Alberta Adventist News

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second book

Is it at your command that the eagle mounts up And makes his nest on high? On the cliff he dwells and lodges, Upon the rocky crag, an inaccessible place. From there he spies out food; His eyes see it from afar. Job 39:27-29


The Good Ship Education Attitude Productive Amidst the Pandemic The Creative Ones


The Creative Ones



od’s work of creation speaks of initiative, vision, action, power, care, service, detail, creativity, and many other active, nonpassive adjectives. Humans were created in God’s image and commanded to build, procreate, fill the earth, subdue it and have dominion over it. Why then do so many Christians live life passively? As if they must just let everything that comes happen to them. Read the powerful statements of Eric Ollila as he develops a rousing reflection for this generation of Seventh-day Adventists.

Alberta Adventist News is a print and digital media publication of the Alberta Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Communication Director/Editor Eric Ollila; Co Communication unless otherwise noted. Submission Guidelines:; Submissions:

ELECTED OFFICIALS: President Gary Hodder; Secretary/VP for Administration Wayne Williams; Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer Keith Richter; Board Members/EXCOM: Gary H Letniak, Proscovia Nabafu, Tyler Rosengren, Melanie Semchuk, Deborah Silva, Middin Galve-Sumiller, Sheldon Trenchuk, Griffin Webster, Jennifer Williams. Departmental Directors/ Wilton; Planned Giving & Trust Services/Philanthropy Director Lynn Mc Dowell; Foothills Camp Director Troy McQueen; Youth Director Lyle Notice; Communication/IT/Medi DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH: Address: 5816 Highway 2A, Lacombe, AB, T4L2G5. Office Hours: Monday-ThurSeventh-day Adventisty: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Phone: (403) 342-5044, F ABAdventist, LinkedIn: ABAdventist, Website: COVER PHOTO: By Jack D. Waller

MARCH 2022 EDITION 04 Message from the President 06 From the Editor 10 Devotionals


20 Youth Feature 24 Department News 34 Philanthropy News 38 Education News 42 Church News 54 In Memory


56 Announcements 58 Means & Meaning

10 God's Second Book

The beauty of God's creation on this amazing photo essay, through the camera lenses of Jack D. Waller makes us reflect on the gifts given to us by our Father.

14 Productive Amidst the Pandemic People

faced a serious twist during the pandemic, and the virus has upended their daily routines. Strict health protocols like quarantine created inconveniences, leaving old and young feeling anxious, afraid, stressed, and depressed. On the other hand, the crisis generated resilience and grit for those who faced it with a positive attitude and proactive approach.

o-Editors Nanette Quines & John Simon; Graphic Design Mishell Raedeke/; Photo attribution: Alberta Adventist

Hodder—chair, Wayne Williams, Keith Richter, Miguel Brown, Isaac Darko, Massiel Davila-Ferrer, Bruce Fillier, Rayette Hetland, Curtis Ministerial & Evangelism Director George Ali; Human Resources Officer Jennifer Williams; Education Superintendent Gail R. ia Director Eric Ollila; Risk Management/Project Development Director Llew Werner. ALBERTA CONFERENCE OF THE SEVENTHFax: (403) 775-4482 Email: info@ albertaadventist. ca SOCIAL MEDIA Twitter: ABAdventist, Facebook: ABAdventist, Instagram:


The Good

Ship Education I

n my reading some years ago, I came across a story about the Franklin expedition. The story takes place in the mid-1800s. Sir John Franklin was tasked with the responsibility to find a route through the northern part of Canada to the Pacific Ocean. This passage would be a tremendous step forward in transportation of both people and goods. The expectation was that this voyage could take a year or more. The winters would be harsh and long. It would undoubtedly mean many forages along frigid coastlines. Perhaps, there would be encounters with wild animals or inhospitable people. It was because of these possibilities that made the preparations stand out in such stark contrast. They carried a

supply of twelve days of coal for the steam engine. I don’t know what they expected after this. Instead, they carried a marvelous supply of entertainment items. They carried a 1,200-volume library for leisurely reading on cold evening nights. They carried a hand organ for singing and perhaps dancing. There was even a supply of fine chinaware for the officers and men, as well as wine goblets and sterling silver flatware. At least they would eat in an opulent fashion. However, they did not take the necessary clothing to protect them from the harsh elements. They had no special clothing, only the thin but brightly colored uniforms found on her majesty’s fleet. This would look great but would serve them

very poorly in the possible northern gales so common in the North Atlantic. Things turned out as expected from such an illprepared journey. The ship became stuck in the cold arctic sea ice. Every single person would eventually freeze to death. Some, such as Franklin, were found on the boat. Others were found in various locations on the ice. The obvious lesson to be learned from this is to be prepared for the journey upon which one is embarking. Jesus has assured us He is planning a journey for us as Christians: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to

In addition to these, there is the benefit of a ship called “Christian education” for our children and young people. This is a ship that is often overlooked or underappreciated in our society today. 4

Alberta Adventist News

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prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am” (John 14:1–3, NIV). Jesus wants us to be prepared for this journey. The Franklin expedition had two ships, the H.M.S. Erebus and the H.M.S. Terror. I believe we have three ships to prepare us for our journey on this earth and the earth to come. We have the ship of a Christian church, a place where we can hear God’s Word spoken each week; a place where we can be encouraged by the fellowship of the saints; and a place where we can pray and worship God. We also have the benefit of a Christian home, where we can worship daily.

In addition to these, there is the benefit of a ship called “Christian education” for our children and young people. This is a ship that is often overlooked or underappreciated in our society today. People argue that it is too expensive, while in many cases, entertainment is considered essential. People argue that our schools are not as well-supplied with books and gym programs as are the public system. People argue that there are more teachers in the public system. All this is noted while the benefits are underappreciated. In Christian schools, people benefit from the instruction of Christian teachers. They are blessed

with daily worship and prayer. They are given the opportunity for service, both locally and abroad. So many young people remember with fondness the time of mission service abroad. These things, taken together, keep us staid and ready for the time when Jesus will return to take us on another journey to a better land.

Gary Hodder

President Alberta Conference

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Alberta Adventist News





ow would you rate your attitude on a scale of 1 to 10? How would you rate the attitude of your family members on the same scale? How about your closest friends and hangout buddies? Your school classmates? Your work associates? How about the leaders and members of your church? A great attitude is a condition or frame of mind required to succeed in any line. When it comes to success, health, relationships, productivity, giving, getting what you want in life, and living up to what you believe God is calling you to do, attitude is one of the most crucial factors determining success or failure. A great attitude results in more meaningful, growing, and healthy relationships. A great attitude results in higher productivity levels and determines whether one succeeds or fails at reaching goals. A poor attitude results in a lack of generosity, hoarding, frequent and habitual failure, poor performance, higher levels of stress, and conflict. People who have learned how to develop a great attitude and maintain a healthy mindset are on the path to success and leading


Alberta Adventist News

a vibrant and fulfilling life. Did you know it is possible to have varying attitude levels in different areas of your life? For example, an individual could have a reasonably healthy attitude at the office or work while that same person could have a poor, miserable, critical, and destructive attitude with his or her spouse and children at home. Consequently, the same individual can achieve relative success at work, fail at home, and vice versa. Why is that? Attitude. Having a great attitude is foundational for success, no matter what area in which you try to succeed. Developing the habit of a great attitude and maintaining that attitude under all circumstances and situations is the secret to growth and success in the Christian walk. It is impossible to gain substantive success in one's spiritual, mental, physical, emotional, or social health without first developing a great attitude in whatever area one seeks success. This is true for every area of life. Do you want to have a closer, more intimate relationship with God? Do you want to experience more confidence in your walk with God? Do you want to be more

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spiritual? Do you want to be the spiritual leader in your home? Do you want your children interested in God, faith, and Bible religion? Then understand you must learn how to have and maintain a great attitude in your life. Do you want to find financial and economic freedom? Do you want a better job or wish to start your own business and succeed? Learn how to create and maintain a great attitude—and learn how to teach it to others.

Just like a ballerina masterfully arranges and positions her arms, legs, back, neck, toes, posture and fingertips to assume the desired position in the ballet, we must learn how to arrange and position our mindset regarding the circumstances we face in life."

Do you want to be a better leader? Do you want to make an impact in your community, church, or home? Then gain mastery over your attitude. Demonstrate and practice a great attitude. If you constantly complain about how your pastor didn't visit you or your sick loved one, how the church or conference spent too much money on this or that, or how

so and so (who's supposed to be a Christian) ripped you off. If you complain how your fellow brother or sister at church doesn't eat right, dress right, or attend all the meetings just right, don't expect your spouse, children, family, work associates, or neighbours to be interested

in God or your religion. If you constantly complain about your lack of money, debt, and poor wages you earn at your job, don't expect to ever experience success, growth, promotions, or bonuses. You first need to change your attitude. If you constantly complain about the economy or the government and how this party or that party is just messing everything up, don't expect anything to get better. You must first change your failing and miserable attitude. You must learn how to first think differently and then be part of a solution. With that said, how can you tell if you have a great attitude?

