juanita Law Yu Hin Lee Chi Hung Fiona Kizzie Lee Flora Chi Yan Lee Lee Tin Yan Wai Yin Vivien Lee Ka Wing Leung Man Hin Leung Tsz Wai Leung Li Kin Keung Li Kit Sum Li So Yee Po Fung Andrew Liu Liu Tsz Ying Ellen Lo Wing Man Ping Lo Sze Man Lok Lou Ching Ki Xinxin Lu

Our diplomas are designed to encourage a diversity of approaches to performing, directing and teaching music and to stimulate achievement through acquiring skills, knowledge and understanding. These highly respected and letter-bearing qualifications carry worldwide recognition.

ABRSM diplomas are available at three levels – Diploma, Licentiate and Fellowship – and in three subjects: Music Performance, Music Direction and Instrumental/Vocal Teaching. We offer our congratulations to the following musicians who successfully gained their diplomas in 2009.

25 Cheryl Cecilia Lui

Wong Yuen Yee

Mercyani Lunardi


Sze Wan Candy Luk

Wong Yuk Ting

Dian Novita Matondang

Rasha Abu-Ajwah

Bok Yin Gabriel Lynn

Wong Wai Ling Helen

Franciska Monalisa

Linda Assbeihat

Ma Man Kee Teresa

Woo Ming Xi

Andre Nathaniel

Ng Hon Sun

Wu Guanqing

Frida Nathania Obadja

Mounir William Ennenbach

Ng Pok Yee Pauline

Yeung Kin Hung

Pek Natalia

Ng Tsz Nok

Yeung Yan Lok Felix

Vinsenso Julius Pratama

Ng Wing Kei Tracy

Yiu Yun Kwan

Aurelia Nitya Primantari

Ng Yui Ching Eugenie

Eugene Oscar Yuen

Fenny Rosita

Cheung Lui Amina Pan

Yuen Yit Won Angela

Evelyn Yuliani Teguh

Ching Hin Pau

Yee Kei Zheng

Grace Visca

Pun Tsz Kin Chung Hing Sham


Shum Wan Kei

Hrafnhildur Árnadóttir

Yeuk Lam Shum

Hrund Ósk Árnadóttir

So Pak To Plato

Aron Axel Cortes (Performing)

Tai Kwok Ching Lee Chi Tiffany Tam Tam Wai Ying Tam Ka Man Carmen Bing Kay Gary Tang Tang Shun Chi Tong Lik Yin Tsang Ming Yee Shermain Tse Wing Yuk Yee Man Tso Wing Yue Tsui Lai Sze Tsui Cheuk Yin Jarita Wan Ho Ting Benedict Wan Wan Kin Ying Wat Chun Pong Wong Cheuk Fung Wong Ling Ling Lisa Pui Wei Wong Lok Ching Wong Man Yan Carmen Wong Nga Chung Angela Wong Wong Oi Wai Irene

Elaine Rachelle Wangsawidjaja

Hanna Franjieh Rani Kaylani Kenya Jacinta Mulaku Korea Lang Jo

Fauzie Wiriadisastra

Yeahkyung Elizabeth Ryu



Richard Coady

Cheung An Yu

Dearbhla Doherty

Ho Weng Sam

Samuel Esses

Ieong Man Chi

Colin Jermyn

Iong Hoi Cheng

Rosina Joyce

Ip Ka I

Jennifer Lee

Lao Chak Cheong

Francis Long

Lei I Lei

Halla Marinósdóttir (Teaching)

Claire O’Brien

Lou Cheok Lam

Liz O’Brien (Performing)

Si Hoi Ian

Fjóla Kristín Nikulásdóttir

Liz O’Brien (Teaching)

Vong Man Teng

Stephen O’Doherty

Wong Su Iong

Aron Axel Cortes (Teaching) Ivar Helgason Julian Isaacs Oddur Arnþór Jónsson Halla Marinósdóttir (Performing)


Michael Dominic Thomas

Gopal Chakravartty

Michael Young

Justin Yi-En Hockey

Malawi Wina Tamani Sangala

Amintha Jayant


Ennuri Jo

Emanuel Geromin


Lothunglo Mozhui

Riccardo Liberatore

Chang Chow Chien

Giulia Pierucci

Cheong Chor Kim

Alessandro Talia

Eleasha Chew Sue Yuen

Indonesia Michael Adi Tjandra Valerie Christabel Gunawan Maria Yolanda Haliman

Wong Sze Ting Melissa

Andreas Librawan Harsono

Wong Wai-Man

Anthony Hartono

Wong Yat Lam

Jap Rina Setyani

Wong Yee Man

Meitalia Khie

Yi Hang Cherie Wong

Kevin Indra Lasmono

Kelvin Yung Hung Chong Jamaica

Nur Izwani Ismail

Helen Rosemary Bromley

Ryner Lai Wei Chuen

Regnarene Brown

Eileen Lau Lee Shan Li @ Sally Lee


Shyh Hong Lee

Mayu Funaba

Lim Khai Shing

Tomoko Okano

Jessica Lim Yi-Wen

Hiromi Shimada

Aldrich Tanying Pinso



Megan Khai Khee Tan


Lee Yu Zhou

Wong Yan Lei Grace

Tanaporn Ratitamkul

Jeremy Jia Cai Yeo

Isabel Fonseca

Leong Xiao Han

Wong Yushan

Hyeamin Suh

Yeow Liiyung

Carlos Soares Da Silva

Lew De Yi Norvin

Woo Tze May Annette

Joanna Verkade

Li Chu Ren

Kimberlyn Wu Peishi

Heewon Woo


St Vincent

Lim Hsi Mei

Ye Zuyi

Christine Marie Borg

Victor Methoro Job

Japher Lim

Yeap Si Jing

Trinidad & Tobago

Lim Jue Min Jeremy

Yee Jia Rong

Wang Chen

Ian Peter Bugeja Clara Galea


Lim Wan Qi

Yeo Hua Sheng Raphael Gabriel

Josef Grech

Snezana Grujic

Lim Yan Ting

Yeo En Jie Isaac


Sarah Micallef

Ana Nedeljkov

Lim Yi Jin Eileen

Zhang Bi Lan

Nevin Akcinar

Martha Mifsud

Ivana Novak

Lim Yin Liang

Zhu Xiao Tong Amanda

Suzan Akcinar

Lim Zhuo Min

Lara Scerri Singapore

Winnie Lim Hui Chean

South Africa



Rudy Wijaya Alamsyah

Esther Lim Man Yu

Laura Boeke

Beatrice Nyatia Geria

Guy-Noel Sylvio Clarisse

Daniel Gordon Ang

Christina Lim Yui Hung

Devandre Boonzaaier

Marie Christinne Clarisse

Vincent Brian Arifin Tjeng

Loh Seet Ee

Kirsty Jane Brittain

United Kingdom

Chen Yitie

Vanessa Loh Jie Wen

Milica Conkic

Jasper Benedict Affonso


Cheng Pei Yun

Pearlyn Loh Wan Jing

Annelize De Villiers

Rachel Alban

Jesus De Rafael Lopez Perez

Cheong Sue-Ann Faith

Rebecca Lok

Michael Duffett

Ashleigh Alderslade

Cheow Ying

Long Mei Ling

Welmien Faul

Thomas Aldren

The Netherlands

Adi Widjaja Chew

Loo Jia En Joanne

Jaydene Toni Forbes

Zoe Alexander

Sarah Feord

Chew Jia Ying

Low Hui Xin

Jorn Friedland

Lucy Armstrong

Valentina Punzhina

Genevieve Chia Rui Lin

Low Jinhong

Maresa Grobbelaar

David Arthur

Chong Berwyn Joel

Low Szu-Yen Karen

Clare Hendry

Florence Clare Astley

New Zealand

Chong Hui Yan Shermaine

Low Yeu Jia

Judith Hill

Minor Ozgun Atabek

Sophie Bang

Chong Yuan Yi Cheryl

Inge Jacobs

Nicola Auchnie

Mary Elizabeth Belcher

Clive Choo Jun

Muhammad Riesal Bin Mohd Idries

David Austin

Kimberley Chan

Choon Hong Yi

Ng Yi Wen Jeremy

Sarah-Jane Laten Emma Luyendijk

Sarah Ayoub

Paul Chiu Fan Chan

Chow Li Yue

Luke Newby

Helen Baines

Robert Drage

Chu Le Shan

Simiso Radebe

Rebecca Joy Kate Baker

Harrison Ellerm

Chua Si Min

Abel Selaocoe

Judith Ball

Amber Evemy

Chua Tsin Li

Justin Stone

Andrew Ballantyne

Charlotte Olivia Fetherston

Chua Yi Rui

Tshiama Tshibangu

Caroline Bannatyne

Salina Fisher

Chua Zhe Xuan

Cornelia Maria Van Oostrum

Peter Barrow

Yujing Gao

Gloria Ee Jun

Cathy Lynne Watson

David Charles Michael Barton

Maple Feng Goh

Clara Fong Ping Ping

Ann Yates

Lorenzo Bassano

Jesbery Jehar Hartono

Fu Weihao

Nancy (Yu-Wen) Huang

Fung Jia Hong

Chao (Mason) Ji

Giam Yue Ling

Jimin Kang

Goh Seng Sing Anna

Cheng Song Lam

Goh Yuheng Samuel

Amy Michelle Lewis

Goh Chun Wei Benjamin

Jingyi Liu

Guan Yichao

Marcus Norman

Guo Yu Ze

Gillian Pan

Nicholas Han Rui Zhou

Emily Peach

Hang Liting

Antony Gerard Ramsay

Heng Jiamin Gladys

Leo Jong Ha Shin

Ho Shu Min Shirlene

Francesca Louise Short

Ho Si Min Placida

Cho Ki Jacky Siu

Ho Yong Zheng Joel

Cho Yee Joey Siu

Ho Jia Qin

Veronica Struthers

Hong Shao Yu

Joyce Zi Yi Tang

Hsu Tsai Ping

Joan Lynette Sze Ern Tay

Huang Xi Hui Paul

Amelia Taylor

Hui Man Qin

Katie-Lee Taylor

Elvia Husein

Alex Wu

Jiang Yiwei

Jimmy Wu

Jocelyn, Singapore

Yiru Xue

Kang Mei Chen

Tony Tianheng Zhai

Khong Kah Fai Aldy Koh Geok Fang Annabella


Koh Poh Ling Eileen

Shadya Bint Salim Al Aghbari

Kor Chong Luck Ryan

Saif Bin Suleman Al Mayyahi

Kow Wei Ling Jasmine

Ziyanam Bint Salim Al Rajhi

Kwok Kwai Ming Natalie Lai Yan Lam

The Philippines

Lee Cheng Wei

Georgia Lim

Lee Leng Na

Franz Miguel Ramirez

Lee Yi Hui

Ng Chui Suan Ng Wang Nee (Huang Wanli) Ong Rui Qi Edwyna Evangeline Ong Yiling Phua Jia Le Qiu Yonghui Joan Quah Mei Yin Quek Ling Ling Seah Kiat Hong Seow Shen Min Claire Seow Kheng Boon Anthony Sim Jia Hui Vanessa Sim Lian Kiat Eddie Sit Kwan Yee Queenie Soh Kuan Wei Soon Shu Xian Janice Soon Li Lian Evelyn Melody Tam Wing Yiu Tan Hwee Min Michelle Tan Ik Shan Tan Jia En Rebecca Tan Jun Hao Nicholas

