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What's Inside... Don't Forget Me

Girl Shop Talk

Sun Salute to Spring Can You Relate? Our Writers

Merieta Bayati I'Sha Gaines Abigail Ekue-Smith Sara Rowe

April 2008 Issue 14

Dear Abigail,

We are bringing in the season with a Mega Spring Sale! Handbags have been drastically reduced. It's time to clean out your closets and make room for new handbags! Visit for details.

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Merieta Bayati & Raymond Hannah President/Vice-President

Golden Eagle Protection

1 Penn Plaza New York, NY (212) 849-6951

StanRay Enterprises New York, NY (917) 319-0798

Word of The Month

Proverb 22:1: A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, loving favor rather than silver and gold. Follow up Links

Don't Forget Me! By Sara Rowe

Spring. Ah, the time of new beginnings. This spring it may seem like love is in the air, whether all your friends are pairing off, or you are the one that has recently found a special someone. There is something about the giddy feeling of new love that is intoxicating, and distracting. The old routines of your life seem not to matter anymore and your friends become old news. However, if you ignore the friends that you used to love spending time with, you might find that they are no longer there when you really need them. To the ones in love

Although you might be head over heels for this guy, you still need to create balance in your life. Continue

Consultant Packages!

because he doesn't treat her right. However, don't use this as an excuse to criticize his quirks.

GIRLIE HEALTH Sun Salute to Spring By Abigail Ekue-Smith

The change in season indicates new beginnings, rebirth or renewal. That seems to be truer with the arrival of spring. Flowers bloom, days get longer (thanks to the Earth's rotation and Daylight Savings time), the weather gets warmer and we can shed the heavy winter coats, hats and scarves. The winter insulation that you may have put on can leave your muscles hidden. Shorter sleeves means you've gotta make sure your buff biceps, defined deltoids and tight triceps are ready to be showcased. Yoga is a great way to celebrate your mind, body and spirit as well as the new season. Vinyasa yoga is yoga done in sequence. Different postures (asanas) are done in a sequence (vinyasa). A common vinyasa is the Sun Salutation. It incorporates the entire body and as the name says, it salutes the sun! Here's a simplified version: *Stand with feet hip width apart. Raise your arms above your head. Reach up and out. Bend forward at the hips and touch the floor. This is Standing Forward Bend - Head to Knee. If you aren't that flexible, just go as far as you can. Hold for one breath. Feel the stretch in your hamstrings and/or back.

*Step back with your right leg, keeping your hands on the floor. The Lunge stretches your hip flexor, the front of your hip and thigh. *Now step back with your left leg so your body is in one straight line, like a Plank. Your hands should be under your shoulders and your stomach tight. Slowly lower your body keeping your elbows close to your body. Pause briefly at the bottom. *Stretch forward and up, bending at the waist into Upward Facing Dog. Only bend as far back as is comfortable. Use your arms to push your torso off the floor. Try to keep your shoulders down away from your ears. *Tuck your toes under and push your hips up and back towards the ceiling into Downward Dog. *Step forward with your right leg and hold in Lunge position for one breath. *Step your left leg forward and remain in the Standing Forward Bend. *On the inhale, rise slowly with your arms extended.

Can You Relate? By Merieta Bayati & Sara Rowe

1) I'm 18 years old and still have some of my young tomboyish ways about me. Growing up with five brothers wasn't easy. But now that I'm headed off to college I feel that it's time for a change. What tips can you give to help change this tomboy into a Girlie Girl? Thank you, Courtney Advice: First you may want to ask yourself why it is that you want this transformation to take place. Is it

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