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FROM THE EDITOR Many teach or have the false idea that attitude is dependent upon feelings. It would be nearly impossible to have a great attitude when sick (say with COVID or cancer) if that was true. Or, if your spouse is yelling at you or accusing you of something you didn't do, it would be impossible to maintain a great attitude. Why? Because nobody feels good in those situations. If attitude depends on feelings and emotions, then it would also mean your mental state of mind must follow and be determined by your circumstances or situation. It would mean that when you feel bad and down, you must also have a poor attitude to match those feelings. However, that is NOT TRUE!!! That's a distorted and backwards way of thinking. Attitude is not dependent upon feelings. Attitude is a position. It is a state of mind. Your state of mind, or attitude, is not reliant on your circumstances, current situation, or how you feel at any given moment. Attitude, or the position you take toward someone or something, is determined by choice or decision and the vocabulary or words you speak to yourself and those around you. If you constantly say to yourself things like: • "This is terrible!" • "This is the last thing I need now." • "Why does this always happen to me? Problems, problems, problems, 8

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A poor attitude results in a lack of generosity, hoarding, frequent and habitual failure, poor performance, higher levels of stress and conflict."

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all I get are problems and more problems." "I can't do that! I can't take this anymore!" "I don't know how to do that! I can't do that!" "How stupid am I? How dumb!" "Why don't they just show a little appreciation?" "Why won't my child(ren) ever listen to me or do anything I tell them to do?" "Why did those idiot politicians do that?" "Why didn't this stupid thing work?"

…then you can be sure you have a bad attitude. Why? Because your words and vocabulary are poor and negative. The position or stance toward any of these items is poor and negative. Instead, you can say to yourself things like: • "Oh wow, this was unexpected, but that's okay. I'll get through this." • "I'm thankful for the problems I am experiencing right

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now because I believe all problems are opportunities. This is an opportunity." "I don't know how to do that yet, but I'll learn." "I am intelligent. I am smart. I can do this! I can figure it out. I got this!" "My children sometimes seem to have trouble listening, but they are getting better. I am proud of the progress they are making." "You know, I just don't understand some of these politicians' decisions. They don't make any sense to me. But that's okay. I wonder if there is anything I can do to help improve the situation?" "I wonder how I could get involved to prevent this type of mistake from ever happening again." "You know, I really don't like what I am seeing happen with the situation between this country and that country, and right now, I don't know how I can make a difference on the macro level, but I'm going to start where I'm at."

You see, if attitude depends on your feelings at any given moment, then you are simply left to rise and fall with your feelings, like a rubber raft or little dinghy bobbing up and down on the ocean waves. Emotion ebb and flow like the tide. They rise and

fall like the waves of the ocean. They come and go like a breeze. Have you ever tried to control the ocean tide or limit the size of the waves? Have you ever tried to stop the wind? You can't stem the tide or stop the wind. Only God can do that. However, you can surf the waves and sail the wind. And if God permits, you can walk on water. The same is true with feelings and emotions. You can't stop feelings or emotions from happening. As long as you live, breathe, and have your being, you're going to experience feelings and emotions. However, you can control your position, frame of mind, or attitude you take toward your feelings and emotions. Like the surfer who

paddles out to catch the next wave or the sailor who sets the sail to thrust the ship in the intended direction, so you can set your attitude or frame of mind in the order you wish to go. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “attitude” as “1) the arrangement of the parts of a body or figure, such as posture. 2) a position assumed for a specific purpose. 3) a ballet position similar to the arabesque in which the raised leg is bent at the knee. 4a) a mental position with regard to a fact or state. 4b) a feeling or emotion toward a fact or state.” Just like a ballerina masterfully arranges and positions her arms, legs, back, neck, toes, posture, and fingertips to

assume the desired position in the ballet, we must learn how to arrange and position our mindset regarding the circumstances we face in life. No matter what situations or circumstances in which we find ourselves, we can always control our attitude. If we do this, we are on our way to an exciting and fulfilling life.

Eric Ollila

Communication/IT/Media Director Alberta Conference

Did you know that the Alberta Conference offers free Microsoft Office 365 E1 licenses for all church officers? For more information email Certain limits and exceptions apply. Microsoft E1 Licenses are web-based only Microsoft E3 and E5 licenses are available upon request. Charges will apply.

MARCH 2022

Alberta Adventist News


DEVOTIONAL Bald eagle on the island of Haida Gwaii Isaiah 40:31

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

God's second book Story and photos by Jack D. Waller

The phrase, "God's second Book", has special meaning for me. I treasure the moments that I am able to spend in the quite of the outdoors observing and recording the wonders of God's creation and I love sharing these wonders with others. My hope is that these few photos that I have selected will bring you a blessing from both of God's Books and motivate you to spend more time in nature.


Alberta Adventist News

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Deer and fawn in my back yard Psalms 42:1

As a deer gets thirsty for streams of water, I truly am thirsty for you, my God.

Lily bathed in prism light in a darkened room Song of Solomon 2:1

I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys.

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Alberta Adventist News



Festival Place near Sherwood Park Seventh- day Adventist church Galatians 6:14

But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.

Young foxes playing in my back yard Matthew 8:20

And Jesus saith unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.


Alberta Adventist News

MARCH 2022

Quite the Life! Job 39:10

Canst thou bind the buffalo with his cord in the furrow? or will he harrow the valleys after thee?

Young Tree swallows Psalms 84:3

Yea, the sparrow hath found an house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, even thine altars, O LORD of hosts, my King, and my God. MARCH 2022

Alberta Adventist News


Productive amidst the Pandemic DEVOTIONAL


eople faced a serious twist during the pandemic, and the virus has upended their daily routines. Strict health protocols like quarantine created inconveniences, leaving old and young feeling anxious, afraid, stressed, and depressed. On the other hand, the crisis generated resilience and grit for those who faced it with a positive attitude and proactive approach. There are two important responses to life events. A person may consider an event a threat, and another may


Alberta Adventist News

count the same incident as a challenge. It all depends on how they perceive and interpret it. If we believe we have no control over the event and there is nothing we can do to deal with it, it becomes a threat and stressor. A stressor is pressure from our environment, and stress is our response to it. Studies show that stress affects everyone, but not all stress is bad. The fact is there are many ways to manage stress. Richard Lazarus, renowned stress and coping

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researcher, said we all need to cope with life events using our cognitive and behavioral capacities. Many people avoid the stressors, thinking they will be free from stress, only to find out they feel more distressed. Is it possible to cope and remain productive amid the pandemic? Let us consider three essential coping strategies: the management of the

No matter who you are, the Lord has blessed you with intellectual faculties capable of vast improvement (Mind, Character, and Personality Vol. 1 p. 3)

mind, body, and situation. God has given us a brain with the capacity to turn threatening events into a positive challenge. Ellen White said, “No matter who you are … the Lord has blessed you with intellectual faculties capable of vast improvement (Mind, Character, and Personality, vol. 1, p. 3). Let us think we can do great things with God’s help rather than dwell on the negative that can only enfeeble our ability to work. When we endure under trails, we will turn out to be like gold furnished by fire (see 1 Peter 1:7). In response to stressors, we also need to manage our bodies. We cannot respond well to a crisis when we feel weak and sick. When our bodies are healthy and robust, we have the

energy and endurance to face challenging situations. There are eight natural resources our body needs: “Pure air, sunlight, abstemiousness, rest, exercise, proper diet, the use of water, trust in divine power” (Ministry of Healing, p. 127). These are healthy lifestyle gems that decrease stress in our bodies. Finally, we are to manage the situation we are facing through the use of reframing, which is creating a different way of looking at an event, person, or relationship by identifying a brighter narrative of the situation—changing its meaning from negative to positive. We experience resilience when we fixate on the blessings an event gives us—focusing on the solution and not on the problem—being thankful rather than being remorseful. The apostle Paul gave us the secret: “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:18, NIV). God wants the best for us. He wants us to be productive even in the midst of a crisis. Let us continue to do our tasks with joy and confidence, for, in due season, we shall yield the best harvest.

Irelyn C. Gabin

Director, Women's Ministries Coordinator, Ministerial Spouses Association North Philippine Union Conference

MARCH 2022

Alberta Adventist News


The creat


"There are those that look at things are and ask why? I dream of things were and ask why not?" — George Berna


Alberta Adventist News

MARCH 2022

ative ones the way they that never

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n the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." What a great opening statement to the most extraordinary letter ever written to humanity! This one little sentence is powerpacked with fullness and insight relevant for the people of God at this end time. God created the heavens and the earth. He was there in the beginning. God did not just make the heavens but also the earth. We could infer from this that He must be extremely powerful and mighty, especially when considering what makes up the heavens and the earth. I think of the mighty oceans, lakes, rivers, ponds, and streams. They satisfy the thirst of every living thing. I think of the wind gentle enough to cool a baby in a stroller in the hot summer sun but forceful and sufficient enough to push sailing vessels across the sea and powerful enough to shred trees and rip apart metal buildings when in the form of a hurricane. I think of the billions and billions of animals, insects, birds, fish, and living things God has placed on this planet.

