E paper pdf (13 1 2017) khi

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friday, 13 January, 2017 i 14 rabi-ul-sani, 1438 i rs 17.00 i vol vii no 195 i 16 pages i karachi edition

emir of Qatar likely to visit pakistan soon g

Bilateral relations, raheel sharif’s appointment and panamagate on agenda STORY ON PAGE 03

Senate committee to debate how to prevent misuse of blasphemy laws


PM is innocent, Pleads counsel g

‘Why tWo different money trails?’ asks the court ISLAMABAD




uStiCe Asif Saeed Khosa-led five-member bench gave Makhdoom Ali Khan, PM Nawaz Sharif’s counsel, a tough time as he argued from the very outset that his client had nothing to do with the issue before the court. the court led by Justice Asif Saeed


several pages of Book of pm’s life missing: sc

Khosa resumed hearing the Panama Leaks case on thursday. the Supreme Court on thursday said that the Prime Minister had said his life was an open book, but “now we feel that several pages of that book are missing”. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s counsel told the Supreme Court that the premier is not answerable to anyone for his son’s business.

He was quizzed about a money trail for the London flats and asked to prove there were no inconsistencies in the PM’s speech in the National Assembly last year. the PM’s counsel Makhdoom Ali Khan denied that his client had anything to do with the London flats before the bench.


Zardari asks ppp, other opposition parties to oppose military courts’ extension STORY ON PAGE 04

COAS Bajwa urges troops to serve selflessly STORY ON PAGE 03 national health programme launched

don’t hinder progress: pm


says country is on path to economic uplift STORY ON PAGE 02


Friday, 13 January, 2017





RIME Minister Nawaz Sharif on Thursday called upon his political opponents to stop telling lies on daily basis, and not to hinder the way of country’s economic development. “Some politicians tell lies on daily basis. There is no break for them, they hurl dirty accusations, which have no basis and truth. This nation is progressing. Don’t hinder the way of this development,” he said while speaking at the launching ceremony of PM’s National Health Programme here. The prime minister said owing to his government’s prudent policies over the last three and half years, the backbone of terrorists had been broken, electricity loadshedding had been curtailed to a large extent and Pakistan had been put on the course of development. With inflation on the downward trend, stock market has been included in the world’s best performing stock markets. Pakistan’s economy was expected to grow at around 5.5pc during this fiscal year (2016 17), he added. The prime minister said that Pak-

SayS country put on path to economic progreSS

istan’s economic performance was also being recognised by the world. “If you cannot assist us in this development, at least stop creating hurdles,” he remarked with reference to his political opponents. He, however, added, “People have become much aware about national affairs; can judge the truth and lie; and cannot be deceived by telling lies.” Nawaz Sharif said, ‘When he took over in 2013, the country was facing various challenges such as severe electricity shortage and the menace of terrorism. In 2013, there were street protests due to 16 to 18 hours electricity loadshedding,” he said, adding, “The present government has checked this problem to a large extent over the last three years and was working hard to completely eliminate loadshedding by 2018.” He said that he was very happy to visit Narowal this time around, as he had come for a noble cause of launching the National Health Programme for the under-privileged segments of this area. “I have long been wishing to do something for the poor segments of society, who cannot afford to get them treated even for minor ailments what to

talk of major diseases like cancer, heart problems etc.,” he added. The prime minister said that 160,000 families of Narowal were being provided with NHP (National Health Programme) cards, which would help them getting free medical care in public and private hospitals. “Poor people sell their properties for medical treatment; even have to borrow due to lack of required amounts; and cannot afford education of their children, who have to do petty jobs for

their survival. These are injustices and inequalities of our society, which we have to address,” he remarked. He said, “This country is like a family in which everyone should have equal rights. If there is any problem in a house, we have to address it”. He thanked all those including his daughter Maryam Nawaz, Minister of State for Health Saira Afzal Tarar, Punjab chief minister and others for assisting him in the successful launching of the NHP in Narowal and other areas. The prime minister said that under the national health programme the government would provide 250,000 per annum as medical cover for a poor family, adding, however, if the amount did not cater to the need, in case of major disease, more funds would be made available from Baitul Mall. The programme in Punjab has been launched in four districts and would benefit 134,000 families in Narowal alone. Health care cards would be provided to the families through a transparent computerised system. The programme was launched in Rahim Yar Khan and has been expanded to Narowal, Khanewal and Sargodha, benefitting 3.5 million patients.

PM is ‘innocent’, says counsel ContInueD froM pAge 01 Khan argued that the family business was transferred to Nawaz Sharif’s son, Hussain Nawaz after the death of Mian Sharif, the PM’s father. “Nawaz Sharif had nothing to do with it,” he said. “If there was no connection, then how does the money trail lead to the London flats?” Justice Khosa inquired. “There are two different money trails before us. How did the money go from Jeddah and then to London? And how did the money go from Dubai to London and then to Qatar?” The PM’s counsel denied Nawaz Sharif had been a director of the family’s Dubai factory. “How can we believe that he was never the director?” Justice Khosa asked. “No documents have been submitted before us to prove he was never

the director.” Khan told the bench that the Dubai factory was established after taking a loan, upon which he admonished by a judge for presenting documents in court that did not make this apparent. The counsel asked the court to form a commission “to go to Dubai and review allegations made against the prime minister”. The counsel informed the bench that the PM was neither a shareholder, nor a guardian, nor a recipient of sales proceeds, nor a director in the companies under scrutiny. Both bench and counsel of PM Nawaz Sharif didn’t see eye to eye when the latter argued that Dubai Steel Mills were founded on a bank loan. “The court should form a commission that’ll review the allegations by visiting Dubai,” Makhdoom replied when he was told that the onus lies on him to prove how those mills were built. The bench placed the onus of proof on respondents as Justice Ijaz-ul-Hassan pointed out the premier has admitted to the ownership of Dubai properties. However, Makhdoom differed on the count that providing documentary evidence lies squarely on the petitioner in this case. Justice Ijazul Hassan observed that the prime minister had admitted to owning Dubai mills and said all records are available. “Now the burden of proof is on you,”

he told the PM’s counsel. Khan was of the opinion that presenting documents and proof is the petitioner’s job. Justice Khosa remarked that the ‘prime minister’s lawyer will have to satisfy the court’ regarding the ownership of the Dubai factory. Justice Sheikh Azmat Saeed told Makhdoom Khan that the Panamagate case is based on contradictions in statements made by the prime minister on the floor of the National Assembly after the Panama leaks last year. The judge, referring to the plaintiff’s allegations that Nawaz Sharif provided incorrect statements, told the counsel, “If you disagree, then you will have to prove it.” “If there is a small mistake in the speech, it can be overlooked. But if mistakes were made on purpose, there will be serious consequences,” Justice Ejaz Afzal warned. “We do not believe that the speech was wrong but if something was hidden on purpose, we will consider that to be a half truth,” Justice Khosa said. “Will Article 66 be a hindrance to the court’s review of the PM’s speech?” Justice Ejaz asked. The counsel told the judge that the prime minister in his speech was giving an overview of his family’s business. “He was not taking oath or answering a specific question,” Khan said. “The prime minister’s speech was not a statement in the court.” Both the PM’s counsel and bench delved deep in Representation of People’s Act 1976 and circumstances that can lead to an elected representative’s disqualification from office. Makhdoom, at one point, also argued that the prime minister can’t be disqualified by Supreme Court on the basis of statements and claims. Makhdoom Khan said that there are two ways to remove the prime minister: the first is by the submission of a no confidence motion. The second requires that members of the National Assembly prove that the PM is dishonest. “The Supreme Court, however, can-


not disqualify him based on the statements and claims of others,” Khan said. “Who was speaking the truth: the prime minister or Hussain Nawaz?” Justice Ejaz inquired. “If one of them has told the truth, the other has lied.” “The record the prime minister referred to in his address has still not come forth,” Justice Gulzar observed. Justice Khosa remarked, “The prime minister had said his life is an open book. There seem to be some pages missing from that book.” Makhdoom Khan finished the day’s arguments by telling the court that the matter of the money trail has nothing to do with Nawaz Sharif. “The business belongs to the [premier’s] children. The record will be presented by their lawyer.” “The lawyer of Hassan and Hussain Nawaz will present details about the business and the money trail record,” Makhdoom Khan said. Sheikh Rashid also honed his newly-found skills at arguing before the highest court of the land. The hearing on Thursday, however, reverted back to the serious atmosphere as seasoned advocate Makhdoom Ali Khan despite facing tough queries from the bench kept his wits about and continued arguing till the hearing was adjourned. Due to limited number of seats in the court, both the government and opposition leaders relied on loyalist who held their seats every time they had to leave the courtroom. Even though Naeem Bukhari completed his arguments on Wednesday, the PTI supremo Imran Khan along with his entourage was present in the courtroom on Thursday. He was accompanied by Jehangir Khan Tarin, Shah Mehmood Qureishi, Shafqat Mehmood, Arif Alvi and for the first time Senator Azam Swati. From the government side Special Assistant to PM Barrister Zafar Ullah Khan, State Minister for Information Marrium Aurangzeb, Tallal Chaudhary, Daniyal Aziz and others were present. The hearing was adjourned till today (Friday).

Impossible for PM to avoid accountability: Imran Khan ISLAMABAD HAMID KHAN WAZIR

Pakistan Tehreeke-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan has expressed satisfaction over the Panama Leaks case hearing and claimed that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has been left with no option but to answer the questions relating to Panamagate. Senior leadership of the party had a meeting here on Thursday during which various aspects related to the Panama case hearing were discussed. He said that the Panama Leaks case has badly damaged the reputation of the premier and it is impossible for him to avoid accountability, adding that government ministers were making all-out efforts to take the premier out of the hot water. Chairman PTI said that the prime minister would have to answer questions related to the Panama Leaks case and make his position clear to the nation in this regard, which, he said, seemed impossible because his party has submitted solid proofs in the court against the premier and his family. Imran Khan said that the Pakistan Muslim League-N (PML-N) has nothing in the case that could help save the prime minister from accountability, but his lawyers are trying to convince the court to clear their client by giving him benefit of doubt. Imran Khan vowed that the Panama case was heading towards right direction and it would be taken to its logical end come what may. He was of the opinion that the nation wanted speedy and unbiased justice. Pakistan can only be steered out of prevailing problems if the menace of corruption is eradicated, he said. The PTI leaders also expressed sorrow and grief over the tragic death of seven labourers and injury to over a dozen others working on the Lahore Orange Line Metro Train (OLMT) project. They demanded that those responsible must be taken to task.

‘Imran wants to disrupt development process’ ISLAMABAD APP

Minister of State for Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage Marriyum Aurangzeb said on Thursday that Pakistan would continue its march towards progress and prosperity in coming years under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif. Talking to media persons along with Pakistan Muslim League-N (PML-N) MNA Talal Chaudhry on Thursday, she said Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan should understand that Pakistan’s journey towards prosperity cannot be stopped. The country had made achievements in all the sectors under the dynamic leadership of Nawaz Sharif, she added. She said Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had no link with the Panama Papers case, and added that the properties mentioned in the Panama Papers were not linked with money laundering, tax evasion, concealing assets and plunder of national wealth. Marriyum said the PTI chairman wanted to derail the system and halt the development and progress in the country. She said the PTI had now shifted its focus from the Panama Papers to the prime minister’s speech in the parliament while Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and the PML-N had the similar stance from day one. The minister said Imran Khan was levelling allegations against the third time elected prime minister, who had the honour to make Pakistan the first Islamic nuclear power, executed big infrastructural projects, gave mega health programme, formulated first ever internal security policy, and launched first ever educational forms programme in the country to bring revolution in the sector.

Friday, 13 January, 2017

EMIr Of QaTar LIKELy TO vISIT PaKISTaN ON JaN 25 Bilateral relationS, raheel Sharif’S appointment and panamagate on the agenda ISLAMABAD



MID hue and cry on Panama Papers Leaks in the country, Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani is expected to arrive on January 25th for a two-day visit to Pakistan, it has been learnt reliably on Thursday. According to well-placed sources, the likely official visit of Emir of Qatar is taking place on the invitation of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who will receive the distinguished guest upon arrival. They said the Emir will receive the royal protocol as he will be staying in Pakistan as an honoured guest of the premier. It would be third visit of the Emir in six years to Pakistan and second as the ruler

of Qatar. Issues related to enhancing bilateral cooperation will be discussed during the visit. The appointment of former army chief General (retd) Raheel Sharif as the chief of 39-nation Islamic military coalition, formed to combat terrorism, will also be on the agenda. Panamagate is also expected to be discussed in the meeting, the sources added. “Qatar is interested in enhancing its defence procurements from Pakistan while it has provided Pakistan natural gas in different forms at comparatively much cheaper tariff,” sources said, adding, “Talks may prove fruitful as Pakistan and Qatar enjoy close ties since Qatar is cooperating with Pakistan generously in the economic field.” The sources further said that the visit

PM consulting aides for appointment of new Sindh governor: sources MonItorIng DeSK Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has started consultations with close aides regarding the appointment of Sindh governor after Justice (r) Saeeduz Zaman Siddiqui passed away on Wednesday, a private news channel reported Thursday citing sources. According to the report, the prime minister has asked his close aides to put forward names of suitable candidates. They said that Special Advisor to PM Muftah Ismail and Investment Board Chairman Zubair Umer were being considered for the top slot. However, President Mamnoon Hussain was making efforts to get his old friend Khawaja Qutubuddin appointed who distanced himself from Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz after the military coup of 1999. Sources said that PML-N leader in Sindh Nehal Hashmi considered himself a candidate for the post and many people believed that his name would also be considered. Sources said that Mushahidullah Khan was also a strong candidate for the post as he was quite aware of the weaknesses of both leading parties of Sindh, ie, PPP and MQM. However, some groups in the party oppose him. Another candidate for the post is the wife of Shahid Hamid, Shahnaz Hamid. As per the constitution, the president appoints governor on the advice of the prime minister.

of the Emir of Qatar is of the official nature and not for ‘Taloor’ hunting. However, ruling elite believe that the upcoming visit will help facilitate Sharif family in proving that London flats were not owned by them before 2006. Hopefully, the Emir will hand over important documents about the ownership of London flats to Sharif family,” sources said, adding, “Emir of Qatar will give trust deed to the premier during his upcoming meeting with Nawaz Sharif.” The sources further said Sharif family can make public the trust deed, making public who owned the flats before 2006. They also said that the Sharifs were also confident about the fate of Panamagate investigation as they had been pinning high hopes with the visit of Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim. The Sharif family earlier told the court that they acquired London properties with the money earned by selling off their factories in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia,

uphold army’s dignity through selfless devotion, coaS asks troops rAWALpInDI STAFF REPORT

Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa on Thursday said that the Pakistan Army was a great institution and urged the officials and troops to uphold its dignity by selflessly performing their duties, according to the Inter Services Public Relations. The COAS on Thursday arrived at Para Ranges in Jhelum, where he witnessed concluding session of Army Firing Competition, the ISPR said in a statement. A total of 667 marksmen - both civilian and servicemen - participated in the four-week-long event. The unique thing about the event was that 86 warwounded officers and troops also participated in the competition, it said. Appreciating performance of partakers, General Qamar Javed Bajwa desired that with more focused preparations our teams should excel to represent

Pakistan in international events. Later, the army chief addressed officers at Kharian Garrison and lauded them for their contributions in counterterrorism operations as part of operation Zarb-e-Azb. The COAS paid rich tributes to martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the country and to those as well who got wounded while defending the motherland. Earlier, upon his arrival, Gen Bajwa was received by Lt-Gen Umar Farooq Durrani, Commander Central Command. Days after Punjab Law Minister Rana Sanaullah stirred up a controversy by questioning the significance of military courts, army officers raised the issue with Chief of the Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa. Speaking to the media last week, Rana Sanaullah said that the performance of the military courts hadn’t been up to the mark. The law minister, however, took a U-turn a day later and appreciated the role of military courts in tackling terrorism.

