Jewel Vodka

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Premium Vodka and Lounge Experience

Prepared By

Aubrey Belford Scott Ledford Haleigh Hoff Shane Murphy 1



Situa/on Overview and Analysis Audience Compe//on and Industry Posi/oning Strategies and Tac/cs

4 6 8 10 11



•  Customer Rela/onship Management •  Promo/ons •  Social Media •  Public Rela/ons •  Adver/sing Crea/ve •  Objec/ves

Media Calendar Budget Evalua/on Conclusion

12 13 14 15 21 24

26 30 31 32 2


In a city known for college bars and breweries, it’s easy to feel that unique, upscale op:ons are limited. Jewel seeks to enhance the downtown scene by providing a crisp flavored vodka experience in a cosmopolitan social seAng.


Strengths •  We will be the first vodka of Reno. •  Our vodka’s purity and variety of flavors is unparalleled. •  The near-­‐river loca/on is easy to access and near other local hot spots. •  Jewel offers an elegant alterna/ve to the downtown bar scene. Weaknesses •  Our emphasis on vodka may deter poten/al customers who prefer other alcoholic drinks. •  Lack of ini/al understanding may make it difficult to differen/ate Jewel from local bars and clubs. Opportuni$es •  Lack of other upscale venues allows Jewel to be a unique experience. •  Our audience may not want to socialize with younger drinkers, who tend to gather in bars downtown. Threats •  Reno’s more gri[y reputa/on may threaten the sophis/cated image that we seek. •  Several downtown bars with a well-­‐established image and loyal clientele. •  Younger, rowdier downtown dwellers may become a[racted to the lounge area. 5

Our target audience is women aged 23-­‐35. Women this age are more likely to drink flavored vodkas over any other type of spirit. Our secondary audience is men of the same age range. Men’s palates change over /me, but many drink vodka when it is available. 6

–  49% of Reno’s popula/on is female –  31.5% of those women are within our target age group –  The University of Lancaster released a study finding that educated and professional women were more likely to be drinkers than man. –  Conversa/ons with women in our target audience affirms that our target looks for a classier, more sophis/cated experience with friends and loved ones. –  According to Gallup 81% of people making more than 75k per year drink, and 79% of those are college graduates. –  These women look for somewhere that they can go with a small group of close friends once or twice a week to enjoy a more mature and upscale experience.


•  Direct Compe/tors –  Three Olive, Pinnacle, Smirnoff, Svedka, Absolut, Sapphire, Lincoln Lounge, Edge, Bubinga, Chocolate Bar, St. James Infirmary, Imperial.

•  Who are our indirect compe/tors? –  The Li[le Waldorf Saloon, The Corkscroo, Freight House District. 8

•  •

Vodka sales are on the rise. Smirnoff posted a 7% sales increase –  310 Million 750mL bo[les

•  Absolut sales rose 15% •  Three Olives seen as the up and coming “Ultra-­‐premium” flavored vodkas. –  One of the most popular flavored vodkas on the market.

Vodka is a versa/le spirit both low and high quality –  Smirnoff and Pinnacle are both 3 /mes dis/lled •  •

This translates in to a harsher tas/ng vodka Both are on the lower price spectrum, ranging from $7.99-­‐9.99(750mL) to $14.99-­‐16.99(1.75L)

–  Three Olives is dis/lled and filtered 4 /mes •  •

Much smoother flavor Prices range from $10.99(750mL) to $18.99(1.75L)

Vodka market is strong in Reno

–  Vodka averages 58.7% of all spirits sales

Steady amount of sales

–  Market rarely dips –  Vodka market is not affected by seasons –  Local bars have done a $10 special •

Pay $10, get vodka drinks for free from 8pm-­‐10pm

–  Universal clientele. –  Depending on the event, vodka can suit any occasion


“We are the vodka that blends flavor with sophis:ca:on.”


We will promote Jewel as Reno’s premier vodka and lounge experience through a myriad of methods, with increased emphasis on online and entertainment publica/on marke/ng.

These efforts should promote awareness and curiosity for poten/al customers and reinforce the choices of current customers. Sales promo/ons and exclusive membership to our Diamond Club will be used to foster our rela/onship with returning Jewel customers and encourage them to become advocates of the brand by invi/ng others to accompany them on future visits. Online outlets such as Facebook and the Jewel website will act as the primary medium for special offers, promo/ons, events, and online customer interac/on. These outlets will be integrated and feature links to each other so that guests may easily interact with our various online plalorms. Printed adver/sements in local publica/ons will be used to promote the brand itself and direct viewers to the online outlets for further informa/on. Comment cards offering a voucher for 50% off a customer’s next drink will be a primary source of feedback for us. On these, customers will fill out informa/on regarding where and how they found out about the different aspects of Jewel (vodka, dis/llery, lounge, specials, events, etc). 11

•  Our goal: We want to encourage loyalty between our customers and brand through displays of apprecia/on. •  How we’ll do it: Customers who sign up for the Diamond Club will receive special offers and access to our VIP ameni/es and events on a weekly basis. •  Objec/ve: We would like to accept 30 Diamond Club members in our first ac/ve month, and at least 200 total by the end of the fiscal year (June 2013). •  Evalua/on: We will keep track weekly, monthly, and yearly track of how many members we have enrolled in our Diamond Club. 12

