Digital Content Marketing Agency

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Digital Content Marketing Agency


Online Marketing Courses: Always Be Learning

Now that I’ve completed my 3-month Digital Marketing Nanodegree program through Udacity I’m happy to report I’ve picked up a few new skills that nicely complement my current position, But I’ll be honest — this round of lessons didn’t quite live up to my expectations. The program definitely had its faults, and didn’t advance my marketing expertise to the level I hoped it would. There were some bright spots, however, that introduced me to areas of marketing I was unfamiliar with, and I am definitely thankful for that. Because that was the point all along, as shown in the title of this series: Always Be Learning.

Google Analytics: Always Be Learning

Assessing the analytics of your website can be a very revealing and inspiring experience. Sure, there might be numbers and percentages in there that you consider disappointing, but that’s why it’s better to review analytics from a mindset of “what can I learn from this data that will help me improve my site?” I look back pretty fondly on my first experience with Google Analytics, way back in 2012. I was working a job that more or less required me to handle every single aspect of the company’s marketing, even though I was still fairly novice to it all.

Lead the company that everyone’s talking about. In a good way.

We help the leadership and sales teams of early-stage B2B tech companies accelerate revenue growth by ensuring your ideal buyers sit up and take notice of what makes your company different.

DEMAND GENERATION Build awareness, generate quality leads, and fill pipeline to accelerate your revenue growth.

CONTENT MARKETING Our marketing content converts by telling your story, sharing your thought leadership, and growing your influence.

INFLUENCER GROWTH Grow your personal and corporate brand awareness to become a well-known leader in your field.

Ensure your events are diverse + inclusive with the right speakers, strategy, and logistics.

Get one on one help to learn how to define, build, and grow your personal brand awareness.

Connect with your ideal buyers and monetize your community through event + webinar marketing.

Schedule a Free Consultation Tell us more about your growth, marketing, and leadership goals and discuss why A Better Jones is the B2B marketing agency to help you grow to that next level. C/O PUPPET INNOVATION LAB, 308 SW 2ND AVE, PORTLAND, OR 97204

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