CJ TAKES SUO MOTU OF VANI MARRIAGE IN GHOTKI ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court Thursday took suo motu notice of a minor girl declared ‘vani’ by a jirga in Ghotki city of Sindh. The jirga had ordered marriage of a three-year-old girl under the custom of Vani. Reports said the jirga was held by decision-making assembly of Mazari tribe’s male elders in a border

town of Sindh and Balochistan. Taking notice of the illegal act, the Chief Justice has directed SSP Ghotki to file a report in this regard within 48 hours. The suo motu notice was taken on the complaint of Ali Hassan Mazari, a resident of Ghotki. Hassan Mazari informed the

US backs Afghan claim of terrorist safe havens in FATA WASHIngton AGENCIES

The US State Department, in a rare acknowledgement of the difficulties Pakistan faces in combating terrorists in Fata, said the remoteness of the area and the military’s tactical limitations prevent Islamabad from eliminating all terrorist safe havens. But at a Tuesday afternoon news briefing, a department spokesman Mark Toner also endorsed Kabul’s claim that the existence of safe havens in Fata allowed terrorists to carry out attacks inside Afghanistan whenever they want. He urged the Pakistani government to realise that “Afghanistan’s security, Pakistan’s security, indeed India’s security, they’re all interconnected”. The three countries, he said, needed to work together to defeat terrorism. The comments followed twin suicide blasts near the Afghan parliament on Tuesday that killed scores. Another blast in Kandahar wounded the UAE Ambassador Juma

but later they revealed that the four luxury apartments were purchased through offshore investments involving a member of the Qatari royal family. The Sharif family had submitted documentary evidence on the ‘legitimacy’ of their assets before the Supreme Court. The documents claimed that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his daughter, Maryam Nawaz, bought their London apartments through Qatari investments. It is worth mentioning here that problems for Sharif family would increase if the court raises questions on money trail, arrangement of money, and differences in the statements of Sharif family regarding the money trail, ownership of a flat in London’s upscale Mayfair locale etc. The press secretary of the premier Mohiuddin Wani was contacted repeatedly without any reply. However, an official at PM House has confirmed on condition of anonymity that the Emir of Qatar will visit Pakistan but he was not sure of the date of the visit.

Mohammed Abdullah Al Kaabi and some other diplomats. Soon after the blasts, a government spokesman in Kabul said that the terrorists were able to strike targets inside Afghanistan whenever they wanted because Pakistan had allowed them to maintain safe havens in Fata, a charge Islamabad rejects as baseless. “The short answer to your … question is yes,” said Toner when a journalist asked if Washington endorsed Kabul’s allegation. “We’ve been very frank and very open about publicly saying to Pakistan that it needs to not provide any safe haven to groups that will or are intent on carrying out attacks on Afghanistan.” Toner, however, said that Pakistan had made “some progress” and had taken “some steps to address these safe havens, but clearly the problem persists”. That’s why the United States continues to urge Pakistan to act against all terrorist groups without any discrimination and was “willing to help them” do so, he said.


Chief Justice that “few influential people of Mazari tribe held a Jirga and decided that in default of fine of Rs.3,00,000/- imposed upon the applicant, his 3 years old daughter is to be given in (promise of) marriage”. He prayed for the protection of his daughter and legal action against the Jirga. INP



Senate group to debate how to prevent misuse of blasphemy laws A Pakistani Senate committee is set to debate how to prevent the country’s blasphemy laws being applied unfairly, despite opposition from religious conservatives who support legislation that carries a mandatory death penalty for insulting Islam. Senator Farhatullah Babar told Reuters that the Senate Committee on Human Rights, of which he is a member, will start discussions on blasphemy laws as early as next week, based on recommendations from a 24-year-old report. He said it would be the first time in decades that any parliamentary body had considered a formal proposal to stop the abuse of the blasphemy laws. According to Babar, the committee would consider a proposal making it binding to investigate complaints before registering a case, to ensure “genuine blasphemy” had been committed and the law was not being used to settle scores, as critics say it is. He also said the committee would debate whether life imprisonment was an adequate punishment, instead of the mandatory death penalty. Many conservatives in Pakistan consider even criticising the laws as blasphemy, and in 2011 a Pakistani governor, Salman Taseer, was assassinated by his bodyguard after calling for reform of the laws. His killer Mumtaz Qadri was hailed as a hero by religious hardliners, and tens of thousands of supporters attended his funeral after he was executed last year. If the committee makes any recommendations, it would be only the first step in a long process to bring about change in how the laws are enforced. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s office declined to comment on the Senate committee’s moves. His party’s support would be needed for any measures to move forward, and while legislation protecting women’s rights has been passed and Sharif has reached out to minorities, it is unclear if he would risk a backlash over blasphemy. UneArtheD report: Hundreds of Pakistanis are on death row for blasphemy convictions, and at least 65 people, including lawyers, defendants and judges, have been murdered over blasphemy allegations since 1990, according to figures from the Center for Research and Security Studies based in the capital Islamabad. Pakistan’s religious and political elites almost universally steer clear of speaking against blasphemy laws, but a small group of lawmakers has been looking for ways to reduce abuses. Babar said the Human Rights Committee hit a “gold mine” when he discovered a 24-year-old Senate report that called for a more specific definition of blasphemy and said further debate was needed on whether expunging “imprisonment of life” from an earlier law had been correct. “So we convinced other senators that here we have a chance, we have a starting point, we have this report in hand. Let’s debate it and see how we can prevent abuse of this law,” Babar said. However, powerful religious conservatives who have millions of followers strongly support the laws. Tahir Ashrafi, head of the influential Pakistan Ulema Council of Muslim clerics, said it would oppose any change. AGENCIES


Friday, 13 January, 2017

ZardarI aSKS oppoSItIon partIeS to oppoSe arMY CourtS’ extenSIon F NEwS DESk

ORMER president and the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Co-Chairman Asif Ali Zardari on Thursday directed PPP leaders to oppose the extension of military courts. According to sources, Zardari directed the party to take a hard stance against the military courts during the joint session of National Assembly on January 17. Zardari instructed that the other opposition parties should also be consulted for election reforms. Sources, while talking to a private news channel, said that PPP co-chairman also held a long meeting with opposition leader Khursheed Shah.

Court temporarily stays execution of mentally ill man

He further directed that Dr Azra Afzal and Ayaz Soomro should submit their resignation upon returning to the country to Speaker National Assembly Ayaz Sadiq. Azra Afzal is PPP lawmaker from NA-213 Nawabshah, whereas Ayaz Soomro is a PPP MNA from NA-204 Larkana. Both PPP leaders had presented their resignations to the party after Zardari on December 27 said that he, along with Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, would contest elections and enter the current Parliament. On January 6 this year, military courts expired. After hearing 274 cases and awarding 161 death sentences in a two-year-long term, special military courts set up to try terrorism suspects

in Pakistan have ceased to function, the ISPR announced on Sunday. A total of 12 convicted terrorists have been executed since January 2015, when the courts were established through a constitutional amendment allowing them to try civilians on terrorism charges. The constitutional amendment came in response to an attack by Taliban terrorists on the Army Public School in Peshawar that killed 134 children. The amendment included an expiry clause to keep the measure temporary. The federal government has said it is in consultations for a constitutional amendment to continue with the military courts for a period agreed by all political parties in Parliament.

PK-661 was fit to fly at take-off: black box report NEwS DESk A black box report revealed on Thursday that both engines of ill-fated PIA PK-661—which crashed near Havelian in December last year—were fit to fly at take-off. The report, which was received by Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), said that the pilot gave the first call at 4:12 pm. However, he was relaxed at that time. Two minutes later at 4:14 pm, the pilot gave a mayday call to the control tower. An engine had stopped working by that time. The report said that the news of the plane crash was received after 10 to 15 minutes after the mayday call from the pilot. The black box report stated that the plane did not try to land; however, the CAA said that it was investigating why the plane crashed despite one functioning engine. CAA further said that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had visited Gwadar in same plane a week back. Information recovered from the black box is very crucial to unveiling the reasons behind the plane crash. A PIA plane carrying 47 people crashed Wednesday on a domestic flight from the mountainous northern city of Chitral to Islamabad, killing all on board. Popular personality Junaid Jamshed and his wife were also on the ill-fated plane. The country's last major air disaster was in 2015 when a military helicopter crashed in a remote northern valley, killing eight people—including the Norwegian, Filipino and Indonesian envoys and the wives of Malaysian and Indonesian envoys.


‘Accused’ judge barred from duties



The Lahore High Court (LHC) on Thursday temporarily stayed the execution of a schizophrenic man until January 30, his lawyers said, days before he was set to face the gallows. Khizar Hayat, a 55-year-old former police officer, was sentenced to death in 2003 for shooting a colleague. The United Nations has previously called on Pakistan to protect mentally ill inmates, singling out Hayat as having “psycho-social disabilities”. The Justice Project Pakistan (JPP), which is managing his case, said Hayat's lawyer in September 2015 had challenged the execution in light of his mental illness. However Lahore jail authorities pressed ahead with seeking the death warrant which was granted by a sessions court earlier this week. His execution had been set for January 17 but on Thursday the Lahore High Court (LHC) temporarily stayed the execution until January 30, a JPP statement said. According the JPP, the judge Shahid Hameed Dar said it would be “unjust” to proceed on Hayat's case without waiting for the Supreme Court's decision in Imdad Ali's case, another mentally-ill man, who was given a last-minute reprieve from execution by LHC in October.

Islamabad High Court chief justice and other judges barred Additional Sessions Judge Raja Khurram Ali Khan from judicial duties, a notification said on Thursday, after a tortured maid was recovered from his residence earlier this month. Khurram has been directed to serve as an OSD immediately in IHC, according to the notification. The Supreme Court earlier decided

that 10-year-old Tayyaba would stay at Pakistan Sweet Homes, an orphanage, till her parents are identified. Tayyaba's medical report was submitted to the court. According to the report, 22 torture marks were found on 10-year-old’s body, including marks of bruises and burns. A wound measuring one square centimeter was also found next to her right eye. The report also stated that the maid suffered from mental stress but her condition was improv-

ing gradually. The case of the alleged torture of the maid caught the media's attention after she was recovered from the residence of Additional Sessions Judge Raja Khurram Ali Khan, earlier this month. The minor girl, whose face and hands bore torture marks, had initially denied being hurt by her employers. She told the police that she got a wound to her eye after falling from the stairs, while her hand was also burnt accidentally.

Japanese engineer commits suicide MULTAN APP

A Japanese national was found dead on Thursday morning after falling from the roof of a hotel, a police official said. He said the incident occurred between 3 am to 4 am, adding that the information collected so far suggests that he

committed suicide. SHO Cantonment Rana Zaheer Babar told APP that police found a note written in Japanese language and its cursory translation suggests that the man was suffering from depression and he left the note for his family. Rana Zaheer said the police were getting the note translated from a Japanese language expert. Engineer

Okumura was working on a project in Dera Ghazi Khan, about 100 kilometres from Multan. He was staying at a hotel in the city since September 2016 and was scheduled to leave the hotel by Feb 1, 2017. His body has been sent to mortuary of Nishtar Hospital Multan for post-mortem and investigations were in progress.

Fifth social media activist reported missing ISLAMABAD AGENCIES

A fifth rights activist has gone missing, his colleagues said Thursday, as the United Nations raised concerns over shrinking freedoms for campaigners. Samar Abbas, a middle-aged IT worker and head of the anti-militancy Civil Progressive Alliance, disappeared under mysterious circumstances after arriving in the capital Islamabad from the southern port city of Karachi on Saturday, January 7, according to Talib Raza, a colleague from his organisation. "We formed the alliance to protect the rights of minorities. He had launched a struggle against the banned

militant outfits´ activities and we together staged protests for the rights of the minorities," said Raza. "This seems to be an organised attempt to shut the progressive and liberal voices in the country," he added. Four leftist bloggers were previously reported missing from various cities in Pakistan between January 4 and 7, raising fears of a crackdown on social media, the last bastion of free speech in a country where journalism is increasingly under threat. Human Rights Watch said their near simultaneous disappearances raised concerns of government involvement. The government has denied this, and on Tuesday Interior Minister

Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan told the Senate authorities would soon recover all the missing. Rights groups say Pakistani activists and journalists often find themselves caught between the security establishment and militant groups including the Taliban. The United Nations and Amnesty International have expressed concern for the missing activists. "No government should tolerate attacks on its citizens," said the UN´s special rapporteur on the right to freedom of expression, David Kaye. "By making the investigation of these disappearances an urgent priority, the Pakistani authorities can send a


strong signal that they take seriously the responsibility for the life and security of all of its citizens, particularly in cases involving freedom of expression." Pakistan is also ranked among the world´s most dangerous countries for journalists, and reporting critical of the military is considered a major red flag, with journalists at times detained, beaten and even killed. In April 2014, unidentified gunmen attacked but failed to kill Hamid Mir, one of the country´s most recognised TV anchors. His employer and his family later accused the director general of the powerful Inter-Services Intelligence agency of involvement.

Sindh govt didn’t provide suspected seminaries’ details: Interior Ministry ISLAMABAD AGENCIES

The Interior Ministry Thursday said the Sindh government had not provided complete details of the suspected seminaries. The ministry, in a memorandum issued in response to the Sindh government’s list of seminaries, said the provincial government had not provided the addresses of those seminaries, besides reasons, proofs and other details to declare them as suspected. It said the list did not contain details of the seminaries situated outside Karachi and Sukkur, while many seminaries not located in Sindh but in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Federal Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) were mentioned. The recommendation of taking action against seminaries outside Sindh was beyond comprehension, it added. The provincial officials concerned apparently did not know about the legal requirements, rules and regulations for banning an organisation, it added. The ministry advised the provincial government to keep itself limited to its administrative boundaries and always provide verified, correct and implementable information.

India launches Scorpene-class submarine MONITORING DESk India launched it's second French-designed Scorpene-class submarine in Mumbai on Thursday, Indian media reported. The INS Khanderi, a diesel-electric submarine, can undertake a range of missions, including anti-surface warfare, anti-submarine warfare, intelligence gathering, mine laying and surveillance, according to NDTV. The submarine has the ability to launch attacks with precision-guided weapons and torpedoes, as well as tube-launched anti-ship missiles, both underwater and on surface. This class of submarine has stealth capability and is designed to operate in all theatres. It is set to undergo trials before it can be inducted into the Indian Navy.


Friday, 13 January, 2017

SEcrEtary of StatE nominEE divErgES from trUmp’S StancE on rUSSian SanctionS, climatE changE NEW YORK



ONALD Trump’s nominee for Secretary of State appeared to disagree on some issues with the Presidentelect when he testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Rex Tillerson said he supported current US sanctions against Russia after hearing the revelations about alleged attempts by the Kremlin to interfere with the 2016 presidential election. While Trump has reluctantly conceded that Russian operatives may have been behind the hacks of the Democratic National Committee, he has insisted that they in no way had an effect on the outcome of the election. But the CIA, FBI, and NSA – the agencies behind the highly classified report delivered to both Obama and Trump – did not reach that conclusion, as they could not measure how information obtained through the hacks influenced public opinion. Tillerson was speaking on the second day of confirmation hearings for Trump’s Cabinet picks, which still need congressional approval. He did not mention the conclusions reached by the intelligence community in his opening statement, but when questioned by Senator Marco Rubio, Trump’s former rival for the Republican presidential nomination, he said he found the findings “clearly troubling”. He also admitted that it was a

“fair assumption” that President Vladimir Putin directed the cyber attack. The former ExxonMobil chief executive has conducted extensive business with the Russian President, causing concern among critics of the incoming Trump administration that already faces scrutiny for their relationship with the country. In 2011, Tillerson negotiated an energy partnership with Russia that Putin valued at approximately $500bn (£409bn). The partnership resulted in Tillerson receiving the Order of Friendship, Russia’s highest honour awarded to foreign nationals. But ExxonMobil had to cease operations in the region in 2014, after US sanctions resulted from the illegal an-

nexation of Crimea – which Tillerson opposed at the time. The head of the oil giant’s Russian operations, Glenn Waller, said the company would return to the project once sanctions had been lifted. Tillerson said there should have been a military response to Russia in 2014, and their aggression toward the Ukraine resulted from an “absence of American leadership”. “I’m advocating for responses that will deter and prevent further expansion of a bad actor’s behaviour,” he said. “Sanctions are a powerful tool, and they’re an important tool.” But he stopped short of being overtly critical of Vladimir Putin – especially when it came to his actions in Syria – and refused to call him a war

criminal. “I would not use that term,” he said. “Those are very, very serious charges to make and I would want to have much more information before reaching a conclusion.” Rubio responded: “There’s so much information out there. It should not be hard to say that Vladimir Putin’s military has conducted war crimes in Aleppo.” The Florida senator and former presidential candidate could throw a wrench in the President-elect’s plan to place the oil executive in the highest foreign policy position in the US. Should Rubio decide to vote against Tillerson, then the committee would deliver an unfavourable report to the Senate. Only three Republican Senators, then, would need to break with the party and vote against Tillerson to reject his nomination. “I’m prepared to do what’s right,” Rubio told reporters after the hearing, declining to give a definitive answer regarding his decision. ‘Risk of climate change does exist’ On the issue of climate change – a matter that the Obama administration has worked to tackle, resulting in a global agreement to slash carbon dioxide emissions – Tillerson diverged from Trump’s denial of the phenomenon and admitted that it existed. But he wrote off his company’s role in spreading disinformation to undermine the science behind global warming.