What power must be required to ensure every heart beats and pulses every single day! I think of the 7.6+ billion people on the earth, each one having a mind that even the greatest thinkers, researchers, and inventors haven't yet come to understand fully. Who is this God? What must He be like to have created the heavens and the earth out of nothing? "He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast" (Psalm 33:9, NKJV). Well, let me tell you what kind of God He is. He is an active God. He makes and shapes the future. He creates reality and determines outcomes. He is also a loving, kind, merciful, righteous, exceedingly high and noble God. He is an understanding God. And He is an amazing God who was willing to die for every one of us on the cross of Calvary. Jesus Christ is His name. He is the Word, the Creator, the Maker of the heavens and the earth. And what is more, He created us humans in His image. Male and female, we were created in the image of God. He gave our first

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Alberta Adventist News


FEATURE parents, Adam and Eve, and to us, their offspring, the command to "be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth" (Genesis 1:28, ESV). It has puzzled me for some time now why some Christians, particularly many Adventists, seem so passive when it comes to living life. God is not passive, or at least that is not the dominant trait of His character. God is active. God created things out of nothing. There is nothing passive about that. God's work of creation speaks of initiative, vision, action, power, care, service, detail, creativity, and so many other active, nonpassive adjectives. And humans were created in His image and then told to procreate, fill the earth, subdue the world, and have dominion over it. I don't see "passive" in that. I don't see anything left to luck, circumstance, weather, obstacles, fate, or lack of resources. I see Someone who shapes and creates the future with His ideas, words, and actions. What more significant barrier would God have to overcome than to demonstrate He could create something from nothing? He had nothing but Himself and made the heavens and the earth and filled them with all manner of life and living things. WHAT A GOD!!! 18

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And we are made in His image. Perhaps the only passive thing in this historical account of Creation is that we were created. That is passive. We received our life and existence from God. All of creation has received its being first from God. However, we were made and then commanded to create and procreate and lead, subdue, and have dominion—create a home; procreate a family; subdue the earth. Have rule, authority, control over all the living things on the planet. Why is this important? I think it is essential that we understand this for several reasons. Many, if not most, Adventists I hear speaking

God's work of creation speaks of initiative, vision, action, power, care, service, detail, creativity, and so many other active, nonpassive adjectives. And humans were created in His image and then told to procreate, fill the earth, subdue the world, and have dominion over it."

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these days speak out of passivity and fear. It seems as if we followers of Jesus are just left here on the planet to drift and flow with the tide of human events on earth. It seems we are far more comfortable leaving all the action to the shapers of human history like Noah, Nimrod, Nebuchadnezzar, the Medo-Persians, Alexander the Great, or the Romans. I see it a lot in our presentations on Bible prophecy. Leaders preach that certain things in Bible prophecy will happen exactly the way they are written in Holy Scripture, and there isn't anything anybody can do about it. Never mind the story of Jonah and how his actions and the response of the people changed prophecy. For example, consider the teachings about the antichrist or little horn power. Many Christians focus on the activities of the little horn power and monitor the news, meetings, and speeches as if to hang on every little word and morsel of thought and direction the little horn gives. These leaders, preachers, and Christians act as if to say all of salvation history and the second coming of Jesus Christ were entirely dependent (passively) on the actions of that one entity. It is common to hear individuals say things like, "Wow, the coming of Jesus must be so close, I can't see how this world can get any more wicked."

What is being said here? Have you ever asked yourself that question? Is it that the coming of Jesus is dependent upon the wickedness of humanity? Is that what is being said? Is this not a completely passive approach to Christianity? Does God—the One who clothed Adam and Eve with lambskins in Genesis; the One who promised He would one day come and be the real sacrifice; the One who left His throne above and incarnated Himself into human flesh; the One who was born of a woman and lived on this earth for a little over 30 years; the One who died and was raised again—does that God sound like He would allow the final destination of humanity to

rest entirely upon the actions of His avowed enemy? Does the God who created the heavens and earth out of nothing by simply speaking words seem like the kind of God who would allow Satan to dictate when He (Jesus) would come again? I believe the second coming of Jesus is entirely dependent upon God Himself, His professed followers, and the preaching of the gospel— period. "When this gospel is preached to the entire world, then the end will come" (Matthew 24:14). Is Satan preaching the gospel? Is the little horn preaching the gospel? Is the beast power of Revelation preaching the gospel? No, they are not. They are trying to prevent, distort, and hinder the gospel from being preached. Satan is trying to delay the second coming of Jesus Christ. Why? Because it's all over for him when that event happens. Therefore, who is dependent on whom? Are the second coming and fate of the world dependent on Satan's actions or those of the little horn and the beast? Or is it determined by God, His people, and the preaching of the gospel?

My firm conviction is that this world, the second coming of Jesus, and the ultimate determination of what happens to everyone living on this planet is entirely dependent upon the actions and initiative of God, His Spirit, His people, and the preaching of the gospel—period. It does not matter how wicked the earth gets. It does not matter what Satan does or how upset or defiant he and his minions get. The only thing that matters regarding Satan and the end times is God will not allow him to snuff out His faithful followers. And God's people need to be aware of what Satan is doing because we need to counteract all he does through the preaching of the gospel. Christians are not passive tumbleweeds meant to be blown about by the winds and drafts of the world, world events, or the enemies of God. We were built in the image of God. We are creators, movers, shakers, and future shapers, and if we are serious about seeing the kingdom of heaven, we need to awaken out of our slumber and passivity. =

Eric Ollila

Communication/IT/Media Director Alberta Conference

MARCH 2022

Alberta Adventist News


Church On-demand


It's not hard to see we live in an on-demand economy. On-demand means, because of 24/7 connectivity, people can always be connected watching, listening, and reading what they like with a personally curated selection, playlist, or watch list.


Alberta Adventist News

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wrestle with the concept of church in this new season of life. What will the church look like? After COVID, will there still be people interested in attending church? This new world forces us to look at how we have always done things in the past. Statistics have shown that average church attendance during the pandemic has dropped significantly. And I mean, can you blame people. With the thought of perhaps catching COVID and the convenience of just watching the church service from home, keeping church members coming to church may pose as a challenge for years to come. Interestingly, although church attendance has dropped significantly, online viewership has skyrocketed. Here’s my idea: I think postCOVID life will involve lots of “church on-demand”! “Woah, Lyle! What is that about? Here you go with your new-fangled progressive ideas!” “I mean, I may have heard about watching things on-demand, but where do you get off on church on-demand? Will there also be ‘worship on-demand,’ too?” I know what you’re thinking: This sounds a little strange, maybe even ungodly or unbiblical. Let me explain. I love church and all, especially for the community and fellowship part. I mean, after

If the church is not only going to survive but thrive in 2022 and beyond, we will need to create and produce quality content, but not just church or worship services that can be viewed online." all, the Bible says in Hebrews 10:25, “let us not neglect meeting together.” And trust me, I get that, but how we meet and engage in our faith life will have to change. Researchers have noticed COVID has changed what we watch and how we watch. As one author has put it, “Covid has forced us all to recalibrate our lives.” It's not hard to see we live in an on-demand economy. On-demand means because of 24/7 connectivity, people can always be connected—watching, listening, and reading what they like with a personally curated selection, playlist, or watch list. As everyday consumers, this has unfortunately made us impatient, and we want everything now and immediately on our schedule. If it doesn’t fit our preferred time preference, we will watch it later or maybe not at all; and sometimes, we will watch something else that tickles our fancy. This new on-demand economy has made things interesting for brands and content creators. To keep and retain the attention of everyday consumers, they must create content that incorporates highly relatable, relevant, and engaging micro-moments that can be viewed on consumers’ mobile devices. To give you an example of the importance of mobile use for consumers, mobile device users are 50% more likely to purchase using their phones; 79% of smartphone users have purchased online using their mobile devices in the last six months. As of 2022, an average person is predicted to spend 100 minutes per day watching online videos. And that’s not all: it is said that 78% of people watch online videos MARCH 2022

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every week, and 55% view online videos every day. In fact, 54% of consumers want to see more video content this year. People are no longer attending church at the specific time it was intended to start. And people are no longer tuning in and watching the program at the specific time it was intended to start. They arrive when they want and may even decide to watch later, when it’s most convenient for them. On-demand means when the time is suitable for the viewer, they will set their own watching schedule and view it when they want to do so. If the church is not only going to survive but thrive in 2022 and beyond, we will need to create and produce quality content, but not just church or worship services that can be viewed online. Churches will need to think outside the 22

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box and create quality content that is on-demand, such as: • • • • • • • •

TV series Sitcoms Documentaries News reports Miniseries Podcasts Movies Short films

With all that said, what can you do? • Get creative—try something new and different • Provide a great user experience for those watching online • Present different types of quality content • Invest in great tech that allows you to come across as professional • Produce a variety of quality content that is appealing and relevant

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Refrain from just copying and pasting in-person church and putting it online

Churches will have to pivot in this brave new world of on-demand economy. Not that you are catering to the lazy church member consumer, but who knows, maybe in creating that quality content, I might be scrolling through Netflix and see your ministries on the “New & Popular” or “Top 10 in Canada Today” trending lists.

