Reasons Behind Acne Breakouts - Make Education Your Friend

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Reasons Behind Acne Breakouts - Make Education Your Friend Unfortunately, acne is not caused by a single factor, but by numerous factors or causes of acne that come to affect the health of your skin and in turn result in this undesired problem. Acne, in fact occurs when a hair follicle becomes blocked by the oil secreted by the glands in the skin and by the dead skin cells. Normally, the oily substances known as sebum, secreted by the glands, act as a natural moisturizer. But, because of different internal or external clauses, the glands are stimulated to produce a higher amount of sebum than needed. This in turn, with the dead skin cells act like a natural plug for the hair follicle, creating a favorable environment for bacteria to develop. The results are the well known whiteheads and blackheads and pimples, the latter appearing when the hair follicle becomes inflamed. Visit for quick results. There are numerous causes of acne which may trigger or aggravate your acne: hormones, medication, diet, stress or improper cosmetics. Hormones are in fact the most common causes of acne. In fact, acne is considered as being a hormonal health problem. Hormones have the function of maturation of the oil glands in the skin and for this reason acne is not present in small children. Acne appears as a result of a hormonal unbalance, hormonal unbalances that might be triggered by: puberty, pregnancy, menopause and general health problems. And from all hormones, the ones that affect acne the most are the androgens hormones. So, a common treatment for acne in females is medically prescribed contraceptive medicated treatment. Diet is also one of the common causes of acne. There are some food items that can severally aggravate your acne. For example, some studies have shown that the following food items can in fact have a negative impact on your acne problem: food items rich in carbohydrates like chips as they increase blood sugar, milk or salt. Different types of medication are also one of the causes of acne. Medications that contain: corticosteroids, androgens or lithium are known to aggravate your acne problem. But, on the other hand, there are medications that can help you with your acne problem. Vitamin supplements will help you with your skin problem as well as your overall health, especially if one of your acne triggers is a vitamin deficiency. Stress is also another of the common causes of acne. It has been proven that stress can severely aggravate your acne as well as your overall health. Stress is an undue emotional or physical strain put on the body. Most people believe that stress is only emotional, but physical strain is also considered stress. Here are a couple of examples of emotional stress: anxiety, work problems, health problems of a close person, relationship problems. Here are a couple of examples of physical stress: overexertion with sports activity without proper rest and recovery procedures, hectic lifestyle, smoking, improper sleep and sedentary life. The last of the most common causes of acne are cosmetics. Improper cosmetics for your skin type can in fact block the hair follicle and cause acne. This type of acne usually appears in the areas where the cosmetics are applied: chin, cheeks and forehead. To treat this type of acne you need to stop using your

current cosmetics and search for ones that are more appropriate for your type of skin or for acne prone skin cosmetics. After you have completely treated your skin condition, do not revert to your former cosmetics, as you risk further breakouts. Always pay a visit to a medical expert first and foremost.

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