London Mayor Sadiq Khan will say on Thursday that urgent action is needed to prevent Britain slipping towards a “muddled Brexit”, arguing that the capital needs more control over its economic policy to cope with leaving the European Union. Khan, a member of the opposition Labour Party, was elected to the influential position of mayor last May on a promise to stand up for the city’s businesses. He has called for the government to avoid the uncertainty of a messy divorce from the EU, saying it would damage confidence in the city. “It’s deeply concerning that we still appear to have ‘muddled thinking’ at the heart of government so soon before the negotiations are set to start,” Khan will say

in a speech later on Thursday according to a statement from his office. His words echo those of Britain’s former ambassador to the EU, Ivan Rogers, who resigned last week saying that Prime Minister Theresa May government was “muddled” in its approach. May refuted the suggestion, saying she would set out her strategy over the coming weeks. “The only thing that would be as damaging as a hard Brexit is a muddled Brexit, and – unfortunately – it looks like that is where we are heading without urgent action,” Khan is due to say. He will reiterate his view that London needs preferential access to the single market, access to skilled workers in Europe and a transitional agreement with the EU to smooth the Brexit process. Khan will also restate his case for London to have more control over its economy policy. He will promise to compile his

Syrian rebels have rejected a provincial governor’s claim that a deal has been reached for government forces to enter a rebel-held area near Damascus and restore the capital’s water supply. Ahmed Ramadan, an official with the opposition National Coalition, denied any such deal had been reached. “This information is untrue and is a part of the [regime and its allies’] psychological warfare,” he told agencies. Yet, a source inside the Wadi Barada region told agencies that several hundred civilians were leaving under an agreement. State news agency SANA also reported that people were leaving the region, among them several dozen fighters. The reported deal comes after weeks of fighting in the region, 15 kilometres northwest of Damascus, which has threatened a fragile truce in place since December 30. The fighting has damaged water infrastructure and left some 5.5 million people in the capital and its suburbs facing water shortages, according to the United Nations. Alaa Ibrahim, the provincial governor of Damascus, had earlier on Wednesday told SANA that

there was now a deal to allow the government to retake control of the region. “The agreement that was reached in principle requires the militants to give up their heavy weapons and for nonlocal militants to leave the area of Wadi Barada,” he said. Civilians evaCuated: The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a British-based monitor of the war, said the government had not reached a comprehensive deal with rebels. But it reported that residents wishing to leave were being offered safe passage on an individual basis. And a source on the ground in Wadi Barada said on Wednesday that some 600 civilians had left, passing through a makeshift tent where government officials were checking documents. SANA reported that some 500 people had left the area, among them some 60 rebels. Syria’s regime accuses rebels in Wadi Barada, including former alQaeda affiliate Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, of deliberately cutting water supplies to the capital. But the rebels say government strikes damaged pumping facilities and deny that Fateh al-Sham, previously known as al-Nusra Front, has forces in the area. The government

KaBul: NATO confirmed Thursday that US forces in Afghanistan killed 33 Afghan citizens “in self-defence” in Kunduz last year in a single incident highlighting civilian casualties, one of the most contentious issues of the 15-year campaign. The incident on November 3 saw US and Afghan troops call for air reinforcement as they engaged with Taliban forces hiding in civilian houses in a village in the volatile northern province. Civilian men, women and children were “likely inside the buildings from which the Taliban were firing”, the report said. Two US forces and three Afghan commandos also died in the firing. The civilian deaths sparked outrage at the time, with victims’ relatives parading the mutilated bodies of dead children piled into open trucks through the streets of Kunduz city. “The investigation determined, regretfully, that 33 civilians were killed and 27 others wounded,” NATO’s Afghan mission Resolute Support said in a statement. AGENCIES

US soldier commits suicide at Kuwait base: ministry An American soldier stationed in Kuwait shot and killed himself on Thursday at a US military base in the oil-rich Gulf state, the interior ministry said. The ministry said in a statement on Twitter that the soldier, who was not named, used his personal gun to kill himself while on duty. The Pentagon confirmed the death of a US soldier in a “noncombat related incident” in Kuwait, without elaborating. The interior ministry said the soldier was rushed to a public hospital in southern Kuwait but was pronounced dead on arrival. Several thousand American soldiers are stationed at Camp Arifjan, a military base about 70 kilometres (43 miles) south of Kuwait City. AGENCIES

indian soldier kills four senior officers over ‘leave row’

own industrial strategy for London to feed into the government’s plan to reshape the British economy.

Syria rebels deny deal with government on water supply AGENCIES

US, afghan forces killed 33 civilians in selfdefence: nato

Erdogan spokesman slams US military for backing Syrian Kurdish militia Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan’s spokesman lashed out at the US military on Thursday after it re-tweeted a statement by a Kurdish-dominated alliance it backs in Syria saying it had no links to Kurdish militants fighting the Turkish state. The Syrian Democratic Forces, the main US partner on the ground in Syria in the fight against the militant Islamic State (IS) group, includes the powerful Kurdish YPG militia. Turkey views the YPG as an extension of the PKK militant group, which has waged a three-decade insurgency in Turkey and is considered a terrorist organisation by Ankara, the United States and the European Union. “SDF confirms that it has no affiliation or ties to PKK,” US Central Command said on Twitter, re-tweeting a statement by the SDF in which it said it was not part of the PKK and wanted a strong relationship with neighbours including Turkey. AGENCIES

has concluded dozens of so-called “reconciliation deals” with rebel-held areas in Syria in recent months, particularly around the capital. The opposition says it is forced into such deals by government sieges and assault, and terms them a “starve or surrender” tactic. PeaCe negotiations: Fighting


has continued in Wadi Barada despite the start of a truce brokered by government ally Russia and rebel backer Turkey in late December. The ceasefire is intended to pave the way for new peace talks in the Kazakh capital Astana, which Russia confirmed on Wednesday were scheduled for January 23.

A paramilitary soldier from one of India’s elite security units shot dead four of his senior officers on Thursday in an apparent row over leave, police said. The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) soldier fired indiscriminately at the officers at the barracks in Aurangabad district in eastern India’s Bihar state before trying to flee. “Three died on the spot while one injured officer succumbed to his injuries at a hospital,” Satya Prakash, Aurangabad police chief, told AFP. “He shot 32 rounds before he was overpowered by his colleagues and is suspected to be suffering from some mental illness.” Prakash said the dispute appeared to be over leave. All the victims were unarmed and were off-duty when the incident took place at a thermal power plant where they were stationed. AGENCIES

US blacklists north Korean officials over rights abuses The US Treasury Department has added seven senior North Korean officials, including leader Kim Jong Un’s sister, to its sanctions list because of human rights abuses and censorship by the communist nation. The department said in a statement on Wednesday that its Office of Foreign Assets Control added six men and one woman, all officials of the government of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea or the ruling Workers’ Party of Korea, along with the Ministry of Labour and the State Planning Commission, to the Specially Designated Nationals List. “The North Korean regime not only engages in severe human rights abuses, but it also implements rigid censorship policies and conceals its inhumane and oppressive behaviour,” acting OFAC Director John Smith said in the statement, adding that the move aimed to expose the individuals responsible for the abuses. AGENCIES

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Friday, 13 January, 2017



















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KARACHI: National flag seen hoisted at half mast on Sindh High Court building on a day of mourning on the death of governor Saeeduz Zaman Siddiqui. ONLINE


sindh govt to award BB educational scholarship to minorities: khattumal KARACHI: APP

Special Assistant to Sindh Chief Minister on Minorities Affairs, Khattumal Jeewan said that the minorities department has decided to award Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Educational Scholarships for intelligent and needy students. He stated this while meeting a delegation of students at his office, said a statement issued on Thursday. In a meeting, he advised the students belonging to minorities including girls and boys to get forms of scholarship from their educational institutions and submit it to minorities department, Block 12, Sindh Secretariat. Khattumal said that it is the topmost priority of Sindh government to provide students with best educational facilities, adding that the government is making all-out efforts to bring improvements to the education sector in the province.

Funeral prayers of late governor today KARACHI O NL IN E

The funeral prayers of late-Governor Sindh Justice Saeed-uz-Zaman Siddiqui will be offered on Friday (today) at Polo Ground in Karachi. Saeed- uz-Zaman Siddiqui died on Wednesday at the age of 78 during his treatment in a private hospital. He served as the Governor of Sindh for two months. The Federal Government had appointed late Zaman as governor Sindh last year after Dr Ishrat-ul-Ibad was removed from the office.

dG rangers meets Nisar NEWS DESK Director General Rangers, Sindh, Major General Muhammad Saeed on Thursday called on Minister for Interior, Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan and briefed him about the law and order situation in Karachi. According to a statement issued, the minister congratulated the DG Rangers on assuming responsibilities and said Rangers had played a key role in ensuring peace, protection and security of lives and properties of citizens and also reducing crimes in Karachi. Chaudhry Nisar said the federal government would continue to support the Rangers for maintaining law and order in Karachi.

Naila suicide case: Police arrest MehraN uNiversity clerk KARACHI



INDH police have arrested a clerk working at the Mehran University of Engineering and Technology (MUET) for interrogation over the mysterious death of Naila Rind, who was found hanging from a ceiling fan in her room in Marvi hostel 11 days ago. A team of Jamshoro police led by inspector Agha Tahir, SHO of Jamshoro town police station, raided a residential

colony near MUET and arrested Agha Babar Pathan who was said to be a close friend of Anis Khaskheli. Police took into custody Pathan’s laptop and mobile phone and found pictures of Naila in addition to many video clips and pictures of the university’s female students saved on the gadgets’ data storage. Khaskheli was the first to be arrested after the Naila Rind death hit headlines and became a high-profile case. He was arrested on the basis of mobile phone record of Naila, a finalyear student in the Sindhi department

of Sindh University. Like Pathan, police had found pictures of Naila besides a large collection of video clips and photos of several other girls, most of them students of the university, on the suspect’s laptop and mobile phones. Jamshoro SSP retired Captain Tariq Wilayat said that police laid hands on Pathan on the basis of information gleaned from Khaskheli. Police were closely investigating all the aspects of the case and its investigation of mobile phone and laptop

data of the arrested suspects was in progress, he said. He said that statements of three more wardens of Marvi hostel namely Mahjabeen, Zakia and Nusrat Talpur had been recorded and data of mobile phones of chairman of Sindhi department Anwar Figar Hakro, Marvi hostel’s provost Anila Soomro and warden Mahjabeen had been sought to help in the probe. He said that other staff members of the girls’ hostel and the Sindhi department would also be investigated.

Liver Cancer ratio doubled in Pakistan: expert HYDERABAD APP

Renowned health expert Dr Santosh Kumar has said that the ratio of liver cancer has doubled in Pakistan in past two decades. In an interview with APP on Thursday, Dr Santosh Kumar, who is also an Assistant Professor of Medicine and Pulmonology, at Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences, said that only a healthy lifestyle could prevent cancer. Leading causes of liver cancer are hepatitis B and C, smoking and alcohol, he added. He also stressed on daily walks and a balanced diet to reduce the chances of cancer. In 2005, the liver cancer was the eighth most common cancer in Pakistan as compared to the sixth in the world, but now the situation is worse in the country. Dr Kumar said 40 percent of hepatitis B and 60 percent of hepatitis C patients were at the risk of ultimately developing the disease. He informed that walking at least 20 minutes daily and balanced diet to reduce the chances for occurrence of cancer. However, he said, smoking doubled the risk of cancer as he had found that 90 percent of his cancer patients were smokers. Dr Santosh urged the public to adopt a healthy lifestyle to prevent the disease. He said hepatitis B and C infections were the leading cause of liver cancer, followed by smoking and alcohol consumption. He said if concerted efforts were not made at the global level liver cancer could become an epidemic. He said one out of every three people in the world was infected with hepatitis virus.

KARACHI: A beach giving deserted look due to cold breeze of winter season. ONLINE


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Friday, 13 January, 2017

laNd MaFia BeNt uPoN suBMerGiNG larGe swathes oF karachi iN water KARACHI



ARACHI’S powerful land mafia has put a large part of the megapolis at risk of being submerged in water, a member of a judicial commission to probe the province’s failure to provide clean drinking water said Thursday. The Supreme Court had in December last year ordered formation of a commission comprising high court judges to conduct an in-depth probe

into the authorities’ failure to provide clean drinking water, sanitation facilities and a healthy environment to the people of Sindh. Members of the judicial commission on Thursday visited the city’s Manghopir area. During the visit, it was revealed that the hills that have been preventing Hub Dam water from entering into the megapolis are being crushed by land mafia. Justice Iqbal Kalhoro, head of the commission, warned authorities that if they didn’t prevent land grabbers from crushing the hills, then the city’s district

West would no longer have adequate living conditions. The commission will report its findings about reasons why the residents of Sindh do not get clean drinking water as well as why sanitary conditions are deteriorating in Sindh. It will also examine the statutory role played by the Sindh Environment Protection Agency on issues under the environment protection act, 2014. The commission has also been also tasked with examining officials or material from relevant agencies/organisations, inclusive of all the civic and


land-owning agencies Karachi, a sprawling megapolis of over 20 million, has a history of different mafias. Among them, the land mafia had been the most dreaded one, which has grabbed vast patches of land in the city over the past years. However, a crackdown launched in 2013 against terrorists and criminals has cleansed the city leading to considerable in crime and violence. These mafias and other criminals, however, continue to drain the city’s resources, although to a lesser extent as compared to the past.

commissioner seeks public support for rehab of special children KARACHI: Karachi Commissioner Ejaz Ahmed Khan has sought public support for the rehabilitation of special children in the metropolis. Addressing a programme organised by Madawa Welfare Society, a local NGO working for the rehabilitation of mentally challenged kids, the commissioner said special children, in general, must not be ignored by the society. “Keeping in view their respective incapacities, measures ought to be adopted for their empowerment accordingly,” he said. Commissioner Ejaz Ahmad Khan appealed to the Karachiites to contribute towards streamlining of many of the children, who through little effort can overcome their incapacities. “We need to be compassionate about empowering such kids with equal devotion towards improving the life quality of their much seriously challenged counterparts,” he stressed. He said besides material support, little gestures can help boost the confidence of the kids with physical disabilities and empower them to emerge as an efficient and contributing member of the society. Appreciating the Madawa Welfare Society, the commissioner said the work undertaken by Madawa Welfare Society Chairperson Shaheen Rehman and her team has helped raise awareness among many about the plight of such kids and their parents. APP

PcG seizes foreign brand liquor, smuggled iranian diesel KARACHI: Pakistan Coast Guards (PCG) has seized foreign brand liquor and smuggled Iranian diesel from coastal areas of Balochistan. The PCG officials received credible information from intelligence resources about the smuggling of foreign brand liquor from coastal areas of Balochistan and special patrolling teams were detailed, said a statement released on Thursday. During patrolling in Baduk area of Pasni, PCG official located suspected vehicles. The PCG patrol chased the suspicious vehicle; however, the smugglers resorted to firing. After 15 minutes of exchange of fire, the smugglers taking advantage of darkness managed to escape from the scene. During a search of the area, the officials recovered 462 bottles of foreign brand liquor and 545 cans of beer. APP

dacoits arrested, valuables recovered HYDERABAD: Excavator is being used to remove encroachments near Al Quresh Hospital. ONLINE

Rangers detain KU assistant registrar KARACHI sTAFF rEPOrT

Sindh Rangers have detained Assistant Registrar University of Karachi (KU) Arif Haider during a raid at the

campus. The KU Assistant Registrar was detained from his office, the administration of the varsity said, however, they were unaware of further details. Meanwhile, the Rangers

spokesman said the paramilitary force personnel arrested six suspects from Korangi, Jamshed Town, Saudabad and City Town during targeted operation. Those arrested include four

China’s prestigious National Art Museum to display Jimmy Engineer’s artwork

members of a banned outfit and one affiliated to military wing of a political party. An alleged hitman was apprehended from Saudabad. Rangers recovered weapons from the possession of suspects.

3-day Pak Water Expo ends with over Rs 30 million business deals KARACHI APP


To further consolidate the decades-old Pak-China friendship, and to further deepen the bond between the two countries, a donation of a historical work of art by renowned Pakistan artist, Jimmy Engineer, has been made to the National Art Museum of China, Beijing. This is the first time ever any Pakistan artist’s work has been featured in China’s premiere museum. The Chinese consulate in Karachi approached Jimmy Engineer to donate one of his works to China’s museum, and after going through a vetting process, the museum accepted a masterpiece for their permanent collection.