David Sidney Beck Spain

Rebecca Bell

Aida Calo Perez

Susan Bennett

Santiago Dura Mascarell

Suzanne Berger

José Amadeo Guillot Montaner

Benjamin John Angelo Bernard

Carlos Martínez Costa

Inez Beveridge

Giuseppe Pegorari

Camilla Biggs

Emma Randle

Felix Zoot Billson

Juan Carlos Roldan Gracia

Holly Marie Bingham

José Vicente Sanchis Mas

Georgina Binns

Susana Torregrosa Cao

Sarah Jane Birch

Javier Vilaplana Muñoz

Andrew Bisgrove Amy Bladon

Sri Lanka

Simon Blake

Dhanushya Amaratunga

Imogen Blamires

Sasini Chandrasinghe

Joy Boole

Cara Tan Hwei Xin

Thanuja Prasanthi Mariatta Perera

Laura Borrows

Jacob Tan Jie Te

Renushi Perera

Tan Lay Soon Emilyn Tan Li Min Ann Tan Si Heng Timothy

Darren Tan Ngiap Hao Rowena Tan Wan Pei


Meri Tan Wei Yan

Timothee Coppey

Amelia Angela Tanumihardja

Keith Dale

Teh Tzyy Yun Teo Chia Kai


Teo Rongsheng Steven

An Yi Chao

Teoh Ying Da

Chen Ho-Jung

Ting King Mee

Chiu Yu-Shan

Toh Li Wen

Lin Ya Ping

Tong Ying Er Tsang Weng Yip Shirlyn


Tse Kay Krystle

Ravin Pantumasen Chindahporn

Tseng Yi Ying Elysia Widjaja

Pornvarin Kansirisin

Alexandra Bowen Fiona Brannon Adrian James Breen Philippa Claire Briggs Antonia Claire Brindle Emma Brown Edward Buchanan James Buchanan Natalie Burch Emma Burgess Rosemary Burgess Ruth Burke Hayley Alexandra Burton Anne Bury Rebecca Buswell Matthew Butler

Alex Butters

Margaret Errington

Cherry Ho

Ross Learmonth

Yoh Murakami

Joanna Byers

Mary Erskine

Yin Shan Ho

Jenny Leary

Felicity Murphy

Orlando Byron

Carys Alexandra Evans

Emma Holdich

Rachel Leggett

Hannah-Jade Murphy

Juliette Ahyoung Byun

Jason Evans

Grace Hollingworth

Daniel Sek Meng Leung

Lewis Murphy

Harriet Caddick

Oliver Farrant

Alison Hopper

Derek Cheuk Cheung Leung

Keith Murray

Kieran Cameron

Nicole Marie Elizabeth Farrell

Harriet Hougham-Slade

Nicola Lewis

Laurence Newnes

Alasdair Campbell

Emma Field

George Howard

Claudia Li

Olivia Newton

Amy Campbell

Daniel Fields

Gessica Howarth

Jonathan Lilley

Jennifer Newton-Smith

Harriet Campbell

Lucy Fisher

Matthew Howells

Amanda Lim

Anna Louise Nielsen-Scott

Sarah Campbell

Henrietta Ford

Alice Hudson

Kiyam Lin

Adam Michael Nyberg

Lucy Campion

Miranda Ford

Anthony Robert Hughes

Yang Liu

Obianuju Ogbonna

Andrew Cankett

Anthony Fowler

Jason Hui

Bethan Lloyd

Joanne Ollier

Laurence Carnall

Vanessa Fuidge

James William Hulme

Hannah Lockwood

Nelli Orlova

Rory Cartmell

Ryo Fukaura

Sophie Hunt

Edward Longstaff

Charlotte Ormson

Tom Cartmell

Shelley Gabriel

Alex Hunter

Heidi Lough

Kumiko Otsuka

Catherine Jane Cavan

Jade Alicia Gall

Mari Hunter

Alex Loveday

John Oxlade

Benjamin Chan

Sarah Kate Gardner

Seungyeon Hur

James Lumsden

Emily Padfield

Henry Chandler

Megan Garrity

Victoria Hutter

Alexander MacDougall

Martin Palmer

Rosemary Channin

Ed Gaudencio

George Hyde

Clare MacEwen

Miku Pancoast

Zain Chaudhry

Maria Gavriliouk

Timothy Hynd

Alastair MacFarlane

Laurence Panter (Piano)

Andrew Chettleburgh

Lucy Jane Geddes

Charlotte Ibbetson

Tamiko Mackison

Laurence Panter (Singing)

Jo-Yee Cheung

Iain Gibbs

Katrina Ievins

Anna Maddox

Julia Parfett

Yew Hone Cheung

Mark Gibbs

Jacqueline Igoe

Alexandra Madgwick

Tristan John Parsons

Alastair Chilvers

Valerie Gibson

Saskia Ilsen Nunn

Matthew Maguire

Jane Patrick

Ken-Ee Choong

Georgia Gibson-Smith

Thalia Ilsen Nunn

Katarina Majcen

Lizzie Peacock

Marie Christie

Henry Gleave

Sarah Itam

Jason Kei Chak Mak

Michael John Peacock

Joanna Cichonska

Christine Ann Godfrey

Zofia Jakubiel-Smith

Betty Makharinsky

Gordon Penman

Robert Clark

Victoria Godley

Mark James

Gwendoline Elizabeth Manley

Susannah Peterson

Janet Clark

Jonathan Ronald Goodwin

Phoebe James

Michelle Karen Mannveille

Harry Lewis Petty

Henry Clarke

Zelida Gordon

Sian Jamison

Charity Mapletoft

Kate Frances Petty

Edward Coe

Daniel Graham

Isobel Jenkins

Catherine Margaret Marchesi

Thomas Pollock

Rebeccah Considine

David Graham-Young

Bethany Jerem

Christina Marroni

Christopher Potts

Oliver Cook

Alexandria Grant

Camellia Genevieve Johnson

George Edward Martin

Amy Preece

Alex Tristan Coombes

Darius Gray

Katharine Johnston

Laura Martin

Sarah Price

Jaymee Coonjobeeharry

Kristina Greally

Annabel Jones

Antony Matthews

Veronica Price

Declan Corr

Peter Grey

Freya Jones

Hane Htut Maung

Nicholas Pritchard

Bethany Louise Cox

Alicia Griffiths

Georgina Jones

Jane May

Alison Elizabeth Purvis

Michael Craddock

Georgiy Grigorev

Graham Jones

Jacqueline Anne Mayer

Fiona Raggatt

Laura Cross

Victoria Guise

Laura Jones (Manchester)

Mary Mazur-Park

Joseph Christopher Rainer

Gillian Cunnison

Georgina Anne Haddon

Laura Jones (Newcastle)

Laura McAvoy

Mark Ramsey

Elidir Dafydd

Lorna Louise Haddon

Ruth Amy Jones

Anna McClure

Maya Ravindran

Edmund Daley

Tristan Hall

Remy Jugue

Emma Jane McFadyen

James Rawlinson

Eleanor Davidson

Helen Hambling

Daniel Keeling

Sean McMenamin

Mary Reid

Adam Davies

Alexander Hamilton

Timothy Kellett

Charlotte Meakin

Lucy Revis

Ellen Davies

Alistair Hamilton

Thomas Kelsey

Andy Mei

Hannah Rice

Samuel Pascal Davis

Chloe Hancox

Phoebe Joy Kemp

Henry Melbourne

Jennifer Louise Riley

Anthony Davison

Tess Hardwick

Linda Kiakides

Vieda Mercer

Catherine Ring

Michael Dawson

Richard Barnes Harker

Yoko Kikuchi

Ru Merritt

James Risdon

Dominic Philip De Souza

Katherine Harries

William Kilvington-Shaw

Kirsten Miller

Martin John Robbins

Therese Catherine De Souza

David Harrington

Kate Sarah King

Lucy Miller-White

Claire Victoria Roberts

Hamish Dean

Susan Harrington

Sarah King

Alexia Millett

Dee Dee Roberts

Tom Deasy

Camilla Harris

Charlotte Kitson

Patrick Cosimo Milne

Katherine Roberts

Anne Denholm

Rosemary Harvey

Beata Kluz

Simon Robert Minshall

Leo Roberts

Elliott James Devivo

Frances Hastie

Rachel Mary Knight

Peter David Mitchell

Rebecca Amy Robertson

Diana Dickerson

Jessica Anne Hateley

Nadia Kottegoda

Samuel Moffitt

Rebecca Robinson

Hannah Ruth Dobra

Edward Hawkins

Asuka Kumon

Samuel Moodey

Rory Robinson

Rebecca Louise Dowling

Janette Audrey Hawkins

Joy Kwong

Helena Moore

Peter Rogers

Sharon Doyle

Sarah Haynes

Roshan Laidlay

Peter Moore

Tom Rogers

Ryan Joshua Drucker

Samantha Hayward

Shing Yuen Lam

Katherine Moore

William Round

Natasha Dunne-Burns

Michael Hearman

Jacqui Larkin

Cerith Dafydd Morgan

Luke Russell

Benjamin Durrant

Mark Heath

Felix Lashmar

Lowri Mair Teresa Morgan

Sebastian Sadr-Salek

Lynn Edwards

Clare Heneghan

Cara-Rose Laskaris

Frederick David Moroni

Yukiko Saito

Elen Angharad Heather Edwards

Sophie Hewitt

Abigail Lau

Nia Eleri Morris

David Salihi

John Elliot

John Anthony Hewitt-Jones

Hannah Lau

Nicholas Morris

Lucas Salmins

Joanne Highley

Jing Yu Jane Lau

Daniel Mort

Yudit Samad

Louise Hill

Dominic Lawson

Jennifer Morton

William Savage

Rosalind Hill

Louisa Mary Renwick Lawson

Jennifer Moyes

Andrew Savill

Robert Samuel Hillen

Elizabeth Joanne Lawton

Gary James Mullins

Victoria Sawyer

Rosemary Anne Hinton

Emily Tat Yin Lay

Hannah Munro

Sophie Sayer

Julie Elliott Tess Ellison Anthony Elward Jane Eminson




Matthew Sayers

Fainche Whelan

Sarah Nahhyun Yu

Woo Wing Ching Caleb


Victoria Schmidt

Natalie Wild

Wesley Yu

Woo Yik Sze

Ang Kai Jie Davin

Gretel Scott

Harriet Elisabeth Wilkes

Steve Zhou

Wun Wai Ki

Chen Pui Yee Betty

Matthew Scott

Jessica Wilkes

Yong Ching Ha

Chen Meihua Nerissa

Emma Nicola Segrave

Lynne Williams

Rosanna Sells

Mark Williams

Bethan Mair Semmens

Henry Williams-Bird

Mary-Rose Shand

Katherine Willis

Jacob Shaw

Charlotte Wilson

Anna Sideris

Joanna Wilson

Alexandra Sill

Michael Wilson

Eleanor Simmance

Hannah Wisdish

Nicola Sims

Kate Imogen Wolton

Kathryn Anne Smale

Joe Wood

Jessica May Smart

Alice Woods

Alastair Smith

Ruth Woolley

Lucy Smith

Alastair Wright

Robert Smith (Birmingham)