Dr. Lyle Notice

Youth Director Alberta Conference










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MATTHEW FEELEY SENIOR PASTOR OF NEW LIFE CHURCH IN OSHAWA, ONTARIO Pastor Mathew Feeley was born and raised in Toronto.The early years of his life were troubled and characterized by drug abuse and crime. Fortunately, God intervened and at the age of 17 and Pastor Feeley became a Seventh-day Adventist after attending a Youth Week of Prayer at the Scarborough Seventh-day Adventist church.


Evangelism has been a large part of Pastor Feeley’s ministry. He has spent much of his time as a Pastor conducting evangelistic series.


He is ever thankful for the loving support of his dear wife Kristy and son Ayden.

Dr. Lyle Notice Youth Director Phone: (403) 342-5044 ext 227



Please welcome the new Alberta Conference Treasury Office member, Nanette Quines Nanette works as a church auditor, giving CP4/CP3 assistance for the local church accounting system, training new treasurers, and responding to/redirecting treasurers’ requests. She is also an administrative assistant for the Communication Department. Here are the names of the Treasury team and their primary responsibilities related to the local church treasury ministry. If you need assistance with something, you know who to contact first.

Stephanie Ferguson If you need assistance with passing along donations, conference evangelism subsidy, honorarium, invoices, and EFT, she will be the perfect one to contact. E: Direct Line (587) 815-8771

Rebecca Masson If the local church has payroll services, such as church clerk (secretary or administrative assistance), janitorial, Bible worker, etc., please feel free to contact her. E: Direct Line (587) 815-8774

Penny Marcinyk She is in charge of receiving and processing donations through the Alberta Conference on behalf of the churches, as well as monthly remittance reports, receivables, and Camp Meeting bookings. E: Direct Line (587) 815-6226


Alberta Adventist News

MARCH 2022


Corene Glover If the local church is part of a church school constituency and you need assistance/information about any school connected to the Alberta Conference (11 schools in total), she is the right person to contact. E: Direct Line (587) 815-5978

Keith Richter Chief Financial Officer. If the church is planning any major project or wants to open an investment account with the Alberta Conference, you need to call Elder Keith. E: Direct Line (587) 815-8778

Scott Nischuk RBC Express Services, technical support, including CP3/CP4 (IT); submitting GST claims electronically. E: Direct Line (587) 815-8797

Solomon Agdon Adding bank account signature for new treasurers. He is the liaison between the local church and RBC, church charity number, and any information related to the CRA. E: Direct Line (587) 815-5981

Nanette Quines As mentioned before, she works as a church auditor, giving CP4/ CP3 assistance for the local church accounting system, training new treasurers, responding to/redirecting treasurers' requests. E: Direct Line (587) 815-8770 MARCH 2022

Alberta Adventist News



Alexandra Alvir Auditor, assisting with CP3/CP4 entries, bank reconciliations, remittance report adjustments, and training new treasurers. E: Direct Line (587) 815-8773

Llew Werner Answers Risk Management, insurance, property, building, and safety questions. E: Direct Line (587) 815-5977

—Submitted by the Treasury Department of the Alberta Conference



Alberta Adventist News

MARCH 2022




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More info: Dr. Lyle Notice Youth Director Phone: (403) 342-5044 ext 227

Pastor John Scott, raised in Toronto, felt the call to ministry from an early age. After attending Oakwood and Andrews universities to complete his studies, he was driven to pastoral ministry. But it was his passion for youth that led him to Conference youth ministry. He enjoys engaging with young people and empowering them to serve creatively and in innovative ways.




ricia Gabrys, Longtime resident of Lacombe, Alberta, and dedicated Alberta Conference Office of Education learning coach, graduated from Walden University with honours on January 22, 2022, with a Master of Science in Early Literacy and Reading. Walden is an online university that has been a great support for several of our Adventist teachers who have earned their master’s degree while continuing their full-time educational employment. During the pandemic, in-person graduations have been sparse for many universities, so Gabrys graduated in her cap and gown in her living room with a small group of friends and family. While Gabrys has spent most of her life in Lacombe, this Burman graduate started her teaching career at Avalon Adventist Christian Academy in Port Hardy, BC. She has also worked at the Loving to Learn Play School and College Heights Christian School, where she was the music and grade six homeroom teacher. Gabrys’s position with the Alberta Conference includes, but is not limited to, travelling to each of our Adventist schools in the province to assist teachers with writing Individualized Educational Plans, testing students in their reading abilities, and coaching high school students in the area of career planning. Gabrys is an inspiration to other teachers who are interested in pursuing their master’s degree. If you happen to see her, congratulate her on a job well done! — Written by friend and colleague, Pattie Reasor — Jr/Sr High Vice Principal at Mamawi Atosketan Native School 28

Alberta Adventist News

MARCH 2022

Something *Else to talk About The Alberta Conference owns and operates 11 schools in Alberta, 5 of which include high school and one being an online school with students from around the world. *ELSE - EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP SUPPORTING EVANGELISM

Alberta Conference Women’s Retreat April 9, 2022

MOVING FORWArd Due to unforeseen circumstances there will be no Women’s Retreat in April 2022. We apologize for the change in the event and for any inconvenience this may have caused.


Small group discussions.

Jesus & Yeezy


ver the past two years, it has been difficult for youth. Youth thrive in youth-friendly environments and love to hang out with other youth. With COVID running rampant and variants continuing to multiply, youth in Alberta have not had the opportunity to gather for large-scale events like the youth rally that usually takes place at Foothills Camp. However, with a unified effort of youth pastors in Calgary/ Airdrie, Pastors Bryan, Marc, Anthony, JP, and Seth made a young adult event happen. The youth pastors worked closely with their youth leaders in Calgary, like David Bermudez, to bring together youth from the Southern Alberta region. On January 29, at the Garden Road Church, a Praise &


Alberta Adventist News

Worship event brought together youth from all over. It was great to see the diversity. You could feel the excitement and energy as you walked into the building. Having not been together in that capacity for over two years, it was amazing to see the turnout and hear the laughter. With a friendly greeting from Pastor Seth at the door, you were bound to put on a smile underneath your mask. The praise and worship were outstanding. Melodious singing from the Garden Road Praise Team reminding us that Jehovah-Jireh is enough. Pastor Bryan helped introduce the program with greetings from Christina Hunter on behalf of Burman University. Pastor Marc led out the ice breakers. His cheerful spirit and comedic presence

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helped the youth loosen up and get to know other youth. If you were hungry, you could grab some pizza and snacks from Pastor JP and his serving crew. I loved the event because there was a little something for everyone. There was Bible study along with small group discussion. And for the social side, there was a variety of games: board games in the lobby, dodgeball in the gym, and if you wanted to test your gaming skills in Mario Kart, you could head downstairs and challenge Pastor Anthony to a game. However, my favorite game of the night was basketball—okay, maybe not so favorite because I lost a challenge. You see, I had challenged any of the young people to a one-on-one


Praise and worship.

Pastor Anthony Kern setting the Mario Kart Tournament.

Small Group Ice Breakers …getting to know each other.

basketball game, and the grand prize would be a pair of my very own Yeezy (developed by musician Kanye West) shoes. Now, these shoes are pretty expensive, so I wasn’t about to let them go that easily. At the end of the night, I was ready to play. I took off my sweater to flex my huge muscles, hoping to intimidate my opponent. Unfortunately, my competitor, Michael, was more ready than I was… and a little taller than I am… okay, a lot taller than I am. I put up a great fight on the court, but it wasn’t enough to beat Michael, a first-time visitor invited by Pastor JP. You see, Pastor JP usually plays basketball at a local gym in Calgary and met Michael there. He decided to invite him to a Praise & Worship event. That night, with all the youth watching, I played a good game, but I was defeated. Michael beat me 7 to 3. At the end of the night, when Michael was asked how he enjoyed his time, he answered, “WOW! This is my first time at church, and I got to win Yeezys!” What a blessing it was for all of us that night — the Word, fellowship, sports, food, and lots of laughter — and especially for Michael, because not only did he meet Jesus' loving youth that night, but he also won a pair of Yeezys. — Submitted by Dr. Lyle Notice, Alberta Conference Youth Director MARCH 2022

Alberta Adventist News



Pathfinders Take On “Good Neighbour” Challenge to Build Athletic Field


his spring, Alberta Pathfinder Clubs are not just taking on a challenge, they’re taking on a mission. Mamawi Atosketan Native School (MANS) has never had an athletic field, and our Pathfinders are going to change that. With COVID-19 hitting Indigenous communities especially hard, the neglected outdoor athletic area of MANS, our Conference school, needs to be brought up to the standard all parents want for their kids: a level field where kids can run and develop physical skills and a life-long enjoyment of wholesome, outdoor activity. It’s essential that students be able to fully engage in outdoor activity without fear or risk injury due to potholes and unsafe playing fields. “The MANS Athletics Field project gave us (Pathfinders) an opportunity to help our neighbours, support

the church's objective of advancing reconciliation with Indigenous people and be Jesus's hands and feet,” says Sophie Sibanda, Executive Area Coordinator — Pathfinders/ Youth. “We’re excited to be a part of this project!” Alberta Pathfinders of all ages are looking beyond a fundraising project that benefits them directly. As they look out

Kiya, age 7.