The painting that has been selected for the museum is titled ‘International Architectural Composition’. It is 3 feet by 6 inches oil on canvas painting completed last year. In the third week of March, the embassy of Pakistan in Beijing will be organising an art exhibition, featuring Jimmy Engineer’s work. Pakistan’s Ambassador to China Masood Khalid, along with Jimmy Engineer, will officially present the said painting to the National Art Museum of China. Jimmy Engineer is an artist and social worker who has devoted his life to helping the less fortunate, especially disabled children, through his art. He has organised and participated

in a number of initiatives to raise funds for such causes. “As an artist and social worker, I feel I have a responsibility to promote a positive image of Pakistan, not only within the country but all over the world,” said Jimmy Engineer. He has won around 85 commendation certificates and awards from different organisations across the globe, including National Endowment for the Arts Award, USA, in 1988, gold medal by International Cosmopolitan Rotary Club of Pakistan in 1997, human rights medal by the Human Rights Society of Pakistan in 2000, Sitara-e-Imtiaz in 2005, and the Peace Ambassador’s medal by China World Peace Foundation Beijing in 2016.


KARACHI: Two dacoits on Thursday were arrested in an injured condition after an encounter with the New Karachi Police. Police sources said that both of the accused identified as Zeeshan alias Commando and Syed Zeeshan were arrested from New Karachi Sector I/11 after getting injured in a police encounter. The police also recovered allegedly snatched mobile phones, motorcycle, cash, TT Pistol and bullets from the accused. The accused are said to be involved in cases of dacoity, robberies, motorcycles and mobile phones snatching and extortion. APP

The second 3-day Pak Water Expo concluded at Expo Centre on Thursday with over 30 million rupees business deals. The water expo was organised by Prime Event Management (PEM) in collaboration with Karachi Water and Sewerage Board. Deputy Mayor Karachi Metropolitan Corporation (KMC) Dr Arshad Abdullah Vohra was the chief guest at the closing ceremony. Later, talking to media persons, Dr Vohra said such exhibitions should be held twice a year to create awareness among the masses about efficient use of water through modern technology, and more business opportunities for local and international companies.

He said that the sewerage board performance during past years was not satisfactory. “Sewerage system of the city must be replaced to get maximum benefits from K-IV project as this will also take two and a half years for completion. Water supply and sewage lines were mixed causing diarrhoeal diseases, he added. Dr Vohra said all the proposals submitted by Karachi Mayor Wasim Akhtar should be approved at the earliest in the interest of people. There was need of water treatment plants in the city. The city government, he said, could afford water desalination plants due to their higher cost. Talking to media persons, Director PEM Kamran Abbasi said over 30 million rupees business deals were matured which was a positive outcome and encouraging for the organisers and exhibitors.


Friday, 13 January, 2017

RS – “To be, or not to be”

Minorities and Nawaz Sharif “…and miles to go before I sleep”

Even post retirement, Pakistan’s knight in shining armour cannot escape the spotlight


PEAKING at Katas Raj near Chakwal, which is one of the holiest Hindu shrines in South Asia, Nawaz Sharif said all the right things about the minorities in Pakistan. He maintained that all citizens are equal in the country irrespective of their multiple faiths. He reprimanded the narrow-minded clerics who misinterpret Islam by preaching hatred against other religions. The Holy Prophet (PBUH), he said, has taught the Muslims to serve and protect the minorities. He called the misinterpretation of Islam by extremist elements unlawful and said none should try to spread such views. He also called upon the people not to heed to the merchants of hate. Referring to the gathering at Katas Raj where a number of leaders belonging to Muslim, Hindu, Sikh and Christian communities were present he said the assembly sends out a message to the world that non-Muslims are equal citizens of this country and they are playing a vital role in its progress. The Prime Minister, however, needs to realise that not enough is being done to rein in the elements that spread hatred against other religions and sects. Little has been done so far to eradicate extremist thinking which has struck deep roots in society. The plight of the Ahmadi community is particularly worth mentioning. Courageous but symbolic gestures like renaming the National Centre for Physics as Dr Abdus Salam Centre for Physics are not enough to undo the injustice being done to the community which is constantly under attack. The Shia community faces a similar ordeal. It is time the government prepares a counter narrative and undertakes a multi-dimensional, sustained and all out campaign against extremism. The government needs to locate and restore hundreds of Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh and Christian sites in the country. What is more it needs to make them accessible and provide amenities for visitors. This would not only weaken extremism but also improve the country’s image in the word. Pakistan also stands to gain economically from religious tourism that will draw people from around the world in large numbers.

Wealth accumulates, men expire Seven more poor labourers sacrificed at the altar of a mega-project


HE orange Train project which has turned parts of Lahore into a war zone has taken on an ominous crimson hue. As usual, it is the downtrodden and marginalised who bear the brunt of callousness, greed for quick bucks, and the corruption rampant in the glut of government departments supposedly looking after worker welfare. The unlucky seven were contract workers constructing a section of the grandiose project, but 250 were housed in an overcrowded building with a hazardous environment. The arrangement was of a primitive revolving door type, one lot worked while another slept in the same quarters. Gas cylinders were reportedly crammed in the rooms with the workers clothing, quilts and personal possessions. So when a fire erupted suddenly, the slumbering workers stood little chance when the flames overwhelmed them. Seven dead, and 14 injured is reportedly the blood count for this tragedy. In May 2016, the worker casualty toll associated with the project was 7 dead and 4 injured, in July 2016, 4 killed and 4 injured, while another mishap claimed 4 dead by electrocution. The orange Train project seems to be the Grim Reaper’s headquarters. And one must not forget the two incidents of fire in Gidani, in which the official death toll of 24 and 5 respectively, seems widely understated, especially for the November explosion. The causes were similar, a dangerous environment, apathy and voraciousness of employers, and the victims, again underpaid and overworked contract workers. A case will of course be registered against the construction company, but everybody knows that little will come of it. It is primarily the state’s responsibility to provide and ensure adequate social protection to workers, but the employers also need to review their present uncaring business practices. The government needs to enforce the existing laws meant to reduce industrial hazards. The government departments which ensure compliance with these laws need to be properly monitored to ensure that bribe does not lead to neglect in their enforcement. For this the government needs to devise supervisory machinery.

Dedicated to the legacy of the late Hameed Nizami

Arif Nizami Editor

Aziz-ud-Din Ahmad Joint Editor Lahore – Ph: 042-36300938, 042-36375965


gets them; even from Egypt which perceives a leadership role for itself. Even highly respected and balanced security analysts like Ayaz Amir, in his op-Ed ‘Spectacular dive of the ghazi general’ sounded despondent, contrary to his earlier sanguine opinion pieces regarding RS. Apparently we became oblivious of the December 23, 2016 fauxpas of Khawaja Asif, who responded hastily to the fake story of an apparent threat to Pakistan by Israel. Reacting through his official Twitter, without confirming the veracity of the story, Pakistan’s Defence Minister fired a broadside at Israel with a counter threat that “Israeli def min threatens nuclear retaliation presuming Pak role in Syria against Daesh. Israel forgets Pakistan is a Nuclear state too”. The embarrassment must have been huge when Israel responded on Twitter to Asif’s blunder, notifying him that the former Israeli Defence Minister’s statement quoted in AWD News was completely false. on my return to Pakistan, also on January 10, I found bouquets as well as brickbats being showered on RS. As expected, Khawaja Asif took a complete U-turn and retracted his statement before the Senate, saying that no formal request for granting an NoC had been received from the ex-CoAS. Mr Sartaj Aziz, adviser to the prime minister on foreign affairs, who had been summoned by the senate chair to explain the foreign policy implications of General Sharif’s appointment, said he would make a statement if such a situation developed. Different members of the Senate expressed serious concern about RS joining the coalition especially in light of Pakistan not being a member of the coalition itself, a decision which had been adopted unanimously by the parliament. A second op-Ed appearing on January 12 by another respected analyst Nasim Zehra titled ‘Fact and fiction’ in the same space where Ayaz Amir’s opinion piece was published two days earlier, shed some light on the RS dilemma. Nasim Zehra men-

Sultan M Hali


o be, or not to be” appears to be apt for the dilemma of Pakistan’s former Chief of Army Staff (CoAS) General Raheel Sharif (RS), who relinquished command, barely 45 days ago, but continues to hog media space; be it in speculative manner whether he is going to accept the command of the 39 nation Islamic alliance to combat terrorism. This scribe was in Saudi Arabia to perform Umrah and returned on January 10. The night before my departure, at a dinner hosted by a close childhood friend of mine at Jeddah, which was attended by both Pakistani and Saudi influentials, the topic invariably turned to the inevitable question of Raheel Sharif’s quandary. Credence was lent to RS weighing the options because of his presence in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) apparently for Umrah. The question appeared to have been settled by Pakistan’s Defence Minister Khawaja Asif, who confirmed during a talk show on a private TV Channel that the former Pakistani Army Chief had accepted the Saudi offer of leading the 39 nation coalition - coming from the honourable Defence Minister, it was taken as the gospel truth. There were cries of anguish from Iran because prima facie the coalition tar-

tions five points as being particularly noteworthy. one, based on the former army chief’s discussions in Riyadh, the proposed coalition will initially focus on enhancement of Counter Terrorism capacity including controlling terror funding, Muslim image-building and other aspects. Presently, there is no plan to raise an army and the coalition will not be involved in physically fighting terrorism. The proposed Defence Council will determine its mandate. Two, initially the governing structure of the coalition will comprise the defence ministers of all 39 countries. Three the coalition will collaborate with international institutions like the UN, NATo and others. Four, General Sharif conveyed to the Saudis that his condition for involvement would be the inclusion of countries like Iran and Iraq in the Defence Council. Five that Sharif will only take up an assignment with the Saudis after he obtains clearance from the government and the GHQ. The Saudi proposal on the coalition setup and on the former army chief’s involvement is expected to be sent to Pakistan by March. This would be followed by the vetting process, including security clearance, within the GHQ and by the government of the proposal. With the joint command in the hands of the Joint Defence Council, Sharif will likely be asked to be chief adviser. The informed analyst opines that for now it is unclear to what extent the Saudis will agree to Sharif’s proposals regarding the coalition. However, given the latest discussions that Pakistan’s former chief is being said to have had in Riyadh, it is unclear to what extent Pakistan will get involved in the 39member Saudi coalition. Equally General Raheel Sharif’s future with the coalition too is uncertain. Perhaps it is time that RS himself clears the air. The apparent reason unprejudiced scholars like Ayaz Amir sound so bitter is that RS had brought with him a glimmer of hope of rescuing

this beleaguered nation from the twelve headed Hydra of terrorism. He took bold decisions, slew many dragons and put to rest many shibboleth and myth regarding the army’s reluctance to take on the terror mongers head on in North Waziristan. Resultantly, ordinary Pakistanis, fraught with despondency and apparent callousness and political constraints of the elected government to resolve serious issues, pinned their hopes on their Knight in Shining armour. Perhaps he too is human and could achieve this much, for which the nation is grateful. He also tried to rid the army of corruption and set examples for the civilian government to emulate, but conceivably going way beyond the constitutional mandate of the CoAS was not prudent. He did announce his retirement date ten months earlier and departed on the absolute date set. Accepting the leadership of the 39 nation coalition would possibly confirm the rumours that he was after pelf and seeking the appointment all along. All said and done, it is a matter of pride that RS an Army Chief from Pakistan was even considered to lead the alliance. It speaks volumes for RS as well as the institution he led and the sacrifices the valiant armed forces and people of Pakistan have rendered in combating terrorism. The closing comment of Ayaz Amir “Ah, the litmus test: would Mustafa Kemal have taken service under any crown? Is there something wrong with the soil and water of Pakistan?” is apparently a cry of anguish from a sensitive bona fide patriot who has seen and read the tales deceit by the Mir Jafars and Mir Sadiqs of this very land. Perhaps brother Ayaz was premature in his harsh judgmental comment. Time will tell as to which path was taken. Let us hope it is to heal and unite the ummah and not further divide it. Sultan M Hali is a retired Group Captain and author of the book Defence & Diplomacy. Currently he is a columnist, analyst and TV talk show host.

Infrastructure development and industrialisation Pakistan may not be there yet, but slowly yet surely, it will be

Malik MuHaMMad aSHraf


HE phenomenal economic prosperity and industrial development in Asian countries such as China, South Korea, Singapore and Malaysia during the last three decades is a ranting testimony of the reality that attainment of high level growth needs industrialisation and lessening dependence on the agriculture sector. Unfortunately Pakistan has failed to achieve such rapid industrialisation due to successive governments. However it is heartening to note that, by becoming part of the CPEC, Pakistan is poised to not only make up for the lost opportunities but also to become an economic power house within the next two decades. Apart from radically changing the dynamics of regional connectivity and trade it is going to act as a catalyst in the process of transition from an agricultural economy to an industrial economy. Development of physical infrastructure under the CPEC will lay a firm foundation for industrial-

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isation. The road infrastructure will ensure access to markets for producers and consumers besides affording an opportunity to manufacturers in Pakistan to export to Central Asian countries and China. The focus of the PML-N government on the development of infrastructure during all its tenures, notwithstanding the criticism of its detractors stemming from their narrow political ends, undoubtedly was a right. Gwadar Port, three routes of the corridor energy projects are the engines of growth. Hopefully the special industrial zones to be set up at Balochistan, KP, Sindh, Punjab, GB, AJK, and in FATA besides two projects of the federal government at Islamabad and Port Qasim, would nudge the process of rapid industrialisation in the country. The stream of the energy producing projects by the end of 2018 and the plans to generate another 30000 MW of electricity by 2030 will not only help to overcome the present energy crisis but would also cater to the future requirements of country. It is pertinent to point out that the sites of the special industrial zones have been finalised in consultation with the provincial governments. The scope of the CPEC was further widened at the sixth meeting of the Joint Coordination Committee (JCC), including Bhasha Dam, PeshawarKarachi railway line, Karachi Circular Railway, orange Line Train, Keti Bandar, special economic zones and three more energy projects in Sindh. With this development CPEC has surely become a national rallying point, above the partisan lines for which credit goes to the vision and sagacity shown by the government as well as the positive response given by the provinces. It is a win-win situation for all. CPEC admittedly is an inclusive undertaking that mirrors a new source of unity and strength in Pakistan. It is also gratifying to note that as a result of the

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policies pursued by the PML-N government there has been a tremendous economic turn-around, duly acknowledged internationally. Pakistan’s stock exchange has been ranked as the fifth best in the world. Rating agencies have also improved country’s ratings. Transparency International has indicated a nose-dive in corruption in Pakistan. No major corruption scandal has been reported in the media. The security environment has also improved significantly as a result of operation Zarb-e-Azb and the implementation of NAP. These are all positive portents in regards to kick-start the process of sustained economic growth in the country. The civil and military leadership have an unswerving commitment to implementing CPEC ensuring the safety of Chinese workers and securing the developed infrastructure. A special security division comprising 15000 personnel has been created in this regard. Work on development projects at Gwadar is in full swing and FWo has already completed construction of 850 Km of roads in Balochistan as part of the western route. It is estimated that with the completion of CPEC there will be nearly 3% jump in GDP growth. That indicates how big a stake Pakistan has in the timely implementation of CPEC. The economic situation in the country requires national consensus on the economic policies based on vision and pragmatism, bidding adieu to politics of self-aggrandisement, negativity and spreading despair and frustration among the masses. Detractors of the present government need to see the realities in their true perspective and play their role in the advancement of the country, in conformity with the demands of their profession as the fourth pillar of the state. Malik Muhammad Ashraf is an academic. He can be contacted at: ashpak10@gmail.com I

Email: editorial@pakistantoday.com.pk


Friday, 13 January, 2017

Editor’s mail

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Pakistan and the exit of multinational pharmaceutical companies