Jonathan Wright

Robert Smith (Nottingham)

Timothy Yap

Stephan Solomonidis

Dominic Yeo

Jocelyn Somerville

Benjamin Yip

David Wong Chuen Soong

Cassandra Hui Ping Yong


George Spence-Jones

Irena Zablocka

Mario Tomov Yotsov

Diana Frances Mary Statham

Henry Zeffman

Lucy Stephenson

Anastasia Zemtsova


Delia Stevens

James Ying-Hua Zhao

Stephanie Ka Ching Chan

Jessica Stevens

Calum Zuckert

Ching Wai Rebecca Choi

LICENTIATE OF THE ROYAL SCHOOLS OF MUSIC Australia Fiona Jean Campbell Luke Gilmour Yollanda Ng Hong Chun Felix Pang Austria Caroline Duffner Barbados Michael Andrew Allman Hascal Leeanda Stevenson Johnson

Jennifer Ho

Benjamin Peter Stevenson

Chong Yao Feng Victor Iceland

Mark Brian Dun Wei Foo

Hulda Björg Viðisdóttir

He Zongyi Ho Sze Wei


Huang Xuhua

Marianne Generosa Aiman D’Cruz

Kwek Mu Yi Theophilus

Dielle Julienne Braganza Indonesia Ingrid Maryane Cahya Novinia Liady Edwin Eduard Philips Ireland Annina Ahola Davina Mary Baker Robert Mortell Aoife Sadlier Robert William Yeo Italy Valerio Vezzani Jamaica

Lam Yin Lim Siok Khun Lin Li Liu Xinle @ Liu Xinyue Olivia Matius Ng Hwee Cheng Mary-Anne Pan Shixuan Pauline, Singapore Soh Wai Keong Paul Tan Jia Hui Tan Li Hsing Tan Mei Hui South Africa Jaco Meyer Catherina Maria Mulder Spain

Joanne Steward

United States of America

Michael Jun Yuan Huang

Isabel Stoppani-Lawless

Seo Hyoun Eileen Bang

Preston Jordan Lim

Andrew Tait

Caresse Boyers

Lisa Suet Ying Ng

Jessica Katherine Yap

Jonathan Tan

Jana Lynn Brown

Chun Yin Douglas Tang

Joshua Chao

Czech Republic


José Francisco Sánchez Sánchez

Andrew Bruce Taylor

Ford Chen

Kristýna Kucerová

Kayano Nagai

Francisco José Serrano Luque

Gordon Taylor

Wesley Chen

James Taylor (Cardiff)

William Chen




James Taylor (York)

Terence Chuntsung Choy

Ulrike Götz

Júlio Miguel Dos Anjos

Rosemary Clare Sprackling

Cheryl Taylor

Jessilyn Chwa

Emma Tenison

Kattie Coffman




Deni Teo

Jusak Djatmiko

Ibiyefiebo Harry

Lim Pei Bernadette

Ng Jiaxin Vania

Peter Teverson

Igor Do Amaral

Oluwaseun Daniel Oluwabusuyi

Chin Hui Yi

Fred Leo Thomas

Stephanie Doo

Chung Sing Lee


Ashleigh Juliet Tilley

Marisa Edwards

Hong Kong

Wong Jia Hui Michelle

Jonas Dept

Bridget Tizzard

Andre Garrett

Michael Chan

Tan Ye Teik

Shunsuke Takemura

Kristoffer Ching Him To

Robert Gemmell

Chan Miu Chu

Fiona Penelope Tompkins

Anna Horne

Yi Mei Chan


Trinidad & Tobago

Samuel Tong

Alex Ip

Chan Yuen Miu

Gary Magri Gatt

Jerome Dinchong

Mai Charissa Tran Ringrose

Ritchie Iu

Chau Chuck Jee

Thomas Trennery

Jason Jin

Cheung Joyce Pui Chih


United Kingdom

Man Hon Tse

John Kabiling

Choi Ka Yan

Emilio Ahedo Maldonado

David Alcock

Nicholas Tudor

Serena Eve Kamps

Fang Fang

Damiana Orue De Avendaño

Catherine Anderson

Fin Twomey

Elvin Lee

Kam Man Yin

Maria Jessica Vega Cervantes

Sebastian Armstrong

Mary Tyler

Constance Lin Kaita

Lau Hiu Tung

Yumi Uchiyama

Jessica Liu

Wilson Chi Kuen Lau

Rachael Ueckermann

Michelle Liu

Law Hong Yee

Inbar Vernia

Truman Liu

Leung Hok Kiu Johnson

Emma Wade

Osker Lu

Li King Yue

Stephanie Waite

Penny Luan

Chit Ling Jeanie Lui

Mathew Walker

Michelle Ma

Jing Yi Anthea Ma

William Kevin Walsh

Haley Rebecca Muhlestein

Ma Wei Kei

Sarah Warren

Emily Pham

Mak Chun Yue

Mamiko Watanabe

Elizabeth Polatin

Pang Kit Yung

Jane Elizabeth Waters

Eugenie Yu Quan

Dennis Ho Man Tam

Rachel Watson

Amy Shafer

Tan Ying Ming Benjamin

Matthew Watts

Dylan Sun

Po Yi Tang

Carol Waugh

Joyce Tang

Wan Christopher Kai Hin

Georgia Way

Paul Von Autenried

Wan Yat Long

Nicholas Webb

Anna Raines Wicker

Wong Hei Wan Rhythmie

Rebecca Webb-Mitchell

David Wolfe

Wong Pui Hing Edith

Lynora Welland

Peter Xing

Pui San Bessie Wong

Philip Andrews

Gabriel Alcaide Roldan José Marco Campos Angel Luis Carrillo Gimeno

Danielle Audley-Wiltshier New Zealand

David Austin

Edward Giffney

Sarah Jane Bennett

John Mercer

Matthew Blunt

Kate Oswin

William Bosworth

Amie Sweetapple

Lynette Bowring Rachel Bristow


Tom Cartmell

Nadir Mubarak Shambeh Al Balushi

Alberto Castillo

Younis Nasser Humaid Al Siyabi The Philippines Alejandro Consolacion II St Lucia Joseph Grantly Charles

Pei-Fen Chen Katharine Choonara Gregory Coughlin David Cowen Lucia D’Avanzo Justine Davidson Josephine Davies Charlotte Elizabeth Dowding Gabrielle Fisher


Elizabeth Anne Fitzpatrick

United States of America

Rosemary Fox

Caresse Boyers

Jade Alicia Gall

Abigail Crouch

William Gardner

Kwame Lewis

Russell David Gilmour

Julie Mueller

Estelle Gouws

Amy Shafer (Performance)

Steven Green

Amy Shafer (Teaching)

Simon Hancock

Allison Tsai

Charlotte Hawkins Tom Hay James Henderson Thomas Hutchinson Christopher I’Anson Bethan Caryl Jones Eun Hee Kim Adrian Kingston Hoy Wein Natalie Kong Julian Latham Dominic Lawson Eleanor Lighton Nicola Amanda Lycett Michelle Emily Mary Mackle Andrew Marris James Marshall McCabe Ruth McGibben Richard Mepstead Dan Miller



Our flagship Certificate of Teaching (CT ABRSM) course gives participants the opportunity to spend an extended period of time developing knowledge and skills, and refreshing their personal approach to teaching. The course takes place either over one year or, for the fast-track course, six months. We offer our congratulations to the following teachers who successfully completed the Certificate of Teaching (CT ABRSM) course in 2009. Hong Kong

Sophie Louise Holden

Ebonard Lysander

Ang Wai Ling

Elizabeth Holland

Corinne Miley-Smith

Cheng Oi Yin

Thomas Hosking

Katherine Moore

Cheng Yung Ting

Laura Hughes

B James Moriarty

Denise Dowling

Cheung Yat Wai

Ann Miller

Alison Morris

Kumwon Chung

Robin Padgham

John Leigh Nixon

Hong Kong

Fung Pui Man

Christopher Rickman

Heather Oram

Hui Wing Chun

Lai Yuen Yan

Amy Stew

Hazel Rowley

Lai Bui Sie Michelle

Lam Ching Man

Gail Stone

Eshadhi Seneviratne

Long I Ian

Lam Lut Hei

Robert Thomas

Nadia Sinnett

Poon Ka Mei Camille

Lee Siu Po

Helen Thompson

Helen Tudor

Mak Wai Yiu

Martin Wake

Andrea Williamson


Ng Kwok Ying

Nichola Williamson

Yvon Luco Kenneth Veerasawmy Babajee

Ng Pei Xuan

Irene Wong

Bulgaria Ilia Zdravkov Mihaylov France

Farhad Moayedi Laura Newman


David Onac

Khalid Bin Khalfan Al Jabri

Timothy Richard Pannell Abigail Parker


Shelley Payne

Ang Yong He Thomas

Helen Pugh

Tseng Xin Ying

Mark Dylan Purvey

Tang Ming Chak

Manchester Michael Bateson

Tsang Chung Ming


Deborah Cooper

Wendy Venn

Heidi Choat

Ruth de la Mare

Wong Wing Yee

Judith Dauncey

Gavin Lee

Yu Lai Shan

John Hobbs

Stella Leigh

Adelle Kirby

Beverley Magee


Emma McQuillen-Wright

Philippa McCartney

Kelvin Mosara Ang

Rachel Misson

Victoria Morris

Maria Putman

United Kingdom

Maris Stella Ang

Kate Morgan

Lynne Saunders

Elin Rebecca Rees

Virginia Jane De Ledesma

Linda Chandra

Penny Morgan

Richard Thomas

Danielle Rogan

Sarah Denbee

Fifi Embut

Carole Rees

Christopher Waddington

Louise Saunders

GisĂŠle Grima

Juuke Hartana

Colin Rees

Ann-Marie Wood

Lydia Jane Scadding

Peter Liang

Miriam C Kuswanto

Ruth Thomas

Juan Wright

Phillippa Slack

Mairi MacLeod

Listya Mulyadi

Alison Whitfield

Anthony Richard Smith

Luke Martin

Yola Mathilde Nur

Katherine Steele

Jonathan Martindale Stephanie Oade

Linda Prabaraharja


Alice Stobart Cheryl Taylor

Kit Perona-Wright

Tjindrawati Soesanto

Ekaterina Belik

Aileen Thomson

Hugh Robson

Elise A Sulaiman

Andrew Brown

Sany Tjiuwi

Janette Hall

Hadwin Umar

Harvey Lockwood

Yuyun Yuniastuti

Paula McKeeve

Andrew Turner Charlotte Abigail Unwin

United States of America

Robert Peter Webb

Katherine Elaine Loughrey

Isobel Wick

Priyeshni Peiris-Perera

Tom Wilkes

Derric Gene-Hau Tay

Lesley Mines United Kingdom

Janet Noakes

Bournville (fast-track course)

Alastair Paxton

Helen Arney

Lesley Ross

Christopher Barnes

Agnes Wards

Katherine Blebta

Susanne Watson

Debbie Yu

Sharon Burnham

Thelma Worthington

Mark Zarb-Adami

James Christopher

James Williams Jonathan Chak Wang Wong Catharine Wright Gary Wyatt

Cathy Custance


Emma Davies

Aylin Amiral

Anne Deans

Christine Brightman

Debra Dixon

Rebecca Dowding

Jackie Frost

Barry Fowkes

Lisa Greenslade

Caroline Harris

Claire Grocock

Nicole Hobday

Christine Hague

Theresia Hubar

Lee Halford

Debbie King

Jennifer Hall

Claire Elizabeth Lavery

Sally Hands

Chen-Yen Liu



30 Scholarships We award scholarships each year to junior, undergraduate and postgraduate students at four of the Royal Schools of Music. The following students were awarded scholarships for courses of study beginning in 2009.