Alberta Adventist News

MARCH 2022

for and share with their neighbours in Maskwacis, our children and youth are internalizing the Gospel principals that Pathfinder clubs are founded on. Please be generous in you gifts and words of support for our Pathfinders and their leaders as they show in a tangible way that every child matters. — By Lynn McDowell, Director of Planned Giving Aerial visual of the rough field as per November, 2021.

Area to be developed with your contributions.

Kiya's photo by Dean Ward Highview Photo







lose it” APRIL 22-24, 2022





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MARCH 2022 Alberta Adventist News Dr. Lyle Notice, Youth Director • Phone: (403) 342-5044 ext 227 • •



MANS Construction Tech Class Designs and Starts Needed Building BY MYKEN McDOWELL


hen asked about the unique programs MANS has to offer, recently appointed principal Mike Willing speaks with palpable enthusiasm. He has several reasons to be so cheerful — the welding, construction, agriculture, and after- school sports programs are all highly popular with students. The skills they develop as a result are practical and multifaceted. A case in point: the new Agri-Barn that stands between the new main high school building and the newly- enlarged school garden.

The hybrid greenhouse/ shed/barn was designed by the Construction Tech class using computer drafting technology and stands at the enclosed and protected stage thanks to donations from SAGE and the Ptarmigan Foundation. The 12’x 20’ Agri- Barn links hands-on building


Alberta Adventist News

and technology skills with another class — Gardening — and a vision for an expanding agriculture program at the school. “Of course, we have struggled in the last year due to COVID,” says Mike, referring to mandated “on-line only” instruction periods,” but nevertheless, we are very excited to put some of those good skills to use. Our students are excited to help out with some of our major on-campus projects that tie different aspects of what we do together.”

See students in action in The Construction Tech Experience video at mans1. ca Each year, students and faculty have come together to grow an on-campus garden as part of MANS’

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agricultural program. With a formal Gardening class now a regular academic option, a place to store gardening tools and to start seedling vegetables became crucial. The answer was to design a building that could accommodate a greenhouse section, tool storage, and also livestock which Mike sees as part of the future of MANS’ agricultural program. The construction class students were enthusiastic about being part of the campus expansion. As an added bonus, they learned how to mill their own lumber for the project, bringing the cost of the building way down. “We’ve gone out and received donations of reclaimed trees, and we brought them in, cut them up using a chainsaw Alaska mill, and we stacked them up,” says Mike. “Given current lumber prices, we have about $5,000 worth of wood that we’ve been


Principal Mike Willing, who began the Agri-Barn as MANS’ Construction Technology teacher last spring (far right), stands inside MANS’ newest structure this fall with some experienced construction students and some new enrollees who are looking forward to finishing the job this spring.

able to accumulate this year — enough to support our woodworking and construction projects for the next three or four years.” Additional funds from the Ptarmigan Foundation allowed staff to purchase all the materials necessary to frame the structure. Time on campus being short due to COVID, construction was paused at the frame stage, and volunteers from SAGE (Seniors in Action for God with Excellence), an Alberta Conference

volunteer ministry, painted the exterior in August to protect it from the elements. With help from students of the second-semester Construction Technology class, the Agri-Barn should be complete by the end of the school year. Just talking about it brings an infectious smile to Mike’s face. He is especially thrilled that a growing number of female students have expressed interest in learning construction. Young women form half of the filled-to-capacity

second-semester class. Mike sees this as a sign of a more diverse, equitable future in a traditionally male-dominated field. The Agri-Barn exemplifies the type of project Mike hopes to see more of in the school’s future. This studentdesigned addition to the campus will help buttress the MANS agricultural program while building important skills and supports for the students and an expanded vision of what they can accomplish.

MARCH 2022

Alberta Adventist News



From the moment he wakes up, every day in Pastor Tsholo’s Maskwacis ministry is an adventure. Sometimes he’s a soccer camp organizer at Ermineskin Arena with kokums cheering on their grandkids and making lunch on the sidelines. Sometimes he’s learning the ukulele alongside elementary kids at MANS. Whatever it is, this pastor isn’t flying “solo” — even if that’s how you say his name. Always engaging with kids and community, catch the adventures of Tsholo and his Maskwacis Congregation friends in minute-or-less videos from the Res next door.




All high school students pitched in enthusiastically to help harvest the bountry from MANS’ first Gardening class in the school’s expanded garden plot behind the main high school building.

“In Memory” Donation Boosts Gardening Experience for MANS Students Read more T about Richard’s

Photo by Patti Reasor

he Conference recently received a donation to be used at Mamawi Atosketan Native School (MANS) honouring the memory of the donor’s mother, Georgenna Ferguson. The gift, which was unrestricted in how it is to be used at MANS, will help the new Gardening program and students in the high school Gardening class develop more “roots” in the expanded garden pioneered by Grade 5 teacher Russ Nielsen as a personal project to cultivate student interest in gardening. High school teacher Kim

tomato sauce. (See story and photos at mans1. ca in the News section.)

motivation for remembering his mother with a gift in her memory in the Means & Meaning section, page 58.

Herrington created the Gardening class last year, which was met with a lot of enthusiasm from students. It also yielded tremendous bounty that contributed significantly to the MANS feeding program, including 90 quarts of

“I am very excited about the new donation,” says Herrington. “First, [a new] rototiller will be an amazing contribution as we continue to expand our garden.” Other possible uses of the funds include nutrients and fertilizer for an enlarged garden; raised beds or development of a border to beautify the garden; and possibly summer wages for a student to help with the weeding and other garden-related work. — By Lynn McDowell, Director of Planned Giving

MARCH 2022

Alberta Adventist News



From left to right Tanisha Otieno(PHAS coach), Maress Emmons(MANS coach), Nayshus Demitor(grade 8 PHAS), Taija (grade 8 MANS), Kreedance (grade 8 MANS), Jeresyn (grade 8 MANS), Thomas Comeau (grade 6 PHAS), Eugene Lidd (grade 6 PHAS), Caelije (grade 8 MANS), Shannae (grade 9 MANS), Shayla (grade 9 MANS).

MANS Volleyball Team Wins Big at Province-wide Volleyball Tournament



amawi Atosktan Native School’s (MANS) volleyball team ended 2021 on a high note with an historic first place finish at in the annual Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) Tournament, hosted in part for the first time at MANS. On the November 28 weekend, volleyball teams from 11 Seventh-day Adventist School gathered from across the province on the MANS campus and the College Heights campuses. The days were as long as they were rewarding. Games started at 9:00 am and went until 5:00 pm, with some teams playing six whole games.


Alberta Adventist News

MARCH 2022

The event was meaningful for MANS students for a few reasons. Hosting the tournament was an exciting way for MANS to contribute to the Seventh-day Adventist athletic community. Seeing and competing with other Seventh-day Adventist school teams provided a muchneeded sense of normalcy for all the studentathletes. And, perhaps most exciting of all, the MANS Volleyball team went on to win the tournament in their division, becoming the FCA division B Champions of 2021. Reflecting on the experience, MANS athletic coach Tessa Willing says, “It has been a challenging couple years in the

athletic department, due to COVID… I know that hosting gave Mamawi students a sense of pride that we haven’t had in years past. We’re now one step closer to our athletic goals because of it.” For Tessa, it is a heartening trend to see athletic skills and enthusiasm on the MANS campus steadily rise over the years. The recent tournament win and overall success of the MANS athletic department did not happen overnight; it has taken a lot of hard work on behalf of the whole school — especially Tessa, her colleagues, and the students she coaches. And Tessa coaches more than a few students. As head athletic director, Tessa keeps tabs on three separate Volleyball teams — the A, B and C leagues. She is responsible for coaching the C league, and her colleague, Maress Emmons, coaches their B team, which also has students from Peace Hills Adventist School (PHAS) in Wetaskiwin, Alberta. The reason for having three separate leagues, Tessa explains, is because “The C and B leagues are developmental and range from grade 5 to grade 8. The A league is the competitive league, consisting of students in grades 7 to 9. We always try to have a C team at Mamawi, as this is a good introduction to the sport and team play. We hope that we can have students playing at the FCA tournament from grades 5 to 9.” Undoubtedly, winning and hosting MANS first volleyball championship will bolster school spirit. Already, even more students are interested in playing volleyball and other team sports. As captain of the winning team, Jeresyn Francis says of the tournament experience, “Everybody there did well. I had a good time, with good people. It was very exciting winning Mamawi’s first championship, and mine as well. This [2021] is my first year at Mamawi, and I look forward to playing next year!”

Myken McDowell is a Communications specialist and master printmaker living in Edmonton, Alta.

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MARCH 2022

Alberta Adventist News



Another Miracle at CWAA


ach morning at Chinook Winds Adventist Academy, it is a real blessing before the students arrive to come together as a staff to worship and pray to our God. As we conclude with prayer, we dedicate our students and their families to the Lord and pray over the special needs specific to our staff and school; but most importantly, we pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Britta and Caden.

We are always aware we need the presence of the Holy Spirit to grant us wisdom in all our dealings and humbleness to remind us this is His school, to which we’ve been called to teach young people, follow God completely, serve Him unselfishly, and achieve excellence. The staff at CWAA are so blessed to be

Ruby and Shawn.


