Showing Off

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Showing Off 2.

For an author to write statements such as the following in the introductions to their books: ‘I wrote this big book consisting of 1000 pages in just 10 days’ in order to give the readers the impression that he is constantly busy with religious works.


For a preacher to begin a speech with statements indicating to the listener that he has made many sacrifices for religious activities and therefore the listeners should be grateful to him. For example, ‘I have been travelling in a Madanī Qāfilaĥ constantly for the past six days, it has taken me 13 hours to get here, I am very tired, I have not even eaten anything yet even then I have come to deliver a speech’ etc.


Mentioning his religious services constantly in conversations to make the listener think that he is an amazing servant of Islam and so that he admires him. For example, ‘I have been preaching religion for the past 15 years. I had been conferred with such and such a post for such a long time. I carried out Madanī work in so many areas, in fact so many countries. I made hundreds of people repent of sins. I encouraged them to do Madanī work. I trained them’ etc. Members of any religious movement or organization can easily fall prey to this form of showing off.


Whilst answering a religious question verbally or in writing, saying or writing Arabic statements, or unnecessarily stating more than one book reference with the intention to convince the questioner or listener that he possess a lot of knowledge and so that he is considered to be a big scholar and a Muftī.


For a religiously famous or a respected figure to introduce himself to a new person with the intention to make him aware 28

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