20th Century Type & Beyond

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lettering and layouts was not formalized as a


foundry face or under any clear rules, such as

John Heartfield, book cover

those set out by Tschichold or Morison. But one

montage. Juxtaposed elements

influential Art Deco-related publication was A.

and squeezing meaning out of

Tdmer’s Mise en Page, published in Paris. which

seen in their familiar context.

design, 1929, pioneered photo

forms that would never have been

set down principles for the advertising designer and printer and had a practical, commercial application that made it more successful than the more substantial theoretical positions of Tschichold and the Bauhaus designers. It emphasized the need for a clarity and boldness in execution that could give maximum impact to an advertisement. In this it offered a synthesis of the new typography and the old. In a decade, work from art theory had become.

1920 | 81

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