Alberta Adventist News

MARCH 2022

part of the ministry of teaching. They have the privilege of serving their students and presenting Jesus to them, witnessing miracles on a regular basis. A miracle of answered prayer and God’s leading occurred at the beginning of the school year when enrolment numbers were tabulated and attested to an increase of 25% in our student population. We praised our Miracle Worker! However, this added blessing created another need. How would we acquire new Chromebook computers for the additional students God had given to us? Was He testing our faith? Our principal, in consultation with our business manager through discussion and prayer, raised the question of how we could acquire sufficient funds to

EDUCATION NEWS but from where would the money come? We prayed that God would show us the way!

If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you” (John 15:7, NKJV)

make the computer purchases. Would God perform yet another miracle? Upon consultation with strategic stakeholders, we learned our funding source for technology was no longer available to us. The cost

to acquire these computers would be $21,500. This was an impossible amount for CWAA to fund in the current school year. How would we resolve this challenge? CWAA needed more computers now,

The following morning, the school received a call from a family who wished to make an unspecified donation to CWAA, and they wanted to know if we had any needs. They were told about the computer situation and agreed to purchase all the computers

for the school. The CWAA team could not believe it — this quick answer to prayer! God had indeed performed another miracle! The CWAA team gave glory to Jesus for answered prayer. We are thankful to the generosity of faithful donors for listening to the call of the Holy Spirit and partnering with Chinook Winds to make miracles like this one happen.

—Submitted by Paul Antunes - Chaplain, CWAA and Bruce Fillier - Principal, CWAA


Presented by

Eric Ollila

Director | Communication/Information Technology/Media | Alberta Conference

MARCH 2022

Alberta Adventist News



One of the several Filipino families that M.E.T.R.O. Men’s Ministry helped move to their new home.

Calgary M.E.T.R.O. Filipino Men's Ministry in Action


he heart of every ministry is the telling and living of the Bible. Every Christian is commissioned to proclaim the gospel, and every follower of Christ is to make disciples and teach them to obey everything God has commanded us.

The Bible clearly outlines the role of men. To name a few: •


Adam was placed in the garden to tend and keep it. Moses freed the Israelites from slavery and led them out of Egypt and across the Red Sea.

Alberta Adventist News

Abraham left his own country and people and journeyed to a foreign land to become the founder of a new nation. Joshua was a man who led his family to worship the Lord. Paul emphasized that every man should love his wife, just as Christ loves the church, and provide for his family.

Indeed, men play a significant role in God's work, their families, and communities. Calgary M.E.T.R.O. Filipino Adventist Church’s Men's Ministry has been fulfilling

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this role through Bayanihan, a virtuous trait of Filipino culture. It is a cooperative undertaking typical among Filipinos by extending help to families transferring to a new home or location. It refers to a fundamental aspect of Filipino culture: working together as a community to achieve a common goal. This Bayanihan program is M.E.T.R.O. Men's way of reaching others and fulfilling the great commission entrusted to them. May the Lord bless the work of our hands, for in due time, we will be rewarded abundantly. —Submitted by Mona Gumtang

Alberta Adventist Mario Franco and Marcelino Reyes.

The IT Support one-stop-shop for Alberta Conference

Clockwise: Muelsie Pampo, Rex Manuel, and Roger Rodriguez.

The Alberta Conference is excited to announce its first Help Desk. IT experts provide help for fast solutions to support our members on an add-on to pre-existing IT action. Areas We Can Help •

Software & Subscription Licensing – Microsoft 365, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Dynamics, Azure, Azure AD, Windows Virtual Desktop, Teams Voice, Zoom, Adobe, Google, SAGE and more.

Troubleshooting – Microsoft, Google, Adobe, Zoom, SAGE, and more.

New Users and New User Onboarding

Muelsie Pampo.

Printing & Printing Troubleshoot


Economies of Scale Purchasing – Hardware, Software


Training – Office 365, Teams and other


Special Projects

Whom Do We Help? •


Churches (including volunteer church officers who use Office 365, Teams, and Zoom)


ABC Bookstore


Admin Office

Inquire for additional areas we may be able to help you. Contact us at


Christmas Offering Aid to City’s At-Risk Youth


he church worship committee organized the Christmas offering, which was collected on the Sabbath closest to Christmas Day and voted by the church board. The monies collected from this offering have been donated to local charities in the Edmonton area in past years. Recipients of past offerings include Ronald MacDonald House, Hope Mission, and a local women’s shelter. This year, an organization called YOUCAN Youth Services was selected to receive the


Alberta Adventist News

offering. YOUCAN is a nonprofit charitable organization dedicated to empowering at-risk youth so they have the knowledge, support, and skills to remove themselves from harm's way. They assist young people at risk in transitioning into employment or back into education. Many of their clients come from broken homes and have experienced alcohol or drug abuse. Some even have been involved in gangs. Most have found themselves involved in the criminal justice system. YOUCAN’s goal

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is to engage young people to transform their lives by interrupting the cycle of harm. On January 22, 2022, the Edmonton South Seventhday Adventist Church was pleased to present a cheque to YOUCAN Youth Services for $6,812.00, which represented the total of this year’s Christmas offering. The presentation was made to Sheyanne Lavall-Crouse, Donor Services manager for YOUCAN. —Submitted by Edmonton South Communication Team













ELDER LOWELL C. COOPER Canadian – born and a retired Vice-president of the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church

SCHEDULE Friday, May 6

@ 5:30 pm

Banquet (for ages 50+) (Pre - registration required)

College Heights Christian School Gymnasium Watch for further information via emails/church bulletins Sabbath, May 2 @ 9:15 am

Sunday, May 3

Church Service

@ 10:30 am

Sabbath School

@ 3:30 pm

Sabbath afternoon (includes Q&A)

@ 7:00 pm

Gospel Concert

@ 9:30 am



Activities in Okotoks Seventh-day Adventist Church During COVID-19


Adventurer Students wearing their masks; children's story time; Adventurers doing physical exercise with their teacher, Jerson Delima; the newly formed Ukelele Group.


he COVID-19 pandemic has paralyzed the world. Businesses were closed, people lost their jobs, and many succumbed to the virus. Ministering in and attending church have become more complex. However, the pandemic has also brought the Okotoks Adventist Church members


Alberta Adventist News

opportunities. They were able to comfort people in emotional pain and share with those grieving the loss of loved ones the hope we have in Jesus. God is still in control. Although the pandemic has been raging, the Adventist Church in Okotoks has kept

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busy. When permitted, the church stayed open for people to worship on Sabbath, and Zoom was available for people who preferred to attend online. Every other Sabbath, the Adventurers Club started its program at 2:00 p.m. The club was led by Jerson

CHURCH NEWS Delima, Roemie Laurente, some assistants, and parents. Six children were regularly attending. We are very thankful for the committed leaders of the club. Every other Sabbath, at 3 p.m. on Zoom, the Big Rock Master Guide Club is held under the leadership of the very-much-appreciated Pastor Romy Daquila. Twelve members are training for the Master Guide honor. During this challenging time, the youth have been able to find ways to comfort and strengthen each other. Our youth leader, Eredee Loriezo, encouraged and coordinated the youth activities in members' homes, like Bible studies and practicing for duties in church the following Sabbath. Recently, 20 church members formed a ukulele group; two of the members are currently taking Bible studies. We praise God and thank Him for sending Scarlet Albeza Esperedion to the Okotoks Adventist Church. Scarlet is an international student volunteering her time to teach the ukulele group. The Okotoks Seventh-day Adventist Church has much for which to be thankful. We have had worries but also many, many more blessings. —Submitted by Ria Schurig Communication Director Okotoks Seventh-day Adventist Church

The wrong number


ello, I got a text from fewer than 300 people. A you,” A stranger named few months every winter, an Joe called me back on the ice road connects Gameti to phone. Yellowknife. “Yes, this is Pastor Jonathan,” I am amazed at how a I responded. “I just sent a text wrong number ends up being out to my church members a divine appointment and an letting them know about the ongoing Bible study. Please online church. There must pray for Joe in Gameti. have been a wrong number Three days later, I stood in that I texted.” line, keeping socially distant “That is alright,” Joe and waiting for my turn. responded. The person in front of me “Are you interested in introduced herself as Jean to spiritual things?” the person in the checkout “Yes, I enjoy talking with line. The name was familiar God.” for me, so I asked, “Are you “Would you like to join us Jean that I did Bible studies for church tomorrow?” with about five years ago?” “Ok, I will.” She said yes. I texted Joe back with the We chatted for a while, link for church. It is amazing and then I asked if she and when God uses the wrong her friend were interested in number to find someone starting Bible studies again. interested in spiritual things. She said yes, and her friend Joe didn’t show up to the was starting to pray more church, so I called him up these days. I asked where she again, and we started chatting. was living now. Her response? He lives in Gameti and is Gameti. interested in spiritual things. Please pray for the “Would you like to start Adventist Church work in Bible studies?” I asked. Gameti, Northwest Territories. “Ok” was his simple and yet Please pray for each of the 33 faith-filled response. communities where God is “Would you like to do it now working to spread the three or a little bit later?” angels' messages of hope and We agreed to meet in about wholeness. an hour and had our first Bible study. I found out he ***Names have been doesn’t go to church or have changed in the article. a Bible but is interested in the things of God. We studied —Submitted by and prayed together. Jonathan Geraci Gameti is a small, airPastor, Yellowknife accessible community of Adventist Church MARCH 2022

Alberta Adventist News







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Director for family, singles, women’s & men’s ministry in the Ontario Conference Orlando was born and raised in New Zealand and proud of his Samoan and Tongan heritage. He is married to Pastor Liz, and they both serve as co-Directors for family, singles, women’s & men’s ministry in the Ontario Conference. He is a father to Gabriel, Isaiah, and Samuel, and they bring a lot of joy to their home. Orlando loves being a disciple of Jesus and passionately craves to see the person of Jesus truly honoured in the way we live and love. He is passionate about justice advocacy work, meaningful community engagement, building leaders, and creating virtual spaces for God to transform lives.