Macklin Bursaries The following outstanding ABRSM scholars were awarded bursaries to assist with further studies or the launch of their professional careers.

Royal Academy of Music Junior Jessica Price (UK), double bass

Royal College of Music Charis Jenson (UK), violin

Undergraduate Hugh Sisley (UK), horn Zoya Vyazovskya (Russia), flute Postgraduate Christopher Avison (UK), trumpet Runette Botha (South Africa), soprano Royal College of Music Junior Anthony Tat (UK), piano Undergraduate Ben Baker (UK), violin Postgraduate Colin Alexander (UK), composition Sergey Basukinsky (Russia), piano Paul McEachran (UK), saxophone Royal Northern College of Music Junior Nathan Dale (UK), trumpet Undergraduate Ignatius Kim (South Korea), violin Maria Nolan (UK), double bass Postgraduate Jennifer France (UK), soprano Bo Wang (China), tenor Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama Junior Luke Maher (UK), horn Undergraduate Gongbo Jiang (China), violin John Lowrie (UK), jazz drums Postgraduate Stephen Chambers (New Zealand), tenor Philip Hague (UK), percussion Elin Pritchard (UK), soprano

Royal Academy of Music Lisa Ueda Lee (UK), violin

Royal Northern College of Music Yoshika Masuda (Japan), cello Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama Willem Mathlener (South Africa), viola Gold and Silver Awards We give these awards to candidates in the UK and Ireland who gain exceptional results in a Practical exam at Grade 6, 7 or 8. Gold Awards Michael Ash, Grade 6 Singing Benedict Kearns, Grade 8 Singing Joshua Cox, Grade 6 Piano Caitlin Mayall, Grade 8 Singing Isobel Howard-Cordone, Grade 7 Violin Barney Couch, Grade 8 Oboe Ewan James Zuckert, Grade 8 Clarinet Imogen Sebba, Grade 7 Singing Anna Judy Stibbles Burns, Grade 8 Singing Silver Awards Athena Hawksley-Walker, Grade 7 Violin Danny Lewis, Grade 8 Violin Grace Howson, Grade 8 Oboe William Alexander Shaw, Grade 8 Piano Joe Iles, Grade 7 Piano Simon McKenzie, Grade 8 Viola Lydia Lallemant, Grade 8 Piano Joe Norris, Grade 8 Alto Saxophone Euan Ferguson, Grade 8 Alto Saxophone Christopher Block, Grade 8 Alto Saxophone Michael Wall, Grade 8 Piano George Speck, Grade 7 Alto Saxophone Calla Randall, Grade 8 Flute Josephine Bentley, Grade 8 Flute Jocelyn Coates, Grade 8 Singing Matthew Chambers, Grade 8 Violin

Hedy King Robinson prizes These prizes reward high achievement in Theory of Music exams. They are awarded to candidates worldwide who score 90 marks or above at Grades 6 to 8, and, additionally, to those in the USA who achieve full marks (100) at Grades 1 to 5. We offer our congratulations to the following candidates who were awarded prizes for exams taken in 2009. Bulgaria Grade 6 Evelina Stoyanova Parapanova Grade 7 Kalina Kourdova China Grade 6 Shu Ming Hu Yang Zeng Cyprus Grade 8 Janno Õnneleid Czech Republic Grade 8 Angus Grundy Indonesia Grade 6 Sylvira Setyana Shelly, Medan Wilson, Medan Grade 7 Eunike Nathania Winoto Grade 8 Andry Effendy Ireland Grade 7 Petronilli Emiliano Japan Grade 6 Akiko Kosi Malaysia Grade 6 Cheah Wen Yee Chong Jia Ying Choo Shuet Yee Adeline Hoe Yan Ling Kok Je Sen Kong Wai Sing Johanan Kong Xian En Lai Ghin Yee Lee Chia Yin Lee Khai Wey Lee Siew Xuen Lim Gia Huey Jonathan Lim Jun-Yong Lim Ker Ikr Loo Yan Ying Neo Li Ying Ng Kim Suai Ng Yan Wen Ong Seow En Ooi Jun Wei Dennis Ow Ji Tsong Phang Chiang Ken Tam Hong Le Tan Shir Leen Tan Yao Mei Tan Yi Ying Grace Tee Hui En Marion Wan Sze-Ni

Wong Li Yee Wong Voon Kean Ivanna Yap En Tse Grade 7 Eunice Chen Yian Lu Der Yi Shan Ho Shuyan Kuo Yu Shin Iris Lee Hong Ye Rachel Jie Rui Louis Janet Lee Samuel Lim Qi En Lim Xi Xing Ng Zhou Ling Ong Sze Ming Rohit Menon Danial Iskandar Bin Shahrum Ali Sim Jin Yee Adelyn Teoh May Yen Wong Yee Ling Yeoh Mei Ling Grade 8 Chan Wenfang Brian Cheong Mun Yew Cheong Yi Chen Chow May Suen Ho Yen Nee Kimberley Gerard Lee Sy Yeong Mark Lee Yi Qi Lim Ee Jane Lim Peggy Lim Seng Mei Lim Wen Li Looi Qi Wei Lui Wan Yen Ng Jui Yee Siow Lian Cheng Tham Horng Kent Marion Wan Sze-Ni Yeoh Ai Lim Malta Grade 6 Mark Anthony Sammut Mexico Grade 8 Isaac Beristain Arriaga Juan Carlos Lara Lara Guillermo Martinez Ruiz New Zealand Grade 6 Mary Elizabeth Belcher David Chen Sherry Lee Alice Morgan Alexander Van Laar Veth Christopher Brett Whiteley Grade 7 Hannah-Elizabeth Teoh Grade 8 Gordon Lu Nigeria Grade 7 Adebola Mobolaji Ola

Singapore Grade 6 Chuah Xiao Fen Goh Wen Yaw Samuel Lam Yi Hui Angeline Lee Yue Zhi Li Jincheng Low Rui Yun Amanda Jean Loy Xuewei Parn En Hui Gloria Tan Jia En Rebecca Tan Tze En Tan Yan Yu Tan Xin En Rachel Teo Raymynn Wong Koi Lin Wong Shi Qi Audrey Yaputra Juliany Yeo Ting Ya Caresse Zhang Tianjiao Grade 7 Chua You Zhi Theodore Lim Tian Wei Mok Xiao Rong Joscelin Neo Sheng Xiong Ng Sai Meng Ng Sining Adelia Ong Si Hui Sitoh Ying Yue Nadya Tan Yi Rachel Tay Yee Shin Claire Tay Wei Yi Russell Wong Mann Grade 8 Ee Adeline Gay En Hui Moses Goh Khoon Mei Rachel Kamil Victor Indrawan Lee Yue Zhi Low Jia Min Elissa Low Qiao Ting Charmaine Ng Siang Lin Quek Wei Sheng Nicholas Sachdev Nikhel Tan Hwee Min Michelle Tay Yee Shin Claire Tong Ying Er Yiau Chia Han Daniel South Africa Grade 6 Friederike Scholtz Spain Grade 7 Manuel Escanciano Escanciano Marta Torres Pallès Grade 8 Javier Montañana Fernando Pedros Tomas

31 Sri Lanka Grade 7 MM Roshanie Perera Thailand Grade 6 Supakorn Aekaputra United Kingdom Grade 6 Lucy Biddle Louis Brown Elizabeth Camp Richard Coleman Thomas Crane Julie Forsdick Francis Goodburn Kevin Harvey Shreya Ingley Carmel Rosemary Keogh Jonathan Minter Marian Needham Simon Nicholls Edward Nichols Kirsty Norman Sandra Reffold Katherine Rodd Marianne Schofield Matthew Stubbs Delia Stevens Celine Tang Rebecca Thomson Laura Turner Richard Waring Zena Wigram Peter Woffenden Sheila Wright Grade 7 David Austin Nicholas De Oliveira Susan Dyson Jonathan Fitzpatrick Sophia Mina Funatsuki Oliver Hazell Daniel Hurst Matthew Huxley Charlotte Kennedy Owain Park Toby Scadding Jorisjan Tang Jonas Simeon Tattersall Charles Troup Jamie Van Der Sanden Grade 8 Joshua Asquith Antony Camillo Emmanuel Charalabopoulos Nicholas De Oliveira Laura Embrey Theodore Hill Craig Hudson Benjamin Jameson Steven Jones Christopher Swift Ian Toone Peter Townsend

United States of America Grade 1 Emily Bauman Vicki Beazley Thomas William Brown Natalie Lok Man Chow Jacqueline Lok Ming Chow You Chan Kim Tanya Lam Andre Le Adrienne Lee Punita Peketi David Rodriguez Jacob Rogers Matthew Sie Justin Vo

UK and Ireland prizes These prizes recognise high achievement in Practical and Theory exams in the UK and Ireland. They are made possible by generous donations from a range of organisations and individuals. We offer our congratulations to the following candidates who were awarded prizes for exams taken in 2009.