Trump: “Close the open hand out of love” History has its eyes on you

dr alon Ben-Meir


RESIDENT-ELECT Trump’s appointment of David Friedman (known for his support of the settlements) to be the US ambassador to Israel, his appointment of Walid Phares (a Maronite Christian known for his pro-Israel track record and distaste for the Palestinians) as his Middle East advisor, and charging his son-in-law Jared Kushner (who is a staunch supporter of Israel and was recently appointed as Senior Advisor to the President) to take the lead in the search for a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, all suggest there could be a major change in US policy toward the conflict. These appointments, coupled with Trump’s campaign promise to relocate the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, may well translate to unfettered support for settlements and the annexation of more Palestinian territory. Should this come to pass, it will jeopardise the prospect of a two-state solution and the future of Israel as a viable Jewish state, not to mention the endless violence that would ensue. We are already hearing the alarm bells from various Arab capitals. The victory of the Palestinians on the passage of UN Resolution 2334 that condemns the Israeli settlements has now been overshadowed by a sense of deep trepidation, while stirring major concerns among moderate Israelis and Europeans who don’t know what to expect and how troublesome the situation may become. Many members of the Israeli government feel emboldened by these developments. Education Minister Naftali Bennett has called for the annexation of the third largest settlement Ma’ale Adumim, a few minutes’ drive from East Jerusalem, which would virtually cut the West Bank in half and prevent the rise of a viable and contiguous Palestinian state. He further implored Netanyahu to rule out the establishment of a Palestinian state during his first meeting with President Trump, stating “The next few weeks present a unique window of opportunity for Israel.” For Netanyahu, Trump as president is simply heaven-sent. He believes that even though he won’t succeed in convincing Trump to shred the Iran deal because of the international repercussions which Trump cannot dismiss, the Trump administration will leave him to his own devices to expand the settlements and gradually render the prospect of a Palestinian state unfeasible by creating irreversible facts on the ground. The irony here is that many of those who claim to care about Israel’s future security and wellbeing do not want to acknowledge that the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza are not a fading phenomenon. Yes, Israel can build another 100 settlements and annex much of the West Bank, but what then? Will the Palestinians, the Arab world, and the international community simply sit on their hands and do nothing? Those unflinching supporters of Israel

should be true to themselves and answer—where will Israel be in 10 or 15 years? Will it be a Jewish state? A democratic state? An apartheid state? A bi-national state? What legal system will be in place to govern the West Bank? Will it be civilian or military? Will there be two different laws, one for the Palestinians and one for the settlers? What is the vision of the detractors who oppose the creation of a Palestinian state about the relationship between Israel and the Palestinians? What does Netanyahu mean when he repeatedly invokes the Jews’ claim to the entire “land of Israel?” Does Bennett have any clue what will happen following the annexation of Ma’ale Adumim, or the annexation of Area C which represents 61 per cent of the West Bank? What will be the reaction of the Arab states? Can Netanyahu count on their cooperation during the next Palestinian uprising, which is bound to erupt once their hope for a state is dashed completely? What will be the outcome of the next Gaza war, and what will be the extent of the collateral damage? Yes, Israel can reoccupy Gaza and decapitate Hamas’ leaders (as Israel’s Defence Minister Lieberman recently retorted), but is Israel willing to govern over 1.8 million Palestinians? At what cost, in both blood and treasure? If not, what happens when the next round of rockets rains down daily, terrifying every Israeli? Can the Israeli technology and anti-terror capabilities that Netanyahu boasts about bring peace? How, one might ask? Will the Arab states simply forget about the Palestinians’ plight only because they are currently collaborating with Israel on matters of security and intelligence-sharing to lessen Iranian threats? Finally, have Netanyahu, Bennett, and their like considered the international outcry, condemnation, and sanctions that would ensue, and how isolated Israel will be? Have they thought about what Jews around the world would be subjected to? Anti-Semitism will intensify and Jewish businesses and organisations will be seen as ‘fair targets’ for terrorism. The young generation of Jews will be further alienated, whose immigration to Israel is already in decline. They will no longer view Israel as a safe haven for Jews but as a major liability, and do not want to enlist in the IDF and be assigned to oppress the Palestinians and deny them the right to be free. What many Israeli madmen and women in and out of the government (like Netanyahu, Bennett, Lieberman, Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, Culture Minister Miri Regev, and their cohorts) refuse to realise is that they can manipulate, manoeuvre, manage, or mar the Palestinians only up to a point—but they cannot control them indefinitely. Netanyahu, in particular, skilfully uses fear tactics and takes advantage of Palestinian incitement to justify his claim that they are not interested in peace. Their most blatant lie is the contention that once Israel evacuates the West Bank, the territories will become just another Gaza (a ‘Hamastan’), a launching pad for rockets and terrorism, when in fact the withdrawal from Gaza was unilateral without any coordination with the Palestinian Authority in charge of Gaza at the time. The economic dependency of the Palestinians in the West Bank on Israel, and security cooperation will not end once there is a peace agreement. Israel is and will remain the economic lifeline for the Palestinians for decades. The Palestinians seek political independence but they cannot (nor do they want to) simply divorce themselves from Israel completely because of these ties. They know about Egypt and Jordan’s extensive collaboration with Israel in these areas and how much

they benefit from having peace with Israel. I do not, however, exempt the Palestinians for one moment from responsibility. It is time they stop living in the past; violence and incitement against Israel will do nothing but deprive them of the very thing they want to achieve—a state of their own. They must be prepared to pay the price for wanting to be free. They must learn how to shoulder their responsibility, clean up their corrupt political system, and focus on building the infrastructure and institutions of a state. Above all, they must stop poisoning the next generation of Palestinians against Israel, as doing so only victimises these young boys and girls and deprives them of a better and more promising future. Before Friedman, Phares, and Kushner advise the president on how to deal with the IsraeliPalestinian conflict, they must answer all of these questions which have major bearing on Israel’s very future. I absolutely believe they all genuinely care about Israel and want to do everything they can to ensure its security and prosperity, at peace with its neighbours. But here is where tough love is needed. As Nietzsche succinctly put it, “This is the hardest of all: to close the open hand out of love, and keep modest as a giver.” This is precisely the point. Because of their commitment to Israel’s wellbeing, they must carefully think about the ramifications if they recommend to the president to fulfil his campaign promise to relocate the US embassy to Jerusalem without simultaneously acknowledging the right of the Palestinians to establish their own capital in East Jerusalem once a peace agreement is achieved. They must warily consider the implications if Israel were to annex Ma’ale Adumim without agreed-upon land swaps while ensuring a future Palestinian state maintains land contiguity. They must be extraordinarily cautious not to give Netanyahu a blank check to expand the settlements and scuttle the two-state solution and put Israel’s future in peril. As a deal maker, Trump knows that no unilateral action by one party can seal a deal. An agreement between Israel and the Palestinians must be equitable—a non-zero sum approach that answers to the aspirations of both people, especially because they have no choice but to coexist. Their destiny, like it or not, is intertwined—either they live in peace and harmony, or in perpetual violence, death, and destruction. Neither can have it their way only. Here is where you, Mr Trump, can play a historic role. As a deal maker, I implore you: do not give Netanyahu what he wants. If you do, you will rob the vast majority of Israelis and Palestinians of everything they aspire for and set in motion an unrelenting cycle of violence that will spare neither side decades of more pain, agony, death, and destruction. A good and sustainable deal requires give and take; each side must make the necessary concessions and create a mutuality of vested interests to ensure its durability. Kushner is the least zealous; he knows the Israeli scene well and understands that anything short of even-handed peace will be to Israel’s detriment. We can only hope that he will use his influence as a senior advisor and pave the way for President Trump to make the deal that all of his predecessors failed to achieve. As the visionary David Ben-Gurion, who was the leading founder of the state of Israel and its first Prime Minister, put it, “Better a Jewish state on part of the land than all of the land without a state.” Dr Alon ben-Meir is a professor of international relations at the Centre for Global Affairs at nYu. He teaches courses on international negotiation and Middle Eastern studies. alon@alonben-meir.com

THIS is with reference to the news about the increasing exit of multinational pharmaceutical companies from Pakistan. Within less than a decade, some 12 multinational companies (MNCs) in the sector have entirely ceased their operations and exited Pakistan, while the remaining 24 MNCs have reduced their manufacturing operations to a considerable level owing to inefficient capacity utilisation. In statistical terms, the exit of the pharmaceutical company throws a huge investment down the drain and creates a gap of some $18 million in the medicinal market, while affecting more than 1,000 households directly in terms of unemployment, job insecurity and unused capacity. In a complete contrast, the pharmaceutical industry of India is at its peak. Recently, it has invited Japan’s pharma industry to locate their production units in India, which has become an ideal choice for multinational companies to set up their ventures, either wholly owned or in joint partnership with Indian companies. Unfortunately, most of the manufacturing and production facilities in Pakistan are entirely underused and have become non-competitive in relation to the industry benchmark followed in the region. Being on the verge of total collapse, the pharmaceutical industry needs govt support more than ever. SYED OVAIS AKHTAR Karachi

Guideline for local govt women councillors DURING a visit to Mansehra, a local government woman councillor of the PTI asked me: what is the role of women in the district, tehsil and UC local government? I did not have an answer because I had not read the local government act with this question in mind. So I read the act again as well as rules of business. Frankly, there is nothing in the act or rules of business that clearly specify the role assigned to women councillors. But there is an item in Schedule 3 of the rules of business that is titled “empowerment of women”. This item can be used by our women councillors to define their roles and develop some projects. I also spoke to a woman councillor in Punjab and she was also not aware of her roles and responsibilities. I propose to all our women councillors to do the following: 1. Form a women’s committee at the district, tehsil, and UC level. 2. Focus on dealing with issues related to women harassment in the workplace including domestic servants; helping women in dealing with domestic violence; uplift of girls schools and colleges; provide guidance to women entrepreneurs to start a small business, and improve the performance of women’s wards in hospitals. 3. Develop projects to deal with the areas outlined in item 2 and prepare its budget. Submit these projects to the district, tehsil and UC levels for funding. 4. Develop liaison with NGos that are dealing with women related issues and work closely with them. Women have to lead in these efforts but it will not be an easy task as many hurdles will be placed in your way. But don’t get discouraged and work as a team to overcome it. We will InshaAllah provide as much help as we can. AbDuL QuAYYuM KHAn KunDI

From NAP to nip NATIoNAL Action Plan which was extensively designed to nip the evil in the bud has successfully achieved its initial goals of combating hardened criminals in the far flung areas of our motherland. Unwavering resolve of our civil and military leadership allied with wide political support and sympathies of the masses, is commendable for clarity of vision and direction to curb this menace of terrorism from our soil. For the second phase of National Action Plan strategies need to be implemented in the wider range so that to wipe out this evil of terrorism from every inch of our social fabric. The task is daunting and challenging no doubt but National resolve with apt strategies will surely lead towards lasting achievements. MARIA RASHID Lahore

Say “no” to plastic THE widespread use of plastic carry bags undoubtedly poses a serious problem. With global warming on the rise, we have to do every bit that we can to save the environment. The major chemicals that go into the making of plastic are highly toxic and pose a serious threat to living beings of all species on earth. While there should be a strict ban on plastics, considering its ill-effects on the human beings and the environment, people should desist from accepting material in plastic bags. It is the moral duty of people to refrain from using plastic bags. While educating people on the need to shun plastic, we also need to make available cheaper, safer, durable alternatives. Cloth and jute bags need to be attractively priced, easily available. Authorities alone cannot be blamed for the plastic pollution. If every individual resolves not to use plastic bags, our cities would be much better places to live in. Unless we honestly implement all ways to eliminate plastic, its ill-effects will continue to be with us. The little that we can do without much effort from our side is to say “no” to plastic bags. VInOD C DIXIT


Friday, 13 January, 2017

DaR, GooGle DIRectoR DIscuss collaboRatIon foR economIc DIGItalIsatIon ISLAMABAD



OOGLE Director Ann Lavin called on Finance Minister Senator Ishaq Dar on Thursday and discussed the possibilities of her company’s collaboration in digitalisation of economic activity in Pakistan. During the meeting, Lavin acknowledged the economic progress of Pakistan in the last three years. She said her company can play a role in IT development, promotion of e-commerce and assistance in attracting investment. The finance minister asked Google’s director for Public Policy and Government Relations, Southeast Asia and Greater China, to submit a complete plan for consideration by the rel-

evant stakeholders. He said that the government is committed to provide a level playing field to all the prospective local and foreign investors. The minister said that Pakistan has been projected by renowned international institutions as the second choice for investment in the world. The finance minister said that the turnaround of Pakistan’s economy, macro-economic stability, improvement of energy and security situation in the country has provided a favourable atmosphere for enhanced commercial activity and foreign direct investment. He said that a number of new entrants have also shown a keen interest to invest in Pakistan’s IT sector. The meeting was attended by the senior officials of the Finance Division and Google.

3G, 4G users touch 36.41m mark

EXPORTERS URGED TO BENEFIT FROM INCENTIVES ISLAMABAD: Finance Minister Senator Ishaq Dar on Thursday urged exporters to make all efforts to benefit from the export incentive packages announced by the prime minister the other day. Talking to Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industries (FPCCI) President Zubair Tufail, who called on him, the minister said it was the largest export incentive package in Pakistan’s history. He urged the exporters to show the results in exports which the government desired and the country needed. The finance minister highlighted that under the package, the incentives for FY 2017-18 would be available to those exporters who would achieve an increase of 10pc in their exports as compared to their exports for FY 201617. He said this would ensure that the benefits of the package would be availed by exporters on the basis of their productivity. He emphasised that the announcement of this package by the prime minister demonstrated the government’s strong commitment to achieve higher, sustainable and inclusive export-led growth. He expressed confidence that the package would serve as a catalyst for exports and would provide a major boost to the economic growth. APP

‘80 per cent M&A ventures fail’


The number of 3G and 4G users in the country had reached 36.412 million by November against 35.45 million by October of the last year. The number of mobile phone users reached 135.866 million by November, 2016 from 134.911 million by October, registering an increase of around 0.94 million during the mentioned period. Statistics issued by Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) on Thursday revealed that the number of 3G subscribers of Mobilink, Zong and Telenor had reached 12.148 million, 6.824 million and 9.504 million by November 2016 against 11.779 million, 6.680 million and 9.237 million by end of October, respectively. The number of 3G users of Ufone reached 5.21 million till the period November 2016; Warid LTE subscribers reached 635,054 by the end of November against 599,785 by October 2016. The number of Zong 4G users jumped from 1,903,285 subscribers during October 2016 to 2,080,720 subscribers by the end of November, 2016. Mobile tele-density reached at 69.60 percent and broadband subscribers increased to 39,023,370 during the period under review. According to data, total revenue of the telecom sector for fiscal year 2015-16 stood at Rs 456.37 billion, slightly up from Rs. 449.54 billion reported during same period of the previous year. Total telecom investment during fiscal year 2015-16 remained at $ 719.7 million against $1,001 million in 2014-15. The country attracted $659.4 million from cellular mobile companies in 2015-16 against $ 977.6 million during the same period of the previous year.


Companies should be cautious before making any deal as almost 80 percent of the Merger and Acquisition (M&A) ventures in the world meet failure in just 18 months, said Management Consultant Usman Ghani, referring to a study of Mckinsey, an international management consulting firm. Mostly culture differences of the merging organisations become barriers, and the main purpose of due diligence is to see if there are any cultural barriers between the companies, said Usman, Conflucore Chairman, while giving a talk on Merger and Acquisition (M&A) in a conference arranged by TerraBiz. According to global consulting firms Mckinsey and PWC, 80 to 90

percent of companies fail to get synergy due to culture differences, while according to E&Y, at least culture is 60 percent responsible for the M&A failures. Most companies conduct accounting based due diligence, however, they should conduct it holistically “realities are not linear like numbers,” he said. Accountant like numbers so in due diligence they look upon numbers and neglect the rest of the facts, putting them in notes column which is never read afterwards. “By nature, everything is dynamic so do the companies, we should not reduce them to statistic analysis,” Usman said. A number of companies may feel good but we should keep in mind, before merging with or acquiring it, the knowledge, technology trend, taste

and other factors, which might get change after a certain period. We can see the example of Blackberry which made best thumb key saying there is no such thing as touch screen whereas Apple saw ground reality and succeed by meeting the needs and taste of the consumers. He was of the view that Pakistan has more acquisition culture than merger; besides this, merger and acquisition are different subjects so we should study them separately. He said both parties should take care of customer value in their mind; sooner or later they will get shareholder value as well. Only those M&A survived which focused on their customers; before M&A they should also observe employees’ inclinations as they are the key in bringing success to the company.

