Blogging guide for newbie

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Chapter 6 : Search Engine Optimization

What is SEO ? Search Engine Optimization is the process that optimize your Website / Blog for search engines. Most of the traffic to a blog is from Search Engines like Google, Bing , Yahoo. So, You want to optimize your blog for search engines. If your blog is highly SEO, Your blog traffic and rank in Search result will increase. Search engine optimization is a difficult thing, but it is not impossible for you. SEO are in two types. In-Site SEO (Eg: Keywords, Title Tag..etc)

SEO Off-site SEO (Eg: External Links)

Important things for SEO There are somany SEO Tactics to get a best rank in Search Results. These are shown below: 1. Keywords Keywords are the words that used to search on search engines like Google, Bing‌etc. Every website is based on some Keywords. Eg: For a matrimonial 28 | B l o g g i n g G u i d e f o r N e w b i e

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