Grade 2 Otto Chen Varun Danda Betsy Everitt Michelle Liu Erica Sadler Isabella Simon Melanie Sklar

Aberystwyth Philip F Walsh Memorial Prize Grade 7 Clarinet Megan Haf

Grade 3 Upasana Chandra Kevin Courchesne Masha Feygelson Wendy Luo Amanda Ricasa Grade 5 Yujing Fan Chelsea Pan Claudia See Grade 6 Angela Ow

Aberdeen Gina Dallas Harper Award Grade 8 Piano Bethany Crockett

Belfast Philip F Walsh Memorial Prize Grade 8 Alto Saxophone Joanna Blake Birmingham Beryl Chempin Prize Grade 7 Piano Ji-Hyun Park Grade 8 Piano Ellie Parkes David Riley Memorial Prize Grade 3 Guitar Benedict Mann

Bristol Sylvia J Frost Memorial Prize Grade 6 Piano Alice Kabala Grade 7 Piano Stephen Sheard Cambridge Marguerite Swan Memorial Prize Grade 8 Cello Victoria Nicoll

Durham Margaret Harle Memorial Prize Grade 8 Oboe Sinead McKenna

Vivienne Scott Memorial Prize Grade 8 Piano Andrew Tait

Edinburgh Elizabeth J Ehrlich Prize Grade 8 Singing Catriona Hewitson

Cardiff Dorothy Grace Atkinson Prize Grade 6 Piano Angharad Thomas Samuel Vine Grade 7 Piano Bianca Luu Geraint Owen William Percy Grade 8 Piano Geraint Herbert Rachel Starritt

Philip F Walsh Memorial Prize Grade 8 Clarinet Ewan James Zuckert

Henry, Edith and Constance Haddon Memorial Prize Grade 7 Piano Geraint Owen

Ivan Cousins Memorial Prize Grade 6 Piano Arpan Sharma

Mr Jeffreys and Mrs Christina Jeffreys Memorial Prize Grade 7 Piano Geraint Owen

Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize Grade 6 Piano Arpan Sharma

Carmarthen ISM South Wales Centre Prize Grade 8 Singing Claire Victoria Roberts

Marie Earle Prize Grade 6 Piano Millicent Forrest Bournemouth Edie Marr Prize Grade 6 Singing Georgia Way Bradford Irene Martin Prize Grade 8 Piano Alan MacDonald Brighton Amina Lucchesi Memorial Prize Grade 8 Violin Kieran Burling Mimi Scharrer Memorial Prize Grade 7 Singing Beckie Burtenshaw

Dundee Nora C Leggatt Prize Grade 6 Piano Alice Chalkley Grade 7 Piano Gregory Myles

Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize Grade 6 Piano Nicola Ede

Edith Oulton De Pauley Prize Grade 7 Singing Tamsin Elsey

Blackburn Frances E Walker Memorial Prize Grade 7 Flute Sophie Tomlinson

Dublin Philip F Walsh Memorial Prize Grade 7 Violin Isobel Howard-Cordone

Chepstow/Forest Of Dean Gwent Foundation Award Grade 8 Violin Gemma Ratcliffe Crewe William Henry Wilcox Memorial Prize Grade 8 Piano Joanna Lam Denbigh Mr Jeffreys and Mrs Christina Jeffreys Memorial Prize Grade 8 Piano William Alexander Shaw Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize Grade 8 Piano William Alexander Shaw

Glasgow Lindsay Lamb Memorial Bursary Grade 8 Piano Ruth Penny Marguerite Swan Memorial Prize Grade 6 Cello Hebba Benyaghla Nivena MacDuff Prize Grade 2 Piano Sarema Shorr Gloucester Iris Dyer Prize Grade 8 Piano Esther Harding Rachel Hobby Great Yarmouth Evelyn Rose Phillips Memorial Prize Grade 8 Piano Richard Ward Frances M L Willden and Margaret D Willden Prize Grade 8 Violin Jamie Sapsford Grimsby Alma Machin Prize Grade 4 Piano Leonie Brummitt Patrick Guthrie



Harrogate Audrey Pass Memorial Prize Grade 5 Piano Benjamin Dunn Grade 5 Singing Francis Goodburn Lloyd Hartley Memorial Prize Grade 6 Piano Joseph Miles Grade 7 Piano Ho Tsz Hin Grade 8 Piano Peter Hateley Charlie Manchester Hastings Marguerite Swan Memorial Prize Grade 6 Cello Shona Wedner-Ross Hemel Hempstead Marguerite Swan Memorial Prize Grade 7 Cello Ellie Winter Huddersfield David Cawthra Memorial Prize Grade 4 Piano Lorscyon Frampton-Clarke Elsie Roberts Prize Grade 7 Piano Rosemary Elizabeth Sillitoe Huddersfield District Prize Grade 5 Piano Alice Molly Cousins Peter Gavin Ipswich Ann Barbanell Prize Grade 8 Piano Maralyn Hicks Kendal Peter & Elizabeth McEwan Memorial Prize Grade 5 Piano Sally Catherine Mills William Simpson Rickaby Memorial Prize Grade 7 Cello Matthew Bell Kidderminster Sheila C Freeman Prize Grade 8 Cello Benjamin Jones Kirkcaldy Alice Calder Memorial Prize Grade 6 Piano Kathryn Hartley Lancaster Vinnie Willis Memorial Prize Grade 5 Violin Iona Branford

Leeds Lloyd Hartley Memorial Prize Grade 6 Piano Jasmine Simons Grade 7 Piano Laura Katie Marks Grade 8 Piano Chen-Wei Ng

London: Sutton Carshalton Music Prize Grade 7 Violin Susanna Xu

Plymouth Hamilton Akaster Prize Grade 5 Violin Jenny Symes-Podic

Thanet Leslie Wheeler Prize Grade 6 Piano Mark Prentice-Whitney

Manchester Besso Memorial Prize Grade 5 Piano Fides Lu

Lincoln Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize Grade 8 Piano Lydia Lallemant

Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize Grade 6 Piano Joshua Cox Grade 7 Piano Alex Wilson

Portsmouth Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize Grade 6 Piano Gemma Liu

Trowbridge Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize Grade 7 Piano Joe Iles

Preston Florence Purdy Memorial Prize Grade 6 Violin Gemma Broomhead

Tunbridge Wells Marguerite Swan Memorial Prize Grade 2 Cello Olivia Fitton-Brown Grade 8 Cello Eliza Hardwick

Liverpool Margaret Wethered Prize Grade 4 Cello Eliza Carew Grade 6 Singing Laura Cunliffe May Frizzel Memorial Prize Grade 5 Jazz Alto Sax Broady Blackwell London: Blackheath Philippa Nankivell-Aylett Memorial Prize Grade 4 Piano Sarah Limb London: Croydon Marjorie Baldwin Bequest Grade 5 Piano Narumi Ito Grade 6 Piano Camilla Clark Grade 7 Piano Edward Howell Grade 8 Piano Henry Melbourne London: Ealing Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize Grade 6 Piano Andrew Keck London: Finchley Dorothy Fryer Memorial Prize Grade 5 Piano Michael Cheng Daniel Shlomo Grade 7 Piano Molly Berghout Grade 8 Piano Lillian Chan Oliver Till London: Muswell Hill Dorothy Fryer Memorial Prize Grade 5 Piano Georgina Lloyd-Owen Grade 8 Piano Adam Cigman Mark Samuel Peterson Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize Grade 6 Piano Jonathan Lack

Middlesbrough Derek Henderson Memorial Prize Grade 8 Flute Alice Hannah Trent Monmouth Gwent Foundation Award Grade 7 Organ Harry Jacques Newcastle upon Tyne Sir William Bigge Memorial Prize Grade 6 Treble Recorder Jessica Weisser Norwich Evelyn Rose Phillips Memorial Prize Grade 7 Piano Gabriel Kai Yin Chiu Marguerite Swan Memorial Prize Grade 8 Cello Thomas Isaac Saxton Noble Memorial Prize Grade 6 Cello Reuben Ard Grade 7 Clarinet Jessica Collinson Nottingham Nellie Greenhill Memorial Prize Grade 5 Piano Josie McCullen Grade 6 Piano Matthew Stuart Wilmot Grade 7 Piano Matthew Glendening Grade 8 Piano Daniel Lin Marguerite Swan Memorial Prize Grade 8 Cello Sheku Kanneh-Mason Oxford Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize Grade 7 Piano Michael Sing Yean Ng Peterborough Maxima Mercer Memorial Prize Grade 8 Piano Rachel Abena Owusu-Agyei Serena Shah Petersfield Laura Marco Prize Grade 8 Flute Josephine Bentley

Horatio Waywell Memorial Prize Grade 8 Alto Saxophone Daniel Wright St Andrews Alice Calder Memorial Prize Grade 7 Piano Alison Miller Grade 8 Piano Ruairidh Tarvet Sevenoaks Marguerite Swan Memorial Prize Grade 2 Cello Ben Shepherd-Barron Grade 5 Cello Matilda Lloyd Sheffield Winifred Liversidge Prize Grade 8 Piano Laura Brown Jo-Yee Cheung Anna Cordwell Andrew Groom Henrietta Eleanor Hill Thomas Jarvis Daniel Wallington Michael Andrew Withers Stockton-on-Tees Frank Tiesing Memorial Prize Grade 5 Cello Katie Peeling Sunderland Amy Mills Robertson Prize Grade 6 Piano Michael Moore Arthur Dickeson Memorial Prize Grade 5 Singing Elizabeth Ruth Fetherston Swansea Don Preece Memorial Prize Grade 8 Violin Lowri Thomas Taunton Vicars Close Prize Grade 7 Violin Ben Le Neve-Foster Grade 8 Piano Emily Owen

Wells Vicars Close Prize Grade 6 Piano Rhung Wei Low Alex Shaw Grade 7 Piano Ralf Ayling-Miller Harry Whitehead Grade 8 Piano Bethan Morgan-Williams Chern Ji Saw Wolverhampton Ralph Bassett Prize Grade 5 Violin Yuna Lee Grade 7 Violin Laura Brownsell Grade 7 Cello Deyashini Mukherjee Wrexham Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize Grade 8 Piano Michael Wall Yeovil Vicars Close Prize Grade 6 Piano Joshua Huntington-Rainey


Over 660 examiners assessed Practical and Theory exams for us in 2009. Our team of examiners consists of respected musicians from every part of the profession. It includes orchestral players, soloists, chamber music players, heads of school music departments and professors from the Royal Schools of Music.


