Puppy Training Tips for Beginning Dog Owners

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Puppy Training Tips for Beginning Dog Owners

If you’re getting a puppy, congratulations! You’re about to embark on an adventure that will bring you and your pup years of fun and friendship together. However, with any adventure, it’s important to know how to train your dog effectively so you can have the best experience possible and avoid any trouble down the road. Here are some puppy training tips to help you get started on the right foot with your new companion.

Finding a Trainer

Dog and puppy training is not a one-size-fits-all situation. Each dog has its own personality, strengths, and weaknesses.

Potty Training 

One of Dog and Puppy Training's biggest areas of concern is potty training. It is likely to be something you will have to work on quite a bit, as there will likely be some accidents. Be patient with your puppy and start taking him outside as soon as he wakes up in the morning and last thing at night before you put him to bed. Stay outside with him for a few minutes each time, even if he does not go potty, until he gets used to going out there when called.

Walking on Leash The single most important thing you can do to ensure a happy, well-behaved dog is to teach it how to walk on a leash. It’s hard to believe that dogs are still being euthanized every day simply because they’re not properly trained and can be unsafe around other people and pets. Follow these puppy training tips and you’ll have a well-behaved dog in no time.  low in fats and has no harmful cholesterol. 

Basic Commands 

Dog training is about establishing yourself as a leader, so it’s important to teach your dog basic commands from day one. If you’re in doubt about what your dog understands or what skills he can perform, just look at his body language and listen to his barks or whines: a perky tail is always a good sign that he likes something you are doing; hunching over, on the other hand, indicates uncertainty.

Behavior Problems & Aggression 

Dogs and puppies can become aggressive for a variety of reasons. Picking up on and addressing your dog’s warning signs (ears back, body tense, baring teeth) can help you avoid aggression from becoming a problem. If your dog is already showing aggression or has a previous record of aggressive behavior, consult with a trainer or animal behaviorist before you try to train him yourself.

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Street: 24202 Boerne Stage Rd City: San Antonio State: Texas Zip Code: 78255 Country: USA Phone No: (210) 606-5501 Website: https://www.abarkabovesa.com/ Email: info@abarkabovesa.com


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