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More info: Dr. Lyle Notice Youth Director Phone: (403) 342-5044 ext 227


Ten Words and a New Beginning F

or some of us, the new year is the time when we resolve to take better care of ourselves — exercise, eat healthily, and, perhaps most important of all, evaluate and concentrate on our relationship with God. The last two years have been challenging for many of us, but God has been our refuge and strength even as we move forward from crisis to crisis. Nevertheless, these adverse times have brought closeness to both each other and the Lord.

"Not With Our Father, [2022]?” Pastor Hamstra's but with Us" question to the audience was, It was the first Sabbath of the "What is it that we expected new year; David Hamstra, out of this new year anyway?” our senior pastor, extended a The encouragement from timely and inclusive welcome Pastor Hamstra was to be and new year greeting to optimistic and hope this year all those physically present will give us a new beginning. as well online viewers. He Pastor Hamstra indicated introduced his topic with that the ministerial plans some sense of humor by for the first quarter of this saying, "You may have heard year would be to address the about this year twenty-twenty, Ten Commandments. Why? but have you heard that He explained that this series twenty-twenty won [2021]? is significant and essential: And what is this year going God offered His people a to be? twenty-twenty, too new beginning by giving

You may have heard about this year Twenty- Twenty, but have you heard that Twenty- Twenty won. And what is this year going to be? Twenty -Twenty too?"

Pastor David Hamstra delivering his message. MARCH 2022

Alberta Adventist News


CHURCH NEWS the Ten Commandments. Pastor Hamstra reminded the congregation that things were not normal for God's people for the many, many decades they lived outside the Promised Land. When God offered a return to normalcy, He offered them the Ten Commandments. Pastor Hamstra remarked that if some of us were asked where the Ten Commandments could be found in the Bible, we would refer to Exodus 20. However, we were introduced to Deuteronomy, where the Ten Commandments are also found. One of the key texts for this sermon was Deuteronomy 4:12–14. Pastor Hamstra pointed out some crucial points to note in this verse: There is a distinction between the Ten Commandments and the rest of the instructions that appear in Deuteronomy. It was something the people heard with their ears — the words God spoke out of the fire. Pastor Hamstra emphasized that in the original language of the Bible, the Ten commandments are never called the “Ten Commandments;” they are called the “Ten Words.” He also pointed out that they heard ten words when God spoke out of the fire. He emphasized that the Ten Commandments are in a class set apart from the rest of the instructions the people get as a part of God's law. 50

Alberta Adventist News

Why Is It Called the “Ten Words”? Pastor Hamstra passionately and thoroughly explained that as well. He said that when we say the Bible is God's Word, it is because it has God's message for us. When God gives them “Ten Words,” He gives them the principles that govern a particular domain of human activity in the world in which we live, and we would call that “domain morality.” "The Ten Commandments are ten principles that describe the moral structure of reality," Pastor Hamstra said, explaining that God is giving these Ten Words that describe what is moral reality, and that is why the commandments are called a transcript of His character. The character has to do with our moral nature. God is showing us His character because He is the one who constructed reality. Pastor Hamstra mentioned that the exciting thing about character is you only know what people's characters are if you get a chance to observe them through time. Practically, we see their characters in the correspondence or lack thereof between what they claim they are about to do and what they do. That is why the Ten Commandments are introduced with this big historical lesson. There is a short one in Exodus, but Deuteronomy expands it. God lives His life by it and invites us to do the same.

MARCH 2022

Deuteronomy 5:1–4 As Pastor Hamstra immersed us in this history lesson from Deuteronomy, we learned Moses was going to teach Israel those things God had instructed him to teach them: the structure of morality. Here, he's speaking to the children of Israel on the border of the Promised Land after they had wandered in the wilderness for 40 years to allow the generation that was fearful of entering Canaan to die off. Pastor Hamstra mentioned that many of these children were not born yet when God spoke to their parents. Their mothers and fathers heard this, and they were to instruct their children. Those stories were to be a living reality in their lives, just as if they were there hearing God speaking to them from the mountain. Deuteronomy 5:5–6 We were reminded that after Israel heard God speaking out of the fire, they were afraid, so Moses went up to meet God instead. Here, God reminded His people that He is their God, who brought them out of Egypt. Sometimes, we forget the preamble. Addressing the congregation, Pastor Hamstra asked what the preamble to the Ten Commandments is, and affirmed with the answer, “I brought you out of Egypt, I rescue you, I want the best for you, I want to save you.”

CHURCH NEWS Deuteronomy 10:1–2 When Moses saw the people had broken God's covenants — His agreement — he also broke apart the tablet of stone, the Ten Commandments Lord had written. God said it’s time to make a new one. He is going to make a new covenant. The Lord will dwell with His people in this new covenant—a new beginning.

The Ten Commandments are ten principles that describe the moral structure of reality."

Deuteronomy 10:4 We were reminded that God himself wrote the Ten Words. He did not employ any other writer to do this. He authored this. He offered a new start — a new covenant. A New Beginning After a New Beginning Pastor Hamstra emphasized that we thought 2021 was going to be our new beginning. Now, we are in 2022, a new beginning after a new beginning. How many new beginnings is it going to take? God offers a new start over and over again, but there is a new covenant time coming again. As Pastor Hamstra wrapped up this appealing historical lesson and message from God’s Word, we were taken to Jeremiah 31:3 and 31–34 and Matthew 5:17–19. He stated that the preamble to God's new covenant is the same: He loved us with an everlasting love. God is promising restoration to His people after being exiled in Babylon. He is reminding His people

that He loved them with an everlasting love. The preamble to God's new covenant is the same: “I love you; I am doing these things for you.” We were reminded that God did not come to destroy His laws or the prophets but fulfill them. Pastor Hamstra stated that when God makes this covenant with Israel, He calls on heaven and earth to witness that this was a permanent moral structure. The difference between the old and new covenants is not in the structure of moral reality — God doesn't

say, “I am going to get rid of my law”; the difference is going to be how we develop moral character. We were reminded confidently that we would, at times, fail to live up to God's moral structure; we will, at times, fail to keep our promise to Him and each other; we will, at times, be faithless; but if we remember, at those times, that God is faithful, He will not deny us. — Submitted by Ina Martin, Edmonton Central Seventh- day Adventist Church

MARCH 2022

Alberta Adventist News


All smiles after baptism.

Musical Tribute at the baptism, Brandon, Sheryl, and Hersea Napod.

Integrated Microsoft Office 365 and Zoom licenses are available for a special discount for all Alberta Conference Churches. Contact us today for more information and pricing: OFFICE 365 + ZOOM Roel Aranda baptized by Pr. Rudy Alvir.


Alberta Adventist News

MARCH 2022

CHURCH NEWS Katelynn Thanaki shared a testimony before baptism.

London Quines, baptized by Pr. Moises Ruiz.

Received Bibles as gifts from the church.

Taking the baptismal oath.

The Church Marches On D

espite masks, mandates, isolation, and quarantines, God's children are still tuned in to His Word and the call to be disciples. Recently, at the Red Deer Seventh-day Adventist Church, there have been several baptisms. Youth and adults, each responding to God's truth and mercy for salvation, have publicly proclaimed their allegiance to Jesus Christ. Our pastor, Rudy Alvir, commends the work and activities of the small groups continuing in the church, providing nurture and encouragement to its members in their everyday living experiences. The sense of belonging is met. The reality of growing in faith and relationship with God and one another becomes the norm. The willingness to be of service to our neighbors and community is all part of our desire to meet together, focusing on the Word of God and opportunities to respond to known needs.

There were four individuals baptized. What a blessing! Our sincere best wishes go out to these new members of our church, with our prayers that you continue to grow in Christ. In times like these you need a Saviour, In times like these you need an anchor; Be very sure, be very sure your anchor holds and grips the Solid rock! This Rock is Jesus, Yes, He's the One; This Rock is Jesus, the only One. Be very sure, be very sure your anchor holds and grips the Solid rock!"