Rs 25b allotted for gas infrastructure development, IP gas pipeline ISLAMABAD APP

The government has allocated Rs 25 billion for the development of gas infrastructure across the country, including the muchawaited Iran-Pakistan (IP) gas pipeline project. “An allocation of Rs 25 billion has been made in the current fiscal year under the head of Gas Infrastructure Development Cess (GIDC) for the infrastructure development including IP gas pipeline project,” official sources told APP. Answering a question, they said Pakistan was actively pursuing the project implementation and it had requested Iran for amendment in the Gas Sales Purchase Agreement (GSPA) for completing the project in an extended period. Accordingly, a draft amendment had also been shared with Iran, the sources said, adding that the project was also discussed during the visit of Iranian president to Pakistan last year. During the visit, both Pakistan and Iran had agreed to revive discussion on the project in the wake of removal of international sanctions on Iran. “Pursuant to the meeting, Iranian side had invited Pakistan for a meeting, so a Pakistani delegation is expected to visit Iran shortly for which necessary approval has been sought from the competent authority,” the sources said. Sharing details of the project, they said Inter-Governmental Framework Declaration was signed between the two countries on May 24, 2009, while GSPA had reached on June 2009. Subsequently, Pakistan issued sovereign guarantee on May 28, 2010. A project consultant was appointed on April 11, 2011, while the design, feasibility, route survey and other formalities of the project were completed on September 8, 2012. The 56-inch diameter pipeline will initiate from South Pars gas field Iran and end at Nawabshah covering a distance of around 1,931 kilometres with 1,150 km portion in Iran and 781 km in Pakistan. The implementation is to be done on the basis of a segmented approach whereby each country will be responsible for construction of pipeline in the respective territory. The 750 mmcfd gas flow in the pipeline is projected to help generate over 4000 MW electricity, along with creating job opportunities in the remote areas of Balochistan and Sindh.


Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Thursday said Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan being members of Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) can jointly achieve the goals in areas including transport, energy, and trade policy to alleviate poverty in the region. Talking to Kojoshev Arzybek Orozbekovich, Minister of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic, at the PM House, the prime minister said promotion of regional connectivity is one of the seven pillars of the government’s development strategy. The prime minister said the government was actively pursuing this initiative which had the potential to integrate South Asia, China and Central Asia-the three engines of growth in Asia. The prime minister said Pakistan economic growth rate had raised by 4.84 per-

cent during last three years and it now offered great investment opportunities for foreign investors. He said Pakistan had embarked upon a major reform programme that aims at fiscal stabilisation, mobilising domestic resources, phasing out subsides, restructuring the power sector and other public sector enterprises. The prime minister said the role of CASA 1000 was important in redressing the power shortages in Pakistan and expressed satisfaction over the project’s progress. He mentioned that the recent meeting of Joint Working Group held in Dubai on December 5-8, 2016, took some important decisions which will ensure the project’s timely completion. The prime minister hoped that the third session of Pak-Kyrgyzstan JMC would prove fruitful in enhancing bilateral trade and economic relationships. Pakistan-Kyrgyzstan Joint Ministerial

Commission (JMC) session decided on Thursday to enhance the cooperation in various fields of economy, particularly trade and energy. The two-day third session of the JMC was jointly chaired by Federal Minister


for Water and Power Khawaja Asif and Krgyzstan’s Minister of Economy, Arzybek Orozbekovich. Both ministers signed Protocol of the Session at the conclusion of the JMC session. It was agreed that a Joint Working

Group on Industry would be established and hold its first session soon with mutual consent, while for textile manufactures the JMC had decided that a joint Krygyzstan-Pakistan venture would be launched. Kyrgyz representatives showed keen interest to explore the potential of export of Pakistani goods to Kyrgyzstan, especially in the surgical, textile (leather), sports and cutlery sectors. The possibility of procurement of Kyrgyz ammunition by armed forces of Pakistan from Kyrgyz producers was also explored during the session. Pakistan also offered fully funded short-term trainings in banking sector under Pakistan Technical Assistance Programme (PTAP) and sought nominations from Kyrgyzsan by April. Meanwhile, talking to media persons, Khawaja Asif said trade volume between the two countries was just $2.5 million which was far lower than the potential.


Friday, 13 January, 2017


oGRa RestRIcts omcs fRom exPanDInG RetaIl outlets ISLAMABAD


KARACHI: TerraBiz organised a talk on “Succeeding at M&A Through Confluence” on January 11 in Karachi. On the occasion, Usman A Ghani, Advisor to the Dean and Clinical Professor at The Leadership Centre, University of Texas in Dallas, and Chairman, ConfluCore, LLP (Left to Right) Hasan Ali Abdullah, Managing Director & Chief Executive, EFU General Insurance Limited, present a memento to Usman Ghani along with Hamza Wasi Hashmi, CEO, TerraBiz. PR

bank al Habib launches al Habib Zamanat account KARACHI: Bank AL Habib has launched an investment account ‘AL Habib Zamanat Account’ with free life insurance for the entire tenure and ensures payment of plan amount. The Account is designed as a savings tool that enables the customers to plan and save from now for the future. The Account can be opened with as low as Rs. 2,000 with an option to invest a lump sum or in installments. At present, Bank AL Habib has a network of 605 branches & sub-branches in 210 cities including overseas branches in Bahrain, Malaysia and Seychelles. The Bank also has representative offices in Dubai, Turkey and China. PRESS RELEASE

snGPl striving for uninterrupted gas supply LAHORE: It has always been foremost priority of SNGPL management to provide round the clock and uninterrupted gas supply to its valued consumers. The gas supply is increased to 1500 MMCFD compared to 1174 MMCFD in last year has addition of 326 MMCFD, improving the supply to all consumers. This year’s low pressure complains are far less than previous years due to inclusion of RLNG in the system. Low pressure, if any, are only being encountered at tail end areas of the network. In order to ensure smooth operations of the system, it has been decided that RLNG supply of CNG sector shall remain suspended from 1800 Hrs to 1800 Hrs from January 11, 2017 till January 14, 2017. The up gradation and construction works are being carried out by SNGPL on war footing to ensure uninterrupted gas supply to its consumers in years to come. We request cooperation from our valued consumers to use natural gas for essential purpose like cooking and refrain themselves from wasting precious natural resource. It is requested to turn on geyser 30 min before use then turn it on pilot after use. PRESS RELEASE


HE Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) has restricted 13 oil marketing companies (OMCs) from expanding their retail outlet network (petrol pumps) without fulfilling the mandatory requirement of having 20 days oil storage. It is important to mention that in the decline in motor spirit (petrol) prices coupled with decline in compressed natural gas (CNG) availability and an increase in vehicular traffic have led to a record 480 percent

Private companies to set up coal power plants in Thar ISLAMABAD AHMAD AHMADANI

Three private sector companies are set to invest $2.1billion for establishing a 1320 megawatt coal power plant in the Thar coalfield of Sindh, and obtained a go ahead from Sindh Thar Coal and Energy Board in this regard. Well-placed official sources disclosed to this scribe that three power companies named as Engro Powergen Thar Limited, Nova Power Company, and Thar Energy Limited have obtained approval from Sindh Thar Coal Board to set up 1320MW of coal power plants. They said these three companies are planning to start construction of their coal power plants soon. “These coal power plants in the Thar coalfield of Sindh will be completed in 2019 and will help in resolving decade long energy crisis of the country,” sources said. Sharing details of planned heavy investment in Thar for setting up coal power plants by the private sector companies, the sources informed that Engro Powergen Thar Limited would establish 660MW plant and plans to invest $1bilion. Sources further informed that Thar Energy Limited would establish a 330MW power plant and the company is set to invest $0.5billion. They said this plant is expected to be completed by end of 2019. More, The Nova Power Company will


KARACHI: Admore Gas (Private) Limited hosted the Admore Quaide-Azam Invitational Golf Tournament at Karachi Golf Club (KGC) on Sunday. Shields were presented to prominent guests and senior KGC management for supporting the event. Admore CEO Nadeem Jafarey congratulated the winners and thanked all distinguished guests and participants for making the event a great success. PR

The cost of agriculture production has been reduced by 510 percent due to various incentive packages introduced by the government. “If these measures continue next year, the agricultural products including wheat, rice, sugar and others would be able to compete in international markets,” Chief Economist in the Agriculture Policy Institute (API), Sohail Muhammad Khan said. Talking to APP on Thursday, he said that decreasing production cost of local agri products would help to create a reasonable space and capture the international markets by competing in these products. He said government was taking appropriate measures to further bring down the cost of agriculture production in order to compete in international markets and enhance the exports. He said that government has announced kissan package, subsidy on fertilisers, installation of solar tube wells, as well as reduction in electric tariff for farmers to the improve the agricultural sector in the country. Besides, he said the government had also abolished sales tax on pesticides, adding that subsidy in fertilisers had received a positive response from the growers and fertiliser intake had witnessed a significant increase during the season. Increasing intake of fertilisers would bring about positive impact on overall agriculture production and reduce the negative effects by increasing the per acre crop productivity, he remarked. Sohail Khan said that despite a long dry spell in the country, wheat output would not be affected to great extent as rain-fed areas only contribute 10 percent to the total output. On the other hand, he said targeted wheat sowing in irrigated areas was achieved as compared to last year and if temperature remains normal during the month of March healthy production of wheat was expected.


is currently facing electricity and gas shortage for a number of reasons. The power outages are experienced throughout the year, peaking at up to 12 hours per day in some remote areas of the country. This results in disruption to the everyday public life, but more importantly it has severe impact is on the provision of civic amenities, commercial activities and agricultural and industrial outputs. The need is to devise strategies to improve the capacity within the country to meet the expected electricity demand over the next decade. Thus, it is essential to improve the fuel mix to make electricity more affordable in the short- to medium-term and improve the energy security, he said.

establish 330MW and will invest $0.5billion. “This plant is expected to be completed by end 2019,” sources said. It is also learnt that a 660MW would require 3.8million tones coal per annum and similarly 330MW would require 1.9million tonnes per annum. All this coal will be supplied by Sindh Engro Coal Mining Company (SECMC). When contacted with Shamsuddin A Shaikh, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Engro Powergen & Sindh Engro Coal Mining Company, he said work for mining has already started in the Thar coalfield. Engro’s 660MW is also under construction, he added. Talking about the ongoing energy crisis of the country, Shamusddin said the country

agriculture production cost reduces by 5 to 10%, says expert

ISLAMABAD: Sales of property at Aiza Heights, Bahria Town, Islamabad, a project of One Alliance, has been assigned to Bridge Marketing. Raja Khalil and Mohammad Atif seen at the signing of agreement between the companies. PR

gory, while the consumption pattern of high speed diesel (HSD) and furnace oil remain on a steady path. The HSD consumption has gradually increased as overall economic activity in the country has remained dull during the last eight years. The regulator, OGRA, is yet to enhance the motor spirit storage limit, but it has asked OMCs and refineries to take measures to smoothen the petrol supplies, the sources said, adding that developing additional storage was a cumbersome job considering the number of permissions required for carrying out the work.

increase in petrol consumption during the last eight years, resulting in diminishing of the mandatory limit of petrol storage from 20 days to 14 days. The OGRA wants OMCs to take steps to meet with the mandatory oil storage limit. An official source said the domestic petrol consumption is increasing at an amazing rate of 20 percent per annum. The petrol consumption was estimated at 125,000 tonnes per month during 2008 and it has increased to 600,000 tonnes per month in 2016. It has simply out dated the storage capacity fixed for the OMCs. This situation is only witnessed in the motor gasoline cate-

Major Gainers COMPANY Unilever Foods Nestle Pakistan Sanofi-Aventis Bata (Pak) Colgate Palmolive

OPEN 5900.00 9300.00 2600.00 4400.00 1750.00

HIGH 5985.00 9300.00 2735.32 4400.00 1800.00

LOW 5900.00 9300.00 2575.00 4400.00 1750.00

CLOSE CHANGE TURNOVER 5985.00 285.00 180 9300.00 162.95 180 2731.94 126.87 3,620 4400.00 100.00 40 1799.99 74.99 720

8040.00 5035.00 1243.50 1885.00 490.00

8040.00 4950.00 1200.00 1826.00 484.41

8040.00 4960.00 1212.51 1826.00 484.41

-160.00 -68.86 -30.99 -26.30 -25.49

20 320 460 1,720 2,400

3.68 50.20 9.43 6.43 19.78

3.03 48.15 9.33 5.45 19.05

3.09 49.60 9.37 6.43 19.65

0.35 1.62 0.00 1.00 0.81

58,840,500 34,135,000 30,465,000 16,081,000 15,993,000

Major Losers Rafhan Maize Wyeth Pak Ltd Pak Tobacco Hinopak Motor Shezan Inter.

8040.00 5030.00 1230.00 1880.00 489.05

Volume Leaders Pervez Ahmed TRG Pak Ltd K-Electric Ltd. Japan Power Engro Polymer

3.16 48.69 9.34 5.46 19.10

Interbank Rates USD GBP JPY EURO

PKR 104.8496 PKR 128.6661 PKR 0.9190 PKR 111.5337

Forex UK Pound Sterling Euro US Dollar Canadian Dollar Australian Dollar Japanese Yen Saudi Riyal U.A.E Dirham China Yuan



131.75 114 108.3 81.5 79.3 0.88 28.75 29.5 15.05

133.5 115.2 108.6 82.35 80.1 0.91 28.95 29.75 15.2


Friday, 13 January, 2017

In Its nuclear race wIth IndIa, PakIstan catches uP



he nuclear race between India and Pakistan is intensifying, thanks in large part to Islamabad’s fear that its military is starting to lag behind New Delhi’s. Over the past decade, Pakistan has become alarmed by the widening gap between its ability to wage conventional war and India’s. Pakistan has turned to its nuclear inventory to level the playing field. But in doing so, Islamabad has spurred its nuclear competition with New Delhi forward even faster, a rivalry that culminated in Pakistan’s Jan 9 test-fire of the Babur-3 submarine-launched cruise missile. The test of the seabased nuclear-capable weapon was the first of its kind in Pakistan, underscoring the country’s investment in mitigating the threat looming on its eastern border. But as Islamabad takes steps to bolster

its nuclear deterrent, New Delhi will almost certainly follow suit, each state engaging in a dangerous contest to stay one step ahead of the other. Unable to match India’s massive military expenditures, Pakistan has taken an asymmetric approach to compensate for its comparative weakness: building up its nuclear arsenal. In fact, Islamabad has already begun to design and develop tactical nuclear weapons that could someday be deployed against Indian troops on the battlefield. Now, Pakistan is searching for the second-strike capability that the Babur-3 might provide. With a reported range of 450 kilometres (280 miles), the newest cruise missile could reach most of India’s major cities, though much of the country’s interior — including the capital of New Delhi — would still be out of range. Offsetting india’s gains Pakistan has its reasons for pursuing these capabilities. For

one, India is ramping up its investment in anti-ballistic missile defence systems in response to recent advances in the field by Pakistan and China. This, in turn, has prompted Pakistan to shift its attention to producing cruise missiles as an alternative delivery method to ballistic missiles. India has also begun to develop its own sea-based nuclear deterrent. Based primarily on submarine-launched ballistic missiles, this deterrent would make India’s second-strike measures far more credible, pressuring Pakistan to respond in kind by boosting its second-strike capabilities to better discourage a nuclear attack. This objective has become all the more important to Islamabad in recent years, since its introduction of tactical nuclear weapons has lowered the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons in the region. Pakistan’s own progress in nuclear weapons is part of the

reason India has chosen to modernise its nuclear arsenal. But New Delhi is also becoming concerned by China’s attempts to speed up its nuclear programme. The fact that India has to account not only for Pakistan’s weaponry but also for China’s will complicate any efforts to negotiate an arms control deal between New Delhi and Islamabad. As a result, India and Pakistan will continue down their circular path of nuclear build-ups and deterrence. Part Of a dangerOus Pattern Still, creating a plausible seabased second-strike threat requires a submarine fleet that can fire missiles. As of now Pakistan has only five of these vessels, three of which could be considered fairly modern. Nevertheless, Islamabad plans to dramatically expand its submarine fleet: In 2015, it struck a deal with Beijing to buy eight submarines similar to the Yuan-class model. Pakistan is

also in the process of moving its main submarine base to Ormara from Karachi, which is more vulnerable to attack than the new location because of its proximity to the Indian border. But Pakistan’s reliance on diesel-electric submarines, rather than dedicated nuclear ballistic missile counterparts, comes with significant risks. For example, Pakistani submarines carrying nuclear weapons could come under attack from Indian anti-submarine forces that are unable to distinguish the vessels based on their mission. This could lead Pakistani commanders, who may think the attack is part of an Indian effort to neutralise Islamabad’s sea-based nuclear force, to fire their nuclear missiles during what might otherwise be a conventional conflict. This links directly to a second danger: the security of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal. Because submarines’ nuclear-tipped cruise missiles must be ready to launch

before they leave port, an enormous amount of responsibility and power is placed on the shoulders of the officers piloting the vessels. Untrustworthy commanders or breakdowns in the chain of command could considerably raise the risk of the unsanctioned use of nuclear weapons. When all is said and done, Pakistan’s decision to rely on nuclear weapons as a means of warding off attack from a more powerful India has increased the chance of nuclear warfare breaking out in South Asia. Though Islamabad’s quest for a sea-based nuclear deterrent is hardly surprising, it is a conspicuous example of an alarming pattern of posturing between two nuclear powers that have a long and volatile history of hostility toward each other. Patrick Cockburn is the author of The Rise of Islamic State: ISIS and the New Sunni Revolution.