Juliet Allen Bryan Anderson Elizabeth Angel Mark Armstrong Paul Arnell Helen Arnold Timothy Arnold Philip Aslangul Janice Assersohn Lynton Atkinson Joy Austen Marjorie Ayling


Michael Bailey Robert Bailey Dan Baker Michael Baker Michael Ball Patricia Ball Graham Barber Penelope Barclay Bernard Barker Andrew Barlow Charles Barnes Vincent Barr Timothy Barratt Neil Barry Kenneth Bartels Jonathan Beatty Kerry Beaumont Alison Beeson Colin Beeson Sally Bell Quintus Benziger Marion Best Michael Beynon Martin Biggs Robin Bigwood Heather Birks Virginia Black Lowri Blake Douglas Blew Timothy Blinko Nicholas Blunn Anne Boardman Andrew Bolton Teresa Bond Olivier Bonnici Jane Booth Joanna Borrett Elisabeth Boulton Alan Bourne Mark Bousie Michael Bowden Timothy Bowers Simon Bowler Kevin Bowyer Eric Boyd Sarah Boyer Rory Boyle Chris Brannick Christopher Brayne Elizabeth Brazier Charles Brereton David Brindle Deborah Brittain Peter Broadbent

Rosemary Broadbent Gerard Brooks Roger Brooks Christopher Brown Helena Brown Lesley-Ann Brown Susan Brown Stephen Browne William Bruce David Bruce-Payne Andrew Bryden Alan Bullard Patrick Burnham Russell Burton John Byrne


Anthony-Benedict Cain Susan Calvert Robert Carey Stephen Carleston Samantha Carrasco Jeremy Carter Neil Carter Nicholas Carter Mark Cartwright Sally Cathcart Helen Cawthorne Myra Chahin Dale Chambers Pearl Chatfield Alan Childs John Chillingworth Pamela Chilvers Fiona Chryssides Judith Clare Barry Clark Susan Clark Andrew Clarke Ian Clarke Simon Clarkson Peter Clements Caroline Clemmow Lynda Cochrane Stephen Collisson Margaret W Cooke Iain Cooper Jean Cooper-Smith Julie Costley-White Martin Cotton Mervyn Cousins Margaret Cowling Rowan Cozens Guy Cremnitz Roger Crocker Anthony Crossland Jane Crouch Annette Cull Penny Cullington Gillian Cummins Ian Curror Alexander Curtis


Peter Dains Muriel Daniels Glyn Davenport John Davenport Harvey Davies Hugh Davies Adrian Davis Dorothy Davis

Elizabeth Davis Michael Davis Rodney Dawkins Helen Deakin Andrew Dean Ian Denley Andrew Dibb Richard Dickins Dorothy Dickinson Caroline Diffley Joan Dixon Stephen Doughty Peter Downey Elizabeth Drew Tessa Drummond Helen Duffy Kevin Duggan David Dunnett Lesley Dunstan Richard Dunster-Sigtermans Michael Dussek Mark Duthie Brenda Dykes


Frances Eagar Alison Eales Harold East Graham Eccles David Eccott Margaret Ede Michael Edwards Joanne Edworthy Paul Ellis Richard Ellis Stephen Ellis Donald Ellman Jonathan Enright Peter Esswood Euros Rhys Evans Howard Evans Robert Evans


Rosslyn Farren-Price Robert Ferguson Christopher Field Eileen Field Judith Fleet Peter Flinn Malcolm Floyd Tamandra Ford Theresa Ford Christopher Foster Joan Foster John Foster David Francis David Frankel Kaye Fraser Anthony Froggatt Anthea Fry


Benjamin Gant Michael Garbutt David Garforth Franklyn Gellnick Michael George Ruth Gerald Fiona Gillett Jonathan Gleeson Malcolm Goldring Lauren Goldthorpe Carol Goodall Andrew Goodwin David Gorton Peter Gould Rosemary Gould Sharon Gould

Timothy Goulter Geoffrey Govier Christopher Gower Robert Gower Jean Graham-Jones Christopher Grant Ian Gray Gareth Green John Green Christopher Green-Armytage Howard Gregory Jonathan Gregory Jane Gregson Stephen Gregson Keith Griffiths Graham Griggs Christopher Gumbley Kathryn Gunn


Gaynor Hall Irene Hall Richard Hall Rob Hall Keith Hamilton Michael Hancock Christine Hankin Andrew Hansford Malcolm Harding Ian Hare Glenville Hargreaves Geoffrey Harniess Catherine Harper Norman Harper Clive Harries Kathryn Harries Michael Harris Paul Harris Derek Harrison Simon Harvey Richard Haslam Emma Hattersley Patrick Hawes Elizabeth Hayes Elizabeth Hayley Michael Haynes Deirdre Hayward Moira Hayward Julian Hellaby Tony Henwood Corinne Hepburn Russell Hepplewhite Ita Herbert John Heritage Douglas Hewitt Peter Hewitt Timothy Hewitt-Jones Richard Hickman Malcolm Hicks Charlotte Hill Lyndon Hilling Claire Hobbs Richard Hobson Andy Hodge Eleanor Hodgkinson Rosalind Hoffler Celia Holland Sandy Holland Leslie Hollingworth John Holmes Alec Hone Ian Hooker Manya Horn Colin Howard Ailsa Howarth George Howarth Gareth Hudson Graeme Humphrey John Humphreys Karen Humphreys Amanda Hurton Nigel Hutchinson Marcus Huxley


Leslie Inness Peter Inness John Iveson


Julian Jacobson Heather James Richard James Paul Janes Rachel Jeffers Michael Johnson Nicholas Johnson David Jones David Leiher Jones Grahame Jones Ian Jones Ieuan Jones Ilid Jones Robert Jones


Skaila Kanga Naomi Kayayan Nicola-Jane Kemp Stewart Kempster Richard Kennedy Christopher J Kent Jeremy Kimber Bernard King James Kirby Brigid Kirkland-Wilson Helen Knight Richard Knight Elena Konstantinou


Vivien Laird Richard Lakin John Lambert Deborah Lammin Barry Lancaster Robert Langston Louise Lansdown Julian Larkin Vanessa Latarche Dorina Latawska Peter Lawson Antony Le Fleming Peter Lea-Cox Paul Leddington Wright David Leeke Alexander L’Estrange Kelvin Leslie Michael Lewin Richard Lewis Christopher Liddle Felicity Lipman Nancy Litten Ian Little Josephine Lively Angela Livingstone Frank Lloyd Richard Lloyd Marion Long Bang Hean Loo Ian Lowes James Lowry Adrian Lucas Peter Lynch





Christopher Mabley Alexandra Mackenzie Patricia MacMahon Peter Madan John Madden Margaret Madeley Harry Malpass Neil Mantle Richard Markham Corinne Marsh Anne Marshall Mark Marshall Jonathan Marten Catherine Martin Philip Martin Ann Martin-Davis Catherine Marwood Hilary Mason Louise Matthew Gary Matthewman Phyllida Maude-Roxby Neil McFarlane Colin McGuire Margaret Murray McLeod Julian McNamara Anthony McNaught Russell Medley Delia Meehan Simon Mercer Rachel Meredith Angus Meryon Mary Methuen Morag Michael Beverley Miller Sarah Miller Andrew Millington Alison Moncrieff-Kelly Jane Money Moyra Montagu Mark Monument Christopher Moore J Stephen Moore Andrew Morris Alan Morrison Kathryn Mosley Daniel Moult Philip Mundey Hilary Murphy David Murray Roger Muttitt


Robert Neden Robin Nelson David Nettle Bernard Newman Janet Newman James Nicolson Peter Noke Timothy Noon Antonietta Notariello


Carole Oakes Rosemary O’Connell Peter O’Hagan Dianne O’Hara Jessica O’Leary David Oliver Nicholas Oliver Michael Omer Bernard O’Neill Stephen Ostler William O’Sullivan Anthony Ovenell Jean Owen Jeannette Owens


Andrew Padmore Neil Page Robin Page Rosalind Page Christine Palmer Simon Parkin Christopher Pascoe Fali Pavri Janet Payne Alison Pearce Heidi Pegler Robert Pell Mary Pells Nigel Penfold Valerie Perrett Muriel Phillips Alan Pickard Stephen Pinnock Joe Polglase David Ponsford Mary Porter Geoffrey Pratley David Price Gareth Price Sarah Price Scott Price Malcolm Pritchard Robin Proctor Rebecca Prosser Linda Pyatt


Elizabeth Randell Peter Read Jonathan Rennert John Reynolds Martin Richards Sharon Richards Tim Richards Michael Ridley Tim Ridley Max Ritchie Emyr Wyn Roberts Stephen Robertson Philip Robinson Roy Robinson Robert Rogers Brenda Ross Pete Rosser Neil Roxburgh Keith Rusling


Graham Salvage Martin Sanders-Hewett Victor Sangiorgio Robert Saudek Ingrid Sawers Philip Sawyers Roger Sayer Nigel Scaife Vanessa Scott Nicholas Scott-Burt Christopher Seed Peter Selwyn Margaret Semple Howard Seymour Polly Sharpe Luan Shaw Robert Shaw Anthea Shepherdson Susan Sheppard Aaron Shorr Lesley Shrigley Jones Clive Simmonds William Sivier Philip Skelton John York Skinner Ruth Slater Rodney Slatford Iain Sloan Jonathan Small

Catherine Smart Michael Smedley Eleanor Smith Mark Smith Sarah Smith Susan Smith Vanessa Smith Brian Snary John Snook Jonathan Snowden Ashley Solomon Christopher Sparkhall Nigel Speak Alan Spedding David Spencer Grant Spencer Nigel Spooner Peter Stearn Ralph Stenner Christine Stevenson Frederick Stocken Richard Storry Kevin Street Karis Stretton Lynette Stulting Jennifer Sturgeon Paul Sturman Hilary Sturt Susan Suart Philip Sunderland Adrian Sutcliffe Alison Sutton Christopher Swann


Robin Tait Mark Tanner Stephen Tanner Carol Taylor Clara Taylor Jonathan Taylor Karen Taylor Matthew Taylor Philip Taylor Andrew Teague Raphael Terroni Gillian Thoday Christina Thomas Meurig Thomas William Thomson Christina Thomson Jasper Thorogood Annabel Thwaite Helen Tierney Christopher Tilbury Colin Tipple John Farquhar Todd Barbara Tomlinson Philippa Topham John Treherne Paul Trepte Graham Trew Margaret Turner


Alison Uren

Matthew Vine Clement Virgo


Christopher Walker Colin Walker Geoffrey Walker Martin Walker Ian Wallace Alison Waller Ann Ward

Chris Ward Jane Ward John Wardle John Ware Edward Warren David Warwick Ian Warwick Shuna Watkinson Jane Watts Malcolm Weale Geoffrey Weaver Daniel Webb Hilary Webster John Wells Robin Wells Timothy Wells Barbara White Martin White Philip White John Scott Whiteley Anthony Whittaker Frank Wibaut Joanne Wicks Mark Wildman Steven Wilkie Nigel Wilkinson Jonathan Willcocks Anthony Williams David Williams Gillian Williams John Williams Andrew Wilson Ross Winters Christopher Wood Cynthia Wood Joyce Woodhead John Worthington Steven Wray Ian Wright John Wright Simon Wyatt Julia Wynn


Stephen Yeo Michael Young


Robin Zebaida

Theory of Music only Eve Barsham Derry Bertenshaw Hugh Bowman Brian Bussell Alan Cuckston Amy Dann James Eastham Terence Greaves Graeme Hall Philip Hamond Moore Jane Huntington Graham Ireland Michael Jacques Debra Jones John Jordan Nicholas King Rayford Kitchen Rebecca Learmont Richard Lyne Helen McAndrews John Morehen Angela Mundey Gordon Munro Alison Murfin Michael Nicholas David Patrick David Pettit David Pritchard Stuart Rees David Robinson Michael Smith Derek Stevens Alan Tait Alan Taylor Alexandra Teal Teo Li-Lin Rosemary Walker Meurig Watts Percy Welton William Whittle Wallace Woodley Elizabeth Worthington Thank you The following examiners retired or resigned in 2009, and we thank them for their dedicated service. Rory Boyle Jane Crouch Rodney Dawkins David Eccott David Garforth Christopher Kent Stephen Ostler Peter Read Obituary Terence Greaves (1933-2009) Terry was a consummate musician, an inspirational and delightful colleague, and a devoted husband, father and grandfather. He became a Practical examiner in 1968 since when, right up until his final short illness in December 2009, he gave invaluable service not only in that sphere of activity but also in the Theory sector where, until recently, he was Chief Theory Moderator. Many candidates will know his attractive compositions that have frequently appeared on syllabuses, and many more will have performed (or at least attempted) the considerable body of test material that he wrote for grade and diploma exams.