(“In Times Like These” [Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal, #593]) —Submitted by Jane Holmes, Small Groups Ministry MARCH 2022

Alberta Adventist News


IN MEMORY A Life Well Lived— In Memory of Pearl Fortunat August 10, 1936 - January 6, 2022


earl Fortunat was a loving wife to Stan, amazing mother and mother-in-law to Jeff (Kathy) and Linda (Anthony Greaves), devoted grandmother to Mikelle (Caleb Djkowich), Matthew and Nikolas Fortunat, and Nakita Greaves, and legacy leaver to great-grandson Brooks Djkowich. She was also a friend, mentor, and “mother” to many not her own. Sadly, Pearl lost a brief battle with cancer on January 6, 2022, at 85. Our family was blessed to have celebrated Stan and Pearl’s 63rd anniversaary in June of 2021 in fine form—original wedding attire and all. December came with a mixture of joy and sorrow. Although mom wasn’t feeling that great, we celebrated Christmas together. She was blessed to meet Brooks and help Matthew celebrate his engagement to Rachel.

Pearl was baptized into the Edmonton Central Seventh-day Adventist Church on May 10, 1969. As the church grew, she was asked if she’d like to be a founding member of a new congregation in Southeast Edmonton. She was always up for a challenge! Along with several new church friends, she rented the St. Stephens United Church and began holding services as the “Edmonton South Seventh-day Adventist Church.” The new congregation prospered. Pearl was there when the first shovel of dirt was dug for their very own church building… finished and dedicated in 1982. She was beyond thrilled when Stan, her devoted husband, was


Alberta Adventist News

MARCH 2022

baptized into the church on December 14, 1996, in no small part due to her fervent prayers and living example. Pearl and Stan attended and supported the Edmonton South Church throughout their life, where lifelong friendships were fostered and still dear at her passing. Pearl was a powerhouse of energy, ideas, commitments, and dedication. She served her community faithfully as Community League president, Cub Scout and Brownie leader, caring neighbor, and friend. She was further involved in community outreach as director of Vacation Bible School and instructor of vegetarian cooking classes. Notably, Pearl was also the director/ lecturer of the church’s “5-Day Plan to Stop Smoking” program at the Cross Cancer Institute for ten-plus years. Pearl further served her God and church, including as secretary, Sabbath School leader, board member, deaconess, and elder. She also sat, for many years, on the volunteer board of Sherwood Park Nursing Home (now Sherwood Care). In her laater years, Pearl (and Stan) took care of the church gardens and took great pride in their beauty. Their hard work was recognized by the neighborhood with a nomination to the City of Edmonton “Communities in Bloom” program. Pearl will be GREATLY missed! Her unique and powerful influence lives on through her family and the lives of those she touched. —Submitted by Jeff Fortunat and Linda Greaves

TEXT Esther Mudasebanya Passed away December 5, 2021


dmonton South Seventhday Adventist Church was saddened in December to lose yet another congregation member. Sister Esther Mudasebanya, or as she was affectionately known, “grandma,” passed away after a short illness on December 5, 2021, at the University of Alberta Hospital in Edmonton. She was laid to rest on December 20. Condolences are extended to the Uwineza, Muhazi, Labelle, Uwanahoro, and Mugisha families. She will be missed by her many relatives and friends, both here in Edmonton and her home country of Congo. —Submitted by Edmonton South Communication Team


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Dear beloved members of the Alberta Conference: On Tuesday, February 15, 2022, the Executive Committee (EXCOM) took the following action: EX-2022-16 CAMP MEETING 2022 REVISITED Whereas at the EXCOM Meeting on January 23, 2022, it was voted that the AB Conference 2022 Camp Meeting would be virtual, and Whereas the Alberta Government has started to lift all COVID 19 protocols and mandates beginning March 1, 2022, it was VOTED that the AB Conference 2022 Camp Meeting (July 15 – 23, 2022) be in person. This means a full in-person gathering with virtual support for those who cannot or choose not to attend in person. May God continue to richly bless and protect you and your families as we venture forward in faith.


Alberta Adventist News

MARCH 2022

Planting Seeds:

MEANS & MEANING DID YOU KNOW? “In Memory” and “In Honour Gifts” are one way of honouring the life of someone who had a positive impact. Such gifts are recognized by The Alberta Conference by stories, such as those in this issue about Richard Ferguson’s gift, and the Means & Meaning column in the AAN September 2021 issue about the anonymous gift given to remember the 215 unmarked graves of Indigenous children discovered near Kamloops, BC this summer. FAMILY INPUT In addition, the Planned Giving program provides a forum for the family of individuals who have left a gift to the Conference in their will to suggest a use that is dear to the family or that may have been important to the donor if no particular use is specified in the will. “Where most needed” designations in a gift by will or an “In Memory Gift,” such as Richard’s, allow flexibility for needs and uses that arise after a will is made or a gift is given to honour the life of a dear one.


Alberta Adventist News

Honouring The Giants in Our Lives with Good

Richard’s “In Memory Gift” not only honours his compassionate and caring mother. It also advances the values she pointed him toward.


eorgenna Ferguson was a nurse who spent many years working at Baker Memorial Sanitarium in Calgary—a TB sanitarium. Most of the patients were First Nations, and it was at the sanitarium that Ed Dejarlais, a young Cree man, first encountered the Adventist message and made it his mission to establish a school and Adventist presence in Maskwacis (then known as Hobbema). It was the beginning of the Adventist Church’s biggest Indigenous outreach in North America, with 232 students now enrolled at MANS. Georgenna and Ed may or may not have met, but Georgenna’s son Richard

MARCH 2022

LYNN McDOWELL Ferguson remembers his mother’s compassion for her First Nations patients. Her stories made them feel like familiar people rather than “outsiders”—a gift Richard still prizes. Richard and his family have followed the news and videos about MANS for many years, and when Richard recently received his inheritance,* it didn’t take him long to forward a gift for MANS in his mother’s memory. “I really appreciate the culturally-sensitive attitude at MANS,” says Richard, who has followed and supported MANS since its years in a condemned school at Pigeon Lake, prior to

MEANS & MEANING While difficult to watch at times, Richard remembered what he’d observed about MANS’ work and the difference it is making, especially the opportunity for students to work together in industrial arts courses, and now in gardening class. When filling out the survey at the end of the Four Seasons course, Richard recommended adding a “good news” feature on Mamawi Atosketan Native School to the course—a ray of hope. “MANS teachers are such an inspiration,” says Richard. “They help their students see their possibilities. I really admire them— the quality of a person who chooses to go into that environment. They’re like stars to me.”

It’s such a wonderful opportunity to bless a people group that has been very badly treated for many years.” Richard Ferguson

the present location that opened in 2003. “It’s such a wonderful opportunity to bless a people group that has been very badly treated for many years.” "Where Needed" and Family Flexibility Because Richard has kept up with MANS’ developments through the Messenger, Alberta Adventist News and,

Twice the honour So Richard’s “In Memory Gift” honours twice: The life of his compassionate mother, Georgenna, and the work of dedicated teachers at MANS, who share hope and help shape the future.

he knows how the school is run, and had no hesitation in letting *Georgenna Ferguson passed administration away in April 2020. decide where his gift would best be used to benefit students. Richard is very comfortable with the choice, made in consultation with the principal, to use the gift to expand the school garden and gardening/agriculture program. Richard and his wife, Laurie, recently completed a course on Indigenous history called “The Four Seasons of Reconciliation,” sponsored by the Royal Bank Lynn McDowell, JD, CSPG for free to any Canadian during Director of Planned Giving | Philanthropy the month of December. Alberta Conference (403) 342-5044, ext. 233 MARCH 2022

Alberta Adventist News


A Guaranteed

Life Income

from the Alberta Conference

When investment return rates are low, being a senior can be a big benefit. If you’re • Age 65+ • Have $10,000+ that you would like to eventually invest in church work You could receive a monthly or yearly income that is equivalent to better-than-market interest!

Investment or Contract? Any annuity from a charitable organization is a contract. The Alberta Conference Charitable Gift Annuity guarantees you a fixed monthly or annual income that never changes, even if you live to be 150 years old. Changing or Fixed Interest Rate? Interest really isn’t a factor and isn’t part of an annuity contract. There is a monthly payout amount, which never varies. Commercial or Charitable Gift Annuity? Annuities can be purchased from an insurance company (commercial; any balance goes to insurance company) or from various charities (any balance to the charity). One Life or Two? Spouses can have payments to go continuously for both their lives, but it is possible to have a contract that covers only one life or a second individual who is not a spouse. US or Canadian Charitable Gift Annuity? While many US charities will contract with Canadians and provide a tax receipt, a US receipt is not recognized by Canada Revenue Agency. Only Canadian charities specifically licenced to offer charitable gift annuities can provide a receipt recognized by CRA for charitable deduction purposes. RRSP or Annuity? Money withdrawn from a Registered Retirement Saving Plan (RRSP) is 100% taxable. Annuity payments, depending on personal factors, can be 70-100% tax-free. General or Restricted Gift? If there are funds left for the charity to use, Alberta Conference policy is to use them as the donor says in the agreement that creates the annuity.

Seniors of the Church rejoice! You can make a bigger difference than you may have thought with a guaranteed life income Charitable Gift Annuity.

Lynn McDowell, JD, CSPG

Director of Planned Giving | Philanthropy Alberta Conference

(587) 815-8785

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