10 reasons why good Website Design is a MUST if you want to rank high on Google

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10 reasons why good Website Design is a

MUST if you want to rank high on Google

SEO and website development should work together. Successful websites combine the two, and businesses need to think about both. Website visitors who experience fewer design flaws are more likely to return. You may improve your website's position in search engine results pages (SERPs) by applying SEO tactics (Search Engine Results Pages). Still, your website will suffer if you overlook one of these two essential components.

When all the pieces of your SEO and web design puzzle fit together properly, visitors to your site may dive right in. Because of this, SEO and site design complement each other better than before.

We'll discuss why search engine optimization (SEO) and website design work hand in hand, with the help of a reputable CMS web Development Company. Have a look:

1. More People Will Be Visiting

The most dependable method of attracting customers online is to have a website that has both a visually appealing layout and well-thought-out SEO tactics. Customers will have more faith in your business when you optimize your website for search engines. In addition, it facilitates a steady stream of traffic.

2. A position of prominence

If search engine optimization (SEO) is taken into account throughout the site's inception, it will quickly rise in the ranks across the board, including on Google and Bing. But establishing the trust of site visitors is still crucial if you want to rise in the search engine rankings.

3. Adaptability to mobile devices

Websites that are optimized for search engines and are well-designed for mobile use perform better. In 2015, Google made mobile-friendliness a crucial element in search engine rankings. While the desktop search market has been steadily shrinking, the mobile search market has been steadily growing. In other words, you couldn't maintain your competitive edge without a mobile-friendly website design.

4. A Flawless and In-Depth User Experience (UX)

It is possible to improve the user experience with search engine optimization-focused website design (UX). Both the search engine and the user experience are critical. Search engine optimization in web design requires that this be done on each and every page of the website. Remember that once a page is ranked, it is your users who will be making purchases.

5. Quick Loading Times

The loading time of a website is a major factor in search engine optimization. As an added note, web design may be to blame for a sluggish website. Your site's bounce rate will rise if it takes too long to load. To that end, you should prioritize site speed improvements like image optimization, getting rid of unused plugins, enabling browser caching, and so on.

6. Organic Visitor Growth

Unpaid visits to your website, such as those generated by organic search engine results, are referred to as "organic traffic." In other words, they are people who stumbled upon your site while perusing the first page of results from a Google search. More than a quarter of clicks are given to the top result, 15% are given to the second, and the percentage drops down dramatically after that.

7. Enhancement to the User Interface

While a return on investment is impressive, that's not the only reason why investing in

UX is worthwhile. In order to gain favor with Google, your website must be both search engine-optimized and user-friendly.

8. Duration of time spent on page

Making sure your website is user-friendly is crucial to the success of your advertising campaign. Doing so will guarantee that your site's users may effortlessly locate the data they're seeking.

Google's ranking algorithm has been improved to consider measures relevant to the user experience. Google only wants to rank the top websites so it doesn't negatively impact the experience of its own visitors. That is to say, a highly-rated site does more than merely provide relevant search results; it also inspires confidence in the user.

9. Affordability

While implementing an SEO plan may take some time, the results are usually worth it. With some expertise in web design, business owners can establish SEO settings themselves, or they can assign the responsibility to an employee. In the end, search engine optimization is a low-cost method to boost traffic to your site and money.

10. Modeling A Concept That Is Both Easy To Understand And Applicable

If your material is intelligent, informative, and valuable but is presented poorly to your audience, it will be undervalued. Why? Because you put more thought into what to present than how to present, and so did not put much effort into making an efficient design for your website. For a more positive outcome, equal weight should be given to both.

If you are looking for a digital marketing services India that has experience and knowledge of industry trends, WeBeeSocial is your answer. WeBeeSocial is an India-based marketing agency that offers services like digital marketing, social media marketing, content creation, website design, etc. Working with a website design agency in Gurgaon can provide you with the expertise and experience to make sure your website looks great and functions properly. If you want to connect with WeBeeSocial you can send a mail or connect with us via our website.

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