Every member of our 130-strong mentor panel is trained to help teachers fulfil their ambitions through continuing professional development courses. The following members of the panel served as Certificate of Teaching course leaders and mentors for the 2008–09 one-year courses and the 2009 fast-track course.

During 2009, over 500 representatives were involved with the work of ABRSM around the world. They have an immensely important role to play: assisting with the local administration of exams; liaising with teachers, pupils and parents; and organising a range of activities including High Scorers’ Concerts and seminars.

Hong Kong Peter Noke Emyr Roberts Penny Stirling* Indonesia Akiko Iijima Emyr Roberts Penny Stirling* United Kingdom Bournville (fast-track course) Lydia Dalby Jan Dobbins Lauren Goldthorpe Ruth Harte Nigel Mainard* Penelope Price Jones Lee Stanley Bristol Helen Arnold Carole Jenner-Timms Brian Ley* Marie Roberts Edinburgh Peter Noke John Treherne* Leo Turner London Joy Austen David Barnard* Mary Pells Patricia Sabin Janet Way Manchester Peter Argondizza Walter Blair* Naomi Kayayan Tim Rogers * Course leader


Faroe Islands Martin Mouritsen (Contact)

Andorra Roser Palomero Vendrell

Germany Edition Hinrichsen GmbH (Thomas Stein)

Anguilla Joycelynne Ashby Antigua Jean Esther Michael Aruba Revd Sydney Michael Jacob (Contact) Australia Anastasia Nga Fong Chan Ian Coss John Masson Elizabeth Pulsford Gregory Smith Judy Thönell Austria Joanne Klein Bahamas Elizabeth Thornton Bahrain Capt Rod Taylor Bangladesh Shantha P Gunasekera (Contact) Barbados Milton Inniss Belgium Vera Bishop Belize Alice Williams Bermuda Antoinette Davis Brunei Darussalam Awg Hj Muhd Masa Masdi Bin Muhd Sa’Idun Bulgaria Steve Todorov Canada Patricia Rolston Cayman Islands Fred Speirs China Guandong Zinghai Concert Hall (Lin Pai Shi) David & Shirley Gwilt (Consultants) Cyprus The British Council (Emilia Fiakkou Hadjicharou) Czech Republic David Talacko Denmark Kaj Nyvang (Contact) Dominica Catherine Daniel Egypt Dr Mohamed El Tobgy Karim Frege (Contact) Falkland Islands Shirley Adams-Leach (Contact)

France Dr Atarah Ben-Tovim mbe Steven Calvert Joanne Walker

Ghana West African Examinations Council (E N K Adenku, Theory only) E B Takyi-Micah (Practical only) Gibraltar Aurelio Gonzalez Greece Eftichia Adilini Bobis Inga Forward Pediadiiti (Contact) Grenada Jerome McBarnette mbe Guyana Daphne Rogers (Contact) Hong Kong Hong Kong Examinations & Assessment Authority (George Pang) Petina Law (Administrative Associate) Dorcas Wong (Administrative Associate) Hungary Eszter Nemeth Iceland Garðar E Cortes (Contact) India Regional Co-ordinators Anthony Braganza Gita Chacko Stephen D’Cruz Homai Desai Carlos Álvares Ferreira Ritesh Khokhar HLRs Sofy Abraham Thomas Norbert Aneish Anto Ravi Cyril Arthur Philomena D’Cruz Benita Fernandes Lissamma John James Kullathungal Benjamin Marthand Narendran Nair António Peregrino Da Costa Sudhin Prabhakar A & Aparna Ram Umarani Sankaranarayanan Lisa Stewart Jehangir Tabak Thomas Varghese Susan Verghis Indonesia Denis Umar Italy Calogero Amodio Maria Dolores Amodio Martin Biggs Danilo Manto Michele Massaro Jamaica Marie Clarke

Japan Takuya Shigeishi

Norway Lirica Yamase

Jordan Kifah Fakhouri

Oman Phillip Stallwood

Kenya Kenya National Examinations Council Kenya Conservatoire of Music (Atigala Luvai)

The Philippines Aileen Ruzano

Korea (South) Seungsil Chang Kuwait The British Council (Rathna Kishore, Contact) Luxembourg Jacqueline Fleming Macau Jimson Hoi Kin Wa Malawi The British Council (Doreen Kanjuchi) Malaysia Abdul Jalil Bin Abdul Hamid Abdul Salim Bin Abdul Karim Azian Muhamad Ariff Sukhaimi Bin Basar Abu Latifei Bin Mohd Thani Johnny Bong Che Wan Mohd Amil Chen Lan En Daud Bin Kassim Juharani Bin Dollah Alias Bin Mohamad Mohd Sabri Bin Salleh Nawal Binti Salleh Sabudin Bin Mustafa Sanapi Bin Mat Aris Zaiton Bin Mohd Sari Ramlan Zulfikri The Maldives Abdul Hannan Waheed (Contact) Malta Maria Conrad Mauritius Mauritius Examinations Syndicate (Lucien Finette) Namibia Dina Potgieter The Netherlands Karin Hollreiser New Zealand Heather Gummer (National Co-ordinator) HLRs Gladys Armstrong Judy Barrett Wendy Bloomfield Marjorie Booth Rachel Brownrigg Vin Carey Lois Dalton Dianne Dellow Joan Gaines Helen Govan Erin Hall Karen Hall Evelyn Hatfield Judy Knox Jenny McDonald Janice McIntyre Marilyn Murray Jan-Maree Parker Beverley Peach Laurie Rogers Marios Sophocleous Julie Sperring Olga Stancliff Joan Stichbury Bev Underwood Isabel Worboys Nigeria MUSON Centre (Marion Akpata)

Poland Mateusz Slojewski Portugal Prof Fátima Vieira Qatar Margaret MacKenzie St Helena Derek Henry (Contact) St Kitts & Nevis Dr Louisa Lawrence St Lucia John Bailey St Vincent Festus A Toney Saudi Arabia Egon Liepa (Contact) Neil Hugo (Contact) Neil Reynolds (Contact) Serbia Dr Dorian Leljak Seychelles David Chetty Sierra Leone Dr Kitty Fadlu-Deen (Contact) Singapore Singapore Symphonia Company (Su-San Hay) South Africa Regional Co-ordinators Jill Eichler Meg Twyford Ilse Van Der Walt HLRs M D Conradie Runa Edeling Mariela Engelbrecht Leon Fouché Elmien Mare Rina Mare Lisa Markovic Patricia Ann Metcalf Beverly Claire Moll George Norman Bernice Oberholzer Pauline Roberts Moira June Schäfer Spain Alison Jackson María J Martínez Ismael Perera Kevin Robb Juan Vázquez Sri Lanka Mano Chanmugam Sweden Hildur Elsie Eriksson (Contact) Vivianne Vikersjo Gun-Marie Engström Switzerland David Smith Taiwan Shao I-Shih Tanzania National Examinations Council of Tanzania Aloys Ng’asi (Special Scheme Co-ordinator) Keiron White (Contact) Thailand Chorlada Bunnag Trinidad & Tobago Jessel Murray




Turkey Maria Rita Epik

Barnsley Rita Currie

Uganda Simon Yiga

Barnstaple Rowland Chapman

United Arab Emirates Capt Richard Higgins obe rn Ju Hua Zhu Li Gabriele Leichtle-Malzahn Suzanne Marie McKay

Bath Pauline Sparrow

United States of America C F Peters Corporation (International Administrative Agents) Sally & Jeff Chen Rose Marie Dunsford Winnie S C Ip Gelene Johnson Dora Lee Dr Lin Chiu-Ling Margaret Liu Ruth Mack Nancy Maclachlan Susan Mattson Stephen Ng Wesley Knox Ramsay III & Carol McClure Helga Swatzak Dr Benita Tse Belinda Wee Vietnam Elizabeth Druitt Emma Morris

Beaconsfield Michael & Sheila Newland Bearsden & Paisley Douglas McBay Bedford Rupert & Jenny Brown Belfast Carmel Gibson Berwick-upon-Tweed Denise Wilman Beverley Geoffrey & June Stephenson Birmingham Linda Martin Bishop Auckland Joan Johnson Bishop’s Stortford Steve Maddams Blackburn Paul Greenhalgh Blackpool Marilyn Stewart

Virgin Islands (British) Dr Charles Wheatley obe

Blaenau Ffestiniog Eirwen Langdown

Zambia Moses Kalomo

Blandford Forum Brian Levy

Zimbabwe Zimbabwe School Examinations Council

Bognor Regis Helen Phillips


Boston Owen Moorin

Cork Fedelmia O’Herlihy Dublin Miriam Halpin Galway Joanne Cater Limerick John Davis Waterford Julie Quinlan UNITED KINGDOM HONORARY LOCAL REPRESENTATIVES Aberdeen Judith Baker Alnwick Jennifer Young Amersham Pamela Hearn Andover Roslyn Penny Ashburton Sheila Harman Ashford Prue Forbes Ayr Norma Kelly Banbury June Headland Bangor Geraint & Meinir Lloyd Jones Bangor (Co Down) Sharon Forte