Obama’s right: in an age of How justifiable is unreality, democracy is in peril the World Bank’s forecast of a speedy recovery in the Indian economy? Guardian

Jill AbrAmson

timeS of india PyArAlAl rAghAvAn

The Global economic Prospects 2017 report brought out by the World Bank has taken a very contrarian stand. even as the Central Statistical Organisation and other indicators, including the lead indicators brought out by the OeCD, point to a sharp deceleration in growth the World Bank reports says that growth in the Indian economy has bottomed out in 2016 with the numbers sliding from 7.6% in 2015 to 7.1% in 2016 and that growth will recover to 7.6% in 2017 and further to 7.8% in 2018 and 2019. The crux of the argument made in the World Bank report is that the reforms initiatives in India will reduce supply side bottlenecks and improve productivity to boost growth. True that the Indian government has taken far reaching reforms that will help boost domestic supply constraints. Some of the most recent ones would include the newly enacted bankruptcy and insolvency code, sweeping liberalisation of the FDI regime, ushering of the goods and services taxes and monetary policy which will help anchor inflation expectations. Indeed these are all far reaching changes that is bound to significantly improve the efficiency in use of resources and boost productivity. In fact the report notes that India along with Cambodia are among the few Asian economies registering improved competitiveness and surely this would get a further boost once the reforms are rolled out on the ground. But the World Bank surely has failed to take into account the huge time lags in efficient implementation of reforms which has been the bane of policy makers for a long time now. Another major drawback of the World Bank argument is it fails to assess the full impact of the increase in energy prices. As pointed out in the report one of the reasons for the consumption surge that boosted India’s growth was the fall in energy prices. World Bank estimates in fact show that international oil prices has now fallen for three years in a row; by 7.5% in 2014, 47.3% in 2015 and by 15.1% in 2016. however it fails to note that only a small part of this fall in oil prices had been passed through to the Indian consumers. Moreover oil prices have started picking up again. World Bank estimates even show that oil

prices would go up by 28.2% in 2017, 8.4% in 2018 and by 4.6% in 2019. Surely this would impact on costs and inflations levels and dampen consumption spending especially since the government cannot afford to cut energy taxes when it is already threatened by increased uncertainties about tax collections during the roll out phase of the goods and services tax. even this however does not fully refute the World Bank optimistic scenario of a pickup in India’s growth. This is because the World Banks forecasts also Indicates that the global recovery will give a big boost to international trade. In fact growth of global trade in volume terms is expected to go up from 2.5% in 2016 to 3.6% in 2017 and further to 4% in 2018. This is a major inflexion point as this indicates that the weakening relationship between global growth and international trade is likely to be reversed with global trade increasing much faster than global growth. This is a surprising forecast especially when countries are drawing up their defences against imports the world over. But a strong recovery in international trade would be a big boost to the Indian economy, especially since it has been starved off external demand impulses in recent years. The other factor that would support the World Banks optimism about India is the prospects of a further pick up in foreign direct investments into India. This looks plausible especially in the context of the World Bank projections which show that the recovery would be elusive in high income economies like the eU and Japan. even in the case of the USA the report expects growth to decelerate in the next two years. In such a scenario FDI inflows into India might get a big boost especially since it is one of the few place where increase in FDI inflows have given a fillip to economic activities. The World Bank also expects that the increase in bank deposits after the demonetisation exercise will help reduce interest costs which would also boost domestic private sector investments. All these are highly plausible. But given the slump in the economy in the current fiscal year business confidence is at a low level. If the World Bank optimism is to fructify the government would have to roll out a slew of new measures to boost investors sentiment including in the next budget.

George Orwell, no doubt, would have approved of President Obama’s farewell speech. Underneath the hopeful rhetoric of “Yes We (Still) Can” and list of the accomplishments over the past eight years lay a bracing, overarching message: when lies can become truth, democracy is in peril. Orwell penned his dystopian political novel, 1984, from the same fear. “The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world,” he wrote. “Lies will pass into history.” In 1984, the Ministry of Truth spews propaganda and the language of Newspeak obfuscates lies. On Tuesday night in Chicago, Obama reinforced that this could happen now unless we can agree that there is accepted truth and that “reason and science matter.” “Without some common baseline of facts, without a willingness to admit new information and concede that your opponent might be making a fair point,” President Obama warned, democracy can’t function. With only 10 days left in office, the president focused on the dangers of the new information age that has taken hold during his tenure. First he cited the “splintering” of the news media so that there is no longer a trusted voice of authority or arbiter of the facts. Then he talked about the so-called filter bubble, the sorting of facts according to social media feeds where “increasingly we become so secure in our bubbles that we start accepting only information, whether it’s true or not, that fits our opinions, instead of basing our opinions on the evidence that is out there.” This was straight talk, perhaps the last we will get from an American president in a very long while. Soon we will have Donald Trump’s version of a Ministry of Truth operating out of the White house. his own tweets are already written in Orwellian Newspeak. Messaging and communicating are really the only areas of governing that Trump has mastered, experience he mostly gained as the celebrity host of The Apprentice. In fact, his presidential campaign was itself little more than a messaging machine. The candidate’s persona was just a calibrated version of his role on the show, recreated in rightwing colouring. his most senior aides have almost no policy or governing credentials. Rather, they all have the skills to run an Orwellian Ministry of Truth. There is his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, a newspaper owner who used his power to tilt the coverage of his publication favourable to Trump over objections from his reporters. Steve Bannon, the head of Breitbart “News,” has created what is now a global machine of rightwing propaganda. Kellyanne Conway madly ricochets from talk show to talk show pronouncing and trying to explain Trump’s positions only to see the man himself reverse what she says. Reince Priebus, a staple guest of the Sunday news shows, is the practiced mouthpiece of the Republican Party. Trump himself learned the dark arts of bending the truth from the bare-knuckled New York lawyer, Roy Cohn. Cohn, who died in 1986, had disgraced himself as an attack dog for Senator Joe McCarthy during the Redhunting of the 1950s. he started mentoring Trump in 1971, when he defended the Trump real estate company in a lawsuit, which ultimately settled, over its allegedly

racist practices. Cohn believed all press was good press and leaked stories about himself to friendly columnists. he used his brass knuckles to plant negative stories about his enemies. Most crucially, he tried, unsuccessfully, to rewrite history. In 1968, esquire Magazine put a story he wrote on its cover. It was entitled: Believe Me, This is the Truth About the Army-McCarthy Hearings. Honest. Back then, before the internet could be used as an echo-chamber for Cohn’s false history, his defence of McCarthyism was ridiculed. People remembered the lives that McCarthy and Cohn ruined with false accusations of communism. They knew the facts. We have watched Trump already try to rewrite the history of the 2016 election. In his version of political reality, he won a mandate so big that he “embarrassed” the Democrats. Millions voted illegally. Charges of Russian meddling are a witch hunt. These lies circulate unchallenged inside the filter bubbles of his supporters. It was surreal on Tuesday night when Obama’s elegant farewell addressed was overshadowed by the news of a scurrilous dossier about Trump’s activities in Russia. The story, though no news organisation had independently substantiated the material, spread like wildfire. Whether it’s all so-called fake news or real news we still don’t know. As we face the reality of Donald Trump’s inauguration, we should all remember a line from Obama’s farewell address that did not come from Orwell but from the president’s mother: “Reality has a way of catching up with you.”

Friday, 13 January, 2017




VIn DIeSel arrIVeS In InDIa to promote xxx H


OLLyWOOD star Vin Diesel received a grand welcome on his arrival in India along with his xXx: Return of Xander Cage co-star Deepika Padukone. As Vin stepped out of Mumbai’s Kalina airport, he had a traditional welcome awaiting him, Indian Express reported. A dozen girls sporting yellow turbans and red sarees lined up with thalis before applying vermillion on Vin’s forehead. Diesel waved at the media and posed for pictures as he stepped out holding Deeps’ hand. Subsequently, the Hollywood star took the VIP exit and drove straight to St Regis hotel where he will be staying throughout the film’s promotional tour in India. The movie, the latest installment in the xXx series after the 2002 film xXx and the 2005 entertainer xXx: State of the Union, is slated for a January 14 India release. The film will release in India before anywhere else in the world. The DJ

Caruso directorial also stars Ruby Rose, Samuel L Jackson, Donnie yen and Tony Jaa. “In order to soak in the love and interact with the Indian audience, Vin and Deepika will be spending a dedicated hour with fans,” a source in the know of developments told Indian media. “Vin and Deepika were extremely keen to interact with their fans and will be dedicating one hour to just fan interactions at the red carpet apart from their crowd event,” the source said. They will also address a press conference, after which the actors will attend a crowd event. DJ Nucleya had been roped in to make the stars and their fans groove to his electrifying beats. “After the grand welcome, they will head straight to their hotel to get some much-needed rest, grab meals and their work out sessions, following which they will get ready for their press conference scheduled early evening,” a source said. “After this, they will attend their movie premiere which is going to be a star-studded event.” According to the source, “detailed security measures are

Madonna blasts criticism over younger lovers NEw YORK AGENCIES

Pop icon Madonna has described herself as “oppressed,” saying she was tired of a gender double-standard over her relationships with younger men. The 58-year-old singer said in an interview published Tuesday that she has endured criticism throughout her entire career despite her professional success. “I’ve always felt oppressed,” she told Harper’s Bazaar magazine. “A large part of that is because I’m female and also because I refuse to live a conventional life. I’ve created a very unconventional family.I have lovers who are three decades younger than me. This makes people very uncomfortable. I feel like everything I do make people feel really uncomfortable,” she said. Madonna has been linked romantically to a number of men in their 20's, most recently Ivorian model Aboubakar Soumahoro and earlier French choreographer Brahim Zaibat and Dutch dancer Timor Steffens. The Material Girl singer, who has four children and has been married twice —

Selena Gomez, the Weeknd an item?

also said she faced sexism in that she is often asked why she remains active as an artist. “Did somebody go to Pablo Picasso and say, ‘Okay, you’re 80 years old. Haven’t you painted enough paintings?’ No. I’m so tired of that question.” Madonna, who last year completed a global tour for her latest album Rebel Heart, will soon be directing a movie, Loved. Madonna wrote the screenplay for the film, an adaptation of Andrew Sean Greer’s novel, The Impossible Lives of Greta Wells about a woman who is transported to different eras as part of psychiatric treatment for depression.

aamir Khan overwhelmed with Dangal response AGENCIES

being looked into to ensure that the promotions are undertaken smoothly.” “Vin’s security team visited India earlier to conduct a recce. Apart from his

Is Sherlock losing its viewership?

personal security guards, Vin’s security has been beefed up to an additional 50 guards during the course of his India promotions,” the source added.

Superstar Aamir Khan says he is overwhelmed with the response his film Dangal has received. Dangal collected INR 3.45 billion till January 8, leading Aamir to create a new record for the highest Hindi grosser, beating the business of his own movie PK. The 51year-old took to Twitter to share his happiness with his fans and followers. “I am absolutely overwhelmed with all the love that Dangal has got. It is one of the most passionate responses I have ever received. I want to thank everyone for owning the film as their own,” Aamir tweeted. The PK actor added that “it’s the biggest compliment a creative person can receive”. “And thank you Nitesh sir. Love. Aamir,” he added. Dangal has been lauded by the audiences for its powerful portrayal of the story of Mahavir Singh Phogat, who, much to the disapproval of his wife and his whole village, trained his daughters Geeta and Babita to wrestle.

Raees to be banned?

ENTERTAINMENT DESK The popular BBC show of Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman’s Sherlock marked very low ratings. They just reached 6 million viewers tuning in on Sunday night. The previous lowest-rated episode of the drama had been the second one of season one, which attracted an audience of 6.4 million. However, that episode’s 25.6% share of the total UK TV audience at the time was lower than Sunday’s 27.4% share. Usually, the ratings for the hit drama always rise in the consolidated ratings for a full week. Sunday’s audience for the second 90-minute episode of season four, The Lying Detective, came in well below the 8.1 million viewers for the first episode The Six Thatchers just one week earlier. That, in turn, had 1.1 million views from season three's premiere back in 2014. It was the most watched program over the Christmas holidays in British channels. It is still unclear whether the show will return for a fifth season.

ENTERTAINMENT DESK SRK had a deal with Sena that his Pakistani co-star won’t actively participate in Raees’s promotional exchange for a peaceful release. However, film exhibitors in central Indian state Chhattisgarh are now receiving threats from Shiv Sena. Sena has sent a threat letter to the exhibitors in Durg and Bhilai warning to not screen Raees in their theatres, failing which they will be solely responsible for the consequences. One of the exhibitors said that the letter’s subject reads a request for a ban on Raees. Moreover, the letter asks all exhibitors to not screen any ‘deshdrohi’s film’ and if the cinema owners do so, they will be solely responsible for all the consequences. Exhibitors have to take threats of disruption seriously. When PK was released, one of the cinemas in Bhilai was seriously vandalised and the damage cost them Rs6 lacs. Dilwale too has not yet released in Durg. Even if one cinema gets vandalised, people who want to watch the film will get scared and prefer staying at home and buying pirated copies which will affect the industry. The threats have been reported to the police and the exhibitors plan to approach the Chief Minister for the smooth release of the film.

Karachi Eat 2017: The biggest food fest begins



According to Billboard.com, in a rather surprising turn of events, it looks like Selena Gomez and The Weeknd (real name: Abel Tasfaye) are spending lots of time together. The singers were spotted outside an Italian restaurant in Santa Monica on Tuesday night, with Gomez’s arms wrapped around Tasfaye. Photos of the couple locked in the embrace surfaced on TMZ soon after, with one even showing them kissing. Naturally, the pictures have the gossip mills churning and according to a source, Gomez and Tasfaye are indeed an item. The latter ended his year-and-ahalf-long relationship with model Bella Hadid in November while Gomez is yet to publicly date anyone since her relationship with Justin Bieber ended.

The biggest food festival Karachi Eat is all set to begin on 13th January 2017 and last until 15th January 2017 in Frere hall, Clifton Karachi. Organised by CKO EVENT ARCHITECTURE, the talented trio Sara Chapra, Aslam Khan, and Omar Omari, this food festival is built around the idea of creating a common platform for people who love food. Following the dates, Frere Hall will transform into a foodie’s wonderland for 3 days full of eating, drinking, and entertainment. From the most creative and talented chefs to local street vendors, Karachi Eat is a festival that celebrates the diversity of food that this city has to offer. Beautifully adorned with lights and tempting 95 kiosks of local street food, home operated food joints, and restaurants, Karachi Eat will again attract thousands of food lovers towards the

magic of food and nonstop fun. With an exotic experience of live cooking, Karachi Eat 2017 will also offer a new culinary experience of Thai, Mexican, and Italian food dishes. Many well- known eateries will be


showcasing their food along with the online food businesses; these food businesses will provide the potential customers with a chance to taste the ultimately delicious goodness. Commenting on this initiative one of the key

organisers Omar Omari said, “We are quite excited to see all the new upcoming restaurants and business that evolve because of their participation at the festival. Karachi Eat is an iconic event and we are proud and excited that we are putting forward a positive image of our country.” Karachi Eat’17 is much more than nonstop entertainment and fun. This festival embraces the pleasure and value of great flavour, with an opportunity to taste extraordinary food while being immersed in a complete experience that brings you face to face with the food you eat and people who make it possible. Furthermore, this food festival is expecting a large amount of audience with maximum stalls, music and lots of funfilled activities for people of all ages. This Eat festival is expected to cater key media influencers, known personalities and people all across Karachi.


Friday, 13 January, 2017




You can't help but say yes to a special invitation today, even if you think you should be more practical. You get along famously with others while your key planet Mars is harmonizing with joyful Jupiter.

You might be needlessly licking your wounds from an emotional disappointment yesterday. Although warrior Mars is waving his banner today, you don't have to go to battle to achieve a victory.

You are motivated to make a name for yourself by climbing the ladder of success today, and it appears as if your efforts will soon be rewarded. Friends and coworkers support your ambitions because they respect and admire you.




Although you are often happy to play the role of a nurturing friend, you have a tricky time balancing your feelings due to the deeper emotions that are working their way to the surface today.

Ironically, you feel good about what you see in your future, but you may be missing an important piece of the puzzle. Everything is less scary in the light of awareness.

Naturally, you can be your own superhero, but today's cosmic energy is so positive for relationships, it's not smart to go off and do something important by yourself.




