use this advice to help you with your travels

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use this advice to help you with your travels Use This Advice To Help You With Your Travels Prior to traveling abroad, take some time to familiarize yourselves with the local laws of the country you are visiting. Laws can be very different from country to country. Consulates cannot step over local laws, so if you do break one, even if you were unaware of it, you will be held accountable. When traveling with young children, pack a portable DVD player and a few movies. This can be a great way to provide hours of entertainment during the trip. It can also come in handy if there is a rainy day, or you just need some down time, while you're on vacation. When renting a car for a trip, try renting one from a location away from the airport. Many times the car rentals at an airline include items like taxes and additional fees that can really jack up their prices. Usually the off-airport car rentals will send a shuttle to pick you up in, which may be faster and more convenient. Find travel forums to join and speak to other travelers about your destination. You can get real time feedback from other travelers and get to the root of their issues or how to travel safely learn about their successes in their journeys. You may also find helpful tips that may have gotten overlooked in reviews. To get better tasting hotel coffee, use ice cubes! Hotel ice machines use filtered water, and gathering up a cup of cubes at night will give you melted filtered water to use when making your coffee in the morning. Filtered water runs much more smoothly through a coffee machine, giving you a significantly tastier cup of joe. If you're traveling to a country where you're likely to want to enjoy a bottle of wine, bring along your own corkscrew. If you don't know the area or speak the language, tracking down a corkscrew just for that impromptu picnic can turn a relaxing afternoon into a harried scavenger hunt. Traveling alone can make for a great experience, but can also make you more vulnerable to crime. There are many things you can do to help ensure your safety while you travel solo. This article will give you some good ideas for making yourself appear less vulnerable while you travel. As was stated in the beginning of this article, although traveling alone can be a great experience, you can become more vulnerable to crime. Of course, there is safety in numbers, but if you are alone there are many things you can do to appear less vulnerable to potential criminals. Apply the advice from this article to ensure your safety while you are out exploring the world. Anyone who's ever been on a cruise knows how much all the hallways and doors look the same. To make finding your door easier, bring a photo of your family pet or something (nothing personal!) and attach it to your door with a Christmas bow. This will help you easily identify which room is yours. Reach out to your network. Social networking sites make it simple to get suggestions from your friends and pick their brains for information. Post a question about your destination and you'll likely garner many responses. These instant answers are especially helpful when you are on your trip and looking for a place to eat ASAP.

stay safe when travelling

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