Bolton Chris White

Bournemouth Janet Allen Bradford Malcolm Dyson Brecon Hazel Gedge

Cardiff Peter Fry Yvonne Laurent

East Grinstead Pauline Maynard Simon Morris

Cardigan Sarah-Jane Absolom Miriel Griffiths

Eastbourne Sally Munns

Carlisle Elizabeth Reed

Edinburgh Valerie Akhtar Sheila Boyes

Carmarthen Gilmour & Elaine Davies

Elgin Pamela Gillan

Carrickfergus Brian Lynas

Epsom Sheila Colchester

Chandler’s Ford & Winchester Marion Silvester

Exeter Vivien Goodwin Pamela West

Chard Shirley Long

Finstock Celia Garrick

Chelmsford Debra Cox

Folkestone Christopher McNeilly

Cheltenham David Webber

Frimley David & Margaret Sandfield

Chepstow/Forest of Dean Rosemary Griffiths

Glasgow Jonathan Buchan

Chester Colette Sarson

Gloucester Janet Baldwin

Chesterfield Christine Bishop

Gosport & Portsmouth Neil & Karen Bennett

Chichester Margaret Lloyd

Grantham Carolyn Midgley

Chippenham Sylvia Stables

Gravesend Geoffrey & Valerie Dyke

Clacton-on-Sea Brenda Ellis

Great Yarmouth Margaret King

Clevedon Robin Matthews

Greenock Amy McMillan

Clitheroe Catherine Carr

Grimsby Anne Holmes

Cockermouth Richard Bennett

Guernsey Jane Langlois

Colwyn Bay Dafydd Lloyd & Catherine Jones

Guildford Margaret Hennessey-Brown

Congleton Roy & Patricia Page

Brentwood/Billericay Jean Bader

Coventry Paul & Sheila Leddington Wright

Bridgend Susan Mascall

Craigavon Darren Canmore

Bridgwater Kate Hewson

Crewe Gwen Manley

Brighton Jackie Chase Valerie Robinson

Darlington Mavis Robson

Bristol Rodney Drew Nigel Guzek Bromsgrove Meryl Davies Burton-upon-Trent Angela Moffat Bury St Edmunds Dee-Dee Dobell Buxton Gillian Morton Caithness Ann Warner Calne Mary Pilcher-Clayton Cambridge Christine Jones Jennifer Thornton Cannock Andrew & Judith Bywater Canterbury Meryl Haskins

Denbigh Morwen Murray Derby Margaret Clarke Karen Eley Dereham Val Medlar Dingwall & Inverness Christina Cameron Doncaster Jean Stewart Dorchester Heather Reed Dover Elizabeth Weaver Dumfries Fiona Watson Dundee Avril Ogilvie Durham Christine Woods

Halifax David & Margaret Whiteley Harlow Jane Steer Harpenden Caroline Marriott Harrogate Christine Brown Hartlepool Stephen Sild Hastings Mark Napier Haverfordwest Emma Halls Haverhill Allan Charlwood

Huntingdon Elaine Williamson Ipswich Sue Lambert Alan Munson Isle of Man Alan & Avril Pickard Isle of Wight Peter Marchant Jersey Malcolm Whittell Kendal Mary Powney Kettering Derek Miller Keswick Elaine Moor Kidderminster Jane Johns William Wear King’s Lynn Sarah Felmingham Kirkcaldy Roger Weatherhogg Lancaster Dorothy Dickinson Leamington Spa David & Adrienne Lloyd Leatherhead Clare Harris Leeds Nicola Bagnall Leicester & Loughborough Burne Huttchins Leighton Buzzard Barbara Springthorpe Lichfield Karen Caddy Lincoln Sybil Greed Liskeard & Plymouth Victoria van der Vliet Liverpool Rosalind Werner Llanelli Hugh & Eirlys Roberts London: Barnet Myrna Edwards London: Blackheath Mary Moore London: Croydon Freda Lodge London: Ealing Shirley Phimister London: Enfield Gordon Giles

Haywards Heath Gwyneth Paine

London: Finchley & Palmers Green Janice Twiselton

Helensburgh Anne Binnie

London: Hampstead Maureen Keetch

Hereford Rhian Morris

London: Harrow Anita MacDonald

Hertford Richard & Kathleen Lord

London: Ilford Shea Lolin

Hexham Mary Finlinson

London: Romford Jane Harder

Hitchin Lisa Railton Jones

London: Sidcup Janet D’Cruz

Horsham Geoffrey Lunn

London: Streatham Robert Webb

Huddersfield Patricia Kenworthy

London: Surbiton David & Pamela Speed-Andrews

Hull Rosemary Stones


London: Sutton Geoffrey Barham Marjorie Utting London: Wimbledon Ann Durrant Londonderry Heather Buick Louth Barbara & Tony Peebles Lowestoft Marilyn Zipfel Maidstone Karen Martin Malvern Eileen Wilson Manchester John Reade Matlock Peter Vale Melton Mowbray Elizabeth Sampson Merthyr Tydfil Maureen Prothero Middlesbrough Barbara White Jean White Milton Keynes Mike James Joy Shirley Minehead Vivien Irwin Monmouth Hilary Petrie Morpeth Liane Todd Newark Diana Robertson Newcastle upon Tyne Margaret Huntington New Milton Margaret Jarvis Newport (Gwent) Carole & Colin Rees Newport (Salop) Penny Westgate Newry Nuala Curran Newton Stewart William Lindsay Northampton Peter Dunkley Northwich June Wright Norwich Carmela Furniss Anthony Joule Nottingham Barbara Burton Sheila Middleton Nuneaton Jacqueline Stretton Oldham Brenda Gillespie Orkney Gemma McGregor Oxford Ruth Holleley Paignton Jo Dolman Penzance Gillian Poznansky Perth Sarah Safian Peterborough Jacqueline Over

Peterhead Alistair MacDonald

Stirling Pat Hutton

Poole Judith Dutch

Stockport Christopher Ellis

Porthcawl Liz Dewhurst

Stoke-on-Trent Geoffrey & Brenda Rainbow

Preston Susan Phillips

Stourbridge Gerald Johnson

Pwllheli Griffith Wynn Williams

Stranraer Charlotte Smith

Reading Monica Roberts

Stratford-upon-Avon Laurence & Rosemary Robson

Redhill Pamella Semm-Skrzypecka

Stroud Suzanne Barnes

Richmond (N Yorks) Tim Jackson

Sunbury-on-Thames Moira Edwards

Ringwood Pauline Boyer

Sunderland Anne Ward

Ripon Jean Willimott

Sutton Coldfield Barbara Howell

Rochdale Michael Lucas

Swansea Helen Hopkins & Alex Lewis

Rochester Norman Blow

Swindon Dawn Ball

Rotherham Joy Crick

Tain Christopher Williams

Rugby Judy Price

Taunton Hilary Daniel

St Albans Vera Tufnell

Tenby Janis Hartzell

St Andrews Helen Russell

Thanet Stuart Horsburgh

St Austell Ann Fleet

Torquay Keith Thompson

Salisbury Elizabeth Weager

Tredegar Stella Martin

Scarborough Maureen Calvert

Truro Michael Sadka

Scunthorpe Jeffrey Blewett

Tunbridge Wells Verna Keary

Selly Oak Marjorie Palmer

Wakefield Margaret Goss

Sevenoaks Helen Isom

Warrington Catherine Poole

Sheffield Edward Woodhead

Watford Sally Nicols Richard Norwood

Sheringham & Cromer Norman Moor Shetland Anne Halcrow Shrewsbury Grace Harvey Sidmouth Pamela Dunkley Sittingbourne Cynthia Swade Skegness Cherrie Dutton Skipton Christopher & Irene Truman Ann Ware

Wells Karen Foster Welwyn Garden City Daphne Barker Weston-super-Mare Philip & Margaret Hopes Weymouth Marilyn Mackenzie Whitby Barbara Anderson Wigan Graham Hart Windermere Janet McCallum

Solihull Stephen Clarke

Wisbech Dorothy Morris

Southampton Alain Brumby Fiona Willsher

Woking Sheila Mansfield

Southend-on-Sea Douglas Powell Southport Susan Sale Spalding Colin Faulkner Stafford Kevin Bennett

Wolverhampton Richard Anderson Worcester Josephine Hunt Worksop Richard Leach Yeovil Kathryn England York Maurice Ridge

Thank you The following representatives stepped down during 2009, and we thank them for all of their work on behalf of ABRSM.

Design 300million www.300million.com

International Representatives Jocelynne Ashby, Anguilla Paula Collins, USA Annette Jungjohann, Germany Michele Massaro, Rome Vivianne Vikersjo, Sweden

Chris Christodoulou (pages 4, 8, 9, 14, 20, 21)

UK & Ireland Honorary Local Representatives Isabel Anderson, Ayr Molly Austin, Wakefield Elizabeth Bell, Taunton Vivienne Bott, Brighton Eric Boyd, Ballymena & Antrim and Ballymoney Alexander Christie, Falkirk Glen Clayton, Preston Angela Dyball, Bury St Edmunds Janet Gray, Stockton-on-Tees Hilary Holloway, Harrow Audrey Jones, Streatham Elaine Mills, Craigavon Mary Organ, Canterbury Elizabeth Pass, Bury Julie Paisley, Kirkcaldy Marilyn Richardson, Durham Janice Sugg, Yeovil Maureen Toyer, Luton Anthony Veal, Solihull Joan Williams, Wrexham Helena Wright, Salisbury Obituaries Elizabeth Holliday Elizabeth was HLR for Hemel Hempstead, UK from 2002 until her death in April 2009. She remained dedicated to ensuring the smooth running of exams despite illness in her last few months. Examiners will remember her for the very warm welcome she always gave at the centre. Brian Olver HLR for Burnley, UK for eight years, Brian died in December 2009. A loyal and efficient HLR, Brian was also a well known music teacher and organist for his local church, which was used as a venue for ABRSM exams. Fred Speirs Fred was our Representative in the Cayman Islands from July 2007, and passed away in late 2009 after a short illness. Fred was a highly motivated individual who endeavoured to help others realise their potential by ensuring that they had the chance to further their education and learning. Festus Toney As our Representative in St Vincent, Festus was an integral part of ABRSM operations in the West Indies for many years. He was dedicated to the service of others, and his commitment to music education ensured that exams have been provided every year since 1957.

Photography Alan Pappe (pages 6-7)

Krakozawr (pages 22-23) Medioimages/Photodisc (pages 2-3) Mizanur Rahman (pages 18-19) Music for Youth (page 16) Philip Taylor Photography (pages 5, 17) Royal College of Music (page 16) Shutterstock (Front and back cover) Stockbyte (pages 24-25) Tim Hawley (pages 8-9)


‘Secure in its beliefs, values and practices, ABRSM can continue to aspire to set international leading standards in all that it does and be bold in its developments in the coming years’ Stewart Sutherland Chairman, ABRSM

‘We will continue to look for ways in which we can improve. Things may change and progress, but they will continue to be rooted in the strongest traditions of ABRSM’ Guy Perricone Chief Executive, ABRSM

Cover wrap printed on revive 50:50 offset A recycled paper produced from 50% recovered waste and 50% virgin fibre at a mill accredited with ISO 14001 environmental management standard. The pulp used in this product is bleached using a Totally Chlorine Free process.

ABRSM 24 Portland Place London W1B 1LU United Kingdom www.abrsm.org

Main section printed on revive 75 silk A recycled paper produced from 75% recycled waste at a mill accredited with ISO 14001 environmental management standard. The pulp used in this product is bleached using an Elemental Chlorine Free process.

Hedy King Robinson prizes Supplement to pages 30-31 Hong Kong Grade 6 Tsz Ngai Kam Fengyi Li Grade 8 Po Yau Chan Sum Ming Samuel Chan Lok Kan Chau Ling Kit Cheung Man Ting Ho Manly Man Wai Lam Wai Chun Lau Wing Yin Lau Mei Wun Leung Fengyi Li Wai Yin Mercury Tam Ho Fung Tang Hiu Nam Peggy Wu Kin Man Yeung Yiu Wah Yung

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