Unfortunately, words might fail you now, so don't bother trying to explain your emotions; follow your instincts and demonstrate your feelings, instead. When all is said and done, your actions really do speak louder.

Just remember to consider your desires carefully before sharing them with someone else. Otherwise, you might receive what you wished for, even if it's not in your best interests.

Your high spirits are inspirational today as optimistic Jupiter raises new possibilities everywhere you look. The secret to your success is to align your heart with energetic Mars and act on your desires.




Sometimes you aren't the greatest communicator in the world, especially when it involves sharing emotions that make you feel vulnerable. Nevertheless, you tend to fare better today if you can steer clear of rational realms.

You may believe you're slipping and sliding down a slippery slope of emotions now as you share your ambitions for the future. However, this journey of revelation is not about furthering your career goals.

Your enthusiasm may be over the top today, or, perhaps, you are experiencing someone else's positive attitude. Don't try to hide your feelings, even if you're worried that things could turn out badly.


ACROSS 1 Star of Rain Man and Midnight Cowboy (6,7) 9 Rigid (5) 10 Position (4) 11 Creative skill learned by study and practice (8) 14 Pampas cowboy (6) 17 Number of holes on a golf course (8) 19 Scapula, radius or tibia? (4) 21 (In mathematics) the reciprocal of sine (abbr) (5) 22 Ability to sustain prolonged effort (7) 24 Extinct shaggy-coated animal of the northern hemisphere (6,7)

word search

DOWN 1 Excavate — enjoy (3) 2 jumper (7) 3 Rotten — unpleasantly gooey (4) 4 Scottish footballer, Colin, b. 1965 — Scottish snooker player, Stephen, b. 1969 (6) 7 Airspace in which (military) planes are forbidden (2-3,4) 10 Something held to be above criticism (6,3) 12 Straight up (8) 16 Cargo deliberately thrown overboard to lighten ship (6) 18 Useful (but unspecified) device (5)





black TO PlaY aND MaTE IN ThrEE MOVEs 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1









Today’s soluTions

bridge last opportUnity

sUdokU crossword solution sudoku solution

1...Qxh2+ 2.kxh2 Nf3+ 3.kh3 Nf2# * chess solution

how to play fill in all the squares in the grid so that each row, column and each of the squares contains all the digits. The object is to insert the numbers in the boxes to satisfy only one condition: each row, column and 3x3 box must contain the digits 1 through 9 exactly once.

spORts 15

Friday, 13 January, 2017

Pakistan to tour West Indies for full series in March



EST Indies will host a full series, including three Tests, against Pakistan beginning on March 31, the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) has said. Queen's Park Oval in Port-of-Spain

will stage two Twenty20s, to be followed by three one-dayers at the Guyana National Stadium. Kingston's Sabina Park will host the first test from April 22, followed by matches in Bridgetown (April 30-May 4) and Roseau (May 10-14). Former giants West Indies rank a lowly eighth in Tests and WICB manager

of operations Roland Holder said the series against number five Pakistan would offer an additional opportunity to improve their ranking. “Any series against Pakistan always poses an interesting contest for the West Indies,” he said in a statement. There was no word from WICB, however, on the possibility of playing two Twenty20s in Pakistan, which remains a no-go zone for top teams wary of security issues in the country. “There is an offer (from the PCB) to play two T20 matches in Pakistan, subject to Players' Association agreement and security clearance,” Holder had earlier told ESPNcricinfo. Schedule of Pakistan's tour of West Indies: Mar 31: 1st T20I, Port-of-Spain Apr 2: 2nd T20I, Port-of-Spain Apr 7: 1st ODI, Providence Apr 9: 2nd ODI, Providence Apr 11: 3rd ODI, Providence Apr 22-26: 1st Test, Kingston Apr 30-May 4: 2nd Test, Bridgetown May 10-14: 3rd Test, Roseau

McGregor was offered $15m for crossover fight, says Floyd Mayweather GRAND RAPIDS AGENCIES

Floyd Mayweather said he has offered Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) champion Conor McGregor $15 million and a percentage of pay-per-view sales for a crossover boxing bout. Mayweather, who retired in September of 2015 after accumulating a perfect 49-0 record, told ESPN he would require a guaranteed $100 million to make the fight happen.

“I’m a businessman and it makes business sense,” said the 39-year-old American. “Bring him over to the boxing world, and I’ll show him what it’s like.” Irishman McGregor, the reigning lightweight and former featherweight UFC champion, has been challenging Mayweather to a fight for months. The biggest pay-per-view draw in mixed martial arts, McGregor is contracted to UFC and the organisation would have to approve any fight. Mayweather, who won world titles in

five weight divisions and took home earnings in excess of $800 million over his 19year boxing career, said initial talks had taken place. “We tried to make the Conor McGregor fight,” he said. “They know what my number is. My number is a guaranteed $100 million. That was my number. “We are willing to give him 15 million and then we can talk about splitting the percentage, the back end, on the pay-perview,” he added.

Miandad says ODI series against Australia won't be easy

SPORTS DESK Former batting legend, Javed Miandad fears Pakistan's five match ODI series against Australia starting in Brisbane from Friday will not be an easy one and the green shirts would have to play with all their might to save them from going into the qualifiers of the World Cup 2019. Pakistan is in serious danger of failing to qualify directly for the ICC CWC 2019 in the United Kingdom as it currently sits on eighth position in the ODI Team Rankings. To at least maintain its pre-series ranking points, Pakistan needs to win one match of the series while victories in more than one match will earn it crucial points. If Pakistan wins two matches then it will join Bangladesh on 91 points but will be ranked behind its Asian rivals by a fraction. In the scenario of Pakistan winning the series it will move ahead of Bangladesh and as such will enhance its chances of qualifying directly for the event. Talking to APP, Miandad said our team's morale and confidence is low after the Test series loss against Australia. "We lack technique stability and

approach in all three formats which needs to be addressed," he said. Miandad advised players to play for the country like a team. "Any individual performances won t matter in the series unless we win it," the former skipper said. ODI Captain Azhar Ali should lead the team from the front as all that matters in and off the field is captaincy he said. Responding to a question Miandad said Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) must think about Test Skipper Misbah-ul-Haq's replacement. "We must think about the future as Misbah can stick only to one or more series but not permanently". Former International Cricket Council (ICC) President Zaheer Abbas said Pakistan can only do well in the ODI series if it forgets its previous Test series loss."Players must not think about the Test series loss and should move on with a fresh start". Responding to a question Zaheer Abbad said Sarfraz Ahmed's absence must not haunt the team and the players should play with full confidence. Speaking about Misbah's retirement after the Test series loss he said it's up to the board and Misbah to clear out things about the future.

Root flies to India for ODIs as Cook prepares to stand down as captain LONDON AGENCIES

Joe Root flew on Wednesday to join the England one-day tour to India with expectation growing that Alastair Cook is about to stand down as Test captain. When Cook’s departure is confirmed by the England and Wales Cricket Board, with an announcement expected this week, then Root will be appointed Test captain at the age of 26 and just over four years since his debut. Cook has been mulling over his future since the end of the India tour and sources have indicated he is ready to walk away from the job after four years and 59 matches in charge. Root is the only candidate to take over, with Ben Stokes almost certain to be appointed his deputy, and lead England’s Ashes campaign in Australia later this year. To remain as captain Cook will have had to commit to the Ashes tour next winter and he looked exhausted by the job at the end of seven Tests in Asia, which culminated in a heavy innings defeat in Chennai as England conceded their highest-ever score in Test cricket and India won the series 4-0. It followed England suffering their first Test defeat to Bangladesh and in total

the team lost eight times in 2016, their worst year since 1993, although they did play a whopping 17 matches.Only a persuasive case put forward by Andrew Strauss, the team director, or someone close to him will prevent Cook from going and paving the way for Root’s ascendancy. Cook has always insisted he will do what is right for the team. He remains a respected figure in the dressing room and commands the support of the players but will be aware that a senior core of Root, Stokes and Jonny Bairstow has emerged over the past 12 months and is ready to take the side in a new direction. Root’s departure for India was delayed by the birth of his first child, a son, on Saturday, and he is understood not to have had any indication over Cook’s future. He will miss England’s first warmup match in Mumbai but will be available for the opening one-day international against India in Pune on Sunday. There is a traditional conservatism within English cricket about the right time to promote a captain and, at 26, Root would be the youngest since Mike Atherton 23 years ago to be officially appointed. Atherton was 25, and Cook was the same age when he led England twice in Bangladesh in 2010 as a stand-in for Strauss, but had to wait a further two

years to get the job full time. Root has barely any captaincy experience beyond a handful of championship matches for Yorkshire two years ago, but there is no other candidate among the England team at present. Cook leaving now gives Root six months to become accustomed to taking over as Test captain. England are now concentrating on white-ball cricket with three 50-over matches in India and three T20s before a short ODI tour to the West Indies next month, which leads in to the Champions Trophy in this country at the start of June. Root would not lead England until the Test series against South Africa, which starts at Lord’s on July 6, and will provide a difficult first series, even though they have been hit by a number of Kolpak defections to county cricket. South Africa beat Australia away at the end of last year and English pitches will suit their strong seam attack. An easier series will be expected against the West Indies at the end of the summer before England fly to Australia where, on the last tour, Root was dropped during the 5-0 annihilation that almost ended Cook’s captaincy. Since then Cook regained the Ashes in 2015 and won in South Africa last year. But he signalled his intention to re-


sign in a magazine interview published on the eve of the series in India in No-

vember and speculation followed him around for the rest of the tour.

SPORTS Friday, 13 January, 2017

FICA ClArIFIes stAtement regArdIng Psl FInAl In lAhore t


HE Federation of International Cricketers’ Associations (FICA) has clarified its statement regarding Pakistan Super League (PSL) final after Pakistan Cricket Board’s strong reaction. FICA has said that it has not stopped any player from going to Pakistan, the sole purpose of its report was to inform the players about security situation. FICA has also revealed the name of agency which gave the security report and claimed that the agency has a credible network. According to details, FICA issued its report in the light of information given to them by

Eastern Star International (ESI). ESI has given its services to

many cricket boards, teams and International Cricket Council (ICC) it-

self over the last few years. FICA revealed the report that was made in collaboration with ESI just meant to inform the players to take precautionary measure regarding PSL final, it did not mean to stop them from playing in Lahore. FICA’s chairman Tony Irish has said that we possess great sympathy with Pakistan players and fans who have been deprived of cricket in their home for the past few years, but players’ security has always been the preference of FICA. He also said that PSL is an autonomous body, we want to see PSL to be a great success as it is a good opportunity for players to showcase their talent.

Aamer Sohail points out Yasir Shah's shortcomings in Australia SPORTS DESK Former Pakistan captain Aamir Sohail on Thursday identified the main problem which prevented leg-spinner Yasir Shah from performing in Australia during the recently concluded three-Test series. Pakistan were whitewashed 3-0 by Australia and Yasir was only able to bag eight wickets in six innings. “The biggest issue that I see with Yasir is that he does not finish his action, which is key for a leg-spinner to turn the ball away from a righthanded batsman,” explained Sohail. “Because of this issue, Yasir was unable to turn the ball against batsmen who use their feet well. As a result, he was found out too easily.” The former left-handed opener also questioned the role of leg-spin legend Mushtaq Ahmed who had been helping Yasir for a very long time now. “We had Mushtaq helping Yasir in the technical aspects for a while and that to me is the disappointing bit. Why is it that after such a long partnership with an experienced legspinner, Yasir is still struggling to turn the ball?” asked Sohail. He con-

tinued: “Mushtaq should have worked with Yasir on the art of legspin and we should have been reaping the rewards of that hard work in this series but that did not happen.” On Amir’s ineffectiveness: Pakistan left-arm pacer Mohammad Amir also struggled and could only manage five wickets in the three Tests against Australia, and Aamer thinks he needs to learn to set-up batsmen to get them out. “If we are being honest then we should admit that Amir had faults also,” said Sohail. “The final part of his action is not perfect and he is falling over to his left-side at the point of delivery. Regardless, the main issue is that he has not been able to swing to the ball. I feel his shortcomings were exposed in the Test series against Australia.” He added: “Like most fastbowlers, he must work out and plan each of his six balls in the over. Beyond that, he needs to pay attention to ‘spell management’ whereby he needs to plan his four or six-over spell in detail. What our bowlers need to do is to learn to surprise the batsman and do that on a consistent basis if they

are to succeed at this level.” On misbAh: Pakistan Test captain Misbahul Haq was asked by the Pakistan Cricket Board to lead the team against New Zealand and Australia and Aamer thinks the recent losses will push the 42-year-old to stay till the Windies series to end his career on a high note. “Misbah did a great job given the circumstances but, sadly, he was a failure in the longer run,” said

Aamer. “Even Misbah would have realised that all his hard work has gone down the drain as he was never a forward thinker. I do believe that it is time for him to move on but I have a suspicion that, given his recent spate of losses, he will want to stay on till the West Indies series to end his career on a high and it will really be up to the PCB to take whatever steps are necessary.

Lodha tells ousted BCCI officials they can’t return


Lodha Committee on Thursday sent out new clarifications regarding ousted Board of Control for Cricket in Indian (BCCI) officials, saying they are not allowed to associate themselves with cricket administration. “In keeping with the spirit of the honourable Supreme Court’s judgment, a disqualified office bearer is no longer to be associated with cricket administration,” said the Lodha Committee. “He/she is disqualified from being a representative or nominee of the member association or the BCCI and cannot discharge any other role in or on behalf of the association or the BCCI. He/she cannot function within the association in any patron or advisory capacity not be a member of a committee or council.” The clarification also shed light on the issue of elections of state associations. “While there is no bar to the holding of elections [subject to the orders of any court], if any election is held which is inconsistent with the committee’s report and the judgment of the Supreme Court, then the same will be treated as void and with no legal sanctity,” they said. “This would also necessarily imply that such an election is supervised by an election officer as prescribed under the recommendations.” Among other clarifications, Lodha committee also cleared the air about the maximum time limit of bearing offices in the BCCI. “This is to avoid any potential abuse,” the committee said. “For example, if there were no such bar, an office bearer could resign after two years and nine months, and then claim eligibility to stand at the next election three months later on the ground that a new term would commence.” Meanwhile, everyone related to any state association or the BCCI will be considered an office bearer and not only the higher-ranked members. Everyone would be considered disqualified after they have served nine years at the positions.

Mominul, Tamim shine in New Zealand gloom WELLINGTON AGENCIES

Mominul Haque and Tamim Iqbal plundered the New Zealand attack to have Bangladesh 154-3 at stumps on a raindisrupted opening day of the first Test in Wellington on Thursday. Only 40.2 overs were possible with play stopped twice because of rain and eventually ended by bad light with Mominul unbeaten on 64 at the close and Shakib Al Hasan on five after being dropped on four. Opener Tamim went for 56. The overcast weather, strong wind and green wicket at the Basin Reserve suggested a bowler’s paradise at the start of the day but the conditions proved not as threatening as first thought. Instead the bowlers, particularly Trent Boult in the early overs, had trouble keeping their balance and line in the wind — with gusts up to 120 kilometres per hour (74.6 mph). The wind sent the bails, players’ caps and sunglasses flying and forced the television cameramen to vacate their tower at the exposed end of the ground but it could not stop Tamim and Mominul cashing in.

Tamim only faced 50 deliveries for his whirlwind 56, which included 11 boundaries, while Mominul has 10 fours and a six to his name. Tamim was particularly tough on

Boult at the start of the day and New Zealand’s new-ball specialist, with the wind behind him, was pulled out of the attack after three overs which cost 26 runs of which Tamim had 25.

But Boult had the final say in their battle when play resumed after the first rain break as he trapped Tamim lbw in the first over of his second spell. It was the second leg-before appeal

Published by Arif Nizami at Plot No 79, Sector 24, Korangi Industrial Area Karachi.


Tamim faced and both were initially turned down. New Zealand sought a review both times and were successful with the second challenge. Mominul, who has scored two centuries in four previous innings against New Zealand, had been rather circumspect until the rain arrived for a second time 89 minutes into the middle session. The left-hander launched into Tim Southee with two fours and a top-edge that flew over the wicketkeeper’s head for six before the players left the field. Southee, working into the wind, removed opener Imrul Kayes for one and had figures of one for six off 5.3 overs when rain first stopped play, and finished the day with one for 45. Boult has one for 55 and Wagner, who removed Mahmudullah (26) ended with one for 28. The forecast for the next two days is for fine weather with further rain expected on Sunday. New Zealand have never lost to Bangladesh, winning eight of 11 previous Tests with three drawn. The inclusion of Boult for Matt Henry was the only change to the New Zealand side which beat Pakistan in their last Test in November.

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