•  Our goal: Expand the Jewel customer base by encouraging customers to bring friends along on their next visit. We want to promote Jewel as a social drink, as well as fill our venue. •  How we’ll do it: Virtual coupons will be e-­‐mailed to Diamond Club members at least every two months that allows customers to receive a 5% discount for each friend that they bring, up to four friends. •  Objec/ve: We want our vodka to be enjoyed by groups of 4-­‐5 people, on average. •  Evalua/on: Hostesses and bartenders will note the coupon code and discount amount on a receipt. 13

•  Our goal: We want to appeal and give back to our target audience, as well as increase a[endance on weekdays. •  How we’ll do it: Every Monday-­‐Thursday night, ladies receive a voucher for one free drink, redeemable between 8-­‐10pm. •  Objec/ve: To serve at least 30 women during redeemable hours each weeknight. •  Evalua/on: We will count the number of vouchers redeemed at the end of the night.


•  Our goal: We want to encourage trust between our customers and brand through transparency and online interac/on. •  How we’ll do it: Jewel will foster a dialogue between customers and the brand by responding to Jewel-­‐related comments, posts, and tags on a daily basis. •  Objec/ve: We will respond to at least 70% of this content per week. •  Evalua/on: On a weekly basis, we will compare the amount of Jewel-­‐related content on Facebook to the number of comments we post. 15



•  Our goal: We want to increase awareness of our special events and promo/ons by expanding our outreach through community calendars. •  How we’ll do it: We will build a rela/onship with and submit our monthly events to local event calendars and mobile apps, such as Dibbs. •  Objec/ve: We would like 10% of our guests to find out about our events through these calendars. •  Evalua/on: The aforemen/oned comment card will include event calendars as an area of promo/on. We will then count the number of responses. 18

•  Our goal: We want to increase awareness of our brand through involvement in alcohol-­‐related community events. •  How we’ll do it: We will sponsor or par/cipate in events and fes/vals such as wine walks, beer crawls, and Artown. •  Objec/ve: We would like to have a presence at at least 10 Reno events per year (see calendar for exact dates and events). •  Evalua/on: We will count how many events we have either sponsored or par/cipated in by hos/ng related drink specials, etc. 19

Our goal: Create awareness and interest in the Jewel brand for non-­‐users through media involvement and efficient integra/on of our marke/ng components. We also want to reinforce our posi/on as a sophis/cated vodka.

How we’ll do it: Our Facebook and online ads will link directly to the

company website. The company website will also provide links to special offers, the Jewel Facebook page and any published ar/cles or event calendars that men/on Jewel. The Facebook page will also link to our special offers, the website, ar/cles, and calendars. –  We will adver/se through various online outlets, as well as in local entertainment and event websites and publica/ons. –  –

In Print: Reno Tahoe Tonight, Sagebrush, Reno Gaze[e Journal, Reno News & Review Online/Mobile: Sidebar/banner ads on Facebook, RGJ’s Metromix, Yelp, Smart Phone Apps

Objec/ve: We want 40% of first-­‐/me visitors to find us through these promo/onal means.

Evalua/on: To redeem a voucher for 50% off their next drink, guests may fill out a comment card that asks how they ini/ally heard about Jewel. We will then count the responses in each area or promo/on. 20

This ad would run for the first 2 quarters of our calendar. This will be the first adver/sement people would see, no/cing our clean, sophis/cated style.


These adver/sements would run on website sidebars and Facebook throughout our first 2 quarters of being open to give people an idea of our style. 22

The company website will feature easy-­‐to-­‐navigate pages with informa/on regarding dis/llery and lounge hours of opera/on, menus, special offers, pricing, Diamond Club access, and social media links.


The Jewel Facebook page will be used to adver/se upcoming events and specials, as well as foster the rela/onship that we have with customers. On the page, we will frequently respond to user comments and post drink recipes featuring Jewel vodka.


Monthly Averages •  •  •  •  •  •

Website hits: 500 unique visitors Banner ad click through rate: 0.5% Social Media response rate*: 70% Facebook “likes”: 200 Coupon redemp/on: 30% Special event a[endance: 250 (per night)

*This refers to the percentage of Jewel-­‐related content on Facebook that we reply to or “like”








25% 35%

10% Crea/ve Produc/on 35% Media Buys 20% Special Events (In-­‐house) 25% Specials/Giveaways 10% Sponsorships



Customer feedback will be our primary method of determining whether we have succeeded in our methods. Comment cards, reviews, and social media feedback will all be used in this evalua/on.

Overall profits will also let us know how well our adver/sing efforts have worked, especially during special events. In addi/on, each tac/c has its own method of evalua/ng success, which we will always take into considera/on when preparing for the years to come. 31

Our integrated marke:ng communica:ons plan not only reaches our target audience, but promotes loyalty among customers. All of our tac:cs work together to showcase Jewel as the premier vodka and lounge experience for Reno socialites.


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